The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, December 31, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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THE, JOURNEY OF A CHECK. It Was for $ 1,000 and Left Bar Harbor in .august. .Yen: \ oi k 1 An hajipened in Bar Harbor last, ■pasou Which lias bean talked of in four cities sfeee the reuson closed. St. San veur, the unpretentious Episcopal chapel, i.' known to every one who lias vis ited that watering place. It is a missionary •'hapel, ;an<t is supported wholly hy contri butions. It has been the custom for the fashionable boarders each season to pi ve an entertainment, the prix-ceds of which are contributed towards the maintenance of the chapel. The entertainment last summer was the most brilliant and successful in many years. Mrs. George Vanderbilt con tributed a check for $250. Among the participants was Miss Elliott, of Philadelphia, a member of Trinity church ehoiri Bbe is a soloist of rare merit, and her richifoirc thrilled and enchained the hearers. The tweet voice of the singer, however, was destined to ring unpleasantly in the memory of some of the committee later on. A few days after the affair, when tho committee having it in charge held a meet ing;, it was learned that Mrs. Orville Hor witz. of Baltimore, had paid from the fund collected SSO for the services of Miss Elliott. This, it is said, gave rise to much discussion, which, however, was dropped when it was learned that Mrs Horwitz had sent a check for about SI,OOO to the church and it had been returned. A missionary chapel refuse suqh'nn amount! Was the remarkable sea air of Bar Harbor upsetting sanity instead of hearts i The little colony was dumb f&nded. vlnquiry explained this strange action by bn nging to light the fact that in inclosing the (•heck to the church Mi's. Horwitz. stipu lated that it should be used for the building of anew vestry-room. As the committee Of the chapel was simply charged with the Maintenance of the church services, after deliberation it was decided not to accept the check under these conditions, and it was 'returned. Before this time the usual doua jtion went to the maintenance of church ser vices and the general care of the chapel (throughout the yeßr, and the special r request, it is claimed, was an assumption of authority which circumstances did not war rant. It has even been claimed that as no one person raised tho whole amount, all of the committee, should there be any particular direction about tho money, should have a voice. Mrs. Horwitz, however, was firm in her deter mination to have the vestry-room, and as under that condition the chapel people would not have the money, the check still remained in her possession. So matters re mained until the close of the season, and one by one the families departed. Mi's. Hor witz and her also departed, and the check, with the shadow of anew vestry room between it and its conversion into cold cash, went with them. Mrs. Horwitz is well-known as a promo ter of charitable affairs, and is the daugh ter of the late Dr. Gross, of Philadelphia. She is an influential factor in the society of the Quaker City and Baltimore, the home of her husband, to which she removed after marriage. The check is in a state of innocuous desue tude, but though some people are disposed to gossip about it, others, who were parties in the affair, take a different view of the matter. A friend of the lady in this city said that a few weeks ago she wrote to Rec tor lx?fling well of the church asking his ad vice as to the disposition of the check, stating at the same time that it was depos ited. Dr. Lefßngwell wrote to David Ogden, of this city, who was chairman of the En tertainment Committee, and was advised to secure the check and apply its use to gen eral church purposes. Mr. Ogden said last night, “The matter is of no consequence whatever and is merely a misunderstanding. I believe that Mrs. Horwitz will appreciate our position and will send the check for the general purposes of the church. I feel no no anxiety about the matter whatever.” SMOKaNG by proxy. The Manner in Which Ira Tripp, of Scranton, Pa., Enjoys His Havana. Scranton (Fa.) Corr. to the Nero York Sun. Strangers in this city have often been led to wonder at the sight daily to be seen on the streets, of a tall, straight old man, with a flowing white beard that reaches almost to his waist, and snow-white hair, promenad ing in company with a young colored man who is constantly smoking, and who blows every puff of his cigar smoke straight into the face of the old man, who bends forward to receive it and inhales it eagerly with liis nose and mouth. The aged gentleman is Uncle Ira Tripp, the millionaire coal opera tor, and one of the oldest natives of the Lackawanna valley, being now over SO. The colored man is his valet, John. From boy hood until twenty years ago Ira Tripp was an inveterate smoker. He smoked the strongest and most expensive cigars he could buy. His health became greatly im paired when he was about 00, and his doc tor told him that he must either quit smok ing or die. Since then he has not had a cigar bet ween his lips, but has indulged his love for tobacco smoke by inhaling it from cigars spioked by others. For a time he took his proxy smokes by frequenting the company of smokers, and asking them to putf their sm' ke in his face, but the miscellaneous quality of the tobacco thus inhaled was not satisfactory. He then adopted the plan of carrying his own cigars, and presenting them to smokers on condition that they would give him the benefit of the smoke. Finally be hit on the plan of hiring a man to accompany him wherever he went, the man's only duty being to smoke a choice cigar and blow the smoke in his employer’s face. His present, smoker, the colored man John, has lieen with Uncle Ira for s -veral years, and the artistic way in which he manipulates his cigar smoke to the best ad vantage of his employer has made him in dispensable to the old gentleman. Uncle Ira, as he is known from one end of the Lacka wanna valley to the other, never goes out without Jobii, and the latter,is on duty as a smoker constantly duriug the eccentric millionaire’s waking hours. John has smoked an average of fifteen strong cigars every day for a number of years, it rev quij’mg that number to satisfy Uncle Ira’s longing for the fragrant smoko, but the ad vocates of the doctrine that tobacco is an insidious and deadly foe to health would find no part of their theory in the cuse of Ira Tripp’s John. He has grown fat on his persistent dalliance with the noxious nico tine; * Once, during the days when Unde Ira was peddling out his fragrant Havanas to twnokers in return for their puffs of smoke in his face, ljc was in New York. He stopped at, the old Merchants’ Hotel in Cort lamit, street, and, Having business up town, he bribed one of the guests of the hotel with a handful of Rein a Victorias to go with him und smoke tohimon fhetrip. The two men got on the platform of r Sixth avenue car. Uncle Ira’s companion prompt ly lit a cigar and blew cloud after cloud of smoke in the old man’s face. A ltenovnlent old lady sat in the car, and by anil by she was attracted by the sight of a young man smoking a cigar on the front platform, and deliberately puffing the smoke in the face of a white-whiskered, white-headed man, who seemed to tie defenseless against the indig nity thus imposed upon him. The benev olent old lady watched the proceeding for several blocks, her indignation becoming deeper at every puff of smoke that the im pudent young man cooly turned an 1 blew In the face of the meek and helpless veleran. At last she could stand it no longer. She arose from her seat and strode to the front door of the car, open and it. and, stepping out on the platform, seized the unmannerly smoker by the shoulder, turned him around with a savage jerk, knocked his cigar from his mouth, and berated him soundly for his despicable treatment of tho poor old mu n who was unable to escape from his perse culioa. To the surprise of the lady thepoot nnc! helpless old man raised up his voice in uproarious laughter, and when the true sit uation was explained to her she flounced back into the car and left it at the next cor ner. • A GREAT GAMS OF POKER. Two Hands Without Pairs Divide a Handsome Pot. From //i San Francisco Examiner. “Well, I’m going to leave you,” said Thomas J. Potter, Vice President and Gen eral Manager of the Union Pacific railroad, to several railroad officials in the Palace Hotel recently. “Anything wrong, Tom?” askedoueof his friends. “Well, yes; there is. 1 came out here partly on basinets and partly to meet J. C. Stubbs, but he is out of town and you can not imagine how greatly I am disappointed. If he would be back in any reasonable time I would stay. “I had a little game night before last and played even, but for the past year or two I have had a longing to get even with Stubbs. ” “Wouldn’t revenge on someone else satisfy you?” inquired a Northwestern man. “No, it’s not revenge that I want; it’s the rubber on the heat 1 played with stubbs. Have none of you heard of the game we played at the Transcontinental meeting held here two years agoi” “No,” was tho response from all. “You didn't. That’s strange. I thought Stubbs would toll it to every one.” “He only told us how he did you up,” ob served a Southern Pacific official. “Did me up? Did Stubbs tell you that? It would take a better man than Stubbs to do it,” remarked Mr. Potter in tones of of righteous indignation. “I’ll tell you how it was. When the meet ing adjourned, I proposed to Stuulis that we play a game of draw poker. Stubbs didn’t like the idea of a two-handed game ant suggested that we extend an Invitation to two others. I was with the Burlington road then, and just as Stubbs finished speaking. Traffic Manager Kimball of the Union Pacific came up, accompanied by the traffic manager of the Northern Pacific. These two agreed to play if we would knock off the limit, which was what we wanted. “As we went up to my room Stubbs winked at me, meaning we’ll do ’em up. “Chips were two and a half. From the first Stubbs showed an inclination to bluff. He took several good pots from me on pat hands that I don’t think were more than ace high. I lost about SIOO to him and was growing angry. I made up my mind to win something on a grand bluff. “Kimball and Hannaford played close and the only tvay to get even was to run against Stubbs. “Kimball dealt around at last and Stubbs made it ten cases to play. I bad only ace high, with a king and queen back of it. Now is my chance to bluff, I thought, and I raised the conie-in fifty. Kimball and Hannaford stayed out. “Stubbs looked at me for a time and then raised me a hundred. I saw this raise and then discarded. “ ‘How many cards do you want?’ Kim ball asked Stubbs. “The latter blushed and said he did not want any. "That blush decided me. I knew it was another bluff and.l drew two cards to my ace, king and queen. “Stubbs bet a hundred. “L raised him a hundred on an I O U. “Stubbs came back at. me with a raise of two hundred and I raised him back. “ ‘Potter, I don’t want to rob you,’ he said, ‘I have you beaten and you had better lay down.’ “His face was pale and his hand was trembling, and so was his voice when he spoke. "I laughed and said not by a —sight, and I went back to him with another I 0 U. “ ‘For heaven's sake, Potter, don’t get so rash,’ be advised me; ‘you’re beaten and why don't you lay down? I raise you two hun dred.’ “I thought Drobably be had something. I had not bettered my hand and began to take the matter seriously. “1 looked at my hand again and then called him. “ ‘The devil you do,’ said Stubbs, pale and frightened. “I have only ace high,’ he said. “ 'That’s what I have,’ said I. “ ‘Then I have you beaten,’ said Stubbs, throwing his hand on the table. ‘I have king and queen next.’ “ ‘Don’t he too certain of that,’ said I. ‘I have his majesiy and a lady myself.’ “ ‘Like you have,’ he said,"and his face once more w hitened. “That’s what I have,’ said I, ‘and here is a ten spot and a seven behind that.’ “ ‘For the Lord's sake, I have the same identical hand,’ he said. "I have played poker for the past twenty years, and I never saw two bauds like that before. We played no more that night, We divided the pot and called for the wine. “We have both been anxious to meet since, but whenever I come to the coast Stubbs is East or somewhere else. I will get to him some time, though. Well, let’s go and have something.” A CHANCE ACQUAINTANCE. An American's Experience Traveling Between Dover and Calais, From the Pittsburg Chronicle. “Monsieur is an American, I thinkf It is on the Calais boat. That Ready light off there is France. In a few hours we will be in Paris. The channel is as t*iooth as the Monongahela above the dam. (have no symptoms of the kind 1 have driaded, and lam in the best of humors. tall Frenchman is leaning on the railiig at my side, and ho has just asked me thelq.ies tion. I reply that, his surmise is I cor rect, and he says with a laugh: “Ah, then, of course, Monsieur is a millionaire as well.” “You are quite right,” savs I to |im. “You are a fearful liar,” says I to mysffi. “Monsieur is destined for our lieaimiful Paris, of course?” “Exactly. This Is my first visit, and Ido not speak French.” “Monsieur looks just as delighed as I {ex pected he would. I was evidently a tbit of mutton he intended for home consutiji tion. “Monsieur is perhaps from New York! “Not at all. Made a pile in bogs in Q)i cugo, and now I’ve struck a silver mines u Jersey.” “Monsieur is fortunate. He has, some friends with him?” “Not a aottl. All alone.” “Ah, is it ho! Perhaps my poor self wodii introduce Monsieur to some of the wondi of Paris.” He began to draw closer, and in a low|; tone said: “I can show him the many curious tUns. and—Monsieur will not betray inei” “Of course not.” “Perhaps Monsieur would like to buy some diamonds, some rubies, some iiearfe quietly from a friend of mine, vare clienf and there would be no duty to pay goin home.” “So that’s your little lay, Is it?” I remarl to myself. “I will just let you go on ani see what else you have to sell.” “Jolly smooth trip ray boy,” says an un mistakably English voice behind me, and turned to find my traveling companion atf. my back, eyeiug the diamond dealer with] suspicion. The Frenchman eyes the new; comer, then looks at me, and to save my-| self from annihilation I could not prevent a faint smile. Tho foreign element utters something which sounds soft and melodious, but which, no doubt, means something hard and molodorous, and off he goes. “What's that fellow up to?” inqutree my friend. “He is a rum one, he is. He’d cut your throat for a flve-franc piece." And so my little bit of contemplated amusement was knocked in the head, and my fortune made from hogs and the Jersey silver mino were left undeveloped in the hands of a mental assignee. Sudden Change* of W rather cause Throat Diseases. There is no more effectual remedy for Coughs. Cold*, etc., loan Brown's Uhok chiai. Troches. Sold only in bond. VtKe Si uta THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1887. CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENT A WORD. ADVERTISEMENTS, 15 Word* nr more, in this column inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want fo supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to secure; indeed,any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. HELP WANTED. TI7ANTKD. a young man of good address to ” v work in an insurance office in Birming ham; must write a good hand and have an ordinary knowledge or stenography. Address, giving references, stating terms, age nnd quali fications, P. O. Box 513, Birmingham, Ala. AITANTED, young man competent for entry " and shipping clerk in tobacco house; ref erence required. C„ care of this office. Y\rANTED, reliable white nurse, with good v ’ recounneudat ions. Apply at Pulaski House from 11 a. m. to 2:80 r. m. 1 YY7ANTED, a good, young colored man to v V make fires in ttie_rooms. Apply at the Marshall House. \\f ANTED, a first-class white cook: German it preferred. Apply at 118 Liberty street. ’ll/” ANTED, a white cook, with references. " Apply 54 Bay street. BOOKKEEPER WANTED.—An experienced double entry bookkeeper may find employ ment by addressing COUNTRY, this office, stating compensation expected. Y\7’ANTEP, a competent stenographer and V typewriter. Address HAMMOND, HULL AGO. XXT ANTED, man to take the agency of our ’ T safes: size 28x18x18 inches; weight 500 lbs.; retail price SBS; other sizes in proportion. A rare chance to create a permanent business at home. These safes meet a demand never liefore supplied by other safe companies, as we are not governed by the Safe Pool, ALPINE BAKE CO., Cincinnati, O. CALKSMKN.- Wanted, five traveling sales- Ur men; salary and exiieuses; no experience necessary. Address, with stamp, PALMER & CO.. Winona. .Minn. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. YAf ANTED. State manager prominent New ii York publishers: $5,000 cash required (controlled by himselfi: have charge $10,(100 (wholesale) worth goods; salary $3,000; refer ences and bond. Address E. Y. LOOMIS, Jack sonville, Fla. ROOMS TO RENT. TjiOß RENT, furnished room; southern front; F all conveniences. 72 Liberty street. IAOR RENT, three flats in the centre of the ' city. TH<)S. A. FOLLIARD. TT'OR RENT, two floors, containing eight rooms r and bath room, over my store northeast corner of Broughton and Barnard streets; pos session given Nov. Ist. Apply to JO C. THOMP SON, Grocer. HOUSES AND STORES FOR RENT. J[*OR RENT, eight-room home. Apply to WIL BOUHAN. on Huntingdon, between Price and East Broad streets. , 17VDR RENT, an eight-room house, between Montgomery and West Broad streets. THOS. A. FOLLIARD. _______ INOR RENT—Store occupied hy John Woelt- F jen A Pro., corner Jefferson and Berrien streets; possession given Jail. 1, 1888. HAMP TON L KERRI LI . Court House. 1?OR RENT, No 137 Liberty street, west of 1 Bull street. THOS. A. FOLLIARD. __ TAOR RENT, house No. 48, northeast corner F Liberty and Habersham streets. Apply next door. IT'OR RENT—Five-room house, with bath and water. Two from Gwinnett on Montgom ery street. IAOR RENT, 41ti Jones street, house in thor ough repair. I. D. LaROCHE'S SONS. FI’OR RENT, house on northwest corner Mont gomery and Taylor streets. Apply to W. H. ' DOONER. third house north. 1 IT'OR RENT.—The brick residence 163 Gaston ■ street, now occupied hy John T. Ronan, Esq. Apply to J. R, DILLON, Clerk 0. C. G\, Court House. IT'OR RENT, from Oct Ist, splendid store No. JP 87 Bay street, situate in Hutchison's Block, next to corner of Abercorn: has spleudid cellar and is splendid stand for any business: second and third stories can lie rented if desired. A. R. LAWTON. Ja.. 114 Bryan street. FOB HI NT -MISCELLANEOUS. IT'OR RENT, for one or more years, t.liat vain i able Rice Plantation, known as “Gowrie,” on Argyll island, Savannah river, Georzia. con taining 600 acres, more or less of rice land, all under culture, with hanks. Hunks and ditches, in good condition. Tins tract is in c miplete or der, a selection of about 400 acres having been planted each year for the last ten years. On the place is a steam thresher, upon which extensive improvements were mad. 1 this year, also a resi dence, and some ten t > eleven well built double houses for negroes; likewise it i; a good locality for a country store, which has been on the place during many years past. For terms, etc., ap ply to HENRY E. YOUNG, Trustee, Charleston, S. C\; WM. NEYLK HABERSHAM, ESQ., Sa vannah, Ga. VOK SALE / V VEKCOATsToVEKCOATW- Special orders'; * / to be sold regardless of cost; call early. GAZAN, Bull-Broughton. Ij'Oll SALE, I>atbs, Shingles. Flooring, Celling, Weatherboarding and Framing Lumber. Office and yard Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. fit. KKPPARP i'CO. IJOR SALE. Splendid salt water river front r building lota, and five-acre farm lots with river privileges, at ROSEDHW; building lota in Savannah, near East Broad and Sixth streets, and in Eastland: several good farm lots near White Bluff, on shell road. Appiy to Dn. FAL LIGANT, ’.51 South Broad street from 9 to 10 a. M. tom. oTII.I MISSINGo-Three bound'volumes'of n the Morning News are still missing, namely those of July to December, 1860. July to December, JB6!. July to December, 1862. 1 hat a every reason to think that these bonks are in the possession of parties in this city, and therefore repeat my offer of $lO apiece for their return to the Morning News office. ■I, H EBTILL. PHOTOG BAPHY. lmne'cabinet photographs’ A SPECIALTY. J. N. W|LBON. 81 Bull street n - KRMEB A ROBINSON’S Excelsior Photo graphs stillwhead: also, flue Life-size Oil Paintings in handsome frames, together with one dozen Cabinet Photographs. 3t.">. Every de scription and size of picture made. Come and see ns; we will surprise you. N. B —We have a lieautiful picture of the Confederate Geuembt; elegant aud unique in design; cheap: roine and w them lo Congrew street. Savannah, (la. boarding! Boarding— No. 13 Abercorn street, corner of St, Julian. Handsomely furnished rooms, with excellent board; terms moderate. Also table boariL 11TANTED -Three gentlemen for large room >Y and board at *BO each per month. Ad [ less 8., care ibis office. |pi<j TO 200 South Broad street for choice I' T rooms and excellent board. Location de lightful and convenient. MIStKIXAN LOTS. j] ive AGENTS "ill enclose stamp for 'RB Px Catalogue, Samples, etc.: Iridescent signs !d advert filing novelties for every business; met in- sales and profits. SIMS, JACKSON & i.. Washington. D. C .'LtHV'T fo;.v>s;N(i and >t i t Cases _at I>RE. Comer Congress ;, <t ''' ’taker streets. I IHE Popular Cough Remedies, Balsam. Wild ! L i horrv, Honey and Tar, also HEiDT'3 ! libialed bough Drop*. • MISCELLANEOUS. |7 DU CATION i. 1? ORAL INSI'Ri CTION. JFi On Monday next tbe exercises of a school on the oral objective method will begin in the hall over 31 Whitaker street. Arithmetic as ap pl led to actual business transaction, the principles of the English language os they teach correct spelling, reading and speaking will be taught, as specialties. I assert with confidence that stu dents can acquire a better business education under this plan of Instruction in a few mouths than can hr gained in as many years under the usual methods. For terms calf at the hall from 12 m. WM. WALLACE; Savannah, Dec 80. 1887. (" ' ARDENING.—I am prepared to attend and I lay out flower garden* In the most ap proved artistiu styles. 1 guarantee all my work. Plants, Bulbs. Shrubs, etc . imrties mar desire to purchase. 1 will attend to and warrant the Mini-. JOHN VOLLMAE. Practical Florist, No, 12 Stewart street. City. \ LARGE LINE of fine Handkerchief Ex i V trncti and Colognes of reliable makes at HEIDT’S. T A DIES ARE OFFERED embroidery needle I j work at their own homos (town or country! by a wholesale house; profitable: genuine: good pay can lie made; everything furnished; nartieu- Inrs free. Address ARTISTIC NEEDLEWORK CO., 135 Eighth street, New York City. HAPPY NEW YEAR! 1 j-ave your orders for fresh killed Turkeys. Chickens. Geese and Ducks at ADAMS 4 FLEMING’S, corner Whita ker and Liberty streets. Telephone 202. PIANO moving, tuning, repairing and ship ping at lowest rates; special piano trucks for upright aud square pianos, at BOH REIN j ER'H. , \V r ANTED, purchasers for New Year Turkeys, v i Chickens. Geese and Ducks, fresh killed at ADAMS 4 FLEMING'S, corner Whitaker and Liberty streets. Telephone 302. CpOY TRUNKS, Goat Harness, Lap Robot, 1 Horse Blankets and great big ten-cent Sponges, at NEIDLINGEK 4 RABUN'S. LUDDE.V 4> BATES S. M. H. Nw Tear Sals. As our Christmas Sale of Pia nos ami Organs provod a success far in excess of our most hope ful anticipations, and the inclement weather prevailing during last week prevented many at tendiug, we throw open our warerooms and golden opportunities to the public for the pres ent week. PIANOS of all the leading makers, namely, Chicxering, Mason and Hamlin, Math vs hex, Bent & Cos., and Anioif, all of which are well and favorably known—too much w> to ueed any praise at our hands—and richly worth their respective prices, which, by the way. are lower, quality considered, than those of other and inferior makes. We also have ORGANS of the following celebrated makes: Mason & Haklin, Packard Orchestral, and Bay State. All of these instruments are sold under a six years’ gnarantee. Thousands sold and every body satisfied. Biggest kind of inducements to purchasers, some of which are Best Instruments, lowest Prices & Easiest Terms. Look the field all over carefully and then give us a call and it will not require any pointed argu ments to convince you that it is to your interest to make your purchase at the old reliable Ijiidden & Jjalrs Southern ||iisic [joiuc. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. CHm Prtsenk. J HAVE the finest selection of Ladies’ and Gentlemens GOLD WATCHES of the liest makes. Also the prettiest pattern in FI-’K JEWELRY', as 1 Julies' Diamonds, sets of Ear ings, Lace I’ins, Diamond Finger Ring', Brace lets, Watch Cbaius, etc.:Gold-headed Canes and Umbrellas, Fine French Clocks, at extraordi nary low prices. Finest Silverware, Gold Spec taolcs, and numerous pretty things appropriate for holiday presents. Desbouillons’ Jewelrv Store, V ' Bull reel. XMAB ' Is fast approadrnfc an<! evei-ylvxiy ig on the qui vive to buy and to receive HOLIDAY PRESENTS. XT OW is the time to makn selections. I Yvoulrl, I.x therefore, extend a cordinl invitation to my friends and the publlfc to call early and ex amine my very and well assort etock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Which for variety, design, quality and jprices cannot be surpassed anywhere. All goods sold warranted as represented. JT. TZ. KOCF (Lyons’ Block), Whitaker ifictßUi BELT S. —This Belt or Regenera- N tor is made expressly forlkeeuroofderangn- V UR r CHSEYr \\suX mentsof.thegenerative Irw* Af Dir."'be# V-l A continuous \LxA-VVI rnIL.DC.L j M stream of Electricity pirmeating thro’ tho . vlyi-y —ye and parts must restore 1 Vj/ .1 them to healthy action. 11*,' WytSva .! if Do not confound this I with Electric Belts ad I? IT ■* J'| lisi f vertised to cure all ills; It 1* for the on* ipeclflc purpose. For full in formation address CnEEVKR ELECTRIC BELT CO.. 103 Washington St.. Chicago 1U LUMBER. LUMBER! LUMBER! A. S. BACON, Office and Flaning Mill, IJberty and East Broad Streets. A full stock of Drussed anl> Rouen Lombe*, liATHs. SuiMii.zs, Etc., always on hand. Esti mates given upon application, I'rompl delive guaranteed. Telephone 117. ■ .■■■■!■■■!!■ _ SOAP. SOAPS! SOAPS'! [YEARS', RIEGERS. COLGATE'S. (,'LEAV j I ERR. EEUKELAKRS. BAYLEYS. I.U BIN'S, i’EMBLF.S luKDF 'ATED Just received at BUTLfiit’S PiiAftMACY.i FURNITURE, CARPETS, MATTING, ETC PUSH WILL TELL, And Don’t You Forgot It! &c JULOJEIGr-A-N Are always a* the top, ami are always hunt In* for something new. They have just received * large iuvoice of the latest thing in SASH CURTAINS, MANTEL SCARFS. TABLE SCARFS and TIDIES of .ill description* These goods are direct from the manufactory In Scotland, and are well worth wing: I’vm If you do not want to purchase, Oau. AND Stcn Them. VESTIBULE RODS ami BRACKETS: ROOM MOULDINGS of all kind*. The tim'd assortment of TLUSiI in iho city. tVc have what every lady amt gentleman in the city ought to have to keep their clothes Innkiug like new, anti only coat fI.SO. We have the largest ami the finest assortment of BED ROOM SUITS on hand at this present time ever shown in our establishment, and which is saving something that competitors cannot sneeze at. it alTot-ds its it good amount of pleasure to flx up the newly married ones, and ■•specially invite those that are thinking of Joining the hand of mar tyrs to call and get their outfit. If you have not got the cash, bring what you have, and we 111 give you accommodating terms on the balance. All persons of good standing treated in the same manner. V E DOWN EM ALL. LINDSAY & MORGAN. MENKEN & ABRAHAMS Jf • CLOTHING HOUSE! GREAT CLOSING SALE OF WINTER STOCK. OVERCOATS AT COST. PRINCE ALBERTS AT COST, CUTAWAY SUITS AT COST. SACK SUITS AT COST. BOY’S SUITS AT COST. CHILDREN’S SUITS AT COST. MEN’S HATS - AT COST, MEN’S SHIRTS AT COST. MEN’S NECKWEAR AT COST. ALB of these goods must be SOLD. isrcrw xs your cxx^nsrciE] FOR BIG BARGAINS GOOD AND WELL MADE CLOTHING. HVCEITICIEIDT & A.BIRIA.IIA.JVLS, las BROUGHTON S'l'llKlt’/l'. syOKS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, ETC. 1887. ~ 1888. WE WISH ALL A Merry Christmas & Happy lew Year! We Have a Present for .ill Our Patrons in the Way of Shoes. 500 pair of KID BUTTON SHOES, regular price for Si 25. 500 pair GLOVE GRAIN BUT ' ON -HOES, regular price B'-', for $1 25. 100 pair MISSES’ BUTTON SHOES regular price >il 50, for St. 250 pair MEN’S EMBROIDERED BMPi’ERS, regular price $1 .50, forth 100 pair BOYS’ BALH. and BUTTON SHOES, regular price 9l 50, for 91. 500 puir MEN’S CONGRESS BUTTON HALS, at *1 25. Don't Forget the Leading Cheap Shoe House, COHEN’S, Sontlwest Cor. Biwlu & Barnard Sts, BOOTS ANl* SHOES. “FACT SI It is conceded by Everybody who ha3 inspected or tried my SHOES that I have the largest, most com plete and lowest priced stock of BOOTS ANI > SHOES to be found in the city. SHOES in every conceivable style can be found at A.. S. COHEN’S, 139 1-2 Broughton Street, Between Whitaker and Bull. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, AVAGOXH, ETC. WE HAVE COME TO STAY LOW PRICES, GOOD WORK AND HONEST DEALINGS IS OCR MOTTO. We manufacture all our work by the day. and It in nupervlw dby a member of the Arm Wo are one of the oldtwt hotter* in the country. Itaviug been manufacturing for over forty year*. We Invite the public to call anti (napect our immense ntoclt of CARRIAGES, BIGGIES, McCAILL, TI’RPENTIKE AND FARM WAGONS, And also Our Complete Line of Harness, Whips, Etc. We guarantee all our work, and we can replace any part right at our Repository, we being practical mechanic*, and we do not have to call In carriage maker* to do our repairing. We do it outwelve*. Thanking the public for past patronage, and aaking for a continuance of the name, we are, very respectfully, I>. A. ALTICK S SONS, Broughton and West Broad Sts., Savannah, Ga. ESTABLISHED 184 8. PAINTS AND OILS. JOHN G. BUTLER^ TITHITE J.KA’DS, COLORS. OIIA (ILASS, W VARNIHH, ETC.; READY MIXED FAINTS; RAILROAD, HTEAWBB ANP MILL bCPCULS, SASHES, DOORS, BUNDS AND BUILDERS’ HARDWARE. Hole Ayr.'H fur t/EOKDi \ LIME. > Aid 'NED PLANTER. CE MENT. i: till and I,A'P PLASTER. 6 WhiUihcr bbeyt, Vavkß'iMi, Georgia, BRICK, E. D. Whit*. 1. N, J. E. Bhic:c -Elwtublieiheil 1854. Brooklyn Clay Retort and Fire Brick Works, EDWARD D, WHITE & CO. M anufacturers of nay Retort*. Fire Brick, Tile, etc., and dealer* in Eire. Clay, Fire band, Tirourtd Fire brietr, Fire Mortal. Mantilwiory: Van Dj t.e. J-'ii/.u'ct h. r.\. lit loti rod Itieluml atrema. OfHce; M Van Dyke 4USVD a, Ji, X. AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS. ! Near the F. &W. Railway, HlirSE AND LOT. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, WUI sell at the Court House, on TUESDAY. Jan. .1,1888, during the uaual hours of sale, tor account of and at the risk of the former pur chaser, South half of lot No. HCram’ford ward east , 48x56. more or lesa, on the corner of Reynolds and IVrry street lane. Tbn improvements con hist of a two-story residence containing eight rooms and piasitn. also a atore with separate yard, stable and kitchen; water m each yard. AJ I metal roof. Ix>t fee simple. This property Is vrry convenient tothe Savan nah, Florid# and Western Railway and to the Savannah and Tybee Railway, also to the lum her yards. The house is solidly built and io very good condition Valuable Property IN CRAWFORD WARD. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will offer at the Court House on TUESDAY, January 3d, 1888, during the usual hour*of sale, The eastern half of lot No. 36 Crawford ward, an ! the Improvements, constating of two large two and one-half story on brick basement dwell ings, with metul roof, situated ou tho south side of McDonough street, between Trice and Hous ton. The said lot runs through from McDonough to Ferry street, fronting about forty-five feet on McDonough. This property is convenient tothe S., F. and W. Railway, and the milla In tho eastern part, of town, and has been occupied by the same tenants for a number of years. TWO ELEGANT residences FOR SALE. C. H. Dorset!, Auctioneer. M ill offer at the Court House on TUESDAY, January 3d, 1888, during the usual hours or s/li., unless sold previously at private sale. Those two arge, airy and splendidly located residmio**, known as Nos. 167 and 130 Perry street,, between Bull and Whitaker streets, upon lot No. 40, Brown ward. Those houses are well built, furnished in good style with all the mod ern conveniences: large and airy rooms, with good outbuildings. Tim location, near Chippewa s/ptare, convenient to Theatre, Church**, Schools and Care, cannot be excelled. The coat of taxes (lots foe simple), State, County and City, ami Water Rent,, is less t ban SSOO per annum. Tho houses will lie sold separately, upon very easy terms, to-wit: one-tblrd cash, one-third in one year, and one-third in two vent's. Interest at 7 per cent, and bond for title*. MULES AT AUCTION. C. H. DORSETT Auctioneer. Will sell at public outcry on WEDNESDAY, January 4th, ions, at 11 o'clock a. u, at Cox'# stable, on West Broad and South Broad, Ten head of TEXAS MULES, ordered sold for account of all concerned, without reserve. < LOTH IMG. We invite attention to our stock of CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS AND HATS. Perfect and complete in every detail, containing goods to suit all conditions and builds of Men, Boys and Children. and many handsome and ser viceable novelties, appropriate and useful gifts for the ap proaching Holidays, We will be pleased to show anyone through our stock. Respect fully, i. fill & SIS. LEGAL SALES. notice in admiralty TTNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Eastern l J Division of tho Southern District of Geor gia. Iu Admiralty. Whereaa, a libef in rem has been filed on th* 17th day of December Instant, in tb" District Court of the United State* for the Southern District of Georgia, by Isaac Henry, Thomas ?. larnan and Michael Noon, mariners, against the steamboat “Edith," her engines, boilers, tackle, aptxirel and furniture, now lying at Savannah, in tbe said district, and against all persons lawfully intervening for their interests therein, in a cause of wages, civil aud maritime, for reasons sod causes in the said libel mentioned, and praying the usual process and monition in that behalf to la- made: and that all persons claiming any in terest therein may be cited to appear and atisw ,-r the premises; and that the said steam boat "Edith,'" her engines, boilers, tackle, ap parel anil furniture, may be condemned and sold to pay the demand* of tbe libellant#. And, whereas, a warrant of arrest baa been Issued on the said 17th day of December, under the seal of tbe said court, commanding me to attach tbe said steamboat “Edith,' her en gines. ltollers, tackle, apparel and furniture,and to give due notice to all persons claiming the same, to appear and answer and make claim thereto. Now, therefore, I do hereby give public notice to ull | /ontons claiming the said steamboat ••Edith,’’ her engines, boilers, tackle, apparel And furniture, or In any meaner Inter ested therein, that they be and appear at the. Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Geor gia, in the city of Savannah, on TUESDAY, the 3d day of January next, A. P. 1888, at 10 o'clock, fn the forenoon of that day, then and thereto interpose their claims and to make their allegations in that Itehalf. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this 17th day of December, A. D. 1887. L. M LAMAR. United States Mortal, District of Georgia. By G. A. Upchi hth, Deputy. ISAAC BECKETT, Proctor for Libellant*. / ’ EOUGIA, Chatham Cocktt. Notioe is \T hereby given to all persons having demands against MILTON 8. HAM LET. decease I. to present them to me properly made out within the time prescribed by law, so ax to show their character and amount; and all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment to me. Dec. !i3,1687. WM. F. CHAPLIN. Administrator estate Milton 8. Hamlet, deceased. VfERCHANTS. manufacturers, mechanics, a* 1 corporations, and all others In need of printing, lithographing, and blank books can have their orders promptly tilled, at moderate otters, at i.i NISO NEWS ITUNTINII MG USE. S WMalw* iut 3