Newspaper Page Text
orncE OF THE morning NEWS. I
Savannah, Ga., July 4p. m. *
market continue, dull but some
h . t steadier. There was a light demand, with
I small business doing. The sales during the
w .. re 20 bales. On 'Change at the midday
„Uat Ip. m. the market was reported steady
and unchanged. The following are the official
.pot quotations of the Cotton Exchange:
Middling.. {! is
Low middling. 10 ,g
Pood ordinary.
Comparative Cotton Statement.
Kbciipts, Exports and Stock on Hand Jdi.y 22, 1690, and)
for tub Same Time Last Yeah.
1689-90. j| 1888-89.
1 —I
Stock on hand Sept. 1 069
Received to-day. .. .... ■* • •• *1
j Received previously. 32,206 ; 901,611 29,955 785,79*4 j
I Total “32.87.! *,* | 30,016 792,060 j
I Imported today Hit J|
Exported previously 32,818| 911,581 29,330 <91,463
Total ~32,848 911,504'' 29,889 791,586
Stock on hand and on ship
board to-day 271 619,! 666 1,131
Rice—The market was very dull, nut firm
and unchanged. Tnere were no transactions
reported during the day Last sales were at
ab ut Quotations. Small job lots are held at
Prime •>
Rough q ~
Naval Stores—The market for spirits tur
pentine was very quiet and rattier nominal.
The inquiry was very light and no dispos tiou to
trade much at quotations. The sales reported
during the day were only 79 casks of regulars
at JMric. At the board of trade on the first
call the market was bulletined quiet
at 393ic for regulars. At the second
call it close! unchanged. Rosin The
market was quiet and firm at quotati ms There
was a good inquiry, with pretty full offerings.
The sales during the day were some 1,200 bar
rels. At the board of trade on the opening call
the market was reported firm, at the following
Quotations: A. B. O, D and E §1 35. Fsl 40, G
$1 55, HSI 70, I S2OO. K $2 15, M 2 80. N 2 50,
window class $3 00, water white $3 50. At last
call it was unchanged.
Spirits. Rosin.
Stock on hand April 1 8,963 39,51!
Received to-day 1.243 2,909
Received previously 89,448 239.253
Total 94,754 281,673
Exported to-day 180 4,16'>
Exported previously 78,661 223,397
Total.. I s !?! 1 227.569
Stock on hand and on shipboard
today 15,913 54,111
Receipts same day last year 912 1.787
Financial—Money is very stringent.
Domestic Exchange Steady. Banks and
bankers buying sight drafts at par and selling
at t£@!4 per cent discount.
bortign Exchange—Tr.e market is strong.
Commercial demand, $1 87;'4; sixty days.
$1 83%; ninety days, $48144; francs, Paris and
Havre, commercial, sixty days. $5 21; Swiss.
$5 22(4; marks, sixty days, 9444 c.
Securities—The market is dull, with only a
nominal business doing, owing to a tight rnouey
Stocks and Bonds— City Ronds— Atlanta 6
per cent long date, 106 bid, 114 asked; At
ianta 7 per cent, 112 bid, 118 asked; Au
gusta 7 per cent long date, 105 bid, 11214
asked; Augusta 6 per cent long date, 104 bid,
107 asked; Columbus 5 per cent, 101 bid.
10514 asked; .Macon 6 per cent. 115 bid, 116
asked; new Savannah 5 per cent, quarterly
October coupons. 101 bid, 105 assea; new
Savanuah 5 per cent, August coupons, 101 U bid,
100 l usked.
state B mds— Georgia new 414 per cent, 118
bid. 119 asked; Georgia 6 per cent coupons,
January and July, maturity 1896, 114 bid, 115
Railroad St neks— Central common, 120 bid,
121 asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent
guaranteed, 140 bid, 142 asked; Georgia
common, 200 bid, 2:12 asked; Southwestern
7 per cent guaranteed, 12844 bid, 129 asked;
Central 6 par cent certificate-). 9744 bid,
9344 asked; Atlanta and West Point railroad
stock, 109 bid, 111 asked; Atlanta and West
Point 6 per cent certificates, 99 bid. 10J
Railroad _ Ronds Savaunah. Florida and
Western Railroad Comp my general mortgage
6 per cent interest, coupons October, ill bid'
114 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first
consolidated 7 per cent, coupons January and
Julv, maturity, 1897, 110)4 bid. 11114 risked;
Centra! Railroad and Hanking Cofnpanv
collate al gold, ss, 9944 bid, 101 asked- to 1-
tra! consolidated mortgage 7 per cent, coupons
January and July, maturity 1893, 104 bil
195 asked; Savannah and Western railroad 5
per cent, indorsed by Central railroad, 93V, bid
95 asked; Savannah, Americus and Mont
gomery 6 per cent. 92 bid. 94 asked;
Georgia railroad 6 per cent, 1897 ios<a
i ll b j d i-i l o *?®*} 115 . as * r:li i Georgia ’ South
ern and 1 lorida first mortgage 6 per cent, 9546
hid. 9. asked; Covington and .Macon first
mortgage 6 per cent, 90 bid, 92 asked- Mont
go nery and Eufaula first mortgage 6 p<V cent
indorsed by central railroad. 107 bid 109
aved; Marietta and North Georgia railway
first mortgage, of) years, 6 per cent “h
h* i 9. asxed; Marietta and North Georgia
railroad first mortgage 6 per cent, 104 hid
190 asked; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta
first mortgage. 108 bid. 10.* asked; Char
lotto Cdumbia and Augusta sec ,ml mortgage,
110 bli, .1. asked; Charlotte. Columbia and
lfid*"°nn K T n i n ?,°. rt^a - e - (i , P-r cent, 108
hid, no asked; Western Alabama second
mortgage. indorsed S per cent, 102 bid 103
bi Tiai t a - Ge i or c la and , * lorila . indorsed?
llohii, llla.\el. South Georgia and Florida
second mortgage, 110 bid, m asked
gusta and Knoxvide first mortgage 7 rer cent
Smit’herA 10 ?^. asked ; Gainesville. Jeffers mLid
in 6 m '*ta;*e, guaranteed, 112 bid
lloasked, Gainesville, J-fferson and Southern'
not guaranteed, 106 bid, 108 risked! Oceari
Steamship 6 per cent bonds, guaranteed bv
vaifieff L' T; 1 ’ IV b : d ' 10 - asked? I 'GaineL
'..le, .Jeff rsin and Southern second mortgage
% r>w “‘ n HbM"maskSd? ay
the State if fw^- ,rln 4v. 5. JUth, * rn Gank of
D ■ State of Georgia. 290 bid 300 asked • Mor
ciants National Bank, 18:) bid ]*■> a'sic>d
w"Lsk a e h l B: N-\, ftnl l Company, ft
bid ni asked- n’o n Bank c , of Savannah, 133
< i Savings and Trust
'O2 t,- I itp !'* asked '. Citizens’ Bank,
2lG , bid ,/ 25v7 S L av ? n ’i? 11 Gas Ught stocks,
IVHiii- • Fw‘-;e k ?? : u M,,tllal Gas Light stock.
8) liid.'sr risked x<lsht aid Powrer Company,
The < l't'LrrtM- a ? ke * slcady; fair demand,
? v± r ,v nh ?'<*. >4C; shoulders,
554c* bilbL V LT n ?Sides 55rc; long clear
-hies, 53 4 c. shoulders, s>*c; hams, 1144®
Smi i "'W. * x " ’y ,ER --The market is nominal.
•2 Is m - .hastfintr, 24-4 lbs,
a; 1 riiwr'iiv- 1 h , s, i according to bran 1
r-c; cotton’ ba, ' r * ver / scarce
pin.* tr w m - S? ln ?’ prices nominal;
bun 11,. n^ r Iron Ties—gl 25
* ios in retail ks a fricr duatity. Having an l
Bn-'pn V , A * r higher.
11 .; <* cet u,,: demami; Goshen,
< : L-ri;\ ! N '{r l -n®, l -4 : ,3 CrHamery ' 19a31u '
fi.YAi. steady; fair demand; 11
fa'nry^LcUQ l^® l atcady. Peaberry, 23 Vc:
2]c. tair ?,u r 84cl prime. 2114 c; good,
I'l-.iroV S T ' '-’thinary, 194 c: common, 184 c.
mr ”'-> Tap,ra '- !d ' i>; com-
Curr.*iMts,7V^ c . ('itrTn ’ l iC ’ un P eeied * 5^7 C.
Vr.-X ~. Tho . market is strong.
. 8 I Georgia brown shirting, 3 1
at o. a ah,ir’^ C; 1 1 I,r " w “ sheeting, u c;
“ 11 i’lor m 5* r ®'*i c ; checks, 6-ar.W.-;
> ~ ... - or the beat makes: brown didlliug,
Mtv -V. < Ma Co et a l Trr; e quote full weights:
*>:•• •<; No* ■> -i, Darrels, nominal. *3 no
8' l: .1- 1 ' 2~r * Herring, No. 1,
I- •, ~, • c - Cod, #&*:. Mullet, halt bar
v. M l Luna I F “ irdsmnl - Mcssina.l6so
*. -Gauges, scarce and poor. | on
‘ a ' a ‘ly, $1 25® t;; fancyi
5 s*; patent. 75: choice patent, $5 80
I^6; tpnnz wheat, best, $6 50
Grain—Corn—Market tirra. White corn, retail
lota, t>4c; job lots, o2c; carload kts, 61c; mixei
corn, retail lots, 63c; job lots, 6!c; car
load lota. fiOc Oats— Retail lots, job lots,
4>c; carload lots. 4:c. Bran— Retail lots, $1 10;
job lots. Si 05; carload lots. ?! 00. Meal, pearl,
ner barrel. $3 10; per sack, ?1 4*>; city ground,
|l :10. Pearl per barrel, $3 30; per sack.
$1 45; citv £rits, $1 per sack.
Hay-Market steady Western, in retail lots.
tl U 0; job lots, 95c; carload lots. oc. North
ern, reta.l lots, 00c; job i ts. B>c: carload lots,
70c; East ern, retail lots, $1 00; job lots, 96c; car
load lots. 90c.
Hides, Wool, Etc —Hides—Market steady;
receipts dry tiint. salted.
dry butcher, 4Vsc. Wool Market du 1;
prime, 33U>c: burry, Wax. 32c.
Tallow. 3&4c. I>eer skins, flint, 25c; salteii, 20c.
Otter skins, 00.
Iron—Market very steady; Swede, re
fined. 2^c.
Lard—Market steady; in tierces,
tins, 6c.
Lime. Calcined Plaster and Cement— Chew
acala lumn lime in fair demand and sellin< at
Si 25 per barrel; Georgia an i Shelby, Si 25
per barrel: bulk and carload lots special:
calcined plaster, $2 25 per birrcl; hair, 4 ≻
Roseudale cement, $1 30® 1 40; Portland ce
ment. retail. S3 60: carl a i lots, $2
Liquors—Very firm. Whisky, per gallon,
rectified, $1 08®1 20, according to proof: choice
grades, ?1 50®2 50; straight, 51 50®4 00;
blended, $2 00 ®6 00. Wines—Domestic, port,
sherry, catawba. low *nules. 60®85; fine
grades, ?! u0(®! 50; California, muscatel
and angelica. Si 50®1 75.
Nails—Market dull and lower; fair demand;
3d, $2 20; 4d and sd, S2 80; 6d. s:> <V); Bd, $2 45;
lOd, S*2 40; 121. $2 35; 301. 30; 50d to 60d,
S3 20; 20d, ?2 35; 40d, $2 25.
Nuts—Almonds—Tarragona. 18®20c; I vie as,
16®18c; walnuts, French. 15c; Naples, 16c;
pecans. 10c; Brazil, 10c; filberts, 10c; coc >anuts.
Barracoa, $4 s< per 100; assorte i nuts, 50-lb and
25-lb boxes. 13c per ft-.
Onions—Firm; Egyptian, per crate, $1 75;
case. $4 00.
Oils—. Market steady; demand fair. Sig
nal, 40(£&5uc; West Virginia l> ack, 10(&13c; lard,
55c; kerosene. 10c; neatsfoot, 6075 c; ma
chinery, 25<^30c; linseed, raw, 65c; boiled, 68c:
mineral seal, 18c; horaelight, 15c; guardian, 14c.
Potatoes—New scarce; barrels $2
Raisins—Demand light; market steady.
Malaga layers, i>i 00 per box; L m lon layers,
new. $3 fO per box; California London layers,
$2 75 per box: loose. ?2 30.
Salt—The demand is moderate and market
quiet; earioad lots, 70c f. o. b.; job lots, 8j(&
Shot—Drop, $1 35; buck, $1 60.
Sugar—The market is stea ty. Cut loaf, 7)4c;
cubes. %c; pjwdered, C?/pc; granulated, 6Wc;
confectioners’, 6%c: standard A, 6 40: off ~A,
6*4c; white extra C, be; golden C, 5Mc; yel
low. s^e.
Syrup—Florida and Georgia. 35®37c; market
quiet for sugarhouse at 30®40c; Cuba straigat
goods, 3<)c; sugarhouse molasses. l*(&20e.
Tobacco—Market higner; steady demand.
Smoking, 22V£c®$1 25; chewing, euntuon,
sound, fair, 28 <7.350; m *diuin,
bright, 50(j.65c: fine fancy. extra fine,
39S<2f$l 15; bright navies, 3;3(^45c; dark navies,
Li mber- The market is very dull and orders
are slack; those arriving run into the larger and
more ifficult sawing, creating a dearth of small
easy sawing. There is a slow demand for or
ders of easy sizes and ienghty at snaded t^rices.
Ordinary sizes 512
Difficult sizes 15
Flooring boards 16 00(^2150
Shipstuffs 17
Timber .Market dull and nominal. W uuote:
7<M) f -et av rage $ 9
800 “ “ 10 00./ 11 (
990 “ “ 1100(&12 00
1,000 “ “ !2
Shipping timber in the raft—
70i feet average . $ 6
8i “ “ 7
900 “ “ 8 00(&9G0
!,000 “ “ 9
3lill timber $1 below these figures.
Lumber—Coastwise—The market is very dull
and nominal, aid rates continue easy.
Kates may be quoted within the range of $5 75
@,7 25 from this port to Baltimore, Phila
delphia, New York and sound ports, with
50c additional if loaded at near by Georgia
ports. Ti mber, 50c@.$l 00 higher than lumber
rates. To the West Indies and Windward,
nominal; to Rosario, $2;)
Ayres or Montevideo, $lB 00; to Rio Janeiro,
sl9 0'; to Spanish and Mediterranean ports,
sll 00(a,14 50; to United Kingdom for orders,
nominal at for timber. €5 10s standard; lumber,
£5 10s. Steam—'To New York, $7 00; to Phila
delphia, $7 00; to Boston, 00; to Baltimore,
$6 50.
Naval Stores—Market nominal for spot
vessels, but there is a good demand
for August loading. Foreign—Cork, etc.,
for orders, spot vessels, rosin, 3s 34
and4s6d; to arrive. 3s 6d and 4s 94; spirits.
Adriatic. roM>. 3s Genoa, 3s 3d;
South America, rosin. $1 10 per barrel of 280
pounds. Coastwise—Steam—To Boston, 10c per
100 lbs on rosin, 00c on spirits; to New York,
rosin, 7V£c per 100 lbs; spirits, 80c; to Philadel
phia, rosin, 7t4c p-r 100 lbs; spirits, 80c; to
Baltimore, rosin, 30c; spirits, 70c. Coastwise,
Cotton—Bv Steam—The market is dull.
Genoa 25-6 Id
Liverpool via New York Tb 7-32d
Havre via New York fl 11 -16 e
Bremen via New York lb 13-32d
Reval via New York $ Ih 25-04d
Genoa via New York 35-64d
Amsterdam via New York 75c
Antwerp via New York 5-164
Boston >2 bal* $ l 25
Sea island "i> ba e 1 25
New York $3 bale 1 09
Sea island \) bale 1 09
Philadelphia bale 100
Sea island p* bale . 100
Baltimor * V bale
Providence bale
Rice—By steam—
New York barrel 50
barrel 50
Baltimore barrel. 50
Boston r # barred 75
Grown fowls $ pair $ 75 (fy 85
Chickens, grown, $ pair 40 (& 50
Chickens, grown, $ pair 35 (<£ 45
Eggs, country. dozen 13 (g, ..
Peanuts, fancy, h. p. Va .4? lb . 9 <'h 9*^
Peanuts, hau l picked, t? t>
Peanuts, small, hand picked, ib, 7
Peanuts. Tennessee 7 @ 7j,£
Poultry —Market weak; demand light.
Eggs—Market easy; stock ample and moder
ate demand.
Peanuts Full stock; do nan 1 mo4erate;
prices steady.
Sugar—Georgia and Florida nominal; none in
Honey—Demand nominal.
Sweet Potatoes—M irket nominal; no stock.
New York, July 22, noon.—Stocks opened
dull and stagnant. Money easy at 3V£©4 p r
cent. Excnauge—long. $4 84 ; 4x&4 84 *4; short,
—. Government bonds negleute i. State bonds
dull but stea iy.
Following were the 2p. m sto?k quotations:
Erie 26>3 Klchm and Jfc W. Pu
Cnlcago g Nor.n. Terminal 22*^
Nort.rC W. pref.. bl l ,^
5:00 p. m.—Exchange quiet at $4
i N'.ivfc. Money . asy a. per cent. Sub-
balances—Coin, 8162. .*3,009; currency,
$6.. i\ uo. Government bonds dull bui tea. iy ;
four per cents 1214a; four and a half percent.
couDons 103. Stale bon 1 . dull and featureless.
Dullness and stagnation in the stock market
shows no s gns of abatement at present and
to day fairly broke the record lor dullness,
whiie the lack <0 interest in dealings uud
smallness of fluctuations have never been sjr
passeJ. The street finds nothing more inter
esting to talk about a. present than the prob
able effect of the last announcement from the
Treasury Department in the matter of pur
chasing hoods. Brokers are prone to see in it
another favorable factor for the future of the
street, as it evidently is the first move in the
task in getting down the surplus which accumu
la ed so fast of late. It is evident to the most
casual observer that the secretary will not ie
able to get much of it, out unless lie raises his
price, as offerings have dwindled down to small
amounts, and the street believes tins will be
done. Bears have bean locking forward to the
time when crops wilt make sucu demands upon
the financial resources of the country that tnere
will be nothing left in the New York banks with
which to carry on bull speculation, but the
release of $105,u00,u00 or any large portion will
evidently cause all their piahs to miscarry.
Tue hop • is that the holders of government
securities will demand sucu a high ju ice mat
the secretary will refuse t > pay it. In th s
market to-di.y Atchison and Sugar we e the
most active, but transactions in neither were of
alien magnitude as to attract any attention,
while the list in general was simply uoeba ged.
Sugar fluctuated over a range ot 1 percent.,
but never got far away from the opening
price until the last hour, when a little spurt
sent it up 1 per cent. Tnere was a feeble effort
to get Atchison and some othe 8 off in the
early trading', but ti.e attempt was soon given
up and everything on the list relapsed into the
most intense dullness. The strong feature was
Jersey f .'mit ral, which was bought up in the
last hour and helped to close tue market firm
at the I>est prices of the day, which was only
slightly better than those of the opening in
most of tho list. The sales were shares of
listed stocks and— shares of unlisted. The
following were toe closing quotations:
AJa.c’asi a. 2to 5.105 NO. Pa*flc Ist mart 9f?4
Ala. c. ass B. s.. IP N. Y. Oaotral... -107%
Georgia 7s, nor . IX>V$ Nor. AW. pref.. 61V*
N. AD.ioftoas (• 12714 Nor. FaciAc 3%
N.Carol acmi ** ‘.*9 '* pref... N*2*g
So. I'aro. * Brown Pacific Mail. 46
consols) 99 Healing 45?^
Tennessee6s.... 10 .14 R chmond& A.e..
* 5s .... 103 Ricam’d A W. Pt.
Tenne=sees3 3s. . 73*4 Fsrmisil 22t%
Vlrgioials W Roc< Island 9> : r
Va.6scoisoti'tel. 5) St. Paul .. .. 73-* 4
Cbes. A Ohio ** preferre i . 1173 4
Northwe* e*n.... Texas Pacii • 20A$
** ureferrei 144 T nn.( ’ iai Iro 1. 49
Dela. and Lao. .. l. 7 g U nion Pacific 65
Erie 26V4 N. J. O n r ral 12541
East Tennossje... 9‘ H Missouri Padfic .. 73^
Laseßi>re 10941 Western Union... 83*
L'ville± Nath 8644 Cotton >il cera.i. 28‘ 4
Me nnhh.t a 6<) Bruiswi'k 29VJ
Mobile £ Ohio ... 21 Mobile^Ohio 4s.
Naha. Chau'a.. 1013 4 Silver certificates. 109' 4
Lb'Bi'wu July 22. noon.—Cotton firm;
demand fair: A ' *-ncan middling 6 9-161; sales
7,000 bales, of which 500 were for specular 1 -ti
a >dexpert; receipts 2,000 bales, of which 2,000
bales were American.
Futures - A we-icin m J fling. ! ow mldlling
clause, July and August delivery 6 36-64d; Au
gust and September delivery 6
September delivery 6 37-64d; September and
October delivery 637 4J: October an 1 Novem
ber delivery 5 59-64d; November and i>ecem
ber delivery 5 57-6 id; December and January
delivery 5 55-64d. Futures firm.
2:00 p. ra.—Sales of the day included 6,600
bales of American,
American good middling 6 3 64d. middling
6>fcd: ; eol ordinary ordinary 6^41
Futures— miillltng, low m Idling
clause, July delivery 6 39-<>4®6 40ii; July anil
August de.ivery 6 ~9-64(346 4<J-64d; August deliv
ery 6 39 64(3*6 4o I; August and September de
livery 030 64:a„6 37-C4U; Septemtier delivery
637 641; September and October delivery
6 34-64(1; Octob r and November deliverys 58-64
ery 5 56-041. buyers. Futures firm for near
months and quiet for distant months.
4:tA) p. ;n —i* utures: Am -ncan mi Idling, low
c a ise. July delivery 6
July and August delivery 6
and livery - l*i; August and Septem
ber delivery '* vi 04 -/ 637 6Ti; September aud
October delivery 6.3-64@6 34-6td; October de
livery 55S Old, buyers; .November and Decem
ber delivery 5 CO-64 J, buyers: December and
January delivery 5 55-04 J, sellers. Futures
close* i steadv.
New York, July 22, noon.—Cotton oj>ened
dull and unchanged; middling uplands 12 . -16 c;
m and ine ‘ irleans 12 aiea to-vlay 137 bales.
5:0o p. m.—Cotton closed quiet aud steady:
middling uplands 12 7-I‘Jc; middling Orleans
12->fcc; sales to-day 161 bales; receipts bales,
gross 349.
Futures—Market closed steady, with sale* of
45,500 bales, os fellows: July delivery i2 33<£
12 35c, August delivery 12 04>'o*12 05c, Sept *lll
ber delivery 11 O
01 68&10 70c. November d-livery 10
December delivery 1J -‘s@lo 56c, January de
livery 10 6010 01c, February delivery lo 65(34
10 66c. March delivery 10 69e.
Option trading oiieoed easier, with rear
mouths unchanged. From this to noon there
iiad been a decline of 2(3,3 points. New crop
months were especially weak because of reports
of rain iu tne south, which have extended to
some parts of Texas. An easy feeling in some
degree cauie out of the reaction from the
sharp advance of yesterday. Liverpool opened
l-64d up and later advanced point. Sales to
noon 20,700 bal s, of which July sold at 12 40(&
12 43c, August 12 12^1214c, September 11 04(&
11 10c, October 10 73*<fcl0 77c. November 10 59<&
10 04c. December 10 .523*10 58c, January 10 64(&
10 68c, February 1070^1*1071c. Spot was dull
and unchanged; gulf Sales 137 bales, all
to spinners. Liverpool closed steady at Iq/ 3
points ud on near and late was unchanged.
Traders throughout the day had weather re
ports alone as an intluence. The close of the
narket shows a general decli eas compared
with th<‘ latest of yesterday of 7®.points. The
rise iu Liverpool did not correspond with the
advance h*re and was a disappointing feature.
The Suns cotton review says: “Futures
opened unchanged on near and points de
cline on late months, cl sing steady at a de
cline of 9(3*10 points on near and 7(£&9 points on
late rnoutus from yesterday's olosiug. It was
not easy to find two brokers who agreed as to
the decline to day. It seems probable, how
ever, that Liverpool, though better, was disap
poi ting to our bulls. Tht? marketlhas “gotten
long." t> use room expr. ssion, and there were
more sellers than buyers. There was also pri
vate report of ram in Texas; several towns in
that state advised receipt of new cotton. Then
the uemand for spot cotton fell off. August
dropped early to 12 10c and stood tnere a cou
ple of hours, then, after the last call, made a
quick drop t > 12 05c, aud the close was duil and
unsettled. Cotton on spot was quieter and
barely steady.”
Galveston, July 22.—Cotton nominal; mid
dling 11 c; net rsee pt 4 bales, gross 4; sales
bales; stock 121 biles.
Norfolk, July 22.—Cotton steady; middling
net receipts bales, gross —; stock 2,744
bales; sales bales.
Baltimore, July 22.—Cotton nominal; mid
dling 1216 c; net receipts none, gross—; sales
none; stock 924 bales.
Boston. July 22.—Cotton quiet; middling
j2Viic; net rec ipts bales, gross—; sales
bales; stock bales.
•Vilminoton, July 22.—Cotton firm; mid
dling ll l uic; net receipts bales, gross —;
sales —bales: stock 410 bales.
1* ti il \ Delphi a, July 22. 'otton firm; mid
dling 12h,c;net receipts 37 bales, gross 34; stock
5,0.). bales.
New Orleans, July 22.—Cotton firm; mid
dling ll v sc; net receipts 63 bales, gross 63;
sales 50 bales; stock 19,007 bales; exports to
Great Britain 18 bales.
Mobile, July 22. otton nominal; middling
11 1-lSc; net receipts 2 bal-*s; g.oss —; sales
bales; stock 357 bales
Memphis, July 22.—Cotton nominal; middling
ll>ic; receipts 8 bales; shipments bales;
sales bale*: stoc c 1,135 bales.
\uousta, July 22 —Cottonnominal; middling
receipts 3 bales; sh.pnit n:s 38; sales
3 bales: stock 746 bales.
ti vit'.E3ton, July 22. otton firm; mid ling
llfyjc; net reco p s— bales, gr.iss —; >ales
bales; siociv 115 bales; exports coastwise 43
.\ilanta. July 22.—Cotton firm; middling
no receipts.
grain and provisions.
Liverpool, July 22, noon.—^Wheat steady; de
mand poor; holders offer mod u a ely; receipts
for past three days 212,000 centals, including
87,000 American. Corn quiet; demand poor;
new' mixed western 3s 9J: receipts for past
three days 200.100 centals.
New York, July 22, noon.—Flour active and
steady. Wheat dull aud easy. Corn quiet and
weak.* Pork quiet but steady at, 75(§*13 50.
Lard quiet and easy at So 02>4- Freights
New York, July 2'. 5:00 p. m.— Southern
flour quiet. Corn meal firm. Wheat moderately
active but unsettled; No. 2 red . in
elevator, options dull—No. 2 rel, July delivery
96%c, August delivery 95c. September delivery
9114 c. Corn active; No. 2, 44^44kic in eleva
tor; options dull but stea iy-July delivery
44c, August delivery 44c, September delivery
4514 c. Oats quiet; options dull and weaker—
July delivery 39c, August delivery Sep
teuiber delivery 34£ftc; No. mixed
western HofJS closed steady but
quiet; state t£c, old 8(2)12c. Coffee—op
tions closed steady and dud—July delivery
17 25c. August delivery 17 lOtffrlT 15c, September
delivery 16 60(0*16 65c; sipot Rio c!ostd quiet but
steady, fair cargoes at 20c. Sugar, raw quiet;
fair refining 44 4 (^4 7 4c; centrifugals, 96° test,
5 7-16 c; refined q.iiet but steady—C s>4(§*s*>4c.
extra C 5 7-16(f/) 916 c, yellow *fi A
standard A confectioners' A
f cut loaf 044 c, crushed powdered
6 9- 16c.granulated Molasses—Foreign nomi
nal; New Orleans quiet for common to fancy.
Petroleum closed steady; refined 37 20. ('otton
seed oil dull for crude at 80c. Wool quiet and
• asy; domestic fleece 33®38c, pulled 26®34c,
Texas 17®24c Pork more active and easier:
mess sl2 sdfcl3lo. Beef easy. Beef hains
strong, liercea beef firm but dull: city extra
Ind>a mess Jl2. Cut meats closed firm: pickled
bellies pickled hams
Middles and ill and eat-y. Lard closed quiet but
steady; western steam quiet, city steam $5 65;
options—August delivery 8 > 02, September de
livery §6 17®6 I*. Freights to Liverpool firm:
cotton. i>;?r steam 6-64d, grain 2^<i
Chicago, July 22.—1n wheat tnere was little
business. <lutside orders w *re rai her light, and
local operators were reluctant about trading
be oud a limited extent. Operators talked
bullish, but there was a lack of business, and
the market was slow to bull. Prices averaged
only slightly higher, opening r higher
than yesterday s close, ruled easy, receded %c,
then advanced Vvc, but all the time trailing was
light, closing f*£c higher than yesterday. In
corn there was only a in r derate trade, ruling
less active than for several days, pric -scha ges
hoing confined w ithin *4®%c. The situation
showed no important change, though tue feel
ing was somewhat easier on near deliveries.
<) its were fairly active, but price eba -ges w, re
confined t > n range of and the closing was
slightly above yesterday's figures. In pork
trading was mo lerate, and prices exhibited
very littl- ch nge. In lard there was rather
more doing. Early sales were made at 2J4c ad
vauc*. bur an easier feeling prevailed later, and
the improvement was not supported to the
close. In short rib sides there was fair business
Prices ruled higher, but closed eAsier
a min. *
Cash quotations were a* follows. Flour
steady an l unchanged. W eat No. 2 spring
No. 2 red wheat Corn —No. 2,
3:44c. Oats—No. 2,3. c. Mess pork at sll 25
Lard at 35 V/if. Short rib sides, loose.
Dry salted shoulders, boxed, $5 <>®6 62 Short
clear sides, boxed, $5 30®5 4!, Whisky at $1 iU.
L<einng fat irs ra ige 1 as f >ll >w*:
O.en ng. 11 g im. Closing,
v \ t WWR4T—
July delivery...
Aug. dehvery.. BKV4 " vi i
Sept, delivery.. 899 g
RN. No. 3
July delivery...
Aug. deli very.. 37’r ft
Sept delivery . 38’ * 38fe 38^
ats. So 2
July delivery.. 3*2ls 32Ni
Aug. delivery.. 29^ 4 29>4 2:1%
Sept, delivery. 2'*a h 2.u 4
1 ss *orr
July delivery..sll 25 sll 25 {.l 25
Aug. delivery.. 10 25 10 25 10 i >
Sept, delivery.. 10 10 10 10 10 10
arp. Per 1 c lb< -
Aug. delivery $5
Sept, delivery.. 6 92V* 5 92U 590
Oct eh very.. 6 0.U5 6 6iO
Per ID) till
Aug. ddivery . $5 i $5 00
Sept, delivery... 5 125% 5 15 5 12^
Oct. delivery. 5 17V 520 5 2ii
Baltimore. July 22. Flour n arket active;
Howard street and Western superfine $2
2 45; extra $2 85®4 00; fa mly $1 2 > 4 75;
city mills. Rio brands, extra 8. ® o>. Wheat
—Southern fairly active; Fultz, 9i Dng
berry .*2®9Bc; western, spot easy, futures firm;
No. ,2 winter red. on spot and July delivery 94
®.'4tfcc. Corn— Southern duil; white 54->j*ssc;
yellow 50c; western firm.
Bt. Louis, July 22.—Flour closed steady and
unchanged. Wriest unsettled; No. 2 red. cash
87fi®Vv, August deliv ry September and ■
iivt*rv N>H®Bdf4c, October delivery 9;? R c. Corn
—No. 2 cash WrC, September delivery 6hc.
Oats—No. 2 mixed, cash 32c bid; options July
delivery 32c, August delivery 29‘j* - hid. Sen
tember deliv ry V^®‘29 ; | i c. Whisky steady at
Si 10. Provisions: i.ard—prime steam quiet.
Dry salt meats quiet. Bacon quiet.
Liverpool, July 22, noon.—Spirits turpentine
32s 6d.
London, July 22.—Turpentine 82s 7^l.
New Y *rk, July 22, n >n -Spirit-, t ir|Kntine
quiet hut steady at
steady at 40 47t^
p. m —Rosin quiet but stea Iy for com
mon to good strained at $1 40® 1 Spirits
turpentine easier and quiet at 1 c.
Charleston, July 22.—Spirits turpentine tjuiet,
S9c bid. Rosiu firin: good strained at $1 15.
WiLMtviroN. July 22.—Spirits turoeutino
firm at 39c. Rosin firm; strained sl. Tar firm
at $1 4i). Crude turpentine close! firm; hard
$1 25; yellow dip $2 35, virgin $2 50.
New Vo ik, July 22. -Rice fairly active.
New Orleans, July 22.—Rice steady.
PET to* rr- 1.
New York, July 22.—Petroleum market
opened strong, with 90f& for spot ant 8944 for
August. After the first sales, selling by the
west caused a decline, and the market became
dull, and remained so until the close.
Northern Fruit Market.
New York, July 21.—Receipts 65 cars melons.
Small nil selling at $12@16; prime to extra,
$20®39. The market closed strong.
Heard Bros. & Cos.
New York, July 22.—Receipts, 43 cars of
melons today. Small at sls to $lB,
largo to extra scarce at S2O to S3O
Heard Bros. & Cos.
Sun Rises 5:05
Sun Sets. 6:55
Hio B Water at Savannah .11:11 am 11:49 pm
Wednesday, July 23, 1890.
Steamer Advance, Strobhar, Augusta and
way landings—J G Medlock, Agt.
Schr Three Sifters, Simpson, Philadelphia,
wltu coal to G I Taggart; vessel to Master.
Bark Winona [Nor]. Larsen, to load for Eu
rope— Chr G Dahl & Cos.
Steamship Kansas City, New Y >rk. [Not pre
viously. ]
Steamship Win Lawrence, Baltimore.
Cardenas, July 13—Sailed, schr Edith Ber*
wind, Mcßride, Coosaw, SC.
Ashepoo, SC, July 19—Arrived, bark Gwer
there 1 Castle IBr], Hansard. Gibraltar.
Belfast. Me, July 19— schr Wm Jones,
Fuller, Brunswick
Jacksonville, July 19—Cleared, schr Amelia P
Schmidt. McCleau, New York.
Charleston, July 20—Arrived, steamship Bo
rinquen [Sp], Porto Rico.
Coosaw. S C, July 19 -Sailed, steamship Tre
wellard [Br], Beck ley. United Kingdom
Darien, Ga, July 18—Arrived, schr Martha S
Bement, Rulon, New York.
Femandma, July 20—Sailed, brig Leonora
Monro:*. New York ; schr Jennie S Hall, Gil
christ, do.
Galv ston. July 20—Sailed, schr Jonathan
Mav, Cook. Apalach cola.
Pensacola. July 19—Arrived, steamship Re
solven [Br], Las Palmas; brig Eulalia [Port],
De Barros, Demerara.
Cleared, steamship Arecibo [Sp], Arana. Liv
erpool; bark Venus [Nor], Klavenes. Bordeaux;
senr Annie <£ 'lillar 1, Shepardson, Wilmington.
Port Itoval. SC. July 19 Arrived, bark John
Ham net [ltul]. Bottom*, Girgenti.
New York. July 22—Arrived, steamships State
of Nebraska, Glasgow; Runic. Liverpool.
Arrived out, Ethiopia arid Circassia for Glas
Notices to mariners, pilot charts and all nauti
cal information will ha furnished masters of
vessels free of charge at the United State*
Hydrographic office in the Custom House. Cap
tains are requested to call at the office.
Libi t F H Sherman,
In charge Hydrographic Station.
Notice i* given that, on or about Aug 1 a flash
ing light of the fourth order, showing a red flash
every-ten seconds, will bo exhibited from the
structure recently ereeted at Norton’s Point, the
western end of Coney island. Now York.
The light will illuminate the entire horizon.
The focal plane is 76Uj feet above mean low
water, and the light should be seen, in clear
weather, from the deck of a vessel 15 feet above
the sea, 14Vfe nautical miles.
Tue light will be shown from a black lantern
surmount i g a square py rami da skeleton tower,
with stair cylinder, painte-i brown.
A kee;>er‘B dwelling, t ie first story red brick,
the second story and roof shingled, natural
color, stands about 15 feet to the eastward and
southward of tho tower, a framed,
square pyramidal fog bell tower, lower half
white, upper half shingl *d, natural color, stand*
near the edge of tho bluff, to the southward and
westward of the light tower.
The approximate geographical position of the
lighthouse, a taken from the charts of the U S
Coast and Geodetic Survey, is as follows: Lat
10 34 35 N. lon 74 00 16 W.
I)i>tanc *sand magnotic bearings of prominent
objects are approximately as follows: Centen
nialTower, Coney island. Eby S, 1 IJ-16 nautical
miles; Fort Tompkins lighthouse. N W 2 7 16
nautical miles; RomerShoal lighthouse, S%W,
3J4 nautical miles; Klin Tree lighthouse, W S,
3->w nautical miles.
During thick and foggy weather the fog bell
will be struck by machinery a single blow every
15 seconds.
Per Charleston and Savannah Railway, July
23—88 bids rosin, f bbls spirits turpentine, 2 cars
empty bbls, ‘2 cars wood. 100 nests baskets. 10
ba es waste, 1 case cigarettes, 1 lot h h goods, l
bell clapper. 5 doz pails. 8 cases paper, 36 nests
trunks, 36 bdls rims, 12 bdls hoops, 3 bbls hams,
2 boxes strips, 36 boxes tobacco, 1 box clothing,
1 case c drawer'.
Per Savannah, Florida and Western liaiiwAy.
July 22—3 bale> cotton, 1,780 bbls rosiu, 610
bbls spirits turpentine, 150 boxes lard. 10 hf bbls
lard, 20 ca Idles tobaeco.O boxes tobacco, 15 ties,
1,540 lbs hides. 40 bbls syrup, 3,180 lbs bacon, I
cases (1 goods. 2.760 lbs wool, 3 bbls whisky, !7
bbls bottles. 4 cases shoes, 9 cars woo I, 2 kegs
ink. 46 cars lumber. 3 cars brick, 2 cars cst/s. 46
pkgsmdse. 5 empty bbls. 4 cases clothing, 520
boxes fruit. 30 bbls frnit. 3 cars cattle, 27 boxes
vegetables, 16 bbls vegetables, *2 cars melons.
Per Central Railroad. July 22—1 bale cotton. 9
rolls leather, 9 bdls paper, 37 pkgs tobacco, 400
lbs lard. 396 bbls spirits turpentine, 40 bbls beer,
79* bbls rosin. 52 bbls whisky. 24 hf bbls whisky,
166,370 lbs bacon, 127 bales domestics. 101 bale*
yarn, 21* hf bbls beer, 5 boxes w ood in shape, 18
cars lumber, 179 bbls Hour. 9 bales paper stock,
lei pkgs mdse, 74 bushels rice, 39 cases eggs, 450
bbls grits. 3 cars brick, 7 cars coal. 5 pc* mchy,
3 bales plaids, *23 pkgs furniture, 2 car* melons.
25 doz brooms, 15 bales twine, 3 bales hide*.
Per steamship Win Lawrence, for Baltimore
-51 hales cotton, 2,058 bbls r<sin. 373 pkgs mdse.
24,000 feet lumber. 58 bAles domestics, 10 turtles.
16 Ixll* hides, 20 rolls leather, 10 bbls tallow, 53
pkgs vegetables.
Per steamship Wm for Baltimore -
W Buery, Mrs l Brown. J F Brooks, Miss K M
Harris, Miss G Miller. Miss J C Haywood. Mrs C
J 1 AKoche. Miss M Laßocha, Miss 8 A Laßocbe.
Misaß Laßocbe, J Levy and wife, Miss l*ry.
Miss K Ferrell. Miss M Henry. Mies A Bennett.
Miss.l Bennett
Per Charleston ami Savannah Railway. July
*s B*l'lwin Xt o. lemon i M. M Botev A s.n,
Savanna 1 Grocery Cos. Chesnutt A O's'. \v \
j'avVN C It K A Bkg Cos. Lovell A 1.. Lloyd A A.
Ueeser A F. Smith Bros. 1 Epstein A Bro, Lew
A (~ I. UivelF* Sans. R l> MiDonell. E Moyle. F
7V r l* *£ Cos, A H Champion's Son,
A Khrlich A Bro, |) B Lester. K M Conner. J F
Torrent. V Holm*. Win McDonough, Floyd &
Cos * J
Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway,
r ' r '*< °du*e. Savannah Grocery C\
M \ I tenders* n. G Kcksteiu A Cos. llerron'A O.
J 1 tliiams at Cos, >1 Ferst’s Sons at Cos, Arnold
av 1 \\ CJa<'k9*n, W W Chisholm, lleidt <£ S.
Hal twin A Cos, Chesuutt at O N, Kills. Y £ Cos. .1
B Knuht. Peacock, H £ Cos, Melhmousrh A Cos,
Bacon. Bat (To, Lemon A M. It Solomon at Son,
Kepivard at Cos, S F Shorter Cos. at B,
iHvker at h. F B Huutm£ <$ Cos, Morning New*.
Dale, I> *v Cos. Cl> llame*. Kckman V. Savan
nah at A: Ky. Harms at J. (J W Tiedeman A Bro,
C L .tones, Starulard Oil Cos. F Lovell's Sons, Jos
Goette. Mein hard Bros at Cos. Geo Meyer. J Hart
A Bro.C K Sf ults A < ’,Frierson at Cos, Savannah
hire Dept. Salas at W, L T Turner. .1 R Cooper,
Uuilmartin at M, Savannah Tunes, M Y Hinson
A Son.
Per Central Railroad. July 22—Jno Rourke,
Hums AJ. Tet pie .t Cos. J D Weed at Cos, Miss
\\aller. 1* A Altick s Sons, (i M Heidt £ Cos, Jos
Hale, Ludden A B. S Uuckenheimer at Son, W H
Ko.vaj. Savan .a 1 c A WCo, A It Hull A Cos, v
1- Maokay, T M Fte-ninc, T M Keller, I (1 Haas,
Savannah Steam Bakery, (I W Tie<leman A lire,
A I-etller A Sun. Savannah Guano C •. 1. I’ut/e
Savannah Grocery Cos. Smith Bros. Frank A Cos,
H Solomon A Sou. A H 1 hampion's Son, it Fox
Lee Boy Myers A Cos, A Ehrlieu A Kro. Dwo l.e.
CA I>. M N Henderson, Commercial GuanoCo
J K Einstein. kavanaugh AB. M K Moore.
J P Williams A Cos. Savannah Cotton Mills, Mrs
J H Germany, Herman A K. Geo Meyer. Cap! S
J _\\ hiteaides. Haynes A K, It .1 Cuhnedge, \V K
Ward, K K Brandon. Nelson, M .v Cos, ,1 Eason
Boys’t uit *.
B. H. Levy & Bro. won't carry over any
boys’ and children’s suits. Do you hear
this, parents aud boys * Look at the prices.
Summer Prices
On Jewelry,
Watches, Chains,
Charms, Rings,
Sterling Silver,
Fine Silverware,
Lir. nzos, Clocks,
Art Goods, Gold
Head Umbrellas,
Canes, Onyx Tables,
Diamonds and
Other I‘reoious
Stones, Silver
Aud Gold
Bead Necklaces.
Wedding Presents,
Birthday Gifts,
Presentation Sets
And Single Pieces
At M. Sternberg & Bro.’s.
157 Broughton Street.— Adv.
Do You Wear a Saeh,
Sir? B. 11. Levy & Bro.’s full lino of
Sashes, Belts, Blazers. Outing King Scarfs,
Bath Gowns, etc., at discount price-.—.ldr.
Strike at B. H. Levy & Bro.
B. H. Levy & Bro. struck a popular chord
when they began selling clothing low and
b.g discounts added.— Adv.
It Isn’t Al-a pnca.
But Alpaca, Fongeo, Sicilian Flannel and
other thin coats a id vests and suits that are
being turned out in shoals to eager buvers
at B. H. Levy & Bro.’s— Adv.
Is Your Boy Working?
Now ’s your chance to got him a Suit, Un
derwear and Neckwear for next to nothing
at B. 11. Levy & Bros.— Adv.
Fine Table Delicacies,
Specialties for Lunches, Picnics or Travel
ing. Strauss Bros, 22 and 22’4 Barnard
street.— Adv.
Pure Water.
An article in the Times of the 27th states
that some of our citizens send away for
spring water for drinking purposes. Why
should they do this when by the use of one
of Pasteur’s Germ Proof Filters tho river or
artesiau water can be made absolutely pure
and wholesome?
This is anew invention by the celebrated
French physician after whom it is called.
The water is fore U through a number of
porcelain tubes, which are so arranged as to
be protected from the least danger of con
tamination, as it passes directly from the
hydrant. Physicians and others interested
are invited to inspect its workings at the
cr cl.cry house of Janies 8. Silva, where ull
information will bo cheerfully furnished.
— Adv.
Cold Storage Free.
E. H. Levy & Bro. aro dispensing cold
storage lor men, boys and children lti the
shape of thin suits, Negligee Shirts and low
prices.— Adv.
Necktie Sociable
In progress at B- H. Levy & Bro.’s More
neckties and more kinds than you over suw
any where. — A dv.
We Expect to Open
Fall and winter trade with onJtj fall and
winter goods, as our discount sale promises
to leave us with bare shelves before summer
is over. We are giving more than four
quarters’ worth for every dollar, and the
people find out that B. H. Levy & Bro.
mean business.— Adv.
Clearing Saie By “ ihe Famous.”
The season is near now for the clearing
out of what is loft. Whatever profit there
is in the business is made in season, and now
I start the clearing sale, satisfied to get cost
for goods rather than carry them over.
Where there are only one or two suits left
of a stylo less Ilian cost will buy them. My
main object is to get rid of tho goods .and
will make the price satisfactory to the
buyer.— Adv.
Many, I know, are waiting for the an
nouncement of the clearing sale by “TVie
Famous.” It is a blessing to the poor man
and a chance for the rich to save money. It
is giving the poor man a chance to buy
good clothing for less money than he usually
pays for inferior goods. Remember "The
famous" is at 148 Broughton street, one
door west from corner Whitaker, liennott
Hymes, proprietor.— ;!de.
1 hat’s a Pretty Shirt.
Think we could put every man in Savan
nah into a Negligee shirt of a different
pattern. Few houses carry such a line;
cheap, too. B. H. Levy & Bro., 161 Con
K- -p US’ the .Lust.
B. R.
well, almost your own price.— Adv.
Would You Use Another’s Tooth
brush ?
Well, then, got your own bathing suit at
B. H. Lovy & Bro.’s— Adv.
Black Bilk
Negligee Shirts at B. H. Levy & Bro.’s.
Travelers and everybody else like them.—
Adv. _
Lunch Baskets, Market Baskets, Clothes
Baskets, Delivery Baskets. Strauss Bros.,
Headquarters for Baskets. — Adv.
Wedding invitations and cards printed or
engraved at the shortest notice and in the
at esc stylet. We carry an extensive and
well selected stock of fine papers, envelopes
and cards especially for such orders. Sam
pies sent on application. Mornino New*
Printing House, Savannah, Ga.
So successfully conducted by us prior to our removal has
proven beyond a doubt that a
1 1 on pl i<l e Sale
Reliable Goods al Low Prices
is sure to have the desired effect. We have made
reductions in several departments and assure all bargain
seekers it will repay them to examine our stock.
Sole Agent Dr. Jaeger’s S. W. S. Cos.
k ni< i and boys. Illustrated catalogue, ad
Staunton. Ya.
UNIVERSITY, Lexington. Va.
For Catalogue, addrcFs
___ G. LEE, President.
Ole and 017 N- Charles street. Baltimore. Md,
Mica. W. M. C 'RY. I Established, 1842. Summer
Miss CARY. S address, Rar Harbor, Me.
Annual!*K*?on bqin, Oetobtr Ist.
CifiloqueTree. Rv. WiO.BASS.P™.’
Notre Dame of Maryland,
Collegiate Institute for Ynun? Indies and Pre
paratory School for little jprls, conducted by
tho School Sisters of Notre Dame. KMBLA P.
<)., near Baltimore, Md.
198 and 124 \n . Franklin St., Baltimore, Mo.
Edgeworth Boarding and Day School
for Noting Ladies will reopen Thursday, Sep.
18th. 27th year. Mrb. H. P. LEFEIiVKE, Prin
Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies
Will reopen for its fourth term on Monday, Oct.
r. IK*>. All desir 'd information can be obtained
from the principal,
ICS Bolton street, Savannah, (la.
I )ETKRSBURO, VA. The 2rtth Annual Session
1 of the Seho'd for Boys begins Ist, of Octo
ber Thorough preparation for University of
Va IT. j-; Military and Naval Academies and
leading Kntfineerm* Schools. For catalogue
address W. GORDON McCABE, Head Master
and Day .School 1 r S ouuk Ladies. JOHN H.
PoWKLL, Full preparatory uud
coil courses Best advantages in Music,
Modern Languages and Art. Board, English
tuition and I*atiii, $2-0. Session begins Sept.
24th. Catalogue sent on application.
Situated in Piedmont region of Va., on Rich
mond A Danville R. R., 54 miles from Washing
t< n. Avery successful Hchool. being entirely
full the post two years. Excellent buildings
and strong Faculty. Next term begins Sept.
18th. is.*), h r c.ualoguos, address GEO. O.
BUTLER, A. M . Principal.
Opens Sept. 18, 1 HIM). One of the most, thorough
and ttliruciivu schools for young ladies in the
union. Conservatory course in music. Unsur
passed advantages in Art. Elocution and Calis
thenics. bull commercial course. Situation
grand. Climate unsurpassed. 4’uplls from
nineteen states. Terms low. Special induce
ments u persons at a distance. F<>r the low
terms and great advantages of this Celebrated
Virgin a School, write for a catalogue to W. A.
HARRIS. President, Stiunton, Virginia.
LINTERS of the Latest Improved Pattern,
with Automatic Feed, for OIL MILLS;
RIBS, SAWS and ALL other REPAIRS for
Cotton Gins OF ALL MAKERS. All work
guaranteed. V/rite for prices. Gins de
livered free of freight. Address as above.
Will be found the
for making the the most Superior
Bread. Biscuit, Light
Pastry, etc.
Ask your Grocer for it.
Dealer* (supplied with freshly roasted Coffee,
choice grades at low priced, by
Bay and Went Broad streets.
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated by the Legislature, for Wduca,
tional and Chan table purposes, end its fran
chise made a part of the present State Uonstft
tution, in 187 U, by an overwhelming popular Tote,
an I
o continue until
January Ist, 1895.
It. MAMMOTH DKAWINI.H take plare
Semi-Anmmlly (June and December) and Ua
lake place In each of Hie olher ten month,
of (he year, and are all drawn In public, at
Hie Academy of Aew Orleans La
For Integrity of Its Drawings and Prompt
Payment of Prizes.
~ Attested as follows:
™ * do pretty certify tluir ire nupervUir t\*
arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi-
Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot
"<l m P cin U' and in person manage, and con
trol the Drawings themselves , an t that tks
sarrie are conducted U 'ith honesty, fairness.
, !oLthnT,%"tL f ?-' ifl t,, "' llrd a " parties, and i!5
ICe the undersigned Hanks and Hankers will
pay all I*rizes draum in The Louisiana Stat§
lAitlerics which may he presented at our coun
11. M. H VLMBLKY. I*re. I.oulal nn \nt. nk.
DIKII UK bA> \l ! \, l*rea. Htnte Aal'l Hkj
CAKE KOH V Frel. \a7\nn 'NMioairßanul
Grand Monthly Drawing
At the Academy of Music, New Orleans,
Tuesday, August 12, 1890,
Capital Prize $300,000-
10(1,000 Ticket, at each; Halve. @10;
Oimrter, @.S; Tenth. 2; Twentieth. @l.
LIST or Pltizics.
1 PRIZF. OF SSHO,(XW 15.... eiiinmn
1 l’lll/.L OF luu.ikk) In
1 PRIZE OF 50,000 Ik
1 PRIZE OF 28,000 1*.... “F .TJ
2 PRIZES OF 10,000 are S’JS
6 PRIZES (IF 5,000 are S’ JS
25 PRIZES OF I.fXX) are TT Xf
100 PRIZES OF 600 are... '"* j£’Sj{
200 PRIZES OF SOOare * m'mo
600 PRIZES OF 200 are .. "** IS
Ai-iß u ”- uuu
100 Priz -s of *SOO are aui tvx\
100 Prizes of SOOare *3o'oflo
100 Prizes of 200 are 20 000
09!) Prizes of 100 are 99 dm
999 Prizes of 100 are 99,'a00
3.1.14 Prizes, amounting to J| 054 soj
euuiZS to‘r;s.;^m^ a,,,t; “
, UT- For Cun, Katzs, or any further In.
formation desired, write legibly to the under
signed, clearly stating your residence, with
State, County Street and Number, More rapid
return mail delivery will be assured by your
enclosing an Envolope bearing your full address.
Addrosa M. A. DAI’PHIX,
hew Orleaii., La,
orM. A. DAI I’HM, *
kV’a.liington, 11. ft.
Ky ordinary letter containing Money Order
issued by all Express Companies, New York E*.
change, Draft or Postal Note,
Address Registered Letters Contain
ing Currency to
Aew Orleaui, La.
•'HKXKMHKH, that the payment of Prltag
HA.YKH of New Orleans, and the Tickets are
signed by the President of an Institution whose
chartered rignta are recognised in the highest
Courts; therefore, btwaru of all imitation* or
anonymous schemes.”
ItK>3L>UIL{ that the present charter ol
the Louisiana State Lottery Company which
STATKB ha decided to l>e a CONTRACT
with the State of Louisiana, and j art of the
constitution of the State, DDKS XOT EX*
The legislature of Lodsiatia, which ad
journed on the 10th of July of this year, has
ordered an A >IK > DMKI r to the Constitution
of the State, to be submitted to the People at
an election in 1802, which will carry the charter
( uptotheyear HI Y
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Mouldings of all Kinds.
Scroll Sawinp and Turning in all Varietie*.
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