Newspaper Page Text
Ceusse a Man to Commit a Hor
rible Crime.
Americas, Ga., Oct 125.—The Tim°s
prints the following:
A horrible butchery occurred in D dge
county, near Milan, Thursday, in which one
white man was killed by another.
There lives near Mclntyre’s Mill, a few
miles from Milau, a young lady who is a with the beaux of that section, and
more than oue figat nas occurred be ween
the swaiua who would fain win her love.
Among the sui'ors f r the favor at.d af
fe'tion of this young lady were Silas Wright
and Peter King.
These rivals had many fights because of the
lady. So bitter was the feud Le ween them
that it was generally understood about the
mill that sooner or later serious trouble
would result. No one seemed to realize : his
more fullv than Wrignt and King the n
pelves, and they carefudy avoided a meet
lug. •
But ths meeting came at last, and close
upon it followed bloodshed and murder.
Wednesday nigut Silas \Vright went to
the heme of the young lady for a call.
When he walked in he saw, sitting talking
to the woman, none other than his hat and
rival Peter King. Without saying a word
Wright left the house, leaving King alone
in his glory. Thursday morning eariy,
when the hands were going to the mill to
commence work. Wright lagged behind, as
if waiting for something or to see somebody.
Pre-emly King ca ; e out of his house
and started up to the mill to commence the
work of the oay when the whistle sounded
out the summons for him to do so.
But King was not to work that day, for
when Wright saw him be started toward
him. The men stood face to face with ea -!i
other in tbe middle of the road, and insight
of a squad of hands who were on their way
to the mill. A few sharp words passed.
These we;e fo’iowed by oaths, whoa Wright
was heard to say:
“You’ve be u in iny way, interfering
with me long enough: I have told you what
1 was going to do. Now, you, die!’’
Tbe men who were on ahead beard this,
and, turning around, they were just in time
to see Wright draw a knife and plunge it
deep into the pit of King’s stomach. The
blade was drawn aero s the man’s stomach
and in its track tbe entrails rushed out.
Wright looked on with fiondlsi delight, and
catching the exposed intestines ii his hand
be held ibem up while he cut King again
and again, until the wounded man fell to the
ground too weak to move.
At Wright’s first cut King drew a pistol
and attempted to shoot, but his opponent
was too quick for him, and before he could
level hiß weapon the fatal stab bad been
Tbe people around the mill are highly in
censed, for King was a great favorite with
all, while Wright is liked by no one.
A party of hands started out in pursuit
of the murderer, and It is thought that if he
is caught his end will be more terrible than
that of his victim.
The Seville Poultry Parra Company—
Negroes and Politics.
Tallahassee, Fla., Oct. 25. The
Seville Poultry Farming Company has
tiled articles of incorporation with the
secretary of state. The charter is to run
twer. tv-five years and tbe company is to
conduct a poultry raising business on an
extensive scale at Seville, Volusia county.
The capital stock is $5,000, Th- directors
aroP. S. Johnst.n, George H. Young and
IV. C. B. Rawson.
Gov. Fle niug and Hon. E. M. Hammond
joined t a democratic campaign at
DeFumak Springs yesterday.)
The negro politicians of this county are
taking very iittle interest in the approach
ing election. They usually grow enthusi
astic on the near approach of election dt y,
and gather in town in great crowds every
day in tho week to talk over the coming
event, and proclaim the great deeds they
are going to do for the party, but a great
change has come over them, and they are
sticking close to their crops this year. S ;v
--feral of them will vote the democratic ticket,
and many will not go to the polls at all.
Gov. Fleming has apnointed Charles
W rigut of Tampa to be a notary public for
the state at large. Gordon Edmondson of
Sarasota to be notary public for Manatee
ftewart County Siftings.
Lumpkin, Ga., Oct. 25.—Stewart county
superior court convened on Monday last hit
honor Judge Alien Fort presiding.
I l* l ® weather is terrible and the cotton in
jthe fields is being beaten out, and, that al-
L^_Z-2^ r l s P rou Gng. Labor is scarce.
* n wan K upholstering and cabinet-
A ' S - tiHIFFIN ’ WUiwker
IV'S y° u *° Patrouire
K. tae druggist, remember that McCAULEY
I®'?-:i™J rton an,i x <' w H. uston. can furnish
•pu Kith the purest and freshest drugs at rea
Nimble prices. Prescriptions, etc. underTbe
■acv TlS Te ! 'nh a " ex P? r:auct ' and graduate in phar
■aty. ie.epbone 4b], Night bei at side Pn .
■ance on Drayton street. “
■EXCELLENT assortment f Southern Photo-
GARDNER'S, 30,4 Bull
■ .000 r ^o f New York millslßleaching
■•VV" ln short length a fud vard wide
■lvat 'Tn^n ard ' "i m 8011 for to-morrow
Kusfe Pt ‘ r yafd - CO HEX'S BARGAIN
WTases of e , l tiic Afr i? a i 1 Flowers cures wrm
K'.rT iT. au<l fev,:r - See Dr. GRA-
Anderson street.
■ H ar is on sale
4na, ( ,df ) !r.^ 0 Y n b DRUG ST °HE, New
m ch?h ! ’-T'- Rt '. ren ‘ 1v -'^ T d best form in the
e^ y r,T; r eerT lrU Baram Cu • Liberty and
•Bor-‘“^d Wi bring sreat rodulu Try it and
l!| r V; of extra heavy Blankets, worth
flr... ;' l ,i >a . u '’ at the low price of $1 50
1-LAS. the handsomest in tbe cltv
d- - Mgns, to be had at ED BYCK’s’
jV • bu,u tf hton and Drayton.
■n.'.fe V 0 tbe market for the reli-f of rbeu
y T° u "'sh to buy, oreven price, Wines
B. ' Liijuors it will pay von 10 ring up tele
WsT.- to interest you in the
‘H iE'h rmi u?o f V I h! r> „ Nkws - For sale at
i^B t< "' 1 HLGSrOitF,, Wnitakor and Duffy
-B) LIES’ and Misses’ Jackets worth
■ . v. 50 each, to be closedjout this week
-K Jem trust in providence and vour
Hiah Mr, ;i' wries al BAKIiOUR’B. Fr.ce
K t RR, ,Y E: '; a nice assortment of Holmes
famous biscuits, new table
IK .•I*' 1 apricots, new dried pru-
Hj " , r. a eacla raising, evap rated aonles, j
nsi,n „ a a l , C ' I: ' riln ‘* u ELLS BROS.,
' us -‘On and Barnard. Telephone 133.
■ omTH.'i'?, movedfirsr October i
untriJ 1 R ' ,; Have your window shades j
OK, ua , ‘“n- an i carnet nut down, and your j
I * RING and cab net making prop
'V r,e; mattresses renova ed e.t sh frt
streets* 1 rriC9S in th * cit T Whitaker
f<ei } t8 ’ Hnlaundered Shirts worth
■nee of T T s ? ld to-momw at the very
v-euts each. CwDE.V.s rau-
K T 1 blankets, Quilts," r hlld's Knit
K>u°.- lot a *• H "G- Shoe.. Etc., at
i; lo *Ji;ures. at 13YCK S.
1 "*• l '.< • ... IIIC ~
II b on tL-inorrow and Tuesday,
It was Ben Johnson, we
believe, who, when asked
Mallock’s question, “Is life
worth living ? ” replied “ That
depends on the liver? And
Ben Johnson doubtless saw
the double point to the pun.
The liver active—quick—
life rosy, everything bright,
mountains of trouble melt
like mountains of snow.
The liver sluggish—life
dull, everything blue, mole
hills of worry rise into
mountains of anxiety, and
as a result—sick headache,
dizziness, constipation.
Two ways are open. Cure
permanently, or relieve tem
porarily. "Take a pill and
suffer, or take a pill and get
well. Shock the system by
an overdose, or coax it by
a mild, pleasant way.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pel
lets are the mild means.
They work effectively, with
out pain, and leave the sys
tem strong. One, little,
sugar - coated pellet is
enough, although a whole
vial costs but 25 cents.
Mild, gentle, soothing and
healing is Dr. Sage’s Catarrh
Remedy. Only 50 cents.
ASHLEY', T(*rms moderate. Reference
best in ti.e city, 156 South Broad streeP
JY S Selling Out is Bona Fide.
I CANARY BIRDB, Cages. Seeds, etc., at
A GARDNER’S, 30,1$ Bull street.
at very low prices. Ask for that 10-cent
LEND your jug to 48 West Broad street and
) ’ get a gallon of Effingham county NEW
GEORGIA SYRUP, at 50 cents a gallon.
Cl ALL on J. R. KRENSON for anything in the
> green grocery line; first-class meats of all
kinds and only first-class kept by him. Corner
Waldburg and Barnard streets.
t’T’ INCII fine Satin Damask, ~5c., at BY'CK’B,
Uu pheap for $1 25.
TRY S-vunno’-’s Hand Laundry. P. A.
MEINCKE St CO., Props., West Broad and
Bryan streets.
PAIN PAINT cures all manner of pain arising
from inflammation. For sale at DR. GRA
HAM’S. 145 Anderson street.
BYCK’S, 154 Broughton street, must close
out their large stock of Dry JGoods and
Notions within tae next 90 days.
NORTHERN Turnips, Apples. Cabbages,
Onions and Irish Potatoes, at BARBOUR’S
GROCERY', Price and Hall streets.
A LI, tbe new shades of tissue paper, flower
, 1 material of all kinds at lowest rates, call
and see them at corner Barnard aud York
O in Handscarfs.
\ BEAUTIFUL LINE of Meerschaum, Cigar
-I a- and Cigarette Holders just received, and at
astonishing low prices at ED BYCK’S.
ORANGE Walking Canes, also Riding Craps,
at GARDNER’S, 30Rj Bull street.
Dress Goods 10c a yard at BYCK’S,
v v 154 Broughton street.
SAVE your money by having your old trunk
repaired at the CHATHAM TRUNK FAC
TORY. 8T Broughton street, near Abcrcoru. R.
GREEN, Garnet and other colors, all-wool
Flannels, at BYCK’S. for 25c. a yard.
I NEVER shave a commission; the laborer If
he does his duty is always worthy of his
hire. ROSSIGNOL, Bay and Drayton.
A FULL LINE of ’William H. Ward & Co.’s
fine stationery at .McCAULEY & CO.’S.
AUCTION SALE Monday morning at 11
o’clock. Carpets, Window Shades, Marblo-
Top Table, Chairs, Spring Beds, Comforts, etc.,
to close consignment. C. P. MILLER.
MRS. CESSELL has received her fall and
winter patterns and designs for dress
making, and is now fully prepared to execute
ail orders with promptness and dispatch,
Satisfaction guaranteed in all oases.
Gi AS administered daily. Teeth extracted
I without pain. Have gold plate with rub
ber attainment, if you can afford it. Rubber
and celluloid verv reasonable. SAVANNAH
DENTAL COMPANY, 133 Congress street
HANDSOME patterns of Satines for 10c. a
yard, at BYCK’S.
THE latest fad—a convention of gas men.
Where were the women? All at BAR
HOUR’S, Price and Hail streets, buying
IIVE ’Gators, a so stuffed ’Gators, at GARD
k NER’b, Bull street.
1 ’ RAND OPENING of the handsomest Fancy
V I Goods ever shown at Mrs. KOLB'S
'VJ’ICHOI S’ Cmgh Syrup las been used by
1' rundre s, and every one of them recom
mends it. Only twenty-five cents. PORTER S,
Broughton street.
BEtT Prints on sale for Mond ly only at
BYCK'.S for sc.
A LARGE line of stamped goods in the
i V newest design?, sp. ahes, p I low sun mu,
scarfs, trays, mats, etc,, cernor Barnard an 1
York streets.
r r'o-DAY, delicious Cream ruffs and Cran
-1 berry, Cocoannt. Currant, Lemon, Apple
and Prune Pies; very largo assortment of small
cakes. P. SCHAFER, 52 Jefferson, 85 Liberty
street and City Market; also at Mrs. Barrett's,
Broughton, near Price street.
G RESTAURANT, corner Drayton and
Broughton streets, Blue Points, East River,
New York, and all kinds of Oysters fresh by
steamer every day. Ail kinds of Game in sea
son. Everything cdoked in French style. Meals
at ail hours. (Mil and see him. WILLIAM
MENOE, Proprietor.
DR. JEROME E. BLANC, consultation free
of charge for bis Vegetable Depurative
for the cure of Malaria (so-called) Chilis or in
termittent and Gastric Fevers, Stomach and
Liver Complaints, Headache. Kidney Trouble,
Rheumatism and all dlse ises of the Blood and
skin. Offioe corner Drayt n and President
streets. Savannah. One dollar per bottle 12 cz.
Office hours: 8 am, to 9 p. M.
I WILL not handle auction truck at my office.
R al estate, stocks and animats is my line.
ROSSIGNOL, Auctioneer.
MURDER WILL OUT. But a good cl zar
will burn right along. BARBOUR. Price
and Hali streets, sells a good cigar.
ORDERS called for and delivered promptly
in aU parts of the city by J. R. K W E VSON,
successor to T. M. KELLER, comer Waldburg'
and Barnard streets.
PURE MILK 8 cents per quart, 30 cents a
gallon, single and double cream, bottle
milk and cream, fresh butter, and buttermilk,
curds with cream, constantly on hand. 112)4
Broughton street.
I7LORAL DESIGNS, Flowers, Plants, etc..
from Oelschig’s Nursery. J. GARDNER,
Agent, 30><j Bull street.
‘VJ’EW u ne Q f china and florentlne silks,
il plushes, children’* caps and bats. sacs*,
novelty braids, and a full line of dress
buckles, fancy goods of all descriptions new
goods arriving every day, no trouble to show
goods at Barnard and York streets.
JtPVKRrrSKMfKSTS, 15 Ward* or
tn column imerteJ for OSS
curt A wuiaj, ,
*Wy6o<tv *• uxint to rurmN
a*v£Ai*y to buy or tU. any bunnss, or
*eoe*mmc>dation* to secure,- indeed,any with
*]-<-■• rj.v, m thi oolurv v
th3 bric;ht sil ' of your condition;
j&sw j&ri
Em S&rkz Cigars
PHOTOGRAPHS, inil stylcs 'Mzcs.'frmn
• sta,a P ß to life size. Fine cabinets a spe
cialty; price. $2 a dozen. Views taken to order
in City or country. Business established June
4, 1865. J. N. WILSON, ill Bull street.
1 PERSONAL.—I am now prepared to do the
auction business. ROSSIGNOL, Bay and
\fISS ALLIE L. ROGAN, will reopen her
school at Taylor street, Nov. Ist.
MISS THOMPSON has returned and will
soon open her •’dancing school” at Yonge’s
hall. Termsand instruction days mentioned
IJICTURES and Picture Frames in all va
l ri.-ties and all artists’ supplies at M. T.
IAYLOR’B, 183 Yorlc street.
O'* IVEN AWAY, one handsome almost life
* size picture with each dozen Cabinet Photo
graphs. Call and seo samples. LAUNEY &
GOEBEL, Savannah, Ga.
T> D. LaROCHK, 116 Bryan street, will buy,
L. sell or negotiate for you any class of
stocks, bonds or real estate.
OESIDES our regular stock of imported goods
I * we have twelve thousand dollars' worth of
domestic goods from cheapegt to the beat. M
TJNTIL further notice, GOTTLIEB & HOFF
-1 MAN, 159 Broughton street, will make the
best cabinet photos at $3 per dozen. Life size
portraits in crayon, pastel, etc., at reduced
rates. N. B. The above low prices are tempor
ary only.
I AlliES'fine Stationary and Die Sinking for
J embossing either p ain or in colors at M. T.
TAYLOR’S, 135 York street.
DON'T fail to get a copy of Sunday b issue of
tlse News. For sale at BISHOP’S
DRUG STORE, corner Hall and Price streets.
TOHN!” “Engrliua?” "I seethe sale of
fi Finger Bin. s. at FF.UEAS’; 11> Brough
ton, is goiug to last a week longer before he
take up the sale of Watches. I see a few nice
ones are left. Garnet ring $j 25, Solitaire
Diamond Ring gl’2 90, Cameo Tiger Eye $5 50.
We better go before the raie closes of the bank
rupt stock he brought from NewjYoi k. ’’
IF you are in need of money and want a
liberal loan, at lowest rate of Interest, on
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clothing, etc.;
and if you want your valuables returned In the
same condition as left, patronize home enter
prise and call at the Old Reliable Savannah
Licensed Pawnbroker House, 179 Congress
street. E. MUHLBERG, Manager.
I,’’ Ml’niK BARGAIN CO., Corner Liberty and
J Jefferson streets, has a very fine Waterloo
organ at a very low price.
READ the Sunday Morning News. For sale
Broad and Stewart streets
A CHOICE selection of fine curtains just re
received, from 500 to $5 a pair. Coll and
nee them. E. B. CO.
CIOPPER PLATE engraving for Visiting
1 Curds. Wedding Invitations, Letter Heads,
etc., etc., in the highest style of art a specialty
at M. TANARUS, TAYLOR’S, 133 York street.
REAL ESTATE.—Before buying or selling
consult W. K. WILKINSON. Real Estate
Dealer and Auctioneer.
YYTE are all liable to get "short” of Money,
H "Uncle Adam,” at 20 Jefferson street,
will b 1 pleased to advance you on your watches,
jewelry, clothing, tools, etc, etc., at lowest
rates of interest. NEW YORK LOAN OF
FICE. Open 7 A. M. to 9 p M. ADAM STRAUSS,
•T I AIR CRIMPERS? Talk about ’em. I
X 1 have seen more hair crimpers, hair
curlers, kid curlers, pinching irons, frizzing
irons, curling irons, curling sticks, hair dve,
hair blondine, hair tonic, hair nets, bangs,
switches and wigs than I over did in my life. ”
"Where?” "112 Broughton street, HAIR AND
DEAR SALLIE—I intended bueying my
furniture from McGILLIS & K'JSTIN in
Savannah wheu Iw as down there, just as you
advised me to do, hut I was too hurried then and
slncecouiinghume I bought from another place
and was very well satisfied as I thought, but I
recently called at McGILLIS & RUSTIN and
ob, u y Sallie, I was suprised at the bargain ?
they oiTerandl iu provoked with mys.j. for
not buying from them. They are so cheap lstiall
certainly advise all my friends and compel all
my relatives to buy In future from McGILLIS &
BUSTIN’. They told me they had almost more
ciders than they could fid and Idon't won er
ati . Ohjnyjust to think, if 1 had bought
from them I could now have bought that ~e e
In, t with the money saved. I’m so sorry. 1 guess
I'll work over the old one. Come down, Sallie,
ami spend a few days with me and ask McGIL
LIS & RUSTIN to send me samples of matting
and pieces of window shades. Yours sorrow
fuliy. NETTIE.
T HAVE used the Electropoise in my prac-
A 11 vo for the past twelve months, with
results that are aa gratifying as they are re
markable, Coses of renal calculi, asthma,
opium habit, eczema and female trouble, which
had for many years resisted the best medical
treatment tnis continent affords, were cured in
three months. Insomnia, dyspepsia, impot
ence, diabetes, syphilis and varicose veins
yielded witli magical cam and quickness. In
acute diseases tbe results have been equally
surprising, The Electropiise oontrois fever
better than anything I ever used The instru
ment is invaluable to me. William Nephew
King, M. D., 214 West Forty-fourth street. New
York, July 2•, 1890.” We need add nothing to
the above letter. It speaks for itself. THE
Liberty street. Savannah, Ga.
WANTED, a first-class cook, with an assist
ant. Apply at once, stating; wages ex
pected, also references, to Box 85,Aioany, Utt.
XYT ANTED, young man about 18 , ears old, of
T T good common school education to learn
the telephone business; sure pr moti. n fortl e
right man. Apply at the TELEPHONE EX
WANTED, a good woman pastry-cook, for
a Florida resort hotel. Must be compe
tent and industrious. Address, stating wages
expected, H. P., care Morning News office.
Savannah, Ua.
* GENTS—SS to $lO per day collecting small
A pictures for us to copy and enlarge; satis
faction guaranteed and $•! outfit free. A.
DUNNE & CO.. 56 Reads sir **. New York. __
ASP ANTED, a practical Florist, who under-
H stands green-house, and outside work,
to propagate and raise flowers, shrubbery of
nl' de crlpt oo; must be sober and not afraid to
work Address CHAH. SEILER, 98 Broughton
street, or Concordia Park, Savannah Go.
‘YY' ANTED, cook at ti Drayton street.
Yy ANTED, A cook, apply ST Gaston street.
WA'' colored bo/, to work In a store.
> 1). .1. MORRISON. Market square.
w•kNTED. cook for small family. Applv 143
* * Li arty street.
V WHITE BOY to earn the plumbing and
_JC* tilting. Apply til4 Drayton street
\V T ANTED Immediately at W6V4 Montgomery
street, a few Ax parienood skirl makers.
\I7 ANTED, two experienced salesladies
w AXT a white girl for house work. Apply
Monday, northeast corner Bolton and
WANTED, four smart girls at Savannah
’ ' Steam Laundry. Lumber street, between
Zubly and Mar caret streets.
U RANTED, A1 mattress maker; mustundn
stand something about upholstering. Ad
u . News °mce, II Monday, the STth.
W ANTED, operator oh Remington No. 3
JZ typewriter. Apply Monday, 4 afternoon,
i5 Bay street.
\Y ANTED, a few go and han's to work at
’ dressmaking at MRS. CISSEL, York
street, three doors west of Bull.
V\ ANTED, at once, a nurse who can come
* * well recommended. Apply at 77 Bolton
street, third door east of Abercorn street.
VLTMAYER'S require for the their wren
ping department, bright young men, also
eashboys Apply after i‘ a. a.
\V ANTED, six boys, fourteen to sixteen
' ’ years old, to work in the Savannah Cotton
Mill. Apply at the milL
W ANTED, a boy to cane chairs and make
’’ himself useful around shop. Address G
News office.
WANTED, an expert st nographer and tvpe
** writer, one who is quick at calculating,
must come prepared to work. hard. A remun
erative position to the right party. Address A
B. C., this office.
WANTED, a first-class traveling salesman
* thoroughly experi-need in the dry goods
and notion busiu as; one acquainted w ith South
west Georgia or Florida trade preferred; best
references required. - Address P. O. Box 14k,
Savannah, Ga.
\\/ T ANTED, a competent house girl. Apply
I * at northwest corner of Hull nnd Haber
sham streets.
\\f ANTED, a competent white nurse; must
Tt come well recommended. 30 Duffy stro t,
third door from Abercorn.
VI / r ANTED, a competent servant (colored);
* must be well rocoinmended. Apply at
110 Liberty street.
ANTED.—Five experience! drygoods and
’’ shoe salesmen wanted Apply to morrow
(Monday) morning. COHEN & CO., 153 Brough
ton street.
YVTANTED TO RENT, tiiroe or four rooms in
H southern part of city. Address M., News
VLADY well qualified wishes a few senolars
in music; terms reasonable. Address IN
W' ANTED. by young lady, a position as
typ ‘writer or assi-tant in office, good
copyist. Address WILLING, this office.
YVTANTED, by a boy 14 years old, a situation
” in a store or at a trad *. PI, as ■ address
CHARLEY GRAVES, care of Morn ug Nows.
WANTED, a position as strncgi upher ami
typewriter. Address, care
Morning News.
T2MPLOYMENT WANTED by a gentleman of
I j intelligence; best references. Andres
ELLIS, care Moruing News.
WANTED, a p-Sithjn in confectionery and
liakery by a lady, three years experience
Reference given froth last employer. L., Morn
ing News. ‘
\ r OUNG lady desires poaition as assistant
bookkeeper or to do office work. No
salary expectod until pronounced competent.
WORK, News Office.
V\* ANTED, a position bjr a young man who
t v writes a pood hand and is quick at fig
ures; will make himself generally useful. Ad
dress A., this office.
Y XT ANTED, the people to know that I never
v v buv an interest in property entrusted to
me for sale. BOSSIGNOL, Real Estate.
ANTED, every one to know that we antid-
V v pated the McKinley tariff bill and bought
supplies before the advance. M. LAVIN’S ES
\UANTED, a few shares Chatham Real
v v Estate and Improvement stock. Series A.
If your figure is skyward, don't come. ROb-
BIGNOL, Bay and Drayton.
W r ANTED, everybody to secure a few gallons
of liquor at auction price. Bargains are
seldom off trod like those of M. LAVIN’S ES
\\r ANTED—Board by single young man in
vv private family, five minutes walk to
Broughton street. H. C. S., this office.
\\, r ANTED, sellers and buyers to know that I
t V do not speculate. I sell on commission.
ROSSIGNOL, Bay and Drayton.
READ the Sunday Morning Nkws. For sale
Broad and Stewart streets.
WANTED, tbe public to know that I handle
stocks and bonds. ROSSIGNOL Buy and
WANTED, Beal Estate of all descriptions to
bundle, strict a’leniion to all business in
trusted to us. HARMON, WALKER & Mc-
HARKIE, Real Estate, 158 Broughton street.
WANTED, stale room for six or eight
horses and vehicles; state price. UNCLE
YOUNG man, Protestant, strictly moral,
steady habits, dcsi es board in strictly
first class private family, not farther south than
Jones, and near Bull; reference Al. J. G..
News oft ce.
WANTED. Chatham Real Estate and Im
provement Company’s stock, Citizens’
Bank stock, Chatham Dime Bank stock and
stocks of all local institutions. ROWLAND &
MYERS, 122 Bryan street.
WANTED, a few half lots convenient to
Central Railroad. ROSSIGNOL, Real
VST"ANTED, every intelligent person in Savan
v v nah to ask us, "What is the Electropmse ?”
We cannot do more through the newsuap rs
than briefly say, "It is an instrument for tbe
cure of disease without drugs or medicines,
with no possible chance of injurious after
effects.” But we will lake pleasure in explain
ing to all who cal! at our office In Masonic Tem
TT'OR RENT, the whole or a part of the house
84 Broughton Ktieet.
I .''OR RENT, one floor of four rooms and bath
I room, at 111 Duffy street.
PNOR RENT, rooms, furnished or unfurnished.
Apply 25 Jones street.
TO RENT, two rooms, furnished or unfur
nishod. Apply to 44 Bryan st.
ITOR RENT, one fiat of four rooms, with bath,
48 York street. Three closets.
TT'OR RENT, a large south front room, with
I all conveniences, 151 Jones street.
T'O LET, furnished, large front room; south
ern exposure. No. 38 Macon street.
IT'OR RENT, newly furnished south room,
with useof bath. 208 Bryan street.
TWO largo connecting rooms, comfortably
furnished, at South Broad street.
Unfurnished rooms to rent. Apply
JOHN SULLIVAN. 188 Congress street.
ERY DESIRABLE south room to rent, fur
nished or unfurnished. 147 Perry street.
TT'OR RENT, large south room, second floor.
r Furniahed or unfurnished,. j3s3outh Br oad.
Ij'Oß RENT, a nicety furnished room, with
every convenience. Address post office
box 20.
TT'OR RENT, to desirable party, fiat four
x rooms, third floor; water, gas, cooveniont
and pleasant. 183 Gordon street.
L’CRNlfillKft ROOMS for rent at 135 Jones
A Greet. Apply between 9 and 4.
ROOMS to RENT, and hoarders wanted, call
It* McDonough street, near Central depot.
IjVKR RENT. 2connecting ran ns, furnished;
afeolarre south room, at 56 lia.-nanl street.
IjVIR RENT, threw c m e,! n • rooms N. I.
-* corner Hull a.'id Wh taker streets.
IJX)R RENT, small neatly furnished room, five
dollars per mouth, til York street.
FjV)R RENT, one Large room, furnished or un-
furnished, with bath, 18 Liocoln street.
RENT, flat of rooms, furnished or un
-1 furnished, with ail convenience*. No. 11
r PO RENT, larre s- uthern front room fur
.A niaiied to gentlemen with ail conveniences.
LIBERTY. News office.
Ij'Oß RENT, a front parlor, n cely furnished
as a bedroom for tko gentlemen, corner of
Perry and Habersham streets.
L2OR KENT, four rooms in good locality.
A partly furnished and use of bath. Gu* in
t. e Louse Adrtiess C. c.. Morning News.
IjV)R RENT, nicely furniehnd room for gen
tlemen; all conveniences. 310 President
ONE OR TWO unfurnished rooms, with loiard
wanted by family of three in a refined
private family. Address K, care M ruing News.
A SUITE of three rooms, one very large.wlth
-1 t rre south and one east window. A gaa
stove will be furnished If desired. IV) Tavlor
LTNFI UNISHED FLAT, in complete order.
) Will rent t > gee tl-man or family without
enildren. Ninty -six Bolton, near Park extension.
RENT, three connecting rooms on sec
ond floor; house new; srerv convenience;
private family; reference exohangod. No. 3i>
McDonough street.
tpOR RENT, rooms over Butler's Pharmacy.
suitable for Heaping apartments or offices.
Apply t BUTLER’S PHARMACY, corner Bull
and Cougress.
f RENT, a flat of three rooms with use of
I bath for light housekeeping in private
family. Bolton street, near Montgomery; ref
erence required aud can be given. Address
CAREFUL thieoflßce.
TTOR RENT, to gentlemen only, two band
-1 somelv furnished rooms, parlor and bed
room, southern front, bay window, piazza at
the rear; bathroom with hot aud cold water on
same floor; attendance and gas Inc uded in
terms; references Address HOME, Morning
120 R RF.NT. entire floor, four connecting
I rooms, unfurnished: ball and bath room
same floor; hot and cold water: front balcony
aud back piazza; new bouse, just completed;
beautiful local in fronting -quare, and near
DeSoto hotel; will rent to gentleman or gen*
tloman and wife without children. Address,
with re fere nee, P. O. Box 44.
RENT, small honsa, soirru sidw Dryrr
1 street, between llernant and Jefferson.
Ten dollars |srr month, J. E. FULTON, 183 Tay
lor street.
U'OR RENT, dwelling noth siux Dltky street,
I third door wk*i ok Whitaker, new house,
nil modern conveid-noos, exes lent location. J.
E. FULTON, 131 Taylor street.
lAOR RENT, dwelling ninety-six, mjrth sipk
r Duffy street, between Drily ton and Aber
com. Commodious houses, excellent location.
J. E. FULTON. 132 Taylor street.
YXIR RENT, dwellingou Gordon street,
I second do r tail of Tattnall , fronting
(’hatham souare; house thoroughly renovate i.
J, E. FULTON, 132 Taylor street.
lAOK RENT, sma'l bouse, 154 Duffy, near
Whitaker. Inquire 238 Barnard.
IffOß RENT, comfortablo house, every con-
I ven ence, at 41 New Houston street. Apply
on premises.
r po RENT, No. 188 New Houston street, third
I door from Jefferson nreet, containing
eight rooms, hath, etc. THOS. A. FOLLIAUD.
r |''o KENT, a very desirable 3-story hrick
l house, containing ten rooms, outbuilding,
stable, etc. No. 205 Congress strai t. THOS.
1,1 OR RENT, that desirable brick house south
west corner St. Julian and Abm eorn streets,
posves-don given Nov. 1. ALBERT WYLLY,
120 Bryan street.
IT 1 OH RENT, house If I Gordon street, having
tven newly painted House has fourteen
r ioms, with servants’ quarters m lane. House
li'OßI i'OR RENT, house 152 Taylor street. Apply
A. 8. COHEN, 189H1 Broughton street.
IIOR RENT, store and dwelling southeast cor
ner York and Montgomery. r.ppiy WILL
lAM SHEEHAN, on premises.
£AOR RENT, two-story brick dwelling, known
as No. Liberty street. Possession at
ome. ROW’LANIi A MYERS, 122 Eryagi street.
I?OIt RENT, dwelling 158 done* street, four
doors west of Whitaker. Po-soßSion Nov, 1.
G. H RKMrtiUKT, 118 Bryan streot.
]AOR RENT, store No. 149)4, Congress street.
1 Apply to MEIN HA R!) BROS. & DO,
FpOR RENT, Dwelling and store 65 Whitaker
1 St., from Nov. 15, 1390. Apply to K H.
CLAGHORN, real estate agent, 7 Drayton St.
I NOR RENT—Fr<:n Oct. rnldmoe 109J4
. Barnard street, facing Ohattam square.
Apply to L. W. LAN DER3HINE, Executor.
IAOR BENT, a comfortable house. No . 40 Tay
lor street. Apply DAVIb BROS, or 1(19
Charlton street
For particulars, apply to HENRI:’ McALPIN,
103 Bay street.
RENT, splendid stand for wholesale hus-
I inew 141 Bay street, next to the corner of
Wbi’aker Apply to h. L. LAZARON. 107 Bay
upo RENT, the most choice location in Havan-
I nah, residence 120 Gaston street, corner of
"oil. To a i acceptable tenant the house will
ho put in good order. Apply to NEE ROY
MYERS, 133 Bay street.
lAOR RENT OR LEABE, the Whitfield huiRU
ing; it U aliHndsofue new edifloe, eligibly
located, strongly constructed and well adapted
to any class of busineis; possession given imme
diately. Apply to JOHN SULLIVAN, Treas
urer Union a ,oiety.
JAOK RENT, an elegant four-story building
45x80 on Bull street, with a cellar 10 feet in
the clear. First story 15 feet, second story 14
feet, third story 13 feet, fourth story 12 feet
high. Plate glass iront, elevator and all mod
ern improvements and conveniences now in
course of erection. One of the best stands in
the city and would make an elegant retail dry
goode. grocery, clothi gor drug store. Same be
fog one-half of tho new building to be occupied
by us The two stores divided by Are wall.
Possession given from November 15th to De
cember Ist. Forcutofthe building and terms
apply to DAVIB BROS., Savannah, Oa.
I NOR RENT, shop 157 South Broad. Apply
next door.
rpo RENT, the large hall in the Odd Fellows’
1 building, with supper room and toilet room
attached, suitable for germans, sociables, balls
orany public gathering; seats 800. Apply to
the JANITOR, or to A. R. FAWCETT, Market
I NOR RENT, a large yard with stp’des and
' warehouse. Apply to JOHN K -ILLY,
Broughton street.
rX)R RENT, blacksmith and wheelwright;
X best stand in city; on West Br ad street
TNOR RENT, stalls, mule pens; accommoda
-1 dations for any kind of stock for rent in
stables adjoining our Salr, Boardiug and Livery
I IVOR RENT, offices corner of Bull and Bryan
’ streets. Possess!->u Rent Ist. For terms
apply to G. W OWENS, lIS Bay street.
JffOE RENT, warehouse on River street, for
merly occupied by Artesian Ice Company.
Apply to F. G. BELL, Business Office, Morning
IOST, pair spectacles in case. Finder will
J please return to 98 Bay street.
JOST yesterday, a pocueDejok, containing a
J flugv.r ring. Finder will be liberally re
warded by returning to 40 Habersham street.
TOST, in Altmayer's on Monday afternoon,
J gold-headed umbrella, initials A. P. to J
H. Liberal reward if returned to ttifcj Price
ei-YTYFIYF ACRES, on Midfile Ground Road,
G In five acre iarms, on installments. RdK.
SIUNGL R'-al Estate.
Ij'Oß SALE, or e lot 3Uxl|o, riinnino through
from street to i>ee'; s-cah monthly io
stali menu. W. K. WILKINSON, Real Estate
’■PWENTY-TWO ACRES, near city, on 8.. F.
A AW. R’y., SU' able for manufacturing
purporez. RGboIUN'OL, Real Esutc.
IjV>R SALE, a bandy saw mill outfit, consist
ing of 1 forty-horse sngiue. 1 fifty horse
locomotive boile., With all fittings; 1 saw mill
with Al-foot carriage, Keppard roller, all com
plete; 1 pianer and ma cher, I snrfacrr, with all
shafting, pulleys and Deicing. This o.itfit can
be readily moved from izlaco to piaco as a- s r.-d.
Eer particulars address MACHINERY, this
I Road; a bargain fora few days UOBBIU-
M>L. Real Evtatn.
LNIR SALK Horses, mules, mares just ar-
I rivoil direct from the stock farms. Nicest
snd cheapest in Savannah. Siv :a 1 indue*!
ineute to wholesale buyers GUILMARTIN A
Mk HRTENS' Sale. Boarding and Livery htahlea,
Wst Broad, foot of South Brood streets. Tele
phone 3M,
besTily timiwred; wood will almost pay
forjaad. IbMUMUNOL, Real Estate.
at a bargain, lot 30x41; good
situation; special terms. W. K. Ml Lit IN
SON, Rea! Estate Dealer.
|2 1 FT Y LIGHT ACRE”, Rkidaway Shell Road,
I four miles from coart houao ROSSIGNOL,
Real E-date.
Louis Beer; nine dollars per cask of ten
' / load, two ty five open and wvonty-flve
well wooded. Easy terms, ROBSIGNOL, Real
tpORSALE, Chatham Real Estate arid Im
provement Company’s stock. Citizens'
Bank stock, Chatham Dlmo Bank stock and
stocks of all local institutions. ROWLAND A
MYERS. IZJ Bryan street.
pORTY-FOUR ACRF.S, the soil of which will
I comjiensate, in o lavish manner, all labor
mans energy spends upou it. ROSSIGNOL.
Real Estate.
Fi'Oß SALE, a splendid resilience, nicely sit
uated; can be bouvht t ,n very favo*able
terms. ML K. WILKINSON, Real Estate
I2IFTEEN ACRES and Improvements, well
* fcuoed. W hite liluff road —■ a rare cliance.
ROB.-IGNOL. Ileal Estate.
KD. LaIIOCHE, 118 Bryan street, 89 acres
• of land on Gwinnett street, extended
The only location tobe hail for railroad terminus
now offered. Th s |iro;icrty is high and dry,
situated in one o 1 the finest located t arts of the
city Call soon.
HOUSE AND LOT on Eleventh street, fifteen
hundred, near Belt bine; cheap. ROSBIU
NOL, Real Estate.
12 OR SALE —We have oue of the best
equipped Saw-Mills in Georgia, which we
desire to sell, os we have other business which
requires all of our time. The null is paying
handsomely, and 5,000 acres of virgin timber
goes with mill. Adoress WILBY & 11AT
THIS, Adel, Ga._
121XTY-NTNE ACRE3 line wooded land in
O prominent locality. Will mako purments
easy. BOSBIOMOL, Real Estate.
LX>RSALF., timber lands, pine and cypress.
I for turpentine and saw mill pm posm; also
phosphate Laima. Address LULLS J. BKUBII ft
CO., Jacksonville, Fla.
tpEN ACRE FARM, two houses, half open,
I balance well wooded. Easy terms to right
party. 1108810 NOL, Real Estate.
12011 SALF., several lots near Hull street ex
l tended; reasonable. W. K WILKINSON,
Real Estate Dealer.
120 It SALE, a few mocking birds of this sea
son (Ma birds); fine singers; will be sold
cheap at Dll York street,
ELEi 'Tric Lion Tt T >CK; five sha os ome
quick; none on tins market. ROStdGNOL,
Bay and Drayton.
is* 11 1 PER MONTH will secure a good biuld
-IP-* '' lug lot. O R. MILLER, Real Esiato
VKW HOUSTON, near Haltersham north
side, lois thirty by one hundred and five,
cheap. BOSBIQNOL, Real Estate.
120 R BALE, fifty five acres laud adjoining
city limits. Apply to JOS, h. baker.
r of tbo finest lots and improvements
1 on South Broud street. ROSSIGNOL
Real Estate.
LpOR SALE, tliat choice lot and Improvement
I. northwestoorner Jones und Barnard; can
ha bought cheap, os owner Is about leaving tbe
city. 0. P. MILLER, Real Estate Dealer.
A FARM at Fleming Station, beautifully
ft located, flue land. ROSSIGNOL, Real
I2OR SALE, everything In Ren! Estate To
1 those looking i t Houses, l.ota to build on,
or Investments, we give a cordial invitation to
call nnd look ovoEour list before buying. HAH
MON, WALKER & MoHARRIE, Real Estate,
1M liroijghton stiect
tOT on Henry street improved, fifty by one
.j hundred an 1 five; location for grocery bum
yes*. ROSSIGNOL, Real Estate,
F'OU SALE, three dozeu European weight
clocks, worth 90, at $1 50, at M.
NATHAN’S, IMP Congress street.
JOT on Bull street sixty by eighty; one of the
J few that is left. ROiiHIGNOL, Real
Iron RALE, the gr -atest curative agent in the
world -the El ECTKOPOISE is lor sale or
rent on easy terms. We refer with pleasure to
what the Klectropoixe hu done in Ravannah in
the last four mo .t u. For particulars call at
our office, 148 Liberty street.
IOT corner Lmcolo and Gwinnette, forty-two
J by one fifteen, flue property, established
neighborhood. ROSBIGNOL, Real Estate
F 'OR RALE. Elegant Furniture, Carpet*, Mir
ier* aod general household effects, together
with privilege of lemie of that very desirable
residence 168 Hull street; rare opportunity for
T arty desiring a handsome home completely
furnished. Call after 11 a. m.
C 1 HATHAM Heal Estate and Improvement
J Stock Series B. ROSSIGNOL, Bay and
IIOR RALE, a good paying and established
I business. Small capital required. For pur
ticulars inqu re at 45 Habersha. -, street.
fTIXCELSIOR Loan Company Stock, eighty-
Vj six installments paid in. RuBSIGNOL,
Hay and Drayton.
IIOR SALE, s-ven shares Excelsior Loan.
J 1 Raid up. Series A. Address LOAN, News
L AVAHNAH Fire and Marine Stock, one of
kl the best of Savannah investments, ROS
SIGNOL, Bay and Drayton.
SMALL houses on Duffy street, near Haber
sham; delightful neighborhood. ROSSIG
NOL, Real > _____
\l7 ILL cloje consignment of New Davis Sew
V J iug Machines at $25; don't miss thl*; they
are Bold at SSO and up regularly. 0. P. MILLER,
Au tioneer.
\ CORNER LOT, Anderson street, sixty-four
by one hundred, half cash balance to suit.
ROSSIGNOL. Ideal Kstate :
/ growth <>f this institution tin- made itsstock
eagerly sought for. ROSSIGNOL, Bay and
P CENTS gets the Sunday issue of the Mors
• ) IK Niv*. Be sure and read it. For sale
and Waldburg streets.
IffAKMS in Monroe and Fulton counties, high,
dry an l h altby, reasonable figures. ROB
- Real Estate.
1 IVOR HALE, two hundred packages of liquor,
. ail grades, at lowest prices. Goods were
bought a- auction end will be sold accordingly.
oiswo residences on Liliertr street, the next
1 corn mercisl thoroughfare, good investment.
ROSSIGNOL, Real Estate.
COWS, cows: fnwh mllksrs at YOUNG
RESIDENCE on McDonough street, near Cen
tral road. Constlered a cheap piece. ROS
SIGNOL, RsalKstate.
C CENTS guts the Sunday ssue of the Morx
•) ino News. Be rare and read it. For sale
and Wald burg streets.
L'INK residences, in vtnoua localities, either
bm kor or frame. Modern un proveme&fa*
H< HSIUMOL, Real Estate.
P>R BALE, a farm containing e.gbt
acres.good pr -ductive soli in perfect order.
New dwelling, now out-houses and fence*.
Biace p rfectly healthy, with si.l-ndij water,
situated ne.r railroa-L Address POCIOITAU.
IL'OR BALE, Btr and Grocery; owner wisher
I to change business. Call 51 Zubly street,
II OT on Bull street, near toll gate, thirty by
J one hundred and ten; coeup. RoSSIGNOII
Real Estate.
C' ANE and umbrella handles, a large stock at
sameai t EG BAS', lid Broughton.
LOTS, Pearl and Jasper streets, forty
K .n'Lul 1 ‘’ h . t 5 ver - v < ’ hea l ) - KGS3IGNOL,
LIOMF.TH Mi cheap run he bad of R Da
t LaH'ICHE, 115 Bryan street, Twobeautl*
rul h. uses corner tilxth and Burroughs. I bid
location is certain to improve ana enhance in
In value Prope ty now rented to good tenants*
Can lie liad for Jl.dOti.
IOT on Eleventh street. v*rvcheap; Improved
neighborhood ROSSIGNOL Real Estate.
FPOK SALE. Farm, two mi es from city; good
bouse and ontbuildir g.: pear orchard; also
established milk business. C. P. >IILLER, Real
Estate Dealer.
I >ARK EXTENSION LOT, sirty by one him*
1 dred and tbuty-one. ROSBIUNOL, Real
lIUHTNING Toothache Drops. Cures In one
■J mlnu e For sale for one quarter *4
DON’T fall to get a copy of Sunday's Issue ofi
the Monstso Nsws. For sale at BIBHOP’#
DHUG STOKE, corner Hall and Price streets.
IF ESIDENGE, all modern Improvements,
IV W aid burg, between Barnard and Jefferson,
delightful neighborhood. ROSSIGNOL Real
r fr WO housiui on Bolton street, in good oondi,
a tton, now umlor rent at i" per month, eael*
cun be bought at Si. 100 cash. Call imme
diately on K D. LaROCHK, 118 Bryan street.
DUFFY’ STREET, corner of Whitaker,
Improve I I its sixty by one hundred and
live. ROSSIGNOL Real est itc.
KOI r No. |
120UND, a large horse mule, which the ownei*
oan hare by calling for and paying charged
and expenses MAJOR ABNER at Vale Roys]
BOA SOI *■..
A FEW boarders wanted at IS HnbersiiatrJ
street, corner St. Julian street
YY/ ANTED BOARDERS, large comfortably
v> liirnished rooms treat.
Y\2ANTED, two or three hoarders; pleasant
vf southern luomH, WO South Bio id rtraet,
FIF.W gentlemen can get good board rnasoaa,
ble at 111) Perry street, socond door cast or
I Broad street.
r GENTLEMEN, or couple without
s children, run yet board in private family,
near pork. REASONABLE, this office.
pOARDERS WANTED, at 105 Montgomery
I > street. Good table. Pleasant rooms. Neaif
Central depot.
A FAMILY or several gentlemen can securei
i V pleasant rooms and gooil table at 159 Gor
don street.
CIONFIDENTTAL. If you wish to buy or sell
) a hoiiH* anil don’t desire notoriety, ad visa
with ROSSIGNOL, R ial Estate.
DO NOT FORGET tho opening at Maas
/ A OOD MORNTNU, have you been to the TElj
vJ CENT hTOKE, 151 Hryanstr et?
IOAN Association, lAud and Ilnnk Stocks
-4 bought and sold by C. I*. MILLER.
r fSHK African Flowers never fail to cure ail
J. blood troubles. See Dr. GRAHAM’S
ARBOUR, Prise sad ll ill streets is not run*
I * nlng for congress this year; he is running
fur a large trade.
YlfE oonalder our prescription department!
V v the most imporlaut part of our business,
Slid dispense nothing but drugs and chamloala
of absolute purity and full st rength. McCAULEY
tb CO., Drayton and New Houston.
H OT CHOCOLATE sc. cup. Hot Fgg
pbnte lOc.. and any of the summer drinks
SOUVENIRS of Savannah, something new. ai
GARDNER’S, SIR* Bull street,
FA ALL ON McCAULEY St CO., druggists, and
got a oopy of Sunday s Mornino Nawm
I>APER HANGING, upholstering and mats
tresa making, c u pet and oil cloth laying,
by ADULI'II GOSS, 70 Broughton street.
| DON’T want it all, but sow me if you want
1. your businosa attended to. ROSSIGNOL,
Bay and Drayton.
IAOR rt-lfible rnorllc net, first service, living
prices, call at BARIE’S Drug StorsS
Try us.
r |''HEßEls everything to interest you In Umi
1 Sunday Mormino Kira. For sale ah
YONGE’S DKUU STORE, Wliitaker and Duffy
Y r KI.LOW VAM-fe aivl Hori iu ia.nx Sweet
J Botanies and Ling Island Irish Potatoes at*
BARBOUR'S Popular Grocery. Price and Half
I NSURANUE, protect your proiierty against
1 fire, storms and cyclones. See advertise*
IF YOU want your prescriptions prepared
wlih care from full strength mediciuee, no
old stock, take them to BaKIE’H Drug Store.
i V to be had ut ED L. BYCK H. Ask for the
El Plcaro.
f 1 HINA riveted by Mss. BEN Dl’d I i K: term*
moderate; orilers left at Solomons’ Bull
street drug store; city references.
SEWING of all kind* done at ruasonabld
prices by Mrs. GRAVES, 192 Hull street,
between Jefferson and Montgomery streets.
ITSRESH BRE AD, rolis, cakes, pies, candies
1 and canned goods, also large stock of toys,
china and glassware at LOUIS VOGEL’S CON*
near New Houston.
r>E sure and stop at CHATHAM TRUNK
> FACTORY to buy your trunks and satbels}
all I ask is a trial. 87 Broughton street, near
Tj'LECTRIC Toothache Drops cures in ona
I j second. Haber bain Healing Ointment,
exceeds all others, try them. BARIK’B Drug
MONEY to lend on improved city property.
C. P. MILLER, 131 Congress street.
HAVING bad ten years experience la tha
sewing machine business, (can repair you*
old machine to the best possible advantage.
Addt ess, with postal card, A. B. GOODWIN, 39
Berrien street;
SEND your orders for vegetables, poultry,
eggs and all kinds of meat* to J. k. KHEN
SON. successor to T. M. Keller, corner Wald*
burg and Barnard.
|> ARBOUR, Prloe and Hall streets, never ex-
I I pacts to change the color of the moon, but
ha U selling Groceries right aaing
28, in front of our stables, horses, mules
buggies, also large wagon with top in good
order. Some nice sound horses will be
N AILS manicured and beautified, corns ex
tracted. Im.'-ovrin z nails treated, 113
ROSEMARY Hair Tonic cures the worst oasea
of dandruff, and makes the hair soft and
thick; twenty-fivecentsabottle. BROUGHTON
HYACINTHS, Narcissus. Daffodils. Tulip
Butts and Pansy Seed at GARDNER’S,
Bull street.
WE LEAD in Yamacraw. Perfumes, cornba,
brusnss, toilet art’clea, and every thing
kept in a first-class drug store. BAKIE'B.
ADVERTISING in the Morning News doe*
pay. Ask ROSSIGNOL, Real Estate, Auc
tion Coinimssiou and Stocks and Bonds.
/"'LOTHING Cleaned, Dyed, Repaired; Gar-
V. meats made to order; ooarges moUeratet
satisfaction guaranteed; the iat.-st styles of
fall ana winter samples always on hand. A,
GETZ, Tailor, Jefferson street.