Newspaper Page Text
Savannah. Ga., Deo. 13,1882. f
Cotton—The spot market continues rather
(Uiet. There was somewhat of a slow inquiry,
hut holders were firmer in their views, and the
previous day's decline in the lower grades was
recovered. The business doing was light though
fair, all things considered. The total sales were
733 bales. On ’Change at the opening call, at
10 a. m., the market was bulletined quiet and
unchanged, with sales of 414 bales. At the
second call, at 1 p. m., it was quiet at an ad
vance of 1 16c in middling, low middling and
rood ordinary, the sales being 120 bales. At
the third and last call, at 4 p. m., It closed
very dull and unchanged, with further sales of
l'j3 bales. The following are the official closing
spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange:
Middling fair 9J4
Good middling 96r
Low middling 9*6
Good ordinary. Bs4
Sta Islands—The market waa very quiet but
Arm and unchanged. There was only a nominal
business doing:
Common 17 (31714
Medium 18 <ai9
Good medium 20 {A2I
Medium fine 22*4®86
Fine ....24
Eitra line 24t4®85
Choice 25*4(328
Comparative Cotton Statement.
I Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand Ditc. 13, 1892, and por
tee Same Time Last Year.
1892- ’93. 1891-’92,
Island. Upland. ,^ a . Upland.
Stock on band Sept. 1 1,795 7,789 1,871 10,145
Received to day 3,276; | 6,932
Received previously 21,823 533,421 26,617 676.922
; Tota.. 23,623 544, 486 1 28.488 693,999
| Exported to day 25 1,469 405 1,323
iExported previously 15,641 436,287! 15,938 568,239
Total ~~15,666 437,756, 16,343 669, .MB
Stock on hand and on ship
l board thus day 7,957 106,730'; 12,145 124,437
Rice—There >u nothing doing and the mar
ket ruled dull and nominal. The salea for the
day were only 9 barrels. Small job lots are
held at (4® (4c higher:
Common 3
Fair S’-*®***
Good 3i@4
Prime 6(5®*%
Choice 4J4®5
Tide water .$ TO® #0
Country lots 90® 60
Naval Storks—The market for spirits turpen
tine was barely steady at the decline. There
was a moderately fair Inquiry with liberal offer
ings at 280 for regulars, at the Board of Trade
on She opening call the market was reported
firm at 28(qc for regulars, with sales of 600 asks.
At the second call it dosed Arm at 280 for regu
lars with further sales of 250 casks.
Rosin—The market was quiet and Arm at the
quotations. There was a steady Inquiry
and a fair business doing. At
the Board of Trada on the first
call the market was posted as firm, with sales
of 395 barrels at the following quotations: A. B.
C, DandE. 81 05; F.Bl 10; G. 81 15; H, $1 40; I,
81 90; K. 83 50; M, $3 25; N, 83 60; window glass.
Si 00; wster white. 84 10. At the last call It
closed unchanged with further sales of 1,678 bar
Spirits. Rosin.
Stock on hand April 1 3.192 49.034
Received to day 72# 5,4S
Received previously *51,061 729,774
Total DJ55J62 774,661
Exported to-day 408 799
Exported previously 238,084 668,003
Total 236,493 662,806
Stock on hand and on ship
board to-day 18,690 121,846
Received same day last year 440 4,171
Financial—Money Is in good demand.
1) imeetic Exchange— The market ia steady.
Banks and hankers are buying at (4 per oent
discount and selling at par®(4 per cent pre
Foreign Exchange The market is firm
Sterling commercial demand. 84 86(4;
sixty days, 84 84; ninety days, 84 83; francs,
Paris and Havre, sixty days, 85 19(4; Belgian,
sixty days. 85 3034; marks, sixty days. 95c.
Securities—The market is very dull and in
Stocks and Bonds—Cify Sonde Atlanta 5
per oent, long date, 109 bid, 11] asked; Atlanta
7 per cant, 114 bid, 116 askod; Augusta 7 per
cent, long date, 103 bid. 11 (asked; Augustan
per rent, long date, 103 bid. 115 asked; Columbus
5 per cent, 102(8 bid, 104(4 asked; Maeon 6 per
cent, 11314 bid 114(4 asked; new Savannah 5 per
oent, quarterly January coupons, 104L4 bid, 105
Uked; new Savannah 5 per oent February cou
pons, 104 bid, 104(4 asked.
State Ronds—Georgia new 4(4 per cent 112
bid, 114 asked; Georgia 7 per cent ooupons
January and July .maturity 1396,111(4 bid, 112(4
asked; Oeorgla 3(4 per cent. 100 bid, 101 asked.
Railroad Stocks Central common, 63
asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 per oent
guaranteed, 105 bid, 108 asked: Georgia com
mon, 170 asked; Southwestern 7
per cent guaranteed, 96 bid, 89 asked; Central
6 per cent certificates, with order for de
faulted interest. 60 asked; Atlanta and
West Point railroad stock, 99 bid,
lOOa-ked; Atlanta and West Point 6 per cent
certificates, 96 bid, 98 asked.
Railroad Sonde— Savannah, Florida and
Western Railroad Company general mortgage
6 per cent, interest coupons, October, 109(4 bid,
110(4 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mortgage
consolidated 7 per cent coupon, .January and
July, maturity 1897, 109(4 bid, 110(4 asked;
Central Railroad and Banking Company
collateral gold 6s. 75 bid, 85 asked; Central
consolidated mortgage 7 per cent coupons,
January and July, maturity 1893.108(4 bid, 104
asked; Ha van nan and Western railroad 5 nor
cent, indorsed by Central railroad. 67 bid,
69 asked; Savannah, Americus and Mont
gomery 6 per cent, 68 bid, 71 asked; Georgia
railroad 6 per cent, 1910, 113 bid, 114
asked; Georgia Southern and Florida first
mortgage 6 per cent, 76(4 bid. 77(4 asked;
Covington and Macon first mortgage 6 per
cent, 70 bid, 80 asked; Montgomery andF.ufaula
first mortgage 6 per cant, indorsed by Cen
tra! railroad, 101(4 bid, 102(4 asked; Char
lotte, Columbia and Augusta first mort
gage 101 bid, 103(4 asked; charlotte,
Columbia and Augusta, second mortgage,
109 asked; Charlotte, Columbia and
Auguita, general mortgage, 6 per cent,
101 asked; South Georgia and Florida Indorsed
firsts, 105 bid, 106 asked; South Georgia and
Florida, second mortgage. 104 bid. 105(4 asked;
Augusta and Knoxville, first mortgage, 7 per
cent, 97(4 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson
and Southern, first mortgage, guaranteed,
100 asked; Uainesvllle, Jefferson and South
ern, not guaranteed, 99 asked; Ocean
Steamship 5 per cent, due in 1920,
103(4 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and South
ern, second mortgage, guaranteed, 8J asked;
Columbus and Rome, first mortgage
bonds, indorsed by Central railroad,
86 asked; Columbus and Western 6 per cent,
guaranteed, 101 asked; City and Sub
urban Railway first mortgage 7 per cant, 100
bid, 102 asked; Savannah and Atlantic 5 per
cent indorsed, 70 asked; Electric Rail
way Company 6 per cent mortgage, 102(4 Did,
104(4 asked.
Same Stock*, etc. —Southern Bank of the.
State of Georgia, 230 hid, 237(4 asked; Merchants’
National Bank, 122 bid. 126 asked; Savannah
Bank and Trust Company, 109(4 bid, 110(4 asked;
National Bank of Savannah, 133 bid, 134(4
asked: Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Company,
113 bid, 115 asked; Citizens' Bank. 102(4 bid,
103 asked; Chatham Real Estate and Improve
ment Company, 54 bid, 54W asked; Germania
Bank, 103 bid, 104 asked; Chatham Hank. 63(4
bid, 54 asked; Savaunah Construction Company,
62 bid, 60 asked.
Gas Stoclce. - Savannah Gas Light stock, 21
bid, 22 asked; Mutual Gas Light stock, 25 bid;
Electric Light and Power Company, 67
ArPLKs—Choice Baldwins, 83 00®3 25 barrel
Bacon Market higher. The Board
of Trade quotations are as follows: Smoked
clear rib sides. 942 c; shoulders, 8c; dry salted
clear rib sides, 9 ; - 4 c: long clear, B((c; bellies,
9(gc; shoulders, 7(4c; hams, 12(4c.
Baooino and 1 iks—The market steady.
Jute bagging, 2(4®, 7eC 21b, 6(4c; l(g!b
6c; quotations are lor large quantities; small
lots higher; sea island bagging in moderate
supply at 13A13(4c. Iron Ties—Large lots,
$1 05; smaller lots, 81 10. Ties in retail lots
Buttes—Market higher; fair demand. Gotch-
en, 24c: gilt edge, 28®23c; creamery, 30®31c;
Elgin. 32c, '
Cabbage—Southern, B®9c
Cheese—Market firm; fair demand, im®lß.
Coffee—Market is higher. Peaberry, 24c;
fancy. 22c; onoice, 21c; prime. 2044 c; good,
20c; fair, 1944 c: ordinary, 18Uc; ' common,
1741 c.
Dried Fruit—Apples. evaporated,loVsc:com
mon. 654®TV*c. Peaches. Calitornia evaporated,
oeeled ,2-’©24c; California evaporated, untwled,
13®15c. Currants, Citron, 16c. Dried
apricots, 14c
Dry Gooes—The market is quiet, but
Arm; good demaud. Prints, 4®6(4c; Georgia
brown shirting, S-4, 4c; 7-8 do. 4%c: 4-4 brown
Bh -etlng, 5V4c; white osnabiun,7®7s4c; checks,
4®6c; brown drilling. 6®7c.
Flour—Market steady. Extra, $3 00; family,
*3 50; fancy, *4 00; patent, *4 65; roller mills,
*4 25: bakers’ mixture, *5 00.
Fish—Market firm. We quote full weights:
Mackerel. No. 2, *7 75®8 50. Herring, No.
1. 26c; scaled, 26c. Cod, 6®Bc. Mullet, half
barrel, *4 00.
Grain—Corn—Market is steady. White oorn.
retail lots, 64c; job lots, 62c; carload
lots, 60c; mixed corn, retail lots. 63c; job lots,
61c: carload lots. 59c. Oats—Mixed, retail lots,
50c; job lots, 47c; carload lots, 450 Bran—Re
tail lots. *100; job lots, 95c; oarload lots
90c. ileal-Pearl, per barrel, *3 00; per sack.
*1 40; city ground, *1 20. Pearl grits, per bar
rel, *3 20; per sack, *1 45; city grits, *1 30 per
Hay—Market steady. Northern, none. West
ern in retail lots, *’. 00; job lots, 90c; carload
lota. 85c.
Hides, Wool, Etc.—Hides, the market ts
very weak; receipts light; dry flint,
sailed. 3Wjc: dry butcher. 3c. Wool market
weak; prime Georgia, free of sand burs, and
black wools, 20}4®21c; blacks, 15J4® lbo. Wax,
20c. Deer skins, flint 22c; salted, 17c. Otter
skins, 50c®*4 00.
Iron—Market very steady; Swede, 49®6c;
refined, 2t4c.
Lemons—Fair demand; Messina, *3 75®4 00.
Lard—Market steady; pure In tierces, 11c:
50 lb tins, 1114 c; compound, in tierces, Bkte; in 501 b
tins, BHc.
Lime, Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala
bama and Georgia lime in fair demand and sell
ing at (110 per barrel, bulk and carload lots
special; calcined plaster, *1 60 per barrel; hair;
4®sc; Rosendale cement, *1 30® 1 40; Portland
oement. retail. *2 50: carload lots, *2 25.
Licuors—Market Arm. Hign wine basis *1 15;
whisky per gallon, rectified, *1 08®1 25, accord
ing to proof; choice grades, *! 50®2 50, straight,
*1 50®4 00; blended *2 00®5 00. Wines—Do
mestic port, sherry, catawba, low grades, 60
85o; fine grades, *1 00®1 50: California light,
muscatel and angelica, *1 35® 1 75
Nails—Market very Arm, fair demand;
3d, *2 90 ; 4d and sd, *2 50; bd, *2 30 ; Bd,
*2 15; lOd, *2 10; 12d, $2 05 ; 30d, $2 00; 50d to
60d, *1 90; 20d, $2 05 : 40d, #1 95.
NUTS—Almonds, Tarragona, 17®18c; Ivlcas,
15®16c; walnuts. French, 12c: Naples, 16o; pe
cans, 15c: llraids, i®Bc; Alberts, llo; coooa
nuts, *4 50@5 00 per hundred, assorted nuts,
501 b and 25!b boxes, 12® 13c per Tb.
Oranges—Florida, per box, *2 50®2 75
Onions—Crates, 81 25; barrels, 83 00®3 25.
Oils—Market steady; daman 1 fair. Signal,
40®50c; West Virginia black, 10®l;ic; lard, 82c;
kerosene, 934 c; neatsfoot, 50®75e; machinery.
18®26c; linseed, raw, 51c, boiled sfc; mineral
seal, 18c; homelight, 14o; guardian, 13c.
Potatoes—lrish, western, *2 25; northern,
barr Is *2 75, sacks *2 50; demand fair.
Shot—Higher; drop to B $1 55; B and
larger, Si 80; buck, 81 85.
Salt--The demand is good and market
firm. Carload lots 62c f. o. b.; job lot* 75@80c.
Sugar The market is firm; demand
good. Out loaf. 6%ci cubes, 56*2: powdered,
544 c; granulated, %o', confectioners’, sc;’
standard A. sc; white extra C, 4Jic; golden
C. 49fjc, yellow, 4>4c.
Syrup —Florida and Georgia, new 26®30c;
market quiet for sugar house at 30®40c; Cuba
straight goods, 128®30c; sugar house molasses,
Tobacco—Market quiet and steady. Smoking,
domestic, 22®60: cbewing, common, sound,
22®240; fair, 2s®36c; good. 84®46c; bright. 60®
65c; fine fancy, 75®30c; extra fine *1 00®1 15;
bright navies, 22®40c
Lumber—Foreign demand quiet; coastwise
fair. The mills are generally full of work
until the holidays. Some of the smaller mills
are inquiring for orders. We quote:
Easy sisee $1150@13 00
Ordinary sites 12 00® 16 50
Difficult sites 14 00®25 00
Flooring boards 14 .Mi®22 00
Bhipstuffs 16 50®25 00
Lumber—By sail The market Is dull and
nominal; tonnage Is offered freely, with little
or no demand. The rates from this
and near-by Georgia ports are quoted
nominally at 84 25®5 U 0 for a range includ
ing Baltimore and Portland, Me. Timber 50c®l 00
higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies
and Windward, nominal; to Rosario, sl6 00®
17 00, to Buenos Ayres or Montevideo, sl4 00;
to Kio Janeiro, *l6 00; to Spanish and Mediter
ranean ports, sl2 00; to United Kingdom for
orders, nominal for lumber, 114 10* standard.
ByStsam—To New York, 87 00; to Philadel
phij *8 00; to Boston, *3 00; to Baltimore,
Naval Stores—The market is nominal
for spot vessela Foreign—Cork, etc,, small
spot vessels, rosin, 2s 9d and 4s; Adri
atic, rosin, 2s 9d; Genoa, 2s 7i4d; South
Amerioan, rosin, 80c per barrel of 280 pounds;
Coastwise—Steam—to Boston, 11c per lOOtbs
on rosin, 90c on spirits; to New York,
rosin, 7(40 per lOOfts, spirits, 80o; to Philaiel
phts, rosin. 8640 per lOOIbs, spirits, Noc; to Balti
more, rosin, 3oc. spirits. 700. Coastwise outet.
Cotton—By Steam—The market s quiet;
some little Inquiry for room. Kates are per 10
Liverpool 40c
Havre 46c
Bremen 46c
Barcelona 52c
Genoa 64c
Liverpool via New York 42c
Liverpool via Boston.. 42c
Havre via New York ; 55c
Bremen via New York 52c
Reval via New York 55c
Genoa via New York 59c
Amsterdam via New York 500
Amsterdam via Haiti more 460
Antwerp via New York. 42c
Boston $ bale * 1 25
New York $ bale .. 100
Philadelphia bale 100
Rice—By Steam-
New York $ barrel 50
Philadelphia 19 barrel .60
Baltimore $ barrel 50
Boston $ barrel
Grown fowls $ pair * f0 @75
Chickens % grown $ pair. 45 67,50
Chickens half grown 19 pair 35 ©ls
Turkeys ¥ pair 1 50 ®2 00
Geese pair 100 ®1 25
Eggs, country, 19 dozen 22 & 85
Peanuts, fancy n. p. Va. 5 (<b
Peanuts, h. p. $ !b
Poauuta, small n. p.. # lb 3%@
Sweet potatoes, bush., yellow... 55 <&6O
Sweet potatoes, y bush., white 40
Poultry Market is overstocked; demand
Egos—Market is unsteady, supply ample, de
mand active.
Peanuts—Ample stock, demand light, prices
flAAßiesra BY TSL.JIGKiA.i'-i.
New Torn. Deo. 13, noon —Money on call
loaned at per oent. State bonds opened
fairly active and Arm. Government bonds
opened steady.
Erie 24
I sake Shore 130%
Chicago and Northwestern.. 112
Richmond and West Point Terminal *
Western Union %%
New York, Dec. 13, 5:00 p m.—Money
on call closel at 4®7 per cent.; the 1 west rate
at 4 per cent, and the highest at 7. Sterling ex
change olosed steady. Government bond* closed
steady; currency 6s, 105 bid; extended 2s. regis
tered. 100 bid; 4s. coupon, 114% hid.
New York, Dec. 18.—There was a fair amount
of trading on the stock exchange during the
morning hours to-day. Gould stocks, as on the
several preceding days, were the features. They
were heavily pressed for sale from the opening
up to 10:50 o'clock am., and un:ler their lead
prices were %<ai per cent lower than they
closed last evening. Manhattan was the weak
est stock and led the decline. Toward 11 o'clock
the selling died out and the market became
almost stagnant A few of the list were bid up
fractionally from the lowest figures, but in the
second hour, on the announcement, of further
engagements of gold for shipment abroad, there
was renewed selling to a moderate extent, un
der which prices again declined to the lowest
point by midday. The sales for the morning
amounted to 1 shares. The principal
dealings were in Burlington, Whisky trust and
National Starch trusts. The stock market was a
little more active after 12 o'clock, and quite
number of stocks advanced sharply. The up
ward movement was started by the announce*
meat that the Minneapolis and St. Louis com
inittee have notified the court that they were
able to pav the equipments bonds and the fore
closure suit was therefore postponed. The Rock
Island will rec-lveab Ut $4.0-H),uoo in cash from
payment of the Minneapolis and 6t. Louis
equipment bonds The announcement caused
sharp buying, which extended not only to Rock
Inland, but the other leaning stocks, a-jd shorts
covered considerably. The Distilling Conmany's
directors to-day declared a quarterly dividend
of per cent., as was anticipated. Western
Union’s executive committee to-day recom
mended the declaration of the regular quarterly
dividend of 1% per cent., and it will be declared
by the full board to-morrow. Manhattan's di
rectors to-day declared the regular quarterly
dividend of 1% pei cent. At the same meeting
George Gould was elected president to fill the
vacancy caused by the death of his father.
The following were the closing bills:
Western Union... '.*6% Omaha preferred 119
Adauis Express . 153 St. Paul 78%
American Exp . .117 do preferred... 122
United States Ex. 60 Nash., C. A St. L. S6
Wells Fargo Ex. .145 Wabash ll
C., 0., C. A I— 59*4 Wabash preferred 24V
N.Y. Central 110 Chicago, B. AQ.. 99
N J. Central 126 Peoria, D. AE. 17
Illinois Central... 90% Manitoba 11134
Ohio Central..... 45% OregonNangatlon 72
Michigan Central. 106 Richm'd A W. Pt.
Northern Pacific.. 16*4 Terminal........ 8%
do pref.. 43*4 Baltimore A Ohio 95V*
Central Pacific . 27} 4 Oregonlinp'ment .101%
Union Pacific.... 39 Alaliarna class A. 103 1 4
Missouri Pacific.. 5H% Alabama class 8.. 106%
Texas Pacific .... 10 Alabama class C.. 95
Manhattan Kiev. 139 Louisiana consols. 97%
AltonAT.H. .. 33)4 Tennessee 01d5.... 62
do do pref . 150 Richmond AW P. 8
Canada Southern. Richmond A Ale..
Canada Pacific... 89% Norfolk AW. pref. 38
Chicago A Alton. 141 East Tennessee .. 3%
Chesapeake AO.. 22% do do pref.. 19
Delaware A H.... 132 Cotton Oil 43%
Dela., Lack.AW 152% Cottou Oil pref . 81%
Dourer 15% Tenn.newset.6s 103
Erie 23* $ do do 5s 101
do preferred.. 54% do do 3s 76
Kansas A Texas.- 14% Virginia 65...... 50
Lake Shore do ex mat coup 85
Lake Erie A W. .. 23 do oonsoli’ted. 50
do do pref.. 75% Brunswick Cos. .. 7%
L’ville A Nash— 70% SilverCertiflcates. *3%
Northwestern 112% Am. Sugar Refl.. . 107%
do preferred... 141 do do pref..
Ontario A West... 18% North Carolina 4s 98
Ohio & Mississippi 20% NorthCarolina6s. 122%
do do pref . So. Caro. Browns 98
Pacific Mail 27% Memphis A Char. 50
Quicksilver 3 Mobile and Ohio.. 36
Quicksilver pref.. 18 Richmond A Dan.
Reading 54% Tennessee Coal. . 36%
Rook Island. 84 do do pref 105
Omaha 48
Liverpool. Dec. 13, 12:30 p. m.— Spot cotton
opened steady ; little doing; American middling
uplands 5%d; sales 8,000 bales; speculation and
export 1,000 bales; receipts49,ooo bales—Ameri
can 44,200.
Futures: Amerioan middling, low middling
clause. December and January delivery a;
January and February delivery 5 6 64d, also
5 5-64d, also 6 4-64d; February and March de
livery 5 9-64d, also 5 8 64d. also 5 7-64d; March
and April delivery 5 !2*64d, also 5 11-64d. also
5 10-64d,
5 14 64d, also 5 13-64d; May and June delivery
5 10 64d, also 5 15-64 J, als> 5 14-64d; June and
July delivery 518G4 i. Futures easy.
2 p. m.—Futures: American middling, low
middling clause, December delivery 5 3-64d,
buyers: December and Jauuary delivery 5 3-64d,
buyers; January and February delivery 5 4-6 id;
February and March delivery 5 7-64d; March
and April delivery 5 9-641; April and May de
livery 5 12*64d, buyers; May and June delivery
5 14-64.V£5 16 64d; June and July delivery
5 17-64d, buyers; July and August delivery
4 p. in.—Futures: Amerioan middling, low
middling clause, December delivery 5 3-64(g}
5 4-64i1; December and January delivery
5 8-04<2&5 5 64d; January and February delivery
5 5-64d. sellers; February and March delivery
5 -54d; March and April delivery
5 7-64(1, sellers, April and May delivery 5 12-64®
5 ]3-64d; May and June delivery 5 15 64d,sellers;
June and July delivery 6 171>4® ■ IH-64d;
July and August delivery 5 19-64®5 20-64d.
Futures closed firm.
Nkw York, Deo. 18 Liverpool this morning
was disappointing, on which our market de
clined. Light receipts, however, encouraged
buyiug, and a recovery followed, but the im
provement was met with liberal offerings and a
slight weakness was again developed, attended
with a somewhat feverish and unsettled tone.
The anti-option bill, which it was now under
stood will be called up in the Senate this after
noon, was a restraint to both activity and firm
ness and caused some disposition to reali/.e In
the afternoon the cotton market was active on
a steady upward movement in quotations,
which resulted before the last hour In advanc
ing the list within a few points of
last night's final figures, the strength
being largely due to reports from
Washington that dilatory tactics would be re
sorted by the opponents of the anti-option bill
in the Senate to prevent its passage. Just be
- the close realizing orders resulted tu a de
cline, the net result of the day's buslneMs being
a loss of 4®6 points on sales of 215,000 bales.
The strength of the market to day was in part
due to fresh purchases for acoount of western
operators, chiefly in Chicago, who
have recently been Interested in
the market. Trading was kept up at a regular
steady pace, but the operations were not
marked by any special feature; indeed, the pro
ceedings were very monotonous the greater
part of the day The nows relative to the ae
tion of the Henate on the anti option bill was
closely watched, and aside from tbo slow
movement of cotton along the Atlantic sea
board, indicating that little remains to
be marketed, this formed the ohlef
topio of discussion on the floor
of the exchange. The actual receipts at all
ports are 40,862 bales against 52,564 last week
and 68,678 last year. The following visitors
were registered at the cotton ezobafige to day:
L. M. Taylor and W. F. Moore. Orlando. N. G.;
E. C. Seckeudorff. Charleston, 8.O.; R. L. Wat
son, Petersburg, Va.; E. T. Norris, Baltina one.
The mombers of the exchange to day voted to
hold no session Dec. 4 and 81.
Nkw York, Dec. 13. —The following is a sum
mary of Hubbard, Price A Go ’s cotton circulor:
sab 8 in Liverpool to-day were6,ooo bales, “Spot
opened at an advance of 5-64d but
lost the improvement in part and closed
3-64®4-9ld above yesterday. Our cables at
tribute the recession a* due to fear of bigger
reo“ipts next week and small purchases of spot
cotton by spinner#. The slight advance
In Liverpool in view of the strength
here yesterday, was a distinct disappoint
ment to the trade here, and an opening
decline of 10 points brought out considerable
loug cotton; after the opening the market ral
lied slightly, but again sold off until an extreme
loss of 1“ rolnts from last night's figures had
been established by 11 o’clock. A recovery of
and points followed by i o'clock. The recovery
was in part due to the receipt of several Liver
pool cables advising that the crop prospects in
East India were 'css ravoraole, and the supply
of oouon available from that quarter would not
exceed last year’s production.
New York, Dec. 13, noon.—Futures opened
irre ular, as follows: December delivery 9 45c,
Jauuary delivery 9 46c, February delivery
9 5-c, March delivery 9 69c, April delivery 9 84c,
May delivery 9 94c.
New York, Dec. 18, noon —The decline cf
2-64d at Liverpool, after an opening of 5-64d
advance, caused some nervousness in this
marker, and resulted in a loss of 5 points in the
first, sale, followed almost imrne iately by
further shrinkage, with January s*d ing down
to 9 45c, February 9 55c, March 9 66c, April
9 78c, and May 9 86c. At this juncture
points advance took place on light sales in the
first hour, and an improved business in the
second hour, with the chief sales in February
and March deliveries. Liverpool's closing sales
were at a -rain of 3-61®4-64d for the day. but
local traders were not disposed to follow. The
feeling here was nervous and hesitating,
especially in view of the continued small de
mand for spot cotton at Liverpool, to-day’s
sales at that point being confined to 6,000 bales,
with middling quoted at 5%d. tSpinners abroad,
however, are koowu to hold light stocks, and
their present small purchases are regarded by
the bulls as an element of strength, and must
soon be followed by a very active demand.
Port receipts to-day were estimated at 40,000
bales, against 48,000 bales last week and 61.000
bales last year. Galveston and Mobile were
ahead of lane. New Orleans was 15,000 bales
behind. Savannah 4,600 bales and Charleston
1,200 bales. The bear element is laying some
stress on the fact that the movement at pres
ent does not much Vary from that in 1887, when
the crop was 7,000.000 bales; while others are
not losing sight of the fact that the present
visible supply is about 1,000,000 bales ahead of
two year# ago, and the demand from spinners
was comparatively light. Sales of futures to
noon 125,' l i)0 bales. Noon quotations: January
delivery 9 4hc, February 9 59c, March 9 70c,
April 9 79c. May 9 89c. Market steady.
New York. Dec. 13, 6:00 p. m.—Middling
upiauds 9%c; middling Orleans 9 15 16c; low
middling uplands 9 5-16 c; good ordinary *%c;
net receipts 537 bales, gross 16,916; exports, to
Gn at Britain 3,289 bales, to the continent
bales; forwarded 13,663 bales, sales 490 bales,
spinners 290 bales; stock 304,5K2 bales. Spot cot
ton closed steady.
Futures—Market closed steady, with sales of
225,700 hales, as follows. December delivery 9 48
(jfc'.i 49c, January delivery 9
delivery J 63<2>9 64c, March delivery 9
9 74c, April delivery 9 83{$9 84c, May delivery
delivery 10 08&10 :oc, August delivery 10
10 ’7c.
Galveston, Dec. 13.—Cotton closed firm;
middling ,%c; net receipts 6,034. gross none;
sales 119 bales; stock 15K,250 bales.
Norfolk, I>ec. 13.—Cotton closed quiet;
middling net receipts 1,223 bales, grots
none; salt's 416 bales; stock 48,206 bales; ex
p rt*. to Great Britain 2,922 bales, coastwise 747
Baltimore, Dec. 13. —Cotton closed nominal;
middling 9 r c; net receipts none, gross 1,251;
sales none; stock 34,31* bales; exports, coast
wise 500 bales, to the continent 1,367 bales.
Boston, Dec. 13.—Cotton closed quiet;
middling 9%0; net receipts 691 bales, gross
4,944; sales none; stock bales.
Wilmington, Dec. 13.—Cotton closed firm;
middling 9%c; net receipt# 433 bales, gross
none; sales none; stock 29,465 bales.
Philadelphia, Dec 13.— Cottou closed dull;
middung 10%c; net receipts 291, gross none;
sales none; stock 13,111 bales
New Orleans, Dec. 18.—Cotton closed steady;
middling ; new receipts 22,329 hales, gross
Successor to A. R. ALTIYIAYER Sc CO.
Get Ready for the Holidays.
Pick from the Grandest Low-Priced Holiday Stock
NotaWurd as to the Proper Value of those SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. You’ll see that Quick Enough
A special Inducement this week will he the
Lot of New Reefer Jackets just received.
Fine English Melton, Handsomely
Braided, Jet and Jeweled Trimmings. ..$6 48
La die-h* Fine Tailcr made Kersey Cloth Box
Coats, Strap seams, worth $lO at 7 60
50 Ladies' Diagonol cheviot Jackets, Full
Fur Collar, Natural Head Clasps 9 50
75 Indies' Jackets. Full Fur Shawl Collar,
Silk Facings, New Tan Shades 9 98
Misses' and Children’s Reefers—We have a
splendid lot of garments, both long and short,
at right prices. [Second floor.]
We need some more room here. To procure
ft we offer you some sterling Bargains in this
Department. Just listen!
200 Exquisitely Trimmed Hats and Bon
nets. including the remainder of those
lately sold at $3 48, we place on salt? to
morrow at $2 49
no copies, all original ideas.
All our Felt Shapes, Sailors, etc., have got to go
too. Lot No. I —Bo Different Styles.
Latest Shape*, usual price. 75c and $1 490.
Lot No. 2—All $125 and $1 98 shape* at 73c.
Some beautiful Tips, Aigrettes, Fancy
Feathers and Wings in the way. See them
and note the prices. [Second Floor.]
We offer Splendf<J Values in this Department,
and want you to them before Durcnaslng.
Boys' Suits, 4 to 11 years $1
Boys* Dress Suita, Slagle and Double
breasted, all-wool (Hat goes with every
18,158; axle, 2.5(10 bxl.a; atuok 271,580 bxl.l;
exports. coutwiM 1,808 bales, to the continent
6,700 bales.
Nxw Oklxams, Dec IS—Colton futuree
closed steady, with sales of 43,100 bales, e. fel
lows: December delivery U 40c, January 9 4Qo,
February 2 4c, Maroh 9 490, April 0 57c, May
9 640.
Mobilx. Deo. 18.—Cotton dosed quiet; mid
dllnic net receipts ii.sOS hales, groin non.;
sale* IKi; stock 39,921 bales; exports, coastwise
1,609 bales.
Msirpais, Dec. IS.—Cotton closed steady;
middling ’‘t.c: net reoelpOs 3,260. xrust 3,456
bales; sales 1,250 bales; stook 109,*64 bates.
Auousta, I lac 13.—Cotton closed firm;
middling , net receipts 985 bales, gross
none; sales 1,0 M 6; stock 42.029 bales
OmAßt.xsTo, Dec 13.—Cotton closed nominal;
middling sGfcC; net receipts 575, gross none;
sales AM; stock 55,074 bales; exports coastwise
9 bales.
Oisoinnati. Dec. 13,—Cotton closed steady ;
middling lc; net receipts 2,767 bales, gross
none; sales 113; stock 12,020.
LouisrtLLS, Dec. 13— ottoa dosed quiet;
middling 954 c; net receipts none, grots none;
sales none; stock none.
St. Louis. Dec. 13.—Cotton closed quiet;
middling tic, net receipts 2,35.3 bales, gross
5,393: sales 450; stock 60.27 C.
Houston, Dec. 13.—Cotton dosed steady; mid
dlmg 9Vc; net receipts 8,510 bales; gross none;
sales 203; stock 41,417 bales.
Niw York. Deo. 13. noon.—Flour un
changed. Wheat irregular, higher at noon;
h’o. 2 red winter 77>4®79c; cash delivery
December delivery Corn Arm, higher;
No. 2 mixed, cash, 53c; December delivery 51
Pork dull; old mess sl4 50®14 75; new mess
sls 50® :6 00. lard quiet; ctsain *9 96; Decem
ber delivery $9 98. Freights nominal
New York. Dec. 13. 6 p. m.—Flour closed
dull, no material change; southern flour dull
but steaiiy; straights *3 50®3 75. Wheat closed
generally H®%o lower; spot lots dosed
steady. Corn closed easy about V(<c decline.
(’ats -Optloos dull and featureless; sp it sales
No. 2 white at 41Jj®42c. Kyo dull and un
changed; western 54©58c. Harley dull and
unenauged Pork fairly active and steady; old
mess *l4 50®14 75; new mess *ls 50®16 03.
lard quiet and easier. Sugar-Raw, quiet and
unchanged; Musoovado 89° test, 315-16 c;
centrifugal, 96 test, B%c; refined moderately
aotive and steady. Molasses steady; Cuba, 50°
test, hogsheads nominal; Porto Hlco, best,
23©320, English Ulan ■ 20®25c; New Orleans,
new crop, 35®40c. Peanuts quiet but steady;
farmers’ grades 3®8140. Cut meats firm but dull.
Beef Arm aud in fair demand; family *9 o!’®
!1 00; extra mess *6 50®8 00. Beef barns firm,
quoted at *l3 5d in the *est, *l4 00® 14 50
here Coffee, quiet and easy; fair ltio cargoes.
No. 7, l6jsc; futures closed easier. Grain
freights dull and easy; grain freights to Liver
pool l®l!4d; to London to Glasgow
l)4d; to Bristol 2>4d.
Chicao , Dec. 13.—Flour dull, unchanged
Wneat weak on iilieral receipts in northwest,
and closed lower; No. 2 red winter in
store 7294 c; No. 2 spring in store
Corn weak in sympathy with wheat, but at
close unchanged; No. 2 in store 4£M©49880
Oats dull and easy, closed Vie lower; No. 2 31i4
©34c. Provisions firm. Pork unchanged,
whisky steady at *1 23
6pm —Leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat— Highest. Closing.
January 7Sis4 7274
May 7M| 78k
December 423£ 42^4
January 48J4 4382
July 47j| 479?
December SOV4
January 61%
February 82U
May 35?i 85 V 4
Cash $ 14 45
December 14 43
January 15 80 15 70
May 15 97% 15 90
Cash 9 62V4
December 9 62>4
January 9 67% 9 67V4
May 9 40 9 40
Cash 8 25
December 8 25
January 8 27VS 8 25
May 8 35 8 35
Baltimore, Dec. 18. noon.—Flour dull.
Wheat dull; spot 71 Vac, December delivery
?4V4c; January delivery 75®75V4c; milling wheat
by sample 73®76c. Corn dull; spot 49®49V4c;
year ii©49t 4 c; January delivery 49©49Vac;
February delivery
Baltimore. Dec. 13. 5 p. m.—Flour quiet.
Wheat—Southern quiet but firm, western dull
but steady. Corn-Southern aotive and firmer;
auit), 6 to 16 years 8 98
$5 Jersey Suits reduced to 4 29
$3 50 Jersey Baits reduced to 298
Everything vou can think of in the way of
Boys’ Clothing in this Department: Silk W r alstH,
Cashmere Waists, Lawn vVaisrs. Reefer. Eton
and Junior Suits. Kilt Overcoats, Extra Kilt
Hants, Hats, Caps, Rubber (takers. Litre Long
Pants, etc.
Cut this out and try and match these prices.
Wagons. Tricycles, Pianos, Tables, Chairs.
Baby Carriages, Tin Toys, Wooden Toys. Tool
Chests, Magio Lanterns, Gaines, etc., etc. [ln
Tber, 1 not • lady In Savannah that would mlia
UIII Mia if aha raallaed tha valuaa
to be obtained.
Lot I—iAdiaa' Fine Embroidered Silk Hand
kerchief. -Scalloped. Ilamatitohad and
Plain—Bl* Value . *sc.
Lot 2- Ladle,' Silk Handkerchief*. Heerily
Embroidered Curnara, Ilamatitohad and
Scalloped—our prick 50c.
Lot 8- Ver7 Finest Quality, Pure Silk, Full
Mexican Drawn Work, Embroidered.
Figured and Initialed. Sample Lot No. t.
Handkerchief, alike—our price *IOO
western dull but steady; spot mixed 49la©4tMc;
southern white 47®47 : ic. Data dull and un
changed. Rye dull and easy. Hoy steady and
unchanged Butter steady and unchanged.
Eggs Arm and unchanged. Coffee quiet; No. 7,
16 H? Freights dull and unobaagea.
Bt. Louis, Deo 13.—Flour steady; patents
33 30 453 60, extra fancy *3 00® 3 10. Wheat
lower; Deoember delivery 67>4c; January
delivery DflJio; May delivery 7414 c; July delivery
7404 c. Corn lower: December delivery 8804 c;
January delivery 3804a. Oats Arm, unchanged.
Fvrk. standard mess, *l4 75. lard, prime steam.
$0 60
Cincinnati, Dec. 13.—Pork, regular, sl4 62V4;
family sl6 50. Lard, kettle dried, *lO 12)4®
10 25. Bacon, short clear sides. *9 §O. Whisky
sales of 1,216 barrels of finished gouds on basis
of (1 35 per gallon for high wines Hogs Arm;
common *3 Go£6 10; fair to good, light, *5 00®
6 10.
New Yore, Deo. IS, noon.—Spirits turpentine
dull at 31© :164c. Rosin quiet; strained to good
$1 27V4®1 83H.
New Yore. Deo. 13, 8 p. m. Turpentine
dull but values maintained. Rosin quiet; straiued
at $i 27J4; good strained at Jl 32V4 Pipe line
certificates nothing doing.
Wilminoton, Dec. 18 —Spirit* turpentine
Arm at 27%a. Rosin firm; strained 950; good
strained SI 00 Crude turpentine quiet; hard
*1 00; yellow dip and virgin $1 70. Tar quiet
at $1 00.
Chahlsston, Dec. 13.—Bplrits turpentine quiet.
Arm at 280. Rosin firm at $1 00; good strained
at *1 00.
PETROLEUM and oils.
New York, Deo. 13.—Cotton seed oil strong;
new crude :6V4©l7e; new yellow 40®4lo;
petroleum dull.
New York. Dec. 13 —Rice steady, fair jobbing
demand; Carolina and liiisiaua common to
low fair. 3'4®3V4c; fair to good B>4®4c;
prime to choice 4H®4%c
Sun Rises 7:15
Sun Sets 3:15
Hiob Water at Savannah ..3:26 am, 3:44 pm
(Standard time.)
Wednesday, Dec 14, 1892.
Bteamsbip St Hubert [Rrl. MoPherson, to
load for Europe—Btrachan 4 00.
Bark Mautiol [Sw], , from Barbados, In
Steamship Naooocbee, Smith, New York—C G
Steamship Alleghany, Parker, Baltimore—Jno
J Carolan, Agent
Schr Tens A Cotton, Cranmer, Darien, In bal
last, te load for.New York -Geo Harries 4 Cos.
Schr Three Sisters, Simpson, Baltimore—Jos
A Roberts & Cos.
Steamer Alpha. Strobbar, Beaufort and Port
Royal—CH Medlook. Agent.
Steamer Bellevue, Garnett, Darien and Bruns
wick— W T Gibson, Manager.
Bark Herman [Dan), Hamburg.
Schr TeDa A Cotton, Darien.
Jacksonville, Deo 13—Steamship Iroquois,
from New York.
Cleared-Steamship* LaFranoi* for Lunen
burg; U 8 Lanfair, Baltimore.
Charleston, Deo 13—Off bar, brig Cessarlna,
Cleared—Schr Victory, Jacksonville
Richmond, Va. Dec IS—Arrived, schr Luther
A Roby, New Haven.
Sailed steamship Old Dominion, New York.
West Point, Va. Dec 13—Arrived, steamship
Dorchester, Baltimore (and sailed for Haiti
Newport Nows, Vs, Deo 18—Arrived, schr L L
Sprague, New York.
Sailed-Steamahlps Nortligato, Havre; Blue
Star. Bremen; Winchester, Norfolk; Oceanic,
Havre; schrO E Walcott, Boston.
New York. Dec il Arrived,schr Belie Hooper,
Harding, Pensacola.
Sailed—Steamship Raleigh, Darien, Qa.
Barbados, Nov 29—Bailed, barks Oarloa[Brl,
Broliu, Mobile; Daisy INor], lialbom. Bruns
wick; Homewood INor , Hausen, Pensacola.
Cardenas. Dec 3 Sailed, schrs Benjamin 0
Cromwell, York, Mobile; Vila y Hermano, Gill,
Havana, Dec 4- Sailed, brig Emma, Hurlbert,
Pensacola; Oth, bark Uorinquen [Bp], Alaiaa,
Our assortment this season is the largest and
most complete ever shown.
▲ few of the many bargains are &u follows:
Ladies' Initial Hemstitched Handkerchiefs
I .adios' White and Colored Hemstitched.... 10c.
40 Different Patterns In Ladles' Sheer Lawn
Embroidered. Hi alloped and Hemstitched
Handkerchiefs .15c.
Indies' and Men's Bilk Initial Haudkerohicfs.
Ladles' Fine Lace Handkerchiefs.
Ladies' and Men's All-silic and Satin-finish
Mufflers, extra size# am weight,
at right prices.
Just look at those Bilk Handkerchiefs
Bisque Doll#, China Dolls, Kid Dolls, Dressed
Dolls, Codressed Dolls, Sleeping Dolls, Crying
Dolls, Dolls' Furniture, Dollb’ nhoes, Dolls'
Laps, Dolls from sc. to S2O [in Basement.]
In addition to the Hplen lid V.lum Id Hooka
we m offering auit.hie for anualhlx ChrlHtnia*
Gift*. w will place on aale to-morrow S.UUO
Popular and standard Hooka, bound ia Cloth
and Gold. Large iype on Fine Paper, more
than 100 titles, In which all fDvorita author, are
repreaented. all at
lin Not more than 6to anyone 1 J-
I IPi customer. None to dealer,; I If*
4 I.U nor can we undertake to 1 lUa
fill mail ardere from thle
BAOH. lot. BACH.
Brunswick; 6th, steamship Orao [Spj, Jtminez
Newport, Deo ll—Put in. bark Anslo (Rua).
Bodsrholm. Grangemouth for Pei Simula (has
been slightly damaged In a collision J.
Jacksonville, Dec B—Arrived, sohr City of
Jacksonville, Ray, New York.
Nobska Deo 11 -Passed, schr Benjamin Hale,
Hall, Mobile for Boston-
New Haven, Dec 11 -Arrived, schr Minnie
Smith, Nelson, Fernandlna.
Portland, Me, Dec 10 -Arrived, schr Jacob
Heed, Nickerson, Savannah.
Kingston, Ja, Nov 24—Arrived, sohr Meteor,
Herrick, Mobile.
.Matan/os, Dec 2 -Sailed, schrs Bahama,
lyooher, Apalachicola; 3d, Ids G Southard.
Southard, Pascagoula
3th—Arrived, schr ( arris A Bucknam, Stubbs,
Nassau. NP, Nov 30—Arrived, schrs Mary H
Williams ’ Br], Russell, Jacksonville.
Pensacola. Dec 7- Arrived, barks Mindet
[Nor I, Kllassen. Dunklrh; Marietta Brstlle
[Aus], Critlck. Sharpness.
Cleared—ftobrs Regulator, Sohundell, Tam
pico; Sadie 0 Sumner, Sumner, cieufus{ov;
Orient [Brj, Pearce. Nassau
Arrived at Tybee yesterday a Swedish bark
and a three-masted schooner. Both light aud
names unknown.
Anew lighthouse ia to be built near Keyport,
N.J The old lighthouse hae been moved some
distance to the roar of its former site, and the
new one will be 011 the original site. The old
foundation ba 1 been torn down and a foundation
4o feet wide will lake the place of it. it will bo
of eoncrete.
The lighthouse will be of solid steel plates and
100 feet nigh -80 feet higher than the old one.
it will huve all the latest improvements, aud
instead of ono range light there will be two.
The old light and the light at Point Comfort
will make the range at the ship ebanuel at
Sandy Hook The new ono, witn the second
new on* on Old Orchard Shoals soutneast of the
Kills buoy, will make tbo range from the Nar
rows. These will be a groat Improvement and
nave much trouble to captains. It Is said that
the old light will L>e sunt to tbs world's fair as
an exhibit.
Pilot charts and a nautical information will
be furnished masters of vessels free of charge
in United States Hydrographic Office In the
custom bouse. Captains are requested to call
at the office.
Per Central KailroaJ. Deo 18-2.190 bales cot
ton, 1 bale yarn, 111 bale, domestics, 3 279 bbls
rosin, 2uo bbls spirits turpeutino, 100 bbls oil, 2
bdls hides, 54 pkgs household goods, 64 pkgs tur
niture, si pkgs vegetables, 251 pkgs mdse, .300
sacks meal. 2 oases eggs, 14 casks clay. 61 tons
?ig iron. 150 bbls flour, 3 bbls lime, i cars corn,
oars bay, 1 car meat, 2 cars fertilizers, 1 car
butter, I car lumber.
per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway,
Deo 13 —728 bales ootton, 2,649 bbls rosin, 501
bbls spirits turpentine, 28 cars lumber, 22,340
boxes fruit. 161 bbls fruit, 10# boxes vegetables,
34 bbls vegetables, 16 bdls pipe, 1 car coal, 600
iron castings, 9 boxesoufflns, 5 sack* meal, 15
bbls meal. 252 sacks rice, 2 oases cigars, J bbls
syrup, 10 boxes raisins, 8 cars wood, 4 bales
hides, 5 bbls rice, 2 coses tobacco, 3 bbls paint,
211 cases whisky, 2 bbls whisky, 10 pkgs furniture.
Per Charleston and Savannah Railway, Dec
13 6 bales ootton, 2i5 bbls rosin, 12 bbls spirits
turpentine, 3 oars wood, 10 bhios candy, 1 case
dry goods, 1 roll lead. 20 sacks cotton seed, 5
barrels, 6 kegs bolts, 12 kegs bolts and nuts, 50
bags peanuts, 1 sacks pease, 1 bbl potatoes. 1
lot household goods, 5 coses cigars, 80 boxes to
Per South Bound Railroad, Dec 13—145 bales
cotton, 15 bales domestics. 150 bbls roam, 12
bbls spirits turpeDtine, 80 pkga tobacco. 31 sacks
potatoes, 6 bbls liquor, 25 socks peanuts, 20
pkgs mdse.
Per sohr Three Sisters for Halt imore—3Bo,ooo
feet p p lumber —Dale, Dixon & Cos,
Per Central Railroad, Deo 13—Woods G * Cos,
Hunter PA H, Dwells C& D, Montague * Cos,
J 8 Wood & Bro, J P Witliama & Cos, II M Co
mer & Cos, Jno Flannery & Cos, W W Gordon &
Cos, M Maclean A Cos, Warren &A, Butler & S,
MYA D I Maclntyre, Stubbs AT. Liberty
Street Furniture Store, W H .tloKnight, South
eastern plaster Cos, Savannah Cotton Mills.
Lipptnan Bros. Barbour A Cos, H H Cohen, A G
Rhodes A Cos, J T Jones, A Leffler A Son, Estate
8 W Branch, Maj I-aw, Hester Thorn, Southern
Cotton Oil Cos, A H Chatnpion s Son, E Morris A
Son, Haynes AK, IG Haas, Peacock H A Cos,
Law A B. W D Slmkins
Per Savannah, Honda and Western Railway,
Dec 13— H Winter, Savannah brew ing Cos, So
Giro the Children a Good Book for a present?
’tie aomet hing that will help them throughout
their lives. Everybody can afford them at thia
price. ICeuter Table. Main Aiale.)
Stamped Goo is of every description, Lines
Tray Cloths, HplasiuM, (’enter Squares, Buffet
Scarfs, lillow .‘thamß. Baskets Trimmed to
Fancy Hand Painted Silk Scarfs, Bolting
Ends Me.
Figured China Silk Scarfs. Bilk Fringed 39c.
Figured < hina Bilk Head Hosts... 25 to 900,
Hand Painted Pin Cushions 39c.
Satin Pin Cushions. Covered and Uncovered.
Japanese Embroidered Silk Lambrequins. .$4 5#
Square Plush Bofa Pillows 1 58
Hand Painted Mouohoirs and Necktie rates.
[Main floor.)
Ladlin' Fine French Mounquetaire Suede, 80.
Hutton Length, In all (dia log.
Hole Agent for Featur'd Patent Lacing Kid
The •’Adler" Glovea. Every Pair Warranted
Glove, bought for ITrgenta wUI be exchanged
and titled after the Holiday*.
Pine Vienna Fans, Silk. Bilk and Gauge. Qatrioh
Feather; Ivory end Pwarl and Tortolee
Shell Fane In great variety.
lAdl",’ Fine bilk, bilk Plaited end Liale Holaary
In all color,. Fancy Black Boots, Fanoy Tope i
and < ipera Hoge. Main Male. Right. 1
vannnh Grocery On, Barbour & Cos, A J Miller
Cos, Oollat Bros, Hmltb Bros, M T Ilendsrsou,
A Ehrlich ft Bro. M Ferst’s Hons St Cos, KoxmaQ
AV, E A Schwarz, Neruober H Sprinkler Cos,
George Schley, F W Storer, J H Fox, T Hen
derson's Sons, J N Griffith, Moore 4 Cos. McMil
lan Bros, A Hanley, P W Hushing. T Hiiupsoa,
W O Morrell, Dr C H Coldlng, J B Floyd, Kavn
naugh All, W U Minkins. DYA H K Lianoy-
A FTOhamplon's Son, Lit Myera A Cos, JI
Grady 4 Son, J McGrath St Cos, .Reinhart Bro*
St Uo, U N SaiiHsy. McDonough St Cos, Rapport
A Cos, GUI) Riley, W A lards, A W Jackson,
A B Hull ft Cos, 8 Uuokenhelmer St 80ns, Savan
nah N S Cos, Vf 1 Miller, it Kirkland, Mrs R R
Smith, Mrs M Barrett, C D Snow, Peterson 4 W,
O Davis St Son, A Braggern, IJppman Bros, (I
M Tillmsm, A Lcfller A Son, D T Elliott, KlHs T
St Cos, Peacock Hft Cos, J P Williams A Cos, ols
Jones, Oreigg Jft W, W W Chisholm ft Cos,
Hunter Pft B, Lemon ft M, Edwards Tft 00.
Pur Chariest' 11 anil Savannah Railway. Deo
13- Peacock II ft Cos, Hunter P 4 B. Edwards I
ft Cos, J P Williams ft 00, W M Walters. J B
Banders. I, J Small, I. lapagn, KB t easels,
Decker ft F, W I) Farris, Savannah Steana
Bakery, H Bono ft Bro, Savannau Plumbing 00,
W E Seabrook, E Lovell’s Sons. H Solomon ft
Bon. A Ehrlich ft Bro. W D Bimklns, F H Haas,
Herman lane, J I) Weed ft Co,C R K ft Ukg Cos.
Per South Bound Railroad, Dec 18—J C Sinter.
J E Grady ft Son, Heiusier ft H. T H Hlnley,
S Guckenheimer ft Hons, M Ferst’s Sons ft CO4
IJppman Bros. W P Green Flft O Cos, Bmltft
Bros, M Nathan, J Bigler ft Cos, S Marks ft Cos.
J C Del At Ire. 1 uje 4 M, Lawrence Lippmaa,D J
Four Inamorata's Character Map Bft
Seen In Her Tell Tale Fingers.
From the London .Veins.
“Examine her finger nails.” If thaw wear
the hue of bereavement—but why suggest
anything so odious and Impossible! It the/
are tinged with ink, beware of the learned
lady ; or perhaps she is a successful novelist
with a fortune at her linger ends. Tat tha
may be a .Sappho, a poet, and we bare ft
distinct Impression that a muse may be ft
perilous person to marry, as In the case of
Miss Blanche Amory. And poetry Ik act ft
paying profession and Mrs. Hainan* wti
“too poetical” for Sir Walter Son It. How
ever, those are merely mortal Inferences; It
needs no “palmist" .to tell the young man
all this, nor does “the palmist’'dally over
such inferenoes.
"If her finger nails are wider than they are loaft
beware I”
‘‘She hath her nails not long, but broad. Bo
“ A hot temper and opposite disposition
are indicated.” If the nails are “squaro
tipped, rounded next the hand,” yon may
"expeot a quick and peppery temper,” bat
not sulks, wbiob is the worst of tempers ia
matrimony. Ketuember that when a lady
gives you her hand she gives you all that
the hand implies—very probably she glvsa
you pepper. It would be interesting to
know what kind of nails Mrs. Carlyle had,
and what sort adorned the lingers of Mary
Btuart, who notoriously “blew up” her
husbaud, though. Indeed, be richly deserved
it. Unluckily, portraits are of little service,
fanciful and conventional, especially
after Vandyke. Almond-shaped nails,
especially if not too pink, indicate a cheer
ful. sweet temper, and are also of high
esthetic value. “If the nails are bitten,*
but we refuse to believe that the nalla of tbft
fair aro ever bitten. Everybody would
shun a maiden who bit her thumb at him.
“If you want a careful eoonomloftl wit*
look at her thumb.” But who wants aa
economical wife, one that will imitate Mary
Btuart when he buys an Elzevir or an en
graving 1 The collector, at least, and tha
convivial soul of open hand will avoid a
lady who lives by rule of thumb. An ex
travagant thumb bonds back very far when
the hand is opened as all hands should be.
“IJO not choose a girl who has a soft, fat
hand,” with lingers held cloao together.
These things Indicate selfishness—but it may
be selfishness a deux, and convenient.
Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. W Graeves, Nortbfleld, Minn., cay*
“I have used It in oases of nervous prostra
tion, and also iu combination with other
remedies iu indigestion, it proved aa satis*
factory as could be expected.”—act.