Newspaper Page Text
Ad Offer by Outside Capitalists to Help
Establish a Cotton Factory at Amer
icus—Lithia Springs Bound to Make
Her Marshal Earn His Salary—The
“Poor Man's Belt" of the South.
Senator Gordon left Atlanta for Wash
ing ton Friday.
The Fourth battalion of state militia is
now the Fifth regiment.
The entire police force of Albany has
seen re-elected for the present year.
There Is talk of moving the general of
fices of the Sam road from Amerleus to
Law and order leagues are to be organized
kU over the state. Macon is the birthplace
af the movement.
Hardy Wheeless, alias Munch Wheeless,
who was arrested in Macon some months
ago for counterfeiting, is now injßicbmond
county jail.
Mrs. Steedlv will at an early date com
mence the erection of a handsome residence
on her lot on the corner of Hull street and
Hancock avenue at Athens.
The law creating a board of commission
r for Lumpkin county baa : een repealed
and the business of the county gees back
Into the hands of the ordinary.
Carroll county has the largest boy for hts
age of any county in Georgia. K. I). Kent, j
living near Roopville, has a son 5 years old
who weighs 122 pounds. He weighs more
than his mother by ten pounds.
The beautiful green bouses of George
Stanfield were almost ruined by fire and
Hooka Friday night. A small furnace is
kept burning and the fire originated from
the furnace in some unknown way.
Owing to the prolonged Illness of Prof.
Willet, the temporary president of Mercer
University, that chair is empty and Prof.
Robert L. Ryals is acting as chairman in
bis abaenoe. Prof. Wlliet has a bad attack
about this time every year, but bis friends
hope he will soon be out to resume bis
duties at the college.
Probably the smallest and youngest book
keeper in Columbus is Master Willis Bag
ley, in the office of Rollin Jefferson, tba
well known grocery man. Master WUlie is
only IS years old and is small for his age.
He is a graduate of the public school# and
also of the Columbus Business College.
Master Willis is a first-class bookkeeper.
The town of Lftbia Springs has a daisy
council. The other night they passed an
ordinance that when there ia no disturbance
in town, the marshal take a pick and shovel
and be working on the streets. The ques
tion that ia now disturbing the brain of the
marshal is when he is off at work on the
streets, how Is be to know if there is a dis
turbance In town.
Few geographera mention the district in
the south known as tbs “Poor Man’s Balt.”
It la a traot of o untry generally very sandy
and producing little timber save the ioug
leafed pine. It beglna not far south of
Richmoud, Va., and extends along the At
lantic and Gulf coasts into Texas. Its
length is not far from 1,800 miles, while it
is from 60 to ISO miles In width. The soil is
poor, but the forests produce not only lum
ber In abundance, but also large quantities
of pitob. tar and turpentine. It got Us bad
name during slavery days because no ootton
was raised in it, but since the south is be
ginning to look elsewhere than to the cotton
field for its wealth the "Poor Mat.’s Bll”
promises to beoome one of the richest parte
of the southern states.
Americus limes- Recorder: Three prac
tical ootton mill men of large experience,
who have for tears succe sfully operated
cotton mills as and superintend
ents, have announced themselves as ready
to come to Americas and help bull 1 a ootton
factory here under the following conditions:
They will take *2I,(XXIof stock in a *150,000
company, putting down their cash for the
tame. They will put up their stock as a
bonus to guara tee 7 per cent, per annum to
the stooxholdere on a ten years’ lease of the
factory, which they would propose to secure
from the stockholders In addition to this,
they would lise to have an optlou at the
expiration of the ten years’lease, for a re
newal for another ten years. They would
desirs. in behalf of the company, as liberal
terma as oould be obtained in tbe way of at
leaat a ten years’exemption from municipal
taxation, aud they would also expect the
naoessary laud for tbe looation of the mills
to be donated.
C. B. Brooks, the forger ond sharper that
victimized a number of Maon merchants,
was captured by Detective Nolan at Macon
on Friday night. After buying a large
•mount of goods and paying for them with
bogus checks it was thought that Brooks
had skipped out, and as it was thought that
he had gone in the direction of Atlanta
Fceut. Wood went up there iu search of him,
but failing to looate him returned to the
city and gave up the chase as a bad one.
Blaming the merchants for not reporting
him sooner than they did. On Friday, how
ever. Detective Nolan got hold of a clew
that led him to believe that Brooks was still
in the city, and he lost no time lu following
it up. After a thorough search he was located
a’ the Rogers house ou Plum street, be
tween Third and Fourth, and when the de
tective weut for him found that be w*a
sick in bed and had been there sinoe last
Sunday. It was thought at flrst that
Brooks was shamming and only waiting for
tbs matter to blow over, so that he could
get away without detection. As Dr. Will
iams, who is attending him, pronounoed
him very sick he was not taken from the
house, but an officer has been deiailed to
watch him to prevent bis escape. Ttie man
has confessed his guilt, and on Friday night,
while Detective Nolan was guarding him,
the woman that passes as bis wife offered
him <SO to let Brooks escape. She was
mistake in the man, however, and her
offer only made the detective increase his
Brunswick Timn: Hugh Salter, the noted
outlaw, has made several visits to Bruns
wick In the last six months, and was here
not over four weeks ago. He Is well kn wn
as a brother of the law less Salter gang of
five brothers who reside near Tlfton, Oa.,
noted as counterfeiters, robbers, eto., and i
ftr whose arrest rewards are offered. H.
C. Judge of this city came near being
roughly handled by this gang lu Tlfton last
Wednesday nig .t, while there purchasing
milch cows for the boulevard dairv. Mr.
Judge met Hugh Salter at Mrs. Groveu
stein's boarding bouse in tbls city about
three months ego. when the former flrst
moved to Brunswick to engage in the dairy
bu'sl ess, and Salter represented himself as
■ detective, showing several piotures of
noted criminals being bunted and ■wn by him
self. Mr. Judge left Ty Ty for Tlfton last
Wednesdav night to telegraph some busi
ness to his pan ner in Brunswick, and met
Salter at the Tlfton dep t. The latter In
sisted on having Mr. Judge for his guest at
Bis boarding house in t e suburbs of the
ttown for the balanoe of the night, and the
invitation was readily accepted, Mr. Judge
not knowing be was in the bad of an out
law. Soup after they left the depot Mar
shal McK ie of Tlfton aud a posse began
firing on Sailer, who too< flight, and Mr.
Judge then learned that he bad been ac
companying oue of the meanest men ever
known in Georgia, and if t.e had been car
ried to Salter’s headquarters be would have
been bandied roughly. Walter was not
captured, a dis still at large. Hugh Halter
it known to be an ex|>ert counterfeiter, and
many murders of that section, it is said,
have been placed at the doors < f this gang
of outlaws. The robbery and killing of a
prominent turpentine man of that lection
three weeks ago is said to have been and ue
by the baiter brothers.
Arrangements are being made for a
wheelmen's tournament, to be held at Or
lando, on Tuesday, Jan. 21. The trank,
one-quarter of a mile, will be constructed at
Samuel Edison, father of the greet elec
trician, and James Hyminglon, arrived
Monday night from Mioulgau, to spend the
winter in Fort Myers. They will occupy
Prof. Edison’s cottage.
Jofcn P. Morrison, formerly superintend
ent of tbe electrical department of the
Tampa Street Railway and Power Com
pany , will leave in a few days for the north
to take a position of constructing engineer
for a railway company.
Two colored children, one boy, eon of
Ben Morgan, and one girl, daughter of Lucy
Griffin, were badly burned at Gainesville
(Saturday right. The boy’s clothes caught
from a coal stove over which be was stand
lug and tbe girl's from the fireplace.
George B. Cellon and L. K. Woods of
Gainesville have contracted with Dollar
Bros. & Wilson, prominent business men of
Mobile, Ala., tor the phosphate from their
soft rook deposits on tbe Savannah, Florida
and Western, ten miles north of Gaines
ville. Dollar Bros. & Wilson are putting
in a large plant on this property for tbe
manufacture of their product into a high
grade fertilizer.
It is the intention of the Plant company
to erect another magnificent hotel tbe com
ing summer and have it ready for tbe next
season’s tourist traffic. It has not been
positively decided yet whether the building
will be erected at Tampa, Key West or
Cuba, but it Is probable that it will be built
at Tampa. If so it will be a smaller and
less pretentious building than the Tampa
Ray—about a *3 aud $4 a day bouse.
The saw and planing mill belonging to
F. de Bogory was burned at Geneva last
Friday at noon. The fire was first discov
ered in tbe roof while the mill was stopped
for the dinner hour. It is supposed to have
caught from a spark from the smoke stack.
By the time help arrived it was too late to
save any of the fixtures. There were about
8,00(1 feet of lumber in tbe yard, only a
a small portion of which was saved. The
mill and fixtures were worth *BOO to SI,OOO,
besides tbe loss in lumber. There was no
Dr. Thomas Otto has anew acquisition to
his menagerie at Key West which is attract
ing much attention. It ia a jutia, a species
of West Indian wood rat, which compar
atively few Americans have ever seen. It
is about the size of a large opossum. and
with tbe exception of the tail, which after
tha nature of its congeners Is bare, is oov
ered with coarse dork hair. The little ani
mal Is quite tame and fond of being caressed.
The fiesh of tbe jutia is esteemed as a deli
cacy by tbe pe iple in the regions where it
about ds ami was oue of the chief sources of
food for the Cuban soldiers during the war
with Bpatu after tbe cattle were destroyed.
A scene peculiar to Key West is the
throng of email negro boys who may be
seen any sunny afternoon on South beach
paddling around the rocks in search of un
wary oonebs which venture too close to the
shore. When a pickaninny catches sight of
the quarry be swoopa upon him like a hawk
aud rarely misses his game. Tbe luckless
rucllusk is usually smashed between two
lumps of coral as soon as caught and de
voured on the spot. Tbe appearance of tbe
dainty is not particularly inviting to one
unacquainted with it, but the small boys
seem to enjoy it Immensely. Btsne crabs,
too, are frequently captured by tbe youth
ful lisbermen, who use no taokle, but rely
solely upon what nature has given them.
Feruandlna Mirror : The Fernandioa
Light and Power Company Las offered to
dispose of iu plant to the city. Tbe prioe
stipulated is S6,(XX), payable by tbe olty with
in three years, tbe company agreeing to ac
cept ihe montnly rental of lights (*16606%)
in payment of the debt and turning
over the property to the city at tho expira
tion of the third year. At the last meeting
of oounoil the special committee appointed
tocoufer with the directors of tbe oompany
reported iu favor of the purchase, and to
this end a special committee was appointed
to confer with tbe board of publlo works as
to the feasibility of the plan. It Is claimed
that the plant can be operated in connection
with the water works at comparatively
little additional outlay, thereby giving bet
ter service in lighting the streets at less ex
pense than at present.
For over two years my little girl's life
was made miserable bv a case of Catarrh.
The discharge from tne nose was large,
constant ana very offensive. Her eyes
became inflamed, the lids swollen and
very painful. After trying various reme
dies, I gave UergTSgSKS* The first bot
-11 e seemed to I&29ESS aggravate the
disease, but the symptoms soon abated,
and in a short time she was cured.
Dr. L. B. Ritchey, Mackey, Ind.
Our book on Blood and Skin Diveaavs n.aile,
free. Swwr Spk'-ifio Cos., Atlanta, Or-
riy ilclan""#ndrnFrmr""*ta"TTipTndi'} o*uibta tlon,
and prat crib* it with grat •atltfectlon for tb cur* ©f all
of Primarr, md Twtliry
f> P* P P .
Cures scrofulA.
ByphilU, f'rphUlii©
Bofm, OlaDdular Ewtlliag*, Rhiua.iiiim, Malaria, old
_Chroolo_Uicara that_bav^rwl.tod all traatmant, Catarrti,
•nrlal Pulton, Tottor, Scald Head, ttc., u.
_ P- P- P. !• a powerM ionic, and an af lltnl appatlaar.
r. p
Cures rheumatism
build inf up lit lytUih rapidly
Ladltt wbooe >ytm* art pol*on#d and whoa# blood If 1b
PPP. Malaria
i^?cuT?STiy" - beL#irsd - Tss^"lGTwos3rrlGT , TSolf , Tß3f"nso3? 11
cUauolny propertiaa of P. P. P., Prlcklj Ait, Poka Root
and Pot-itfum.
LIPPHAN SEOS-, Proprleton,
Druggtata, Lippman 1 * Block, EAVAKIAB, 04,
Cories SSsPeto“v^
• i
W+l ’if- t "i
The Perfect Purity and Solubility of
permit of its instantaneous preparation
and render it Highly Digestible
and Nutritious.
- . . - 4
_ __ RAILROAm.
Central Railroad of Georgia,
H. M. COMER. Kxcxivxa.
No. 5. No. 8. i No. 1. ,ls xrxacr jan 8. IS-*, i No. 2. No. 4. | No. 6.
1 ally Daily. Dally. MxaimAJti. Daily. Daily, j Daily.
4:S4am 4:88 pm Ar Eufaula ... Lv 10:28am 10:17 pm
. r 0 am j .1
f lf l ! j t
7:25 am j 6:25 pm 2:00 did 6:10 pm. Lr Savannah..... A r 8:00 am 435 pm 5:45 am* 8:40 pm
10:0:) am 11:00 pm Ar Lyons Lv ..... 1:30 am 5:40 pm
. p >pm Ar Uuyton Lv G:55 a r.. 3:40 pin
Sun. Dally Sun. Sat. Sun. Dally Suo. Bat.
only. ox. Sun. only. only- only. ex. Sun. o .ly. only.
9:3 10:30 am 2:30 pm 7:80 pm Lv... .SAVANNAH At. 11:&0am 4:50 pm 6:20 pm 9:33 pm
10:20 am 11:20 am 8:10 pm 8:20 pm Ar TYBEE Lv 11:00am 4 >0 pm 5:30 pm pm
♦Trains marked t run daiiy, except Sunday.
Bleeping can oi night trains between Savannah ani Augusta; Savannah and Macon; Savan
nah and Atlanta. Macon and Montgomery Parlor care between Savauu *:i, Mac hi aid Atlanta
h:45 p. m train from Savannah will atop at Guyton.
Pateengen for Srlvanla. Wriffhtaville, and Eatontotr should take 7:00 a. m, train.
For Carrollton. Ft. Gaines, Tsdbotton, take 7: JO a. ni. train.
Ticket office 1J Bull street and lepot.
For further information, and for schedule* to points beyond our lin apply to tic-iet
or to J. C. HAILE. General Passenger Affent, Savannah, Ga.
GEO. DOLE WaDLEY, General Superintendent
W. F. SHELL MAN. Traffic Manager _____
Savannah, Florida and Western Railway.
5 j 15 i 27 28 14 | 76 06 6
8:00 pm; 1:30 pop 5:30 am o:2oam Lv ..Savannah... Ar 13:09 pm 6:32 pm !t:35 am 6:30 am
10:80 pm, *:45 pm 7:07 am 8:03 am Ar Jnup. ... Lv 10:84 am, 6:30 pm 10:38 pm 3:38 am
18:65 am 5:06 pm, 8:20 am 9:15 amAr .Waycross Lv u:,B am 5:80 pm 9:85 pm 1:00 am
7:00 ana 11:25 am 11:95 am at , .Brunswick.. Lv 6:40 am ! 7:10 pm 7:10 pm
10:40 am 1:10 amj 2:25 pm, 2:85 pm Ar Albany Lv 6:00 am t i 3:4.5 pm
7:56 am 7.55 pm|ll:00 amil2:oo n’n Ar..Jacksonville..Lv 7:CO am 2:00 pm 6:55 pm 8:29 pm
2:00 pm 2;05 am; 4:40 pmf 4:40 pm Ar. ...Sanford. Lv 1:15 am 7: 5 am !8:50 pm 12:50 pm
8:15 am | 8:50 pm 3:50 pm Ar Live Oak Lv I 6:00 pm 6:00 pm
11:10 am | 8:35 pm 2:35 pmi Ar. ..Gainesville...Lv 8:00 anj 3:00 pur 3:00 pm
4:29 amj 11:28 am 11:98 am Ar Valdosta..,.Lv 3:28 pmj„.. ! 9:23 pm
6:25 am; ; 1:08 pm 1:08 pm Ar. Thomaaville..Lv' 2:07 pm! | 7:85 pm
9:25 am 3:25 pm 3:25 pmiAr...Monticollo.,.Lvi 11:45 am 4:30 pm
9:00 am! 2:85 am 2:85 pm Ar.. Bainbridg*....Lv]..'.. .. 12:50 pro 5:10 pm
ll:4sami Ar Chattahoochee Lv —i 2:15 pm
4:45 am Ar. ...Macon ....Lv 8:00 am ' 19:15 pm
8:00 pm. 11:00 am ... Ar. ..Colurabua. ...Lv ;2:05 pm
8:00 am 1.... Ar Atlanta . ..I.v 11:50 pm j 7:00 pm
I 7:35 am 8:40 pm 8:40 pm Ar.. Montgomery .Lv 7:30 pm' 7:00 am
1 7:16 pm 7:35 am 7:35 amj Ar. .New Orleana Lv j [ 7:5u pm |
The New York and Florida (pedal vegtibuied trains wll commence running .lan ISiti, and will
leave Savannah aouth-brund at 10:00 a. m Tuesdays, Taursdays and Saturdays, and north
bound Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 4:09 p. m. ,
Trains Not. 27 and 14 carry Pullman cars between New York and Port Tampa. No. 27 carries
Pulima i sleeping cars Waycros* to 'aahville, LouGvil e and Cincinnati. Trains 60 and 78 carry
Pullman sleeping cars between New York and Jacksonville. Nos. 5 and 6 carry Pullman cars
between Savannah and Jacksonville. Non. 6 and 6 have Pullman cars between ' avarnish and
Atlanta and on Wednesdays aid Saturdays No. 5 carries Pullman sleeper to Suwannee Springs,
and on Tnursdaya and Sundays tba sleeper returns fiom Suwannee Springs.
Train No. 5 counsels at Jeeup for Macon, Atlanta and tha west. TANARUS: ain 15 connects at Waycrosa
for Albany, Montgomery, New Orleans, Nashville, Evansville, Cincinnati and St. I.ouis Through
Pullman sleeper Way cross to St. Louis. Train 27 connects with Alabama Midland railway for
Montgomery and the aouthweat.
Tickets sold to all points and sleeping car bertha secured at passenger stations, and ticket
office. 33 Bull Street F. W. ANGIER, City Ticket Agent.
R. G. - LEMING, Superintendent. W. M. DA VIPBON, General Passenger Agent.
Charleston and Savannah Railroad
Schedule in Effect Jan. 8, 1893.
rPRAINS leave and arrive at Savannah bv Standard time, which la 36 minutes slower than city
JL time Time at Charleston. 75th meridian.
66 36 I 79 14 27 15 *36 23
12:50am 9:00 am: 8:43 pm 12:24 pmLy....Savannah..,,Ar s:lsam 1:10 pm 7:3opm 6:00 am
3:S2atn 11:05 am 10:21 pm 2:ospm Ar Yemassee Lv 2:55 am 11:17 am 6:44 pm 3:36 am
5:27am 2:30 pm 1:18 am 6:oßpm Ar. Charleston. . .Lv 12:40 am 10:04 am 4:17 pm I:43am
j 7:00 pm Ar Allendale....Lv 9:2lam 4:lopm
I 9:l6pm Ar—Augusta ... .Lv .. 1..... .j 7:05 am 2:60pm 1
10:55am; 8:40 pm 10:55 am 10:40 pm Ar.... Columbia... .Lv 6:lopm 8:00am !
6:30 pm 6:2opm 3:40 am Ar.. Richmond... .Lv 2:4.3 pm B:3opm'.. 9:15 am
11:10pm 11:10pm 7:00 am Ar.. Washington.. .Lv J0:57 am 4:o9pm 4:3oam
12:48am i 12:48 am 8:20 am Ar... Baltimore Lv 9:15 am 2:30 pm.......... 2:50 am
3:45 am| I 3:45 am 10:46 am Ar. .Philadelphia ..Lvj 7:30 ani l2:10 pm . 12:03 n’t
6:50 am, 1 6:50 am 1:28 pm Ar„ New York.. .Lv)12:16 am, 9;Boam. 9:00 pm
•Daily exoept Sunday.
Train No. 14 stops on signal at Yemassee. Balkehatchie, White Hall, Green Pond. Ashepoo,
Jacksouboro. Pon Pon, Adam's Run. Karenel, Kautowles. John's Island and Dravton. Train No.
78 stops on signal at all stations south of Yemassee to receive and discharge passengers Train
No 27 stops on signal at all stations. Train 66 does not atop Train No. 15 stop at at! stations
Trains 85 and 36 stop at all s ationa Train 23 .tops at Green Bond and at all otner stations on
signal Trains Nos. 14. 78. 27, 36. 23, 66 and 36 dally. Connection for Port Koval and Augusta
stations, Yemassee to Augusts, made by train No. 14. Connection for Beaulort am Port Royal
made by No 86 and 14 daily.
Trains Nos. 14, 27, 66. 15, 23 and 78 have Pullman sleepers between Savannah and New York.
No connection to or from Wa terboro on Sunday.
• For tickets, Pullman car reservations and other information apply to F. W. ANGIER, Ticket
Agent, 22 Bull street, and at depot. XV 31 DAVIDS'IN. Gen. Pass. Agent.
O. S. GADSDEN, Superintendent- E. P McSXVINEY. Division Bass. Agent.
The Only South Atlantic Line to European Porta
Commencing September 80th, 1892, tbe follow ng steamships will make regular sailings from
Brunswick. Go., to Liverpool and Bremen:
a B.WIV ENBOK 1,893 TONS CLARK. Master.
S. 8 HAYGKEKN 1,869 TONS Bl ACKLAW, Master.
8. B. J M. LOCKWOOD 1,77* TONS JENKINS, Master,
8. S. STORRA-LEE 1,734 TONS ..BAILEY. Master
8. 8. DEEKHILL 1,788 TON3„ BAINBRIDGE. Mattel.
Additional steamships will be placed 00 tbe line as business warrants.
B. a DeerhUl will aail from Liverpool to Brunswick September Ist.
8. 8 Haygreen will sail from Brunswick for Liverpool September 30th.
Consignments solicited to all points in the Unlt-d Kingdom and Continent of Europe.
For freight, passage and general information, apply to
The Brunswick Terminal fa, General Bransvick, Gi, or Messrs.
C KDewolf & Col, Agents, 28 Bnasyii St, Liyerpool, Eng.
Have a world-wide reputation- Send your ordera to
them and get full value lor your money.
van houten-s cocoa.
New Tori, Boston ani Piul*ialpna
CABIN . >2O 00
CABIN... ............... ....... >2200
excursion 36 SS
STEERAGE . ! 11 75
(Vu New You.)
CABIN 529 y,
EXCURSION ..1... 36 00
.-.-hi.iE miw
THE magnificent steamships of these lines
are appointed to sail at foliows—standard
Jan. 11, lp. m.
KANSAS CITY, Capt. W. H. Fishes, FRIDAY,
Jao. Id. 2:80 p. m.
CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt. H. C. Daoobtt.
h-AXURDAY. Jan. 14. 3:00 p, m.
NACOOCHEE, Capt. F. Smith, MONDAY, Jan.
16, 4:30 p. n
WEDNESDAY. Jan. 19. lit. yl
fITY OF AUUUSTA. Capt. J. W. Cutharike,
B RIDA V, Jan. 20, 7 a. m.
CITY OF MACON. Capt. H. C Lewis,
THURSDAY. Jan. 12.1:50 p. k.
GATE CITY, Capt. GoodiHe, THURSDAY, Jan.
19, 6:30 p.m. ’
[For fretgtit only.]
DESSOUG, Capt. E. Chkistjx. TUESDAY.
Jan. 17. 5 p. M.
Through bills of lading given to Eastern and
Northwestern point* and to ports of the United
Kingdom and tha continent
For freight or passage apply to
C. G. ANDERSON, Agent,
Waldburg building, west of City Exchange.
Hereii&ntf and Miiiari’Traiijpartitioa Coi’ y
IT or Baltimore.
CA81N...., ..*ls 00
cabin to Washington is 20
Tickets sold to all points on tha Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad.
THE STEAMSHIPS of this company are ap
pointed to sail from Savannah for Balti
more ae follows—standard time:
WM. LAWRENCE. Capt. J. W. Kirwah,
WEDNESDAY. Jan. 11,12 noon.
Jan. 14. 3p. m
D. H. MILLER, Capt. Billups, WEDNESDAY,
Jan. 18.5:30 p. a.
And from Baltimore every TUESDAY and
Through bills of lading given to ail point-.
West, all the manufacturing towns in New
England, and to porta of the United Kingdom
and the Continent.
J. J. CABOLAN, Agent,
56 Hay street.
_J. C. WHITNEY, Traffic Manager, Baltimore
Plant Steamsmp unes
Port Tampa, Key West and
Lv. Port Tampa Mon.. Thurs. and Sat. 10 p. m.
Ar. Key West. Tuea. FrL, and Sun. 4 p. M.
Ar. Havana, XVed., Bat. and Mon. 6 a m.
Lv. Havana. Mon , Wed and Sat. 12:80 p. m.
Ar. Key XVest, Mon., Wed. and Sat. 7:30 p. st.
Ar. Port Tampa, Tues., Thurs. and Sun. 3p.
Connecting at Port Tampa witn West India
fast mail train to an i from northern and east
ern cities. For state room accomodations an
ply. to F. B. ARMSTRONG. Ticket Agent.
Port Tampa. M. F. PLANT. Assistant Manager
X3. M. DAX’IDSON, General Passenger Agent.
mediate ram
Leaving Savannah. Tuesdays and Friday* at
8o clock p. m Returning: Leaving Brunswick
Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1 p. m. Leaving
I Darien Wednesday* and Saturdays at 5 p. m.
Arrive at Savannah Thursdays and Sundays at
7a. a. For any Information apply to
W. T. GIBSON, Manager,
Kind s Wharf.
Will leave every Tuesday and Thursday at 11
\ o'clock A. M.. returning every Wednesday and
Friday. No freight received after 10:5) a. m. on
■ailing days. Will touch at Bluffton on Tues
day and Friday.
Special tripe to Bluffton every Sunday at 10
! A. a., returning, leave Bluffton u 7a a Mon
day .
For further Information, apply to
C. H, MFD LOCK, Agent, Katie’s Wharf.
Electricity to Thunderbolt, Isle of Hope and
Intermediate points.
City and Suburbia and Sanam Thaa
derbolt aud Isle of Hope hail wayi
On and after MONDAY. Jan 2. 189S.
Thunderbolt and Uonavi-nture cars leava
Bolton Street depot every half hour.
For Isle of Hope from Second Avenue depot,
10. 11 am, 1, 4.5:30pm
For lale of Hope from Bolton Street depot,
6:20, 6:45, 9 am, 2:30, 7:20, 9:20 pm. ihaturuay
From Isle of Hope into Second Avenue de
pot. 8:16 'steam). 10:15 a m. 12:26, 3:20, 4 50 pm.
From Isle of Hope into Bolton Street depot, t,
7:10. 7:50 a m.. 1:45,6:80 pm.
For Montgomery, leave city (steam from
Sandfly.) lu am, 2:5). 7:20 pm. From Mont
gomery. 7:15 a m. 2:46. 7:30 p ra. (San Illy -.uly i.
Freight for tale Hope and Montgomery will
be received at Second Avenue only, and leave
every day 10 am. Sec special schedule in Sun
day’s Issue J. H JOHNSTON, President.
Florida Central ana Peninsular Rail roar?
Daßy Daily, AN^ Dail F Dally
12:45 pm 7:04 ani Lv Savannah Ar 7:50 pm 12:!4n’n
7:2opm 11:95 am Lv Callahan Ar *:33 pm 7:3oam
8:40 pm 11:16 am Lv Jacksonville Ar 2:80 pm 6:20 am
18:83 n’t 2:23 pm Ar Hawthorne. Lv 11:80 am 2:62 am
9:23 am 8:44 pm Ar Goals Lv 10:14 am 1:48 am
B:2sam 4:40 pm Ar Wildwood Lv 9:loam I’-’Oam
4:56 am 6:48 pm Ar Laoooehee Lv 8:04 am :oßam
6:lsam tf:oopmAr Dade OUr Lv 7:46am 9:36pm
6:3oam 7:19 pm Ar Ptantdty .Lv 1 4:3oam B:2opm
7:soam 8:90 pm Ar Tampa. Lv 6:3oam 7:lopm
3:45 am 4:4opm Lv Wildwood Ar 9:08 am l!:15pm
6:45 am 5:40 pm Ar Tavares..... Lv 6:l6ara 7:sopm
B:4sam 6:3e pm Ar Apopka _....Lv 7:2Bam 5:15 pm
10:05am I:10pra Ar Orlando.... Lv 7:ooam B:lspm
5:40 am 6:65 pm Lv Laoooehee Ar 7:82 am 9:35 am
7:SRam 9:lopm Ar Tarpon Springs Lv 7:lßpm
6:15 am 9-25 pm Ar Sutherland Lv 7:08 pm
9:32 am 10:40 pm Ar St. Petersburg Lv 5-45 pm
*fc:ooam *6:06 pm Ar Dunnellon Lv *8:35 am *4:36 pm
CaJt'&bvi u tha transfer station for all points in South
Florida reached by tha F. C. & P. audits fonoeatiom.
| 7:26 pm 7:01 amlLv Savannah Ar 7:50 pm 6:80 am *
9:46am 3:soom|Al Fnrnandlna. Lv 10:10am 6:sopm
•Daily except Sunday tMeata. " ~ ~~
Solid trains Callahan to Tampa and Orlaodo. Cloeo oonnaotion at Tampa with So Flv R. A
fw Port Tampa, Kay West and Havana Close connection at Owensboro with So. Fla. 8 R lv
Lakeland and Bartow. Close nonueotlon at Tavar-e *lth J, T. and K. V. ay. for Sanforl sat
TltusvlUa Pullman Buffet sleeping oars on night trains. Through short llae Jacksonville to Nsv
Orleans, Jacksonville to Thomasvtlls. Montgomery and Gluoinnatl. Tlokets sold and basis**
checked through to all points in the United States. Canada and Mexico. Send for best man if
Florida published, and for any Information desired, to *
D. KL MAXWELL G. M A. O. MAODONELL. Q. P. A.. Jacksonville.
———-—— —-——
SOUTH. ~~ nortHT = —-
Nos. 15*83 No. *7 No*. 71*61 —STATIONS— Nos. 66*62 No. 78 Sis. 707s
* 8 10pm *lB 40 pm * 8 00am Lv Jacksonville .... Ar *(j2s pm 18 80 pm * 0 35am
*920 pm * 150 pm *920 am Ar j (Lv *5OO pm *ll 30 am *BlO am
+l2 45 pm *2OO pm tfl2s am Lv ) (.Ar. +l2 25 pm *ll 25 am +520 pm
+IIS pm *285 pm +lO 02 am I-v Hastings Lv +ll 2am *lO 48 am +489 pm
+135 pm * 300 pm +lO 2o am Lv. ..East Palatka ....Lv til 35 am j *lO 25 am + 4 20pm
i 1 .
+ 1 25 pm See train 65 +lO 45 am Ar Ii I<v +ll 15 am i t 4 00 pm
See trainßBj.. . Lvj •••• •* aiatita -J A r See train G 1 , llm
See train 51 See train 45*Ar I a .„ JLv See train 46 See tramsl
See train 52 i Lt j-....8an Mateo....-j Ar +.. See train 45 See trains3
* 8 37 pm Lv ...Neoga Lv * 9 38 am
* 3 45 pm Lv Espanola ...Lv * 9 36 am
......... * 4 48 pm Lv.......... Or in0iid........ Lv * 8 38 am
| * 5 13pm iLr Davtona ... .Lv * S iSara
* 6 27 pm I.v Port Oran e Lv * 7 53 am
l* 540 pm Ar.... New Smyrna Lv *735 am
The steamer "Conrtn >y" is ap
pointed to leave New Smyrna „ . „...
*ridlr'at , 9 1 2 , 'm' V Sf e R^ T led“e •"’••••THueville."""'"" This road I* under construction
and interm'dlite landings hS- •••• —.CSty Point between .New Smyrna and Kook
turning leaves Roekl d:e every A„„£???;•• |ledKe.
TuM-iny, Thursday Saturday Kocklelj<e ••
at t> a. id.
The Cincinnati and St. Augustine spec al leaves Jacksonville at 12:30; arrives St AugustineT
1:40 p m. Peturnlny, leaves St. Augustine at 2:20 n. m.; arrives a Jacks nville at 3:85 p m daily.
No. 65 No. 63 | No. 61 j | No. 62” | No. 64 No. 68~
+3lopm+l *5 pm j +:0 25 am |Lv East Palatka Ar +ll SI am +4SO pm +240 pm
+ 330 pm +155 pm +lO 45 am Ar Palatka ... ,Lv' +ll 15 am I+4oo pm +220 pm
No. 63 | No. 51 | No. 43 ! No. 46 | No. 5* | N0~64
+ 4 ‘opm!+ 3 10 p n +lO 27 am LvF.Pal'tka Ar +lO 10am'+ 2 45 pm‘+ 4 10 pm
lt 4 85 pm It 8 25 pm +lO 42 am jAr Sa Mat'oLv t 9 55ami+ 230 p ni+ 3 65 pm
•Daily. tDaily, except Sunday” ' ‘
At JACKSONVILLE with the 8., P. and W. R'y, F C. and P. R’y and Clyde Steamship Lins.
At PALATKA with the G. S. and E. R'y. J. T. and K. W. R’y and Florida Southern railroad.
At NEW SMYRN \ with steamer COURTNEY for Kockledge and intermediate landings on
lllsborough and Indian river*.
W. L. CRAWFORD, Gen. Supt. JOSEPH RICHARDSON. Gen. rassenger Agent.
* MASON YOUNG, E9celver.
timktahleine l f ct jan. i, iso3.
a -UU TI -' STATIONS. \ NoRTH. '
No. 15. j No. 27. No. 71. j No. 14 | No. 78 No. 66.
* 8 15m *l2 30pm + 8 SOam'Lv Jacksonville ,u ;* 6 30am + 1 15pm + 6 00pm
* 9 34pm * 1 2.3pm| + 9 siam Ar Ur en Cove Springs I.v < 5 20am 02 <’3pm + 4 54pra
*0 44 nT* 2 ilypm +!0 (samj Ar Palatka Lv J* 4 25au) 11 10am + 4 00:>m
•12uSam;* 8 12pmtl9Vo m Ar.. Sevil .• i.v * a i 3am * 9 isatn + . 4"pm
•12 4lautj* 340 m|t 2 39pm Ar DeLeon Spring* Lv * 2 23am A 9 lOatn + 2 07pm
l* 4 80pmi+ 1 15ym vrj nr n ,3 ( Lvj + 8 10am + 1 iWotn
* 3 25pm!+12 85pm Lv) DeLand ) Ar + 8 16am + 2 06pm
* 4 06pm|+ 1 l.’pm Ar Orange City Junction I.v * 1 49am + 35am + 1 38pm
+ 4 42pm * 1 38pm Ar .. Enterprise Lv' + 7 55am + 1 07pm
l+ 7 OOprnlt 310 pm Ar Titusville. Lv + 5 20am +ll 36am
* 2 05am * 4 40pm|+ 2 00pm Ar Sanford... Lv * 1 15aui + 7 55am +l2 50pm
t 6 50pm Ar Tavares LV| + 5 30am
i* 345 pm Al22lpm Ar ... . .Hawthorne..* Lv t U 4 3 am * 2 34pm
-|* 4 36pm +l2opmjAr j Oalnwtvliu l Lvj + 3 00am* 130 pm
* 330 pm I+l2 10pm !Lvl Gainesville.* f Ar + 9 55am • 2 35pm
* 6 00pm f 223 pm Ar Ocala Lv. + 7 60am *l2Sspra
* • • 7 35pm * 4 05ptii: Ar Leesburg Lv + 6 15am *lO 38vm
: § 9 00pmit 5 25pm|Ar. Pemberton i.v * 9 10am
jj 9 50pmj+ 6 20pm Ar BrooksviUe. Lvj.i.”..... * 8 15am
* 345 am * 6 52pmj+ 4 02pm Ar Orlando ~Lv|U Oomit 6 40am .. ..
* 430 am * 6 22pm + 6 15pm Ar Kissimmee Lv *ll 00pm + 5 soam
* 7 45am • 8 Espm Ar Tampa Lv 8 00pml ..
* 8 25am * 3 40 pm Ar Port Ta npa Lv * 7 20pm!
t 7 10am Lv Bartow Lv * 539pm' .. .....
+lo 00am |Ar ...Arcadia Lv + 2 35pm 1
+ll 30amj |Ar Punta Gorda Lv + 1 10pm!
•Daily + Daily 'except Sunday. only ~ '
Trains 27 and 14 carry through Pullman Buffet sleepers dally between New York and Port
Tarni*. connecting at Port Tampa Mondays. Thursdays and Saturdays foi Key West and Havana.
Nos. 15 and i4 carry through Pullman sleeping cars between Cincinnati and Tampa
Nos. 71 an 60 carry through Pullman parlor cars Detween Jacksonville and Titusville
INDIAN RIVER bTKAMKB > are appointed to leave Titusville as follows- For Roekledga,
Melbourne and way landings daily, except Sunday, at 5:30 a. m. For Jupiter and points on Lake
Worth, Mondays and Thursdays, at 7:30 p. in.
... _ STROBHAR, Gen. Pass. Agent, Jacksonville, Fia.
TV. B. DENHAM, Actinjr General Superintendent.
south Bound railroad
IN EFFECT NOV. 20. 1892.
TT 1 \ I I? l Savaunah to New York, 25 hoursioTnlnutes
I til lb i Savannah to Columbia, 4 hours2o minutes
x * J-'A I.-. Savannah to Asheville. 10 hours 25 minutes
No. 10. No. 33 TANBUiiG. CHARLOTTE, HOT SPRINGS, Etc. No. 37. , No, 9.
400 pm 110 20 am Lv avannah Ar 5 10piuj 1,45 am
900 pm ) 2 40|iniAr Columbia Lv 12 30 pm 645 aui
6 50 pm Ar Spariautiurg Lv 10 10 am
lO O pm ir Asheville Lvj 7 00 am
6 (Oam 730 pm Ar Charlotte Lv 936 am 1130 pm
817 ami 921 pm Ar Salisbury... Lvi 817 am 955 pm
10 10 am 10 42 pm Ar .... Gre. eiishro ....Lvj 039 am 8!0 pm
6 67pm|......... Ar Hot Springs l.v| 1239 pm
TO AND FR|*M vU' U. t.\, ATL.A7 lA, RE aUFORT AND PORT ro'a'au ' “*
10 20 soil 4no pmjLv Sava ah. .. .. Ariii'4sam|
12 09 pm 6 12 pm Ar Fairfax Lv 938 am'
6 28 pru Ar ...Allen lale Lv; 918ami
Bis pro Augusta iv|7 06am|
687 pm Ar .Beaufort Lv 7 30amU..
sSopm Ar Port Royal Lv 7 15am
630 am r Atlanta Lv|lll6pmi
No. 10. No. 38. FROM EA3TERN POINTS. j No. 87. N0.9.
400 pm 10 20 am Lv...„„.. Sava nab Ar 5 10 p m 11 45 a m
10 50 pro 240 pm Lv Columbia Ar 12 80 p m 645 a m
655 am 815 pm Lv Charlotte Ar 985am11 30 p m
580 pro 700 am Ar Richmond Lv 19 50 am 1245 p m
12 01 pm 12 04 am Ar Danville Lv 5 40am 6 20pm
260 pin 162 am Ar Lynchburg Lv 340 am 327 pm
926 pm 645 am Ar Washington I.v 10 43 pin 830 a m
1136 pm 805 am Ar Baltimore Lv 920 p m 650 a m
800 am 10 30 am Ar Philadelphia. Lv 8 55 p m 885 am
690 am |l l 50 pm Ar New York iLv 4 30 pin 12 15n'gh
THE ASHEVILLE LlMlf F,l> Is ten noun* the quickest tielweeh savanuah andTtno resorts of J
Western North ami South Carolina, through by daylight. Pullman buffet tiarlor oars between
Savannah and Asheville.
Magnificent buffet parlor csrs between Savannah and Columbia on 67 and 88. and oloae con
nection at I'lierlotte with through Pullman palace buffet sleepers of the Washington Southwestern
Vestibule Limited to and from Richmond. Baltimore. Philadelphia. Washington, New York end
all eastern cities.
Train* ta-iwean Savannah and Columbia run hr Central standard time.
Train* arrive and depart from Central railroad pa-wng-r station.
I. M, FLr.MINU, General Paseengsr Vpent.
J. GUAY, Soliciting Passenger Ageul.
K. FORD, Superintendent.
City Ticket Offlse No. 8 Bull strseh VUIUiL WALKER Master of Transpur'atioa.
J.,St. A. &l. R. Railway,
JANUARY 2, ’93.
I Ti//aAi b Ihe transfer stafloa for all points k South
Honda reached by Ihe F. C. & P. tad its coanectim