Newspaper Page Text
Savas.vah, Ga., Jaa. 18. 1893. (
coTTON _Tbe situation m the spot market re
itis practically the same. The demand is of
moderate proportions, hence the business
Ae to-day was light and prices are easy at the
V^, D e. Thetotal sales for the day were 490
tt i e p. On Change at the open ingest I, at 10 a. in..
e market was bulletined rery dull and un
rtisnited, with sales of 23 bales At the second 1 P. m., it was quiet at a decline of
u . 'in all grades, the sales being
S bale* At the third and last call, at 4
T m.. it closed quiet and unchanged, with
further eales of 24'-' bales. The following are
tW official closing spot quotations of the Cotton
Middling fair 9-V
flood middling. 544
Kiddiine -• • 9fci
ro* middling 9
flood ordluarr 844
spa Islands— The market continues very quiet
and business slow Previous sales were on the
bis of quotations:
Choice ®2514
Extra fine 24
Medium flno ,22®2214
good medium 30@20V4
Medium 16®19
Common 17®17t4
I I t I Still SH 111 1
i 1 1 iii'f !"_
and I ® |s ill |§ A
go- *|!"!*|if| ■i|J
1 'lijliflfp? H
s e > .IS sf a s> , ?-
® x u 2 aL I I '
1 Its i ST!Pf 1! |
;a 111 I IT It!
5*51 *s : : :.S : ° :
Sta © • 3 • 3 fl J
o f to do : >.o : .}
6 : f® -1^
JoS. i ss. ; %\
g §l3 '• II i =2
5 TANARUS" t. s. ® ** _s * 5
W isi H MX
k i wa
Rice—There is no change in quoted values.
The demand for the time is light and t rading as
well Tne sales for the day were 89 barrels.
Job lots are held at j6®i4c higher.
C0mm0n..... 3
Fair 3tk@**4
Good .. 3Vs®3 M
Prime 4 ®4C4
Choice I'difoJYi
Tide water $ 70® 90
Country lots 50® 60
Naval Stores—The spirits turpentine market
was rather quiet at unchanged prices. There
was a slow inquiry and a very moderate bus -
es. done. The sale* during the day were about
200 casks. At the Bi ard of Trade on the open
ire call the market was reported quiet at 81c
for regulars. At the second call it closed quiet
stdle for regulars. Rosin—The market rules
steady but quiet and without any quoted
changes in prices, although some of the better
grades have teen selling at slightly lower figure.
than quotations. There was only a light trade
doing. At the Board of Trade on the first call
tilt market was post'd aa dull for M and above
snd firm for K and below, with sales
of 397 barrels ot the following quota
lions: A. B, C. D and E. SI 07V*: r.
I 12W; O. *1 20; H, $1 52j$; I. $1 *0; K. $3 45;
M. $3 30; N, to 40; window glass. $3 90; water
white. $4 00. At the last call It closod un
Spirits. Rose
?toetc on hand April l 3,892 39.031
Received to-day 207 3,088
Received previously 283,757 815.132
Total .R 59.356 887,852
Exported to day 1,475 12,433
Exported previously 952,178 733, 369
Total 1 ‘158.648 747.800
Stock on hand and on ship
board to-day 15,703 140,058
Received same day last year. . 124 3.126
Kinakcial—Money is easy.
Domestic Exchange —T he market is steady
Ranks and bankers are buying at par and sail
ing at Vs tier cent premium
Foreion Excnanue The market Is steady.
Sterling commercial* demand, $4 87;
•utyday*, $4 B‘>; ninety days, |4 84)4; francs,
Paris and Havre, sixty dava, £3 19)4; Heltr an.
lixty days, $5 20$&; marks, sixty day*. 95 l-I6c
Securities—Central railroat *ecuritias are
weak and nominal, and it is difficult to make
tales. Savannah 5s are in good demand.
Stocks and Bonds— City Bonds Atlanta 5
percent. lon/data, n)9 bid, ill rvskod; Atlanta
* pare rat, 114 bid. 116 asked; Augusta 7 per
cent, long date. 10J hid. 111 aikod; Augusta 6
percent, longfiat*, 10**bid. 115a*k‘d; Columbus
6percent. 10214 bid, asked; Macon 6 i>er
cent, 113 bid 114*4 asked: new Savannahs per
cent, quarterly April coupons, 101 bid, li4>4
aake<i; new Savannah ft per cent Fobrua y cou
pons, 104V£ hid, 106 asked.
State Bonds— Georgia new per cent
bid, 11 asked; Georgia 7 per cent coupon®
January and July, maturity 1896, 109 bid.
asked; (Georgia 8)4 par cent. 09 bid. 100 asked,
teed, 104 bid, Georgia common, 170
Ra.lroad Stocks —Central common. 40 bid, fiO
asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent, guaran-
Mked; Southwestern percent guaranteed, iu
cludinr order for div, '*9 bit, 91 asked; Cen
tral 0 per cent certificates, with order for de
faulted interest. 50 bid, 53 aske i; Atlanta and
West Point railroad stock, 98 bid.
lOOa ked; Atlanta and West Point 6 per cent
certificates, 95 bid, 98 asked.
Railroad Bonn*— Savannah. Florida an i
Western Railroad Company general mortgage
8 per cent, interest coup >ns. October. 1094a bid,
asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mortgage
con*oUdatftd 7 per cent coupon, January an i
July, maturity 1897. 10S hid, 10* ask^*d;
Central Railroad and Banking Company
collateral gold fts, 80 Did. 83 &*k:*d; central
consolidated mortgage 7 per cent coupons,
January and July, maturity 1893.104 bd. 104>4
Savannah an i Western railroal 5 per
c*®nt, indorsed by Central railroad, 63 bid.
Savannah. Americis and Moil'
ffomary 6 per cent t 8 bid. 70 asked: Georgia
rauroad 6 per crat. 1910. 113 bid, 114
ftdead; Georgia Southern aqJ Florida first
tuortgage 6 per e nr. 76 b!d, 77 asked;
I'ovingt-m and Macon first mortgage u per
cnt, 70 bid, 80a*.kefi; Montgomery an dfiufauia
first mortgage 6 per crat. indorsed by Cet
jral railroad* 95 bid. 98 asked; Char
lotte Columbia and Augusta firs- mort-
Ea*e ioo bid, 101 asked; charlotte,
Columbia and Augusta, secoud mortga,:e
be oid. li? asked; Charlotte, Columbia and
Augusta, general mortgage. 6 per cent. '* * bid,
iJU asked; South Georgia and Florida indorse 1
Bruts, bid, 107 aske 1; Sratti Georgia and
Florida, sec >nd mortgage, 10416 bid. ll)G asked;
Augtista and Knoxville, flrevt mortgage. 7 j>er
c®"t, 9.j bid, a®xed; Gainesville, JoiTerson
Js'i Southern, first mortgage, guar.imeed,
bX) asked; Gainesville, JefTersou and South
not guaranteed. 99 Ocean
oteamshlp 5 per cent, due in 1920.
•61 asned; Giiuesvil'e. Jeflferson and South
*'d, Hvcond mortgage, pru ran teed, 9* asked;
(-uiutnouft and itotuc, first mortgage
*• by Central railroad, 80 i.d,
c-14 disked; Columbus hq] Western 6 i>er cent,
guaranteed, *js t>id, 100 asked; City au t Sub
urban Railway first mortgage 7 per cent, 99
ui *, lot asked; Savannah anil Atlantic 5 per
wnt indorsed, 67 bid, 69 asked; Electric Rail
ay Company 6 per cent montage, 109 oul,
ju asked.
hanu, Stocks, c/r.—Southern Bank of the
5? a t to °f Georgia. 22 bid, £joasked; Merc .ants’
li , ni al Bunk, 115 bid, 120 asked: Savannau
uuK and’lYunt Company, ex div. 106 bid, lu7
of Savannah. 13414 bid,Us46
Oglethorpe .Savings and Trust 0 >m| any,
V <*J**ll3hifi, 114 tasked; Citizen V ii.auu.ex-tuv,
. 4 aske* 1 .; Chat bam Real r Mat.-an i
a r /venien; Company. 524 bid. 5® ask 'd;
auk. bid, lOijUjasued; Chatham
<k. bid. 58 asKed; >avanrmb Loimruution
company, *,o bid, 55 asked,
b,i***•--Savannah Gas Bight stock, 21
tr,' a*ted; M I'A.ial Gat Bigot scocx. -6 bid;
tlpn* l*o wjr Cumpin/. <>•
A mm.EH—choice Kaldwius. $3
o't °i N Marse. very firm ibe Hoard
I'i.i' m< L‘ huotati ns are as follows: ftmoked
u!i rri V w#l * ‘hKp;shoulders, m^c; dry *alt*d
P lf .i r,b , hUM *. long clear, bellies,
" . Lid" ~ 0)4 ; u.u.4, l J*a.
. s**u:no asp TiEv-The market steady.
;e; ktt. l *4®>
I • IJ'Ullwji are ior large auatitiUes; siuali
, r ‘ s kft*r; Hr*a island bagging in undent*
iron Ties—Barge lots,
••smaller ioU. 1107.
*n V rR ** ur kt l.mlmi'. fair demand. Go'*h
aia&Ck&c*******' cr *‘ m * l7 '
Uabbaoe—Southern. 9®90
Chissi—Market Arm: fair demand. 1114®13 1
.-S’™*-' 1 *™ 61 flrm< quote 1 at for Mochal
@29c; Java, 29®Slc: Peaberry. 24c: fancy or
•lan iard No 1, 2:Uc; choice or standard No 2
-°AO: prime or standard No 3.20 c: good or
standard No 4. 1914 c; fair or standard No s, 19c:
ordinary or standard No 6, common or
standard No <, l?L£c.
liaiKD Fkuit—Apples, evaporated, 1044c:com
mon, 65 4 ®714c. Peaches. Caliiornia evaporated
tweled ,22®24c: California evi uorated. uapeeled’
.3®loc. Currants, 5®5>40. Citron, ltic Dried
apneote, 14c.
Dav Goods—The market is quiet, but tending
up: good demand. Prints. 5<&844c; Georgia
brown shirting, 3-4, 414 c; 7-8 do. 544 c: 4-4 brown
sheeting, 6.14 c; while osuaburgs. Sc; checks.
4vs®Bc; brown drilling, 844 4.744 c
Flour—Market higher. Lxtra. gS 00;fatnilv
S3 25; fancy, S3 75; patent, 51 50; straighi,
ft 09.
Fish— Market firm. We quote full weights:
Mackerel, No. 2. ?7 75®8 50. H rr n•, No
1. 25c; scaled, 25c. Cod. 6®Bc. Mullet, half i
barreL g 4 00.
Grain—Corn—Market is steady. White corn,
retail lots. 64c; job lots, 62c; carload
lou, 60c; mixed corn, retail lots. Sic: job lots
61c: carload lots. 59e. Oats—Mixed, retail lots'
52c; job lots. 49c; carload lots 47c. Texas rust
prooi. retail lots, 54c; 1 b lot*. 52c; carload lota.
50c. Bran - Retail lote.f 1 00; job lots, 95c ;carload
lots 90c. Meal Pearl, per barrel, g 2 f0; p r sacs,
91 40; city ground. $). pearl grits. per bar
re., 53 10; per sack, $1 43; city grits, $1 30 per
Hay—Market steady. Northern, none. West
ern in retail lots, $1 00; job lots, 95c; carload
lots. 90c.
Hidss, Wool, Ere.—Hides, the market is
Steady; receipts light; dry flint, 8c;
salted. 4c; dry butcher. 3c. Wool market
nominal; prime Georgia, free of sand burs, an l
black wools, 20c; blacks. 15c Wax.
20c. Deer skins, flint 25c: salted, 20c. Otter
skins, 50c®$6 00.
Iron—Market very steady; Swede, 4>;®sc;
Jeflned, 244 c.
Demons—Fair demand; Messina, $3 50®3 75.
Lard—Market steady; pure in tierces. 12'Sqc:
fOlotins. l.:c; compound, in tierces, 944 c; in 501 b
tins. 934 c
Lime, Calcined Planter and Cement—Ala
bams and Georgia lime iu fair demand and sell
ing at gl 10 per barrel, bum and carload lots
special; calcined plaster, gi 60 per barrel; hair:
4<≻ Roneudale cement, sl39®! 40; l'ort.and
cement, retail. 82 50: car.oai low. $2 25.
Liquors—Market firm, llign wine basis gl 36:
whisky per gallon, rectified, 14) proof, gl 42
©1 7o; choice grades, g! 50®2 50. straight,
gl 75® 4 00; blend td $2 00®5 t)0. Wines—Do
rnestm port, sherry, eatawba, low grades, tin a
85c; flue grades, gl 00&1 53: California li-Tu
muscatel and angelica, gl 35® I 75; lower proofs
in proportion. Gins lc per gallon higher. Hum
2o higher
Nails—Market steady; base 50d to od, gl P -
40d. 81 90:33,1, g: 95; 12d and 20d. g 2 oj; 10J.
82 05 ; fid. 82 10; od, g 2 25; 4d and sd, *3 45;
3d. g 2 85 ; 3d fine, gi 35.
Nuts—Almonds, Tarragona, 18®19o; Ivicas,
l#®l7c; walnuts, rreticb, 14c: Naples, 16c; pe
cans. 15c: Brazils, 9@loc; Alberts. 1240: cocoa
nuts, gt 75®5 00 par huudrel, assorted nuts.
50tt> and 251 b boxes. 12®13c per Tb.
Oranoes-Florida, per box, ?2 00®2 25.
Onions—Crates, gl 25; sac s. g3 25@3 50.
4)ils—Market steady; demand fair Signal.
40®S0c: West Virginia black, 10®Mo; lard, 85c;
kerosene. 9t 4 c; neattfoot, 50®75-; machinery.
18®25c; linseed, raw. slc. boiled 530; mineral
seal. 18c; homelight. 14c; guardian, 13c.
Potatoes—xrish, barrels g's 25, sacks gl 00;
seed, gi 75®510: demand fair.
Shot—Higher; drop to B $1 55; B and
larger, gl 80; buck, gl ho
Salt--The demand is good and market
firm. Carloadlots62cf. o. b.; job lots 76®8dc.
Suoars—Market firm; quoted at for cut
loaf, side; crushed, 55jc: powdered. .V.jc; XX.V\
powdere 1, s>4c: standard granulated, 649 c;
tine..'46c; granulated. S'/jc; cubes, syjc;m)uld A.
6c; diamond A, confectioners'. 4J4c; white
extra O, 43<c; exira O, golden C. 4 1 ;c;
yellows. 4c
SYRur—Fiorida and Georgia, new 22ti®-25c;
market quiet for sugar house at 30®40c: Cuba
straight goods, ,28®dOc; sugar house molassos.
15®; 0c
Tobacco—Market quiet and steady. Smoking,
dome6tic, 22®80: chewing, com. non. sound.
22®24c; fair. 2s® iSc; good. 867548 c; bright. 60®
6Jc; fine fancy. 75®80c; extra flue gl 00®1 15;
bright navies. '22®4le.
Lumber—Demand.both foreign and coastwise.
QUift. The larger mills are generally full of
work fer a few weeks. Smaller mills a-e i.i
quirinr for orders. We quote:
Easy sises gl| 50®t3 00
Ordinary sizes 12 00® 16 50
Difflcult siseS 1401®25 00
Flooring boards 14 50®22 0)
Shipstuff* 15 50®25 00
Lumbir—By tail Tne market la dull;
tODoage is offered freely, with lictie
or qo deraand. The rate* from this
and near-by Georgia port* are quoted
nominally at $4 16®5 (U for a rao<> ino>ud
ln* Baltimore and Portland, sio.Timber 50c®l 00
higher than lumber rates. To taa West India,
and Windward, nommai; to Rosario, sls 09®
17 00, to tiuenos Avres or Mo itevideo. sl2 50;
toKlo Janeiro, sl3 Oi; to Spanish and Mediter
ranean ports. sl2 00; to United Kingdom for
orders, nominal for lumber, £4 5a standard.
By Stiak -To New York, $7 00: to Philadel
phia, $7 00; to Boston, $5 00; to Baltimore,
Naval Stores—The market is nominal
for spot vessels. Foreign—Cork, etc., smad
spot vessels rosin, 4s 4(4d and 3# 74, I; Adri
atic, roain, 2s 7Ud; Genoa. 2s 4tsd; South
American, roain, 800 per barrel of 280 poun is;
Coastwise -Steam—to Boston, lie per lOOIhi
on rosin, SWc on spirits; to New York,
rosin, 74<0 per tOOIbs. spirits. 87>c; to Philadel
phia, rosin. 7Vgc per lOillbs. spirits, 80c: to Balti
more. rosin, 3uc, spirits. 70e.
Cotton -By Steam—The market is aniet and
rates are more or iess irregular. Rates are per
100 pounds;
Liverpool Sc
Havre 4>)c
Bremen aiic
Barcelona 48c
Genoa 48c
Liverpool via New York :'Bc
Liverpool via Boston 2sr
Liverpool via Baltimore Koo
Havre via New York 40c
Reval via New York 51c
Genoa via New York 00c
Amsterdam via New York 50e
Amsterdam via Baltimore ,8c
Antwerp via New York. 42c
Boston bale $1 25
New Yorr $ bale 1 00
Philadelphia 13 bale 1 09
Baltimore 100
Rice—Bv Steam-
New York $ barrel 50
Philadelphia barrel 50
! lain more barrel 50
Bostou Til barrel
Grown fowls I? pair $ /0 <®7S
Chickens % grown $ pair 43 oh
Chickens naif growu $1 pair 85 <®4 )
Turkeys $1 pair 1 50 00
Turkeys, dressed, slb 20 Oh
Chickens, dressed, ijjl lb 14 (®* 17
G> ese $1 pair 1 00 (At 25
Egg s, country. $ dozen 27 ® 28
Peanuts, fancy n. p. Va 5Vi A)
Peanuts, h. p. $) lb 4Vi(®
Peanuts, small h. p., lb 4 @
Sweet potatoes, bush, .yellow... 50 (Tio
Sweet potatoes, ip bush , white 40 <®3o
Poultry Market is quiet; demand
slow; half an I three quarter grown not wanted.
Eons—Market is strong and stock light, de
mand good.
Punch—Ample stuck, demand light, prices
.44 iitSCo m Call! >3idi? 3.
New Yori, Jan. 16, 6:00 p. m.—Money
ou call na been easy, tanging fru..i zVilhlVi
percent., closlug offered at 2 ir cent.; prime
mercantile paper lA.l(ipiilA per cent. Sterling
exchange quiet but tirm; potted rates, $4 87®
4 83; commercial bills. $1 85Vi®4 87V4-
ment bonds closed dull but steady. Southern
state bonds dull but firm. Railroad bonds active
and strong.
New York. Jan. 16.—Treasury balances: Coin.
$85,425.0.10; currency, $7,780,000.
New York, Jan. 16 —Wall street was still in a
bullish humor to day, and evidences mu tipiy
that outsiders lor ihe time being have taken
the course of prices out of the hands of the
trading element, who, having completed their
Uehls on the l ing tide, are now working for a
reaction. Tne feature of the day’s operations
was Increased animation and strength m ail
coal stocks, and Ueadiug, especially during tho
ion-noon, was heavily traded in at advancing
prims, ami finally scored a net gain of 1H per
cent Other coal St cks were even stronger on
a much smaller volume of business, and Jersey
Central, after recovering ita itlvl lend, right at
tuo opening, scored a further advaoce of anout
214 per ceut Delaware and Hudsoa
aui lackawanna wore but little be
i„l and the last named, after a
re.ic-iou of 1 per e :t.. clewed with a gain of
iL per cent Distillers opened at an advance
a,m gained throughout the dav. until the rise
amounted to 4‘a |<r esnt., the closing price
Ss£u£b! of* the day. < > her iudualnals
wire'strong tlirougnout, but an advancs of 2
ner cent in bugnr was not surpassed. Ihe
•mw weak spot was found in Manhattan, in
ebicb l.quidavion stl.l pro<re*o4. From 1-. it
retirel to 131, then rallied to 16J. at wh.ou
Mid it was only 1H lo*" for tno day
taxers were quite aebve *“f
Kick Island. Burlington and Bt. _ l * ul
araarsftna f sgs A®
highest dgurea. Tue sales of stocks ware #.-
' The (oliowtn* wera closing bulat
Western Union... 9844 Omaha 5144
Adams Express .153 Omaha preferred. 119
American Exp ... 11744 St. Paul cX,4
United States Ex. 60 do prefeixed... 12414
Wei is Fargo Ex. .145 Nash., C. & St. L.
C.. U.. C. & 1... k 44 Waoash l: 14
N. V. Central IOM4 Wabash preferred 254*
NJ. Centra! IS.) Chicago. B. & 0.. 102 ST
Illinois Central .10144 Peoria, D. & E.-.. 1644
Michigan Cantral. 105 Manitoba 11244
Ohio Central 50 OregonNavtgation S3
Northern Paoiflo.. 1644 Richm'd *4V Pt.
do prof.. 4744 Terminal *W
< entrsl lanttc 29 Baltimore * Ohio 35''*
Union Pacifio 41H Oregoulmp ment. 10234
Missouri Psciflo.. 59 Alaliama class A.. 1004*
Texas Pacific— 1044 Alabama class B . 10444
Manhat:an Kiev,. 16834 Aiabatna class C.. 93
Alton 3tT. II 34 IxHi.sians consois. 97
do do pref.lso Tennessee olds ... 62
Canada Southern. 56 RL-hmon i & Ale..
Canada Pacific .. 9044 Norfolk *W. pref. 373,
Chicago X Alton.. 142 East Tennessee . . >44
Chesapeake ft 0.. 2344 do do pref.. 25
Delaware AH.... 13 4* Cotton Oil 4144
Deia.. Lack.£W. .13844 Cotton Oil pref .. 83
Denver Teno new set 6s 102
Erie 2544 do do 55..100
do preferred . 554 do do Sc. 7744
Kansas X Texas 1444 Virginia 6s 50
Lake Shore 131 do ex mat ooup 37
Lake Erie &V. 21’4 do oonsoll'ted. 50
do do pref.. Brunswicx Cos ... 744
L'vilie A Nash— 7)34 SilverCertiflcates. 83> 4
Northwestern 11444 Am. Sugar Refl .1214,
do preferred... do do pref.. 102*T
Ontario X West. .. 19 NorthCarollna 4s. 97
Ohio A Mississippi 2344 NortbOarolinaf.s. 12144
do do pref . So. Caro. Browns. 96
Pacific Mall 2744 Memphis X Char. 50
Quicksilver. 3)7 Mobile and Ohio.. £5
Quicksilver pref.. ls)q Richmond X I'an.
Heading 32 Tennessee C0a1... :j6'4
Rock Island 87*4 do do pref .lOJ
Liverpool, Jan. noon.—Cotton opened
steady, with but little doing:; American mid
dling uplands 5 3-16d; aa’es 7,000 bales—Ameri
can b. 50) hales; speculation and export 1.000
bales; receipts 24,00< bales—American SC.tOO
bales. |'utureq opened steady.
Futures; Atnerioaa miidiinjr, lo'x middling
clause, January delivery and; January and
February delivery 5 8-64d; February aad March
delivery 5 9 March and April delivery
5 9-G4d. also 5 10 64d, also ft 9-04d, a>o 5 8-b4d,
also ft 9*t>4d, also 510 fi4d. als > 5 11-ft4d. also
5 10-64 J; April and May delivery 5 11-64d. also
6 10-04 J. also 5 11-64d, also ft 12-G4d; May and
June delivery ft 13-64d, also 6 m;4d, also
5 14-C4d; June and July delivery 5 2ft*64d, also
ftl4~64a;July and August delivery ftlft 64d;
August and Sept mber delivery 5 16-64d,
also 5 17-ft4d.
The tenders of deliveries at to-day’s clearings
amounted to 90.' bales new dockets and
bales old.
4 p. ra.— Futures: Araerioau middling, low
middling claus**, January delivery ft i> 64d,
sellers; January and February delivery ft 6 rt4d,
sellers; February aad March delivery 5 0-541,
va ue: March aad April delivery ft 7-C4(&
ftß 04d; April anil May delivery ft 9-64d,
buyers; May and June delivery 5 11-041,
sellers; June and July delivery ft 12 64<2ft
5 M-G4d; July and August delivery ft 14
buyers; August end September delivery ft 14 Old,
buyo.s. Futures closed bare y steady.
New York. Jan. 10. noon.—Cotton futures
opened as follows: January delivery 9 3**c.
February delivery 4ftc, March 9 ft6c, April
9 0.,e, May 9 71c, June 9 79c. Market opened
Cotton contract* opened steady at point*
adxauce foil wing: bar ?iy a uain at Liverpool
• and 2 but prices went off U point* o
heavy receipts at Memphis and weak close at
Liverpool, with eaies of 139 000 Port
receipts were estirnateJ for to-day at 24.000
bales, against 24,39i bales last year, and for
the ween at 97.000 an i at the interior 26,000
New York. Jau. 16, noon.—Middling: upland*
middling Orleans yfjc; sales 115 bales,
fa pot cotton closed firm.
Total net receipts nt all the port*
to-day were 23.00) bales; exports, tu Great
Britain 3,633 bales, to the continent 9,3;5
bales, to Franco bales; *tock 1,05j,477
Galveston, Jan. I*.—Cotton closed easy;
middi on 9>ec; n* receipts 6,063 r>aies, nrosm
none; sales 700 bales; Ktock 1i1,.’92 bales.
Norfolk, Jan. 16. Cotton ciooed nomine:;
middling uFjc; receipts ITS bales, Arrows none;
ealtg 236 IauIos; stock 42,156 bales; cxione,
coastwise 328.
Baltimore, .Tan. 16.—Cotton closed nominal;
middling: 10c; net receipts none, grots 1,048:
kales none: st c/. 32,909 bales: exports, to Great
Britain 3.132 ba os, coastwise 2.4H2 bales.
Boston, Jan. 16.—Cotton closed quiet;
middling 9tj,e; net receipts 332 bales, gross
2,197; sales none; tdoox none; exports, coait
wis-v 401 bales.
Wilmington, Jan. 16.—('otton c'os-d dull;
middling net receipts lift bales, gross
none: sales none; stock 14,813 biles.
Philadelphia, Jan. 16.—Cotton closed quiet;
middling; 10c; net receipts 312 bales, gross
none; sales none; stock 13,940 bales.
Nkw Orleans. Jau. 15.—Cotton closed dull;
middling 9*>£c; net receipts 11,547 bales, grois
11,949; sales 1,100 bales; stock 340,715 bales.
New Orleans, .Jan 16 -Cotton futures
steady, with sal** of 106.900 bales, as follows:
January delivery 9 10c, February delivery 9 lt)c,
March delivery 9 16c, April de ivory 9 2io.
May delivery 9 27c, June delivery 9 33c, July de
livery 9 39c.
Mobile, Jan. 16.—Cotton c’oved easy; mid
dling 9'V.ic; net receipts 299 bales, gross
none; sales 300; stock 46,046 bales; exports,
coastwise 127 bales.
Memphis, Jan. 16.—Cotton closed quiet;
middling 9 9-lCc: net receipts 3.042 bales, gross
3,272; sales 40Ji0 bales; stoex 109,531 bales
Augusta, Jan 16.—Cotton closed quiet;
middling 9 7-10 c; net receipts 193 bales, gr.>*s
none; sales 2'4 bales; stock 48,089.
Charleston, Jan 16.—Cotton closed sieady;
middling 9%(&9V4c; net receipts .*:26 bales, gross
none; sales 6uo bales; stock 47,048 bales; exp rts
coastwise 184.
Cincinnati, Jan. 16,—Cotton closed steady;
middling f"£:; net receipts 122 bales, gr >ss
none; sales 130 bales; stock 5,075 bales.
Louisville. Jan. 16.—Cotton closed quiet;
middling 9%c; net receipts uone, gross
nine; >*a!es none; stock cone.
St. Louis, Jau. 16.—Cotton closed quiet;
middling 9 L! -1 Cc, net receipts 1)38 bales, gross
3,442; sales none; stoex 83.762 bales.
Houston. Jan. 16.—Cotton closed easy; raid
filing y 5-itJc; net receipts 4.249 bales; grots
none; sales I,CJB; stock 27.870 bales.
Atlanta, Jan. 16.— Cotton easy; mlfidiing
9c: receipts 188 bales
New Yore. Jau. 16.— Consolidated net re
c hots of ootton at all the por ts up to and in
cluding to-dav for the week were 38,.*01 bales,
exports, to Groat Britain 8,833 bales, to the
continent 17,088 bales.
New York, Jan. 16, 5 p. m.—Flour active,
milieus asking 15c advance; southern hour firm
but quiet, common to fair extra $2 10®3 10;
good to choice extra $3 15®4 25. Wheat
stronger aud moderately active; No. 2 red 820
in store end elevator: 88c afloat; options
active, exc.ted, irregular anil clo-ed at Ay27 ■ .c
advance and weak, opening at hlghor, but
deedned Ai<gH-c. rallied K@%c. de-'ilneu %o
witn Cnicuio near close, Moy, July and June
being the most active: No. 2 red January deliv
ery Sic; February delivery 81Ihc; May delivery
85!qc. Corn fairly active and stronger; No. 2
!BV4®MKe in elevator; 54Q®54A|c afloat;
steamer rnixed s:3®sl’dc; option* more active,
open.d strong and advanced ti®lAic, decdued
■ss®Ago. rallied (.®!dc. as Influenced oy wriest
au.i tile west, cloin2 Arm at H®!c over Satur
day; Jauua-y delivery ho (4 c, 3la> delivery
Oats fairly active and hrmer; options fairly
active and January delivery 3JL*c;
February delivery (0c; May delivery 40j|c;
No. 2 white F'ebruary delivery 4274 c; spot
prices: No 389 c; No. S while 42c; No. 2 89J4c;
mixed western Coffee—< iptions
opened stealy 10 points down ton points up.
closing firm, 5®20 up; January delivery 16 ft®
; 50; February delivery 18 1 ®l6 3:; >lav deliv.
ery July uailvery 15 ‘„u®i6 uu;
October delivery 15 Co<®l6 00; soot Rio firmer
and in fair demand; No. 7 17h,®i7i4c. Bugar—
Raw firmer and more active; tairreli ed 8 1-I6c:
centrifugal, 9(7” test. 8 7-.6®3)4c: reilned steady
and quiet; No 6 4 15- i' ,5 No. 7 its ®
4 716 c; off A 4960*95’" standard A 4 11-16®
4 r c; granulated 4 ;!-16u. Mots'ses—Foreign
nowlnal; Now Orleans steady and in fair de
iiiuuij; ojien kettle new. good to choice 26®36c.
Pork quiet and firm; ohi mosssl7 sU®l7 78; new
mess s!k s®lB 75: extra prime nominal Pea
nut! steady; tancy baudpteked 4!<i®4j6c; far
mer*'2t|®Bfsc. Jienf quiet andhrm; family
$l2O kai:i u; extra mess sii IX)®9 50. lieef bains
stronger and wanted, quoted at sl7 50® is 00.
Tierced ueef in moderate demand and firm; city
extra India men 117 00®77 30 Cut meat* in
good demand aqd firmer: pickled bellies 11
®li>.|c: picvlai shoulder* 04*® 70c; pick led
mini* 14c. Middle* quiet and firmer; short clear
iOidic Lardstrouger and quiet; western strain
closed at sll 20: city (11) 75:options: sales none.
Freights to Liverpool quiet aud nommai; cot
ton o-64d: grain 1 ,1.
Chicago, Jau. iu. Wheat opened lower
at sg-)4c; May delivery dec).ned loeiQc. butral
lied to *.l*>ic. < oru opened uncuanged at
SK 1 ,c ior nay delivery and advanced to 49®
■l9 *c. but rsacte :to 4*ft®4 A4 l ' Pork opened
5o mm at JisffU for -nay delivery, but de
clined to SIS 95. lArd opened 5c lowvr at $lO 70
for cay delivery, but defined to $:0 65
t 'uiCAdo, Jau 18.—A *u*t amount of abort
wheat *at uoiigm in to-day and an immense
quantity 01 long nc at vun sold out Knailxing
on long stuff was .Inns chiefly around “Jc ani
over The prl cat the oios* *n< üb-tautUlly
the tame .hion ost.irday. after selling lc higher
ijorn I* ■’*(-• and oats from !y® >sc higher for
new delivery. Pork is 25c, laru 5c and rib* 10c
io * er,
Catuseo. Jan. 16.—Cash quotations were at
follow■: FTour llrtu and nominal at D,®tSc
higbei than at Ihe close of tbe week. Wrest
No. 2 spring 77J$fc; No. 8 spring wheat 6i7Hi®
ON JAN. 23,
Our Muslin Underwear Sale.
We intend to start the coming season with nothing but the Freshest and Newest Goods. Necessity compels quick
action—forces us TO EXTREME MEASURES.
We Are Now Through Stock Taking.
The grandly successful season just past has natural!v left on our hands several thousand dollars worth of
broken sizes—well we MUST get them out of the way before some of the new Goods arrive, NO MATTER AT
WHAT COST. Oriers havo been issued to all heads of departments that every stock must be clean Feb. 1. We
care not at what sacrifice. Therefore to-morrow morning we start the
You ever saw. We have personally attended to the Dress Goods Department, and as a result you’ll find on our Center
Tables to-morrow short lengths in Dress Goods that sold up to $1 50 and $2 00 that you can have at from 19 cents to
35 cents per yard.
Hosiery and Underwear.
Ladiex' ani Children'* l ast and StatnlrM Black
1 and ) Ribbed Hoe, 6 to 74i, usually-Lc., at
21 c.
Such value seldom seen.
Black snd Colored. Exceptional value
Cheap at *1 S3. 75c. and 50c. KID GLOVES.
Think of it—only 25c a pair.
This is only part of tho story. Equally interesting are the Stupendous Bargains from every department in our Big Store,
as you'll see by coming here to-morrow. And let us say right here, and say it emphatically, "However shattering the prices
maybe, you'll find the article exactly as advertisfid.” Let the seemingly impossible prices not deter you, liut come, for the
impossible is always possible with us, the biggest and most progressive house in the south to-day.
68J40; No. S red 77®77J4c. Corn—No. 2 44c.
Data—No. 2 31')a@82c. Mess pork sl7 50, A
17 2V4. Lard slOls. Short rin aides $k 55®
9 75; dry salts.) shoulders boxeand, $2
short dear tides $lO 30Q10 40. Whiskjr at
$1 35.
Leading futures ranced as follows:
Whsat— Opening. Closing.
January 77 7714
May 82H *4l
Juy 81 8l)k
January 13', 434,
February 41t4 44Vi
May ISJqj 4Hi
January BIV4 B:sk
February 32U 3254
May . .. 35 J, 35Ti©30
January 18 70 J* 50
May 19 00 18 80
January 10 75 10 75
May 10 70 10 70
January fl 70 9 5214
Stay 9 *0 9 72*
Baltikoke. Jan. 18.—Flour firm. Wheat
strong: No. 2 red on spot and January delivery
81c; February delivery 81H-: May delivery
milling wheat by sample 78®81o, Corn strong;
mixed on spot 64c; January delivery 52140 bi .;
February delivery 51*4e bid; March ualiveiy Sic
bid; May delivery 53c asked; white ci rn by
sample 51®54c; yellow by sample 53iH5:,d*e.
Cincinnati. Jan. 16. —Flour in fair <i*manl
an 1 ateady: fancy $J ‘Jt®3 45; family $2 to®
200 Wbeßt scarce and strong: No. 2 red 7 'c.
Corn in good di mand and strong; No. 2 m xd
43c. Oats strong; No. a mixed 38c Pork firm
at sl9 25. Lard quiet at $lO
meats firm at $lO 00. Bacon steady at sll 25.
Whisky quiet at $1 85.
Nbw Orlsavs. Jar. 16—Sugar verr strong;
open kettle, strictly prime to choice B)4®3lqe;
good common centrifugals, off white
4H4fcl 7- 16c; yellow clarified 4®4VaC. Molaeseg
—Open kettle, fancy 83c; airictly prime 30o:
fairto good fair 21®'?'.:; ceutrlfugal choice tfic;
prime to good prime lVqtlSc. Syrup 2?@3oc.
St. Louis, Jan 16.—Flour firm arid unchanged
Wheat-Cash firm; No 2 red 7So; options
opened 9gc lower, but aoon react-d >ic. From
that ou there were sharp fluctuations, and An
ally there was a quick turn down, and the close
was below Saturday; May delivery fl ushed
at July delivery Corn nd
van ed early, but the gain was nearly all lott.
the eloae be.rg Iro above Saturday; cash *9i,c;
January delivery Btjksc: May delivery 48-<k®
4■ V,c. Oats; caeb firm at 33c: May delivery
advanced early, butcloeel a shade off at 35H®
35Wc. Whisky steady at $1 35. Pork quiet;
$lB 50 for job lota 1 ard lower at $lO 76. Dry
salt meats and bacon very quiet, only a light
job trade being done at last week's quotations.
Nxw Tori, Jan. 16.—Keslr. dull and steady;
strained common to good $1 30®, 32J4. np.rue
turpentine dull and firm at
t.'HARLxsToN, Jap. 16. -Buint* turpentine firm
at Rosin firm at $1 45 for good strained
Wilminoton. Jan. 16—Spirits turpentine
firm at 30c. Rosin firm; strained 9TI4c:
good strained $10244- Tar Arm at $1 15.
Crude turn-ntine steady; hard $1 0U; yellow dip
and virgin $1 70.
pf.tßoi.p.rM. o;L*, rrc.
Nxw York. Jan. IG—Petroleum quiet and
unc' angel. < utton .eed o:l quiet and easier;
crude 43c; yellow 47c.
Nxw You. Jan. 16 —Rice In good demand and
firm; domeatio fairto extra 3j4®sUc; Japan
. Orleans. Jan. 16.—Rice in fair demand;
ordinary to good 25f,®3j40.
Bun Risls .7:-’3
Bun Bets 6:82
High Water at Bava\n-ah. .. 6:55 am, 6:oi>m
(Standard time )
Tuesday, Jan 17, 1893.
SteaniHh p City of Hiruungnam. Burg. New
York-C G Anderson
btreinehip Gate Citr. Googins, Boston—C G
steamship Decatur H Miller. Bdlups. Beltl
mor? Jno J Caro an. Agent.
Bark Herman lemkuhl INorl. Tboraeu, Algoa
Bay, lu ballast to Cbr u liahl s Cos.
Steamer Alpha, Btrobbar, tlluffton—CH Med
iae k, Agent.
Bu-amer E G Barker, Kinney, 9 Helene-
M aster.
Dark Julie |Nor], Jorgensen, Belfast, in bal
last btraciian A Cos.
Successor to A. R. ALTtW AYER & CO-
Marvelous Value. Usual
$1 so.
Bark Alert (Nor], ——, Dublin, in ballast to
Chr G Dahl & Cos.
Sohr Longfellow, Gordon. New London, in
ballast to Geo Harrlsa & Cos.
Bteamship Pocassctt ißrl, Blyth. Genoa—
A Minis’ Bona.
Fteamer Ethel, Carroll. Cohen's Bluff and way
landings-W T (ilbsou. Manager.
Steamship Nacoochee. Nesr York.
Bark filer [Nor], Biettln.
Bcbr Isabella GUI, liaitimore.
Pilot charts and all uautlcsd information will
be furnished master* of vessels freiof charge
in United States Hydrograpnic Office in tha
custom bouse. Captains are requeued to call
at the office.
Per Central Railroad. Jun 16—1,455 bales cot
ton, 217 bairn domestic*, 44 lib's tfdrlts turpen
tine, 2.167 bln* rosin 10 hill* hides. 3!2 boxes
cheese. 280 pkgs mdse, 143 empty bbls, 100 bbls
oil. 160 bbls lime. 2i bbls whisky. 87 bbls rice, 67
bli s svrup, 286 bbls flour, 26' pkgs bonleare. ci
casks clay, 22 horses, 50U sacks Hour, 1 car lav.
liar oats. 1 car potatoes. 1 car hones. 3 care
Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway.
Jan 76—461 bales cotton, 1,640 hide rosin, 134 bbln
Ntnrits tur|>eutme. 17 care lumber, 12 cars wood,
400 sacks meal, 13.1186 boxes fruit. :-.09 boxes
vegetables. 37 bills fruit. 32 bhle vegetables. 150
ce iar ior*. sbbUayrup, 77 sacks rice, 6 bales
bides, 3 empty bbls, 2 case* shoe*. 1 car cotton
seed. 1 sack coffee. 1 bog hardware, 1 case
clothing. 1 car heading, 100 cases castings, 6 bbls
lamp goods, 3 boxes drug*, 1 still kettle, 1
buggy. )67 empty bbls, 736 pkgs mil-o
Per Charleston and Savannah Hallway. Jan
16—5 bales cotton, 116 btds rosin, 9 bbls spirits
turpentine, 4 bdl bidet. 5 hales sheeting, 1 bbl
clothing, 2 bbls flour. 1 box c soap. I cask Dad.
6 cars wood, 4 car* lumber. 10 pkgs household
l'rr South Bound Rallrood, Jan 16—15 bale*
cotton, 18 cars wood. 8 curs sand, 60 pkgs pails.
11 pkgi doineetlci £5 seeks j * 1 bbl Ink, 2
boxes ink, 25 pi gs mdse. Id pkg* tobacco.
Per staamshln Nacoosbeo for New York—
-1,269 bales upland cotton 31 bars sea island cot
ton, 568 bales domestics and yarns, 100 bbls
rosin. 16 bbls spirits turpentine, 175 bbls cotion
seed oil, B.OCO net lumb r. 10 bbla rosin oil. !4U
caves cedar, 31 bbls fHh. 15 bblr oranges, 12.782
boxes orange-, 91 caac.regge. 28 boxes vege
tables. 61 tons pig iron, 450 cases canned goods.
LOO oars, 37 bales moas. 51 pkgs mdse
Per eteauiabtp Foca-aoit [MrJ. for Genoa
6,-33 bale* u, land cotton, weighing 3.270,168
Per acbr .Jennie Thomas for Baltimore—47'B,Bßß
feet p p luui her—Dale. Dixon & Cos.
Per sellr Isabella Gill for liaitimore—4l4,Bl3
feet p p lumber—Dale-, Dixon A Cos.
Per steamship tint* City from Boeton—Nel
lie Phillips, Nelson Bright. A J Carter, Ida
Meyera. W S Chapman. J D Scammon, T J
Quinlan, J Tully. AWi’atley, Dr (ireenougb,
Johu Frost, Geo Frost. 1 m t a L I rest. Mr Dun
nrr, Chas C Blxly. W S, W F Snow.
Geo Newbergin, M Rich, vtlsa liatcbelder. Miss
hatchelder, Jas M Smith Jos Grace. Cbaa
Oorey, John Prescott. Mr < igden. H A Koundy,
M Kotelard, M Lurry, E S hcan. 31 Donahue, A'
K Hrrong, Mattie Hamilton, Emma Beck. J L
Ilavls. Magg<e Burns, Lillian Philbrick, Mary
Keofe, LIS Gove. R R ce. Ara Paige. Master
Paige. A Danmoo. W Comer. Geo FlyDn, J W
Mosley. Frank Porter. L G Faton, L Eipeen,
Ron Forte, Nellie Forte. Mary Paxton, Nellie
Grady, Maggie Grady, Julia Hurley, Maggie
Ilogg, Alice Wilaon. -Mary Carr, Ellen McDou
aid. John Hudson, Geo 11 Dales. J A Jones, Mrs
Jonea aud child, OYV Dayton. Mrs lay ton, B M
Suaulding, J H King, Magie Maiten icol), and
4 steerage.
Per steamship City of Birmingham from New
York—Mr* E i n* net, fc li Dodge. E M Hop
kins, M J Mctiawley, J McGawiay, Mr* A Lowe,
Mrs T Crossman, J S Mackey and wile snu
child. Miss J Huskey. Mr* F I smond, W FAI
len, W Marretb, A Missetta L Corderala, VV J
Corderais. J Panya. 08 biodse .and wife. A
|{ bniiUi, Srt Wllflauit, S iireuss er, E AMe
iputwiifi and wife, W J Italian. G J Ksher Jr. E
j Lawrence, E B Tuny, Mis* E Him), Mrs ui
Oliny, Aii Thomas and w ife. Vs m obaw ,coL.
John Stsnard (coi;, Mra G W Tompkins (col:,
and 1 steerage,
Per eteauMhlp Nacoochee for New tork
C N Lewis, Alfred Cook, Cbsa W Berkeley aud
wife, II T Stephens, A 1 Jerubo g, Paul Dulen,
Jas Fitsgenatd.
Per ( antral Railroad, Jan 78— W coda U A Cos,
Mnjolica Butter cover aul drainer,
odd lot,
2&0 Henlfotnelv Decorated Cbfrm and Gold
I'uspidoren, worth ft-c., to clear,
1,000 sheets Elite Heliotrope Sachet Toilet Paper,
sold all over America at I’ftc. paek-
OKo. to clear,
Silexo, warranted as gcod as Sapolio, usual
price !oc., to clear,
Hunter P & H. J S Wood & Bro, J P Williams &
Cos. Warren * A, Butler A S, 3! Y t D I Macln
tyre, H M Coiner & Cos, VV W Gordon &. 00,
Stubbs <t TANARUS, Grelgg J tk VV, Jno Flannery A Cos,
law A B. Savannah Grocery and Pr 'v Cos,
G <dln (1 Wilaon, A Grant. VV 1* Green FI A C
Cos, Elba Y A 'Jo, IJppman liroa. .standard Mfg
and Com Cos. Lloyd AA. A B Hull A Cos, W i:
Nelson, M Ferst’s Sons A Cos, Cornwell A: C, O
W Parish. Cbesnutt A O'N. C E Stulta A Cos, 8
Quckenbeimer A Sons, T vv est A Cos. J McGrath
A Cos, N Lang. W D Simklns. A Ehrlich A Bro,
P J Cukes, O W Tiedeman A Bro, J C Slater,
K Kirkland. Jno Flannery A Cos, U Traub,
Standard Oil Cos, K.lectric Ry Cos.
Per Savannah. Florida an l Western Hallway,
Jan 16—Meluhnrd Bros A Cos. M Karst’s Sons A
Cos, A Hanley. H Solomon A Sou, Kavanaugh A
13, D Y A K H Dancy, SGuokouheimer A bona.
Julia W ard, S Krouskoff, Grady D C Cos. W 1)
Simklns. Southern Cotton Oil Cos, Lovell A L, R
Kirkland, 31 Y Henderson. F 13 Hunting A Cos,
Monr I3ru4, Tidewater < ’ll ('o, Moore A> o, Kep
nurd A Cos, C 8 Gadsden, Savannah CAW Cos,
F' VV Scorer, Smith Bros. Standard 3!fg aud Coin
Cos, A D Thompson, Mrs J II Washington, Mo
Millan Bros, A Leflier A Eon, JI Traub. 3 O
Slat r, A FJiirllch A Bro, Frank A Cos, Standard
Oil Cos, Savannah Grocery Cos, I{ 111 'ousels. VV C
McDonough, JII Hannessy, Da'e Dixou A 00,
Drown Bros, McDonough A Cos, J P Williams A
Cos, Savannah N 8 Cos, Huuter l’A B. VV W Chis
holm A Cos. C L Jones.
Per CbarlsHtun and Savannah Railway, Jan
16 - A Loftier A Son, I Epstein A Bro. J D Weed
A Cos. Viola Baldwin, Jno F' Lube, Rev R E But
ler. Savannah Dlumbing Cos, VV D I'arrls, K H
( assets, Stillwell M A Cos. J II Henneasy, J II
.Sanders. KF7 Dunbar. T E Vouinaiis. Edwards
T A Cos, Grelgg J A VV.
Per South Bound Railroad. Jan 16 J W Kersli,
H Solomon A Son, J E Grady A Son. Frank A
Cos. Kckman A V, J D Weed A Cos. Jno F’lannery
A Cos, Lindsay A M, C H Medlock. M M Punden,
W A Uaffe, Vv F Chaplin. C II Dixon, II A Ernst,
F A Exley, D J Murpby, D K ibomas, VV B
PersteamshiD City of Birmingham from New
York—C G Anderson. Leopold Adler, Appel AB,
Est S W Branch, M S A I) A Byes L Ulueaiein,
Brush EL A I'Co. Braid A*H, Jno Brennan,
llrougJrton Bros, J P Beaty, linrbour A Cos, C K
It A Bkg Cos, Jas Douglass, Dryfus AR, L J
Dunn, R U Dun A Cos. A Doyle, Jas Dowling,
FJckroau A V, I Epstein A Bro. G Eckstein A Cos.
J K Elnktein. VV FJstill. A Ehrllon A Bro. M
Ferst's Sous A Cos, Frank A Cos. FoyeA M,
Heiscbman A Cos, F’olger A A, J H Furber, I
Fried, Leon F'ried, J Domain, S Gudkenheimer
A Sons, Dell A Q. Gazan A H, Georgia lius-iars,
J E Gutman. C Gray A Son, Gt Atl A Pac T Cos,
Jno Green, Hil Giluier. J E Gtady, Germania
Bank, A llauiey, M D llirscb A Cos. C Hettencb,
Heuisler AH, FI urines AJ. Thoa Ualliga::,
Jackson M A Cos. H Jucbter, W Jaudon, Kols
norn A: M, 8 Krouskoff, E J Kennedy, Mrs L
Kay ton, Jno Lyons A Cos, B 11 Bevy A Bro,
l.indtay A M, Lsuuey A G, J F Lai ar. Ludden
A B. S Lavin. Lippinan Bros. Lovell A L, E Lov
ell's Sous, Lloyd AA, H H Likingst on. E La
bicbe, N Lang. Meinbard Bro* A Cos, L K Myers
A Cos. Mutual Coop Ass n, Mohr Bros. Est J J
McMahon, Morning News, L Muebleuttial, W B
Mell A Cos, A .'/int*, F7 L Mastiuk. T H Noonan.
M Nathan, R V Nottingham A Cos, Oglethorpe
Club. J J O’Brien, order notify Sierobants Nat
Bank. Palmer Hardware Cos. K Peck man, Ed
Pollock, N Paulsen. S C Parsons, C D Rogers, P
VV Rushing A Cos. J Rourke A Son, R A Row
linski, II Solomon A Son, Savannah Grocery Cos,
li 13 Springer, * F A W ity, C E Stult* A Cos, L C
Strong, tt A Schwarz, Geo Schley, S A Schrei
ner, Smith Bros, J 8 Silva, T Sampson, Savan
nah Pres*. Savannah Steam Bakery, Savannah
Furniture Cos. II McA Sculey, fast L Stern. P
Schafer, Solomons A Cos, Tbeu liroe, WsTison.
J D Weed A Cos. A MA C W West, " ylly AC,
P H Wolters brewing Cos, Wilcox A G GuanoCo,
Warnock A W. I* li Ward, W I. Tel Cos, South
ern Ex Cos. Steamer Katie. Steamer Alpha,
Steamer Bellevue, P Tuberdy. Steamer EG
Per steamship Gate City from Boston-
Augus a S B Cos, Appe! AS, C G Abdersori, Eet
Svv Braucu, Ji' Babbitt, J G Butler. J M Ear
ner J, Byck Bros. W G Cooper. VV S Chapman,
a S Cohen, Collat Br ,s M Donner, Do boto Ho
te:. Kckman A V, I Epstein A Bro, Roa Green,
Gorrle Ice Cos, 8 P Goodwin. Geil AQ. Dr
Gr-enough, (1 A Hudson, Heuisler AH, S
Kr.nisk -ff, O T.ingea:ci*er, K Lovell's Sons,
Lippman Bros. H H Levy A Bro, Lindsay A M,
11 B I-eater Grocery C ■>. N Unit, Ludden Ab.
Jno Lyon* A Cos. ii ore A J. N Mumm, Myere A
R. J McGrath A Cos. Meinbard Bros A Cos, AS
Nichols, a C "elsohig, order notify Herman A
K. ird r notify Moors AJ. Oyster u A i Cos.
Palmer Hardeure c<. J PilA fi Kay, J Ro
vant eim A Cos. R Rice, tur b.ioe (o. F. A Sum,,,
Savannah Suaw I auery, 11 Sointuon A Son, on
vamiah Groc.-ry Cos, J WToapleACo, ' io
berdy. A Von N.veuheim, AMA <' >V VVost, G
Webster, it D Vv'sUor, J D and eed A Uo. J D
.), Id, CRIt A Bkg Cos, SPA W Ky. CAS K>.
Soutlirrn Ex i Steamer Alpha, Steamer E G
Barker, Steamer Bel evue.
Abbott ’s East Indian Corn Point cures ail
corn*, watt* andountuo*. -orf.
Muslin Underwear Sale
J-A-HSr. 23.
1 Lot of Fine Damask and
Extra Large Size
Plain and Knotted Fringe*
Never Sold for Less Than
50c., to Clear.
Not to Be Corrupted.
The Panama scandal has brought tragedy ha
plenty to the surface, but also bits of honor
which tend to enliven the prevailing gloom,
says the Boston Advertiser. M. Arton, the
principal agent in dispensing -gilded pills? -
o*l ed on sn unporisnt personal* with the
customary offer mode In tho customary delicate
fashion. The Important personage found was
Inc irruptihie and conducted tne agent to the
dour Pawdng through the ante room he celled
his visitor’s attention to some picture* on the
walls. •'Y**," eanl the important personage,
"my wife is an artist. We are not mlldonairee
and she is very glad to And piurebaaere.’’ The
agent eagi-rlv expressed his admiration and
pan! 20.000 franc* for a picture, while the ineor
i up.line gentleman remained sternly uaeor
Or Kiel or B. Chkhry. 21 Drayton street, (
Savannah, Ga., Dea 16, ls#l. f
ilnsrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah, Ga.:
Dear Sihk: I would like to add my testimony
to the almost miraculous effect of P. P, p. Ml
the case of Mary Ingraham, a woman living ua
my place; she had a constant oough, lore
thrust, debility, etc., and was emstclsded tea
degree that she was unable to get out of bed
unaided, being given up by physicians; sha had
taken the ruinous ao called Hlood Medicine*
without the least effect, until being put under
the P. P. P., ehe Immediately began to improve
end is now in as good health as ever In her life.
You can refer to me at any time at to the
effects of P. P. P., in the foregoing oaae. Youra
truly, Bas l ei, Ckeokt.
Monticello. Fla. Jan. fl, tno.
For the last eight years I have been in bad
health, suffering with Malaria. Rheumatism
Dyspepsia. Dropsy. My digestion wss bad, and
my hair all came out—ln fact I was nearly a
wreok. i had taken kidney and blood medi
cine*, which did me no good. When I begoa
taking P. P. P„ about three month* ego. I wee
as weak as a child. I have only taken four
buttles (small sizei, and to-day I am a wall box
and iny hair has "come again-” I cannot rec
ommend P. P. P. too highly.
W. F. War*.
Marshal. Monticello, Fla.
F. C. Owens, Witness.—ad.
Concerning Your Waste.
Tha "one ceut a word” column or tha
Morning News places advertising vrtthia
the reach ot every one who baa anything go
tell or wants anything. Advertising show*
thrift and and for the small rub
of Iff cents you can demonstrate that rva
are possessed of tnoee very neceesarr requi
site* to luccees in life. Tha Morn in# Kiwi
circulates everywhere, reaches everybody,
is read by rich and poor alike, has thousand*
of readers who never loot at any otfiar
It will print your advertisement, if U
words or lees, for 15 cents, and charge yea
one cent tor each addea word. There ia no
trouble to calculate what your advertise
ment will cost you. If you have an adver
tising account with the” Morning New*.
you can telephone your advertisement, 3
you do so trnforo 10 p. m. Busmen
telephone is :itt4.
Notice to Advertisers.
Hereafter no display will be allowed hi
advertisements inserted in local columns or
among other reading matter, but all will
be set in the same style as lccals, namely
solid or leaded minion or nonpariel type.
Notice to Advertisers.
Changes for the Sunday issue of the
Mornino News mutt be baDded in oet
later than 5:30 o’clock Saturday afternoon.
Justice—Officer, w hat it the prisoner charged
Officer Lafferty—3Vell, your honor, Dm not
much or a Ju ye, but It smells a good deal like
whisky."— lAfe's Ca'rnaar.
mbits AND FI K .
Ho taya for dry fllut* 6 cents, dry salt 4 oents,
dry damaged J .wnt*. green alt 4 cents, bees
wax 21 cent*, deer kiu* 28 cents, eoon ahlai
19 to 60 cent*, otter ski. s $1 50 to $7.
•ill Ht, Julian St*