Newspaper Page Text
Resume of All the Leading Departments
for the Day.
Cotton Declined l-10c and the Demand
Was Qood—lncreased Trading- in
Spirits Turpentine—The Bosin Market
Firm, With Slight Changes in the
Lower Grades—Stocks Weakened Un
der the Pressure to Sell Sugar- The
Grain Futures Market Declined on the
Publication of Increased Visible Sup
ply Other Markets.
savannah, Oct. B.—The local markets were
fa;rly active to-day. Cotton was selling freely
ar the decline. Spirits turpentine was tirm and
unchanged, with good sales. Rosin fluctuated
somewhat in lower grades hut closed firm,
with an active demand. Other markets were
There were further declines in cotton fu
tures, and the offerings at the spot markets
were freely taken at slight declines. Sales
were quite large.
1 he upward tendency of stocks was checked
hy th - heavy offerings of sugar, which declined
t.> M l . the lowest point reached since the ham
mering on this stock commenced. There
were net losses in the general list of percent.
M gar declined per cfcnt.
The big increase in the visible supply of
wheat was a surprise, and prices declined lc
from the top and closed at ? B c above the inside.
Cash wheat, however, was He higher than
-iturday. Com futures were based on the
fluctuations of wheat, and closed 3 aC under
Saturday. Cash corn was weak, though lc
higher. Oats were quiet. Provisions were
higher, but felt the depression in the grain
The following resume of the different markets
w ill show their tone and the quotations at the
close to-day:
The local spot market dropped l-16c in all
grades at the opening and remained unchanged
all uay. f l he tone wj.s steady after the decline,
and the demand was lair. On ‘Change at the
tii st iall. at 10 o'clock, the market was bulle
tined easy at M6c decline from Saturday s
dosing quotations, wiih sties of 110 bales. At
the regular midday call, at 1 o clock p. m., it
was steady and unchanged, with sales of 1.031
\ a 10s. At the last cail. at 4 o'clock p. m. it
closed steady and unchanged, with further
sales of 369 Lales. The following were the oftlc
lal quotations at the cotton exchange:
< iood middling '— 5 13-16
Miduling 5 Die
Low middling .W
(iood ordinary 4 15-10
Comparative Cotton Statement.
Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand Oot 8, 1894, and for
the Same Time Last Year.
J291-’9j. 1£93-*94.
Sea Upland Sea Upland
Island Islan i
Stock on hand Sept. 1. 825 8,398 1.412 9.0*20,
Received today 7.890 9,Mij
Received previously 7.907 151,281 4.JKN 161,709’
Total 8,712’ iO7 681 6/23 180,743
Exported to day 716 9.5&9 812 4,917
Exported previously 3,2(Cj 81.230 2.7c8 97.443
Total _ 3.iBJ 90753 1 2 9€Q
Sto k on han 1 and on I ' * ‘T*’"
sh ploartl this day..... 4,8101 77,(2-' 2,0.01.*. 78,383,,
Tone. Price. lie\ Sales. Stock.
Galveston Easy 22 3SO 1.696 111.56 J
N. Orleans.. Steady 22 758 5,059 *116.605
Motile .tasv 5 2 6.# 60(1 14,771
Savannah ..Steady 5 9-16 7.8#9 1552 81,632
Charleston .Quiet 5 9-16 5.521 200 51.510
Wllm'gton .steady b% 2,886 ... 22 851
Norfolk Quiet 3,115 2n2 8,722
HalUmore Dull 6S, 18,218
New York Quieten 1,348 803 *81,941
Boston Quiet 6X
Philad'a. ..Quiet 61l i6 293 .... 2,754
Various 1016 .... 2.439
Total Oct, 8, '94 69,834 1(0 535 517,295
* orrected.
Receipts this day last year 52,480
Receipts for 3 dies th S week 112.709
Receipts for 3 days same week last year. 90,015
total net receipts since Sept. 1 822.219
Slocks at all perm this davlast year.... 5(6,912
Tone. Price. Rec. Sales. Stock.
Avgusta Steady 5 11-16 1.924 711 11.211
Memphis steady SJJ 7,011 2,225 20.H2
81. Louis... Steady ; \ 714 412 10.072
Cincinnati...steady 506 .... 6.05 l
Houston Quiet 511 16 12,548 1(0 41,(76
Louisville..Qt, Firm s?s
Gr. Brit. Frnce. Cont. C'st.
Galveston 7,100 .... 6.972 3.448
Mobile .... 8i 128
Savannah .... 6.079 3.966
Wilmington 309
Norfolk.. 4,172 835 1.100 2,818
Baltimore sou
New Y ork 3,(BO
Philadelphia 438 ... ■'i
Total 14,769 895 14,952 11,199
Total expts thus
tar this week, .23.936 8.101 21,403 17.359
Total exports since Sept.T~94:
To Great Britain 170,617
io France 26,240
'io the continent 107.188
Liverpool, Oct. 8, noon.—Cotton—Demand
moderate; prices easier; Amertcun middling,
3 1323; sales, 12.000 Pales; American. 10,900
t ales; speculation and export. 1,000 bales; re
itupts. 4.voj halos-ull American. Futures
opened quiet at the decline.
futures—American middling fair, low mid
ling clause; October. 3 ls-tud; October and No
yi mtier.3 18 640. also 3 17-6ld; November and
December. 3 18-64d, also 3 I7C4J: Decembpr and
January. 319 Ckl, also 818 6ld; January and
l eoruary, 3 2u-61d. also 3 19 Old: Feoruary and
.4arch, 32! 64d; Martb and April. 3 23€4d. ulso
- Ski; April and May. 3 25-64d. also 3 21-64d;
flay and June, 3 26-64d; June and July, and.
lenders none.
,* 1 m.—Cotton, American middling fair
good middling, 3 17-3.d; middling.
iow middling,. 3 5 16d; good ordinary,
J l on ordinary. 3d.
1 1 t ires—American middling fair, low mid
dling clause: October, 3 20-641. value: Octo
bn ana November, 3 19-64@S 20 Old; November
l Decemter, 3 1 v-f4®3 20-640; December
I ml January, 3 20-64®) 21-Old; January and
• wary, 3 21-04@3 2261; Februury and
•uarch, 3 2!-64d, buyers; March anil April.
>'nl. sellers; April uml May, 3 26v4®
• laid; May and J line. 3 2'-04d rnivere; June
" n ' ! -U , 3 ;.i Old, also 330 bid. Futures closed
New York, Oct. 8, noon. -Cotton futures
opened steady at tne oe.uuie. as loilows: Octo
1 ■' sue; November, 5 88c; December. 5 yt.c;
J vnuary. 6 ir„c; February. OtAc: 'lurch, 6|lsc.
N"w Y'ork, Oct. t, 4 p. m.—Cotton futures
1 'd quiet tut steao.v. as follows: Oolober,
. November, 5 91 c; Docember, ■> 9. c; Jau
1 try. none; February, b lie; March, 6 17c; j
April. 6 23c: May 6 29c; June 6 85c: Juiv. title.
New Orleans. Oct. 6.—Cotton futures
; 1 8, u steam, with sales of ,9,iUj bales, as
1 Hows; October 5 6.c, November 5 b e. De
comber 5 bye. January 5 7tc, February 5 7/c,
•'i irch 5 83c. April 5 syc. May 5 I‘sj, June 6 bit.
July 6 07c.
New Y’ork, Oct. 8 phe Sun s cotton report
o-i 'Cotton declined 6to 7 points, rerov
-1 u this and edvumed sto 6 points, lost this
(" it declined 1 to 2 points, closing quiet and
t ady sules. 171 600 bales. LlverfOol de
-1 ‘tied l ltd on the spot and 4 , points for fut
ure delivery, but recovered part of this and
1 'l'd tirin a net decline td 1 to points.
- Munches er yurns were In buyers’ favor.
r cloths otters were scarce, .spot cotton
b 1 rt' was quiet and steady and unchanged.
>1 s 1)1 tales for spinning. Fort receipts
duv i6 .km. against 4<!47.’thl duv last wcik,
‘"i ‘ Sl.lio last your: thus far this week 107.799.
1 uinstK3.3i thus !*r last week. New Orleans'
9 Ipts for to-morrow were estimated ut 27.i 0.
boislhly 29,000, not including 4,000 douotful,
Ailin' 4 .1-
against 21.913 on the same day last week, and
30.341 last year.
To-day s Features—There was considerable
covering of shorts for local and New Orleans
accounts. A leading tear of New Orleans is
supposed to have liquidated his shorts, or at
least largely reduced his line The continent
nought, and representatives of New England
fc mills, it is stated, were buying. Liverpool at
t rst was disappointing, but business was active
there and prices rallied. The weather at the
south was colder and threatening, with frost
predicted in some sections Liverpool sold, i
and there was also some local liquidation on
the rise. The worst feature of the afternoon
was the big estimate of New Orleans receipts
to morrow ’
New York. Oct. 8 Riordan A Cos. say of cot
ton to-day: The market to day was unusually
nervous and variable, being swayed alternately
by the heavy receipts recorded to-day and an
tietpated for to-morrow and by vague fears and
predictions ot a cmd wave that might bring
frosts in its train Liverpool broke i adly and
our opening was 6 points lower, ihe nrst sale
of January uein? at 6.01 c. Then there was a
rapid advance in which January sold at 6 14c.
Then there was an almost equally rapid reac
tion. January selling down to 0.06 c. Again Jan
uary rallied to 0.12 c and once more it declined
to 6.06 c. '1 he close was quiet and steady with
January 0.06® 6.00 c. The traders are all watch
irg for the cold wave and waiting for the bu
reau report on Wednesday. Neither bulls nor
bears feel sure of their ground."
New York. Oct. B.—Mail and wire orders for
moderate selections of dry goods specialties
took a good quantity of stuff when considered
collectively, that was increased by personal se
lections. yet as a whole, it was a quiet market,
not unnatural at this period of the season. A
good numier of representative buyers put in
appearance to-day. but their inquiries were
more of an informal cta-acter with reference
to spinning. Print clothes were quiet at 3c for
C 4 squares.
Naval Stores.
Spirits Turpentine—The market opened and
closed firm ai 25c for regulars. The sales of the
first call were 210 casks and 1.500 at the close.
Rosin—There was a fair demand. Prices
w< re irregular at the opening, there being a
part decline of H)c a barrel on H, 6c on G and
F and a part advance of 10c on E grades, 'ihe
sales ar the opening of the market at the Board
! of Trade were 1.518 barrels. At the close ihe
market was tirm, with sales of 1,310 barrels at
[ the tollowing quotations:
A, B C. and D. *1 0) |H 195
E 1 10 M 220
F 125 N 250
G 140 W. G 265
I H 150 W. W 285
| 1 1 75
The following were the quatatlons for the
corresponding date last year. A. B. C and D.
9L; E. $.5; F. *100; G *1.05; 11. *1.15® I 2); I.
?1 45: K. *1.95; M. *2.35; N, *3.10; window
glass, *3.40; water white, S3XO.
Spirits. Rosin.
Stock on hand April 1 11.631 109.977
Received yesterday 1.293 2.908
Received previously 188.531 528,9^3
Total 301.461 641.868
Exported to-day 1,013 950
Exported previously 153.211 539,779
Total 154,224 540.735
Stock on hand and on ship
board to-day .... 47.237 101,133
stock same day last year 18,818 141.433
receipts same day last year ... 89 1 3,051
Price spirits turpentine same
day last year 25c
New York. Oct. B.—Rosin market was
firm; strained, common to good, *1 15®
1 36. Turpentine dull at 2S®2S l ic.
Charleston, Got. B.—Spirits turpentine firm
receipts 52 casks. Rosin—good strain
ed firm at *1 i,O; receipts, 217 barrels.
Wilmington, N. C.. ik*t. B.—Rosin firm;
strained. 874 c; good strained, 924 c. Spirits
I turpentine nothing doing; receipts, 79 casks
: Tar was firm at *1 15. Crude turpentine
steady; hard *1 0J; sofi *1 6u; virgin, *1 OJ.
The market has been firm and active, the
supply at the mills being freely taken. 1 he quo
tations at the Board of Trade are as follows:
Common 3fc®4c
Fair 4®4Wo
Good 4*4®4fcc
Prime s®6)<c
Head 54 @oo
Small job lots higher.
Rough—s9c to $1.25 per bushel.
Savannah. Oct. 8 .—Money is steady and
in good demand.
Domestic Exchange—The tone of the mar
ket is steady. Banks are buying at 316 per
cent, discount and selling at par on amounts
up 10*590 and at l-10c per cent, discount on
amounts over *590.
Foreign Exchange -The market is steady.
The following are net Savannah quotations;
Sterling. commercial demand, *4 85;
sixty days. *4 84*; ninety days, *4 81:
francs, Paris and Havre, sixty days, *5
Swiss, sixty days, *5 22; marks, sixty
; days. 94 7 *.
Securities—The general tone of the market
is quiet, with a light demand for local securi
ties. Central securities are inclined to dull
ness. Quotations are nominal.
State Bonds—Georgia 4*4 per cent. 1915.
11l bid. ils asked; Georgia 7 per cent. 1896.
104*4 bid, 1054 asked; Georgia 314 per cent,
long dates. 984 bid. 99)4 asked.
City Bonds-New Savannah 5 per cent.
I quarterly January coupons 105 bid.
l asked; new Savannah 5 per cent. November
I coupons. 105)4 bid. —asked.
Railroad Bonds—Central Railroad and
1 Banking Company collateral, gold ss. 88 bid.
10 askod: Central consolidated mortgage 7
lor cent, coupons January and July maturity.
| imhß. 118 hid.— asked; Savannah and West
ern railroad 5 per cent, trust certificates. 50
bid. 51 asked; Savannah. Amertcus and
Montgomery 6 per cent. 5o bid, 53 asked:
t .eorgia railroad 6 per cent. 1910. IQS bid, 110
asked; Georgia Southern and Florida first
mortgage 0 per cent.. 89 bid, 91 asked:
Montgomery and Eufaula first mortgage 6
per cent, indorsed by -Central railroad. 100 nid,
12 asked; Augusta and Knoxville ti rst mort
gage 7 per cent.. 99 bid. 101 asked: Ocean
Steamship 5 per cent., due in 1920. 96 bid. 97
asked; Columbus and Rome first mortgage
bonds, indorsed by Central railroad, 40 bid. 45
asked: Columbus and Western 6 per cents
! guaranteed. 100 bid. 102 asked; City and Sub
urban railway first mortgage 7 per cent., 80
i bid. 85 asked: Savannah and Atlantic 5 per
! cent., indorsed. 25 bid. 31 asked; Electric rail
way first mortgage 6s. bid, 60 asked: South
Georgia and Florida first mortgage 7 per
cent.. 10$ bid. asked; South Georgia and
Florida second mortgage. 10/ bid.
asked: Alabama Midlands. H 8 bid. 90 asked.
Railroad Stocks—Central common. 16 bid,
[ 17 asked: Augusta and Savannah 7 percent.,
guaranteed, 83 bid. 85 asked; Georgia com
mon, 150 bid, asked: Southwestern
7 per cent, guaranteed, including or
der for div.. bid. 71 asked: Central 6
per cent certificates, with order for de
faulted interest. 23 bid, 24 asked ; Atlanta
and West Point railroad stock, 80 bid, 85
asked; Atlanta and West Point 0 per cent,
certificates 92 bid. 93 asked.
Bank Stocks. Etc.—Southern Bank of the
State of Georgia. 161 bid. asked; Mer
chants’ National Bank, 92 bid. 93 asked;
Savannah Bank and Trust Company. 102 bid.
103 asked; National Bank of Savannah. 130*4
bid. 132 asked; Oglethorpe Savings and Trust
Company. 98 bid. luO asked: Citizens* Bank.
IGOV* bid. 101 asked. Chatham Real Estate
and improvement Company. 50 bid. 51 asked;
Germania Bank, 101‘4 bid. 102)4 asked;
Chatham Bank. 48 bid, 4) asked; Savan
nah Construction Company, 74 Did. 75asked;
Title Guarantee and Loan Company, 75 bid
London, Oct. B.—Bar silver to-day was
29 9 161 p*r ounce.
New York. Oct. 8, 4 p. m.—Money on call
easy at 1 per cont. The last loan at 1 per
cent, and at the closing was offered at 1 per
Prime mercantile paper, 4® l*4 por ceai
Bar silver 0*4®64 -4*-’.
sterling exchange is stronv with actual
business in bankers’ bills at *4 8 <®4 86(4 for
sixty days and *1 8 4 for demand;
posted rates *4 8 ®4 8 .
Commercial bills I* 8 •* for sixty
Government bonds firm. State bonds dull.
Railroad bonds * ui and weaker.
Silver at the Stock Exchango to-day was
04-4 i id.
New York. Ortt. B.—’The following were
the opening quotations a the Stock Exchange
to du>:
Erie 14S
Chicago and Northwestern lU3\
Lake Shore 136) f
Norfolk and Western prjferral 24
Richmond ail WeG Point rjrmlml .... 184 j
Western Jnion 89*,
Southern Railway common
do do preferred
New York. Oct. B.—The tendency of prices at
the opening of the stock exchange was upward, i
but ihe improvement was checke 1 by liberal !
offerings of American Sjgar. 'lhe stock was,
sold all dav long and at the close the price
touched 81 *4 against ►C early in the day. This
Is the lowest \ olnt re uhed since the current
lear movement in Restock was inaugurat'd.
The sales were 71,100 shares, in a grand total,
fOl the entire daf of 166 858 shares 'lhe selling
was 1 aaed t n poor condition of the murket for
the refined product aud the reports coming of
prices at the writ, 1 hat distilling and cattle
feeding fel’ from 10** to 9u on reports that
company Intended t 4 jhtdß 92J6C0.0J0 bonds
in order to retire its rebate vouchers.
The ponds, so it was said, would be offered
at 5); Bav State Gas. which made its appear
ance in the unlisted department on Saturday,
dropped 7‘4 points to 24 on efforts to make a
small block of the stock. Subsequently it
rallied *to 18 and closed 24 bid. offered at 2<.
Chicago Gas fell from 74*■• to 7J4. ex dividend
on *4 percent. Cordage preferred declined I*4
to 2*4. The heaviness of American .sugar had
an adverse influence on the Tailway list; the
Grangers were ai&o attacked oy the bears.
These issues do-lined 4®S per cent.. Ro< k
Island leading. Rumors of rate difficulties,
blizzard in tne northwest, etc., were used
against the stocks. Reading was weak and
fell about 2 points. The proposed reorganiza
tion is not gaining many friends bete or
abroad. Pacific Mail was exceptionally firm,
and rose from 14 • to \6\ on favorable re
ports about the company’s finances The
market In the closing doings was heavy at
about the lowest point of the day. Net t har.ges
show losses of a quarter ot one half per cent,
outside of sugar, which declined 44, per cent,
on the day. Bay State Gas however, dropne t
7*4. Long Island gainel 25* and Pacific Mali
\ per cent. Bonds were *aker. The sales of
listed stock aggregated *? 7.16 shares, and of
unlisted stocks 83.121 shares, including the fol
lowing: Chicago Gas ex dividends 15.ou0; Louis
ville and Nashville 2.000; Northwes.ern 1 4*10;
Reading 7.500: Richmond Terminal 1.200; St.
Paul 9.500: Western Union 4.000.
The quotations at tne closing were as fol
lows :
Amn.Cotton 0i1... 31 INash .C ASt L.. 0$
do pref 76 U. S. Cordage 12*4
Sugar He nnory.... hi 41 do do pref... 2t
do prof 9 • |N. J. Central 11l
American Tod’co. . 100 N. Y. Central 99\
do pref 10J?4 N.Y.AN. E 30*4
Atchison.T.A S.F. 6 Sort aWest.pfd. . 23\
Haiti more A Ohio.. 76*4 Northern l’aciflc 4*
Canada Pacific.... 00 1 do preferred 184
Ches. A Ohio 19 iNorthwestcrn .103*4
Chicago A Alton. 143 : do preferred. 143
Chicago,B. AQ.... 73*4 Pacific Mail 15)4
Chicago Gas 73*4 Reading t 4
Del.. Lack A W. 16 s* Richm’d T’minal. . 18*,
Dis.A Cat. Feed.. 94 Rocklsiand 6934
EastTennessoe... 11418; Paul 02*,
do pref 18 j do pref 119
Erie u*4 SilverCertifs 03*4
do pref 27* j Tenn. Coal A Iron. . 18
Ed. God. Electric. 38*4 do do pref. .“72)4
Illinois Central— 9.’*4 Texas Pacific 9*4
Lake Erie A W... . 17 1 Union Pacific.... . 12**
do pref 71 W’bash.S. L.A P.. o*4
Lake Shore 130*4 do do pref... 14 4
L villeA Nash. 5* „ Western Union.. .. 88*,
Louisville AN. A.. 7 Wheeling AL. E. 12?,
Manhattan 115 do do pref.. J 2-,
Memphis A Char.. 10 Southern Ry 5s
Michigan Central.. 9< ; do common li>4
Missouri Pacific ... 28 , do preferred.... 4157
Mobile A Ohio 18* *
Alabama A. 103 iTenn.newset os. ..
do B 103 |Tcnn.,new set ss. ..
_ do C 9*2)i Tenn.,new sot 3s. 7S\
La. stamped 4s . . 130 Virginia o’s pref.. B*4
North Carolina** 97*4 Va. Trust Rec’ts. ~h
North Carolina 6s. 121 jVa. Fund’g Debt.
Tennessee,olds.. CO | 58*4
United States 4s, registered 114
United States 4s. coupons 11414
United States 2s. registered 90
New York. Oct. B.—Treasurv balances
to-day were as follows: Coin, *70,149,000; cur
rency, *59,975,000.
Miscellaneous Markets.
Bacon —The market is steady. Smoked clear,
rib sides, 9*ic: dry salted clear rib sides.
! 84c; long clear, *4O; bellies, 9c; sugar
cured hams, i3c.
Lard Market firm; puro. in tierces. 10c.
f-01b tins, 1054 c; compound, In tierces, 7c; In
50tb tins. 7Gc.
Butter—Market steady; fair demand: Gosh
| en, 20c; gilt edge, 24c; creamery, 25c; Elgin,
Cheese—Market dull; 104®124c: fancy full
cream cheese. 19® 13(40: 20!b average.
Fish- Mackerel, half barrel. No. 1, *8 50:
No. 2, $7 60; No. 3, $6 09. Kits. No. 1, *1 25;
No. 2. *1 00; No. 3,95 c. Codfish. 1-lb bricks.
o*4c; 2-lb bricks, 6c. Smoked herrings, per
box, 20c. Dutch herring, in kegs, *1 00; new
mullet, half barrel. $3 75.
Salt—The demand is fa’r and market
steady. Carload lots. f. o. b.. Liverpool, 20J
pound sacks. 58c; Job lots. 70475 c;
Virginia, 125 pound burlap sacks,
38c. ditto, 125 pound cotton sacks, 41c;
smaller lots higner.
Syrup—Florida and Georgia, new 35c:
market quiet for sugar house at 30®40c;
Cuba straight goods, 28®.i0e; sugar house
molasses, 15;r20c.
Tobacco—Market quiet and steady. Smok
ing, domestic, 22<®0Oc; chewing, common
sound, 24®.27c; fair. 28®35c; good. 30® 18c;
bright. 6G(diosc; tine fancy. 65®80c; extra fine,
$1 00&1 15: bright navies, 25:®4.>c.
Flour—Market quiet. Extra, $1 35; family,
$3 00; fancy. *3 45; patent, *3 05; straight,
*3 4u.
Corn—Market is steady. White corn,
job lots. 73c; carload lots. 7Jc. Mixed corn!
job lots, 71c; carload lots. *Bc.
Oats—Market firm. Mixed, job lots, 4Cc;
carload lots. 45c; Texas rust proof. 55c
Bran—Job lots, 9fc: carload lots.
Hay—Market steady. Western, job lots,
90c: carload lots, 85c.
Meal—Pearl, per barrel, $3 7J; per sack,
$1 7o; city meal, per sack. $1 42(4. Pearl grits!
I per barrel. $3 8 >; per sack, $1 75; city grits,’
I per sack. *1 ST/,.
Coffee-The market is dull. Mocha. 29c;
Java. 27c: Peabcrry. 22*4c; fancy or standard
No 1,2114 c; choice or standard No. 2,21 c;
Srimc or standard No. 3,20 c; good orstan
ard No. 4. I9* ,c; fair or standard No. 5, 18'4c;
ordinary or standard No. 6, I7*4c; common or
standard No 7. 16*/,c.
Sugars—Market (lull and lower. Cut loaf.
6 \c ; crushed, s?*c; powdered, sdc; XXXX
powdered. 5* a c; standard granulated, 44c;
cubes. mould A. sc; diamond A. sc:
confectioners, 4qc; white extra C, 4*4c;
extra C. 4 ‘,c; golden C, 4 !( c: yellows. 4c.
Liquors Market firm. High wine basis,
133; whisky, per gallon, rectified, 100 proof,
$1 35<®17&; choice grades, *1 50®2 50: straight,
mestic, port, sherry, catawba, low grades.
0O®86c; line grades. $1 00® 1 50; California,
light, muscatel and angelica. $1 SV®l 75;
lower proofs in proportion. Gins lc per gal
lon higher. Rum 2c higher.
Apples—Nortnern, steady, *2.75®3 25 bar
Lemons—Market firm; per box. *2.75.
Dried Fruit—Apples, evaporated, 15V4®10c;
common, 9**@ 10c.
Nuts Aldraonds, Tarragona, 17*4® 18c;
Ivicas. 15(4® 16c; walnuts. French. 12‘4c; Na
pies, 14c; pecans, 12*,c; Brazils, 9c; filberts.
10c: assorted nuts, solb and 251 b boxes, 11®123
per nound.
Peanuts—Ample stock: demand fair; mar
ket steady; fancy hand-picked Virginia.
lb, sc; hand-picked, ty lb, 4c; small hand
nicked, lb. 4c.
Cabbage—Northern. B®9c head.
Onions—Crates. $1.25; barrels, $2.73.
Potatoes—lrish. New York, bbls, *2.50:
sacks *2 55; western. *2 25.
Nails—Market steady; base oOd. $1 20; 50d
$1 JO; 40d. $1 -15; 30d. *1 4ft; 12d 41 5; 20d, $1 55;
lOd. $1 '.O; Md, *1 fcO; od. $1 95; 4d.*2 10; sd, $2 10;
fd. $2 40; 3d, fine. $2 80. Finishing. 12d. *1 05;
lOd $1 >5: Bd, $2 10; 6d. *2 30; sd. $2 45; 4d.
$2 66. Wire nails $1 65 case.
Shot—Firm, drop to B, $1 25; B and larger,
$1 6j: buck, $1 50.
Iron—Market very steady. Swede, 4(4®5c;
refined, $1 90 base.
Oils-Maraet steady, demand fair. Signal.
46®50c; West Virginia, black. 9®l2c: lard.
6&®80c; kerosene. y t c; neatsfoot, 60®85c: ma
chinery. 20®30c; linseed, raw. 6*c; boiled. 66c;
mineral seal, 10c; homcllght, 13c: gardian.
Lime. Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala
bama and Georgia lime in fair demand and
selling at 85c per barrel, bulk and carload
lots special; calcined plaster $1 00 per bur
rel; hair 4£i>c. Kosendaie cement. $1 3<tffct 40;
carload lots, special; Portland cement, retail,
*2 40; carload lots, *2 10.
Lumber— Demand doth foreign and do
mcstic, is quiet. Mills generally full of quick
work, to lost time on account of con
tinued rains. We quote: easy sizes. $lO 00;
ordinary sizes. *ll 00&U .00; difficult sizes.
sl3 0J&18 00: flooring boards, *l4 50@22; ship
stuffs 410 50;<t 00.
Hides. Wool. Etc.—Hides—The market is
steady; good demand: receipts none; dry flint
4VfC; dry salt. 2‘c; butcher salted 2‘,c; green,
salted. Wool, nominal. prime Georgia,
tree of rand, burry and black wools, 14*40;
blacks. 11 *4e; burry. TtftlOs. Wax. 72c. Tallow,
4c. Deerssins. flint. 20c: salted 51c.
Poultry steady: fair and mutnd: grown fowls.
y pair, 50(&d0c: grotsn. 3's£isc grown.
r.gga—Market steady; fully supplied;
country. M dozen, 10c.
Bu/ging aud ties The market firm;
Jute bagging. 2',ib. se; Is, 740; 144 ft, 7c,
quotations are for job lots; small lots,
higher; sea is and bagging, 12v* 13c Iron Ties
Large lots. 06c: smaller lots. 90c< 00.
Dry Goods —The market Is quiet, demand
light. Prints 4<2&6c: Georgia orown ‘shirt
Ing, 3-4. 3*4c; 7-8 do., 4c.; 4 4 brown sheeting,
6c; white osnsburgs. 6*4ft7c; checks
3 l 4fesH?; brown drilling, sftoV4c.
Ocean Freights.
Cotton By Hteam Market is nom
Inal. Rates quoted are. per Itw tbs Direct.
Bremen. 37c; Barcelona, 4'>c; Genoa, 45c;
Hamburg. .*c; Ueval, 4rc; Havre 33c:
Liverpool via New V'ork. 86c; Havre via Now
York 43c; Ueval* via New York 57c; Amster
dam via New York, 43c; Antwerp via New
*ork, 4ic; Bremen via New York. 40c; Genoa
via New V'ork, 4*c: Hamburg via New York,
43c; MremuQ via Baltimore, 35c Bos
ton, per hale, |1 25; New York, per
R r J*JY
H. M. COMER and R. S. HAYES, Receivers.
GOING WEST— REAP f>OW N ■ .I \. , K\s i’ K \ \l* U 1 *
No. 7 I No. 3 No. 1 X 2 ®rrCT OT4 im N T j No . 4 j 8 |
cx-Sunj daily, dally 1 imf. 90th
eorpm] H4spi'-i sxoani i.v Savaunan Ar 08Ovun 600 am B&am|...
c3upm 105-nm lOFam Ar Rocky Ford .... Lv 409 pm 8 46am fJuam
1 630 an. 1 15tbb Ar Augusta Lv 130 pm 8 30pm ...
.. 145 am Jopm Ar. Macon .. Lv 11 30am 1 11 COptr.
- 6 10am 632 pm Ar Grifrtn Lv * 68am 825 pm
II 00am Ar Columbus Lv 346 pm
1 7 50pm -__ii Ar Montgomer> . Lvllll 00pm 7 46amI
DiNN’ER TRAIN Daily except Sundays Leaves Savannah 2 pm, arrives Guyton 8:1*5
pm. Returning, leaves Guyton S43p m. arrives Savannah 450 pm
7 36pm. 7 lOamliLv savannah ‘‘.'77T7 Aril 7 30pm1 645 am
1115 pm 9 55am. Ar Lyons Lv 4 60nm 110 am
I BtS)pml|Ar Montgomery .Lv / 13am
tTrair.s marked + run doilv except Sun lay
Sleeping cars on night trains between Savannah and Augusta, Savannah and Macon, Sa
vannah and Atlanta. Parlor cars between Macon and Atlanta.
Ticket office 19 Bull street and depot.
For further Information, and for schedules to points beyond our line apply to ticket
agents or to J. C*. HAILE, General Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga.
TliEO. D. KLINE, General Superintendent.
W. F. SHELLMAN. Traffic Manager. J. C. SHAW, Traveling Passenger Agent.
bale, f 1 00; Philadelphia, per bale. $1 00; Bal
timore. $1 00.
Lumber—By sail—Freights arc quiet at
ruling rates. Foreign business Is mors or less
nominal. The rates from this and nearby
Georgia ports are quoted at 44 00 (5 03 for a
range including Baltimore and Ported. Me.
Railroad ties, basis 44 feet, 14c. Timber 50c(<$
$1 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West
Indies and Windward, nominal; to Rosario,
*l2 09: Buenos Ayres or Montevideo.
to Rio Janeiro, sl4 00 to Span
| ish and Mediterranean ports. to
United Kingdom for orders, nominal for lum
ber. 1M 5s standard.
By Steam—To New York. $7 09; to Phila
delphia, *7 00; 10 Boston, $8 0J:to Baltimore.
H 00.
Naval Stores--By sail—The market is
very dull. with no demand for
either spot vessels or vessels to ar
rive. Large. Cork for orders. are
placed at ,2s 4*i<£ft3s 7Hd; small fslzcd 28
3d and 4s. South America, rosin, 70c barrel
of 2*o pounds. Coastwise steam —to Boston
11c V 100 lbs. on rosin. 90c on spirits: to New
Yoru. rosin, BVic 100 Tbs. spirits. 86c: to
Philadelppia. rosin, 7V4e I001b5: spirits.
! 80c; to Baltimore, rosin, 7Vjc V 100 lbs; spir
its, 70c.
Or kin. Provisions. Kto,
New York, Oct. B.—Flour market easy and
free 1 v one ed; winter wheat, low grades *lls
; (&2 40; winter, fair to fancy *! 4tVtJ 0; winter
patents *2 ob<ft3 10; Minnesota clear $2
2 55; Minnesota patents f3 1 7 V ; low extras
*1 85@2 0: southern Hour dull and weak: com
mon to fair extra
extras $3 00&3 60. Wheat mill, **e lower,
steady; No. 2 red in store and elevator at
5.) 1 ,(^6o\c; afloat aC<&s6Vfcc; optious advanced
54c. declined closing steady at tin
changed prices to **c advance and fairly
active; No. 2 red closed October '6%c; Decern
) er 57 j 4c; March 6074 c; May 07 ; fcc. Corn dull,
lower with options closing firm: No 2. 57*40
In elevator; 57444^680af10at: options advanced
declined on liquidation, and
closed weak at advance on October and
November, and unchanged to **c down on
others, with tr&difig fair; October 64*40; Do
cember sl\c; March 51%c. May 54 sac. 5 a c. Oats
dull and firmer: options steady, unchanged 10
*4C up; October 83c; Decernuer 'M\c: May
37%c; No. 2. 38c; mixed western 33‘.(&314c.
Hay. moderately active and s.oady: shipping
5< c; good t > choice Mmothv 05(31:5. Beef qu et;
family *1 •>
Beef hams dun at slßia>. Tlerced beef dull;
city extra India mess *l*l 5). Cut meats quiet
and steadv; pickled Mllies 8c; pickle 1 should
era O,*4C ri-kieahams middles noral
nal. Lard quiet, closed easy; western steam
$' 00, nominal; cltjt *7 50. October * 00. notni
| nal; January *7 8). nominal: refined quiet:
| continent *<4o; South American I* o.; com
pound *6 50(ft6 75. Pork uuil and unchanged;
mess sl4 75® 15 50: extra prime sl4 00. Butter
was quiet and lower; state dairy 14®23c;
state creamery 18ft25c; western dairy I3ftl7c;
j western croamery 16®16c: Elgins 2(® .’oc. Mo
lasses, foreign, nominal; New Orleans open
kettle, good to choioe 27(®8'ic. inode rate de
; mand and steady. Peanuts steady. Cqffee
j options steady. lo®3o points down; Octoner
:J2 25®12 45; December 11 Of.®ll 15: Maich
! 1O0J®1O66; May 10 W®lo 55; spot Rio dull;
No. 7 15Wc. Sugar, raw. dull an.i easy; fair
refining 3®3*.&c; refined dull; standard A
4 7-16(014%: off A. 3 15-10®4 5-ifc; cut loaf 5®
5 3-16; crushol 3-16c; powdered 474®
5 l-16c; granulated 4 7 16c; cubes 4 11 lf®4 „c.
Freights to Liverpool, dull and nominal; cot
ton * t d; grain >*d.
Chuago t>ct. B.—The visible supply statement
was a big surpriso to the trade in wheat to day.
Few guesses made it more than 1.0u0.u0.1
bushels in* rea c, and even that was called an
exaggeration, conservative people figur 'd It at
500.000 bushels more than last week When
the repoit was completed, showing 2.201 Hi
bushels Increase, the selling became general,
and which had been a steady to firm market
became > nder the 1 resure of offerings a weak
and lopheivy one Prices declined fully 1
cent from the top aod closed at *„c*at ove the
inside at the puts ’ sustaining them. Decern
her wheat opened at from 54 8 c to 5P 9 c. rang* and
from n*Sc to bi%c. and closed at 58\c—un
der Saturday, Sales of cash wheat averrg9d
'to higher than Saturday, but the nominal
close was weak with the futures.
Corn optioi s were r ased more on the
direction of wheat than on Its own sltua
-1 lion, a decrease of 75,200 bushels in the
amount on ocean passage and another of 49.000
bushels In the visible supply being of no avail
In preventing a decline, alter the more impor
taut market started on its downward path.
The offerings were free and although there was
firmness and strength in the early traue, they
disappeared whoa the demand was withdrawn,
later. May corn opened from 5I :, „ to 51*/ f c, sold
between 51 >c and 50 V, closing at
■’’a under Saturday. Cash corn raled lc higher,
whe closing being relatively weak with the
Oats—There was nothing to attract attention
in this market; for some time after the opening
steadiness preva lid. but with the break in the
other grains ih?re was a sympathetic one in
oats. May closed lower than Saturday.
Cash oats were *4® %c higher than Saturday.
Provisions A prominent commission house
and some of the packers bid prices for products
up, with the evident intent of running in las.
weeks short sellers They were only partially
successful tn their design, the decline in grain
affecting this market sufficiently to bring about
a weaker feeling. There was a moderate ad
vance in the live hog market at the yards,
which helie 1 the tone of provisions early. At
the close January pork and January ribs were
each 5c higher than Saturday. January lard
closed unchanged.
Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing.
Oct 52*4 52 * 51* 51*,;
Dec 54 *4 61* 68* b .*4
May 57 * 58 * 58* 684
Oct 52* 53* 5134 51*
Nov 52* 58*4 51* 51
Dec 49* 50* 49* 49*
May .51 Vi 51* 60* 61
Oct 29 >4 2t *4 28 * 28*
NO/ 29* 29 * 2** 29*
Dec 30% 80* 30 Sou
May 34*4 34* 3>* 83 ,
Fork -
Oc t *l3 00 *l2 CO *l2 75 sl2 75
Jan 12 80 12 92*4 12 07*4 12 07* '%
Oct 7 f2 4 7 02'4 7 C2*4 7 02*4
Jan 7 40 7 \2\% 7 35 7 85
Ribs -
Ocf 0 75 6 80 0 72',4 0 72*4
Jan 0 &J 6 55 6 i.t/ t 0 42V4
Can quotations ware as follows: Flour
steady at unchanged prices; there was only a
light local trade Wheat—No. 2 spring .V,®
55*4c; No. 2 red 51*/*. Corn—No. 2, ol*c. Oats
No. 2. 29*4®29‘4c Mess pork, per barrel.
*l2 80® 13 80. Lard. p;r 1W) pounds. $7 (-5®
7 67*.. Short rib sides $6 75<ft*8b. Dry salted
shoulders $6 87*4®0 50; short clearsldcs. $7 2>
(Ai 87H. Whisky. *1 23.
Cincinnati. Uot o.—Flour—spring patents
*3 25®* 1 0: fancy |2 7i®2 *K); family .v ®
2 06. Wheat quiet; No. 2 red 61)4c. Corn
steady; No. 2 white 56c; No. 2 mixed 64'4i;
No. 2 yellow M%c. Oats quiet; No. 2 mixed
31c: No. 8 rulxeu 89Vic; No. 2 white 34c.
Pork steady and quiet: mess at fl3 50; clear
mess *l6 On; family pork *ls 00; clear family
113 10. Lanl unchanged: steam leaf *ss2;
oak rs $s 76. kettle dne<l **B7% . leaf $. ou.
Bacon quiet but steady: shoulders *7 09;
short rib sides *; 75; abort clear sides ** 37*;.
Whisky steady. *1 23
Nt. Louis, Oct. B.—Flour quiet and steady;
patents $2 40011 55, fancy *1 90®2 (J 5; choice
1 7.® 1 K*>. Wheal weak and lower; Decem
ber b>>%c: May saNc. Com lower; I>e cent uer
4rt*c; May 47-*c. Oats lower; Oc o cr 2914 c;
May H c. Pork—standard mess *l.l
on orders *l4 un. I.ard prime steam f7S*Vy:
choice *7 57H. Dry salted meats shoulders
$0 uo; longs and clesr nt.s *6 7a; shorts *7 uj.
Bacon boxed shoulders *7 60; longs *7 074;
clesr ribs ui; snorts *8 1 2%. Hgh wines
nrm at *i .3.
Baltimore. Oct. B.—Flour market was dull;
western superfine $1 711*1 90; western extra
*2 UU®2 30; family *2 4U®. 00; winter wheat
patent *2 75®8 10 spring |:*;s®.<s6; spring
straight $8 IJQ/,3 :5 Whoat firmer; No. 2 red
*pot 53*®5!c: October •■*344®54e; December
53* h ®55*c. Mav 614®61* t (; sieamer No. 2
red s)*;c; milling, by sample, sc. Corn
firmer , mixed spot 664 c i id; October 53ue
bid; year 50*®510 bid; southern white 61®
Bttc; southern yellow. 9c old. 57c new.
Oats steady; No. 2 white western, r4*4®34*e;
No. 2 mixed western .>;®t2*,c. nye quiet. No.
2. 53c. Hay steady; good to choice timothy
*l2 00® 12 {.O. (.rain freights dull; steam to
Liverpool per quarter Is ,l October; Cork for
orders, per quarter. 2s ; d®2 (VI, cotton. e.-
100 lbs. 27c; dour, per 100 1 us. be. Provisions
firm: mess pork *ls 60. Bulk meats should
era Me; short rib sides 9o clear sides c.
Sugar cured shoulders i-c: hams, hinau. D' f . :
large. 12*40. Refined lard 9*o. Butter
steadv. creamery fancy 20c; ladle fancy I.®
Dc; store packed 12<j,14c. Eggs quiet at lßH(t*
19c. Conee (juiet; No. 7, 15‘zjC. hugur steady,
granulated 4.71.
New York, Oct. B.—Rice firm, moderately
active; domestic fair to extra 4**®3*c; Japan
New York. Oct. 8. Wool, moderately active
and steady; domestic floooe IMa24c; pulled
Texas H®2oc.
Petroleum, Oils, Etc.
Now York. Oct. 8. -Cotton seod oil dull,
easy: crude 28c; yellow #2®Wo.
New York, Oct. B.—Petroleum (juiet; Wash
lngton. In barrels. *6 0); Washington, in
bulk, *1 50; refined Now York, In barrels,
JA li; Philadelphia to barrels, 10; Philadel
phia in bulk. *2 eo&J.' os
Sonßlsas a:i
Sun Sets 5 4,
llign U ater at Fort Pulaski 3:80 am, 3.0 pin
(Central Standard Time,.
Tuesday, Oot. ft
Arrived Yesterday.
steamship Miguel M Pinillog, nengoochoa.
Sapelo— J 1* Minis At Cos.
•■schr John <1 Schmidt, Norhury. Philadelphia,
real for agent Central railroad; vessel to
tleurge Harriss & Cos. T
Srhr Ida Lawronce. Campbell. Philadelphia
coal forC H Dtnon & Cos; vessel to Har
rlss A Cos.
Sehr Hilda. O'Tionnell, Philadelphia, with
coal for Bond, Harrison A Cos; vessel lo Savun
nah Lighterage and Transfer Cos.
Arrived Cp from Quarantine Yesterday.
Steamship Azalea |Br], Po’.rlo—J P Minis*
Arrived f!p from Tyhee Yesterday.
Bark Qulrlnalo [ltalJ, Scale Chr O Dahl *
Cleared Yesterday.
Steamship Kansas City, Fisher, New York
—CO Anderson. Ant.
Steamship Tallahassee. Askins, Boston—CO
Anderson, ngt.
Steamship t late City, Qooglns, New V'ork—C
O Anderson, Agent.
Sailed Yesterday.
Steamship Kansas City. Now York.
Steamship Enrique |Nor|. Bremen.
Maritime Miscellany.
Spoken. Friday. Sept SI, at I p tn. Norwegian
bark JLWM, wished to be reported; all well,
licit'. in Ist 0434 N long 13 55 W. By steamship
Capt Kowe of the British steamship Wrag
goo reports having passed Sept 1< the barken
ttne Amelia ot Liverpool; all well,” bound
SW.Iat43N, long hi.W. Sept 35, B. C. V. D.
hark Westmoreland of Rochester; till well,
lat 33 N lung 37 W.
London. Oct ft Bark Hampton Court |Gor],
Pcrgwaidt, from Darien for Southampton, has
put into rayal leaking and with cargo shifted.
Charleston, Oct 8 Arrived. Cleadowe fHr],
Harris. New York; achrs Vanloar, Black
Lacey. Percy W Syhall, Hubhard. Baltimore;
S II Mar's McElwee, Emma C Middleton. Illg
bee. Philadelphia; Florence Shay, Edwards
New York.
Cleared, schr F,dna and Emma Richardson,
Georgetown; hark Mathilde, Mlgnano [ltal|,
Matella. Glasgow.
New York. Oct fi Cleared, brig Robt Dillon,
Leighton, New V'ork
Sailed, schr John H Tongln, Port Royal.
Baltimore. Oct fi Sailed, schr Emma L Cot
tlngham. Charleston.
Cape Henry. Oct B—Went to sea, schr Ed
ward A Sanchez. Tooks, Savannah.
Barry. Oct ft—Sailed, bark <. aelle [Br]. Horn.
RiStoch. Oct 4-Bark T C Borg [Gcr], Hassel,
Notice to M ■ rlners.
Pilot charts and all hydrographic Informa
tion will te furnished mnsters of vessels freo
of Charge In Untied States Hydrographic
Office In the custom house. Captains are re
quested to coll at the office.
Reports of wrecks and derelicts received
for transmission to the navy department.
For additional shipping news
see other columns.
Per Central Railroad. Oct B—3tßJ bales
cotton 21 crates tinware. 4 bbls pretzels Idl
tons pig Iron. 8 pkgs furuituro. f>7 bbls rice. 11
casks clav 4 lots household goods. (Hindis palls
13ft pkgs domestics, 34 sachs potatoes 31 boxes
meat lgO pkgs merchandise HO sacks flour. I car
hay. #B7 bbls rosin, 4!(ft bbls spirits turpentine
41 bids Ilnur. I car cabbage, a bbls empty lot
ties. 1 car brick. 1 car wood, 1 car meat, 37 bbls
vinegar. SO plates steel
Per Savannah Florida and Western railway.
Octß-3lu bates cotton 40;4 crates fruic lft,6
bbls rosin. 74 bbls spirits turpentine 14 . ars
roek. 1 car hay. I car flour, 1 car meal, I car
tlvh I car cotton seed oil, 3 cars castings. I car
co. ton seed. 21 cars lumber, ft cars wool. 13
bales hides.
Per Charleston and Savannah railway
Cots—l3ft bales tot ton I ear car uxles. 1 car
btlck. I ear wood I bales hides, uo sacks meul
Per Florida < enlral and Pemnsulai
Oct H— la oi cotton uflft bbls naval stores,
8 cars lurnt or, 3 cars cotton see l, I bbl rice
1 bdl bides.
Per steamship Kansas City for New York -
1311 bales upland cotton ft'i.3 bales sen island
cotton, 20 l ales domeatlrs and yarns lo bbls
pitch. 1770 Mils rosin, 727 bbls spirits turuen
tine. (ft. 544 feet lumber <ol slaves. :(l bbls
rosin oil. lOO.ftOO shingles 10 hbls fruit. IS7O
boxes fruit, HO bales moss. 4ft bags chaff, 338
Continued on Third Page.
I PAY an follows Drv flint, sc; dry
i Halted. 3c; butcher halted. 2\c; prena
salted, 2'rvc. Deer Meins Flint. 23c; salted,
Ifto: danioifod. 7W®l3c. Wool Prime Georgia
and Lake, free of sand and burrs. 14c; wool.
I lack lie; wool, burry, 7®lßc. Wax, 23c. Tal
low, 4%c.
Randolph Kirkland,
Charleston & Savannah K'y. Savannah, Florida & Western R'y.
■ s • A | a | :6 | IwErncrr Julv 59. ism. : :: j yjj i e j '
woijsn 90uam:Lv New York ~\r ri3pm .'lium] - . I
l2U3n'ljll 40am!Lv Philadelphia \r 1016 am a 45am '
2Soam| -13pmLv — Baltimore . Ar sjoam 12 ISam i
4roam RajttUbi Wub ogton Kt 700 am li lopm ...
• ••• ■ •• Mflllomj 7 llpmjLv Richmond. Ar 3+uam 643 pm
340 pm Lv. .Wilmington. Ar II mam ... .
4 :ispm|l2Mam]Lv Fayetteville. Ar .:*>pm :10 25am | 1
3 IlSpm ll 3spm SOTamILv Charleston Ar I ;)pm 3 l.Anoi 1250 pm .!..
I ■■ \uguslu \r 12 15pm '
1232 pm l.v Beaufort \r r.ciprn 10(flam|
4 *1 pm eopaml.v Yemissee Ar lltopinl Otuam!
•I3opm 2 -.lam 7:4vam Vr .HA V is s ill i,v I ■ fp-n loixipm Tenant 77.
2 15pm A I.Spni 3 43aui| 7 55am i.v . sAvAAN ill Aril I",am 930 pm 71 main ....
4 40pin ss.pml 4 35am| 923am;Ar ... Jesup. i.v 101:1am 73ipm 4 ,V>om
003pmSO20pm sMim 10 22am. Ar Waveroes l.v OOHara u 10pm 30>am
645 nm ; 7!,.inm Ar Brunswick. l.v 7 25pm
12tam 1045 am . Ar ... Alliam l.v I 3oam 4 oopm
5 40pm 8 40am l2S.3pm Ar ... .Jacksonville I.i 7Uo.un 320 pm 7(A)pm
l4'am 1227 pm Ar Valdosta l.v 352 pm II 32pm
i 339 am IWpm Ar Thomasviile l.v 2 30pm 9:111pm
92sam 131 pm Ar . Montlcello.. l.v, .. il.Klam 530 pm
ssoam 317pn: Ar Hamhridgc l.v, 102 pm "oopm
73oim 125 pm Ar Gainesville. l.v 1035 am 6 15pm
S'Oaani 25inm \r Ocala . l.v ,947 am 415 pm
350 am 20ip.n a 10pm Ar Sanford l.v I i.Aam lojoam
lOApm 055pm| 043 pm \r Tampa I.v so,pur 030 am 1315 pm
l4spm 715 pm 1085pm,Ar l’ort Tamps . ...Lv 1 720 pm tlOiam 11 40um
* 2rani I 120 pm Ar Macon l.v! .. , 1100 am 10 45pm
7 85am | 7 50pm Ar Atlanta I.v I 7 30am! 7 30pm
7410 am SOJpm j rMpm Vr. .Montgomery l.v 7 30pm 713 am; Booam . ...
1125 pm 30‘iamjAr Mohlle . ~|,v 1220 am
5 00pm | I 7 35am] Ar ... .New Orleans l.vj ... [7.V)pai|
Trains 5. 0, 15. 2.1. 82, 35 and 7k run dally. Tram 12 leaves Kavenol dally except Sunday at
425 p m (or Charleston Train II leaves t harleston daily . scept Sunday at Ha in for Kavenel.
Train I* leaves Charleston r3sa m : undavs only and arrives Savannah lt:oBara. train 10
leaves Savannah 3:40 pm Sundays only and arrives charleston li pm. Trains 5,6, 9 and 10
stop at all slat lons.
Trail 532 and 35 carry Pullman buffet sleeping oars botvvoen New York nn l Port Tampa.
Trains 23 and 7H carry Pullman huffot sleeping curs between New York and Jacksonville.
Train 25 carries Pullman sleeping ear Way-cross to Montgomery, Nashville. I.oulsvlllo and
Cincinnati. Trains 5 and (I carry Pullman Buffet sleeping ears between Savannah and Ocala.
Trains 0 and 23 carry Pullman sleeping cars hr! tveen savannah mid Jacksonville. Passen
gers for Jacksonville hy train 23 can enter slocpltig ear at :• p m. Trains 15 and 35 make
close connection at Waveross. for Mobllo. Now Orleans and the Sauthivest.
Tickets sold to all points and sleeping cur berths secured at passenger station, and ticket
office. le Soto Hotel.
Supt C. At S. R’y Supt. s,. F. & W. R’y, Gen. Pass. Agent,
Charleston. S. O. Savannah, (la Jacksonville. Flo.
Florida Central & SVnlmsular Railroad Cos.
Time Table in KfTect Aug. 27. 1894*
NORTH*DOITND. T ™ fn j ' A jj in ]j SOUTH BOUNa | Train TraTif
savannah 11 35 ami 9 2ft jxn Cv Suvunr.:ih. ...,.. 450 poi
Ar Fairfax. S. C 138 pm I 1122 pm! Ar Everett 733 ain 550 pm
Ar , Augusta | ; Ar Brunswick..
Ar Denmark. S. C 223 pm 12 10 am Ar Yuleo 92a am 847 pm
Ar ..Columbia. H. G 405 ptnj 210 am Ar Ferrmndina 1130 am
Ar..Spartanburg, S. C ... 810 pm! j Ar Callahan II 25 am
Ar -Asheville, N. C.. 11*0 pm ; ar Jacksonville 10 31) am 935 put
Ar Hot Springs, N. C ... 12 50 am ... „ Augustiuo
Ar Charlotte, hi. C ~F5b Dm 640 ain' Ar i’alatka , |
Ar Salisbury. N. 0 940 pm 8:8 am Ar Lake City 11 45 am I
Ar Greensboro, N. C IlOoptn 10 05 sm| Ar Live Oak 12 31 pm
Ar .Danville. Va 12 27 am 1145 am! Ar Montlcello 243 pm
Ar Richmond. Vo 620 am 450 pm! Ar Tallahassee 335 pm
Ar Lynchburg. Va 218 am 200 pmUAr Chnttaboochco 612 pm
Ar Charlottesville. Va... 400 am 407 pm I Ar River Junction 515 pm
Ar Washington 713 am (f 30 pm |Ar Pensacola 11 OO pm
Ar Baltimore 823 am 1135 pm !Ar Mobile 305 onl
Ar Philadelphia 1045 am 300 am Ar Now Orleans 7 3.3 am ....
A T r nJS/I . >5 E 2 •"> Ar Waldo TFS3 pm 13 39 am
Ar Boston .•..•y’ # ® P® 300 pin Ar Gainesville 150 pm
N035 lvs New York 12 15am, N037 . 4 80pm Ar Cedar Kev 000 pm
• Philadelphia.. 350 am, •• 653 pm Ar Silver Springs 230 pm.!
, “ " Baltimore ... 0 31am, •• . 92>pm Ar Ocala 251 pm 300 am
“ " Washington ,1101 am, •• .104:1pm Ar Wildwood 353 pm 425 am
" *• Spartanburg .10 06 pm, Orlando* 0“o lim
•’ " Columbia 125 am, “ ,12 05 pm " w ll “!. , i.,.n, " ,'Ji H™
No3sar Savannah .... 6 40am. _- 4 40pm AF! 7pm "UillUl
No Zd ar Savannah .9 15 pm. No 88 llSsim Ar f7cooohee "ft 04 pm 03 axu
From JackHonvlUe and all points in Ar Tarpon Springs *o<Kpm
South. Middle amt Wontorn Florida and Nw Ar St IVterHOurK ♦jo 30 pm
Orleans by tho Florida Central and I’enlnsu Ar Plant City ft 2d pm 7 .i6 ani
lar Railroad. Ar ■ npa * ;Q pm WOO am
•Non Dally tfoepi Sunday.
Ventlhulod Hleejiers on trains SO and 38 via Richmond and Danvlllo railroad b®
twcon Tampa. JackHonvlUe and New York, connecting with rolomal express solid traia
Wnahlmrton and Boston without chantre.
To Florida New York sleeper on No. 37 to Tampa No. 35 to Jacksonville).
Pullman aleener hetwcri Jnokaonvllie, Amhovilk- and ilot on trains 38 and33dallj.
Sleeper to New Orleans on No 3T> from Jacksonville
For full information apulv to A O. MAC DONELL, O. I’. A., Jacksonville Fla
i N. S FENNINOION. Tramc Manner. Jacksonville, h la.
All trains arrive and dopart at Central railroad depot.
I. M. FFEMTNG, Dlv. Pass. A<rnt
Tickets on snle corner Bull and Bryan streets and Central railroad depot, Savannah. Gjl
D. C. ALLEN, City Ticket A::ent-
Jnckoonvllle, Tnnipn and Key Went Railway.
JOSEPH 11. DURKEK, Receiver.
S<m:th— i TimeTfthl • NOkrfc-
No i,v. i N*. :ift. No "i N " No. 78 No ’iii.
Kx. Sun ! Dally Dally. * ll l.lltct .Ylay 1 oJI-. Dallv. I Dally. Ex. Mon.
kfo pm TJftOpm iMN) am Lv. . .Jacksonville Ar i;io am ;i ou pm ft 4ft pm
1020 pm 140 pm 10 00 am Ar ....Green Cove Springs Lv IS 15 am 200 pm 415 pm
11 55 pm 280 pin 10ISO am Ar . Palatka Lv 420 am 103 pm 310 pru
1 li> am 337 pm 1-07 pin Ar Seville Lv 803 am 11 ft 4 am 105 pm
158 am 407 pm 12 40 pm Ar DeLeon Springs . .. Lv 223 am 11 23am 12 02 irn
450 pm 132 pm Ar. | n _ f ) .Lv 10 20 am
3 ISO pm 12 35 pin Lv. f UOL,auu .Ar J 1 30 am
258 am 434 pm 122 pm Ar.. Orange City Junction . Lv 15) atn 10 50 am
* ft 12 pm Ar .Enterprise Lv tlOSOain
♦ 7 30 pm Vr TUusvilh L . 4 7 55 am
350 ain niopmj 200 pm Ar Sanford ll5 am to 20 am 10 30 am
' 720pm| Ar Tavares Lv 7 15am
... 1228 pm Ar Hawtho.n) ...Lv n hwaini
tSW pm Lv. f 1 vino # .Ar! 11 40 am
2slpm Ar Ocala Lv 947ami
4 80 pm Ar Leesburg Lv 8 I7ami
5 55 pm Ar I’embcrtim Lv* 7 00am
640 pm|Ar Brookavllle :J _. Lv| fi2oam
BKForn 018 pm :: 13 pmjXr Orlutuiu tv 1140 pmj iMAam
940 am| 1145 pm 355 urn Ar Kissimmee Lv 10 50 pm 842 ain
IV SO am! 745 pm 605 pm Ar liurtow J unction Lv 948 pm 755 am
106 pml 946 pml 640 ptnjAr Tampa Lv, BMI pm 6 30am
l4 7 00 6 111 pm Lv Burtuw Ar i STS pu. t 3 20 pm
ll2 20 pm +9lopm Ar .Arcadia ~ - I.v ‘ 335 prn +lO 00 am
|+* 20 ptnl+lo 35 pmlAr Bunta Gorda Lv|+ 1 10 pm + 6 00am
f Daily except Sunaay.
Trains 3.3 and M carrv through Pullman lluffct Sleepers dally betwnen New York anil
Fort Tampa, connecting at Fort Tampa ou Mondays and Thursdays for Kef
West and Havana
INDIAN RIVER STEAMERS arc appointed to perform the following service:
Leave Titusville 7:(W a. m Mon lavs, Wednesdays and Fridays for ltockledgo. Molbourno
and way landings. Returning, leave Melbourne at 7:00 a. m. Tuesdays,'i hursdays and
fcotnrdav* due T Itusvtlle .4 tv in. .__ . „ ,
Leave Titusville for Jupiter Mondays and Thursdays at Bp. in.: due Jupiter 7 p. m. tho
following day. connecting with J. and I*. W. R’y for Palm Bench and other points on Lako
Worth. Returning, leave Jupiter Wednesdays and Sundays, sa. m ; due Tltusvlllo 6 a. m.,
G. D. ACKERLY General Passenger Agent, Jacksonville, Fla
Rftunnnnli, Amorlcus end Montgomery Pallway.
WF, f I4< TNI. Hi hedule 1,1 t ft. rl H.-pl. . IMII. i:\Hl |l i|j ND.
B tio. 17 ! No. 18 34 ’
Mixed. Moll and c T -rrnMO Mall and Mixed,
Doily Express. STATIONS. Express Dally
ex. Sup. Doily _ _ Dally, ex. Sun.
7 80 pm TlOnmLv Savannah Ar 7 30 pm 5 45 am
5BO urn 10 05 am|Lv Lyons Ar 445 pn. 840 pm
7 03 a m 10 42 am Lv Mount Vernon Lv| 4 00 pm COO pm
9 10 a m 11 30 a m Ar Helena Lv, 3 21 p m I 40 pm
946 am(11 30 amTv Helena Ar’ 321 pm 3 55 pro
I 00 pin'll 23 p m Lv Abbeville Lvj 2 2i pm 1 30 pm
1 36 pm 12 35 pm'Lv Kramer 2 HI pm I.’ 3.5 pm
......... 20Hpml2 43 pm! Lv Rochelle Lv| 298 pm TI 55 am *
2 50 p ni! 12 53 pin |Lv Pitts Lvl I 57 p m 11 CO u in
4 40 pm| I 81 p in Ar Cordeie. Lvj I 26 pml 931 am
~ ft #a at Xr Albiny ........... Arlli wi ami
8 U p m Lv Albany Lvl J 15 pm'
6 45 pml 1 50 pin Lv .....Cordeie.. Ar I ui pm .3 25 ain
7 25 pin' 2 29 pm'Lv l)e Soto Lv 12 30 pm llli am
8 20 pm| 800 pm|Ar Americas Lv 12 00 n n 6 30 am
'tin. 41 ’So. * So. :S' " So. 42~*
Mixed, Monday. Tuesday, Mixed,
TusThur Wednes Thursdy Monday,
Sat. Friday. Satu rd’yiWed. Frf
lo 50 p m s 45 a m 3 ni pm Lv Amorlcus Ar 11 to am Tifpm 13 55 ami
12 40 a m 11 10 arn 4 10 pm Lv hlehlund l.v 11 to u m SOUpmllSOpra
12u uin 12 15 pm, 430 Pluil.v Lumpkin Lv 10 40 am 140 pai 10 80pm
JfOain I Mi pin 4 49 p.n'Lr Louvain Junction LvilO 2.lam 114 pm 9 52 pm
226 am, 1 57 pin 5 10pmLv Omaha l.v ID n| nm lilii pm 9 17pm
304 am 2 33 pin 6 81 pm’Lv Pitts .. ro Lvj 9 41 am II :6 pm 8 40pm
405 a m :4 45 pm S Oil pm'Lv— Hurtsloro Lvl VlO ara It) 20 pm 745 p ni
7 00 am 7 txi pin SOflpmAr Montgomery. Lv 7 1A tv in 404 ain 480 pm
lO 45 ptibAr Selma Lvj 4 31 am
3 15 am Ar Mobile Lvj 12 20 ni l
7 35 am Ar New Orleans Lv 7 50 pm
l2 00 nl't Ar Birmingham I.v 3 58 am
0 40 oni]Ar Nashville Lv 9 15 pin
l2 88 pm:Ar Louisville l.v 3 2* pm
4 25 p rn;Ar. Cincinnati Lv II 80 o in
Solid trains tictween Savannah and Montgomery.
No. 17 makes connection ut Montgomery for nil points In the west lead northwest, and at
New Orleans for nil poinro In Texas and tl.e s , ithwest.
No Is eonneetn at Savannah with Morula Central and Peninsular (South Bound dlvlnlon)
nd Atlantic ( oast Line for all points In the north, also with cccau eu amcre lor PhlUUup
phta New York and Boston
Nos 17 and IS run solid between Savannah and Montgomery.
CECIL u ALIIJLTT, General Manager. A. TOTH, Gen. Fix*, and Pae'or Agh
Ainartcus. Go.