Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, October 12, 1858, Image 2

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THE GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. MACON, <3*-A~, Tuesday Morning, Oot. 12. lion. C. ill. Bozeman llaabccn clcctal 1>\ a majority of mo hundred. .... , y ; n the ! of mconsiderwl trifles hanging about thc The Deuouement at Last American Presses an<l Politicians—Letter wrt- i ters and News mongers, for the past year, have i lieen seriously exercised to know the object and I purpose of Sir William Gore Gustav's visit and residence at Washington ■ im jn t j |C ^ mth will startle conserva- hortunatc m.tac.1 was the poor "WJJP j tiv , „f every party in this seeUon, if they “Union of tlic Opposition The “Richmond Whig," of the 1st instant, has a leader under the head of “Union of the Opposition," from which we copy the two para graphs subjoined—italics, &e., our own. Such a shameless proposition from the leading oppo- .. nh , ear of a high Official, glean but a taint glimmer- ntor, into thc new cowtily ol Wilcox. Wean o t it , i* «»., n;„i A i*Jim* to chronicle the he, from a "eommunirative^friend who had the j Knownothingism is gone forever. , voice, name nor place in the five political issues of the <lav. and with its final extinction as an and seventy-four votes to fill the vacancy Senate from Pulaski county, occasioned by cut ting off Norman McDuOie, Esq., the former Sen- j of Mr Bozeman— ' n K of thc » ,ni » b ’ c “J i element in politic it* followen* must be voice- fea incss man, and will matic designs. More fortunate still was the paid j « or find place in one or thelof | spy of the Daily Press, under the name respondent of the Herald, Tribune, Sun or Times, ‘‘People’s Par- eoujd he over the confidential influences of deep lb is an intelligent, bnsi make an excellent Senator. ••People’s Tickets, TIKS" AND “REFORM POLITICIANS.’’ Whenever, “in the course of human events" a political organization is thoroughly defunct— re ry dead—and its leading members feel the fact, there appears to arise at once in their minds an alarming horror and disgust of ‘'Party." They begin to have lively apprehensions for “Tht i'f t If" td realize feelingly the tyranny and the abuses of “Patty," which they disco w threaten to engulph ami enslave tb- popular will, and like the lux in the fr*>fe, they sec no remedy hut in reducing every body’s party to the sun* condition with their own. A party meeting with them now liecomcs nothing short of a conspiracy—« party nominee is an unscru pulous demagogue and trickster, or the tool of Napier in unravelling that class—the party itself a sink of corruption and iniquity—a Pandora's box; and no chance is left for the country but for a general uprising of the “unpartied people" to put the mercena ries to (light! They speak feelingly, In-cause they have fell the sting of “parlywhich word to them, is of course, now synonymous with ••ft* - Aec Je M '-•» Mlg M.** "pflll^” MMdllti their side and served their views and purposes, it was .1 good thing—a patriotic thing—in feet, ii was the salvation ofthc country, which would •o to ruin without Then they nominated par- tv tickets in r ! less i» public al&frs or find place in ° ' other of the great [mlitical organizations which must control the destinies of the country. It was doubtless a hitter alternative for even the potations of Cliampagnc or Burgundy, pick from ( Rjc , ml0nrt whig, in taking sides, to declare in the incautious gabbling of a clerk tn the Mate j ^ ^ of , he altolitionists—in its own words, to Department, the slightest word or «kCTt by /iamh Reward ard Greeley" and i>ro- which the most remote oonie^.re of John lluir.s J weighty secret could **- twined. Daily, nightly, hourly’ was tl*' P owtT of ,hl ’ r *l ,i ' 1 ll ? h,r » n ? taxed to - »nvey to an anxious public tlie ru- ^ surmises; opinions, suspicions «n J ! it ^ t0 ovcrcome politick prejudice- and per which the habitues of the saloons of Wadtinp-, nurs , (1 for a lifetime into a blind ton were accustomed to invent and circulate. One day the Press had it, that Her Majesty not having full confidence in the Diplomatic ability of her Scotch representative, had dis- i patched a full Wooded John Bull, in theburly ^ ,, ^ , m . n an( , p.triots" in person of Str W Mam. to »»' “f^ j Seward, Greeley and their followers, and con- tier tn unravelling the tangled yarn, the i , . ... - nounee them “goeul men and patriots." W e think tills must have Imen a severe liolus for even the Richmond IVhig to swallow! Hut the j other alternative was to the Whig still harder— 1 per- blind | and uncontrollable intensity. As desperate, therefore, as was the Whig's election, it was not surprising. It was no marvel, under the circumstances, thatliis intolerant political big- tangled j next rumor was rife that Sir William had quar I template with ecstasy their elevation to supre- _ .... ,, n-aev in public aflitirs over relcd with mv I gird. and that none could tell , • . * . ,. , , . .. reteu nun mt the national imrtv which sustains him. One writer, wiser than 1 wlutt would come of it. the rest, startled uppertendom with the news which he had “from the best authority" that the real object of the worthy Englishman’s com ing was to negotiate a match between Miss Har- ,\nd the same alternative is now pressing up on all the Southern leaders of the opposition A Sew and Bad Plank in the? FLATFORM. Wc have heretofore supposed that support of its principles—devotion to its faith—adherence to its organization was all that was required to constitute one a member of the Democratic Par ty, but from the general tenor of an article in titc Cassville Standard, two weeks since, and from an iusidious thrust at Whig Leaders con tained in a niost remarkable Editorial of the Federal Union of the last Issue, wc are prepared for a new revelation of doctrine, and very much fear that one of the most objectionable features the Know Nothing articles of faith arc about to lie incorjxirated into the Democratic Platform. Time with%s has not heretofore been consid ered a material essence of Democracy. We lutd supposed that all were tn he recognized as of the brotherhood and treated as such, who embraced its creed and made good their faith by their works. Rut we find that our cotemporaries of the .Standard and Union differ with us and com plain, the one, tliat the New lightsare preferred to the old—the other, that the “newjights"arc stealthily leading astray the ancient Democracy, and tliat they must be watched with jealousy and suspicion In other words, whiletheydonot say so in terms, the idea may be inferred from the tone and temper of their discourse tliat ail who join I k-inocraey must lie put on probation— must take the low seats in the synagogue and work their way up. No matter how earnest, how eloquent, how Air. Buchanan and I useful one may be, time is to he the measure of promotion to honor, and not talent, virtue, and fitness for place. We protest against the introduction of this with what result we shall see. They have got. new element of discord into our ranks for two to choose betwixt the abolitionists and the dc- reasons. First, becauseit is wrong in principli . , nioeracv—there is no mistake about it. Like | second, because powerless in practice. What ricti^ie. ilj- acwMiipMsitea lueUieaiitiruMiicce j 1|>p ..\vhig,” im» doubt, some of them may seek j ran- the Democratic party about obsolete par ties and dead questions when great and vital is sues are to be met and giants are wanted to face the crisis and work out a victory ? What care of the President, and the Heir Apparent to the ] tot , |IW <u ' |st in „ u . c of the People and cov- British Throne. And forthwith all snolxlom was on thequi vivc to hear the details—who mu er up tlie enormity of the wicked coalition with some pretended issues aliout the revival of the thont. no, they nominated par- to |>crf onn the ceremony-who were to Ik- the H ;, v aml w f<>rtI , secret council and duly labeled J Bride’s-maid'sand the Groom’s attendants. Tlie- |,i c> . ls a S oj» t«» such Southern ; and it is possi- we whether Air. Toombs or Air. Stephens, were , . , — i coadjutors Sew- memlK-rs of the Whig party of forty-four, if they P art - V ,u ' kot ' ; ' , " " :,s S 00 " I K,ll '- v ,! report gained credence when the fact became ari , W ilson, Greeley & Co. tnay allow the in-! are with us now, really willing to fight ourbat- il not, they sprung them on the moment at the j knOH .„ that thc ma trimonial ambassador had ' ' 1 polls and ru.-lted litem in, if they could; and the man who did not stand up to these party tickets they thought a very poor kind of man and no patriot. In fact, they black-balled him. Hut now that this [articular and favorable sig nification of the word “party” is lost to them— now that events have given it the ugly meaning of "the either side"—now that to them it is sttg- ;i stive only of pa-t defeats and future disap pointment, what wonder that they sec a world of mischief in itIt is a frowning cloud 'twixt them and fortune, and calls for constant study to dispel it. Such, then, with politicians, is thc simple difference betwixt “my party” and “your party.” If wc bad a party which could prom- isc anything, wc should stand to it; but having none, the business now in hand for us, is to put v nu, if possible, in the same condition. Now we come to the era of "no party" politics which lor some months past seems to lx; immi nent in Georgia. Editors have iK-conte fearful ly exercised aliout tlie dangers of party. They are alarmed for the country in the liands of a pariy. They sec the most horrid abuses—the most corrupt practice* - the most shameless ty ranny in party. Tlu-y bewail the lilierties of the people saeriliced in party Conventions, and meetings, and indignantly appeal to that noble spirit of independence inherited from revolution ary sirt-s. They appeal to the People to “throw aside the degrading shackles of party,” and in order to aid them, set up “People's Tickets,” People’' Parties" and "Reform Alovemcnts” on all practicable occasions. The thorough-paced partiznns—thc sly old political Reynards who •ot up these devices are not, it is true, ofron successful. But wherever they dosucccctl, they accomplish precisely the reverse of the pretence set up. Thc pretence is to vindicate the popular himself been so fortunate as to secure an Amcri-. j can wife, in the person of Aliss Van Ness, the corporation of some sueli worn out and obsolete ties in the Senate and thc House ? Did Afr\ Bu- issues in the Black Republican and Coalition chanan, in the Lecompton fight of the last ses- Platform. Rut they can mislead nolxxly, who daughter of a distinguished Statesman from | ( |,„. s no , likl . tt „. „> m pany. Tlie Coalition will Vermont This estimable lady lutd before this, become famous among the fashionahli-s as the introducer of the Balmoral skirts, and wlu-n tlie effect at least one good result. It will consoli date in the democratic party the entire conser vative force of the country. Good men in Ixith important and delicate question w ith w Inch her sections who have stood out from the democracy husband was charged l»ecame known, she lx-- j im , m . rt . prejudice, will not lie sold to thc nboli- camc the cynosure of all eyes the “observed ofj lion j sts ; n t j,. lt waVi an d disgusted with theun- sion, regret their services ? Were they not the champions of the Administration on tliat Issue? Did not Mr. Stephens, ilay by day’ and night by night, toil and work to save the kill and sastain „ the recommendation of the President ? Did not | Paraguay "of October* 1854, prohibiting foreign j the “Union” after the battle was over, award I vessels-of-war front navigating the rivers of that j The Nicaragua Epeditlon Tho fleet constituting the Expedition just fit ted out by our government to bring Nicaragua to terms, comprises the following; Frigate Sabine, 50 guns; Brig Falmouth twenty guns; Brig Preble 16,guns; Brigs Perry andBainbridgc, six guns each; Brig Dolphin five guns; Steamers Fulton, AVaterAVitch, Harriet lone, Caledonia, Arctic; Atlanta, Afemphis, AVesteroport and Southern Star—thc most of them as tenders and supply ships, the three first carrying altogether 6 heavy shell guns. The officer in command of the expedition is AVm B. Shubrick. The plan of operations Ls thus stated in the AVashington A CARD. GP Tlie Subscriber* beg to announce to the citizens of Augttsta and surrounding districts, j that they will open a NEW G’AKPET STOKE, S05 Broad St, second door west of the Bank of Au gusta, and recently oocupied by Messrs. Sherman, Jessup and Co., on Thursday, the 7th Inst., with a LARGE and SUPERB STOCK of GOODS, embra cing everything new in that line, and equal in qual ity and variety to any first-rate establishment in the country. It is our object to supply our patrons with GOOD GOODS, at such prices asihe same quality of goods can be procured iu Charleston or New Vork, and which, we trust, will be the means of keeping at home all orders in tlie CARPET LINE. P.S.—All purchasers wanting Carpets made up, fitted and put down. Floor Oil Cloths, Cocoa and istew 5 Fancy Dry Goods AT BOSTICK §6 KEIN’S Head-Quarters of Fashion T HE Entiles and OenUetucn of Macon and stir •’ rouudin# country are respectfully invited to t call at the “Headquarters” ot* Fashlou, and exam ine our new Fall and Winter Stock of Importers and Dealers, New Carpet Store, 20." Broad St., North Side, oct. 12. papers: The plan of the government i>, aAer the ileet, Canton Mattings laid,can have the same properly at- has made its rendezvous at Buenos Ayres, to j tended to, as we keep in our employ thorough and semi up Commissioner Bowlin to Asuncion in , experiencedCsrpet Upholsterers, one of the small steamers, with uemamls on the ■ py Country 0fffcw attended to with pro , np raesa government of Lopez for full and immediate and despatc , ) j G BAILIE & BROTHER, satisfaction; the remainder of the squadron as cending the river as far as circumstances will permit, and at a supporting distance. Should lie fail, the squadron will lie put in motion, and all the vesseLs drawing from nine to twelve feet will push on to their work, and the remainder will lie at the bar at the mouth of the Parana, and maintain a vigorous blockade of the Para guay. This itself will be a serious blow to Lo pez, as it appears by the reports made to thc Secretary of State by the late Consul, that since the attempt of the American company, steamers and trading vessels, doing a very considerable business, most of them the property of I.opez, are now multiplying on thc river. The occasion of the Expedition was stated as follows in thc last annual Message of thc President: “I regret to inform you tliat the President of Pataguay|lias refused to ratify the treaty between the United States and tliat State as amended by the Senate, the signature of which was men tioned in thc message of my predecessor to Con gress at the opening of its session in December, 1853. Tlie reasons assigned for this refusal will appear in the correspondence herewith submit ted. . It being desirable to ascertain thc fitness of tlie river La Plata and its tributaries for navi gation by steam, the United States steamer Wa- . ter AViteh was sent thither for that purpose in <' 1 » 8S home in thc city NEW Dry Goods House. GOODS BY THE LAST STEAMER. O PENED this morning. Figured French Merinos, Foulard Silks, Black and White Detains, Bri tish Long Cloth, Ice., Sec. FEARS & SAVANSON. A beautiful and well assorted Stock of Silks, Va lencias, Solid French Alerinos, Donble Skirted and DeLain Robes, Sattin DeChine, Cloaks, Mantillas, Round Corner Mantilla Shawls, A’alencino Lace Col lars and Sleeves. French, American and English Prints; Ginghams, Bleached and Brown Shirtings, Apron Checks, Denims, Linseys, Linen and Cotton Diapers, Ladies and Gents Hosiery, Gloves, A’eils, and Yankee Notions, &c. f Ac. AVe will take pleasure in showing thc above to each and every one who will favor us with a call.— Come and see us—we are at home. FEARS A SWANSON. Sup. Marseilles Quilts, White Goods of every va- riety and description. Scarfs, Brilliants, India Dimi ty, Embroidered Linen C. JIdkfs., Silk Hdkfs., Um brellas, Silk and Cotton, IIoop Skirts, Bed Ticking, Bleached and Brown Sheetings, Stripe Goods, Ac. The above mentioned Goods will he sold on as good terms as can he procured from any other first oct IS FEARS A SAVANSON, Cotton Ar., Macon, Ga. 1853. This enterprise was successfully carried j on until February, 1855, when, whilst in the : — ■ —— — peaceful prosecution of her voyage up the Pn- f TT"fi 1 1 "Nn?"V TT rana river, the steamer was tired upon by a! Xh X lT.VAhJ.1 XJ YJ Paraguayan fort. The fire was returned; but as the W ater Witch was of small force, and not j designed for offensive operations, site retired from j the conflict The pretext upon which the at- [ tack was made was a decree of tlie President of i ail observers.” Amidst all this tumult of curiosity. Sir AVil- j )ar( v ofthc Union. hallowed coalition, will rally with the national iiam Gore Ouslcy, appeared to lie the only man notcxcitcd by it. He hobnobbed daily with Sen ators, he cracked jokes with Count Sartiges. he made himself popular generally with cigns, by his bluff, hearty address, niul bis ele gant and profuse hospitality. Foreigners ami Natives thc highest meed of praise to Mr. Stephens, for hLs tact, hLs wisdom, and his unfaltering devo tion and advocacy of thc doctrines contained in j the President’s message? AVhy did not the j President and thc Cabinet scorn thc assistance From the Richmond Whig of October 1st. , The whole Territorial and slavery question lie-1 of Mr. Toombs in tlie Senate, when he so gal- artiges, he ing finally settled and disposed of, what; possible I | an( j y amJ eloquently led the debates, and by t ?r arss*«r2s! <•» —- Presidential eantpaign? The Opposition, North! triumphantly thc Lecompton Bill as originally amt South, agree in many important particulars.— : introduced'; Did we then hear of the lead of Republicans and Dcroocrats-Know They concur as to the d wlW »• Lights? Mere we then warned against .. . , ... „ ,. , ... , the present unprincipled, hypocritical, and corrupt j , ° ,. . 6 Nothings and lire Eaters, all voted the English- ( Administration. They concur as to the necessity ,,u ' power and influence of these gentlemen?— man with unknown |>owers a trump, and his I of remodeling and improving the financial policy < On the contrary’ did not tlie Standard and thc beautiful wife a fitting representative of all that of the Government. They concur in theirviewsof Union exhaust the language of culo<w and praise — —i .a,..—. t ..i™,.,;. ,. the necessity of a thorough and radical revision of . v * the Tariff. They concur in their views of the im-! 111 COI,m icnding Ute tr patriotic course . portanceof ado|iting a different policy from that j Then why all this talk altout New Lights, and Which now prevails, in reference to’ the public i the influence of Whig Leaders, llte Democratic was refincil, elegant, and attractive in woman. Months rolled on, and although his departure for home, South America, California and else where was daily announrwl, still the Knglisli- man lingercil, still his portly person was seen at tlie AA hite House, at the Departments, on the tion at the North. AVhy, then, may we not unite. floor of the Senate, in the Diplomatic tier of the House Gallery, on the Avenue, at tlie Cabinet re ceptions—in fact, wherever good wine was to Vw drank, a good dinner to lie eaten, or good rout pany to be enjoyed, there was Sir William < lore in S *® ' lo »*«' thwwxtrcme ami fanatical opinions 1 * * J of men, either at the North or at tl»o South, on the Ousley, as pay, as careless, Imt as impenetniMt 1 as ever. After he liatl passed triiiiuphantly through tli tiotw there taalmiMamttireliaTOony ofopiSonl^: J ’/^gia and of the Union, have e„- tween the Opposition at the Sontli and the Opposi- J dorsed their course and will continue to do so as long as they support the platform and policy of the party, in spite of all efforts to the contrary, ltd them come from what quarter they may.— Have the Stamlard and the Union forgotten tliat but for the votes of Southern Rights and Pierce AVhigs, Hcrschcl A’. Johnson would have been beaten for Governor in ’53 by Jenkins—that the patriotically and honorably, in support of a com mon policy, on these essential subjects ? ll'Aot elij'rre eicc eltree it leeeelr, so fur ees these thieeys ore e,.ucer.tr,t, whether one ho* hern a Secessionist or on A/eolieiauistThese things, certainly, havenotli- front navigating State. As Paraguay, however, was the owner of but one bank of the river of tliat name, the other belonging to Corientes, a State of the Ar gentine Confederation, thc right of its govern ment to expect that such a decree would be obeyed cannot be acknowledged. But the A\ a- ter'Witch was not, properly speaking, a vcssel- of-wnr. She was a small steamer engaged in a scientific enterprise intended for the advantage of commercial states generally. Under these jiaGON,. circumstances, I am constrained to consider the j attack upon her as unjustifiable, and as calling j for satisfaction from the Paraguayan Govern ment Citizens of the United States, also, who were established in business in Paraguay, have had their property seized and taken from them, and have otherwise lieen treated by the authorities CELEBRATED ©©IMIFKglF 0 ©bUK W Finest CAKE and BREAD and FRENCH PASTRY BAKERY, CANDY Manu factory, FRUIT and TOY Store, PROVISION Store and Fancy ami Staple Dry Goods, which for Beauty. Elegance, Variety and Style, can not be surpassed in Georgia. Our DRESS GOODS Department is unusually attractive, and as the Ladies know that we always keep tlie Richest and most Fashionable Styles that are brought to Macon, we deem it tliuiee<\-s iry ill specify by nr-me each of the varied and almost in numerable novelties in that lire-, Which now fasci nate every one who examines them. We will say, however, that in DRESS GOODS our stock, we think, cannot be excelled. In Laces, Embroideries, Worked Bauds, Swiss A Cambric Frillings, Lace and Musliu Collars, and all such Fancy articles, we say most emphatically that we are better prepared than ever to serve our pa trons; and can furnish all such Goods at very re duced rates. Onr stock of Staple Dry Groods are so well and judiciously assorted that every one r«*n* in ..London and Pari.*, wh in want of good! fresh, first quality supplies for pt rfonn. i:c< ~ wore tlm tiu-i?? ot u.,iv. family purpose* can be accomm«*lated exactly, and , t’u>n for months, nt tl«u Broadway :r, every article sold warranted as represented. Their wonderful docility. : the < • • • Don’t buy your CLOAKS and SHAWLS until you train’s examine our larffe and beautiful assortment. Our CURTAIN and CARPET Department is plete, and we would particularly invite every body j est cxt< to examine our CARPETS before they buy. We have a tremendous stock of nil kinds, nml nt low prices. One l&iorc Word. Remember that our goods are all now—were avcH purchased, and we are resolved shall be sold as cheap as any house can sell them. None shall un dersell us. BOSTICK & KE1N. oct 12 Henry Hornejs Confectionery, Fruit Store, Cake & PASTRY BAKERY, MACON GEORGIA. In Itis New Building, One door below Ayers, Wingfield 3c Co., iT.erry MANUFACTURER OF THK FINEST FRENCH PASTRY AND DUNAM EXT A M‘A K KS and dealers in fiin Candies, Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, Warranted Imported Wines and Brauuic.s Cordials, .Syrups, Nuts. Segars, Tobacco, Ac., WHOLESALE AND RE Bailey Go's Gigantic Circus anefi 3VIE3STAGERIE, | Combined with tht; Exhibition of ’ H SANDS, .X ATIlAXS & C< i’s 1 Performing llfcphmtfs, ini i THONV AND CLEOPATRA. ■ miHS unique and mammoth establishmentI I. bines a greater number of attractions rJ. a n ’ H • over before ofTen-d to the public. THE PFi?Vm.:W LNH ICLFPIIANTS, Anthony and ('lecpatrs ■ tlie samewirioh for months, created the "n-ntfr*' make them ti ! of tho animal creation ti.:: tin* world • AH their faculties have b< rn d« \ !. • nt, and th y stai nrth I remarkable of their kind. They • heads, play upon Musical Iiistrun . | dined Planes, und yo through all th- I the most accomplLhed acrobats. I In addition, Bailey St Go’s ( . comprise MALS, i Hyenas, Pantfi aiid varied colli splendid Tim tronp< Restaurant, CHERRY STREET, Next to Avers, Wingfield & Co’s Wholesale j Grocery Establishment, and on tlie Street leading to the Passenger Depot, Country Merchants supplied at the lowest r ates. travelling in th Weddings and Parties furnished with allliinds nig^uistmgu^saed nano of Confections and Pyramids, Cold Meats, * ’ mr ’ Ac., at reasonable terms. N. B.—-Terms:—Positively Cash— oct 12 — _ .j,Vanltew, Lady gust and most thoroughly Anfov tl lie 1’. States and comprises the f. r.Iads, Mine. LOUISE DUBOIS, fr.nn the Cir.iud-B l//V n ill 1 Ui ■ T IIE undersigned having since first October re moved to his spacious Stores, offers for sale one j of the largest and most complete assortment of CONTECTIONjeLBIES, at Wholesale and Retail, for CASH entirely, at tho DRESS MAKING Sd-C. Ivlrs. Eastman, First Street, Square arove the Flint House., MACON, GEORGIA, W OULD announce to the Ladies anti citizens generally, of Macon and vicinity, that hav ing secured the services of one of •Georgia. | H’hcplcr & W ilson’s Sewing machines, is prepared to cut, stitch, sew, and make up all work entrusted to her, (both coarse and fine) such .as La dies’ Garments, Bonnets, Plantation Goods, Ac. OTA share of patronage is respectfully solicited. ml ■ ui Latest News by the ^. , uT,Lfou:lt1: , rL c e e he." rS,ock inpart Atlantic Telegraph insulting and arbitral*)’ manner, which re- CftkoS & PfiStry, jBrCcld & Omckors quires redress. A demand for these purposes will he made in j baked everyday. made of the choicest Materials in the city,—fresh a firm hut conciliatory spirit. This will the Ornamental Cakes more probably he granted if the Executive shall • in tlio newest styles, for Weddings, Parties and l*i<* have authority to use Other means in the event Nics, and of a superiority to which all my customers will. The thing done is effectually to smother ! body, his secret was still a secret—and it wa; it, by putting a mere minority in place. The promised reform, retrenchment and economy, in nine cases out of ten, end in aggravate*! abuses and reckless profusion. There are so many to jety for hard work in effecting so difficult a vic- liicstion of slavery, lie ret n justly anil houoraMy join hnujs with Sewuril and (j'reeley iu a common \ Legislature would lmvo lieen lost, and tliat there ejfort to introduce a new Governmental policy. In i would liave been no Democratic State Printer? scrutiny and espionage of Washington-after ^f'“r'tcdarnTtre^honM taT^my* of ! crimin'.') | . 1)0 t,u ’- v not remember that hut for thc aidof lu» hu<l been dined and feted at New ^ ork, balled neglect of duty not to join handa, fraternally and Toombs and Stephens and tlieir gallant associ- at Saratoga, and Yachted at Newport—after j cordially, with’ any and all men of all sections in 1 «tcs, the Know Nothings would have swept thc .... — ->• —- re 1 «■».»r* ’ l: 1 "’" 1 «r<r —y - proportion of the interests and prosperity of the ! the Pierce 11 higs of 52, the anti-Know Noth- country. ing Whigs of ’55, and those who came to us in There is no reason, then.why the “ppo-umn ,Tes,.tcol,a, election ..fao, the indomitable not until his mission had Ix-t-n accomplished, his work for his government well and wisely . , , should not unite in the next Presidential campaign, •etwee > r. ig a lit (ln ,| 1C contrary, there are a thousand potent and done—and thc Ousley Treaty and Nicaragua is published to the world, could overruling considerations why they should. We the quid mines discover what thc object and are now cursed with an Administration thc most negligent and the most corrupt wc have ever had; . i- j - , «... , . and it is thc solemn duty of ,/ooel nuu and patriots many impatient, distrustful and discordant Like a clap of thunder front a clear sky came o) - a || panics and sections to hand together for its conciliate in these coalitions, that. the news upon thc astute head of tlie .State l>c-. overthrow, condition to ndminister public partment. Wall street was in commotion—J<xr they will. torj-—so little promise of pennancncc^in it, and 1 purpose of Sir William's visit were. Anti we hope they will—wc believe If they do, the Opposition will achieve interests t thev are in m , .......... -r, - . r ~., *•* te. mm | White and Itapn, «.! .,,.1 .e.i gooil dcsirt to »lo it. c see, in our neighbor ■ George I*n\v, and \ anderbilt, and Hard, and nvntly wiped out. And in contemplation of such t ily of Savannah, they have recently started n Walker and llenningsen, and Benjamin, and a prospect wear* as h “ People’s Reform" opposition ticket, an.l with- Le Sere were astounded. They had talked and * ■>ut knowing anything about the abuses to lx.- remodiud or the men proposed *oremedy them, thc ticket, if successful, will reverse all experi ence if they do not make matters a great deal worse than they now are. Nobody ought to lx> deluded with the cry of People’s Candidates—People's Parties and Re form Tickets. It comes from old political lead ers who have only found the People, ns emlxxl- ied In the ranks of their opponents, a great deal too strong for them, and therefore wish simply "t.i divide and conquer." Whatever abuses may exist in thc democratic party, The People .n the party can correct them—and if those com plainants wish to Iwtx'iii the country, let them come over and help the democracy to amend. Hut while the absence of a strong and well «r- -anized opposition may etidaiger the democrat ic party in its own organization and character. tho fooliny fnrmuf- f ( of it, is another question. toiled—they had fawned and flattered—they had concocted and schemed—thpy had built ships and bought muskets—they had hired agents. and [laid spies—they had cajoled—had threat- j sorry to see, took tire in the afternooUj of^ hist ened—had filibustered-—had.snent jnonov »ndl Toes.!—- f i " The insurance was small. The |ioltce and man- era arc investigating into the origin ol the lire. the only party now in existence which ran ' a) „| without any aids of money or men he dix-s ■ v;u.p anil control flic destinies of the republic, an.l offer any guaranty for even its existence as Confederation of free and independent Slates. and ' American"Institute was 'being held in the huil- Borland. Wheeler, Ferris, Padre Vigil, Lamar, , ding at the time of the conflagration. Thc val- Shannon, Gadsden, and Forsyth had negotia- ue of the deposits lost is estimated to he bc- ted and conferred—volumes in the way of con- tween two anil three hundred thousand dollars, tracts ami treaties, and guarantees and notes, and protocols and messages, ami protrats had been written, and yet nothing bail lieen done. While all these turbulent elements Were at work—while money ami brain, and brass ami iron, ami powder and Itall, and men and ships were engaged ami tailed, the English I iovem- ineut despatched an Agent, not to tlie seat of war, hut to Washington, to the American Capi tal, ami lie quietly and skilfully goes to work, Joe Browiravould not now be our Governor?— Without the Whig strength added to the Dem ocratic [tarty, we should lie in a glorious minor ity, and if the divisions were made, which such sentiments as are promulgated by the Standard and Federal Union are well calculate*! to create, the Democratic Party of Georgia would be pal try in numbers ami powerless in action, knd in contemplation of such j We hope to see no more of these umreneroot- happy as it is the privilege ofj ... v .._ r i ... ..no coombs—they are not j tlie leaders of thc Democratic [tarty; they are its servants, and we hope they will continue to occupy that position as long as they shall serve the people with zeal and fidelity. Let the op- iKwiiton enjoy the sole honor of making time a test of political fealty. Let it not lte introduced into our time honored Platform. The whig el ement in the Democratic party is a large and greatly influential one and Ought not to be ig nore*!. hut rather cherished and respected by all good democrats who have a spark of grati tude. We hope the Union and Standard will explain and retract ? OLD LINE DEMOCRAT. New York CbrysUU Palace Burn:. The Chrvstal Palace in New York, we arc y-tj * Our readers will find in our columns a m-w advertisement of Messrs. 1’nr.r.MAN JL Simc- mis. of New York and Philadelphia, distillers of the "Old Mnpnolirf Whiskev.” The Atlanta Intelligencer Makes its appearance in a new dress of very ■ ommeudalde neatnes We wish it grrat stic- Aiigtixia Farjicl Store W.- in\ ito attention to the Advertisement of J. *.. Bailie & Brother's new Carpet store in Augusta. '■’lie llUKlish Cliiuese Ti'eatj*. A graphic account of the pageant attending the interchange of protocols between the Eng lish ami Chinese commissioners will he found on our fiivt page. These treaties with the Eng lish. French, American and Russian Govern ments, if carried out iti good faith, will open a new era to commerce and civilization, and offer a powerful and progressive stimulus to thc Cot ton Trade. The effect, wc have no doubt, will he felt even upon the crop now going to mar ket. The effect of *a>mj>»n«tively unrestricted commercial intercourse with the four hundred million* of Chinese will indeed ofler an inter ■ sting problem to tl\»- curious and intelligent economist.. , Cowt*in County upon dtp Miipreine COURT. We noted some time since the proccctluigu ui a public meeting in Coweta, on the 8th Sep- tember, which was adjourned orer to the 5th instant for final action. Thc adjourned meet ing took place at the time specified, and passed a preamble an*l resolutions declaring that the Supreme Court, lmthin its original and present organization, had failed to answer the purpose for which it was created, and ought to l>e abolished. Thc meeting instructed their rep resentation in General Assembly to go for it* abolishment. ftrauil Jury of Fnyctlc Comity AND TIIE SUPREME COURT. The Grand Jury of Fayette couuty liave re quested their Senator and Representative to in. I ll*- Press on Ilovivnls. The comments and announcements of the secular press upon the revivals show, wc fear, that the brotherhood is not at home upon that subject. For illustration, thc Atlanta Ameri can announces that a "wonderful revival” in that city, "is just now in full blast and promi ses the achievement of iwnlculahlr good.” One of our Northern < icorgia friends speaks of it as a "sensation," and a Columbus print some time ago announced that the revival there “hail )<cen discontinned,” while another pronounced it only “abated.” This is accordingly recommen- j Wl 'l favorably testify. Candies, To nil whom it may concerts. of a refusal, ded.” No Candidate. We are requested by Mr. Thomas L. lli ttuEX, i of Jones County, whose name has been an- j | Fresh home made, and fine French Candies ol* ev • cry sort and Style.' Fruits. Oranges, Pine Apples, Banaiias, Apples, Lemons, iUts, Brazil Nuts, Filberts, Par- nounced for tlie Tax C'ollectorship of that Coun-1 jj n , Sj Almonds, Princess Almonds, Raisins, ty, to say that he is not a candidate for thc office.: Figs. Dates, Prunes, Currants, Citron Book Keeping and Commercial PENMANSHIP. Messrs. J. II. King, & A. J. Habich advertise a Commercial and Writing School, which we are well assured offers excellent facilities to all desirous of perfecting themselves in Book-Keep ing or Chirography. Mr. Habich is a splendid penman, and his specimens of plain and orna mental penmanship are of surpassing beauty.— His Cauls cannot he excelled. Wc invite attention to the advertisement of Mk. Hokxe. Messrs. Bostick & Kf.in announce that they are on hand for a Fait C.^jwlgn «r unrivalled brilliance Toys and Dolls, The largest and best assortment in the city. Segars and Tobacco Of th© very best brands*, to - suit the most particular i Customer. Provisions. Cranberries, Cubages, Onions. Potatoes, Teacakes, Yeast Powders, Fish, Oysters, Game, Lobsters, Sar dines, Salmon, State Cheese, Pineapple Cheese, Choicest Butter, English Pickles, American Pickles by Jar or Gallon, Sauces, Catsups, Spices, Candles, iW*, Coffee, etc., etc. Wines and Brandies, Tins is to notify the public that Isaacs is at Home Again, And begs to assure his patrons that his SALOON is not a thing of a day. Citizens and the traveling pub lic will find the establishment open not for the sea son only, but at all seasons of the yea: calling upon us will at all boors find our plied with all the delicacies that the New i unt «*m «« - .... other markets will afford in the way of eatables, and . V , ' 1 *''.',V J ’ something good to drink, and six days out of seven ' v *‘h due r< rd > •* tie more than can be found in any other house in town- E. Isaacs & Brother, tier ISnNton’f* Unit, Cherry Ml. Mr. Ii. SMITH, tlie great Principal Rider. Mr. E.W. PERRY, the best four Horse the world. Mr. B. STEPHENS, the wonderful ProteanE trim. LA BELLE ISABELLA, the Sylph of the (I Mr. R. SMJTH, the.gr* at Buffo Singer. HAZLET X UEDE.U . th- world renowiiK tnnioni.«t> JOHN MULLIGAN, Cr-mie N< gro Dcihu . THORNE A DONALDSON, the thon-uc complishtal Gymnasts, besi '«s a large cori» ofi iiiartls and Vault* ra. THE CLOWNS, Messrs. SlftMTU A WARD, are the very embodiment of fun and jocuLrir Their jokes are numerous, fresh, .-pio.y and ^ full of hits at the times and follies of the day, tirt ly freo from anything which tiie most deiic 11 v constituted mind could rake tin; slightest excej to. Bailey Co’s Exhibition {lit refitre comp: elegant Horsemanship. A splendid Mcnagen Slack Rope pcrforniance. N* •• Siuging.Coiuii , iJ Classic Dancing. Wonderful Posturing—i Spectacular Effect*. Charact* r Bluest nanism. a more novel ami interesting prngramme than vit ever before ofiVixd lo the public. Each cdi&M mvitt w ill conclude with a Comic Afterpiece, during all the ctunir talent in the company. :iv Tlie American Brr.rs Hand, composed*of Musicians, accompanies the exhibition and will M ■ tf W n urn year, and those cede the Grand Cavalcade on its ontraiu c ;• 4-v* our Larder sup- town, drawn by LhphauU in Harm*.-', aitail Vow Vnrfe .-inti thomagmlicont Chariot **t Ap.»tl*>. ' Ilia bill of fare will every day Be just the thing for little pay. And those who at their place may eat, Will find tn itall things complete. And going once, they then will know Tliat ISAACS’ is tho place to go. WE shall be happy to see our friends, assuring them that it will be our unremitting care to please in every respect, as we tl alter ourselves we have don* till now. 13^'* It may not be generally known that w«: Inna te meet the wishes of the Medical Faculty, import ed by ourselves a very superior quality of Palo Bran- | dy, tine Old Port, Sherry and Madeira, possessing ;■ Of which I keep only the very best, and guorautee the medical qualities so much desired by them. (Correspondence Savannah Republican ] Illness of Judge Hardeman—Ilotn- ICIDE IN IRIVINTON. Ikhi.vto.v, Ga., Oct. 7, 1858. Mr. RJitnr :—1 regret to ua.^w vm , tliat the Superior Court sitting at this place was brought to a sudden adjournment to-day, by the illness of Hon. Robert V. Hardeman, the presid ing Judge, who, while on the bench and in the progress of a trial, was attacked with something like an apoplectic strokc,though not pronounced apoplexy by the attending physicians. For a few moments he was almost or quite speechless and motionless, but soon l>cgan to revive, and I am ' are guaranteed to give satisfaction. the same to be pure, and not composed of Drugs. Otard, Dupuy X Co., Sazerac, Bourbon Whiskey, Scotch Y/hiskey, lleidsick Champagne, Madeira, SheiTY. Fort, Muscat. Cherry Cordial, Malaga, Cla ret, ifockhetmer, Markohnmner, Jamaica Hum, Ca tawba Wine, Native Pure Juice. Parties Furnished with all sorts of Confections, and in a style to compete with the best Confectionaries North or ! South. My RESTAURANT, to be opened on tit® »«hu October, instant, will be supplied with the best the markets afford, and all dishes will be cooked to suit B themost scrupulous. „ __ i STnnmai.. Attenrfve waiters, clean places, And moder- i urtle Soup, ate charges are inducements which I offer. Ac., Ac., Ac. My terms are strictly CASH, no accounts are „.^I m , d * co 1 ck » [il' 0 t nso ’ 5 foun *S'. n ’ Aiulrrels. made. Wild Ducks, Fish, and anything thai an epicure |y All that fair, lioncat dealing, prompt attention,! wanf ^’‘ 111 k " bt J! in . < ason. ^ politeness, and themost reasonable charges require, ! CoufPCf lOllCTlPS SllKl I lisils. will be found at my establisment. ! ISAACS also~kceps constantly on hand •» go*.d m Uy Orders from the country, accompanied with ! sortment of the CASH, will meet with attention, and ail goods * Confectioneries, Look at his Bill of Fare, and choose Ar yourself: Oysters From New York, Savannah and Brunswirk, in th shell or by the measure, raw, fried, stewed, in ran* way you want them ALSO, Shrimps and Crabs, Wild Game of every variety, Venison and Beef Steaks, Mutton Chops and Ye:d Cutlet*, —^__Ham and Eggs, 'Hornet* Hum and Deviled Terapins anti commodious, i.y V \ YK v :omfort and convt*&id.^H the visitors, ami thc Proprietor pledge th* :..- om tliat nothing shall bo found wanting to uuk* t: jeat most elegant, beautiful and .-.tt is factory i I, that ever visited this pise*-. r -d Tho Grand Entree in tie* town will t:ik* omc Friday the 22d ii:sri at lo o’clock. Doors open at 1 and Pevformant , • .' : at 11 mid Admission -ocunts. hil( Children and servants half price. S j , Will exhibit at Talbotton, Friday ()< f« r Pleasant liill, Saturday Octob* r hi la Thomaston, Monday October 1 , ( i Culloden, Tuesday, October if. KnoxviJJe, Wednesday October °tt* Warrior, Thursday October 21. , xv « Macon, Fri'lav and Saturday, < lutob.-rv.'-* :i..u-^H cu t 1 ~ T. F. TAYLOK. Apm\'\ NOTICE. i>t- Hf hereby forwnrn* d ng: ;- issij fTtain prom*-:«• try note, ixia«l time indulver Augu-i • by M lrceliu- ■*• HI for ninety dollars and pay«i»o* i»* <•. 2btl. - IH Th os. llaialiu, mum .*f L< niue! Hamlin. As sich rafioii for which said note was given Iia- Jyiail.-d, I am determinotl not to pay it uuks? lor»* pelled by law. , oct 12. at. MARCEUXS A. Gcorgin. Jones foimiy. Mosday, October ith. 1 HE.court ' "'-W* lay agreeably 1* . ■ w. Prc»n?, <*UA>» 'el CARTHY. Oitlinary To ihe (iotsoear hr <Jr*li—uy i>j .hne> * < Thapetition of Robert V. ILr lcinan ami 1>*‘ l.louut, Kxocutors *n'l hernia- Blunt. <ie < ..r* , ly showeth t»» tliel'owvt Uiat they have disc tin? dwtva.ssign. ;I them ns such Kswuitoni,^ fort- |re fifioit tho cu>nrt t..r ,1.1nree/rreinl editorship. K*>r.ERT V. ItARDBUVS, < M AU-l /V dins T he* K. Br.c v r, is ordui i'i*ii Ule tin* work—In* makes thc treaty, ami England i: announce*! to lie tlie [troteclor of Ni**aragita, with important cessions as to right of transit to the Paciffc. If this treaty has been forme*!—if these immense a*lvantegi*s have lieen ce*lc*l to ... England—if the Central American States are 'I’ll** Plori«la Bloction nlxiut to Ik* Indianiztd lij the British—if all Fur Representative in Congress, Register of the important vested rights of American «*iti- State Laixls.nml membeis of I lie General Assem- zens are to lie thus summarily vacate*!—if a fre** lily took place the-ith instant. We have returns untrammelled right of way from Ocean to Ocean from a few* of the <*ounties, which satisfy as that to all nations will not lie granted, it must Ik* Judge Hawkins, the regular democratic notni- foreed, and if, lastly, a British Protectorate Ly nee. is r**-*>leete*l over John Wcstcott, imlepcn- this treaty is sought to lx* estahlishe*! in Celt- dent democrat, Ly upwards of 2000 majority, tral America—that treaty must Ik* broken and For State Register, the Hon. David & 1\ alter shattered, if need lie, into a thousand fragment-, is re-elected without opposition ami by a large and the Monroe doctrine enforced to its utter- vote. The < JcTicrals Asembly, front tlie clinrac- er of the returns tints for, we judge to lie al most entirely democratic. most extent and amplitude, even though it in volve great nations in a Moody war. James Buchanan is President, and wc hxik with hope and confidence to • potiej >vhi« )■ w 111 spe***lily compel an ahrogation of this Treat ** if it lias iwen mail**, and the |irom[it and strict **u- forccment of all the rights which Americans may liave obtained by grant, contract or other wise in thc Central American States. Below* is the latest information we have on the subject, living n despatch from Washington to the New York Press. "Nobody at thc State Department expresses any doulit ofthc authentic character of the pub lished Ousley treaty between England ami Nic aragua. In this stage of the game our < inurn ment will insist upon the same sort of a nego tiation for oursc'ves." Terrible Explosion in Havana. On tlie 29th of Soptemlier, a large magazine exploded in Havana. It was filled with pow der, shells and rockets, and the explosion kil B.wi.ev & l VsGiraxnCut***s.imiMmunfe _ This i- one ofthc 1h*>I if not the liest exhibi tion jmr ejrrllaeere which has ever visited our citv. Its combination of attractions are |iecn- liar. as I asides a very talented troupe of eques trians and gymnasts among which are such performers as Mr. B. Smith, Mr. E. W. Perry, tin* great four-horse rider, anil the charming Adclc Dutxiis; it adds the wonderful perform ing elephants, Anthony anil Cleopatra liclong- ing to Messrs. Samis Nathans & Co. Imagine an elephant dancing, waltzing, inarching to mu sic, standing on his hind legs and then on his head ; Imt earn* the imagination still further, and picture these huge animals, after doing all . these things on thc stage, ascending an inclined plane to the heighth of ten or fifteen feet, sur mounted by a small circular [Kilestal, ami there repeating these feats on the to|i, after making the perilous ascent, and you will only imagine Book Notices. “ Ki.KOTIWIN, lilt THE I'ttANKS OF THE MoUKKX Pi ck," a poem by If. C. Richards, Esq., in which the manels of electricity and electro magnetism are very successfully developed in verse. It is mainly a reprint of an address de livered some years ago by the author, licfore a literary institution in Massachusetts, with ad- dcnila suggested by the achievement of thc Ocean Telegraph. The work has been very tastefully published by the Appletons. “Gkms from Spckokon."—A collection of brilliant and striking passages from the Sermons of this [Mipular preacher, published by Sheldon, Blakemnu & Co. Both of these works will lie found at the Bookstore of the Messrs. Richards. glad to be able to state, is to-night much im prove*!, and says that he feels as well as he usu ally does, except a little giddiness or swimingof the head. He expects to be able to go home to morrow, anil from present appearances there scents to be nothing likely to prevent it. The Court stands adjourned to the third Monday itt November. oct 12—lm HENRY HORNE „% State Press ami Citizen copy t month. Carriages, &c. T IIE Subscriber has just received a few more splendid Berlin Coaches Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Pine Apples, Various description ot Nuts. Cakes, Ac., (All of which can bo purchased af low prici s ffi ! CASH. Bo sure and call at ! oct 12 £. ISAACS X BROTHER. On hearing tin* above petition citation be issued, and that all persons concc mik and they are hereby required, to show caus*\.’l . Ihoy have, ou orboton; the first Monday in A\*r H why the said Uobt V. Hardeman and David h.«4 v « should not ho discharged from said Execc:*4 ], and why Letters Di^inissory should nflt be t.» them ; aii'l itis further ordered, that this r >' u puhlish'-d iu Min ■ public- <» tn- ol:.<1 - v i/,/^ , tho sp: i with a good supply of extra fine COACH HAR- ^ •.. TTT1. a 1 I have also to coinmunieate the mint ul intel- NESS, and Is now offering a choice and extensive i 11 In ivl 0 0*11011#) U/ * Stock of CARRIAGES, HARNESS, Ac., on the; vlU ITlagllima UlOAiWJ • most reasonable terms. T. H. PLANT, act 12—It ' :rr< iu the m'.iint> of Jones « ary, th*.' eth oi (»< f. r, l - ft UHASJ lACARlllV Jones Counts’* Ik* ft ligonce of a homicide which was committed here j Stock of CARRIAGES. IIARNRSS^Ac., on^the this evening about 8 o’clock, r 11ie jwirties ‘ “ * a ' nna tale tlu* abovi (both resiilenta, of the village,) were Dr. Joseplt Golden anil Mr. John E. Wiggins. The form er receive*! three stabs from a knife in thc leg and thigh, the last severing the fermal artery and producing death in a few minutes. There has been noarrestofWigginsuptothistime, though he is lieing pursued, and is expected to he soon overtaken. . ,. .... I, u i i what thev really accomplish. Goby all means led twenty-snght persons, wounded one hundred • 1 , , , J , 1 . . .. . . am [ i a kc the little folks along to see thc elc- aud five, and many yet wera under the nuns of _ 1 ... „ ., |ibants, and also tn see the most excellent body Tlie gas works in tim eity | of equestrian ami aerotK.t.e jmrfonnera, clowas pantomimlsts, etc., which have l*ecn combine*! buildings. Ninety new sugar houses were to tally destroyed, were rendered useless, and thc city at night was shrouded in darkness. The police and troops '"'<1" •'»“ management in any modem Cireus. were engaged in protecting projierty. Many buiMings were damaged and the whole city was . affected by the shock. Gen. Concha was the first official on the ground, and promptly aided; election in Schley county resulted as follows: the unfortunate victims of tlie disaster. *“ ** ’’ 1,a ~ **'“ ,J cause of the explosion is unknown. (Exchange. — Election In Schley County. The Suiuptcr Republican states tliat tlie ction in Schley county resulted as follows: Thc Rev. Mr. llixon. Know Nothing (Senatc).214 “A Hundred Years Ago." Thc Messrs. Rtclutrds have for sale fac simile t reduce a bill to altolish the Supreme Court—it [copies ofthc “Newport Mercury” for Deceit, lwr 'having, in their opinion, increased the amount \ 19, 1758, printed by James Franklin, a brother j and colt of Litigation—rendered the taw more [ of the illustrious patriot and philosopher. As uncertain and generally tailed to answer the j a literary curiosity and relic of the olden time! Mr. Carr, Democrat... Majority for Hizon For Representative, the result was, for Edwards, Democrat Springer, Know Nothing. Majority for Edwards .184 .207 .189 18 parpeM tor which it was crested. | it is very interesting. There were fifty-six deaths from yellow fever in »w Orleans on the 8th inst: lion. John L. Harris, of Ciyiin, Has lieen elected unanimously to fill the va cancy in the Representative Branch of the next Legislature, occasioned by the death of Jacob Mixire, Esq. Mr. Harris was a distinguished member of the Legislature of 1855-’fi, from Ful ton. and ***** congratulate him on his success. Election in Randolph. Col. Sealxirn A. Smith, a sterling democrat in Randolph County, has lieen elected to fill thc vacancy in thc Representative Branch of the next legislature, occasioned by the removal of B. J. (’hristie. Esq. . Theatre, Concerts A Amusements. Iialston’s ffall is in capital order, and one of the most commodious ami well arranged Halls for the Drama, Opera, Concerts and Lectures, to Ik* found in the Southern Country. If a well ordered, well stocked theatrical company would visit Mai-on anil “set up" for the next four or five weeks, we are sure they would he well pat- ronizeiL Tlie Grand 1-odgo meets week after next—the Legislature the first of next month, and the town will Ik* thronged with strangers. So come on with I'iccolomini, Wagner, Massett, Logan, Julia Dean and all other eelehrieties. Illness of Judge Uardcinnn. Our readers will regret to learn that Judge Hardeman lias hail another attack of the disease which prostrated him at Wilkinson Court Ue was taken on Saturday morning last about nine o’clock, h it wc are pleased to state that when heard front in thc afternoon of that day, he was better. Judge Hardeman is de servedly a tavorite with the people of a circuit where Early, I-antar, Cone, Merriwether and Johnson have administered the taw, and we hope he may he speedily restored to his health and reassume thc duties of the Bench which he adorns so much by his impartiality, learning and Judicial integrity. to be undersold for Cash. Macon, Oct. 12, 1858. Tkc Exchange Bank of Grillin. The Governor has directed the Solicitor Gen eral -of this circuit to institute proceedings a- gainst this bank, for thc purpose of having its charter declared to be forfeited as the taw ili- *p ATKT'T'O Avr* ATT*; rects. Thc proceedings, we learn, have been in- Jr iUJJi K) JiJxLr UXJjo. stituted on thc complaint of Mr. Jones theEdi- QUlflO vSo'ii« ar n.irn l \vi,n« yl...- tor of th# Augusta Chronicle & Sentinel, the Ob ' 6 ' bank having proved default on a demand made ; r» bbls Winter Blenched Lamp Oil by him upon it for the Redemption of one of its ! 2 bbla 44 *• Sperm Oil one dollar “promises to pay.” Fatal default on j With a great variety of Colors ground in oil. Just - • * * - * - - ** ' —"“ivetl and for sale NEW GOODS- C. Campbell & Son, near THE LANIER HOVSK j^%« to* TT A'E l"»t rec^iveil their Fall and W'ntKr; , )nr< , ltYK WHISKEY, distilied under our own per- UHISO } BLANKETS anil 90na l imxTvieion, and entirely free from any de!e : NEGRO SHOES at the lowest market pr*ces, and teriou3 ^.stances which render .u.nle up whi. kies Planters would do well to call and examine before I g0 objectionable. rill IE I daynsr OAR iHY. T HE undersiKUod offer for dartl brand of fine UYE WHISKEY, , ot their own ilistillation, in barrels and half barrels. Che j>* Btion «- The quality of this Whiskey known so favorably in ili** < : . » > | the South, for the past years, will always* br h;»s fully ’ . . , , * , ! Always having n largo stock of thc above, and they have, on or before tb*-.lst Mr.. ^B, e 5 r „?, , ?2.„ c0 !" , ,“ ae ^ * Beueral stock o o, he r fiie Whiskies, in Now York as weff as M.tta- next, whv il.e said Solomen Heberts, -le'riO GROCERIES at ttie old stand, and do not intend d „ lphltt w(! ,. na bled to ship goods from eitii. r > i *- ** 1 1 FREEMAN *-SIMPSON, Macon, Oct. 12,1838. C. CAMPBELL X SON. ® ook Keeping*. the part of that institution, for "Wild Cats” are rcce * vel ‘ an,, for sa ‘ e ** y an abomination in the sight of the Editor of the! Chronicle, who tolerates hank suspensions only , when the tame species are guilty thereof! No ; mercy will he shown this little monster in our ! Si £ S’SC 1 Suir-SiS: Commercial Femnanship der its charter, and hail best do so without a j AND struggle. Our city will be rid of it at which > _ '■msgj • j • ail identified with her interests should rejoice. Yf I*IllD£ Minteter to Spain, lion. William Preston, of Kentucky, has been appointed Minister to Spain, and has accepted the appointed, Banks, like the one referred to, are an injury to any place in which one is unfortunately located. In their establishment, generally, the chances of failure are duly considered, and good care is taken in advance that the hill-holders alone shall suffer. To forfeit their characters is hut poor punishment for the swindling which they perpetrate upon those wlto hold their “|>r<w<i'es to pay.”—Griffin Union. Have a Home. Young men lv*vc lately written to us, asking : "Shall we marry, possessing only small means ?” If the means are adequate to meet the wants of the man and the future wife, why not ? But they should he sufficient for this, else the most painful consequences may ensue. Moderate means are ample for the real necessaries of life, too. which ought to satisfy human beings, so far as externals are concerned; insuring social and domestic enjoyment; meeting the real purpose pf existence—tlieir own advancement and that of others. But have enough for this. Have a home.—Have a home, young men, before you have a wife. At least have means to provide one. You have no business with an Eve till there Is a paradise to place her in. Secure the garden, and the Eve will follow. If you are unable to provide an Eden, who ought to trust you with an Eve! Sacred as wc regard love, we do not believe in divorcing it from common sense. *0118 experi ment is generally fatal to both happiness and re spectability. Wake from mere dream life; ex ert you energies; procure means by some kind of honest tabor; secure a home; then ask your own heart, and tho girl phrenologically best a- dapted to you, the question ? “Shall I marry! ’—Life Illustrated. l Pi1 TAUGHT BY J, H. King & A, J. Habich, 'Terms only Ton Dollars E#r a complete Course ot Twenty Days, in which time the Student will acquire a practical knowledge of BOOK KEEPING, combined with a very im proved style of PENMANSHIP. UgOBook-Keeping alone, #5. US^Fenmanshlp, S5. iS/Tr. J±.. J. KCa-bicli, Will also give instructions to Ladies iu Penmanship and Card Writing. Ho writes Visiting. Wedding and Invitation Cards, equal to engraviug. datst ty direct. Phicnix Distillery. * OFFICE—102 So. Front St., Philadelphia. “ mi Wall St., New York, octia—ly .A.rtiuur TDickinsbn, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON GEORGIA. OFFICE—in Washington Block, ovi r E. Sauls- •’ bury’s Clothing Store. oct 12 V Lanci for Sale T HE undersigned offers for sale his Plant; situated in the Ninth and Tenth Distrit Houston countv, containing lour hundred more or less. On the place are several go* buildings, and *« good n well of water as found in the country. Then; are .also several run ning streams of water on the place, and Mossy Greek bounds tho whole Plantation on the West Being desirous to go West I will give a great bargain. ggpWny person wishing to buy land cheap, will do well to come and see mine, for I am de termined to se H. HENRY GLOVER. oct 12—It' Administrator, and a discharge from s: On hearing the above pet*! citation be issued, ;rnd that a!! . and they are lrrrcby requir< i t discharged from said Administratorship, j Letters bisioi.-sury should ;•**! he grantedtij and it is fnrthc r erdered ilia: this citation he ed in some l ubiie Gazette • of six month*. . _ A true ext -act from the minutes of Jones Ordinary, thijith day of October. L~* ,K * net 111 * Cl IAS. ~~ Execulor’s Sale. O N the Jut Tuesday in December sold to tluj highest bidder in Mac* No. 52, lying ill the Fourth District «*: JJ; ly Houston county, containing - POSTPONED United Slates’ Marshal Sale. . , ■ , W ILL bo sold, before tho Courthouse door or *»«} c " an, J Bibb County, in the City of Macon, between | I tlie legal hour® of sale, on the first Tuetcb y in No- j a ‘’*‘ 4 * vember next, the following property, to-wi : Three hundred and forty acres of land, lying and befog in the thirteenth distric t of the county of Mil- 1 ler, end State of Georgia, adjoining tho to rn of Col quit:, in said county, ami better known a > the place on which A. F. Perry now resides, togetbor with the improvements thereon, and the crop of Com and Cot-, i ton now about made. All levied on as tho property I « . ,, l> . _ .»!.# si *\ tl.. U’.tb fir Ordinary of Crr.vi !*„rd County, Oc j[[^ a 18.18, will be sold before thc Court |v town of Knoxville, soid county of Crsw.orn- *Hli tat TWduy iu D..**vmhcr •»•«. ."• ,l! ‘ ,a I J l .®t Hours of wdo, all the Inadtbolongincto •• ^ | of John jlentley, deceased, Into oi snut ’ oept the widow’s dower,) nil of said “ a „ y|Htt xerpt a snisJ 1" __ nt ivliich is cut oil* into dccr.su!. Terms made kn. biber fth, 1858. UR* benefit of the heirs and •rulitv. the day >■;' sate. HA ML 11I'.>>‘* i i | cons J HOUSTON LAND*, Administrator’s Sale, [''at We* * '■ Clin * ’ , | ilfll litMf lllloU* IIIOUL. Use V 4 I . TERMS—Plain, per Pack of 50, *1 - r *Q. Fancy, j 0 f y. Perry, to satisfy a li. fa. from thc Sixth <:ir- p\ virtue *>i an ord <: t •2 so. Cards included. j cuit Court of the United States, for the Southern JJ Ordinary of Houston ' C&*Rooms in Triangular Block, near Pugh’s Da- ; District of Georgia, November Term, 1 guerrean Gallery. Entrance on Second Street. HOURS OF INSTRUCTION. For Ladies, from 9 to 12 A. M. For Gentlemen, from 2 to 6, and from 7 \ to 10 P. M. oct 12 of William Smith Brown, vs. A. Frank Perry. July I 26, li.’iH. DANIEL H. STEWART, U. S. Marshal, per S. ATKINSON, Dopnty U. S. Marshal. itin* H' mimn ui huumvm. County, " ^ Court House door, in the to' * ^ Drs. McDonald and Van Geisen, Dentists. OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK, MACON, GEORGIA. Electricity used in Extracting Teeth. M C DONALD’STootb Paste always ou band and for Bale. Dentists ran be supplied with the finest style of TEETH, also Gold Foil, Gold and Sil ver Plate and Wire, Lathe Fixtures. Ac., also with any kindof Instruments or Materials on short notice, oct 12 Wanted, A FEMALE TEACHER—to teach a half dozen children In a private family. Address Box “5, Fort Valley, Qa. 00119—3t POSTPONED United States JTIarslitil Sole. W ILL he sold in the city of Macon, on the first Tuesday in November next, wifliiu the hours of sale, thc following property, to wit: City Lot No. 338, in thc city of Columbus, together with all the improvements on the same l.evintl on «s the property of Richard Patten to satisfy a ti. fa. is sued from the Sixth Circuit Court of tho United States for tho Southern District of Georgia, in favor of David Giddard vs. John C. Ruse and Richard Patten. I)AN*L II. STEWART. IT. S. M, By F. M. BROOKS, Dep. U. S. M. oct 12 1858. Notice. IXTY daya after date application will he made to the Ordinary of Jones county, for leave to aell negro man, Peter, belonging to the Estate ol Titos. J. Williams, latuof Jones couuty, deceased. — T - - s 1 October J9. ISAAC HARDEMAN. Adm’r. >L* Itl'Cl. •*' x n l a * l)*H*.emta*r u«xk wtthw :*F^ tl fsaifi county, the exo pttd. Soul as the property ;*» lfP dun ascii, fiir tho hi m*fit ot tho noirr • } JAMES ti. POLLOCK» A > I gloi ISAAC WO()DAKD, Jr, Ex r : - ^ BT O&rterorum »*t Lew*# ■■ tlie 1st Tuesday in hourrt of «Je, ill tho L 1 wi.s Polhu-k,deoe. . fiffy-soveit*acre3, more or 1 . Eleventh District of saifi county, tn Adiulitistracor s Sale* irtueofan order iff the t )\ Yu tut; *'» ttu wtuui va r* (in #Crawfor«l County, will be s°li b< < ^ IlonflO door, in the town ol Knoxvi , ty, on the 1st Tuesday in December®' ’,^1 belonging lo tho Estate of Jnne ; county, deeonsed, BiewueM®*" , I of the said Jane Walton, *»■••<»>"' - and eighty acres of land, hritif,’ oni , - of Lot No. 213. also eighty IvOt No. -M l, all in the Second ( tv, about seventy-five (,3) ucre. OCtTS