Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, October 26, 1858, Image 1

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I>, josEi’iPfjsiAsnv. i; i;i i !,'(i 1^'NitEGBAfS |M iu.!-inn> kvOCB KS j)a V MOnWXNG. te«»s: itU.I-AKS, in advance] MACON, OCTOBER 26, 1858. rase vi iieix- the $uhsriii>tioii hx of the Office- ll’on or not Won. ; jiju was without a thistles-. lit vc#rs n was that t’olone! JJurr ". „i - the lovelies: of PhilmM- ■ luvilv hello. ami ha.l the narrowest v;a a sccnuil marriage. . •.'twiis in a ctowI; and carli was !oiiter'spli'Msaiit'Jtitthtifs.-Again , i„ r kilters tatiie, t\l ere his atten .^HypointotstHlwcJotni A/elc-a- j., ..was inteiTti|i «lM>y tliecu- ,!.nt her manner seettieiUolieek- j« ai almost in lave Summon- ■ (J hitfai>"rh“Cnt 1>\ note. nmllitO , <i|ijawin!r within -he hour, the !<u' to tlte |H«'nt withapromjjt- - ou Wipossilile in n lover one •jtwhHb l" her jsuents ut’oL , ,-v. rfwxjs tor her ltutnl t” ""‘uVnv'-i ajjiwatJe." 11 i. ,} •.« > to sixatil some ilays six ,5 liivT'. 'O 'i thither her lover rides !' 1 nit .1 ttufer, Inn cot.i|Mise<lmind. \,l ! A . innvino-voam, though lie luid I ,-i.llv hr her Coin ersation' en- u [ -im| payi ty ; mere charming ■'.J.. inyrr think.-. He Vries to turn ty.tlw* silhjett neittvst Jiis ■ , with the genii iSnroured graceful , ■ i kivclv woman, defeats his eiideavdrs. ■ i.ist ’«|iiiu> ci(]itivatoJ. he takes his h. iiroi: tin- following morning finds " u! .4tii.it with the heautifttl Celeste. ' tl, ; . urea! question W:US To r j. f i|ii- renowned lady-killer, t.'c-. • it, - she firmly risol red ruver to :: v to hear it madam; 1 I.'iii jiromisetl ■ r, t liapi’Intsst, hut cnntifti hlume your , I 'ni: "No, eortaiffy you canfiot, i : rt hearing you express sur- i atv iwiiiim should marry, and you and with so much eloquence, . ajiililrlo impressionon my mind. :te i swain received the rehttif : iniirtosty and goud humor. They ’a >t of friends. ■ n any commands to town, madam '! ,c»id morning.” . passed Then a note from Celeste the rejected,informing him that she was on few hours and would lie glad to seo was puzzled, and hastened to her for vitv iasted two hours, in the course tender subject was daintily toueh- i.iver forbore to mieve his suit; and . ,ti.in ended without result. Next v nuto Item the lady, sent in from .1 \|it •M.ing "tip unalterable determi- . .tin to li-leu to his suit; and re- : tin- subject might never be tv- ' UU hi tli-evening of the same day, . t. iii- le ttings the Vice President •..jit a boy i.id liecu three times that of- *... i.; messago to him, hut had n> : v. hence it came. Attest t’ol. -tiVv.nl wul traced tiie iioy to Uic town i . K irlv next morning the nine: i t’.i-te requested an interview. . iti, lie President hied to the pres- : nl. lie found her engaged with , i.i,' ' reed that she was agitated nji- ; 1 impatient for the departure . •!. At length they were alone, and .1; ’ : j> stale her reasons for desir- w him. With extreme embarrassment- ; d out, after several vain efforts to ; she feared her note had Hot been i n u rw-> sufficiently polite,uiud she bad wi'tvi il for nn nportnnity to apologize. cm* more, lie, cxpectitlgtio such e ! in ihtmli a-Uinisuim-ut^vitb an upon his countenance, As she ,h -it in tearingtopiuees some ro- ! 1 ' rim of his hat, she all Mushes lilts. ,i, le ccnfoundcd ‘and speechless, ■i-^nv .ml tliouglvl, would has e made J;;eet furapaintes*. H* was tho lii-st vrjmvcr tnnnicnlatc. llenyitignmnd- w. fiiUll note was anything hut right ... in ollVreil to return it, proposwt I.i lw considered Cancelled, amt beg- ,iw<sl to cull tbc next morning and mil. Jfw *bis she nldoctcd, blit ''living his reqncst to n formal : lie changed the suhjeet, and, after ft vs* r.uiihasant conversation, took his i to Theodosia, to whom the . .. e.i.-ua>»U«itiaUy related, from tb.Uu war in the condition of a . whom a cause had lieen 1 hy the lawyers. *'Oen- r-y. said the judge, -you must - «i i.iihip as well as you can; - -Mainped.* But the sapient s piuzlud in the least. "She ! : oto-ia, '•ftntn the hegimting ■ rd 'yes;' 1ml not choosing i;. -he told yon that >/i‘U had ’’ a .. . uments against nintrimo- ' vaiii menus, nicaSe, sir, to iHir il.i'v'.iii .-aid. Ihitywtook itfttr ■ - • ri walked off. She c«Ue 1 volt v. ■ "nldslieiio/ - 1 would have : . before 1 Would Itatv'dom* fO ■ r of marriage win-'never Te- !"vi r was probably himself nnde- I -iralil-ness of the match. But and Celeste there was a tender ■ for many montlis it seemed like- " .tl Mime unexpected moment the 1 would he spolten.-;- ParUin'i ‘uunlmUou I’roiu (he t inted Tu tilK FitEACH JN.STITT I K. hce of t’ie KK-iich Iimlitule in ■ been placed tile - UUI. of f 0,000 nr! to be paid to tho'pecSM) who • . f mr the cholera, ot the cause of had its yearly meeting^ iuid ' f"r tfio present year 1H:I nj>- i made for'the legacy, for li iiera, and discoveries of its imiltee dt'elare that neither i - usl on tfic subjects meets of the legacy. Among the ?' ■“..i:.’i 1 was one from the United • ' a, follows; ; "hiiit of franee— •••' K'-rs that you olU-r one hun- ... laxly that will iBsoovcra : ' "fy. Now wit heat making cn- ' ti a knowledge of medicine I •‘‘titled to that money, -last fall f 'die e.ilerv in its ashiatie form, "li.i h a ,| sevcrnl niggers in . she bad never seeij eiiny ‘ : keep in my lioase a littfc .'" h i *nd ilowing full well the |mw- ni lmwol complaints, i resolv- •. "; ,IS trile. | took first a -Strong , 11 “il l lolielic, and tlieii after ' 1 ‘ bails a strong injection of the ,,l" '•'•‘■■‘■'if my koddy'v as .ftit llnv y .■.- t belter, tlwt gave mo ami my ' r '_cahami j rvjteutcdsoventl times w the same wav, r.nd hy tliat "'bg of find i am here ttoday * o “ ' suite romeify. 1 can not te*l r. 11 i,! made, hnt I no it has n 1 P'-'l'ir in it and you will find ■ -a i«m i;, rill ., u h00n "j su fiujitniy ’"'I'Mf.iUy, ' . ■ • "s-iice u r IVaee J- towftsldji, - °»nty, State Hf ■.. — ■' """v.uii ,-vying in Fraiu e, “ D -j 1 "WtU Je ricn. ,n In other; "• l : r ' cuu never dreauus buf tilV. i-i, ’ • wtuotry 'ispiiru will, uo‘ - | T ! '" ll ' ,e, l at not receiving the bun." r« fc"*' l,ut *** unght to tajleo' ' ict that .lenncr and llarrcr,; il ’ • crew in the medical world, • •), '"H tlieir disoovuries apiireeiat- ^ 1 0'nilfr. From the California Golden Age. i IIVDKOPATIIV VS. ALLOPATHV; I OR, A NIGHT IN A SHAPT. If there’s “many a slip between the cup and lip,” there’s also many a slip from the'use of the cup. "Whoever has visited the mining regions, and especially the quart* mining portion of Cali fornia, . will have observed the numerous pros pecting shafts in the hills, which, whether suc- ivssfuf or not, are unavoidably left open, making it a dangcrocs locality to travel in after night, ■especially \\Uen tlieni is no inoonlight, and more particularly when the heavens ar.‘ ob-curtvl by darkening clouds. I bad a friend, a physician who was often railed out at night, and not un- freijBoutly his route lay in the neighborhood of this dangerous ground; but, trusting to his knowledge of the locality and his own caution, he novel' felt afraid of any danger hy falling into these pits, where life would lie periled by a per- pohdiciilar descent of perluips eighty or ninety feet into twenty feet of water, which, if he escap ed broken limbs hy the fall on the one hand, he was sure of drowning on the other. My friend was an original genius self-reliant and courage ous, ardent in the pursuit of his profession, and naturally disposed to make light of tTying cir cumstances where he was individually interest ed, and who had, withal, seen many ups and itowns in life, and had had his full share of mis fortune, against which he had manfully strug gled ; amt to use his own expression, he had never been in so tight a idaco but that he had contrived to get out, if ho was ever so light. It whs about 10 o’clock one dark night last Spring,-during the rainy season, tlmt a rap came to the doctor's door, ami, on olieying the call, the voice of an Irishman responded: " Doctor, the mistress Malony’is taken sick with i he cramps and, he my soul, an.' ye wad (hid her alive, y must run till the breath is out ov yerlsidv; for I doubt cf St. 1‘nthrick himself can save the life v hen" It was an awful night. The rain pour ed down in torrents, the night was of inky dark noss- but it was a desperate case, anil, availing himself of the messenger's lantern, the doctor hurriedly salliisl out, under the impression tlmt he would most likely he detained all night. IlisjaUli lay along a dangerous route on Church Hill, where there were several deep shafts, but with caution and his knowledge of fhe locality, lie reached the house of the sick woman with out difficulty, and by proper restoratives, contriv 1 to “tape tiie breath in her body, and after a while made her so comfortable that his present services were no longer needed. 'Tiie immediate danger over, the spiritual com fort of those in health was looked after in a tlow- ing bowl of "potheen.” The night was colil, the whisky strong, the water in it warm, and the hospitality of the honest Irishman, like tho Weather, was overflowing. " The warm drink wad kape flic could out ov the body and was better than doether’s stuff and pleasanter to take.” My friend, convinced hy such reasoning, nothing loth, took a sup, a second and a third, in fact, repeated tho dose so often that lie felt himself proof against cold weather and cold wat er both. As his patient was easy and in no immediate danger he resolved to return homo. It was now 1 o'clock ; the storm continued unabated ; hut. against the earnest solicitations of his friends, he resolved to brave it. Well, if you will go, ilocthcr, dear, I’ll go wid ye wid the lantern." " t lo to the d—I with your lantern,” echoed the lloctor; "1 khow tiie way perfectly well, and ns for the darkness, I can iCi through it double now. The Doctor and 1 will keep each other company as we always have done and the punch will keep the rain out” “ Take another pull, then, if you will go, said his host "Sure, an ye can’t have to much of a good thing on such a night as this. Watigli but the sluice-gates of heaven nre broken loose, sure, and all tiie dirt of the airtli’ll be washed out before morn." I do not mean to say. tlmt the doctor was drunk. O, no, that would lie a serious accusa tion ; besides, lawyers have not decided where the lufnmg-point between beingtightand drunk as his strength to do so temained. He com mended himself to bis Maker. pe»vcd that his sins might lie forgiven, and if (ioil ordained that ho should thus perish lie hoped In’s transgres sion might not debar him from all Mercy in heaven. Trickle, trickle came the little rilLs in to his tomb, slowly but surely the water arose, till at length it reached his chin—his mouth— and he bent his head backward to lie able to breathe, lie sunk into a state of half-uncon sciousness. Tho rain at length ceased, the vvea rv, wretched hours ; ms soil on, ami he was still alive, when by looking upwards toward the sky lie was conscious that daylight was nppearin: For the first time hope beamed his heart—he might 1* saved—and lie Vhouted with all his strength. It was not long 1 afore he heard a human voice exclaim “ Ilowly Vargin! what’: that y ’ - ‘It’s nte—it’s inc—Tm in the shaft—for the love of (toil help me out—I’m almost dead— help iw out!" shouted the drowning man— and a face peered cautiously over the brink of the shaft into the darkness below. "Mother of Saints, how did ye get there, and who arc youl’ replied the man above. "I’m doctor Tiie doctor was just full’enough to increase his own reliance ori himself. He had a vague perception on going out that a knife would lie .t riinvement-articlo to cut a bote iu tlui dark ness to let II little light through, but without any lnteir to himself his eyes gave sparks of fire, and lie was satisfied that, if they did not seo their way through, why, he could feel bis way with his hands—and so he did. * Well, this is a dose,” lie soliloquized, yvs lo went on slowly, while tluiroin pettcilhlm in the face. "Humph! hydropathy with a vengeance. 1 never did believe in tile practice. Allopathy forever! if (hie) i ain’t the patient and don t have to take the medicine myself Hydropathy in homopnthie doses is (hie)—yes, it is—rain is good for young sprouts—but (hie) I’m an old on*—don’t want to grow any more—say, cloud, just i hie) screw down your tourniquet a minute- think the (hie) flow too great for the system (hie) to—great country, this, for water cure establish ment—gut into one myself, sboincliow—don’t b-b-liclicvc In the practice—(hie)—too d wet — <0, it’s my delight, iu a shiny night, In theseasonofthe year.’ •V<| banks a:\d (hie) braes and streams around’— li the rain ku ua on I thiuk you'H itmennt. •FISir on. gentle river’— CghJ the rain makes me (hie) shiver. Open sesame, and let me in ! llcl—’’ It supposed tlte doctor meant Help! as he wildly shoutetWn agony, fir he had not lime to finish the word before his voice was lost in the stir- rounding world—a sepulchral splash, anti all was sile nt amid-the dreary darkness, save the rain which still pattered in torrents upon earth'- surface, and (tickled in rills into the shaft into which tlte doctor Imd unmistakably fallen. For a moment there was a gurgling—a dcsjierate struggle for something; bttt a- moment served .to show the .unfortunate son of .Ksculapius that lie had fallen into ondiif tlic sliafts—which proved to.M only about fifteen feet «leep—and be found- hh'e clf standing, on its liottom, im- erswi so liis chin in the water, liven this may have 1>een considereti fortunate, for, but a few feet distant, v-tis another shall fifty feet deep, th twenty font of water in it Had he fallen into this there would have been no possible . haute of escape. His immersion and bis ter- - ilile position sob»ro»l him nt once i Ie felt his awful situation keenly; there was ,-varcely n chance for escape. It was perhaps •> o’clock, and day would not dawn till t’—four four weary hours. Cries would be unavailing, for no one would be stirring in that dreary weather till down, and could he endure the cold immersion so Jong ? Would his strength hold outThe water Varoe j«>uring m from little rills formed fcv the rain, and was slowly but surely rising;’ his head was latrely aliovc the lli kmI, and though his physical strength might possible endure till morning, there was a strong probability that he would he completely immers ed In a short time aud lie would lie drowned. Death stared hm in the face with scarce a pos sibility. of cscajie. His iifo passed in rapid re view before bini; his errors stood in strong ar ray. and lie wished for life that he might atone as-far ns he could before it was too late. He was to tiie, and bitterly he reproached himself for His misdeed* which perhaps he would not have thought of under better cimimstan- ClS. so true it is tlmt in tlte enjoyment of life ami ■ strength and prosperity, men give little 'hoed to.a right preparation for abnghter and niorc joyous wtirJd in ilwivcn. Then #pam nw childhood—his father's^ home—his oldptoy- crouiids—liis schoolmates, and oh ! hiswi'ier -—ri*iueiuhci\*«l laving his head upon his iuoth* oris hosmn in his hours of childish sorrow—her soothing circsses—her kfmllrwwds—her kiss of love, all, all rushed mpon bts almost mad dened brain, and theft hot gushing tears flow ed freely as tbriso cherished images came lo bis mind, and he exclaimed aloud, ' ’’ ob >. "‘.““‘j er, mother!” Is there.a man in the civiuwtl world whose soul does not at tunes cling with childlike simplicity to Hie memory ofa motfi- 6ris love; rewemberiug a. raotlwr s fond ern- bmec—her deep «.rc anti ufioetion that uolloii up front her Vf 'ry heart T Mine does, and I love m»d yyspedt. woxuan for mother s sake, .as well as tuv own get ropes haul tiie out—Fm nearly perished and cannot stand it lone.” It providentially happened tluit the honest Irishman was passing thus early when he heard the "voice from liclow,”and though much fright ened, lie ran to the nearest cabin, and alarming tiie family, tiie cords were instantly taken from the bedstead, and rushing to the shaft they let down the rope which with difficulty, the doc tor fastened around him; but Iteforehe was half way. up, the treacherous ro;ie broke, and he was once mure immersed in the most extravagant hydropahtic state. Doubling the cord, aseeond trial brought the doctor into the “wide, wide world." a wet, if not a wise man. He was sav cd, and lias eschewed hot "potheen” from that very day. Tiie Orvsit Explosion in Ifnvnnn We copy the following account of this terri ble accident from tlte Havana correspondence of the Charleston Mercury:— On the 29th September, at half-past 4, p. m., our community was thrown into a sudden state of consternation hy the explosion of a powder magazine near the southwestern quarter of tlte city, but separated from it by tiie right arm of our l«iy which washes the slope of‘Fort Atares,’ and directly opposite the Military Hospital. Tlte concussion reached every part of the city, nnd did some damage to walls, glass and roofs; hut the scene of most awful destruction was in tiie immediate vicinity of the magazine, where near three hundred persons were at work upon su gar warehouses which were being constructed— six of which were -ready for service, ami thir teen in various stages of progress, to be ready for the now crop—ail now a mass of ruins, ami liaving’buried many persons in their fall. The magazine contained ldd.OOtl pounds of jiowder, 40ii shells, lion grenades, and a large quantity of rockets, with fixed ammunition, all ready for distribution on board of our naval vessels when required for active service. The shells explo ded in the air or took lateral directions through file warehouses, where so many were employed, u|ion and over the water; but, fortunately for the city, none canto in that direction. For a few moments the air was filled witli fragments of rocks, ltodies, burning, hissing and exploding missiles, returning to the earth to close the work of desolation. The deaths are supposed to lie about 112; wounded in the military hospital and elsewhere, 128—witli strong hopes that many of them will recover. t)f the estimated deaths only fifty-four bodies have yet been found and indentificil Of the three hundred jicrsons known to have been in the vicinity at the mo ment as guards, laborers, directors of the works, itc., sixty remain, of which lint few are known to be safe. Of the guards at tlte magazine, six teen, and a non-commissioned officer, only three are left, who were at the moment a little dis tance front tho ground seeking refreshment, and the othqrs were probably thrown into tlte bay, which lias been the.case witli many others. Tiie gas works, west of tiie military hospital and adjoining! were damaged to the extent of many hundreds of thousands. With great trouble, they have repaired one of the gasome ters, so that the residences within tiie city walls w-putully smuified with light • ■:> -am— at least three months 'Centre the new construc tions necessary can la 1 completed. At the in stant of the casualty, Gen. Concha was passing from tiie city to his country residence, and a- liout a mile from the spot lie lefthis carriage, mhI mounted a hoise of one of his guards arri ving at full speed upon the ground, his path way covered with the falling rubbish—debris of rocks, piece* of alinlls, -te. .He was the first person tlmt came to the relief—although Uu-ia soon followed by officers and troops, and thou- 1 sands of citizens anxious to alleviate the great affliction and to soothe the sufferers. The Cap tain General took charge and direction of the labor—lieing every where—ready with his hands as with heart and mind—and in a few minutes many boats, filled with the wounded, were speeil- across the water to the military hospital, where every human aid and scientific help were in instant action, under the nursing care of those angels lent to earth, known where sorrow dwells as the blessed "Sistn-s of Charity.” I happened to he on the ground at the same tno- mem that Get). Concha arrived, having been near that quarter of the city on business Ta king a lioat, I was soon on the csplcnade. in view of the field of blood and torture. In the midst of the terrible display, absorbing every sense, touching every sentient chord, I could not avoid admiring tbc noble manner, the quick perception ol the exact tiling necessary anil lo do at the instant, displayed by General Concha, who gave encouragement everywhere^—liis gen tle voice reaching every sufferer, while tlte tear stood large ami still in his Hashing eye. I had never seen before a countenance in which so much was to be read, as liis thoughts seemed expressed before liis words were uttered. Al though the organization was perfect for remo val of the ruins to rescue those beneath. Gene ral Concha would not leave the place until lie liad personally seen every human lieing—the dead or the wounded that could be reached, re moved from the locality, for such care as w.'s necessary. These are thelife-trials which bring forth the real qualities of men; there is no fic tion or conventionalities te hide or cramp the worth, and many noble instances were given in proof by his officers aiul soldiers through the night nnd tlte following day. With tills scene in our midst, we were prepared to feel the more lingering Cite of the sufferers on board of the Austria, I am aware that you mast know, hy way of New Orleans, of this event; hut even witli nil tho description tliat I could give, or others might furnish, the picture will not real ize tlte melancholy facts to your mind Through tho instructions and inlluencc of General Con cha, most liberal assistance has lieen provided for the families of those who have lost tlte labor ujton which they depended for subsistence. Tlte FALL AND WINTER TRADE. roft 1858 AND 1859 ROSS, COLEMAN & ROSS' “Bazaar of Fashion "X'CT’E are oow in receipt of tke largest and most \.\ comprehensive Stock of Goods that wo have everpreseated te the public. Below we simply give yon an idea of oar conutlcss variety, and then come and sceus, and if we don't show you tliat ours is the largest Stock hi Macon, we are responsible for the consequences. Dress Department. Doahe Jupe Robe Alalze. Velvet Embroidered Silk Robes, two Jupes. Robe Alaise in Silk, Cashmere and Dehune. Robes Aqnille in Silk, Cashmere and Delaine. Silk Uohes in two or three Volants. Deux Jones Alaise in Silk and Worsted. Printed Cashmeres iu Plain and Fancy colors. Plain Poult DeSoie and Glmcie Silks. Chintz Drognset and Chlnis Printed Delaines. Bayadere Silks. Cashmeres and Delaines. Mousseline DeCbinea in every color and variety. Satin Plaid Poult DeSoies in all colors. Black Gro de Rhine Silks, sll widths. MarceUioes and Lining Silks.all colors. Ponit De Soie Qnille Stripes. Plain and Fancy Colored Challiea. Morning Dresses with Fancy borders, and Sleeve Trimings in Cashmere and Delaine. Valencias in Stripe and Bayadere Patterns. G la Piaida and Stripes, in endless variety. Black Merinoes, Alpaccas, Challies, Italian Cloths in great profusion. Lupin a famous brand of Merinoes and Delaines ol every shade and hue. English Merinoes at New York prices. Ginghams, Side Stripe Calicoes and Delaines. A job lot of 33 cents Delaines at 12) cents a yard- I The above gives bat a slight conception of their Stock of Dress Goods now nn hand at the ‘‘Bazaar of Fashion," by ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS. Embroidery and Lacc Department. Real Point A'Lencon Lace setts from f 13 to $40 a sett. Real Point A Plique setts from $10a sett to $25. Valencienes Lace setts in Plain Lace and transfer from $4 to $35 a sett. Honiton Lace setts at all prices. French worked Collars nnd Sleeves from the low est price to $17 a sett. Embroidered and Plain Linen Collars and Sleeves at all prices. Marseilles setts of the newest patterns. French Yokes and Chemisettsof superior quality and design. Friliings and Flouncings of every quality from 33 cents a yard*'o $3. Dimity Bands iu great profusion. Linen Em iroidery. beautiful both in Edgings and Insertions. Swiss and - ambric Edgings and Insertions of ev cry concei vaoie style and price. Ladies Iteaf Point Lace trimmed Handkerchiefs entirely new -oattern and shape. Embroidered Bridal Kerchiefs very new and ex quisite design* Ladies' Round “Princess Olga.” Ken-hiefs thnt excite the admiration of all. Plain Hemstiched and Bordered Handkerchiefs, in large quantities. Misses' Silk Embroidered Talmas. Misses’ Dresses in Merino, exceedingly rich. A fine Stock of Infant’s Embroidered Dresses and Waists. A choice selection of Embroidered Skirts and Hemstiched do. The above constitutes a few of our styles, all ot which we will be happy to show you at ROSS, COLEMAN & ROSS’ “Bazaar of Fashion.' Clonk, iflnntilln and SItaivI Dc- PARTJIENT. Il'lie following embraces a few of our styles to which we invite the attention of purchasers: ■Embroidered Velvets from $30 to $75. “Princess Olga” for Winter of 185$. “Meg Merilies" “ “ “ •• “Douizetta” “ “ “ “ “Frezzolina” “ “ “ “ "Pepita Gassier" “ " “ “ “Rotalies,” a plain but neat style. •‘M. riitain,” tasty and full pattern. “Coras," “ “ “ “Evits,” with and without sleeves.- “Casta Diva" of Beaver Cloth, imported. Stella Shawls of all colors. Reversible Scotch Shawls that cau be worn three ways—aU beautiful. Ladies Promenade Shawls. Cashmere and Merino Scarfs “a La Eugenia. Plush bordered Shawls, fancy colors. Velvet and Zephyr Scarfs for the Neck. Rigulotts and Nubees for Evening wear. Zephyr Shawls, and iu fact everything to please the Ladies in the above Department, at the “Ho- of Fashion," by R< OSS, COLEMAN A ROSS. Hosiery mid Glove Department. maiaijun.il. . . n-.njiered from the lightest to the heaviest make. ” Pearl and White Silk Hose both plain and Em broidered, in great variety. A full line of German and real British Hose, both black nnd white, comprising every quality. A due assortment of heavy spun silk Hose, both white and blsck. Lama, Cashmere and Thibet Hose in ail colors, and in great variety, tor winter wear. In children's Hosiery oar Stock is very rati, em bracing a full line of « oa Fancy colored Me- rim, tinae, striped and Polka Shetland do. An elegant and well as serted Stuck of Gents Half Hose, all colors. Boys Half Hose, in all sizes and colors. In Ladies and Geuts Gloves, we defy competition, as our Stock comprise* a full line of Foreign and Domestic Manufacture, embracing the most cele brated brands. In Silk and Merino Undershirts, both for Ladies and Gents wear, we promise von a most superior line of all qualities. Dont forget to examine this branch of our Department at the “Bazar of Fash ion," by- - ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS. money or property” loss is of the least eonse- ere, Baskets, Reticules, qtience, as tliat wifi be an industrial advantage, " hslebooe, Brass an although it will largely pass a miUionofdollars —one life not to be computed therewith, 1 hand you a view of the explosion, locality, Ac. |viic Issue stated. ‘There is no possiblo chance of the election of either Mr. Douglas or Mr. Lincoln. Xeith er will be elected, hut some good National Dem ocrat will be chosen.” - This is tho talk of the few gentleman who have devoted themselves to secure the defeat of Judge Douglas in his re-c- iection to, the 'Senate of tfio United Slates. Those who twe this argument are not fools, and vet there is not a discreet' man in Illinois who will sav that it is any other titan a fool’s—if it lie not tliat, it is the shallow contrivance of a knave, who thinks the people can be hoodwink ed by any shallow pretext Tliere is no third party of this race. There is not the most re mote chance that the little squad of disconten ted Democrats who mating so much ado a- bout the election, willboaMe teahowa respect' able force in any Conner of the State. Tliere are but two l<arties m Illinois; ninety-five Ornamental Department. This breach of our Department presents to your inspection and investigation quite an array of Oil Paintings aud handsomely framed Lithographs ot beautiful, modern design. Among them you will see “Sybil’s Cave,” at Hoboken, New Jersey.' “Tomb of Kosciusco,” at West Point. “Height of Fashion.” ^“Washington." "Napoleon.” “Lady nnd Slave.” “Hussar.” “Capitol of the United States.” “Champion of the Rhine.” “Prize Fighters.” “School Teacher's Frown.” “School Teacher’s Smile.” besides many oth eis on hand, at the “Bszaarof Fashion.” by ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS. Maple Dry Goods Department. Calicoes from «1 to 371 cents. Cashmeres, Vest ings, Opera Flannels, Linseys, Kerseys, Satinets. Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Cloths, Ladies Mantilla Cloth. Bleached and Brown Shirtings, Bleached and Browu Sheeting, a, 8,10, and 11-4, Canton Flannels, White Doinet and all wool Flannels, Green, Bed, and Yellow Flannels, of all prices, Linens, Towel lings. Napkins, Huckaback, Birds Eye aud Russia Diapers, Crash, Canvassed and Colored Table Da masks, Furniture and Dress Dimity, Marseilles Spreads, Knitting Yarn, Table Covers, Piano Cov ers, Negro Stripes and Plaids, Tickings, Furniture aud Bed Cheeks, sn elegant assortment of 9,10,11, IS, nnd 14-4 Bed BlsnkeU, Negro Blankets in great variety, and nt ashade over cost, to make room, be sides a never ending variety which it is impossible to enumerate on paper, but which will be shown with pleasure at the “Bazaar ot Fashion,” by ROSS. COLEMAN A BOSS. Fancy Notion Department, Every article for the Toilet can be found among our countless variety, and to enumerate would be an endless task. Suffice it to say, that in Soaps, Pom ades. Hair Oils. Perfumery, Ifair, Nail and Tooth Brashes, Hair Pins Hair Pm Head Dresses, .Scissors, Buttons, Threads. Needles, Tapes, Bindings, Hook A Eyes, Cords, Dre«s Fringes and Galoons, Hamp ers, Baskets, Reticules, Purses, Portmonaies, Belts, Wkalebooe, Brass and Steel Hoops, Carpet Bags, Thimbles, aud a thousand other articles we are tho roughly posted in, and will be happy to submit to your inspection at the “Bazaar of Fashion,” by ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS. Carpet, Rng and Oil Clotli Depart- MKXT. Tapestry, Velvet Carpetings of new, rich and el egant shade and design. Tapestry Brussel Carpetings, comprising every shade and hue, with mingled and set fignres in great variety. Three Ply, Ingrain, Snper Super and Dutch Hemp Carpetings to suit the most exact and scrupu lous'. An extensive lot of Rugs of various Patterns be- sldef^a superb collection of Druggets, Mattings, and Don’t fail to see these Goods, as our prices will ensure satisfaction. These Good* ran be seen at the “Bazaar of Fashion," by ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS. Oct 5 - ty City paper* copy. JfoDougU*, »»'l n0 POT-er can change tlwir determination. W oaay now, in advance ofithe election, tlmt every man wfio is elected to the Senate or (he Ih'iov, will U- eithcra Doug- -j *-»• NOTICE. A LL persons are hereby forwarned against tra ding for a certain promissory note, made some time in July or August, 1838, by Marcellus A. Myrick for ninety il,.liars and payable Dec. 35th, 181$, to Thos- Hamlin, sod of Lemuel Hamlin. As the con- OtiPof ert'rjr hltrufred of tiie Democrats ill ttte rfllion for which said note was given has entire- Shite will vote : r Representatives iu favor of ly failed1. l am determined notto pay it uulesseom- pelled by law. oct 12. St. MARCELLUS A. MYRICK. Just Received, rjILVEIi TEA SPOONS. !5 SILVER TABLE SPOONS, SILVER FORKS. sept *s IB. A. WISE, Macon, Ga G-EOR&IA Mastic Boofing* OoaGapstny, PROPRIETORS OF RUSSELL’S PATENT IF’ire && 'Vv r ater Froof MASTIC ROOFING O 1ST C 3ST V ^ s. HAVING purchased the . right to use and sell the above ROOFING for several SOUTHERN STATES, we are now prepared to do ROOFING or SELL RIGHTS * to use the same. This roofing Is adapted to now or old BUILDINGS,' steep or flat rods and can be put over Plank or old leaky shingIes,TiuorIron Roof* - it costs about half the price and is much better than Tin—is not affected by heat or f cold and is impervious to wa ter: it is fire proof, uml it is the best roofing ev er invented lor STEAMBOAT DECKS, Hail Hoad. Cars, Bridges, &c. Ae. It is warranted to give entire satisfaction. For further information apply to FREEMAN A ROBERTS, or janl!» tf A. P. CHERRY Macon, Ga. Hardeman & Sparks w are House AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, slid ran, fir a., W ILL continue to give prompt attention at their FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE, an the cor ner of 3d and Poplar streets, to nil business commit ted totheircharge. With their thanks for past favors, and a renewed pledge of faithfulness to all their friends and cus tomers, they hope to receive their full share of pub lic patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton and other pro- dnee when required. |y Planter’s Family Stores, also Bagging, Rope, Ac., furnished at the lowest market rates. THOS. HARDEMAN. O. «. SPARKS. sep 7 Hardeman Sc Griffin ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR IF^iLIL AM® W 3 MTFH GS S 1? O €3 3ES.P, AT THEIR OLD STAND. T HKIR Stock consist in part of tho following GOODS, to which they invite the attention of ITIerciiaiits and Planters: 50 bales Gunny Cloth 800 coils Richardson Rope 1000 pounds Baling Twine 150 bags Coffee, Java, Porto Rico, Itio and La- gnira 10 chests Blsck and Green Tea 75 barrels ABAC Sugar 85 barrels crushed and Powdered Sugar 5 boxes Loaf Sugar 15 hogsheads fine PortoSico 300 sacks Liverpool Salt 100 sacks Alum Salt 150 boxes Adamantiue Candles 40 boxes Sperm Candles 73 boxes No. t Soap 30 boxes Family Toilet Soap 30 boxes assorted and Fancy Candy 125 kegs Nails 50 boxes Starch 100 jars Snnff 50 whole, half and quarter kegs of Powder 20 cans Duck-shooting Powder loo bags Shot 100,000 Segars. various brands 30 boxes Tobacco 30 cases Maguoliaand Combination Tobacco 30 bales Osnaburgs and Stripes 5 cases Homespuns, bleached 10 bales Georgia Kerseys 3 bales Northern Kerseys IS bales Blankets, all sizes 50 baskets Piper's Heidsick Wine 75 cases Ginger and Blackberry Wine and 50 barr<Ss~lIy<ran<rCor.V TVmsicey to barrels Extra old Bonrbon 50 barrels Gin, Rum and Brandy 10 casks Madeira, Port and Sweet Wine 10 coses London Dock Gin 15 esses Boker’s and Stoughton Bitters 10 cases Lemon Syrup 20 casks Ale and Porter •0 boxes Ginger Preserves, Primes and Fig* A0 boxes Assorted Pickles 20 boxes Super. Curb. Soda 30 barrels and boxes Soda and Butter Crackers 25 boxes Herrings 5 sacks Ashton’s Table Salt to dozen Well Backets 5 cases Ashton's Table Salt 25 dozen Blue Buckets 10 nests of Tubs 30 dozeuWool Hats 20 boxes Leverit Axes 13000 pounds White Lead and Zinc )00 barrels Linseed Oil to barrels Tanners’ and Machine Oil ALSO, A VINE LOT Of CHROME GREEN, YELLOW, PRUSSIAN BLUE TERRA DE SIENNA. BURNT UMBER, Ae., Ac. PAINTS AND VARNISH, BRUSHES AND SASH TOOLS. Macon, Sept. 28,1858. AT TIIE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE, C’ornrr ^>f Cherry anil Second fit«. T HE undersigned has just returned from New York with a New and elegant Stock cf Seasonable Goods, iuid would respectfully cull the attention of Gentle- .r tignin, and vicinity, to an inspection of them nt liis New Stand. In the READY MADE DEPARTMENT lie can show some of the most desirable Goods ever brought to this market, nud will be in Constant Receipt of the Newest Styles- Most of Iris Pants are made up by good workmen in Macon, and are warranted to fit better and giv - „i; ilin-tjnn than any Ollier rants. His Stock of toioiiis;’cnsSiinervv amt of the most recherche patterns, and will be made up according to the latest improvements in the’Art of Cutting. . CHAS. H. BAIRD. Macon, Sept 28, 1858. ELIAS EIjSTSTEIAT, Corner of Stl St. & Colton Avenue, B EGS leave to inform the Ladles of Macon and the public in general tliat lie has just returned from New-Y’ork and is now ready to show one ofthe Largest and Handsomest Stocks of FANCY, STAPLE AND DOMESTIC ever exhibited in the Southern market, which will be said at remarkably low figures to cosh and prompt paying time buyeis. . The Stock comprises, in part the following, viz: Mlfc I>rca» Goods. Robes a Us, and Bayadere Striped Fancy Silks, Black Silks, such ns Gros do Rhine, Gres de Naple and Bishop Silks. Woolen Dress Goods. French, German and English Merinoes, All wool Robes a Lis, De Laine Rohes a quille Cashmere Robes a quille, - Imp. Foulard, Brocaded Rutera. Poll de Clieore, Imperial Paramattas, Mohairs, Cashmeres, Balmorals. De Laines, De Beges, English, American A French Prints A Ginghams. .Shawl, nnd rtcnrf*. Mantilla Stella Shawls, Mantilla Shawls, Stella Shawls, Chenille Shswls, - * Waterloo Long Shawls, Bay State Long aud Square Shawls, Crape, Basket and Blanket Shawls, Chenille, Cashmere sad printed Scarfs. Cloak*—A Choice Assortment of Talisman, Rosalie, Eva, Qasta Diva, Pandora, Cordelia, Duchess de Beni, Rob Roy, Grey Maneuvering and Velvet Cloaks. of the very lstest and most fashionable styles. Embroiderer*. Ribb. Jacconeb Colar de Paris, Jacconct and Spriss Gt. Setts, Ribb. Jscconet Setts de Paris, Ribb. Jacconet Priina Donna Setts, Lace trimmed Setts, Embroidered Bands, Floimciugs. Skirts, Children’s Waists and Robes, Lace and -Moslia Curtains. A complete Assortment of Hosiery, House iiitil Plnnlntioit Furnishing Goods, and all other articles usually found in a regular Dry Good Store. Remember, at ELIAS EINSTEIN’S. Sep. 38, Corner 3d Street and Cotton Avenue. S. BRAINERD’S MACON VARIETY STORE, COTTON AVENUE. Opposite Iioss, Coleman an / Ross, and C. II Freeman. CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, HOUSE FURNISHING ARTICLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. TIN WAKE OF ALL KINDS, REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, BROOMS, PAILS, M timU - TOY BARROWS, f.me-lint krZs V*< .. WAGGONS, _A-TlcL Willow 'Ware. FURNITURE mudo to order; old Furniture bought and sold. Repaired,Cleaned, and Varmalied with despatch. Violins, Cam s, Jcc., Repaired and Polished; Rest <juaJity of Furniture, Varnish, and Sand Paper for sale. N. B. Gruflenburg Medicine for sale, pure from the Company. S-B„ A«’r for Co. Macon, Sept, 2*, l$3d. STOHSTETS [HAT STOEE. (OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE*} Jnst Received a Splendid Stock of HATS & CAPS, C lOXSISTINO of the most recent styles for Gen- i tlemen. Boys and Children. The following corn- prison few ofthe leadin'? articles in his line : Oent’s Fashionable Silk Hats, nil width Brims, “ “ Black C.issimer, do do “ Superior French Felt, of .all colors, “ Cable nnd Storm Hats, “ Velvet Caps of all colors and prices, “ Navy, Clot^ and Silk Caps, “ Beaver ana Plush do Boys* and Childrens’ Hats and Caps, of every style and price, • Childrens lilack Beaver and Fancy Trimmed I fats, And a Superior lot of Wool Hats for Plantation - use, These articles are all new, and will bo sold low. CAIjIj AT STONE'S HAT STORK. Sept. 2d, 180S. HATS, CAPS, &c. BELDEIST & CO., R espectfully inform the public that they have just received a new and elegant supply of Fall aud Winter Goods, to which they invite the at tention of their friends and patrons, ami traders generally-—their stock being one of the most com plete and extensive ever offered in this market, em bracing the following articles: Men’s Cable Silk Hats, 4i Curled Brim Silk Hats, Wide “ “ “ “ Black Cashmeres all styles, Gent’s black aud drab Beavers, late styles. Men’s fine French Felts, black, brown and pearl, Gent's Mussard’s Hats, tine, 4< Storm 44 Men’s Otter Caps, “ Plush 44 41 Fishing do Gent’s black, brown and blue Velvet Caps, 44 Clotli Caps, 44 Cashmere do new style, • 4 * Navy do Boys’ Felt Hats, brown black and pearl, 44 Star 44 44 Plaid 44 41 Velvet Caps, black and bine, 44 Cloth M do - Children’s Faucy Hats aud Caps, ail kinds, Wool Hats for plantation use, all qualities. Dealers are assured that they can make their pur chase here as cheap aud -of as good qaalify as any establishment in tha State. BELDEN & CO., Sept. 2d. Cherry Street, Macon, Ga READY MADE CLOTHING. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS, CAR PET-BAGS, UMBRELLAS, CANES, AC.. &C, CLOTHS, CASSIMER8 A VESTINGS, MAR SEILLES A LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS, SILK KID, CALF AND BUCK-SKIN GLOVES, AU MENARD & BURGHARD, If *. lTCn.1I.lKr.ll s AND J e w eler H AVE just revived aud opened a large and splendid assortiMut of Goods in their line, consisting in part ofthe fonts»-jng articles, GOLD AND SEVER w a. t c h e e, Bunting Magic Case, Independent 2d, Ac., for Gen tlemen. GOLD WATCHES for Ladies, rich nnd bean tiful. „ siLTlftt WAKE, such as Spoons, Cups, Gob lets, sW •SILVER PLATED WAKE, such as Cas tors, Egg Boilers, (with Gold Plated Gold Cups and Spoons,) Fruit Baskets, Pitchers, Candte Sticks, Waiters, Ac. JEWELRY. Con&idtiijg of Diamond and Gold Rings, Pins, .tec., Jet*., sparkling and bright. Iflusicai Instruments, Such as Violins, Flutes, Guitars, Banjos, Tambo- inies. •' . Gold Pens, and Pencils. Guitar aud Violin Strings, and a varied assortment of Fancy Goods, Music Boxes, too numerous to ^particularixe in an advertisement. . % , Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon them, since they commenced business, they solicit a continuance of the same, and will spare no pains to give satisfaction to their customers, both in style and quality of their Wares, and in price.^ VVateh and other repairing executed with dispatch and on reasonable terms. M. & B. oct5 YOU me XNXIH.--F0. 0. Drugs, Medicines, THE ATLANTIG TELEGRAPH GABLE CAN BE SEEN AT B. A. WISE’S STORE, Who is now receiving his fall stock of HOUSE SvEEPIj\€r GOODS, Cutlery, Silver and Plated Ware, Stoves, Grates, Ranges, Wood- Ware, Brooms, Brushes, Matts, Pin Enamelled and Holtow-icare, Japan and Planished Tin Ware, AND A GENEttAL ASSORTMENT OF House Keeping Hardware. Which ho is prepared to sell at very low prices for CASH or approved credit. Returning many thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, would most respectfully invite the public to call and examine his present stock of Goods. B. A. WISE, sept 7 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. T. H. BOLSHAW, F. HERZOG. Something New under the Sun- A LAMP STOKE IN MACON. T HE subscribers have opened a LAMP STORE this day, at No. 11 Cotton Avenue, three doors above Parker’s, where may be found a variety of LAMPS FOR BURNING COAL OIL. Tiiis Oil is not'explosive, and having been tested, proves to be the cheapest, bestjand safest light now in use, anywhere; Call and see it. We have on hand, and will keep a constant -sup ply of good COAL OIL for these Lamps; also, BURNING FLUID, CAMPIIENE and ALCOHOL. We have a carefully selected stock of CHINA, GLASS, both pressed and cut, from the best Manufacturers, Crockery, Table Cutlery, Cavtor Frame*' Ac., which wo will sell cheap for CASH. SOJIETIIIIVG IVEWEK STILL ! ENGRAVING ON GLASS of every description, such as Coat of Ajrms, Crests, L ettering of every style. Landscapes Animal' Flowers, Figures, Ac., done to order in the store. BOLSHAW & HERZOG. Macon, Sept. 6th, 1858.fim* sept 7 VatTii$lics« JPerftinicry, Paints, Dyes, Patcutniedlcini^. Spices. , iiiaixly atid Yviiii s, For Medical purposes, anil ail article... in tin.* line, can be found strictly pure ot tho Drug Store ZKILI.V, HUNT A Co. • ^P££'dto the Telegraph ft oil ding, Mnco.i, Ga. ±*ic-le:T! LIGHT f! LIGHT!! SPIRIT GAS; Burning FiuidL A nd camphink. Fwrwirby may 18 ZEILIN. HUNT -V CO. Train Oil J UST RECEIVED, by Sept. 28. ZEILIN. HUNT, A CO. Sperm Oil jyiOR|ALE, by .ZEILIN, HUNT 3 CO. ml\v jdkIHs storu. ~~ ALEX. A. MENARD, RALSTON’S BUILDING, CHERRY ST., MACON, GA H AS just received and is now opening a fresh stock of Drugs, ]?I<H>icinrN. Chemical*, asnar'I laitmatmt*, Pninls, Oil*, \W Dyc-MtnfTai, Perfumery, Patent medi cine*, Phanuncenticnt Preparation*, & c. My Drugs have been selected with strict refer ence to their purify and qualify; they arc fresh aud may be fully relied on. 13F* Order* Fritlifolly Kxccuicd. Physicians’ Prescript! »n8 and Family Medi cines put up with neatness am. accuracy, at all hours of the day or night. 13^* A large lot of Ariillciisl Tecik iustrecc*ived _feh24.tr JUST BfiCRITED. n r AAA Papers Garden Heeds, &0 9 UUU 3 bush, licmnffky BIi * a \ irf\T * nn fehSj- tf ISIiic Gfn*** A. A. MENARD, Drufegt**. - ■ Cherry S!.w< BOOK BIDDING. J ACKSON BARNES manufac tures to order every description of blank account hooks, and binds in any style desired, Magazines, Law, Music and Miscellaneous Books, clerks’ Rgctg&D and docRkt books,with or without prtxted forms, and warrant ed best quality paper. BP* Engineers’ profile paper mad e from fhe best English drawing to any length or width. All orders from the country promptly and careful ly attended to. Cilice on Cotton Avenue one - door below Ross and Coleman’s. apl 1.*?. NEW BOOKS At Boardman's Book Store A MERICAN ELOQUENCE in 2 vots ; anewCy I clopedia of Commerce; Burton's Cyclopedia of Wit & Humor: a Handy Book on Property Law; Mail upon the Sea, by Goodrich; Romantic passa ges in South Western History; Life bhneaththe Wa ters; The Hand but not the Heart, by T. S. Arthur William the Conqueror, by Gen. Sir Charles Napier Doctor Thorne; a mew edition of Edgar A Poe’s works; The Preacher and the King; The Priest and the Huguenot; Lord George Bennck, by DTsracli; Beatrice Cenci; Debit A Credit; Major Roger Sher man Potter; Douglas Jerrold’s Wit; Belle-Britton on a tour; Life and Times of Hugh Miller; Cruise ofthe Betsey; Testimony of the Rocks; Jefferson's Works; Bulwer’a Novels complete; Groto’s History BOOTS AND SHOES A t THE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT, No. 3, ft Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington JB Hall Lot, Mnoou, Georgia.—The subscribers would return their thanks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended^ to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Wehave now in store a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will bo made, of all the different styles and patterns usually called for iu a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as any lionse in the city or State. Sept. 2*. MIX & KIRTLAND. B OOTS.—A full assortment of Gents’ fine French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and waterproof, of various kinds and qualities, both _ soled aud pegged- Just received and for sale low by Sept. 2S. MIX & KIRTLAND. J R UBBER SHOES.—A large assortment of Gents and boys Rubbers. Also, La-CS* dies slipper and sandal rubber Shoes of Goodyear’s celebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by Sent. 28. MIX & KIRTLAND. P LANTATION BROGANS.-Now instore the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we* have ever offered in this market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed black and russetts; do. heavy single soled black and russatts ; do. boys and youths black and russetta, all of which we are selling very low. -Sept. 28.MIX cte KIRTLAND. B OOTS AND SHOES.—Men’s, Boys and Youth’s fine calf an# kip peg’d Boots ; 4 Men’s stout kip hunting and mud Boots; Gents last* ing Gaiters. Monterey, -opera aud ties, aud fine call Brogans; Gents, boys’ and youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans; Men’s, boys’ and youths* California kip Brogans, a large assortment. iept. 28.MIX A KIRTLAND. GEO. W. PRICE is NOW Receiving- his Stock '' OF !F^KI©Y rUW!L!g S'nil nnd Winter DRY GOODS, Which will be disposed of on as good terms as any house in the city. His friends and the public gener ally, are requested to Grive liixn. a Oall. September 21, 1858.—3m* Macon Furniture Works. W E are now patting up New renew and Improved Machinery for ”™ the .Manufacture of 3PTJ^5.ICI^?'0'2^.3Z: of all kinds, fur superior in Work- 1 W nflS manship and Durability, to mast & J J NORTHERN Work, and at as low, and in most case;', LewerFricn than can i.os.i- bly be laid down in Macon from Savannah, or New York. Give us a call and we will convince the sceptical that it Is yoar interest to mako your par- chases at home. ’ T. ft G. WOOD, aug 37 if- ings ; Derivation of Family names; Wisdom, Wit Wild Northern Scenes; Also a large assortment fine Family Bibles. J. M. BOARDMAN. ,-ggputi. ire?* - I Henry Horne’s Confectionery, Fruit Store, Cake & PASTRY BAKERY, MACON,. GEORGIA In liis New Building, One door below Ayers, Wingfield & Co., Cherry st. MANUFACTURER OF THE FINEST FRENCH PASTRY AND ORNAMENTAL CAKES - nnd dealers in fine Candies, Fruits. Preserves, Pickles, Warranted Imported Wines and Brandies, Cordials, Syrups, Nuts, Segars, Tobacco, ftc., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Country Merchants supplied at tho lowest rates. Weddings and Parties furnished with all kinds of Confections ana Pyramids, Cold Meats, Salads, ftc., at reasonable terms. N. B.—Terms:—Positively Cask—no Creditgiven. oct 13 * A Card from Br. James M. Jar SETT, OK THE NEW YORK LUNG INFIRM A Y.—My connection for the past eight years with the above Institution, as Chief Physician, and a twelve years’ course of steady devotion to the cute of Pulmonary Consumption and its kindred diseases, together with iny unrivalled opportunities and ad vantage of pathological research—aided not a little by a perfect system of Medical Inhalation—has. en abled me to arrive at a decisive, direct, and success ful course of treatment for tho positive and radical cure of aU diseases of the Throat, lour.:... and Air Passages. By inhalation, the vapor and curative properties of medicines arc directly addressed to the diseased organs and the integument. I do not ad vise tho nse of Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the exclnsion of general treatment-, and although I consider it a useful adjuvant in the proper manage ment of those fearful and often fatal diseases, yeti deem it very necessary that each patient should have tho benefit of both general and local treatment. The success of my treatment in the above diseases, and the high character of the-Institution over which I have so long had the honor to preside, are tod well known to need any eulogy or comment from me.— At the i friends, after $U6 consideration, I-have concluded to make such arrangements as will bring the benefits of my experience and treatment within the reach of all. and not confine myself, as heretofore, to those only who entered the Infirmary, or who were able to-visit me at my office. 'Hoping therefore that tho arrange ’ll WANTED. T AM still buying Military bounty Lain! Warrants, J. and will always give the highest Otth pricr*. Macon Ga. uly2s iy G.J. BLAKE Wanted Immediately. A GOOD Cook, Washer, and Ironer, for asmal! Camay, for the balance of this year. Enquirr at this office. i Jh Macon, Sept. 9,185?. New Crockery Store. T HE Ladies and Gentlemen of Macon and ad joining counties are respectfully iuyiteu to call and t xamine my stock! of CHINA, GLASS and CROCKERY WARE,next door to Mrs. Dessau’s on Second Street. I intend to keep at all times ;t good stock of Goods, and \rll sell them as low as they can be bought anywhere i:t the city. A liberal share o f patronage is respectfully solicited, way 23—tf K. It. HUTCHINGS. DAVID ROSS, BOOK BINDER ACCOUNT BOOK JS/E areufact ix'r © C ONTINUES to make BLANK KOOK3 for ' CourtM, (Vomiting KouMCaand It jiilJGoneN, and to Bind all varieties of WORK with superior neatness and despatch. MUSIC BOUND WITH ELASTICITY ;md ELEGANCE. LAW BOOKS IN THE MOST APPROVED STYLES. HARPERS’ WEEKLY&MAGAZMJE, GRAHAM’S, GODEY’S and all other PElUODIt'ALfi - and Magazine* BOUND in neat and cheap Findings, Particular attention paid to the re-biailing v,ilua- blo old Books. Orders from a diatauco will meet with prompt at tention. . Office upon the corner of Third <y Cherry-Sts., Over G.T. Rodgere ft Son, Macon,' Ga. aug 24 CAKPETOGS! Floor Oil Olotlis, J^^TTIIXTO-S, RUGS AND MATS!! A LARGE Stock,*nd agreat variety of-style» of the above Good3, jnst received, whiph will be sold at far lower figures, and give purchasers a se lection from the best stock over offered in Macon.— AidNO, SATIN, DeLAINE, DAMASK, LACK and MBS UN, WIN D O W C r J ft T AIN S, WINDOW SHADES, GILT CORNICES and BANDS in great variety. Purchasers will consult their own interest by ox-’ amining my stock before buying., aog 3—tf B. F. ROSS. PUGH’B PHOTOGRAPH AND FINE ART GALLERY, TRIANGULAR BLOCK. I HAVE just returned fromNuw York with all laic improvements in the Art, and a large and we!! selected Stock of Cases of every description, of tho best European and American Manufacture, among which are fine French Oval, Velvet, Pearl, Tortoise Shell, and new and beautiful patterns of the univer sally admired Union Case, any of which will be’ sold cheap, with superior Pictures in any of tho various style*, and every Likeness warranted to give entire satisfaction. Call add examine for yourseIVcs. Aug.31, 1858. J. A. PUGH. R. WOOD TTASjust returned from the North with all tho J_ j. new and late improvements in tho PHOTOGRAPHIC AfiTy embracing quite a variety of novelties and cariosi ties, making his GALLERY one of tho most attrac tive nnd fashionable resorts in the City. Fliotograplis of quite a number of Distingntehetl persons nmr on exhibition among which aro the following: CYRUS W. FIELD, of Atlantic ’Telegraph' Notoriety. Capt. HUDSON, of tho U.. S. Ship Niagara. MAYOR TIE-MAN. of New York City. JUDGE EDWARDS, the noted Spiritualist. HARRY HOWARD, Chief of the N. Y. Fire Department. COL. DURYEA, of the famed ~th Regiment, ’National Guards, U- S. , " 1IIS HOLINESS COPE El US IX. PROFESSOR MORSE, Inventor of the Mag netic Telegraph. The Public are respectfully invited to cal 1 and ex amine the above at WOOD’S PALACE OF AST. We are now better prepared than ever to execute those beautiful l'liotogrnph-*, Ainbnrtypw, I>ngiiqs-cot)4>cs, Ac., in:d on account of our iu creased facilities, will do our work as low as any other Gallery and of a Superior Style, Don't fail <o give os a i'all. .Sept. 38. » , incut will give entire satisfaction, both to my pro• Dl,T mhiT>n> cnJ /loa I?Gi-tnn> fessioual brethren and the pnbiie, I would re.pect- JtMUillDllig dlLCL iTclSJU IluAng' fully annoanco in conclusion, that / can hot act m *’| — — ~ suited personally or by letter, on all diseases as above and that the medicines, the same as used in tiie In stitutiou, prepared to suit each individual case, Inha ling Vapors, Medical Inhalers, ft--., Ac., will be for warded hy express to any part of the United States or the Canadas. Terms.—My terms of treatment hy letter are a s follows, viz: $12 per month for each pa tient, whir l will include medicine sufficient for one month’s use; also, Inhaling Vapor, and an Inhaling Apparatus, Payment as follows: Sfi to he paid to Express Agent on receipt of tho box of Medicine, and the balance $<* at the expiration oftlie month, if the path It he cured or is entirety satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by giving* full history of their case, and their symptoms iu full, cau bo treated as well hy letter as hy personal examination*. Patients availing themselves of Dr. Jarrctt'a treatment may rely upon immediate' and permanent relief, as tie seitlom lia* to treat a case over thirty days Letters for advice promptly answered. For further partic ulars address JAMES M. JABRETT, M. D., No. 820 Broadway, cor. Twelfth St. N. Y. P. S.—Physicians and others visiting the city are respectfully invited to call at the Infirmary, where many interesting eases cun bo witnessed, and where our -n ot ed apparatus for the inhalation of medi ;z rated vapor c c besten and inspected. 1 ..(.pi i—cm wans JAMES DANIELS W ’OULD most respectfully inform the Citizens of Macon, that he is noV prepared to do all kinds of PLUMBING AND GAS PITTING, af the Shortest notice, and niter the most approved ityie. - ' . We are also prepared to furnish Lead and Copper lined Bath Tubs, Marble top Stands, Copper Boilers for heating water, ftc. Bnildjpgs fitted up with cold aad hot water Pipes, after the most approved style. . jgf Shop in the t ear of XgaL Laue's Grocery' Store, Orders loft nt tliesame, will he promptly nt- tend eilto JAiiES DA^ltSLS. ... Macon. Ga. RxFEBESCts—B. A, Wise, D. B. IVo.hItu111 and T. J. Lane. ■ ‘ • Sm * sept 31- A. 81. C. BBOCK^H, 23 CU» .STREET, NEW YORK, ZtoKOFACTURER OK GLASS SYRINGES, IIOMtEOPATIIIC VIALS,. GRADUATED MHASUKES.NUIiS- JJ|'G BOTTLES, ETC. GUss Ware fo« Chemists, Druggists, Perfumers, mtographers, otc. Green Glassware bythepaek - ;e- A liberal discount made to the trade. _Or- r-. from Country Druggists and Dealers solicited. Me Lists s- nt on application. Sept. —3m< painters' wanted^ /^XE or two "ood Pv v_7 da about tho 1st information inquire of anted to go to Flore •mb or. For furtuwr oct 5 tf No’ JAMES W. GEARY *- J SSS?fc“