Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, November 30, 1858, Image 1

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V:-' > O ; -^PHIK t E GEORGIA TELEGRAPH in Pl’BUSHED EVERT L.uv.8PAY MORNING. terms: 0 poLLARS, IN ADVANCE, join every case where the subscription » ut of the Office. ■'’ipoTlUrper'* Argument againat the Revival of the African Slava Trade. .„iimtion«i*«r of,,,eS,nvcTrs,Ue prohibition. I of the Constitution which refers tuUrTMo this subject is in the following j . ,:pf, 0 migration orimportation ofsucli ' ' 3!i the State now existing, shall think r to admit, shall not he prohibited by the , ir i,ir to the vear one thousand eight L,1 ,nd eight, but a tax or duty may he Ion such importation, not exceeding ten <iol- for oat‘i'1 1 arson.’’ This is the provision llv referred to m recent discussions of this ,‘;, n d it would seem that the impression some what prevalent, that tliis ’ .institutes the foundation of the Congrcs- U Dower over the Slave Trade. Hence it IWii argued, that as the language of this L (.rertrietive in its terms, and merely pro- fr r . „f the exercise of the jiowcr of internict- ihetmlli 1 ' for » l*eriod of time, it cannot he re- il on as containing a grant of such power, at the t'muon of the time limited. That it imports I* , rfjubstauitivo jiowcr, but merely a limi- ISr«f powr. a,Ml that no power can arise by filirat'A oit of the negative words of prohib- P This reasoning proceeds upon sound Liid.-s of logic and construction, hut there J defect in the promises, and consequently , eonelusioa arrival at, is erroneous. Tiiat feet of the oremises consists in taking it for lilted that liiis clause is the only constitution- provision relating to the question. If this is true, it ir list occur to the mind of him who lions upon it in that view, tiiat this provis os singularly absurd. For, why limit a pow- vvhich had not been granted? What sense is tii. ro instring, that Congress shall not pro- hit this importation prior to the year 1808, if sndi negative words of restriction, Con- e« could not prohibit it, before or after that We cannot impute such absurdity to the acinus framers. The recognitionof the pow- i, so clearly manifest in tliis provision, tiiat 6 hc ltd to conclude, cither that they inten- l,inmvey the power hy the clause itself, or n it bad reference to a power granted in some icr provision of tlio instrument That they ended to convey it by the clause itself, is jveJ.v probable for two reasons: In the fit st ir. this clause is not found classed with tho ni> of power. The 8th Section of the 1st We embodies an enumeration of all the pow- inted to Congress, and concludes with the diary grantof power "to make all laws which 3 lie necessary and proper for carrying into cation tho foregoing powers, and all other ccrs vested hy this Constitution in tho Gov- nacnt of the United Slates, or in any depart- nt or office tliereof.’' And then follows im- Jutcly in tlio 0th Section, the prohibitions on the powers contained in the 8th Section. x very first of these prohibitions in the clause question, followed hy many other nrohihito- provisions, running through tlio whole of the h and 10tli Sections. Now this power to pro- bit the importation of slaves was certainly no nioddereble power. It is not reasonable to ilir tiiat it was considered so small in itself, »t it might llow as an incident to the restrict- t »onls limiting tho time. The power, in its line, ms of vast magnitude. It was one luVli the Slates had not surrcndeml by the minus Confederation, It was one which, they id Wvn expressly exercising in their separate tginlatures. It therefore involved a grant to .ingress of iuiporlant power, upon a most im- nrtint suljtvi. Is it reasonable that it should ne been intended, that these prohibitory words f-these terms of negation—should convey it by idv logical inference? And is it reasonable ml the grant should have been classed among nutations and restrictions? In theseeond place, lii not jirolahle that they so intended, because b is not the form and style of the words cm- Aiied hy them, in making other important Wits of power to the Congress. The very na pe of the system they were forming—which a system composed of powers surrendered od imparted by the separate States—limited in »ir very nature—forbids tho idea. No men fcteiood better what they were doing. None hr knew better the force of legal and constitu- ka! language. Nono knew butter than they, Mt juicers did not spring from words of nega- n And no one now knows better than they ,tiiat if they had really intended in their u> convey tliis power to Congress, by nonls—that intention would have failed, louse it was not siipjmrted by the-words. ■lumen is the great rule of interpretation, but is only a rule of interpretation. It is not to cwwd so far as to make tiiat the law, which «(Mauled to make, but neglected or failed lulls. And I am free to confess, that if these eels in-the only foundation of the power, that w though intended to be granted, was not tated, anil is unconstitutionid. But ue these words the only foundation for «;power? They evidently refer to the power mil they restrict They arc of much force this iminstigation, for they demonstrate be- *nd all question, tiiat the power over this sub- *• *'«s rvcognined by tlie framers of tho Con- jUMkw, as living contained in the instrument nut then does that clear recognition havo rc- t* 1 * to ? Beyond all doubt to some of the | |Wf Mntiintsi in the section preceding. To tnnt of power to “regulate commerce with “JV” nations and among tho several States, kw with the Indian tribes.” This is the clause ““t contains tlie power; it is no incidental or pjphei power; it is no implication from pro- »'tt«y wonts; it Is the living spirit of a speci- *' P*nt Fortunately for us, we are not with- bt the light of contemporaneous history and *tnn|uraucous construction upon this point Aw provision relating to the limitation of time, liin which the jiower should not be exerted, s'; rise to facts, and is connected with circum- pfevs, which throw a Hood of light upon this PMiim. In tho Convention the attempt was P* to except the Slave Trade from tlie gcnc- * power over foreign commerce. The first ^ of the Constitution as presented by the [***•* uf five, contained the prohibition in vonb: "No tax or duty shall lie laid *•> 0,1 >ht migration or importation of such *■< the several States shall think proper •Wuit; nor shall such migration or iinporta- prohibited.” This was voted down by ^‘ Stales against three—tlie three being the ‘ iwilinas and Georgia. The matter was ’wfened to another committee, composed “legate from each State, with a view of conflicting sentiments; and they .it >n its present shape, except tiiat the ,i * ID1 ited was “ono thousand eight hundred,” j *®cnded by adding the words “and ; . ,ri| l tlius it was adopted, by a vote of ''l to four. The bold stand taken by ,1*!^ from Georgia and South Carolina, "a the alxolutc prohibition as first reported jL?T {wwnmittec of detail was voted down, wppointment of tho committee of one «eh State; and the provision as rc- a a . ‘* c ‘ i hy them was a compromise effected Iwlr i!! n S manner, as is set fortli by Luther ‘nnis celebrated speech lieforo the I/?g- l *' , ihorr I» opposition to the Con- Wp w *f. ejected by eight Statcs-Georgia, Wiii volin K for it," falluding to the ■\\- . ' i ,r °liihition of power,as first proposed.) -.i f vr t fo*n told by tlie delegates of tlio two " mrsc Sutes, that them States would rtfiK 8 ?* to *system which put it in thepow- General Government to prevent the im- °f Slaves, Ac. A committee of one 'r.fram each State was chosen by ballot poa.1., P'rt 0 * the system Into considera- 18 endeavor to agree upon some report ^•boeld reconcile those States; to this also referred the following pro- which had been reported by tho com- >i»l w . t * t *ilito-writ: Nonavigation actsliall -.^1 without the absent of two-thinls of the r^v^Pttseot in each House—a proposition mevtaplear.il commercial Status were so- v jt” retain, lest tln-ir c immcrri- should I" 1 ' there &■' 1:111 l . foo mudi under the power of tho ,,ut which Uicse last States were '*• b» nject Tliis committee, of which I had the honor to lie a member, met and took under their consideration the subjects commit ted to them. I found the Eastern States, not withstanding their aversion to Slavery, were very willing to indulge the Southern States, at least with a temporary liberty to prosecute the Slave Trade, provided the Southern States would in their turn gratify them by laving no restrict ion on navigation acts; and after a very little time, the committee, by a great majority, agreed on a report by which tlie General Government was to be prohibited from preventing the im portation of Slaves for a limited time, and the restrictive clause relative to navigation acts was to be omitted. This report was adopted by a majority of the Convention, but not without considerable opposition.” Thus it appears that the little indulgence which Georgia and South Carolina procured, of twenty years, for the Slave Trade, was procur ed by a compromise, and that compromise was etlected in the committee by the aid of the cir cumstance of a conflict relative to the proposi tion in regard to the sulycct of navigation acts. Even then it met with considerable opposition upon being submitted to the Convention. This arose from the fact of tho strong opposition which was felt by most of the States to the Slave Trade. Most of them had already pro hibited tlie traffic by State legislation. It hail even liecn a cause of grievance lie fore the De claration of Independence, that Great Britain continued to force the traffic upon the unwilling Colonies. In tlie original draftof Independence, this was specified in tiiat array of lioyal ini- S uitics set forth in tiiat imperishable paper in icso words: (after denouncipg the Slave Trade in such language as Jefferson alone could em ploy) “he lias prostituted his negativo for sup pressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce.” This was struck out in deference to those States who were still in fcvor of that commerce. All this will serve to show the state of this question pri or to the Convention,and at the time. It was onc,about which there existed profound concern. Is it likely, then, that the Convention were Earning the Constitution with loose ideas upon this point 9 AVerc they leaving the power, which was so necessary to be conferred on Con gress for its extinction, to be derived from un certain implications ? But Air. Martin says the clause as finally adopted was not without consid erable opposition. And on this point he shows what view was entertained of tlio power confer red by the clause “to regulate commerce with foreign nations.” lie says “it was urged that, by the system we were giving the General Gov ernment full and absolute power to regulate commerce, under which power it would have a right to restrain or totally prohibit the Trade: it must therefore appear to the world absurd and disgraceful to the last degree, that wc should except from the exercise of that power the only branch of commerce which is unjustifiable in its nature and contrary to the rights of man kind—that, on the contrary, wc ought rather to prohibit expressly in our Constitution the furth er importation of SInves, Ac.” The power to pro hibit it after the time limited was denied by none; Some even desired it to be prohibited by tlie Constitution itself, and not merely left to the discretion of Congress—he among the number. And had it not been for the compromise aliove alluded to, the power of Congress without limi tation of time, would hare been absolute, or else the Constitution would have contained an ex press interdiction. The next authority which I propose to adduce, to prove that this is no ambiguous power, is that of Mr. Madison. In one of his luminous articles, Number 42 of the Federalist, he says, “Tho second class of powers lodged in the Gen eral Government consists of those which regu late the intercourse with foreign nations, to-wit: to make treaties, Ac., Ac., to regulate commerce, including a power to prohibit, after tho year 1808, the importation of Slaves, and to lay an intermediate duty of ten dollars per head, as a discouragement to such importations.” In the same No. he says: “It was doubtless to he wished that the power of prohibiting the im portation of Slaves had not been postponed un til the year 1803, or rather that it had been suf fered to have immediate operation.” Story,_ in in his Commentaries on the Constitution, VoL 2 S 1337, says, in reference to the clause in tho !)th section: “This dauso of the Constitution, respecting the importation of Slaves, is mani- fectly on exception from the power of regulating commerce. Migration seems appropriately to apply to voluntary arrivals as importation does to involuntary arrivals and so far as an excep tion from a power,proves ts existence, this provi s that the power to regulate commerce applies c- qurJly to the regulation of vessels employed in transporting men who pass from place to place voluntarily, as to those who pass involuntarily.” Chancellor Kent, VoL I. page 180, observes: “Tlie Constitution of the United States laid the foundation of a scries of provisions, to put a final stop to the progress of this great moral pestilence, by admitting a power in Congress to prohibit the importation of Slaves, after the expiration of the year 1807. Prior to that time, Congress did all on this subject tiiat it was within their competence to do.”—This last sentence refers to acts of Congress, passed at an early day after the adoption of the Constitution, upon kindred subjects to that of the imjiortation of.Slaves. And theso acts were passed under the powers con tained in the clause, respecting the regulation of commerce. They were passed too by the early statesman, many of whom were members of the Convention. By tlie acts of March 22d, 17!*4, and May 10,1800, the citizens of tho Uni ted States and residents within them, were pro hibited from engaging in the transportation ot Slaves from the United States, to any foreign place or country, or from one foreign place to another. These provisions prohibited our citi zens from all concern in the Slavo Trade, with the exception of direct importation into the U ni- ted States; and the most prompt and early steps were taken within tho limits of the Con stitution, to interdict tiiat part of the traffic al so. These latter are the act of 1807, prohilnt- ing the importation of Slaves into the United States, under severe penalties; the act of 1810 increasing the jicnaltics, and extending the pro hibition, not only to importations into the Uni ted States, hut generally against any citizen of tho United States, being concerned in the Slave Trade; the act of 1810, authorizing national armed vessels to be sent to tho coast of Africa, to stop the Trade, so for as our citizens were engaged in it, and subjecting their vessels and effects to seizure and confiscation; and finally the act of 1820, which went still farther, and made it punishable as piracy. Thcsc last acts have been recently assailed as unconstitutional, hy eminent Southern men; and of coursejf l»y I'llllUUIIl OTUUIL-I ll lull., — " these are unconstitutional,so must be those of 11 ■ 40 and 1800. It would seem to be sufficient to say that they were passed at an early day, and hy men whoought to have known the extent of the pow ers, as many of them were framers of the Consti tution itself The Courts have adjudicated rases arising under these statutes,and recognized their validity—sec the case of the Marine in the 9th Wheaton. Tho ground upon which these acts were at tacked as unconstitutional in tho recent Mont gomery Convention, was that they are unequal n their operation upon the interests of the States. That they fciled to lay any restraint, or prohibition upon the immigration ofwhite la borers to tho North, and that that immigration increased the power and added to tlie wealth of that section, while theso prohibitions of the Slave Trade, cutoff from the South importations Of negro laborers, and thereby prevented us from tiiat accession to our political power, and toour wealth. This objection, it seems to me, *f worth anything at all should havo been mado before tlie Convention which formed the Constitution or before tho State Conventions which ratified and adopted it If it proves anything, it proves too mneh; it proves tiiat the Constitution was wrong. If we make much more progress in statesmanship and political science, it will per haps be discovered that the Constitution itself is unconstitutional i for, certainly, in its opera tion over a country so diversified ours, it cannot be always perfectly equal in every practiral conscqucnceaml result No system of imports was ever yet so adjusted as to come up to this rule of constitutional equality; there never was perfect evenness in its operatons upon cu n State. Tlie Post Office system, on this ground, must be likewise set aside as unconstitutional, lliccs, anil more routes and fitter contracts in some States than othenj- Tlie distribution of Executive patronage, which done by virtue of the same coii-ditutioual sys tem, is all unconstitutional on the same ground, for it Is never perfectly equal ainongjhe sections, the States or the people. Suppose an act was passed legalizing and re-opening the Slave Trade, might not the freeesoil States of New England, where they have no negro slavery, and could not profitably maintain it, if they would, complain that the traffic worked inequality to them, by inuring exclusively to the benefit of the South ern States ? Then, tlie act would he unconsti tutional. I am the advocate of equality among the States; equality of Sovereignty, of rights and of legislation as for as is practicable; hut I cannot go that far. I think if that idea had been a fundamental ono with our ancestors, in tho sense of this objection, it would have defea ted all efforts to establish the Union. The true rule of equality, which is to govern Congress in the exercise of the power regulating commerce with foreign nations, and among the States, is laid down by the Constitution itself It was not left to conjecture, or to such consequences as might arise from the inevitable course of trade, under any regulation of a general nature, which in many instances could not he foreseen, and then would require the workings of exper ience to decide upon its constitutionality, or un- constitutionality ; and which in other instances would vary witli the changing course of com mercial affairs, and thereby a measure equal at tlio time of its adoption, become unequal under a change of circumstances. A safer and better rule than that’ vague and changeable test of equality was prcscribed,and ifa regulation comes up to it there is an cml of the dispute about its equality of operation. Here is the rule: “No tax or duty shall he laid on articles exported from any State. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue, to the ports of one State over those of another; nor shall vessels bound to orfrom one State, be o- bliged to enter, clear or jtay duties in another If tiiesc acts violate this provision, they are un constitutional on the ground of inequality. Tlie wisdom of prescribing such a test i- s manifest in every view we can take of it It Would he extremely unreasonable to say, tiiat a law, gen eral in its terms, and relating to the commerce of the entire country, should be subjected to the trial of experience, to ascertain whether or not it’ would work out with perfect equality upon the diversified interests of every section and every Stnte,and then after tlie trial, tiiat it should be decided, tiiat it was constitutional or uncon stitutional ; and equally unreasonable if from the inevitable diversity of interests, it should not prove equal in its applicability to these sections or States, to declare it unconstitutional.—This would destroy all legislation. And see in what a contradictory way tiiat test would he applied in reference to the very measures under consid eration. There is a large class of Northern pco- £ le, who regard tlie influx of the foreign popu- ition as an evil to the North. As great an evil to them, in the estimation of iome, as the influx of wild Africans would be in the estimation of others, into the South. Now, might they not complain that these regulations of commerce which exclude African importation upon the South, and leave open their ports to tlio influx of the foreign population, are unjust to the North and unequal in their operation ? Might not the Northern laborer say, you pour upon us the la boring population from Europe and reduce the wages of our labor; whereas, in the South, you exclude the importation of Africa Slave labor, and thereby keep up the wages of labor in the South? These illustrations are sufficient to show that there is no other test of equality, which can properly be applied, but that one which the Constitution lias fixed for itself. A Caution to Young ITIcu. .V young medical student from Michigan who had been attending lectures in New York for some time, and considered himself exceedingly good looking and fascinating, made a deadly on set on the heart and fortune of a blooming young lady who was boarding in the same house with him. After a prolonged siege the lady surren dered. They were married on Wednesday mor ning. The same afternoon the “young wife” sent for and exhibited to the astonished student “a beautiful little daughter,” three and a lialf years of age. “Good Heavens! then you were a widow,” exclaimed the astonwHtd ntuJwt - “Yes, my dear, and this is Amelia, iny youn gest; to-morrrow Augustus, James and Reuben will arrive from the country *and then I shall have all my children together once more.” The unhappy student replied not a word, his feelings were too deep for utterance. The next day the the “other darlings” arrived. Reuben was 0 years old, James 9, and Augustus a saucy boy of 12. They were delighted to hear that they had a “new papa,” because they could live at homo and have all tlie playthings they wan ted! Tho “now papa," as soon as he could speak, remarked that Augustus and James did not much resemble Reuben and Amelia. “Well, no,” said the happy mother, “:ny first husband was quite a different style of tempera ment, color of hair and eyes—all different” This was too much, he had not only married a widow, hut was her third husband, and the astonished step-father of four children. ' “But her fortune,” thought he. “that will make amends.” He spoke of her fortune. These are my treasures," says she, in tlie Roman matron style, pointing to her children. Tlie conceit was now quite taken out of tlie Slichigandcr, who, finding that lie hail made a complete goose of himself, at once retired to a farm in his native State, where he could have a chance to render his ‘lioys’ useful, and make them sweat for the deceit practiced upon him hy their mother. Curing Hams. A correspondent, Mr. Wo. II. Bennett, of Warwick, R. I., sends as the following descrip tion of a method practiced with great success hy him for several years in curing hams: lie first takes the cask in which tlie hams are to be salted, and smokes it for lialfanliouriover a low fire made with walnut chips. He then mokes a pickle for two hundred pounds of ham by dissolving fourteen pounds of Turk’s Island salt, half a pound of saltpeter, and two quarts of molasses in sufficient water to cover tlie meat when placed in the barrel This pickle is skimmed while the salt is being dissolved nt a scalding heat When cooled down this brine is poured upon the liams in tlie barrel, and they are allowed to lay in it until they are salted.— They are then lilted out, hung up to dry, and are afterwards rubbed over with a composition of fine salt, black and red pepper, and some ground cloves. When this operation is perfor med, they are sewed in bags, and hung up with shanks downwards. A dry, cool attic cham ber is the best place to keep them. Hams thus preserved havo a very excellent flavor, and do not require to go through the smoking process. The simple smoking of tlie cask will havo the effect of communicating a mild, smoky savor to the meat. Of this we are confident, because we hare seen it done, and ran endorse Mr. Ben nett’s experience in regard to his feature of the process. Wc believe his process is a good one. Scientific American. Pkoclivitv to IIumbco.—A celebrated swind- lercss thus narrates one of her operations: “I was onco in tlio city of 11 ashington, ex amining heads, At, and had rather had luck. I couldn't much more than make my board, and determined in some way to raise the wind So I one day sent tho man who traveled with me to a swamp, where he cut two hundred sticks. These he drew to the city, according to my or ders, and put them on the streets to sell as canes from the Mount Vernon estate, and all of them readily sold for a dollar a piece. ’I don’t Fup- josc,’ added the madam, That a single man who jouglit a cane cared any more for Washington than I do, but they thought it would be a nice idea to have a cane from his farm, and they nev- knew the difference. I tell you there is noth in/ like humbug- People will pay more for it than for anything else; and so long as they will be humbugged, 1 might as well make something out of it as anybody. Stati: Road Affairs.—Wc stated some days ago that the inquiry proposed in the House had been rejected by that body. On Tuesday the vote was reconsidered, anil the resolution adop- te<L calling on the Governor for a statement of tlie gross income of the State Road, thesums ai ,Uo Attorneys, and the amount paid into jjjo Treasury during certain years, to include Gov. Johnson’s administration.—Recorder. G-EOBG-IA Mastic Roofing Company, PROPRIETORS or RUSSELL’S PATENT IF’ire && "W'Euter Proof MASTIC ROOFING oisr CANVAS. HAVING purchased the right to use and sell the above HOOFING for several SOUTHERN STATES, we are now prepared to do ROOFING or SELL RIGHTS to nse the same. This roofing is adapted to new or old BUILDINGS, steep or flat roots and can be pnt over Plank or old leaky shingles/Tin or Iron Roofs At costs about half the price and is much belter than Tin—is not affected by heat or cold and is impervious to wa ter ; it ia tire proof, and it is the best rooting ev er invented for STEAMBOAT DECKS, Rail Road Cars, Bridgesi &c. Ac. It is warranted to give entire satisfaction. For farther information apply to FREEMAN Jc ROBERTS, or junto tf A. P. CHERRY Macon. Ga. Hardeman & Griffin ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR WOMfilgj STOCK, AT THEIR OLD STAND. T HEIR Stock consist in part of the following GOODS, to which they invite the attention of itlcrcliants and Pin liters: SO boles Gunny Cloth 300 coils Richardson Rope 1000 pounds Baling Twine ISO bags Coffee, Java, Porto Kirn. Itio and La- guira to chests Black and Green Tea 75 barrels ABAC Sugar S5 barrels crashed and Powdered Sitgio- 5 boxes Loaf Sugar 15 hogsheads fine Porto Rico 300 sacks Liverpool Salt too sacks Alum Salt 150 boxes Adamantine Candles 40 boxes Sperm Candles 75 boxes No. 1 Soap— 30 boxes Family Toilet Soap 30 boxes assorted and Fancy Candy 135 kegs Nails 50 boxes Starch 100 jars Snuff 50 whole, half and quarter kegs of Powder 30 cans Dock-shooting Powder 100 bags Shot 100,000 Segara. various brands 50 boxes Tobacco SO cases Magnoliaand Combination Tobacco 30 bales Osnaburgs and Stripes 5 cases Homespuns, bleached 10 bales Georgia Kerseys 5 bales Northern Kerseys 15 bales Blankets, all sizes 00 baskets Piper’s Heidsick Wine 75 cases Ginger and Blackberry Wine ami Brandy 50 barrels Rye and Corn Whiskey 10 barrels Extra old Bourbon 50 barrels Gin, Rum and Brandy 10 casks Madeira, Port and Sweet Wine 10 cases London Dock Gin 15 esses Uoker's and Stoughton Bitters 10 cases Lemon Syrup 30 casks Ale and Porter 10 boxes Ginger Preserves, Prunes and Figs 30 boxes Anorted Pickles 30 boxes Sapor. Curb. Soda 30 barrels aud boxes Soda and Butter Crackers 35 boxes Herrings 5 sacks Ashton’s Table Salt 10 dozen Well Backets 5 cises Ashton s Table Salt 35 dozen Blue Buckets le w««ta of Tubs 30 d oze Wool lists SO boxes Leverit Axes 10000 tiounds White Lead and Zinc 100 barrels Liuseed Oil 10 barrels Tanners’ and Machine Oil ALSO, A FISC LOT OF CHROME GREEN, YELLOW. PRUSSIAN BLUE TERRA DE SIENNA. BURNT UMBER, Ac., An. PAINTS AND VARNISH, BRUSHES AND SASH TOOLS. Macon, Sept. 38,1850. MENARD & BURGHARD, UMTCai.ir.iKERS AND J e w eler s, XTAYE jnst received and opened a large and XX splendid assortment of Goods in their line, consisting in part of the following articles, GOLD AND SILVER "W ATCHES. Hunting Magic Cose, Independent .3d, Ac., for Gen tlemen. BOLD WATt nES for Ladles; rich and bean tiful. SIliVEIt WAKE, such as Spoons, Cups, Gob lets, Ac. 9 - SILVER PLATED WAKE, such as Cas tors, Egg Boilers, (with Gold Plated Gold Cups and Spoons,) Fruit Baskets, Pitchers, Candle Sticks, Waiters, Ac. J E 'W E LEY. Consisting of Diamond and Gold Hinge, Pins, Sec., dec., sparkling and bright Musical In st runt cuts, Such as Violins. Flutes, Guitars, Banjos, Tnrnbo- riues. Gold Pens, and Pencils. Guitar aud Violin Strings, and a varied assortment of Fancy Goods, Music Boxes, too numerous to particularize in an advertisement. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon them, since they commenced business, they solicit a continuance of the same, and will spare no pains to give satisfaction to their customers, both in style and quality of their Wares, and in price. Watch and other repairing executed with dispatch and ou reasonable terms. M. Sc B. oct5 CARPETINGS! Floor Oil Clotlas, H^r^-TTITSTG-S, RUGS AND MATS!! A LARGE Slock, and a great variety of style, of the above Goods, jnst received, which will be sold at far lower figures, and give purchasers a so lection from tlie best stock ever offered in ilacon.— A I. 80 , SATIN, DeLAINE, DAMASK, LACE and MUSLIN, WINDOW CURTAINS, WINDOW S II A D E 8, GILT CORNICESand BANDS in great variety. Purchasers will consult their own interest by ex amiuing my stock before buying. aug3-tf B. F. ROSS. D. C. HODGKINS & SON, JMIaLOon, Grao. T NVITES the Jl attention «fj_ = rs, to t li c 1 Urge selection of DOUBLE GUNS, RIFLES, PIS TOLS, POCKET AND SPOUTING CUTLERY, FISHING TA< KLE, WALKING STICKS. FOR- EION AND DOMESTIC AMUNITION, and every article found in a FIRST CLASS Sportsman’s Emporium, NORTH OR SOUTH. By careful attention to the busiucsi, and keeping the best GOODS in our line, we expect to receive a continuation of past favors. Repairiug carefully mimilril Iona licrclo- Oct.36. fore. PIANO-FORTES. N OW Receiving some of the most SPLENDID PIANO FORTES aver offered for sale in Maoon, from the _ celebrated Factories of J. C. Chickering and Nnnn A Clark, warranted superior to any other made in the Umted States. Also, two HARPS from J. F. Brown A Co’s. Factory. The above instruments are a feast to one's eyes to look at, and the tone completely captivating. Wo shall take pleasure to show these instruments to any that have a taste for fine goods. On hand. Prince Melodians, best article of the kind made; Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Accordeons, Tamborins, Bugles, Clarionetts, Flagolettes, Flutes, and a variety ofBrass Instruments for Bands, kept in our line. Guitar and Violin Strings, Sheet Music for Piano and Guitar, Instruction Books, Ac. WntchcM, jewelry and I-'nncv Goo-l«. Splendid Gold and Silver WATCHES; JU Gentlemen and Ladies patterns, Gold Chains, (£: J Brooches, Rings, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles, Gold Peas, and Pencils, Gold and SUver Spectacle Silver Spoons and Forks, silver, ivory ami wood Nap kin Rings, silver plated Cake Baskets, Castors, Watt ers and Candle Sticks—and a variety of Fancy Goods, Shot Guns, Rifles, Game Bogs, Pouches, Flasks, Pistols, Ac. U7* Clocks and Watches repaired, and warranted, at short notice. Give us a call at our old stand, Cot ton Avenne, Union Bnilding. nov a J. A. A & S. VIRGIN. Fine Fresh Fruit. O RANGES, Apples, Ac., by tbs doxen or barrel. For sale by GREER A FREEMAN, nov 9 30 Potatoes i Foiiiiocs: BBLS. Mercer. Dykeman and Yellow Pota toes, arriving and tor sale by nov 9 GIIEER A FREEMAN. A Word to tlie Ladies. inrrE are now receiving theSecond Stock of Win- VY ter Goods, as one of the firm has just return ed from New York. All goods bought tho first purchaie are marked down to run them off and the second Stock can be purchased at prices varying from 37 J to 50 per cent less than previous prices. Tis useless to particularize, as our Stock is too vast, and comprizes too many entirely new gems to put on paper. Now’ is the time to buy youn-t-’.ves rich. Don't lose money hy not calling, when it is so convenient Call soon before stylet are picked over. ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS. nov 16 WATCHES, Jewelry, Pianos, Scc. NEW AND ELEGANT STOCK NOW OPENING FOR 1858. Fall & Winter Trade, 1859. CONSISTING IN PART OF WATCZIKS of all the finest and Medium 'qualities cased in Gold and Silver, for Ladies and Gentlemen’s wear, warranted good time keepers CHAINS, Keys, Seals, Scc. t of the best styles worn. JEWELKY in sets of Diamond, Opal* Pearl, Garnet, Cameo, Lava, Mosaics, all Gold, Scc. PEN AJVD JPEIYCIL CASES of Gold and Silver. SPECTACLES, of Gold, Silver, Steel, ami Common, including a fine lot of Scotch Pebble#. HILTER WARE, Tea Setts, Pitchers. Gob- blets, Cups, Dippers, Butter Coolers, Waiters, Forks, Spoons, Knives, &c. Warranted equal and superior to U. S. Coin. PLATED WARE, in Waiters, Baskets. Cas tors, Wine, Egg 6c Fruit Stands, Snuffers and Trays, Scc.t of good quality. FANCY GOODS, an endless variety of new and elegant designs, selected for Bridal and other Presents. ALSO A FINE STOCK OF Cutlery for Ta ble and Pocket use, Guns, Colt’s Pistols, Pocket Books, Banker’s Cases, Surveyor’s Compasses, Chains, Gas Fixtures, Oil Paintings, Tooth and Hair Brushes, Walking Canes, Military Goods, Knight Templar’s Swords, Baskets. Games of various kinds, Billiard Balls, ditto Chalk Leathers, Scc. Mechani cal aud Magnetic Toys, &c.. See., all of which will be sold ou the best terms. A call is respectfully so licited with iiu assurance that our best efforts will be to please In quality and price of our Goods. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. PIANOS AND ■ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.STuTt/ A now anil lino lot expected daily, and will be sold at Manufacturer's Prices. E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. H*AIR WOllK. We are now prepared to have all kinds of Hair Work done with neatness and beauty nov 2 E. J. JOHNSTON Sc CO. T. H. BOLSHAW, t\ HEKZOG. Something Now under the Sun- A LAMP STORE IN MACON. rp HE subscribers have opened a LAMP STORE X this day, at No. 11 Colton Avenue, three doors above Parker’s, where may be found a variety ol LAMPS FOR BURNING COAL OIL. This Oil is not explosive, and having been tested, proves to be the cheapest, best and safest light now in nse, anywhere; Call and see ft. Wo have on hand, and will keep i. constant sup ply dT~Kootl COAL OIL for these Lamps; also, BURNING FLUID. CAMPlllCKBoud ALJCOIIOU We have a carefully selected stock of CHINA, GLASS, both pressed and cut, from llie best Manufacturers, Crockery, TnbJc Cnllrry, C'oslor Framn, iVc., which wo will sell cheap for CASIf. .SO.UET2IING NEWER 8TILL! ENGRAVING ON GLASS, of every description, such as Coat of Arms, Crests, Lettering of every style. Landscapes, Animals, Flowers, Figures, Ac., done to order in tho store. BOLSHAW A HERZOG. Macon, Sept. 6th,*1058. Cm*. sept 7 BOOK BINDING. J ACKSON BAH NES manufactures to order every description of blank account books, mid binds in any style desired. Magaxines, Law, Music and Miscellaneous Hooka, clekks’ kecoro and docket books, with or without puinteo kurus, and warrant ed best quality paper. LV Engineers' profile paper made from the best English drawing to any iength or width. All orders from the country promptly and careful ly nttended to. Ollico on Cotton Avenue one door below Ross ami Coleman's. apl 13 ID^V'IID ROSS, BOOK BINDER AND ACCOUNT BOOK M anufacturcr, C 10NTINUE.3 to makt* BLANK BOOKS for / CoariN, Counting IIoomcm and Rail Roads and to Bind all varieties of FUINTF.D WORK with superior neatness and despatch. MUSIC BOUND WITH ELASTICITY and ELEGANCE. LAW BOOKS IN THE MOST APPROVED STYLES, HARPERS’ WEEKLY ^MAGAZINE, GRAHAM’S, GOBEV’S and all other PKKIOBICAl-S and Magazines BOUND in reat and cheap Bindings. Particular attention paid to the re-bimling value hie old Books. Orders from a distance will meet with prompt at tention. Office upon the corner of Third !f Clierry-Sts Over G. T. Rodgers A Sou, Macon, Gn. ang 24■ Fancy and Staple DRY-GOODS. NEW STOCK. YTTE have just opened a large and elegant Stock VV of Goods in one of the New Stores under GRANITE HALL, Selected with great care to suit the trade of Macon, and adjoining country—among which are: SILK ROBES A LEZ. SILK ROBES DOUBLE JUPE, SILK ROBES VOLANTES, or 2 FLOUNCES, FANCY SILKS in great variety, PLAIN and FIGURED BLACK SILKS, EVENING DRESSES. DKLAlNEan.i .MERINO ROBES A LEZ, PLAIN and FIGURED DzLAINES, PLAIN and FIGURED MERINOE3, VALENCIAS, POPLINS. PLAIDS, FOIL de CHEVitES, MOURNING, and vari ous other styles of SCHEDULE ON THE South-Western R. H. OVER WHICH FAS3ES THE GREAT NEW YORK AND NEW ORLEANS MAILS. Embroideries. Real French Cambric and Swiss Collars* Setts, Handkerchiefs, Sec. Valenciennes Collars and Setts, Linen and Pique Collars and Setts, Mourning Collars and I*etts, Illusion Berthas, Real Thread aud Valenciennes Laces, Hosiery and Gloves, great variety, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Cloaks, from Brodie’s, SHAWLS—Nett, Stella, Long, Mourning, and other varieties. A full assortment of STAPLE GOODS, Which we offer to sell on as favorable terms as any House in the State. 12^PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. N. S. PRUDDEN & CO., oct!9 Granite Hall Block, Macon, Ga. GEO. W. PRICE IS KOW Receiving liis Stock o r t&m ©‘UWILH Fall ami Winter DRY GOODS Which will be disposed of on as good terms as any house in the city. His friends and the public gener ally, are requested to <3-ive Him a Call. September 21, 18S8.—3m* ELIAS EINSTEIN, Corner or fid St. A: Cotton Avenue, n JSGS leave to inform the Ladies of Macon and tho public in general that ho has just returned from New-York and is now ready to show one of the Largest und handsomest Stocks of FANCY, STAPLE AND DOMESTIC ever exhibited in the Southern market, which will bo sold at remarkably low figures to cash and prompt paying time buyers. The Stock comprises, in part, the following, viz .Silk Dress Good*. Robes a Lis, and Bayadere Striped Fancy Silks, Black Silks, such as Grog He Rhine, Gros de Naple and Bishop Silks. Woolen Dress Goods* French, German and English Merinoes, All wool Robes a Lis, De Laine Robes a quille Cashmere Robes a quille, Imp. Foulard, Brocaded Rutera. Poil de Cheore Imperial Paramattas, Mohairs, Cashmeres, Balmorals, De Laines, De Beges, English, American Sc French Prints Sc Ginghams Shawl* and Scarfs. Mantilla Stella Shawls, Mantilla Sbawls, Stella £hawls, Chenille Shawls, Waterloo Long Shawls, Bay State Long and Square Shawls, Crape, Basket and Blanket Shawls, Cheuille, Cashmere aud printed Scarfs. Cloaks—A Choice Assortment of Talisman, Rosalie, Eva, Casta Diva, Pandora, Cordelia, Duchess de Beni, Rob Roy, Grey Maneuvering and Velvet Cloaks, of the very latest and most fashionable styles, Eiubroidcricti. Ribb. Jacconet, Colar de Paris, Jacconet And Swiss Gt. Setts, Ribb. Jacconet Setts de Paris, Ribb. Jacconet Prima Donna Setts, Lace .trimmed Setts, Embroidered Bands, Flounciugs, Skirts. Children’s Waists and Robes, Lace and Muslin Curtains. A conjplctc AftMortincnt of Hosiery, llouae nml Plantation Furnishing Goods, and all other articles usually found in a regular Dry Good Store.- Remember, at ELIAS EINSTEIN’S, Sep. 2d, Comer 2d Street and Cotton Avenue. PUGH’S PHOTOGRAPH AND FINE ART GALLERY, TRIANGULAR BLOCK. T IIAVE just returned from New York with all late A improvements in the Art, and a large and well selected Stock ol Cases of every description, of the b£St European and American Manufacture, among which are fine French Oval, Velvet, Pearl, Tortoise Shell, and new and beautiful patterns of tlio univer sally admired Onion Case, any of which will be sold cheap, with superior Pictures in any of the various styles, and every Likeness warranted to give entire satisfaction. Call and examine for yourselves. Aug. 31, 1858. J. A. PUGH. NEW BOOKS At Boardman’s Book Store. A llKlilCAN KLOy UKNC’li in 2 vola ; u new Cy clopedia of Commerce; Burton's Cyclopedia of Wit -V Humor: a Handy Book on Property Law; Man upon the Sea, by Goodrich; Bomanlic passa ges in South Western History; Life beneath tho Wa ters ; The Hand but not the Heart, by T. S. Arthur; William tho Conqueror, by Gen. Sir Charles Napier; Doctor Thorne; a new edition of Edgar A Poe’s works; The Preacher and the King, The Priest and the Hngnonot; Lord George itentiek, by D israeli; Beatrice Cenci; Debit A Credit; Major Roger Sher man Potter; Douglas Jerrold's Wit; Belleiiriltan onatonr; Life and Times of Hugh Miller; Cruise of the Betsey; Testimony of the Bocks; Jefferson'. Works; Bower's Novels complete; G rote’s History of Greece; Sparrow Grass Papers; Lord Montagu's page, by G. P. R James ; The Three Heanties, by Mrs. Soothwortb : Ventillatlon in American Dwell ings; Derivation of Family names; Wisdom, Wit and Humor; Steps towards Heaven; Den’s Moral Theology; Mizpab, a Prayer Book; Wayaide Pic tures in France, Holland, Belgium, and up the Rhine; Wild Northern Scenee; Also a large assortment of fine Family Bibles. J. M. BOABDMAN. Sept. 31,1858. New Steam Saw Mill. H AVING started a Steam Saw Mill in Houston Connty, about seven miles from Perry, near tlie roads leading from Perry to Macon, wo flatter our selves,that we can furnish asgoodifnot better Lum ber than any other Mill, having the best of Pine Timber, and good Sawyers. tVc will fillHills from Macon, I’ort Valley, Perry and tho surrounding conntrr, upon n- good terms as other MiUf.or the times will admit of. Those who want Lumber will, no doubt, find it totheuf interest to give us their bills, as we intend to give satisfac tion if possible. Y Address Perry, Houston county>Ga. JOHN II.TIIOMAS, and JOHN A. THOMAS. jnne 15-tf The Journal 4 Messenger copy tf. Cowlc’s Superior Cream CItccsc, FKESIl FROM THE DAISY, J UST received aud for sale by nov 9 eiDi-Su QUEER 4 FREEMAN. Christum* is Coming'! BOXES Fir.- Crackers and a large assortment OU of Fire Works of alt kinds, received^ an.Mor sale by Nov. 83. ’ GREER 4 FREEMAN. SAVE YOUR CARPETS, _ nr usikg HARRINGTON'S CELEBRATED PATENT CARPET LINING, To put under Carpets, as a substitute for Straw Paper, &c., &c. T HIS Lining is considered far superior to any ar tide ever used for the saving of Carpets or Oi Cloths. It is peculiarly soft to the tread, is u Muliler of sound, and enriches the Carpet Fifty per cent. It also adds greatly to the warmth of a room by pre venting the cold air from passing through the seams of the floor. The material used in this Lining ren ders it a sore protection against moth. GF*Ladies, Call at the Carpet Stores, and sec for yourselves. To be had at any of the Principal Carpet Stores in the V. S. Manufactured under the supervision o the Patentee by the N. Y. CARPET LINING CO. (J. R. lUnniNcTON, Agent,) 443 Water-st., N. Y Harrington's Carpet Lining and Premium Cotton Batting constantly manufacturing. AU orders promptly attended to. Oct 19—3m Hardeman & Sparks "W ar© House AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, •Ilacon, Ga., W ILL continue to give prompt attention at their FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE, on the cor ner of 3d and Poplar streets, to all business commit ted to theircharge. • With their thanks for past favors, and a renewed pledge of faithfulness to all their friends and cus tomers, they hope to receive their full «haro of pub lic patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton and other pro duce when required. igp*Pianter's Family Stores, also Bagging, Rope, 4c., furniahedat the lowest market rates. THOS. HARDMAN. o. O. STARKS. sep Plumbing and Gas Fitting. JAMES DANIELS W OULD most respectfully inform the Citizens of Mf»coii, that he is now prepared to do all kinds of PLUMBING AND GAS PITTING, at the shortest notice, and after the most approved ■tyle We are also prepared to furnish Lead aud Copper lint- 1 15 ,:'.i TuU^, Marble top Stands, Copper Boilers for heating water, «3cc. Buildings fitted up with cold and hot water Pipes, after the most approved style. tsr Shop in the rear of T. J. Lane’s Grocery Store, Orders left at the same, will be proraptlyat- ndedto JAMES DANIELS. Macon, Ga, References—B. A. Wise, D. B. Woodruff, and T. J. Lane. 3m sept 21 Cheese. UST received and reoeiving weekly, & lot cf NEW YORK STATE CHEESE, which will bo sole low at wholesale. JOHN A. NELSON. oct5 East Maoon To Arrive. orA PACKAGES new crop Mi «gOU Packsges; J, B. A. Mackerel, all size VV. A. K08S. Two Daily Trains between Macon <$• Columbus. ON AND AFTER JULY 20th, Leave Macon at 21.45 p. m. and 0.45 a. ra. Arrive at Columbos 5.35 a. m. and 3.45 p. ra. Leave Columbus 4.00 a. in. and 3.45 p. m. Arrive at Macon 9.50 a. in. and 9.18 d. Daily between. Macon, Albany and Dawson ? Leave Macon 11.45 p. m. Arrive in Albany 6.25 a. m, Arrive at Dawson 6.00 Leave Albany 3.00 p. in. Leave Dawson 1.40 p. m. Arrive in Macon "9.18 p. m. Tri-Wcekly. Down: Monday, Wednesday and Friday—Up: Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Leave Macon 7.12 a. m. Arrive at Albany 4.32 p. m, Arrive at Dawson 5.20 p. m. Leave Albany 6.20 a. m. Leave Dawson . Ar rive at Macon 9.11 p. m, Trans to Columbus form a through connection to Montgomery, Alabama and Augusta, Kingsville, Wilmington, Savannah, Milledgeville and Eatonton. Post Coaches run from Albany to Tallahassee, Bainbridge, Thomasville, &c., daily; also, tri-week- ly from Dawson to Cuthbett, Fort Gaines, Ac. Hacks run six times a week from Fort Valley Jo Perry, Haynesville and Ilawkinsville, and tri-week ly to Knoxville, Ga. Passengers for points below Fort Valley, should take the Day Trains from Augusta and Savannah to avoid detention in Macon. For other points take ei ther Traiu. First class steamships leave Savannah for Now York, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Passage in the Cabin 815, Steerage 86. Through Tickets can be procured from Rail Road Agents at Montgomery, Columbus and Albany via Savannah to New York, by Steamships, in Cabin, as follows: Montgomery 826; Columbus 823; Albany 824 25. GEO. VV. ADAMS, aug3 Superintendent. MAC ON A WESTERIVIUIL ROAD. O N and after Thursday, 15th July, the Trains will be run as follows: Leave Macon at 12 night. Arrive at Atlanta 7.15 A. M. Leave Macon at 10 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 4.00 P. M. Leave Atlanta at 12 night. Arrive &t Macon 7.15 A. M. Leave Atlanta at 11 A. M. Arrive at Macon 5.00 P.M. The night train will not bo run on Sundays. The 12 night train from Macon conuects with the Wes tern and Atlantic Road for Chattanooga, Knoxville, Nashville, Memphis, at 12.15 I*. M , with Georgia R. R. for Augusta, at 10 A. M., aud Atlauta A West Point R. R. at 10.15 A. M. The 10 A. M. train from Macon, connects wiih tip- Western A Atlantic U. R. at 8.40 P. M and Georgia R. R. at 12 night; and Atlanta A West Point R. R-, at 12,5 A. M. . The completion of tho Virginia and Tennessee Hail Road, makes tliis the most pleasant and direct route to tho Virginia Springs, Through Tickets to which may be had at Atlanta, for 826 25, including Stage fare, 87 00, and to New- York for 832 00. Further information may be had in relation to tbia Route, on application to the General Ticket Office, Atlanta.. ALFRED L. TYLER, ang 3 Superintendent For PIiElartcIpfsia, New York, Ac. FftOM Savannah and Charleston. CABIN PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA....$13 Excursion Tickets good for returning, up to January 1,1859, 825 Tickets from Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, furnished by the Agents at Charleston and Savannah, 88 The well known first class aide-wheel Steamships • Heystone State, CAPT. C. P. MAjiSHMAN, and S-tfuto of G-oorgia, CAP 1'. J. J. GARVIN, Now form a Weekly Line for the North, leaving Charleston and Savannah on alternate Saturdays, as follows : The Keystone State, from Charleston, August 14, 28th; Sept, llth, 25th ; Oct. 9th, and 23d., Ac., leav ing Philadelphia the alternate Saturdays. The State of Georgia, from Savannah, August 7th, 2Ist;Sept. 4th, Oct. 2d, 16th and 30th, Ac., leaving Philadelphia the alternate Saturdays. For safety ana comfort, having superior STATE ROOMS, these Ships are not surpassed by any on the coast. One hundred miles of this route ou Delaware River and Bay—two nights at sea. FOR NIAGARA FALLS, THE LAKES & CANAD SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. This Line connects at Philadelphia with the Great Northwestern Railroad Route through to Niagara Falls or Buffalo, in 16 hours from Philadelphia.— Through tickets, with the privilege of stopping at Philadelphia and intermediate points, tor sale by the Agents in Savannah. Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, 822. Elmira, 821 to Canandaigua, 822. • C. A..GREINER A CO., Agents at Savannah. T. S. A T. G. BUDD, Agents at Charleston. aug 3 3m DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE. J. B. & W. A. BOSS, A re now receiving a large and well selected Stock of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE, to which they invite theattention of MERCHANTS. Oct. 36—tf Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dyes, ... Varnisltes, . Patent Medicines, Perfumery, SpiceS, Brandy and M ines, For Medical purposes, and all -rtirlcs in tho line, can ho found stricilv pnre at tlie Drue Store oi ' ZEILIN. HUNT 4 Co. Opposite the Telegraph Bnilding, Macon, Ga. june 22 r ' LIGHT IT LIGHT!! SPIltlX GAS ! Bixmlns Fluid. A ND CAMFHINE. For sale by may 18 /.i.il.i.N' HUNT 4 CO. Train Oil T UST RECEIVED, by O Sept. 38. ZKILIN, HUNT, 4 CO. Sperm Oil 170R SALK, by ZE1LIN, HUNT 4 CO. T Sept. 28. _ - SEW DBVG STOKE! ALEX. A. MENARD, RALSTON’S BUILDING, CHERRY ST.- MACON, GA H AS just received and ia now opening a fresh stock of DrugH, iricriiciucM, ChtinicalN, ss J* Iimlriimcntifl, Pniu.’s, Oils, T jr Dyc-StniT» f Perfumery, ££ i*aicut .liodi- cines, Phci-iunccuticnl Prcparn cions*, Ac. My Drugs havo been telected with strict refer ence to their purity and quality; thay are fresh and may be fully relied on. 13?" Orilcr* Faithfully Kxrcutcd. ^ffr% Physicians’ Prescriptions and Family Medi cines put up with neatness and accuracy, at all hours of the day or night. ty A largo cot of Artificial Teeth just received feh 24 tf JUST RECEIVED. Ag AAA Papers Ganl cm Weed*. ^O.UUU 3 bush. Kentucky Bloc €ilm.n 9 A. A. MENARD, DruggP* b24-tf Cherry Si...it Ladies' Cloaks. J UST opened, this day, another large iot <>f thoso handsome Cloth and Velvet Cloaks; at ocf 19 PARKERS. INVITATION TO THE LADIES! IF YOU WANT 6PLENDID SILKS in great variety, cheaper than you ever bought, go to DENMAN sk WATER MAN’S. IF YOU WANT RICH ROBES A LAIZE, RICH ROBES A VALENTINES, RICH ROBES A QUILLES, MISSES ROBES A VALENTINES, in Silks, Cashmeres, and de Laines, go to DENMAN 4 WATERMAN S. IF YOU WANT BEST FRENCH MERINOS, at 87J cents per yard, go to DENMAN 4 WATERMAN’S. IF YOU WANT CLOTH, RAGLAN. FRENCH BEAVER, and all other styles of Cloaks, go to DENMAN 4 WATERMAN’S. IF YOU WANT STELLA MANTILLA SHAWLS and Scarfs. Also, Cloth Mantilla Shawls, go to DENMAN 4 WATERMAN’S IF YOU WANT Embroidered and plain plaited Linen SHIRT Fronts, go to DENMAN 4 WATERMAN S. IF YOU WANT BLACK ALPACCA, BOMBASIN, plain and figured deLaices, English Merino, Plaid Merino French worked Colara and Banda, Bonnet Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Embroid’d Hem stitched and plain Hdkfs., Head Dresses, La dies Merino Vests, Thread, Jaconet and Swiss Edg ings, Combs and Brushes, Perfumery, Ac., go to DENMAN 4 WATERMAN’S. IF YOU WANT The best bleached and brown Homespuns, Irish Linens, White and Red Flannels, KM 12-4 Sheetings, Plaid Linseys, plaid aud striped Home-, spun. Bed Ticking, Sattinets, plain and plaid Ken tucky Jeans, Gents Merino Under-shirts and Draw ers, brown and colored Jeans, bleached and brown Canton Flannels, Sec.. Splendid lot of BED BLAN KETS, NEGRO BLANKETS AND KERSEYS, CALICOES, Sec., and many other Goods too numer ous to mention, all of which, will be sold on very reasonable terms, by calling on DENMAN & WATERMAN, oct 5 Cotton Avenne, Ilacon. Lime, Plaster, Cement and llair. ^^■E_ keep constantly on hand a good supply ol the above articles. Oct. 26—tf J. B. 4 VV. A. ROSS. Paints, Oils and Glass. F IVE THOUSANDS pounda Oil* and Glass, 3000 pound* French and American Zinc, 1000 Gallons Linseed Oil, 10 Barrels Turpentine, With all kinds of Colors aud Paint Brushes, all fresh and good. Givo us a cull. Oct. 26—tf J. B. Sc W. A. ROSS. TO PLANTERS AND MEECHANTS. W E offer the following articles on very accom modating terms: 1000 rolls Gunny Bagging, 1000 Sacks Salt, 25 barrels Potatoes, 410 bales heavy Gunny Bagging, 1100 coils Richardson’s Green Leaf Rope, 1000 pounds Twiue, 175 barrels Sugar, 200 sacks Coffee all qualities. 150 boxes Candles all qualities, 100 do Soap, 75 boxes -Starch, 100 boxes Candy, 100 do Soda, 125 kegs Nails, 150 bales Osnaburgs, 50 bales Georgia Kerseys, 25 bales Yarns, 100 bales Brown Sheetings and Shirtings, 25 hhds. Molasses, 20 barrels Syrup, Large Stock of fresh and new Dry G-oods, Daily receiving in Store, which wo will sell at living rates, consisting of the following : 20 cases Prints, IS cases Ginghams, 1C00 pieces Merinoes, Delanes, Shally and Alpacas 11)00 dozen Hosiery, 25 bales Marlboro and other domestio Stripes, 10 bales Ticking, 10 cases Linseys, 10 cases Flannels, 535 pieces Satinets and Jeans 150 pieces Caxsimeres, 50 pieces Fancy and Black Silks, 800 dozen Handkerchiefs, 1200 pieces white Muslins, Also, a large Stock of Clothing and Hats, with 350 cases of Shoes of all kinds, and 1000 Negro Blankets. We respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. Oct. 26-tf J. B. 4 W. A. ROSS. Buy Early Copies—now Ready « TUB.POETICAL WORKS OF EDGAB ALLAN POE, Beautifully Illustrated with more than ONE HUNDRED ORIGINAL DESIGNS By Dxblzt, Biiikit, Fostzr, Pickkrsgill, Tes- kiel, Cnorszr, Duggan and Maddot ; And engraved in the finosi style of Wood Engraving By COOPER, LINTON, EVANS, 4a, 4a Splendidly Bound—Price Six Dollars. A few Copies Li Morocco, Nine Dollars. ALSO, THE FIFTEENTH EDITION OF POE’S COMPLETE WORKS, l.\ FOL K YOU MES, Ifii. i'UICF - Containing tho Tales of tho Grotesque and Ara besque ; Wonderful Stories of the Imagination; AU his Poetry; The Story of Arthur Gordon Pym, and a complete collection of all his contributions to tho Magazine. Edited by RUFUS W. GRISWOLD, D. D., with Notices of his Life by J- R Lowell and N. P. Willis. Sent by mail, postage prepaid, on receipt of price. J. S. REDFIELD, Agent, Oct 26—2in 34 Beokmnn st., New York. A BOOK FOR THE SICK. BY DR. SAMUEL S. F1TC1L S IX Lectures on the causes and cure of Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Heart Disease, Dys pepsia, Female Complaints, aud Chronic Diseases generally, (bound, 380 pages, 30 engravings,) by Dr. SAMUEL S. FITCH , explaining the author's treat ment by which he both prevents and cures the above diseases. This book has been the me«ns of saviog thousands of lives. Price 25 cts. Sent by mail, post-paid, for 10 cents. Apply to Dr. S. 8. FITCH, office 714 Broadway, New York. Consultation personally or by letter, free. octl9—3m A. IV. C. 22 CLIFF STREET, i\K\V YORK, liAXUPACTDREB OF GLASS SYRINGES. IIOMtEOi'ATUIU VIALS, GRADUATED MEASURES, NURS ING BOTTLES, ETC. Glass Ware for Cht-mists, Druggists, I’c-rfnmora, Photographers, etc. Green Glassware by lha pack age. A liberal discount made to the trade. Or ders from Country Druggists and Dealers solicited. Price Lists cent on application. Sept. 14, 1.838.—3mos. BOOTS AND SHOES, A TTHE SIGN OFTUE BIG BOOT, No. 3. Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers . would return their thanks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and wonld most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Wehave now in store a largo assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES* mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the different styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite thoso wishing to pnrehase, to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell os low as any honse in the city or State. Sept, 38, MIX 4KIRTLAND. T) (JOTS.—A full assortment of Gents’ fine JL) French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and waterproof, ofvarions kinds and qualities, both. soled and pegged. Just receivedand for sain low by Sept. 28. MIX 4 KIKTLAND. R l of Gents and boys Rubbers. Also, La-’ dies slipper and sandal robber Shoes of Goodyear's celebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by Sept. 28. MIX 4 KIKTLAND. P lantation hkogaxs.-Xow instore _ the best assortment of Negro Shoes, have ever offered In this market. Men's double soled peg and nailed black and nusetts; do. heavy single soled black and rnssetts.- do. boys and youths black and rnssetts, all of which we are selliug very Sept. 38. MIX 4 KIRTLAND. TJOOTS AND SHOES.—Men’s, Boys and JJ Youth's fine calf andkippeg’d Boots;* Men’s stout kip hunting and mud Boots; Gents last ing Gaiters, Monterey, opera and ties, and tine call Brogans; Gents,boys’ and youths' patent and enam elled Brogans; Men’s, boys' and youths’ California kip Brogans, a large assortment. Sept. 28. MIX 4 KIRTLAND. Kaisins ! ICtiisfus ! ng ciior, N quarter?, halves and whole boxes. For sale by — "I ' . V nov 9 GREER 4 FREEMAN. Henry Horne’s Confectionery, Fruit Store, Cake A PASTRY BAKERY, MACON, ..GEORGIA In liis IVcw Building, One door below Ayers, Wingfield 3c Co., Cherry st. MANUFACTURER OF TUE FINEST FRENCH PASTRY AND OENAMENTALCAKES and dealers in fine • Candies, Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, Warranted Imported Wines and Brandies, Cordials, Syrups, Nuts, Segars, Tobacco, Ac., WHOLESALE AJU> RETAIL. Country Merchants supplied at the lowest rates. Weddings and Pasties faralsliedftwith all kinds of Confections and Pyramids, Cold Moats, Salads, &*., at reasonable terms. N. B.— 1 Terms:—Positively Qnfh —n* Crati: s< n n. oct12 ~ -/\ BBLS. AppltaDaConrig ) U Noy 23 AYItCS, VV I ale by INGFIKLDA CO.