Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, December 28, 1858, Image 1

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Joseph Clisby H rmUSlVCO EVKKY .\J n W MOKN1NH. F tkkms: |,)I.I.A RS > ,N ADVANCE. | fa<:c where the subscription | 111 f ' T V . . ^,.t of tlu' Office. I, si ..I.-!-'-: -; t-T :"i!a*«!*l«l . » » » « 2 ■ . V > !* 10.11 f 12 13 I * • * *.»'»!: hi isi«U:in< w»1 u II u IJ.I; 1*1 3 3U ».*s -.7 I 3. *1a S3 ** 33 OH ■■■:' l ;’)J 1) 12 lasssss gaafj ala CgH*2sS llil* MM is is 91, a a »s* Oct. 15 It i; Kr.ii S3 V ... -HHS. saMSSI i lii? 151* M ' ■ ■«'? s t|io|iij'sI *,!S *»<5i 1311 isiic 1: i-m » '* i;«JB i; h si -’I swwsi.ai I S 5 * mm 70. An aetto amend ;.n act approved Dee. county, and also to define the fees of the ordi- 19th, 1829, to 1 ii .i out and r. filiate the man-1 nary of Chatham county, ner of taking testimony of females in certain ca-1 131. To authorize the arrest by the Marshal sos, so as to include practising physicians in of the village of Sparta, without a warrant, and ^pasted at Hie tnsi Ses- 1 <u ,s-fONCLUDEI». >lt»S. I .,,e!>ii»rt entitled an act to compute • p ,j j„.| p c tit .hirers for the county „1 authorise the Justices of the Wirt t» lew an extra tax for that pur- 10 extend the provisions of the act to therein named.—Approved March so lar as respects Pickens county, rem-al an art to consolidate the offices ■lectors and Receivers of tax returns Ksnrcts the county of Worth. Live to the issuing of Executions, fvpcai an act entitleil an act to repeal j( In act entitled an act to authorize c> of tliv Inferior court of the several ,n this Slate to create and lay out a ’i,-t, nr change and alter the lines of ,iy uid out—assented to 23d De ns, wi fir as relates to the county of , aviated to December 82d 1840. legalize all districts made and lines '.v tlie Inferior Court of Cherokee coun- in pas.-age of said act, and to legalize Ur by the officers elected in said dis appropriate money for tlto repairs of ntury, and to erect additional Irail- ir sanic for the security and aeeomino- ihe convicts, pardon Burton A. Brooks oftho coun is under the sentence of death for the binder. ng the time of lidding the Inferior tiie counties of Chariton and Oor- eiisoliilato the offices of Clerk of the and inferior Courts of the county of amend the charter of tin; town of Cal to give the town Council of said town to impose a corporation of said town, n pcal an act entitled an act to amend J laws of this State, approved Feb. 20 nr as relates to the county of Walker. i,r the pardon of Benjamin Knight, now 8 in the Penitentiary. , alter and amend the fiftieth section of ovuUi division of the Penal Code a tet to ajipror sr KA and Ir white money for the po or other purposes therein 1 r the relief of John Needham Massey, v tailed John Needham Massey Snead, e railed John Needham Warren Mas- inor and orphan of Needham W. Mas- avf and for otlier purposes tliercin Id. authorize witnesses residing out of . In prove the execution of deeds and imments in writing under certain pro- nendatorr of an act to make pcrma >ite of the public huililing of the cotin- iwn at Monroe and to incorporate tite rate! to Nov, 20th 1821. 'Uy nut and organize a new county nsmiics of Habersham anti Franklin. ';rude for the education oftho chil- > Slate Iwtwccn certain ages, and to u annual sinking fund for tlto extin- : the public debt ngulate the fees of tax collector and (l Richmond county, ngulatetho compensation of Jurors ■ iy of Jefferson and for otlier purpo se protection of forest trees and otit is the county of Whitfield anti for oth- aholisli iinprisomnent for debt on cor- nfihons herein set forth, and for other >-&,■* rmiipensation for the consoli- I'kxaU plats U> colonial and head right in the Surveyor Generals office, hart in authorize Martha II. Batiks ad- ttuand Jos. II. Banks administrator of IKuiks to sell certain lands at private ■In act • o change the timo of holding the * oiurti of the counties of Baker and i an,! 11 authorize the Judge of tito Su. of Jefferson to hold court two weeks. ' the time of holding tho Satperior if "dstcr county anti the Inferior court the Superior courts of llcaid •“toprovide fur the location of a now ** in certain contingencies in the coun- -srr, to dispose of «ho present public ^ <« levy an extra tax Ac, •in art to im|>osc additional penalties up- 'wnks of this State so ns to compel them fy villi the requisitions o( an act toprr- “!“t die forfeiture of the several liank * in litis State on account of non specie i for a given time, and for other purpo- w'n mentioned, passed hr a eonsiilution- fity at the last session, over the exocu- Mi act to give to rules absolute nguii.st H this State a lien upon property; and •ftrrrs the control of exccutions’in cer- vt to make valid ami binding the Vi heretofore made V>y tho mayor and ri ilicriiv of cohltnbua to the stock of * 1 &iliirard R. It. Co. , *t to define the liabilities of Stock- IJ hmks and otlier chartcretl institu- L “k State. *«»t; to make void the contracts of mi- , ertaiu exception. W I" repeal a part of the fifth sec- I A1 U..nHAinn I actual employment 77. An act for the better government of tho Western & Atlantic Railroad to secure fidelity in its fiscal agents and all other persons indebt ed to said Road, and to prevent, as far as it is possible, fruitless and expensive litigation, and to make tho account hooks, of said Western & Atlantic Rail Road evidence in certain cases, and for other purposes. 78. An aetto repeal all laws and parts of laws authorising lotteries in this State. 79. An act to amend an act in relation to pub lic records of comities where they liave been destroyed by fire, At 80. An act to amend the laws in relation to defaulting tax payers, and to prescribe the du ties of Tax- Collectors in such cases, At 81. A11 act to alter and amend the second section, sixth division of the Penal Codo of this State. . . 82. An act to authorize Ordinaries in this State t'. issue cost fl. fits, generally. 83. An act to protect religions societies in the .exercise of their duties. At 84. An act to make the Receivers of Tax Returns in the several counties of this State hereafter to be elected, assessors of taxes in cer tain cases herein named, and for other purpo ses. S3. An act to amend the acts in N>UtiaQ to taking cases to the Supreme Court 80. An act to alter the certiorari laws of this State. 87. An act for the support of the Pupils of the (ieorgia Academy for the Blind. 88. An act to make tho Governor of this State, and in his nbscnco, the oldest member of the Board cf Trustees of Franklin College, who may lie present, President of the Board. ■ 89. An act to fix and make certain the time oi holding the election of Judge of the Superior Courts of the Pataula Circuit 90. An act to lay off and organize a new county from the counties of Washington, Eman uel and Laurens, to bo called Johnson, to be at tached to the Middle Judicial Circuit, First Con gressional District, 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, <1. M. and for other purposes. 91. An act to repeal the fid and 4th Sections of an act entitled an act to amend an act to in corporate the town of I.umpkin in Stewart coun ty, nssonteil to December 26, 1831, approved January 17th 1850, and prescribe the duty of the Road Commissioners. 92. An act to prevent tho sale of spirituous liquors from one to five gallons in the county of Stewart only on conditions therein named. 93. An act to authorize the Justice of the In ferior court of Haralson county to levy an extra tax for the purpose of extinguishing the debt of said county Ac. 04. An act to establish a board of Education in Lincoln, to confer certain powers, anil to de clare what Teachers shall be entitled to draw on tho poor school Fund, to authorize the election of school Commissioners in Jasper county and for other purposes. 95. An act to amend an act to incorporate the Atlanta Medical College, Ac. 90. An act to prescribe the niodo and manner of selecting drawing and summoning tales Ju rors for the trial of .criminal cases in the Su perior court of Chatham county, and for other purposes. An act to amend an act to authorize the Trus tees of Glynn county Academy to lease or sell the Academy building and estate of said Acad emy and to protect the funds of the same, Ac. 98. An act to define the line between tho coun ties of Montgomery and Tatnali and TatnaU and Emanuel. 99. An act to authorize the Inferior court of Hart county to i«y over certain money to the ordinary of said county. 100. An act to change tho times of holding tho Inferior courts in the counties of Forsyth and Cherokee. 101. An act to consolidate tho offices of Clerk of tho Superior and Inferior courts in the coun ty Glasscock. A resolution requesting our Senators ami Rep resentatives in Congress to ask for, ami use their host exertions to obtain, an appropriation from the V. S. Treasury, for the construction of a Naval Depot on Blythe Island. 102. An act to provide for tho retail of spirit uous liquors in the counties of Marion, hlliert, BiW), and .Mitchell in this State, and for other I™ 3f ! organizing tho Supremo Court |' !, ‘it to authorize the Justices of the purposes. lufi. An act to repeal the 19th section of an Act to incorporate a Bank in tho city of Atlan ta, to lie called the Bank of Fulton, and for other pur]loses. , . I114. An act to establish a Tobacco Inspection, in the town of Canton, and to provide for tile appointment of inspectors. 105. An act to incorporate tlio Cass county Agricultural Society. JOB, An act to compensate the Petit Jurors of tho county of Heard, and provide for the pay ment of the same. ll>7. To change the timo of holding the In ferior Court of Walker county. 108. To consolidate the offices of Tax Collec tor and Receiver of Tax Returns in the county of Haralson. 109. To incorporate the Cotton Planters Con vention of tho State of Georgia. 11 ft. To legalize tho proceedings of the Supe rior Court of Taliaferro county. 111. To authorize the Inferior Court of W ash- ington county, to levy and collect an extra tax for building a Jail In said County, and other purposes. 112. To incorjKirato Iluifcon Lodge No 208, Free and Accepted Masons situated at Glades cross roads in Putnam county. , 113. To incorporate the town of W areshoro and to provide fttr its government. 114. To authorize the Justices of the Inferior court of Dawson county to lovy an extra tax for 1 R5 »- ... , 115. To extend tho corporate limits of the (own of Hartwell. 116. To repeal an act to authorizo ovcrsccra of the Roads in Walker, Gwinnett, Forsyth, Cold. Cherokee, Bibb, Sumpter, and Gilmer counties to appoint wamers ami to define their ' ,U 117.' To change tho lino Mwcvn Elbert and llart counties. t „ ., . 118. To allow the Wills Valley Railroad Co. »« use a Ibrtn of order Ac. - 119. To amend tho charter of t * ,e . '1 , Monticcllo, so ns to give the election of Marshal to tho legal voters or said town. 120. To compensate Justices of Peace of Hall county for returning poor cluldren. 181. To incorporate the Springer Mountain Gold and Copper Mining Company. 122. For tho relief of John Woodall late of Jones countv one of tho securities of K4.x Woodall, for'delivering of certain Books. 123. For the relief of M. Vamcrof Cobb coun. 124. To authorize and require the Justices of •’ «n 10 authorize the justices oi mo the Inferior court of Madison iocolieot'j . mt -a 1.1 "ii.oh.nd. of (be Trustees of said academy or tliat may here after come into their hands Ac., to be applied to the education of poor children. (25 To authorize the Justices of the Inferior court of Pulaski county to levy an extra tax to build a new Court house and Jail. 126. To authorize Guardians, Administrators and* Trustees residing » tl»c county of Rich mond to invest the funds in their hands as such in tho bonds of the city of Augusta issued by authority of the city council. 127. To change and fix the time or holding the Superior courts in the county of Lumpkin and to authorize the drawing and summoning of two panels of grand Jurors, and for otlier , i ••■'the Peace. <*1 authorize Guardians to act as r.' lrv " rs in certain canon, Ac. tot to extend tho writ of certiorari to . IT warrants. ■ **rt tnamend an act to authorize tho 'On- Inferior Courts of the acver.il t',! n JM* state, upon the reoommenda- H «;rtnd Juries thereof to aaseaa and I* , Grille payment of Grand and Petit I ,: ' l at their pleasure to discontinue and F t|„. same upon eaid reconnnen- L JJJ ,0 empower and authorize the Or- wthe different counties of this State ,_ lri “oht to executors and administra- ' estates, and guardians repre- . p™ 4 h»ving wild and scattered lands “inertnt counties, to sell and dispose , »t private sale whenever the inter- or WanJ require* «t ** to compel Judges of tho Superior • 1 *ach Circuit in tho State, to hold ad- u *" eveft county within their I*', 11 the basine* requires, until the ■' r r »rrd, and for otlier purposes. —-* 01,0 prescribe the mode of perfec- j J?' **}'! ,U> regulate the proceedings In ul f ? cuu 0,1 non-residents. I ih* 1110 •f’tmd *n act entiled an act lo »•* ts orphans, and to nnk- jur- .jywtiio0* for the poor, approved Dec. the confinement in the Jail of Hancock county, all persons violating the laws passed by the Commissioners of said village, against drunk- eness, and gross immoral conduct in the streets of said village. 132 To change and alter the line between Faycttec and Clayton counties, so as to include certain person in the county of Clayton. 133. To lay out and organize a new county from the Counties of Izawndes and Thomas. 134. To alter and amend the charter of the city of Macon. . 135. To alter and Amend the 2nd, 3d, and 4th sections of an act establishing the line he- bctween Liberty and McIntosh counties Ac., passed 1793 assented to Dec. 22nd, 1857. 136. To change the line between Wayne and Glynn counties. 137. To increase the privileges of the Mechan ics Independent Fire Company of the city of Augusta. 138. To alter and change the times of holding tho Superior and Inferior Courts of Sumter, and the Superior Courts in Chattahochec county. 139. To authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Bryan county, to levy an extra tax for educational purposes.* 140. To point out tho manner in which con stables, neglecting or refusing to levy or collect the money on Distress Warrants for fines, shall bo ruled before tho general Board of Haul Com missioners of Chatham and Carroll counties, and and for other purposes. 141. To change the times of holding tho In ferior Courts of Baldwin county. 143. To change the line between Ware and Pierce counties. 143. To locate tho road hands living upon Comber's Island and Potosi upon Rifle cut 144. To amend an act to incorporate the Geor gia Air Line It R. Ca, and to confer on them certain powers and privileges, approved Slarcli 5th, 585H. 145. To incorporate an Infantry corps in tho town of Fort Valley, and to incorporate tlie Oglethorpe Light Infantry, of Savannah, Ac. 146. To compensate Grand and Petit Jinrs in Emanuel county. 147. To amend an act entitleil an act to amend an Oct, amendatory of and in addition to the va rious acts heretofore passed in relation to the city of Savannah, approved Dec. 8, 1849, Ac. 148. To change the line between Dougherty and Worth counties. 149. To alter and amend the Road laws of this State, approved Dec. 19, 1818, so far as relates to tho appointment of commissioners for the counties of Gordon and Bibb and for otlier pur poses. 150. To legalize an election and make valid tho acts of Sain’I. Cartright, as Ordinary of Troup county. 151. ToprovidefortheconijieiisationofGrand and Petit Jurors of Dawson county, in Superior and Inferior courts. 152. To require the State Treasurer to sign the Coupons of the old six per cent bonds of this State for the whole interest as it foils due, to issue new bonds with all tho Coupons signed. 153. To authorize the Georgia Rail Road and Ranking Company to build a Branch Road to Eatonton in Putnam county. 154. To repeal an act approved Feb. 15th, 1854, to oxtend the provisions of an act to regulate the fees of Magistrates and Consta bles, Ac., so far as relates to the county of War ren. 155. To change the lines between Irwin and Worth counties. 156. To authorize the Justicesof the Inferior Court of Pickens county to levy and collect an extra tax to pay the county debt incurred by building a Jail. 157. to prevent non-residents in the county of Miller from camp hunting. 158. To change and fix tlie line between Jef ferson and Emanuel counties. 159. To incorporate the Yalioola River and Cane Creek Hydraulic Hose .Mining Company. 160. To incorporate the Gwinctte Manufactur ing Company, and define the rights and privi- liges and liabilities ol the same. 161. To amend an act to incorporate Mar shall College in Griffin, approved Dec. 22tl 162. To amend an act entitled an act ia amend the various act in relation to the city Court of Savannah, Ac., assented to Dec. 22il, 1857. 163. T® incorporate the town of Dahloncga, and to provide for electing Commissioners. 164. To amend an act pointing out the mode of collecting a certain description of debts there in mentioned, and to extend the provisions of the same. 165. To alter tho mode of electing tlio Marshal in tlie city of Marietta, < la. 166. To incorporate an Academy in Thomas county, and appoint Trustees. .... 1«T. To empower tho Grand Junes 111 Ap pling county to dusignato the children entitled to the licnetits of tho Poor School Fund. 168. To incorporate Alpharetta in Milton county. 169. To authorize tho Inferior Court of Han cock county to levy an extra tax to establish quarters for the Poor of said county. 170. To appropriate the sum of two hundred and forty dollars to Dade county. 171. To incorporate Altamalia Lodge, No. 226, Free an accepted Masons, in McIntosh county. To Incorporate M. E. Church at Prospect in Thomas county. 173. For tlie relief of the Commissioners of the Altamaha River. 174. To lay out and organize a now county from the counties of Lowndes and Clincla 175. To empower J. W. Reid, Adm'roftlie estate of S. B. Daniel, late or Greene county, to vest surplus funds arising from sale of crops, Ac., under limitations. 176. To incorporate Trustees of Mud Creek Baptist Camp Ground, Ac. 177. To compensate U. W. Anderson and others for arresting the murderers of Samuel Landrum. , , „ , . 178. To altar and amend the Road Ijiws so far as relates to Oglethorpe county, and others herein named 179. To incorporate Battle Lodge So. 211 Free and Accepted Masons, at Mill Town Ber rien C. . • 180. to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Crawford countv to levy an extra tax for building a -Jail 181. To allow Tax Collectors in I Jccatur coun ty commissions on insolvent executions. 182. To change tlie line between Gilmer and Pickens counties, Ac. ' ■ 183. To authorize the Justices of the Inferior Courts in the counties of Wayne, Appling and Pierco to appoint Surveyors to define and mark the lines between said counties. 184. To authorize tho Inferior Court Madis on county to sell the Academy buildings and real estate ofs aid Academy, and apply the funds collected to educational purposes. 185. To amend an Act entitled an Act to a- mend the several acts of force in relation to the town of West Point Also to incorporate and confer certain powers on the First Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, to extend the corporate lim its of the town of Buena Vista, to locate and de fine the lino lietwcen Berrien and Coffee coun ties, and to add Nos. 219, 254, and 256, in 4th District of Irwin, to Wilcox county. 186. For the appointment of Auditor in cer tain cases. 187. To cliange the times ofnoldmg the Su perior and Inferior Courts of Schley county. 188. TorepealapartlstScc. Sd Article of the Constitution of this State, and to insert a provis ion in lieu thereof 1S9. To amend an act entitled an act to amend tlie several acts in relation to the assign ment of Dower, assented to February 21st 19(1. To revive, alter and amend an act toniakc nemuneiit the site ofPnblic Buildings in Polk cmintv at Cedar Town, and to incorporate the same,’approved Feb. 8th, 1854. I (9] Xo cliange the time of holding tlie In ferior Ciwrta of Appling county. -—p j 190 To amend an act to 111 vp. l at.-tiie Ma- ‘"lUSio'b • cdji I-rurancc which children i and to stnk Tax Returns and Tax Collector in Dawson coun- ^195. To incorporate Gaulding Lodge No.'^lo, of Free anil Accepted Masons in the county of Fayette. 196. To amend an act to incorporate Moccasin Turnpike Road Company in Rabun county, ap proval March Sd, 1856, and grant the same cer tain privileges. 197. To incorporate Washington Institute, a high school organized by a Baptist Association in Hancock county, and to change the name of the village of Buffalo. , 198. To incorporate and confer certain privi- iges to the Newman Guards. 199. To amend an act to authorize and require the Trustees of Trenton Academy to sell the same togther with the lot of land on which it is located. 200. Toauthorize the Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah and Hamlets thereof, and their successors in office, to institute a system of drainage for the same under certain specified con ditions. 201. To consolidate the offices of Tax Receiv er and Tax Collector in Pierce county, and dis solve tlie same offices in Worth county. 202. To authorize the Justices of tlie Inferior Court of Worth county to levy an extra tax to pay offthu indebtedness of said county beginning in 1859. 203. To amend the 1st section of an act, ap proved Dec. 22, 1857 >n relation to tho charter oi the city of Macon. 204. To authorize the Justices of tho In ferior court of Cass county to levy an extra tax on tlie State tax to pay the Jury fees of said county. 105. To amend the several acts incorporating the town of St Mary’s. 206. To incorporate tho Kingston Presbyteri an church of Cass county. 207. To change the lines between the counties of Macon and Sumpter. 208. Amendatory of an act to autli orize tlie issuing of garnishments and attachments and to regulate the proceedings in relation to the same, and for other purpascs, approved March 4tli, 1856. 209. To facilitate mining operations for Gold in White county. 210. To cliange tlie lino l>ctwocn Henry and Clayton counties. 211. For the relief of W. A. Reese, Adm’r, Ac. 212. To amendan Act assented to23d Feb’y, 1850, establishing a Justice Court at llohues- ville. 213. To change the lines between Coffeo and Iwin, and Wilcox and Pulaski counties. 214. To incorporate the Phi Delta Lodge Xa 1048 of Free and Accepted Masons in Franklin county, and Camesvillc Lodge Na 186, at Carncsville, Ga 215. To amend thescveril Actsincorporating tho town of LaFayuttc. 216. To incorporate “Young America” Fire Company in Columbus, Ga 317. Ton-peal all laws relating tohe-.nl rights so for as applies to Washington county. 218. To appropriate money for tlie- comple tion of the State Lunatic Asyium. 219. To Incorporate tlie PcnUeld Rail Road Company. 220. To amend the several laws in relation to the Asylum for the Deaf ami Dumb-—to change- the name of the same—de-fine the duty of the Principal—and appoint Trustees for the same. 221. To incorporate- the town of Camilla in the county of Mitchell, and otlier purposes. More Zeal than Discretion. Not a bad joke Is told of one of the Now York night inspectors. It happened a few evenings since,sliortlv after the wharf watch was set, that a plain looking countryman was seen to leave a brig lying at Pier Na *6. with a suspicious look ing bundle in his hands. It was a large pack age and a heavy one, and the stranger tugged along slowly up the pier with it, and turned tho corner sweating under hU heavy load. “Aha! my fine fellow,” ejaculated the lynx- eyed inspector—a sharp set official, by the way —“aha! I hare got you tlus time.” And ap proaching the countryman, he said— “Good evening. Let me relicre vou of tiizt lM, y}'i-^Mlcdtlie man uneasily. “I’ll take that bundle,' If you please,” ••Thank, vou.” “It’s quite heavy, isn’t it?” inqi»ireiUh5 in spector. , Yes. Which way are you going, neighbor V” “Como along—its all right; I’ll take enro of this—come along!” Exactly. Much obliged. It’s tnmal heavy, and I’ve got to get up to the Howard House.’ “Como along,” continued the officer, know ingly. They reached tlie Howard, when the stranger obserred that the inspector did not «to]>. “Hallo! which way, my friend? I’m stopp ing here,” said the countryman. “It’s no matter. Pro seized this property, and you can explain matters at the Custom House to-mopw,” continued the insmector. “Look here, friend: Not tu last, if you please. I’ve paid my duties on that cits lot of goods. Just look at this, ncow,” and he drew forth a bit of paper, from his pocket, signed by tho Collector. “Why, you scamp !" said the insj “Tills Is* a pass for your goods. Why di not show this before ?” “Why, in tlie fast place, you didn’t a tew; and in the next, if I had, you’d sc break my neck afore you’d a bro’t that 1 up here for mt" The inspector blew his nose, and cursil countryman ,for a fool, turned down Pine instanicr, to resume his lonely round. watchman departed. GEORGIA Mastic Roofing Company^ PltOPBJKTORS OP RUSSELL’S PATENT Fire <Sc ‘W'sb’ter Proof MASTIC ROOFING 03ST CANVAS. I1AVIXG parchued tho right to use and sell the above HOOFING for several SOUTHERN STATES, we are now prepared to do ROOFING or SELL RIGHTS to nse the same. This roofing is adapted to new or old BUILDINGS, steep or flat roofs and can be pat over Plank or old leaky shingles,Tin or Iron Roofs -it costs abont half the price and is much better than Tin—is not affected by heat or cold and is impervious to wa ter ,- it is fire proof, and it is the'best roofing ev er invented fur STEAMBOAT DECKS, H.ail noad. Oars, Bridges, &c. See. It is warranted to give entire satisfaction. For further Information apply to FREEMAN A ROBERTS, or janta tf A. P. CHERRY Macon, Ga. Hardeman & Griffin ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR !FAiLIL AN® WQ NTiK AT TIIEIR OLD STAND. rpilEIR Stock consist in part of the following L GOODS, to which they invite the attention of Merchants am! Planters: 50 bales Gunuy Cloth SOO coils Richaidson Rope 1000 pounds Baling Twine 130 bags Coffee, Java, Porto Biro, Hi,, and La gnira to chests Black and Green Tea 75 barrels A B ,V C Sugar 05 barrels crushed aud Powdered Sugar 5 boxes Loaf Sugar 15 hoesherds fine l'ortn Rien 300 sacks Liverpool Salt . 100 sacks Alum Salt 150 boxes Adamantine Candles 40 boxes Sperm Candles 75 boxes No. 1 Soap 20 boxes Family Toilet Soap 30 boxes assorted and Faucy Candy 125 kegs Nails SO boxes Starch 100 jars Snuff 50 whole, half and quarter kegs of Powder 20 earns Duck shooting Powder too bags Shot 100,000 Segara, various brands 50 boxes Tobacco SO esses Magnoliaaud Combination Tobacco 20 hales Osuaburgs and Stripes 5 tascs Homespuns, bleached 10 h lies Georgia Kerseys 5 1, ilea Northern Kerseys to bales Blankets, all sizes 60 .baskets Piper's Heidsick Wiuo. 75 cases Ginger and Blackberry Wine and ’ Brandy 30 barrels Rye and Com Whiskey to barrels Extra old Bourbon 60 barrels Gin, Rum and Brandy 10 casks Madeira, Port and Sweet Wine 10 cases London Dock Gin 15 cases Boker's and Stoughton Bitters 10 eases Lemon Syrup 20 casks Ale and Porter 10 boxes Ginger Preserves, Prunes and Figs 30 boxes As mrted Pieklfts 20 boxes Szper. Curb. Soda ■30 barrels sud boxes tjoda and Butter Crackers 25 boxes Herrings 5 sacks Ashton s Table Salt 10 dozen Well Buckets 5 cases Ashton's Table Salt? 25 dozen Blue Buckets \ - IH tpegMf&to ISIS "— 20 boxes Loverlt Axe.* 10000 pounds White Lend and Zinc too barrels Linseed Oil lo bitrrcls Tanners’ and Machine Oil ALSO, A FINK LOT OF CHROME GREEN. YELLOW. PRUSSIAN BLUE TERRA DE SIENNA, BURNT UMBER, Ac., Ac. PAINTS AND VARNISH. BRUSHES AND SASH TOOLS. Macon, Sept. 80,1858. MENARD & BURGHARD, nVlTCgZslI.JKERS AND e"wTVeler s, H AVE jnst received and opened a large and splendid assortment of Goods in their line, consisting in part of the following articles, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Hunting Magic Case. Independent 2d, Ac., for Gen tlemen. GOI.D WATCHES for Ladies, rich aud bean tiful. SILVER WARE, inch as Spoons,gaps. Gob lets, Ac. 8IZ.VER PLATED WARE, such as Cas tors, Egg Boilers, (with Gold Plated Gold Cups and Spoons.) Fruit Baskets, Pitchers, Candle Slicks, Waiters, Ao. JEWELRY, Consisting of Diamond and Gold Rings, Pins, Ac., Ac., sparkling and bright. musical Instriiuicuts, Such as Violins. Flutes, Guitars, Banjos, Tambo- iin«. _ . Gold Pens, and Pencils. Guitar and Violin Strings, and a varied assortment of Fancy Goods, Music Boxes, too numerous to particularize in an advertisement. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon them, since they commenced business, they solicit a continuance of tbo same, and will spare- no pains to givo satisfaction to their customers, both in style and quality of their Wares, and in price. Wateh and otlier repairing executed with dispatch and on reasonable terms. M. A B. oct5 . DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE. J. B. & W. A. ROSS, A re now receiving a largo and welloelected Stock of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE, to which they invite the attention of MEUCH AN1 Oct. 26—tf Lime, Plaster, Cement and Hair. W E keep constantly on hand n good aupply ot the above artlck-3. _ Oof. 2C—tf J- B. Sc W. A. ROSS. Paints, Oils and Glass. F IVE THOUSANDS pounds Oils and Glass, 3000 pounds French and American Zinc. 1000 Gallons Linseed Oil, 10 Barrels Turpentine, With alt kinds of Colors and Paint Broshes, all fresh and good. Give us n call. Oct. 26—tf J. B. A W. A. ROSS. WATCHES, Jewelry, Pianos, &c. NEW AND ELEDAN'lltiTOUK N01V OCFSISCI FOR " ' 1 1858.^Tall & Winter Trade, 1859. CONSISTIN'!’, IN TART Of Train Oil C J UST RECEIVED, by Sept, 28. _ ZE1L1N. HUNT,CO. Sperm Oil F c 1 soil SALE, by Sept. 28. ZEIIAN, HCNTfr CO, and Gentlemen' CHAINS, worn. JEWELRV in seta of Diamond, Opal, Pearl, Garnet, Cameo, Lava, Mosaics, all Gold, Ae v PEN AND PENCIL CASES nf’OoId nil# Silver. SPECTACT.EM, of Gold, Silver, Steel, «JM Common, including a lino lot of Scotch Pebbles* SILVER WARE, Tea Setts, Pitchers, Gob- blets, Cups, Dippers. B niter Coolers, Waiters, F orks, Spoons, Knives, Ac. Warranted equal and superior to U. S. Coin. PLATED WARE, in Waiters, Baskets. Uni tors, Wine, Egg & Fruit Stands, Snuffers and Tmys, Ac., of good quality. FANCY GOODS, an endless variety of new and elegant designs, selected for Bridat and other Presents'. ALSO A PINE (STOCK OF Cutlery for Ta ble and Pocket use, Gnus, Colt's Pistols, Pocket Books, Banker’s Cases, Surveyor's Compasses, Chains, Gas Fixtures, Oil Paintings, Tooth and Hair Brushes, Walking Canes, Military Goods, Knight Templar’s Swords, Baskets, Games of various kinds, Billiard Balls, ditto Chalk Le-atlicrs, An. Mepbani ano e to I heir purity and quality, they are frcidi < cal and Magnetic Toys, Ac., Ac., all of which will be mil y be fully relied ofi. sold on the nest terms. A call is respectfully so- —■ - lioitedwith an assurance that our best efforts, will be to please in quality and price of our Goods. K. f. JOHNSTON A CO. PIANOS AND eSSa MUSICAL INSTRUMENT!?.!/ j li J l! A new and fine lot expected daily, and will bo sold at Manufacturer's Prices. ... E. J. JOIJX8TON A CO. IIA1U WORK. We are ao\r prepared to have all Jrimte ofH-in* Work done with neatness and beamy. nov2 E. J. JOHNSTON CO- ] To require the Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts of Burke countv to make a re port to the inferior Court ofW county of all monevs collected or received by linn for fine ot otherwise for county porpo**, Mid tosetilejbe same with said court instead of tlie Grand jury. 129. To amend Sd section of an net to pre- -.ribe the manner in which the names o! person may be el.ang.vl, ami bom illeg.timate may 1 made legitimate, and to carry into i ’ : ‘ ‘ vid lo Strike eat a ,me and to prescribe the manner in wind, children -ma^io ^ tUut : w , of W;Ilg t , i ,uv It udoptfd. , i- of Wurc countv, j*30. to amend an act to regulate t u j 1 p coriiOlidfitt the otii Ca o! Receivtr of license b this State, so far *- relate* to it ucoxi Inferior Tin: Deacon anil the Irishman. Under this head we find the following annii ing fftory going the rounds: A few months ago, the good Deacon Ingalls, < Swampecott, R. I, traveling through the we tern part of the State of New York, he fell i with an Irishman who had lately arrived in th country and was|in quest of a brother who cam before him and settled in some of the digging in that vicinity. Fat was a strong, athletic man, a true Call: olic, ami had never seen the interior of a I*rc testant church. It was a pleasant Sunday morn ing tliat brother IngaLs met Pat, who ii the road to the nearest chuch. Pat lie was liis new- his new-made acquaintance to keep him compa ny thither (his place of destination being t Methodist Meeting House near by.) The great revival .there at the time, and one i Deacons, (who by the way was veiy sm stature.) invited brother lngaUs ti» take ; in his pew. He accepted the iuvitatior walked in, followed by Pat, who looked in to find the altar, Ac. After lie was scale turned to brother ingalls, and in a whisper v could be heard al! round, inquired: “Sure, an isn’t this a hirtick church ?’ “Hush,” said Ingalls, “if you speak a word, they will put you out” “Devil a word wilr I spake, at all, at all plied Pat The meeting was oponed with prayer by the pastor. Pat was eyeing him very closely, when an old gentleman,' who was standing in pew directly in front of Pat, shouted, “Glory!” “Hist ye clear devil,” rejoined Pat with his loud whisper, which was plainly heard by the minister, “be dae guard of y outsell Tiie parson grew more and more fervent in his devotions. Presently the Deacon uttered an audible groan. “Hist-s-t ye blackguard, lave you no dacency at nlC at all V said Pat at the same moment giving the Deacon n punuji in tiie ribs which caused him nearly to lose his equili brium. Tlie minister stopped, and, extending his hand in a supplicating manner, said— -Brethren, ive cannot be disturbed in tills way. Will sorne one put that man out?” Yea, your, rivireneo, shouted Pat “151111!” and suiting the action to the word, he collared the Deacon, and to tlie utter horror and aston ishment of the pastor, brother Ingalls, and the whole congregation, he dragged him through the ai-le. andwitila tremendous kick he landed him in the vestibule of tiie duireb. BOOTS AND. SHOES A TTHESIGNOFTHKBIGBOOT.no. 3, SR Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington m Hull Lot, Mncon, Georgia.—The subscribers would return their thanks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Wehave now in store a largo assortment of i BOOTS AND mostly of our own mannfoeti additions will he made, of ail the different styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to parebase, to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low a* any home in the city or State. ~ - MIX A Ki Sept. *8. : K1KTLAND. rjOOTS.—A full assortment of Gents’ fine fl j J3 French Calf Boots, pomp sole, welted and J|| waterproof, of various kinds and qualities, both soled and pegged. Just received and for sale low by e Sept 2*. MIX Sc KIUTLAND. * . IJ UBBER SHOES.—A large assortment— LX of Gents and boys Rubbers. Also. La.tOCUBb dies slipper and aaadal rubber Shoes of Goodyear’s B celebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by Sept. 28. MIX A KIUTLAND. T)LANTATIONBBOGANS.-Noir in store A the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we*=^«» have ever offered in this market. Men's double soled peg and nailed black and rnaaetU; do. heavy ■ingle soled black and ruasetts; do. boys and youtha black and mssetts. all of whlc^we j«re seffiu^ wny rjOOTS AND SHOES.—Men’s, Boys and XJ Youth’s tine calf and kip peg'd Boots; Men’s stout kip hunting and mud Boots; Gents last ing Gaiters, Monterey, opera and ties, and fine call Brogans; Gents, boys' and youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans: Men’s, boys' and youths’ California kl Cb ir ’ * “ SOr ' m MIX Sc KIRTLAND. Henry Horne’s Confectionery, Fruit Store, Cake & PASTKY BAKERY, MACON,-.— GEORGIA Ill liis New Building, Ono door below Ayers. Wingfield Sc Co., Cherry sf. - MANUFACTURER OF THE FISEST FRENCH PASTRY AND ORNAMENTAL CA KES and dealers in fine Candies, Fruits, Preserves, Piekles, YVarranted Imported YVines and Brandies, Cordials, Syrops. Nuts. Began, Tobacco, See.. WHOLESALE AXO RETAIL. - S±SS£ffi£SHI■£ZaX2!&* J of Confections and Pyramids, Cold Meats, Salads, Ac., at reasonable terms. X. B.—Term s j—Posilirdj Cash—ao Crrditgxvcn. _ oct 12 Consignment. BBLS. Apples on Consignment, for aale by 50 °Nov 23 AYRES, YYTNGFIELD ft CO. ,] To Arrive. j n rn PACKAGES new crop Mackerel, ail «Ue d 250 Packages. J, B. ft. YV. A. ROSS. Oct. 2S—tf » . nn PACKAGES New Mackerel jnst received . A U (J and far sale by s ’ NavriW. AYRES, WINGFIELD ft CO. V \ rESo MACKEREL, in qaartcra, halves whole ‘ iYJ. barrels, just received nnd for a»te hr nov 30 GREER ft FREEMAN. A TO. 1 POTOMAC HKRIUNB. and FAMILY i\ HOE HERRING, something that Is fine, m hall barrels,jnst received by novSO GREEK ft FREEMAN. TRICKLED TROUT, in halves and whole bartels. 1 For sale by GREER ft FREEMAN. ^ ,• nov 30 ., ” ^ T - \ VRESU arrival of Havana Cigars, from *30 to A fit-''* 1 r tbi .:- ind, for • .leby v . v.ovso GREEK ft FREEMAN, and can be found at iKiv s, GllKEK City papers copy. A FREE MANS. ELIAS EINSTEIN, Corner of 2d St. & Cotton Avenue, B EGS leave to inform the Ladles of Macon and the public in general that he has just returned from New-York and ia now ready to show one oftho Largest and Handsomest Stocks of FANCY, STAPLE AKD DOMESTIC ISKY @©©[§)®3 ever exhibited in the Southern market, which will bo soid at remarkably low figures to cash and prompt paying time buyers. The Stock comprises, in part, the following, viz. Silk Drm Goode. Robes a Lis, and Bayadere Striped Fancy Silks, Black Silks, such as Gros de Rhine, Gros de Napte and Bishop Silks. Woolen t>rrw« Goods. French, German and English Merinoes, All wool Robes a Lis, De Laine Robes a quille Cashmere Robes a quills, .. . Imp. Foulard, Brocaded Rutera, Poll de Clieore, Imperial Paramattas, Mohairs, Cashmeres, Balmorals, Do Laines, De Beges, English, American Sc French Prints Sc Ginghams. Mhnsrla nnd -Scurf*. Mantilla Stella Shawls, Mantilla Shawls, Stella Shawls, Chenille Shawls, Waterloo Long Shawls, Bay Stato Long and 8quar© Shawls, Crape, Basket and Blanket Shawls, Chenille, Cashmero aud printed Scarfs. Cloak*—A Choice Assortment of Talisman, Rosalie, Eva, Casta Diva, Pandora, Cordelia, Duchess de Beni, Rob Roy. Grey Maneuvering and Velvet Cloaks, of the very latest nnd most fashionable style?- J Embroideries. Ribb. Jscconet, Colar de Paris, Jacconet and Swiss Gt. Setts, *£lliu-'JS££82SJ Settsde Paris. Lace trimmed Setts, Embroidered*Bands, * Plouncings, Skirts, Children's Waists and Robes, Lace and Muslin Curtains. A complete Assortment of Zloairry, llot> nnd Plnutnciou Famishing Good*, and all other articles usually found in a regular Dry Good Store. Remember, at ELIAS EINSTEIN’S. Sop. 28, Corner 2d Street and Cotton Avenne. T. H. BOLSHAW, F. HERZOG. Something New under the Sun- A LAMP STORE IN MACON. T HE subscribers havo opened a LAMP STORE this day, at No. U Co’.ton Avenue, three doors above Parker's, where may be found a variety ol LAMPS FOR BURNING COAL OIL. This Oil is not explosive, andliaving bend tested, proves to bo the cheapest, best and «af»«tliglit now in use, anywhere; Call andsee-jt. We havo on hand, and will keep a eolutant Snp- nlv of coed COAL OIL for these Lamps; also, BURNING FLUID, CAMPHESK and ALCOHOL.. We havo a carefully selected stock of CHINA, GLASS, both pressed and out. from the best Manufaeturera, Crockery 9 TnVIe Cutlery, Cnetor Frames, Ac., which wo will sell cheap for CASH. SOMETHING NEWER HTfliL ! ENGRAVING ON GLASS, of every description, such as Coat of Arms, Cresta, Lettering of every Btyle, Landscapes, Animals, Flowers. Figures, Ac., done to order in the store. r lowers, rig BOLSHAW ti HERZOG. Macon, Sept. 6th, 1858. 6m* ' sept 7 Drugs, Medicines, Points »ye$, jPateni medicine; Perfumery, Spices, Brandy tndlVIues. < For Medical purposes, and all articles in theJiuc, 0118, Vnrztlslios, MEW DBilG STOBE. ALEX. A. MENARD, RALSX01T6HbXLinNG, CHERRY BT., HACON, GA H AS jnst received end is nov- opening a iiesb stock of DrugS)’ .tlcdtclnc** Chemicals, —Jt . A'nalsnntcui*, PaiaM, Oil*, , njf »ye-IStnfl!>. Per'i'umcry, Poltwi TZcdi- cine*, Pharmaceutical Preparation*, Af. My Drugs have been selected witji strict • refer- — ... a-, r. a _— r 1. Eg** Pliy«loiana’,Prescriptions and Family Aledi- cinesput-up with neatness andacbnraey, at eii hotira of the d*y or night. 13P A large lot of Arziflcial Tvi-lb just received fob 24-tf JPELMO-FOKTES. N OW Receiving some of tho most^JB^SSSiW, SPLENDID PIANO KORTESPlfGi J-u sveroffered for sale in Macon, from thell 9 x If II celebrated Factories of- J. C. Chickering and Nunn . A Clarky warranted superior toiuiy other madei ia thw. United Sates. Also, two HARPS from J. F. Browd* Sc Co’s. Factory. The above instruments aio a feast to one's eyeejq look at, aud the tone completely captivating. We shall take pleasure to'sliow these instruments to any that havs n taste for fine goods. On hand, Prince Melodians, best article of tbs- iud mede; Guitars, Violin*, Banjos, Accord eons, Tainborins, Buglos, Clarionetts, FlagoleUcs, Flutes, atidavar —' 1 —I la our line. ms Wnlciir*. Jewelry nnd Fancy Goods'. Splendid Gold and Silver WATCHES; Jt.; Gentlemen and Ladies patterns, Gold Chains, fit, -i Brooches, Rings, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles, jBtiSi 1 Gold Pens, and Pencils, Gold and Silver Spectacle! Silver 8300ns amlForks, silver, ivory and wood Nan kin Rings, silver plated Cake Baskets, Castors, IV.-ifl ere and Candle Sticks—and a variety of Fancy Goods, Shot Guns, Rifles, Game Bags, Pouches^ Flasks, Pistols, Ac. * Clocks and Watches repaired, apd warranted, - at short notiee. Give ns a call at our old stand. Cot ton Avenue, Union Building. nov 2 J. A. A S. S. VIRGIN. BOOK BINDING. ACKSON BARNES manufactures to order every J description of BLaZK account cooks, and mans in any style desired, Magazines, Law, Music and Miscellaneous Books, clerks’ rkcoro and txjCKKT BOOKS,with or without printed forms, and.wan-ant- ed best quality paper. |y* Engineers’ profile paper mads from the best English drawing to any length or width. All orders from the country promptly and careful ly attended to. Office on Cotton Avenue out- door below Ross and Coleman’s. *nl 13 apl 13 SAVE YOUR CARPETS, nr USING HARRINGTON’S CELEBRATED PATENT CARPET LINING, To pul under Carpets, as u substitute for Straw Paper, &c., Ac. T HIS Liuiug is considered far superior to any ar tide ever used for the saving of Carpets or Oi Cloth9. it is peculiarly soft to the tread, is a Mufff of sound, and enriches the Carpet Fifty per cent, also adds greatly to the warmth of a room by pre venting tho cold air from passing through the seams of the floor. The materiu used in thi* Lining run ders it a sure protection against moth. ZSVLadies. Call at the Carpet Stores, and see for yourselves. To be had at any of the Principal Carpet Stores in he U. 8. Manufactured under the snporvltion o he Patentee by the N. Y. CARPET LINING CO. (J. R. Harrington, Ageut,) 148 Water-st., N. Y Harrington’s Carpet Lining and Premium Cotton tatting constantly manufacturing. All orders promptly attended to. octl9— 3m Hardeman & Sparks *Ware House 5 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, tllncon, G With their thanks for past favors, and a renewed Liberal advances made on Cotton and other pro* nee when required. {^"Planter’s Family Stores, also Bagging, Rope, sep 7 o. a. SPARKS. (Jhristiuas is Coming' BOXES Fire Cracker, and a large assortment- of Fire Works of all kinds, received and for by GREER Sc FREEMAN. Nor. 23. Consignment BBLS. GUNNY BAGGING for sale cheap, to close consignment. Dec 7. mmem. _ AYEItS. WINGFIELD A CO. Vanted! Wanted!! Wanted!!! MEAL! MEAL!! MEAL!!! Offick 8. W. R. R. Coxfaxt, ) Macon, Dec. 6,1858. 5 JROPOSALS will be received at this office until the first of January next, lor the delivery of 200 VIRGIL POWERS, Eng’r Sc Snpt. E. Feutchwanger. Cherry Street, Macon, Ga., NV1TES new fES particular attention to their large and stock of Goods, which they have marked And very few will be able to offer as reasonable Their stock of r every demand likely to bo made upon it. 1 and Examine with the assurance that Wanted Immediately. nov 30—et Mona others iraeil apply. \V. J, Mr ELROY, 3d Street, Macon, Ga. r>^VI33 ROSS, BOOS BINDE1 AND * ACCOUNT BOOK M anu f a oturer, C ONTINUES to make BI.ANat HOOKS for i'onru, Counting Houses and. Unit Honda and to Bind all varieties of FKFNTFtl TVOHK with superior neatness ami despatch MUSIC BOUND WITH ELASTICITY and ELEGANCE. LAWBOOKS IN THE MOST APPROVED STYLES, HARPERS’ WEEKLY ^MAGAZINE, GRAHAM'S, GOOEY’S and all other FRBIODli'ALS and Magazines BOUND in neat and cheap Bindings. Particular attention paid to the re-binding, valua ble old Books. Orders from, distance will meet with prompt at tention. Office upon the comer qfl'icird Cherry-Sts. Over G. T. Rodgers A Son, Macon, Ga. aug 24 ' NEW BOOKS 1\. elopedia of Commerce; Barton s Cyclopedia if Wit A Humor": a Handy Book on Properly Law; Man upon the Sen, by Goodrich i-Boutantlcpacsa ges in South Western History.- Life beneath the Wf. ters; The Hand but not tlie Heart, bv T. S. Arthur; William tlie Conqueror, bv Gen. Sir Cliarlr x Napier, Doctor Thorne; a new edition of Edgar A Poe's works; The Preacher nudtheKing, The Priest and the Huguenot; Lord George Bcnhck, by D'lsraeii; Beatrice Cenei; Debit A CreditMajor Roger Slier- itsey; ?'eatiraony of t | ■ Works; Bulwer'sNovoiscomplete; GroteVHfstary of Greece; Sparrow Grass Papers: Lord Montagu's page, by G. P. R. James ;■ Tbo Three Bokntiea, by Mrs. Southworth : Ventillation In American Dwell ings; Derivation of Family names; Wisdom, Wit and Humor; Steps towards Heaven; Den's Moral Theology; Mizpah, a Prayer Book ; Wayside He-' turesin Franco, Holland, Belgium, and npihe Rhine; Wild Northern Sccngs; Also a large assortment of fine Family Bible*. 1 J. M. BOABDSAN. Sept 21, 1888. _ New Steam Saw Mill H AVING started a Stejm Saw Mill in Houston County, about seven miles from Perry; near the reads leading from Terry to Macon, ire flatter our selves, that we c.an furnish as good if not better Lum ber than any other Mill, having tho beat. of Pine Timber, and good Sawyers. YVo will fill Bills from Macon, Fort Y'aTley, Perry and the surrounding country,' upon as good terms as other Mills, or the times will admit of. Those who want Lumber will, r.o donbt, find it to their interest to give us their bills, as we intend to give satisfac tion if possible. Address Peiry. Houston county, Ga. JOHN H. THOMAS, and JOHN A. THOMAS. June 13-tf • The Journal Sc Messenger copy tf. VALl'AULi; PLANTATION & NEGROES For Sale. T HE iindi:reigned will soil at Executor*’ wrto.’ on Tui’sday tlie 11th day of January next, at£tatjon No. 14, Central Kail Road, iu tho county of \V*sh ington, as tlie property of’tholnto William Fish, (i»i. pur£«a jco of his last wilt and testament,) one of the most valuable and'desirable 1 - COTTON PLANTATIONS - IS MIDDLE GEORGIA. Tho ji'.r.ce embraces between 2Goo and 2700 acre* oTldn'd. a large portion of which is rich aud produc tive There are between 6U0 and 700 acres hpen ■ land, or in a state of cultivation. The cleared land and a crest part of that uncleared, is very fertile and well adapted to tho production of COTTO.V, COHN, Ac. In addition to tho Suporior character and fertil ity of Ihe land, tills piano possesses advantages and facilities unsurpassed. The great Central Rail Road - passes through it, and there is upon the Plantation, a Rail Road Station, (a post office,) and attached to it is tlie franchise or privilege of supplying tlie R«il Uoiid Company with wood nnd water, which can bo made very profitable. There i* upon the place it good two story framed Bsrclllng House, good out buildings aud negro house*, with a good * GIN HOUSE AND COTTON SCREW. For further particulars applyto , G. YV. FISH, Oglethorpe, or to JOHN D. FISH, Savannah. • Mr. Brown, the Overseer on 4hp place, will show it to any one who desires to give it a personal exam ination. WILL also bo sold at the. same time ar d place, about SZXTV VKGKOES, the property of .-aid estate. Nearly all of these negroes are young, like ly ami valuable. Among them are two good nio- chanlcs,'one a Blacksmith, the ether a hon^e rtr- pcntcr. Trulls ok Sal.e,—The plantation will be sold for one-t’iird cash—the balance to- be paid in one and two y ears. The NEGROES will bo sold fur CASH. Y\’J2 will also sell (for cash,) at the Battle time and place; all the Males and stock, together mith allthe Corn, Pork, Fodder, plantation TooJg^aud other Mr* sonaLs on tho plantation. ' Sale to continue from day to day till all is sold, GEO. YV. F1S1L dec, U JOHN D. FISH. For Sale. F l YU Hundred dozen Georgia Buckets. 23 do Northern do 10 dozen Broom*, too lu-.-t Tnl s, «o Half Bushel Measures, - TO tons Iron, & tons Castings, ■i2j sacks Family and S. F. Finer, .100 Boxes Tobacco oil qualities. •10,000 pounds Bacon XI<-g round, • • 0 barrels Nats, 50 brace Raisins, • - 1.80 boxes Cheese, 10 kegs Goshen Butter. YVith every, article called for In tho Grocery-fine, oxceptinguquors. Ws would respcictfally soiic.-t a call from jtureh.t- sers, as wo can make it to their interest to pattohize m. . _ [Oct 26—;fj J. B. AW. A, ROSS The Hardware Store NATHAN WEED,' MACON, GEORGIA. One Price and no Deviation. % FOfe Planters. FOR FOR Carriage Makers, Fancy and Staple DRY-GOODS. NEW STOCK. • r W E havejnst opened a largo and elegant Stock of Goods in one of the New Storerunder GRAHISE HALL, Selected with great care to salt tho trade of Macon, and adjoiningconnt.-y—among'which are; ■ SILK ROBES A LEZ, SILK ROBES DOUBLE JUPE. SILK ROBES VOLANTES, or 2 FLOUNCES, FANCY SILKS in great variety. PLAIN and FIGURED BLACK SILKS, EVENING DRESSES, DeLAINE an I MERINO ROBES A LEZ, PLAIN and FIGURED DzLAINES, PtiAlN and FIGURED MERINOES. Y’ALENCIAS, POPLINS, PLAIDS, FOIL oc CHEY’KES, .MOURNING, and vari ous other styles of {SWISS' Embroideries, Real French Cambric and Swiss Collars, Setts, Handkercldefs/Ac. Valenciennes Collars and Sett*. Linen and HqZe Collars and Setts, Mourning Collars and Setts, Illusion Berthas, _ Real Thread and Y'alcncienues^Lace*,. Hosier^and Plov‘ h^-T 7 -' Cloak*, from lire.;i , MfAW ts— Sett. M-.-il'. I. C’iiuiii(ta^iie H inc>i. LSES Cabinet,} pts., 20 baskets Heidsick, d S do Premium. I-’orsaJ* by Nov.gJ. GREER Sc FREEMAN. A full asd>yrlmeDi cf STAPii Which wc off GOODS, as Lor; i any tost II- w in State ; l PLEASE CALL AND K\ ' l V. *. PRI DIlll.V A ro. octlD Granite HallBloek, Mncon,Ga. W HERE will be found the largest, and one of tho most complete assortments ev. ! er offered for sale in the State, comprising: IRON of every size, and a- Blacksmitns dapted to wants ol the country. j. STEEL, round, s-;u»rri oc tagon, Plow, Gerrn.se, Spring ■Blister, See. i AXES of all tho best make, 'and warranted to stand.’ j ANVILS, Vises. Bellows, Screw plates. Hammers, Bat teries, Tongs, Ac. ' Pat- oth ers. PLOWS, Subsoil, Hill side, self sharpening. One, tw.o and House horse. Y n.o CORN Shelters, Corn .Miffs, ApepelS, Straw Cotters, IVaee and wag on Chains, Rope, llamas. F0K POTWARE. Andirons, Sho- Everybody a^fSS* to OTTER, Rabbit £nd Rat TRADE AT. T d^ u FOR _ _ , . HOES, Scovll, B?*dcs, Mercnailts, eat,. Crown, Georgia ana FOll Clotliing:! E. WINSHIP H AS jnst received another new lot of elegant OVERCOATS, andean afford to, and will sell them at greatly reduced prices. To the Public. PLRCHASERSofKEADYAIAEiK CLOTH INC, will do well to call and exnmiim my Stock: 1 am olferinglo sell at reduced prices on account of the lateness of the season, dec It E. WINSHIP. To lovers of good Cigars. /'NREEB A FREEMAN have just received 20 \JT thousand Cigars, among which are theeolcbra- tod Nabalas, Calhoun, Cubanna, Ambrosia, La Ligouesa. Alabama, El llio Sella, and many others unnecessary to mention Givo as a call a* we can writ yon, * ■ -Uiov. 23, Wiiics, ffi'und), *c. 5 BBLS. pure Georgia W: 3 half Pipe* veiy choice 10 bbls. pure Com YVhis] me. „ , old Cogniae Brandy. . iVhiakey, Robinson county. 3 bbls North Carolina Whisky. ^taketaHnd^Chmn^ueYVmmforsawby 1-l.l.VO* FOB H.U.B- TF you want a PIANO call and see thee* it our JL Office. Cheaper than ever known ;n this M irkct, iid.asgood as tho best. Insfrnmenfs worth $-500 sold 375 “ 3C0. Before you buy, come dec 7 ™ &uu ity J. F. YVINTEU A C