Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, January 18, 1859, Image 2

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THE GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. MACON, GhA., Tneaday Morning, Jan. IE Distribution or Government Fat- RONAGE. We arc indebted to the Hon. Robert Smith of Illinois for a co]>y of the Report of the Select Committee, to which was referred the Bill to A Just Conclusion. The United States a Power. The Theatre. City Subscription to the Macon and A long editorial in the Albany Patriot, on the Ten or fifteen years ago, a passing' rnph The implo announcement of tho fact that Mr. j BRUNSWICK RAILROAD AND PROTEST late judicial contest in the South-Western cir- : on the annual message of tho President' ho cuit, sets out with a very just inference, to wit: sum of political notice dolled out to as b\ tiie The result surely indicates that nomination! for European press. No petty seven by nine Ger- OFTAX PAYERS. Supreme Court. Arrival of the Steams; AV EDXESD.VY, Jjui. 12th, 1859. Cotton Disc link l> I.]- , The following judgment vr&i rendered by the New York, Jan. 9.—Tho I Court in Savannah: has arrived, with Liverpool dto2' A Error Dec. 25th. ‘ •' j De- Liverpool Cotton Markm City Special Election. The friends of the Macon and Brunswick. Kail Road Company, and all who endorse the sub scription of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, snade by the City of Macon, to Ks capital stock, by the City Council at its last meeting, would present the names of Capt B. F. Ross und Stephen Collins, as candidates for Aldermen, to fill the vacancies occasioned by the resignation of A. R, Freeman and J. DcLoachc. Election next Saturday, 22nd instant BP* City papers please copy. Kanins Rotting ready to Bleed AGAIN. A telegraphic disjiatcb, dated St Louis, Jan. 12 th, says: It is stated that the Kansas banditti, numbering four hundred, are building a fort at Chobcu's old trading post; and it is said that Montgomery declares he will fight the troops sent from Linn and Rocrbon counties, unless Governor Denver compromises with him. —" 1 ~ ■ —>t* i ■■ The Pacific Bail Road Bill. In the Senate on the 12th, the Pacific Rail Road hill came upon a motion by Senator Iver son, to recommit with instructions to report a hill for a Northern and a Southern route. This motion was amended by adding “a central route,” ami then lost by a vote of 25 to 82. Appointment Declined. We were sorry to observe in the Federal Union of last Tuesday that Messrs. H. V. John son and Iverson L. Harris liavc refused to accept their recent ap]K>intnient on the Commission to codify the laws. The reason, we are inform ed. i- the insufficiency of the compensation. Fleming is here with his company , will doubt less crowd Ralston’s Hall to its almost capacity J We extract from the proceedings of the Coun- j 73' la '‘, p , ■ t!fr y _ __ ___ P| __ ^ _ _ during the six nights they arc to-remain, for the j cil at its meeting on Tuesday night last, ns pub-j ^. JJeni * K i'ertman -/ 'a! Caveators, l>c i iv nr apportion the Clerks and Messengers in the fjff to him/e nTh em em b*™ ofthM>° rt>% * : man principality, which did not command more . impression he left on the minds of all who wit-1 lished in the Citizen, the following resolutions j fendant in Error—Caveat to will, from JefFer- for the week were 4^000 bides** 1 several departments of the Government in the iag effect attention than this government The country—j nessed his efforts during a former visit was hon-1 and protest son. ulators took 3,500 and exporters /- '- The Court below was requested by counsel market open buoyant, bntnews 0,, ' for prepounder to charge the jury, that if it be- 0 d States earned a decline of 1 m, 1 lieved that the testator might.have seer the at- ticnlarly on Uplands and Mobil. ♦ nf )iic irtll SHc QnrRnont it hnino’ 1 * 1. „ A f ” 1. ... j it city or Washington nmungst the several States Exactly so. The good sense and conserva-1 the people—the trade—the markets, of course, j orable to himself and gratifying to our citizens. 1 • Aid. Longley introduced and read the pro- and Territories and District of Columbia. tive feelings of the people revolt at theappli attracted more attention. Cotton, tobacco^ rice Last Evening was the first of six representa- j ccedings of n Public Meeting held at Concert This Report contains much valuable informa tion on the subject of the apportionment of pat ronage and shews up the system of favoritism which exists at Washington in such a light as to warrant the belief that a more fair and equal distribution of Government officers will be speedily inaugurated. The Report shews that Georgia lias twelve persons serving as clerks in all the Departments at Washington, whiio Connecticut lias eighteen, New Hampshire sixteen, Massachusetts eigh teen, Maine twenty-fiTC, New York sixty-three, Pennsylvania one hundred and one, New Jersey twenty, Delaware eight, Maryland seventy- seven, North Carolina twenty-three, Virginia one hundred and nine, South Carolina ten, Florida seven, Alabama thirteen, Mississippi sixteen, Louisiana sixteen, Texas seven, Arkan- cationof mere political machinery to this matter., nud the other rich trophies of our teeming soil. ; tions which he ha-; announced, and we reyret Hall on Saturday, the Sth inst., to take into They see it is out of place. If judicial candi- ! plead their own cause with European trade.— : that the early hour of our going to press pre- S? ns T er ?™ n the P™P r , lct . v of subsenbingTwo dates are to come Before the people as nominees Keen-sighted manufacturers and merchants were and exponents of political parties, why not carry no t backward in discovering our great utility as out the system, and let let them go into the * s i U ce to their overcharged warehouses, and field actively, in stump debates and urgent per-1 some economists early saw in us a valuable out- soual canvassing ? “Oh, no; that will never do.: let for a surplus and burdensome population. It Is unbecoming judicial candidates to be j nut as a political power—whose opinions were taking the stump—making party appeals to the ; worth anything or likely to influence anybody people, and intriguing; and electioneering for; beyond ourselves, we might as well liave been votes.” And why * Because there Is nothing, New Zealand savages. Our government itself and ought to be nothing, about the official func- was an enigma to foreign statesmen, and to com mons of a Judge, which concerns or pertains to prehend it not worth the study in any more the political parties of the day. On the contrary, i practical point of view tlian as a matter of curi- it is his business carefully to ignore parties and ! ous philosophical inquiry. When the Lord politics in the discharge of Ills official duty.— Mayor of London introduced Mr. Webster to a Well, then, if the office has properly no concern I dinner crowd as “a member of the Upper Scn- with politics—if the officer ought not to be_ a | ate of New York,” he had probably primed liim- sas six, Tennessee twenty-five, Kentucky twen- j politician, why put him before the people as a j self for the occasion by some special inquiry in- ty-four, Ohio forty-seven, Indiana twenty-eight, | political candidate, and therefore a politician ? ^ to our political system. The simple fact Is, that Illinois twenty, Missouri fourteen, Michigan I "’hy make him a party organ, as candidate, j we had only Cindcrilla’s place in the “ family eighteen, Wisconsin nine, Iowa six, California who ought to know nothing of party as Judgctof nations,” and were about a blank with all City Express. .Messrs. <freer >1- Freeman liavc at last sup plied a want which has long existed in our growing city. They liavc started a city express. We hope the spirit and enterprise displayed by these very worthy young mcrcliants will meet with generous nnd profitable encouragement. United States senators Elected. Tho Michigan Legislature lias elected Ex. Governor Bingham to succeed Hon. Charles Stuart in the U. S. Senate. Senator W. P. Fes senden has been re-elected in Maine, and Ilemy Wilson in Massachusetts—free soilero *’!. Kentucky. -V Democratic State Convention, on the 8th, nominated Hon. Iicnah Magiffin as candidate for Governor, and Lynn Boyd for Lieutenant-Gov ernor. Mr. Breckinridge's Speech. Don’t fail to read the splendid speech of Mr. Breckinridge in our paper to-day. It is a mas terpiece of eloquence, besides furnishing a high ly interesting summary of historical facts con nected with the location of the present scat of government. lion. Joliu E. Ward, Left Savannah for New York cn route to Chi na on tho steamship Augusta last Saturday. We have full confidence that the important du ties of his mission will be discharged with honor to himself and advantage to the country. Cold Weather at the North. The weather philosophers in New York and vicinity, decided that Monday, the 10th instant, was the coldest day experienced in that region for seventy years. In the city, during the day, ’ho mercury frequently stood five degrees below ro. On Brooklyn Heights it feel to sixteen below. A horse left at the door of a house in Brooklyn, while the driver went in to warm himself, was found dead from cold on his return. One omnibus driver was frozen to death. The Boston steamers have censed running on account of ice obstructions in Long Island Sound. The ten, and the District of Columbia two hundred and three. In tlio abovo list we have confined the figures to clerks in the Departments, but if wc were to include messengers, laborers, and other persons, the proportion would be still greater in favor of the Eastern, Middle, and Maryland, District of Columbia and Virginia, over the Southern States. The Report also contains the amount in Dol lars of Government Department patronage be stowed on each State, from which it appears that the six Eastern States, having twenty-nine members of Congress, receive of the Govern ment patronage $127,400 The four Middle States four members, receive.... Virginia and Maryland having one members, receive. North Carolina, South Carolina, gia, Florida, Alabama, Texas, Louisi ana, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ar kansas. 1 laving sixty-three members, receive Ohio, Indiana, Illinois Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Missouri, California, and Minnesota, having sixty members, receive The District of Columbia having a population not quite sufficient to be entitled to one representative, re ceives According to Mr. Smith’s report. Georgia has less Government patronage in the Departments according to population, than any State in the Union. There arc twelvo appointees from Georgia in the Departments receiving in the aggregate an nually sixteen thousand eight hundred dollars. If the patronage were distributed as recom mended in the Rejiort of Mr. Smith, according to each States representation, Georgia would be entitled to forty appointments and receive over fifty three thousand dollars annually. Wc do not see why Virginia, Maryland, the District of Columbia, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania should be the special favorites of Government, and enjoy to so huge an extent its bounty. The work in the Departments can be as well done by employees from other States, and wc Why initiate a party canvass hy a nomination, * European diplomats. and then balk at all tho means and appliances : We are tempted into these reminiscences, just j for making it successful ? If there lie any con- now, hy a glance in the papers at the outpour- J sistener 'or reason in such a course, wc fail to ’ incs of the European press on the last Prcsi- scc it. On the contrary, it seems clear enough dent’s message. A complete transmogrification that if there is any propriety in jiarty judicial j has taken place. The stately London Times is nominations there is none in that “common indignant daily over the President’s message consent and opinion of mankind" which hold it for a week. The courtly Chronicle tears at it improper for the candidate to avail himself of : by instalments and in extenso. The entire all tho party usages to give the nomination British press is scolding at great length. Across success and efficacy. the Channel Lc Pays the Moniteur, Galligna- . . The force and propriety of political nomina- »i’s Messenger, the Paris Union and all the rest £• “ tions for other offices all can sec ami must ae-; are profound and prolix in tlieirohjurgations.— knowledge. < >ur t lovemor is expected to take i Madrid is blazing through the (iazettc and Es- vents our doing justice to the performances. This evening Bourcicault’s brilliant comedy of “London Assurance” will be presented, and we feel confident it will be n rich dramatic treat to ail lovers of the histrionic art who may go. It is but seldom indeed that we can expect to see so excellent a company where the support is limited to only a portion of the Season, but Mr. Fleming being located at Savannah as the Lessee and Manager of the Athcncuni. he is per- haps enabled to do more tlian others. Tho great success which attended his repre sentation of last month in this city, arc a guar antee to our Ladies and Gentlemen that there Is no likelihood of their being offended by disor der in the auditoruni, or improprieties on the Stage. Let it be borne in mind that this is the only week of their stay at present. One more Night of the Opera Is announced in the advertisements trwlay. Paying an Old Debt. A merchant very extensively engaged in commerce, and located upon the Long wharf, Boston, died intestate, February 18th, 1802, at the age of seventy-five. After his death a pack age of very considerable size was found careful ly tied up and labelled as follows: “Notes, due bills and accounts against sun dry persons down along shore. Some of them mav be got by suit and severe dunning. Rut Hundred Thousand Dollars to the Macon & Brun swick Railroad. Whereupon he offered the following Preamble and Resolutions : Whereas, at a Public Meeting of the Citizens of Macon, had and held at the Court House in said City on the 80th December, 1858, and at a subsequent meeting of said Citizens at Concert Hall in said City on the Sth January 1859, both of which were convened and held under resolu tions passed by the Mayor and Council of the City of Macon, the said Mayor and Council were recommended and instructed by a Majority of the citizens assembled, to subscribe the sum of Two Hundred Thousand 1*200,000) Dollars to the Capital stock of the Macon and Brunswick Rail Road Co., the same to bo binding upon the city when a like sum shall he “bona tide” sub scribed by other parties, provided the same be paid in Ronds of the city bearing seven per cent interest, and provided further, that the a- mount subscribed by the city of Macon shall be expended in the Construction of that part of the Road next to the city of Macon as appears from certified copies of the proceedings of said two meetings now before the Council, Therefore, Resolved, That the proceedings of said two meetings of eitizcas lie entered upon the minutes. Resolved, That the Mayor is hereby author ized and instructed to subscribe in behalf of the city of Macon the sum of Two Hundred Thou sand (200,000) Dollars to the Capital Stock of the Macon and Brunswick Rail Road Company, subject to the condition and provisions contain ed in the Resolutions passed by said two pub lic meetings of the citizens of Macon. Provided that the said subscription is made on the following additional conditions to wit : that the said Railroad shall not run on the West side of the Ocmulgec river, to a point not far- all, v have seen the j inff f ree ly. but were not pressing" ," c ,eS - was a holiday week, and but f ml, j . said that if the j was done. The market closed at flip- testation of his will, it is sufficient—it not being the Market closed dull. HoV memuf flirt he should actually have seen the j i„i? fi-eelv. hnt were *.m * crc B witnesses subscribe their names, the Court refused to give, but attestation were in the same tator the proposition was true not. Held: that this refusal Wtk the charge given in lieu thereof was error. Held : i an( j s further: that it should have been submitted to | Home circulars say that quotation, thejury, under the evidence in this case, whether , maintainedt m f other * the testator, having gone into an adjoining room, but without chaD in X^ did see or was, or might have been in a pos.tion ^ Cottox Market.-o ! * to sec, the witnesses subscribe their names. ^ 104 francs . Sales of ^ Judgment reversed. b ales, and atoek on hand lOaOOOhK 1 A. R. right and Polhiil & Cam. for Plaintiff \ V* , , in error. Shewmakc and W. J R. Carswell, bu , t , do ’ c ' i Contra. , ® T V E °J. Trade—Busmesa i n th .' cases heard. facturing districts was favorable, k Savannah and Ogecohc Canal Co., r,. Robert* the larg, Habersham el. al. Argued by Mr. Ward, for Plaintiff in error; Messrs. Harden and Law- ton, for Defendants in error. Divid F. Dickinson rs. Lizar Solomons. J. J. Jones, for Plaintiff in error; Ward for Defen dant in error. on hand. London Monet Mrrkkts There L good demand for money at unchanged* Consols for account were quoted at The bullion in the Bank of Enebm,l i creased £125,000. fishermen’s luck. My children will do as they *“S5 sSrerSE,..... *»• 4* <*^ For the Telegraph. ‘ Z Cannot I.cnvc inr Childhood’* Home.’ BY S. T. BAILEY. I cannot leave my childhood's home, Where first I saw the light, And with my mother used to roam, To pluck the daisies bright. I cannot leave that mother’s tomb, No more to wet with tears The Doners I planted there to bloom In after saddened years. I cannot leave the babbling brook, Where I and brother played, Watched by a mother’s fondest looks, Where’er our footsteps strayed. Those brooks and bills, and trees and tiowers, I ^ crt j s cons ‘derc(l a triumph over the^j Were planted in this heart, General News.—The approadiiiu-H days, before the sailing of the d/ri,' i ■ caused a partial suspensioh of bu-icn' “ Late news had been received fron ! r i China, but it is generally uniinporr-, : . negotiations in fixing the Chinese lari' been completed. The ship Isaac Wright has beta l _ : the river Mersey. Three hundred p 1 bound to New York, were fortunately/^® The ship was scuttled and run astir, had a valuable cargo of fine goous, thousand tons of iron. The London Times in speaking of H Buchanan’s message, says it consider: remarkable that the United State;. ,.| I the present time have a cause for war ■■ most every State in South. America, no The result ol the trial of Count M licir part, liave an important hearing « ,d apprehension in the minds of Kepubli- younger than the eldest, a man oYstrong! P“'rt of her subscription until the said in-1 Primes of political parties ; and they oan na,lers this si,k ' thc - ula " ,lV: 1,111 < n i*»w | {mpuliivo temperament, unable at that moment j ; ’ ta !| m< j ni j s on a majority of the other stock sub-, age to award which may as property' h™ things have changed since wc were young- to « Which was caSed by the following vote: irH- no ti.o othra- : . cr—when a President s message might have cd tho tears from Ins eyes wttn one band, by a .. .. , r °i„.. » .i 287,000 425,613 roiwr bearing upon or concern with party— out a single column from all these ,»pers com- j thc flauu . s lt , vas suggestcd by another broth- -Vays-BoifcuiUct (Having pledg is simple duty Is to administer justice without hi, "* L Tlic f “ c ‘ Wl ‘ are irctting to be a great, er that it might lie well first to make a list of I tkc 1 u . i' C , Pnn .. to th .^ ' ot nr fcw » ritrSim——fE i miintrr—.-rent in nosition. liower and resour- the debtors' names, and of the dates and amounts,! a 7 tlijit l wouia at no uine cast mv ,oie «. iu- that they might be enabled, a* the intended vo > v ( c . tbe C,t >' d r cbt to r aB - v "'agiutude with- discharce was for all. to inform such as nnVht out them consent, I therefore vote nay.)-l. ii|miii the fortunes ! have |mtroiia^ _ _ _ . _ _ . j go to one party as the other, and‘is important or—when a President's message might have | cd the teaTS from his eves with one hand, bv a 227,900! «o both. But the office of the Judge has ho l^scd to set thc Ocean aliro without calling J St'S hiTwldl lo hive U^^ckct W tato proper Hia country—great in position, power and resour ces, and the combined world is just waking up to the fact. Beyond tliui, too, the improvements of the age in intercommunication, arc bringing our influence to liear with vastly increased i>ow- cr. What man glowing with a patriotic inspi- arena of violent opposition and ardent advocacv j ration, could describe the future of our giant —with a mind at equipoise between friend and prosperity anil power, in godlike exercise for the foe. All sec this, and tho fire of a heated iiartizan _ . _ place in which to make a judge. Then why j — ljul f° r twaddling and spiteful abolitionists, ! office waiting for an opportunity to speak with send him to thcsliop at all. Why put him ns n: inflammatory demagogues and small beer poli- j him, when there crate in a luud ^favored, little fear, favor or affection—with entire impartiality as iM-twecn nmn and man, or bodies of men.— Ho ought, on principle, to stand aloof from every excitement calculated to create prejudice or bias in his mind, and he will be no common man if lie can step out of a heated canvass—thc | Yeas—Driggers, Anderson, Longley, Ad ams, Greer— Xai/s—Boifeuillet (Having pledged myself e .r "-*-* *- ’ ’otcrs of tllC vote to in discharge was for all, to inform such as might ,,, - . . ,, , offer payment, that their debts were forgiven. : . Th< : fo!k "‘ P" was read and ordered to Ik: On the following clay they again assembled, f 'P rea( * on minu tcs • and the list had been, prepared, and all the Macon, 11th January, 1859. notes, due-bills and accounts, which, including To thc Mayor and Council of thc City of Ma- interest, amounted to thirty thousand dollars, con: were committed to thc flames. Gentlemen,—We, thc undersigned, citizens theroforo all admit that! inditical amelioration of mankind, hut for the I jJ^.^ntlmtcslmJ £.1“, in Znotof !‘^^ t wo hSdlSSd^oll^ tizan canvass is no goo.1; niLscrable spirit of fanaticism ami demagoguism, JunCj tllat j was sitting in my elder brother’s ‘ ^l^j^tothc CmShO^oA rfttc Macon •udge. Then why j 1 ^*r’.:T“l k lTm!l ^Brunswick Railroad (as rcoon.inendcd in the party nominee in a condition which all admit ho ought not fully to occupy » And why make him a party candidate at all, seeing that there is no concern or interest of a jiarty which he ought to take cognizance of, if elec ted» this mighty republic a great, overshadowing Doubtless the people of Georgia feel these truths i P°" cr >•> the world—more potent for good tlian much more forcibly than the Telegraph can ex-! an . v liuman organization ever yet rolled into ex press them, and that is the reason why judicial istencc by thc Great Architect of Earth, to re nominations, “fail to have any binding effect!” j buil<l an 1 «»deem thc fortunes of fallen and suf- The parties repudiate them, and the people gen-, faring humanity. So mote it lie. crally, not lieing astute in the law, will be gov erned in their selections and votes bv conside- In childhood’s happy, happy hours— Wo cannot, cannot part! Child of my heart, suppress that wail! We pilgrims need but stalls. Thc happiest homes of earth must fail, When death invades their halls! Wc arc but pilgrims through the tomb To happier homes on high, Where flowers immortal ever bloom, And loved onc9 never die. What matters where on earth wc rest, Hastening from earth away, So wc are numbered with thc blest, Who dwell with God for avc? ment. | At Canton Exchanges have j business has been checked by the fciyl of Teas. Georgia Weekly Visitor I This paper (formally thc Madison Fa:: I tor) conies to us much improved in aj. T anil with new life and vigor infused i:.,B__ ; partnient. It is edited by Messrs, f. : row and V. S. Micro, and published : Gardiner. It is a first rate family ne • and wc hope it will receive the pation*.^^ : serves. So says the Augusta DispatcU '“-*j sav wc. Washington as a Farmer. . , The following extracts from “Irving’s life rations of personal acquaintance and confidence, j 0 f Washington,” showing his love for country commendation of Mr. Smith should be adopted, lie introduced a bill accompanying the report, the first section of which provides, Tliat here after all appointments of clerks and messengers employed, or to be employed in, or connected with, the several Departments of the Govern ment, in the city of Washington, shalt be ap- . pointed from thc several States and Territories mercury at Ogdcnsburg, New Fork, sunk to 3(1 1 j n thc House of Representatives, and the District arc strongly inclined to thc opinion that thc re- 1 nominations to the contrary notwithstanding, life, and his habits as n farmer, will interest below zero on the Kith. W’lmt’s to be done ! A public meeting was callod for last.Sstunlay ill Edgefield District, (S. C.,) at BoclwH* Acade my, far tho following purpose, as stated in tho call: **to deli!»eratc nnd decide as to what WC will do in regard to thc African slave trade, and with those who have them in their possession. Tlie M’Sishington*^'nmn*denies tno statement TI,e Unloski Times and tlic Bruns- the people that jiaymcnt of a $100 Treasury note has been refined at the Treasury in Washington. A. W. Fnber’s Lend Pencils. Mr. (lea W. Dickson, with Ebcrhard Faber, 133 William street. New York, Sole Agent for A. F\. Faber's celebrated lead pencils, called on US this morning, and exhibited some most beau tiful drawings in colors, made by pencils of tin's celebrated brand. Wc were surprised to sec the brilliance of thc colors, and still more sur prised to find by c.\|icriiiient that these colors were intractable. Thc Faber pencil needs no of Columbia shall be deemed, for this purpose, equal to ono congressional district. Wo are not unaware of the fart tliat this bill will meet with violent opposition from thc mem bers from tho monopolizing States, and espe cially from Mr. Mason of Virginia, but wc hope the members from thc West, and the South At lantic and Gulf States will combine and carry it through. Let us have a fair division They will vote for thc candidate they know host,; our readers, if they love their farms as he did which, in general will Ire he who lives the > llls * nearest or bus. from some adventitious circum- “ ms ,etter to* Mount A ernon. he writes: . 4 **I am now, I believe, faxed in this seat, and stance, the most extensive acquaintance. Now. i bopc t0 fiod more happiness in retirement the I’atriot complains that the people of the than I ever experienced in the wide and bust- South-Western circuit did not elect the better ling world.” lawyer of the two—the man whom the liar pre ferred We have no knowledge of the facts— but is it not evident, so long as the duty of se lection is thrust upon the people, the question -• o-c r— | mm, wuci. mere romc ...« uwu lavureu, resolutions passed at the public meeting held tieiaas generally, who distract the present and joldnwn who look^cd as ff time and rough wroth a t Concert Hall on Saturdav last, thc 8th inst,) cloud the future, like a swarm of pestilent gnats ! cr ha< *S? n *®.*'fi'r !"v'i ^n-UL Sf/fbf'V ' vould ** hidily disastrous and result in heavy say, that if true to herself, our children will sec istntorj as our fiither died Instate. ^ rhe monev w gutewib ed will lie expended ; “M ell said the stranger, “l have come up outsido of ou * r city for the benefit notofMacon, ! from the C ape to pay q ilebt I owed thc old gen- but for the u . ncH ^ of owner8 of property along | tlenuin. ... * thc line of tlic contemplated Railroad and thc I My brother requested him to take a seat, he , f Bmnswidt being at the desk. The old man sat down, and ! We therefore request that you will not make j putUng on his glasses, drew out a very ancient tho subscripti0 n recommended in thc rcsolu- lxx'ket-liook and began to count over his money. ! ti abovc referred to When ho had finished, as he sat waiting his sho J, 1 h ^ ever contrary to our wishes, j turn, slowly twirling his thumbs, with his old nmke the a u , Jse rip tion of two hundred thousand i gray meditative eyes upon the floor he sighed d0 ,, ars to thc M ‘ acon * i{ r „nswick Railroad i and f knew the money, as the phrase: runs stQck and issuc lM)nds of thc cu for p j came hard, and secretly wished that the old ; mcnt j man’s naine might be found on the forgiven list Wo hcrcb ^ vc noticc to and Uirou h j ,\fy brother was soon at liesure. and asked hmi t o the Macon & Brunswick Railroad and* ci thc usual question, his name, residence, Ac. - .... ... The original debt was four hundred and forty dollars. It had stood a long time, and, with the thc public, that wc protest against said sub scription to said Railroad Stock, and thc issue of bonds of the city for payment thereof. And of comparative legal ability can hardly enter into its decision. Those of us not lawyers are wholhr-nnablc to ilocido It, except on informa tion, which may or may not lie fallaciow*.— Every man's doctor is the very Inst physician hundred dollars. My brother went to his desk, For the Telegraph. Tlic Bible. ’Tis justly called “the book of books,” More pearls there lie beneath its lid, (Although ’tis simple in its looks) Than in the deepest seas are hid. For pearls of priceless worth indeed, Are thc great truths that God has given, To tell us of himself, and lead Our footsteps in tlic path to heaven. Both wise and simple here may come, For in its pages are revealed, An ample store for every one: Though some things deeply arc concealed. “ Nor min, nor angel can discern” Air things, of Him that rules above; Yet some arc plain, that each may learn— A child can feel that “ God is love.” Its wisdom has for ages shone, Its power through many ages stood. It is, in short, the corner stone. Of all that's truly great or good. EVA LIND. , .. us by thc City of Macon for thc payment ofany This was a deliberate purpose With him— , anJ "ftfrcxaniiningthe for^ven list attentive- pa rt of the principal or interest of‘the debt so the result of enduring inclinations. Through- • s " ddcn SI “ dle “ “P 4 ?" lns countenance, and contracted. out the whole course of his career, agricultu- I (old me the truth at a single glance. 1 lie old man s yy c f lirtbor no tifv you, and through you the ral life appears to have been his beau ideal of j ,' va \!. “T? * l,rothcr quietly took n or bo ldcr of the 1 >onds proposed to be existence, which haunted bis thoughts, eveu J chair by his side, anil a conversation occurred ^ issucd for p avincnt of said Rai lr oad Stoc k , amid thc stern duties of the field, and to which* i ®®tween whi c h 1 shall never forget. That wc are not IkhuhI for any portion of he recurred with unflagging interest, whenev-I 4 1our note is outlawed, said he “it was da ' saia bonds • nor is .inv property we hold in Uu, i to v/o mas* yoru, j stock lO oe J bales ot whicIT Jfr g cr . to indulge his natural bias. Mount ’ , Uv °l Ve years ago, payable in two years; J city jubie ti»crcr.»r. * constitutes the highest duty and should, lie the American; or 3tf,000 Iwiles in the e\ \ ' ! «i \ croon wa> bis harbor of renose. where hn I there is no witimH, and inter.-t bn* never Im «•< believing our wishes will be duly respected, . • c , c • «, •• estimated vtock Ion HS” 1 " 1 ,’ r...i«j i.: •. repose,, where be j , voll „o, b„um. .« this note; we[ wc , ^^ Vcr YoltrsT chiefem of man-and of young men espemlly ’ '^tai hjorts of thc vear were J / _ U.L. Jones. Isaac Scott. The life of our Sat ior was held up as in the high- .1— Uator Foreign News. I ;’ p r ; BY NIAGARA AT H.UJFAX Om F^ London Money Market.—Mom 1 active. Consols ’quoted at 80 5-4. in thc Bank of England hail decrease: Louis Napoleon had again iK-r-k-i j ; Moutalenihcrt, and also die editor i res|H>ndcnt, anil one hundred aii'i f i‘eta | other prisoners. 'coll It reported that France has offidaQjS^!' j England of her support, if Knglae^P ! < : mcjLsures to counteract President Ik. >* °*1 j policy. A recent false alarm of fire, at thc theatre in London, had caiised a panic, VW ! teen people were trampled to death. It is announced that Mr. Bland sued i Erskine as Secretary of Legation of M'aJ . The Latter goes to Stockholm. The Spanish papers denounce Mr. Bo | message in a tone of offended pride. Insurrectionary movements contins via. Prince Alexander Gcorgivits - sumed the sovereignty in 1S52) ha* ! posed, and Prince Milosch lias been ,-nV ; in his stead.. "'J The sales of cotton during the 'uti erpool were •’>5,000 bales-, of which H , took 1,000 and exporters3,000 bah- S on Friday were 7,000 Irnlcs. and tr.-H I closed quiet, but steady. | “ The authorised quotations are for— F'air Orleans 7 3-8d. ; Fair Mobiles j F’ar Uplands 7d.; Middling Orleans 7'fK i dling Mobile 0 7-8d. ; Middlin'. H j C il-lf«l. ; The annual statement of H |i »»i«qmui, aim ltUjloils ior the year. ofxlie word, stock to be 349,005 hales of wl.ich 2 -' H ! popular judicial Isaac Scott, T. C. Dempsey, of the Macon and Brunswick Kail Road says: Then tills is our suggestion: build thc road from Macon on thc East side to some point on the river near Ilawkinsvillc, and there re-cross the river and run thence on thc West side to the Initial point All Pulaski county will unite on this, and being united they would give strength to the enterprise. This would also receive aid from thc lower part of Hoaston, a large portion of Dooly, all of Wilcox, Irwin and Coffee counties. Tho suggestion of thc “Times” will meet with repeatedly furled his sail. and*fancie<l hYm8ohf 1 p 11 ” 1 : - ” ro "°* • ,, .. anchored for life. No impol “5 I'“ >0 ^r' L . , , r(l *.u.»»is, in theworid, and why should not every man s tM , pte c btaiheoce; nothing hutth^ail of!. ‘^ ,r > . Mld , tl ‘ e .° ldn ? p ’. 1 yM<h . *?}*r «t , rt i Jas. W. Armstrong, lawj er bo tlic best l At all events, he will know his country and his devotion to the public good. I ,s !, he ""ft do , | 1 j 1 "'.' 0 ,n the '' °. r ' L 1 * D,a f Vt E. J. Johaston. ♦!,„ roniom. i ootUwcd here, but I have no child, and my old | s <;eo T Rogers, C. II. Rogers, James A. Ralston, G. B. Roberts, As* Holt, “I cannot take the non^MV| j‘ Washington, Martill"^!". Saviqrvrasheldupasinthchigh- which 8how? a * insnHlso of ro<u00 JiciJ est degree an exemplification of thc principle, last vear. more of his merits. Now lie who goes in for ' The place was endeared to him by*the reinem- i ouua, '' e<1 ll ' r ?’ I,ut 1 llave no c, tild. and my old | g obear, - - - -• '*- ■ - - - - - .woman and I hope we have made our peace | Asher Ivors Ex. est D. ‘Dempsey,! and as a life to he imitated. But to do gcod in j state of Trade— Manchester ad, icJ .... ... , ... i but little fiivor from the friends of thc promised comment—it is unapproachable and the bnl- A . ... . .. 1 . 1 . ... i -,1 injJ \ r .. , . Road in tnw City, and tlie reasons are obvious banco and indelible color of tlie colored pen- L J . . . ants and bankers. Thc pencil drawing cannot bo surpassed in beauty by pictures colors. WICK R-\IL ROAD. 1 strikes us The Pulaski Tiroes in an article on tlie route ■ who quarrels with an inevitable result of his the rural"freYi'ngT ” “ ’ ” ’ ’ ’*■' J own system. For, unless he will make lawyers j The mansion was beautifully situated on a of thc people, wc cannot see ltoiv lie will enable i swelling height, crowned with wood, and com- them rightly to decide on the comparative ' "landing a magnificent view up and down the abilities ot the member* of the profession. Potomac. The grounds immediately about ^ it were laid out somewhat in thc English taste. Elections. The estate was apportioned into separate Judge Lamar's majoritv over Mr. Giles bv (arms, devoted to different kinds of culture. in four hundred and lort\ -one \otcs. ail( j lurking places of foxes. “Xo estate in Mr. Bailey's majority for Solicitor in the Pa- United America.” observes be, in one of his taula Circuit is four rotes. letters, “is more pleasantly situated. In a high Mr. Thurmond is elected Solicitor in the Wes- and healthy country, in a latitude between tern Circuit by a very heavy majoritv. I* 1 ® esl f e,,,ea of heat and cold ; on one of the ... , n * .* . , - , ... finest rivers of the world, a river well stock- Mr. Lofton, the present incumbent «f ‘he ed with various kinds of fish a: nil seasons of thc true sense of the word, requires one to be a yorable, and holders arc demanding as i man ; and to be a man involves not the posses- J in prices, sion of unlioundcd wealth, towering intellect, _ — uijfl commanding position, or wide extended :aflu-1 Executive Appointmenu^H cncc, but thc presence of Christianity In the!, T , !l . e ?? !lo ” 1 ,ng a P]*°intmer.Ls have in--1 , . ?. . ^ i by his F.xcellenev. the Governor, for ill heart. Thc lecturer affirmed that nothing but j jgjp. true Christianity can make iwa-men of true Gen. EH McConnell, of Milton coins J nobility of soul, whose con-tant aim is to 'oene-' cipal Keeper of the Penitentiary. I fit others and do to them ns we would liavc : John Jones of Mviscogce, Assistant distant ‘ft a Boel-M-^ rin, ChqV: \\'. A. IVilliams of Baldwin. Rev. It. C. Smith, of Baldwin. Dr. Geo. D. Case, of Baldwin, Phy C. J. Wclborn, of Union, State LiV>K® B. F. Cook, of Baldwin, Captain St.itcH ! Giiards. lOO Negroes for Sale at Auction. Wc call attention to advertisement of Messrs. Harrison & Pitts, of Columbus, in another otlunin, of 100 negroes for sale by them at auc tion, on thc 1st February next ■B cum,. thc 1 ’ rcscnt 1,ncs , of Ho * d ‘ertiiiitating at Macon.! Ocnmlgee Circuit, and the liest prosecuting j the year, and in tliespring with bass, betriug, * j If the Brunswick Road should cross tlic river officer we are acquainted with, is elected by a shad, carp, sturgeon, etc., in great abundance, in ni1 rr ■ a t iJawkinsville, a road from Fort Valley to that large majority, though lii.s Circuit is very de- The borders of the estate are washed by more ' point would savo fully forty miles of distance cidedly opposition in its jKilitics. 1 : ? lla _ n * CI1 . tniles of tide-water; thc whole shore, 1 between South-Western Georgia and Columbus, j Johnson, tlie Democratic nominee in the Che- 111 ‘. a ° n ® L ' u,ir ? . . . and Savannah and Brunswick, thus cutting off rokee Circuit, is elecUd over Hanks, disorgan- fa ; rs “ bc e ^ e “J bod , activity "anYcireum- Macon entirely from the imjiortant trade which izer. Johnson in his letter of acceptance cn-' spcction that had distinguished him in militn- wo now derive from Albany, and points between . dorsed in thc strongest tenns thc Administra- ry life- lie kept his own accounts, posted j Fort Valley and Columbus. The route which tion of Gov. Brown, and tlie impression which “I> 1,! * Looks, and balanced them with mercan tile Macon people favor, and which wc presume seems to be entertained bv some that thc defeat tile exactness. The products of his estate, al- 1 — so, became so noted for the faithfulness, as to Banks Falling Into line. wi „ I« ado pted, will cross the Ocmulgec at or, of Hanks was »lick a. Gov. Brown, is therefore, ST.’ " ® Slnce th ® Proclamation of Governor I ncar Macon 8trikc olIt r rom thc river toVAnhi ?, ud '!'^ Brow n, that the Bank - if the State of Georgia at jf ar jon, passing near Longstreet, and running 1 We regret to Irani that our talented and wor- put up, that it said auy barrel of flour that The old man liecamc alarmed simple interest for twelve years, and counted it! l¥ „... ... all over,” said he. “I will pay you compound Ho " ,1,CJ Gr n»Ie Streets in Cluca B o. interest, if you require it. The debt ought to i The Chicago Times thus describes the mode have l>een paid long ago; but your father was grading streets and raising buildings in that very indulgent—he knew I’d been unlucky, and; clt . v: he told me not to worry about it." ‘ -4 great many large and costly edifices were My brother then properlv set thc matter he- erected in Chicago previous to the year 1855, fore him, and taking the bank lulls he returned j and during that year. These buildings were them to the old man’s pocket-liook, telling him erected so as to bc convenient of access from the that, although our father left no formal w ill. he ' natural surface of tlie ground About that time had commended to his children to destroy eer- the new grade of the streets was introduced, and tain notes, due bills and other cveidences of debt, 1 ' vas followed in a year or two afterwards by the ■ m B and release those who might lie legallv bound ■ establishment of n still higher grade. The city man conquering self was one of the greatest er of Savannah. to pay them. * * : — 1 1 — 1 1 1 For a moment the worthy old man to be stupitied. After lie had collected himself • -— ——o —- — -—— — , , ... and wiping the tears from his eves, be said: j sizos - The process is a curious one. A high i requisite in the man who would do good His w g Rockwell Hardy Stricklin.!. “From the time I have heard of Vour father's ston “ " al1 >* «»t built on each side of the remarks on this subject were beautiful, and his state at Large; G. 1>. Harrison, oftlutla® death, I liave rakeil and scraped, ‘and pinched s treet, in the place where the curb stone is to i comparisons so many pictures. Indeed his. L. Mott, of Muscogee, Thomas Uanko* and spared to get the monev together for the V® made - -This wall reposes on a solid found.-t- whole lecture mav lie considered a gallon- of' Bibb, A. J. llansell, of Cobh, A A. payment of thc debt Aboqt ten day’s ago 1 tl0 "- * ndis . u ?. , ‘>‘ two . foct t,lick „ at ‘Lc bottom, pictures. Mr. Rverson possesses an affluence lin Hill, of Clarke. Goode Brvan. ofliicbt made up the sum within twenty-five dollars, andonc foot thick at the top. of imagination a 'chastcnc-s .nulek-mneeof die- Jamcs >IH!er,«f Cass. A!. D‘. Huson. of™ My wife knew how much the payment of this ! "cd up sometimes six or seven feet high, but! ,n "P™ ,non ’ a all «o l 'S a nceoi uic debt lav on my spirits ami mlviscd me to sell dually only four or five feet The walls being ; t,on « amI a naturalness and animation of orato- • a 7 1 . 1 ..... . . ......1.. tl.„ l t ai isii...1 .... :a. . «... n _ them do to us. To do good necessitated he said : a power of self-regulation—a control over thc; entire man, so as to make it, in even* sense, bend to thc dictates of a christianized spirit— ( The example and influence which a properly, 1 ,, „ ,, . „ ,, . ..... . «—« —<—Mr —* p.—~-l ^.ss^ cssary in efforts to do good. The sight of aj Levi S. Hurt ofChatliani.Militarv Mo: ■n ifuunu — — o— o man conquering self, was one of thc graitest! er of .Savannah. MU goycrniuent has ever since been slowly engaged - and nobilit\’. Moral courage was an- j The following persons have been a.cow and make up the difference, and get the heavy burden off my mind, i did so; and now wliat will my old woman say: 1 must go back to tlie C’apc and tell her this good news. She’ll probably repeat thc very wonts she used when Savannah, and tho Mechanics Bank of Augusta liave complied witli thc law, and sent their re turns to the Executive Department Tho Bank of Columbus, the Bank of Middle Georgia, and thc Marine Bank at Savannah, arc thc only Banks now holding out, except three or four of thc ] “Wild Cat” breed. The Bank of Middle Geor gia, will, wc understand, comply in due season with thc requirements of the law. The Charleston Courier is burning peat, an “in exhaustible mine of which has been discovered in Christ Church Parish.” He calls it “a new on the ridge between tlie Oconee and Ocmulgec, thy frienil, Outs. J. Harris, lias Ijcoii defeated following very nearly the dividing line between in the Southern Circuit hy Mr. Spencer. Mr. apection of the West India ports Telfair and Montgomery and recrossing thc Hams would liavc been elected but for the fact t was an early riser—often before day- Ocmulgec at or near Lumber city, and thus running in a straight line to Brunswick! This is thc line which is thc dryest, cheapest, and would attract thc largest amount of trade and travel, and render the construction of a - bore the brand of George 'Washington, Mount sl, e put her hand on my slioulderas we parted: I Vernon, was exempt from the customary in- 1 “I have never seen the thc righteous forsaken, spection of the West India ports. nor his seed begging bread.” begging Giving each of us a shake of the hand, and made, the space between them is filled up with j ry, that arc truly enviable. One never appre-j Th«^.^ofTl»^untTof*"El , L:r ; > rubbish, dirt, earth and gravel. Tlic street.is hends a failure; on the contrary, wonder is ex-! of thc Superior Ccurtsof tlie Northern ji now ready for paving. l>ut the sidewalk l>^s ; ) >v u,,. tavish presentation of beautiful im- j District, vice the Hon. James Thomas I are now so low that persons walking on one "as remarked by one capable of judging, “his j L side of a street can only sec the heads and address was the most intellectual that Macon shoulders of tlie people on the other side. The. has bad for a long time." LISTENER. next step to Iks taken is to raise the sidewalk to .»♦- '**(■ .. . . .. -- Elite from Mexico. the tact brcak jn , he win , cr< when , bc d are Bllor J t blessing on our old father's memory, he went!»bight corresponding to that of the street If Elite Iron for two, 0n h oc—rioM be lit j: fir „ and ; on his way rejoicing. it is to be a plank sidewalk it becomes in reality , Aaw Orleans, Jan. cross road from Fort Valley highly improbable, time. that lie was absent from thc Circuit ior iwo, 0 „ gach be lit , lig 0 ; VD firCi and months immediately preceding the election, wrote and read by candle light. He break- and did not liave tlic opportunity of contradic- fasted at seven in the summer, and eight in ting certain reports injurious to his loyalty as a winter. Two small cups of tea and three or party man. We wish him better luck next 5° ur “K*? °/ Indian meal [called hoecakes] formed his frugal repast. Immediately after by reason of the great distance—the expense of 1 Mr. Spencer, we hear, is an able lawyer, and 1)1-ealtl ’ a8t 1,6 njmmtetl his horse, and visited J w- . ,, * those parts of his estate where any work was will sustain himself with crctht ill the new po- ^ se ei n g to everything with his own By building a bridge at Hawkmsville, or some sition to which he has boon called by thc vote eyes, and often aiding with his own hand. Din- his way rejoicing. ‘ it to to bc a plank sidewalk, it becomes in reality i -x E " urleans, Jan. 8—An'arrival brings After a short silence, taking his pencil and a a . scaffold, but a strong and secure one, with the j dates from the city of Mexico to tlic 36th De cast: “There,'' said my brother, “your part of the amount would bc so much. Contrive a plan to convey me your share of pleasure derived from tills operation, and the money is at your service.” Such is thc simple tale, which I have told as it was told me. To add the evident moral, would bc an insult to the reader. uer was served at two. He ate heartily, but j Ta „ aIiasscc an^atae, Baltroad. was no epicure, nor critical about his food. J side next to the street, resting on the curb-stone, ! cember. and tlic side next tlic house resting on the top Zuloaga lias been deposed by the forces un- of the garden fence. But if it happens to be in ] dvr tlic rebels. He lias taken refuge in the Eng- front of a four or fivo-story brick or marble edi-: hsh Minister's quarters. flee, the latter Is raised to thc new grade, and a | Hobbes announces himself as thc head of the sidewalk composed of immense blocks of stone is conservative party in Mexico, and lias sent com- made. Thc outer edge of these blocks rests upon the curbstone. Beneath them, between the new made wall on thc foundation walls of the house, is then made a spacious vault, con ! venient for the storage of coal or other fuel, etc. article of fuel.” Let hint talk to thc bog-trot-1 other convenient point on thc Ocmulgec, our ; of the •‘sovereigns.” ters. Did he nevertasteof mountain-dew? A friends in thc South-Eastern part of Houston, • I ““—* --rP — * i „• I ■“* i CU«U UI UtllCI 1UCI. ITU !»ent mine, however, U a curkwity. : and thc Western part of Pulaski, might reach * . , * * , . * . Hia beverage was amall-beer or cider, and two ^® t, “5 ia8 S 1 ^ 11 us J® T 11 ^ 1 ,a . te ‘ The first building raised, was thc three story 5 —!— y the road with but little difficulty Our neigh- i " c learn that Governor Brown has loaned the giagges of Maderia. lie took tea, of which J y f the information obtained on Thursday b ,. ick nt thccol , lcr of itamlolph ami Dearbori. Northern Itiiilrondlng. , . ... T - , lookin - to the i 1Iu ndrcd Thousand Dollars, appropriated by tlie lie was very fond, early in thc evening, and ,as j’ tl . ,at the entire road between this City! 8ts This ouilding was raised up seven feet— Our New Haven Register of thc 8th announ- , r * .. . legislature to the Common School Fund to thc j retired for the night about nine o’clock. and Quincy has been placed-under contract for j The undertaking was completely successful, and ■ ■ ■ . resolutions of our City Council mak ng the: ^ at the rate of 7 nor rent per We find him working for a part of two days , constriiet.ou. . was quickly followed b/otb£«. During thc sulweription, tliat one of the provisions is “tliat .-i .t o i i.- v IK-r.ceni. per w i, b p eter , hi a Smith. to make a plow on .i i , The contractora are Messrs. R. A. Shine, ‘ * * * * the road shall not run on thc west side of thc« a ’ ini nni ,,n 1 11 r ' 'J 11 ' in Xotemlier next, ^ new j BTen j| on> This, after two or tlirce fail- ’ 1 '* ^* White, D. L. Keuau and Maj. Robert Ocmulgec farther than five milts below thc city I* 1 " h,cht,,ni * 'mderthe act, the money ts to nrcg> , le accoI11 p lighed . Tben , witb , C5S tllan ; Gamble, geut emeu well know., to 'fan com- .fM-ron * | be distributed. By this judicious arrangement his usual judgment, he put iiis chariot horses ! mua 'ty. and whose characters are a sufficient I Gov. Brown secures ncar six thousand dollars to the plow and ran a risk of spoiling them, ftnarantee for the speedy and faithful pros- We invite attention to the advertisements I to ,,c add f J® beridea making ^ *d^TtSSS£' “ ^ I of Mrs. Little & Son as proprietors of the terms wrth t^m Bank to fbrnuffi exchange^ toe S^Vr^tened " ’ ar.R.in . Tl.nmnsville. It,,,,!,>r* vis- State may need a ‘ P"A thereby enabling tiic w ,. .. k ,, ecs twenty-eight inches of snow on a level and plenty more coming. Railroad trains all stuck last midway between stations, a long way be hind time and no chance of coming up with it Jt will take two or three days to dig out, says tfie Register. Col. Tcnncnt Lomax, late of Columbus, Ga., " ' x '" u “ “ I Sute mflv nwd at thereby enabling the n *ngnienea negro alarm’s the house j ■.SJLiSJS. 01 . i H>c „ c ho«?fii ('nnfaiin of thc Montcromcrv McBam House, Tliomasville. Headers vis- . • ’ * ’ : ° with the word that the null is giving way, up- j A,lc ,ncrca J c< J • v *ubtcrrancan temperature of wlfiut- ' Ring that flourshiug city will know where to 1 " , ‘ c I rest on , , SUtc V° nds to J® B* d m Ncw ' ork on which there is a general turnout of all the llc ” artl ‘* alld the variation of this amount of HI h b without additional cost to the Treasury. forces, with Washington at their head, wheel-, ‘<-’n>P c rat.rre 1Ik different.places, are two.facts We commend Gov. Brown highly for thc. ing and shoveling gravel, during a pelting I ir< Jf- 'Y c determined by recent scientihe m- very vigilant discharge of all the high trusts rain . to stop the rushing waters. I vestlsatlon - lr * dlen > ,l ]k “Emitted that the Lucky always, whether In love, i>olitics, or go for comfortable accommodation. war. Wc shall live to vote for T/unax as a can- didato for thc 1‘residency, and if he gets thc ^ Successful Business. nomination he’s elected sure fire. Some idea of the immense number of 1 >ooks i c0,1,: “ ltttd hw charge and especially for his Destructive Fire in Charleston laC " ‘° thc rcnter of,hc c * rth at thurato of n „r ™.ii..,watchful care oflhe peoples money. Thc people ^ SnU «lVe mm EnaUCSton. degree for sixty-six feet, it follows that at Pnblii Stiles of Negroes, The forty-tw> negroes belonging to the Fish vertisement in temperature continues to increase from the sur- ‘onc sixty-six feet, it follows that at thc hun- missioners to Vera Crus to treat with thc Li berals. ' r vTf Right. The Soutli-Wcstern News, eotuiuenli . the opinion expressed by some cotev , papers, that thc present high pricc.y .f constitute an argument for the rcojicnp:^| slave trade, justly remarks:— • The reopening of the slave tra k- jure every class of society at the South, j*! losing our present influence among an overproduction of that article tvliicli *_ that influence. Wc do not fora moiiicftt hut tliat thc negroes brought to r would lie greatly improved, and if their Jt uJ terests were alone to be consulted, wc not hesitate to declare for the slave trade, for the prosperity and happiness of oi: Congressional. AVasiuxotox, Jan. 10.—In thc Senate to-tlav, Mr. Iverson, of Georgia, introduced a bill for the abolition of thc franking privilege. The French j people, wc feel it our duty-to express spoliations bill was passed by a vote of twenty opposed to any such polity. six veas to twenty nays. ’ I -*•— In the house, thc 1‘rcsident's message was D OBiestic Cotton Markets | year 1858, a Inigo numbir of both frame and *** i ?™v<****unimportant; , Savannah on Satunlav, 305 haless, brick buildings have thus been raised, many of) Thv In<tan a l»propnatioas b,U it as passetl # ^ ^ ^ , them as high ns six feet above their original Market Report*. In New York middling uplands were <f» position, and few of them less than four feet T - 44 . , .. The process is novel and peculiar, and its results 10-Sales of cotton today 11 ,-16 to 11 9-16, with a deelmmg ’ arc among the greatest triumphs of the mcchan-i , b ‘° ba ^ steamer s news had no effect Sales 3,5.Ml bales. ical powere. 'lhink of a fourstorj* brick build- ri, ® rc ,s but IlttI I e en *? n Y;« ,d a r c wcak - 1 - t iixrleston, Jan. 10.—The market is quiet Estate, No. 14, Central Rail Rand, in Washing-, formed that the gifts, which necomiianied ton County, advertised in the Telegraph, and -alcsduringtheycar 1858, amounted to s50,0oo. sold last Tuesday, brought as wc see hy the Sa- vaunah Republican, 836.120, or an average of The French Spoliation Bill 8860 each. A hint to Sjoiuclioily. Would not ail Omnibus line running three . -. , . - 5 „ temperature sufficient to fuse all rough rice, wore destroyed. Tlie low of roogh I known rocks. These deductions are believed ncc is al>out equal to three thousand five hun dred tierces of clean merchantable rice. I las passed the .Senate, but on motion of Mr. i ti lllc8 , d »y, *t certain hours, to and from Yinc- | and patriotism, as their chief magistrate. j by some philosophers, while others arc unwfl- ling to admit tlicm; for, though tliev mav al- There was no insurance on thence, and only j mv t ba t subterranean temperature increases fn thousand dollars on^tlie mill. proportionally* with the deptlis to which exami- I letter than the foregoing, wc were informed } Stephens hai been postponed in tlie House to the ville, lie a paying concern ? Let some one make FnrftivB ei™„ ...... - v i nattoo has extended, thev assign different lim- l»y Judge Culverhousc that the thirty negroes 1st day in February. It provides fora hoard of the experiment "What say* you Hayden A Wood- ' M0NT ’ l!f ever, !t be true that belonging to the Estate of Grcaf Chevcs, also commissioners to bc appointed to examine and ward, or Greer .v Mastcrton » ‘ The Legislature of Vermont which adjourn- ^VShtoe deptl, to " U advertised in thc Meekly Jclegraph and .cold in decide upon the claims, which is to consist of ... , cd a few days ago, had before it a hill, the experiments have been made, it will bc difficult Knoxville the Kh instant brought an average three members at a salary of each, and Newspaper at Fort Talley. practical though not thc avowed effect of which * ’ * *■* of-8ltol8.lL Among them were a few old ne- the legal existence of the W-inl Is limited to The “19th Century,” it will K seen, is to be | would be to render the execution of the fugi- grocs and two unsound—so proclaimed from three years. The awards made are to be paid inaugurated in Fort Valley, and with tlie best I fjT.® a k T ® **w impoaetble in that State. I Ids the stand. That is the best sale we have heard in certificates of United States five per cent, wishes for the success of the Editor, we fear he Jonstitutiomiif which'' its*'Friends * denied, and of y it. J Ae terms were twelve months' credit, - stock, redeemable at the pleasure of the govern- must get ahead of the time, before he will find , V as indefinitely postponed in the Senate by a with good security. ment. the enterprise remunerative. : vote of nineteen toji^ht. miles ] The ’ come jar is perceptible, and thc inmates may i y. c their usual .-.vocations as if nothing tin- , Jan * 8 *-^ al « of C ®, ton *?" was taking place. The business ta but 1 da >‘ ‘ > *° 00 ! f les at '?*'***** rates. There ls jmmenceil AYc have seen house raising ‘lochange to report mother articles, in Chicago only in its infancy. We expert i Jan - — C ° ttoa '‘ ca '7* «*th during the coming year to see twice as many ! V V" lo '{ r Luoy-ant. with sales houses raised as wo have enumerated below.—! “1^? iarrreis; southern .>■> 10 a 80 40. Moun.t, Jan. 14.—Sales of Coitoe 5,500 hales ; Middling 111 cents. Tin * Cotton during the week reached 24.' and thc receiptsare 35,000, against 1-5,7 during the same week last year. Yin' ; in the receipts at this port isI8^5*i0 Wo the stock on hand and on shipboard :s to bales. New Orleans, Jan. 1-k—Tln-s:iii*1 to-day foot up .20,500 lsiIcS; Mid«®®*i* 1 li cents. The sales for the week jw - bales, and thc receipts for thc same l !0i during his visits made in a hired tly, "had re- Another Destructive fire in Char- 1 ceive.1 a bottle of real Jamaica rum as’a sample; LESTOX. 1 Sometime in the soring of’67, the- but found, after retunung home, that he had Charubton, Jan. 10.—Another destructive 1 St. Nicholas “opened’ at New Oricor- ‘ left it in the carriage. He went to the oflicc and J fire occurred this morning, which destroyed informed the manager that he had left a virulent j large portion of Mr. James .Mel _ pokon in one of the carriages, and desired him - propertv. The 'property was to assign any depth at which the temperature to prevent any of the coachmen from drinking mount of eighteen thousand dollars. Of his now give an account of their sms eeascs to increase. It is this, in all probability, it. Hardly had he got bade when he was sum- amount three thousand five hundred dol-ir- But om- of them a tori • toed and - i that has led M. Cordici- and others to believe moiled in great haste to three of these worthies, was in the Augusta Insurance and BankiivC im- -mne time, and at walked-into A* that the temperature continues to increase even who were suffering from thc most horriblo colic, |pany. five thousand dollars in the Quaker Oitv and expressed h cr . ilm- to the center of the earth, though at every depth and great was his difficulty in persuading them office in Philadelphia, and three thousand, in don’t b’leve data)' - GV-viel 'cam - it is gradually becoming less, from the radiation that they '.ad only stolen some most excellent the State of Pennsylvania loffice in l'liila lei- a bit; Lul if it ls /,■>, c's ldavuf. at the surface- .rum. . ' jphia. ' ! Wegat Wj ymtri born-!" tliev destructive St. Nn-to-l.is ... . \ jA ieh lie-tl-oyed a I I'alitope—the !u-: . T Lcish’s foundry I —causing tho greatest consternation n'tired to the a-' servants, most of whom supposed WA - 1 a'n* ,