Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, March 08, 1859, Image 1

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. Joseph Clisby. Georgia telegraph" |S ri BI.ISIIKD EVERY" l. KS ,) ay MO It NINO. fEKMS: noI-LARS, IS ADVANCE U 5 • in e' er)' case where the subscription TLd nut of the Office. Head It. from the New York HeraR the L, -nurcstitlg account of the opening of u. li Parliament r session of the fifth Parliament of ' — S reign was opened on the 3rd state and re- v, ,l!lorwWeh >«i» make this oft recuTTing val that elapsed her Majesty conversed with the Prince Consort, the Earl of Derby and the Mar quis of Worcester, till the silence’was broken by a confused rush of feet, and, headed by the Speaker and Mr. Disraeli, the “faithful Com mons’' with noisy and tumultuous eagerness assembled at the bur of the House. Her Majesty then rose, and receiving the speech from the Lord Chancellor, proceeded to read it, though the first paragraph was almost inaudible from the repeated “bushings” by the members of the lower House. Beyond this light interruptioi s every word was audible. ^ of ,h,. niftir impressive and splendid Ii|'. ceremonials of the nation. IIOt SK OF LORDS. ,rs of the House of Lords w ere opened o'clock, ami considering that the fair auction, it is rather surprising to niters that are there in time. In a ainutes after that hour both sides ot ,, are nearly filled, and the dresses , r ,ch hand of variegated colors which i. ,-tfect of the dim impres#ve grand- i-ham!> - r above. All are, of course, •ig ihvss, though the labors of the ncealed j ' | p it rone under shawLs or [j , v \ r ,b/ is far from warn, and some -r j v/ilows above the seats have wiing gaps In the succession of Ide arrive fast in little groups of I ihiws, and after much bowing and trun.U, are at length ushered to their ■ j. .. !m singers, and occupy tliern- •aring at that rich, angular, but strict- ihrone now uncovered, and disclos in' the only uncomfortable seat in all of i’etrs. It is not much to look at, i> something, and would be hailed as inter.»t to the poor ladies who, by nd- ami interest, have obtained tick- Koral Gallisy outside in the hope of , peeres-es go througn to the House. - come by another avenue, and who an- waiting so patiently now, ns tat year, will see about as much of the Moages of the ceremonial as if they i with the crowd outside, st gentleman to make his appearance - the- new sergeant ot Arms the Jklot who, in the stillest ot uniforms, ;-possession of the tioor,” attracting l j observation w hich he appears to Tasaing, till joined by the venerable -hal Lord Comlxrmere, in the uni- .unci of tlie Life Guards, The ln_><ly «is gradually filling up and most of .nches are occupied, clock there is a great and sudden in- ladies, all superbly dressed in the plitude of the present fashion, and n in the body of the house, looking ;hing like dismay at the very narrow .-tween the benches for the peers, ritidi they arc re<|uired to J>ass. In tiger says, “Sow, pray, ladies, re: The ladies are all smile, but LUe a- Stonehenge, opposing a passive •the most ctlcctual of all obstructions W have to' be polite and do theic sum- time. -Vt last they settle i great rustle, as an unknown Ba irn new bars of ermine in his robes of t,r-», followed by the Earl of Al- Tbrough the glazed doors of the babtr are seen bright groupes of t.-i with the rich uniforms of ambassa- [br gnat officers of State, ic whisper runs through the house x. de MalakolT, wearing the badge of the Bath, enters with his beauti- 'tV Austrian and Hanoverin Minis- thr Bishop of London, are the next X and these are followed bv a hatch p«rs who sit and talk with the ad relieve with their scarlet robes the sof the ladies' dresses, which now, at I'jurv, make both sides of the House o> rich parterres. The Lord Chan- ti Judges Nightman, Erie, Hill, IVllock. Crowder, and Bratmvell, cn- i simultaneously. The Sardinian . vs making a stiff and rather distant Duke de Malakotf Lord Derby en uring i-css to conduct the Countess East Stanley to their seats, and in ait noble premier follow the Areh- Korbury, the Bishops of Salisbury, o r, Winchester, Carlisle, Bath and Bishop of Oxford comes last, "car- l i of the Garter as Chaplain of the nth him come Lords Chief Justices Cockbum and Judges Williams ran Minister, wearing the distinc- tt> black coat, enters the seats re- !w diplomatic corps, where his sim- atonce conspicuous amid tho rich -1 glittering orders which all around ^ Ik Sw edish and Netherlands Min- ■ the Minister from Hayli, |.' eva- is politely termed a gentle- ■■M- Valias, nevertheless, cordially | mi shakes hands with. An un- erfrom some of the small States of 4 not enters, in a diplomats cos- ■ *ely like the dress of the beau tsrtign as to attract universal at- "tr f surprise. k-'U- Ciiiford, the usher of the Black P villi his wand of office, which is B - occasion he represents the wiasn. of England. He is accom- r Bold Stick in Waiting, whose l*a- | wait- lucus a non lueendo principle, f'tv two, and tbo Duke of Caru- i the I Kikes of Hamilton and Xew- pUr.juista of Winchester, Salisbury pi the Earl of Derby, all in their i-nt r and remain talking near the the I-ord Chancellor and the terrible row"—thirteen in number ■d in conversation on the bench bc- 'Wk. «.» in ki? I clock a messenger enters rather in I I requests “my (onls and ladies to which there is a general uprising “* present and amid a great rus- laughing, mantles and shawls are ' roe knows where, though cffect- •v-t There is a long pause of anx- during which the Earl of Bi- 7pm. and who has for his motto h" «i grace depend,) walks slow- p- Immediately alter him come “-of the House of Commons, the •' -stoiiiiistcr, the Earl of Malmes- '-unt Ebury, the latter in the very '■* -late. A gun there is a long I- vhk li go many peers come in pi U-m-hes liave to be sent for, 1 » peer, comparatively speaking. ■ i-arty is present. Tho ladies are ) - r time by putting on their shawls, care as such a ftirtive toilet ad- F“ the doors are thrown open and l««cr two bv two, bowing stilly in awkward'tabards, as they pass ’ ,l )' throne. The great officers of fs * n their splendid uniforms, suc- f ' ! >y die Earl of Derby with the F-ate. the Marquis of Winchester ^»1> of Maintenance, tho Duke of P ing the crown before the Queen, ore all rise and stand, as sujerbly attired, in a robe I- Id tis.su*, covered with a mantle [ J*®* 00 velvet and ermine,h te [ if w hich were borne up by her On her head waa the high [•‘silts Usod on these atntooccasions P'y also wore a stomacher and pi-ants to match. Prince Albert of a Field Marshal, and took c left of the throne, where he was 1 by the Earl of Derby. The seat f of Wales on the right, remained * >uke of Norfolk, as Earl Marahal, F J Chancellor carrying the Great P *he right of her Majesty. P)' after ascending the throne and ■ footstool, her Majesty commanded Ip-rated, while the bejitty Usher r'J®was despatclied to summon the I fbe Commons. Daring the inter' A DistiiiKRitlicd Dinner Party. From C lambers’ Journal. On the Gth of Msy, 1812, a great gala dinner was announced at the Royal Court at Dresden, in Saxony. The oicasion being an extraordina ry one, full dress wi>s ordered for the whole train of the royal house-bold ; indeed, araore numer ous and’eminent assemblage of distinguished guests had never bi fore been invited to unite in Die pompous room i of that distinguished and antique chateau, which has accomodated so many a crowned head in bygone centuries. There was the tall Xing of Prussia. Frederick William III, dead now. and buried in his fami ly vault at Sans Souci, but then a proud and stately gentleman, with rigid manners and mil- itarv ’air. Then tlo King of Bavaria, a portly lord, with black nu ustaches, a great admirer of the hero of the age, to whose giant army he ad ded forty thousand < >f his sunject- - , none of whom ever saw his native land again. And the King of lVurteiuburg, a corpulent sovereign, who never rode on hors :back, but who drove in a gig through the rani :s of the fifty thousand men, which he contributi id to the array of the modern Alexander. His foops saw their lord for the last time on the occasion, every one of them be ing buried eight tuoi iths afterwards in the snowy fields of Russia. T ierc was moreover the Elec tor of Hesse Cassel, in important personage too, although his contin; cut to the conqueror s army amounted only to six thousand men. Besides these distinguished guests, there were present a en or more of grant dukes, dukes, and princes, all members of that famous Rhenish Confedera tion, and most of tli :m hangers on of the French Emperor. There vas amongst them a stout man with a stout hi art, on whose high forehead there was written it any a painful thought He looked grave, even . nclancholy. If it had but depended upon him those three hundred Ger man soldiers, who ollowcd the foreign invader into the frozen plains of Russia, would have re- different places at the royal table, according to the strict rules of court etiquette. Whoever knots' anything about court fash ion* in Germany must be aware that—with the sole exception, perhaps, of the Chinese Em pire—their practice has nowhere else received so high a development. Indeed, the science of etirmette of which Louis XIV had laid the solid foundations, bad been thriving there ev er since, and may be considered now to have attained the highest pitch of perfection. But amongst all the thirty-eight courts of thathap- 2 r land, there is one that, in this respect, has ways gained the precedence over all the rest, that stands unequalled for the strictness, the accuracy, the pedantry with which even the most minnte prescriptions of etiquette are un relentingly observed, and tffat is declared as the very model of order and regularity in all the various departments of its household. The slightest infringement of the inexorable laws of etiquette is considered there as a crime whereof no absolution can dear the unhappy “ , W offender. Charles XII, King of Sweden, had to repent afterwards of his disdain for this same etiquette, when he called one day—a hundred years ago—on Augustus II, Elector of Saxony, attired in a pair of dirty riding boots, and hol laing ding a horse-whip in fits hand. He had just beaten the Saxon army in a series of bloody battles; bad dictated to the Elector the fatal >eace of Altranatadt, and was a little pressed or time. Augustas II would have forgiven him the smaller offence of having crashed thir ty thousand of his men to atoms, and laid un der contribution the whole of his patrimonial domains; but for this intrusion in a drawing room with dirty boots and a riding whip there was no excuse; and be made haste to conclude his alliance with the Czar Peter of Russia! When the guests were seated the numerous officers of the royal household took their dif ferent stations conformable to their rank and the duties attached to it. The old feudal custom of waiting on the sov ereigns was of course carrried out only by the lords-in-waiting, members of the first families in the land, who therefore had their posts of honor immediately behind the chairs of the royal guests. Behind them, in the second file, were drawn up the assistant chamberlains, who had to help the lords-in-waiting. These were again waited upon by the pages of honor, who, in their turn, enjoyed the assistance of a whole army of yeomen, deyducs, equerries, grooms, porters, waiters, aud minor court-servants, each of them having his different apartment ccivcd a far .lifFeni.t destination. It was the ; ?*>.gned to him. The whole attendance was (irand Duke ol Saxe Weimar, Ernest Augustus, ln »U gala dress; the lords-m-waitmg wear- thc most intimate friend of Goethe. ID S >» ' he,r numerous orders, the pages their Grand as these personages were, descended state habits and red velvet shoes with stiver from the oldest dyn istics of Europe, surrounded buckles and the rest of the officers of the royal therefore by the emblems of hereditary power, household the rich parade uniforms prescribed they were doomed to act but a subordinate role for the occasion. The assistant master of the by the side of those adventurous upstarts who formed the more fan portant part of the guests as sembled now in the state-rooms of the royal pal ace, although they had no pedigrees but tlicir sword, no hereditary land save that of the bat tle-field. , . There was a tall, well made man, attired m a green tunic richly embroidered with gold; his left hand was leanii g on the hilt of a Turkish sabre which he hail brandished in more than forty battles. He ,sad a look of daring in hi ceremonies and the marshal of the ceremonies had nothing to do but to walk up down and see that all was right. The dinner was sure to be the first of the order, and the King of Wurtemburg had made up his mind to enjoy it hugely. The royal ta ble in Saxony has always had a most excellent repute, aud orders had been given by the lord steward that full honor should be done to the ancient glory of the house of his royal master. German princes in general are known to have dark dashing eyes, well becoming to the man no aversion to good cheer; and those present that had gained a oiown with his curved sword, j were well pleased at the idea of having a couple If- ..1 t J 1 ... . I r a « 1 . . tlx. . is. .1 > t F lx .it 1 lltl* . . T —— — — : A A I. V. 1. —. £ A 1. - ___ k. . _.! _ 4 m 1 _ — His mother could have little thought that her poor boy would one day dine from golden dishes by the side of emfu-rors and kings—himself a king—when she used to sell apples and ginger bread in the avenues of the Jlois de Boulogne. This was Murat, Kingol Naples brother in law of the Emperor, anc. commander-in-chief of the French cavalry. Near him but little apart from the rest, there stood a modest looking young man who took no part in the conversation. On his breast were seen glittering the grand crosses of all the continental orders, but his large dark eyes bore a melancholy expression. It was the Viecrov of Italy, Eugene Beanhumais, step-son of the — nperor. Who was that robust man with bright eyes and noble features, bald and eagle-nosed like Ciesar, in lively conversation with the King of Naples, to whose splendid attire his own plain dress bore singnlai contrast ? It was Michael Nev, then Duke of F.lehingcn and Marshal of France, three vears afterwards shot dead, like the other, not'in the battle-field, but as a crimi nal, pierced by a dozen French balls. And you proud looking man, with a lion s head, who scarcely deigned to answer the address of some German prime, but only nodded to his questions with a wander-in g mind, who was he ? The gloomy man was no ot her than Davoust, Prince of Eckmuhl. There were a dozen more of these chivalroust champions of the sword looking with contcmp, upon the dukes and princes around them* the satellites of their common sun. The tal and erect figure of Macdonald, Duke of Tarentum was prominent amongst them all. The proud warrior was leaning negligently against a mar ble statue of Achilles, and well were they match ed, those two iron hearted men. Only there was a look of weariness to the .observed on the open and martial countenance of the living hero, which made it evident that he did not anticipate much pleasures from the coming campaign; in deed, he was longing for a different engagement, and thought of his beautiful chateau in the south of la belle France, where he would fain have spent the rest of an eventful life. By his side, in conversation with Marshall Jonot, Duke of Abrantes, stood a little man with a countenance strikingly fall of genius and good humor. His fine set lips never open ed without uttering a sarcasm, and the more critical the occasion was, the more sparkling became his wit, the source of which seemed to be inexhaustible. His extensive business, whose vast enormity would have crushed any other head, was managed by him amidst a con tinual shower of sallies that oftentimes elicited roars of laughter from bis functionaries, even amidst the very roar of cannons. He was per sonally attached to the Emperor, whose vast genius, free from all pedantry, quite agreed with bis own. The Emperor nussedhun sorely during that final campaign of 1815, with its fatal day of Waterloo, that was destined to put a stop to all this transient glory. He would most gladly have forgiven the chief of his staff his vacillation and disloyalty, only the little min was too proud to be forgiven. lie wm pining away the while in a quiet German town; but when he saw that there was no more occupation whatever for his ardent of activity, no excitement, no suspense, nobody to laugh at his bon mots, he grew tired of life, and Alexander Bcrthier, Prince ol Xeufchatel and Wagram, Marshall of France, and chief of the general stafi'of the French army, groun ded arms at last bv throwing himself out ot a window on a quiet Sunday morning of the fa tal jear 1815, in the quiet town of Bamberg, Au'this brilliant assemblage of kings, and dukes, and marshals was waiting upon that pale and-dwarfish giant who boasted of having journeyed all over Europe on horseback, amidst the roar of cannons and the rattling of dram*. He might have added, and over nearly one mil lion of human bodies also. When the doors were thrown open at last and Napoleon entered, followed by the King of Saxony, the host of these eminent guest*, there was not one bead that did not bow in low obeisance ; not one eye that did not cast an anxious look at this pide face. a. profound and inflexible as fate itself. He nodded bnt indif ferently in acknow ledgment to the low rever ence* rendered to him by hu varaal.; no flash ing up of that fixed eye, no *mile of triumph round those grim set lip*; all indifference, or even satiety in that; calm and profound coun tenance. He was already too much accustom ed to homage and flattery. It was the king’s birth-day- Nine yeara af terwards on that same day. his illustrious gne*E for whom the world was once not «“°W; S ve up the ghost in a small roe ^! ? U ° > Atlantic ocean, and—*trange fate later, on that same 5th ot May* * «de- of quiet hoars before them wherein to make their choice of the various luxuries gathered from all the corners of the globe. Poor men! They little thought that they were doomed to suffer a heavy disappointment. But they had in fact been reckoning, not with out their host, but without that pale man who was just upon the point to invade the largest empire of the world, and who cared but little about a full dress dinner. When the soup had made its appearance, and the plates—passing from hand to hand, after the Asiatic system of caste in full working or der, aided by all the advantages of a superior civilization—bad at last reached the lords in wai ting, who, with the dignity appropriate to the occasion, placed them respectfully before the monarelis, a waiting offioar of the imperial gen eral staff entered the room, and, walking straight up to the Prince of AVagram, the chief of the general staff of that giant army just then on its way of destruction towards the East, whispered a few hasty words into the ear of Marshal Berth- ier. The little man, with the fine cut features and expressive eyes, rose immediately and went out of Die room. The incident, slight as it was, did not escape the notice of the King of Saxony, who looked upon it as being extremely contrary to rale; and his patriarchal countenance at once assum ed an expression ot ill temper, which he could very ill coficcal. The door was opened again a few minutes af terwards, and the Prince of Wagram reentered the apartment His fine and clever face wore its usual expression; but when he moved to wards the Emperor and laid an open dispatch before liim on the table, there was something like mischievous fun twinkling in his bright eyes; he knew his man, and knew therefore what was coming. What the dispatch contained nobody ever knew. Something important of course, at a time when an avalanche of nine hundred and fifty thousand men, with more than half a mil lion of horses, was rolling towards the East, fol lowed by an immense train that covered all the high roluls of Germany. The Emperor laid down his spoon and took up the paper, while the King of Saxony looked very grave. He had done reading at a glance! On his powerful head was gathering a cloud dark and menacing. He threw the dispatch vi olently upon the table, and in a sharp and pier cing voice, accompanied by an imperative ges ture, cried, “Le dessert!” If the great ancestor of the old house of \\ el>- bin had risen from the dead, and had walked in amidst that modern assembly, indifferently at tired in a bear’s skin, and armed with a battle- axe, his appearance could scarcely liave created a greater pcrplexit> among them than that one word uttered by the modern Alexander. With the exception o’f the Frenchmen, every soul re mained for some moments completely thunder struck. The big KingofWurtcmburgdropped his spoon, and the King of Saxony looked as if he was expecting the walls and ceiling of his old palace to tumble down with a crash and bury them all under the ruins as the natural conse quence of such an unprecedented enormity. The Emperor raised his head and looked around for a moment at these descendants of the oldest dynasties of Europe. All that was lin gering within of the Jacobin, and there was a good deal, became distinctly apparent in the proud Bash of his eyes and the scornful curl of his lips. With a haughty toss of the head and in a savage tone of voice, he repeated once more, “ JLe dessert f There were no more misgivings now about his Imperial Majesty’s pleasure, and the master of the ceremonies gave at once the necessary or- deni. To describe the perfect Babel and pantomim ic madness amongst the lords in waiting, the assistant chamberlains the pages *nd the other officers of the Royal household, fully equalled by the Babel and pantomimic madness amongst the master-cooks clerks messengers yeomen, and the other gentlemen of the kitchen below, would be too high a task for any pen or pencil. They put bread and cheese and some fruits upon the table, and when the Emperor had par taken of these modest refreshments the King of Saxony rose, and the illustrious guests retired from dinner. The node of Applying Gunno. We are permitted, for the information of our reader), to publish the following letters, ad dressed to Measn. Rabnn & Smith, a commer cial boose of this city, by two oxperienced planters of Hancock county: Lancaster, Feb. 2Gth, 1859. Mr Dear Si rs.—You ask me to give a state ment of the method of using guano, saying you are constantly applied to by persons buy ing it for the method of using it, of which, from your pursuits in life, you are ignorant. ' If I can be of any service to the planters, a- mong whom I now exclusively class myself, I moat cheerfully do so, and snbinit my remarks for publication as you have asked me. I have in my experiments never used more than 70 lbs. to the acre. From close observa tion I think I have never failed to receive 300 lbs. of seed cotton for every 70 lbs. of guano used. How to use it I understand to be the object of inquiry: The ground should be laid oft the distance of the rows, two furrows are decidedly better than one, in order that the guano should be deep enough; in this single furrow drill the manure, having pounded and seived the coarse to a powder, then bed up your land, leaving the guano at the bottom of the ndge, on which the cotton will be planted, opening on top of the ridge the smallest fur row possible to plant the cotton seeds. Bat here arises to the planter a serious difficulty; to pot down 70 lbs., or any other given num ber of jioands, to the acre, is both difficult and S iritnt. y method has been this : my entire farm is checked off in a&es by running parallel far rows 70 yards, and then crossing at right an gles 70 yards, and pat down a good lightweod stake or post at each check; I weigh 70 lbs. guano find put it on each square acre, thereby making it with more exactness. Having seen White’! Cotton Planter I shall for the future pat down the guano with them, regulating the discharge by what quantity to the acre I may desire, which is easily done by experiment and calculation. I remark 70 lbs. to tbe acre seems very little, bat little as it is it costs a good deal of money, and I doubt if poor land will bear more of a dry sexton without danger of the stalk casting their fo rms. To thus place myself before the planters of Georgia, is a matter of delicacy with tne, but to refuse it would be a false del icacy, which the circumstances would not jus tify in my judgment. Very respectfully. Your friend, Jas. Thomas, . of Hancock County. Veserabl® Shixoles.—There are now shin gles upon the roof of the old Farmington (Conn.) church which have been there 82 voars, and are still serviceable. The Hartford Oourant says that in 1776 the building com. of tho church chartered a vessel to go to Maine for shingles, and she brought some home that were eichteen inches long and were three-quarters of an inch thick at the butt. Put on with sue bp, they are not worn through today, and are good for many years longer. Glenn Mart, Feb. 28, 1859. Mess as. Rabun & Smith Savannah: Your letter of 21st inst., enquiring the man ner in which to apply guano to crops, was re ceived, and I reply: In th s first place, I prepare the guano by seiving out all that is well pulverised, and crashing tbe lumps until it will all pass through the sieve. For corn, I apply it at the time of planting; I plant altogether in drills, with the rows seven feet apart; drop the corn and fol low with the guano, scattering it between tbe grains, st the rate of C5 lbs. to the acre; not allowing any to be nearer tbau 4 inches of tbe corn, as it destroys the generating power of the grain should it come in contact with it, I then cover tbe corn and guano with a 2 teeth harrow. For cotton, I lay off tbe land tbe distance I desire tbe rows with a scooter, and run a sec ond farrow with a doable winged plough, which makes ti deep furrow ; I then follow with the no, putting generally 80 lbs. to the acre, lgh in strong land I have no hesitancy in applying it in greater quantities. I am gov- ered mainly by the strength of tbe land, but as before said’eighty pounds per acre is tbe quantity I usually apply; I then ruu two scoo ter furrows arouud the row in which the guano is deposited, which breaks the ground thor oughly around it, and then bed with turning ploughs; a furrow is then opened on the ridge, the seed deposited and covered. I am adoptiug at this time a mixture of gu- _J» ou J salt, which I have fouml to do ««U, and I think better than guano alone. I mjx together well, 65 to 70 lbs. of guano with 50 lbs. salt, and apply it as I do guauo alone; this quantity I apply to the acre for cotton, bnt not so much for corn. I am experiment ing with salt. Peruvian and Columbian guano, also with cotton seed and stable manure, aud hope to be able to inform you next fall of the comparative value of each of the most popular fertilizers. Yours truly, T. J. Smith, Further by tlic City of Baltimore. The only items of general news of interest we have yet received, is the announcement that war questions are unchanged. Although it may be stated that the war rumors are unchanged, the fears which recently prevail ed are apparently subsiding. The steamer Jura, outward bound, was very recently run into by a Dublin steamer. The Jura returned to port, and had to be placed in the dock for repairs. Her cargo was uninjured. Lord Malmesbury lias announced that a code of instructions for the suppression of the slave trade had been agreed to by the English and France, and had been submitted to the approbation of the United States. The last English financial statement shows that the expenses of the Indian war had reached £21,000,000, and another £7,000,000 loan was still required to continue operations in India. The Baris Bourse has been comparatively steady, but on the 5th of February the three per cent funds had declined i- An official article in a Vienna paper says that Austria is quite willing to take as a basis for di- plomancy, whatever may be agreed upon by the Western'powers. y - Ca A wn«»n*. Kine- of Saxony, was called to Ota Clairs or China.—The losses sustain- nc Auguatua, King; ot baxony, was adbv American Merchants, in Canton, amount- bi* last account. . I ?“ °7 , kaan w i»A<—iwa3 Kv thft I aiongsmto <^«e«P^e“*s ‘““ b yHiemra-’ Auicriean Minister, and are to Georgia ITIanafacturcs. We are pleased to sec that the Macon Manu facturing Company has just declared a dividend, on the profits of the last six months, of five per cent. The Company lias paid this rate ev er since it has been under the energetic and economical management of its present agent, Mr. W. S. Bolt This fact shows conclusiyely that the cause of a failure in our Georgia Fac tories is want of management, not because we are an agricultural people and our capital can not be safely invested in manufactures. Mr. Holt succeeded in the Macon Factory a gentleman who had been brought out from the North at a large salary, and who was considered the best and most experienced agent to bo had ;.nnd yet under his management, the enterprise was about to prove a failure. There is no reason why we should not manufacture at the south just as cheap and as perfect goods as can be made anywhere in the world, and the people who would be afforded a means of subsistence by the labor offered them, are just a kind, who now live in comparative idleness for the want of a proper field for tlicir services. Women and children, who constitute a large portion of factory operatives, are plenty all over the South —many of them pursuing occupations unsuited to them and affording but a scanty remuneration for their services, while others, for want of an honest means of support, abandon themselves to vices which destroy them soul and body. Foe a long time, the Macon Factory sent all its goods to the North, and undersold goods of Northern make Now, we understand, they find a market st home for all they can turn out, as the Macon merchants find it is cheaper to buy the goods at borne than after they have paid freights commissions and other expenses to the North and back again. If a planter in Georgia should raise his hogs and drive them to Cincinnati to be sold, killed and cured, and then come home to buy his ba con, there would be no two opinions about his foolishness. And still this same principle is observed in the cotton trade. It is true, we cannot hope to spring into a manufacturing country at once, nor without some lamentable failures; but the material, tabor and capital are here, and time must bring them together to de- velope the results so desirable. We have mentioned the Macon Factory as a single instance of success, because we are more ft.miliar with its workings. There are others in Georgia just as successful, and which cstabH-h, ly. to sectrre a fcmUome reward. The argu- ment drawn front cheap labor to prove the con trary position cannot bear the. test of either theory or experience. Wc have abundant bor now at our command to compete successful ly with Northern establishments, and if we had not, establish the business and labor will come to it W e barely allude to this subject now in or der to direct the public attention to its impor tance. The South never before had so large an amount of surplus capital, and w* wish to show our people where it can be more proper ly cmplo^d than in buying negroes to make more cotton at from fifteen to two thousand dollars per head. AVe need a diversity of pur suit;. It would not only add to the permtnent wealth of our section, but make us truly inde pendent—a consummation about which" politi cians are accustomed to talk so much and know so little. Instead of fighting the tariff in Con gress, with a. certainty of being whipped in ev ery engagement, it is far wiser to fight it here, at home, by making for ourselves the very fa brics which, we allege, are taxed to our ruin.— If, as we do often hear, Congress is disposed to legislate for the protection of one section to the detriment of another section, this is thP most effectual extinguisher that can be devised, to the injustice.—Sac. Rep. THE GUNMAKER OF MOSCOW. * beyond controversy, that Southern capital has cnly to be employed in manufactures judicious- A Talcofthe Empire under Peter (lie Great. CHAPTER I. The time at which we open our *tory is midwin ter, and towards the close of the seventeenth cen tury. Russia is the scene. In the suburbs of Moscow, and very near tbe riv er Moskwa, stood an bumble cot, which betrayed a neatness of arrangement and show of tastethat more than made up for its smallness of size. Back of the cot was an artisan’s shop, and other out-buildings. This shop was devoted to the manufacture of fire arms. mostly. Some swords, aud other edged weap ons, were made here upon special application. The master of this tenement was the hero of our tale, Ruric Nevel. We find him standing by his forge, watching the white smoke as it curled up to wards the throat of the chimney. He was a young man, not over three-and-twenty, and possessed a frame of more than ordinary symmetry aud muscu lar development. He was not large—not above a medium size—but a single glance at tbe swelling chest, the broad shoulders, and the sinewy ridges of the bare arms, told at once that he was master of great physical power. His father had been killed iu the tiieu late war with the Turks, and the son, leav ing bis mother with a sufficiency of sustenance, went to Spain soon after the bereavement. There he found work in the most noted armories; and now, well versed iu the trade, he had returned to his na tive city to follow his calling, and support his mo ther. Near by stood a boy—Paul Peepoff—a bright in telligent lad, some fifteen years of age, who had bound himself to the gunmaker for the purpose of learning the art Claudia Nevel, Ruric’s mother, was a noble look ing woman, and the light of her still handsome coun- teuauce was never brighter than when gazing upon her boy. She had a thankful, loving heart, and a prayertul, hopeful soul. •*It is snowing again, faster than ever,” remarked Paul, as betook his seat at the supper table, in*com- panv with the others •‘Ah,’* returned Ruric, restiughisknife a few mo- meuts while he bent his ear to listen to the voice of the storm. “I had hoped ’twould snow no more for the present. Tbe snow is deep enough now. And how it blows!'* “Never mind,” spoke the dame, in a trustful, easy toue,” it must r>torm when it listeth, and we can on ly thank God that we have shelter, and pray for those who have noue.” “Amen!” responded Ruric, fervently. The meal was at length eaten, and the table set back, and shortly afterwards Paul retired to his bed. Ruric drew bis chair close up to the fire-place, and leaning against the jam he bowed his head in absorbing thought. This had beconje a habit with him of late. His mother having observed these fits of abstraction, became uneasy and pressed Ruric to tell her what it was over which he was so constantly and so moodily brooding. Being thus urged, Ruric confessed that it was of Rosalind Valdai (the orphan daughter of a nobleman, and now the ward of Olga, the powerful and haughty Duke of Tula] he was thinking. Ruric’s father, and the father of Rosalind, had been comrades iu arms in their youth, and their children had been playmates. But when the eldtr Nevel was slain in uattle,.Ruric was yet a boy, and the widow aud her son remained poor and obscure ; while Valdai, more fortunate, had risen to a high rank, and dying, left Rosalind a title and a fortune. The young people, however, had not forgotten each other. Ruric loved Rosalind with all the fer vor of his being, and he felt assured that Rosalind r«*w*ato<l hU love. As he and his mother sat deba ting the matter that stormy night, a loud knock upon the outer door startlea tiieas. “Is there any one here V* the gunmaker asked; as he opened the door, bowing bis head and shield ing his eyes from the driving snow with one hand “Yes,” returned a voice from the Stygian dark- net*. “In God’s name let me in, or I shall perish.” •Then follow quickly,” said Ruric. “Hero—give me your hand,—There—now come.” The youth found the thickly-glovedhand—gloved with the softest fur—and having led the invisible applicant into the hall he closed the door, and then led the way to the kitchen. Without speaking, Ru ric turned and gazed upon the new-comer. The stralger, teAo teas equally desirous of ascertaining tekat manner of man Rune teas, waa a monk—and habited something like one of the Black monks of £t. Michael He was of medium highf, and poss< ed a rotuudity of person which was comical to hold. At length, after warming himself by the fire, the gu*st asked him if he could be accommodated with some sleeping-place, and being answered in the af firmative, Ruric showed him to a chamber and then retired himself. Tho next morning, after breakfast, the monk went with Ruric to his shop, and examined with ranch in terest the various weapons therein. Ruric ques tioned him closely as to whether he had ever met him before, but the Mouk replied evasively, and af ter saying that in caso the gunmaker should ever, in any great emergency, need a friend, that he might apply to him, be took his leave. Towards the middle of the afternoon, just as Ru ric had finished tempering some parts of a gun-lock, the back door of his shop was opened, and two men entered. They were young men, dressed in costly furs, aud both of them stout and good-looking. The gumuaker recognised them as the Count Conrad DamnnofT aud his friend Stephen Urzen. . “I think I speak with Ruric Nevel,” said the Count moving forward. “You do,” returned Ruric, not at all surprised by the visit, since people of all class were in the hab it of calling at his place to order arms. “Yotfare acquainted with tbe Lady Rosalind Val dai ?” he said- *• I an, answered Ruric, now beginnning to won der. “Well, sir,” resumedDamonoff, with much haugh- tineas,“perhaps my business can b© quickly aud sat isfactorily settled. It is my desire to make the La- Thq man thus addressed viewed the gunmaker a few moments^, nd he seemed to conclude that he had better avoid a personal encounter. . Conrad Damonoff slowlyroee to his feet, and gazed into his antagonist’s face a few moments in silence. His own face was deathly pale, and his whole frame quivered. ‘•Ruric Nevel,” he said, In a hissing, maddened tone, “you will hear from me. I can overlook your plebeian stock.” And with this he turned away. “Paul,” said the gunmaker, turning to his boy, after the men had gone, “not a word of this to my mother. Be sure.” On the following morning, as Ruric was prepar ing for breakfast, he saw Olga, the Duke, pass by, and strike off into the Borodino road. Now thought he, is the time to call on Rosaliod; and as soon as he had eaten his breakfast he prepared for the visit. He dressed well, and no man in Moscow had a no bler look when the dust of toil was removed from his brow and garb. He took a horse and sledge, and started off for the Kremlin, within which the duke resided. In one of the sumptuously furnished apartments of the palace of the Duke of Tula sat Rosalind Val dai. She was a beautiful girl; molded in perfect form, with a fall Hush of health and vi<*or, and pos sessing a face of peculiar sweetness ana intelligence. She was only nineteen years of age, and she had been ten years an orphan. There was nothing of the aristocrat in her look—nothing proud, nothiug haughty; but gentleness and love were the true ele ments of her soul. “How now. Zenobie?” asked Rosalind, as her waiting maid entered. “Thera is a gentleman below who wonld see yon.” the girl replied. “Then tell him I cannot see him,” said Rosalind, trembling. “But it is Ruric Nevel, my mistress.” “Ruric!” exclaimed the fair maiden, starting up, while tbe rich blood mounted to her brow and tem ples. “Oh, I am glad he has come My prayers are surely answered. ~ Lead him hither, Zenobie.” The girl departed, and ere long afterwards Ruric entered the apartment. He walked quickly to where Rosalind bad arisen to her feet, and taking one of her hands in both bis own he pressed it to his lips. I was with difficulty he spoke. But the emotions of his soul became calm at length, and then he received Rosalind’s premise that she teould never permit her hand to be disposed of to another by the Duke of Tula. Ruric informed her of the visit of Count Damonoff to his shop, its purpose and the result. R js&lind was astonished and alarmed. Still, she could not i be- dy Rosaliud my wife.' Ruric Nevel started at these words, and he clasp ed his hands to hide their tremulousness. But he was not long debating upon an answer. -And why have yon come to me with this infor mation, sir f” he asked. “Ruric Nevel, you shall not say that I did not make myself fully understood, and hence I will ex plain.” The Count spoke this as speaks a man who feels that he is doing a very condescending thing, and in the same tone he proceeded: “The Lady Ro salind is of noble parentage aud very wealthy, .uy own station aud wealth are equal with hers. I love nor, aud must have her for my wife. I have been to see the noble Duke, her guardian, and he objects not to mv suite. But he informed me that there was one impediment, and that was her love for you. He knows fall well—as I know, and as all must know— that she could never become your wife; but yet he is anxious not to interfere too much against her in- cdiuatious. So a simple denial from you, to the ef fect that you can never claim her hand, is all that is necessary. I have a paper here all drawn up. and oil that I require is simply your signature. Here— it is only a plain, simple avowal ou your part that you have no hopes nor thoughts of seeking the band of the lady in marriage.” . _ As tho Count spoke he drew a paper from the bo som of his marten doublet, and having opened it he handed it towafds tit* gunmaker. But Ruric took it not. He drew back and gazed the visitor sternly in the face. “Sir Court,” he aaid. calmly and firmU, “yo ive plainly stated your proposition and 1 will a ainly answer. I cannot sign the paper.” Do have plainly answer. I cannot sign tbe pa] “Ha!” grasped Damonoff, in quick { ton relume ?” “Most flatly/* ' “Bat yon will sign it!” hissed Damonoff, turning pale with rage. “Here it is—sign ! If you would live—sign !’* . , * “Perhaps he oannot wnte, suggested Urzen. con- k^ben he may make his mark,’ ' rejoined tbe Count, in the same contemptuous tone. “it might not require much more urging to induce me to moke my mark in a manner not at all agree able to you,” the youth retorted, with his teeth now set, and the dark veins upon his brow starting more plainly out. “Do you seek a quarrel “Seek?—I seek what I will have. Will you sign ?” “Once more—No!” “Then, by heavens, yon shall know what it is to thwart such aa me! How’s that?” i these words passed from the Count’s lips in a hissing whisper, be aimed a blow with his fist uric’s head. Tbe gunmaker had not dreamed low, at Ruric’s bead. The gunmaker of such a dastardly act, and he was not prepared for it. Yet he dodged it, and as the Count drew hack Ruric dealt him a blow upon the brow that felled him to the floor like a dead ox. ••Beware Stephen Urzen!” he whispered to the Count’s companion, as that individual made a move ment aa though he would come forward. “I am not myself how, and yon are safest where you are.” believe that the Duke meant to bestow her hand up on Damonoff. The Duke owed him money, she said, and might perhaps be playing with the Coant. Ruric started as a new suspicion flashed upon him. Had the Duke sent Damonoff upon that mission on purpose to get him into a quarrel. “Aye,” thought the youth to himself, *the Duke knows that 1 have taught the sword play, and he knows that the Count would be no match for me. So he 'thinks in this subtle manner t > make me an instrument for ridding him of a plague.’ But the youth was careful not to let Rosalind know of this. He thought she would be unhappy if she knew that a duel was likely to come off between himself and the Count. After some minutes ot comparative silence, Ruric took leave ot Rosalind, and was soon in the open court. Here he entered his sledge, and then drove to tbe barracks in the Khitagored, where he inquir ed for a young friend named Orso, a lieutenant of the guard. The officer was quickly fouud, and as he met Ruric hi3 salutation was warm and cordial. Af ter the first friendly greetings had passed, Ruric re marked, “I may have a meeting with Conrad Count Damonoff. He has sought a quarrel—insulted me most grossly—aimed a blow at my head—and I knocked him down. Yon can judge os well as 1 what the result must be.” Most surely he will challenge you,” cried tbe of ficer, excitedly. “So I think,” resumed Ruric, calmly. “And now will you serve me iu the event ?*’ “With pleasure.” And thereupon Rnric related all that had occurred at the time or the Count’s visit to his shop, and then took his leave. He reached home just as his mother was spread ing the hoard for dinner. He often went away on business, and she thought uot of asking him any questions. On questioning Paul, in the shop, in the afternoon, Rnric, to his great surprise, learned that the Black Monk had been there during his absence, to purchase a dagger; that he had drawn out of the boy a min ute account of the visit of Urzeu and D&manoff, and that he seemed to be much pleased with Ruric’s conduct. As they were taking dinner, Urzen called and presented a challenge from the Count. Ruric at once referred him to his friend, and he took his leave. That evening, about eight o’clock, a sledge drove up to Ruric’s door, and young Ora a entered tbe house. He called Ruric aside, and informed him that the arrau«reir.ents had all been made. Damanoff is in a burry,” he said, •• and we have appointed the meeting at ten o’clock to-morrow fore noon. It will take place at the bend of the river just beyond the Viska Hill.” ‘And the weapons ?” asked Ruric. ‘Swords,” returned Orsa. “The Count will bring his own, and he gives yon the privilege of selecting such an one as yon choose.” “I thank you, Orsa, for yonr kindness thus far, and you may rest assured that 1 shall be prompt.” Suppose I call here in the morning for you?” suggested the visitor. “1 should he pleased to have you do so,” the gnu- maker said; and tuns it was arranged. Un in© n—i. -—. La and at the table not a word of the doe all-absorbing theme was uttered. After the meal was finished the gnnmaker went out to his shop, and took down from one of tbe closets a long leathern case, in which were two swords. They were Toledo blades, and ot most exquisite workmanship and finish. Ruric took out the heaviest one, which was a two edged weap on, with a cross hiU of heavy glided metal. He Jaced the point upon the floor, and then, with all is weight he bent the blade till the pommel touched the point. The lithe steel sprang back to its place with a sharpe clang, and the texture was not start ed. Then he struck the fiat of the blade upon the anvil with great force. The ring was sharp and clear, and the weapon remained unharmed, “Bj 8t. Michael,” said the gunmaker to his boy, “ Moscow does not contain another blade like that. Damascus never saw a better.” .“ I think you are right, my master,” the boy turned, who had beheld the trial of tbe blade with unbounded admiration. 44 Bat.” he added, “could you not temper a blads like that ?” “Perhaps, if I had the steel. But I have it not. The steel of these two blades came from India, and was originally in one weapon—a ponderous, two- handed affair, belonging to a chieftain, lhe metal possesses all the hardness of the fiuest razor, with the elasticity oi the most subtle spring. My old master at Toledo gave me these as a memento. Were I to mention the sum of money he was once offered for the largest one, you would hardly credit it/ 1 After this Ruric gave Paul a few directions about the work, promising to be back betore night. Just then Orsa drove up to tbe door. Rnric was all ready. His mother was in the kitch en. He went to her with a smile upon his face. He put his arms and draw her to his bosom. “God bless you, my mother.- I shall come back,” He said this, and then he kissed her. He dared not stop to speak more, but opened the door and passed out. “ Have you a good weapon, asked Orsa, as the horse started on. “I have,” Ruric said, quietly; “and one which has stood more tests than most swords will bear.” And after some farther remarks he related the peculiar circumstances attending the making ot tbe sword, and his possession ot it. At length they struck upon the river, and in half an hour more they reacned the appointed spot. The day was beautiful. They had been upon the ground bat a few minutes when the other party came in sight around the bend of the river. The monk seas there also. As soon as the Count and his second and surgeon had arrived, and the horses had been secured, the lieutenant proposed that they should repair to an old building which was close at hand. “Aye,” added Damonoff.—“Let us have this bus iness done, for I would be back to dinner. I dine with Olga to-day, and a fair maiden awaits my com- ing. “Notice him not,” whispered Orsa, who walked close by Ruric’s side. “That is one ot his chief oints when engaged in an affair of this kind. He opes to get you angry, aud so unhinge your nerves.” “Never fear,” answered the gun maker. The party halted wheu they reached the interior of the rough structure, and the Count threw off his peliese and drew his sword. Rnric followed bis ex nple. “Sir Count,” the latter said, as he moved a step forward, “ere we commence this work I wish all present to uederstand distinctly how I stand. You have sought this quarrel from the first. Without the least provocation from me you have insulted me most grossly, and this is the climax. So, before God and man, be the result upon your own head.” “Ont. lving knave ■ —” Change ofSchetlule. SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON STEAMPACKET LINE T IN CONNXECTION with CENTRAL and North Eastern Rail Roads. HE splendid and Fast Bozming. 'com GORDON, F. Barden, Commander.leavesSavan- nah for Charleston every Sunday and Wednesday afternoons at 3 o’clock and connect* at Charleston with the train of the North Eastern Bail Road going North; returning, leaves Charleston every Monday and Friday night at 8J o’clock (after the arrival of the cars of the North Eastern B. Road.) and ar rives at Savannah early the following mornings. By this route Passengers can obtain, through tick* eta to and from Savannah, Qa, and Wilmington, N. Carolina Having a through freight arrangement with the the Central Rail Road and its connections, all freights between Charleston and tho interior of Georgia con* signed to tho agents of this line will be forwarded with dispatch and FREE of CHARGE. . J. P. BROOKS, Ag’t, Savannah. E. LAFITTE Sc CO., Ag’ts. Charleston. jan 19 BROWN’S HOTEL. OPPOSITE THE SEW RAIL ROAD DEPOT, MACON, GA. E. E. BROWN, Proprietor. Meals Ready on the Arrival of every Train, apl 15 GRANITE HALL OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE. T HE subscriber will open the above Hall about ■ the first of APRIL next, for the accommodation of Families, Day Boarders and Transient Custo mers. This House is now offered as inferior to ni other First Class Hotel in the South, and from it. 6 central location, its large and airy rooms, offers great inducements and accommodations to Families anu Transient persons. The public may expect from thb House, all the luxuries and comforts to be found i any other hotel. ' mar 2 B. F. DENSE, Late of the Floyd House. Latest News by the -A-t-la-ntic Telegraph- To all whom it may concern. This is to notify the public that Isaacs is at Home Again And begs to assure his patrons that his SALOON is not a thing of a day. Citizens and the traveling pub lic will find the establishment open not for the sea son only, but at all seasons of tne year, and those calling upon us will at all hours find our Larder sup plied with all the delicacies that the New York and other markets will afford in the way of eatables, and something good to drink, and six days out of seven more than can be found in any other house in town. E. Isaacs & Brother, Under Knlston’s Unit, Cherry SL His bill of fare will every day Be just the thing for little pay. And those who at their place may eat, Will find In it all things complete, And going once, they then will know 1 ISA At That ISAACS’ is the place to go. WE shall be happy to see our friends, assuring them that it will be oar unremitting care to please in every respect, as we flatter ourselves we have done till now. Eg* It may not be generally known that we have to meet the wishes of the Medical Faculty, import- f Pale Bran ed by ourselvea a very superior quality of Pale dy, tine Old Port, Sherry and Madeira, possessing all the medical qualitfes so much desired by them. Look at bis Bill of Fare, and choose for yourself: Oysters From New York, Savannah and Brunswick, jn the shell or by the measure, raw, tried, stewed, in any way yen want them ALSO. Shrimps and Crabs, Wild Game of every variety. Venison and Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Veal Catlett, - Ham and Eggs, Deviled Ham and Deviled Terapins, Mountain Oysters, Turtle Soup, See., Sec., Sec. Wood cock, Grouse, Mountain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Ducks, Fish, and anything that an epicure wants, can always be had when in season. Confectioneries and Fruits. ISAACS also keeps constantly on hand a good as sortment of Confectioneries, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Pine Apples, . Various description of Nuts, Cakes, Sec., AIT ol wniczi t-.n a* ittirehased at low nrices for CASH. Be sure and call at oct 12 S. ISAACS Sc BROTHER. ELIAS EINSTEIN, ‘Ont, lying knavi •Hold," cried the surgeon, laying his hand heavi ly upon the Count’s arm. -*Yon have no right te ■peak thus, tor yon lower yourself when yon do it. If you have come to light, do so honorably.” An angry repiy was upon DamonofTs lips, but he did not speak it. He turned to his antagonist and said,— -Will yon measure weapons, sir T Mine may be . mite the longest. I seek no advantage ; and I have one here of the same length and weight ns my own if yon wish it” “I am well satisfied as it is, replied Rnric. -Then take your ground. Are yon ready 1" -lam!” The two swords were crossed in an instant, with a clear, sharp clang. The above is all of this story that will be pnblish- 7e gi- continuation of it from where it leaves off here can only be found in the New York Ledger, the great family paper, for which the mo st popular writers in the country contribute, and which is for sale at all the stores thronghont the city and cunntiy, where papers are sold. Remember and ask for the New York Ledger of March 19, and in it you will get the continuation of the story from where it leaves off simple i off he here. If yon cannot get a copy at any book store, iblisbers of the Ledger will mail ~ lyon a copy the publishers of the on the receipt oi five cental The Ledger is mailed to subscribers at *2 a year, or two copies for *3. Address your letters to Rob ert Bonner, publisher, it Auu street. New York. It is the handsomest and best family paper in the coun try, elegantly illustrated, and characterized by a high moral tone. Its present circulation is over four hundred thousand copies, which is the best evidence we can give of its merits. Corner of 2d St. & Colton Avenue, B EGS leave to inform the Ladies of Macon and the public in general that he has just retnrned from New-York and is now ready to show one of the Largest and haudssratst Stocks of FANCY, STAPLE AND DOMESTIC ever exhibited in the Southern market, which will be sold at remarkably low figures to cash and prompt ^ThefStuck comprises, in part, the following, via = Milk Drr»s (.'ooiN, Robes a Lis, and Bayadere Striped Fancy Silks* Black Silks, auch as Gros de Rhine, Groa de Naple and Bishop Silks. Woolen Drc*s Good*. French, German and English Merinoes, All wool Robes a Lis,_ De Laine Robes a quille Cashmere Robes a quille, Imp. Foulard, Brocaded Rutera. Poil de Cheore, Imperial Paramattas, Mohairs, Cashmeres, Balmorals, De Laines, De Beges, English, American A French Prints A Ginghams. MhawlH and Scarf*. Mantilla Stella Shawls, Mantilla Shawls, Stella Shawls, Chenille Shawls, Waterloo Long Shawls, Bay State Long and Square Shawls, Crape, Basket and Blank et Shawls, Chenille, Cashmere and printed Scarfs. Cloak*—A Choice A*»ortinrnt of Taliiman, Rosalie, Eva, Casta Diva, Pandora, Cordelia, Dnchess de Beni, Rob Roy, Grey Maneuvering and Velvet Cloaks, of the very latest and most fashionable styles. XStnbroiderien. Ribb. Jaccunet, Colar de Paris, Jacconet and Swiss Gt. Setts, Ribb. J&cconet Setts de Paris, Ribb. Jacconet Prima Donna Setts, Lace trimmed Setts, Embroidered Bands, Flouncing*, Skirts, Children’s Waists and Robes, Lace and Muslin Curtains. A complete Anaortmcnt of Hosiery, llouae and Plantation Furnishing Goods, and all other articles usually found in a regular Dry Good Store. Remember, at ELIAS EINSTEIN’S, Sep. 28, Corner 2d Street and Cotton Avenne. BOOTS AND SHOES. TTHESIGN OFTHE BIG BOOT, No. 3, J A lA. Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers would return their thauka for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of th Wehave now in store a large assortment ofe BOOTS AND SHOESp mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the different styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and wonld invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine oar stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as any house in the city or State. Sept. 28. MIX Sc KIRTLAND. B OOTS.—A fall assortment of Gents’ fine Sj[ French Calf Boots, pomp sole, welted and ® waterproof, of various kinds and qualities, both soled and pegged. Just received and for sale low by Sept. 28. " ^ MIX Sc KIRTLAND. J^UBBER SHOES.—A jjwg e assortment dies slipper and sandal rubber Shoes of Goodyear’s celebrated patent Just received and for sale low by Sept. 28. MIX Sc KIRTLAND. P LANTATION BROG ANS.-Now in store the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we have ever offered in this market Men’s double soled peg and nailed black and russetts; do. heavy single soled black and russetts; do. boys and youths black and russetts, all of which we are selling very Sept. 28. MIX .V KIRTLAND rjOOTS AND SHOES.—-Men’s, Boys and I ) Youth’s fine calf and kip peg'd Boots; Men's stoat kip hunting and mud Boots; Gents last ing Gaiters, Monterey, opera and ties, and fine call Brogans; Gents, boys’ and youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans: Men’s, boys' and youths' California kip Brogans, a large assortment. t spt2S. MIX & KIRTLAND. IMPLEMENTS. Implements in setts com- PRUNING 1 pfcteTPruning'Knives, Budding Knives, Pruning Shears, long and short handles. Pruning Hooks, Pruning Saws, Gardening and Seed Hoe, Garden Hoe and Rake, Garden Trow* els, Garden Spades, Spading Forks, Potato Rakes, Garden Plows, Garden Barrows, for sale by NATHAN WEED. Plows, Ditching Plows, Garden Plows all sizes, 1 and 2 b arrow Plowa, Harrows. Mattocks, for sale by NATHAN WEED. TIT /”) 7? CJ of all the brat makers, comprising XI_ Tj o Scovil’s, Brale's Patent and Crown, Weed s warranted, Bradley’s Cast Steel Grabbing, Csne Hoes, Seed Hoes, blower Hoes, for sale by NATHAN WEED. Dividend Yo. 14. Sooth-Wiitzrs Rail Road Cospant, ) Macon, Geo., February 10,1859. J DIVIDEND of Four (8!) Dollars per Share has been this day declared by the Board of Directors, ont of the earnings for the Six Months ending January 31st, 1859, payable to the then hold ers of Stock on and after the t5th inst. Stockholders in Savannah will receive their Divi dends at the Central Rail Road Bank. JOHN T. BOIFELTLLET. feb 15—lm Secretary * Treasury. Cotton and Wool Cards, Sheep t Horse Brashes, for sale by sears, Curry Combe, NATOAN WEED. rr n r> A T SHELLERS, Corn Mills. Straw and vy U.lVIt Shack Cutters, Grain C Cradles, Scythe Blades, Grain Sieves, Fan Mills, Threshers, Horse Powers, Otter and Beaver Traps, Wheelbar rows, for Wood, Coal and Dirt, Chnrns, Sec., for sale by NATHAN WEED. IRON & STEEL . Refined Iron, Swedes Iron, Bundle Iron of all kinds. Horse Shoes, Horae Shoe Nails, Plow, Cast, German, Blis ter and Spring Steel, Sheet Iron,'Boiler Iron, Jack Screws. Crowbars, Screw Wrenches, Ac.. Ac., all for sale by (marl)' NATHAN WEED. SPRING!. 1859. NEW AND CHEAP SPRING and SUMMER HOPKINS, HULL & ATKINSON, 258 Baltimore Street, Sqilihicire, Respectfully invite the attention of buyers to their Spring Stock Of Britiah, French and American Dry Goods. We have taken great pains to select a Stock suited to the wants of Southern and Western Merchants, which we will; SELL LOW TO SAFE AND PROMPT Buyers. Our Stock is very large, and embraces such an assortment as will enable a Merchant to buy of us, with the BEST ADVANTAGE TO HIM SELF, all the goods he may need in our line. In all things, we shall try to consult the interest of our customers. Orders sent to ns shall be carefully attended to, and goods dispatched promptly. HOPKINS, HULL A ATKINSON. B. B. Hopkins, ' j Rob't Hull, > Baltimore, Feb. 15, 1859. Thos. W. Atkinson.) [feb 22—3t* J Houston Land for Sale. A GREEABLE to the last Will and Testament of Samuel Dinkins, deceased, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Perry, on the first Tuesday in October next, if not disposed of .be fore at private sale, the VALUABLE PLANTATION lately owned by deceased, containing about 1300 acres, about 800 nnder cultivation, the balance very heavily timbered. This Plantation is one of the most desirable in Houston county, being located im mediately on the South-Western Rail Road, near Station No 1 J, a short distance from the city of Ma con, healthy, well watered by Springs, well im proved, and in the midst of a highly intelligent and moral community. The Plantation not being culti vated this year, will be in fine coedition to make a crop next year. The Plantation will be sold for cash, or on such rime as the purchaser may wish. Persons wishing to bnv Houston Lands, would do well to examine the above place before purchasing. Mr. R. W. Mat thews, on the place, or either of the Executors, will take pleasure in showing it to any one wishing to purchase. The above place joins the plantations of Wm. M. Bateman, Patrick Carroll, D. F. Gunn, J. M. Ham mock and Thompson Fields. S. D. BRANTLEY, J. W. SHINHOLSER, o. n .umaiuu..T. Executors. Fort Valley,March 1—tds DRY GOODS AT Wliolesal© only- Spring & Summer, 1859. F OOTE te jaidux, take this method of in forming MERCHANTS, that they are now receiving, and have in store the largest stock of SPRING and SUMMER Dry (3-ood.s, ever brought to this market, which they offer to Merchant* on snch terms as are unsurpassed by any Jobbing House either North or South. All of their Goods are purchased under advantages secoz-d to no House either North or South. Their arrange ments with the various Northern and Southern Man ufactories enable them to offer all DOMESTIC GOODS, i aa good terms as they can be bad in an/ market the United States. They keep, in addition to a i nDvnnmw . “ * in the United States. They 1 general Stock of DRY - GOODS, a vaHety of FANCY GOODS, wanted by Merchants. They respectfully solicit calls from Merchants, be ing fully satisfied that an examination will be worthy of their trouble. FOOTE & JAUDON. Savannah, Ga. feb 15—2m* A NEW Gr IT 1ST SMIT HE. T HE subscriber, having iust arrived in Macon, and opened a NEW SHOP tor tbe purpose of repairing GUNS and PISTOLS, offers his services to the public, and guarantees to do all work in bis line in tbe best manner, and at prices to suit his patrons. DOUBLE BARREL GUNS, RIFLES AND PISTOLS, made to order, and Stocked at short no- tice. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. fyStore under the Floyd House, opposite Dr. Thomson’s. WM. MARKWALTER. feb 8—ly Late of Augusta, Ga. PLVXOS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, &0, Wl E are now offering a new uL d select Stock of elegant PIANOS from Nunn’s i Clark, and other makers, war-j ranted to please. Guitars, Violins, _ _ _ Flutes, Accord eons and all other small Instruments kept in our line. Strings, Instruction “ Mas* Books, Sheet Music, Ac. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Of the most approved makers JEWELRY 4 FANCY ARTICLES, Silver Forks and Spoons, equal to coin. Watches and Jewelry Repaired and warranted. March 1,1859. . J. A. A 8. 8. VIRGIN. POST A MEL, Commission Merchants, 64 Potdras Street, New Orleans, La. REFERENCES.—Mtirra. J. B. * W. A. Boss. “ Hardeman Sc Griffin. ** Lightfoot Sc Flanders. Elijah Bond. Esq. feb 22 Joseph Clisby, Esq. Ac KTBW OULOP* LARGE variety of Cabbage, Turnip, Early Corn, Flower aeeds, Beets, Beans, Peas, all oth er varieties suitable for Gardens. Also Grass Seeds, Canary Seeds, and Onion Setts. Merchants and Gardeners supplied with any as sortment, by J. H. Sc W. S. ELLIS, janU—3m Cherry St Haeon, Ga Southern Mutual Insurance Co. SCRIP OF 1856. n OLDERS of the above Scrip are hereby noti fied that their certificates will be paid, upon presentation at the principal office in Athens. The owner's receipt or endorsement on the back is required. The undersigned is also authorised to receive said Scrip in pavment for Insurance Premiums. ’ JAS M. BOARDMAN, Agent Macon, Feb. 22—3t COAL-—$9 per Ton. Li 1 -- rl’ST received, Tti.ne.- CaaU fici . - • ) Apply to J. F. WINTER * CO. tuba