Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, March 15, 1859, Image 2

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The nam Trunk Briniaul Pros- l’Kt l'S hi SAY \NXAH. Y> • '■ .is.. :V<»in lii.-S.uai.n.ih ! this Road i|MirW<fenjrihi.M7 The ,\r\i P reside ucy. A Corkney at a Xogro Sale. New fork “Personal Liberty Bill.” "The New Y'ork correspondent of thc Charles- The X. Y. Tribune, it seem.-. sent out a Re- We have seen no note, as yet, in any of the tin; t r :i.' .. t: ..it p r to ] “ie-r. v Butler's late sale of negroes near Southern prints of the ‘Personal Liberty bill' kWimd tin i Hamnuuhl, of South Caatdina, stands the best SaraaoefL md the poor Cockm-v's eves began latel^reported by a Committee of the New York n ucjwu ***** I -i *— * t_ . sr . . — *k. n 1 . N.-w York Herald. For the Te’lepraph. From tie Six Scenes iu the office of a French Revelations About Spir.iuali,m- DANGER TO OCR SOCIAL s' > I E-M. Deillli of Col. Bond. The sodden end violent death of Col. Jfctra Box®, one of our best citizens rod widely known a* • planter of grot wealth, is looked upon as a common calamity—and saddens every face we see. It dlls our whole community with gloom. The circumstance*, in brief, were these: a mis understanding had subsisted lor some time, be tween Col. Bond and Lucius Brown, formerly his overseer, but now employed on a neighboring plantation owned by Cob Beall. Brown had a short time before, unjustifiably assailed and se- \erriy whipped an old and faithful servant of Rond's; and on Saturday morning. Col Bond examined dm injuries sustained by the servant, and finding them to be very severe, became ex cited to phrenxy. He mounted his home and suiting after Brown, found him on horseback on Beall's premises, assailed him with a stick and knocked him off his home. Brown recovering ids feet, shot Bond through the body, whereup on Bond dismounted and fired at Brown, as be ran from him, wounding him in the thigh. Bond lived but thirty minutes after the rencontre. Another statement of the facts attending the centre, is, that after unhorsing Brown, Bond dismounted and was in the act of pummelling Brown with his stick, when the latter discharg ed his pistol. trL The body was brought to town Sunday after noon, and the funeral takes place this afternoon (Monday; from the Presbyterian Church. The precipitancy which has resulted in this terrible catastrophe, will be held more excusable, when it is considered that Bond was in all respects! model planter, as well as s most humane man. That his chief pride and pleasure were in the beauty and order of his plantations and the com fort and happiness of his people. He was noted •for his great care of and attachment to them, and it was hardly possible to assail him in a more sensitive point than the abuse of one of them, especially an old and faithful servant as in this case. a !?22£ r !h ’-' 'i; 01 ' 1 :? 11 "" »' \ m,> ?!' t’ur-w tia-bcl A tl.cNVw York wharf; llou^of Representatives, and t 11 ic candidate for the Pronlencv. Such. ncsa\>, .... . _ . . . . .. • ‘ A , . . is the impres-i-m <if the polttu ian- wl.- .-athvr •’““■•"lat..,:, ..f th i. roc- b, was -ag.-!-' Legislature..: that Mate. It mat Ma it wgraoedlfaNmr York He>ay« it t.U;ct.-vded f -><■ ' IK labor* hard H r w :;j jvich that place hr that, inasmuch a- the last three Presidents have umn-of that paper of the 9th it lv tnd he extended tea nm- <»“e front the North, it is onlv fair that the a dreadful talebut the seem It, mil he ext, noeil to a run . . . trr.mthe South. The recent . i ..( fo: wSn from Black sin ar. the county rite of Pierce county, a.id eighty miles from Savannah. It is graded as for as Bia the tir-t of next Julv. From t ie Cin Inquirer. Ke(, Piccolo,nini Kissed by vjp WHAT SHE Til' >Ui,}p-p During Piceolomiuis late Spencer House, in this cin-. t!. cident occurred through s ' as is must have been agreeable. A young gentleman residing! part of this State, received a it--.. DOCTOR IN ALABAMA. . , „ „ ScEXE 3 In another page we publish a letter from Dr. now before the I *• ^ Bocage-(looking out of his office mnTthedan- ■y not pass—it window,) Aba. there is the wealthy Mr. -Mor- ^ tendency of the system as regards the lie labors hard in six inurtal col- may be a mere sop to the CerB&us of Black Re- I Did gate; I believe I shall at last have domestic and social relations, more particularly ii'i-tant, to "unfold publicanL-iii—a scheme of the Seward politi- one patient distingue. Enter Mr. Morgan. in reference to the institution of marriage. Ac- ^ ^ _,.- [CT appears to have dans to reinfiate t :.elr sable balloon before the Mr. Morgan.—Good evening. Doctor. cording to the testimony of this gentleman— from hi; sister, who had been at:?-i-J ning distance of 190 miles from Savannah «" for '" : " ir ^ ' , The TH ; but in With, if any body <*)•<»« the Dr De-Good evening. Mr Morgan; lam £ b ° ' h X.!T.he Ivnw uml'witoess"^ 'what™! "e r rib n' d a v "a t e' ° pc n c* tAI " ' : ■ Ma:st„H';„,!.,-. him in th- tin. f : ...t b :.ai t r-ti-:. a- they bum-, however, was sagacious m the Selection of bib. the New Yorit papers tail to rep„r: him, very happt to s^you. sir; take a seat dcseriU—the "free l<w" so l..t.g pat f riends 0 f hers wer-'^iaan • 1 Troupvflle and Thomasville ran from the pres- have *»~ta8 hugely to being San* Carolina | U» *de of due lot of low country rice swamp while, on the other hand, me Tribune furnish- Mr. Morgan—I hope 1 tnidymm leiMiretlus roni/vl and ,n urm.d i.v me New York In- for ,, i;n , 0 arrive in . -*..l ent terminus in Pierce countv. makirm the within the influence of national politics." negroes, under stress of debt. t -bold it up a- es a column ,r two of synopses from members, afternoon. Doctor. I want to have a little con- bunt, has dcvetopeii iteelt to fuu maturity in ,, anv her home. ai^m^ h ^ J[j W« luy. “tk»\W Yak cnrrngpn«id>nt nf tii» i «„ »T.mpl. «nH illmUratirai /«f«l) rales ''' who. with I....V and then a reservation or cxcvp-1 versation witn you about meilicini the spinm.,..-!.- .. .ami e-im.u- The brother. Alfred, came «t — . TjtfV frrat Ikri Of . I Charlcoton Courier,'’ i* right, and no more ob-1 kind, and an bUvct in the South. He “ - 1 11 —* “liberty I Dr. De—VyBreefoa* your disposal, n i the ^ "nn in- had not seen his t J noil wttk tK.s | jectioneMe nominee than Senator Hammond W dMfo, w Tl.» w«ntjl*amilfi Wv rfffoifMg IdB.^iritin h.H"[ tonic vou wish toenrak on jgalwnvs intarentmej^jy |1||U< |Wnltt «.‘bav.ne ;e- "Ahattawia£ place, one-third had been procured in Apalachi-! ^ seiectod b T the Democrats. Is there a cola through a committee appointed to visit her, and that there will be no difficulty in obtaining the remainder of the sum needed, in Decatur county. The completion of this road will be followed, by consequences to Savannah hardly less impor tant and beneficial than those which resulted man who has watched Hammond's course in the Senate, that doubts his eminent ability and his fearless probity of character—who would not predicate upon both an independent, high-toned, single-minded administration of public affairs, which would leave small chance to mousing politicians ? But the wish of the Courier is fath- from the opening of tin, Central Road; for, be- *° Dm thought The man “meet talked of” Tlic Democratic Slntc Convention We observe in the last Federal Union a note from Hon. P. E. Love, addressed to Cot D. Campbell, in which Judge Love withdraws his call for a preliminary meeting of the Democrat ic Executive Committee and acquiesces in the nomination by certain members of that Com mittee, of the Third Wednesday ia. Jusse^ as the day for the meeting of the Democratic-State Con vention at AfilltdgtvUle. So let it be under stood, then. In the present posture of affairs, wc regard the time and the Convention itself as rather immaterial The voice of the party and tlic people is so nearly unanimous for the renom- ination of Gov. Brown, that the Convention will have a very plain work before it Census Takers for Blblt County. The inferior Court hare appointed the follow ing gentlemen aa Census takers for this county: J. C. C. Burnett, for Vineville, the two City Districts and East Macon. Wm. Bone, for Howards, liananl, Warrior, Rutland and Godfrey's Districts. We are indebted to Hon. J. Jackson for setts of the Congressional Globe and Appendix; to Mr. Trippe for a pamphlet copy of Holcombe's address before the Virginia State Agricultural Society, and to Messrs. Toombs and Stephens for various public documents. Gratuitous Alcdicnl nidtotlic Poor. Wc sec from the Medical Retortner of this city that the Faculty of the Reform College, are a- bout establishing a dispensary at the College for the purpose of giving gratuitously such med icine and advice as may he necessary, to all who apply on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10 o’ clock, A. M. Since our city authorities have abolished the office of City Physician for the Poor, wc think that those who need medical aid, and are not a- bleto pay the Doctor, will do well to callat the College on the above days. Prof Comings will attend promptly to all such applications. ides adding immensely to her produce and shipping business, it will former ler again in line as (i."Sorlkem and Southern Otonmghfarefor trav el. With proper steamboat facilities, tlic cheap est and most comfortable route between New. York and the South-western cities ought to be ewer this road; and the cities of Savannah and Charleston will be strong inducements to most travellers to prefer this route. No city in the Union has displayed so much judgment, tact, and enterprise as Savannah, in overcoming what we might call the natural in solation of her position; and her Rriacrian arms will now shortly reach forth by direct, conve nient and prosperous railway routes, to the most fertile cotton regions of the South-west, while her seaboard interests bate been guarded tcitk no less enterprise and sageseHy, so as to present to these regions the most convenient outlet to the of success was owing to an absolute deficiency • and so on to the end of the Barebone cant of to me in horrorsand grief material generally. "freesoilism," and states that petitions for its; Mr. Morgan.—No doubt your intimate ac- The scene was no doubt a strange one to fiassage are daily pouring into the wor.-hip of tin . its rib mvsteri-. and on arriving at t lie hotel, asked fo f y and the number of her room. Hopij. prise her agreeably, b- thought ht V just now for a n--uiinee is Alexander II. Steph ens, who, we venture to say, will do as little to wards “advancing his own chums" in that be half as Senator Hammond. With either we could go into battle coo arnore. Xolivingpub- Kc man in America, in the last half century, has retired from political life with more grace and eclat than Mr. Stephens, and we need look for no more conclusive attestation of his merits than the universal regret which follows him into re tirement As it was entirely voluntaiy on his part—as he retired of his own motion, and against the wishes of all from substantially the first and most influential place in the legislative councils of the country, we presume and believe that he is tired of public life and has no desire to return to it The connection of his name by thenews- papers with the Presidency is unwelcome to him, j and as much as we would like to see him a can didate and the President, we do not therefore C-odeney, and he heads his piece “human feel ings of no account,” illustrating it by an occa sional episode of “true lovyers" separated by the fiat of the auctioneer, (although he admits the families were kept together,) and by sentimen tal comments on the style of conversation to the negroes, which would no doubt be deemed of fensive freedom if addressed to a fifth avenue belle. In short, Cockney felt as strangely as a evxl Bacchus, which, « and orgies, was at first eeretlv tarried on ... .tier part of its lifctorv it up unannounced, ...*rned - * . the j Hticn of the apartmeut Ji Albany from all quaintance with the subject much enhances its I raeQy introduced and and itiehidirii the m.-t di-timruMicd you. was nracti'S'S^^A^ tlfe'woirt~««- '***•*"*’•*!* J«*5 citizens of the State. At all events it will be I>r. Do.—You are very complimentary, sir : ^ a ‘ n t t [ le unnatU raI vice* wen- induH i ‘ reache ‘ 1 toe ro-m ne .-awWHuter, well to watch the fate of this same "liberty for which allow me to offer you iny thanks. And ! j n t,\ both > \ -. At first, only women wen pcsed. coming out. She was small ^ breathing bill," or on a fine evening next Sum- though it does not become me to speak of the; initiated, and the orgii - continued fortbre da; • ** when he saw her last, and be tU, uh r. . :t:/en ..i ■ .e..: .ia. m- it may even belextent of my medical knowledge yet I flatter eicr.) year, and onlyin the day titne. The v - " '"'V " " . .. . _ ... .. _ : ■ i„ j. • . t men acted the nart of nnestesses in turn. Hot I nail iraiH raw ^pavraaac. Ueaf< She has omitted nothing to attain, . and fortify her position. Charleston has shewn j >*“* h,m 00 ^ list of nominees, much <=i>irit and enterprise in establishing and Ulncon vs. Columbus. \Ye find the following in the Georgia (Macon) strengthening her connections with the interior, but Charleston has unwisely allowed her New Y'ork steamship lines to stop or hobblealong ia , "Ybe -Spring stock ol Dp - Good-S Millinery, and her sagacious railway and business men, ■ , n Georgia. have kept their lines up vigorously and added Within the past week the Spring fashions to them—in thr fern of Inanrn till they have now. have been received, and the ladies are thronging some six or seven large steamships plying reg- ; ,J * **?•** making Jieiectiou^. We advise L roH i ‘S; What Is the consequence * Savannah is now T i»t Macon and make their Spring purchases.” receiving and forwarding freight even for a large YVhy our cotemporary surely has not visited part of that scope-of countiy naturally tributarv Columbus recently ? Our merchants do not to Charleston. Offering reliable, frequent and , *P en ? their . mone i'«? hrickand mortar, but they to- »PM her numerous »leain.*lups come now oTercharg- here from.Alabaxna and this section of Georgia, ed with light freights for all parts of Georgia are generally satisfied with their bargains. Be am] Florida, Urge portions of Alabama and Mis- sides, we know that merchants in Macon have sLssippi, and some parts of South Carolina and pu^eJ groceries from Col,imbus. This tt ._ . « . n . , is true. Hut we uv not jt*alou> of the coromer- Her steamers have built up a bust- cUI prospcrity of Micon . J It Ls ^ 0 f Ute first ness for themselves, by a sagacious perseverance, cities in the State, and the improvements going in the flue of unprofitable beginnings, and now on in every department are observed by every the fact that a good many are running is the visitor. But come over. Mr. Telegraph^ and we reason why all are doing a good busincM. We think you will change your mind. -U any rate, are well informed that now, while the semi-oc- ^ 0aW,U tn * ted ,re ' L Ccme?-7W casional Cliarieston Steamboat is getting her ™*“ ksfor inviution, frieml Times, and a dashing Georgia “heiress" or •‘rich widow” at mysclfl -ball not disappoint your expectations. act^ralferft^ iiu^ i^an^^WiSSt a^;,ir‘fiu; 0 ‘. Saratoga, might suddenly find himself or herself Mr. Morgan.—Of course. Doctor, yourknowl- ration of Buccus, changed all this. The*day ■ falling in pndal music upon the (“as the case may be,”) instead of il«wling be-1 edge of medicine fiur exceeds mine; but in that, I was turned into night, and men were introdue- j within reach of him. It i,i holders with eyes and diamonds in a brilliant' as in many other cases, I have mv own peculiar! ed, and the celebration of the mysteries contin- course, be thought, although the gj green Southerner feels, when ho meets for the j saloon, a poor, shaved, stripe,!* Rad culprit views, to which I ding with eon-iderable ten-1 uedfiv<Mii s hts in every month, when licentious-: H.dows oft t.eev,.:^ rendered-^ T ' ” 7 ,. ,. , , I. .. — ~ ~...T1 ness and every crime were earned on in the what indistinct, .(nat little heal first time tbewoediegooe white objects of hu- inti»Smg-Smg . r A ,b , ,, Stoll I T n. tvrth . ' - . • i most shameful manner. “It was a prindpfe tresses,*nd humming of an air-3 inanity, which, in piteous words and tremu-ja pleasant prospect of twenty yearaT confine-1 Dr. D.— I hat is the correct principle. Mr. witll the j; 0:i:ln historian Livy, I sister's habit—made him confide, gl meat and a fine of ten thousand dollars! I Morgan. The great minds always wiH think jwlw gives a full description of the Bacchanalia, {hesitate no longer; so he extend^ That we may not be suspected of over cau- 1 for themselves. I do not by any means confine "to hold every ordinance of God and nature in j and claspin g the diminutive figtn. tion, or of doing injustice to the “liberal provi-! mysdf to the theories of * ’ ’* ^ ~~~a, 4,.f i . A.». ””” ' stuns of this bill” we trill quote from a sy nop- own system of practice ses of it furnished by the Tribune, the following better every day. j jjy spiritual influence to the indulgence of their 1 your broth er, you little rogue 1” section: - i Mr. Morgan.—I presume so. But let me state pinions. The Bacchanalians, as if seized by ' “The “little rogue” looked Sic. 7. Every person who shall hold, or attempt to you what may seem an inconsistency, viz: madness, uttered orades, and women ran about. amazement, and then, mutteriag ■ to bold ia thisiSuie, ia slavery, or as a aay that l believe streodv in Doctora but very little 'with dishevelled hair under the divine afflatus. | rery sweet but not intelligitkl UmAhowever shoitTuDdeMIh^pirMame teakt°raS (in medicine. v ^ ^ "* "I than five rears n r more than twenty ye.irs. an i be Mr. Morgan.—lo be plainer then, i thine it last two years none were admitted bey ond tlie take; and, as no one a: r * tia*r J not K-ss than $1,000 nor more than Sto.oco. is necessary to have a great number of phy.-i- age of twenty, being the age deemed most fit senior proprietor, to* explain ti you have it If any Georgia belle or. na n g in order to satisfy the minds of the fw seduction and sensuality. It, was calcula-1 position in which he had been p^iceLt] widow, taking her tireing maid to Saratoga „)• nmnkind, while at the same timel H-nir a j ted that in aU 7,000 jiersons h^lbeoi admitted. no desire to be compelled to be shot i 1 or stopping with her atthe St Nicholas, or Ev- very phy8ic will «tswer for our bodily ilk. ! ^ B^-h^fi^’h^ffi^firrt. fv 1 br0tl ^ r * ume exercise her propnetao rights, ahe with great skill night, the principal leaders, both men and* wo- Piccolomini for his sis’ter. shall be impr:-oncd in the State Prison, not less Mr Morgan.—I do. 1 “en, whom they brought to trial putting to For fh „ first the . than five years, and be fined not less than one I)r D e ._y ou bright sir. The laigeduees!^* ^some, and imprisomng othe^ This ires ; ^ diminutive divinity was in tfiTl thousand dolUra. The pUnter guilty of. cor- one hmidred and eighty-s.x ye^s before the 1 wrote her an apoloy 1 responding offence will fere no better, and, we ^ without propTju<Su«.t | Now wSmTLys Dr Hatch ? “Sodom and - *** *^ ct •«*< presume unless gentry is wholly extract tn Mr Mo^TIvef^Tdemomitration of Gomorrah nevj presented a tnore^ScfcJ the breasts of the •‘conservative opposition,” a ^ ^ bedtam than the spirit,:,! associations." They gooddeal worse than our fair dames and belles. Dr claim the right of promiscuous Ioveas “the most ^n^tfessin\b[ world, Jdtk : 1 I do uot ■ S| n 0f L f unt^ takaWKStakenpIace torawri to be a Cabinet Oflirer in the “ranst ** live on m - v Potation that lies near voil conventionalism.” And the maiden seducing ^autiial aa his sister, she bad tan to be a Cabinet Officer tn the conservative op- Dr Ife _ yes . ffic other sex, and after bringing forth the fruit b,e occurred,, position.”) We say, let us rejoice over the con- Mr Morgan.—Well last Spring I "ot a new “ r “ : ” - raT-u r:^i would not be satisfied he would servatism the sectional comity the genial na- ora ^ irtben whose ofaT^- freights in by driblets, and the crew keeping ™ T* “T •***"* °! Styiday in week time, the Savamuli stemnThip prance from the ““ t^twway dub. And wharves we crowded with drays, even int ^ V ^ way we are gM fortheTimesjindsony SSirssBSStS sr. '-■zr-irzZx ^ yj a . ^ ^ r .C , , which it will be seen thmt our friends of short tune, made contracts for another and lar- .. ,. . , -. . .. n 7. - .... , . Tunes are on the high tide ot prosperity: ? ^ 411 n^T The Times Office—Prosperous. turns, to be bud for speed as weH as freighting . The RJitorofthc Wedowee OkT Mercury cap^ty, end intended to contest the palm m ^ ^ ^ to Columbus. Speaking of h^ sailing capability with the swiftest aide- , bc Tilnes office , he . g W ... “ They seemed to be in a flourishing condit- The gods help those who help themselves.— ion, their house bring full ofbookandjob week, YTe honor Savannah for the energy, spirit and in every stage of progress.” liberality with which she lias battled for herself; Yea! we are in a flourishing condition. YYe and we consider her position about won as the 'do 004 say it to the disparagement of other pa- loos tones, accost him at every corner in New York, begging him for God's sake to give a pen ny, or a crust of bread to save from starving.— Tears start from Southerner's eyes. He looks at the wan and haggard face—the little famish ing bare-footed, half naked children—the sick ly, crying baby in arms—the most miserable mother—and he never saw such a sight of wretchedness before. Maybe he has read of such sights in the crowded cities of Europe, but be never saw one—never expected to see one.— He is ashamed to tender silver to such a case— nothing less than a gold piece will discharge what he considers his obligations to humanity suffering in such a degree. YYeU, he walks on a block, and then comes to another group no better off) who are dying to stop a New Yorker for a similar appeal and he sees it met with a hurried and vacant stare, or a “get out of the way,” or a muttered curse, and foot astonishes him still more; till a few days' residence accustoms him to such sights of misery, and the application of this New Y’ork specific for all such All this shows that the sympathies are never excited by what the eye and ear are accustom ed to. Cockney had never seen “a human be ing sold,” and was astonished that the negro should stand on the block and be questioned directly about his health—be talked to and of as “a chattel" The sight and sound of itawakened sympathies which for years had never been moved in the slightest by the despairing appeals of starring white humanity. Cockney thought the negroes should be treated with all the deli cacy and consideration due to ladies and gen tlemen of the first families, unexpectedly placed in that unfortunate condition; and endowed them at oner, in his imagination^ with the nicest refinements of feeling. Cockney perhaps, tin he comes to know something about the matter, tionalisin, which dictated such liberal provisions. f J . I , . . . L “ : tament, several old Almanacs and a copy of m behrif of guests and vuutore from the South Gunn - S Medid ne; and who, tt seemed. Commercial Centre of the Union, which is just £&&& ^ those of the disease he had last now so eager for Southern Trade, and it ought to ^ ^ >na>s there w#s . good supplj . set the Southon fire to join that “«nwmvrtireop-! iciD€S ^ ^ ^ he would drench the patient portooa which is going to instal Black Repub- according to hu erroneous diagnosis. Bv that It ran ism at the head of the Government, and m<Mns slight rases were soon made bad ones, imtiatc in Congress legislation conceived in the . nd in several instances the negroes have died same amiable spirit • very suddenly. I thought strange of having so But seriously, whether such legislation as muc h sickness on my place this summer, but I “ *?. “I' 1 '-:a*w br wt „ m ^ is ««„» though he would have felt not the slightest re- introduction and sanction to the extent we have lh . m pugnanee to cursing die poor white woman.- j notlccd ^ & u an animut „-, lic h cannot be r And herein is about the whole stiny of abolit-1 mistakc „; and it shows the progress and under what circumstances to me seem fit” .)'Tj en tiits note w.i- fr-u-- •' j “Husbands invite men to occupy the beds of w,t 5 bln 6_Mane, and she was assureu their wives, and wires solicit of other women e enty,sh e laughed immoderately, | is something worse than even this contained in , . , Dr. Hatch’s extraordinary letter:— » he - m , he ", attractive English Tn« Profane and intemperate man, libertines, adu!- keess deei meno aarm-mdeed it ^ terers and adulteresses, are openly upheld and ees vst 7°° **^ wt 13 ' encouraged by the spiritual societies all over Au AlEe rican Editor and; the country and their public teachers in then- GLISH PRINCF sacrilegious worship. Women, thirty or forty I _ , . * * . ■ years of age, with children growing up around ,. .ed.tor °‘ lh * *1 them, and who have abaudoned their husbands, • ^“5 m of whom they were not worthy, and are living *- arthage, and in a letter to his paper. J in adultery with their paramo^ produreabof-' rcl * tcs . tbe f ^ own ^ : I tion and arise from their guilty couch and stand , M hile I wu eramming thm m 1 before large audiencits as the mediums for an- j 1 . Pyl^my memtonans were < gels. It is fully acknowledged in their public *1**' Tlic ^loutgtouicry Blues Coining ! YVe learn from Montgomery that our city and the Macon Y’olunteers especially, are to he hon ored by a visit of that gallaut corps, of HUtori- <-al fame, the'Montgomery Blues. Right wel come shall they be. The Blues, though young as ever, are an old and chivalrous company, and in the outbreak of the Seminole war in Florida, volunteered as a body, participated, we believe •in the battle of Okccbobc, and In several other engagements, and went through a campaign as arduous and trying as almost any an record in American history. Macon will try to give them n welcome worthy of their high character and patriotic antedecents. Fort Valley mid Atlantic R. Rond. The Hawkinsville Times of last Thursday, in calling attention to the approaching meeting ot the friends of this Road at Fort Valley tomor row, announces that the subscriptions now a- monnt to three howlrcd and fifty thousand dol lars—enough, in the opinion of the Times, “to guarantee that the road will be built” It is most important Atlantic city South of Kilti- Ef** we kno T * b « r c0ndi i'? 0 : it ■ «!■«.... . ul ou The two stones of the Times buildingare filled more. Her fature « *8®“"! ** till there is no room for the editors. Two Steam tiu> y etr outstrip C harleston in her cotton re- j presses are coing during the day and often un- cripts, or tread very dose upon her beds, and til 9 o’clock at night. The book bindery attach- the Main Trunk railway wiH put her wholly ed to the c-tablishment, under the supervision beyond the competition of Charleston as i of an experienced workman, Upafronized commercial port. YVe will conclude with a hint to the Horrible! Mr. Morgan.—Truly so: but I have procured ^ . _ .... ionisw, so far as it Is a sentimenb It is founded j x ort j, of real sans cullotte, reil^republiran j anotbw oroaecr, and I wfeh, Doctor. /o eug^ in ignorance of the whole subject matter of itai* . • , P o ^°’ T°u to do the practice on my plantation for the i ification for a public teacher. Private circles annlication- and hence if vou were to a.1— I structI m Te Pf* 11 abolitiom-.a. Some years ensuing year—that ls if we can come to terms, [form no small share of this evil and delusion, 1 application, ana hence, if. you were to take , ag0i when Vennont and Massachusetts took oc- j )r j)e.—You will not find mv charge exor.. These are formed by placing a man by the side dMceade-l to treat thw beardless Cocloiey, ynth all hi> me sentiment^ and make to dl<pl*y an impotent spleen in the pas- bitmnt, sir ^ | of each woman, all" joining hands. The &8ecr " ^ J«- S t niu c h respect a> if be ffifsoutTt^t S^t te ^‘so^ Mr Morgan.—Nor am 1 penurious. the South took great umbrage „t it, and so for m not the i; not ty point My offer is this: I i becomesconcentrUed upon the most beautiful S0CI * t, “ n - ' 1 happened to knov will pay you two hundred dollars to visit my ; and susceptiMe female members, and the result f“ or 5 * rums °‘ Carthage negroes when they are sick, and administer “*7 be easily conjectured. ThcmtKnetjidahd j ?' b .fJF brrad Dills oranv other inert substance that voui ,u3 ‘ °f Ae ** susceptible members P 1 *^ f* <* d«*ronv for the bread pills or any other inert substance Uiatjou . ^ u ^ eonM a%d faction ofnrir- *“- v n l °* have eccas««toreferfojfc, can pass for medicine. My place is very healthy,;j '■ gain, I may state that Prince Alfred* and I think most of the cases will yield to such TreriiSZ * ! P^tty boy, small and frail for hb a slaveholder of him, he would soon get out of patience with poor Cuffec’s stupidity and lazi ness, and Daphney's filth and indolence, and curse them worse than he cursed the poor beg gar woman. He would soon be known as the most rigorous and tyrannical master in the settle ment county offices in Western and Southern Geor gia, not to say anything of Alabama. YVe would not ask more for this department Our subscription list averaged two subscri bers a day for the last three months. As to advertising, we presume we have our share—at any rate we m»y he forced to enlarge four paper. I'pon the whole, then, we are in a The Merchants of Macon, who are yearly exten- “flourishing condition.” Our type is new and ding their trade with the interior, advertise : our appointments for job work complete. All largely in the local prints, and address their Dus issaid, we trust, without boasting.—Times. correspondents through the papers of their own The Knoxville Rail Road Meeting men of Savannah, which they will say “smells of the shop,” but no more of cor shop than those of the craft in general, and is really dropped without any considerations of self interest at alL i county. The papers of South-western and Cen-j Refer to our advertising columns, and note ^ to tbe,r ' fhCT>1, 7 ,n that a meeting is. railed at Knoxville, NEXT tins respect, and we have no doubt our has.- SAXrRDA y,% r J he puTpose of securing sub- neS '' t ®* n * ,m P'y 8e *'k mid promote their own m- j j^pjjons in aid of the iWsvillc, Knoxville, tint in n-«ay. . ugus am . t nta pur- Valley, Hawkinsville and Brunswick Road, sue thes .U.e poluy toa more limited extrot-) A gjance at the map trill show that route to be Even CWeston tn our columns p*u t**~d “ j J Ftraight , AuU for thc At . ofSovannah, whose investments in this shape;. • ... . ?. . ,. T . for three years past oouM be covered fay «“ucm« could be m«le with nchalk hne. Udk dollars. Indeedj Savannah seems, in this mat ter, to reverse her ordinary polity, and to think that advertising at home in her own dailies, the bulk of whose edition* are circulated in her own counting houses, is all the ap peal to the people necessary in behalf of her own trade. She is behind the age altogether, in w nu own iraue. w u> uicagv «iiufiun-r, IU confident they will reach fSOftOOO by the day this particular, and if wise, will call to her aid of the 1 ort Y alley meeting. tlie country press. Y*erham sap. If we say 1’iiblfc Dinner to Judge Iverson. A correspondence appears in the Griffin Em pire State between citizen* of Spaulding, ten dering Senator Iverson the compliment aCa pub lic dinner, and the latter accepting so soon as be can name a convenient day. Mr. Iverson has proved himself a fhhhfti], able and attentive Senator. He ia a working man, and in the mat ter of attention and courtesy to the press of Ibe State; particularly, deserves most honorable mention. New Postmaster General. The Senate in extra session .last Wednesday, . confirmed the nomination of Hon. Joseph Holt, thc late iodefeti0d>le commiaaionsr of Patents, as Postmaster General vice Hon. A. V. Brown, deceased. This, we think, is likely to prove a. very good appointment right, let the country press say it again. Interesting' to Tobacco Cliewers. An article in the way of Chewing Tobacco , has just been introduced to thc public, by Messm E. Goodwin & Bra, of New Y’ork. It is prepared from tlic finest quality of Cut Tobacco, neatly wrapped in Tin Foil and each package hard pressed, rendering it very conve nient to cany in thc pocket Being so com pactly put up the Tobacco retains its flavor, and keeps perfectly fresh for months. 'at it Tlic Yaich Wanderer, dec., Was bought at the MarshaTs sale in Savan nah, last Saturday, by Mr. C. A. L. Lamar, for $4000. This slave trading adventure, we pre sume, though fortunate in some respects, has been hardly profitable enough to invite a repe tition of the experiment A Texas correspon dent of thc New Y’ork Express, says that 600 | slaves from Africa, have been landed, on the coast of that State within a short time. Has any bodv else heard anything about the matter • Hungarian Honey Blade Grass SEED. Many of our readers, probably, have noted advertisements of this new grass seed, in the Northern prints, and have felt some anxiety to procure it for an experiment YVe have now the satisfaction of saying that it ran be obtain ed of Mr. Nathan YVeed, in thiscity, if early ap plication is made. Die last of April or first of May is stated to be the proper time for Spring sowing in the South. This Grass is endowed in the Circular with pretty much all the attributes of grass and grain as their provincial position permitted, those States did suffer, and arc suffering, under a na tural diminution of Southern Commercial inter course with them. Boston papers are now com plaining of a loss of Southern trade, and won dering whj they lost it^ The initiation and. b u t whenever you find one that does Now w^isthepracticalroudusion to which Wc woffidnotgo the length saidho wou]<i likc , , t0 ^ J of^.^tiatots ofRome. aud put the spir.tLLalists j appointed myself a^Hnmitta4 to death. But considering the fearful evils the i«. Recepfonof Distinguished Si system is inflicting on our rocml fabric—sap, p |e<)Jd hi m a ralute ofthirtv * ping the very foundations of religion, virtue apd mnnlitr—it limtmn; •» ntiiKtinn wltofKor ♦V,*, I toa It is stated to produce hay at the rate of six or seven tons per acre, which all cattle pro- ‘“S Die State of New Y’ork. fer to Timothy or CloTer; and also seed, at the rate of twenty or thirty bushels, which is abet-j , ... .... ter .grain thro Millet or Oats. That Is more' '"^e maturity of his manhood, he has fellen. progress of such measures as this by the New ^ for me lnd r w ’ iu bring to yoltr _ York legislature, for the mere purpose of gra- sist#nce x Tcly . p h y sicijm who resides in tuitous insult of showing had blood rod an ^ same viUagc ^ j da inimical temper to the South, ought towmius Mr Morg , n ._ xis a u rgain then> , suppose . at onee to be looking out for another marketand jv lv Y« I .h.ll bold mvJr rede tn i lnus lounuauons o; religion, virtue apu “Forty fifth,’' besides inL -rr^rr * 53Sss , 4Ks:css.* , «st cate a law of that kind ought to be followed by J[ r . Morgan.—And I shall instruct mv over-. terposed in the case of masked balls, which are ^ t i. p l. retaliatory legislation by the airest and deten- j seer to ^ ^ ^ ,„ v ' one is ibaatoUcs compared with the orgies of the ^ is not partifflvkpos^ to« tion of citizens of New York visiting Georgia _:_e spiritual circles. Certainly a committee ought r/vtcci.iim, n :,„ ,..!„, r d»r h. —by excluding her ships train our ports, or any | ( r, Farewefl sir to be appointed by the Senate or Assembly to of'th*- mates %n old fool’ fer which ■ , w nghtS -f Dr. De.-Eh! bien; I do believe I have struck necessary to arerat the progress of these abomi-1 ^ liliertv and property of citizens of Georgm visit-, one ^ of gQod , uck ^ Two hundred nat.ons.-At i. Herald. ! gS£g in *£££): ' dollars for an occasional ride without any med-! Fort Valley, ^ m,tter -” Col. Joseph Bond. ieine * I cro my big doses for the Smith s In Houston county, is growing into impor- Exvixo Diat Pa vcnc vi ■ y —Hi aturity of liis manhood, he has fallen rad ^ others - As goes the world in otheritroce. The; correspondent of the Augusta Dis- mrowhtse word jostiy carries with« _ i; . . ’ things so goes it in medicine; one believes in patch says it now contains about 600 rnhabi- authority confirms the statement et than anybody will ask the grass to do for as in ! ^ T!sion P of hu vouth foto *“• thin & * nother in an, » «MB-l helifve in jggf f !^ stor f' ( ^ od ^ hoo \ “ d tW *! that the Ottomacs ot South America.i this part oftiuf moral vineyard. If wc can get ^ ! ,B,0n ,? f ^ w i ° , * t , h haU “»to ^ „ ha j j eycrythi nethat 1 S? ut of h**? r ? c « Fe ^; period of thc (foods, subsist eDtirelrr * tl>«» will th. hnt «. foil fruition, this honorable man and good rati, i no *‘ UD B “ *"• wmle L v . J !r ■ 1 1 there the past season. Fort Y alley ls situated farinaceous of clav of which airr^n com ^bi ^ Snkfi The « < ut ° ff - Hml Itedjed by disease, surroun- ^1 P»t the money tn my pocket ^ch otKi on a level ridge betwee-n the Ocmulgee-and Hint a j^ior mire Spiia. au, we will compromise and be thankful. The ..y ' ’ mar have his way, what do I rare* But there rivers—thc first discharging its waters into the <WKn th*t tha Tnrtinn Albany Cultivator rod some other rothoritie* bodv «hse. Enter a little hoy. AfMntic, the last into t^ (lulf of Mexico. It ££%£££&££**§ nev , smoothed by he^d ofaffection; ~uU Ins Dr . w v 0uJo h nnv * ! ^O^mthus t?JmUes from Mropu ST SErtEfftew? last words rod his last siglis been breathed into „ . * ' 28 and from Albany TS—from Americas 42, sweet-sirellinc clav- rod Fhrenb«r» 1 Johnny.-Howdy »gd from Sntithvjll<(the junctipn of theSonth! “id Dr. D. Hotvare Ml at home t Wrafern read) 55 miles. ! livia, whid. he fiiufc tobc a mFztunrfl Johnny.—All stimn’but pap, he s sick and ' * ------ Arrival of Hie ATorlh Briton. ACTIVE YYARI.IKE PREPARATIONS. Potm-Asn, March 11.—Tlic steamship Nortit Briton ha* arrivetf at this port with European dates to the 23d ult Her news though not so late as the Arabia’s, is important. The 2d division of troops has been ordered from Algiers to France, and thc French regi ments have been increased to 1,500 men, each. Ctaw™ wiU*. SW, will find a superior article. Political Jlonagerie. YVe are indebted tothc Savannah Republican for the information that “a Chicago paper” an- nouncea that the programme for 1860 was agreed upon “at an opposition conference in YVa-hing- ton, z few weeks ago,” as follows ■■ John J. Crittenden, of Ky., Presii Henry S. Lane, of Indianna, Vice-] Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois, Sci-retary CaaniAOES.—Our friend Plant, who once in a while lets the public know through the Tele graph that he is. alive and doing, still leaves it, j like tlic Queen of Sheba, with the half not told. He kcepsa very large rod splendid stock of car riages of every description, which every body in need should not omit to examine. The Sardinian Senate lias resolved to nego tiate a loro of fifty millions of francs. Austria was steadily increasing her Italian defence* rod otherwise preparing for hostilities. Spain is strengthing herself at many points. Saw Yoax, March 10.—Sales of cotton to-day 7,000 bales, with an advancing tendency. Mid dling Uplands quiet, at 121 a 12} cento. Flour declining, with sales of 14,500 barrels. YVhcat heavy, with sales of16,000 bushels. Corn firm, with sales of 24,000 bushels; mixed at 86 a 88 cents, and yellow at 85 a 89. Spirits of Tur pentine dull at 50 a 51 cents. Rosin firm, at say it will anil that the direst season will nev er wilt it at midday. YVe ran only tell by try- “** ... . , . , , ,, * be great—the amtctioti grievous. As he died i , u . Tlic Aews from ITIcxico hr violence, in defence of the helpless* whose le ^ rai J ls eWB© tod see him. Is. mtle interesting, jast now. Hie last ac-. protector he was, by order of Providence and hetoldmetotell thejunction of' the A^lui to'l^lUa^TL counts by the Tennessee with Y era Cruz dates thc laws of the land, our sorrow is more poig- - b — — — “ • to the 9th instant, report a severe battle near nant—our grief most inconsolable. C-ordora, less thro thirty miles from Yen Crux mg by bis grave, how beautiful are the lessons in which Miramon sustained a severe his left wing being entirely routed—100 and large quantities of Military stores rod captured, (izx. Deoollaoo was preparing to In all thc relations of life, Col Bond acted his march agmnst the capital, with ten thousand j part like a man. His opinions and his acts, A g^^ory is told ofa lady wit who dined men. The Liberals had captured Guanajiuto: were manly, independent, self-reliant. The at the President’s the other day, and was seat, and Aguas Calientes. scrupulosity of his honorable' bearing towards ed at the table between a certain Reprcscnta- others, was only equalled by thc respect it enac- tiye front Tennessee, anti thc Hon. Jfr. Ruffin, The late move in Perry to provide for the mica. The inhuV.ui't- of Guiana i_ construction of a Railroad from BarnosviUe via with their bread • and the ne-Toesofl C -’,V l0dC ^ ^ 110 ?T iUc > KortVaUe y. Pctt T. Hayne- are said to eat earth when otherfood » J viue rod Hawkinsville to the junction of the According to Lahdlardicre the inbC more poig-; - - . . . , ] Atlantic, Gull Brunswick rod Florida Railroads,; y ew Caledonia appease their hunre But stand- ?" oa J’ 00 nt ^ l nt no <ral<imel «or bUstenn opens , magnificent project The entire dis- j white friable eart^wdbv Vau-]tidinJ th* 1. mtment with you for he dont believe in sicli tance in a direct hne is about 165 miles, and W*! of ma mesia <i!:ra. oxide ofironaj ^-A Baltimore correspondent of the YY’ash- t cd in return. ' So commanding was his integ- of X ? rtb Carolina^ “How are you getting on, logton Star, aays: ." , t ' r my dear madame,” a^k«l the jolly bachelor of Mrs. Kev, (mother of Mr. Kev,)now lies very nt T. * 1 , h, ^ lonod d**racter. that of ;lhe whito House. “Well as could be expected, •m «l- .1 x!*i m » - : him it niAV Iia ot ul in trnfli flvprv rMWlv trn<to<i I _ c • jj. j _ t>—xr»/ - ill. ;She supposes her son di«l" of appoplexy, * , * m ■W hft wd in truth, even- iiody trustai | with a Savage on one side, and a Ruffi(a)n on kinsville, for the construction and will likely be kept in this blissful ignorance. Ilia word. The ambition of his life was to be a the other,” was tlie instant response. thro $100,000 have already 1 from Washing-: successful planter, and to elevate the standard DEATH_or a Good CmzEX.—A private letter ■ $-100,000 expected in Houston. from the West and also the South l y Colum- even if we suppose a large allowance l bus—Fort Valley being the point of junction be- cism justifiable. Granting the ftet ft* tween the Macon and gouth-Weeteen with the kinds oTeirth are reaftv nutritiem ' Coiombns Railroad. There wffl be little or 0» ' difficult to escape eaeft a ewrfusioJ uitlerence in distance from Fort Y’allcy to Sa- complctdv at a loss for an adequated vannah by ^con and the Central or Hawkins- of ft. Ijtfle fight is ffirown on it M vdle and taulf read. It is m contemphuion we sumption, mohablc enough, that tted learn to put first under contract that portion of i contain secME matter, because in >1 the road from Fort Y’allcy to Berry and Haw- > U ch earth" there could scarce!- ; - f When told there was bad news ■ ton. the old lady exclaimed, “My son Barton of which more sufficient organic matter to already been raised and 0 f an adult Nor will I get rid of P ■ .—A private letter; *«v,uw cxpcciea ut Houston. If the people to sayUht the earth only appeases bi of character and intelligence in this noble ayo- * t9 Diis office, dated Dawson, March 5th, says— “• Dike, Monroe rod Crawford tciU. it, they have out nourishing the svstem, because „ !*k - "•= —g— 'jfegr - boUt’s testi mony is, da tomacs subsist on the day at periods ’ is deficient; and in the seeoo the local sensation of hunge was answered in the affirmative without com pro- system of agriculture—let the order, police, ami • ’ Times. miaing tlie truth. She then sank in lier bed and admirable appointments of his estates—let the Tue Steamship Marion.—Thc Charleston became quite ilL rheimpression »she emrnot kindred hc fUeruscJ lhr0llgh Soutl.-YVes- Courier of Tuesday savs; long survive. tern Georgia, all proclaim. From this dvosen “YVeroe pleased in being able to record the arrival of the Manon i ' to be sought for from some other —i— prnrnl 1 j-.lhtniftariiii miliftinrtr the country through which it will run. The! ach, the 'mere *«»«p*rieuii' systemic * enterprise is certainly a plausible one hunger s not thus to be appeased- The following resolutions were adopted by therefore, be content at present w*' ~ fiitu — ; A n . ? Vi .. a, ». amval ox tne Marion at her old quarters, Pi»jr ^? T ^ I ' , . , the'fact, which the science of i Some years ago there lived in old \ orktown field of acUon no seductions could allure him— Na 4 North River 4fcnd thjLt ^ perfectly h , That we P lcd S* ourselves to make! porc?ibh explain.—3lackv:c4d. a wealthy gentleman. Colonel • who was, the Idandishments of ease never unnerved tight, and has sustained no damage. She wais eve, T honorable exertion to have constructed, ^ # ——-—-- the nominal owner of an old negro named | hfe mrm —the pomp and parade of tlie world floated off from Oyster Island on Friday after- * ' ’ *• Billy. But Billy was in r 0Ality hia own mas- nevcrdistractcd his attention—and pleasure with noon, as already reported by telegraph. She £i i*"*?*"*?•JjSyrSS^S. hfr sdnga. could never woo and win his will resume her regular trips at once, no doubt, tlie least possible amount of labor, cleared out ” , . . YVe congratulate Capt Eoster on the s the rubbish, and swept some old excavations homage, from tlic master passion of his life.— lli zz.—Day after day, as we sit at our ilesk, a low, drowsy, droning buzz comes to our ears through the glass, which a stranger might rain- j 8 10*p^^ take for a blue bottle, a beetle, ora humming ' Additional by tlic Arabia bee in flight Iti* the new planing mill of the j Hautax, March! 0.—The sales of cotton in | at t h e place, and which* were frequently visi j lrtics tender him distinction and. ntrod may long be continued to both. Messrs. M - - - ti*, and juto put | Liverpool dun the week reacchd4-,0ti0 bales, J tg d by sight-«eers who alw*ays Rewarded old ; , , . .. . , ^ I into i ■: oration; ai. 1 where, under the motive | of which speculators took 3,500 and exporter- Hilly for showing them arouud. The old fel I nfm —a—aui .4—. 14000 bale*, ■ra— ^ *iv. ,T -| |nfriPVTe ««Jt-Hk imt nffir. oaff«wrdi fid empty towo Wawwic., „ ^ , ;^ r Initod State* and the wmrfflce rmnora which pt*. 1^, -Coanwtt* aahe was, political distiactioaimly ratoheferaf^**1 ^ every van. t) oflU - -»S vai1ed a .lecfinc t n all qualitiesof cotton. w i,j c hbe ’ • ■ ■ on the western side of tlie Ocmulgee river, a Batliinj^ in tlie Dead ' Railroad from the village of Fort Valley, in A pleasant correspondent of the I Houston county, connecting with Brunswick at writii: from Jerusalem, thus I ... v-!n. v.. foejtmction of tl^e Athntic and Golf; and Bntn- crifces hi. Dead Sea bath : which lias attended his exertions in saving his ^' r tcK and Flonbi Railn.. . ^ ” i he De.; i s -a has nothing of ti * “* ** “ * ^ That the people ^ung the hne which it has been the pleasure < * at Y’orktown.that had been made and used by : Even public life had no attraction- for him—its fi ne ship, and hope tliat thc good fortune that ■"taafotrf, the p . Cornwallis at his head quarters when beseiged paths for him were |dl thorny. In vain did has hitherto attended thc Marion under his com- • 0 ^ 1C Jj° iu empl iUtl Roa-1 arc hereby urged to describes and it seemed to «*ile __ _ ^ l laurel crowns—these he put aside as trencher- William H. Seward, of New Y’ork, Secret ’ 'S | ofYVar. Dotto, of Vir-'mia, Secretasy ... ... o -j™ — rafted ewned a decline to aU qualities of cotton, j wLich l, t . p ro f e3se d to have witnessed, and tie- his vision like M.-nt Blanc, hi 1 M^raYVin- rlkvi Marvlrod.^ r, tar '" F ’ yiort * m * **"'"*’ M '' u, f n & Uplands gave dd., and Mobfle and New Orlrans scribed | n F the following manner: The Geucr- in .. but cold rod dreary Hcroy YYwurDa s f Maryland. SaaeUiy j Ten;i.„u,ic machine in use among men, is in bttey [ dacliwd 1-I6d, and thc marital daaeddulL The ^ g!ationcd himself behind a bmh, on the Jna' Bell, of Train. Poster General , opentio^ a waiting to be put in operating g^tetio^' Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, Attorney Gen-! >m The Y\ oodrafi are, however so presred Mid Oriraas 7d end with out door engagement, that they are dc- „ \[ 0 biles 7Jd. j “ Mobile.... .6jd This would!*aeomptefe paralld in politira to I lavt-l in --.niplcting all their factory arrange- “ Upland*..." ..7d | “ Uplands G 11-lfoL Barnum'* “Happy Family.” The JtopuMiean men to.- When finished, they will be aa >|den- The stock of cotton in Liverpool was *82,000 attaches no consequence to the statement, but: dhfly fixed for a large bosiness as any body we bales, of which *46,000 were American. subscribe for stodc to the extent of then-ability, drea d with which it inspire* thef -not only ^profitable present investment, but course took a bath here; and ’ mile profitable ro-1 perma- ^ba^^tneytok ; ^ha 1 i, ill tlic utiiiDst be ./ it. . nent, for their children. tuse uuuic , , *| . • «. 4 /» . j J* Htsolctdi lh«it we subum, **» i, i . and » above all, with objects of vertu and art, icontidencc. to all who hive mnnev tn inv-^ f —. r~r .. , and gjiter- Though he occupies it but a few months in the tliat a better dianec for lar and' certain .livi- ° K ot a / lle mdiaedto. corpaleacjr, I T«ar, it is generously open to viaitors when he. itmfa in nenietuitv i--/Sa— —j , ,., ; noelrl net get down into iMj ........ .i mi, u i-in'....j-i-,‘c—"’.i/nt i- not there, a? t-. his numerous friends, when u t ■' ’* . <•' ‘ "• : lookout for his lordship, who soon came walk- ^ , , f that hom , now - dcS . he is : for then he lives verily like a prince. ..ffered t- the puV.i- ' ' ‘-r MMiftuiiMI b». 1..SU,p.uou, Ot danger. _ < ,* ", t,..-.. a,..! wrim.- »iti. with firisi (falsely called his wife, since her . j;.. tit ti,,- ; ar .-, cm- >rotn tuc wat.r :t J accrue to the Sties of "*** bT thesun: ■ Bd the Ifsuch ; his ambition, his hi General suddenly jumped out and collared fok.i ;• hit,band is still living) and their four children, meredti dv-V-Vr.-cs'to mm. saying. -A ..you blamed old ritocul. . ve angu.d,. and ra>t d.ou, m,. the lowest depths \; ur j 0 trave!s like a p rinc ,._ as recently on M„nV r\":u-.-t t . caught you atla*t! ,.f dt- imU ncy, a gneiioo sacred for ”— * *• - * - t ords. the fact that it appears at all in die opposit- j know oC km prints is of some conaaquenpe in illnstra- ting the desperate straits of the opposition. YVe M , , Kvrns-, .'.iw.- Yt tic o ganise an administration which oould carry ir '.'- the government. J! I O - fi Latestfrom Idcerpc* —Saturday, Feb. 2d.— I’l.iM a S"S-. in their. .: ;--rt tin -sdc- O f|on Satimlav at 7,o““ bales, at au advance of 1-] ltd. t.. Id., and tin- marketd> -ed with an up ward tendency, under pacific a-.-urances in Par tial in : . d to i.n: ail t- v._- :i--v. rau-cd by the unex- t t-darrival of the tirnlc expectant >-t his llicli- ncaa, from Montreal. The marriage ceremony ■as to hara been oenemnmated in Bo*Urn, hut tendent in his r->. Pa> Tlic Wanderer’s Vt andrreni. 't h< Savannah Republican of the lltli, sa, A gentieman just from .Appling county, farms us that the wandering Africans are Jjdbwjfoi Tatfoir county. They - - n- :u - .me. wcigiis four lmndrts! ami seventeen |* rested within tentoflw aauaa of AUiroy, and I and la, jftWlpjWjlPCTW , n , ,l ii:i< . ... .I.-.CK—mith-. a distance oi'some fn.m a glimpse at the marriage eertitirate. . \Y, h i..*t I>een aid* to learn bride, Mi" Celc-tia N. Towtis, tin- real ohji-ct of the cap'o-r-. YYe presume an Montreal, twenty-four years tlu-m be the habit of giving away the infant* of her fe male slaves, a few days after they were born, as people are accustomed to dispose of a litter of kittens. One of her neighbors begged an infant, which, in those days of comparative 2,7ft> hales at Hldu simplicity, she nourished with her own milk, -triet middling 11.. ami g and reared among- her own children. This woman had an earnest desire for a if re- Udc>. at i a l cent advance- radt uoicn, and her husband not feeling able 12 J cents. I lour firm, w going . „ , Columbus on the west, and ““J «, thence with Unst to meet their Pans Griffin rod Atlanta on the north, the said cities eJ — forbids us to speak "e can only commend engagement, when his suite comprised no less ... ; , . > I. A V t K 1 is M ASS U 11 -111-. — III old tunes. ttu . m to the care of him who-ba* premised his than fourteen carriages. Children, nurses, of the contemplated Ron-L when slavery was sanctioned in Massachusetts, >o] . l4 .. ., |u | yy governesses and servants go with them.— 5. JUstiatdn Thai our SenatOis and Repre- a.wealthy lady resitting ini Gloucester wa^ in ^ _ j ^ y They are as proud of their unfortunate (?) sentatin-in th.e m\J Legislature anti they ^^^ daughter, as Madamoiselle Rachel was of her are hereby in-tmet. •! ami r. ,uired to useevt-rv sons. honorable means to procure the aid of the State in the construction of tlic contemplated Road AvalaN' hi: "N the Soi Tii-YVi'Tt KN kau.koaii. and to present and ha-., pass,.! even 1, -;..i a . —YY e learn that as the last car of thc Monday tive enactment which the int.i.-t e-f the -n- moriiing jiasscngcr train passed over the hisrh mbankment above Kinchafoonee Itridge. near anh suddenly gave way, causing .Market Reports. ,, iss.vii. March 12.—.Sales of cotton to-dav i,v Middling Hi. id middling 12c. New Y'ohk. 1;. Sales of cotton to-day 4,60# ; Middling Uplands this citv. the th sales of LeOOO our bodies, gave us the appearat/’ ] .-,s of rock candy, or biance if Lot's wife. YYithai si iu as if we had been pick!- d I and with a taste iu our mouth ' Glauber salts and assafa-tida, that one bath iu the DeadSeai a lifetime. ictment templated Road toa; iy requ uire.—R- Thr K<- Mull-. Mi.s’s Cats.—The Superia- tfie House of Indn-try. New Y'ork. prevented by’Virrumatroces beyond their inhi- rounds h«-t week.. visind a wi, ,w. whose n • :.:r- : f he t-ndegro-.in. Mr Deronth K. t.o- / thusenterv. " “ rt J ’}’ , - « • cade eoum, and her husband not feeling able 124 cents. Flour firm, with sales of 1--.WU a dreadful wash of the Rood. Had the train a, -’.too, was hom in Azin, is twenty-one years of c ‘ .Lam me.1 with brai-l and bow to purchase one. the sent her little nursuag to barrels. l„-en half a minute later, thc disaster would black doth sap-. ^Xh^mldiarod^h' iJginia and sold her, when she was about it t- • . ■ doubtless have been terrible and sad; fortunate- cue. «-».-/ »> - Int K*air»cr, - , r tt l.icli <ht* /i/yi inm. BaLTIMOKE, March IU.— 1 hc >teaiuer Balti- msr away of the dirt _ native of niakini: ana u * • , more h*> been sunk in the Che^ipcuko )iay.— water, which, by the usual energetic manage- found, on Sonday evening, about ten miles north- m0 ^ est thiJutiis per itozru, L 'r , ^ rn. y ^ JU iu>im.. The Boston Traveller savs It i> probable >he will Ik- raisetl again. The inent on the part of the officers of the Road, west of Toledo, and about ten miles from the phy>i.(Uc. ami weighs one hundred and liftean n..t believe it. an a ' , U yi\ > ' ', ^ 1 ari . the poorest property a man ran cargo is valued at tjil2,bot'. ami party insured was sufficiently repair,si to allow the evening place of the second ascension. Tt.e remain.- |,r,„ ". but as Chief Justice Sta pounds \\ e do not learn that the exhibition It was true. In good tiroes, -nesun, t useu -*i . ■ , • . li u - - ’ s juris-1 ,-tion docs not extend that far, the 1- to be interrupted by the interesting event. to get result may be regarded *s doubtful. J [YVorcester Spy, March 4, j price The Darke county (Ohio) tliat tlie story ibout the discover! "■ tile old coins, g.gantic skeletons, - in Ohio, i> an uniuitigatis} hca-v, ■ of Thur.lon, the I.o>: Kr»- -' '‘©le article ,va> w : un«■ i Found. " Cincinnati L'-,,;;,. Adeian, Mich. Marcu ,.— file remains of Ira -»• i. Thurston, the a-ronaut. who met Ills deitli Fnuernl of Po.nun.u-r l.«' rl s done, save the wash- bv an unfortunate as, elision from this city, on YVamiinuvin. Maret. : i - ; the great collection of the loth .,f September last, were accident:.llv late 1’o-tmast,r 1,posited tempi rarily v- 1 k, ,rn • “III *vlie >aul I lififtfl I 4. lire pwii.'t a libiti ~—r- y •*■* » « / — * I C x i V. ‘ f I Lr,y,i®n t.ut’now the own and recommends ship buildere to cease- la- by the Augusta Insurance and Banking Cota train to pass up without interruption.—Albany have been brought to th,- c nreduad'- | bor for a whde. as the market is overstocked. J P«ny. (Ua.) Patriot. \vth insi. -.denuded. ity an-1 are fully til Cemetery this aturi.. tnense er. wd in tlie pre- minute gun?, the (lags at '■ solemn and imposing aspect to 11