Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, November 19, 1869, Image 1

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, Tclcgrapli ltiiiliiin g, Macon. JUTBI OJ BOB8OTUPTIOH : „ Tb; Kc.itrn-for one year.. *10 00 ?»ii T }.: .„*»<•«—fot six months 5 00 jiHl-' .i.t.TiPi iieriod* One Dollar j>cr month. ^k«i W*i ; S''TTrlkorapr—one year- 4 CO <.ei.VVKRKLV Tki roKAPH—?ix m’tlia 2 00 ‘ WctKLT Tai.eoBAPBr-one year 3 00 ^‘liirTH tVaxxi-T TiasaRAFK^-aii months 1 50 * tJ~ IMyable (iheayt vi Advance.,HM- 0 l£ and »iob Printing * r>ul»«ecote4»:twuor»s.iiwi«**- _ by mail with Postmaster's certiorate J-V ■ ’ • »t»* T n " ORATION 0. WADE HAMPTON, OP SOCT1I CAttOI.ivA, rfil th* Georgia State Fair, In Hneon. November 17tl>, 1860. g. prni-lent and Gentlemen of the Agricullu- "l titbit-’ it the revival of letters it was not nnusunl i,r the historian, in giving the history of even ■" , B »Urst State, to begin with an acconnt of ■ trestion of tbs world; and if it iB ever ad- •. ,ble now to follow the example of these Jt . T U writers, it would seem to bo intreat- • »f agriculture, tho earliest ocenpation of 'L When the earth was fresh from the JJV 0 f its creator, the great forefather of the !!min race was commanded by his Maker to JJJi am i wotk the Eden in whichhe was plnced. ft aw told that Noah, when he left the ark i beesii, aK it were, a new creation, was a rL r and a vine-dresser. The children of r™l toiling throngh the burning snnds of * we ro cheered onward toward Canaan, lot lir'tho promise of national greatness and ' uo r of richness and splendor, but by a. assurance that they shonld find a and of urn uni of wine. They were to farm the soil ud iirmie the vine, and they rendered thanks to God for the beauty of nature in their great JL W ,c the first frnits and at tho ingathering ifthe crops, when the farmer might rejoice cd ibe song of tho vintage be heard. When lio Inctruate God was about to rise from earth to HeaTen, did ho not leave uinnbols of his eternal covenant between the («the produce of the field nnd the vineyard, brad and wine? And what subject more ap propriate to engage the attention of tho people dthis great State than that which has called together this vast assemblage? For this is “Georgia,” whose very name is a synonym for "agriculture. Let me, then, take as my subject thethmne which since the days of the Mantuan ktrd 1ms inspired the sweetest lays of the poet* tf all lands; has called forth the oloqnence of their orators, and won the praise of their phi losophers and divines. When man’s disobedience brought a enrse on (he earth, tho mandate of Jehovah went forth— •In the a weal of thy face shall thou eat broad, till thou retnrn unto the gonnd.” And that de- ttee is yet in fall force, but it ha9 been tnerci- [jllr ordained that along with tho punishment iblesniBg comes: but as a means of giving national power, by tho sterile hills of New England, or the crowded which a people can sabure and maintain their cities of the North. Extend tu'nll who come to liberties It then becomes an honorable end; make this their home, with an honest purpose to but we should always bear in mind that it will bo become true and peaceful citizens, that warm dearly bought if, in exchange for it, wo barter Southern hospitality which belongs to onr peo- away faitb, and honor, and truth. Better—a pie and has become proverbial. Exact no t jonr.andfold better—to live poor, virtuous, and Shibboleth as a test of religious creeds or polit- i er - r L c k’ VIC , ons > an d enslaved. : leal faith ; ask only that all who link their des’i- Alll hmtory is full of examples to j ny with imrs shi.il my, “Thy psoole shall bo SSnSS? strength possest, ; our people, and thy God our God.” The South And self-dependent p fwer ca^TilX drf,V j ?, aa of3f,ir 8 r «» ter inducements to the immigrant As rocks resist the billows and the sky/ thttu "tber section of the country, nnd jf we It la ni'i^n nmrn AiCtanlt ta meet nrosnrrifv • nre '* isB wej-h^ll direct UiU.v»- potfion than to bear adversity. Tno men of the South or ,h ‘ lt S’ - ” 111 stream which pours annually upon have bornotho latter bravely,manfully nobly; let ? nr hbon s Nnch 11 *°!nme «f foreign population not tho incoming tide of tho former shake their In *h° last fonr Y ears more then one million of integrity. “If riches increase set not your «nnM*t»nU have reached the Duited States, and heart on them,” but use them wisely to pro- U * JttS bBferi coni P lltfcd tbat tkey bring on an mote the happiness, to develop the resources— 1 avera «° of $80 apiece in coin. From this moral as well as material—to augment the 1 K,,nrc<J nIonP - lhe “ have the enormous smu power, and to preserve the liberty of yonr 1 r,f e, 8 h, r m-lhous of dollars in specie added to country. Devote your wealth to these ends I the wual b of ,bo country, while the labor of and it will be blessed alike of God and of man i tbcse slu,d . v s ,t8 ° r toil hy increasing the pro- Tho dawn of a brighter day for the South lie- i dnctlvo capacity of all onr industrial interests is gins to dispel the gloom in which she was left , >rth nnnn, ‘hy millions more. Do not these by tho war, and to her agriculturists more than ' R,Hrtllu 8 fibres impress upon yon the vital na to any other class is she indebted for this ' P ,,rta ? c ? of straggling for so rich n prize.. W,- auspicioas change; for, after all, tho true and ! bRTe 11 m , onr P° wer *° allure to the South by permanent wealth of a people springs from the i !, bo 6***^ inducements wo can offer a vast in product of the soil. Wo cannot, it istrne, grow , Aax. of foreign population nnd capital. We “greenbacks;” nor do we of the Sonth corapre- j should form societies for the promotum of im hend tho secret of that wondrous Alchemy | migration and it is peculiarly the province of these pictured “nromises to »gncultnral societies such as that of our distin guished agriciilmral«writers to set forth the un- which transforms these pictured “promises to pay” into these precious medals, which umoug nations behind ns, perhaps, in political economy, ore alone regarded as money; but we, and we alone, grow in perfection those great staples which the world demands as necessaries or luxuries. Cotton may. perhaps, be no longer King, for in these dsys when equalled advantages of the South as n home for all who are seektng profitable investments.— Show, us yon cun do. by a comparison of the vital statistics of different Countries. »bat. no climate is more salubrious *bnu that of Virginia, the Carohnaa, Georgia, anil parts of Alabama. mohocracy has dethroned law and constitutions, i Mtsaissippi and Florida, in which a large pur- . . * • . _ _ 1 f 1, hi e\t i !,o iipout /i/rttmi li^lt i.i tin. I 1n1t4.1l Viul.s*. he, too, miy havealured the same fate, but he bids fair to rem >nut his throne long be fore his fellow-sufferers are reinstated on theirs. Already he grasps his sceptre with no nnsteady band, and we may hope to see him, ere long, resume theiinperiul pnrple and royal dia dem. How can we. as legal subjects, hasten' his resumption of anthoi^y? For an answer I point to the men of whom Georgia may well be proud—the Dicksons, the Locketts, the Pendle tons, and others of her eminent planters: the men who have taught not only theoretic illy, but practically the great lesson, how to produce the greatest amount of cotton on the smallest area of gronnd with the uio3t. economical expenditure of labor. They have shown how even onr ex- hansted Linds, under judicious and scieuiitio culture, can be made as produnti ve as the virgin and teeming soil of the great Delta of the Mis- sissippi, and if he “who nukes two blades of grass to grow where only one grew before” is entitled to the gratitude of mankind, .what a debt does the South owe to those who have made tion of 1 lie great cottou belt of the United S'a'es is embraced.' That in this prolific In h the whit man can labor with perfect impunity, reaping from bis labor the richest returns Then not oulv cotton, but corn, wheat, tobacco, mils, rye, bar ley, sorghum, the itcimie plant, can all be gioivn with profit, while the soil aud the climate of the whole Sonth in their great, diversities seem adapted alike to the products of the frigid N r'.h and the fervid tropics. There is scarcely « grain, a grass, a vegetable or a. fruit grown in the Northern Suites which cannot be made equally productive, if not more so. at the Son'h Even hay, which is so v tillable an article of Con sumption aud exportation with the Nor’hcan be made with gieu’er advantage at the Sonth Here, too, flourish, besides the plants already enumerated, tlie tea of China, the vine of France, th- olive of Italy and tho orange of the W.-et Indies, all offering golden returns for their cultivation. “Whatever fruits in different dimes are 'ound, That proudly rise or humbly court the ground; Wh-ttever flo.iore in torrid tracts appear. Whose blight sue* eeimi decks .lie varied year; Whatever sweets salute tin* Northern sky. “Tis the prim*! curse. Bat soften’d into mercy, mwie the pledge 0? cheerful .!»y», awl nights without a groan. Bat while selecting asTricultnre as my theme, ii in with the ntuiost diffidence that I venture to di»cnKS before the agriculturists of Georgia, who are deservedly regirded ns among the most practical, scientific and successful in the tionth, tay subject pertaining to their vocation, for I feel my inability to throw light on inestions so ably expounded by tho men who have so nobly illustrated their calling. But as the whole agricultural system of the 6unth has undergone a sudden and violent rev- tlniion, as it is now in s slate of transition, it is «ly by free consultation; by collating the ex perience of every planter, that we can educe the true principles on which to build up and main tain a new system. In the hope then that I my contribute something, however small to Uu: g rural fund of knowledge which we wish to accumulate, 1 shall give yon the results of my ftflections 011 the present condition and future pruqiecls of the agriculture of the South. In duing this, I shall necessarily touch on topics of 1 lucre general and comprehensive character; thereby involving not only the agricultural, but the national, social and political interests of the South. These interests are so hound together, m dependent on each other, that one cannot he iiicimd, without touching to some extent on ill. Beyond what this mutual connection and dependtnee renders necessary, I t-hall not, of •otitse, enter the fixed domain of jiolitieal dis- eue-ion, not *nly because it would be unl ecom- io; to do >0 011 an occasion of this kind, but be- tt'is; 1 feel *n abiding conviction that the peo ple of Georgia need no exhortation to make them rling with unshaken hold to the ever-living principles taught by the fathers of the repub lic, the only true faith. In order to estimate properly the resources and power of the South, ve must consider what was her condition when the war ended, and what she has accomplished intlie brief period that has since elapsed. What, then, was her condition when pouce was pro- •himed ? H er cities wero in ashes; smoulder ing ruing of once happy and prosperous home- tttuds marked tho broad tract over which tho •nnisou tide of war had swept! Her fields once nuiliug in beauty and rich with boundless wealth, v«fe devastated; the labor which had subdued •ha forest, and given this wide and fertile do- ®»in to civilisation, was rudely destroyed; her •oRimerca was dead; her railroads, with ah oth- w internal improvements, wero broken up; her temples of learning, and even her altarB to the (Wng God, had been cast down; her surviv- 1*8 children were despoiled, while throngbout w her coaatB she bewailed her countless and Joble dead, who Rlept beneath tho soil they had fought so heroically, though so vainly, to do* •tad. The pathetic language in which the in spired prophet of old laid before his God tho jorrows of his people, as he prayed for their do- kterance, could well have been applied to ns: “Bemember, O Lord, what is come upon ue; wjjjaet *nd behold onr reproach.” v”0ar inheritance is turned to strangers: onr P.ea to aliens.” have £ netb » are under persecution: we-Iabor and ■'t¥e t®® b " ■tie Asaniw R ' Ten tho hmd to the Egyptians and to "Servant!? *° h 8 satisfied with bread ” r that doth utiii Te tnlsd over ua, and there ia »ono for ontof their hands. We looked ‘l-’.'h Md behold Cble !” m0 ’ ^ *“■ * 4 .a C ; ^_ w * lbout ® xa £;e r ata 0 n was onr condition, th» Mm,? 8 tba £ ‘ifiht well have appallod »*oni» teSt bear b thanks bo to God, our ??£!« are of sterner stvy than to yiold thom- thcir u; prey to , UDmanl ?iespair. Girding np femer si’ at *^ fiathenngnround' them their to “ household gods, tL y Be t themselves I;-. J/ n \! a * ,r house in ordei< no t to die, bnt to tmrAa DllHcolties vanished b( ore their fixed r pose to overcome them. In- p jto of inimi- , ,»tion, in spite of nnjnsA taxation, in IriA a v at horde of political adve.turers who -1 tea hero to drain the life-blood u our peo- f. ’ hhe the vultures of old which -.athered this true of her great staple ? With the exam ple of their brilliant success before yon, it wonld be presumption in me to attempt to in- j tv tfi ver'.al liv'a. i'b't blo3.-om i'-il t > il .o: struct the planters of Georgia as to the prope* j T :ese, licre it rporting, vwn tlii- kindreil soil, cultivation of cottou, and it. is more appro- j Nor auk Imyirimce from the plautere toil." priate that I should come before them as •> dis- i So -h is this f.uued laud, which now asks ciple, rather than as a teacher. I prefer, • l, t i mr enl-rp i-o and e-pifol to make tiieir therefore, on this occasion, to consult with t j,, )IUH here. N .tore herself, who, with so my brother planters on more general top- j bonute.ous a h ind, has showered over it ics; these cardinal interests, which binge on j her richest gifts, invites to alt who seek health agriculture. I have presented to you n pietnre, I anf1 V ve .l h; l. t 11s, the sons of the South, faint it is true, of the condition of the Sonth at j re ( . L .1.„ endiul'y the invitation ehe extends. As the cessation of hostilities. Let ns see what J „ p ril( ,!j 0 .,| illustration of what cau be aocom- she has accomplished since that time. She has j ppshed by white Libor, even under heavy- systematized and made avnleble that labor i 4ir.4wb.1eks, I give the result of au-.experiment which the war had render* d the uio-t nnpoifit- ! , n . H [ e |, y (1 f c w Genu ins to' cultivate cotton m able and nnn.-li.iblo in the world. She li is | . KW tmps of Lmssi mo. As tlie planter evolved order out of chaos. She has j ntl( ;^ r w | ;0 se auspices this experiment was opened direct commnnic «tion with Europe. ) his given an interesting ;.cconntof it, I Her cotton factories, which have been able 10 s ; m |j (]Ul , re |,, s l, tUi! n . a ... His communication sell their goods in Boston lower than the fib- ( wl n g e f onn ,( m D< Bow’s Be view, for July, 18159, and is as follows: •Ntw Oulkass, Fi bruarv ID. 1869. tics of Lowell, are springing np all over the country. Her cities and her railroads have been rebuilt. The doors of hi-r institutions of learn- J pW 5s ih« B.yon Ouaksha, six iug are again open, and the spires of her Tern- , rones f f ^ m Washington, in the Parish of St. pics again point towards heaven. She has »dd L . lli(irv ; ^,,^,5,,,^ two families, composed of ed to the weahh of the world from the product H1I m ;„ f two „„ m e,i and four children. Isnp- of the soil^hnndreds of millions of dollars; her ■ .^j fJjeUJ wl| ^ teams and all necessary agri- exports m the past year alone aiiionnt “»“«* ”„i, nr „l implements, and engaged to furnish lions more than half the exportations of the |fa ^ wUh ( h e i r supulies of all kinds nntil they whole country, and stranger than all else, it c „ nld , hf>r ,. r ,' 1 made them no chargo was her arm. paralyzed though it be, that h s u ” nse <,f mv teams, nnd gave them the saved the Federal Government from national j frce of reIll> provided they remained on it bankruptcy. , , , _ . ... , ! the second year, and entered into stipulations May not the peopleof the South well lie proud w . ()i ^ ’ Mv Germans, pleased with the of those wonderful results, accomplished by their • i )K f,) ro them, Libored with untir- indnstry, tiieir will, tjicir energy, tln-ir intellect . H zeal fheir ploughing was thorough, and their honest and manly toil l And have ajid , heir preparation' of tho land care- tlicy not cause to be profoundly grateful to th it ( ^ vont ; ;l tivibing I had ever seen. It .1... baa Uiraml on iheiii so many tde-s- <irst a t. cultivation in this ingsto comfort them 111 the deep sorrow and cn ,, nIrv . Some of them had been in the State a heavy trials lie has seen tit to bung upon them.' l . l||| . ) ; e G f years, others only a few months. They “Thank Him who placed ns liera Beneath eo kind a sky. The very sun Takes part with us; and on oar eirands ru* All breezes of the o* *1*. Dew and rain Do noiseless battle for us; and ti eyear And all lier gentle dauriiteir in h-r ir»m March in onr ranks, nnd in our service wield long spears of g.d.len grain 1 A yellow blossom as hex fairy shield. _ June flings tier nzurahauner to ti e wind, While 111 the order of rbeir l.irth Her sisters pass: and many an ampin held Grows white b&ueath iheir steps; till now behold Its cndltsa sheet unfold fr Tho enow of Southern cummers. .couple — .. - c ' did not gel to work before the 5th of Alarch i They lost much time in going to the distant ! parts of the plantation to witness the actual op- | orations of planting performed by others; for ! understanding but little English, their instruc- tion w is obtained almost entirely from observa tion. Bnt thev were at work early and late, and i tiieir Gelds were at all times models of neatness, j Up to the loth of August there had not been a ’ case of sickness among them. About this time we bad almost daily rains, and eager to secure i (heir splendid crops, they in.many instances ex- i posed themselves unnecessarily. The result was chills and fever. And yet they worked on and million of spindles, will then drive ten. millions; our inexhaustible resources of -mineral wealth will be developed: the cheerful sonnd of the loom nnd the anvil will be heard on every side; the white wings of commerce will shade our no ble harbors; the iron horse, leaving the coast of the fur Pacific, traversing a Southern road, will cemo to onr doors laden with the rich pro ducts of' the East, those golden spoils whtoh have in all ages enriched evetr.f nation that could reap them, and^above all. wo shall have ourlajsd'filktd wl!5~peoplo ofopnr _*.-.wn blood, tnut great race which, :;incf the 1 'A-idAtion of tho earth, have ruled the woAld. Then may wo hope to see fulfilled by tho Sonth the grand propheoy in which Milton foretold the greatness and renown of England: . “Methinks I see in my mind a noble and pu issant nation, ronsing herself like a strong man after sleep, nnd shaking her invincible locks; methinks I see her ns an eagle, nnrsing her mighty youth and kindling her nndazzled eyes at the full midday beam; purging and un sealing her long abused sight at the fountain itself Of heavenly radiance, while the whole tribe of timorous and flocking birds, with those also that love the twilight, flutter about, amuzed ■it what she means ” God grant that this glo rious display maybe in store for the South! I have dwelt, perhaps, too long on the im- pnrtunco of bringing hero foreign labor and capital, but this object seems to me so esson- tial, so vital to the prosperity of tho country, that it cannot be urged too strongly. Le f - mo now invite yonr attention to other modes of opening the resources of the South. Among them, ono of paramount importance is to give gfeater diversity to onr industrial pursuits. I am aware that the quick and largo pr.ifrs held out by the cultivation of cotton tempts our people to devote themselves exclu sively to the production of this great staple, but i- it wise to continue under the new system of labor a policy which was injudicious even under rhe old? That it was a mistake for ns to em ploy. as we did formerly, not only nil onr avail able labor but all our capital iu the cotton grow ing States in the production of cotton, admits, I think, of not a doubt; for wo did so at the sicrifice of all our olherindnstrial interests. We del not even grow grain enongh to support our II borers and work animals, while for all supplies • >f food Hnd clothing we wero dependent on oth ers ' f this system was a mistake, when we own ed tho labor by which wo cultivated onr fields, it will prove doubly so now when that labor ishired; for the only profits which can now be mado by planting cumo from the product of the soil and none from the ownership of tho labor. To make this labor more profitable, we' must cive it greater diversity than hitherto. This is •ecessary, not only to prevent tho unhealthy xpansion of one branch of industry at the expense of al 1 others, but in order to open ev ery sourco of wealth to the country. It is doubtless desirable that the world shonld have »n ample supply of cotton to keep its mills at work, but it surely is not the interest of the planter to furnish an unlimited quantity of the raw material and thus bring down tho price of his product. His' object shonld be to make aitton enongh to drive all competition out of he field, while he keeps the price at remunera tive rates. The policy that wonld induce us to throw all onr labor into the production of cot ton would he snioidal, for while -we should be doubling our expenses in doubling the crop, we shonld be reducing the price in an inverse ratio, f’be present crop of cotton offers a striking lllnstrarion of this, for while it will not exceed two and a half millions of bales, it will be worth more to the South than the largest crop ever grown—that of 1859. In that year 5,335,354 hales wero made, which, at the prices then ruling, would have been worth about two hun dred millions of dollars, while the present crop will command at least two hundred and fifty millions. When the Sonth is able, ns I trust she mav bo at. no distant day. to manufacture all, or nearly all thecottonshe produces, it will be lime enough to stimulate to its highest capacity her production of cotton; but until then let us be content for the world to pay the wages of that labor by which we now grow our great sta ple, as well as dead-rent on those wide and fer tile acres which are now lying waste. In the meantime, let us diversify to the utmost extent possible, the industry of our people; thus open ing to honest labor every avenue of lucrative employment. To do this sncce-wfully, we must encourage our young men, the future hope of the country, to seek otlnr avocations than those offered by the learned professions. Teach them that honest toil is honorable; that so far from being inconsistent with it, it adds to manly dig nity and true greatness. Elisha was taken from the plough to declare the inspired word of God, Cincinnatus to save liis country. Are not the names of Fulton, Whitney, Arkright, Watt aiid Stephenson, more worthy to he enrolled, not only among the benefactors of niankihd, but among ihe great of the earth? When Ferguson, who, while tending his herds on tlie bleak hills of Scotland, learned to read all the secrets of astronomy, and to find in the course of the "planets that none but an Om nipotent hand could guide them in their orbits, and Miller, who, working at his lowly Besides this snow of Southern summers which onl > ]„;<! up when physically incapable of farther of wealth tliAii the golden showers exertion. The chills disappeared With the au- ....$763 42 ....$554 66 .... 120 00 that fell in the lap of Dante, tins fair von t of cool weather. They ate bnt little corn land of ours, “where every sea.-on smiles, They had full supplies of flour and col- rewards the labor of the husbandman f ee , 1 wa s determined that the experiment with abundant harvests of sugar, rice, H |, 0 uld lie complete and refused them noJnng, tobacco, hemp, sorghum, and all the cereal The results of their labors are as follows: crops while deep in its bosom lie hid boundless \Vm. Schenacke, wife, two children and one treasures of mineral wealth rich as the mints of an t, an indifferent laborer : Golcocda or the anriferous sands of Cali forma. g eTen bales and 250 pounds of cotton, All these prolific sources of wealth need but the which netted aDDlicatiou of labor, skill, and science for their Follr hundred barrels corn uo full development; and that our people possess ~ all these qualities in a degree second to none, *“ the hiBtory of the last few years fully proves. Sapp ife s furnished 340 00 For proof, I need only refer to tho cx’raordmn- rv mechanical activity nnd ingenuity displayed Net profits •••••••,- by them during the war, when they not only fed Lew ; s Law. wife and son, 5 bales and clothed onr armies but made the twins, Two hundred barrels ooro which on many a bloody nnd glorious field were _ crowned with brilliant victory and deathless $ n t no olorv. This alone proves the ability of onr peo- g ap pijn S famished JI8 ,)u pie to compote as successfully in the ^ ments of the .mechanical arts, as they have Net profits .$L<G CG done in agriculture, with all other nations, Gkas. Zilling and ono assistant, eight and shows that they need only proper incentives bales v „7 n 0 n to make them foremost in all those peaceful Fonr hundred barrels com 40 00 pursuits that give dignity and strength to a peo- 0 pie, as they were foremost ia war. Are mcen- $1,067 L. fives wanting to call forth onr noblest energies. s npp ii eB furnished IW w Look around, nnd wo shall find them cm fivery 1 <:nr,T 12 tsido. Wo have to organize anew the got- Net profits •••• « J07 emmental policy of the whole South, to «< 1 think this exhibit a very satisfactory ono establish and maintain jnstand Btahlolaws. fag rftw . Germa ns, without knowledgeofour to perfect a new system of labor; to place the R30(1( , s of cn ltnro and nnacclimated. They all means of education within tho reach of all crime totho city after receiving their cash, hired classes; to develop to their utmost capacity the ndditionRl hands, purchased my teams, rented almost illimitable resources of that wido and ^ mQch of my land as they could cultivate,.and magnificent domain which is our heritage. Aro ^ confident 0 f securing an independence in a other motives needed to rouse us? Then I ap- n Permit me to add they received peal to yon, men of the South, in the name of from J neig hbors a warm welcome. Their your prostrate country, by the graves of inbors have been encouraged. Their persistent fathers, by your duty to yonr children, by the - ndnflt and g6tl tle and qmet deportment have holy love or those noble women who must snare e them warm friends.' yonr fate for weal or for woe, by all the bal- (Si gned) W. O. Dotom. lowed memories of the 0ue practical successful experiment of this . ^ - 1 * tbanrw Till* flPflTPH far distan. them available, wave* of an not be 1UWCU iuctuv* x »_ * • . • I SSwS5 sxzzz* •-» .»■ .rv~ .bloody beaks his J will ... 6 i’** 8 of the seasons to war against 5a safety throngh ti 118 1 of poverty, and not I behold the golden wt ,°f prosperity. Let me n tub ■ ood > “J friends, whilst holding up to 1,.^ Tlew the promise of this prosperity, which population, nnditshouia no uer poucy tia .Vnw»mch returns for their labor? to fao already within your grasp, and indi- w^, her doors and to welcome cordially the old world show such ratiOTBjorimeir ^ *hS? * Q ything beyond that material prosperity •f * f? mes from a wide and general diffusion jh. e *hh among a people. That higher and no- ,P ros perity which only liberty gives, and i 0 c “ * *We and virtnons people alone can en- llj’y° n will have to achieve by slow and pain- riri! P * i ’ hy .patient endnrance ; by oeaseless *ton&l QC6 ’ hy 8tor n adherence to principle. Na- them availablo. First in order nnd importance language, nnacquaintad with •ion. The most pressing need of the SmUh at of Lonisiana, b g handsome snm of Ms moment is a lar S a acees ? lon 20 Can the laborers of any portion of the pvpnlation, and it should bo her P°hcy toopen $21.7 20 U» an . retu _ 8 for their Ubor? And *w»=5Ba3S¥ Kern States! have hero an a'mpta Sd!riSw ^-aUh, bringing, a. U does, material field for the exercise of their oaDinpi, with Jbe ^^^^^^Slkd J.tar power, In- a. P* nt 7 to a people, is to be desired : not for assurance ot mnoh higher remnnera workimr a* at crakent, leM th*a half • »Me luxu^ ;hi cb /qUow n | U (heir labor tb*n they can possibly ohum amid stead of working M W prewinv, iom w* ‘thorough instruction in: 1st, Agriculture; 2J, Commerce ; 3d, Civil and Mechanical En gineering; 4th, Mining and Applied Chemis try.” Could such a course of. instruction be generally adopted throughout the -South and the facilities for obtaining it be placed within the reach of our young men, we should find among those who nre soon to take our places men not only fully qualified to develop all the resourcesJof onr country,’ but competent to shape its destiny for all honorable and noble ends. We should not need, then, to send abroad for our artisans, onr mechanics, onr en gineers, our mannf.aofurers, or our (merchants, and all the powerful agencies wielded by these classes would he the offspring of tho South all tending to increase the power, wealth and tho happiness' of our people. This subject is worthy of the thoughtful consideration of the ablest intellects of the Sonth, and no talents, however gr$at, could be better employed among ns, than in giving impetus and direction to the proper development of the resources of onr country, and practical education to onr people. It is n significant fnct, one that shows how wide was the range of the genins of Napoleon, that in the quarter of a century beginning 1790, Franoe, notwithstanding the gigantic wars she was wag ing, made greater progress in agricnltnre than she had ever done before. This result was due to the wisdom of one man, and .thongh to none now living is given the mighty power to do good wielded by him, each one of. us, in his allotted sphere, can promote the prosperity of his coun try ; on each does his solemn dnty devolve: In conjunction with these agricultural colleges of which I have just spoken, and as valuable aux iliaries to them, the agricultural societies occu py an important position, and it ia very desira ble that they should receive the warmest en couragement. Not only do they tend to rouse a laudable emulatftn among planters, but they serve to give instruction—to jmprove the breed of our domestic animals, and to bring before the publio tangible and practical results of scientific farmingand mechanical ingenuity. They serve for another purpose of no slight consideration : that of bringing together the people from all parts of a State; gathering as it. were the scattered children of the household around the family altar; uniting all for the common good ot the old homestead; settling all jsrringinterests and softening by the influence of brotherly love all discordant elements and political asperities. Here all can find in the welfare of their State a sacred bond of brotherhood ; a bond stronger, higher, nobler than any which party ties can forge or political intriguers comprehend. The pleasant intercourse among onr people induced by these reunions is not confined Bolely to the citizens of one State, nor are the courtesies which grow out of them restricted by State lim its, as is proved by this happy occasion; for your Society, with a catholic spirit worthy of all commendation, haB not only challenged compe tition from all quarters, but extended its hospi table invitations quite as wide, and it is gratify, ing to perceive how paany strangers, are par takers of its mnnificent hospitality. Not the least pleasing feature to me in this great meet ing is presented by the fact that my own State, though she has been crushed to the earth, has roused herself to meet the mighty issues of the dny; has called to counsel her devoted sons; has reorganized on a firm basis her Agricultural So ciety, and throngh that Society, which represents the true men and the noble women of the State, Carolina, hy the presence here of -many of her most patriotic and distinguished sons as dele gates, extends to her sister, Georgia, her warmest sympathy, her heartiest co-operation, and her most cordial good wishes. It has struck me that the pleasure, as well as the benefit, arising from these societies wonld be greatly enhanced if, in addition to 'the ordinary exhibi tions of our Agricultural Faire, we could insti tute something nnalogns lo tho German “Schu- tzenfest ” Prizes could'be offered which would bring to there State shooting feasts. The stur dy back-woodsman, the hardy hnnter, the nportamnn of the city, all who have the manly and invigorating sports of therohase or of the forest. The martial spirit of our people would he encouraged and we shonld train “the daunt less yoeman who laughs at war’s alarms.” These make a country’a strength, tho nerve,the bone: The lovo of countiy dwells with these alone; Or North, or South, their healthful vigor give* The crimson stream by wtiich a nation lives. Trained to the nflo’e use. they fear no foe, _ And war confront, though heavy strike the hltrar. Twice over ocean; England's warriors came, frond in their strength,and vaunting of their fame. Twice back defeat has' scourged the broken hosts. Their honor dimmed, and shamed their i tie boast; Though trained to arms, the bravest of the brave. They won and kept no conquest but a grave." 1 have ventured to throw ont these erode suggestions, for they are nothing, more, for yonr consideration; the field is too vast, the theme too comprehensive, for me to do more. There are. however, one or two topics to which I beg to call yonr special attention, as deserving all the care and thought you can bestow on them, and as tending to that grand result'we all have in view, tho prosperity of theSjouth. We are essentially an agricultural people, and we must look to this great interest as tliehasis upon which to build up the permanent welfare of our educate' the mind, the heart and the soul of the negro, looking at the question only in its mate rial aspect and leaving out of consideration al together those higher and nobler motives which should prompt ns to do so. A longer, experience of his newly acquired freedom, and his acquisi tion 6f higher intelligence, will teach him, not only hist dependence on the whites of the South, but the great truth which no laws can change, “—in every soil. That those who think must govern those who toiL” trade, taught himself to trace iu the wonders ... of Geology, the finger of the Almighty in tho country. To do this we must use all the means creation of the earth, did they not give evidence that the highest intellectual endowments were notincompatiblo with the humblest occupations? Examples 6nch as these shonld be held ap to our young men to teach them that “Honor and fame from no condition rise; Act well your part-r-thero a'l the honor lies, Let them act well their parts; bnt to enable them to do this, it La incumbent on those charged with this sacred duty to give them not only proper instructions, bnt adequate means. They must be not only fitted for the great battle before them, bnt fully armed. Place in their hands the mighty weapons forged by skill, by industry, by integrity—burnished by science and art, and then lamnch them hopefully and prayerfully upon the arena of life. A* one of the most efficient menus to furnish weapons, I wonld suggest the establishment of agricultural colleges and schools in every Southern State. The most enlightened nations of Enrope are now giving to these institutions not only the ut most attention,hntthe fostering care of theirgor- emments, and they are reaping rich returns in the improvement of their people as well as in the great accession of wealth to all classes. Germany especially, who owes so much to her admirable system of education has found these schools of incalculable benefit, and many of the Northern and Western States, profiting by the example of the older nations, have them now in success ful operation. We of the Sonth have been and are wofully behind the age in this particular; for, as far as I am aware, our colleges, with two exceptions, offer no facilities for the acquisi tion of a practical agricultural or mechanical education. One of these exceptions is found in a most admirable college, under the superin tendence of Mr. Bowman, most fitly located on the former farm of Kentucky’s great Statesman, Henry Clay. No nobler monument could be erected on Ashland to the genins and patriotism of the illustrious man who once owned it. The other honorable exception is to be fonnd in Washington College, Va., where the hero who hae so often led a mighty army te victory, hav ing sheathed the sword never tarnished by cruelty or dishonor, now dedicates his time, his intellect, and the influence of his spotless which experience, guided by science, has placed at our dis|>oaal. IIow shall this best he done? The two points which present themselves-most prominently in this connection, are first, tho labor By which we cultivate onr lands; and second, the manner of cultivation. The negro is nndouhtedly better fitted from his long train ing, his physical configuration and bis adapti- bility to all the diversities of our climate, to make a more efficient laborer than any other. Especially is this true when tho labor is to be performed in the more malarial portions of onr country.' Our object then should be to develop to the utmost his capacity as a laborer. To do this time is requisite, and we shall have to ex ercise great forbearance, constant prudence and steady kindness. We mnst make him feel that his interests are indissolubly bound np with onrs; that high prices for our products insure high wages for him; that wo have no animosity towards him; hut on the contrary, that we cherish the kind feel- It is onr duty to assist him in qualifying him. 6elf for his changed condition; time alone can qjiow whether thub change has been for bis ben efit. The South will look with profound inter est to tho next census to see how freedom has affected tho numbers of his race ; for we can tell with alisolute certainty what those numbers wonld have been had no convulsion shaken onr entire system. Several years ago I had occa sion to collect some data bearing on this ques tion, and they give the following facta and cal culations. Taking the resnlts of the census of 1840 and that of 1850, we find the ratio of in crease among the free blacks to be 12.48 per cent., and of slaves 28,S2 per cent. By these rates of increase, there-shonld hare been in the United States in Free. ■ Slave. Total. 1860 48.872 412,796 4.616.516 1870......... 543.712 5,317.427 '5^66,13!) 1880 ...; 617,191 6,849,909 7.467.100 1890 694,216 8,824,052 9,518,269 These calculations showed one or two other significant facts, which, as hearing on an explo ded system, might as well be placed upon the record to aid in the general summary that will be made at some future day. By these it ap pears that the deaths among- slaves wore less than among free blacks, 33J- percent.; that our crops under the improved system which ex perience and science have tanght, and to devote the. other moiety to grain and grasses? These propositions do not admit of a doubt, and the question then arises, how is the procuetiveness of onr lands to be brought to its highest pitch ? Here, again, I refer you to your own great au thorities in Georgia, onlv saying that the prime secret* of success in planting is in thorough preparation and careful culture. A crop that is properly planted is already half made, nnd its subsequent cultivation is comparatively easy. But in order to prepare and cultivate our land properly, we must use all the means which modem skill and recent science have offered This skill has placed in onr hands improved Implements of husbandry, while science teaches us how to use them, what fertilizers to apply and the best mode of their application. It was by means of her labor-saving machines that thr North was able to keep up her agricultural and mechanical interests during the war, notwith standing the heavy drain on her laboring population. England has increased the yie’d of wheat fonr bushels per acre by the use of the steam plough, while McCormick’s Beaper per forms the work of mnny men iu harvesting the the golden sheaves. It shonld be a source of pride to ns that these two great labor-saving machines, which are revolutionizing the agri- cnltural operations of the world, nre the inven tions of Southern men; for Billinger, the inven tor of the plough, was a South Carolinian, and McCormick a Virginian. If we hope to keep pace with the enlightened farmers. of other corihtries, we must hasten to employ the means that give them success. Every advantage of soil and of climate is with ns, and if we fail in tho great- race the fault will be ours. Let us then, my brother planters, strive manfully for that supremacy which our kind mother, Nature herself, intended us to enjoy. Let us prove ourselves worthy of her beneficence; let ns leave to placemen and partisans the troubled field of politics to seek peace, recreation and happiness m those more congenial, more alln- ring and more honorable ones given by her. “No! For the fevered city’s glare and nois* Change not your purer eceues and calmer joy*. On the glad Golds, if bounteous seasons pour, In goldon harvests, wealth unknown befnre. Adorn your homes—with taste and skill impart New charms to nature by tho help of art. Teach plants of other climes, and stranger flow er*, To breathe their fragrance on yonr native bowers. With fairer herds the dairy’s wealth increase; On growing flocks bestow * finer fleece. Give to the courser wings to swei-p afar, Your country’s pennon through the fields of w*. Enclose, drain, till, with nicer hand, prepare Field, meadow, orchard, with increasing care. Help, with m ire open hand, the neighbor’s need. On with the plow, each generons feeling rpeed. The genial board prepare with fresh delight, Yet warmer make each hospitable rite.” These are the calm and pure pleasures which agriculture holds out; these nre the duties it exacts from its votaries. Onr dnty to our country demands that we should devote all .our. energies, onr hands, onr hearts, our souls, to the restoration of prosperity; to the re-estab lishment of law and order; of stalling pence and tranquil happiness, throughout nil the limits of our beloved South. Let us lift her np from tho dust, and show that she still has loyal and devo ted sons. Let us cling with reverence—a rev erence made deeper and holier by her misfor tunes—do this our native land.; let no promise of wealth or advancement tempt iib to forsake her. When the barbarian horde destroyed Borne, and her sons in despair and sorrow were nbont to forsake tho eternal city, wo are told that the impending doom was averted. by a happy omen. A. Genturian passing with his VOL. XLIV.—SO. 19 heartfelt testimony to those high soldierly finalities which mado your career in our noblo aitny of heroes second to none. You will pardon, Mr. President, I trust, this di gression from my legitimate theme wlien you con- tider how strong are tlie ties with .which men who have for years shared together common dxugcrr, 1 * common sorrow* and common glories are bound to ' each other, and ev.cn those who were once onr fo<-a. . can sympathise, I am sure, wiili the feelings which prompt an old commander to yield a just tribute of' 3 praise to the brave men who once followed Mini- To ( yon, my old friends, I beg to offer.* few wmdsof counsel, for I feel that I can epoak to you v;ith au thority, not that authority with which al-c dcnr. once. * invested me, but that given by affo-.-tiim. In byg. no „ years you never T. fnsed to hear me; I novsr c ;'!ed on you in vain; I ac-v-ir appealed to yon That you'dtd not respond, arid ! wonld fain hope that my words will not now fall unheeded on your oars. Lei. me ail jure you then, to bo ttue soldi, is in the cause of peace, as you wero ia that of war. Dedi cate yourselves to the service of your State, nnd aid in advancing hex in the noble career she ist-ntermp*. ■ March on bravely in the line duty points out.shoulder to slioulder.as you used to do amid the roar of bitt lo. Itesort to no violence to redress public wrong, hut seek to remedy them by peaceful agencies. Help each other along tho pith of life; extend tho kindly hand of charity to your disabled comrades, nnd for get not the widows and orphans of your deadhroth- i-ra. For myself, I ask yon to keep a place for me in your hearts, as I shall do for you iu mine, and beheve that I utter no idle phrase when-1 say that I pray God to keep and bless you. HIKERAI< RESOURCES OF NORTHWEST . GEORGIA. Rev. C. W. Howard's Report. From the Atlanta Intelligencer.■ On Tuesday morning wa shall publish in full, in tho Intelligencer, the able report of Rev. C. W. Howard, to Colonel Hnlbnrt, Superintendent - of the 'W. & A. R. It., on tho mineral re-vuroes '. of Northwest Georgia. • Wo have read this aide document with much satisfaction. Its perusal 1 convinces ns that much ns wo had beard i f thq„. wonderful extent aud value of those res-ouices, the half had not been told ; nnd that n thorough'- examination of the region visited hy Mr. How ard, by an experienced nnd practical mineralo gist, snch as we trust Ihe Legislature will pro- , vide for tho appointment of, will result, in diii- * coveries which will astonish Ihe. most sungume- and'enthusjjstic. Great as was onr pin»\ L-rus admiration, this reported superficial exploration has greatly increased it. Disclaiming being a skilled geologist or.min eralogist, and claiming to posVe>s only tho knowledge of these subjects acquired l*7asloso and carelul reading, Mr. Howard .iiti, as cended Lookout Mountain at a point, weoit. of Kinggold, on the S’ate Road, not Ipr few; tho Tenuesseo line, and proceeded along ftetup to wl^ere it crosses the Alabama line ; nnchthut La also examined the tap ot Pigeon Molmtaiu from where it loaves Lookout to its subsidence, and Cnylor's Ridge and John’s Mountain. The lop of Lookout he found to be from one .to twelve miles wide, and depressed in the midiile. ■ He gathered many specimens of excellent coal, very superior iron ore, tire clay, and soaps',,n-; >u,il reports, in addition, many attractive natural aud artificial curio-ities visited by him On the top of Lookout, rising from the mid dle of the depression tefcrioii to .mnt opgoai e to and about six mdes diitaiit (-nsO from Tran-. ton. iu Dade county, is an elevation >,f three , r four hundred feet, known as Round Mountain. It is abont ■ two miles in diameter at im lias i. Here he found the coal deposit'.froiu which 1 e obtained the specimen mention* d above. ’! h» mountain is a succession of seems, mailing hor izontally, and admirahly suited for economic,,1 and profitable working, as well u»* for draiuag,*^ The coal is really Miperior,.aiid has been mail by the neighboring smiths fur u number < f years; the eo«l being simply thrown out tr.ua uear the base by the miuers, and sold oh tho ground at. twelve cents per- pound. Mr, How ard examined some seams from twenty four to forty inches thick, aud ha estimates ih-t this one deposit contains coal, enough to meet tho wants of Georgia ‘‘for an. indefinite period. . But pnraning his search he was rewmtird hy . discovering outcroppings at shorter lute,vain along the entire top and ihe eastern Mope, of Lookout, for a distance of forty mil,-?. The so were principally found where denudation had resulted from the action of nmatng water— where small streams passed oyer the exposed coal, and in ravines and chasms. . As the water for domehtic use is obtained from springs, tho information to bo derived from' sinking wells could not be hail B)it he s iw nnd examined enough to satisfy his mind as to the fuel, above stated. For about twenty miles'a ridge runs parallel with the Lookont range—separate d from it by a valley about half a mile'wtdf—which ts an almost solid bed of very snperior.fosailiferons iron ore; and not far off, at intervals._fqr ihe whole distauce,.there is plenty, of lime, sand rock, and fire clay. -Mr. Howard expresses the opinion that Look out mpnntaiu is the eunteru hunt 111 this lati tude of the coal formation; but iu all p-uts of the remainder of tho territory passed ofer he found iron ore of superior quality.iu the great est abundance, witii lime, Bandrrock and fire clay iu close proximity. 611 she e«s(ein side of Johp’s mountain, w;est of the O-istanonla river, Mr. Howard regards the inptcation of the presence of petroleum as remarkably promising, and. believes. that if properly tested it will bo-developed. I11 addition to these valuable material results, : Mr. Howard three company to relieve guard where the Bad con-! magnificent views and curiosities. One of- the course were deliberating on the proposed re-1 grandest and most beautiful of the focmeri is in moval, gave the usual word of command:. VEn- j Walker county, near the residence of Uoq. Wm. sign, plant yourcolors; we will re—*“—“ — A * Tho Senators rushing from the claimed, “The Gods have epokon; u _ The populace took up theory and rent tho skies 1 0 ut is seen extending on tlie left until apparently with shouts of, ‘‘Rome forever!” Let us, my j merged in the horizon; while on the right, Pig- coontrymen, as we stand amid onr ruins, plant eon mountain subsides, to the level of the. plain, onr colors on the graves of onr ancestors, and and Waldron’s ridge, forty miles, distant, loom* invoking reverently the protection of._onr God, up across the Northern boundary of the cove, shout with more than Roman patriotism, with, Flowing from the mountain’s b*i«e the Little one voice, “Ihe Sonth now! the South for* Cliicamuuga meander* through.the length of tho ever!" . „ \ cove, beautifying the landscape and contributing Mr. President and gentlemen of the Committee, ■ , u -j? f L , rt iliu- of the soil. the agreeable task aligned to me by your kindness . TxAfcWto tbe Somh lxiokont loses itself in ia done, and perhaps I should here pau=o; butmay ! „ Looking to the boutlt, Lookout loses risen in I crave vour indulgence and that of the audieuen the distance in Alabama. for a very few words more? Standing here. a» I Near Bound Mountain, and also nearTren- liave done for the last hour, and looking ovor this ton, is a chasm half a mile wide, whose perpen- rastthrong.Ihave seen many faces which have met dieular sides are from one to.two thousand feel me in otlicr scenes than this, and my ear, if I mis- * * ” ' his aspirations for knowledge and aid him in its acquisition. Try to.elevate him in the scale of trne manhood, of civilization and of Chris tianity, so that ho may be better fitted for the ings engendered by early associations and old memories. Let us he scrupulously just in me in other scenes than this, and my ear, if I mis- high. It is at once appalling and sublime! onr dealings with him; let us assist him in take not, has caught the tonesofToiceaheard often At a point near where Little River leaps down isDirations for knowledge and aid him in before agud the hre, and rising, high above the din^ precipices.—one leap Surly, and an- ° These*rights and these sounds have stirred my other of. eighty feet-lhere ia a perpendicular heart to its depths, and I wonld not, I cannot, go wall of solid rock over twis hnpjhred feet high, hence'without extending to my dear old comrades- Two hundred feet from the bottom, and about " jfii k| * * M I re several chambers ent' three ox fonr to eleven -j 1-n— -——..., . ... . B v entrance being over a narrow friends, and when we shall-have done this, we : gobon yon; looking -your-own hemw, you- lodge (or crest) of earth and.cock, and throngh shall not only have placed onr labor on a sound , ™ Te i r .J > rn on mv heart with »n entrance supported by several rock pillars, footing, but we shall have gained in the laborer h“’ of you agaim after years' They are supposed to have been provided as a strong and. zealous ally. On this subject I j 0 f absence memory carries me back to those years places of refage or defence, many years ago. speak not from theory bnt experience, an «*- j 0 f heroic strife, when it -was my pride to lead'you. Mr. Howard very naturally asks when, by perience which has taught me that the kindest J1 recall- with the profoundcst emotf .ns your deep whom, and for what purpose were these cut ? relations can exist between the plantec and his suffering, your constant privations, ycur dauntless Besides those mentioned, these mountains former slaves, xesnlting in inntnal advantage oonrsge, yonr devoted service, _ your cheerless a hohnd in other magnificent views, natural and to both parties. My old slaves are cultivating bivouacs amid “C sno^ or vi^dis, your trusty art ifi<jiiJ curiosities, fine, bold mineral springs, the land on which they have lived for years, and and Chaws, and cascades and water- there has bees a constant and marked improve- ^ T4U ey in Virginia, yonr heavy Wls. , . ment in their industry m eaohyear since their marcNts, your battle fields which stretched from While possessing all the mineral wealth emancipation, though they have not yet attained Qettt eburg to the Savannah, all crowd ob my memo- spoken of, and the various attractions referred the same efficiency as laborers thejr formerly ry as*I stand among you once more. I recall to that to, the rivers are a succession of falls, inviting possessed. I have promised to put up for them scene in the dark woods of North Carolina— the workers iu wood, cotton and iron, and the a school-house and church, and to pay a portion' who of you ha* forgotten it—where ae the earliest jg unsurpassed anywhere for productive- of the salaries of their teachers. Snch a system, wyuef-mu’J«et aun that ahme on the-Southern ne8s The agricultural capabilities of the 00m- if generally adopted, wouldtendgreatly tofix the gggSgt in Mi noble paratively small are explorad, are eqnahto the laborers to the soil, and wonld, by adding toitbeir ^naand honorable enterpiizes-firsteveiywhere, support of hundreds of thousands of mraera —*—— t : f ——a * ..a.—•- - - - - ■—- — Although generally moun- entirely practicable virtue to the noble task of leading our sons , , _ _ WB L , , along ibe paths * of learning, of honor, and of ; content and enjoyment renult in vaat ultimate in retreat, s/ere marshaled before me for the and mannfactnrera. Alth< piety. The civic wreath well becomes the 1 benefit to the landlord. That kind treatment, lost time. The.Ban.pera they hat borne so often tainona, it ia nevertheless _ _ brow so often crowned with the oak and the i just dealing and sincere efforts to improve their -proudly to victory, were furled—the sabres which to reach these mineral and agricultural treas- lanrel and sons of the men who onoe fought on i condition are not without effect upon them, is were wont always to gtaoun in the front of battle, nres, and these grand and sublime landrtcape the blood stained fields of Virginia, reaping at' proved by the fact gratifying to myself, that I hung idly iu their eoabbsrde, and instead of the ud oni iositieH by railway, which ia olear- thU coUeg^the rich harvests of fajwl&g. | am now^on my wfy to ki&ssippi, by the re- |^h 0 0 “ta ritaS. ®dSSS ly set forth by Mr. HoWard iu La report, sown by the patriotic foresight of its President, quest of hundreds of negroes, besides my own droo?iu B fibres i As stated in the outeet, thm valuable contn- willlearn to bless with additional fervor the laborers, to advise them what oouree to pursue duuterod around me to sav and hear that hution to our actual knowledge of. onr great re- honored name of Lee. The. example set here j in the approaching election there. I am not of oddest „f WO rds, “farewell'! While ou many : sonroes will be published in rail In Tuesday’s is worthy of imitation, aud if agricultural, those who believe that the mere possession of many a cheek bronzed by the emoke of more than a Intelligencer. It should; t>e read by all—we colleges cannot be founded in all of, the rudiments of education makes a people hundred battlefields, the silent tear told more elo hope it will be. An extra number of that edi- the Southern States, it would be well to ' stronger, better or happier; “ a little learning quently than words oould do how deep was tb* af- tion will be printed, to,afford the people an op- - - ' ■ " ' ’ * n- portunity of seoanng copies to re%d, preserve, or send to their friends at a distance. striking feature of this wider system of in- j soil, or will produce but thorns and thistles; but my nature were I^not to bear, before this audience . T®* Allejjh^nies have their winter struction which it i* proposed to adopt there, ' I do believe, that in proportion as you make all 0 j yonr kindred, where the virtue, the intellect, the nightcap^ and which will. I trust, revolutionize our mode* labor, other than compulsory, intelligent, you patriotism, the manhood, and beauty of Georgia's Drrawae* may be bid for |K dollar* of a eoi. of education, u that which contemplates giving render it profitable. If this is true, we should noMe 8i*t* are »o largely represented, willing and erad j out ice in Florid*,. ;pv xoiliMSux * v - . .;. ... • 3V • I®