The Georgia temperance crusader. (Penfield, Ga.) 1858-18??, September 16, 1858, Image 2

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TEHPBRANIjG GRIISAUER. PEN FIET.D, OE(>k(?lA. Thursday Morning, September 16, 1858. - - “Opening their Eyes.” Humiliating as it is to know that neither temperance eloquence, argument or pathos produces any impres sion upon the masses, it is, nevertheless, at the same time, encouraging to know that there is something which can rouse the apprehensions of rum suckers and guz zling drunkards. “They arc becominggreatlv terrified at the deadly strychnine and poisonous drugs with which liquors are medicated. There is likely to be a great demand for liquor inspectors under the new law, judg ing from the serious cotnplaiuls and solemn suggestions which we hear from the whiskeyiles in all parts oJ the country. This drugging system has, to our certain j knowledge, been productive of great benefit within the fast few months, by way of scaring habitual drinkers | from the use of intoxicating spirits. In an adjoining ! county an old grey haired man, whose “sands of life j have nearly run out,” and who has been a laithiul and devoted worshipper at the shrine oi Bacchus until his substance and the strength of his manhood had well nigh been swallowed up in the scathing draught, has recently been frightened into sobriety : and we arc rejoiced to learn that at a late revival he connected himself with the church, and is now a reformed and regenerated man, and a consistent christiau. VVc are happy in re cording the circumstance, no matter what may have been the agencies which wrought his conversion , “and there is more joy in Heaven over one sinner who repenteth, than over ninety and nine just persons who need no repentance.” We have strong hopes for the salvation of this old imbiber, for lie has been raised from his filthy corruption, and as lie looks down from his now exalted position and contemplates the low deg radation in which he has been so long wallowing, his hatred towards the tyrannical demon will grow stron ger, and he will swear uncompromising hostility to the old enemy which has so long held him in grovelling servitude. If strychnine is to be our most effectual aid, and only hope, we would say to retailers and liquor doctors, in with it, ad infinitum. And it seems from the wailing and gnashing of teeth among old soakers, mod erate drinkers, et id omne genus, which comes up from theseliot bedsof death, all through the country, that their proprietors are mixing in the compounds to perfection. We give here an example of the component parts and the modus operandi of flavoring brandy : It should be known that Cognac brandy is generally adulterated with Spanish brandy, old neutral flavoured rum, rectified spirits of high wines, British brandy bit ters. British brandy, composed of 80 gallons oi recti fied spirits, 7 gallons of vinegar, 12 oz. of orris root, 15 lbs raisins and 2 lbs vitriol, cherry lamel water, (very poisonous) extract of almond cake, extract of capsicum (known in the trade by the denomination of Devil) and extract of grains of paradise and colouring sugar. To improve the flavour of brandy the recipe is 1-2 oz, English saffron and 1-2 oz. mar sleeped in a pint ol brandy 10 days shaking it and then straining when strained add 1 oz. tena japonica and 3 oz. sweet spirit of nitre, put it to 10 gallons brandy adding lOlbs prunes bruised. To give new brandy all the flavour of old : n o 1 gallon of new add 30 drops of aqua ammonia, shaking it well to combine with the acid. An honest rumseller, having abandoned the business, said that he once had occasion to draw off a large cask which had served for a reservoir for liquors, without ever being emptied, and in the bottom of it there was a collection of drugs and filth of every description, to the depth of some threeor four inches, of a black or brown* ish color, casting off a very noxious effluvia deeply im pregnated with the deadliest poisons. ‘l'here is nocom puting the number of human beings who were mur dered and eternally damned by the concoctions from that one cask of drugs. Well might those who “tarry long at the wine cup,” become alarmed at such start ling disclosures ! Retailers are all cognizant and guilty of this horrible system of wholesale butchery ; and when conscience has been so far annihilated as to suffer a man to deal tohis fellowman a poison which shall be to him “a consuming fire,” “it were far better for that man that a mill-stone were hanged about his neck and he were thrown into the sea.” It is a notorious fact that most, if not nil our line ‘im ported” liquors, were manufactured by ourown country distilleries, and none of them ever saw a foreign land. The-whiskey from the country is, carried to the sea board towns and cities, where it is metamorphosed and transformed into our fourth proof Cognac brandies, best Medeira, Old Port, Holland Gin, St. Croix Rum and Jamaica Spirits, and is then returned to us at an ad vance of from one to 500 per cent profit. Hear the fol lowing statement of Dr. Hiram Cox, an experienced chemist of Ohio. lie says: During two years he has made inspections oi va rious kinds of liquors, and has found nine-tent Its of them poisonous concontions —brandy, lie found one gallon in one hundred pure; of wine, not a gallon in a thousand, hut generally made of whiskey as a basis, with poiso nous articles for condiments. Not a drop of Madeira wine lias been made in that island since 18.1. The whiskey he inspected, some of it contained sulphuric acid enough in a quart to eat a hole through a mans stomach. With such evidences staring men in the face, is it not astonishing that they will not and do not instantly abandon the habit of drinking such poisons ? But to hear some of them, they drink for their “health ‘—-they take it to “strengthen them.” Alas', indeed! II quassia, green vitriol, capsicum, grains of paradise, coculus in dicus, hartshorn shavings, nu.t vomica and copperas all mixed together hi the burning cauldron like the witches’ broth, forms a strengthening beverage, let us all. in the name of the whole heathen mythology, pour down these compounded poisons until we all become Sampsonian and Herculean giants, able to out-rip Euripides him self. Wo trust.the day is not far distant when all men, of every class and grade, will unite in placing this dam nable system under the bail of t lie law. American Newspapers. Notwithstanding the almost incalculable number of newspapers already established in the country, scarcely a week passes in which wc do not receive sev eral circulars announcing that others arc soon tube pub lished. There arc in Georgia according to our enume ration, exactly .fifty journals which are issued weekly, and among them are six dailies ; several other weeklise are to be commenced at an cariy day. What a con trast between the newspaper privileges of this genera tion and in the earlier history of the country. Tradi tion tells us that the first newspaper printed in North America was printed in Boston, 1690. Only one copy of that rpaper is known to be in existence. It was de posited in the State Paper Office in London, and was about the size of an ordinary sheet of letter paper. It was stopped by the Government. The Boston Nevis Letter was the first regular paper. It was first issued in 1704, and was printed by John Allen, in Pudding Lane. The contents of some of the early numbers were very peculiar. It had a speech of Queen Anne to Parliament, delivered 120 days previously, and this was the latest news from England. In one of the early numbers, there was an announcement I hat by order of the Postmaster General of North America, the post between Boston and New York sets out once a fort night. Negro men, women and children were adver tised to be sold ; and a call was made upon a woman who had stolen a piece of fine lace worth 14s. a yard and upon another who had conveyed a piece of fine cal ico under her riding-hood, to return the same, or be ex posed in the newspapers. The pioneer paper was pub lished for 74 years; it was a leading Tory paper, prior to the Revolution. The Boston Gazette was the orgin of the patriots, and was issued at Watertown. At the commencement of the revolutionary war, there were but 37 newspapers in the United States. Os this num ber only eight were committed to the British Govern ment, but five others were bought over. The oldest existing paper in Massachusetts was the Worcester Spy —it was published in Philadelphia, during 1770, but removed to the western part of the State on the occu pation of Boston by the British troops. Our country, although the youngest in the world, outstrips all others in the number of publications and newspapers sold. The number of copies of newspapers printed here is four times greater than in Great Britian,. though Eng land has twice as many magazines. The number o 1 religious newspapers here, and the extent of their cir culation, form a striking social characteristic. It matters not how many papers may be established in the country, for wherever they are, they will arouse a spirit of inquiry, cultivates thirst for'reading and thereby increase the number of readers ; hence, we wish all the newspaper enterprises great success. The Captain of the Slaver. Washington, Sept. 6. —A dispatch from New York states that the brig Dolphin touched there to-day and landed Captain Townsend, of the slaver Echo or Put nam, to be sent to Charleston for trial. The Dolphin sailed this afternoon for Boston. Dispatches from Washington state that Sir William Gore Ousley has been ordered to Central America by the British Government. / pB* A new postoffice has been established in Hart county, Ga. called Rio. All packages intended ior it should have the county also, as there is a Rio in Cow eta county. Yellow lever—its Doings. Last week, in Charleston, 103 died of yellow fever— being an increase of 30 over the previous week. One death is reported from the same disease in .Sa vannah. It has also reached Jackson, Miss, and is still raging at New Orleans and Memphis. IS'Wc perceive that Mr. Gough lectured in Exeter Hall. (Eng.) on the 2d of August; in Manchester on the sth and 6th, and in Liverpool on the oth. A groat Temperance fete has been held in Pavcn hamburg ; some 2,000 people were present. Mr. Gough spoke at the fete. Specimen ot’ Hie Cable. Miss Mollie P. Waltou, of Madison, has kindly pre sented to the Museum of Mercer University, a hand some piece of the Atlantic Cable, which she procured during a recent visit to New York. It is a nice sam ple, being a loot in length, mounted with a silver baud at each end and one in the centre. The present is very highly appreciated by the Faculty. • Jno. H. W. Hawkins. We are pained to learn of the death of this distinguished temperance lecturer; an exchange paper says: “he died recently, of cholera-morbus, at the residence of a son, in Parkesburg, Pennsylvania, at the age of sixty years. M. Hawkins, it will be remembered, many years ago. with a number of companions in Baltimore, quite suddenly reformed his drinking habits, and com menced a crusade against rum-drinking. This was the commencement of the Washingtonian movement, re sulting in the reclamation of thousands on the down ward path of intemperance. Mr. Hawkins has, within the past quarter of a century, lectured in all parts of the United States, and has generally been quite successful in his efforts to benefit hisfellow man.” A Deserved Tribute. It is indeed encouraging to know that editors and printers are occasionally duly appreciated. The fol lowing extract from the report of the Committee on Printing, of the Legisture of Wisconsin, pays a refresh ing compliment to editors and printers : We are not aware that printers and newspaper pro prietors are a class of so little use in the community, or so destructive of its interests, as to be entitled to but half compensation for the labor and services they per form. But your committee do believe that no class of men perform more gratuitous services for all general and local interests, or are more actively and effectually en gaged in disseminating information, making known the resources of the country, and inching to action the en ergies of our people, than printers, proprietors and edi tors of newspapers. Innocent Beverages. The following good advice is given by the Youth's Temperance Advocate, to young tnen and old ones too who have once broken off from habits of intoxication : “ The reformed man, who has broken off from habits of intemperance, and is endeavoring to establish himself in habits of sobriety, cannot be too suspicious of those drinks which are termed ‘ innocent beverages,’ but which contain the poison disguised under a seductive taste. Remember that you are escaping from the dominion of an appetite that may he easily awakened and put in fu rious operation by the merest taste of your old enemy. We have known tearful cases of return to intemperance by taking a single glass ol eider or beer. The only safe plan is to drink nothing hut water as a beverage. No other drink will quench thirst like this. It is the only element which “God has given to nourish and invigo rate his creatures, and beautify his footstool.” Beware, then, as you would not experience that sad reaction that would plunge you into the horrible pit from which you have been taken —beware, we say, of everything, how ever “innocent” in its pretensions, that the enemy is ever preparing, to swerve you from your loyalty to the cause of total abstinence. ♦ “The beautiful and innocent, Os all earth’s living things, Drink nothing hut the crystal wave, That gushes from the springs.” Temperance in Itlainc. Gov. Morrill has issued his proclamation, declaring that the new Anti-Liquor Law is the law of the Stnte. The number of ballots having the words “License Law of 1856” written or printed thereon, is five thous and nine hundred and twelve. The number of ballots having the words ‘Prohibitory Law of 1858’ written or printed thereon, was twenty-eight thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. From these figures and ‘other signs of the times,’ our cotemporary of Maine, ahe Rising Sun, says that Temperance Cause never looked more hopeful or pro mised greater results, than at the present time. From Calais to Kittery—from the Aroostook settlement to the hanks of the Saco, the minds and hearts of men are be ing brought to this glorious work. Our correspondence from all parts of the Stale arc cheering beyond measure- Many who have been slaves to the intoxicating cup are breaking away from the habit, and pledged themselves to lives ol abstinence. Even rumsellers, in some quar ters, through the blessed influences of the religious re vival. or from fear of penalties of the law soon to Ihu have abandoned their accursed business, and resolved to lead a better life. Let t ho traffic in intoxicating liquors lora beverage now be banished from the State, and the thousands of inebriates who have resolved to touch not the cup, will be enabled to keep iho pledge. Ihe dark cloud of intemperance and wretchedness which has hung lor the last, two years over I lie. Statc will be dispelled, and happy hearts and cheerful homes will take the place of abodes of poverty and suffejiug. hat ntan is there, who wishes to lead a temperate and happy life himselt, and who does not desire tie see liis lather, brotlicror soil go down to a drunkard strive,, that will not at once take hold and help enforce the new Liquor Law. that the accursed traffic in intoxicating liquors as a beverage, shall he banished entirely front ihe State ? When wi’l the people of Georgia be allowed lo use language so cheerful as our friend indulges with refer ence to Maine—ever? Wc are encouraged with the hope sometimes, when feverish anxiety thinks—maybe imagines—it has discovered the bright morning stay, forerunner of the blessed day, when broad, unclouded sunlight shall have chased darkness from every and cranny. At any rate, there are such tokens laaeiiyr as inspire with the fondest hopes. May Heaven, will* propitious smiles, warm up the indifferent and speedily terminate the faintest hope with gloriously full frail ion. The Ruined Family. BY WASHINGTON IRVING. The depopulating pestilence that walketh innoonday ; the carnage of cruel and devastating war can scarcely exhibit tlieir victims in a more terrible array than ex terminating drunkenness. I have seen a promising family spring up from the parent trwnk, and stretch, abroad its populous limbs like n flowering tree covered with green and healthy foliage. I have seen theunnat ural decay beginning upon the yet tender leaf, and gnawing, like a worm, in an unopened had 1 , while they dropped off', one by one, and the ruined shaft stood alone, until the winds and rains of many a sorrow that laid it. too, in the dust. On one of these holy days, when the patriarch, rich in virtue and in years, gathered about him the gteat and little ones of the flock, his sons and daughters, 1, too, sat at the board ; I pledged their health, and expatiated with delight upon the eventful tnture, while the good old man, warmed in the genial glow of youthful enthusiasm, wiped a tear from his eyes. He was happy. I met them again when the rolling year brought the festive season around. But all were not there. The kind old man sighed u his sud se eye dwelt on the then unoccupied seat; “but joj rn e i C r etoh,Bre i ief t andl,e waa ha PPy- A parent’s love knows no diminution-time, distance, poverty, shame give bu .ntenatty and strength to Hint passion, before which all others dissolve and melt away. The man Wg Bpre “ d ’ but the , ™"ie The manened, Where are my children?” and echo an rof,W d nnt W H ere I HIB heart V r ° ka> for lhp y ‘ Wrf! n °‘- Son ? d Th?fl aVen h TjP ar ? d hia Kray hairstUis nfflic- S, 1 ) I™°” ? f drunkenness had he.m there. D „m a H n . VlC,ims . lo *!, 18 B P ell - And one short monh sufficed to cast the veil of oblivion over the old \R n E B A°LL DEAD ,hC y ° Ung ono ’ 8 shamr - THEY “{’ f 00 l at , lhe hard; I pledged their heaTih,” says our talented author. Was it in water or in intoxicating liquors f If in the latter, the cause of the mi a of this ruined J (Willy can be easily traced. 1, too„kncwan aged “patriarch,” who pledged his sons at the festive b°ard, and he had six—all of them became and five now fill the drunkards’ grave, and the aged na triarch has also passed away in sorrow for the- fate of his sons, and most probably without a thought that it was Ins example and practise which brought ruin and j desolation on his family. Parents that use or ffer in toxicating liquors, have no right to expect that their children will escape the drunkard’s doom. Parents who vote for the continued traffic in intoxicaffeng noi sons, can hardly expect to escape the effect of the traf fiom some branches of their family. Can a main han dle burning coals without being burned? Those that vote for the sale of intoxicating liquors, will vote for the ruin of families; those that wish to prevent the min of their families, and the families of their friends, yjiiufd in electing men who will pass such laws as wil prevent hereafter that desolatton m families which the R E tory of all circles has beert obliged to chrot||cle. * ’ Some Scotch lady, who has more reverence for the inspiration she draws from Helicon than that imported from Havanna, conics down after the following style upon the patrons of the weed: “May never lady press his lips, his proffered love re turning, VVhv inakes.a furnace of his mouth, ami keeps its chim ney burning; May each trite woman shun his sight, for fear his fumes might choke her, And none but those who smoke themselves have kisses l'ora smoker.” Slander—ll* Fatal Effect*. The New York Daily News is informed that Branch published in the Alligator, sometimes since, a slander ous and false story concerning a young lady ot that city—daughter of a clergyman—wlto had spent sonic months in Europe. The libel was brought to the knowledge ol the lady by some injudicious friend. She was in very delicate health, and the suffering it caused her sapped the springs of lifejn a few days. -She died another victim to foul power: “Whose edge is sharper than the sword ; ’ whose tongue Outvenoms all the worms of Nile.” Combat Between a ’rritgetliun and an Eagle. A Cincinnati paper gives an amusing account of a combat between Murdock, the tragedian, now living on his farm near Loveland, anda monstrouseagle, in which tlie “heavy tragedy man” had to heat a rapid arid inglo rious retreat: It appears that on Sunday morning last, Murdock hearing a terrific noise in his barnyard, sallied out and found an enormous eagle had fastened its talons on a very young calf, had plucked out its eyes, and was en deavoring to raise with its struggling and bleeding vic tim. Murdock made a charge on the imperial bird, but was finally compelled to heat a hasty retreat to secure his gun. The eagle’s triumph was of short duration, for Master James Murdock, the tragedian’s son, ap peared upon the scene with a doubled barreled gun, and at the first discharge, brought his imperial majesty to the ground. He measured six feet from tip to tip ot his wings, and will be preserved as a memento oi Master James’ prowess. Pure Wines. Dr. Hiram Cox, Inspector of Liquors lor Ilainillon county, Ohio, gives the following simple directions for testing the purity of wine: First heat a small quantity of the liquid over a spirit or oil lamp, till the vapor begins to rise. If the liquor be mixed, or an imitation with spirits added, by touch ing a lighted taper to it, it will immediately take lire and will continue lo burn till all the added spirit is burned out of it. If then the fire is increased till ebul lition, or boiling, takes place, and the vapor will burn by the application of the vaper, it is mixed wine. The innate spirits of pure wine will not take fire until the liquid is brought to a boil. Second, if an article which is represented to be pure juice, or pure port wine, should be suspected, heat as above. If the vapor will not burn when first it rises, nor will take fire Irom the applica tion of the taper when ebullition is produced, you may rely that there is not one drop of wine in the sample ; and if, by holding some of it in your mouth for a short time, and after spitting it out you find your teeth on edge, or upon grinding them together they appear to ad here, as if the enamel was softened, you may rely on it that that article is diluted sulphuric acid, as a base, with other ingredients to give aroma, &c. Way to Keep a Wife at Heme. Mr. Fitzgerald resides in Congress street, and is mar ried to a woman who takes snuff and is fond of spinning street yarns. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. F. announced her intention of visiting Mrs. Dunlap and getting her daily supply of rappee. Mr. F. issued positive injunc tions against such a course, but as the wife insisted, the husband adopted a novel method of keeping her at home. He got a chain, about an inch in diameter, wound it around her ankle, and then passed the ends through the handle of a flat-iron and secured them by means of a heavy padlock. Putting the key in his pocket, he walked oft'to his work, and chuckled at his originality. Mrs. F. considered herself just as smart as her “old man,” and as soon as he had left the house she took one of her aprons, half a dozen towels and a string, and managed to confine the flat-iron to her knee, and thus heavily laded, she walked out, got her snuff, and was quietly putting it into a box, when some person discov ered the chain and gave information to the second sta tion-house, and Lieut. Whitcomb, with great delicacy, relieved the wife of her extra burthen, although he was compelled to smash the lock with a hammer in doing so. Fitzgerald will have to invent another method, and if he succeeds he can make a fortune in teaching his se cret to others, ala Rarey. —Boston Herald. Prepare to Laugh. ’Squire G. tells the following good Hoosier yarn, de -1 monstiative of the power of music over the human mind: Some years ago, a tall, gaunt, knock-kneed, spindle shanked, red-headed, cross-eyed, lummex of a hoosier who was a hunter of the classical Wabash conceived the idea of making a visit to the home of his progeni turc in oldKaintuck. He did so—ranted around amongst the girls some, and was, of course, from his native im pudence and unearthly ugliness, the observed of all ob servers. One morning the whole neighborhood was as tonished with the news that the ugly noosier had eloped with Mrs. 8., an amiable, good looking woman, wife of Mr. 8., and mother of a half dozen little B’s. For two long years the disconsolate husband mourned over his untoward bereavement ; at the end ol that period, how ; ever, to his utter astonishment one day, in popped Mrs. | 8., looking as bright and rosy as ever. After the first j joyful greeting was over, the injured husband thus ad dressed the spouse: “Nancy, how could you take up with the onairthly ugly hoosier, and leave me and the little children all forlorn as you did?” “ Well, Josh,” said Nancy, “that tliar tarnal ugly critter Irom Indianny was a leetle tlie best whistler I ever hern tell on. You know I was always fond of good whistlin’; I used to think you could wliistlesome, but 1 never beerd whistlin’ as is whistlin’, till I met that ar Wabash feller. He just whistled my senses clean away, and 1 fullered him off on that account. A short time ago, however, he caught the measles, and they spilt his whistlin’ forever'—the charm was broken, and so I concluded to come back to you; but, Oh! Josh,,that hoosier was the awfullest whistler that ever puckered.”— FlacervUlc Index. “ Who Slew all These ?” The history of Intemperance is one offearful interest. Look where you may at the past, in every age since the : introduction of Alcohol, and you sec the ravages of the I dread destroyer. Nations, once prosperous and power ful, under the benign influence of temperance principles, were reduced to effeminacy and poverty, through ex cessive indulgence in wine, and the many immoralities I which follow in the trainof Bacchus. Whereare proud Babylon and Nineveh ? Their greatness stands recor ded on the pages of history; their ruin is declared in the annals of Intemperance; and the great Empire an Al exander called his own—what says the epitaph which commemorates its overthrow? Thus does it read: “Founded in rigid abstemiousness and virtue—de stroyed by Intemperance and its withcringattendants.” Rome, too, has fallen, and look at the origin of her de cay. Her legions, while strong in uncorrupted appe tite, were invincible; tint when the tempter came with poisoned cup, she drank, and fell before her enemies. The iron power of Daniel’s vision became mixed with clay, and crumbled, because not cemented with tem perance and virtue. These are a few of the wrecks of empires—all of them mighty, which, like high and fear ful monuments, attest the remorseless energies of Al cohol. But we have only glanced at the loss of nation al greatness, as the result of intemperate habits. Let us people these empires, and cast our eyes over the. I vast multitudes, vi hose souls and bodies have been con sumed by alcoholic fires. Oh! what a melancholy sight! And could we hear the piercing shrieks of the immolated victims, methinks our souls would loathe with infinite disgust, the producing cause of suchavast accumulation of human woe. Look at those reeling, frenzied parents, as they cast their tender offspring into the arms of the insatiate Moloch, whose embrace is cruel death ; look at the long array of broken-hearted wives—ol widows, with blanched cheeks, telling of mental and bodily anguish; and as you see the vast concourse, with others equally oppressed and tortured, sank into an untimely grave, let your hearts bleed, and* your lips avow eternal hatred of that which has pro duced such a fearful aggregate of wretchedness. But look again, if you would know more of what intemper ance has done, ft has filled many a cavern of ocean with its victims- JSe.e those sinking vessels and the frantic groups that ffwd their decks, shrieking for , help, but all in vain. How came they thus suddenly lo • meet a watery grave? The demon alcohol replies “’Twas T who did the deed.” Yes! no doubt, ’nvns he, and could the ocean-bed but yield’its myriads, and should they tell who sent them to their coral resting places, they would corroborate his testimony But ’ have we seen the whole amount of misery and death which have marked the progress of the alcoholic cause No! we have only looked “ through a glass darklv ;and at some few of its desolations. There are yet to pass in review the wrecks of gigantic intellects—the blasted reputation ol countless thousands—ruined fam- Dies—the death-bed scenes of those who, in their 4 * de Urtum tremens ,” talked of hell and inward fires—these are a continuation of what may, with truth, be called the melancholy results of intemperance. A Family CENsns.-The marvelous story about a wo man in Zanesville, Ohio, who, as the veracious news papers aver, was seasonably delivered one day of two children—which process was repeated three days after wards, and was again renewed the next day thereafter ‘ taus figuring up an entire quintette, requires, with some doubters, what is called confirmation. But when the mater appends the additional statement that in the opinion of the consulting physicians, there remains still another candidate for a mission into the human family, t staggers the credulity of experienced experts in these, phenomena. Mrs. Smithers, for instance, declares posi tively that site never heard of such a case of partition, since they used to run the old-fashioned coaches that parried six inside.” — Boston Post. lie voicing Crime—• Arrest. By the Montgomery Advertiser , we learn that some time in December last, a moat diabolical and fiendish outrage was committed on the person of a little,girl about 12 years of age, named Simpson, in Neshoba county, Mississippi, aboutseven miles from Philadel phia, iho county scat. What makes the matter more revolting is, that the perpetrator of this outrage used a knife to aid him in accomplishing his hellish deed. The unfortunate victim of this devil, we understand, died soon after the commission of the beastly crime, and the perpetrator managed to escape from Mississippi thus avoiding thd just punishment whidli woifld have been visited on him by the people of Neshoba. Ilis name is Seaborn Bradford. Ho was arrested in West Point, Ga. on Friday last, by G. 11. Jones, constable of that district, and placed in jail. The Governor of Mississippi offered a reward,sometime since,Tor his ar rest, and lie will be shortly taken to that State, to he dealt with according to his deserts. He has confessed the crime with which he is charged, says lie was in toxicated at the time, and greatly (ears that he will be summarily dealt with when lie reaches the scene ol his dastardly outrage, lie says that since his escape from Mississippi he has spent two months in Greene county in this (State, four in Harris; and one in Troupe county, Georgia, where the arrest was made —there be ing persons in West Point who knew him and who gave information to the constable, lie professes re pent mice of the deed, and says lie would have returned to Neshoba, regardless of consequences, long since, if he had had money sufficient to take him there. The facts concerning the arrest we learned from Mr. Jones, the constable, who visited our office yesterday. This is asdemon'uu: an act as we have ever heard of, and the fiend will doubtless meet his just deserts. Tltc Vaults of Sit. Sepulchre* I.onitou—Re markable Preservation of a Corpse. A correspondent of the New York Evangelist, now in London, gives the following curious narrative of his visit to the vaults of the Church of St. Sepulchre, in that city : A strange sight was recently disclosed tome in St. Sepulchre, one of the oldest church edifices in this city. It stands opposite Old Bailey, the hoary old prison, and not far from St. Paul’s cathedral. Thischurh was par tially destroyed by the great fire in London, but earlv rebuilt. It is an immense edifice, with a very wealthy parish yet only two or three hundred persons are ever in attendance at their place of worship Beneath the church arc a series of great burial vaults, where inter ments have been made lor many hundred years. The sexton told me it was estimated there were 1,500 cof fins now entire under the building, and from an exam ination I have no doubt of its truth. The atmosphere ot the vaults seems to have a remark able effect in preserving the coffins, if not the bodies from decay. Descending through an open door from the church the other day, we entered a very large a partment, but dimly lighted, where piles of mouldy black-looking coffins were placed upon each other. ‘I hese coffins, with their elegant and costly trimmings, had not been decomposed. Climbing up over a heap of them, the sexton opened a large wooden box, and ou* of it he took an entire female figure,in a remarkable state of preservation! The limbs were unbroken, and j lie body perfect, except the flesh shrunken, yet it was still solt and flexible to the touch. The sexton stated that the officers of the church had recently been examining the vaults, and as burials there had long since ceased, they designed to close the en trance. Before doing so, they had been making a care ful survey of the premises, and under a mass of rub bish in one corner, they found a stone enclosure, a sort of sarcophagus, out ot which this female figure was taken. It is believed to be over three centuries old, and evidently, front its position and the stone enclosure, it was a female of rank. It was a strange sight in this subterranean charnel house, with blackened coffins piled up to the high ceiling all around, to sec this en tire human figure raised up bodily from its resting place, and standing erect upon a coffin before you ! The fact of its existence is probably known to but few persons, and before this reaches you, the entrance to it will be closed to all further inspection. Home Wives and i'orcign Husbands, Foreigners—that is to say, continental foreigners—do not seek American wives, except for their fortunes. This is the plainest of all social truths. Ofcourse there have been cases where foreigners, settling in this coun try and becoming American citizens, have married American girls, and made very good husbands. But foreign visitors to this country, designing to return and reside in Europe, never tnarry American girls for mere love. Tlteir motives are those of fortune, or of mere betrayal of virtue, knowing that a previous marriage has made the new tie legally impossible. We have never known one of these showy foreigners seriously desiring to marry a poor girl; and we never heard of an American girl, married to a foreigner and returning to Europe to reside, who led a happy life. Wives in France and Italy, and to some extent even in Germany, do not occupy the happy and honorable position that they do in America and England; and husbands, in those countries, are often notoriously and shamelessly faithless. A more melancholy position than that of ii neglected young American wife of a French husband, in the whirl of Paris, or the dismal splendor of any other European capital, can hardly beitnagined. Many have come home to their parents alter such wretched existence as this, glad to purchase their liberty and happiness, even at the sacrifice of a largcc part of their fortune. There will be at every fashionable watering place, this summer, one or more of these fascinating foreign ers, who turn the heads of so many of the young Amer ican misses. Watering place hotels, with their public and promiscuous table anti ball rooms, and their total freedom from the restraint of society at home, are favor ite resorts of all kinds ot adventurers, and French, German and Italian adventurers often find easy prey among the verdant young women and young men who go there for health and recreation. Let the fathers and mothers quietly keep their daughters out of the way of every one of them, and lei the recent example of the scoundrel, the seducer and the bigamist, Riviere, be a new warning to them, teaching them that thebest thing they can do lor the happiness of their daughters is to train them well in habits of refinement and moderation, and fit them for good American wives. There will he no trouble in getting for them good American husbands. Tlc Wife—The Value of licr Husband"* Mom. The liquor dealer’s wife, whose conscience was ill at ease in relation to the traffic in intoxicating liquors, availing hei self of an auspicious moment, said to her husband, “ 1 do not like i/our selling liquor ; it seems to me to be u bud business ; you do not, 1 suppose, make more than one or two hundred dollars a-year by it, and I should be very much rejoiced if you would give it up.” “I know,” answered the husband, “as well as you do, that it is a bad business; 1 should be as gladtogivc it up as you would be to have me, and if I did not make more than one or two. or even five hundred dollars a-year by it, I would give it up.” “How much, then,” inquired the wife, “do vou make?” “ Why,” replied the husband, “ I make from two to three thousand dollars a-year, an amount quite too much to be relinquished.” “What you say,” she rejoined, “brings to my mind the remarks of a lecturer I once heard, who, having re peated what Walpole said in relation to every man hav ing his price in politics, added that it was much the same in religion. Satan, continued he, is a broker. Not a wheat or cotton or money broker; but a soul bro ker. Some can be procured to labor in his service for an hundred, some for a thousand, and some for ten thousand dollars a-year. The price, dear husband, you estimate your soul, I sec, is three thousand dollars a-year. My husband, look you well to it; to me it seems even three thousand dollars a-year is a paltry price for what is truly priceless.” On the mind of that husband sudden conviction Hashed, and liberal as was his portion in those rewards ot unwretchedncss which Satan proffered, he resolved, and avowed the resolution to receive it no longer. Are we not all morally chargeable witlwwhatever evil we have the power but have refused or neglected to prevent ! ] his wile did her whole duty on this great and important question now before the public. If all the women in the State would do their whole duly, Satan S brokerage in this department of his trade, would be destroyed. Vo the Itnin Seller. O, thou destroyer of peace and happiness, what shall 1 say to thee ! Were all the concentrated indignation of a thousand homeless widows, mingled with the un told sorrows.of heart-broken wives and the keen nn guish of spirit-crushed daugters, I could not write with sufficient intensemess to portray the evil accomplished by thee. Hopes are blasted, homes are made desolate and hearts are filled with bitterness by tlie vile trnffie. By thee the wife’s bosom, the mother’s breast are filled with anguish. By thee manly forms are brought to the level of beasts. By thee the soul is debasetf-—the af- j feet ions withered up. Thou livest on the happiness—the wretched happi ness—of others. Thou tnakest fortune, fame, honor, peace, purity, all to take their flight. An emmissary of the Devil thou art; for thou destroyest souls. Avaunt, my sight is pained ! More than any other, thou bringest pain, misery, woe and shame upon thy fellow croatunp. May the groans of thy victims make thy night sleepless? A blot, astain upon the human race art thou ! for thou dost unbiush ingly fatten upon the eternal ruin of thy fellow-man. Shume upon thee ! close the door ol thy dramshop, and no longer let it be said that for thee to live, re quires the sacrifice of all that is good, holy, pure and happy. Christian Index. CAStIGATOR. Bq the Vanderbilt and other sourees. Bread stuffs, in Liverpool dull and declining. The cotton market, Sept. 1, closed steady and quiet, with quotations barely maintained. ‘ Nearly $5 000,000 of gold is reported en route from Australia to London, an3 *1,700,000 at New■ York from California. In the latter State financial matters were FgjmCU-jj. patched to Paris. From Porter's Spirit. Siti? that Sang Once XTlore. BV H. K. Dear Alary, sing that song oitcc more— It so recalls my youth to me, What time in my halcyon days of yore, I lived ou thy sweet minstrelsy. It is not needed, love, to bind My heart to thine; for now, as then, Thy smile is ever sweetly kind, And I the happiest of men. But, then, it so brings back the hours, That, lover-like, we used to spend Within those fragrant, leafy bowers, And wish ihe evenings had no end. For we were young, and looked on life (’Tis ever thus to “Love’s Young Dream”), As void of carking cares and strife, And all things really what they seem. Since wc were wed, that dream is o’er ; Yet, still, the love that gave 1 it birth, Thank God! more brightly lliun before Illumes the domestic hearth. Then, Mary, sing that song once more, It so recalls my youth to me ; What lime, in halcyon days of yore, 1 lived on thv sweet minstrelsy. i Written for tlie ticorgla Temperance Crusader.] Watson’s Spring;. This spring is situate in Greene county, Ga. on the Oconee River, If miles from Greenesboro’, 8 miles front Maxey’s Depot—Athens Branch, Ga. 11. R. —12 miles from Woodville, lti miles from Union Point, and Smiles from Poullain’s Bridge. The writer has made a stay of several weeks at this spring, and from the good cflect that he has experienced from a use of its water, and his knowledge of its good effect on others—some of whom were invalids in a true sense ol the word—is induced to pen this communica tion concerning it. Lest some should he incredulous as to the truth of what may he said of it, the writer will remark that the cases which will be introduced as proof of the virtue of this water are vouched for by a gentleman of the strict est veracity, and that he will insert initials, places of abode—so far as he is informed—so that those doubting may consult them at their will and pleasure. Ist case introduced, is that of Dr.'S., now of Chero kee county, who remained !( months, but was cured in half the time. Disease complicated—Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Ulcerated Boacls and affection of the Kid ney. Had visited other springs, and tried many emi nent pfiysicians, during his continued bad health forfior 8 years, to no avail. Has had no return ot any of these diseases since his departure from tlie spring, which - was in 1854. 2d introduced, is that of a child of 15 months old, that had had Chronic Dysentery front a short, time after its birth; cured in 6 weeks, and visited the spring this year hale and hearty. Dr. Durham, who resides near the spring, and who is an old and successful practitioner of medicine, thinks the water, in many cases, a remedial agent when med icine is not. 3d introduced. Mrs. J. Tetter and general debility ; remained a short I into; Tetter cured, constitution re vived ; and though she had not had tut issue for 14 years, 12 months after gave birth to a healthy child. Irregu larities in females, and consequent debility, yield at once to this water. 4th introduced, a dialutis subject, Mr. B. of Geene county, 75 years of age. Mr. B. visited the spring, and remained only at intervals. Thinks if he had have re mained longer, from the relief lie had experienced, that lie would have been now Buffering front no trace even of the disease, notwithstanding his debility consequent upon his old age. In a day it checks the frequency of the passage of urine; and it is aM. D. who has observed its effect upon this wasting disease, that ordinary cases will soon he relieved Ivy it, where its subject has not past the meridian of life. Any ailment wherein tlie kidneys are involved, this water will certainly benefit great ly, if not wholly relieved. sth introduced, is a case of Stricture. Mr. D. of Putnam county, who remained but a short lime, and now enjoys uninterrupted health. Wrote a letter to the owner of the spring, saying that his cure was per manent. This is a remarkable ease to all those who arc ac quainted with Ure difficulties attending a successful treatment of Strict ure. For retention and incontinence of urine, this water is truly a specific. 6th and 7th introduced, is the cases of 2 servants. The one Tetter; the other an Ulcer. With Tetter the whole system seemed almost covered—tlie skin having come off in many places; remained, what precise time is not known, but left cured with a clear, smooth skin. The Ulcer was cured in the short time of lOdays. The . subject of this last named disease is now, and was then, the property of the proprietor of the spring, John Wat son, Esq. Skin diseases yield directly to this water, and Sores, Ulcers, Burns, <fce. cure up as if by magic. ACCOM MODATIONS. The writer is authorised to say that any number of cabins may be built by visitors, and the charges of the owner will be moderate for the rent of them. Board cannot be had in the vicinity. Should some person desiring to engage in the hotel business purchase ot Mr. W. his premises and erect a good house, litis place would certainly lie one of resort by invalids at least; and those wishing to make a profitable invest ment would do well to purchase it. The place is for sale to. an approved purchaser upon reasonable terms, the owner desiring a more retired one, and at the same time not wishihg to deprive any one of the corrective effect of this water. The farm produces about. SSOOO worth corn and cotton to 15 hands. A XA UYSIS. A few years ago this water,as is reported, was analyzed, and is said to have consisted of sulphur, iodync, mag nesia and some qther ingredients; of this nothing Is certain. Be the properties what they may, they are . curative in their effect, as has been amply proven in the cases which have already been introduced, which to ■ know is enough. To till invalids, he their j what they may, the writer >t this imperfect sketen in ; vites you to go to Watson’s Spring. Pen field, Cu. Sept. 10, 1858. BALDWIN. | Special Correspondence.] i i Female Education. “ The faculties arc inflate and active in different de grees, but each desires to be satisfied, and all are neces sary ; hence, it would be wrong to endeavor to annihi late or to neglect any one ol them.” There is a marked difference between the sexes—not in the number, but in the degrees of the primitive powers of the mind. The difference is more strongly marked in some males titan in others, and likewise with females. Education cannot impart a single faculty or power to the mind. It is the province of education to control and direct these faculties into proper channels. Attachment is stronger, ideality and love of approbation greater in fe males titan in males; and hence, education should curb these faculties and prevent being unduly de veloped. As the mind of woman is formed differently from that of man, so her sphere of action is different. I he innate dispositions of the female mind may he sof tened by the cultivation of others, hut never changed. No time is more propitious for instruction than youth, and no one more capable to impart it than the mother, if she understands her duty. She is qualified to bring faculties into action, or to soften the vigor of others. The aim of education should be to render virtuous and intelligent. As individuals differ in natural endow ments, so they are not capablq, of receiving the same improvement from the same course ofinstruction. Ed ucation must conform to the nature of the pupil. Thus a female, with ideality largely developed, and approba tiveness very small, should not be subjected to the same course of instruc'ion that the one is whose ideality is small and approbativeness very large. Precept is more forcibly impressed upon the youthful mind by Thus order, cleanliness, industry, frugality, cheerful ness, mildness, simplicity, ease and candor in the mo ther, lias more influence over the daughter! ban volumes of precept. Example is the most potent argument. Mothers arc the best instructors of their daughters. It is th*■mother that will stamp upon the daughter char acters and impressions that time will not efface; it is the mother that will scatter seeds in the solt, impressi ble dispositions of the daughter that will germinate and | fructify! Should not the mother, then, cultivate all her ennobling powers to enable her to perform the im portant duties of her oflice with fidelity? Should she not be properly qualified and endowed for her mission ? Surely. Then, if this is her sphere, she should be ed ucated to fulfill its duties. The female intellect should be cultivated by practical knowledge. Her knowledge, like her charms, should not be superficial. Solidity should not be displaced by vain and useless accomplish ments. Music, painting and drawing occupy a large portion of the time in female education, and yet, how many females have ever received sufficient interest upon such an outlay of time and capital. They do well as accomplishments, but poorly repay as the rum and substance of education. Nowadays, the definition of an accomplished woman is, one who has been to college, who sings and dances well, can raise a tempest among the octaves of a piano, knows a smattering of French and Italian, has an indistinct knowledge of drawing ami embroidery, knows very little of anything else except fashionable novels, in which she is an adept; entirely ig norant of household regulations and duties, and who would sooner need the biscuit than knead the doughy The word accompfished, when applied to such a one, is a misnomer. Could she impart solidity or strength of mind to her offspring ? One must possess the knowledge before he can impart it to others. The seed must not only be gqod and pure, but there must be soil wherein to sow them. There must be a substratum —a nucleus—a’ foundation. Teachers cannot impart the soil. The faculty must exist before it can be cultivated; the mind before it can be improved. The great fault, at present is, that there is no soil to cultivate. If the present de terioration continues to progress, the next generation will he dolls and idiots—the mere ephemera of a day; V in fact, the prescut generation is not far removed from that stage now. There must be a cause for this. It is briefly stated : Useful knowledge has been neglected for useless accomplishments; (?) the more ennobling emotions and sentiments for the vain and despicable. * Mothers have instilled into their daughters the danger ous heresy that the problem ol life was solved by the words: Wealth and Display. Modest merit has been forced to retire before brazen effrontery, and real virtue before its resemblance. if the I .sentiment lie true, Sis the dew lies longest and produces most fertility in the shade, so woman, in the shade of domestic retirement, sheds around her path richer and more permanent blessings,” should not her education correspond with the station she is destined to fill? Daughters should receive a thorough domestic education at home. It is not enough that they should know how to paint a sky-blue dog upon green canvass, or murder a tunc upon the piano, or converse in the rich language of the Celts; they should know howto regulate domestic affairs, keep the house in a tidy con dition, and their bonds engaged in something useful. The youthful mind has been compared to ‘wax in its softened stale, capable of receiving impressions; but which, when hardened by age, will break before aniin pression can he made. Youth is the propitious time for impressing truths upon the mind. It is a critical time, and impressions then formed may mould their future destiny. We are told that — “ A pebble in the streamlet cast, Has changed the course of many a river; A dew-drop on the baby-plant Has warped the giant-oak forever.” A single wrong impression formed at this time may result in untold injury. How important and responsi ble is the station of the mother! While we will not as sent that colleges have produced the present deplorable state of education in the female world, we unhesitating ly affirm that they are powerless to arres its progress. Colleges are, at present, nothing more than hot houses of fashionable folly, where the female mind is forced into an unnatural growth ; whose meteoric glare is but momentary—of “ignis fatuus” kind, and all their “ Glories, like glowworms, which far away shine bright; But when looked attoo near, haveneitherheat or light.” There is no stamina or strength about it. Ido not attribute inefficiency or negligence to the teachers, but I say that the system of distinctive schools is wrong in theory and practise. It tends to bring some faculties into too much activity, while it imposes too much leth argy upon others. The old field mixed schools never produced unfavorable results. Why, it is in accordance with the laws of nature. There are greater incentives to emulation in a mixed school, than in one composed solely of one sex. The bright smile of Georgeanimates Virginia in the study of her lessons, and is more es teemed by her than the approbation of her teacher. This proceeds from the human heart. Attempt tocrush it out, and you produce the senseless flirt or heartless coquette, whose self-love usurps every other sentiment. It educates and refines their manners to bring them in daily contact with those whom nature designed should be associated with them in the walks of life. Another objection tocollegesis, thatthey haveincreased the foul spirit of sectarianism. Nearly every sect has its college as an aspirant for public patronage. It not only partially educates, but intensifies prejudices and bitter feelings. The tendency of the present age is to force every dogma to have its college, so as to innocu latc the minds of susceptible youths with their favorite doctrines. No one can deny this who takes a casual survey oi the field. We are not opposed to females receiving a'polished’ education no more than wc would object totha burnish ing of silver; but it must be pure silver—-not a gilded semblance; a solid education must be the substratum. Wc are opposed to a system calculated to produce strong-minded females, who require such ample space to circulate in; and one that may lead to all isins—from spiritualism down to free-lovc-isni. We object to the system of a part ial education having no firm basis; but composed of glitter and ornament, and which turns loose upon the boisterous waves of life so many frail and wandering harks, upon whose pathway shines all stars but the guiding o ; a system which blights reaSon by its touch. Wo arc pained to observe the habit of reading ro “kill time ” so prevalent among young ladies. Sensa tion papers and novels arc seized with avidity by them lor this purpose. This habit is productive of lassitude, both physical and mental —I might add moral; and is vitiating and destructive in its effects. We do not ob ject to young ladies reading; or. the contrary, we ad vise,thcm to do so; but to read with discrimination, attention, reflection and confidence; and read for im provement—not to waste time. They should feed their minds with sound, wholesome and appropriate food,and that which they can readily digest. Wc desire to see females receive a solid and thorough education, and one preparing them for the sphere de signed for them. Into their hands the world and its destiny is cast. Society will not be elevated as long as they arc depressed, or reformed as long as they are only partially educated. We have submitted our thoughts, in a loose and rumbling manner, w ithout order, system or method, w hich would seem to indicate a greater pro ficiency in finding than in mending faults; in criticising, than in reforming. Wc hold, however, the poets ad vice to he apposite and true: “A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep or taste not the Pierean spring; There, shallow’ draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again.” An gusto, On. W. I.ale Sen s. Expedition to Paraguay. Washington,—The Navy Department to-day entered into arrangements chartering four steamers of the New York Cromwell line, for the Paraguay expedi tion. The Africans to be sent to Liberia. New Yoke, Sept. G. —The steamship Niagara willl leave this city the latter part of this week, and wilP proceed to Charleston for the purpose of conveying the captured Africans to the coast of Liberia, where they will be placed under the care of a special agent of this* government, who will maintain them there until they can be restored to their friends. III! IIUIIII; jOHN 11. SNELLINGS offers himself to the vo ** ters of Greene county, as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector, at the election in January next. NM. JONES offers himself to the voters of • Greene county, ns a candidate for the office of Tax Collector, at the election in January next. HENRY WEAVER offers himself to the voters of Greene county, as a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver, at the election in January next. LOST, by the subscriber, a note for thirtyJive dollars, given by J. D. Andrews to J. S. Barnwell or benrer, made payable on the 25th December, 1858 Sept If-if J. M. LOWLEsI THOSE INDEBTED to the firm of McWhorter J- <fc Armstrong are hereby notified that their notesand accounts Ml ST be settled by the first of December Longer delay will subject all such to the mortification ot a visit from the proper officer. Bear'in mind, friends, we are compelled to have the money. Sept Iti 2m ‘ McW & A G 1 wqf- lA \v’lt Wh e 77T* V William W. Brooks executor of the feet will and testament of Richard Olive, deceased, petitions the Court ol Ordinary ol said comity for letters of dismis sion: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause (if anv they have) why said cxecutor should not be discharged at the Court of Ordi nary to be held in and for said county on the first Mon day in April, 185!). Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro Hpnt 13th, 1858. EUGENICS L. KING, Ord* 6m ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—WiII be sold be fore the Court House door, in Crawfordville, Tal iaferro county, on the first Tuesday in November next, six hundred and forty-three acres of land, more or less, except the widow’s dower, adjoining the lands of How ell F. Bunkley, William A. Reynolds and ethers. Said land sold as the estate of C. C. Alexander, deceased, and sold under an order of the Court of Ordinary of SRid couuty. Terms on the day of sale. MARTHA R. ALEXANDER, Adm’x. WILLIAM A- REYNOLDS, Adm’r, Sept. 15, 1858. V;