The Georgia temperance crusader. (Penfield, Ga.) 1858-18??, September 23, 1858, Image 1

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~ ,v ' rt, “^ l JOHN H. SEALS, NEW SERIES, VOLUME 111. GEORGIA -T E M P E RANO E £R US A D E R. Published every Thursday in the year, except two I'EUns: Two Dollars per year, in advance. JOHN H. SEALS, Sole Proprietor. 1 AON EL L. VE.4ZKY, Editor Literary Departhext. MRS M. E BIIYAN, Editress. JOHN A REYNOLDS, Publisher. HiaiOabssa CttTBS of Tkiy Names, by sending the Cash, will receive the paper at .... $1 50“$ copy. Clubs of Five Names, at 180 “ ’ Any person sending us Five new subscribers, inclo sing the money, shall receive an extra copy one year f roe of cost. ADVERTISING DIRECTORY: Bates of Advertising: 1 square, (twelve lines or less,) first insertion, ll 00 ; “ Each continuance, bU j Professional or .Business Cards, not exceeding six lines, per year, * r ’ ~‘ l Announcing Candidates for Office, 3 00 Standing Advertisements: J£x>~ Advertisements not marked with the number of insertions, will be continued until forbid, and charged accordingly. £®-Merchants, Druggists and others, may contract for advertising by the year on reasonable terms. Legal Advertisements: Sale of Land or Negroes, by Administrators, Ex ecutors and Guardians, per square, 5 OO Sale of Personal Property, by Administrators, Ex editors and Guardians, per square, . 3 25 Notice to Debtors and Creditors, 3 25 Notice for Leave to Sell, 4 OO Citation for Letters of Administration, 2 75 Ciiation for Letters of Dismission from Adm’n, 500 Citation for Letters of Dismission from Guard’p, 325 Legal Requirements: Sales of Laud and Negroes by Administrators, Exec utors or Guardians, arc required, by law, to be held on the First Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-house door of the county in which the property is situate. Notices oi these sales must be given in a pub lie Gazette, forty days previous to the day’ of sale. Notices for the sale oi Personal Property must be given at least ten day.fprevious tp the day of sale. Notices to Debtors and Creditors of an estate, must be published_/orfy days. Notice that application will be made to the Court oi Ordinary, for leave to soil Land or Negroes, must be pub lished weekly for two months. Citations for Letters of Administration, must be pub lished thirty days—for Dismission from Administration monthly, six months —for Dismission from Guardianship, forty “days. Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly , for four compelling titles from Ex ecutors or Administrators, where a bond lias been issued by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications'will always be continued according to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ox dered. Q'&SoiHiy a Q)cuc/ciy, & LE WIS, ‘Attorney* at Law, Greknes * boro, Ga.-—-The undersigned, having associated themselves together in the practice of law, wi'l attend to all business intrusted to their care, with that prompt ness and efficiency which long experience, united with industry, can secure. Offices at Greenesboro and five miles west of White Plains, Greene county, Ga. Y. r. kino. July 1, 1858. m. w. lewis. ©• JOHNSON, Attorney at Law, * * Augusta, Ga. will promptly attend to all business intrusted to his professional management in Richmond and the adjoining counties. . Office ou.Mclnt/.ob oW± three doors below CoH&iittitionahs! ohUm*. lief ere rice —Thos. R. R. Cobb, Athens, Ga. June 14 O’ 13 OGER L. WIIIGHAItt, L ouisville, Jes -LL ferson county, Georgia, will give prompt attention to any business intrusted to bis care, in the following counties : Jefferson, Burke, Richmond, Columbia, \V ar ren, Washington, Emanuel, Montgomery, Tatnail and Scriven. April 20, 185 G ts LEONARD T. DOTAL, Attorney at Law, McDonough, Henry comity, Ga. will practice Law in the following counties: Henry, Spaulding, Butts, Newton, Fayette, Fulton, DcKalb, Pike and Monroe. Feb 2-4 D 11. SANDERS, Attorney at Law, Albany, • Ga. will practise in the counties of Dougherty, Sumter, Lee, Randolph, Calhoun, Early, Baker, Deca tur and Worth. Jan 1 ly T. PERKINS, Attorney at Law, Grcenes • boro, Ga. will practice in the counties of Greene, Morgan, l’utnam, Oglethorpe, Taliaferro, Hancock, Wilkes and Warren. Feb Tv PHILLIP B-'kOIIINSON, Attorney at Law. Greenesboro, Ga. will practice in the conn tics of Greene Morgan, Putnam, Oglethorpe, Taliafer ro, Hancock, Wilkes and Warren. July 5, ’s(i-lv TAMES BROWN, Attorney at Law, Fancy Hill, Murray Cos. Ga. April 30, 1807. SIBLEY, BOGGS & CO. —WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HEALERS IN— Choice Family Groceries, Cigars, &c. 276 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. Feb 18,1858 11 — = —— Mo Wo Warehouse & Commission Merchant, AI OIJSTA, CiA. <%sr- (CONTINUES the business in all its m HH branches, in his large and commodi ous Fire-Proof Warehouse, on Jackson street, near the Globe Hotel. Orders for Goods, &c. promptly and carefully filled. The usual cash facilities afforded customers. July 2-2 6m ■'22M3KBfc JEM'S# Warehouse & Commission Merchants, AUTOUSTA, aA. TTAVING entered into a ep-part- M <S> £'|S -LJship for the purpose of carrying on the Storage ana Commission .lhusine** it all of itsbranches, respectfully solicit con signments of Cotton and other produce; also orders for Hashing, Hope and family supplies. Their strict, per sonal attention will be given to the business. All the facilities due from factors to patrons shall be granted with a liberal hand. HEARD, WM. C. DERRY. July 22d, 1858. 2&123 & pOTWi WILL continue the WAREHOUSE and COM MISSION BUSINESS at their old stand on Jackson street. Will devote their personal attention to the Storage and sule'ol Cotton, Bacon, Grain, &e. Liberal cash advances made when required ; and all orders for Family Supplies, Bagging, Rope, &c. tided at the lowest market price. - JOHN C. KEES. [Aug T2I _ SAM LD. I.INTON. rOULLAIN, JENNINGS & GO. GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS, Opposite the Globe Hotel, Augusta, Georgia. CONTINUE, as heretofore, in connection with their Grocery Business, to attend to the sale ol j COTTON and other produce. I They will be prepared tn the Brick 1 1 rep roof Ware- t liouse, now in process of erection in the Iront of their store, at the intersection ol Jackson and Reynold streets, j to receive on storage all consignments made them. , Liberal cash advances made on l’™huse in store, j when requested. ENNI.NGS, j Aug 19—6 m ISAIAH PURSE. WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. j TIIE undersigned, thankful for the liberal pa- ; tronaga extended to him for a series of years, wouid inform his friends and the public that he will continue j at his same well known Brick Warehouse on Campbell , A street, near Bones, Brown & Co’s. Hardware House, j where, by strict personal attention to all business en trusted to his care, he hopes he will receive a share ol the public patronage, Cash Advances, Bagging, Rope and 1- amity Supplies, will be forwarded to customers as heretofore, when de nted. Ga, Aug 19-6 m rjARRETT WOODIJAM offers himself to the * _ voters of Greene county, for the office of Tax Re ceiver, at the election in January next. lOFIN H. SN EL LINGS offers himself to the vo tors of Greene county, t s a candidate for the office of Tax Collector, at the election in January next. V M. JONES offers himself to the voters of • Greene county, us a candidate for the office ot Tax Collector, at the election in January next. HEX RY WEAVER offers himself to the voters of Greene county, as a candidate for the office ot Tax Receiver, at the election in January next. WE are authorized to announce the name of JOEL C. BARNET I\ Esq. of Madison, Ga. as candidate for Solicitor General of the Ocmulgce Circuit. ■••1 ‘lie first Monday in January next. r P IIGBE INDEBTED to the firm of McWhorter *- & Armstrong, arc bereby notified that their notes and accounts MUST be settled by the first of December. Longer delay will subject all such to the mortification of a Visit front the proper officer. Pear in mind, friends, we are compelled lo have the money. Sept 16—2 m ‘ McW. &. A. A Classical Teacher Wanted fpo take charge of PINE GROVE ACADEMY, . near Double Welis, Warren county. Apply to either of the undersigned. WILLIAM B. BARKSDALE, MANNXM JONES, EDWIN BAKER. JOHN H. HUBERT, JOHN HEATH, Aug 26 M. H. HUBERT. \ 30 000 BRICKS WANTED. PROPOSALS will he received until Ist September, by the undersigned, for the delivery to them, in Penfield, of 130,000 bricks, on or before the loth of No vember next, flood clay can be had within a quarter of a mile of the place of delivery. H. H. TUCKER, J. E. WILLET, W. B. SEALS, Penfield, Green Cos. Ga. N. M. CRAWFORD. Aug. 12, 1858 PLANTATION FOR SALK. T'MIL subscriber offers for sale Eleven Hundred acres of hind lying on tire waters of Little River, adjoining lands of i lie estate of A. Jones, deceased, and D. C. Barrow. There arc between three and four hun dred acres in the woods, and upwards of one hundred acres river and branch land. There is on the plantation a pretty good dwelling house, with gin house and other outhouses. Any person wishing to see the land can have an op portunity by calling on the subscriber at Woodstock or W. D. I’itta;d of Oglethorpe county, Ga. L said land is not sold privately, it will be offered at public sale, in Greenesboro. on the iirst Tuesday of No veinber next. JOHN W. REID. Philomath, Aug 2(> ~ SELLINtfOFF AT C 0 >T! The subscriber, with a view to closing his busi ness, is now offering his entire stock of me;'- chandise at cost. Anyone in want of a bargain, ei ther in Dry Goods, Dicss Goods, Ready-made Cloth ing, flats Caps, Boots,Shoes, Drugs,’ Medicines,Crock ery, Hollow and Willow Wares, &e. f &c., will do well to cal! and examine my Stock, before purchasing. Pcnlicld, Aug. 5 WM. 13. SEALS. IT Y the subscriber, on Saturday last, [l4th J Inst.] between Shiloh and Bairdstown, a yellow steel-rimmed Pocket Book of ordinary size, containing §33 and a few cents. Any information respecting it wifi be thankfully received, and the tinder liberally rewarded. ITrOOM & NORRELL, AT TOl S PA, GEORGIA, ARE now purchasing one of the largest and LX. most elegant stocks of Fall anti Winter 1) U Y GOODS that will be brought to this market, litis season, which will be bought under circumstances that will guarantee the purchase upon the very best terms, and will there fore enable us to sell them at such Unprecedentodly Low Prices that they cannot be undersold, and will DEFY ALL COMPETITION, AS TO QUALITY, STYLE AND PRICE. And as our rule oi business is, AND NO m ** 22 55.11: muz DEVIATION, no one will pay over market price, us the rule forces the seller to ask the lowest market price, and protects the buyer. Therefore, If you wish goods at low prices, Go to BROOME & NORRELL’S. If you like fair and open dealing, Go to BROOME & NORRELL’S. If you dislike a dozen prices for the same article, and mOu one i>nu% B ROOME&NORRELL’S. If you don’t like to be “ bailed ” one article, and pay doubly on another, „ „ T ,r. Go to BROOME & N ORRELL’S. In fact, if you wish to buy cheap goods get good value for your money, and trade where you like to deal, and be pleased to see your friends, Go to BROOME & NORRELL’S ONE PRICE STORE! ! August 2, 1858 TIIE firm of COE & LATIMER is this day dis solved by mutual consent. 11. A. COE, Grcenesboro, May Ist, 1858 J. S. LATIMER. The practice will be continued by svho will visit Oxford, Penfield, White Plains, Mount Zion, Warren ton, Elberton, Danielsville Fort Lamar, ot which due notice will he given intlie Crusader and Gazelle. Permanent office in J. CTJNAINGIFA3CS BLOCK , anEE NE S 80110. May 13, 1858 tjanl Good Women. vr.OM BUTixr.’s “two millions.” Such have there ever been, Since human grief has hallowed human sin— The patient, loving Women! As they climb, With bleeding feet, the flinty cras of Time— Not for the praise of man, or earth's renown, •--- They bear the cross and wear tiie martyr’s crown. Though Queenly medal stamped with Royal Heads, Their humble toil to endless honor weds; Though, like a bow of Hope, their fame is bent From side to sido oi each broad Continent; And pictured volume, with its tinted page, Bears their meek feat ures to the coming Age ; A higher joy tlieir gentle spirits reap, Where, all unknown, their silent watch they keep, Far from the echo of the world’s applause, Through sultry noon, or midnight’s dreary pause, Where 3 helpless infants gasp their parting breath, Cradled in Sorrow, and baptized in Death, Or strong men tossing, with delirious lips, In fever tempests and the mind’s eclipse, Pluimc through the starlossstoriii,like lounderingships, Or old a ,r c shrinking from the tyrant’s clutch, Feels, through the darkness, for their tender touch, Watching and waiting till the rising morn Shall greet their sainty faces, pale and worn With the long vigil, us they steal away, Through the darkened chambers at the dawn oi day, Unloose the casement to the early a>r, Hail its pure radiance with their purer prayer, Drink in fresh courage with its quickening brcuih* Then shut the sunlight from the bed of Death ; But bear serenely to the sufferer s side A blighter beauty than the morning tide— I Faith’s golden dawning, winch, irom heights above, ! Transfigures Toil to Joy! Duty to Love! i No eye beholding, save their risen Lord s. j Who sees in secrets, but in sight rewards! Tlieir fairest earthly crown the wreath that twines, j Not round loud Platforms, or proud Senate Domes; But those pure Altars—those perpetual Shrines, I Which grace and gladden all our Sayon Homes! THE ADOPTED ORGAN OF ALE THE TEMPERANCE ORGANIZATIONS IN THE STATE. PENFIELD, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1 8 58. vYL SPAETM Em? 3 b Y MRS. M. E. BRYAN. REST. BY MARY K. 1 RYAN. The weary winds that alt day long Have wandered ceaselessly, Have rocked themselves to rest at last In the Acacia tree. The sea, that lay and teebiy moaned, Like those that watch and weep, Has ceased to heave with troubled’sMi.c, And sobbed itself lo sleep. ° Tne day—-the faint and tired day— Sick of its life and light, Is dying peacefully at last In the cool arms of night. Ah me ! that soulless things like these .Should know the boon ot test, And not one numbing silence lay Its finger on my breast. Ah me ! that on this hour of calm, When day and nature part, The only restless thing should be One tortured human heart. It is a dreary thing to feel The light of life has fled; To seek to waken slumbering joy, And find it cold and dead. A dreary thing to sit and count A rosary ot tears. And ask, with troubled questionin° r , Some hope from future years; To press the hand on the live pain Thai writhes within the brest. And know that never night or time Can bring the joy of rest. Thomasville. NIOHT and morning. AN ALLEGORY. BY MARY E. BRYAN. THE Morning, half in shadow, stole down the mountain, whose summit her jeweled sandals had tinged with paly purple, and as she wandered slowly down, painting the snowy convolvulus blos soms with her milk-white fingers, lighting tiny lamps in every dew-drop, and shaking out her singing larks from the mountain laurels, she es pied the night in a mantle ot mist, gliding away through the shades of tiie valley. And she called to her, in a voice that sounded like a chorus of thrushes, through the groves: “ Why do you alwa3's fly at my approach, oh ! dark-eyed elder sister ? Long ages I have walked in your footsteps; I have heard the rustling of your sombre robes as you glided away; I have seen, from the hill-top, the trembling of your dusky plumes, and watched the one pale lamp that you leave burning alone, of the many j'ou hang around your vaulted chamber; but I have never looked upon your face ; never heard your voice, oh! mystic sister. Stay, now, but one mo ment, I beseech you. Tell me of your strange secrets, oh! Night, and why it is that you weep the tears I find upon my flowers.” And the Night paused, and drawing her veil yet more closely round her, she sat down in the ahd'lTio young Morning threw'herself oti a bed of fragrant thyme and lifted her bright face to the stately figure, while the dark-browed sybil spoke: “ What would you with mo, fair sister ?” asked the Night, and her voice sounded like the mel ancholy wind among the palms, or the lament of the nightingale over the dying roses of 1 empe. “ I would that you tell me ot the things I can not learn of men, eldest bom sister. \ou bold the key to the mighty mysteries of creation ; von alone, of earthly things, can judge of the end by the beginning. Your arms cradled the young Earth ere star-beam or blossom had brightened it, and you have talked with Time ere the sun was lit, or the morning stars sang together. “Iltisli!” said the pale sister; “you know not what you ask. God’s finger has placed an eter nal seal upon my lips, and 11 is mysteries may never fce revealed It is true, that I was with Him at the beginning, when lie wrought in silence and in darkness ere your blue eyes opened with j the sun. I saw the earth, as it rose layer by lay er, i beneath Ilis plastic hands. I was with Him when lie walled in its central furnace with eternal rock, j and traced its veins of gold with Ilis creative fin- j ger. I know where are hidden its coffers of gems j and precious ore, and where the pearli lie, thick as white rose leaves, fathoms deep beneath the sea. I saw Him when He laid His hand upon the heart of Earth and listened to its first beat ings ; and for the ages that I reigned alone with Chaos, and for those that followed, when the mutterings of a primeval ocean were the only sounds that smote upon the ear of my sister Si lence, I knew that God’s spirit was at work, si lently and surely developing Earth into the great, bright, useful thing it is—a fit dwelling for man —the crowning work of his creation. Hut I may not tell thee the secrets of the great Architect, nor the manner of his workmanship, nor yet the mysteries of that time. ’ “Strange sister!” said the bright Morning, with a shadow on her sunny brow, “ You have pon dered so long upon the memories of that olden time, and walked with spirits and listened to sad voices until you have grown dreamy and melan choly. Would l could share with you the life, the energy, the busy bustle and gayety of my reign.” “I am content,” said the stately Night. “We j have both our missions, and if my handmaid, Sleep, laid not her spell of rest and forgetfulness j upon the brain and muscle of your tired workers, i where would be the energy and industry you boast of? Aye, and I, too, have my exalted of. fiee. It is mine to inspire the noblest deeds that have brightened your reign. My deep warnings have startled the soul of infidelity ; nay whispered oracles have awakened lofty thoughts in the minds of men; lonely, Genius watches with me j and gathers strength and power from my teach ings, and learns from me the great thoughts that dazzle and perplex the multitude. Plato was my pupil, and to the watchful souls of Milton and Dante, I whispered the mysteries of things not seen. What if I steal the rose from the student’s cheek ? I light the fires of knowledge in his deep eye, and give him that which is worth a thousand fold—the brief heritage of earthly beauty. And I have other mysteries than these. There was a time—but I will not speak of this to thee.” “Go on,” said the Morning, eagerly. “ The hunter marvels that my roseate fingers do not part the vino leaves at his chalet window, and the blue eyes of the violets look for me in vain ; for’there is a charm in thy words, dark sister. Go on, I pray thee; thou wast telling of some by gone time.” “It was long ago,” said the other, “and thy working day world terms it now the age of super stition and the followers of the mystic brother- hood—dreamers; but believe me, those sleepless enthusiasts drew nearer to the holy of holies —of spiritual truth —than common mortals deemed. Solitude, self-denial, watchful vigils, lone fast ings and earnest, patient looking away into the shadowy land that lies beyond the things of sense, had made thin the veil drawn between physical and spiritual things. But the order of the Ros ecrusians is now but a name and a memory, and tlio spirits with whom they held communion have fled back to their abodes again.” “ But art thou never lonely,” asked the Morn ing. “There is such a gentle sadness on thy brow and in thy voice.” “Nay,” said the Night. “I commune with spirits, and the stars are my companions; and then, my sister, the sweet, serious moon cheers me with her pensive smile. And God has given me ft bird and a flower. Even j-our busy mortals watch and wait to see the opening of my Cereus, with its starry beauty; and only poets can de scribe the sweetness of the-nightingale’s song in the night time.” “ But thou weepest, I know thou dost, for I find thy tears on every spray.” “ Aye,” stud the Night; “ I weep, but not from loneliness. At nay coming I find the air heavy with blasphemings, impure with revilings and hot with words of wrath and bitterness. And I look in upon the slumbers of mortals and behold their restless tossings and hear their troubled sighs and mutterings, and see the dark dreams that hover round them, and the cloud that, even in sleep, rests upon the brows, God has stamped with Ilis own image. And I weep for this, and I mind me of an hour most memorable in my long life of centuries, when, in a lonely garden in that land which men call ‘holy,’ the incarnate Saviour wept tears of blood, as he wrestled in agonized prayer and kept with me a fearful vigil through the hours of darkness and trial that preluded the crucifixion. And you, oh! light hearted sister, remember what followed; how you fled affrighted from the face of Earth ; and it wa3 I who stood beside the cross on that hour of dread, and threw my pall of darkness over the scene and over the features of sacrificed Deity. Ah! there was no solitude then; for the angel of God walked be side me, and his footsteps shook the earth to its foundations and startled the dead from their rest ing places, while the earthquakes were aroused in their hollow lairs and opened their hungry lips with ominous mutterings. This is why I weep, fair sister; for. 1 know the boundless love of God tor His sinful creatures, and how regardless they are of the arm of Mercy that enfolds them. Dost blamo me for my tears ?” “I said not so,” replied the fair haired maiden. ‘But why is it that 1, too, do not weep? I, a-s well as thou, beholdest the impiety and ingrati tude ol men and their consequent misery, and yet it moves me not to tears.” “ is that thou art younger and full of thought less jovousness, sunny hearted sister; and then thou dost not love Earth and her children as J Hr ne?'eftilieai lUiMirej: -*▼ o.vuv ■ ./wiitov g-irvrr to my charge centuries ere her voice, now so va lued, had learned its faintest lispings? And J shall never desert her. There shall come a time, fairest, when your bright eyes shall close forever; for the end conieth, and God has said that in the world beyond, there is neither night nor day. So thou and all things else must perish when that day of wrath shall sweep all light and life and beauty from the face of earth, leaving it to roll a seared and blackened ruin through space forever. Bird or blossom shall cheer it never more, nor sunbeam brighten its desolation. The light tread of breeze or silvery rain shall not visit that dark ened orb, and life shall no more awaken its voice less echoes, hut I will watch over it still. It shall he mine to the last. I loved it ere its fair brow knew the stain of blood or tears, and should I forsake it in its shame and desolation? Eye of wandering angel or of evil spirit shall not behold its ruin, for my shroud of blackness shall envel ope it forever.” And as she spoke the stately form of Night and the Pythoness beauty of her inspired face grew indistinct and shadowy, and she glided away with the mists that lose from the valley. The Morning arose and shook out her bright plumage, and the birds that had marveled at her long de lay welcomed her with tuneful greetings, and the yc ung violets looked up with the tears of Night trembling in their blue eyes. ALMANACS. EVERYBODY buys almanacs. Newsboys re tell them by the armful, and the counters of village and country stores are heaped on New Year’s morning with these popular little pam phlets, “which not e’en critics criticise.” They find a place in the homes of rich and poor, and your real, old-fashioned country farm liouse would look as odd without its almanac hanging from the accustomed nail above the mantle shelf, as if the old family Bible itself were missing from its place on the polished stand beside the. win dow. Almanacs there arc of all descriptions—me li cal, comical, religious, agricultural, poetical, pic torial, political and literary; and twenty minutes or so can be very pleasantly beguiled by turning | over the motley collect ion in the shop window any J time during the first week in new year. A tol- j erably correct idea of the character of a house hold may be had by observing the kind of alma nac they choose. Jolly farmer Bluff, who has a baker’s dozen of bouncing boys and girls, buys a comic almanac, whose ludicrous pictures and funny anecdotes furnish the little ones and their simple-hearted parents with food for merriment the whole twelve months round. The caricature 1 pictures are copied on school slates, the droll i faces imitated for baby’s benefit, and ten to one, farmer Bluff does not tell that good joke on the fourth page over the next Christmas turkey, and laugh over it for the hundredth time. Your aunt Mary, who reads every “.Doctors book” published, and consequently imagines hei self a victim alternately to every disease therein described, takes a medical almanac (with a tri umphant “ Eureka” on the cover, under a wood cut engraving of an angel giving a bottle of sars aparilla to a benevolent looking gentleman) and buys all the patent nostrums it recommends. Deacon Wright will only purchase a religious al manac, and his meek, blue-eyed little daughters learn the commandments the new way they are taught there, read about the martyrs and the “ last words of great men,” and “get by heart” the pretty hymns and sacred ballads it contains. A perfect encyclopedia, in its small way, is the Family Almanac. It gives you recipes for the manufacture of numberless dainties, cures for the ailments of man and beast, choice little gems of poetry—some of them set to exquisite musi<|— k£°„V“7' Jl ‘-formation, r.oy anecdotes, .par -7° r ’ t ’ U, ’ Si>n ' l [l, head, 011 ) ollg „; ntOT n . , md iXXT* In soct ’ ° ddß “” d Ami ending wirh some precept deep tor dressing eels or shoeing horses.” We have all laughed over- that admirably drawn picture in the Southern Matron of Mr Bates the Yankee .Schoolmaster, consulting the almanac as an infallible oracle and unfailing repository of wisdom ; but many of us, on some rainy day of seemingly interminable length, after yawning re peatedly over a proy volume, havo thrown it aside, and for want of something better to do, reached down the almanac and soon became un consciously interested in its heterogeneous con tents. Almanacs of somo kind are in use in all civi lized countries; but it is in France that they form a peculiar and distinctive kind of literature. There are calendars for the higher classes, hut it is for the canaille and the peasantry that the almanac is chiefly published; for the “ people” whom Beranger sung and who loved him and wept honest tears at his death. This class (espe cially the rural provincials) are as entirely dis tinct from the bcctri -monele. as if they were a differ ent order of beings, and their reading is of a to tally dissimilar character. The books that circu late through the peasant homes of France are never translated into our language. They are not printed in regular publishing establishments, nor sold in the customary orthodox manner, but are hawked about by unlicensed colporteurs. In this manner ten millions of cheap publications annually circulate through France, chiefly among its rural population, and as there is a large por tion of these that retain in a singular degree, all their primitive provincial habits, superstitions and prejudices, so the literature addressed to these continues to exhibit the same peculiarities of style, the same rude wood cuts and coarse su perstitions that distinguished it three centuries j ago. Remarkable and isolated example of im mobility in tlio midst of the constant improve ment and advancement of successive ages! Louis Napoleon, with his characteristic energy and far-seeing policy, ordered this “ Iftleraiure da Colportage ” to be examined by a committee ap pointed bv the Minister of Police. (Wo say policy, for muzzling the press is a well known feature of the shrewd French Emperor’s administration, and a large proportion of these books were alma nacs, with the dangerous political titles of Red, Republican, Constitutional.) 7.500 books, with out the stamp of authorization, were soon laid be foro the Examining Committee, and some curi ous facts were brought to light. Os these books, M. Nisard enumerates more than one hundred differ ent funds of almanacs, “ the names of which would form a study in themselves.” Their principal feature, however, was the astrological department, containing predictions, interpretations of dreams apd .Pretended iiuijg.tinna inln tlia ■ reyn-Iw ~p£~ lnetory gives us at the almanac, was ot one pub- lished in France by AVynkin da Worde, in 149 J. called the “Shepherd’s Kalendar.” The same kind of almanac is in existence now, issued for the benefit of the now reading public, and very little altered from its first edition, more than three centuries ago. It is a complete curiosity, for the information is conveyed, not by words or letters, “but by symbols ami pictorial represen tations.” A review of M. Nisard’s “ Ltiteratarc da Cdporlagc ” thus describes this curious almanac, which, my readers will remember, if? for the use of those unable to read : “ The days of the month arc represented by the symbol, or tlie portrait of the Saint of the day, and the information regarding each day is com municated in the form of some natural or- con ventional emblem. Thus, the phases of the moon are indicated by circles, crescents, reversed cres cents, obliques crescents, Ac. Sundays are marked by a cross; working days, by a tri-angle. Days fa vorable for the operation of bleeding, are regis tered by a star; days favorable for cupping, by a rude cupping glass; days when we may safely take pills, by a circle with diameters intersecting at right-angels. If the hair may he cut, you soo a pair of scissors ; if the nails may bo pared, a hand. Safe days for operating on tlio eyes, are shown by an eye; days for agricultural labor, by a hoe; for cutting trees, by a hatcuet; and so on for the other prescriptions or representations. M. E. B. PSYCHOLOGY. ART and science, both intellectual and physi. cal, have seemingly reached the ne plus ultra of their progress. In each, there appears no un known region to explore; no path that has not been worn by the tread of feet that have gone before. The science of mechanics has apparently reached its perfection. Machinery has been ap plied to almost every conoeivable purpose, and if the old philosopher’s dream of perpetual motion has not been realized, modern inventions have approached sufficiently near it for all purposes of practical utility. As regards the fine arts of painting and sculpture, human ingenuity can do no more than faithfully copy nature, and no fu ture genius may hope to rival the models left, them by their predecessors. Astronomy, physio’.ogy and the other natural sciences, even the comparatively modern one of geology, have apparently advanced as far as man’s limited scope will permit, (their researches ex tending to the misty realm of ideal speculation,) and the laws that govern matter have been traced as far as the impassable barrier, the “ thus far i and no farther” of the Creator. True, the followers in the footsteps of those ) who have made plain the path, may find by the | wayside a few flowers that have been passed bj unuoticed; but can the discovery of a star that has eluded tho telescopic eye; of a fossil that has been overlooked in tho researches of other geolo- gists, or of a plant that has escaped the diligent student of the book of nature ? Can such paltry discoveries as these content tho bold, active, as piring intellect when the past furnishes it such brilliant examples? What, then ! Shall the restless mind of man ’ eease its onward-progress, or retrace paths already explored? This is simply impossible. Thought, like light, must travel; but there is anew world for tire adventurer who is wearied of old things. Its explorers have as yet but touched its mist shrouded shores and returned with Btrango re ports, as did the Columbus of the material world. And they, like him, have found many to sneer, many to disbelieve, many to discourage; but suph i obstacles only retard, not check, the progress of truth. Intellectual and physical knowledge are indeed seemingly in their highest stages of development ; but ouy nature is three-fold, as are EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. our relations with the outer world, namely: phys ical, intellectual and psychical. Psychology is yet in its infancy, and even its teachers, seeing “ through a glass darkly,” behold “ men as trees walking.” The mists of error and ignorance still hang over this new world of knowledge, but they shall clear away ere the noontime. Mesmerism and magnetism are not chimeras of the brain, but realities that will yet be reduced, to simple sciences. All the unimagined strength of that ‘vonderiul thing—tha human will, and all the untathomed powers of that subtle essence which, though impalpable and invisible, yet, acti stiangdy on material things—are yet to be devel oped and applied to useful ends. There is a temple filled with Eleusian myst-e ----nes, and as yet, human footstep has scarcely passed its vestibule. Even spiritualism—vague ant grotesque as it is—may be but the exagera ted shadow that precedes a reality. Not that we >o ie\e these so called “manifestations” proceed 10m supernatural agency, but there is some truth >n a things; and beneath all this rubbish of jug ° of falsehood and crude deductions—may t iere not be hidden the germ of a useful, but as yet udeveloped, science? Asa mere matter of unous speculation, it is interesting to watch this “ e ” tendency of the age, and mark how these iou ed inquiries into spiritual things—these grasping, at tt lo unsubstantial shadow—these Y3.gUO f leoiies and this unsatisfied turning away from the outer world to look into that within— denote the dawning or anew era in knowledge, otton ll ]* 1 1’ hi by dubious glimmerings and attended by mists and shadows, but the perfect ay breaketh and the darkness of error flees away. Lv ery science lias had its night time and its sha dow-fraught morning. Alchemy preceded chem istry ; Galileo died a prisoner to the Inquisition for daring to say of tlio earth that “ it doss move;” Harvey was sneered at as a crazy enthusiast, for seeking to demonstrate the circulation of the blood; (the foundation of all medical science;) and the discoverers of mesmerism, unlearned a3 they were, and ignorant of the nature and power of that science whose key they had found, were burned for witchcraft by the bigoted people of the age. For all will admit that the famous sor ceries of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, which have found a place in history and in the Commentaries of the great English Jurist, had. for their only foundation—a first principle of psychology—the influence of one human spirit over another. Wo cannot now conjecture the extent of power of mind over mind, or reason upon the ca pacities of this potent and mysterious essence. But now, that thought has beon awakened and turned into this new channel, and investigation is industriously at work, we may hope that erelong marvelous discoveries will bo the result. Proba bly it will lie demonstrated that those spiritual “ manifestations” are but psychological phenom ena—the subtle and intangible principle of life operating upon outer things through its urmna.,, er. • • T - - V ‘ ‘ At any rate, the tendency of this new impulse of the age is, to lead the mind away from the too absorbing pursuit of practical things and cause it to look within and think more seriously con cerning the nature of the higher and more im portant, because immortal, part of our being. M. E. B. HO.V. GEORGE A. GORDON'S ADDRESS. The neatly printed pamphlet containing this Address, delivered at the late Commencement of Franklin College, before the Phi Kappa and Demosthenian Societies of the University of Geor gia, has been for the last week upon our table. It has amply repaid us for its perusal, and richly deserves the complimentary manner in which it is alluded to by the committee appointed to so licit it for publication—an act, we learn, for which the ” history of tho'two Societies furnishes no pro cedent.” The Address of Mr. Gordon exhibits, through out, a polished eloquence and purity of style which proves that the orator has not unsuccess fully adopted, as his model, our modern Cicero— Edward Everett —whom ho so gracefully eulogizes, and whose talents he so warmly admires. M. E. B. FEMALE DRESS. It is well known that a loose and easy dress contributes much to give the sex the fine propor tions of body that are observable in the Grecian statues, and which serve as models to our present artists, nature being too much disfigured among us to afford any such. The Greeks knew nothing of those Gothic shackles, that multiplicity of lig atures and bandages with which our bodies are oompressed. Their women were ignorant of the use of whalebone-stays, by which ours distort their shape, instead of displaying it. This prac tice, carried to so great an excess as it is in Amer* ica, must, in time, degenerate the species, and is an instance of bad taste. Can it be a pleasant sight to behold a woman cut in two in the mid die, as it were, like a wasp? On the contrary, it is as shocking to tho eye as it is painful to the imagination. A fine shape, like the limb, hath itsdue size and proportion, a diminution of whieh iscerta inly a defect. Such a deformity, also, would bo shocking in a naked figure; wherefore, then, should it be esteemed a beauty in one that is dressed ? Everything that confines and lays nature under restraint is an instance of bad taste # This is as true in regard to the ornaments of the body as to the embellishments of the mind. Life, health, reason and convenience ought to bo taken first into consideration. Gracefulness can not subsist without ease; delicacy is not debility, nor must a woman be sick in order to please. Mrs. L. Virginia French. How to Remove Stains from Floors. —For re moving spots of grease from boards, take equal parts of fuller’s earth and pearlash, a quarter of a pound of each, and boil in a quart of soft water, and, while hot, lay it on the greased parts, allow ing it to remain on them for ten or twelve hours; after which, it may be scoured off with sand and water. A floor much spotted with grease should be completely washed over with this mixture the day before it is scoured. Fuller’s earth or ox gall boiled together, form a very powerful cleans ing mixture for floors or carpets. Stains of ink are removed by strong vinegar, or salts of lemon will remove thorn. Du. Adiel A. Cooley, the inventor of friction matches, died at Hartford, Connecticut, on tee 18th ultimo, aged seventy-six. 1 his is the simple announcement which the papers bring us of the death of an inventor whose genius has probably conduced as much to the convenience of his fal low-men as that of any other inventor. VOL, XXIV. NUMBER 37