The Georgia temperance crusader. (Penfield, Ga.) 1858-18??, October 07, 1858, Image 1

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JOHN 11. SEALS, NEW SERIES, VOLUME 111. O'THE OKOntUA'O TEMPERANCE CRUSADER. - lUiblished ovoity Thursday in the year, except two I’EKJIS: Tw o Dollars per year, in advance. JOHN H. SKAI4 Bolb PaOntu.TOK. UOXEt 1.. VKAZKY, Editor Litcu.vrt Dkpartmcn r. 51US 31. I'. KKY'A.N', Editress. A. REYNOLDS, Pljilmiep., <S>lEauUs> Ci.rss or Ten N.vmes, by sending itie Cash, will receive the paper at .... slsoscopy. C'w’bs.op Five Names, at 180 “ I Any person sending us Five new subscribers, inclo- | sing the money, sliaii receive an extra copy one year : tree of cost. ADVERTISING DIRECTORY: * Bates of Advertising : 1 square, (twelve lines or loss,) first insertion, $1 00 “ Each continuance, 50 Professional or Business Cords, not exceeding six lines, per year, 5 00 i Announcing Candidates for Office, 3 00 j Standing Advertisements: j Advertisements not marked with the number oi j insertions, will be continued untii forbid, and charged j accordingly. jSßß'Merchants, Druggists and others, may contract ! far advertising by the year on reasonable terms. Legal Advertisements: Sale of Land or Negroes, by Administrators, Ex ecutors and Guardians, per square, 5 00 Sale of Personal Property, by Administrators. Ex ecutors and Guardians, per square, 3 25 Notice to Debtors and Creditors, 3 25 Notice for Leave to Sell, _ t 00 Citation for Letters of Administration, 2 75 Citation for Letters of Dismission from Adni’n, 500 Citation for Letters of Dismission from Guard’p, 325 Legal Requirements: Hales of Land and Negroes by Administrators, Exec- j utors or Guardians, arc required, by law, to be held on j the First Tuesday in the month, between the hours 01 j ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-house door of the county in which the property is | situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a pub 1 lie Gazette, forty days previous to the day of sale. Notices for the sale of Personal Property must be given ! at least ten days previous to the day of sale. Notices to Debtors and Creditors of an estate, must | be published forty day*. Notice that application will be made to the Court 01 1 Ofdinary, for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be pub lished weekly for two months. Citations tor Letters of Administration, must be pub- j Fished thirty days —for Dismission front Administration monthly, six months —for Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly, for four months —tor compelling titles from Ex ecutors or Administrators, where a bond has been issued by the deceused, the full, space of three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise or dered. (f'/te oZ/fomey 4 QjitecJciy, KING & JLEWIS, Attorneys at Law, Greenes- j boro, Ga. The undersigned, having associated themselves togother in the practice of law, wifi uXcnd to all business intrusted to their care, with that prompt ness and efficiency which long experience, united with industry, can secure. Offices at Grecnesboro and live miles west of White Plains, Greene county, Ga. „v. r. kino. July 1, 185S. at. w. lewis. WHIT G. JOHNSON, Attorney at Law, j v Augusta, Ga. will promptly attend loall business j intrusted to his professional management in Richmond j and the adjoining counties. Office, on Mclntosh street, j three doors below Constitutionalist office. .Reference —Thus. It. It, Cobb, Athens, Ga. June lily Roger l. whkgham, Louisville, -Tcf ferson county, Georgia, will give prompt attention to any business intrusted to his care, in the following vouiuies: Jefferson,Burko,Richmond,Columbia, War ren, Washington, Emanuel, Montgomery, Till nail and Scrivcn. April 26, 18>6 tt LEONARD T. DOYAL, Attorney at Law, McDonough, Henry county, Ga. will practice Law in tlio following counties: Henry. Spaulding, Ilutts, Newton, Fayette, Fulton, Dekalb, Pike and Monroe. Feb 2-4 _ _ DH. SAN DESKS, Attorney at Law, Albany, • Ga. will practise in the couutics of Dougherty, Sumter, Lee, Randolph, Calhoun, Early, Baker, Dcea ur and AVorth. Jan J ly HT. PERKINS, Attorney at Law, Greenes * boro, Ga. will practice in the counties ol Greene, Morgan, Putnam, Oglethorpe, Taliaferro, Hancock, Wilkes and Warren. Feb ly PHILLIP lb ROBINSON, Attorney at Law. Groenesboro, Ga. will practice in the couu itlca of Greene Morgan, Putnam, Oglethorpe, Taliafer ro, Hancock, Wilkes and Warren. July 5, ’56-1 v JAMES BBOAA-.Y, Attorney at Law, Fancy Hill, Murray Cos. Ga. April 30, 1857. SIBLEY, BOGGS & CO. —WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX— Choice Family Groceries, Cigars, &c, 276 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. Feb 18, 1858 11 afg iPo Warehouse & Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GA. /CONTINUES the business in all its j fp <> ij|| V> branches, in his large and coniinodi- j oue Fire-Proof Warehouse, oil Jackson • e^aaii—street, near the Globe Hotel. j Orders for Goods, <Slc. promptly and carefully tilled.* j The usual cash facilities afforded customers. July 22 6111* Warehouse & Commission Merchants} AUGUSTA, GA. w- TT A VING entered into a co-part m. O -Unship for the purpose of carrying on the Storage and Commission Business in * a ]j e s its branches, respectfully solicit con signments of Cotton and other produce; also orders for Bagging, Rope and family supplies. Their strict, per sonal attention will be given to the business. All the facilities due from factors to patrons shall be *ranted with a liberal hand. c ISAAC T. HEARD, WM. C. DERRY. July 22d, 1858. - ‘"shm* mnr WILL continue the WAREHOUSE and COM MISSION BUSINESS at their old stand on Jackson street. Will devote their personal attention to “the Storage and sale of Cotton, Bacon, Grain, &c. Liberal cash advances made when required ; and all .orders for Family Supplies, Bagging, Rope, &c. tilled -at the lowest market price. JOHN C. REES. [Aug 12] SAm’l D. LINTON. POULLATn, JENNINGS & CO. GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS, Opposite tlio Olobc Hold, Augusta, Georgia. CONTINUE, as heretofore, in connection with their Grocery Business, to attend to the sale ol COTTON and other produce. They will be prepared in the Brick fireproof VV are house now in process of erection in the front oi their store at the intersection of Jackson and Reynold streets, to reccivo on storago all consignments mado them. Liberal cash advances made on Prodace m store, , when requested. j. JENNINGS, Aug 19 —6m ISAIAH PURSE. k WAREHOUSE AID COMMISSION MERCHANT. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, undersigned, thankful lor the liberal pa- J , ronage extended to him for a senes of years, would ‘[ uif friends and the public that he will continue ; hisUrno well known Brick Warehouse on Campbell ree* near Ilones, Brown A Co’s. Hardware House, where by strict personal attention to al business en trusted Shi. care, he hopes he will receive a share of Ihe public patrofhige. am ] Family Supplies, VhJfcnvardedVo as heretofore, when de- A[bc torn arrtcu cu 0a 196 m CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE. f JARRETT WOODHAM offers himself to the YA voters of Greene county, (or the office of Tux Re ceiver, at the clectiOnin January next. JOHN H. SNELLINGS offers himself to the vo ‘'l'td of Greene county, ts a candidate for the office of Tax Collector, at the election in January next. \r M. JONES offers himself to the voters of A ’ * Greene county, ns a candidate for the office ol lax Collector, at the election in January next. HENRY WEAVER offers himself to the voters of Greene county, as a candidate for the office of i Tax Receiver, at the election in January next. WE are authorized to announce the name of JOEL C. BARNETT, Esq. of Madison, Ga. as candidate for Solicitor General of the Oemulgec Circuit, • ><\ the first Monday in January next. i 11 n ■ ii ■ ■■■_- ■ BREEiYE COUNTY LEGAL NOTICES. GKKKNE SHERIFFS SALES. W'ILL bo gold before the eturt.-lioao door in the city of Urcenra- ] boro, on the MUST TUESDAY in NOVEMBER next, within the j legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit : One liouse and lot in the village of Penficld, whereon f JJ. E. Spencer now lives ; also, a negro woman named j Alary, about forty years old ; also, one pair counter scales : Levied on as the property of B. E. Spencer, to satisfy a fi fa from the Superior Court, in favor of C. C. Norton vs B. E. Spencer und Joseph 11. English. Also, at the same time and place, 6 canc bottom chairs, 6 windeor chairs, 1 bureau, t chests, 2 Reds, ! bedstead and furnitures, 1 wardrobe, I carpet and 1 clock: * Levied on as the property of B. E. Spencer, to satisfy a fi fa from Greene Superior Court, in favor of Scranton, Seymour A Cos. vs B. E. Spencer and Henry English. Property pointed out by Henry English. Aiso, at the same time and place, one negro boy i named Jim, about 22 years old: Levied on as the prop- j orty of Henry English, to satisfy two fi fas from Supe- j rior Court oi said county, one in favor ofScranton, Sey- j mour A Cos. vs B. E. Spencer and Henry English, and one in favor of Scranton, Kolb & Cos. vs said Spencer i and English. I. MORRISON, Sheriff, i Sept 30, 1858 ALSO- AT THE SAME TIME AND PL.ACIA, Two hundred acres of land, more or less, whereon R. A. Xowsoin now lives, adjoining Dr. B. F. Carlton, P. W. Printup and others ; also, two negroes, one a man named Ned, about 55 years old, dark complexion, and a negro woman named Martha, about forty-five years old, of dark complexion: Levied on as the property of Richard A. Newsom, to satisfy sundry fi fas from Greene Su perior and Inferior Courts, in favor of .Tames W. As bury, and other fi fa* in my hands vs Richard A. New som', ‘ ‘ C. C. NORTON, D. S. Sept 30, 1858 PENFIELD STEAM JIILL STOCK £lPcE>ir* WILL BE SOLD before the court house door in Grcenesboro, on the first Tuesday in Novem ber, 36 shares of Penfiold Steam Mill Stock. Sold for the purpose of division among tlio legatees of B. M. Sanders, late of Greene co. deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. CYNTHIA SANDERS, Ex’x. 1 Penficld, Ga. Sept. 30th, 185.8. NEW GOODS! a m I wmmmmmm fz CHEAP! Grcenesboro, Sept. 1858. B. l r . GREENE. THOSE INDEBTED to the firm of McWhorter X. Armstrong, arc hereby notificdtliat their notes and accounts J/ GST he settled by tho first of December. Longer delay will subject all ibich to the mortification of a visit from tlio proper officer. Bear in mind, friends, we are compelled to have the money. .Sept 10 —2m McW. tV A. PLANTATION FOpTsALe! THE subscriber offers for sale Eleven Hundred ; acres of land lying on the waters of Little River, adjoining lands ot the estate of A/Jones, deceased, arid J). C. Barrow. There are between three and four hun dred acres iii die woods, and upwards of ono hundred acres river and branch laud. There is on the plantation a pretty good dwelling- house, with gin house and other outhouses. Any person wishing to sec the bind can have an oj* porlunity by calling on the subscriber at Woodstock or W. D; Pitta;d of Oglethorpe county, Go. if said l:iiid is not sold privately, it will bo offered at : public sale in Grecnesboro, on the first Tuesday of No \ember next. JOHN W. lIEID. Philomath, Aug 2fi BROOM & NORRELL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, A RE now purchasing one of the largest and Ua most elegant stocks ol” Fall and Winter DRYGO'ODS that will be brought to this market this season, which will be bought under circumstances that will guarantee j the purchase upon the very best terms , and will there- ; fore enable ns to sell them at such Unprecedentedly Low Prices that they cannot be undersold, and will DEFY ALL COMPETITION, I AS TJ DUALITY. STYLE AND PRICE. And as our rule of business is, AXD X 0 j OMIH DEVIATION, j no one will pay over market price, as the rut e forces the i seller to ask (he lowest market price , and protects the buyer. 1 Therefore, If vou wish goods at low prices, ‘ Go to BROOME & XORRELL’S. If you like fair and open dealing, Go to BROOME & NORREIJAS. j If you dislike a dozen prices for the same article, and j prefer “ one price,” Go to BROOM E & XORRELL’S. j If you don’t like to be “ baited' ’ one article, und pay j doubly on another, Go to BROOME & NORKELL’S. | In fact, if you wish to buy cheap goods, get good value i for your money, and trade where you like to deal, and ; be pleased to see your friends, Go to BROOME & NORRELL’S ONE PRICE STORE! August 2, 1858 SELLING OFF AT COST! The subscriber, with a view to closing his busi ness, is now ottering his entire stock of mei chandise at cost. Any one in want of a bargain, ei ther in Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Ready-made Cloth ing, Hats Caps, Boots, .Shoes, Drugs, Medicines, Crock- I cry, Hollow und Willow Wares, &.e., &c., will do well to call and examine my Stock, before purchasing. Penficld, Aug. 5 WM. B. SEALS. THE firm of COE & LATIMER is this day dis solved by mutual consent. H. A. COE. Grcenesboro, May Ist, 1858 J. S. LATIMER. The practice will be continued by who will visit Oxford, Penficld, White Plains, Mount Zion, Warren l on, Elberton, Daniclsvillc Fort Lamar, ot which due notice will be given inthe Crusader and Gazette. Permanent office in J. CTJNNINGItA3rS BLOCK, G R E E NE S BORO. May 13,1838 tjanl r|Y ME GEORGIA TEMPERANCE CRUSADER X offers greater inducements to advertisers, we verily believe, than any paper ot the same circula | tion, aijd that ie scarcely exceeded }n Georgia. THE ADOPTED ORGAN OF AI TANARUS, THE TEMPERANCE ORGANIZATIONS IN THE STATE. PENFIELD, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 185 8. - - - BY MRS. AT. E. BRYAN. H UTLYG FOR ME. ST” MiBV E. BUY AN. The gold of the sunset gilds the West ; It is over—the bright, busy day. My pitchfork has tossed on the new mown pile The iast blade of sweet scented hay. The dew of hard, honest labor stains M-v forehead and dampens my hair ; But the mill stream winds just under the hill. And its waters are cool and clear. My buff blouse under the thorn tree hangs; It is clean and neat as cun be. T must Jiostc, for the bees are all hieing borne, And somebody’s waiting for mo. Sister Lois is bustling about at home. Making everything tidy and bright; But she and mother wont miss me there; , , They know where I’m going to-night. , Over the hill the pathway lies, Whose windings so well I know ; Where the aster nods its golden head, And tlio sweet ferns thicker grow. The wild grape vines, with their purpling fruit. Swing down from the garlanded tree. I will pull the vine, with its clusters rare, For someone that’s waiting for me. Alice Graeme sweeps by, on her milk-white steed, Idly humming an opera tune; And her cheeks, like the sweet pond lillies arc, And her lips like cherries in June. I got her some laurel blooms last May, W hen she stood reaching up to the tree ; But now her haughty head hardly deigns To nod its white plumes at me. The young Squire waits for her at the Hall, For I heard his hounds on the lea. She loves him; but what do I caro for that ? I’ve somebody waiting forme. I amp by the brook, with its willowy fringe. And its waters so cool and so sweet; Where the rosy imps from the country school Are wading with bare, brown feet, And I bend and steal a glanco at my face. I look very well, I must say; Though my check is brown, my brow is fair As our young Squire’s over the way. But I hear a clear voice singing a song That is sweet as a bird’s can be ; And I know, in the cottage on the hill, Somebody’s waiting for me. The porch is draped with blossoming vines, And the sword beans hang below ; But a pair of bright eyes peep through the screen, As stars through the clouudrift’s glow. The sweo* voice, gay as the thrush's at morn, Ie singing its love ditty still, As if the eyes had not spied me out, When first I catne up the hill! She wears blush rosos twined in her braids ; Her pure, white robe I can see; I know she is dressed like a fairy girl. For you sec she was looking for me. There’s a snug little farm tiouee a niiio from here That, some day shall be all my own; And I’il have pinks and marygolds too. But I don't mean to live alone. I'll have a birdie to sing for mo— The prettiest you ever did see ; And when I conic home from my long day’s work, Homebody’ll bo waiting for me. Thomas oillc. WAKULLA SPRINGS. MY readers have all hoard ol this wonderful spring, situated in Wakulla County, Florida, and from the bottom of which were taken the fossil remains of the great mammoth, now on exhibition in the New York Museum. The beauty of this spring is something mar velous to hear of, but all who have scehi it concede that no description has ever done, or ever can do it justice. Travelers have assured me that, excepting the Mam moth Cave in Kentucky, it is the greatest natural curi osity our country can boast of. The large extent of the spring, its immense depth, the purity of its waters und the picturesque wildness of the surrouuding scenery, all enhance its romantic bcauiy. It is said that this is the spring pointed out by the Indians to Ponce de Leon as the object of his eager search — the long sought “Fountain of Youth;” and surely and his enthusi astic followers might well be pardoned for giving cre dence to the talc, for never, in that old world, teeming, as it was, with beauty and sublimity, bad so fair a vision greeted their sight before. The water is of wonderful transparency, and possesses also a magnify ing power; so that, notwithstanding its great depth, the minutest shells, sprays of delicate moss, fragments of fossil und broken rock gleam on the bottom far bo low, like scattered jewels, their outer surfaces fringed with rcsplcndant rainbow hues, as arc objects when seen through a prism. I give below a graphic extract from a poetical lctur written me by an intelligent lady friend of mine—a res ident of our town —descriptive of a visit to this great natural curiosity, which she saw tliia summer for the first time. Among her party was a gentleman from Macon, of highly cultivated mind, through which runs a rich vein of poetry, and who has been also a consider able traveler, and seen sonio noble specimcus of lake and mountain scenery; but upon beholding, for the first time, this “gem of the wilderness,” lie folded his arms and, after a pause of eloquent silence, exclaimed, like the queen of old, that the “ half had not been told him.” But Mra. L* shall tcil the story, if she will pardon me for the liberty I take in extracting these lines from her interesting letter: A MORNING AT WAKULLA SPRING’S. BV AMANDA “Now Sol’s first beam illumes the skies. ’Tiecome—the hour I so much prize; For at this hour, so calm, so sweet, Wc are away, the spring to greet. Our ride must be bencuth the trees — The fragrant pines, where the sca-biccze Is whispering with its low, sad tone, (Caught from the ocean’s surging moan,) Strange stories to the leaves on high ; To flowers that bathed in sunshine lie, And to the dusters of the vine, Its grapes all purpling with rich wine; The birds with carols sweet would eheir us, As on the boughs they warble near us, And all the air with music fill. Thick grow the woods, and denser still. All! who near these dark shades would dream That such bright waters gush and glerm, ! And with their radiant treasures teem ? Near the green banks magnolias grow, I With foliage bright and flowers oi snow, And vines weave their festoons below. The sunbeams pierce the arching shades, And stream through the long, green arcades, Scattering their gloom like fairy dreams*, And changing, with their magic gleams, The liquid sheet beneath us rolled, From azure to rich, burnishod gold. Oh ! Fancy, with thy colors gay, Come hither und assist my lay. Ye Nine, who guide the maze of song, To whom all science and art belong. But ah ! why hope the unknown muse : Will deign to list! I cannot choose Between the Nine and memory, Who comes with eager step to rnc, Hasting trom Lethean banks away, Arid she shall aid my feeble lay. On the bright waves of this strange spring We glide—our boat, a frail, slight thing. Little wo reeked of this while there, Amid a scone so wondrous fair; For when wo gazed with wild delight, Down through the waters clear aim bright, And saw the glittering things beneath, (The moss in a fantastic wreath, And the fish playing liido and seek-, With many a glcesomo plunge und loap, While far beneath those waters deep, Glittered the rich Mosaic floor,) Ah! who could think of danger more ? Our little bark serenely glides, While rainbows tremble round her sides. All things in brightest hues arrayed, Now gold, then blue, now light, then shade. Each IcaJ and branch and rrco below. In rainbow colors seem to glow. IFc seemed suspended in niid air. •So clear the wave, the sky so lair. I fancy, from the thirst and heat Os the long chase, this cool retreat The Red Chief of the forest sought; And when the feast was o'er, he taught His warriors bravo the bow to shoot. Or his great skill—from herb and root The juice to press for healing art, Or the rank poison for the dart. In days now past, the wild war song Echoed these lonely banks along, Waking the white crane's answering cries. As startled, to the wood he flies. And here, his thirst to slake, tho deer Comes with light form, and eye so clonr ; Then bounding through the woods away, lie hides him trom the solar ray. And now a silence reigns around; Naught breaks it, save the splashing sound Os finny gambolcrs or the oar Os our light bark, as on we row. Each heart thrills deeply in that hour, And worships Him whose matchless power Made this bright gem and set it here, Its beauty these lorfc wilds to cheer, And lift the heart and make it glow, While gazing on this scene below. One who had heard of this great spring, Said, as did Sheba to the king, (Blazing in purple, gems and gold.l ‘The half to me has not been told;’ Yea, language is too weak and cold. These rainbow beauties to display, And all their dazzling hues portray. And now, to make the scene complete— As fables tell—a inormaid sweet, With snowy arms and streaming curls, Wreathed with 6ea blossoms and white pearls. Should glide this limpid lake along, And charm us with her syren song. Perchance the strain might lull to sleep Yon 6caly monster of the deep. But wc must go, though loth to leave This spot, wdiere my light rhymes I weave. Oh ! I could hero forever dwell, Near this bright spring and this sweet dell; But duty calls to other things; I cannot always look at springs. But though the vision fades away, Y r et, this bright sceno—this radiant day— Shall hang on memory’s walls for aye.* DEN OF THE ROBBERS. From tho Home Journal. Soon after the close of the last war between Great Britain and the United States, Thomas Stogdon, a tobacco planter living in the western part of Virginia, started on a journey for the pur- { pose of transacting some private business which I required his attention in one of the north-eastern j counties of that State. His route lay across one j of the loftiest spurs of the Blue Ridge, tho long- J eat and most picturesque mountain range in the J South. As the times were troublod, and tho passage across the mountains considered dangerous on account of the robbers who infested them, Mr. Stogdon went not only well mounted but well armed—a brace of trusty horsemen’s pistols being carried, according to the custom of the day, in front of the rider and attached to tho forepart of the saddlo. Tho third night after leaving homo he stopped at a roadside inn, distant about five miles from the base of tho mountain. On dismounting, he observed that one of his horse’s slioC3 had been ; lost, and directed another to be put on at the j shop attached to tlio inn. lie rose early’ the next ] morning and resumed hu journey, with a view of j obtaining a morning prospect of the mountain i and tho scenery of tho subjacent country, which ! lie had heard was very fine. His horse soon began to limp, and was quite lauio when he reached the baso of the mountain. Supposing that the shoe had been unskilfully put on at the inn, ho stopped at a blacksmith’s shop, near tho foot of the ridge, and had tho horse’s j foot examined. After diligent scrutiny, the i workman said that the lamoness was not pro- i ducod by the shoo, which was properly adjusted I and fastened to the hoof. At the request of Mr. Stogdon, the Smith ex- i amined all the shoes, but could find no cause for lameness in the tit or make of any one of them. His quick oyo, however, detected a ring of ruffled or lifted hair running around one of the hind legs of the horse, just above the fetlock. Raising the hair, ho observed that tho flesh was bloody and much swbllen. On more careful examination he discov ered that a small cord of silk had been tied so tightly around tho leg that it cut into tho flesh, producing inflamation of the part and, doubtless, also the lameness of the horse. The discovery at once excited the suspicion of the workman, who was both honest and shrewd. Calling the attention of the traveler to tho cord, which he speedily detached from the leg of the horse, he expressed his apprehension that foul play- of some sort was meditated. A few years before, he related, a riderless horse had come down from the mountains and was found to be lame frem a similar cause, a tight silken cord having cut in almost to the bone of the animal’s leg. The owner had never been heard of, and it was believed that he had boon murdered and his body concealed in the mountain. The smith suggested to Mr. Stogdon the pre caution of examining the priming and loading of his pistols. On examination, the flints and priming in tho pans were found to be in proper condition, but tho loads had been withdrawn from both barrels, and wads of cloth substituted in their place. The suspicions of Mr. Stogdon were fully arousa l by fliese proofs of a premeditated de sign of some sort upon him. lie was a bold, brave man, howover, and did not once think ei ther of changing his route or of abandoning his journey across the mountains. Carefully reload ing and testing the reliability of his pistols, he bade adieu to his honest counselor, after suitably rewarding him for his labor and advice, and rode off. Tho morning was already far advanced when he bogan to ascend the mountain. The road, for several miles, wound aiong its southern side, midway betweon tho baso and the summit. Tho prospect was grand and beautiful beyond his most sanguine anticipations. To the right the mountain sank down by degress, abrupt or reg ular, to the margin of tho champaign country be low, which stretched out as far as tho eye could roach, and was covered with tobacco farms, corn fields, dwellings, and all tho diversified objects peculiar to a Virginia landscape. On the left the Blue Itidgo roso up liko a mighty arch springing to meet and support tho sky, exhibiting, in rich profusion, all the grand and most of tho beauti tiful features of mountain scenery. Delighted with the sceno, and absorbod with the emotions which it inspired, Mr. Stogdon rode slowly forward, recalling only occasionally, and for a moment, the suspicions excited by tho event* of the morning. After running for nearly five milos along the side of the mountain, the road, by ni? abrupt turn, struck towards the sum mil, through a deep gorge, whose sides slanted upward to great heights on either hand. Shut out from tho prospect of the subjacent i country, and hemmed in by steep acclivities, Mr. i Stogdon reverted more frequently to the myste rious developments which had come to light at the blacksmith’s shop, and becamo both alert and cautious in his movements. Arranging his pistols so that tlioy could bo easily withdrawn from tho holsters, ho urged his horse to a quicker pace, as soon as he entered the gloomy avenue of I the narrow gorge. He had gone about a mile wheu he saw, some tiftj yards ahead ot him, a large boulder or earthy tidge, shooting nearly across the avenue, and only ! a space, broad enough for tho road bed, between j f au d the steep aide of the gorge. It was 1 a spot favorable for attack by surprise, and Mr. Stogdon surmised, at once, that if one was medi tated upon him, it would be made at that point. Checking the pace of his horse, therefore, ho rode slowly forward and entered the narrow pass. He i had scarcely reached the middlo of tho defile, which was about twenty yards in length, when two men rushed from behind the farther side of the boulder into the road and stood, with lev elled guns, only a few yards distant from Mr. j Sf°gdon. His horse, frightened at the 6udden , appearance of the men, whose blackened faces and shaggy clothes made them look hideous enough to startle both rider and steed, shied, and j refused to go forward. „ i The robbers advanced aiid demanded, as they, approached, the purse and tho valuables of the 1 traveler, promising to spare his life, it he would | surrender them without noise or resistance. ; Without making any reply, Mr. Stogdon quickly : drew forth a pistol from the holster. A derisive smile passed over tho faces of his assailants at sight of the weapon. It was levolled and fired at the nearest robber, who fell dead upon the spot. The other, startled at tho report, and terrified by tho fall of liis companion, instead of firing his gun dropped it and fled in tho direction fiorn which he had come. Before Mr. Stogdon could draw and present his other pistol, the robber had turned the cor ner of the boulder and w’as out of sight. Urging his horse forwards with some difficulty, for the dead body of the robber lay in the road, and the animal could scarcely be mado to pass it, he dis covered a lateral gorge entering, from behind the boulder, tho one along which the highway ran. Hoping to overtake the escaped robber, he entered this gorge and rode some distance along its rock bottom. The scene was wild and dreary, presenting whatevor is grand and impressive in a’ mountain solitude. The doep basin of tho gorge, covered with rock and tangled undergrowth, and shaded almost to gloom by the dense, overhang ing forest, seemed a fit retreat for marauding bands. It required no common nerve to pene trate alone into its recesses in pursuit of a robber. But the blood of tho traveler was up, and ho lit tle heeded the risk ho was running. As he could neither see nor hear anything to direct him in the pursuit, Mr. Stogdon checked his horse and remained motionless for a short time, sheltered, by tho accidental screen of alow, bushy tree, from observation in the direction the gorge receded from the road. Tlio song of the mountain birds and tho low murmur of tiny wa terfalls, were tlio only sounds ho hoard. The robber had vanished, liko a shadow, and neither j eye nor ear could tell tho direction ho had gone, i Having made up his mind to abandon tho pur suit, Mr. Stogdon was in tho act of turning his horse's head towards tho road, when ho caught, through tho branches oftho troo in front of him, tho glimpse of a man running rapidly up the side of the gorge, aomo distance further up the defile. As pursuit on horseback up the steep acclivity was impossible, he remained in hi3 position and watched as well as ho could, tho movements of the retreating figure, which he had no doubt was that of the fugitiv robber. C limbing from crag to crag, tho robber stopped at length in ftont of two lodges of rock which projected from tho mountain, a few feet apart, thus making an entrance or pass-way into the side of the defile. He looked earnestly for a mo ment in tho direction he had come, and then, entering between the rocks, disappeared from the sight of the traveler. Convinced that he had discovered the den of the robbers, Mr. Stogdon at once decided to re turn to the blacksmith-shop at the baso of the mountain, and givo information to the neighbor hood. Making a careful ocular exploration of the surrounding scenery, and fixing in his mind as many objects as he could, which might servo to identify the spot where the robber had disap peared, he turned his horse’s head, and soon reached the narrow pass in the main road. The body of tho dead robber lay as it fell, with the blood puddled arc und it. Forcing his horse with difficulty to pass it, ho rode with a rapid pace and soon reached the shop, where he found sov eral of the neighboring planters and tho smith still busy with speculation upon tho mystorions developments which tho latter had witnessed in the morning. Mr. Stogdon related to his eager and wonder ing listeners his adventure in the mountain, the death of one robber, and the probable discovery of the place of retreat of perhaps many more. In a few hours tho news spread through the neighborhood, and brought together a company of forty or fifty men at the shop. It was decided, without a dissenting voice, to ascend the moun tain and storm tho don of the robbers. Guns, axes, dogs and conveyances were soon provided, and the lino of march speedily commenced. The cavalcade, moving with celerity and in si lence, soon reached tho spot whoro the dead rob ber still lay. Ihe black cording being wiped from tho face, the body was recognised at onco as that of the landlord of the hotel at which Mr. Stogdon had staid the night before. The suspi cions of the neighborhood, long entertained, as to his character, were now completely confirmed. He was the confederate of a band of robbers, and his hotel was an outpost where plans were con cocted and tho selected victims disarmed and sent helpless to bo robbed and murdered in tho mountain. The body was placed upon a baggage cart and sent, with proper explanations, in the care of a servant, to the family at tho hotel. So secretly had his connection with the robbors been main tained, that the return of tho corpse, and tho de velopments which followed, were tho first inti mation which his wife and children had of his criminal associations. After tho brief delay occasioned by tho exami nation and removal of the body of tho robber, thf company proceeded, under tho direction of Mr. Stogdon, along tho lateral gorge towards tho plaee’where tho confederate robber had disap peared between the projecting ledger of rock. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, VOL, XXIV. NUMBER 39 At a point opposite the supposed cavo they dis mounted, and, securing their horses among the bushes, began to climb up tho steep acclivity. In a few moments, arriving by different routes, tho men and dogs were all assembled at the des ignated point. The evidences of human inhab itancy wero unmistakable. The ground imme diately in front of the rocks was trodden and hard. Worn paths branched off in several direc tions from the spot. The entrance, a narrow passage between the two projecting rocks, ran in wardly, and tho avenue, except for a few feet at the opening, was dark and entirely impenetrable to the eye. It led evidently into a cave or sub terranean shelter of some sort, which the oompa ny prepared at once to explore. Dry branches of trees and dead undergrowth wero gathered, tied into bundles and lighted with fire kindled by Hint and tinder. With these for torches, six of the more resolute men entered the opening between the rocks, with the view of ex ploring tho interior to which it led. The pas sage was so narrow that only two could walk abreast. Two men in front bore torohes, as did the two in the rear. The middle couple carried muskets heavily charged. As they advanced the passage rapidly widened, and the root sprang up to a great height over head. They had gone about twenty paces from the ontrance when a blaze of light, accompanied by the almost simultaneous report of firearms, flashed forth from a distant, interior point of the cavo. The two men in front fell to the earth. Discharging their muskets in the direction of the flash, the others retreated from the cave, drag ging their fallen companions after them, one of whom was seriously wounded and the other en tirely dead. Enraged at tho spectacle of blood and death, the besiegers began more resolutely the work of assault upon the cave, for such it was now ascer tained to be, and of considerable dimensions, too. An effort was made to induco the dogs to enter. The more resolute advanced a few paces, and then ran back in apparent alarm. The majority stood at the entrance and barkod, but could not be enticed, by words or blows, to go further. Another expedient was tried. A large tree was cut down and riven ‘into bolts of considera ble length and thicknes. A double row of these timbers was placed upright across the entrance passage, some twenty feet from the opening and securely wedged and braced, so as to form a pow erful barricade or wall.’ The powder in all the horns and flasks, except a few rounds reserved in each, was poured in a pile on the ground near to the upright timbers. Another barricade, sim ilar to the inner one, was constructed in front and close to the powder, a train being first laid from the pile, through a notch in the timbers, to the outer edge of the barricade. A lino of dry leaves was formed, extending Irom tho powder several feet outside the entrance. The crowd having retired to a safe distance, or bid behind trees and rocks, tho train of leaves was fired by a man who quickly gained tho shel ter of a large tree close by the cavo. In a few moments a terrific explosion fairly shook thomoutain the air with sulpha rous vapor. A stiff breeze, blowing directly into the mouth of the cave, soon dissipated the smoke, when it was fouud that both barricades had been thrown down by the concussion, but the sides and roof of the cave remained unharmed. Night was now coming on. A detachment of the men was sent back to the settlement for pro visions and such materials as would bo needed in tho execution of tho next plan of assault which it was decided to pursue. The rest remained as a guard over the now imprisoned robbers. Building a .largo fire near the entrance of tho cave, they watched and slept by turns until morning. At daylight tho recruiting party returned, bringing more men, provisions, for man and horse, and materials for the farther prosecution of the assault upon the cave. After eating a hasty meal and feeding their horses, the assailants collected a large quantity wood, green and dry, and then, beginning as far inwardly in the entrance to the cave as they could venture to go, they piled it up in success ive layers, interspersing driod tobacco stalks and leaves, and sulphur in abundance, among the wood, until a small space only was left between the top of tho pile and the roof of the passage. The outer end of tho heap was then set on fire. A strong wind, still blowing directly into tho mouth of the cavo, spread the flames rapidly through the idle, and drove thosmoke,in a dense column, into the cave, the narrow avenue be tween the wood and tho roof serving as a flue to conduct it to the interior. No voice or sound camo from the cave, or, if any was uttered, it was lost in tho roar of the fire which blazed, and crackled, and flamed in tho narrow passage until it glowed and shot forth sparkles and smoko like the crater of a volcano during an eruption. For several hours the tiro raged with unabated violence, fresh fuel being constantly supplied from thoadjacent wood. Tho smoke, having filled the cave, streamed out in dense masses and floated off in the direction of the wind to the uppor heights of the mountain. At length the fire was permitted to burn down. A stream of water issuing close by, from tho side of the mountain, furnished the ready means for cooling the rocks and extinguishing the smoul dering embers. But it was not until a late hour in the evening that the smoko had escaped from the cavo sufficiently to permit an entrance to be made. With lighted torches, and armed with guns and pistols, the crowd crept cautiously into tho gloomy cavern. The passage which led to it, wi dening rapidly as they advanced, spread out into a spacious room. Into this ante-chambcr several small latteral fissures or apartments opened. Tho cave, though produced by some convulsion of na ture, possessed the regularity and the proportions almost of a work of art. The floor, the sides and the roof wero all-of solid rock. The torch-light, reddening in the smoke, and reflected feebly from tho rocky surfaee, lit up the gloom with an ob scure radiance, which increased the horror of the placo. Th crowd, advancing and dispex-sing with apprehensive look and cautious steps, looked, amid the smoko and the sullen light, like a phantom host returning to their covert in tho mountain from tho glare of the outer day. In tho large room casks, boxes and bairels were found, filled with moat, flour and eatables of va rious kinds. In the lateral fissures, beds, guns, ammunition, cooking utensils, table furniture, and, in short, almost everything necessary to the rude comfort and convenience of a subterranean dwelling, were arranged in someting like house hold order. Tho dead bodies of five men, of an old woman, and of a boy, apparently fifteen or sixteen years old, lay scattered through the sev eral apartments, livid and discolored in the face, and most hideous to look upon. . After making a full exploration of tire cave, and removing from it every article of value, the crowd withdrow, leaving the bodies of the robbers as they found them, unburied and unrecognised. The cave which had been their abode thus be came their sepulchre, and to this day the tradi tion of tho assault upon the robbers’ den lives in the memory of the people in that section of the Old Dominion. J, W, TANARUS,