The Georgia literary and temperance crusader. (Atlanta, Ga.) 18??-1861, May 17, 1860, Image 4

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The Greorgia, yand Teinperaxice Crusader Special Notices. READ AND BELIEVE. New Yovk, April 12, 1*3* W. K. IIm\5, E*q.—Dear Sir: About five months »iu I bought two tattles of your Hair Restorative, and am now desirous of obtaining more, and would inquire where it may be found here. My hair, when young, turned gray. 1 have used a number of article* for the purpose of restoring it, but did not succeed until I obtained this, which produced the desired effect. I have been requested by a number of my friends (among them several ladies) to procure it if possible. I am much pleased with it, for it baa made a great Im provement in my personal appearance. By answering this you will ninth oblige, Yours very respectfully, H. C. GOODRICH, Steamer Bridgeport, Peck Ship, New York. Romemtar that this result was produced by HE1M- STREETri Inimitable, Amuginof and only reliable Hair Restorative. Price fifty cents am^B dollar a bottle. Sold every where, by all Druggists. ▼ W. K. HAGAN k CO, Proprietors, Troy, N. Y. May :1 G EO. S. TII0MA8. Attorney at Law. Office, in Smith s Building, Kart wide «»f Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. Also, Agent for Martin’s Ga. Reports. Jan 1.1869 Whitehall and Peters streets, offers his professional * services to the citizens of Atlanta and vicinity. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. vR. T. S. POWELL.—Office In his residence, on Marietta D. Raudolp Jan 1 II. SANDERS, Attorney at Law, Albany, Ga. will ' e counties of Dougherty, Sumter, ’ M Early, Baker, Decatur ami Worth. the building North of the Georgia Rail Road J RS. TALIAFERRO k THOMAS.- 1 Tayloi ► Calls will l>c r day and night. k K. W. CRAVEN, SUBGEOX Dextists.—Office over Store, opposite Beach k Root's Iron hitchall street. Ministers of the Gospel] ixirtor*, charged half price. Feb 4 ly T7I J. k K. W.C Pj. G. II. Daniel Front Building, W1 of the TO PKBdEftVE A XU DRESS THE IIAIR.—< dressings for the hair ever invented is Burnett’* Cocoaihe. It is well known that there is a principle in Cocoa-Nut Oil, owing to which the hair of the natives of the South Seas, who use it, remains glossy and never falls off. Bnrnett has great improved this oil by chemical purication, and it now not only thoroughly cleans the hair, forming a lather when rubbed on, but keeps it glossy, slightly damp and in form as brushed for a long time. Ladies dressing their hair elabor ately, for the evening, will find that it will keep it in shape for hours. Its qualities as preventing the hair from falling are truly remarkable.—Philadelphia Bulletin. For sale at 50c per bottle. Sold in Atlanta, by nunnicutt k Taylor; also, bv J. K. and J. L. Hamilton, and by druggists in all the principal towns and cities. May 9 2wdlw TIIE OXYGENATED BITTERS. Dynjicpiia, Indigestion, Heart Burn, Water Brash J OHN M. DYSON, Attorney at Law, Thomasville, Ga. w ill promptly attend to all business entrusted to him n the counties of Thomas, Lowndes, Brooks and Colquitt. Jan 1,1859 ly • professional services to "Office at tlio Drug Store of Massey k Lanmlell. Resi dence, Decatur street, between Collius and Calhoun. June 24,1859 ’^yASHISiGTOW H.U, By E. R. SiratUI L (9up- Faculty t W. J. NORTJIKN, A. M. Principal. MISS J. F. NORTHKN, Mathematics. A. D. SIIARPB. A. B. Latin and French. MRS. P. H. BURT, 1 ust rue tress iu Music. This well known Institution has been in successful oper* Jon, under its preseni organization, five years. The course of instruction is thorough, extensivo and practical, inclu ding all the branches of a complete collcgiato education. The pupils have the advantages of a well selected Appara tus. Students can take tho stage at MilledgcvilleorCumming, l the Georgia Rail Road. Circulars containing particular information can l*o had by applying to tho principal. REFERENCES. v. C. P. Reman, D. D. Mt. Zion, John L. Paschal. Esq. Clay Hill, Prof. Mell, 1>. D. University of Ga., Thou. Hunt. Esq., Clinton, Dr. 1(. H. Steiner, Augusta, J. W. Hardison, Esq. PowergvIUe, Francis McLendon, Esq. Danburgh, Hon. W. W. Holt, August^ Thomas Gurrctt, Esq. Colliers, S. C. EH II. Baxter. Mount Zion, Prof. Sanford, Mercer Univer sity, John II. Newton, Esq. Athens, llou. James Thomas, Sparta, K. A. McCouib, Esq., Milledgevillu, Prof. Wise, Mercer University, Rev. L. A. Simontou, Moj. James Daily, Gainesville, Fla., Prof. Jolinstou, University of Ga., Hon. D. W. Lewis, Bit. Zion, Sim'l Parks, Parkavilie, Tenn., Prof. S. S. Jackson, University of N. C. January, 184*). W. J. NORTHERN, Prin. I. By E. R. 6A88U9, . cessor to J. J. Thrasher,) ATLANTA, G A. ... .i. Saescen, former propie tor of “town Uooso 1 * Dalton, Oa; also, “Supper House,” at Calhoun, Ga. Old friends, take notice hereof, and govern youraelves accord- iqgly. [June 17—4f milE GREATEST Redaction ever mad# in .1 Standard Sewin*'* *“ * the IMPROVED BAR': reduction of $20. P. 8. The New Strsig October 14,1859 T R. RIPLEY, Dealer in CROCKERY, CHINA, . QUEEN’S WARE, Ac., pressed and cut Glassware, Looking-Glasses, Looking Glass Plate, Silver Plated Casters, Forks, Spoons, Tea Sets, Knives, Mugs, Ac. and fine Table Cutlery. Also, Lamps, Lanterns, Burning Fluid aud Camphene, wholesale or retail. Good bargains can be had for CAS H. March 18,1859 ly . Auctioneer,, 274 Broad St. Augusta, Geo. will give his best attention to tho sale of all consignment* of Bacon, Lard, Grain and Merchandise of all descriptions. Prompt returns iuudo ou all occasions, liberal advance* mado when desired, charges reasonable. Augusta, Feb. 8, wly. T KVERTFemale Seminary ,Talbot- -™— A too, Ga.—The exercises of the above named school will be resumed on the Third Moxdet ix January next, with a full corps of instructors. Its design is to furnish young ladies with Ihcilities for acquiring a thorough and complete edu cation, equal to any in mo r* v — T ‘ ‘ “ I ther particulars, address i Nov 18,1859. i northern latitudes. For fur- i at Talbottou. W. B SEALS. oh her suspicions ot Ins infidelity ^ " /alls. Upon recovering, xlic thinks it tho IlMllllIld' nAlmiti! if 7a vt*rv imivrn/lpr pUtolv She l«ft, plan! for wives not to Site iiftinns' it is very imprudent and unwise ior women ADVICE TO TIIE LADIES. Jr A prettv hand and a pretty foot always go together. Ss When we speak of one we always think of the other. <9 For ttils reason, stepping on a woman’s foot is equivalent to squeezing her hand, and equally proper, hut sometimes more convenient, as it can be done un der the table. He careful, however, never to attempt it at a crowded table, ior fear of making a mistake. We once saw a lady very- much contused, who was trviii"- to "ive a signal to a gentleman opposite, and instead of his, she tTod an 1 pressed onthe corn covered toes of an old bachelor. lie boro « as long as he could. when he verv quietly remarked: . . s. Madame, when you wish to tread on a irentleman’s toes, he particular ana get i he foot that belongs to him—for the last five minutes you have been jamming mv corns most unmercifully.” DOWN ON TIIE 11.LITE RATE. The man that don’t take the papers was in town yesterdav. He brought lus whole family in a two horse wagon. He still believed that General Taylor was President, and wanted to know if the “Kamschatkid,” had taken t nba, and if so, where thev had taken it. He had sold his corn for twenty-five cents—the price beiic thirty one—but upon going Lo deposit his money, they told him it was mostly counterfeit. The only hard money he had was some three cent pieces, and those some sharper had run on him for half dimes! His old lady was smokincr a ” eob pipe,” and would not believe that anything else conld be used. One ot the hoys went to a blacksmith shop for a pair of shoes, and another mistook the market house for a church. After hanging his hat on the meat hook, he pious y took a seat on a butcher’s stall, and listened to an auctioneer, whom lie took to be the preacher. He left before “ meetin’ was out,” and had no great opinion ot the “sarmint.” One of the girls took a lot of “seed onions” to the post omee to trade for a letter. She had had a baby, which she carried in a “sugar trough, stopping at. times to.rock it on tlio sidewalk; when it cried, she stuffed its mouth with mfold stocking, and sang “Barbara Allen.” The oldest, bey sol. 1 two “coon skins,” and was on a “bust.” When last seen he had called for a glass ot so. a and water,” and stood soaking gingerbread and making wry faces. lhe suop- keeper, mistaking his meaning, had given him a mixture ot sal soda and water, and it tasted strongly of soap. But he’d beam tell of soda and water, an.l was bound to give it a trial. Some “town fellow” came in and called tor lemonade with a “fly in it,” whereupon our “soaped” friend turned his back ana quietly wiped several flies into his drink. We approached the old gentleman and tried to oet him to “subscribe,” but he would not listen to it. He was opposed to “inter nal improvements,” and he tl.ought “lamin’ was a wicked inwentiou, and culter- watun notliin'Jbut wanitv and wexation.” None ot his family ever learned to read, bnt one f‘ and he tcached school awhile, and theji went to study dwmity. Stomach. Jaundice, Flatulency, General Debility, Ac„ fintl a. ready relief ami speedy cure in tin* great remedy. UX^GKYATED BITTERs »y many a ho nave been cured of tli® above !k> tho only uirsHrlne which the materia for tlicir infallible cure. It is not an alco holic preparation, which, while giving a momentary stimu lus, reduced the system in the same ratio; but one distinct and different from any medical preparation ever com pounded, and which will, in moat cases, extract the disease by the roots and restore the patient to pristine health. In proof of which, testimony of the very highest and unex ceptionable character is presented. Reliable Testimony. We call the attention of the reader to the following letter from President >*mith, of Wesleyan • Diversity Middletown, Conn., Feb. 28.1859. Messrs. Seth W. Fowu; A Co.: Gentlemen:—I first made use of the Oxtoejtated Bitters seme sevenor eight years since. Having suffered for twenty years from a form of Dyspepsia, which was attended with a nervous headache, on an average of not less than one flay in a week. I was induced by the unpretending recommen dation Dr. Green “ to try one bottle and if n<» tanefit was received to discontinue the use.*’ The use of one bottle warranted a further trial, to the ex tent of some three or four, with a cartful observance of the accompanying directions. The result was an almost entire relief from the usual dyspeptic symptoms ami their tie- pressing, painful consequences. I believe these Bitters pro duced an entire change in tho habits of my system and upon the active energies of the digestive organs. I now deem myself as exempt from Dyspepsia as most person*. These bitters have also taen of service to other members of my family. Very resjiectfully yours, AUGC8TUS W. SMITH. Prepared by SETH W. FOWLK k C0 M Boston, and for sale by G. K. k J. L. HAMILTON, HUNNICUTT k TAYLOR, DR. D. YOUNG, F\ Agent. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. March 11,1S59 W.L Georgia. MoDAMKL. Attorney at taw. Office in Dr. Brick Building. Whitehall street. Atlanta, Feb 25-1 y J D. MATTHEWS, Attorne . will practice in the countii bert, Wilke*, Taliaferro, M an Clarke. I H II. DAVIS, Attorney j . All basinet ' prompt attention. t Jaw, la; f Oglethorj Hancock, Greenland Feb 18 ^ Out aw, Butter, Georgia.— D. H. WALKER. U. I*. M'DANIEL. W ALEER k MCDANIEL, Attorneys at Jaw. Monroe, Walton county, G». Feb 11,1858. BAIRDSTOWN MALE AND FEMALE INSTITUTE, Rev. T. B. COOPER, A. M., Principal. Feb 15,1800 ly _. to the estate of William ¥. Wingfield, late of said coun ty, deceased, are required to mako immediate payment; and all those having claims against said estate, will present them within the time pre*cril»od by law, properly authen ticated. to THOMAS MOORE, Adm April 5,1860 Seen* at a Justice’s Court-ground, on the First Monday in Jan onry—it being Election Day. This pamphlet will be sent to all parts of the country, by mail, on receipt of twenty cents, or seven copies for one dollar. Address A. S. CALDWELL. April 12 w2m Atlanta, Ga. Wu AND PRC day the, 9th of January, lHCiu. RATES OF TUITION FOR THE YEAR 1st CUm, ..f 2nd da— : 3rd Class ! 4th Class ! Good Board, at from 7 to 10 dollars. Reference, For further information, appl; Atlanta, Ga. He offers his Professional Services public generally, and will devote himself specially to the treatment of Chronic Diseases. In connection with the regular Allap&thic treatment, he will combine that of hi* father, the late Dr. L. Durham. He proposes visiting persons at a distance, for the purpose of performing Sur gical operations. Prompt attention given to all commu nications and calls. Office on Whitehall Street. n° YA OYALL k CAMPBELL. Attorneys at Law. Griffin. Ga. will practice in the Superior Courts of Spaulding, i, Newton, Henry, Monroe, Ujtson, Pike, Meriwether >1 Fayette comities, and in the Supreme Court at Atlanta. L. T. DOTAL Jau 7, 1859. M. CAMroa Thou. K. Daniel. T.*E."DANIEL, Principal. Mrs. M. E. DANIEL, Assis’nt. near JOHNS, Principal and Proprietor. EDWARD R. DICKSON, Instructor in Ancient Languages and Physical Sciences. RODNEY DENNIS, English Language and Literature. It. M. HEAD aud LADY, Boarding Department. CALENDAR FOR I860. The Spring Term will commence on Monday, 9th Janu ary, and close on Thursday, 5th July. The Autumn Term will open on Monday, 3rd September, and close on first Friday in December. EXPENSES. ! Tuition.—Spring Term, $40. Autumn Term, $20. Board, Ixnigiug and Washing $14 ;>er mouth. Tuition payable in advance; Board, half iu advance, the balance at cUw-e of term. A pro rata deduction will be made from board, in cases of protracted absence, bnt not from tuition. For particulars, apply to the Principal, jail 13, 1860 Mitchell county, Ga. Epecial a purchase and stile of Land in south-w WM. B. HALFORD. (mch I860) Law, Cit on given i i Georgia. tiilln. TEMPERANCE RECORD. OfficeriGr&nd Lodge Knight* Jericho, For the year commencing Sept. 1859, and ending Sept. 1860. Every endeavor will be made to attain the very best i ! suits of the most approved methods of treatment in Dental j Surgery. Ap 291859 ly ! DR. .T. T. CAMPBELL, DENTIST, April 12 P ALMETTO, G A . Wm. G. Forsyth, of Atlanta, . Ret. F. P. Perdue, ot Atlanta, Grand W-orthy Chapla: B. F. Gratdor, of Fort Valley, J. S. Pftersoi*. of Atlanta, W. D. WILHAMS, of Macon, id Worthy Recorder, ad W-orthy Chaplain, rand Worthy Marshal, brand Worthy Sentinel. Grand Worthy Past Chief. ciw P® Fan cc two last winters in attending the lectures of the Home- ojtathic College of Philadelphia, I respectfully ofler my *e: vices to those suffering, either from Acute or Chronic Di eases. Persons living at a distance will he visited at the homes if desired. T. D. MARTIN. Pen field, Geo. March 14th, I860. wlOt GRAND LODGE 1 \dngoQMti—l-'irst little l>oy, what is your name? f.ittle boy.—.Title. /‘eJcf/or/ue.—Oil, no! your name is Jul-ius. Xoxl little ltoy- irf Hoy.—My name is Bili-ons. -What is vours? *hnttli<, ir/int OAD TO XOLLIGE. Il’tlr tm,, ift . ,rll, purnzoi o ximi/ar Oud kuntj^zrd hi a M/iihitx rn trnrex 11 iriy. Tti he read at Xitr. ■ Hail, Nollisre, hail! thou what kunis down Sumtimes irttm the klomls, en braiks Winder glassis, on ()f yo extromerry inagnitood! Hiou levur, bi boos mity power wc lifs Big rocks owt nv deap hoals, snmthin on The princapnl nv blastin powdur. En tnon what art a brige ’twix Ertli on .loopitur, maid out nv wire like the NVun across the Skoolkill, what Was erektid sumtiine atjo, bi a werry injenus Person. O! thou Nolliffc, will ti only faivnr them As hoo tn soak u aint "ot nutbin else to do? Muss he hoo soaks it be aristorkratie Kn nntliin else? No, Nollige, no! u wor dosinod Fur evry boddv, en them what womts tn no 1’, ken find u enny wliar. Nobody wornts T’oundorus tombs to find out wliat u is, We nose alrcddy. We dont kere how u drosses, Korse u’se a privilo"e<l thing. This is a prize Oad, endodikatid too Enny irishmun as wares a witr, en rites Dogril, en gits drunk. • . • I’ ken jess cen me the mutiny. Fur the jierducktion, mistur islitur, at Enny kouvenient time, bnt I'd like Too hnv it rite orf. ; Vose. Fki.ix V* v. Come along b'boys, its my treat. Take some good old “peach and honey,” a little is good to cool oft" on this melting weather, and in the winter its good" to warm a follow. |iragj|is of 3tnt|o, STATE OF GEORGIA. Principles.—To God we owe Obedience, Love and Wor ship; to the world Justice; to our Brethren, Forgivt-neas and Fraternity; to ouraelvett, sustenance and protection. Pledge.—We will not moke, bny, Bell or use a« a beverage, any apiritnoua or malt liquors, wine or cider, or any other intoxicating drinks, whether enumerated or not, and will use all honorable means to prevent their manufacture or use. and the traffic therein. Government.—lat. Sul>ordinate Ixxlges, to wlyrh any white male person, over fifteen years of age, |>o»M«'»sing ti good moral character, may be admitted to membership; and any lady, of fifteen years, and upwards, to honorary mem bership. 2d. Grand Lodges, composed of delegates from the Mjt a Ludgfea. odge CBarter*. >rgia . To the Grand Lodge Knights of Jericho, .Slate of q ng the The undersigneil citizens, of proper age, be*to advance Order of Knights of Jericho to bo well calcnlat .tt, most re- the cause of ilCMANiTT, Temperance and Ogrant them a spectfnlly petition your honorable body tio be located at Charter, to open a Lodge of the Orde* , and hailed —, in the county of , State ericho, of the State as Lodge, No. , Knights ourselves, individually of . If granted, we pled' the Constitution, Rules and collectively, to be governed -ud of the Order at large, and Usages of the Grand LoJ ;r, Ritual, Ac., Ten Dollars, t '^closed is the fee for (F / at least ten persons—hut 15 is ov • ^j,ove must be sijr -*id health and good moral charac ter, ret,,,.. - amunity in which the Lodge is to be located, and sent w the Grand Worthy Recorder.j Tlie Grand Lodge of Georgia will charter Subordinate Lodges ont of the present territory of jurisdiction, upon application in due form, in the same manner as it does now to Subordinate Lodges in this State, an.l will hold the same, thus chartered, under its jurisdiction, giving them the same rights and privileges, under the Constitution anti By-laws ot the Grand Lodge, as are allowed to Subordinate Lodges in this State, until such time as any five Lodges in any state or Territory shall deem it proper to form themselves into a Grand Lodge, having Constitution anti Code of Laws, and a Ritual conformable to those of this Grand Lodge, when it* jurisdiction over said Lodges shall cease. All petition* to the Grand Lodge, Knights of Jericho, State of Georgia, for Charters to open new Subordinate. Ltsigesof the Order, or communications seeking informa tion in relation to the Order, should l>e addressed to WM. G. FORSYTH, G. W. R. Knights of J. ^Atlanta, Ga. SPECIAL. NOTICE ! .1 and Subordinate Lodges. Knights of Jericho, any State, Territory or Province, (Georgia ex- re most resp'-ctfnlly and earnestly requested to notify the Grand Lodge of Georgia, through the under signed, at Atlanta, of their name, number and post-office address, together with the names aud title of their principle officers. (Lodges complying with the above request, w ill find it ranch to their advantage.) March 11,1859 ly WM. G. FORSYTH, G. W. R. lege, Aniericus, Ga.—The exercises of this iustitusio ere commence*!, according to previous announcement, o ie ‘Jtli day of January, under the supervision of the fo twing Faculty: Kev. Crke Fulton, A. M. President, Ami Professor of Moral Science and Belle* Letter*. Robert A. Maranville, A. M. Professor of Ancient Languages and Natural Science*. L. H. Carter, A. B. Professor of Mathematics, Hebrew and German. Frederick W. Erdman, Professor of Music. Miss Eliza B. Rodgers, nst met res* in English Literature, French Language. Ac. Mrs. Mary T. Hawkes, Instructress in Ornamental Needle Work. Mrs. Marion S. Kimbrough, Instructress iu Preparatory Department. Samuel Kf.rr and Lady. Steward’s Department. jan 20,18G0 12m A. B. HAWKES, Sec y. J AMES W. TRICE, M. 1)., Homeopathic Phy sician, offers his pr^essional services to the citizens of Atlanta and surroimding country, in the practice of Medicine in ill its various brandies. From his lung ex perience iu the management of Chronic as well as Acute cases, he trusts that he will receive a liberal share of the public patronage. lie will especially attend to the obstetrical branch of the profession. His experience of some 25 year*, warrants the belief that satisfaction will always be given. Electro-Galvanic Baths. - I would also inform tho public generally, that I hav» es tablished, in this place, a system of Electro-Galvanic laths for the alleviation and euro of Rheumatism, Acute and Chronic, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, and other diseases which sptice will not permit uie now to enumerate. These laths are the wonder of the scientific world—they will effectually remove from the system all mercurial or mineral poisms— give life and energy to the vital powers which have Bs'-n prostrated and ruined by drug*, and impart buoyancy <d | spirit to Hifhriug humanity, which nothing can or ever Wjl i •Jo beside them, which has been dune thousands of timeJ, For all Uterine derangements, of whatever nature, tl^iy are a present and certain cure. 1 would also urge npon such as are the subject* of l<t g and continued attacks of Syphilitic ami Mercvrial Syphiliv diseases^to fly at^nce jto^ths^ “anchor of hupe,’’ some 25 years, hut I f! el confident in saying”that ’ need come to me for aid without bei benefit ted. Those persons who may desire mv i me, by letter, at Atlanta, Ga. REFERANCES: to refer to the following named gentlemeri: Rev. T. L. Thomas, A T I'LANTA medical college. Aunoimcement of Lectures. nth*. All G located capted.) WM. II. BARNES dt CO’S MODEL AUCTION 1TOUSK WAKEROOMS MASONIC HALL China, Glass and Urockei Dry Goods, rfr. Goods aud Jenelrv. Ribbons and Lace*. Glove* and Hosiery Watches! Watchei Thousand* of Good*. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. At less than New York i’o!* Immense Excitement Opposite the Park. In Masonic Hall, At the Great Establishment WM. H. BARNES k CO. Atlanta, Ga. Auction Day and Night, j May 10 The year round. SPRING STYLES, IHttO 71 Hat*, Cira, Hniw-oosM, Bonxzts **n Umbraxlas WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GEO. W. KERRY, j Masoufc Rail Building*, 244 Bros.] £t. Augueto, Ga n l Haa now in store a large *nd complete assort men t «*f gi**l* li his liue, which for variety and beauty of Myle, quality and cheapnt-M. cannot be sun***ee<|. Plantation Hats very cheap. He trust* by honeet prices, and earnest endeavors to pb-ase, to merit a nmtinuauce of the liberal patronage here- ured I beg lei Dr. Wm. L. Cleveland, Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta. Ga.; J. I. Whitaker, Atlanta, Ga.; lion. I. t! Irwin, Washington. Ga.; Rev. Samuel Anthony, Cuth- bert, Ga.; Rev. C. M. Irwin, Albany, Ga.; Charles Par- malee, Etwj. Ga.; Dr. S. Oliver, Oglethorpe county, Ga. Jan 20, 1860 w6m LAR PROOF CONCRETE SAFE. Southern agency, Stratton & Seymour. Nashville, Teen. These *afo* aro warranted freo from damp, and have never failed to preserve their content*. S«-e the following .vrtiflrate* from the great fire of Dan ville, Ky: Danville, Kt. March 7tli, i860. IT. B. DotldsjL Co.—Dear Sirs: The Safe I purchased of youinScptemla-r hut ha* stood the great fire which oo curntl in onr town on the 22dof February la*t,splendidly. 1 had a large amount of note*, receipts, k>\ in it hut a f.-V minutes before the building in whieh it was l-tcativl was burned. J t<x»k the papers out of it, hut i*ut into it some slip* of papers, and opening it *ince the burning, find they are imt even worched; tho veneering upon the draw ers is a little warped. Tiic lock works very well, but when I oil it a little, I think it will be as good as ever. My safe w as in the low er story of a three story brick building with shingle roof. In an adjoining room, with only .a partition between, a drug storu was kept, and immediately op|H)*it>- wh* ro my safe was standing there was a large quantity of pmuts, oils, turpentine, caniphene,*an<l some liquors. The building was connected with tho Batterton Hotel on one Bide and was within six feet of the Court House on the oth er, with a large pile of wooe (three or four cords) between my office and the Court Houx, aud a door leading to mv office immediately from the wood. There wn* also a small frame building attached to tho rear of the drugstore, with oil.*, paints and liquors in it, and a glass door leading into my office from it. You will 6ee at once the excessive heat m ated at and abont it. 1 regard it fully tested, and have no hesitancy in saying my paper* would have been pre served if I had left them in the Safe. A number of our cit izens have examined it f nee the fire and were surprised *: its condition, and some oi them have ordered Safes of you believing them really Fire-proof So fee. 1 should take grea pleasure in recommendiug faf -—Mk j think. Yon are at liberty p merit a* yon deem proper. FACULTY : Alexander Means, ITI. D. Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. II. W. Brown, M. D. Professor of Anatomy. Jolin W. Jones, HI. D. Prof. Principles and Practice Medicine and Gen. Pathology. W. F. Westmoreland, ITI. D. Trofessor of Principles and Practice of Surgery. Tliotf. S. Powell, ITT. I». Professor of Obstetric*. Jos. P. Logan, II. II. Professor Physiology and Diseases Women and Children. J. ii. Wewtntorciand, M. D. |Profe*ssor of Materia Medica and Medical Juri-prudem e. rfwCT<P*» Anittuny mt+r the direction eroikut ol Anatomy. J. fi. McLin, Janitor. N. D’ALVIGNY, ITI. D. Curator of the Museum. ClinicjJ instruction given, as heretofore, during the course. will FEES : Matriculation Ticket, (taken only ou Course of Lecture* Dissecting Ticket, (required only embracing finest carved 7 octave. 25 I We refer to the following, who. ar our Safes tested by fire: Pcllax, Hatfield k Brown, Concinnati W. II. Barlow, New Orleans. La. W. T. Reynolds, St, Louis, Mo. Lindslkt, Smith k Mato, Covington, Ky. M. J. DURHAM, ag other*, have li:kl £ - | Burglar-pme f [ toAira extended to him. March 14 MIR ECK A HOWMAN’H EMPIRE 8TKAM PLANING MILL. AND HASH, BLIND A DOOR MANUFACTORY, Decaigr Steut, Atuxta, Ga. AprilT’J wly » AT SHORT NOTICE.-** first n O months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, Georgia, at the • regular term after evpiratidn of two montbs, for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of William F. Wln- fiald, deceased, for III# Wnefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. TIIOMAH MOORE. Adtn’r. April 6 w2m Central Bank, Danville, Ky. Planter’s Bank of Tenn. Memphis, Tenn. Bank or Tennelsre. N. Hobson, Nashville ** Alex. Wiiecli* k Co. The Great American Key Register /,<*-£.—We are the agent* for the entire West and South fur this lock, the best aud moat reliable ever invented. It i* the only lock in tin world that has a key and not a key-hole, thereby render ing impossible the use of explosives or picking tools as ef fectually as its construction does all attempts to force U from tho door. It has a permutating key susceptible of 25O.ufiO,00Q change*, any of which can l>e made in a moment of time. The motion of its part* is entirely controlled bv the huad of the operator (guided by the permutating kev > ami i* independent of springs, friction or gravity. W.« therefore recommend it iu. the ultimatum of Bankers’ ex pectations and Burglar* depredations since the world 1m- g*n. WM. B. DODDS A CO„ Cincinnati, Ohio. B. ROBSON & C Grocers and Commission Merchants, Whitehall Street, Atlanta. Oa • OFFER 2-*»,000 U>* superior BACON; | 5,000 lbs LARD; 500 sacks extra, super, anti family FLOUR; 5450 bags Rio, Java and Isaguira COFFEE; *0 hhdfl New Orleans SUGAR; 100 A, Band C Sugar; 25 bhls crushed and powdered SUGAR; 50 bids New Orleans SYRUP; ‘40 half bids New Orleans SYRUP; 50 bids N. York Sugar House SYRUP; 40 half bids N. York Sugar House SYRUP; 450 boxes Adamantine CANDLES; 100 boxes State CHEESE; 50 l.oxes E. D. CHEESE: 100,000 Havanna and German CIGARS ; 450 Inixes TOBACCO—oil qualities; lOOO lbs SMOKING TOBACCO, in bags—fine; 4 00 kegs NAILS, 3 to 40 penny; 45 bids No*. 1,2 and 3 MACKEREL; 75 half bbls Nos. 1, 2 and 3 MACKEREL; 50 quarter bbls Nos, 1,2, and 3 MACKEREL; 40 kits Nos. 1, 2 and 3 MACKEREL; 40 cans spiced SALMON ; 6 quintals COD FISH ; 45 bbls cider and white wine VINEGAR; 1000 lbs Moccaboy SNUFF; 45 boxes turpentine SOAP; 45 boxes fancy toilet SOAP; 30 dozen quarts, gal and gal PICKI^ES; 40 kegs carbonate SODA ; 3000 lbs carbonate SODA, in pound papers; GOO lioxes SARDINES; 4000 lbs black, gunpowder and hyson TEAS—fine; 500 sacks SALT; 40 hlids Cuba MOLASSES ; 75 boxes CANDY; Mat .'lie*. Brooms, Copperas, Pepper, Spier*. Tubs, Buckets. Nuts. Raiein*. Shot, Powder, Lead, Starch, kc. Ac .At the Lowest I*rice». Order* solicited. TERMS CASH. Special attention given to the sale and purchase of PttODUCK ON COMMISSION Sion B. Robson .Rost. Cornelius Robson. March 7, I860 late of raid county, de- estate of Andrew J. Watra ceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to lie ami appear at my ofilco within the time prescribed by law, ami shew cause, fif any they have,) why said letters shall not fie granted the applicant. Given under iny hand officially, at office. May 7th, 1860 May 9 30.1 JOS. II. MEAD, Ordinary. AT, Of ail 1 TLANTA Far Company, the subscriber ha* located himself permanently for the Fur Trade. Fur* I kinds bought in season, from first Octolier to first of May, and he hopes by the liberal price* ho paid last season and will pay in future, and from the accessibility of thi* market for the South and West, to make it one of the best Houth, aud equal to any North. He Iiojk** by currectnes* to share a liberal patronage. Horn*, tallow mid beeswax taught. Marietta street, firs doors comer Whitehall, at tlio sign ..f Malone k John son. Atlanta. Ga. BERTRAND ZACIIAUY, July 15, 1859 wlOiu talc Pro’pr Far Cup’y. ROBERT WINSHIF : wiv*iiir. W NSHIP’S IRON WORKS, Atlanta, Ga I. & K. Wjxmuip iY. Co. Manufacturers of Steam Engines ami Boilers, Circular Saw Mills on the most approved plan. Turning tattles, Sugar Mill*, Kettles, Miniug Machinery, Mill Work, of all description.*, new styles of Ironjlailir.g for fences aud cemetery lot*, Bridge and Brass Castings made to order, at short untie < Having experienced Workmen, a large urn! well assorted stock of New Patterns, aud our facilities being mperior any Foundry iu the State, we feel confident of giving entire ■allsfaction to those who may favor us with orders, talh iu to prices aud the quality of our work, oundry aud Machine Shop on Western k Atlantic Rail March 4, 1859 ly regard t Found Road. f ll. IV. JUDBON, Agent, (VjfO Dealer aud Worker in ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE,*^*^ ATLANTA, G A . ^ M OStMENTS. Box Tombs, Tablet*, Head and Foot Stones, Furniture, Marbh-, Ac. furnished ou accom modating terms. Office and Yard corner of Feachtree aud Walton Streets, opposite F. II. Coleman (old stand High, Butler A Co.) Ifs is also agent for the sals of Iron Railing. August 19.1959 ly )IAXOSs M. M. WILLIAMS, (successor to J. K. WIL LIAMS.) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT PRODUCE DEALER, Atbcneum Building, Decatur street, Atlanta, Ga. will give special attention to the sale of Bacon, tard, Flour, Grain aud Tennessee Produce goner- ally. By jiersonal and prompt attention to all bmdni-s* tni*tc<l to him, he hopes to receivo a liberal ]*itrouHge April 1859 C ARD.—We take pleasure in announcing to the public that we have iu store the MOST COMPLETE AS— 808191 ENT of every thing usually kept iu our line, and intend NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD liy any similar estab- lisliment south of New York or Philadelphia. Buying our good* directly from Importers ami Manufac turers, we prcM-nt tlio greatest inducements to the trade rer before offered iu tliia market. July 1, 1859 MASSEY k LANSDKLL. 1 beautiful patterns, the Wanmutta Priuts, also the Amo»keag, a New Print, which excels every Print in the Country for perfection of execution and design in full Madder Color*. Our Prints are cheaper than any in market, and meeting with extensive sale. H| Orders promptly attended to. Feb. 8,1860 wly. J «J. PEARCE, Warehouse k Commission Mer- . chant, Augusta, Ga. Thankful for the libera! rouuge extended to him for a series of years, in the 8t ami Sale of Cotton, would inform hi* friends and the public that he will continue at bin same well known BRICK WAREHOUSE ON CAMPBELL STREET, near Bones, Brown k Co's Hardware Store, where by strict personal ition to all business entrusted to his care, he hopes that he will continue to receive a liberal share oftlie public patronage. Cash advances, Bagging, Ro;mj and Family Supplies, for warded to customers aw heretofore, when desired. He also will keep on hand for sale, aw agent for Samuel Sands of Baltimore, Excelsior Manipulated Guano, No. 1 October 7, 1859 w6m SSI ncr-r- T Ue, (superior to most other articles sold under the name of *r phosphate of lime) and one that the farmer c "*' ‘ ‘ * * | rports, an Atkalied f Limei* being pro- pared largely from ground bone*, w ith Jnrt ©nongh sul phuric acid u»e,l to tuckw them soluble, without burning them up, and thereby d<**trt>ying a great part of the fertil izing qualities; in addition to which we add Permian guano enough to furnish ammonia for tlio growing i which ammonia is a!*o fixed by the acid, and thereby not evaporate in tlie atmosphere, but is absorbed by^the plant; which not only uses the ammonia so given to it, but also obtains more or less from the atmosphere during its development, particularly if it is strong and vigorous. It is packed iu Barrels of about 250 lbs. each, and is famished to purchasers at $50 per Ton of 2,000 lb*-. (2J4'cta. per lb.) no charge for barrels. Wholesale and Retail, by McNAUGIiT, ORMOND k CO. fcb 16 wly Atlanta, Oa, Agecta. U PER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. ACCOBDINO TO NO. 1 EXTRA. I*repared by Mitchell rf Croasdale, formulary by the Penn. City Manufacturing Company. In recommending this Superior Fertilizer to the atten tion of farmers and others interested in agriculture, we claim for it the advantage of being perfectly reliable, vuiucli superior to any other articles sold under the name of Super Phosphate of Lira*.) and one that the former cau depend upon as being what its name purports. No. 1 Extra article; this Company, owning the entire Patent Right, (granted by the United States) for producing a free Phosphoric Acid, thereby enabling them to produce a Soluble Phosphate otLime by the addition of Phosphoric Acid,, which is the indispensable nutriment of all ptauta,) instead of Sulphuric Acid or Oil of Vitriol, as heretofore used. It is therefore a much richer and more reliable ma nure, and one that will not only do more good at first than any other manure, but will last longer i Wklboens’ Mills, Houston Co., Ga., Nov. 20,1S59. Messrs. Zellin k Hunt -.—Gentlemen—Since gathering in my cotton crop, I am well pleased with the result of my experiments made with the 8uper-Phosphate, prepared by Mitchell A Crosdale. I ieel quite confident that it will pay from ninety to one hundred per cent, on iny farm. My land is what might be termed a kind of sandy loam. This year being my first experiment, I was not informed what amount should be pu. on to the acre. In using the four tens I bought of you last Spring, 1 put ou at the rate of one hundred and thirty pounds per acre, and am of the opinion that about one hundred and fifty pound* would pay much better for the labor bestowed in the cultivation. The manner of using wa» to lay off cotton rows with a Scutter Plow, plow pretty deep, aud let bands follow after and scatter the Phosphate, and other* with plow and bed on, os part of it was sown jdong the furrows, want you to send me nine tons more lor next spring; think the prospect very good to sell a large quantity in Houston among my neighbor*. 1 am with sincere regard. Truly yours, Ac., JACOB FUDGE. Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Iron, Steel, Nails, Castings, Ag ricultural Implenunts, of all kind*. Carpenter's and Smith’s Tools, of every description. Rope, Belting and everything in their line. —also— Stoves, Grates and House-Furnishing Good*. Plated. Plan ished, Brittauilia. Japanned and common Tin Ware. Feb 1800 ly in LUMBER, and Manu- fiicturer* of SASH, DOORS and BLINDS, Ac. Lum ber Dressed, Flooring und Ceiling tougued and gi the usual prices. They are also succesnors to Joseph Winship k Co. in the manufacture of COTTON GINS AND THRESHING MA CHINES, Atlanta. Ga. '£*l_Shop near Winship’* Iron Works, on the Western k Atlantic Rail Road. Feb 25 stock of Southern Raised FRUIT TREES, tm bracing all the best varieties that have been tented in tin Southern climate; hIpo. a tine collection of ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS, embracing a splendid collection of ROSES. Catalogue* furnished by mail, tree of charge to all appli- nt*. Address PETERS, HARDEN k Co. I November 18, 1859 wly . lauta, Ga., are prepared to do all kinds of RULING aud RLANK ROOK BINDING, suitable forCouuty Courts, with or without printed headings. Ledgers, Journal*, Day- Books, Hotel and Stable Registers. MAGAZINES, MUSIC, NEWSPAPERS, Ac. bound at short notice. Terms moderate. Orders from any part of the State will meet with prompt attention, and Books required to be sent by mail, railroad*, Ac., carefully enveloped for transportation. April 22 ly Dorman most respectfully inform* her former patron*, and the ladies generally, that she will continue the Dress and Cloak making business, in Heaiy A Berry’* Block, a few doors above Silvey A Dougherty’s Dry Good* 8tore on Marietta street, and almost opposite Huunicntts A Taylor’s Drug Store, where she would be m<**t happy to see any iwho are iu want of cither Dresses or Cloaks. She expect* soon to be able to rc-open her Emporium of Fashion, Dresses and Basques cut to fit the form with artistic I curacy aud elegant projHjrtious. Drcss Cutting taughtii] few lesson* for five dollars. Dec 2, 1859. _______ 6 octave to the I | received a lot of 1‘ianoe of a new Patent of 1859, which makes the action and tone more perfect than have ever yet been obtained. They entirely of American Manufactnre—tall iron framed— double-braced, and warranted to please or to be returned. Persons coming to Atlanta will do well to give us a call be fore purchasirg, as we sell Instruments at the lowest New York prices. Room—Second floor Concert Hall Building. Feb. 8,1860, wly. A CLOUD. F urniture ware-rooms.—f. a. Wii liams, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furni ture and Upholstery, on Peach-tree street, Cherokee Block, invites the public to visit his warehouse, where they haves large supply of Furniture, Moss and Hair Mattresses, Look ing Glasses, Plates, Ac. always on hand. The best workmen are employed iu this establishment—among them a first rate Upholsterer and a tasteful Paperer of Booms, who is prepared to do all work of this description. Also, he will hang Window Curtains, with or without Draperv, and Shade*, lay and cut Carpet? ami Oil Cloth, and lay Matting. Paper Hangings of every description for aile. Pam * Work. Oak Degration, Fresco, Ungilt Hud Velvet. All work done warranted to git e satisfaction. Atlanta, Feb 25,1S59 PROF. MAPES' MTROGENIZED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, PATENTED NOVEMBER 23, 1839. OR to the year 1847, Superphosphate had been m i England, by treating burnt bones with sulphuric acid, and by the formation of sulphate of lime, thus ab stracting one atom of lime from the bones, a Mtluble pho phate bad been formed. In 1847, J. J. Majtcs made a » lies of experiment*, thus: he fouml, analytically, that Pe ruvian Guano contained the necessary elements for insur ing the growth of plants, but not in the right relative pro portions to each other. He instituted a series of exj>eri- ments, practically, by which he proved that one hundred pounds of burnt bones, treated with fifty-six i*oumi* of sul phuric acid, thirty-six pounds of Peruvian Guano, and twenty pounds of sulphate of ammonia, funned a mixture every way superior to Peruvian Guano, and that it would lie had found that one barrel of blood, fresh from the animal, mixed with a cord of organic matter, would, by fermentation, produce a manure equal to a cord of well- rotted stable manure. He further found that seventeen barrels of blood, when dried, would make ouo barrel, and that blood could be procured at comparatively little v -jst, in certain sections; that it could be dried by cooking and pressing. *o is to produce a dry powder, and by adding to the above named ingredients, and equal weight of dried bullock's blood a manure is formed one hundred pounds, Inch are equal in power and lasting effect to one hun dred and eighty-tire pounds of the best Peruvian Guano. Since he h:is offered his invention to the tinners of tha country, some fifty conqiauies have imitated this article under various uames, and for tlie purpoae oi rendering it popular, have traduced Prof. Mapes and his article, claiming to make that of a superior quality. Every year presents new imitators of this article, who manufacture an inferior article, using the mineral phosphates as a basis, instead of the calcined bones of animals. Notwithstanding sdl this, tho demand for Mapcn’ Nitrogenized Superphosphate Lime has doubled. Peruvian Guano contains an excessive amount of Ammo nia, the only use of which is to render water capable of dis solving a larger amount of the inorgacic constitute* of the ■oil, or a* sometimes called to act as an excitant. The mar ket gardeners of New Utrecht commenced some years ago by using two hundred weight of guano to the acre; they are now compelled to use twelve hundred weight to produce the same effect, and their land is evidently impoverished by its use, while thooe who have used the Nitrogenized Super phosphate of Lime, have steadily found their coils to be improved, aud iimtead of rLjuiring more, th<-y require leas lertilizing materiel each v< j^r. Aud this i*i»urticulerly .f Cotton and Tobacco lauj*. Among the adAioqu ized Superphosphate Ar> ftie following: seed to tke soil; it fanf^thuyG Goodwin, and others^t _ cotton. For wheat, it has steadily proved ita-lf to be supe rior to Peruvian G oa*o; when in contact with need, it does not destroy it as doe* the Peruvian Guano; and It supplies the deficiency of phoHpbale of lime and other ingredients produced by exces4ve reaping of grain and undue ]«sto- rage. The report* on the farm of the inventor, of the American Institute and committees of other institutions who have visited it, although it is inannred entirely with this fertilizer, prove that no manure has yet been used which produces an equal amount of profit. The American Institute have jest awarded their Silver Medal to Prof. Mapes for the beat fertilizer, after a most thorough investigation into the merits of all in the market. Tho sulrtcribcra have been appointed Sole Agents in At lanta fur the sale of the above fertilizer and guaraxtu* that its constituents are tho material* stated atave, and nothing else. Planters desiring more information will please send for circulars containing Testimonials. Price $57 per ton, in Atlanta. jan. 60 w McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. A tlanta steam bakery & confec TiONERY.—The subscriber has recently connected with his Confectionery, a Large Cracker Machine and Steam Engine, which enables him to furnish his frieDdfl anti patrons in the u|KX»untry w ith Butter, Boston and Soda Cracker*, always freah, at rates fully twenty per cent, lower than the same can be laid down from Savannah Charleston. The Candies manufactured by him are already well known to dealers and consumer* A comparison of his manufac ture is challenged with those made elsewhere. North or South. He also keeps constantly on hand, a large stock of Nut*, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Pickles, Sardines, Sauces, Toys, Ac. Also, Cigars of all grades, from $6 to $40 per 1000—re fined and barrel Sugars, comprising a general stock for tho supply of Country Confectioners, at as low rates mc- *- afforded elsewhere in the State. Balls, public or private parties, tarnished to order, at short notice, with every description of Cake, Fruit, Ac. of tho best quality. Orders from the city and country n pectfully solicited. (April 1, 1859] P. J. IMMEL. G EO. A. OATES & BRO. Dealers in Pianos! Books, Music, &c. Broad St. between the U. States aud Globe Hotels, Augusta, Georgia, would most respectfully invite the attention of their friends and the public generally, to their Large and well selected stock of Piano Fortes, from the following celebrated manufactories, for which they are sole agents, viz: Bacon A Raven, A. II. Gale A Co. llazletou anti Bros. X. Y. aud lialletto, Davis A Co. Boston, which, for tweetik-*s of tone and durability, cannot be excelled. It U useless to say more in their favor, a* they are too well known to need puffing. Piano Fortes of any Maker or style ordered, at the low eat price*. Their assortment of Music is very large. Also, always on hand, a supply of Melodeons, Guitars Violins, Flutes. Acoordeona. Also, all kinds of Bras* Instruments, suitable for a full Baud, besides every thing in the Music Line. 46#“ All the New Book* aud Music received as soon a* published. 4a#“ Persons at a distance ordering from ns. can depend upon getting a good article, as we make it a poiut to keep goods of the best quality, and such as w e can recommend and warrant in every reepect. X. B.—For the oatiefaction of persons who may want to order, not having an opportunity of visiting the city, we refer, with pleasure, to the following gentlemen, who have purchased from us, and who have cheerfully allowed their names to be used. Hundred* could be added, but space will uot Allow- it: Dr. Alex. Means, former President Emory College. Rev. J. If. Echols, “ “ Mad. Fem. College. Dr. E. E. Jones, Madison, Ga. Judge X. L. Hutchins, Lawrenceville. J. L. Reid, Esq. Eaton ton. Ga. W. Gatewood, E*q. Putnam Co. Ga. May 12,1856 ly to Chattanooga, 138 mile*, fore $5—John W. Lewis Miperinteudent. DAY PASSENGER—UP. Leave* Atlanta afo. .10 » a * Arrive* a*. Dal tom... 4 32 TM Arrive* at Chattanooga. — - 7 34 a M NIGHT PASSENGER—UP. Leaves Atlanta. — 8 16 r m Arrive* at Dolton — —— 215 A * Arrives at Chattanooga... DAY PASSENGER—DOWN. Leaves Chattanooga at —.—....... Arrive* at Dalton ———— Arrives at Atlanta. NIGHT PASSENGER—DOWN. Leave** Chattanooga. Arrives at Dalton Arrives at Atlanta. .......... Connects with the great New-Oriean* A New-York Mail Route 4 time* a day through the ten valley* (Italy of Amer ica.) Splendid scenery ami bounteous fare. Macon to Atlanta, 102 mile*, fare $4 S6-Aim> L, Ttiab. S uperiutendent. Leave Atlanta, at —• 215H Arrive at Macon.. — — 7 45 1*« Leave Macon, at 1 45 f M Arrive at Atlanta ——. 7 15 » K Leave Atlanta at night 1249 II Arrive at Macon ——- 116 A « Macon at night .—....1199 M Arrive at Atlanta. 7 16 a m Tlie night trains will not be run on Sunday*. The 12 o'clock night train from Atlanta connect* with the Central Rail Road for Savannah, at 16 46. a. *■-. and South western. for Albany and CY-lumbno, at 145, A. m. The 11 a. tn. train connect* with the Central Rail Rood at 10 p. m. and Southwestern at 11 46 p. m. Through Tickets, frqm Atlanta to New York, by thi* line, $21 00. J AMES S. MARTIN, Jr. MARIETTA ST. ATLANTA, GA. In. TTealy's Block, Thaler in Hat.*, (bps and Straw Goods Of every description. I am fttlly prepared, with a complete and carefully selec ted stock of every variety of good* in mv line, to supply the Wholesale and Retail tradiv My arrangement* are such that I am fully able to compete w ith the New York and Philadelphia markets, my Stock taing directly from tlio Importer*. My father taing a Wholesale Jobber, and Man ufacturer in Philadelphia,enable* im< to purchase most a«i- vantageously. Purchaser* can rely u|m>ii getting their sup* pliest>n tlio iiio»tiiccouiniodutiii£ term*, march 7, IStio N EW MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT.- Miss J. Berry, for some time past in busi ness with Mrs. Renwlck, haa taken that holy’s stand ami business, to which fact she hereby calls attention. She w ill keep constantly on hand a Choice Stock of Good* in her line, which are offered to the public on iu«wt favorable term*. 1'Iease call and examine. Mis* B. assure* tlio ladica of Atlanta, and public gener ally, that her personal and uudlvided attention will b« given to busiuesa at home anil order* from abroad. Show- rooma up *tair», ou« doof atave Herring A Son’* new store, Whitehall at. Atlanta, Ga. All orders must be addroased to June 10, 1859 ly MIS8 J. BERRY. T A&l IWO \Vorki Valuable to sick or well, sent by mail— jtay expected until received, read and approved.— dress Dr. S. R Fitch, 714 Broadway, New York. 1st. SIX LECTURES on tho causm, pruveotioo and cure <»f Lung, Throat ami Skin Disease*; Rheumatism,and Mule and Female Complaints. Ou theModuof pp m-i-vingHealth to 100 year*. 300 pages, 21 eugraviug*. Price, 60 cent*, iu silver or P. O. stamp*. 2d. A Work ou tbo Cause* and Cure of Disease* of (he Heart, Stomach, Liver, Bowel* and Kidney*; on Apoplexy, Palsy aud Dyspepsia; why we grow old, ami what cause# «U**ase. 131 pp. 6 engraving*. Price 30 cent*, hay which book you wish, giving name. State, euuwty and post office. . October 7, 1H69 ly fcction of the Throat CCKKU, the Hack ixu Coughing Consumption, BooNcntm, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Catakxr.RE LIEVED by BROWN’S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, or Cough Lokknokm. Coughs, Ac Bigklow, Boston. / recommend their use to Pchuc Spkaksm.” Ret. E. II. Chapin, New York. u Most salutary relief in Bronchitis.’' Rev. 8. Spemiued, Morristown, Ohio. “ Beneficial when compelled to speak, suffering from Cou*.” Ret. 8. J. P. Anderson, Si Louis. “ Effectual in removing Hoarseness and Irritation of the Throat, so common with Speakers and Singers.” Prof. M. STACY JOHNSON, LoUrange. Go. Teacher of Music. Southern Female College. “ Great benefit when taken before and after preaching, as they prevent Hoarseness. Prom their past effect, I think they wilt be, of /termanent advantage to *•*.” Rev. K. Rowlrt, A. M„ President Athens College, Tenn Sold by «U Druggist* at 26 Celts per Box. liout Affections, etc. S PALDING’S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE! Save the Pieces! ECONOMY ! DISPATCH ! 4**“A Stitch in Time guns Xm.”*"faR As accidents will happen, even in well regulated families, it i* very desirable to nave some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Ac. SPALDING S PREPARED GLUE meet* all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It i* always ready and up to tbe sticking point. There is no longer a necemity for limping chairs, splintered veneer*, headless dolls and broken cradle*. It is ju*t the article for cone, shell and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and tarte. Thi* admirable preparation is used cold, being chemically held in eolation, and possessing all the valuable qualifies of the best Ctibinet-maker't Glue. It may be used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE.’’ K. B.—A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price, 25 eta. Wholesale Depot, No. 48, Cedar street New York. Address HENRY C. SPALDING A CO. Bok No. 3600 New York. Put up for Dealers in Coses containing four, eight and twelve dozen—a beautiful Lithograph Show-Card accompa nying each package. MsrA single bottle ten time* it* cost to every Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggist*. Hardware ami Furniture Dealers. Grocers and Fancy Store*. Country merchant* should make a note of Spalding’* Pre pared Glue, when making up their list. It will stand any climate. Jan 27,1860 ly D ROPSY CURED r—The Undersigned I cure Dropsy of every description. He cai personally five miles South of UnM ' letter at Union Point, Greeoe rJ propose* to can l-« seen Point, or addressed by at Union Point, Graene county, Ga. The medicine can be sent anywhere, with direction* for giving it, or I will attend personally, if requested and paid for aiv trouble. I will bay negroes afflicted with Dropsy, or cura them, a* the owner may prefer. Satisfartorv reference* given, if desired. MILES G. BROOME. •State of Georgia. Greene County : This is to certify that my fattier had a negro man af flicted with dropsy in 1853; he had been treated by several physician* without any cure, when he applied to M. G. Broome for his remedv, which cured him. He i# still living aud in^good health. Jan 21. 1858. II. CHAMPION. Union Point, Greene co. May 14, 1857 Thi* i* to certify that I had a negro woman badly afflic ted with Dropsy for a considerable time. She was attended by several physicians; they failed to make a cure. I beard of M. G. Broome and put her under hi* treatment, aud in less than a year she was thoroughly cured of Dropsy. JAMES BA VAST. l'c» field. G». Thi* is to certify that I had a negro woman in 1858 af flicted with dropsy. I put her under the treatment of M. G. Broome, who soon made a permanent cure of her. Union PultA.Ua. TRAVIS C. CARLTON. Seventh year in the Trade, afast age requires fast work T71 M. SKAGO, Produce Broker and general Hi. Commission Merchant, Office iu taago’* Block, No. 15, Alabama Street, Atlanta, Georgia, sells all Good* on arrival at 2J^ per cent. Will make returns with in three day* from receipt of Goods. Will purchase, funds in hand, in* thi* City, New York, New- Orleans. Philadel phia, Baltimore, Boston, Nashville, Cincinnati, Saint Louis and Louisville at 2L£ per cent.; on sum* of $1,000 or more at 1 per cent, in thi* city. For citizens of thi* City, or stran gers in this city, on sums not lees tlian $100, at 1 per cent, ou smaller sums 2^ per cent. mir Respect fully refers to Bankers and Merchants tfrty) City. Feb. 8 1 v P LAM’EHh’AllINDERH’WARKHOlSE 29 and 31, Uou» Street, New York. M.mifuctoric \ fWimWjrf. -V. T j And on Ihmidry street, Boston, Mass. The subscritar* manufacture Single and DoabltCyHndar and Typewevdvlng PRINTING MACHINES, Bed aud Pla ten Book and Jot* Printing PRESSES, (Adams’ Patent,) Hand aud Card PRESSES, HYDRAULIC PRESSES, with ng, Stereotyping and Elect rot) ping, always . tavui*bcd at short notice. A new Catalogue, containing cuts and de*rription« of many uew Machines uot talon* shown iu their book, with directions for putting up, working, Ac. aud other useful in formation, i* now iu pn-as. and wheu completed will ta srnf to any of the craft w ho w ill tarnfah their a<hlre«s K. HOB k 00. March 21 w4t New-York, and Bo*too, Maos. Publisher* of new spapers are at liberty to insert this ad- vertha-ment thn*o tunes iu their weekly paper, with this noto, at any time during the next six months, but net la ter, provided they purchase type or material of our manu facture for four times the amount of tbelr bill, which wll be allowed lu settlement of our# on receipt of a copy of their paper containing the advertitciser.t rear ol the Atlanta Hotel. Kxnu.vrx through the Mu sic and Variety BUM* of II. BRAUMULLER. At orders from the country promptly attended to by himself or assistant. Tuning dime b.v the year at reduced pnoea. Motto: Satisfaction giieu or uo charge—uo cure, no pay October 38, 1859 ly ) call the attention of his old j*at runs and the public variety of Goods in his line ever offered in the market Country Meivlieut* and Planters supplied at short notice, and at price# that will bear the strougest competition. Highest Cosh price paid for Furs. White Hall street, Atlanta, Ga. Srptl 30, 1S» SHADES, SHOW CARDS, order, iu any style, warranted to equal any city in the Union. orders fre* the Country attended to. Boot’* Building, ap-sUirs. Uso. W. Arams, General « On and after Sunday, Feb. 26th. ’1 follow* Leave Savannah ..10 05 a Arrive in Macon Arrive in A .... 1 30 p m and 1110 p m 8 55 a m and 11 05 p in Arrive in Auguste — 6 30 a m and 6 36 p m Arrive at Millcdgcville... y» 30 pm Leave Macon.. — 10 00 a m and TO 00 p nt Arrive at Savannah ...7 9 a m...T 45 p m and 10 40 p m Arrive at Augusta 6 30 a m amt C 35 p m Leave August* — 12 30 a ro and 2 15 p m Arrive at Savannah. „7 20 a m and * 0 40 p m Arrive at Macon rim r ,.a 65 a m and ‘.1 05 p hi Trains that leave Savannah at a. m. only run to Millen, arriving there at 3.10 p. m. otman ting with 10 a. m. Macon train to Augusta. i Savannah,wniRDthiwigh direct to Augusta. Passenger* by either 1.30 or 11.10 p. ra. train* fnim Savan nah for Macon, or point- beyond, w ill meet with no iMo- tion at Macon. Pa-sengers for Atlanta, or point* beyond, on W. A A. It. R. will leave Savannah on the 1J0 p. m. train; for Milledgr- viJle and Eatonton, on 11.10 p. m. train: for S. IV. !L R. be low Fort Valiev, on 11.10p.m.train; tlnx-for Montgomery. Columbus, etc. by either train. Passengers from Augusta, for S. W. Ga. should take the 12.30 a. m. train, to avoid detention at Macon. Thooe for Col uni l>n*. Montgomery. 4c. may take cither train. Train* connect at Macon with Moron A West era Trains to Griffin and Atlanta and tlie West; also., w ith S. Wert train- to Albany. Cnthtart. Kufaul.i. Fort Gaine*. Aiwerv-u*. t'<- lumbiiH. Montgomery. Ac, and at Millen with Augu-ta and Savannah R. R. to Augusta and the north: at Savannah with the tri-weekly steamships to New \.*-k; ateo. with steamship* to Philadelphia and Baltimore. By thi* change in schedule, the connect ion Ksh wav*, at Augusta, with the South Carolina Rail Koad.i* sovimiand passenger* will have wo detention at Angm-ta ot Milieu, as heretofore. Feb. 27 JEALERS I <l1STRUMOntf i WV€S, /PAINTS. OILS J<u>e3,1SS* MRS. WINSLOW VS. CRYING CHILDREN. Arc yon disturbed at night and Icokca of your rest by a Mck child suffering and crying with the evrruriating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at oore aad get a bottle o? Mr* Winslow's Soothing Syrup, la will relieve the poor little mfferer immediately—depend upon it—there u no mistake about tL There is not a mother on earth, w ho haa ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowel* and give rust to the mother, aad relief sou health to the child, o|H-rating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all case*, and pleasant to the taste, wad fa the pre scription of ore of the oldest and brat female ifeyririan* and nurse* iu the United States. Price 15 cento. CURTIS A PERKINS, Proprietor 13 Cedar street. N. Y. SoM by all Drurgfats. March 21,1N0 ly \\J HOLES A LK DRUGGISTS 11 Ci.ic.jTtt 1 llpo^) , V-J-** Aujmtfc ll«_ W C «TKVENSaN 0, ,UV1LAJ,D > STETKtSON, * Ou. mn.—mrnnm. H. S. 8UKLT0N, ChwlMtu,. *. C. lMtwrt.nua.MtM. at CMC lnr *T-I. due Hnc (JuttnU, EsmmwI («K M.akiut talc l- Wn. r. rftuj- .„■! hK, Scpfc htau IMti-ioc. fid 1j— - - - ■ v "-■ J tti IKW tt«npnwm l*r Mil l » KllWl tm oc Pbjdrim. DnoirK. PfiviMus Cwilrr N.i CUKU U.1 udurM p'UMallT, Mia. tfiTCivr. uu ocllug tn MMliclnr, .4 111. >VcC Quml.t,, mt ntv »»|.*n IwiBC .uitot HMrfi MtiCInt ,.d jMwnffw atlurM fc Aceau for ti. cfobnud CuiwM, Httm. jut 1, t M i vurt of Orinuay of > tmI n<at. ,fo- u Arm a, it*o