Newspaper Page Text
The Georgia Ldterar^Mancl T' Crusader.
their adjournment, prevents its return; in j excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual
, which case it shall not be & law. The Presi punishment be inflicted.
I dent may approve any appropriation and dis- ; 20. Every law,or resolution having the force
; approve any other ogpropriation in the same j of law, shall relate to but one subjoct, and that
I bill. In such case he shall, in signing the bill, | shall l*c expressed in the title.
; designate the appropriations disapproved, and
We, the peopls of the Con led erate States,
tjtate actiDg_in^iHrstrrer'eign and imie-
pendeut character, in order to iorm a perma
nent Federal Government, establish justice,
insure domestic tranquility, and secure the
blessings of liberty to ourselves and oar pos
terity—invoking tne favor and guidance of
Almighty God—do ordain and establish this
Constitution fer the Confederate Slates of
All Legislative powers herein delegated shall
be vested in a Congress of the Conlederate
States, which shall consist ot a Senate and
ilouse of Representatives.
section ii.
1. The House of Representatives ahull be
composed cf members chosen every s^p:nu
year by the people of the several Stales ; and
the electors in each State shall be citixoi.s of
the Coniederate States, and have the qualifica
tions requisite for electors of the mosL
merous branch of the S ato Legislature; but
no person of foreign birth, not a citizen of the
louiederuto States, shall be allowed to vote
tor any officer, civil or political, Sialc or Fed
2. No person sliail be .i lie; i\ mutative who
shall not have attained the a.-.e ol twenty-live
years, and be a eiiiz n oi t..e C nf de::-. .
States, and who shall u-ji, v.. t a c 1, be an
inhabitant of that State i i which he shall b •
3. Representatives an i dir snah be
apportioned among Slates, which
may be in >*'■ *»-—A w^thiu this Confederacy, ae
c ordj^a their respective numbers, which
8ftu.11 be determined, by adding to the whole
number ot tree persono, including those bound
to service for a term of ye , an : t ic: !i"g
Indians not taxed, ih»vj-fi: .< .-.v
The aci«»al e;iunur.. i< n c.. .i. u* »:
three yt urs after tb first :
gross of the Confuil . 1 v.i
every subsequent L rm of : . ; .. s, i.. * .
ir.)nut.r as they si...ft, . v lav .:.:*. i:
number of Representatives s . t *... • .:
one for every ill.j ti. •: .: , . . . ..
until sueh eunuicrr. ; . : . . 1 i. i;u-
State of South Carolina . ..*.1 to
flltomiii • - . • Stab
ot Alabama nine—i. It iv o—
the tUU ■ f II i- |■ :
inflU six, a .d tb m .
4. when vic.ncle- . •. ; , t . ....
tat ion from any i\
thereoi shall -
Ueir Speaker ... c
that any judicial or oC..r 1\ ; ... ■ re
Gent and acting solely !m: limit .ft u v
State, may be impeach, i y a
thirds of both brunch *. • * the n*y! * run
tli ere of.
i. 1 n
shall b„* toiapo-v*!
State, cltu.-en by i
- ^gu.ur session
ijg the touiiaencvn
an* each Senator s
*1. Itmnediauly i
in consequence of t
be divided a - . *t
^hlaSCS. l ist ■‘iMIt
class snub b v.. ..
shall return a copy ofsuch appropriations, with
his objections, to the Hon so in which the bill
shall have originated, and the same proceed
ings shall then be had as in case of other bills
disapproved by the President.
3. Every order, resolution, or vote, to which
the concurrence of both Houses may be neces
sary (except on a question of adjournment,)
shall be presented to the President of the Con
federate Stales; and before the same shall take
effect, shall be approved by him, or being dis
approved by him, may be re-passed by two-
thirds of both Houses, according to the rules
and limitations prescribed in ca^c of a bill.
The Congress -shall have power—
1* To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts,
and excises, for revenue necessary to pay the
debts, provide for the common defence, and
carry on the Government of the Confederate
States; but qo bounties shall be granted from
»he treasury \ nor shall any duties or taxes on
importations from foreign nations be laid to
promo:.- or faster any branch of industry; and
ail duties, in posts, and excises, shall be uni
form throng: tout the Confederate States.
2 To bonb.y money on a credit of the Con
federate Stans.
3. To regulate commerce with foreign* na-
ti'ui-*, t.:■! zin mg tb • several States, and with
ti'*' 1 h 1 . tvib s; but neither this, nor any
oti.-r c j «* 4-ontaiiixd in the Constitution,
sh:i!l e. Jt ....-Tiled to delegate the power
appropriate money for any in-
:ipr vein; iit intended to facilitate com-
exeept for the purpose of furnishing
_ na^das, and buoys, and other aids to
tfWigation upon the coasts, and the improve
ment of harbors and the removing of obstrnc-
ti-ms in riv r navigation, in oil which cases,
such duties shall be laid on the navigation fa
cilitated thereby, as may be necessary to pay
the c-ms ; nd expenses thereof.
4. To estaliiirh uniform laws of naturaliza-
,i: \ ui.if.-i m laws on the subject of bank-
: ter ate fliatta,
i ! v «>f th.ngress shall discharge any
■ P afl
; of the .--iiiie.
zulale the vain
I L>;
. in tlj«. year of our
! sixty three, shall
r limited times to
luurth ye*..r, aid ot’
ration ot lb. s»x i \. .
be cho-* u every se on
i„.|.pei. ‘.j r.: S i«i...ii .
the rrcxss of the Lcg^
Executive thereof nc
poiuini^nts until the i
lolature, which shidl t
a. Nu rrai *W1
not have attain j x tne
be a citizen ot the <
who shall uot,
of the State for which i
4. Tin Vice-Ere .-id.
States shall be l’re-i .
shall have no vole ti;:ic
5. The Senate shall «
cers; and aloa
Cli :
the land ;
ride for c.
e Legislature of
shall be, for th
. arsenals, doc
• ; ; pomtment of the
4y of training the Mi-
<c‘.j*li»ie prescribed by
ive legislation, in all
uch District ^not ex
,) . - may, by ces. ion
tnl the acceptance ot
d « f he Governnient
: and to exercise like
purcu ised by the con
he Slates in which
cr.*ct:on of forts,
yards, and other
1. No State shall enter into any treaty, alli
ance, or confederation; grant letters or mar
que and reprisal; coin money ; make anything
but gold and silver coin a tender iu payment
of debts; p-ws any bill of attainder, oj ex post
facto law, or law impairing the obligation of
contracts; or grant any title of nobility.
2. No State shall, without the consent of Con
gress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or
exports, except what may be absolutely neces
sary for executing its inspection laws; and the
net produce of all duties and imports laid by
any State on imports or exports, shall be for
the use of the Treasury of the Confederate
States; and ail such laws shall be subject to
the revision and control of Congress.
3. No State shall, without the consent of Con
gress, lay any duty of tonnage, except on sea
going vessels, for the improvement ot its rivers
and harbors navigated by the said vessels; hut
such duties shall not conflict with any treaties
of the Confederate States with foreign nations;
and any surplus revenue thus derived shall, af
ter miking such improvement, be paid into the
common Treasury. Nor shall any State keep
troops or ships cf war in time of peace, enter
into any agreement or compact with another
State, or with a foreign power, or engage iu
war unless actually invaded, or in such immi
nent danger as will not admit of delay. But
when any river divides or flows through two or
more »i!atcs, they may enter into compacts
with each other to improve the navigation
A R HOLE 1 i .
1. The Executive power shall be vested iu a
President of ihe Confederate States of Ameri
ca. He and ihe Vice-President shall hold their
offices for the term of six years; but the Pres
ident shall not be re-clegible. The President
and Vice President shall be elected as follows :
2. Each State sliull appoint, in such manner
as the Legislature thereof may direct, a num
ber of Electors equal to the whole number of
Senators and Representatives to which the Stale
may be entitled in Congress ; but no S -nator
«*r Representative, or person holding an office
of trust or profit under the Confederate States,
shall be appointed an Elector.
3. The Electors shall meet in their respec
five States and vote, by ballot, for President
and Vice-President, oneofwhcm, at least, shall
not be an inhabitant of the same State wi.h
themselves; they shall name in their ballots
the person voted for as President, and iu dis
tinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-Pres
ident, and they shall make distinct lists of ail
persons voted for as President, and of all per-
?o s voted tor ;is Vi o-President, and of the
number of votes for mch, which lists they .-hall
sign and certify, and transmit, scaled, to the
seat of Government of the Confederate States,
1. The judioial power of tho
States shall be vested in one Snpr
and in such Inferior Coarts
may, from time to time, ordsuvrmd I
The Judges, both of the Supreme t
Courts, shall hold their offices durfllg go
haviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for
their services a compensation, which sj|adl hot
be diminished during their continuanciLia of
fice. . '7; 4’
1. The judicial power shall extend toWl ca
ses arising under this Constitution, theisws or
the Confederate States, and treaties n&de; of
which shall be made, under their authority ;
to aH cases affecting Ambassadors, punlil Min
isters, and consuls ; to all cases of admiralty
and maritime jurisdiction ; to controversies^)
which the Confederate States shall be a-ik*-.
ty; to controversies between two or mfrt
States ; between a State and citizens of yfc_.
other State where the State is plaintiff;
tween citizens claiming lands under gruRgl
different States, and between a State oi* tk r ,
citizens thereof and foreign States, citizdbs *rj
subjects ; but r.o State shall be sued by a cUi--
zen or subject of any foreign State.
2. In all eases affecting Ambassadors, ol
public Ministers, and Consuls, and th(
which a State shall be a party, the Su
Court shall have original jurisdiction. Iilr
the other cases before mentioned, the SupieL
Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, botlf
to law and fact, with such exceptions, and
der such regulations, a- the Congress shall
3. The trial of all crimes, except in cases
impeachment, shall be by jury, and such trii
shall be held in the Statu where the said crim
shall havo been committed ; but when not coi
mitted within any State, the trial shall be
8uch place or places as the Congress may
law have directed.
L Treason against the Confederate
shall consist only in levying war againslthen
or in adhering to their enemies—giving them
aid and comfort. No person shall be convict-'
ed of treason unless on the testimony of twfc'
witnesses to the same overact, or on confessing
in open court.
2. The Congress shall have power to declarfe
the punishment of treason ; but no attainder
of treason shall work corruption cf blood, dr
forfeiture, except during the life of the persotf
1st Th’sdajr, Pierce
1st Monday, Appling
2d M*md«v, Butts
open all the
then be coir
he Se
hall, in t
e of Kepi
and the
son h ivir
J flout
ificates, an! ihe votes s!i
e great -
est uumbur ot votes for President shall be the
President, i. such number be a majority of the
whole number of Electors appointed;’and if
no person have -uch majority, then from ihe
persons having the highest numbers, not ex
ceeding three, .>a the list of those voted for as
Presidf nt, the of K.pres, iruives -hall
choose immediately, by ballot, tlxc President.
But in choosing the President, the votes shall
ho taken by States, the representation from
i;.ci. Statu having one vote; a quorum for this
purpose shall consist of a member or members
ihe Si:
their oth*
fiuSCUp* oi tne Vicj Presiu.-ut, orrnCxi he shall
exercise tho office :-f Pre^iaencu the E .ifed
erate State-.
t>. The Senate euxii 1 Lave the sole r t.
all impeachments. Vrixen sitting for tha
purpose, they shall bo on oath «>r affirmation
When the President of the Confederate State:
is tried, the Chief Justice shall pie-ide; am
«o person shall be c-uvicted without e cau
currenco of two-thi:Us of the mem’ s j .c
7. Judgment in cases of x:.ipo ch.uent s tb
not extend further than to removal frusxi off;
and disqualification to hold aud enjoy any .
ficc ot honor, trust or, uu ». r the Con
federate Stales; but the party conv: te l hall,
nevertheless, be liable aud subject to iu .iri
meut, trial, judgment and pun .siuicni m *.*-rd-
ing to lew.
1. and n: inner ofn aj-
ing elections lor Senators and Ut piv cataiivc
shv.ll be prescribed in each State by tl i, : >ls .
lature thereof, subject to the pro*.;.-ious M :h -
Constitution; but the C ogress may, at any
time, by law, make or a!vr such r guhuions.
except as to the times .*»-. t places of t;. -i.-.r
2. The Cougrc.-s shall ns-t-n:-..*? at h .st once
in every year; and such meeting -hail be on
the first Monday in December, ur;h* thev
shall, by luw, appoint a different d .y
.shall be the iudzo of the
\I cl l
■ time pn
1. Each_lLi
elections, returns, andquaiific
member.-, and a majority of «
tut»* a quorum to businc
number may adjvu u from
may be autlmrized u • It
absent members, in -i;*. :j.-.
•uch pen .U’cs as r ,ch Hoi i
2. Each House may dcun.
its proceedings, pur.i.-h i.s m .
erly behavior, un i, v.- ; h i?. L *
two-thirds ot the wl. ,c buax .
3. Each House shall kc
procee»iii:g9, and from tiin -
same, excepting such parts
meat, require sccreiy, and the ye.i.i
of the members of either House, on ...
tion, ^hall, i.t the desire of une-L'i..
present, be entered on the journal.
4. Neither House, during Uieac?-i-jii •
gross, shall, without the consent >f the
adjourn for more than three any*, r.or
other place than that in which the t..
shall be sitting.
ix 1 Represemotives sh.. :
or. for their 'CrvieG?, ♦«,
it. uad pgid iJXLAE-ti- -Inrrrt-r-
, ',*.; t \,n, in
t cas» s, t*xc-pt treason, felony, a i brexw h
of the p ace, be privileged r . : * arre.*: b.rk-
their attendance at the a their r« ;
tive Ho;.
from the .-amv ; and for any ?p ch or deb -,
in either House, they shall not beqa*. u» .
any other place.
2. No Senator or Represen 1 c-
ring the time; for whicn lie v. »- (' ■, .
pointed to any civil office und. r t;. - y
of the Confederate StaU which - . , . * • .-
beet! created, or the einolunieurs v.!. rof.: -!■ •;
have been increased during ti»ne : and no
peison holding any office under the Conf .
ate States shall be a member of ti her Hou.-e
during hie continuance in office. But U xjrre.-.-
may, by law, grant ?o tLe prin. ij .1 offi :cr in
each ot the Ex-cutive a -c i-
on the floor of cither House, wi'b the pr.
lege of discussing any measures ; p: ; ■
to his Department.
1. All bills for raising re\eo *e shall origi-
nate in the House of Representatives, but :
Senate may propose or concur with aiuei i
ments ae on other bills.
2. Every bill which .-hall Lave passed boih
Houses, shall, before it becomes a law, V j ie-
sented to the Prt.-ident ci the Con!’-derate
States ; if he approve, he shall sign it; but if
not, he shall return it with his objections to
that House in which it shall have originated,
who shall enter the objections at large on ibeir
journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, af-
. ter such reconsideration, two-tbirds of that
House shall agree to pas^ the bill, it shall be
sent, together with the objections to the other
Houit, by which it shall likewise be reconsid
ered, aud if approved by two thirds of tb .t
House, it tffal 1 become a law. But in all ca
ses, She votes of both Houses shall be deter
mined by yea« and nays, and the names of the
persons voting for and against the bill r-hall b •
entered on the journal of each House re.-p<
akc .ill laws which may benecessa-
»or carrying into execution the
i>wcr.-, ar.d all other powers vested
stitutiou in the Go*>eetiuicii.t of ihq
:Ooi.;ede» .to "or in c,ny Dcparl rnen^ or
officer there*-f. * *
cs of America,
• - negroes ot the A fri
dge, country, other than
s cr Territories of the
ereby forbidden:
h la«
[ also
No c.**.
ower to pro
cuoa of xves from any Sr.aie not
*r o , or Territory not belonging to,
c privilege of Hie writ of habeas corjuts
«' suspended, unless when in ca-cs of
n cr invasion the public safety may re-
' hill of : uder. or ex post fsc*o law,
; vipg <r ir.'qciir mg the right oT prop-
’ * shall he paa-cd.
i.uion or other direct tax shall be
I trtion to tho etBsn or enu-
• • ercinbclorc directed to he taken.
:ax or duty shall be laid on articles
spirted from any .te, except by a vote of
t. No pr. Mi t-nce shall be given by any reg-
tx :n oi coni me; cc or revenue to the ports ot
ae Staic o\er those of another.
nioney shall be drawn from the treas-
ry. bu: :«•. c- naequer.eeof appropriations made
...w ; an i a regular statement and account
the receipts and expenditures of all public
hed from time to time.
0. No
ppropnatc no money from
by a vote of two thirds
u by yeas and navs, uit-
nie '
'he justice<
ly dech.i d by
pnating i
:icy the i
• » suoraxtU'd lo
• for the purpose
1 contingencies;
»n::inst the Hjn-
hich shall have
ribunal for the
ist the Govern-
i lor with
a*.y office: of
without the i
t y present,
!.in«i whatev
t:;n State.
12. Con^r
i • .gress shall grant no extra
any public contractor, officer,
a:\T such contract -hall
i r such service rendered,
nobility shall he granted by
■ .‘es; and no person holding
St or trust under them, shall,
/nt of the Congress, accept of
lument, office, or title of any
:«i any King, Prince, or for-
hall i
an <
d(. m >
cf ih
no law respecting
:.M*-;.ux« ;if O: religion, i;r prohibiting the
\vri . li.i-icvjf: or abridging the freo-
i sp eck. or cf the pn .- : or of the right
: ppaeez
ny ho
My to asst
t for a re
pet i -
, p
:!;es and m
lo warrant;
the right of the
. i ll! not be in-
of peace, be
i the consent of
t bt n iw m
;. i effects against
izures, shall not
shall issue but
ad by oath or uf-
•Liibing the place
n - or things to be
shall i
i*.y pr
hi'.d t«> answer fi r a
nous crime, unless on
ent of a grand jury,
ng in the land cr naval
ilia, when in actual ser-
r or public danger; nor
subject for the same of-
lex.oe to h • put ill jeopardy of life or limb;
r. «r be comp;!! d, in any criminal case, to be a
witness ag*.ir..-t himself; nor he deprived of
iif -, liberty, or property, without due process
of law ; for shall private property he taken for
public use without just compensation.
17 In all criminal prosecutions the accused
shall enjoy th:-. right, to a speedy and public
trial, by on impartial jury in the tftatc and
District wucrcin the crime shall have been com
mitted, which District shall have been previ
ously ascertained by law. and to be informed
of the nature and cause of the accu.-afion ; to
be confronted with the witnesses against him ;
to have compulsory procces for obtaining wit-
nesses in his favor; and to have the assistance
of counsel for hi-t dt fence.
13. In suits at common law, where tho value
iu x-ontrovor^y shall exceed twenty dollars, the
of nil the S
And *.f tl»c ilt-use of II .‘preseotaliVv*- s! .-•]
cho-tae a President, whenever theright of c!
shall devolve upo.i them, before the fburtl
of March next following, th.-n tue Vic*' I
U nt - .. a ri ta Presi I at, as ia east v
death, or other cu stiiutional disabilitv
4. file p* r. -n having the greater; ;i ..nberof
votes as Vix . -President shad he die \ i e-Pres-
idetit, if such number be a majori:y of the
whole number of Electors appointed : and if
no person have a majorit ,, then from the two
highest numbers on the list the Senate shall
choo.-o the \ ice-Presid*-nt; a quorum for the
purpose shall cx>nsisi cf two (hit d< of the whole
number ol Senators, and a majority of t!.:-whole
number .-bull be necessary to a choice.
2. But no person vMnsrituticnaliv -ufeiigioie
cso Uie ottfe of President shall be'eHgtftftMo
that of Vico President of the Confederate
7. The Congress may determine the time of
choosing the Electors, and the day oa which
they shall give their votes, which day shall be
thi' throughout the Confederait* States.
No person except a natural born citizen *.f
the Confederate States, or a ciiu«-n thereof, at
the tin::* of the adoption of tiiD Constitution, or
a citizen thereof born in the United States pri
or to the 20 of December, 1800, shall be eligi
ble to the office of President ; neither shall
any person be eligible to that office who shall
i.ot have attained the age of thirty-five years,
and been fourteen years a resident within the
limits of the Confederate States, as they* may
exist at the time of his ejection.
8. In case of the removal of the President
from office, or of his death, resignation, or in
ability to discharge the powers and duties ot
the said offic**, the same shall devolve on the
Vice-President; and the Congress may, by
law, provide for the case of removal, death,
resignation, or inability both of the President
and A icu-Prcsident, declaring what officer shall
then act as Pres dent, and such officer shall act
accordingly until the cli ability be removed or
a President be elected.
lb The President shall, at stated times, re
ceive for his services a compensation, which
-hall neither bo increased ncr diminished dur
ing the period fer which ho shall have been
elected ; ar.d he shall not receive within that
period any other emolument from the Confed
erate States, or auy of them.
1M. Before he enters on the execution of his
°^ K ;N he shall take the following oath or affir-
“I do .solemnly swear ( u- affirm,) that I
w;l: laithfully execute the office of President of
the (V-ulederate S:atc3, and will, to the be.-t of
my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the
Constitution thereof.”
3d Monday, Cobb
A R T 10 L E 1 V
1. Full faith and credit shall be given in eac.
Slate to the public acts, records, and judicial
proceedings of every other .Slate. And |J;q
Congress may, by general laws, prescribe tKo
manner i:i which such acts, records, and prrj.
erodings shall he proved, and the effect thereof
1. The citizens of each State shall he enti
tled to all the priviliges ar-d immunities of cit
izens in the several States, and shall have the
right of transit and sojourn in any State of
this Confederacy, with their slaves and other
property, and the rigin p f property is said
slaves shall not be thereby impaired.
-■ ■' person charged in any State with trea
son, felony, or other oriine against the laws of
such Stale, who shall tioe from justice, and lie
found in another Stale, shall on demand of tiu
executive authority of the State front which
he fled, he delivered up, to be removed to the
Slate having jurisdiction of the crime.
■1. No slave or other person held to service
or labor in any State or Territory of the Con
federate States, under the laws therof, escapT
ing or lawfully carried into another, shall, ih
consequence of any law or regulation therein,
be discharged from such service or labor ; but
shall be delivered up on claim of the party to 1
whom such slave belongs, or to whom such ser
vice or labor may be due. H.
forutny Clinch
4th Th’wlav Montgomery
1st & 2d Monday, Cam 11
1st Monday, Dooly
T -ylor
TVlay after McIntosh
3d Monday, Franklin
- Glynn
M ’rray
after. Telfair
Thursday after, Irwin
Monday after. Berrien
Monday .af-)
, ter the 4th V Echols
Wetlnesdsiy after. Kabun
2d Monday, Fannin
1. .Other States may be admitted into this
Conlederacy by a vote of two-thirds of tht
whole House of Representatives, and j wo thirds
of the Senate, the Senate voting by States ; ho*
no new State shall be formed cr erected w.tbin
the jurisdiction of any other Statu; nor h#v
State be formed by the jumetion of two or
more States, or parts of S ates, wi»hout the
consent of the Legislatures of tue States, con
cerned, as well as of the Congress.
2. The Congre-s shall have power to dispose
-unit:, ii.
a * . , ... , ,, I * • -- • J ■ 1 '• * * V.. ■ i-u . w i/Ui Uvlilll r, IUv
Af “j r , . Bbail “ ot ** returned by | right of trial by jury shall be preserved; and
irvntldent within ten days (Sundays ex- no fact so tried by n jury shall be otherwise
eepted) niter it shall have been presented to ! re-examiu* d in any Couaf of the Confederacy,
■« al1 b ‘* a in like manner , then according to the rules of the common law.
•• ” b * signed it. unless the Congress, by | Iff. Excessive bail shall noi be required, oor
1. The Breai.kut shall be C.-mamuder-iu-
( of ti'.e army .and navy of the Confederate
Elates, and of the Militia of the several States,
when called into the actual service of the Con
federate Status ; lie may require the opinion,
in writing, of the principal officer, in each of
the Executive Departments, upon any subject
relating to the duties of their respective offi
ces ; aud lie shall have power to grant re
prieves and pardons tor offences against the
CoufrJrate .States, except in cases of impeach
2. He shall have power, by and with the ad
vice and consent of the Senate, to make treat
ies, provided two-thirds of the Senator- pre
sent concur ; and he shall nominate, and by
and with the advice and consent of the Senate,
shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Min-
isVf rs and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme
Court, and ail other officers of the Confederate
States, whose appointments are not herein oth
erwise provided for, and which shall be estab
lished by law ; but the Congress may, by law,
vest the appointment of such inferior officers,
as think proper, in the President alone, in the
courts of law or in the heads of Departments.
3. Ihe principle officer iu each of the Ex
ecutive Departments, and all persons connec
ted with tlie diplomatic service, may be re
moved from office at the pleasure of the Presi
dent. All other civil officers of the Executive
Department inay be removed at any time by
the President, or other appointing power,
when their services are unneccssaey, or for
dishonesty, incapacity, inefficiency, miscon
duct, or neglect of duty ; and when so re
moved, the removal shall be reported to the
Senate, together with the reasons therefor.
4. The President shall have power to fill ali
vacancies that may happen during the recess
of Ihe S* natc, by granting commissions which
shall expire nt the cud of their next session ;
but so person rejected by the Senate shall be
re-appointed to the same office during the en
suing recess.
I. The President shall, from time to time,
give to the Congress information of the Stale
of the Confederacy, an l recommend to their
consideration such measures as he shall judge
necessary and expedient; ho may, on extraor
dinary occa ions, convene both Houses, or
either of them ; and in ea>c of disagreement
between them, with respect to tho time of ad
journment, he may adjourn them to such time
as he shall think proper; he shall receive Am
bassadors and other public Ministers ; he shall
take care that the laws bo faithfully executed ;
and shall commission all the officers of the
Confederate States.
1. The President, Vice-President, and all
civil officers of the Confederate .States, shail be
removed from offise on impeachment for f and
conviction of treason, bribery, or other high
crimes and misdemeanors.
3. The Confederate States may acquire new
territory ; and Congress shall have poVer
legislate and provide Governments for the in
habitants of all territory belonging to the Con
federate States, lying''without tho limits of
the several States: aud may permit them, at
such times, and in such manner as it may by
law provide, to form States to be admitted in
to the Confederacy. In all such territory, the
institution of negro slavery as it now exists in
the Confederate States, shall be recognized and
protected by Congress, and by the Territorial
Government; and the inhabitants of the sev
eral Confederate States and Territories, shall
have the right to take to such Territory any
slaves, lawfully held by them in any of the
States or Territories of the Codfederate
4. The Confederate States shall guarantee
to every State that now is, or hereafter may
become, a member of this Confederacy, a re
publican form of Government, and shall pro
tect each of them against invasion ; and on
application of the Legislature (or of the Ex
ecutive when the Legislature!is not in session)
against domestic violence.
1. Upon the demand of any three States, le
gally assembled in their several Conventions v
the Congress shall summon a Convention of all
the States, to take into consideration such
amendments to the Constitution as the said
Stab s shall coucur in suggesting at fhe time
when the said demand is made ; and should
any of the proposed amendments to the Con
st itution be agreed on by the said Convention
—voting by States—and the same be ratified
by the Legislatures of two-thirds of the seve
ral States, or by Conventions in two-thirds
thereof—as the one or the other mode of rati
fication may be propo ed by the general Con
vention—they shall thenceforward form a part
of this Constitution. But no State shall, with
out its consent, be deprived of its equal repre
sentation in the Senate.
L The Government established by this Con
stitution is* the successor of the Provisional
Government of the Confederate States of Amer-
and all the laws passed by the latter shall
continue in force until their successors are ap
pointed and qualified, or the offices abolished.
2. All debts contracted and engagements
entered into before the adoption of this Con
stitution. shall be as valid against the Confed
erate States under lhis Constitution ns under
the provisional Government.
3. This Constitution, and the laws of th«:
Confederate States, made in pursuance thereof;
aud all treaties made, or which ahull be made
under the authority of the Confederate States,
shall be the supreme law of the land, and the
Judges in every State shall be bound thereby,
anything in the Constitution or laws of any
State to the contrary notwithstanding.
4. The Senators and Representatives before
mentioned and the members of the several
State Legislatures, and all Executive and Ju
dicial officers, both of tho Confederate Slates
and of the several States, shall be bound by
oath or affirmation, to support this Constitu
tion ; but no religious test shall ever be requi
red as a qualification to any office or public
trust under th$ Confederate States.
5. The enumeration, in the Constitution, of
certain rights, shall not be construed to deny
or disparage others retained by the people of
the several States.
o. The powers not delegated to the Confed
erate States by the Constitution, nor prohibited
by it to the States, are reserved to the States,
respectively, or to the people thereof. •
L The ratification of the Conventions of five
States shall be sufficient for the establishment
of this Constitution between the States so rat^
ifying the same.
2. When five States shall have ratified this
Constitution in the manner before epecified,
the Congress under the Provisional Constitu
tion shall prescribe the time for holding the
election of President and Vice President, and
for the meeting of the Electoral College, and
for counting the votes, and inaugurating the
President. They shall also prescribe the time
for holding the first election of members of
Congress under this'Constitution, and the time
for assembling the same. Until the assembling
of such Congress, the Congress under the Pr<
visional Constitution shall eontinne to exeroii
the Legislative powers granted them, not eL
tending bevond the time limited by the Const!
tution of the Provisional Government.
1st Monday. Clayton
3d Monday. Barite*
3d Monday. Bibb
4th Monday. Dade
" Towns
Last Monday,'Colquitt
Monday, .
Milton rt?
Monday, Brooks
«- ' petr*
o«l Monday, Thomas
4fbMoud*y. llirhuiond
4th Monday, Banks
Friday after. Telfair
1st Monday. Berrien
Cl »y ton
2d Monday, Buiko
3*1 Monday Bibb
** Troop
j Monday after, Colquitt
j ** “ Liberty
|Monday after Liberty. Bryo:
k Tlt MotvTsn , Dougherty
2d Monday, Johnson
3d Montla* Thoxna*
♦May hold »,iree weeks, if neces^ti at
fThis chans< not to take effect till aftei
ar term of the Court.
♦All Courts} i Clay county, which, mu
St. Loci*, April 19, 1861.
Editor Crusader: Since the date of our la^t we have
seen the effect on trade that the opening of the war has
cause l business at fir=* was greatly deprersed. but is reviv-
Bacon has advanced nearly }4c per lb, c ear sides arr
now bold at 11c; this advance is caused by the policy at
Cinciunatti of Lincoln and his follow ers to seize Provisions,
Ac- consigned to poiuts in the Confederate States. Ou-
Southcrn friends should not forget that St Louis alone can
furnish the wants of the South for a long while, taking in
to mii- deration tho large amount that has already gone
forward, aud we feel confident that Southern uieu and
Southern cities will have the preference.
Lard 9^9J^c in Bbls.
Corik firm, unchanged. 36&4*> p r Bu*h.
Flour dull, $4.25@$4.50 per Bbl for Superfine, Extra
Family $4.75&&>.50 per Bbl.
YV It laky 13c per Gal.
Pork boavy. Clear mess $17ia.$l7.So per BM.
Tranqtortation on rivers fine. Kailro nl- getting nearly
ap with freights.
Exchange N. Y. Sight has advanced very rapidly and may
now be quoted at *©7c p«»r ct. premium. Gold G.t4 per ct.
Corrected Weekly by Robert L. Crawley.
t « ft
BAGGING—Gunny V yar
BALE ROPE—machine...y K.
Should’rs.. .
Sides.. |
Hog ronnd-....
CANDLES—Sperm. j
Adamantine j§
Rio %
CIIEE8E- Northern $
English Dairy...
FLOUR—superfine ...‘
Extra 1
Family...... 1
GltA IN—corn skd bush
Oats ' 1 bufltj
Peas y bash’
LARD—iu barrels 1
In Kegs and Cans.
1IA V—Eastern
Sheet -
'L* - ^ Moscv'd’o aud P R 1
KR—keg rifle..,
Blasting keg
v#T A TOES—Sweet ‘
Irish Northern
JM'GAR—New Orleans
Clarified A
•* B
“ C
SOAP—Turpentine, common'
Family, pale
STARCH—No. 1, pearl
Hollow ware
Springs I
OIL —Linseed -J
Lard 1
Kerosine I
f-perin <
Train 1
GLASS—8X10, Am 1
8X10, For » box
PUTTY « ft>
MACKEREL, No 3 « bbl
No 2 « bbl
No 1 bid
Jt { 13^ ft 14
(ai f. 00
<U> ; oo
Grand Officers, Knights of Jericho,
Term expires 26th July, 1861.
J- S. Peterson,'Atlanta, Gran^Chief.
■wwin, .Vrt,A....,.*s5i~ “ “
tb, AtlantRs.
•ns. Spirta,... Grand
Dalilonega, „.G»r,
Edward Jackson, Perry, ----un*..
Dr. E. M. Pendletuif. Sparta. Georgia.
Professor*W. iv Williams, Macon, Georg
Col. Q-P.: Gauleiter, Atlanta. Georgia.
t cmperaiice
Jtnigjjls af 3erir|0,
Principles.—To God we owe Obedience, Love and Wor-
!|l| p; to the world Justice; to our Brethren, Forgiveness
; to „ <,,,r «* lv ^ sustenance and protection,
l LL./or.—W e will not rnaae. buv. sell or ii**. ** tt beverage,
r selves,
ot make, buy, sell
any intoxicating drinks whatever, and will u fc e all h
aide means to prevent the uiauulaclure, use and the traf
fic therein for the use and purposes of a beverage.
UovEiixMMfT.-lat. Subor.iu.ate Lodges. i„ which at.v
ftec-lM>ru w * ,,re person. p<*«essiug ag x.d moral char
acter, of*sound health and ol the age ol fifteen years aud
upwards, who acknowledge and believe in the existence ol
Almighty God, TlitgFather, ISou aud Holy spirit. The
•sitor and Preserver ofall things, to wh »ui they are ac
countable tor every thought, word anduoed, may be a.lnnt-
0 d to membership; aud auy lady conforming to the lorcgo-
mg requirements, to honorary membership
3d. Grand Ledges, comjKwed o! the Chief Gfii'*er>* and ret>-
r(tentative* from *he fcubordinate Lodges.
Form of Application for a Subordinate
Lodge Charter.
7b the Grand Lodge Knigfds of Jericho, State of Georgia:
The undersigned free-born white citizens of sound health
an i past the age of fifteen years, each and all of whom m> -
knowledge aud believe in the existence of an Almigbty
Uod, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, tue Creator aud 1 re
set v»r ofall things, to whom wc are all accountable for t ve
ry thought, word and deed, believing the Order*of Knights
01 Jericho to be in harmony with those great principles
and well calculated to advance the cause of lioniuniiy
Temperance end Charity, most respectfully petition your
honorable body to grant them a Charter to open a Lodge
of the order, to be located in , post office,——county
■*f -, State of , to be known and hailed m
Lodge Knights of Jericho, of the State of . If grant
ed. we pledge our sacred honors, os gentlemen, individually
and collectively, to he governed by the Constitution, laws,
rules and usages of the Grand Lodge and the Order at
large. Enclosed is the fee for Charter, Constitution- and
Odes—Ton Dollars.
The alioye must be plainly signed by at least ten jtr-
sons: and in the event that any of them are UH inl*en of
;V order, it should be so stated at the l>ottom. together
with the Ledge to which they belong, aud tho degree at
tained; to be directed to the Grand Recorder. The ex-
pen*es incurred by ihe organizing officer in going and re
turning, to be paid by the applicants.
The Grand Lodge of Georgia reserves ts itself the exclu
sive right to constitute Subordinate Lodges of the Knights
cf Jericho within its own jurisdiction, aud also an equal
right with other Grand Lodges of the Order to constitute
Lodges in any other State, Territory or Province in which-
there is no Grand Lodge of the Order, when proper appli-
cat: n is made. And will hold Lodges thus organized under
its jurisdiction, givihg them the same rights and privileges
allowed to subordinate Lodges in its own jurisdic-
shall have formed and organized a Grand Lodge for them-
jar lrt vbaTibVvOrand ConatftuGoo,few*»*!<*«•
conforming to “
Lodge, when its jnri.s-
kd Constitutioof fewa.
those of this (Srand Lodge,
said Lodges shall cease.
All petitions to the Grand Lodge, Knights
ate of Georgia, for Charters to open new Subo?dinate
Lodges of the Order, or communications seeking iuforma-
ves Chntt-itM.- y* at
\ rrivto*. r.t D*lt« -n ..**
ArrfVeaat Atir>.nt»_ T
NIGHT I’A? * ENG lift —WfWV.
Leave* < 'hat i oikooga
6 83 V M
AnO. as lo the character and style of our work
Wo print
Arrives at Dolton,
Arrive* at Atlanta ... ^ • 4 00 A v
Connects with the great NVwdTrleans k N-w-York Mail
iunite 4 times a day Gtrongh the t*m valleys (Irih f Amw-
ica.) Fplendid scenery and bonntuuus fare.
Macon & wkstbbn 1;. r.
Atlanta. Go.
PLOj^^-sV, '-Qtner.
per- maliy live miles South of Union Point, or addressed by
letter at Union Point, Greene couuly, Go. The medicine
can L»* sent anywhere, with directions lor giving it, 01 1
wUi at lend personally, if requested aud paid lor my trouble.
I will buy negroes altiicted with Dropsy, or cure them, a*
the owner may prefer. Satisfactory references given, ii
desired. MILEs G. BKOGMJL
State of Georgia, Greene County :
Thin is to certify that my lather had a negro man a
liictcd with dropsy in lt>53; he had been treated by seven
piiysiciau* without any cure, when he appneu to M. t
Broome lor his remtsly, which cured turn. If*- is still tivin
and in good health. Jan 21. I80H. H. CHAMPION.
Union Point, Greene cv. Slay 14, 18o7
This is to certify that 1 had a negro woman badly afJ:<
ted with Dropsy for a considerable time, sihe was attendee
by several physicians; they tailed to make a cure. I beam
of SI. G. Broome and pat her under his treatment, and in
less than a year she was thoroughly cured ol Dropsy.
JAMKh DAN ANT, Peuheid. Ga.
This in to certify that 1 had a negro woman iu lls>b af
flicted with dropsy. 1 put her under the treatment cf M.
G. Broome, who soon made a permanent cure ot tier.
Union Point, Ga. Tit A Via C. CARLTON.
11 O
1 «;< a
12k 0.
r, <3
3 00
u 'd
gal ! 1 08
gal • 1 2.%
11 50
16 00
18 00
) 2S 00 ©;«> 1
Hemlock 1
Oak Tan
LK SKINS—French...
Non.—These ore wholesale rates, aud those buying at
retail have to pay a small advanoe on above prices.
k ■" j. ' 1 —i-j
Cltnrcb Directory.
te*ley Chapel, (M. B.) ~KeV. W. J . Scott.
^lofty, (M. K.) Her. J. C. Biuumns.
‘ «B*)T. J. B. Psyutt.
t llujilint. Il«. u. C. lluruad ,,
Hill Dupllrt, J. T. Clarke.
t Presbyterian, ..Hev. J. 8. Wilson, D. D.
• • * ...Rev. J. L. Rogers.
Rev. And. F. Freeman.
....Ksv. T. B. Lanier.
I....... Rsv. J. Haasan.
..Rev. T. P. Perdue.
^Ncr. T. Hatchings
| 1EO. A. OATES & DKO. Dealers in Diaeos,
VJ Rooks, Music, Ac. Droad St. between the
U- Whites and Globe Hotels, Augusta, Georgia, would must
reepectiully invite the attention of then tneuds aud the
public generally, to^their large and well selected stock ol
nano Furies, man the following celebrated munutactoruo,
tor which they are solo agents, m: Bacon A Haven, A. 11.
Gale A Co. llozletou and Bros. N. Y. and Halletto, Davis A
Co. Boston, which, for sweetness of tone and durability,
cannot be excelled. It is useless to say more in their lav or,
‘ they are too well kuowu to need pulling. Piano Fortes
any Maker or style ordered, at the lowest prices. Tiieir
Music is very large. Also, always on hand, u
supply-ol Meiodeous, Guitars, Violins, Flute*,' Accorueon*.*
A loo, all kinds ol Brass Instruments, suitable lor a lull
Land, bcudes every thing in the Music Line.
4MF* All the New Books and Muric received a* soon o3
♦W* Persona at a distance ordering from 11s, can depend
upon getting a good article, as we make it a point to keep
goods ol the best quality, aud such as we can recommend
and warrant in every respect.
N. B.—For the satisfaction of persons who may want to
order, not haviug an opportunity of visiting the city, we
loicr, with pleasure, to the following gentlemen, who have
purchased troiu us, and who have cheerfully allowed their
be used. Hundreds could be added, but space
mry College.
.Mad. Fern. Coile.
will i
Hev. J. U. Echols, M
Dr. E. E. Junes, Madison, Ga.
Judge N. L. Hutchins, Lawrenceville
J. L. Keid, Esq. KatonLm, Ga.
W, Gatowood, Esq. Putruun Co. Ga.
May 12, lbM ly
Isaac wiNsnir ooiixRi wixsiur ocoruk wixsuip
W .NbUIi”a IKON WORKS, Atlanta, Ga.,
1. & K. WiNsiiiP & Co. Manutacturers of
Steam Engines and Boilers, Circular Saw Mills on the most
approved plan, Tuming lathes, Migar Mills, KettU-s,
.dining Mathiuery, Mill Work, oi all descriptions, new
styles of trim Hailing for/eiues and cemetery lots, Binlge
Civ-ti ga aud Bolts, lUilroud Work, Gin Goal ing, fri-iu 7 to
12 feet, latest improved Horse Powers, and ali kiuds of Iron
und Brass Castings made to order, at short not:c«.
Having exjtcrieuced Workmen, « large and well aahorted
rock of New Patterns, and our facilities being superior to
kiiy 1 ouudry in the State, we feel couttih-ut ol giving entire
eatialiu'tiou to those who may favor us with orders, both in
recant lo pnc«s and the quality of our work.
Foundn n. .1 Mnrliiue Shop on Western A Atlantic Kail
hood. ffiSHfe 4, ltv-f ly
A If Iff W A.’ II 1 N A H T O II Iff
Atlanta, ... Georgia.
Have Just opened a new shirk of
White, Decorated and Gilt China—Dinner, Tea and
Toilet Seta; Silver-Plated Tea Seta, Egg Boilers aud Cas
tors. Solid Shrer and Plated Forks, Spootia, Cups, Goblets,
Cake Baskets, Fruit Stands, Walters, Ac. China and 7U-
Of all kinds in i!ii> must superior nmnntr. and
upon terms as reasonable as any Northern
House, aDd while there is such an establish
ment in Georgia, no one can have snv excuse
for going out of the State to have Books or
anything else printed. We will in a few day
have iu press the new .
-itMS L. TtUS
t. July 3% 18«l
I*obligee train
10 00 am
l .ve
Arrive at Macon 6 00 P ■
The 11 00 am tnunfrom AtiaVd coauectalit Macoo
rtaseah. and ^ IT. R. R.
■Ms •
For thi3 State, codified by .Messrs
COBB, Esq., Judge IRWIN, aud Cole
CLARK, appointed by the Legislate:
purpose. It is a book of
T. Ii. K.
te’ It. H.
j for that
rtaa Vases.
imps and TkbU Cutlery; lnbmlaw, Cut and
l Dinner and Ten Seta. MSolMd op In auy
piece. Ctoekcry at Wbofeeafe
(Nearly oppoalte
| Sept 27, ISto—lyw
Beaeb 8 Reatfe)
1200 PAGES
Containing only the that now in
force, an.l will be sold by all
We print
(Of all kinds anil sizes,)
Of nay size and in any and
Wc turn off work with
Great Dispatch,
And all orders from abroad will receive
Prompt ^ttrutioiL
Will be required in all eaiea when we deliewi
he work
• W. Adajvs, Gcasi.I J *~ip'r--i*~nn n
Fnndxj -ith. the indm will ran
*t ?.Lil«
Arrive at Savanna!* 7 2? a :
Arrive at August.'.
Arrive at ^avwnaah
Arrive at Mao a
Trains that leave Savart:..-»h at
Milica, arriving t
Macon train to A
1 p ai o*:d 1110 ii m
5 :.a a m a&d 11 Oo p m
6 30 a m ar.d f 3.3 p m
- 12 30 p m
* “a and 10 00 p m
j and 10 40 p ir
1 and 2 10 p m
1 and 10 40 r c
1 and Ul-
— Re
direct toAngnsta
PaBsengers by either 1.3-J or
r.ah for Mao n. or points bev
tioti at Macon.
•ngert* fi
[ 45 p e
train at Augusta, will
t Savannah at 10.40 p. a.
' *iiMh, will go through
At 1 a:
beynd, on W. a A. F.
r-ni. train; for Milledge-
Yallev, on 11.10 p.L
Oohuntma. eu/by ith,r Itc w—»
Passengers free. Augneta, i,. r S. O. Ga. should take tlie
l^< a. in. train, to avoid <J.: • >n at Macon Those for
Columbus, Montgomery, kc. may take either train.
finect at Macon w ith Macon k Western trains fo
with West train*
iuea. Amfricn*. Co-
: with Augnsta aud
rth; at Savanna r
* York; oleo. will:
-.ffiu and Atlanta and the M e.W
to Albany. Cuthbert* Entaulo. 1,
xy. Ac„ at
lnmhuia. Mo;
Saraaaah K. "k.
with the iri-wwklv stea:r1
steamships to Philadelphia * 1,.
By this change in sch« in ». :n.
Angnsta. With tho ^ottth t'.*t.-; ; j
pasee-iff-rs will have - !.». ?
neeflow U>;h
Ar rust* or Mi’Jen. as
Leave A rust*
Arrive r.t Uhorieat. n
Leave AcpisU...
— Ur l
2..ii t
- 11.15 v
X t'\ OF kl'KKlKI.S INFALLlbLt. M.i
MATUREK.—l;«i ' - *
. fica-
GLMa uaik
certilkaic cf yonr own
? *® H this is u.a.
Me. X. Lttirt—Pear >ir: 1 take great 1
v a lb.[ I tuv, uiw4 (brae UatJe. of Uar Ii'Jr
i'. h wywlf; my h-».r u K ro« . ; i A
_ . I HIT hi a duaeu boftle.
B.TTU Hosu. Mobile. Ain. Apr.<L K .
y. Richmond-Lr.,. fl r: 1,^
* u ! r — nt m». Thru a aaenl of our Ik. ii. . .
Boat, of jruy UMz Rcrforer. which hu h«3.
■w WR»»»' I 1>... CO,Hired In .f.TT ur
l. rcTi.or m. Tap,*, —
* 1 'topfdy per
florly; please send 11
'a ia this
me trial of year Bafeorer. a
mitted me to jadge, is hu!
I vi
half a dozen bottles by ')
package, to be odlecn *
once will very mack ah.
Tears tru:;
F *r wile by si! .Inigiri*;'
Aft oriifi
- 4™^,. - ■
tlie Tn . mv«.
to the Proprietor.
. 1 KlKL,b.> Main Stn- r.
Richmond. V*
\\ r HOLES
11 CHi.*uni
f T G lobe 11. :
ALE DRUGGISTS — if avilast,
k On. 2tVS rr-vid str. 2 deni fn a
No- JF*. Ilaywe Street.
G. U. Ol.MhTliAD.
II. S. S*llULTOX, CbailosioQ, g. C.
Im|<ortei> and J r« «*l CJnece Dram. Brierted Medi
um, n Pure ChetunaJs Etoent.*! Oils, Medidnai Kxtracta,
F ne TVrfnmwy and Fancy S.«pv Patent Medicium. Sur
gical In*truwin!«.Tru<«»cft. Drughfi-tw* Gia-itw *rr. Pj 11 ntfefe
together a tth evt: v article mtnprising the st.M'k of a Drag:
g st or Phynctcn. Dragrfeta, Phyaicians*. CVwmtry Mar-
ehanta and dealers geuerallv. who pride them«whre* oa
dealing in MMk inrs of the t\rst Quality, may rrdy up. a
being suited. Orders solicit'd and yromf^y' attended to.
Agerto for the .-eU ratod Co’i mbia Biilrrn. JaaT ly
Monnfecturer and dealer in
ffnoJIJtanrs. 1'nu, Cawa Fijtirr*, TalntlM. OmUr Mb,
Pier TaNe and A’ Tbpa K*o wiled Slats
and JfitrMe Man'let. trim Hailings JMr
C* meter us and Enclosures.
I Wet k dene of the beet Italian aad American Martfe
Aljiays on hand, a variety of Monument*, b.4h
“ ‘ * aaad prior*
plain and curv ed, of