Atlanta telegram. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1876-????, January 20, 1877, Image 1
■TMIBEB 48, - „ g K . v- - s*^%&.•'*• |4g '■ ' ' ;: i ** ■ a ®**w e c fetiiei . ft. pBo8?W can make it distinctly appear! t'jM t • imfrflfr . ■ ii ■■ K*n a ' A * "1 vliO vlit alUvptUlll/t UI tile j ii him tn nJmU it * 16 mm to oppose it. - - -' ui’ , £ • Jt;j tSagwlfi^S^b bh parties will be bound. One member cthf commit tee thiTeveuin lid in an i erview. th&t lie was certain tliat the l , . > , , im who will stand in the way of a legal v3fl < -;.’ •■•>' ■' ;■ ■ '"*• • -*♦ ■ • ■•'■•> - fA. ,_ PEACEABLE SETTLEMENT ijms in Congress can afford to raise a single s *th. Let MortOh oppose it if he will. curedsuch an indorsement from the joint committee i BA-rnrrm. f .MUST BI RATIFIED. It was expected that the report of this committee would please neither party, as it has in it aw element of fairness to both. clearly iutlh£ BMhe aetton of tbS to*SL in Florida, ffhe rule of the Supreme Court cmiltr stot ***£ f l u ayS ’the rulings State Supreme So THE RETURNS FROM FLORIDA, * >ul<i tpe ruling of the Supreme Court ■n me action of the Board of Arbitra- THE JOINT COMMITTEE iQt indicate the political make-up of louse and Senate portion of the tribu- Llt is generally understood that the nion will be three to two or deter ed by future caucusses of the majori l of the two bodies. The action of Morton throughout the jitings of the committee has been OPPOSED TO ANT COMPROMISE, dhe has been most virulently active in vancing the extreme Republican theory at the President of the Senate alone has e right to open and count the electoral tea. His bitter refusal to coincide with 3 compromise plan, and his persistency opposing the great majority, places him a peculiar position. He sees in the com omise a death-blow to the conspiracy. oUld the compromise be ratified by Co ws, it will do much to eliminate the diia tic jjiement from the coming six weeks ' VUlglMß* 4 * 4 > . - | the Board of arbitration. s to the men who shall be selected for jjlJj na A 4, V * '' ‘ I A nih^ ■■ Jj, 4W 4. / aa a / / yBL B W ■ [HI [Brfl jW^Tjb . VBm. IB (K J*\m IB rB IB IB Isa I J ||Br [B Ihex b B IB Xi;| yS |B ■ rtf ßß^ > vBL y]B jb IB IB ™* iB IB 'WLLf -rB JB . B Jfl IB ,B IB W IB IB i r '®® p WW*w W*ty-& V ?-<’■ -.-•=.%#if;- • ■ . - t ff > .W** 1 .., <■ <-/<,&>• ATDAKTA, GA., SATURDAY EVENING, iLOTARY 20, #B7*. ‘1 \ m • i Riaincr. to the . ♦ . - — ' •< v, 1 Wind 99 && v . . . Macon 1 ihrrv * | TM 9 mm candidate for public firaoir, published at Social Circle comes to the We learn that a few United States troops reached the city yesterday. We presume that they are to be here at the election of tompiimemary, Swainsboro Herald: Hon. J. W. Renfroe, State Treasurer, has made one of the best officers Georgia overbad. XotMing Special. No trifle of news to chatter about this Senatorial election Tuesday next. - A Me* s*C*yn. j If you take any pleasure in the chas.te de lyits of hothouse gardeping, or the scien tffle grafting of bhoifcenuits, go and visit the neat establishment of M. Cole & Cos. 4 4lnthiy Ray A a about fIQ afternoon with a discoloration of one of his visual organs, caused by the unkindly con tact of the fist of Walter Jones, another newsboy. Cotton Factory. Col. Adair, President of the Coni|*, gives notice to delinquent stockholder that hands of an attorney for collection. Never give up the ship. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup may cure you, as it has done others. It coste little, and can qever harm. Price 26 cents. Atlanta Reporters. The Cherokee Georgian says: Atlanta newspaper reporters have the art of twist ing themselves into an interrogation point when about to attack a victim. The inter viewing business has been so much over done of late that there is great danger of its losing its effect. WONDffiftS CEASE ! We be lieve that Consumption can be stopped. This new principle, Dr. J. H. McLean’s Cough and Lung Healing Globules, cure Coughs, Colds or any Throat or Lung dis ease. Trial boxes 26 cts., sent by mail. Dr. J. H. McLean’s office, 314 Chestnut, St. Louis, Mo. ? h ■ Removal. The Domestic Sewing-Machine office has moved from Janies’ Bank Block to No. 31 Peachtree street, next door to Cox & Hill. Craig & Cos., general dealers In Domestic Machines and Domestic Paper Fashions will be pleased to serve their many friends and the public generally at their new stand. jan 14-h 1-et lw. . ' v .. . . _ ' >■ \WI ' . \J . - ;'f? * Viffds of the city I • *nt^awvi ■ ’ ? •• . ? —Many ladies of fash ion in Pans —lt looks like raining to-day* $k if it •M* L .'v,* * r ~Wh ng f 6C^ mmgW , , the m idfwwn the rmv ' dj __ ** kj, j.. tt-pA#nr L —'ft' anybody knows when it will cer i tainly clear up, let them speak ot imme [ tv,^Tv : > -i, ■ one of mud!** . . .. —Again would our citizens like u) have ' : f w . # ’ ’ s r •: i*. ter sunshine ™ SQI e ' to lose so clever a citizen, I —-xsjcigeneiQ \o. v. ) acsvctvisct? on J/ ncxav last, Governor Colquitt, of Georgia, was lh and gplendor.” -i. ?- , —Macon Telegraph: The inauguration're ception was a most brilliant minded us of the superb old ante-helium days of luxurious hospitality. . , t hole in the iron lamp-post, are aware of the fact that it was done by a shell during the war, ' ' • Beetboven Society. We understand that the ab&ve superb or ganization, raider the superior and efficient directorship of Prof. ■A. Schultae, will shortly render the popular opera “ FU Tro vatore," with a fine cast, fqll chorus and orchestra. '* -i .- - - ; We much doubt if Prof. Schultae has a superior in the South in bis specialties, and our music-loving citizens well know the musical talent and culture of the various members of the Beethoven. We are fully prepared to pronounce in advance the ren dition a grand success. * Personal. Hon. B. H. Hill reached the city last night. -f ' i1 t )° Col. B. Hulbert has been elected General Superintendent of an Indiana railroad. jMr. Jack Johnson and bride have re traced to the city. Judge H. H. D. Twiggs is in the city. The committee on the Inaugural bkll, after settling up the debts of the satoe, turned over to Mrs. W. H. Tuller for the use of the Benevolent Home, $l2O. United States Senator. ! Hon. Jas. B. Bailey, of Tennessee, has been elected United States Senator, Hie Banner says: He stands high as a lawyerjis a hian of the solidand substantial kitd, aid will bring no discredit to the State. : Strong Mope. Under the electoral compromise repotted by the joint committee of Congress, we see no Teason to doubt but that under it Tildfcn will be declared elected and be duly inau gurated. * Atlanta Illustrated. Every citizen should subscribe for the pictorial history of Atlanta, containing il lustrations of churches, public edifices, handsome residences, etc. A guidebook, elegantly bound, for (he stranger, and in. formation for all. An ornament for every parlor table in the city. Those wishing to insert cuts of residence or stores should address or see the author at the Franklin Printing House. jai>lß-tf ; i \ Geortri® has 1209daw vers ’ ' I Dr. D. Dirirof Social Circle, is dead. Gainesville is to have a shoe f&ctorv. '' Town iots ih'Qnitmi&‘ h: ' 1 w 11 :Vtn>m'P®i uJiA ; ‘v('i orses an mu eaare c eap n. n n. Savannah has only thirty T thxee doctors; A band of Gipsies are camming near: uov irtgton. -j* iu,wii-, w - ! -jij,ar .. Oglethrope W°: Clover patches are look ing well. A good deal of pneumonia around Stone Mountain. Rev. Dr. Jessie Boring has located at Gainesville. i .r F .pim v, Wheat in Hall county promises to yield abundantly. Wheat is unusually promising in Ogle thrope county. Conyers Courier : The State Lottery is to be swept away. The aggregate valuation of Chatham coun ty is $50,101,447. Newton county is well supplied with school teachers. George S. Peavy has been elected Int*n dant of Greenville. Brooks county has paid off the last dollar of its indebtedness. \ ■■<■■■> Social Circle boastsjof some bf the pret tiest girls in Georgia. * Swainsboro charges two thousand dollars for retail liquor license. ~ 1 The only shoemaker in Dublin, Laurens county, has moved away. . , DeKalb County NeUis; Snow drifts on the mountain three feet deep. < ti< i Mr. Robert Gray, of Carroll, raises a trtfcip weighing 4i pounds. Farm rs in Green county have generally engaged labor for the year. .. . ; J : R. J. Boyd is sole editor and proprietor of the Louisville News and Fanner. The Ordinary of Stttater county fesued the Lithonia is said to be the bbst 4® and chicken market on the Georgia faiti^ra. Sonae of the fermeraaround Conyers are preparing their landsifqr the orop of 1877. The residence of M.C. Wades worth,/of Griffin, was destroyed by fire on the 18th. Three leading citizens of Lexington have subscribed S6OO toward building the rail- Captain Coley, of Pulaski county, killed a hog a few dfayi ago which Weighed 466 pounds. ; Many new buildings will be erected near the Court House Square in Gainesville this summer. l ,V A farmer of Emanuel county made, with one plow, last year, 320 bushels of corn and ■ four bales of cotton. ; Henry Jone-, 17, y.ars old, and Miss Alice Hawk, 13 years.old, both of Griffin, were married on the 18th. Mr. Gower, of Gaihesville, is erecting a large,Rotel at his celebrated Mineral Spring, near the N- rthern limit of the city. :: Gritfin Press and Cultivator: One gentle man in this city has three of his’boys work ing on farms for wages amounting to S4OO. Rev. J. C. Burnam, near Carrollton, made the past year MOSI a one horse farm, seventeen bales of cotton, averaging 460 pounds of lint, on 32 acres of upland. Al so a good crop of corn and wheat, Fertil izers' used were made at home. Pause! Members of the Legislature, visitors to the city and the public generally, are re spectfully invited to pause at Pause’s, where the finest liquors, wines, etc., in the city are dispensed to an admiring public. Robert Pause, jan 14-lfn 14 Marietta st. “What 1 Know ADont Farming.’’ Carroll county Times: “Senator Norwood is here in Atlanta, and during the session of the Legislature oan be seen at some of the priucipal hotels, in earnest conversa tion with some member on the subject of farming.” .ft Mai. ti<>n Why do not the city pfficers, as well as our business men, make greater efforts to keep the mud rom the pavements and crossings? Wading ancle deep through mud maybe fun for boys, but ladies don’t like it. -—; : •♦*■... V’ Thought 80. Some physicians now claim that dipthe ria is due in a great degree to the gas which is thrown off from coal stoves or grates in illy ventilated rooms. We always did be lieve In a wood .fire. Imm mm: Xi ! January 20,1877. .. ■‘l , Hi I The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by toe.explain. The roll was called and the Journal read and approved. Leave of absence was granted ta M Mat tox, and also to Mr. Wellborn, Assistant Secretary. Mr. McDaniel was excused from serving on the committee on tbedJeaf and Dumb Asylum, and Mr. Wilsm"* was appointed in his stead. d-t,.„.'1 Leave of absence was granted to the Com mittee bn the Deaf and Dumb Asylum for the purpose of visiting that institution. Bills were read a‘sond time and re fer red.- • > •tiiKTMu,;,-: The Sehate went into executive session to consider the appointments made -by the Governor. The rules were suspended to take up the House resolution in reference to conference with the Governor on the subject of re trenchment. The resolution was agreed to. BILLS ON FIRST READING. By Mr. Black, to amend section 698 of the Code, - J By Mr. Graham, to establish a County Court in the county of Terrgll. By Mr. Daniel, to prescribe the mode of making tax returns by corporations to the Comptroller General. By Mr. O’Daniels, to relieve the securities on the bond of Henry Martin, tax collector of Twiggs county. HOUSE. This body ntet this morning at 10 o’clock, Speaker Bacoii in the chair. An eloquent prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. Evans of this city in the absence of the regular Chapl&iq, Roll call was dispensed with. The Committee on. the Journal reported that they had approved the Journal of yes terday • Received. ; ■ V The Journal was then taken up and, toad and approved, - motion of Mr. Mathews, of Pike, pre vailed, that when a section of the Code in the bill. Leave of absence waagranted to several members. ,m jt-iis-t.* uj On motion of Mr. Reid, of Morgan, the Constitutional Committees of the House j and Senate will act as a Joint Committee. Speaker Baoon presented the answer of Treasurer Renfroe to resolution of inquiry by the House, to wit: That he bad received nothing throUgh hia office except his salary of $2,000. Committees made their reports with their recommendations. The Judiciary by 111 ‘efiafrman, made requesfMt the bill tailing a Constitution al Convention be mad,; the regular order for Monday morning at II o’clock, and that It continue the regular order from dSy to day, until disposed of. Mr. Fry, of Fulton, amended by provide ing that it be the, regular Order when it does not interfere With regular order or Ax ed previously. C 'jrjsd v i; The Hall of tendered te Hon. B. H. Hill this evening, by motion of Mr. Cox, of Troup. A seat on the floor was also tehdered to Mr. Hill. | JMr Green, of Baldwin, reported lOjclerks who had bien examined by special Com mittee were competent. . of Hancock, a resolution alio#* ing clerk of the House to appoint 6 addi tional clerks. Tabled A paper answering resolution of House, to perquesitesjof office of Secre tary of State was presented by the Speaker. Secretary of State stated that his salary for tbejpastjyearjwas $2,000 and perquisites about SSOO. Mr. Cox intrd3ucpd jt resolution that the Clerk of the -Hootfe, by tnetton, from time to time be allosre&to appoint twenty addi tional clerks during the remainder of the session. Tabled, ' Mr. Garlton, of Clarke, introduced a bill on' appropriations. Referred to Finance Committee. ■ '.<■ : ; vq.j, ; , Also, a bill to regulate the amount of taxes to be levied for thll year. Referred to Finance Committee. Mr. Evans, of Jefferson, reported that the committee on acoustic arrangements of the House would have the acoustic wirtss up shortly at an expense of S2O. ; - A memorial was presented by the mem ber from petitioning that all offi ces in the State be consolidated, consistent with the welfare of the State. Referred to committee on reduction of offices and salaries. ;:j , Chairman of the Corporation Committee reported several bills with recommenda tions. , ; 'jsite *f? ' : Rah! for Andrew. Mr. A. B. Dorsey, of Gainesville, names his 101 pound boy "Wade Hampton.