Atlanta telegram. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1876-????, January 20, 1877, Image 2
UPv . • I **-ffiMtoitaffi Hka?* wanrik &•*&* proi-vsed Conveu >ttfe hum (ka. SSs. tWJfew tout <riy | . qjt hi* Ifcjwife at tdU i j&ttsfc, toafc a£ Miss •ijutw* iittWftfetMt o£South> recant bit found it ifat ShwThrk. t&imw fctnwbwt iptmous: W*U\rttt ebou*. i Stae* XttUlirosi- ifc twmtty <MJ*c joiu wu*btf ''S*** 'Vjrk.ou SoudSky, Fuat $: !*•£*. & wnjqglwft afettous, fflf*l ttoudwik iiw>- oft*. om£ was- g*ardtT cm th* BRMmMteMlMafc. two ift* BMifekdr ti* wwarttow dUfrt*gr Ui*? Star tn a ifTTMIt iMMM iw*tlg- mwwbwßEl mkite-uattlitegi* f*H>tr 9wt thafr hear**] Wh’**-* W* ■*!•£ m witndMiMi ttewt tawfttenwaiwg twate* amt Itogn w Ult&HMfeftiife tapwaiii* HUnterllamw £fe< jMHMiI WHie d*v*uum, J J awn* *•> wnai&k ®te mffctmg "-r f" '*; ;• ■ I, ~H jMpwfc naan; iiiwar ll ist vMrifc tfe*aoaaapwiw: aos tfesssihAoi' -ImTlwTi 'iwr own '-ton*: w* 'wttwto ABrdteoFr iii Sr ; w ~ i :Mlr:: W 1% titer rst s*g ciltt cnltaO. tni'lnwri'T 'ww hfcwgjtt it # tfanhwgbt of _ Ufitfth*lK*ncwmm dying *w*r ■' iSaiua and ** 'in mu& ~wmt> *iinrifrt ‘b- ; r •“~'i Bo- cMtowuyeo ifteitetekottl cajMowasd: Ste tfe* y*Hft MeM • wwntl wriT -nprftr ir t a;i W fc^t-M<iwwt : w*Ht ffcttfcicfsattfei no, BTiwflfifl’nn altowmg suck as g4t swt doUara a day aud mileage. Thei botcii) tht majority theap. Line, eail a State Convention and adjourn. The sooner they stop their labors (?) the more money they w& save She State, and the better will the " Z' m ffiaSuswhnmwS ta Berft. The Cbvington Star says: A short ses sion of the Legislature is what the people want. Let the work of the session be done (prickly and efficiently. If this be done, wehavwwo dtotore to see the per diem Of members reduced to a niggardly sum. To have.good work done we must pay good wages. We do not think it wise economy to reduce the salaries of our public officers, qrtfre per diem of our law makers. The true way to economic in this matter is for tire legislature to do its work quickly and adjourn. Many offices should be abolished. Kvery leah from, the public treasury should be stopped. Tbs work of the session should be done in at lease twenty days. Thus one haif of the expenses of that department of rile public service could be saved to the people. But the salaries of the gover nor and other public officers should not be reduced. In fhet, we had rather see the governor’s salary raised, to $5,000 than re duced to $3,0*0. Why have the dramatic troupes slighted Geoigi*tfcis.seeon? Thwabove we find in the ConstitfUum of this morning. One reason is first-class troupes hear rather a had account of the success of others that have visited us. An other reason, i e unsettled condition of the Ptandeutiai question has ted them into error. But another .oaeou is, many of the com panies that visit ue are brought here by Hr. DeGiw*. die proprietor of the Opera SSbuso, amt We Bate are so high he finds it necessary ha stop bi ingiug them here. It hahuMinoe if". BeGive. He has in vestad a good Je* f asoaey tn his thea tre, pays a map and a*un by way of taxes, etc. On* seat wistek our City Council and ---gnr—- Other is the Ma time theatricai-cofepai-Jr*pay. the tax.. Itia our rjliwei. Jit lfrr~~ he who has done hi 8 pare toward but , .!g up and seeping up thacity. b*r of our oitiMß* going about with tin -a nrotected by ftan wd. rouiwAt f • *• throat is sore, take o*tempoM*a*i <4. salt, one U.tspoqnful of red'. tphlespoontiC . of vinegar itt * teacup U ooiiing water; cover it to £m* ami then gargle. After which sing out some of your heaviest “cuss words'* on thoae who should look alter the pavements and street crossings The General Assembly of Georgia will detihe its position ou the United States Sen atorial question on Tuesday. Walking ahout the city just now is & sen otts job ou account ot idle mud and slush. For several weeks past th weather has got ahead oftha oldest inhabitant. Usui In cum TaesiMW. Busiuwss faiimes are still announced with aafllewitt frequency to warrant the impres- that the money troubles are not yet aver. — The above charming artiste begins an en gagement hr Memphis on Monday next. Are not the members of the Georgia Legis lature to see and hear her ? ■■ 1 "" # Uie strangers now in the city 3eem to ttmiatrauch to amuse and interest them a* tft* Geological and Agricultural Depart ment* a* anywhere else in the city. 3errieee li£ a. m. and 7t e. *. A. T- Phstor. Seats free to strangers. Visitors always welcome. TB iliqnoniTeat and says: “Tilden’s inau gural will completely unchain the devil, aud I think he will come in great wrath.” Wt m. jg. wn [From Washington Union, 18th.] Baa prepared a speech on the rights and pimiegas of the House in the electoral ceaait, windft it was his intention to de liver ifc the Bouse on Wednesday. Mr. BUI is now (juste ill, however, and may wet be able to attend to-morrow’s session. It is thought the debate on this question may he postponed for a few days. h m2a”" Gray Chandler, an old Georgian, died recently in Miseiasippi. ftionl and advertisements, and met with tMfc ‘ greatest encouragement, as our subscript}*© listfof nearly three hundred names will testtftr. We had no need to go around the JSTijWy I'm™** enterprise with apu riouf pleas for patronage, \Vte wish to say to business men that we have made considerable pro&refra and will give at the proper time a correct, reliable Directory. We would state that our resi dent in Atlanta does not date from Janua ry ls\ 1877, but that we have been engaged in tb4 city and in the State of Georgia dar ing nast of the past year, which has made us tflbroughly fkmiliar with all the firms and fesiness men of the city, without which a correct directory cannot be published. Be tides all wort will be done by Atlanta men. We are too busy with our directory to be draw; into a controversy. Other parties may publish as many directories as they wish, oto we will publish the Atlanta Di netoiwr 1877 and give business men the ’only remble directory, for which only they should subscribe. If there is any demand for resectable names, we will give a list of nearly three hundred, representing the mbst reliabte business and professional men of the ciur. Read our advertisement arid do j not be induced to subscribe for any other directory. G. H. Rogebs & Cos.. v Publishers Georgia Directories. janliWteod Inaagaral Banquet. The Augusta Chronicle says: The com plimentary banquet given to Gov. Colquitt by the citizens of Atlanta transpired at the Kimball House last evening, and was prob ably the most brilliant social event ever known in that city. Its magnificent suc cess and the excellent management which, despite so many difficulties, rendered it a dignified and graceful affair from beginning to end, reflect honor upon the city and es pecial%. upon those gentlemen who were zealous in preparing for this great social fete. It was a most fitting tribute to a Gov ernor wbo has been called to his honors by such a unanimous voice of a great people, and the presence of distinguished citizens and fair women from all parts of Georgia prove that it was a general expression of hearty congratulation. Gov. Colquitt has just reason to be proud of such a compliment, while the people have honored themselves by thebeautiftil method in which it was presented. One who looked on last night might easily have been reminded by the brilliant scene and joyous presence of all around him of the glory of ante beUum days, and the lux uriant uAgnifieence that made them happy with many, a public festival. ' LIST F LETTERS remaining in the Post Office of Atlanta, Ga., January 21st, 1877. Persons calling for any of said letters will please say advertised and name the date. LADIES. A—Mrs James E Anderson, Miss Mollis Arline, Miss Lacy Adams. B—Miss Mattie Bowden, Mrs M T Bowers, Miss Hannah Butter, Mrs Henry Benson. C—Miss Ara Clark. Mrs Fair E Childs, Miss & G Clark. Mrs Ida Cothan. B—Miss Mary Ann Deilor, Madame V Du pont, Miss Pinkie Da-vus, Mrs. Nora Dun ning. * * E-Mrs C P Easterly, Miss Mary A Ed monson. F—Mrs N P farrow, Elisa Foster, Miss Sarah Fallen, Miss Hattie Freeman. —Mias Fannie Guthrie, Mrs E J Green, Mrs Susan Gray, Mrs Susan Grarent. El—Mrs Malinda Holt. Mrs Many Harris, col'd. Miss Cornelia Holiday, Miss Ophelia Hicks, Mrs Easter Hurt, col’d, Mrs E F Herndon, Georgia Ann Hardy, Mrs Hester Howes, Mrs Joanna Hill. I—Miss Ella Inman. •F-Misa M V Jones, Miss Effle Johnson, .dJS E M Johnston. IS— Mrs Mary Keltner, Mrs Susan Knott. E—Mrs Marta Lyman, Mrs 8 F Lester, Miss Susie Lewis. M—Mrs Agnes Morgan, Mary Moore, col’d, MissMattieMorel,Mgs MarlahManley, Miss Nina Morrison, Miss Eugina McCurmick, MistHJMyer, Miss Josephine Moore, Mrs I* May son. •—Miss Martha Oslin. Miss Mary O’Brien, Miss A Osburn, Lizzie Osburn. B-Miss Anna Pope, Miss Cordelia Pace, Mrs Julia Palmer. R—Mrs B N Reed ling, Mrs Eveline Reid. Mrs Susan Reese, Mrs Lizzie 0 Rock. •-Mrs Eliza Sevins, Miss 8 E Sewell, Mrs 8 F Sparks, Mrs Georgia M Smith. T—Miss Nora Turner. W—Mrs Margarette Williams, Miss Olive A Wilkins, Mrs. L H Willis, Mrs Zilpha C White. OEKTLEMEM'S LIST. A— Acton dr Cos., Chaa D Alston. ■—Peter Brenner, Willie Byrum, W H Biright, K T Brenson, £ W or E S Beck. C —Win Craig Churchill, Glever A Cos., G SCarpenter, Prof N L Collier. Frank Carter, G X Cook, G W Chatam, W Clifford, Tim othy Crowley, J T Cox, J X Cheatam, James Cook, J J Cawley, J O Chambers, J C Cal houn. D—J R DeGraffenreed, Howard Daniel. I’-Jai Flnly, Juiien Findley. 6—Aaron Guper, R Griggs, R Geaorva, J D Griffin, J P Gray. M—Albert Holtey, H Hughes, Hwm&n ■ester, T S Hutcherson. Joseph Harding J A Howard, W A Hicks, W A Howard, Wm Eamilton. J-E A Jones, S J Jenkins, J D Jones, W J nines, I.—Mr. Lewald, G W Lowe, W H Lay, Wm Lownds, Wm A Lyons, Wm Lazaron. X—Wm McLaughlin, C T Mattox, Shed rick Mitchell, Revjas siltcbvlh WAR Mas say, Lemuel McPherson, L G McMiUen. ■—Dr F H Nichols N C Newton. Parker, H F Pittman. X—Rock Rolls, H W Russell, Wm Reid. ■ —B L Sperry, P L Stsnton, Henry Sims, cord, Wm Stinger, H Schler. T-J Treadwell, Dr W Thomson. IT—G Si Veal. W—G W White, TB White, Jas W Weaver, Wm Wood, L H Waters. Bxmjaxim Com ley, P. M. Fa “■ it 7 . SsR: V' '*3? wKrr -i-K rpHE Undersigned Having assisted In the miblishina of dlreetc 1 and being thoroughly conversant with the buslness. t . , .J cltlsens, undertaken the publication of the EHr-ctory of Atlen * # te make the book thorough and complete In every respect. ' . k i KSSI ass.,; ;• Manufacturing or Professional pursuit. f 8. A Business Directory of the Bailroad Towns adajeent to Atlanta, i 4. A frill list of Federal and State Officers, with the names and residence* of the 'memfwa of the Senate and Legislature* 5. Full Information of County and City Government and Officers, i mdudlusr Meniher an, Committees of City Council. 8. A list of all Incorporated Companies, Including Banks. Insurance Companies, Railroads Mills, etc,, with offioers. directors and capital of each. 7. A frill list of Secret and other and Organizations, r.'in* officers, time* places of Meeting. 8. An Abstract of U. S. Stamp DuUes and Postal Laws. To the above will be added a Miscellaneous Department, to contain the names tat ail City Churches, Newspapers and Schools, together with other inton , ~th>n that may be .*,*>, manded ass the work progresses. We pledge faithful, honest work.;.,n ask business ni<ni to give the Directory a Übarjd patronage. ” TEBKIt One Page and Copy of Book, 830 00 I Price of Book. ee Half “ . <■ 12 00 Inch Card, without Book. *to Fourth “ “ 700 * Name InEaptWu Letters. - ito ' v n Tri imnimm , , , jftn-18. " oof <> . Directory Publishers tor Oeetgte At .antu, G* SINGER SEWING MACHINE THE PEOPLE’S FAVORITE. THE LARGEST SALES BECAUSE THE HOST NNM * ‘ >*rj-.T -u* vs.,ho- i 11 U ; - e THE MOST POPULAR BECAUSE THE BET | VERDICT OP' THE 1 , ADDS. ... . r ' T“tSSBSSIS ZVi ( THE SALES OF ALL THE OTHER COMPANIES COMBINED, demawrtmto VeyonU controversy, that THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE * Is them * popular, because, IK TttK kstimationof tub vadiks >osi ’.itusnV xbiob t *.vr other manufactured. The fol wing returns of sales, SWORN TO BY EACH COMPANY, tell the . fcs:,lHsbi : 32 s " T,®* t*^( Howe (Jan. Ito July 1) 34,010 145,000 No returns xt.uto ~wa ’ .lemlngton ..... —— —— ——• Domestic ..... 101.387 48.554 40,114 -'.'to 'St.tSf SALES STILL INCfIEASING! ILL CIHPETITIM HSTAKEI .ft ti v*f t>tX fT *.| rfl4 ’ Send your addreM for a Catalogue of the celebrated BAZAR GLOV Jv-FnT XG FAT TERNS. They are the best, the cheapest and most stylish patterns in the taark. .e \ Address THE SINGER jMANUFACTURING COMPANY, 0. S. BEATTY Agent, 17* BROUGHTON STREET. Savannah, GLoorgia. . J ? ’'i iH f i ’ \ m 1 \ jm Or G. W LEONARD, Agent, . jjj CORNER BROAD AND ALABAMA STREETS. AIUKTaW mayto-d7t nw7t ' The Illustrated Weekly. Chas. Olucas & Cos., Pttblishkks, 14 WarrenTSt., New York. IWVK SUPERB CHROMOS WIVES TB SUBSCRIBERS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Weekly, one year, with two mounted Chromos In oil ... *4.80 Weekly tlx months with one monnted Chromo In oil - - - - .80 Monthly one year with one mounted Chromo in oil - - - - 1.26 Monthly two years witn fonr mounted Chromos In oil - - 6.00 AGENTS WANTED To canvass every town and county In the Southern States. Best Paper. Finest Premiums. I*r. gest Commi^tinns. Particulars on appplioation to D. S. MULFORD, Manager Southern Branch Office, No. 58 Whitehall street. octHeodSm Atlanta, Go. W. Bollmann ITTiVrrCPT T ITT) JJjj W JiiiuGuv. W. Bollmann. No. 9 Whitehall street, next the Centennial building, has just received a large lot of Watches, Clocks and all kinds of ewelry. Call and see him for bargains. decls-tl Very Ch.'np, 9 • 1 ‘ Tk. .. VERILY, verily, v* say auto yea, wßi have mon&u, tbst we have fo a<* most decided Sjmuun. 'r> a residence <vß: taining IS plastered rooms, be- de room and cellar; thelm so i,j >Ol., n the Cotton Factory cs barters % 4®-Rental value $2 month. The imfl erty can be purchased * > i 'ear -aW plication to MARCUS A. ftELI ft SON M Real Estate After > jan 19-2 t Office No. t, Oe* .cm:ial lra’dl ATLANTaTI.U STR ATM A NEEDED AND lumfiVt |9 TEX:'KTSK. W A HANDSOMELY beend -oUrme numerous en*-vlsg pws.ria:* lustrations of Atlanta By E. V. €Ul*s V J | is now in course of p-epsMK son Get cular. Subscribe W> theleaMsq Man ot Atlanta are enooumf*** (hr liberal. _ **TTsji ' ■ ■ VWHWAWG WITH A COLDMLVIVIDANGEROUS | fraßihßSra^ : MVCITSI 9nß9iVfe9Ulimk POT UP ONLY t mxm ROTES SOLD BY' ALt WRDGO*sTS>. Jtej 0. N. ORITTENTOV SMffi iWnti