Newspaper Page Text
Thz Telegram is published every after
noon, (Sundays excepted), and delivered in the
ettyqf Atlanta and surrounding cities, towns
and villages for THIRTY-FIVE CENTS per
month. Mail subscriptions postage free.
Advertisements five, ten, fifteen and twenty
vents per line, according to position. Special
contracts made on application. Displayed
vertisements a specialty. Address
Proprietor, Atlamta, 4kt.
®l>t Atlanta (footing ®elegram.
' . ■■■■„„
—-L. ’ll I .. .
, CmOJT. .....
The great bridge now building between
New Yotk and Brooklyn will cost lISjOOO,-
V..;, , iV TMr Wl. V . ,
There are only thirty-four of the Grant
family in office. They will be counted out
Kt'H-S ; ■■■ —■■ .. .
The special friends of Hayes are said to
be opposed to the bill, while Tilden’s spe
cial friends support it.
Odd Fellows.
Pennsylvania has expended for the relief
of the Odd Fellows of the State during the
past thirty years, $22,273,000.
The Philadelphia papers any, the thea
trical and musical business has not been so
bad in many years, and most of our thea
tres poor houses.
There’s Mitltona In It.
Dion Boucicault admits that the num
ber of dramatic pieces which he has put
upon the stage amounts to 367, and that
they have yielded him $3,000,000.
■ < w .1
Snbsge Convention.
At the National Woman Suffrage Con
vention, a resolution was introduced in
favor of the assembling in Washington
100,000 women to keep the peace; My!
my t what a livelv chat they would have.
Under the present lews of Texas, those
who are seen in a state of intoxication in
any public place shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and may be fined in a sum
not to exceed one hundred dollars.
Badleal Extremist.
The extreme Radical leaders and journals
oppose the “ adjustment bill.” They have
intelligence enough to perceive that if truth
and justice prevail—and they are afraid
they will prevail—Tilden will be the next
President, and that does not suit them.
■ a-a-a
(tevernor Colquitt.
In speaking of our Governor, the Chron
icler and Sentinel says: ’‘Governor Colquitt
shows an honest and wise purpose to re
trench, so far as he is able, the public ex
pense, and to work for the good of the
l'lsh Culture.
Our people have no idea how greatly the
people of various sections are engaged in
stocking rivers and lakes, with fish. We
agree With the Columbus Timer in trusting
that our Legislature will not consider the
fish question too small a one to engage their
Blekmond Ladles.
A letter in the Danville News, signed
“Pee Dee,’’fays: Richmond is, as always,
perfectly charming. She swarms with girls
who would drive the houri’s of an oriental
paradise distracted with envy,‘and they
boss most charmingly every social and fes
tive undertaking;
The Toccoa Herald says: “A great many
are now clamoring for a Constitutional
Convention. All are agreed that many
changes are necessary in our fundamental
law; but, at the same time, all things con
sidered, we had better be sure of a lighting
place before we leap. A few changes which
could easily be made in that organic instru
ment by two successive Legislatures, would
make it, after all, about as wholesome as a
convention is likly to make it.
- * mm *
With the balance of trade largely in our
favor, and gold accumulating hi the treas
ury ; with fine crops and fair prices in pros
pect; with the assurance of peace at home;
with Tiiden quietly inaugurated with the
assent of all parties, business men can now
take courage and look forward to a revival
of business in the early spring, such as will
cause every patriot’s heart to rejoice at the
r. ~ ~
In some sections of South Carolina the
colored people are suffering for food and
clothing. If they woald but realize the
true nature of the situation, they would at
once discern the direction in which their
interests lie. They should give in their ad
hesion and support to the Hampton gov
ernment, and throw off the control of their
enemies, the carpet-baggers and scalawags.
Republican Form of Oovernmeat.
In a conversation at the Capitol this
morning, a gentleman used the above
word—when he thinks that forty millions
of people desire to preserve the authority
of law, aud one man assumes unlawful
power, uses the army and treasury to de
feat a popular election and create strife;
does not this rather resemble a despotism
instead of a Republican government?
United States Senator.
Two ballots have been had for Senator,
and as yet no selection hae been made.
Upon a sober, serious thought and consid
eration of the matter, members of th%
General Assembly will be convinced than
the i|[uali flea? lons : tkired '.ogjptkjj
■fin H eve|§ reject an acceptable Se&ton
fre Reel confident that on ohußtiiig Upwofin
at the next ballot, bis vote will ho greatly
a-a r> . .....
- Jostle of Protection.
The la'w givers' of Virginia admit that
dogs do much damage to the sheep growing
interest of thatGtate, and ybtthey do not
favor ex-Govemor Letcheris dog tax bilL
At the same time their legislature will prob
ably pass a bill to remove disabilities In
curred under the anti-dueling provisions of
the constitution. Thus the old Dominion
extends amnesty to dogs and duelists.
♦ am • r
Vailed Mates fteaater.
Since the adjournment of the General
Assembly this morning, we feel convinced
that the attention of the members has been
considerably directed toward Ex-GoVernor
Smith, and his fitness for the position of
United States Senator. An examination of
the books at the Executive Department
bear evidence of his energy, his adminis
trative ability, his sound judgment, impar
tiality, patriotism, and sonnd practical
Tbe Coming Senator.
The General Assembly will reflect public
opinion and honor themselves in the selec
tion of ex-Governor Smith as United States
His administration as Governor of the
great State ef Georgia developed in him
sound judgment, good practical sense, pa
triotism, firmness, economy, in fact all the
requisites that go to constitute ah efficient
and acceptable Senator.
The Boy With tbe Glass Eye.
The respectable journals in Massachusetts
regard the election of Huar to the United
States Senate, as honorable to the State.
Against Hoar was arrayed the power of
the Federal officers as welljas the influence
of Butler.
Virginia wants immigrants, but the
Lynchburg News says : She does not want
or need from other countries or States poli
ticians, teachers, preachers, loafers, crimi
nals, paupers, or adventurers.
The Inter-Ocean says the Republicans on
the Commission to decide the manner of
counting the votes have been overreached
and outwitted.
Weatber Prophets.
The prediction of an early spring is now
unanimous. Many can already hear the
rustle of its wings.
An Amusing Incident.
A rather amusing incident is told as hav
ing occurred recently at a church in Con
necticut not many miles from Fairfield.
The clergyman, it would appear, desired to
call the attention of his congregation to
the fact that it being the last Sunday of
the month he would administer the ■ ite of
Baptism to children. Previous to bis hav
ing entered the pulpit he had received from
one of his elders, who by the way was quite
deaf, a notice to the effect that as the chil
dren would be present that afternoon, and
;he had the new Sunday school books ready
for distribution, he would have them there
to sell to all who desired them. After the
sermon the clergyman began the no ice of
the baptismal sei vice thus: All those hav
ing children and desiring to have tpcm
baptized will bring them this afterrieon.
At this point the deaf elder, hearing the
mention of children supposed it was some
thing in refereride to his books, and rising,
said : And all of those having Hone, and
desiring them, will be supplied by me for
the sum of twenty-five cents.
A Capital Story.
[Anna Brewster In Philadelphia Telegraphy
Now, while lam telling you Christmas
stories, I must give you a capital oue. The
friend who related it to me declares on his
honor as a gentleman that it is true, and
the incident occurred at a dinner party he
knows of only a few weeks ago. The host
said to a gentleman who was invited to the
dinner, as the company was assembled in
the drawing-room previous to going in to
the table, “I wish to introduce you to two
very dear friends of ours who h ve just
arrived, two sisters, one of whom you will
take in to dinner —Mi's. X. and Mrs. W.—
one is a widow, poor woman ! the other's
husband is in India.” The gentleman was
introduced, and at dinner found himself
placed between the two ladies. But he had
forgotten “which was which,” and turning
to the widow, thinking she was the India
officer’s wife, said, T hear, madam, that
your husband is now in a very hot place! ”
The consternation of the widow can be
readily imagined. She may have regarded
her dinner companiou as a special messen
Had ’Em Bad.
[From the Sold Hill News.j
A man with a two-days’ beard aud an
excited eye dashed into a Main-street sa
loon, this morning, and gasped out to the
bar-keeper: “For tho-love or God, give me
a drink of whisky! ” ’
“What on?” said the unimpressible
“Oh, don’t talk! ” appealed the trembling
wretch; “ I’m gettin' ’em, sure. I see wing
less men, beardless horses, hornless dogs,
and hairy oats. Quick!”
“Good Lord ! ” gasped the bar-keeker,
passing over the bottle quickly, “take a big
horn an’ go an’ see a doctor.”
the afflicted man took two drinks and
bolted* i This afternoon the bar-keeper looks
like a person who has learned something,
and who is brooding upon deeds of blood.
Whereto find eternal spring- in the oir
\ cub business.
I In heads better than
I Dr. says this country will
shortly b* flowing, .will > river : her-
I Aqlrkjr’s inatnftions for putting onjf
tonpwere t -“jpiestlite right arm, den ae left,
and wen give bti general conv, uleion.”
The young gentleman who accompanietl
his offer of marriage with a hundred-dollar
fur jacket, has had his hand and seal ac-
He went Softly behind the door and mur
IBWW; ’Tin a man of verv quiet tastes.’
%te k hin g fla8lt ; f T; ! pocket wd
What would you expect to find on a
literary man’s breakfast table? Bacon’s
Remains’ final Memorials of lamb, if in
season, and Shelly’s fragments.
“Young man,” hesaid solemnly “I’m sorry
to see you smoking tobacco," and the young
man assured him that he wasn’t, that ft
was a Connecticut cigarj
“Why dojyon usepaint?" asked a violinist
of his daughter. “For the same reason that
you use rosin, papa.” “How is tbut?”
“Why, to help me draw my beau.”
“Pa, I came near selling my boots yester
day.” “You did, sir! “Well, its lucky you
didn’t sell ’em. How did you come near
doing it?" “I had ’em half-soled.”
“t don’t think,” says old Mrs. Prawn,
“that bookkeeping is a very sedate employ
ment. They must get,” she added, thought
fully, “so much exercise running up the
The schoolmaster asked the class what
Shy lock meant, when he said, “My deeds
upon my head.” “Well,” said oneof the
boys, “I don’t know, unless he carried his
papers in his hat.”
The authorities of a prison in Canada
advertise as follows: “Wanted, a respecta
ble man to act as turnkey in a county pris
on. One who understands music, can play
the organ and sing bass would be preferred.”
A man, who jumped overboard recently
to sava his wife from drowning, has ex
plained his action satisfactorily to his
friends. He said she had a good deal of
jewelry on her person and gold waS high.
She was romaiitic, and he was practical.
She remarked dreamily that her soul was
troubled—that the forebodings of fate were
running through her head. And he coldly
advisea her to use a fine tooth comb.
An auctioneer, at a sale of antiquities,
put up a helmet, with the following candid
observation : “ This, ladies and gentlemen,
is the helmet of Romulus, the Roman
founder; but whether he was a brass, iron,
or type founder I cannot tell.”
An old lady, the ether day, was told that
eight mules were killed by lightning in an
adjoining county. “Good gracious!” she
exclaimed, clasping her hands over her
head; “ I felt in my bones that something
had happened to John! ”
A wag tried to annoy a popular preacher
by asking him whether the fatted ■ alf was
male or female. “Female, to be sure," was
the reply; “for I see the male"—looking
the questioner fall in the face—“yet alive
in the flesh hefore me.”
“Pa,” asked a Norwich boy, “what is
meant by Paradise?” “Paradise, my son,”
replied Mr. Stanton gloomily, “Paradise is
the latter part of next summer, when your
mother goes on a visit to your grandfa
“You must cultivate decision of charac
ter, and learn to say ‘No.’ ” said a father to
his son. Soon afterward, when the father
told the son to chop wood, the bov said
“No,” with an emphasis that showed a re
membrance of the lesson.
A man was taking aim at a hawk that
was perched op a tree near his chicken
coop, when his little daughter exclaimed,
“Don’t take aim, pa; let it go off by acci
dent!” Why so?” asked her father.
“Cause every gun that gote off by accident
always hits somebody!”
This is the way a citizen of Denver ad
vertises for a lost calf: “ Rund awav 1 Red
and vite caf. His tn be hint leg vas plack
lie vas a she caf. Ennipotti vat firings
him pack pairs 5 toilers. Jacob Zuddering,
Clear Creek, tree miles pehind thepridge.”
A quaint writer says: “ I have seen wo
men so delicate that they were afraid to
ride, for fear of the horse running away;
afraid to sail, for fear the boat might upset;
afraid to walk, for they might fell, but I
never saw one afraid to be married, which
is far more riakful than all the others put
It was only a month ago that he promised
to love, cherish and protect her, and yester
day morning when she asked whether she
should split up the head of the flour bar
rel or steal an armful of kindling from the
back-yard of their next neighbor, he rolled
over with his face to the wall aud told her
to go to thunder.
A Philadelphia newspaper man. who
saved a little money during the flush times,
lately did his first traveling. On his re
turn home the first tiling he wrote was
some “advice to travelers.” His advice
was as follows: “For traveling, carry a
crow-bar to open car windows; a Spencer
or Henry-Martin rifle for protection against
liackmen and hotel c erks; a good supply
of equable temper, and a large valise to
contain greenbacks.”
A Ran Afire in n Court Room.
[Baltimore Sun, 18tb.J
Quite a commotion was created in the
Criminal Court room yesterday, while it
was packed as usual with spectators. A
crash , as of the fall of a body, was followed
by a cloud of ashes and a great agitation
among the crowd near the stoves on the
Lexington street side of room. There
are two stoves near together, one having an
open grate. It seemed that one of the
courtiers, forgetful of the fire in his rear
in his interest in the case on trial, got his
coat tgil in Contact with the glowing coals,
and, when he felt it on his seat of honor,
gave a sudden lean forward, knocking over
one or two men, and making his exit in a
twinkling , through the door out of the
room. The criers called out, “fflicnce!”
and even Judge Brown rose,, though very
coolly, to see what was the cause of the
racket. There waft po panic, however, in
the assemblage, though many thought a
stove Uftd been upset. One lawjeV did say
ho thought at flfcst it was some Sampson in
the hands of 'the law about to pull down
the temple of justice and revenge himself
on tlie Philistines of the bar.
The Atlanta & West End Directory
JF R mm 77 .
T HK DndMWgjMd naving assisted in the publishing of directories In many large cities,
■iR * I c& s7, < S?P t the business, has, at the request of a number or
citizens, unfertalten the publication of the Dir. etory of Atlanta for 1877. So for as we
Know, Atlanta has never had a complete or reliable Directory; one which her importance
as a business centre demands, and we propose In the Directory for 1877 to use every mean*
to make the book thorough and complete in every respect. 1
The Directory will Ceatala t
1. A Classified List of all persous living In the city, with their occupation and residence.
2* A Of atlpersona engaged in any Mercantile, Mechanical,
3. A Business Directory of the Railroad Towns udajceut to Atlanta.
4> A oftKnf^ffi^gl!^^Gffl^wßh ‘he names and residences of the member.
5. Full information of County and City Government and Officers, including Members and
Committees of City Council.
9. A list of all incorporated Companies, including Banks, Insurance Companies, Railroads
Mills, etc., with officers, directors and capital of each. ’
7. A full list of Secret and other Societies ana Organisations, giving officers, times and
places of Meeting.
8. An abstract of U. S. Stamp Duties and Postal Laws.
t j t>OT ? T will be added * Miscellaneous Department, to contain the mma of all
City Churches, Newspapers and Schools, together with other information that may be de
manded as the work progresses. We pledge faithful, honest work, and ask business mm
to give the Directory a liberal patronage.
v ‘* TEIHIi .
One Page and Copy of Book, 120 00 | Prioeofßook, - - - - |Q ft
Half (i UJO Inch Card, wllhout Book, IN
vourth 700 I Name in Capital Letters, - 100
Cl* XK. KOflKßfj 4k C&
Jan-18. Directory Publishers for Georgia, Atlanta, Ga.
T "jTHBHTOHI o® yVne'whwe^^^wijSSS.?
AND STEADILY inckkased every year .uninterruptedly—that last year the sales morethan
Is the m popular, because, in the estimation or the ladies of the country, it is sup
erior t *nr other, manufactured.
The fol wing returns of sales, SWORN TO BY EACH COMPANY, toll tbe story:
Bales In 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. M 75.
By the Singer, . 131,260 *19,75* 232.444 241.679 249,852
Wheeler a Wilson . 128,528 174,088 119,180 02,827 103,740 !
Vfowe (Jan. Ito July 1) 34,610 146,000 No returns 35,000 25,000
.iemlngton 25,110
Domestic 10.897 (9.551 40,114 22.700 21.458
Send your address for a Catalogue of the celebrated BAZAR GLOVE-FITTING PAt
TERNS. They are the best, the cheapest and most stylish patterns in the market.
Savannah, Georgia.
Or G. W LEONARD, Agent,
.Miev-.v ifut • . i , \: .. ■ J
rtrmy3o-d7t aw7t
The Fort Valley Mirror
Best Advertising Medium
In South-WestGeorgia. It circulates exten
sively in the counties of
1 yearTand a lively fall trade is expected
Terms given to advertisers on application t
noi‘tv W v ruTßT<a'A'T’H*'K
W. BoUmann
W. Bollnmnn, No. 9 Whitehall street, next
the Centennial Building, has Just received a
large lot of Watches, Clocks and all kinds of
ewelry. Cal land see him for bargains.
A Cert*'in and Sure Cure.
Large Reduction laPrlcea. A trial toot*
tie free. . Mrs. J. A. DROI. LINGER. La-
Parte, imtlnna. floxlittS. X Formerly Mrs.
IJr .11 - ■*- ■ ,
58 Baht Cain Strbet.
>1 Preserving 1 Funeral and Me I dal
Ffawara a Specialty. 9*w
Very Che ap.
VERILY, verily, we say unto you, who
have money, that we have for sale a
most decided Bargain, in a residence con
taining 15 plastered rooms, beside cook
room and cellar; the lot, 60 by 140 feet, near
the Cotton Factory on Marietta street.
49rRental value 925 a month. The prop
erty can he purchased for $1,400 by early ap
plication to
Real Estate Agents,
Jan 19-2 t Office No. 1, Centennial Build’g.
A HANDSOMELY beund volume with
numerous engravings and pictorial il
lustrations of Atlanta,
is now In course of preparation. Get a cir
cular. Subscribe to It.
of Atlantaare encouraging the work. It is
upon an expensive plan, and the cost is
heavy, subscriptions should therefore be
liberal. lan 9-91.
” use L
Well’s Carbolic Tablets J
a sure remedy for COUGHS and all diseas^l
C. i*N. CBITTKNTOW, 7 Sixth Av|m|
N. Y. 7 ■