Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, November 26, 1909, Page 10, Image 10
10 DOLLAR BOOK FREE MY SUCCESS IS YOUR GAIN My professional and financial success have been phenomenal. I have succeeded, beyond my fondest ambition, in doing good in the world, in benefiting humanity. I have acquired a liberal share of worldly goods. For all of this I am grateful, lam thankful. To show my gratitude, to prove my appreciation of the skill with which I have been endowed and the success with whidh I have met in the medical profession, I propose to do a great kindness to humanity—l propose to help the sick and suffering free of charge. This is my plan: I will positively give away 10,000 home medical books and 10,000 free treatments to the first 10,000 people who write to me — only one member of a family should apply. ! DON’T CARE WHO YOU ARE where you live or whether you are rich or poor —if you need a practical medical book to guide you year after year —if you need medical attention for any disease curable by modern medical science, I want to help you, free. I can afford to send 10,000 books and free treatments, postage paid. I am determined to help 10,000 sufferers without cost to them. Will you be one of them? Don’t miss this chance. Sit down right now and mail the coupon below, be one of the fortunate 10,000. The book and free treatment will cost you nothing now, or at any time; you will not be obligated to me in any way. When I say free, I mean free. Cut or Tear Off This Coupon Along This Line, Draw a Line Under the Diseases You Have, Fill in the Coupon and Mail to _ . - 11 1 ' ' -■ - - ' - - —— ■ 1 ’ '■■■■ » ■" ~ NOTE: Simply draw a line under any of DR. JAMES W. KIDD, 121 Kidd Building, Fort Wayne, Indiana. j IUM BAGO BLADDER TROUBLE It is understood that this book and treatment is not to cost me one cent, now or at any time, and that it does not o igate me in ny way.- J ECZEMA HEART DISEASE (Ase , ' ' - . SCROFULA IMPURE B LOO D <wrif tus m».) CATARRH FEMALE TROUBLE (How long afflicted?) •» DROPSY . TORPID LIVER “ PILES PARTIAL PARALYSIS , I _____L— NEURALGIA CHRONIC COUGH ' ■*«* * / ; DIARRHOEA NERVOUSNESS CONSTIPATION PROSTATITIS INDIGESTION MALARIA HEADACHE PIMPLES DIZZINESS LUNG TROUBLE ~ EPILEPSY ASTHMA NOTE: If you have any disease or affliction not mentioned in this list, describe on another sheet of paper and send with the coupon; or, if you prefer, describe your condition in your own words in a letter to me. - ’ ’ • - • • ..... . ..i ■ ■ _Wr* . -'T ... ' J THE ATLANTA SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. * FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1909 in nnn sloo m*i IU,UUU books free SEND NO MONEY—NO STAMPS- Simply mail me the coupon printed below and I will send you, absolutely free, postage paid, this valuable medical book for the home— a SI.OO book free. A copy should be in every household. Read the simple instructions below, then send me the coupon at once — before it is too late to accept the most generous, the most liberal offer ever made. Let me explain. I IfllE MggSwCTBI Eh 3 111 HBbkjrTOT I I Diseases I Treat eases, but I do claim to cure and actually, positively cure many diseases that others consider incurable. I have cured thousands of serious chronic cases —many cases that others have failed to cure. I want to prove what my treatment will do for you. The free treatment is the best test, it is the one convincing proof. I send it without cost to you—l pay all charges if you are one of the 10,000 to accept this free offer. A Free Treatment for You The free treatment I will send you will contain not one, but as many kinds of medical remedies as I find advisable in your case remedies to strike straight at your disease, constitutional remedies, rem edies to tone up your general system. The medicines I will give away are pure, effec tive, curative; they are the result of modern medical science. I have cured many others I want to prove that I can cure you. A SI.OO Book FREE if you write at once. The price of thia interesting, instructive book is SI.OO, but as long as the free issue of 10,000 copies lasts I will send them free, postage paid, to those who are sick or afflicted in any way, to those who write telling me how they suffer. This volume contains 192 pages of practical information and profes sional advice that every man and woman should know. It is well illustrated. It describes all diseases, explains all symp toms, gives the causes of diseases, tells how to prevent sickness and explains how a great many diseases can be cured in your own home. If you want to be well and remain well this is the book for you —and it is free. I Ask Nothing L7“ a e“X n ’orV books and treatment I have 'decided to give away. I want to prove that my treatment will do in your case what it has done in thousands of cases. By proving my skill to you I hope to prove it to your friends and neighbors. If I can help you, if I can cure you, I want your good will, I want your grati tuc|e —I want you to speak a kindly word for me to your sick friends when convenient to < do so. This is all I ask. Thus will I receive my reward. / |