Newspaper Page Text
It’s as simple as “ A-B-C ” j ' ' “ ] Whiskey dealers clean up
So easy* No COOKING—No [1)0 millions in profits yearly.
DisTtuung! No APPARA-KSi We tell you how to save the
TVS WHATITMR Required. P®* <icalcrs * profit, as Others are
Anyone can do it with ALCO. ' flCZflLi doing. We send flavors for
Liquors made of ALCO are of the highest quality. Guaranteed under the National
Pure Food Law. arm make* imitation Bourbon, Rye, Malt, Scotch, and Irish Whis
key, Gina, Cognac, Peach, Apple, Apricot, Banana and Raspberry Brandy, Cocktails,
Rum and Creme-de-Menthe. Send tit SI.OO for flavors for 6 FULL QUARTS in plain pack
age prepaid—for 12 fall quarts, sl.6o—fo' 24 full quarts, $2 75. Ail one kind or assorted.
Booklet of distillers' secrete, free. Address:
National Salas Co. Distributers, 201 Reynolds St., Cincinnati, O. I
l>ETO«ftS??Ss:Chrlttinat Post Cards fl f| C
= MMMMRmOaW »»«*. a—K AU tsfew, prt»u* to aw.wtar. brtrb.lj ■ ■ ■ —_
fc c. hzwmam a co.. Sscaxtow ids., chicaoq ■ W
DR. BDMOMDSOM'S Tansy. Peanyrovai an<i
Catron Boot Pi!la. a safe and reliable treat
meet foe painful and anppreaeed menetruatk«
Irregularltlee and similar obetrsettoe*. Tria!
box by mall. Si) eent*. Frank Edmondson A
Bro.. Ms« Chemist. 13 South Broad street. At
last*. Ga. /
UinnV Beet plan on earth, eeat free. Pbo
MlnHl *** ** ererr lady member The
mmill I Pilot, Dept. ft. Marshall. Mich
Agents Wanted
»» MONTHLY sad expenses to men and women
to itr»r!t*e lease sample* and collect name*
Writs at ones. Stlserroo Co.. Dept. D. 1«.
WB PAY SJ« A WEEK and expense* to men
With rigs to Intrndnce ponltry eomponnd.
Year* eontmet. IMPERIAL MFG. CO.. Dept.
AGENTS—Portrait* jkc. frames 15c. sheet pic
turns le. etereoeropes Be. views le. 3* day*'
credit. Sample* and catalog free. CooaolMatml
Portrait. Dept. 6K7, WT W. Adams St . Chicago
e!U< Salary or eommission. Fid I time at
•ide-fine Good pay; promotion Bxpertenee un
necessary. Add rear Morotock lobaoco Works.
Boz G-14. Den ft lie. Va.
rite < am a week making Mot toe* Steady
\ I home wack. Address Harper Art
A (X, Fayetteellle. Ge
•MWLftflLB .
Ykeaa tee 11; age ram , *>
tor ael)iM •*«>• Be
■■BAY Msdlrhae Okis.
Far Saia.
FOR SALK—AU kinds pure bred dogs. E. F.
Wilmoth. Shrlbyvtße. ky
SAFETY tasors. Ik-, complete, postpaid, ten-1
sßrer. Absolutely reliable. Pandy « hristmaa
present. Agents wanted C. F. Unu. stamtou,
$»«• FER MONTH wff! pay for a Ten Acre
Faftn which will yield an IWome of $!.«» a
year. For particular* write to W. L. Glessner.
Valdosta. Os.
FDR SALE. FXATHERB—AII kinds of domestic
feathers. Lire geese feathers a special’/.
Write for samples and prices. U. S. Eubauk*.
7844 South Broad street. Atlanta. Ga.
It CHRISTMAS POSTALS. 10c. Beautiful color
ed. emhesoed ami gold stamped. Worth mauv
tlmee Ike price. Big wholesale price list free
with each order.. Draper Ptg. Co.. Des Mome.i,
FIRKWGRKB—CompIete assortments $1.51 up.
"Kat a log” for stamp. Yon could not dupll
cate quan'lties at stores for flee times the
mocey. Balloons and torpedoes at low prices.
Marryatt Us.. 82 Park P!., K. Y.
FDR SALE- VS acres. 1 miles of Americus, aO9
a< ree open. 3 miles of Americus. On oae nt tMe
best graded roads in ttc state. Soil red and
gray. R. F D. telephone. 5 room bouse, 4 reoui
boose. 7 tenant bosses, place is well watered,
pare drinking waler, health/: K» acres und.-r
wire fence. allround gon,' place tor gvin-rnl
farming and stock raising H pecan trees. Only
MIX sere: bait cash, bargain. P. B. WilGfonl,
Americus. Ga.
And S«sab* Tells bow to (tart lu ]
andarowbia Describes largest pure-hred MF’S
Poultry Farm In the world and give* a great W<r
mamofaenfni Infemation about poultry. Y4,<
lowest priroe on *»wU.egzs.lncui>**r« and
beoodery. Mailed fbr 4c f.fey.Bs $7
As well a* a smaU one. such as lighting your|
pipe * cigsr. can be started with the Flame
Ilgar Ugbtrr. Carried in vest pocket. Always La«t* for years. Far cheaper than
matches Y»s would not be without It after
FwotpaM and guaranteed for only 50c. Address
V. Simpson. Box 3f. Winston-Salem. N. C.
PPATrnT YOUB IDEA&. We ahare
flivALVl rtßk og patent application.
Free booklet. Milo B. Stevens A Co. Establish
ed Ittt. T 4» 14th street. Washington. D. C.. U«
Monad nock Block. Chicago.
■ ■ ■■■■ ■MF pt. Advice and books free.
Rates roaanni! la Highest reference* Best services
•is., drawings, etc., sad ■ ” " ■**
design deeelor* and build machine* and mechan
ical devices. Atlanta Pattern Mfg. Co., M
Courtland- street. Atlanta. Ga.
TKACIIRRb/opon tn employment and school ttuv
t.e* oevdihg t.mcher* should write us. G,-wr
gia Teacher*' Pureas, Covington. Gs.
WANTED- immediately, railway mail clerk*.
evatom boiuw employes, bprlug examinatlcvv,
everywhere to SLOW. *:<-sdy work. Xhorro
hears Asana! vacation with fuiip ay. Saiaiy]
twic, moatbly. Tbonaand* to be appointed dur-,
lag IM4. Cmuitry end city residents equally >-li
glble. Owoaeon edtxatirA anffleient. Political
influence uenacessary To advertise oar schools
we ars preparing c..milelates ma. Write imnitr
dlatalr for »rh<dnlc showing examination place*
sad sample qaestfona. Fraustin Institute, l>ep>.
N. 4L Roebesier. N. Y.
B deaalah Needle*. Rod*. Coldsm *t *ra fee
locating Gold. hOver aa«l bidden iresrore*
Our instrument* ar* th* be*t. Cat. t cent*
lUaaraSappiy CmDspt .Palmyra,!*
hypnotis m
Earily learned by mail. A natural secret. Not
a ght. Positively no fake. HICCESS GUARAN
TBED. Particulars absolutely FREE.
C. WM. RI'NBEI.L. Dept. 13. Westchester. N. Y.
Rings FREE
»*nd your name and *d
* 1 CSS tor 11 p:»< esof ovr r>-
Jr-tirj to aell at KM 'Xjr
ascii- Kannt *1.30 when .
sold and we will send
t *** ( *' rums Its*. J,” <<
WSmNBP Dspk x kast Bmam. nmm
XNo Hair
f-mNo Pay!
W* P°* ,t,vvi T guarantee
to grow hair aadcure aay
scalp disrate. Write for
pArtlcalara: enclose atampn
Br>t. KMtfIJUOO, Nidi.
L hUepilepsyJ
J ■ iKto A FALLING fl
si^ness w
Why despair. If others bars tailed; send at for a trea
tise a*d ffr, SetU* of my ißlsliibie remedv. I have made
the disease of Flu, Epilepsy oe FalUar Skteeas • life-long
study, sad wewant my remedy te giro Immediate aad aeeerea
M relief. I rare hundreds of testimonials from those who
bare been cared. Giro eeprsas and P. O. address.
W. ■- PKBHR. F.D.. « Cedar K.. Hew York
tn anyone who will follow my
r H? < ' our **- 1 have shown thousands
Hcw 10 Make Money. I ran shoe.
!• flew' Ycu. My rood* and buslncsw
I methods have lifted
LNR* i 1 built home* and vattered pro*i><>il
KHB?’*A ty everywhere. Write today for lh*
4 "B*ym*n Pier’’ and tree samples.
wflLtTi’l 206 Beyinan Bldg. Bt. Ixiuis. Siu.
k Homeiiks, Private Institution fur Madb ai, (Non
burgical) Tiesunent of all forms ut External
Conducted by Dr. Charles Weber, 17 Garfield
Place. Cincinnati, O. Twenty-eight years expe
rience. Hundreds successfully treated. Descrip
tive book and references sent upon request.
mm m MMm wish every person
a 3 the V. S. sutirring wl
■i | fl FALLING Sl> KNFJSS 10
« send tor <».e of my large
»* 3 P ■ sited if-ounce but he*
DR. F. E. GRANT, Dept. 55. Kansas City, Mo.
■—Sj— RAttKERTg
hair balsam
SUBS* fit I T’r„u^.' n L T
Hair to Its To’jthful Color.
Cure, walp diaaeaea a hair fallmg.
4tte,aadsl.v st DruQriata
I iniEC SI,OOO REWARD! I positively
LmUICw guarantee my Never-Falilng
ERGO KOI.O ‘tiT-<rir Bnw<l' Safely reliefbs
longest. s'.asSt £30*31 case* in 3 to 5
davs witFmr E ar ~‘~ yrfvn or Interference with
work. Mail U. 50. $2. Booki-t
free. «hr> PB„ 515 MalU
cure.. Trial treatment given free to aufleren; nothing fairer.
For circukra. lestunomala and free tri teatment write
Dr. H. H. Groen a Saw. Bax A Atlanta, Gm
plcusant. permanent. Physician* astounded.
Greatest discovery >f century. Send your nd
dree* at onee. Ni Ko W’orks, No. 3. Wichita.
Kensa*. •
Seeds and Plants
GET New Cotton Catalogue of Planting Cotton
Seed* I free i—Largest inxiied in tb* world.
Sell us your Cow Peas. Willet Seed Co., Au
gusts. Ga,
FOR SALE—Pure reeleaned Appier *oo<l oats,
tI.M per bushel f.o.b. Marietta, in lots of 5
bnahel* or more. Ca»h with order. John P.
Cheney, Marietta. Ga.
25 CENTS pound paid for dried Virginia Snake I
Root tSerpentaria>. Will buy large quantities.
K Grund Cu., N. Philadelphia, Pa.
NOW la the time to write A. |Q. iamcaater. !
Pine Caetle. Fla. He make* s special price
on Cabbage. Tomato and Potato plant*, ordered
before January 1. Write him at once.
FRUIT TREES. Texa* 1 uibrella. Magnolia.
Sprue*. Arborvitae*. Car. !*oplar*. Oriental
Plane. Altbea. Cat alp*. Maple. Nut Tree*.
Strawberry and Cabbage Plant*. s<» kind*. Ever
blnotniug Roaet.. The Cureton Nitraeriea. Aus
tell. Ga.
MY darning machine mead* everytiiiug; works
by hand. 25e silver. |>ostpald. C. I’. Ltnu.
Staunton. Va.
’ r Combination Tweezers!
r-»t~ and magnifying glass;
useful every bouse
hold. profeaaion and
trade. Has i>owerfui
len*. adjustable to any
aaglo. Handy *ise for pocket. Everybody
should have one. Sell fnr Sse. Sample wltn !
leather caw 12e. Agents wanted. J. A. 'ilwiler,
2? Ituane St.. New York.
tu gold watch F d p p
os vap/ AND RING ■ K t t
U- * n, enc*n Movement W«teh. Gold Plated
fronted t o keepeonecttima.and
"Gold Filled Ring with • Sp.rkling
£<v«n f.-e* for wiling a, pekg
X*? * .-A* •• B wT* " "*?• ** oh '
■b - ’“"m. Il h* n ,Md rtVWss <.
‘‘"’l **• •’•* $2. 2*/
• "1 weeend Watcn
•ndßio-. gi-***® -
Dept. 16 , fennaySta., Boston,Mas:.
•t’oo Ithaca BammerleM. gfa a a
double barrel gun. for . . )ll<tv
I \ I ver A Johnson, single bar- go He
\ relgrin; Horl«Kuag* . eJ./d
J MUiachesttrßept. Rifle $8.50
Steven'sdotibieha.relham- gl t oe
w J / m«r; lOgiiagc. aOorMin. wll-Ov
/ / Bskerßatavia Rammerlca* oaa
/ 1! or gunpe; 2*. :»<>rSSin. #IO.VV
■I Gun* at alt prices. Write for catalogue. With
■ every gun al 010 or over *c give free a 01. M)
■ Can'** Hunting Coat. State chest measurement
IbOUKNF. A BOND. Sl3 Market Si.. Lonierille, By..
when you answer this announcement, aa I
am going to distribute at least one-hundred
thousand Bets of the Dr. Baux famous .
! “Perfect Vision” Spectacles to genuine, bona- ,
fide spectacle-wearers, in the next few weeks '
—on one easy, simple condition.
I want you to thoroughly try them on your |
own eyes, no matter l>ow weak they may be; !
read the finest print in your bible with them
on, thread the smallest eyed needle you i
can get hold of and put them to any test |
you like in your own home as long as you ■
Then after you have become absolutely and
positively convinced that they are really and
truly the softest, clearest and best-fitting ■
fi leases yen have ever had on your eyes and 1
[ they honestly make you see just as well as
you ever did in your younger daytf, you
can keep the Rd-Jli'ii' pair forever without a
cent of pay ana
” ———
by showing them around to your neighbors
and friends and speak a good word for them
everywhere, at every opportunity.
Won’t yon help me introduce the wonder
ful Dr. Haux “Perfect Vision” Spectacles in |
yonr locality on this easy, simple condition? j
If you are a genuine, bona-fide spectacle
wearer (no children need apply) and want to
do me this favor, write me at once and just
say: “Dear Doctor: —Mail me your Perfect
Home Eye Tester, absolutely free of charge,
also full particulars of your handsome 10-karat
Spectacle Offer,” and address me
! personally and I will give your letter my own
i personal attention. Address:—
j DR. HAUX, (Personal), Haux Building,
St. Louis, Mo.
| .
- j TV-fn It Flutter, Palpitate or
Sklpßeats? Have you Short
s nee* of Breath, Te’nderne**,
,iNumbness or Pain in left
'side, Dizziness, Fainting
"jfßg '- Spells, Spots before eyes.
Sudden Starting lu sleep,
Nervousness, Nightmare, •
Hungryor Weak Spells,Op
pressed Feeling in chest.
Choking Sensation In throat, Painful to lie
on left side, Cold Hands or Feet, Difficult
Breathing, Dropsy, Swelling of feet or an
! kies, or Neuralgia around heart? If you
have one or more of the above kymptome, don’t
fall to use Dr. Kinsman’s Celebrated Heart |
Tablets, the remedy which has made so many
marvelous cures. Not a secret or “patent” medi
cine. One out of four has a weak or diseased
heart. Three fourths of these do hot know it, and
thousandadle who have been wrongfully treated
for the Stomach, Lungs, Kidneys or Nerves.
Don’t drop dead like hundreds of others when
Dr. Kinsman’s Heart Tablets will cure you.
Any sufferer mailing thlscoupon,with their
name and P. O. Address, to Dr. F. G. Kins
man, Box S3S Augusta, Maine, will receive
a box of Heart Tablets for trial, by return
malt postpaid, free of charge. Don’t risk
death by delay. Write at once.
Return thi* "Adv.” and remit u* $4.(6, the Special
Trice w* make you on $ Box** of our 5 and 10c Cigar*
Aworted Brend*. which w* want to introduce quickly
to 60.000 new cuitomef*. and we will send you In eeme
peckag* 1 S. 4 W. Mod. Double Action Niekel Pleted
Police Revolver, worth $7-00; 1 Stem Wind end Bet
Gold Flat* Wateh. value $4: 1 Hollow Ground Keen
Cutting Ringing Steel Razor, priced $3; I Set <«) Triple
Silver-Plated Tea Spoons, worth $1; also 44 other Big
gest Value Premium* which w* have not space to men
tion. worth from 10 cento to $1 each, provided yoj
remit $4 94 with order and allow ue to REFUND YOUR
MONEY if you are not pleased with good* Thia
"Adv." will not appear after W« enroll 60.000 new
customer* Giv* n*me of yow Express Office ang
Order TODAY. Reference Southern Expreee (a.
Bank of Montgomery.
Mdrm, CANDOR SALES CO.. Candor JI, C,, U.S.A.,
a This la a Genuine I I>lm Im
offertolatr.pueer*, madetolntroducethe
Wonder incanocsocnt ioo-candlk
POWER Kerosene OU Lamp In every lo- I
eality. Many times BRi«HTER,CHKAPCR
and SAFER than Gasoline, Electricity or
ordinary lampsforllghtlnghomes,offices,
store*.hallsandchurehee.Weask that you
■ bow It to your neighbors. If you accept
the proposition we will send you,we will
give yon a lamp FREE. Send your name
and name of your nearest express office.
Lar<ent Lamp Boat* la AmeHea.
fMBVNaCWJRraBR Thia Lace Battenberg of exquisite and
■SBexclusive imported design is making
ES’WKSS stents rich - because It delight' ever?
nctaaa. Big. new catalogue No 4. and
TSstJ samples free explaining liberal credit
plsn end exclusive agency Best sell
■SJ ■ •- ' h F itn riu (meric*. Agents giving np
•" °*berline»*n<Jh*ndlit>goursexclus
ively with big prefix Our big lead-
VfivS)uiuWibY er».w*t»tand dresa patterns, pctVcoata.
IMlAGEariAMMshawls, scarfs, infant'a and children's
I Its It FestgaM, 10e wear, drawn work, dress goods.
| SCSWAST2 UtretTiafi CO., IH6 Wsaktnytse (vs , fit Lseis, Me.
GREENVILLE, Ohio. Nov. 30.—Clyde
Weaver, 34 years old. committed suicide
here yesterday after murdering his moth
er and an officer, who had attempted to
arrest him, and probably fatally injuring
another woman and her husband.
Weaver was declared by physicians to
be afflicted with exaggerated ego, and
was under suspended sentence from the
probate court.
At 2:30 yesterday afternoon Sheriff John
F. Haber and Deputy 'Sheriff William H.
Farra went to Weaver’s home to arrest
him. The appearance of the officers j
seemed to drive the man violently insane. '
He opened fire upon them from an up
stairs window with a shot gun, and Farra I
fell wounded. A moment later Weaver's I
mother rushed from the house, crying I
“I'm shot.” and fell dead at the feet of I
the sheriff.
While Haber was trying to, revive the '
woman. Weaver walked from the house, j
carrying a revolver. He went to the
woodshed, where Farra had crawled, fired
twice at the wounded offer, killing him. ;
He then jumped into the buggy in which 1
the officers had reached the house, and !
drove to the home of Levi Minnich, a ,
neighbor, from whom he demanded pro- 1
tectlon. When Minnich hesitated to allow I
him to enter the house Weaver drew his !
revolver and shot Minnich through the
back. Weaver then turned on Mrs. Min
nich and shot her twice.
A large posse quickly surrounded the
house, and two deputy sheriff-i broke
through the rear door. They discovered
the body of Weaver under a bed. He had
used his last bullet lo blow out his own i
'the condition of Mr. and Mrs. Minnich
Is very critical.
19-Year-Old Robber Sentenced
MADISON. Wls., Nov. 30.—George Ben- I
on the IS-year-old youth who last week i
attempted to rob tho Peoples’ Bank of 1
Mazomornanie. a lew miles from here, I
•va< Hente'icrd Monday to "H years in the i
state reformatory.
Cornet Only 15 Cents a Day
a Thle great cornet or any band I nstru*
<—men l emit to you on trre trial and your
HJtT'y =^S l own time to pay. Greatoxt band oat*;og
1° the world aent to you Free. Every
‘ baadmstrinnentu mown In thteoataiog.
Write today tor It, tree, postpaid.
lyon&Healv. 17 Adams St.,Chicago
1 ■ - ■■■."' i —■ ■ ■ a»im I
Market Reports
Allanln. ategdy, 14',4<'.
New York, quiet. II TlMOfic.
Liverpool, quiet. 7 78-100<i.
Galveaton, steady, 14’4<*.
New Orleana. ateudy, 14%,*.
Savannah, ateady. 14Hc.
Norfolk, quiet. 14%c.
Wiluilngtou, quiet. HVic.
Ualtliuorr-, nominal. Hbs'-.
Boston, ateady, 14 70-rih<-
Philadelphia, ateady. 14 95-lOOc.
Holla lon. Meady, 14’iC.
Mobile, firm. 14%c. ,
| t'liarleatou, firm, 14 3-16e.
i St. Ixml*. quiet. 144 iv.
j I.itlle Rock, steady. 14!*c.
Memphis, ateady, 144te.
Augusta, ateady, 14**e.
I IxiulavUle, firm, 15c.
I The following were the ruling prices on tne
exchange today: i
I Tone, steady; middling, 14 70-100 c, quiet.
. , I.abt I'rev. '
Open. High. Low. Bale. Close. Close.
I Jan .. ..14.55 14.56 14.50 14.54 14.54 14.46
! Feb ' 14.64 14.56
1 March ....14.83 14.85 14.77 14.82 14.71 14.74
April c. 14.84 14.77
May .. ..15.02 15.03 14.95 15.00 15.00 14.91
June .. ..14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.73
July ..14.94 14.97 14.89 14.94 14.94 14.84
j Aug 14.27 14.31 14.27 14.31 14.30 14.18
Sept'l3.lß 13.30 13.18 14.27 13.23 18.11
i Octl2.Ko 12.85 12.78 12.85 12.85 12.75
Dec 14.40 14.40 14.33 14.36 14.36 14.28
The following were the ruling prices on the
exchange teday:
Tone ateady; middling 14',$c, steady.
Uast i’rev-
Open. High. Ixiw. Sale. Close. Close.
January. . . 14.« 14.73 H.t» 14. t» 14.67 14.61
February , . 14.7$ 14.71
.March . .. . 15.00 15.03 14.»5 14.98 14.98 14.91
I April 15.00 14.93
Mayls.lß 15.21 15.14 15.16 15.16 15.10
June . .. . t .... (.j) .... 15.19 16.13
Ju1y15.28 15.29 13.24 15.24 15.24 15.19
September . . 12.88 12.90 12.88 12.90 12.87 12.81
December . . 14.52 1 4.55 14.50 14.56 14.52 14.45
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 2.—Close: Wheat—Future*
higher: cash dull; track No. 2 red caah, $1.16@
1.36; No. 2 hard. $1.07H45L10%;; December,
' $1.07K; May. $1.06%©1.07.
| Corn weak: track No. 2 cash, 58*4c; No. 2
white. 69c; December. 57Tk©58c; May, 61@<H4c.
Oats firm: traek No. 2 cash. 41©41%e; No. 2
white. 44c: December, 40Hc; May, 42UC,
1-ead. $4.27H.
Spelter. $6.22U
Chlekena, 10c; springs, I2c; * turkeys, lilgc;
ducks, lsc: geese. Re.
Butter ttoady; creamery, 27©33c.
Eggs steady, 25‘/4c.
CHICAGO. Dec. 2. —Cattle: Receipt* estimated
at 7.000; market steady; beeves. 53.5£@9.15;
Texas steer*, $3.70@4.75: western steer*, $4.00@
! 7.40; Stocker* and feeder*. $3.10@5.16; cow* anil
heifers, $« !o<ffs.«s; calve*. $6.25©8.50.
Hoge—Receipt* estimated at 20,000; market
ateady; light. $7.70@8.20; mixed, $7.75@8.35;
heavy, $7.90(88.40; rough, $7.90418. TO; good to
choice heavy, $8.1O@8.4O; pig*. $6,6507.70; bulk
of sales. $8.1008.36.
Sheep—Receipts estimated at 16,000; market
steady; native, $2.75@&00; western, sß.iW@s.oo;
yearling*. $6.40'36.80; lambs, native, $.25@
7.76; western, $5.2507.65'.
NEW YORK. Dec. 2.- Sugar: Raw steady;
fair refining, 3.83; centrifugal, 96-te*t. 4.3.1;
molasse* sugar, 3.58. Refined ateady; cruehed,
5.95: powdered, 5.85; granulated, 5.25.
Petroleum steady: refined, all porta, $8.05.
Coffee steady; No. 7 Rio, B<4c; No. 4 Santoe,
Molasses steady; New Orleans, 28042 c.
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Dec. 2.‘-Spirits, nothing Ho
ning; last sale. ll:>0, a 58Hc. ftoaln firm; water
white, $6.75'; window glabs. $8.25; N,;
M. $5 60; /I. $4.60; D. $4.15; G, $3.90©3.92H; F,
$3.87>,-«3.90: K. $3.871403.90: D,
R, $3.85; spirits receipts. 736: shipment*, bttl;
st<x?ks. 37.387; rnsln receipts, 2,846; shtpuieutJ,
2,773; stocks, 181,802. •
ATLANTA. Ga, Dec. L~C o t tc> n by wagon
steady, 14%c.
Hens, each, 17H040c: fries, each, as to sue,
20®Mc: g*es». each, 40®50e, dull s duck*, 25®
$7Mc; coks, 25c; turkeys,, lb-. 14015 c.
Dressed hens, 15016 c per'pouttd.
Dressed tries, 20©22c F< ’
Turkey*. 17@30c per pound.
Ducss, 16®17c per pound. ~
Geese. 10011 c per pounij,
Oysters. 5-oz, $1.50: 8-ox.. $1.30; salmon balls,
l-7b. chums, $3.25; pink, $3.35: red, »s.z#; sar
dine*. H nil. no key. $2.’16; oil. key, $3.00;
oil, umstards. $3.00; tomatoes, standard Vir
ginia pack. 2s. $1.25; 3s, $1.70: corn, standard,
SI.CO; fancy, $1.00; Karo syrup. 10c
125 c size. $2.25 : 30c Size, $2.15.
I Pompa tri, per lb., 17HC; Spanish mackerel, pet
lb., llcf trout, drawn, per lb., 9010 c; bine
I fish, drawn, per lb., 607 c; headless red snap
per, lb., 8010 c; mullet, per barrel, 200 lbs.. >
net sl2 00; small snooks, per lb., 607 c; mixed'
fish, per lb., 506 c; mange snapper, tiouuders.
lb., 6@7c; black bass, per lb., 10c; bream and;
perch,. p*r ib., 7c: fresh water cat, 507 c per
lb.; select oysters, per gallon, $1.2501.40; |
standard, per gallon, 90c®$1.00.
Salt, 100 lb. bags. 50c; ice cream, $1.00; white j
fish, kita, 4344 c; 60 ibs.. $3.00; 100 lbs., $4.25;
Key a! Gloss stack, 346 c; best gloss starch, j
s44c; World’s corn starch, 4ci nickel packages,
$3.75; pickles, $6 50; potaen, $3.00.
Sugar—Standard granulated. $6.40; plantation
$5.20. Coffee, green, bulk, Jo@>l3c: Santo*, 110
1314 c; roasted, bulk. Ria. Biu* Ridge. 1244 c;
Stonewall. 16c; AAAA, 1844c> L’no, 19c; rice, Jap.
4»4c; domestic. 5440 644 c; • axle grease, $1.75,
navy beans, $2.60 busbid; Luna oean*. <Pfec.
Soda. Farm Bell. $1.60.
I Flour, sacked, per barrel: Swans Down (Iglc
heart’*), $6.20; Puritant (highest patent), $6.20; 1
5 Home Queen (highest patent), $6.30: White
' Cloud (high patent). $6.10; Sun Rise (half pat
ent), $6.85; Ocean Spray (half patent), $5.85;
Tulip flour. $5.00.
Meal, sacked. per bushel: Plain, 144-lb. J
sacks, 7»c; plain, 9«-lb. sacks, 80c: plain, 48-lb. 1
sacks, 82e; plain, 24-lb. sacks. 14c.
Grain, sacked, per bushel: Choice white corn,,
i 82c; corn. No. 2 white. 81c; com, No. 2 mixed,
179 c; corn chops, 82c; oats, fancy white clipped,
57c; o*t», white clipped, 56c; oats, No. 2 white,
55c; oat*. No. 3 white. 54c; oat*, No. 2 mixed,
54c; oat*. No. 3 mixed, 53c.
Seeds, sacked, per bushel: Wheat, Tennessee
blue stem. $1.70; barley. Tennessee, $1.10; oats.
I turf. 62c; oats, rust proof. 65c.
Hay, per Cwt.: Alfalfa, choice green, $1.25;
timothy, choice large hale*. $1.16; choice third
bales. $1.15; timothy. No. 1 small bale*, $1.05;
timothy, clover mixed. No. 1, $1.00; clover hay, |
$1.00; timothy, clover mixed. No. 2,95 c; tim
othy, No. 2. 95c; Bermuda hay. 75c.
Feed Stuff, per Cwt.: Chicken feed, 50-lb. |
sacks, $1.00; wheat (for chickegs), per bushel, <
$1.25; Purina Svratch, bale* 1 dozen, $2.15,
Purina Chick. $2.15; Purina Scratch, 100-lb.
i Hacks. $2.00; Purina Feed, 175-lb. sacks, $1.70;
’ Purina Feed. 100-lb. sacks. $1.75;: germ meal,
1 sl.(i3; Halliday white shorts, $1.85: shorts,
I fancy, 75-lb., $1.75: aborts, pure wheat, cotton
j sacks, 75-lb., $1.60; Georgia feed. 75-lb. sacks.
1 $1.55; shorts. brown, 100-lb. $1.55; sugar
1 beet pulp. $1.50: fine feed. 75-lb., $1.35;
i bran, 100-lb. and 75-lh<, $1.35; salt brick,
' per case. $1.40; salt brick, medicated, per case.
I $4.75; salt rock, per cwt., $1.00; salt, 100-lb.
I sacks. 48c; cotton seed meal. No. 1. per ton,
I $32,000; hulls, per ton, $12.00.
AUSTIN, Tex., Dec. I.—Both the j
' state and defense announced ready for ■
1 trial today in the case of the state vs. ’
i Henry Clay Pierce for alleged false ,
, swearing. Two state witnesses did not
report in court today, although they are
believed to be in the city and attach-1
ments were Issued for them.
The special venire of 53 men ordered ‘
summoned yesterday, by Judge Calhoun j
to remedy the defect In the jury panel j
caused by an error in having a special
! panel ordered to assemble on December
6 instead of yesterday. November 29, alt
answered to their name*.
, It is hardly likely that out of this panel
I more than a half dozen Jurors will lie
I secured in consequence the selection of
a jury will unquestionably take all of to-
: day and possibly tomorrow.
■ NEW YORK. Nov. .30.—1 n the belief that he |
!1* living paid too much. Jacinto Coeta. 'nn aa
si*taut corporation counsel, wrote to Comptroller
Metz stating that tils salary ought to l>e rc-
9 liiced from 10 to 15 per cent.
!. He rlmo suggest* a general revision of salaries
ti’ownwanl and a reduction In the city clerical
land legal forces of from 30 to 50 per cent.
f.Mr. Co*ta I* connected with the bureau of
’‘street opening*. He I* a graduate of the Co
lumbia Law »ehouL He te x Tammany Demo
J Hayner’s Great Special Offer! 1
READ IT—IT’S SOMETHING NEW—the most attractive offer we k
ever made and one that will meet with a tremendous response.
Quart. Bayner Pri- HAYN E R |IHR I
y at * s !, O wk ß< !. ed ’ Jz®ffl Mrt " T «o*»i»»no» • *o *
W riß°o“qu y art W LOCK STOPPER I
flkisa and SIDEBOARD wrrw
i i Wk decanter ijffl ’I s I
g Straight Whiskey,- 11111
■at $1.30 a quart |MI EDE? E II P «
4 Quarts for with each order v ’sb’K
B Over 750,000 patrons in the U.S. attest HAYNER’S PATENT COMBI- •* IJf/ . gK A '
S th® merits of H.yner Pure Straight NATION LOCK STOPPER is exactly 1\ /#/ J? Hslk
Whiskey. We want you to try it, too. . * **. . lllNv/riFZ -«II Kit WI OU fl
We want to place some of our very finest “ showa ,O the most |Sj | j
product before you—so you may know useful and ingenious article ever pro- ■W 9 ts
how rich, pure and good it is—and may duced. It is fitted with a dial like the A | Z
H appreciate bow much we save you by combination on a safe-locks into the
|M cutting out the proh ts of the middlemen . ... . ~ ... . rl Ml
■ and dealers, and selling our entire prod- bottle and cannot be withdrawn by any- 113 JJMWd
uct direct from distillery to consumer. one who does not know the combination. IjXjM . |ag
And to induce you to send us a trial It is a safeguard against children, serv- pi | JgMK » •
order now—we make you this ants or others tampering with your ||
SPECIAL OFFER whiskey. The Decanter is in cut-glass ||l| /tUk
fli sir j * n .u x.i pattern—bears no label or other adver-
Sgt We will send you three full quart bottles ....
U of Hayner Private Stock Bottled-in- ‘’sing and is an ornament to any side- f/1 ITV//Jill ,
Bond Whiskey—and one full quart of board. V V tfSwjFllll
M Hayner extra fine, old W.S.K. Straight ... I Iflwill n fl r flif ■ H
Whiskey —in plain sealed case, no ALL HAYNER WHISKIES are the L y|||T lj ,1| /Y .
5jS marks tn indicate contents, at our regu- product of our own distillery—all are
lar price of 03.70 —express charges paid absolutely pure, straight whiskies of the S’ W
by us—and with the shipment we will most delightful quality and all are !■ ig. s . ;
send you Hayner’s Patent Combination guaranteed under thd U. S. Pure Food ft pJfiH r«AL
I Lock Stopper and Sideboard Decanter. Laws. yljy jiK Rl
%S When the goods arrive, open one, two ' R s ',’
or all of the bottles—give the whiskey ADDRESS YOUR ORDER TO OUR 'brOf
a good, fair trial—examine the Lock NEAREST SHIPPING DEPOT-
M Stopper and Decanter and put them to NOW—WHILE YOU THINK OF IT.
I■ the test—and if not found exactly as we
nl represent—you may send back the goods O n *eronnt of th* high *zpre*« rote*, order* for We know—when yon see this fsp
at our expense and your 13.70 w’ll be Lock Stopper and Decanter, tF-
returned by first mail. w Mh . or w yo . m*n tors 4.0 wiU pleftsed> youwin gg
THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY, Division 6175 own nse and to present to I <Sg
- $Ol
Atlaulx. Woman Who Alleges She
Married Erstwhile High Finan
cier Appears Against Him—His
Varfae Career.
BAINBMDGE. Oil. Nov. 30.-An indict
ment was found against A. D. Oliver late
yesterday pftemoon, charging him
bigamy. Tile former Mrs. L.‘ Charles
Harding, with her sister, from Atlanta,
appeared and testified that A. D. Oliver
and L* Charles Harding were one and
the same, and that she was married to
him in 1908.
Oliver still insists that there is a case
of mistaken identity and that the lady’s
former husband le his twin brother.
Oliver's career reads very much like a
romance. He first sprang into notoriety
in Atlanta some six years ago when he
was en route from Tampa. Fla., to Cin
cinnati in the custody of United States
; deputies on the charge of using the mails
Ito defraud. Oliver had been arrested in
I Tampa and tried before a United States
commissioner and turned over to the of-
I fleers to take to Cincinnati. While in
Atlanta he managed to secure a writ of
j habeas corpus through his attorney I
Harvey Hill. This was followed by a I
I fight in the courts to see which court |
| really had jurisdiction Jn the case. While*
the fight was going on the United States «
authorities managed to get possession of.»
Oliver and spirited him away in a mafli ]
car to Cincinnati.
After his trial in the Ohio city he weht a
to Mississippi and engaged in the bank-R
Ing business. He got into trouble there,
i was arrested and escaped to Georglg.
lAt Climax, Ga., he broke into high
finance by buying a bank,
some saw mills and other trivial things"
of the sort without any available cash
and wound up by marrying a well
known young lady. The bank went up
the flume with only a few cents in cash
and once more Oliver or Harding was ,
in the hands of the law. I
The Mississippi authorities stepped In/
and wanted to get him back but thus|
far have failed. w
Os Oliver’s marriage in Atlanta or or i
the identity of his Atlanta wife little U
seems to be known. y
MUSKEGON. Mich., Dec. I.—A life of
sisterly devotion that has few equals in
history was brought to a close by the
death yesterday, at the age of 78 years of
Mrs. Harriett Mott, sister of the notorious
Bidwell brothers. who made themselves
the most famous forgers of the 19th cen
tury by the $1,000,000 swindle of the Bank
of England.
Mrs. Mott, who out-lived her brothers,
died practically penniless, although she
owned one of the finest farms in Muske
gon and valuable property in New York
state. All her property went toward pro
moting the cause of her brothers’ free
When Austin and George Bidwell com
mitted their famous swindle In 1873. Mrs.
Mott vigorously entered in the fight to
win the liberty of her kin and carried
her cause into the White House and be
fore the nobility of England. She went
everywhere to raise funds and she made
nine trips across the Atlantic. She re
fused to look upon her brothers as great
criminals and considered that their sen
tences to life Imprisonment were miscar
riages of justice.
When she at length triumphed and saw
the last of the brothers, Austin Bidwell
leave old Newgate in 1893. the devoted sis
ter returned to Muskegon and set about
raising money to pay off the debts of her
The brothers died in the west while on
a lecturing tour but she kept on. 'A book
written by Austin Bidwell on his expe
riences tCas her chief asset. She boasted
that she paid back every penny borrowed
in her long fight.
Postmasters Named
WASHINGTON. Nov. 30.—The follow
ing postmasters have been appointed:
Chester. Dodge county. Julian M. But
ler, vice H. M. Hancock, resigned: Rob
ertson. White county, William Hooper, ■
vice J. J. Fait ranunad. ■
COKDELB, Ga., Nov. 30.—C01. O. T.
Gower discovered large beds of phos
phate rock on his plantation, located
about three miles northeast of Cordele
this morning. There is an area of low
land on Mr. Gower’s farm, which he was
attempting to drain by means of ditch
ing, when the ditchers discovered these
phosphate beds. Mr. Gower brought
many samples of the substance to Cor
dele for inspection, and those who ex
amined the rocks, including experienced
workers of phosphate deposits, pro
nounced it to be the pure phosphate of
calcium so extensively used in the manu
facture of fertilizers of high grade.
. Several specimens of the rock were
found lying on tie surface of the ground
In the vicinity of the ditching and also
a number of strata were cut by the
ditchers, all of a similar nature and
composed of bones and shells of sea
animals. The deposits cover an area of
about 200 acres, but the extent of the
beds cannot be ascertained.
On a 12-acre tract of land in the midst
of the phosphate area Mr. Gower this
year produced 12 bales of cotton and
used only a moderate supply of commer
cial fertilizer.
In the event the deposits are judged
by experts to be profitable and extensive
enough the owner .contemplates develop
ing the mines and using the product for
_ COLUMBUS. Ga.. Kot. 30-At • meeting beWl
JI GENUINE2I JEWELED ast night, tbe newly elected officers of Bibk
COLO WATCH. BQu CiU were installed, the oath of office being
.gjflggSeT administered by .Mr. Calcolm Flemming.
w.w« atw «Sh »n« Vw »U E. i. Golden was elected mayor pro tern
»i, srm- JjWßßrWßa e,id w,li ■ ct in tbo <»p* ,|f y uutll « ■«>«*««»
BUARAMTEED FOB 25 YEARS to Walter Rigsby, as mayor. Is. named.
The tsjard of aidermen is as follows: R. L. |
*m>> ahai« w wE' —»<i »hMi ft PUB a Langford. J. W. Lawson. M. 11.. Sanford, T. H.
aXAßisanoa U« it %ttM wMUalaa th. Harrell and E. C. Golden. Dan M. Seals la 1
tart ay»n|>rw.«l«r* •U'MtjmHfam clerk- and treasurer
7^‘ r * * T *i? ffi- -?%£Bibb City is on- of the most prosperous sub-
UUIBU WATCK CO. Bapt. 60 urban sections of Columbus.
f Guarantee to Cwe
" A It is also called SALT W&V w
WtSXj rheum, scald head, tES./ jr
'[inf SKIN.MiLk CRUST, PRU- ?5 E J oArTo H wtio
n'lfln RlTUS—these are different treats nothing
t/c/ names, but all mean one but eczema.
thing—ECZEMA. ■■■■■■
I prove every word that I have said—l give to every sufferer n i- li n Jn as II
* rnrr tdisi Reliable Beyond Question H
>4 gs” | IliMit— This is a statement from the l-S
T _ "" " ", bank of my home town, fl Z
Just to show you that you need my treatment. It is yours fov „ here I have done husineaa M ' <
the asking. If you hare been to other Doctors. 1f you hare £>r years business S
taken patent medicine, and need lotions and salves till you are J ’ !■
disgusted. Write to me—l Will send you ABSOLUTELY FREE a
OF CHARGE. A TRIAL TREATMENT. There are no strings •«> c^7.»Vm ;O ../s.;7<>’, mo7Z,*. ■ •-j
to this statement. Therein not one cent to pay—not a penny !'■
accepted. I know what my trial treatment will do; I know —“—* S
that it will convince you more than anything else on earth that ■
you need my treatment. February Uta, i»oa. IB .
Don 9 ! Miss This Chance for* a Cure To „ MT COKgS s. ~ Kfl
If you are SUFFERING FROM ECZEMA you can only be thia that fl
cured one way—REMOVE THE CAUSE. What is the Or. Ca.naaday*s patients, from all fl 7
cause? ACID IN THE BLOOD. How do you remove It? By «’»r the United Statee, hare been lIK
cleansing the blood of the ACID. ’J?? 18 * their nosey in thia bank Ml
My treatment Is soothing—relieves the dreadful Itching at ’bile they tried hie treatnect ea fl J
once and cures the disease quickly. You don’t have to take • «•».. In 811 ***• »• bare ||
treatment for months and months. ONLY ONE CASE TN TEN J*n sslUd U>®n but f*ve tl«ee fl
needs the second treatment-ONE IN FIFTY needs the third l * r * tura tbs patients acney. 3
-think of that! ...°2L22!
a treatment was •hlp?o4; two did not IB
What Eczema Is rv* H** 4- * 1 * *• ■
in trwnwlt; one pel 4 owal> for tho fl
Eczema i« a dHoase of tbe blood and affecta all part* of the Instant three d*y« later after
bodr-the face, lipa, ears, hande, feet, genital organ, etc. getting her aonay; and one vu net isl
SYMPTOMS.— TeJIowith r«d eruption; the pimple* or patches mar satisfied.
•well and the itchinr Is eo sreat the person will scratch the top off, then y w |jf|
they bleed and dark scales form: there is an oorinf of tn a tie y. In eeme X* £ ‘Ed
the skin cracks and bleeds Hdiing is terrible; a person suffer!ac will /i flfl
scratch till thee bleed. Scales form on parts o* the body, where tho cloth- V if t - t Efl
jag comes in contact. tc.j» e
Ten Years Guarantee I
I positive! r Guarantee that every case cured by me will stay . .* KS
Cured 10 YEARS! It must be good or it could not be sold this way.
Strong as Rock of Gibraltar
lam a graduate from two leading medical schools. I am the holder of a GOLD
MEDAL taken in Competitive Examination. Does this not show that lam fully
qualified? I will send you my k ook, showing endorsements of business men fff
of all classes. Also testimonials and pictures fr >m cured patients every- Be
where. Some of them may be YOUR NEIGHBORS.
Is the most complete book ever sent out. I explain every SedaJitb. - MO.l
form of the disease plainly and fully. I show pictures of P.»«e .end witbeut mt to KE
many severe cases, which are extremely Interesting. m. prepaid Frw,trial trrttmeat fl
I send you names of thousands who have been al>» ropy of your Free Bvr.k. fl
cured and are grateful.
9 7U Wark Square Address IS
Sedalia, Mo. L
Treatment and litaratore sent in plain wrappsr.
NEWARK, N. J., Nov. 30.—Charging
that Bhe had murdered her husband. '
Frank Wilhelm, a wealthy contractor,
the state today placed Airs. Mary J. •X’
Wilhelm on trial for her life. Nicholas |
S. Sica, a real estate dealer of this city, •**
jointly indicted with her for the crime,
was accorded a subsequent trial.
Wilhelm was found shot to death in #
the basement of lite home on February
1 last. Police discovery of alleged friend- « !
liness between Mrs. Wilhelm and Sico
led to an investigation of the movements
of both on the day of the murder and
to their arrest and joint indictment. |
CHICAGO, Nov. 30.—A Washlagten special IO M
the Record Herald sa>»:
Gen Luke E. Wright, of .TemaaSee. forru-r
governor of the Philippines and President Roose
velt s secretary of war, has been selected by “t
Proldeut Taft to be United states judge M
th.- circuit court of the Sixth district, to sue- -
ceed Judge Horace E Lurten, chosen to fill . v <
the United States supreme bench vacancy caused i
by the death of Juaiice I’eckham.
These nominations wIU not be announced tin
til after congress meets, but it can be stated •
upon tho highest nutborlty that the president
hsH fix-d upon these two jurists. General ;-,R
Wright Is a Democrat, bat on account of ma *
executive ability was made a cabjnet member
by President Roosevelt.