Newspaper Page Text
Lumpy Cream or "Bluejohn?”
Both are “pure” —after their own standards.
It’s the same with whisky. Os course, you want pure liquor —you
demand that much.
And as a matter of fact, purity is easy to get —in these days most
whiskies are skillfully “rectified,” but they must come within the
IE Government’s requirements when it comes to purity.
But quality—richness —that’s a different matter. ihats some
thing found only in the products of those distilleries where the old
’ashioncd methods still provail. You know yourself that to be really
satisfving. whisky must hare that smack and mellowness that
elusive, dreamy taste that comes only through thorough aging and
I through honesty.
All the Rose whiskies are pure—both the distiller and the Gov
ernment guarantee that much —but two of the brands, “Rose’s Re
serve Stock” and “Rose’s Purity Rye,” cannot be excelled in their
■ ■ respective classes The other Rose brands are the best you can get
for the money—these two are the best you eould get for any money.
At the Jacksonville house two shifts of workmen are kept busy,
•ne during the day and one during the night, and shipment is guar
anteed the day your order is received. We prepay the express to
all points reached by the Southern Express lines.
Gal. »-Gal. Four Twelve
Bottle Bottle Qa«rt» Quarts
Rise's Mooßliii Dew .... $2.50 $4.75
Rese’s Old Georgia .... 3.20 6.15 $3.50 $ 9.50
ROSE’S RESERVE STOCK ... 4.00 7.75 4.00 11.50
Gal. »-Gal. Four Twelv.
Bottle Bottle Quarts Quarts
Cabinet 3.20 $0.15 $3.50 9.00
ROSE’S FERITY ... . 4.00 7.75 4.00 11.50
Send for Complete Price List
Richmond Bldg. Jacksonville, Fla.
Special Holiday Offer
test Thia nn« Old AgaU In Bond Whls- GIN
Re k«y has that dalloaoy of Flavor, <7 nr
Mats Mellownesa and Fragrant Bou- JZ OJ
CHS99MLJ quat, found only In absolutely / 1
2 112 1 2 1
miPLi xxx B * nnr B White Corn Whiskey or
WHISKEY g .$2.33 H GIN
,J $2.95 I S $2.95 g
Regular Price SB.OO g ar H Regular Price S6OO
We pMtttvety luanntee that thaae wttl wtve jw abaalirte and complete Mtialaetion.
If they do not yw enn return them, end nN your money will too ohoorfuHy refunded.
fammoth Whiskey Offer
That Is Brindinj? Us
>O,OOO New Customers
■canae. without a doubt, it it an offer, quality and quantity considered,
as never before been equalled by any whiskey concern in the world.
JT Mellow Springs Whiskey ’
O full quarts S/I t . 25
Mellow Springs Whiskey *’
r 1 O full quarts Sfi.2s
3 3 Think of It! On the 12-quart order this fine whiskey for
R only 52 centaa quart.
Z/ , ■ We are leaking this unheard of offer solely for the pnrpose of
I Rz/TWZ Introducing Mellow Springs Whiskey. We know that onro a con
»umer tries our good* he will always remain a permanent customer of
t'--‘ If a our reliable boa...
Mellow Springs Is a pure straight whiskey of full strength and
' ,»j* ei<iu!site flavor. Il is n«-t a cheap, flerr tailing blend, compound or
|«*- tn 11 tn re so much of which ia sold n< v a-days under the name of
R|t. < ”fl whlakey. We guarantee 1L We give you the privilege to test it in
KL j ~Jw anv way you like, and If you don’t say it's the flneat whisker you
fa ever tasted, and ft you don't consider this the biggest whiskey
bargnin you ever had you may r-tnrn what you have not used and
u • gx 9 we will promptly refund your money. Be one of our lOO.OuO new
P‘ k Jt- Jtr-us,. customers Get the beat and me -t for your money
Dist. Co., 238 S. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo.
M Kentucky’s Straight Whiskey
I Express Prepaid from Distiller to You
. O C«ll»>. In, t E 3 for A7.50 or 1 for $3, chericeof Rye. Bourbon or Corn
1 uflllOn. 10l *U, Fulton Straight whiskey highest medicinal thoroughly
raat ired. in Myers patent 1 gallon demijohns. To prove Fulton is best you need
MS send no money
fl || r> oea uowMtf O’
' 1 80 <i*y'• credit, if yoa have your merchant or bank write us guar-
' ■ Mtsein< account. No C.O.D. Full Quart Bottles of Rye, Bourbon or Corr are
I mec ™ ■ expressed prepaid in plain boxes, either 4 for 53., A for S 6. or 1?. for S 9.
Lg:. JI FREE—4 miniature bottles of Selected Fulton with every 2 gallon order.
I 6 with 3 gallon orders, accompanied by cash. If not satisfied with whiskey
return; and. if ne»d for. all your monev will be refunded by first mail.
MYERS & COMPANY. w SßtKsrßS'l>®
IS fcMOw n ,r'J.lw.»Wrke.».«rsl»iw .tt. »-ln rrma Sot Vr®.. r,>..M.MH.MdH-«aibm>»Ce«
■ ■ fut r®r|ls byprer,!! frrt»bl. Write far «iprw, term,
VS -If Write far ear beek, A Fair Cssteoer, end price list seeled. Li,' ' ‘
Faustine Montie Enters Com
plaint Against the Treatment
Accorded French Citizens by
Followers of Zelaaya.
NEW ORI.EANB. Nov. 30.—A special
cable from San Jose, Costa Rica, says:
The French government has been
drawm into the Nicaraguan trouble in a
way that promise? serious consequences ’
for President Zelaya. France' has become '
involved as a result of the brutal out
rages committed upon French subjects
residing in Nicaragua.
An official complaint has been lodged
with the French consul general in Costa
Rica by Faustine Montiel, a Frenchman,
who has filed a detailed account of hia
ill treatment by Zelaya's soldiers. Mon
tiel’s complaint, it is stated, here, was
cabled to Paris by the French consul
general, with a strong recommendation
that energetic measures be adopted. The
Paris government, it is reported, prompt
ly responded by ordering a French wai
ship to sail from Martinique to Nicara
guan waters. In his letter ot complaint
to the French consul general here Mon
tiel says: t
“In my capacity as manager of the
San Emillio farm, owned by Menier, oi
Faris, and situated on the southeast
coast of the great lake of Nicaragua, I
beg to bring to your notice the following
“On the 2Jd of October last past, the
undersigned was paying the laborers for
work on the farm, along with Mr. Fer
nando Rulnnrt. when we were surprised
by a large detachmerKt of troops, com
manded by a gentleman called Larios,
who we were told is an aide de camp of
the president of Nicaragua, and who w’ith j
his men had disembarked from the steam
boat 'S3' of the government of that coun
try at the port of Tortuga, near the
aforementioned farm. Immediately both
Mr. Ruinart and myself were bound and
dragged to"the edge of the lake, where,
after a mockery of a trial, they threat
ende to shoot us—a tiireat which they
repeated three times. On our arrival in
the’towp of Tortuga we were locked tip
tn a cook shop guarded by. sentinels and
suffering ail that night not only bodily
pains, but also the shameful insults of
Larins, whose superior officer was Cesa
reo Majfca.
"As soon as we were safely in the
lock-tip the soldiers returned to sack the
farm, wresting the keys from the house
keeper and carrying off all objects of
value on which they could lay their
hands, some of which were recognized la
ter in Tortuga. We had to regain pos
session of our own horses by purchasing
them from those to whom they had sold
them. During the operations at the farm
the housekeeper was brutally treated by
Larios, and it was with difficulty that she
saved herself from being killed. They
completely stripped the farm, not taking
into account the French flag, which was
at the time hoisted over the house, nor
paying heed to our protests on the
ground of the nationality of the owners
of the farm.
“Seeing that there is no guarantee
against loss and fearing a repetition of
what we have already suffered, I set
out for this republic as soon as I regain
ed my liberty. My first step is to ap
proach you and give yon information of
what has occurred to yo«r fellow-coun
Officials Don’t Agree With
Grant About Men’s Execution|
WASHINGTON. Nov. 30.-Gen. Freder
ick D. Grant's reported utterances re
garding the killing by President Zelaya,
of thetwo Americans—Cannon and Groce
—will probably not be a subject for action
bv the secretary of war.
Legal officers of the government, how
ever, well versed in international law,
take a view of the matter entirely at va
riance with those of General Grant, and
hold that there could be no legal or other
justification for the killing of Cannon
and Groce. A high legal authority in
those matters said today that the general
rule appears to be that forces engaged
In insurrection within a state are en
titled to belligerent rights when the in
surrection has reached the stage of an
organized rebellion, so that the central
government is required to resort to war
like measures in order to quell the insur
It is understood that a state of armed
insurrection arose in Nicaragua which
had reached the stage of actual war in
which the forces of the government were
oposed bv armed forces of the insur
gents, and that the latter had been gen
erally successful until a condition has.
been reached where the ports are prac
tically closed, and the forces of the gov
ernment are confined to a small area.
Citizens of a foreign state who have be
come identified with insurgents have, if
anything, a stronger claim to humane
treatment, inasmuch as they owe no
natural allegiance to the central govern
These views, it is believed, are shared
by the officials of the state department
who have no doubt of the unlawfulness of
the killing of Cannon and Groce, and
whatever action may hereafter be taken
with respect to indemnify or otherwise,
will be based upon this theory.
COVINGTON, Ga.. Nov. 30.—The New
ton County Poultry association will hold
Its first annual show here for Newton,
Rockdale and Walton counties on De
cember 7, 8 and 9. A great deal of Interest
is being taken by the poultry fanciers of
the three counties and over 200 birds have
been entered.
Birds' from Atlanta. Marietta. Smyrna
mu! a number of other places will also be
entered in this show. Mr. Loring Brown,
of Smyrna, will be the judge.
By New Discovery
“i h » ve <•«-
fY SRi n> o n s trated
A.'- J that deafness
can be cur-
w. e< ’" ' * >r "
,11 '
The sccre' nt how to use the myßteriou« and
Invisible nature forces for the cure of Deafness
and Head Nol-.cs lias at last Iwn discovered hr
the famous Physi.lau-Scleutlst. Dr. Guy Clifford
Powell Deafness and Head Noises disappear
as If by inagie under the use of this new and
wonderful discovery. Hr will send all who suf
fer from Deafnf** "nd Heail Noises full Inform
ation how they can tie <nred. absolutely free,
no matter lio« ling they have lw>en deaf, or
what cauaed their deafness. This marvelous
Treatment I* so simple, natural and certain that
you will wonder why it was not discovered be
fore. luvesticutors arc astonished nnd euied
(atienU themselves marvel at the quick results
Any deaf perton run have full Information how
to be cured quickly and <-ure<! to slay cured at
home without investing a cent. Write today
I to Dr. Guy Cllffiwd Powell. Bank Building.
Peoria. Ul.. mid ge> full Information of fills
ci» and wonderful discovery, absolutely free.
MMl Whiskies -t Reduced ||gga
™ 4? A XMAS.
■ ■'Al X. ..el L——, ng/,.
Special Christmas i Special Christmas 9 Special Christmas 9
Otter No. 1 Otter No. ¥ Otter No. v
(Express Paid.) (Express Paid.) (Express Paid.)
V 4 4 uarts Silver Star Rye 2.50 8 Quarts N. C. Corn .$4.00 4\gallon keg N. C. Corn ... SB.OO
•.'Vsl/ZV. 4 Quarts N. C. Corn $2.00 4 Quarts Private Stock Rye •• 7.00 4%-gallon keg Special Rye.... 8.00
4 Q uarts Brandy 4.00 4 Quarts Overholt, in bond--- 4.50 4%-gallon keg XXXX Rye.. .-12.00
* * * B ' s ° $15.50 $28.00
O $7.51) I ffiggr.... $14.50 . $25.00 .
. > Special Christmas J Special Christmas r Special Christmas g
Otter No. 1 Otter No. <> Otter No. V
’TI// ’ (Express Paid.) (Express Paid.) (Express Paid.)
3rv v yyyy Pvo /nui tqnn 3-gallon ,keg X. C. It quarts Private Stock Bye $20.00 .
'J | 4 Q uarts XXXX Rye * 3 00 3 .* allon Special Rye 6.60 12 quart. Old Overholt 12.00 *. yJjk.f
ArV 4 Q uarts *** Corn old 300 3-gallon keg Holland 12 quart. **• Com, old S.OO
1600 • $16.60 < $41.00 V
W X'X ' ss.eo ng-. $15.5. Sigs- ~ $37.50
Express Companies is always overtaxed at Christmas holiday time.
With late orders delays in transit are likely. Order now to Insure j.? A
proni P* an< * sa * e arrival In time tor Christmas and the holidays.
When ordering 4-Quart offer in corner is No. 1-A; Keg offer When ordering
/Wi® l - mention . . . mention
Number only i n corner is 1-B. Fill in this Coupon today Number only
-I* , i Delaney & Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
.’wA ' ?Tfeio! Gentlemen: Send me by first express, . y L
vXv M-f Ok j all charges paid, Special Offer No A
JvlZ 3; for which, find inclosed $
Jacksonville, | Name
Florida Write name and Express Office very plain.
The Visiting Nurses and Antl-Tubercu-
Icsis association hfcld an interesting and
instructive meeting Sunday afternoon at
Fort Street (M. E.) church, which was
well attended by the negroes of that sec
tion. Dr. E. C. Thrash and Dr. Loring
B. Palmer, the latter a negro physician,
made addresses Oh “The Cause of Tuber
Dr. Thrash in his talk stressed'the
point that the breaking of the laws of
nature was the cause of tuberculosis, and
that unless patients helped themselves
and followed out the instructions ordered
by the physician there was no way of
curing the disease.
Ex-Governor Northen made the closing
address in which he showed how the ne
groes might co-operate with the white
people In stamping out tuberculosis.
Since the Visiting Nurse and Anti-Tu
berculosls association began several
weeks ago its active educational cam
paign on tuberaulosis a meeting has been
held every Sunday afternoon at one of
the negro churches which has been large
ly attended and the strictest attention
given the speakers and an evidence of
general approval of the campaign 13
given by the negroes.
The association, when beginning this
educational campaign, decided it was
best to work first in the worst infested
districts of the city, which was found
to be among the negroes; and since
they began their work of enlightening
the race on the cause, treatment, pre
vention, etc., of the disease of tubercu
losis a large number of the negroes
have manifested their willingness to
co-operate in every way possible with
the association.
The next meeting of the association
will be held next Monday night.
Addresses will be made by Dr. J. Ans
ley Griffin and the negro physician. C.
H. Johnson, on “Prevention and Cure
of Tuberculosis.” The place of the
meeting will be announced later.
It is the idea of the association io
begin an educational campaign on tu
berculosis among the white people when
the campaign among the negroes has
been completed.
The horrible conditions found by the
visiting nurses, Misses Girard and
Pratt, who are employed by the Visit
ing Nurse and Anti-Tuberculosis asso
ciation to visit the patients receiving
treatment from the dispensary in the
Gould building, and its branch on Au
burn avenue for the negroes, whose
duty it is to see that the pHysicians'
orders are carried out and to report
new cases of tuberculosis, gives evi
dence that the white people of Atlanta
have no conception of the menace tu
berculosis among the negroes is to the
whole city.
If the environments of many of the
servants, washerwomen and a large ma
jority of the negroes were known to
their employes they would be aroused to
action, and before employing a servant
would investigate the location of the
home. *he inmates, etc., and which would
no doubt result In a general upheaval of
the conditions in the homes of the ne
A few day 3 ago one found by the visit
ing nurses where a negro woman who
had tuberculosis in Its second stage, but
In order to support herself W’as taking in
each week the washing of seven or eight
hospital nurses, and also that of several
men. In an adjoining house was another
case of this disease. As the clothes were
i washed and ironed they were put on the
bed where the patients had slept a short
time before.
Only a few days ago another negro wo-
I man in the second stage of tuberculosis
j was found in the basement of a store on
| Decatur street. The windows were nailed
I down, and so little light in the room
j that a candle had to be burned during
I the day. There are five other rooms in
this basement, and another ease of tuber
culosis was found just across the narrow,
■dark hall from the first patient. These
. patients took in washing as long as they
were able to stand up over the wash
Another instance —a nnuse harboring
four known cases of consumption, sends
'out of its eight rooms from 12 to 15
' washings each week, and the mother
' of three of these cases is a ccok tn a
i restaurant. On the pstrvh of this house
. hangs the sign, •'Simpers Wanted.”
Another instance of gross negligence
fehard to believe—a house in which seven
familiM live and from which from 15
to 18 white families* washing is done
each Week, besides several cooks and
nurses who are employed by white
people. There are two far advanced
cases of consumption riving in the mid
dle room of this house, and the first
sight the visitor beholds is the line of
clothes stretche4 across the small yard.
On a number of streets open sewers
are found, water flowing and stagnant
under the houses, numbers of families
getting water from the same well, and
many other direct causes of virulent
diseases that are not conceived of from
! mere description.
Cures all Kidney, Bladder and Rhett
mafic troubles: sold by Southern Drug
Company, Norfolk. Two months’ treat
ment by mall, for sl. Send to Dr. E. W.
Hall, 2926 Olive street, St. Louis. Mo., for
i testimonials. *•*
VINCENNES, Ind., Nov. 30—Miss Etta
| Burba, 20 years old. was stabbed to death
by Oscar Savage, her sweetheart, at her
1 home here last night.
The young woman was preparing sup-
■ per for her father, Jasper Burba, a mil
ler, when Savage, it is alleged, attacked
Burba with a knife inflicting a deep gash
across his forehead. Burba, it is said,
defended himself with a bottle when his
daughter interfered. Either in a fit of
rage, or by accident. Savage plunged the
long knife which he was using into the
girl's heart and she died almost instantly.
At this moment Miss Nellie Hayes.
Burba's sister-in-law, arrived. Burba
told her to call the police and as she went
Savage started after her. Then followed a
mad race in which Miss Hayes climbed
1 over fences, tearing her clothing and
> bruising herself in many falls. She
■ reached the police station: told her story
and collapsed.
Savage returned to the home; placed
the girl’s body upon a bed and was sitting
' beside it when he was arrested. He seem-
I ed stupefied by the tragedy and protest-
I ed that the girl was not dead.
Notice to Our Readers.
We wish to call the attention of every
I reader of The Journal to the advertise
-1 ment of Dr. Blosser's Catarrh Reme-
I dy, which appears in this issue. Dr. J.
W. Blosser, 51 Walton street, Atlanta,
Ga., the discoverer and proprietor, is a
I man of such character that his claims
for the remedy and his promises may be
relied upon in every particular.
As he offers fibsoltuely free a trial
sample of his Catarrh Remedy, it is
certainly well worth the while of every
sufferer to write him and give the remedy
a trial, at least to this extent. It is ev
ident that unless the remedy was a good
one he could not afford to make this
H GTFr t this S FULL, Ü BOTTLE U of iI GARI<E , TTrS re
/ KA 1 One Gallon Cate Two Gallon Cate Four Quart Cate Eight Quart Case 12 Quart Cate
’ ■' W Mountainous C0rn52.0053.20 7'nn’*”
1 1* Hillßff. Private Stock Corn, 3 years old 3.50 6.25 3.65 6.7510.00....
' American Pride, Bottled in Bond Axr- ’x 1u.T5....
(Express Charges PAID to any Adams or Southern Office.)
—— tjg Above are our selected brands, taken from our lists, which w guarantee to give perfect satisfaction. Ridgeway
Straight Corn is as fine as can be run direct from the still and is absolutely pure. Our guarantee covers these goods
Jff under National Pure Food Law. We will refund money to any dissatisfied customer as cheerfully as when received.
We refer you to the Atlantic National Bank, our city.
This Special Holiday
Short Crop Due to Poor Yield and
the Few Acres of Vines Planted.
There Are No Big European
SAN FRANCISCO. —By an irony of
fate or a vagary of the seasons the
prohibitionists aj« in a large part re
sponsible for the present abundant
prosperity hop growers throughout the
world, and particularly in California
and the Pacific coast states, are enjoy-*
ing. On the other hand, however, it is
due in part to their campaign also that
brewers are paying fancy prices for
hops and are really at a loss to dis
cover where they will secure sufficient
hops to brew the beer the world de
At the preseqt time the California
hop growers are receiving an average
of 25 cents a pound for their crops.
Last year they were more than pleased
to receive nine cents, and many of
them sold good hops of excellent quali
ty for eight cents. In Oregon this
year the crop was attacked by mildew
and thd output was not of the usu-il
high quality, but even there 22 cents is
being paid for poor grade hops. The
brewers have not yet been pressed to
invade the market in force, but whpn
they do so the price, local hop dealers
believe, will mdunt to 30 cents, and
perhaps exceed that figure.
The reason for the high prices is that
the European hop crop this season was
very *poor —50 per cent of the output
for 1908 —and that growers all over the
world allowed their vines to deteriorate
and rooted them up to put in other
crops, believing that the wave of pro
hibition that swept over the country
would decrease the call for hops so
that the prices would touch bedrock.
Because of this latter fact California
did i.ot produce its usually heavy crop this
season, but this ■ was only because the
usual number of acres were not under cul
tivation. The yield per acre was as large
as formerly. Thus those who harvested
hops this season have every prospect of
putting much money in the bank.
"erGmany is buying back from Eng
land," M. W. Furlong, superintendent of
the Pleasanton Hop company, said yes
erdav. “the hops that Germany sold to
England last year. The German crop this
season is very short, and growers in that
country are unable to fill contracts they
made for supplying brewers with hops.
Because of this failure they are compelled
tc pay a substantial money consideration
to the brewers they contracted to supply
with hops. \
“The whole output of the United States
this year is about 155.000 bales, which
were grown in the states of New York,
Washington. Oregon and California. Our
state produced 65,000 of this total.”
“The old hops usually held from season
to season generally act as an agency to
Keep the price of hops from soaring too
high.” Ernst Lange, representative of E.
Clemens Horst, explained, “but the large
holdings that were supposed to be in Eu- ’
ropean 'storehouses seem to be a myth.”
Horst has started for England on busi
ness connected with hie firm. The hop
picking machine invented by Horst and
his associates operated to keep down the
price of handling the hops in the Horst
and next year, whether the price
be low or high, the hop man expects his
machines, that take the place of some
90 or 100 pickers, to earn him a larger
72 8. Pryor St., Atlanta. Ga.
b € W
This Institute Tretts Clot Feet, Diseases nt
the Spine. Hip Joint, Paraljalt, Piles, Flstuia,
Female and prirete diseases. Hernia, Rheuma
tism. Urinary Organs, etc. Send ter illustrated
circular. f
Fine, old, copper distilled.
8 Puß Qts - SSOO
C.We prepay all express
charges and ship in plain
psckaßes *
wSCIIiI Complete price-list
upon request.
Cousins Supply Co.
“■ L HESSBERC 4 Pr *
Return this ad. with SI. 26 and we will chip pre
aid. 12 bottles "Puro” Extracta, sufficient to
make In your own home. 12 full quarts of fine
Rve Corn. Gin or Apple Brandy. (State kind
preferred.* No distilling—no boiling—no trouble
—no apparatus. Guaranteed under pure food and
druxs act. Serial No. 24SU. Money refunded If
not as represented. American Export Company
(Southern Branch), Jacksonville. Fla.