Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, February 08, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    Market Reports
k SEW YORK. Feb T.-TWe eoftoa market
to opened at an advance of 4 to 7 pointe In re-|
to very bullish cable*. the bigger,
tmslne** reported from the smith and re-1
of an Increasing demand for manufac-,
fno|. There was heavy milling on the
of 15 cent! for Ma’, but offerings were
on a reaction of i or < points and
F and but! support, with prices during tbe middle
' of tbe m< rning showing a net gain of 94115
After showing a net advance of about 9015
point a during tbe middle of the morning the
cotton market turned a little easier late tn
the forenoon under resllilng and local t*e*r
pressure with prices at mtOday showing a net
gain of 3488 points and with May selling at
14.95 compared with 15.05. tbe high point of
the morning. Business was less active after
tbe first hour and the marke tat midday waa
comparatively quiet.
Cotton spot chweJ quiet, h) points higher: mid- *
dling uploads 15 50: middling gulf 13.45. Sales
Tbe fcllowtng were the ruling prices on tue
ear l.ang< toils y:
Tone firm; middling 15 39190 c. quiet.
Last ITrv.
Open. High. U»w. Wale. < |n«e »
Februarv . .... .... .... ....
Marcti . .. .14.94 14.59 14 79 14.91 14.94 14 %
April 14.94 14.84
Mav 14.97 15.07 14<9 15.4a 15.05 14.88
June F 5.96 14.77
July 14.98 14.94 14.74 14.94 14.96 14.76
August . . . 14.47 14.43 14. S 14.33 14.38 14-ftl
Sepetmber .. 13.37 13.43 13.33 13.38 13.47 13.39
«Vtober . .. 17.53 12.96 12.85 12.94 12.94 13.85
November . . 1170
December . . 13.73 12.79 12.79 12.79 1179 12.®
NFW ORIXBNS. Feb. 7.-Cotton futures |
opened steady at an advance of 10 to 15 nomit
-n the cold crop months and 4 to 5 notnts on |
tbe rew. l.i -erpool cubic* were very favorable. |
refx rtiug a higher future market than expected
in! a coat ir. tat ion of the heavy spot trading
that featured the end of Isst week. These cn
hlee m«>r» than effect the effect of rains in
Texas, and in the first half boot of trading
the more active old crop months stood 15 to. 11
*<*tnis up. The rolnrm- of business was not |
large, as It was a holiday market. Tomorrow, i
<wi account of Mardl liras, the exchange wilt j
be . loerd.
At tbe middle of the morning tbe advance !
•n rhe old crop months waa widened to 20 I
points. July going up to 15.43. Shorts covered I
unite generally and «remo| very nervous over 1
receipt* of a heavy spot inquiry at many points :
in tbe smith, tn sympathy with the extraor- ■
dinars demand la tbe I.hrrwol market. Tbe
weather, tbe watched closely forecast for un
settled weather la the west belt gave little
more euroongement towards the latter part of :
the seasiou.
Tbe following were tbe ruling prices on tn*
exchange loday:
Time rarely steady; middling 15c. steady.
Last ITev.
Oven. fllgh. low. Sale. Ulnae close.
Febraarv 15.03 14.79
March .. .. 15.99 16.24 14.95 15.24 15.23 14.35 j
April 15.29 15.09 :
Mnv 15.74 15.41 15.13 15.40 15.39 15.12
Jtiae ... 15.44 15.16 |
Joly 15. X 15.54 15.24 15.54 15.53 15.23
Anrust 14.74 14.47
September . . 13.54 13.56 13 48 13 49 13.52 1X57 J
<wto*er . . 0.88 13 00 12.84 13.90 12.99 12.36 •
jP" ember 12.84 11.7°
Ibcember . . 12.79 12 79 12.97 12.79 12.80 12.65,
NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 7 —Spot Cot too firm %
up. Middling 15 cents hales spot 1,100 bales. !
To arrive 459: hedged cotton 329
Quotations. Low ordinary 13 X 14c: strict good I
oni’naty I*4 low middling 14 714 c; strict low'
middling 14%c; middling IS cents; strict mid
dling IS 3-10: a -si middling 15V*: strict good
middliag l»9-t«e; middling fair 15 1114 c; mid-.
dtiM fair to fair 15 1116 c; fair 14 7-14e notnlnsl. ;
Receipts 1.495; stock 219.491.
Atlanta. firm. 15c.
New York, quiet. 15 39- 199 c.
New Orleans, steady, Ur.
IJverpnol. owlet. 8 14-WXM.
tialveatoo quiet. 14 16-i-e.
Savannah, nominal, 15c.
Nroff.dh. nominal. I‘V
Wilmington nominal. I4'«*s
Rn'ttnore. nominal. !4%e.
IVwion. steady. 86 39 Wts-.
Philadelphia, steady. 15 45 lOOr.
Iteretes. *»e*<>v. 1%-.
Mobile, nominal. Ue.
"fbariesfun. mxumal 14’je.
St. Lewis, quiet. 15%e.
Little Burk, ootnina! M’.c.
Memphis uomruai 15%c.
Tesilevllle. flnn. C.ue.
Augusta, nominal 15c.
iTHCARO. F«b. 7.—Cuttle: Receipts roti
n-.ated st T4.*o. market 10c to 15c higher;
beeves. 84.507.65: Texas steers. >2.3005.90:
western sfbera. sl. 1 <>06.10; stovkers and feelers.
53.1A0'.. *5; cows and heifers. *3.2005.76;
rale**. 97.9509.5.
Hogs--Rereip-'s estimated at 38.9C0: market
fc to 10r higher: light. 55.1508.55; mixed.
98.200X47: heavy. *«.25w».70: rough. S«.25«uXK<.
good to cbo're heavy. 58.4008.7 G: pig*. 87 260
I. hoik of Sales. 58.5Ctj8.45.
Sheep—Receipts estimated at 12.900; marks*.
N- to lie li’gter; native. *4.2504.59: western.
*4.90: yearling*. *7.2541 * 35: lambs, nstlve. 56.75
western, f-4.7508.80.
KaKANNAH. La.. Feb 7.—Spirits firm. ;
ew t fur*; water white. 87.>*: window gla*». j
t,«3. N. 94 G: M. *9.31: K. *5.745: I. *4.70: 11.
1; L 91. C; F. 94.42’i; E. K. »4.A»;
| *4.25; rwvirds spif***- DT; m*ln. 1.117. |
* Tbe following *ere tlie ruling prices on t*e ,
pexchang’ t-alay •
\ Open. tUgX Low. Close. Close. *
1 ♦niEAT-
F«+ruarv Ill’s ’lll4 j
M.r P«a b wi.®i. no’. M97* 15 •* I* 1 * 1
Jtllr . . .. 99-. M- • ICI W, I*o*4 ICO
Ne<.te-Jiber ... ... 96-. *s*< 9", 9C*? 96
FAbruary C!’-. 62
Mfcy G.■*>«/. Co. C.*» 65*. CA*
J»*y KS AM. 65\ 658. ‘
seA;cmb«r ...... ... 6586 G s . G’« G*6 65 T k I
>la|r K'. 45*. 44 46'* i
luir <2 42% 41% 4.’% I
/ I < RR
f May .. 22.10 22.31 22.39 32.39 22.92 !
July 21.97 22.15 21.97 22.02 21.92 •
May 12. W 113 S IXIO UJ3 12 07 I
Julv 12.95 12.1 t 12.’5 12.10 12. G
Mav 11.35 11.97 11.75 11.83 11.75 i
luLr 11.75 11.82 11.75 lI.W 11.72 |
Flvwr. sacked, per old.. Swans town Ugie
heart's *7.bu; Puritan thighest patent i* *7.<»;
H<*oe Queen (highest patent!. *7.<a>; wmtr
Cloud <h<gb-»t patent*. 8< 85; Farm Bell. 8415;
‘an Rise (half patent*. 84.50; Ocean Spray
(half patent*. *4.50: Tulip flour. *5.50.
Meal. 'Cvk<-d l«-r buMH-i: I'lain. IM-ib..
sacks. 63t; plain. 94 Ib. sxlcks. 85c; plain. 4b lb.
sacks. 87c: plain 24 lb. sacks. SN-.
Grain, sacked, per bushel: « I>*-k-v unite corn.
Igx; corn. JU. 2 white. >.*c; own. No. 2 mli.-d,
96c: Com chop*. S*e ; oats, fancy white clipye-u.
SSr: oats. No. 3 white. 44c; oats. No. 3 while.
f*r; anta. No. 2 mix'd. 67e.
<(e.-is. sacked, per bushel: Wheat. lenn<«---
Hue it-a. *I.7U; ««ts. mat proof. We; Hurt
Hay. p»r cwt.: Alfalfa h*> - choice. *1.0; |
alfalfa hay. No. 1. *1.30: timothy hay. choice. I
*!.«>; timothy bsy. No. 1. *1.25: timothy bav. ‘
No 2. *1.15: clover bay. No. 1. *l.h».
Feed stuff, per ewt.; Uhic eu te*d. asm.!
sacks. *LMi: wheat ifor chtckensi. per hnsoct
11. Puriu scratch, tales. I dosen. *2.30:
Pnriaa «**«\ *2.25; Pnurtn i scratch. H» ib.
1 w*'ir'ir" feed. 175 Ib. sacks. *1.75:
Hallidav white aborts. »!.G.
t’ -£u?W* ,h ««ek9. *1.75: shorts. |mre
r*i .. J? k ** ” G**g'« 75 lb.
, *oW” brown. 199 Ib. **cfc.. *! 55.
r2°; i Jjb. and 701 b. sacks *l4O. m lt
Mlt brick, medicated.
seke 56ct’~
I; sacked G , ™ *l3 ’’
«aSs«?. fries eacli. as to stae.
reek. i^rkl h dUrM ’
_ IM '
Cured by 1 |, e Marvel of the
Century, IFL Qbb ac System
SODay treatment Free
£»«....*•« HIMMM*. for
THE OBBAC CO Sector BU< Chicago
ATLANTA. Oa.. Feb. 7.—Cotton by wagon.
I nominal. 15c.
Dressed hens. 15018 c pound.
Dressed fries. 20«222c.
Turkeys 26027%c.
Ihicks. 16017 c per pound,
i Geese. 12014 c per pound.
Candies—Stick. 6%c: spiral stick. 6‘»c; staud
ard mixtures. 30-lb pails. 6%c: Kennesaw dr*
of tartar mixture. 45 lb. bnekete. Sc; F-endh
creatna. mixed. 30-lb. palls. 10c: hand sude
bonis.n mixtures. 30-lb. {tails, 12c; ehneo ate*
5-lb. boxes. 140 22c per lb.
! Dry salt extra ribs. 35 to 50 lbs.. 12%c dry
1 salt rib bellies, 20 to 25 lbs.. 13%c: dry «al|t fat
becks. 8 to 10 lbs.. 12c; Premium hams. 17c:*
Premium breakfast bacon 22c; Picnic ham* 12c:
Premium lard. 15%c: Silver I.eaf lard. 14%c:
Jewel lard compound 10%e.
Orstera. 5-ox.. 81.55: 3-oa.. 81.30; salmon l*ali»
l-k». chums. *3.26; pink. *3.35; red. *6.23d sar
dine*. % oil. no key. *2.85; oil. key. *3.'X);
% oil. mustards. *2.75; tomatoes, stamlanl Vir
ginia paek 2*. *l-25; 3a. $1.79; corn, atahdanl
*2.90: fancy *2.50: Karo syrup. 10c size. f 1.85;
25c sixe. *2.20 : 30c sixe. *2.10. ,
T.etnons. Messina fancy, per box. *4.2504.10:
extra fancy. *5.0005.35: t'aliforul 1 leinons.
*4.500 5.00 per crate: Florida orange* n.GOft*
2.00 per tux. Limes. Florids, per 1W). 500
■ We; apples, barrel, southern. *4.00; northern,
IM 5005.50: cranberries, per gal., 40c: per tiarrel.
Cracker*—XXX Florida sodas, Block
select sodas. 7wc: lemon creams, /"e: pearl oys
ter. 7c; glngei snaps. 6%c; cornli.ila, 8c; penny
cakev. *%o: animals. 10c; jumbles. 10%4; fig
bar". l*c; cartwheels. 9c: rais’n cookies. B%e;
Block snowflake wafers, in tp . 13c: crackers
in 5c cartons. 50c dosen; cracxers in loc car
tons. *I.OO. j 4
I Pompano, per lb.. 22%ci bianlsli madki-te;.
; per lb., nr: trout, drawn, per lb. SxjlOc; blue
! fish, drawn, per lb.. 607 c; Lea.ness red sunp
1 per. per pound. 8010 c; mullet. |*er bt>L.
! lb« net. *10; small snook*, per lb.. BVue:
mixed fish, pet lb.. 506 c; mange snapper.
1 flounders, lb.. *o7c; blnck baas, per lb., loc; [
■ bream and perch, per lb., 7c; tresh water ca.. ,
|so7e per lb.: select oye’Trs. per gallon. *1.250 I
1.40- standard, per gallon. f*oc<R*l.
Irish potatoes, per bushel. 80055 c;. sweet |k>- I
tatoes. pumpkin and bunch ynns. per OUHiiel.
600 75c; white varieties. 5000 c; onlous. Fellow;
nr red globe, per bushel. *1.10*31.20: perhaps. I
per crate. *1.0901.26: egg*, fresh. 28030 c: but- !
ter. fancy table. 1 lb. prints. ?7%©30c; cook, in i
bulk, per lb.. 10015 c.
Smoked sides very dull: well c*ired. i>4r th., j
10011 c; hams, owing to »txe. per lb.. I*olt*.-; |
I shoulders. LOullc.
Quaker cat*, wood. 36's. *3.25: Quaker oats,
pulp. 18's. *1.50: Quaker o- ~ tin. :«•». M.yx;
Q-.-aker pnffed rice. 34'k. *4.25: Quaker p<irre«l j
: Wheat. 3«'s. *2.90; Quaker corn in-al. 24's. gI.W;
Quaker corn flakes. 24’s. *1.89: l , ettljoiin> l*. a. •
*1 70; Pettljol*i>’a H’a. 81.85; Quaker farina. '
24%. *1.50; Quaker breakfast hlaeuitsj 24*x» '
• H. 50: 24%. *1.70: pure rye flour. i*bl.. *6.00; rye
I flour mixture. *5.25: rye men I. bbl.. *5: I'bstum,
large. *2.25; small. *2.70;; grape nuts. *z.7U;
Do«t toaties. popular sixe. *2.50: XXX gfahaiu.
•' bbls.. *5: kegs. *3
Salt. 100 lb. bags. 50c: ice cream. $1.00: white I
fish. kit*. 43-4 C: 60 lbs.. »3.0«: 10*» lbs.. *4.25.
Royal Gloss starch. 3%e; best gloss starch,
: 3%c: World's core starch. 4c: nickel packages,
j *3 15: pickles. *8.50. potash. *3 00.
Sugar, standard granulated. 5%-: plsnlatt->n.
' *3.10. Coffee, green, bulk. 10013 c: Nantoh. 110
13%c: roasted, bn Ik. Rio. Plue Ridge. 13c;
t Stonewall. 16c: AAA A. 14c: lino.. 19e: rice.
Jap. 4%c: domestic 5%06%c: axle greaae. *1.75; 1
navy beans. *2.75 bn.; Lima beans. 5%c: cheese, ,
full cream. 18c: soda. Farm Bell. *1.50. |
Bld Asked. >
! Atlanta <». 1922. coupon IM .....I
; Atlanta 3%« 90 93% 1
' Atlanta 4%*. 1922 I<D% 1
I Atlanta Brewing A Ice Co. 125 I
I A.. B. 4 A.. Ist Sa 50 55
I Atlanta Coal and Ice 130
Atlantic Ice A Coal Corporation.... 30
Atlantic Ice & Coal Corporation, pf . 80 :
Atlanta Gas Ugbt 3s 103% 100
' Atlanta and West Point debs I 105
I Augusta and Savannah 112% 115%
■ Aogurtn Factory ... ... •• 6* , 70
I CentKl Balk and Trust Corporation 147% 16U
Chatta. Station 4s 92 93%
Centro! of Georgia. Ist 1nc0me..... 87 88
Central of Georgia. 2d income.. .. .. 81% 84
Central of Georgia. 3d income 8(1% 82
Dixie Cotton Mills 6s 92% 97%
Fourth National Bank 210 216
Fulton Bag and Cotton Milla L 101%
Georgia Electric Light 3s L 103
Georgia Ry. A Electric common 107 ‘ 108
Georgia Ry. and Electric, prf 87% 90 j
Ga. Ry. and Electric, prf coupon 107
Ga. Ry. and Electric 6a 3*% 100
Gi. state 4%a. 1915. <-oupon .. .. 103% 105%
lla. Railroad and Banking Co 252% 258
Trust Company of Georgia I*o
Ga. R. R. A ranking Co. new 4s ...L
Lcvrry National Bank 222% .....
COLUMBUS. Ga., Feb. 7.—Dr, Bascom
I Anthony, pastor of St. Luke churcjt am'
;one of the ablest Methodist divines in th,
1 state, is heartily in favor of some radi
leal changes* In the discipline of the iMeth
' odist church. Among other things he, as
• one of the delegates to the next general
i conference, will urge that amendmehts be
made providing that laymen of the church
assist in the administration of the
ment. t
At the close of his sermon at St. Luk, I
yesterday. Dr. Anthony asked for one!
of the stewards of the church to assist '
j him in administering the sacrament, de
claring that this was necessary in large
• churches, and that he was going t<j fight
I the changes in the next conference pro
[vkling that the laymen be given authority
'to pertorm this duty.
Mr. G. J. Peacock, head of the
; board of the church, assisted in the) serv- |
I ices yesterday. . L
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 7.—After firing
11 bullets into his head from a .22-cali- |
her six-cylinder revolver, reloading the
weapon to accomplish the feat. Roman
Pritschoff hanged himself at his home in I
Alameda Saturday night to make ,thel
| suicidal work thorough. j
Six of the bullets entered his brain and!
the fact that he was afterwards able to I
frsten a clothes line about his neck and I
strangle himself, puzxled the coroner's 1
jury and physicians who examined the
body yesterday.
An amateur burglar made an unsuc- 1
ceesful attempt to open the safe in the I
office of President E. H. Wilson, of the '
Trio Steam Uaundry. corner of Edge- .
wood avenue and Hilliard street, late 1
Saturday night or early Sunday morn- I
The burglar, who was working with a B
fine steel saw and a screw driver, man J
aged to loosen one of the hinges of the*
safe, but at this point he was evidently >
frightened away. The man left his saw*
and screw driver and a bunch of keys.
Do you want the best Cotton Seed your money will buy, abso
lutely pure, true to name, and every variety tested and tried?
Broadwells. Cooks. Cleveland. King. Schley. Russell, Brown’s
No. 1 and Mortgage Lifter. Write for description and pi ices.
jr •- It will cost y«u nothing union* satisfied. I>m curing
san*!* oi veopie allli< ted with Weak Eves, Sore Eve*. Granulated /Bm
CaK ‘^ E *£kT r Ud*. Wild Hairs. Cataracts, Eye Strain, Scums, Floating Spots, /Jy#
of Sight and all Eye Diseases Don't wear glaaso*.
Don't suffer. Just write me descrffcrfag your eye troubles. I’ll send a full < oune
of mv mild home remedies, all charges prepaid, with splendid eye cup for 15 day*
If you are not sadadod to continue, sou pay me nothing. Oon’t put this off. Write me today.
DR. W. O. COFFBK, Dept. WdS, Des Moines, la.
T - I
Life-Size Doll FREis
We want to give you
: th% beautiful Lite sUs
8 1-8 Holl—aha i» 27 in. tall—un<l
I Tbll- 0k yen need not apeurt •
K cent of your money to get
M* \ her. Let us tell you more
about thl* cnarnnux
little lady. She cannot
-y broken, ha* che“l>*
/ u ,lke i' ,llk roges < ,I ’ <l
/ W/ufeW'riy v. with her big brown
if f/ ~ ’V y, eve* and llpg that
flr i « l,w ’ k "* ,f tl,e - T w " nt *
ff /#{ yt\ W. ed to be kissed, you
. /m • I' \ will lore tier aa
11 11 sc ' <,n "• t 0” k***
n // sue la »o big anil t it
lit •] j-ou will have to put net
Xvery io bed In your crib. su*|
Child lllui )' dr*»» her In your <mtgrown
□an U r’i J/ clothe*: she won’t break.
Have l\ / A I' lose her ey* *or snsri cer
| Ob* Il r\* [i hair. I She cannot be
FRE.- ySII uc3\\ bought at tbe siore.i All
1 Jj Ik JJ you have to do to. earn
this prixe lx to get »<>me
friend ti. iubscrtbe to The Welcome Uue*t ror 1
year at 25c. Send i;a tbe name and money, and
' the Doll will j>e aent you, all charges prepaid.
The WELCOME GUEST. 4 G.. Portixnd. Me.
' * Treat 4
| For fifteen days. If you do not wish to con
tinue, costs you nothing. I am curing
Catarrh, Deafness, Head Noises, and Throat
—* ro troubles, with a remarkable
yf « new treatment. I want to send
-4 U a course of my treatment with
Ism two instruments, to every suf
’ • erer ‘ by mail, all charges pre-
I P ald ‘ to try 15 days.
< «■ Thia la the tree treatment.
no money. Write for my free
trial treatment today, giving full de
acrlptiun of your case.
Dr. W. 0. Coffee, Des Moines, la.
"Get the F'easure „iae
Without the Folsen *
JR. Threo for fff •molt*athomt
4UC SI.OO Jnf Looks and color* like
meerschaum. Absorbs
IK KJ the nicotine and k cepe
fi -- JB KC Jf/ on t a,, Gng sweet.
I' y' —- You never had such an ew
i f' joyable .moke. Sent prepaid
Ifiile anywhere Money back if
k ■*” •*" l*fitotory.
' ..*v Or*or *er More Today
H.MENGES,ThoSmokers' Frlsnd
; *°3 >»•"*«* >l **- 5t - l,j| L m *-
*40.00 WEEKLY made selling our Sun-Ray In
candescent Mantle Kerosene Burner. I<X>
Iv »w candle power, fits any screw collar
i fl lamp, thousands now in use giving satls
!A faction, brighter, cheaper and safer than
fy, gas or electricity at 110th the cost.
Lilieral Inducements and particulars
. Wjr free. Simplex Gaslight Company, Dept.
ukQ G. 23 Park Row, New York City, New
*■■' .i York.
LADIF.S and gents, young or old. can earn
i watches, diamonds, lewclyv. furn’tnre. farm
ing implements and many other things for one
I <lav% work. 1 have a cinch for you. Be wise.
1 write for particulars. How easy money is easily
made. Address T. E. Lasater. Dept 1, Box 32.
Durham. N. <*.
f~ SE Fish Bite
time, if you
use MAGIC FISH I.CBE. Best fishbait'
ever discovered. Write to-day and get a
box to help introduce It. Agents wanted.
J. F. Gregory, Dept. 5, Bt. Louib. Mo
GGLD *5L 5
%*U A MiiH f» I,J for SI.M. Roth
wwk* fully guarxaieeJ. Double bunt-
/wi / >4 iMg stylo, rleh<y *B(ravod g* oulB « f»l)**v*n i
jJf/jgKrubyjo»*l*<l Mjovsmtnt of Standard A tttoTiexn 1
fartA- ■tMg/ 4rV«niak*.quk*k tr*Jn lovor esoapqraeat.stain w ad I
I CjVMfcjFttaad tet fuHY r for 2 c y«ar« On rs-
lF^M 4a,Dt '•*' w * mbl to any
r*ti*t*rod mail poo*pald. or by
%A•xvroe* r O.D and eipreM ehar<ae.
»* r »*d. GENT’S ar
LADY'S 4 <*’• •*?*•*• addroM
' It wateh I* to bo *ant 0.0. D Addr«*«
A Co. »o<i Dear bora St. (Mra**
uj gold watch f p p p
OC jIG American Movement Watch. Geld Fisted
Clue, wsrrant.d to keep eo-recl time, »nd
.ft w'-jX r Golit v - *»d Hitv wi*h s Sp.rkling
Av' Rem. given free for selling 30
*2 ' lewelry Novelties at 10c each.
tX‘ ■ Write for the in.
When sold ~.-~-g4'M%'s.
a/ send ue the 02
and we send
Watch and *
Dept. 32. Fenway Sta. Boston, Mass.
Huatia* —m. baautifully •arravod. gold • Distort throughout, Mttn wiad and
•Br*B set flttad with 7 ruby jswalrt Amor oan lavar mortmeat QuaraiHaad
io roar*; wl*h long goid pla*el oh ala far Ladioa or r**t ebain fbr Goat*.
IF YOU MKB IT YOI WILL RUT IT. Ut u* ssad h witbmt *ipans* to
you C.O D tnrm ehargr* paid by us. for examination at your c«arr*t tipraa*
•ftca aad !f y»u think It a bergaia and oqnai in »p Dears neo to an r fIS 00 gold
fia'abod waroh par th9 9g-*~»M a rental 06 and It I* year* Maadoa if you
LADIES.* MEN'S * BOYS' Addrer*
M. C. FARMER. E47. 2RS Daarborn St., CHICAGO. IL!,
X Am*r can tnadr. *tem wind watch with baauti
Zy *J A |Fa ful, y deelgard caao,fact<>ry-taata4, guaraataod for 6
JJf AFfr £Ay«*r«.and axquiaito ring *«t with a hrlillaat ttoaa
J t ar * flr * n to boy * aoA « ,rto ftfr \sMvfz,
t packet* of high grade art pofi’rardfiviy
EWat 10a a paekot. Order 10 packet*
day Whea *old. •*»•! *>•
•■d •• wt i ao*Wv*ly »ead you at|f
voee the watch, ring and ehaln,
IRfg, Co. Dept. 57«
W'vX**—-winti. atern ee« wateb with baadeeaely de>
Ry!! e*ee. proper ei M . GUARANTEXD 6
Kit L- K Abe dainty ring, wito tweapark-
AJf n M ••••••. for eellfng 90
IJ AfMl Em/jA J«*Mry arttoto* at 10* eaob
V\ KfP Order jewelrv today. When
Vvr!./S4F »**d »*»d 12 and we wiU J
Awatohrlag and eh ala
Dst • Watek Ceapaay, Dept, A. J Chicage
shMomZ ■ ctnt t/tffrit, prepay the freight
M Jri liha sad allow te DAYS free trial.
w zsvv il vy IT ONLY COSTS one cent to leara our
A7T&M awArark »//«(« and marur/M*/ efftrt
an IF/\s °“ higheat grade ayio model bkycle*.
iflra If lAIFACTORY prices
K ÜBtll you write for our large Art Catalog
M »iE?3S* rcl •earncura.j*krr/w//>»>»rirumon6rat
B 4kO BAMpWs sample bicycle going to your towa.
K .' aagy money exhibiting and selling our bicycle*.
B 1 Z 'i j* We Sell cheaper than any other factory.
*/IW ' TIRES, Coaster-Brake roar wheela,
to* I W lamps, repairs and all sundries at half uiual friett.
Do Nat Walt; smite May foe our sf trial tjftr.
MEAD CYCLE CO.. Dept. W 276, Chicago
Karn the Biggest Salaries of any class
of men in the world. Over 600,000 employed
| in the United States and Canada. The de
£-*MEkf maud for good Salesmen exceeds the supply.
I JhIJX We will teach you to be one by mail and assist
Ldslk s-ou to secure a good position through our
V We receive calls for thousand.of Snlecmen and have
aasl.ked thousands of man to secure good positions er better sals
rie*. A treat many of our .mduatae who formerly earned *25 to
*75 a month, have aince earned from *IOO to aa hish as *I,OOO n
month and erpaneea. Thou.anda of good position, now open.
It sou want to secure one of them or increase your earning, our
Free Book "AKaloHof Tht Grip” will abow yon boss. Write
nr call fey '• * -lav. Address nearest office.
Dept.so9 Natwnal Salesmen’* Training Aatecialian
kinraN.w York,kansa*CityJllaneapell*, Snn rrueiaao.Atlaata
Good men can »ecure permanent employment and
make big money by telling our excellent line of
Tailoring. No eiperlence necessity; no capital required.
We furniah full line of (ample*, stationery, advertis
ing matter and everything necessary to (tart you in
the clothing business. You regulate you profits to
suit yourself.
Write to us and we will send you by return mail a
handsome Fashion Folder of cloth samples, special
price offerings, and va will etart you In a wsU-piylng
business. If you * re “<”f selling anything, we can
open your eyes to the possibilities of making more
money. B r j e de, Frye 6 RogovsKy
" II.W’ " " WH Tailors
159 E ,lll • rl ‘ e,
WANTED—At < nev. two god farm band* for
wages or crop: colored preferred. Apply to
J. J. Hsirlsor. Mldlnnd £|V*__A.a L _
1.900 in?N wunted b* ecll galvanized nteel wire
fish trap* on halve*.- Price, creek trap*. »U
river trap*. 82.50. Write us. Lite* & Co.. Bivins,
Tex. •
WANTED —Custoui clerks. I’reparatlon free.
W rilb for scheduli' showing places of spring
eXnihlHntlen*. Franklin Institute. Dept. I’., 43.
Roch<-ster. N. Y.
SELL TOBACCO AM* CIGARR locally nr rrar
elhig. Salary or <-r*mnii»slon. Full time *<r
side-line. Good pay; promotion. Experience un
necessnry. 4ddro«s Morotock Tobacco Works.
Box J-14. Danville, Va.
WE want good men all over the Southern
State* to well fruit trees the coming year. By
our plan aulewmen make big profit*. No trouble
to sell our stock. Terms very lilicrnl. Write to
day. SMITH BROS.. Dept. 20. Concord. Ga.
YOUNG MEN WANTED—To prepare for next
railway mail, customs and postoffice examina
tions: *6OO to yearly. Short hours. Common
education sufficient.' D'ofttical influence unneces
sary. Write- hnipe.H-jtely for schedule of spring
* xamloationH. t'nndhlat* s prepared free. Frank
lin., Institute. Dept. I’.. 43. Rocltester. N. Y.
Otell 10 pack* Prof. Smith’**
Hair Tonic and Dandruff
Rented; at,loc each. WE TRUST-YOU • V\ hpn mold
return thesl and we’H »eiid then® 2iiandsome ring* or
choice from premium list. A reliable firm, •»ut> it ysar*.
ROSKBUD PERFUME CO., Be* 81, Weedsbore, Md.
.u ‘
f® *i*W*yjß I'l two RIIIKS f
. J ” aolling eesen 25c
■ ■*, -XaCttoEw'’f’ l '" “Merit" (tlwid
ikreilwYEw Tablet, in 80 daya.'L j)
-**lff »K ,„i;4 e*ld. Addr—•
fitEBIT Medicine Ce.. Boom ]4 Cincinnati, Uhla.
■ AGENTS wanted to Bell Native Hrrb*; *1 box
250 tablets for 50c. Write P. Melrose, Colum
bus. Ohio.
I WE PAY *36 A WEEK and expenses to me.
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
Year s contract. IMPERIAL MFG. CO.. Dept.
and furnlah rig and all .xpensea tn Introduce poultry
end ateok pewderai now nlani etoady work. Address
For 40 years Mother's Salve hag cured
” w Catarrh. Croup. Colds, Cuto, Sores. Pile*, etc
*) f Sells on sight at 25c Send $1 50 to-day for 12
site jars and DOUBLE your money, besides
choice of 857 valuable premiums not
SAI ready to order now write for new, bij catalog.
Mother 1 . Remedlei Co., 12lQ-35ih St, Chlcage
FOXES—Fox. deer. coon, cat and 'possum dog*.
List free. E. F. Wilmoth. Shelbyville, Ky.
MflMlrY s ** dulckly. “Unik Sealed Secret.” Key
IIIUIILl t s) free. E. Rogers. Horseshoe. N. C.
FOR SALE—A three year-old. liver colored Irish
s'tter dog; very well trained. Address H. J.
Bray. Garland, Ga. ' s . . w
[m n<> Spanish needle*, ooldometbrs
Mll 9 * f°r Treasure Seekers. Booklet Free.
EIM U V? p. |_m. AGENCY. 3Q4 Elk St- HLMYA*. PA
ALL kinds of domestic feathers. Live geese
feathers a specialty. Write for samples and
prices. R. S. Eubanks, 73% South Broad St.,
Atlanta. Ga
BIG PROFITS—Start a dyeing, cleaning and
pressing establishment, splendid field. Wo
each yon by mail. Particulars free. Ken-Vonde
School, Dept. 7-A. Staunton, Ya.
man sawing machine for falling timber, cutting
logs or wood. Will double your wage*. For
description, write H. & H. Mfg. Co.. Kane, 1%.
RAILWAY Mail Clerks Wanted. Salary *BOO-
*1.600 yearly. Let us prepare you for spring
examination. Write for catalogue, schedule
and Free Trial Les*on. Oxments College, Dept.
30. St. Lonis.
RIBBON cane seed guaranteed pure; makes 500
gal. syrup per acre; grows on any soil like
con,. Sample package 10c; large package, enough
to plant one acre, by nrnll. postpaid. 50c; bush
el, *3 Llle Seed Co.. Bivins. Tex.
JT XL J. Hl V A rjßk o f patent application.
Free booklet. Milo B. Stevens & Co. Establish
ed 1864 . 740 1 4th street. Washington, D. C.. 356
Monadnock Block. Chicago.
Big 801 l King Cotton At Last!
Greatest accomplishment ever made. Write J.
E. BUTTS. Ethdvtllo. Ala.. R. F. D. No. 2.
How to get a v.lnde gallon free by express
prepaid. Learn to make Liquors, Beers, Whis
keys. Cordial*. Soda water for 1 cent a bottle.
Beer about 1 cent a quart. No experience re
quired. Everything guaranteed. Recommended
by thousands. Don't lie dry when I open the
wa.v for yon to always have something on hand.
Write for free particulars today. Send stamp.
A. C. Llcpe. 789 Green Bay Ave.. Milwaukee.
For (riling r 9f> package* Sheet
Bluing at 10c. roch. Kifl" bed made.
for bluing. When (old retnru our *2.00 and
we (end rifle. FENWAY MFO. CO..
Dept. , Fenway Station, Boaton, Mau.
Wft*F I have a guaranteed safe and positively
tofwv? M* SURE way to take hair* off face, arms.etc.,
2T llke m «9 ,c - • HAVE THE TRUE SECRET. Writ*
J Information.l send It sealed FREE. Address
y HILEN DOUGLAS. 20 E. 22 St., NewYerk
* . ■
Doni Throff
Theymendallleak*in alluten»iln—tin
"45 brass, waterbag»
e? etc. Jioeolder. cementor rivet. Anyone
/■x-® canusethem; fitany*urface;twomillion
I I in use. Hx’-’d forsa-vnlerkg. 10c. Complete
I •! pkg a«aorioe'*es. 2jcpo(tpal< Aresta watte*.
Co-ette Mtj. Co.. Lox.t 115 Amatertaa, M. Y.
Beil Your rurj
In The North
Send your fur where it will bring the moat
money Sell your fur where it is used. The North i
is the iw fur center, the heart of the great fur '
trade pouring its life blood of dollars all over the I
land where furs are caught. Dealers in Southern i
towns and cities sell to Northern dealers. When
you send fur to dealers in Louisville. St. Louis,
Baltimore, Kansas City and other southern cities
vou don't get as much as the northern dealer will
pay because dealers in these cities and towns sell
to Northern dealers. We are here in the North
within a few miles of Canada and New York
I City, the world’s greatest fur markets. We have
small expense and we pay no rent, or interest on
' borrowed money.
When you sell to the southern dealer you don't
get within 25% of what any Northern dealer will
pay you. When you sell to any other Northern
dealer except u, you get from 10 to 30 per cent,
less than we pay. This is no idle statement butn
proven fact and »he proof is right in our catalogue.
' Send to-day - now —for our big free, illustrated
catalogue, fur report and trappers' guide Differ
ent from anything you ever saw and free for the
asking: cost, you nothing but the 'imt you take
to write for it. Write to-day and find out how to
get extra sss out of your furs this season.
I Corry Hide & Fur Co.,
|P. O. a ßox Ko. 6027 Corry, Pa., U. S. As
JN Apanlsh Needles. Rods, GoMnmeters tor
locating ■'lold. Silver aud hidden trwunrea
Our instrument* are the best. Cat. t cents
3% ' Miners Supply Co. Dopt 5 .Palmyra,!’*
f) V l ßJT Vvataon F. Coleman,
E Ad D ’> fw I Pn’ent Lawyer,Washington
■ « B a w p.c. Advice and hooks free
Rates reaeon able. Highest reference*. Best services
■as MONTHLY selling ihe Dr.
bAun Manx famous P rtoct Viaion
£.O 8 ii *t.UU Spectacle—tine t and cbeap-
est on earth Write for agents
and dealers terms. DR. lIAUX SPECTACLE CO.,
Box 170 II au x Building, St. Louis, Mo.
South G eergia and Florida.
We are now prepared to locate you. Do you
want a homel We have it. De you want a
saw mill or turpentine location 1 Wo have it.
Do you want an investment that will double in
short timol We have it. Try u».
Tifton, Georgia.
I aniUn Our new '‘Protector ’ is safe anil
I n Ik A »*«■*: i' r| ‘ - **- W* Everv woni, > n « a ' ,ts
LhUILv .me; Hinde of silk rubber. FalrbsiiK
Apply House. A. J.. <lO Wabash, Chicago.
riTCCURED other words you do nd*
S 3 9 ■ our am* ll profe»sional tt-o
until cured and eatiafled. Rermen*
S Amsrlsan Institute. 9i9 Sread AveJlaneaeClty.Me.
an, a ■ ■■ Don’t Be Cut or Operated
U■ 8 Si to Upon Until You Try This
■ I K RL RJJ Wonderful Treatment.
W ■ HRS SO w |f Jou have Piles in any
form write for a FREE sample of INFAL
LIBLE PILE TABLETS and yon will bless in.
day that yon read this ad.
Infallible Tablet Co.. Dept. 21. Marshall. Mich.
nDFIDCV Cured; quick relief: removes all tv.-effing in £
UnWiOl ; o 20 days; 30 to 60 day: effects permanent
cure. Trial treatment given free to sufferers; nothing fairer
For circulars, testimonials and free t treatment wnte
* Dr. H. H. Grevtt s Sobs, Bor A Atlanta. Ga
and other drug habits are positively cured bj
HABITINA. For hypodermic or internal
use. Sample rent to any drug habitue *
by mail, in plain wrapper. Regular price $2.00
1110 Hslland Building Leals, Me
CAN BE CURED. My mild, smithing, guaraj*.
teed'cure does it and FREE SAMPLE proves I
STOPS THE ITCHING and cures to sta’
DR. CANNADAY. 398 Park Squire. Sedalia. M
A ‘Reduced
Sample mailed Free to any addre**.
Hall Chemical Co. Dept. 909. St.Loui*,Mo.
Manine permanently cures any drug habit.
anteednottocontaln Morphine, Laudanum, Oplut!
or any other habit forming drug. No money re
quired in advance, a full month’s treatment sent t
those afflicted without one cent of deposit. Manin
has cured thousands. It will
trial. You are sole judge. ■ - J J ?
Manine Medicine Co..
3259 Locust. St. Louis Mo.
I "TB a Rto ow A
_Ja si AfallingE
Why despair, if others have failed; send at aaee for a ties
Use and Ires Battle of my infallible remedy. I h«— made
the disease of Fits, Epilepsy or Failing Su karos a life-lot
study, and wsqant my remedy to give rmawdlate and saeeess
fal rsllaf. I have hundreds of testimonials from those who
have been cured. Give evpress and 9. O. address.
W. Hi. PKKKE, F.D.. 4 Cedar St.. Sew Warfe
Health, Vigor, Happiness
A trial treatment of a most wonderful remedy f<
the cure of Nervous Debility, Lost Vitally, D>
Bpondency. Kidney and Bladder troubles, or an
form of Physical Weakness, etc., is being maik
absolutely /ree of charge by the celebrated Pr<
fessor Fowler. This remedy goes straight to th
mark and the sufferer does not have to wait a lif<
time before feeling and enjoying its curatit
effects. Indeed, the most amazing resuns hav
been produced with these trial packages alone. A
the sufferer needs to do to get strong, vigorou
and healthy, is to send his name and address t-
Professor Fowler and the medicine will be immeo
lately forwarded to him in a perfectly plain pack
age with nothing whatever to pay on it. Address
Prof. F. C. FOWLER, New London, Conn.
Fits or
Falling Sickness
November 18, 1909.
Kansas City, Mo.
Dear Sir:—l began giving your medicim
for Epilepsy to my son, on .January 2,1901
and 1 am glad to tell you that he has neve
had the slightest symptom of the dlseas
from that day. Ho 19 a bright, intelliger,
young man now. and I shall hold you i
grateful remembrance as long as I live so
saving the life of my son.
R. 2, Box 32, Grafton, li
/ with every perton in the U. S. suf
sering with Fitt, Epilepty or Fallin
Sickness to send for one of my larg<
sized 16-oz. bottles FREE.
DR. F. E. GRANT, Dept. 73 Kansas City, Mt
Treatment Mailed Free
No More Danger, Horror, Dread or Expense
of Surgeon’s Knife
% Those who have this dreaded and danger
fl one disease, with Its suffering, torture, ex
cruciatlnK pain or tantalizing itching, will
[R\ hail with Joy this simple,
i rrRnX. inexjensive and harmloae
4 i remedy w hich can be used
|l in the privacy of their own
»” 8 homes and without inter-
I’l f ercnce wi th business or
’ household duties.
It makes surgical opera
tions unnece*sary, for it
quickly reduces swelling and congestion, stop*
bleeding and itching, heals ulcers, sores and irri
tated parts. Here Is a sample of what the Remedy
1* dally doing:
“After suffering terribly for over fourteen years
with pile*. I was entirely cured by using one box
of your Remedy.’’— L. F.. Wesley. Jamestown. Ku
,*i trial treatment will be sent by mall, port paid.ln a
plain package, absolutely free to any sufferer who
will send name and address. All correspondence
confidential. Don't suffer longer. Write today.
Address Capital Drug Co.. 19 Hunt Block,
Augusta. Maine.
r.'K JTpCreX
(with your order)
WgJ fl j To «how new customers what 0
SayFjS we can send in exchange for ■
SA A their hard earned dollar*, we g
y& * re willing to lose $10,000.00 by H
fc> cutting the price on our Pure
Straight Whiskey and name the
3K“*I following un-heard-of figures:
3 fuff gallons $3.75
4 full gallons ... I
Sk*** 12 full quarts 4.50 I
24 lull pints «- 75
al UrlS m '° sh/ P bv **!»••••..
This is regular old-time whis-
■S key and distilled right here in
Florida by honest North Caro- I
lina people. We give you over- ■
7 flowing measure and when the H
ZXjai whiskey is received and tested ft
« if you don’t a.*ree it s worth w
ImJEVSsH $2.50 per gallon, keep 2 quart, ■
0 k SfSoms free return balance ana sve ■
EfrtTlKaMß will send back your money m
because it belongs to you. u
| Southern Dfct. €>.. Jacksonville, Fla. g
1 Full Quart Whiskey Fta
: iT’TI Try It At Our Expense
(3 i. ‘ >U There are all aorta of claims for superiority amonff
fH J* .» IL distillers and Mail Order Whiskey Houses, and while we fee-
API T*! l ■ f ’ sure that our Fels 3-IS tar Whiskey can’t be beat, or eves
H* S i I-' u equaled In quality, or price, still we are not coin* to ask any-
y# 4m I Mtrnn 'k one to risk their money on our judgment; therefore, we an
CJ : "“ u ■ ![" going to give, absolutely free, one full quart bottle to test
£ : QIQ I? We want you to prove, by drinking it, that Fels 8-Btai
ra» ’I L, Whiskey is pure, wholesome, fully aged, mellow as can be anc
Jk ;fc| k above all hag raal whiokay strength, we want you to add ball
>s' water to It if you like and we say that you will still hav4
stronger and better whiskey than most Mail Order House]
Bq « I sell at our price. Anyone can easily understand that should
<l. we just send out bottles of whiskey free that we would bi
h7 ZWL flooded with requests by some unscrupulous people and deal*
a •£%}■ r 4o| ere and lay ourselves open to a fearful onslaught. This wi
W cannot do, but nevertheless, the bottle is free to honest people
z-'.vlali'Vlj-jaA Now here is our proposition:
We will send you one full quart bottle of Fels S
Star Whiskey, absolutely free, along with your first
order for 8 full quart bottles of Fels 8-Btar Whlake>
AG-if tori ■ and w« pay the express charges. After yoo
si Ts**!'*’" i “' receive the 9 full quart bottles, open one of them, teal
■OT-V 'rETto® it anyway you like and If not entirely satisfactory, yon
33 ; ! have the privilege of returning to us the remaining !
'to I J ;! bottles and the one extra bottle you may keep free and
we will immediately return your $6.45. Or send us SS.N
~ for 4 full quart bottles of Fels S-Btar Whiskey, exprest
’* W**i I prepaid, and we Mill Include one test bottle free. Test
I the free bottle and If not absolutely satisfactory and
OFuB 11 the best whiakey you ever tasted at any price jnsl
! wKv Al return to us the 4 bottles and keep the free bottle and
I v, ® will refund your *2.95 without question or argument
I With each order we give a free Gold Tipped Glass and
eBSJy I Patent Corkscrew. Remember, we say we pay the ex. 4
! I press charges, look close before you permit some of th4
>- ’ I low prices of Mall Order Bouses to get your oede*
{flSggF 1 ’"1 and make you pay the express charges.
I We mean to prove superiority in the whisked
I business, we mean to prove at our expense, by giving
j 11 a free test bottle, that Fels 8-Star whiskey has no
1 \ I equal. Our quart bottles are full 82-ounce quart* and
<* 1 1 not short quarts and we guarantee every statement we
(a/ I make and back them with our paid up capital of
K I $400,000.00, If you want real whiskey and not weak watery
? lBE?»v'/«A*4, I BrVI concoctions, send us your remittance on our free test
i I proposition. The taste is the test, that will prove more
; ®(*F I than we can write. Address order and letters and make
iPImIaMP I remittances payable to A. Fela, Mgr. or
Iggy’S Fels Distilling Co.
16& Fds Building Kansas City, Mo.
tn fiJii ‘
IVIMy • < ’ us we yoU ky return express, all charge*
llullO B P* *° your ncare,t el P rcsi office, in a plain package, a two-galloa
jug °f this extra fine |
* CM Mountain North Carolina Whiskey. >/
WiytsnS This is not the adulterated blends or compounds ol spirits as sold by the small
dealers, with half a doxen profits added, but a pure straight whiskey, guaranteed
UJUKgh; under the National pure food laws.
l&tigst Good Whisklti Like This are retailed over the bars in our native State at
from $2.50 to $3.00 per gallon. This Special Offeris made in order to introduce
our goeds more thoroughly in the sections we were unable to reach from our
Wjwß* na jve State.
Our Guarantee : These goods must give perfect satisfaction or we will refund
y«ff money just as cheerfully, and the expense will all be oura. We refer you r»
r-- toSJn* to the Atlantic National Bank, of this city. >
fQTI You can make, in the privacy of yonr home, any Liquor or Cordial, aavlad
50 per cent dealer's price with ••ZANOL.”
[fl No Distilling! No Apparatus!
I Oil Millions of Satisfied Customers. Liquors made with •’ZANOL’*
Flavors deliciously and pure—We *uarantee under U. S. Pure Food Law,
KILJI Serial No. 22115. Liquors awarded Gold Medals Columbian Exposition.
JKTO whiskey users
Make np one Quart Whiskey at our Expense. If not the best yoq ever
11 [ tasted return balance at our expense, your money will be refunded. Flavomor
WO» What do you use? Imitation Scotch or Rye, Bourbon, Corn, Sour Mash*
6 Monongahela Whiskies, Irish, Gins. Cognac, Peach, Apple or Apricot Brandie*.
Rums, Rock and Rye, Cocktails, Cordials, Creme-de-Menthe, Bitters, Etc.
Zill I AIIIOT? Make your selection and send at ..ace for “ZANOL** for Six Full Quarto
I ULL WUAKIw for SI.OO, prepaid, in plain package: assorted if you wish; 12 full quart*
4 /w $1.50: 24 full quarts *2.80. Your money returned If not just ar represented.
3h J 111 I Send order today and ask for “Free Booklet** giving history and secrets
Jl** of liquors. J|
"Villi’ 'UffE UNIVERSAL IMPORT CO., Sole Ats:., (Westenßrancl.) o*gUnhrersal Bldg. CIRCIHMTI, C.
GREAT “=== ‘Grow =
Kentucky’s Straight Whiskey
» Express Prepaid from Distiller to You
fl i>. OC 3 for *7.50 or 1 fort 3, choice of Rye, Bourbon or Corti
A UdllOnS TO” )ui Fulton Straight whiskey highest medicinal thoroughly
matured, in Myers patent 1 gallon demijohns. To prove Fulton is best you need
send no money
We ship on 80 day’s credit, if you have your merchant or bank write us guar
anteeing account. No C.O.D. Full Quart Bottles of Rye, Bourbon or Corn are
expressed prepaid in plain boxes, either 4for 53.. 8 for SO. or 12 for S 9.
FREE-% miniature bottles of Selected Fulton with ovsry 2 gallon order.
6 with 3 gallon orders, accompanied by cash. If not satisfied with whicxey
return; and. if naid for. all your money will be refunded by first mail,
*■ S«uOorn,U.4.lse Pist t 140.rt.9ra Oirr .I* Ordersfrsm Moot.. Wya.. Co4>.,M.M«x.sg4W«»<,■ateorit
i I for either 10 fell quart bottles. • (siloes in demijohn*, era cask, for |ls. by prepaid freight. Write for express tonnl
""**** Writ* for oar book, A Fair Customer, ond price list cooled.
It’s as simple as “ A-B-C. ” | 1 Whiskey dealers clean up
So easy! No Cooking—No [IT rijh millions in profits yearly.
Distilling ! No Appara- We y° u ow to ,ave
tus Whatever Required. dealers* profit, as others are
Anvone can do it with ALCO. BtaJikJ doing. We send flavor* for
Liquors made of ALCO are of the highest quality. Guaranteed under the National
Pure Food Law. ALCO makes imitation Bourbon, Rye. Malt, Scotch, and Irish Whis
key, Gins, Cognac, Peach, Apple, Apricot, Banana and Raspberry Brandy, Cocktails, . <
Rum and Cretne-de-Menthe. Send us SI.OO for flavors for 6 FULL QUARTS in plain pack
age prepaid—for 12 full quarts. $1.50 for 24 full quarts, $2 75. All one kind or assorted.
Booklet of distillers’ secrets, free. Address :
National Sales Co. Distributers, 201 Reynolds St., Cincinnati, O.
Just as it comes from the still, clear as spring wa
ter. In GLASS JUGS with handles —ONE GALLON,
GALLON, EXPRESS PAID to any office of Southern
or Adams Express Company.
This special offer holds good for a limited time only.
filAnnU Best ntan on earth, sent f-ee. Pho
JI *1 rn I tos of every lady member. The
HlHiill 1 Pilot, Dept. 67. Marshall. Mich. '
monlal [wiper containing hundreds [•drerlhe
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Kansas. *
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