Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, February 18, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Former Governor Overwhelm
ed With Many Invitations to
Make Addresses
Former Governor Hoke Smith has ac
cepted an invitation to speak in Vienna.
Douiy county, on Friday. February 25.
upon the occasion of the great all-day
educational and Farmers’ union rally,
which is to be conducted under the su
pervision and auspices of the Farmers
uti.ji. and Dooly county scuvoi commis
State School Commissioner Jere Pound
has also accepted an invitation to par
ticipate In the celebration, and will
probably deliver an address. Invitations
L are also out to Dr. Soule, president ot
the State College of Agriculture, ana
President Lee. of the state organization
of the Farmers’ union, and both of these
gentlemen will undoubtedly attend the
Within the ptst few days the interest
in the jn*eting at Vienna has greatly in
creased. and from the present outlook
*_• the gathering will be attended by a far
greater number of neople than at first
thought. The campaign for education
Mong the lines of scientifically applied
Mricaltural pursuits is daily arousing
| more and more enthusiasm, and is draw
ing for its advocates from the highest
type of citizenship.
I During the past few days Governor
Smith has also been the recipient of an
. urgent Invitation to speak in New York
city on March 18. at the dinner of the
Rational Democratic club. He has also
been invited to deliver an address at th
dtnner of the Jefferson club of Indianap
olis. April 13. and upon the same date al
the Jefferson club dinner in Los Angeles.
| at the coise of the state <onference of the
Democrats of California.
Governor Smith admitted to a Journal
representative Wednesday that he has
been importuned to go upon the Lyceum
& platform as a regular lecturer, but that
r he has accepted but one engagement, for
a lecture to be delivered in South Car-
I olina.
He assured the reporter that while he
has not yet determined whether or not the
acceptance of the invitations to New York
| and elsewhere will interfere with his pro
fessional duties in Atlanta, their accep
ts tance will be contingent thereon.
**l shall not. - ' he said, ’’make any- en
i * gagement to speak or lecture that will
gs take my time from my work in my of
fice. Os that you can be assured."
I v
| SAVANNAH. Gm. Feb. 15. —T. H. Rob
erson, of Gainesville. Ga.. today was
named grand secretary of the Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows, to succeed J.
S Tyson, of Savannah, who died last
T. H. Robertson was born in Hall coun
ty 42 years ago. He received a common
school education and was graduated from
Mercer university. He taught school for
I several years, was county school com
missiouer for eight years and resigned
to accept the position of assistant state
school commissioner. He resigned a year
ago to become superintendent of the
Gainesville public schools, which position
he now holds.
He was grand master of the state lodge
of Odd Fellows from May 25, 1905, to
May 24, 1906. He is prominent in church,
fraternal, educational and society cir
cles. He is a grandson of Rev. J. R.
Reaves. He has a wife and three chil
NASHVILLE. Tenn.. Feb. 15.—The first
sonvictlon under the statewide prohlbi
’ tton law in this county was obtained to
lay tn the criminal court. After being out
15 minutes the jury In the Sadler tippling
case returned a verdict of guilty as to
William Sadler, and not guilty as to
Charles Sadler. The former was proved to
have made the sale of whisky, although
the tatter ia proprietor of the place.
The penalty for selling whisky is a
line and imprisonment in the workhouse.
I The defense put no witnesses on the
Stand, and made no argument.
SPARTA. Ga.. Feb. 14.-This morning
St • o’clock the handsome colonial home
>f Hon. John D. Walker caught fire
tjnd was compltely consumed.
Fire eaught in Mrs Walker's bed room
r - z ‘ spatairs while the family were down
stairs. It is understood the building was '
fully insured.
OGLETHORPE. Ga.. Feb. 14.-A rousing meet |
tag of the teachers. farmers and boys and j
girls was held, at the public school building. !
for the pan nee of organising a boys corn club.
_ The purpose of the meeting was explanned
wr by Prof. J. P- Nelson, county school eotnmis-
I stoner sad Mr. Thomas A. Early, of ~.e state
college of agriculture. •
L- WASHINGTON. Feb. 14.—Charles I.
Robinson was today nominated to he
postmaster at Eatonton.
G. T. Moore Bound Over
COLUMBUS. Ga.. Feb. 15.—«. T. MnorZ the!
voting white charged with forgery. was
giver, a proihnlnary hearing before Justice
■L\ fbanmsn vraterday afternoon and held in the
Mia «f •»"' to the superior court. The young
• man l» cb.-rget with forging a telegram by
wtaicli he collected SSO from a Busti Thill'*
Hardware coaspeay her* a few days ago. He
wan serrated at Troy. Ala., and brought back
to OdMnbu* M'oday. Since bis arrest It bat'
bees trtrtairel that be I* wanted at Anniston.
Jtfa.. oi> a similar charge. 1
Stomach Troubles
Like Magic
| FREE |
Every /
Woman |
Dr. Young’s PEPTOPADS cure where med!
dues alone tail. Ther regulate the bowels, re
levs sorene-s. and strengthen the nerves an<
nuacles of the stomach in either sex. You cat
«at what you want and all you want withou
'ear of distress. The cures effected are
wlous. If you hare Dyspepsia. Indlgestun
iour StoaMKh. Dlstrsss after Eating. Nervous
mm, Dluineas, Heart Fluttering. Sick Headache
rtc.. send 10c to corer cost of mailing, and
Viil send yon a SI.OO treatment absolutely
rec. It will relieve you immediately. Addres
ML G. NaUnoal Bank Building
WckMO, MUtagaa.
CHICAGO, Feb. 15—The Chicago Tri
bune has ascertained the presidential
preferences of the Republican newspa
pers west of the Alleghenies to be as fol
lows: Roosevelt, 1.380; Taft. 1.083; I-a
Follette. 197; Hughes. 122; Cummins, 65;
Pinchot. 30; Cannon, 14; Bryan. 40; scat
tering, 116.
When the Tribune, a strong Republican
paper, asked the newspapers west of the
Alleghenies to express their opinion as to
. whether Cannon should be speaker of the
next congress and whether they indorsed
the Aldrich tariff law. it also asked them
to give their presidential preferences.
The question was asked in this form:
“If you could vote for president today,
for whom would you cast your ballot?’’
No names of candidates were suggest
ed, but the editor wes forced to write
the name of his preference and also the
name of the party with which he is affili
About three-fifths of the editors took
advantage of the opportunity, and the
result of the straw vote is presented by
I the Tribune, only those editors recording
I themselves as Republicans being included.
It shows that Theodore Roosevelt is the
present choice of the Republican editors
for the presidency, and that he and Pres
ident Taft are the only two candidates
who are strongly favored. La Follette
leads both Roosevelt and Taft in Wis
consin and has scattering votes nearly
everywhere. Hughes has supporters in
every state and territory polled except
Tenessee and Arizona. Cummins and
Pinchot are mentioned by many, while
Dolliver and Cannon each have a few
< supporters. . ,
IThe scattering votes are split among
the various favorite sons, but no one of
l these men is mentioned by more than one
state besides his own. f
Roosevelt has not only a majority of
the but his strength runs so uni
formly that he is indorsed by a majority
of the states. He is strongly in the lead
in the lake group, where he has 486 votes
to Taft’s 427. He leads in the prairie
states' by 617 to 475, and on the Pacific i
coast by 164 to 90. In the only group
where Taft leads the president’s margin
is narrow, it being 66 to 64 in the moun
tain .states. The south is evenly divided.
35 to 35.
Roocevelt leads In 15 of the 22 states—
Michigan, Indiana. Illinois. lowa, Kansas,
Nebraska, Oklahoma. Minnesota. North
Dakota, Montana. Washington, Oregon,
California, Kentucky, Nevada. These
states have a popular vote of 5,501,663. and
will poll 294 votes In the Republican na
tional convention.
Taft leads in Ohio. Missouri, Idaho,
Colorado. Wyoming. Tennessee. Arizona.
These states, together, have a popular
vote of 2.493,757. a total of 116 votes in the
Miss Margie Calhoun, a distinguished
member of the historic South Carolina
family of that name and for more than 30
years a resident of Atlanta, diet! \Ved
nesday morning in a private sanitarium
here, after an illness of about one week.
The remains were taken at once to the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Spald
ing, on Peachtree road, where Miss Cal
| houn’s. brother, John C. Calhoun, has been
a guest since his sister's illness.
The funeral will take place Wednesday
afternoon at St. Luke’s church. Bishop
C. K. Nelson officiating, and the inter
ment will be in Oakland cemetery.
Miss Calhoun was a granddaughter of
South Carolina's famous statesman, John
C. Calhoun. Her father was Andrew Pick
ens Calhoun, and was living in Marengo
county. Alabama, when she was born.
Later Andrew Calhoun moved back tc
South Carolina and lived for a long time
on the old family plantation, at Fort
Hill, where he subsequently died. Miss
Margie Calhoun came to Atlanta about
30 years ago, and lived with her brother,
Patrick Calhoun. From that time on At
lanta was her home, though she traveled
much tn the Vnlted States and abroad.
She was a woman of the broadest cul
ture' with a marked intelligence and fine
{education, and naturally became a strik
ing figure in the cocial and
life of thia community. She leaves many
devoted friends and sincere admirers to
mourn her loss* She was. of course, re
lated to all the members of the South
• Carolina Calhoun family, but her only
I immediate surviving relatives are her two
brothers, Capt. John C. Calhoun, of New
York, and Patrick Calhoun, formerly of
She was a consistent member of St.
Luke’s Episcopal church, from which
place the funeral will take place. The
pallbearers will be Linton C. Hopkins.
William L. Peel. Joseph A. McCord. For- ,
rest Adair. Dr.‘Phinlzy Calhoun, R. C. I
J DeSaussure.
((Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
CORDELE. Ga., Feb. 15.—Fred H. I
, Morris, the young man who recently at
tempted suicide here because* of what
he thought to be an unhappy terrpination
of a love affair, was yesterday married
to Miss Bennie Johnson, the young lady
with whom he was in love at the time
he attempted suicide. The young couple
attended services at the Methodist
church* Sunday night, whence they went
to the Presbyterian manse, accompanied ■
by friends and the pastor of the Meth- i
odist church, Rev. M. A. Morgan, who I
united the happy couple in marriage.
Miss Johnson was a popular young lady ;
of Cordele and belongs to one of the best ,
families here. She is a daughter of Mrs.
Emma Johnson and widely known for
I her rare beauty and splendid traits of
Fred Morris is a prominent young bus- !
iness man and has a large number of I
friends in Cordele. He jjelongs to a very j
prominent family who reside at Port ,
Englis, Fla. It is understood that the
' young people will make their home in j
| Memphis, Tenn.
CUTHBERT, Ga., Feb. 15.—A I
meeting attended by several hundred
Cuthbert citizens was held yesterday ■
morning in the county court house to
draw up suitable resolutions expressing
the thanks of the Cuthbert people to
Capt. J. P. Williams, the Atlanta capi
talist. to his gift of >25,000 to Andrew
Female college.
The meeting was presided over by
Hon. Charles S. Harris, mayor of Cuth
Wealthy citizens of Cuthbert will In
augurate a movement at an early date
to raise an endowment of 5100,000 for
Andrew Female college is a Methodist
institution, but members of all churchea
here are behind the movement and it
•* Lids fair to be successful.
_ COLUMBUS. Ga., Feb. 15.—Announcement ot
’ the rndden death of Mark O'Brien, of the South
’* ern Express company. w»» received with mnch
e .’ sorrow and regret in Columbus, the former home
2 of the deceased.
J For many years Mr. O’Brien was manager, or
agent, of the express office In this city, and
$■ he bad ec<>r-» of friend* here, who are lament
ing his death.
: Roosevelt Leads ♦
; j
♦ Theodore Roosevelt is the choice ♦
♦ for the presidency, of the Republi- ♦
♦ can editors of the states west of -e
♦ the Alleghenies. ♦
i The editors were polled by the ♦
I ♦ Chicago Tribune, a strong Repub- ♦
j ♦ lican paper, and vote as follows:
♦ Roosevelt 1,360 ♦
I ♦ Taft i'® B ♦
'♦ La Follette • 197 ♦
♦ Hughes 129 ♦
♦ Cummins +
♦ Pinchot 99 ■*
♦ Cannon 14 *
♦ Bryan 49 ■*
• ♦ Scattering 116 ♦
♦ «_e ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦
Republican national convention, or less
than half that of the Roosevelt states.
La Follette leads in Wisconsin, while
Roosevelt and Taft divide the vote even
ly in South Dakota, Utah and New Mex
The vote in Ohio is of interest. There
Taft has 112 votes, which is only 19 more
than Roosevelt.
Os the lake group, Illinois is most
strongly for Roosevelt, the vote being
Roosevelt 159. and Taft 110.
| Two inteersting features of the straw
vxote are the ballots cast for Bryan anil
Pinchot. i In many cases the editors give
their reasons for these ballots. Most of
the 40 who vote for Bryan say thaLthey
do so because they do not approve of *the
present policies of the Republican party,
although they voted f<u>Taft at the last
presidential election. The Pinchot vote,
which appears in all but six'of the states,
is generally coupled withHoubt ofthe ad
ministration’s forestry policy, and disap
proval of its attitude toward Ballin
ger. ,
No compilation was made of second
choice, but a great many ballots gave
them, usually saying they were for Taft
as the situation stood at present, but their
second choice was Roosevelt, or that they
were for "Roosevelt if he will run.” or
some other qualification. The compila
tion of the ballots was strictly impartial,
but the outcropping between the lines of
many ballots may be read that Roosevelt
is even stronger with the editors than
would appear from the figures.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,\
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inafimed condi
tion of the mucous lining of the Eustach
ian Tube. When this tube is inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect
hearing, and when it is entirely closed,
Deaimss is the result, and unless thp in
flammation can be taken out and this
tube restored to its normal condition,
hearing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed condi
tion of the mucous stirfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any care of Dekfness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by. Hall’s Catarrh
Cure Send for circulars free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipa
WANTED—Custom clerks. r’reparation free.
Write for schedule showing places of spring
examinations. Franklin Institute. Dept. P., 43.
Rochester, N. Y. ,
WANTED—Railway Mali Clerks. P. O. Clerks
and City Carriers. Prepare for examination;
100 Free Scholarships. Write so rscbedule and
Free Trial Lesson. Oiment, Dept. 30. St. Douls,
ellng Salary or commission. Full time or
side-line. Good pay: promotion. Experience un
necessary. Address Morotock Tobacco works.
Box J-14. Danville. Va.
m Monthly and expanses to men and wom
en to advertise, leave samples and col
lect names. Write at once. Silverton
Co., KI4. Chicago.
WE want good men all over the Southern
States to sell fruit trees the coming year. By
our plan salesmen make big profits. No trouble
to sell our stock. Terms very liberal. Write to
day. SMITH BROS., Dept. 20. Concord. Ga.
YOUNG MEN WANTED—To prepare for next
railway mail, customs and postoffice examina
tions; S6OO to 81.500 yearly. Short hours. Common
education sufficient. Political Influence unneces
sary. Write immediately for schedule of spring
»xaminations. Candidate* prepared free. Frank
lin Institute. Dept. P„ 43, Rochester. N. Y.
’*■ "
For selling 120 packages Sheet
Bluing at 10c. each. Rifle best mads.
for bluing. When sold return our 42.00 and
we send rifle. FENWAY MFG. CO.,
Dept. , Fenway Station, Boston, Mass.
uinnu oI " n on ear,h - * erit fT **- l ’ ho '
MAKHI ®f «**-y I" 9 Y member. The
ITImIIIII Pilot, Dept. 67. Marshall. Mich.
monial paper containing hundreds advertise
ments marriageable people from all se tl.-rs,
rich poor, young, old. Protestants. Catholics,
mailed sealed free. H. H. Gunnels. Tokdo.
Fits or
Falling Sickness
November 18, 1909.
Kansas City, Mo.
Dear Sir:—l began giving your medicine
tor Epilepsy to my son, on January 2,1901,
and I am glad to tell you that he has never
had the slightest symptom of the disease
from that day. He is a bright, intelligent
young man now, and 1 shall hold you in
grateful remembrance as long as I live for
saving the lile of my son.
R. 2, Box 82, Grafton, 111.
/ with every person in the U. S. suf~
feting with Fits, Epilepsy or falling
Sickness to send for one of my large
sized bottles FREE.
DR. F. E. GIANT, Dept. Kansas Qty, Mo.
Treatment Mailed Free
No Moro Danger, Horror, Dread or Expense
of Surgeon’s Knife
a Those who have this dreaded and danger
g ous disease, with its suffering, torture, ex
cruciating pain or tantalizing itching, will
iWx. bail with joy this simple.
■ inexpensive and harmless
* > j—, - remedy which can be used
li * * n tb* privacy of their own
homes and without inter
i* i ference with business or
v household duties.
It makes surgical opera
— tions unnecessary, for it
quickly reduces swelling and congestion, stops
bleeding and itching, heals ulcers, sores and irri
tated parts. Hqre is a sample of wbat the Regiedy
I is daily doing:
’’After suffering terribly for over fourteen years
i with piles. I was entirely cured by using ope box
! of your Remedy." L. E. We»lev. Jamestown, Ku.
A trial treatment will be sent by mall, a
i plain package, absolutely,free to any sufferer who
will send name and address. All correspondence
I confldentisl. Don’t suffer longer. Write today.
Address Capital Drug Co.. 1» Hunt Block.
Augusta. Maino.
Life-Size Doll FREE
We want to give you
NEARLY thi» beautiful Tlfe-stze
2 1-2 Ft. Doll—she is 27 In. tall—and
Tkli- y ou need not spend a
scent of your money to get
’taX - her. Let us tell you more
vfcjk * about this charming
little ladj-. She cannot
be broken, has cheeks
/ T. ,ike l' lnk roses, anil
/ wl,h her blg br, ' vn
« il t eyes and lips that
S tH I Ml U look a * If rney w,nt '
1 \ V. ed to be kissed, you
ff 1 • \ NX will love her as
ylllJ) 11 H M SCon 88 J' OU Bee n ” r ’
U - She Is so big and tat
isk ajl, zJi y° u wlll have t 0 put ‘ ler
Every to bed In your crib, end
Child dress her In your outgrown
Can 11— ]l\\ clothes; she von’t break.
Have V, / \ // lose her eyes or snarl ner
One I] ! U II beta. (She cannot t-“
TREF. J'Q] bought at the store.) ah
1 Ji V JJ y° n h,v * t 0 90 t 0 * aru
'vaaZ this prize Is to get somo
friend to subscribe to The Welcome Guest for 1
year at 25c. Send v.* the name’and money, and
the Doll will fee sent you, all gbarg-s prepaid.
The WELCOME GUEST. 4 J., Portland. Me.
Earn Big Money
We want one ambitious man
in every town to take ordetw for
our tailoring. No experience
necessary. We offer you an op
portunity to earn from $25 to.
S4O u week right from the
start, and a chance to master
salesmanship. Many traveling
salesmen and sales managers are
earning S29U and $250 a week.
We Make Your Work Easy
Ours is the oldest and largest
mall order tailoring establish
ment in the country. Our plan
is entirely different from all
others. It enables yon to IG
NORE al) competition—to IN
all others. We turn over to you
all inquiries from your territory
and give ;ou full credit for sales.
Let us send our samples
and complete instructions, abso
lutely free, and tell you how you
can get your own clothes in the very latest st.' les
at coat to advertise your line. You don t need
to give up your present work, nor spend a cent
to try out this big paying proposition. But re
memiier. if you delay one day in writing, some
one else may gel your territory. ’Z’
American Wooien Mills Co. <hi a .go. in.
I have just bought two million Eastsr Poet Cards—
hundreds of varieties. All choice, high grade 1910 Cards,
The very tlnest cards skill and labor can produce. Anl
mals, rabbits, chickens, easter eggs, little boys and
girls, crosses, Easter Lillies and *ll Klads ot flowers are
worked out In beautiful and artlletlc designs in natural
colors on these cords. It you will send me only two 2c
stamps for the postage and wrapping, I will send yon a
set ot ten of three beautiful Easter Cards. Easter -onies
early th Is year and you should get jour Easter Cards In
plentvof time so write me at once. These cards will
make you open your eyes and remember, everyone that
sends me two 2c stamps which pays only forthe postage
and wrapping gets all ten of these cards free. If you
will answer this ad. at once I have A SURPRISE for
everyone thst does «i> Immediately, Don’t forget—to
ask about THE SURPRISE. ~
E. T.jaeredith. 628 Success Sldg..x>eß
W, ■ 11 I ■ * j I Usk»wh<rarevvil!lDg to ac-
Ag ■ ’ I I
I I fl ing our big samples and taking
measurements for the finest made-to
order suits and overcoats at the lowest prices.
No experience needed. Our new plan gets the money.
Big clear profit on every sale. Send today for
big outfit and new money getting plan.
173 Adams Street, Dept. 251, Chicago.
■nd also give yon a share of the profit we make
when we resell.
Our new Profit Sharing Plan makes Kann re
turns larger than you would get elsewhere.
Fair treatment guaranteed by our 20 years ot
fur buying. Express charges paid aud settle
ments mnde Immediately. Write for Price List
nnd Profit-Sharing Plan.
KANN 4 CO., No. 60 East 10th St.. New York
$40.00 WEEKLY made selling our Sun-Ray In
candescent Mantle Kerosene Burner. 100
0 candle power, fits any screw collar
lamp, thousands now In use giving satis-
A faction, brighter, cheaper aud safer than
RL gas or electricity at l-10th the cost.
Liberal inducements and particulars
nOF free. Simplex Gaslight Company. Dept.
G, 23 Park Row’, New York City, New
York. |
I In a business deal we have secured a K
number of brand new Elgin watches. In ■
both ladles' and men’s sizes—2o-year H
gold filled cases and worth at retail ■
$25 to $35. As long as they last we g
will sell for $12.50.
Wholesale Supply Co., Valdosta, Ga. n
FOR SALE—Fine cotton seed, known as the
Texas Rending. cotton has been plant
ed uv myself and neighbors for three years, and
we find ft to be a good, tough cotton, with
large bolls yielding a bale per acre./ Eleven
hundred pounds of seed cotton yields upward
of 400 pounds of lint. Price SI.OO per bushel.
C. W. Christian. Royston. Ga.. R. F. D. No. 2.
References, W. C. Roberts, W. A. David, Bow’-
man. Ga. \ i
South Georgia and Florida.
We are now prepared to locate you. Do you
want a home? We have It. De you want a
saw mill or turpentine location? We have it.
Do you want an investment that will double m
short time? We have it. Try us.
Tifton, Georgia.
ananuvn. ADDRESS,
A. E. BURKHIRDI.r.^Xt 1 . Cincinnati. 0.
LADIES and gents, young or old. can earn
watches, diamonds, jewylry. furniture, farm
ing implements and many other things for one
day's work. I have a cinch for you. Be wise,
write for particulars. How easy money is easily
made. Address T. E. Lasater. Dept 1, Box 32,
Durbam. N. C.
How to get a whole gallon free by express
prepaid. Learn to make Liquors. Beers, Whis
kers, Cordials. Soda water for 1 cent a bottle.
Beer about 1 cent a quart. No experience re
quired. Everything guaranteed. Recommended
by thousands. Don’t be dry when I open the
way for you to always have something on hand.
Write for free particulars today. Send stamp.
A. C. Liepe, 789 Green Bay Ave., Milwaukee.
These two Kings t KAt
for selling seven 26c
boxes “Merit” r S
Tablets in 80 »
One Mild gold. ntw
MEKIT Medleiaa Co.. Roeas j 4 CladtaaaU, Ohio.
Fish BiteS®
box to help introduce it. Agents wanted.
J. F. Gregory, Dept, q, St. Louia, au
MONTHLY selling the Dr.
Lamm Sjfiijl Ilaux famous Prfect Vision
E, £S Tll ft-. E5 U Spectacle fine-t and cheap
est on earth Write foragenta
and dealers terms. DR. HACK SPECTACLE CO.,
Box 170 Haux Building, St. Louis, Mo.
niTFIITH Watson E. Coleman, Patent
PMi’NIA Lawyer, Washington. D. C.
I MILIIIU Advice and books free. Kates
reasonable. Highest References. Best services.
ALL kinds of domestic feathers. Live geese
feathers a specialty. Write for samples aud
prices. R. S. Eubanks, South Broad St.,
Atlanta, Ga.
• Kpnnlnh Ncedlen. Rods, Goldometers for
sis/ locating Gold. Silver and hidden treasures.
Our instruments are the best. Cat. 2 centa
/n MU era Supply Co. Dept 5 .Palmyra, Pa
ALL kinds of domestic feather*. Live geese
feathers a specialty. Write for samples and
prices. R. S. Eubanks, 73>» South Broad it.,
Atlanta. Ga.
Kll aB NL for Treasure Seekers. Booklet. Free.
nUUv r.i M. AGENCY. BO.I hlk St., PALMYRA, tk
Given Away To Our Readers
By The Semi-Weekly Journal, z\tlanta, Ga.
Send in the correct answer and get "the prize. With every yearly sub
scription to THE SEMI-WEEKLY J OURNAL you are entitled to one trial
at this example.
An example that has been selected that can be figured out with a very
little effort. GET YOUR PENCIL and try this EXAMPLE NOW.
Here Is the Example
A man steps 2 feet 8 inches, and a boy steps 1 foot 10 inches, but the boy
takes 8 steps while the man takes 5 steps. How far will the boy walk while
the man walks 3 44 miles!
Conditions of the Contest
Ist. —Each and every answer sent in must be accompanied by One Year
ly Subscription to THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, or you can send three
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This Contest clostes May 1, 1910. All letters must be received in this of
fice not later than May 3, 1910.
• Send all subscriptions and answers to
The Semi-Weekly Journal
Atlanta, Ga.
£ AND RING ■" J*,—
yg American Movement Wateh, Gold Fitted
Cate, warranted to keep correct time, and
a 0,, ’ <1 v ' ned R(ni with * s p» rkbn <
given free for selling A)
I* wc lry Novelties at 10c eaeu.
>Y Write for them. '
When a o 1 <1
Ben< i ,ls fl l ® 8-
and we send
Watch and
Dept. 32, Fenway Sta. Boston, Mass.
«S«^EARN»H R l?f
w< P® elt!T * , y both a Fsiqom Altoa
Stem Wiad, bondaomtiy d«n<a«d mm. ▲mericoa
« nwvetntnt, factory toctod. ruaraatoed iv« yaara,
a aloe Ring Mt with a Oaap Gem,
' «<M beautiftkl Kl/h frada Art Petß
100 P* r Or*i«r >0
X wkau tcld BMd >2 Med
Mod yon watoh. rin<A ahala.
OktMteedoQgnarafitMd. ALTOS WITtM CO., UepL 487' CHICAGO
gdTtoW XfL v\.O ur Am«rioan made, stem wind watoto with Wauti
/ww 1 r dMtgnad caaa. factory*toatod. guaraatMd for 5
axquiaito ring Mt with a brilliant ttona
r* W J f /J a»< fi"* to ae< f«» MlUa<
» ; 4 I to yackata of high rrado art poet carde
l°e • packet. Order 90 packets _
to- day when aeld. eead nt 95.0
w * w,n teeHieely tend you
oom the watch, ring aad chain.
Raises SOfg. Co. Dept. 576 Chicago
'TCkttem -oiad. etMa-aat watch with baa d tare de.
\ lyirßod eaee. preper flu. GUARARTEKD 6
irll Y,AM ’ Abe dainty rla<. Mt with two epark-,
IS ll 'JJIF H ,lM « f,r eeiiiM M
L yvff A ’• w * ,r y nrtiolot at Ifti each.
fca jewelry today. When I
w * eendSr
rttf and ebain. !
DaU Watch Compaay, Dept» A. J.Chlca<>
53Sk BXAUTIFDLLT 2N»RAVfD Plated WATCH, eq urn
,B *PPO* raBC ' B *o Solid Gold Watch, American made,
K’SS yean.and a beautiful Ring y
LtoAAr*** with Ba Im. Diamond, for selling
v* ■ 80 F*ckK«e es beautiful high
grade art peet earde at l<>c a package foßPar-jMMWI
Order 20 packages, aad when told. Mad
tie IS. and,*« will poeidvely send you the |
Watch, Ring A Chain. WELLS MFH. CO., DIPT. 244 CHICAGO ’
t> ship on approval wlttioo* • r«n*
d«po«i», freight prepaid. DONI
PAY A CENT if you arc act MtUflcd I
after atiay the bicycle 10 dayc.
DO NOT BUY o/tires trass onions !
at any price until yon roedrt our latest
art catalog* tllurtratias every Had et '
bicycle, an< have learned our unheard of
prices and marve/oue new offei't.
thlnf will be Mat you free poetpaid by
Health, Vigor, Happiness,
A trial treatment of a most wonderful remedy for
the cure of Nervous Debility, Lost Vitalty, De
spondency, Kidney and Bladder troubles, or any
form of Physical Weakness, etc., is being mailed
absolutely free of charge by the celebrated Pro- i
fessor Fowb.'t. This remedy straight to the
mark and thehuifferer does not have to wait a life- ;
time before feeling and enjoying its curative 1
effects. Indeed, the most amazing results have
been produced with these trial packages alone. All -
the sufferer needs to do to get strong, vigorous
and healthy, is to send his name and address to ;
Professor Fowler and the medicine will be immed- j
iately forwarded to him in a perfectly plain pack
age with nothing to pay on it. Address:,
Prof. F. C. FOWLER, New London, Coup. ]
Before you pay a cent, we will convince you j
that Manine permanently cures any drug habit.
Guaranteed not to contain Morphine, Lauda- ;
num. Opium or any other habit forming drug. ,
No money required in advance, a full month b
treatment eent to those afflicted without one ;
cent of deposit. Manine has cured thousands. .
it will cure you. Give it a free trial. You ’
are to be the sole judge and at our expense.
Manine Co. 156 Manine Bldg. St. Louis, Mo.
Eat h’artilv—all you want—anything you;
please. Cnstipation. indigestion. dyspepsM. ;
Cannot exist if von take one each night <t .
••Roscoe.” purelv Herb Tablets. Guaranteed an;
absolute relief. The best thing on this ear’ll. ■
Fifteen nays’ trial treatment. 10c. G. Austin ;
Merritt. 46 Delaware Ave.. Dover. Del.
3 g BrooklandOlub WHISKEY
" fll 'OB There is so much rubbish —weak spiritsand adulter*
JgS i fl ated stuff sold for whiskey at all prices these days, that in
tr 4 * order to prove a really good straight whiskey, we find it
I necessary to let the people try a bottle to find out for
' themselves the difference and we therefore offer to
send a free bottle of Brookland Club Whiskey to
test, and this is how we do it:
Send us $3.15 for four full quart or
$5.75 for eight full quart bottles, express prepaid,
MRBFfIMHMi!' 1 - 'llfaKf and we will send along one test bottle with each
' bWK&EW four 9 uarts - Open the test bottle when you receive
,» it, add one-half water to the bottle and if you
•«• j don’t say yourself that you have two bottles oi better
L . *§■ whiskey than you are in the habit of buying from
F*- ' A'CT Ill'll Jl'Aw mail order houses, return the rest of the bottles
k~ .a hITvLgVL AlWh.'l and we will return your money and yon can have
the test bottles free. Brookland Club Whiskey is
[p; 1' IP) vH straight whiskey—no blend—no mix—no imitation
| Yl. L4L.UJD, j —pure, with strength and excellent for medicinal
t Four quarts of Brookland Club Whiskey with
L> J the same amount of water added will make eight
quarts of better whiskey than these cheap mail
|“ guaranteed unde* th**. j order goods—try it. We will cheerfully return
| , pure food act J?/! your money if you ask us to. We would gladly
i . shj send out free samples to test but so many take
■ffift’h bottled BY advantage of the offer by getting many samples.
IfeDISTJLUNarM Express Charges p repaid
KmtwM KAMP distilling go.
451 North Main St. St. Louis, Mo
M/Ijjll> I================= WHISKEY IS ■
■MMMWaipi-' 100 in proof, 100 per cent pure, 100 per cent heneet,
lOOper cent straight. It’s not a compound, nor an imitation,
II’ lil 7 —* Q nor a blend. It's just genuine, pure, honest, straight 100 proof Corn
JU- I E W Whiskey. It's the best in the United States and there’s no use in
■■■Akm'Vß ■ H'lßwl telling a long story about its goodness. If after testing the same
wMi ■MVM ■ I r ,u are not satisfied with the quality, we will buy it back and HBIM ■|L M ULJ charge nothing for the 3or 4 quarts you and your friends dntk up.
-.y ! We need money and trade which explains our giv» -away prices:
.< ffllflElHwH 3 gallon keg ICO proof Pure C0rn....................95.00
MWIWWpIIir . 4 3.4 gallon keg 100 proof Pure C0rn................ 7.50
V 1 i .'’if 12 full quarto ICO proof Pure Com 5.00
V ’ -"T-HV 'V 7 full ~intK too proof Pure Corn
At above prices we guarantee safe delivery to any express office.
1 jay Return this ad. and address: j
Without medicine ALLAN’S SOLUBLE
MEDICATED BOUGIES will cure the most ob
stinate cases. No nauseous doses. Price, Sold by druggists. Send for circular
X C. ALLAN CO., P. 0. Box 998, New York
i and other drag habits are positively cured by
i H4BITINA. For hypodermic or internal L
! use. Sample aent to any drag habitue * *
by mail, in plain wrapper. Regular price J 2.00.
11 IO Holland Building S». Leela, Mo.
.. . ■ —— i
' nPRPCV Cured; quickreliei; remove**ll svzeffing tn 8
I UltUr Ol to 20day,; 30 to6odays effects permanent
: cure. Trial treatment given free tc sufferers; nothing fairer.
For circulars, testimonials and frrt treatment write
Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons, Bo; A Atlanta, G»
FITCCURED other words you do not
■ I our small professional fee
I 9 rfi cured and satisfied. Q*«rmsn«
■ Amerlean Institute, 9$ Grand Ave. Kansas City. Me. j
. Thp most valuable result of 20 years’ wor»
I at Railway Engineering in the was my
• irni-ortent discovery of a simple hern that is
an ai tnnl specific for Diabetes, which has hitii
ertc been consul, red incurable: and to prove It will give Immediate relief, in the m >st .
J aggravated eases. I will send a 50c package I
’ (one week’s sujiplyl for only 25c.
: Write me today and see how quickly Dfabetol ;
I Herb will reduce both the specific gravity *n*l |
• the sugar, restore weight and build up me j
■ svstein. Spread the good new., to the attlicteu. I
i Booklet an i diet list mailed tree. F. M.
Ames. Bu’ »- Whltuev Point. N. X. ,
| >rEI)ICAL ~ ■
I Sas or a
WhydesMirJfMhers hare filled; lend at .ne. for * tree-
Ute and Free Bettie of my infallible remedy. I have made
the disease of Fits, Epilepsy or Falling Sickness a life-long
study, and »«»ar.t my remedy to pi re Immediate iUikwu
hl relief. I hare hundreds of testimonials from these wh»
hare been cured. Gire erpress and P. O. address.
W. H. PEKKR. F.1».. 4 Cedar Bt.. Sew >or«
! >ell 10packs Prof. Smith’s
] Hair Tonic and Dandruff
Remedy at 10ceach. WE TRUST YOU. Wheneoid
return the fl and we’ll send these 2bandsome rings or
choice from premium list. A reliable nrm. eriao. IS years.
ROSEBUD PERFUME CO., Boa S 3, Woodsboro. Md.
AGENTS wanted to sell Natlye Herbs; fl box
250 tablets for 50c. Write P. Melrose, Colum
bus, Ohio. >
WE PAY $36 A WEEK and expenses to men
I with rigs to introduce poultry compound.
Year s contract. IMPERIAL MFG. CO.. Dept.
i 66. PARSONS. KANS. /
•nd furnish rig and ell expenses to Inlroduoo poultry
•nd stock powders; now plan; steady work. Address
| pleasant, pcnnsr.eut.' Physicians astounded.
I (».••• t tent discovery century. iSend your ad-
’ dre. s at oiwe. Ni Ko Works, No. 3, WxiHta, {
Kansas. /