Newspaper Page Text
T7 • To Every Lady Reader this
Jk ■ aW *1 Beautiful and Durable
EWr W| 1
Consists of 2 Blankets, 2 Bleached
Sheets, 2 Bleached Pillow Cases and
1 Bed Spread —All Full Size Pieces
H»re Is a lifetime opportunity whereby every woman in the United States ean get this handsome,
expensive, ”-pieee B*d Set. Absolutely Free. Thia Bed Set consists of 1 Blankets, 2 Bleached Sheets,
1 Bleached Pillow Cases and I lar<e. White Bed Spread —T full sise pieces in all. All we ask is. that you
sell a few cans of our Perfection Raking Powder and the Bed Set is yours. You can realise how
easily, and with what liitle effort you can do this, for a full site, cut glass pattern pitcher and • glasses
are included wit a each can of Baking Powder, etc., in our offer No. 420. But this is not all. To every lady
who sends in her name and address right will give in addition, as aSpecial Premium, Absolutely
This Parlor
\ Lamp
We are deter-
: aed ’ ■ • ; - s h
"Jr™,. I? gdfc our Baking
Tfl|ww Powder to the
front and to get
y< u to b<’p us.
we will send with
your first order
this handsome Dec-
orated Parlor Lamp
. *■' >•“ "T and it will sot cost
A? -th JK. you a penny. Re-
Vs*i member we will
Pl send the Lamp in
g.W54/AVtf addition to the
wlhlrW Dinner Set. This
Parlor Lamp is 17
NB3gj£stjF In. high with • in.
decorated globe and
all trimmings polished
These Lamps
are going fast and
If you want one
ss3> write quick.
(By Associated Press.)
ABUHMED. Soudan. March IS.—Col onel Roosevelt and his party arrived this
Colonel Roosevelt’s European Itinerary had been definitely decided upon witn
as much exactness of detail as it is p orsible to make in advance, and It was
first announced today. The former pr esident will arrive In Rome on April 3, in
Paris April D. tn Berlin May 8 and in London on May 15 or 17.
In several instances he will arrive at one city on the same day that he
leaves another, but counting each por tlon of the day as a whole day it may
be said that he will spend a week In Paris, a week at Berlin. four days in-
Rome. three days each at Genoa. Vienna and Budapest; two days at Brussels,
The Hague and Christiana and a da/ at Rotterdam. Hamburg. Copenhagen
and Stockholm.
The special train bearing the Roosevelt party is due at Wady Haifa. 575
miles from Khartoum. late tonigh t. Here a special steamer, the
••Ibis" will be taken for Shellal. A visit will be made to Assouan and Luxor.
The party is due on Thursday at Cairo, on what is known as the Train de
Luxe. The Roosevelts will sail from Alexandria on the steamer Prinz Heinrich,
March 30. for Naples, where the steam er is due on April 2.
Early on the following morning the Americans will proceed to Rome, where
thev will remain until the 6th. when they will go to Spezia for a day’s stay.
The Sth and 9th will be occupied in a leisurely trip over the 50 miles from Spe
z:a to Genoa, which will take the tourists along the beautiful Riviera.
After three days at Genoa the party will proceed for Vienna, arriving on the
Isth. and leaving on the 17th, to spend two days at Budapest, the Hungarian
<apital. On April ». the Oriental express will be taken for Paris. The program
provides for a visit to Brussels on the 28th. and Colonel Roosevelt may remain
over one day before proceeding for The Hague, in which case he will remain
at the home of the peace tribunal until May 1.
On the latter day an hour's stop will be made at Rotterdam and Hamburg
will be visited the day following.
Copenhagen should be reached late in the afternoon of May 2. the departure
for Christiana being made that night. The stay at the Norwegian capital ui'l
possibly extend from the 3d to the sth. Colonel Roosevelt will return to Chris
tiana in time to sail on the Sth for Germany, and is due in Berlin on the 9th.
He expects to leave Berlin on the 15th. arriving in Txmdon the following day.
though it Is possible his visit in Berlin will be extended one day beyond the
"Please. Mr. Ordinary, take back these
wedding license what you gave me and
return me my perfectly good $1.75 what
I paid you yesterday.”
So pleaded Charlie Evans, a deaf-mute.
I want every person suffering from
these cruel, torturous and danger
ous diseases to let me seed them
by mad, postpaid, absolutely free,
a trial treatment of my Asthma
and Hay Fever Reuse dr, which
gives instant relief and every year
cares thousands of cases, mary of
which had been pronounced be
yond heip.
With the free treatment will be
sent positive proof from honest
people in every state, who, after
suffering as you do, have been cored by vsing my
Remedy. Here is a sample of what thousatxis write:
** I suffered for thirty-five year, and tried
•bout every known remedy without success.
My doctor said I must die, but I sent for your
Remedy and am now- well from Its use."—W. M.
Ipock. Box IJ. R.F.D. 1. Cate City. N. C.
Throw away the old-fashioned and out-of-date treat
ment!, such as a*otm?-n, ir.ha!ers and the so-ca'/ed
blood purineja, aad start oa the sure read to recovery
by writing at once—to-day —for a free trial of my
Asthma and May Fever Remedy. Address
Dr. F. G. Kinsman, Box 737 Augusta, Me.
Just as it comes from the ■till, clear as spring water, in Glass Jugs
with handles, or three or more gallons in Kegs.
1 Gallon 52.25 4 Quarts $2.50
3 Gallons. .... ... 3.75 8 Quarts 4.50
8 (ballons 5.50 12 Quarts 6.50
4 Gallons 7.00 10 Pints 2.75
1 Gallon 31.85 . 4 Quarts .. $2.00
2 Gallons 3.00 8 Quarts 3.50
3 Gallons 4.00 12 Quarts 5.25
4 Gallons 5.95 13 Pints 3.00
These prlre< apply only when shipped In oo» name. Express Paid, to any office n t So:ith-
•nt or Adamo" Etpr«-«« Co. For <«rn<es in other companies add S’e for each package
Al! orders filled same day they are rewired, and prompt delivery guaranteed.
This special offer indds g*wal f»r a Ilin i'ed Ume only.
I snclcse $ For as above.
Name ......................
Express office
J. H. WOOLLEY, Jacksonville, Fia.
Free, the handsomely designed Parlor Lamp described
below, with first order. You simply can’t realise what a
big offer this is until you see these beautiful premiums.
You risk absolutely nothing. We will pay all freight char
e's and ship you the Baking Powder and send yonr Premium
with the Baking Powder, and also send the Glass Pitcher
and Bia Glasses all together, and then
We Give You Time to Deliver and
Collect Before Remitting to Ua
You start in business on our money. Did you ever hear of
suel. a liberal offer! Now don’t delay. These handsome
Bed Bets will be grasped mighty quick by prudent ladies
all over the country. While it is on your mind, cut out
coupon, write your name and address on same, so you can
get our big Special Premium; also free our Mammoth
Catalog and Premium List.
Fill Out and Mail Coupon Today
302 N. Commercial St.. St. Louis, Mo.
Gentlemen: Without cost to me, please send at
once your Big Free Offer.
Post Offlee —•—
County..,, State
st the office of Judge J. R. Wilkinson
Thursday morning. Unable to use his
tongue, he made signs—signs of distress.
These signs being duly Interpreted the
fallowing story came out. and the coun
ty extraordinary agreed to break all rec-
accepting the return of "those
license” and reimbursing the purchaser.
Two months or more ago Charlie Evans
first ventured to launch his craft upon
the uncertain sea of matrimony. He
purchased a license, secured the services
of the Rev. S. B. Ledbetter and repaired
to the residence of a young lady in West
End. whom he sincerely admired. What
was the preacher’s surprise on arriving
to see the young lady laugh merrily and
declare she had never promised to marry
Charlie Evans or anybody else. The
match was called off.
Wednesday morning Charlie Evans ap
peared before the ordinary and bought
another license, this time for another
young lady. What happened to blast his
fond hopes on this second occasion is not
quite clear, but at any rate Charlie
appeared Thursday morning at the court
house much perturbed and announced
that he couldn’t use this second license
either. Inasmuch as he had already paid
for one and been compelled to tea,- it up,
he felt that the oratnary' ought to “take
bock" the second one.
It was finally agreed to give the poor
fellow his money back, and with it a
friendly warning to make sure of his lady
before he gets another one.
1 >.«>«« IJI. II .111 | a...,. . 'VJIWT 1 .. ~ \ ”
Immense Sums Spent by Fire
Companies to Thwart
NEW YORK, March 19.— Mercilessly
flinging question after question at the re
luctant witnesses, and reading to them In
a rapid succession letters and telegrams
that told in unmistakable terms of the
activities of Are insurance companies In
influencing legislation at Albany, Win.
Hotchkiss, state superintendent of insur
ance, and his attorney, Alfred Hurrell,
forced startling revelations at today’s
session of the Are insurance inquiry.
It was shown that large sums of money
had been raised to procure or thwart leg
islation between 1901 and 1906. These pay
ments, the majority of which were to
law firms, ranged from 1700 to $17,500. The
three largest payments were of 117,500 to
the law flrm of Sherman & Sterling in
1905 for work at Albany in connection with
legislation then pending: of $15,000 in 1906
for the same purpose, and $8,311 to Eli- (
jah R. Kennedy, a member of the insur
ance firm of Wood & Kennedy. It was
this latter payment that came out yester
day when Mr. Kennedy’s bill to the New
York Board of Underwriters for $13,331
was produced.
The witnesses examined today were Mr.
Kennedy, Charles L. Case, former chair
man of the committee on laws and legis
lation of the board of underwriters, and
William N. Kramer, of the German-
American Fire Insurance company, who
was vice chairman of the committee on
laws and legislation of the board from
1900 to 1907 and chairman in 1907 and 190 s.
Timothy L. Woodruff, new chairman of
the Republican State committee and late
Senator John Raines. Representative
George E. Malby and former Assembly
man James A. Riordon, of New York,
were among those mentioned in the testi
Mr. Woodruff spore Kennedy W’rote a
letter In 1901. telling him that the in
surance bill which the companies were
. opposing would not be pressed. Repre
sentative Malby, then a member of the
legislature, evidenced a kindly interest
i in the bills, as shown by letters to Ken
nedy. Senator Raines was amicably
I disposed toward Mr. Kennedy In his ef
forts to defeat undesirable legislation.
As for Riordon, Kennedy said he came
to him with such a show of interest that
he, Kennedy, became aroused and cut
shoft the Interview, refusing as a rep
resentative of interests affected to dis
cuss pending legislation with a member
lof the legislature.
One Interesting statement made by
I Mr. Kennedy was that he had given a
■‘present of SI,OOO to George W. Ald
ridge, of Rochester. Republican leader
of Monroe county. This Item was part
of the $5,000 officially disallowed by the
unlerwriters, but later reimbursed to
Kennedy by assessments levied upon the
Insurance companies individually.
Kennedy said yesterday Aldridge got
$5,000, but today corrected his testi
Every effort to force Kennedy to tell
who received the remainder of the $5,000
was futile.
It was through the testimony of Case
that the payments of $17,500 and $15,000
to Sherman A Sterling were brought
out. When vouchers for these pay
ments were submitted. Case said frank
ly that they were correct, but when it
come to telling the exact nature of the
services rendered he was vague. Sher
man & Sterling, he said, were a “high,
practiced flrm” and the work entailed on
them as counsel demanded laborious re
search and many trips to Albany to
argue before committees, interview leg
isltftors, and keep in touch with the sit
Mr. Kramer’s testimony developed lit
tle new. His memory regarding the re
imbursement of jrfr. Kennedy was very
Beyond admitting that his company had
paid $375 toward such a fund he could
tell little.
INDIANAPOLIS. March 19.—Perjury in
his reports to the state insurance depart
ment of Ohio, and uttering false notes,
were admitted today by William White,
secretary of the Farmers and Citizens
Live Stock Insurance company, of Lima,
Ohio, testifying In the United States dis
trict court in the trial of William H.
Marker, former cashier of the First Na
tional bank of Tipton. Ind., who is
charged with embezzlement of SIOO,OOO of
the funds of the bank.
The false notes for $25,000 were in the
names of fictitious persons. White said,
and were to secure a credit entry in fa
vor of the Insurance company made by
Marker in the books of the bank.
“You forged those notes, didn’t you?”
demanded Marker’s attorney.
“They were gotten up,” said White.
’’You call it forgery. I wrote them un
der instructions of William H. Marker."
ROCHESTER. N. Y„ Mar h 19.-George
W. Aldridge said today:
“I recall that Mr. Kennedy did make a
contribution to me as he says. It was
used for the benefit of the Republican
party tn Monroe county. The contribu
tion was made without solicitation on my
part, and there was nothing improper in
the transaction.”
The Texas Wonder
Cures all Kidney, Bladder and Rheu
matic Troubles. Sold by all druggists
nr two months’ treatment By mall for
sl. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive street,
St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials.
• ••
♦ The Story of a Man’s Hat ♦
♦ Z
♦ Men’s felt hats are made of the ♦
-e fur of raccoons, beavers or rab- ♦
♦ bits, shaved dry from the hides and ♦
♦ mixed with wool. The cleaned fur ♦
♦ is fed onto a rapidly revolving ♦
♦ cone, the layer being held on by ♦
♦ suction, and then sprayed by tiny ♦
♦ jets of hot water. The wet hat ♦
♦ shape is removed from the cone. ♦
♦ rolled and pressed dry, permeated -e
--with sizing, blocked, dyed, again ♦
♦ blocked, sandpapered, trimmed and ♦
♦ lined, blocked again, and it's a hat. ♦
♦ ♦
The first Philippine campaign badges
to reach Georgia, out of the issue re
cently authorized by congress, were re
ceived by Adjutant General Scott, of the
Georgia state guard. Saturday, from the
sterctary of war. for transmission to
their owners-Maj. Hans Mozen, of the
Fourth battalion of infantry, Columbus,
and Capt. Garnett W. Save, commanding
Company K of the Fourth battalion. Al
bany. These badges are distributed by
the war department to men now in act
ive service, for service during the Philip
pine campaign.
SIOO a Head for Cattle
FORT WORTH. Tex., March 18.—One
hundred dollars per head was paid here
today for a herd of 45<i Oklahoma fed
beef cattle This ts said to be the high
est price for this class of cattle ever paid
in the United States.
This Stomach Remedy FREE
Fill out the coupon or write a postal and get a Free Sample Bottle of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin---You can try
it without expense---In this way thousands have been cured of serious stomach, liver and bowel troubles.
1 want to send you or any neighbor or friend of yours who suffers from a stomach, liver or bowel disorder, a sample bottle of my wonder
ful tonic-laxative, famous for over twenty years as Dr, Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. There will be no charge for this sample o. c. .
have to do is to send me your name and address on a postal card, or fill out the coupon and send it to me, ant wi gay oas
agree. This offer is open to anyone, anywnere. . _ „„ „ „,. c
This sample bottle contains the same wonderful vegetable remedy—the same remarkable Ingredient- le r. Caldwe 1s . jrup p
kin which sells over the counters of every drug store in the United States at 50 cents and SI.OO a bottle the same curative, satisfaction
giving, laxative tonic that families have been using for twenty years or more. I am in a position to give away thousands of these sample
bottles, and I want you all to send In your request. . . . , -
My object in offering a free sample bottle is that I know I have a remedy of extraordinary merit, and there is no better or squarer way for
me to convince the people of that fact than to let them use a sample bottle free of charge. In this way thousands ha\e been brought to use it as
a family remedy, as they got results. The sales in drug stores are doubling every year, so the free sample idea must be light, as the sample
has the same contents as the regular bottles. „ , ..
1 firmlv believe that Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is the best remedy on the American market for any form ot stomach, liver or bowel dis
order-better than any other liqui d remedy, because Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin contains not only the best laxatne pioperties, nut lamous
tonic and upbuilding ingredients as well; better than any tablet remedy because tablets gripe and not all stomachs can aissone tnem; better
than any salt, pill or purgative because these are violent in action and do but temporary good. itdattv H K
about a permanent cure. It builds up and strengthens weakened digestive systems. With all its wonders ul effec i eness, .. so gentl
action that it can be given to Infants—in fact, thousands of mothers buy it for their babies and children. And because ot its gent.e action, so
free from griping, it is the best laxative for women and old people.
Write me today for a free sample bottle. Fill out the coupon and send it to me. You will be making no mistake,
■■■■ aair* O a ■ vw • 1 receive many letters every day from people who were cured of some stomach, lly® r
Whal the Free Sample Is Doing
druggist for the regular 50 cent or $ 1 bottle. But they show their appreciation by telling others of my remedy, and these others, whose confi
dence is then established, buy it of their druggist. I want you who have never tried it to send to me for a free sample, so tnat jou can
tell your neighbors and friends what it has done. Fili out the coupon and send it to me today.
I have used one bottle ot your Syrup Pepsin:
my cousii. has used one bottle, and a friend has
used two. We all like it very much. It
does what you claim for it and more. My
friend’s face was awfully rough and blotched,
but now it Is perfectly smooth. Every one asks
her what she used on her face nnd she tells
them “Xothing.” She asked me the other day
if I thought the Syrup Pepsin did her face any
good, and I told her it was all that had done
It. I Intend to continue its use. It has cer
tainlv built up mv .<ton>ach and appetite.
Wife Geo. A. Williams, Mgr. Atlanta San
atorium, 243 S. Boulevard.
I have been troubled with constipation and
Indigestion for a number of years, affecting tny
urinary organs seriously. Have tried several
remedies without any success until I commenced
Syrup Pepsin. Have taken two 50c bottles and
am pleased to say that I am almost well. I can
and do heartily recomnienil ft to any and all
who are troubled with constipation, indigestion
and their consequent troubles.
S. G. McCLARY. 15 Krog St., Atlanta, Ga.
Many thanks for the sample bottle of Syrup
Pepsin. It proved O. K. and I bought a 50c
Have You Any of These Symptoms?
If you have any of the following symptoms you are cer
tainly suffering from a stomach, liver or bowel disorder
and you need Dr. Caldwell’v Syrup Pepiln, Fill out the
coupon and mafl it to me and I will send you at my ex
pense a free sample bottle of my remedy so that you
can see how quickly yoti can be cured when the right
remedy is used. Write for yourself regardless of how
young or old you may be, whether your case is recent or
of long standing; write in behalf of your child or any
other member of your family. I am glad to send it for
whomever it may be. The leading symptoms of stomach,
liver or bowel disease are:
Constipation Distress after eating
I«aziness Indigestion and Dyspepsia
Biliousness, Torpid Liver Flatulency
Sour Stomach Sick Headache
Disturbed Sleen Gas or Wind on the Stomach
Loss of Appetite Catarrh of the Stomach
Free Medical Advice
remedy; many more, however, because they do not get the right
medical advice. I have treated tens of thousands for these troubles.
If you would like to have my opinion of your case, if you would
like to have my advice as to what you should do and should not de,
then write me‘a letter explaining how you suffer and I will study
your case and advise you. There will be no charge for what I do
for yon and you can ax all yourself of these serrfst s whether you ever
take Syrup Pepsin Or not. Explain your east fully and freely. It
may present some mystery' to you and others that I. with my’ great
er experience, can easily clear tip. I have had many letters from
people saying that my advice was worth more to them than the rem
edies. prescriptions and general efforts of other doctors. For the
free medical advice, address your letter.
COUNCIL BLUFFS, lowa, March 19.-
Judge Smith McPherson spent much
time preparing instructions to the jury
in the Mabray swindling case.
His charge to the jurymen before they
left the courtroom last night was very
emphatic and he intimated that the
strictest watch was being kept as to the
manner in which they conducted them
"The searchlight of investigation is
ready to be turned on at any time,” de
clared the judge, "and jurors are expect
ed to comport themselves in a manner
which will lend dignity not alone to
their action but to the general conduct
of the case by the court, an dprevent I
disgrace to yourselves and families in .
the future.
“Dark alleys and back rooms are no
places for jurors in any case, much less
in one to which is attached the import
ance of the isshe now before you, and
this court warns each juryman that you
will be held to a strict accountability
for your actions until the verdict is re
Intimations of attempts at jury tarn- !
pertng ’/nd come to the court, it was
stated, nnd Judge McPherson has not
hesitated to announce in palin language
that severe measures will be taken to '
prevent the success of any move of such
a nature.
MARION. Ind., March 19.—N0 further
light was today shed on the charge that
William Krause, and not his wife, was
responsible for the poisoning of Krause’s
Mrs. Krause Is serving a sentence for
the girl’s death and her husband is suing
her for divorce. The charge that her
husband is responsible for the death was
made in answer to his divorce suit.
NEW YORK. March 19.—The com
mittee on reform in legal procedure,
recently autnorlzed in Washington, D.
C., by the national conference on uni
form state legislation, was named to
day by Judge Alton B. Parker to co
operate with a similar committee of
the American Bar association. Among
them are the following:
Morgan J. O’Brien, New York;
Charles J. Jewett, New Albany, Ind.:
Selden I’. Spencer, St. Ixniis, Mo.;
Thomas W. Shelton, Norfolk. Va.;
renee Cooper, Huntsville, Ala., and W.
E. Mclntyre, Georgia.
Cured by the Marvel of the
Century, the Obbac System
blood poison in any Mage permanently, without
deadly metrury, or iodide of pot»«h, Hit wlfh purely vege
table. rafe ingredients. To prove it we will send you a
30 Day Treatment Free
Symptom-lea re quick. Cure yourself athome now. Send for
free treat menland remarkable book on Cureof Bleed Poison.
OBBAC CO., 883 Rgg v or Bldj., ChicMfO.
bottle. Can say it has done me more good than
all tfie medicine that I have taken from the
doctor. I ehall always speak a good word for
Syrup Pepsin. I have been bothered a great deal
with catarrh Os the stomach and I find Syrup
repein lias given me relief.
J. P. MASSEY, Bainbridge, Ga.
Your letter and sam
ple at hand. Thought
I would answer and
tell you that it i» the
thing I have been
look’ng for. I find it
to be the best medi
cine I have ever used, i
1 am going to get my
third bottle this
week, as I would not
b* without it. I give
it to my children all
the time and it acts
like insgic. and will
never be without it. I
nm thankful to you
for it. MBS. MARY
BELFORD, 1710 Coke
St.. Louiaville, Ky.
ex 4-4-1 I will send a free ssmple bottle of DR. CALDWEL.L,
Jc ree iiOLtleS tor JtiVeiybOCiy SYRUP PEPSIN, to anyone, anywhere, on r<» eipt of only
name and address. You can send a postal or fill out the coupon. There will be no charge now
or later. I will not address numberless letters to you. (I am not In the mail order business).
DR. CALDWELL’S SYRUP PEPSIN is sold through druggists at 50 cents and $1 a large bottle.
But there Is no charge for the sample, test bottle. This is absolutely free. It comes
from my laboratory to your door, at my expense. All I ask is that you use It as directed, or
if you send for it for someone else, that you see that It is properly used —and the directions
'-ftre very simple. If the sample alone cures you, well and good; drop me a line about it. If
yours is an old, stubborn, chronic case and you need mdre of the remedy, go to your druggist
for a 50-cent or a $K large bottle. There is nothing to my offer beyond that—The Sample
Has to Prove Its Merits—and it is the sample I want you to send for. On the strength of
this sample thousands of famines now have DR. CALDWELL’S SYRUP PEPSIN regularly in
the house. You never can tell when a child or grown person will need a laxative, and then
it Is well to have DR. CALDWELLS SYRUP PEPSIN at hand. It Is sure to relieve the
trouble at once. It has and is curing the worst cases of chronic constipation, and permanent
ly, too. There is nothing to equal it in the constipation and digestive troubles of Infants
and children: it has nothing to equal it In the sick headache and nausea of women. It
strengthens the stomach, it stirs up the liver. It cleans out the bowels. It is the worlds
greatest promoter of daily good health. A trial of “this grand remedy is absolutely free. Try
it. It is the duty of every sufferer from a stomach, liver or bowel trouble, who has not yet
used it, to send for a free sample bottle of DR. CALDWELL’S SYRUP PEPSIN. Let me hear
from YOU? Fill out the coupon and send It to me today.
Dexr Doctor Caldwell: As per your reqnost. 1 ask you to oend me n free sample bottle of DR. CALDWELLS
SYRUP PEPSIK There is to be no charge in any way, at any time. Kindly send it to
My name Is My address la
Fill out the above lines plainly and mall me the coupon. All 1 a«k Is that the remedy be used as the direc
tions call for. leu nre under no obligations to me In any way. but should you went more of It you can obtain ”
of any druggist st jOe or $1 00 a large Lottie. Also, after having -j>ed it yourself. If you can recommend it to
others at any time please do so. Put the coupon in an envelop'? and address the envelope.
DR. W. B. CALDWELL, 603 Caldwell Building, Monticello, Illinois.
The pur ty of DR. CALDWELL’S SYRUP PEPSIN is v >u. hed for to the U. S. Government.
It bears Serial No. 17 in the Pure Food and Drugs Act.
MONEY! We don’t ask you to send us a cent before you sell this Great t
Liniment. We tru«t you absolutely. Just fill out the application blank FILL OUT BLANK BELOW, Cut Out Thia Advtrlise
and send to us; we will send by return express 21 bottles of the great ment and Mail to vs Today.
WRA.NG TANG LINIMENT for you to sell at 50c. each, and add ...
extra, FREE, 3 bottles to cover express charges, which seldom amount WTSHQ I 3710 0(117718111 UOTTiDSny,
to more than sl. When the 21 bottles are sold send us $5.25 and keep ’
$5.25 for yourself. 123 Wrang Tang Building, .. St. Louis, Mo.
rn r r As an extra special inducement to get you to rush NAME
I (1 L L in your application at once we will give you, FREE,
A Beautiful Picture in Many Colors, B “^ w
We start you right off in a paying busyness. You don’t risk a P* 0 "?'
Here is a good chance to make a lot of extra dollars. Grab it befo xrißyiT FTP OFFirF
this remarkable offer is withdrawn by rushing your application in today. 51 LBt xT LXr. OH-ICE
ASHEVILLE, N. C., March IS.—A spe
cial from Marion to the Citizen states
that Charles Morris, living six miles
south of that city, today shot and instant
ly killed his .two-year-old girl, and moth,
er-in-law, Mrs. Bird, and seriously wound
ed his wife.
He then fired a bullet into his own
head, from the effects of which he died
an hour later.
Southern News Items
LAGRANGE. Ga.—At the regular meeting of
• LaGrange lodge. No. 1084. B. P. O. E., officers ’
were elected for the ensuing terms as fol- •
lows: F. C. Ferrell, exalted ruler; L. A.
| Adams, esteemed leading knight; W. P. Burks.
Jr., esteemed loyal knight; E. R. Bradfield,
Jr., esteemed lecturing knight; W. J. Albright,
secretary; C. T. Freeman, treasurer; C. D.
Strong, tiler.
LAGRANGE, Ga. —LaGrange lodge of Elks
will held an important meeting on the even
ing of March 30, when Hon. J. E. Pottle, dis- |
trlct deputy, of Milledgeville, will be present. !
Among others. C. R. Wright, of Macon; K. A. j
Penny, of Ronis, and John P. Rosa. of Macou. I
, will meet with the local lodge. After the I
I regular session, at which a number of new |
members will be Initiated, an elegant banquet ,
will be tendered the guests. LaGrange lodge I
is one of the strongest and best in the state, i
and was Instituted only alsmt two years ago. j
1 LOITSVILLE. Ky. -The counsel of the Preshy- I
I terl.'ti and Reformed church in American touay
J decided to told the next conference In Pittsburg
' In March, 1912. j
LOUISVILLE. Ky.—Mayors from alt sections of
the state gathered here today, the second meet- j
ing of Its kind in Kentucky, for the discussion:
of questions pertinent to municipal government. I
A year ago they assembled at Frankfort. at|
which time steps were taken toward formation of;
the permanent organization "Which has since been
I received the trial bottle of yonr Syrup
Pepsin. I have "Ince bought two SI.OO bot
tles from Dr. Horton’s Drug Store, tn Mc-
Donough. Ga. I thank yon and cannot say
too ranch in praise of your Syrup Pepsin,
for it is a grand medicine and I shall rec
ommend it to all sufferers of stomach awl
bowel complaints. It is a God's blessing to
me where all other remedies had failed. 1
praise Syrup Pepsin to every sufferer of
Indigestion and stomach trouble. Yon car.
use my name If you wish. It gives me
pleasure to add my testimonial In praise of
your great remedy, for It is a sure eure for
all you recommend It for.
T. L. HARPER. McDonough, Ga.
I received your sample bottle of Syrup
Pepsin and wss very glad to give it a trial:
furthermore. I am glad to give you the
credit for its services. I have not been able
to work for five months before I received
your sample bottle. After taking it I went
to mv druggist and purchased a 50c bottle
and I bate taken part of it and have felt
greatly relieted. I am glad to say that I
onlv lost two weeks work after I received
your sample bottle. My trouble was from
mv intestines and indigestion.
R. F. D. No. 2. Rocky Mount, N. C.
Strong, powerful, penetrating—it goes through the skin, through the flesh and into the
very bowea—every drop. That’s why its action la magical, that’s why W. R. PONDER’S
WRANG TANG LINIMENT kills aches and pains. All aches come from the bones, all
pain comes from flesh, tissue and muscles. WRANG TANG LINIMENT has the strength,
the power and penetration; therefore it not only kills aches and pains like Rheumatism, Neu
ralgia, Toothache. Headache, Earache. Backache, Pain in the Breast and side, but Coughs and Colds,
Sore Throat, Colic and Cramps, in Man or Beast; Swellings, Boils, Stiff Joints, Contracted Cords
and Muscles—in fact, WRANG TANG LINIMENT is a Liniment for the home, for the factory,
for the farm—a Liniment for the use of Man as well as Boast. It is so strong and powerful that it
takes one-halt glass ot water to make tive drops weak enough to take. No wonder it
cures when all else tafia. No wonder once used, always used. If you aro sick you want
medicine —not bottles: bottles are cheap —medicine costs money. A bottle of WRANG
TANG LINIMENT contains over 200 doses. Price 50c. per battle. Read agents offer. No money
is needed to accept the agency for our remedies. We trust to your honor to treat us right.
I ArtlTlfi Bl Ihl ■ YOU want to take the agency in your locality for the GREAT WRANG
Auurl I V rLAN! TANG LINIMENT. The Liniment tnat puts the coin in the agent’s
pockets—the Liniment that kills pain like magic and pleases everybody. It’s a sure winner—agents
make sales right and left. Everybody wants it. You can sell it again and again to the same person.
They always come back for more. It’s nothing at all to sell out the first day. KEEP YOUR
PHILADELPHIA, March 18.—A director
of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit com
pany said this afternoon that if the
striking motormen and conductors would
give him in writing a plan on which they
are willing to return to work, he will
act for the men and place it before th&
company’s board.
PHILADELPHIA. March 18.—Although
many conferences apparently have been
fruitless, all hope of an early settlement
of the street car strike has not been aban
doned today. The principal hitch in bring
ing the transit directors and their for
mer employes together is over the ques-
One Full Bottle Banquet
Manhattan Cocktail Free
S There is no more elegant, tasty, exquisite Arlnfc
in all the world than “Banquet Manhattan Cocktail.
It is mixed by a scientific reeeipe famous on 2 continents,
made of finest Vermouth and whiskey, flavored just right
rrith bitters. No "guess worn." It’s always the same, the
most grateful, aristocratic drink known. Banquet Cocktail
s put nn for fine club trade, retails «t $1.50 per bottle.
Siven Free with Athletic Club Whiskey.
Here is onr unprecedented offer.
Send us $3.50 for Five Full Rotties Athletic
Club Whiskey, and we will send you One Full
26-oz. Bottle of Banquet Manhattan Cocktail
FREE— Six Bottles in all. Express Prepaid.
This is just an introductry offer to prove that
no other Whiskey compares with Atletic Club.
Athletic Club Whiskey is put up in full 35-ox.bottles—
not pints, or pts..but full 2t>-oz.bottles.bound with wire.
15 Bottles Athletic Club Whiskey with One
Bottle Manhattan Cocktail—Absolutely FREE, SIO,
Express Prepaid, This is an extra special offer for those
who want a larger quantity.
It you do not find Athletic Club Whiskey the mel
lowest, rarest, pnrest. finest whiskey you ever tasted, your
money will be ready for you instantly on demand. Drink as
much as you please to test it. Give it any kind of a trial.
Compare it with whiskey at any price. If ours isn't best,
send back the goods and get_your money. How much good
whiskey could yon buy for ri-50 over the bar? We offer enough
to make the price of a drink less than 2c. Why waste the
difference? bend us yonr remittance for above oner.
NOTH. Ordr.rt fnr Arit.. Cal., Idaho. Ifont., Stew
. Ore . C'ak. or Vyo.. wiu«t e«rt for 20 iottleo or more, ty
txpreMb rrepaiu
°^?o n n\ < t’Thi. FricV h American Supply Co., Dept. 9 St. Louis, Mo.
I n*ed yonr sample bottle
and then purchased a large
bottle. I have used over
half of it and have found
great relief. My trouble was
constipation, dyspepsia, sour
stomach: had the hiccoughs
and sometimes I would have
an aching on both sides of
my face close to my ears
and all through my body.
The doctor here said I bad
too much add tn my blood.
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin
is the only medicine that
gave me relief.— Yours
Staunton. Va. ,
1 have been a sufferer from sick headache ever
since I was a child, and have tried many kind*
of medicine which helped me. but did not las’
llong. Soon as I found ont of Syrup Pepsin I
sent for a sample bottle. It did me so much good
Ithat I got a 50c bottle and used It and have not
jbad a severe spell ot headache since. MRS.
... . vs. VW rx 4 T YNn’CT T's
j tion of reinstating all the strikers, in-
I eluding the 175 men dismissed before
j the strike was declared.
. If an agreement can be reached on
this question, it is believed the union
will instruct all the ex-employes to to
turn, and then appoint committees to take
up grievances with the company.
1 Killed, 1 Hurt, in Explosion
ALTON, 111.. March 19.—Jefferson
Bright was killed and John Patterson,
both employes, wps seriously injured
when 5,000 pounds of unrefined powder
exploded today in the Corning mill of the
Equitable Powder company, near East
j Alton. Several buildings of the powder
j company were demolished.