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Special Arrangements Where
by a Free Copy Can Be Ob
tained by Every Reader
of This Paper
ti'or week* the presses
bare b»en busy turning out
IH. Hathaway A «'«-«
book. “Prfftct Maabood ami
Health.** Although the de
man-1 •» lano*. ” r
*■> A Co. bate rroerved •
certain number of these
h.wk* and have made »pe
. ia! arrangements to aend
one free «" «" readers of
• hl* paper wh “ ’■end ’belt
name, .nd full address to
Thia tn.dt given much val
aable rt- regarding all the
ease, of men
.□ cbroaie d>«-*- to both men and
»««<•. Every one »houM read It.
r ., r s years Dr. Hathaway *C* ”‘‘ d *
a specialty of men's diseases, and during tha.
time they hare restored tb-u*au‘!' of men to
health, vigor, usefulness and happiness.
nr. Hathaway * Vo. treat an.l cure by «*th
ods Melnaively tbetr own. U* of Vitality.
Varieoeele. Stricture. 81-rs in It.
different stages. Rheumatism. Weak Back, all
manner of urinary complaints. I leers, bores and
Skin Diseases. Bright'. Disease and all forms
of Kidn.y Troubles. Hi. treatment for under
toned men restore. l-wt vitality and makes th.
patient a strong, well, vigorous man.
nr. Hathaway A Co% auceess in the treat
ment of Varicocele and Stricture without the
aid of knife or cautery l» phenomenal. To.
patient ia treated by thi* method at bis own
time without pain or loan of time from business.
This is poUtiveiy the only treatment whim
cures wi’hout an operation.
Or. Hathaway * Co. make no charge for con
anltatton or adriea. either in their office or
by mail, ard when a case H taken one low fee
covers all cost of medicine and professional
■err ires.
nr. Hathaway 4 Co. always prefer, when it
is possible, to hare their patients call on them
for at leant one interview, but this is not es
sential. ■■ they have cured thousand, of pa
tiauta whom they have never seen. Their system
of Home Traatmett is so perfect that they can
bring about a cure surely and speedily in the
patient's own home.
Send for a book and write them about your
ease at • nee. Address
»? Inman Bldg. Atlanta, Ga.
OBCATCR. <3*.. March IS. 1,1,.
Editor Atlanta Journal:
Horn planting time is on now in Geor- I
ata. and I ask through your columns as '
a physician and in behalf of the health
of our state, that our farmers plant at
least enough corn to feed our people and
protect them from a disease that is be
coming dire and destructive throughout
our state. Soon no such disease as pal
lagra would be known in Georgia if, our
people in the towns and cities as well as
on the farms could be fed on well cured,
sounl upland Georgia corn meal and
hominy. We have already had two
deaths from pallagra in our little town
and doubtless deaths are occuring all
over Georgia (often not properly diag
nosed). wherever mills are located that
grind western com into meal. Much of
the western corn is cut and shocked in
the fields, while green, to protect from
early frosts. There it is often sub
jected to protracted rainy seasons that
greatly damage it. Now when this corn
is shelled and put into grain elevators
and shipped in close cars south it un
dergoes a second heat that renders it
much more dangerous to us. than It is |
to the people who raise It. Dangerous
to us, dangerous to our stock, hardly
safe for our hogs and poultry to con
sume. It Is safe for the people of Geor
gia to use on their tables well cured,
home raised cereals If they cost us dou
ble price, and to be sure that our home
product is not ground at a mill that even
grinds shipped corn. Meal made from
wet! cured, properly selected corn (see
ing even that the heart of the cob is
sound) is as good and as wholesome as
any cereal ever consumed by man or
J. H. GOSS. A. 8.. M. D.
Decatur, Ga
BAY Str. LOUIS. Misv.. March 21.—The train
fur which by wav waiting to take him to his
children whom he evpwted to bring back to Bay
St. Louis with him after a long separation,
■track and Instantly killed Martin Bernard hero
Bernard. wb-> was <8 yeara old. re teat ly camo
here fr.m B-aumoot. Tex.
TOC. ere if yoa aeree «oM a <MUn’
• wvrtb at aood, u> your lit,, make $5 to
14. ’ •10 • -lay that a *i> to •»> » *«*k
• 'fw aal puto to area you bm* and
kn.-w aad «bo wiU bay tbaar
from y.,-1 ca ,%bl of oar
Ops rtv%>*Bd napl*,.
Cn Thie la Your Chance
' wWT to Maha Money
Werell *>it,froa> *8 *• ebeap-
•' - ■..Tb,,4tre,7ty ~ y wlhin anybody elm on earth !«,
OtJjltonN r *° "tavw •a I other,. Ou- avert
•' made *2.. Brat week, in
c»t*- -lev > *33.50 la 3 data.
anotk-r Kx- 11S -0 the fi.-M lay. They
d-d n-t toe. on of their own town,
Big Pay--Eaay Worh
W1 WB That, whatyow want, l-o> it V, <rfl
*1 3 iMf* TM o-;r ckrtho, Uir uyh aaer t* only and Lar,
* 11l SW *'■"•* °P* f ‘e t-cxert ekthinv borincm in
Ma th« CDQAtry V*i« W* <.se you
pt tferrury. ( rrXart you and bark
wltb all our capital. We snp; !y
V| r*vrythia< yaa need to
F 53.000 Thia Year.
W ,<»ree twforo h,T» yew had each an op
porean ty a, thi, -never f-re
•Vc Start You FREE
Don t o.« th>. chant*. Dm'S Mit ,bp by ytre. To*
ne*i no repe- ear. ar.d no nrcaey. We wiU -r.c. yno «,
reewpaof rw naoenad add re*. fn»j part.r .!arv o< th*
Utch’-'l er e-e--.A.W O>ir mn. |-M r "tfit Mmple,.
•trim aad arerytbinr noaded So so to « >rk now Wnt*
q-erklv j» yo* w,„t . Urnm, and Warn bow ►> <e t
yrerekxte, at eort So advortw* m.
191 Market St. Dept. 70 . Chicago, 111. |
Return thi* ad. with SI.2S anti we will *hip pre
paid. 12 bottle* ■■|’ur'»” Extracts, nufficient to
make in your «wn houie. IT full quarto of fin--
Rye. Corn. Gta or Apple Brandy. iState kfn-1
preferred 1. No distilling no boding—no ironbie
no apparatus. <;u*ra;>te> <l under pure f -o>l and
dnqts act. Serial No. 34.51A Money refon-l- «l if
n--t a* represented. Araer-ran Export C.' ---
1 Southern Branch. Jacksonville. FT*.)
Whiskey s l-25
| /IVarlre t Kepor f s
NEW YORK. March Si.—The cotton market
opened alertly at a decline of 8 points to an
advance of 1 point, near mouths being in
fluenced be di»a|>polntlng cables, while late
months were relatively steady owing to tne
absence of rain in the southwest over Sunday-
The report of the census bureau malting ths
br> wth of 19u9 10.363.240 bales bad little ap
parent influence in the market, while quite ac
tive and nervous and unsettled at a slight ad
van. < from the opening figures.
Pnslness became less active later in the fore
noon and prices, which had worked up to a net
advance of about IfeS point*, eased off under
realizing, with the market at midday ruling
about 3 points lower to 3 points higher, the
new crop continuing relatively firm. Rumors
that cotton was being shipped from lAverpool
to New York and tliat shipments were on the
way from live south for delivery on contract,
helped to check tlie early advance although re
ceiving no definite confirmation.
The market was quiet during the early after
noon and prices eased off under scattering liq
uidation in the absence of bull support. New
crop months continued relatively steady around
the dosing fgures of Saturday, but near posl
ttooa sold off t« net loss to about 6fe7 point*.
Cotton spot closed quiet. 10 pointe lower: mid
dling uplands do. gulf 15.30. Sales 6,199
The following were the ruling prices In
the exchange today:
Tone stead; middling 15 5-100 c; quiet.
Last Prev.
Open. High. Low. Sale. Close. Close.
Jan 12.98 12.63
March ....14,98 14,99 14.93 14.93 14.93 14.98
April 14.88 14.93
May 14.90 14.91 14. W 14.86 14.85 14.90
June 14.64 14.72
July 1462 14.71 14.60 14.63 14.62 14.68
Aug 14.17 14.22 14.11 14.13 14 13 14.16
Sept 13.34 13.37 13.30 13.31 13.34 13.25
Oct 12.80 12.98 12.80 12.90 12.89 12.85
Nov 12.72 12.69
Dec 12.68 12.75 12.68 12.71 1172 12.68
The follow ing were the ruling prices in the
exchange today:
Tone steady; middling 14 13-16 c. easy.
Last Prev.
Open. High. Low. .sale. Close. Clone. ;
January . 12.77 12.73 ;
March . ... 14.T1 14.71 14.65 14.47 14.79 14.69
April 14.73 14.73
Mav 14.75 14.81 14.73 14.81 14.80 14.80
June 14.83 14.83
July 14.83 14.90 14.52 14.90 14.89 14.90
August . . • •••• •••• 14.24 14.22
Sept 13 38 13.34
October . ... 12.83 12.91 12.83 12.91 12.90 12.85
November 12.71 12.74
December . . 12.74 12.76 12.49 12.76 12.75 12.49
Atlanta, nominal. 15c.
New York, quiet. 15 6-100e.
New Orleans, steady, 14 13-16 C.
Liverpool, steady. 8 14-100 d. i
Savannah, nominal. 14%e.
Galrertou. quiet. 14%c.
Wilmington, nominal
Baltimore, nominal, 16 %c.
Norfolk, nominal. 15%c.
Boston, steady. 15 5-lOV.
Philadelphia, steady. 15 30-lOOc.
Houston, steady, 14%c.
Mobile, nominal. 14’wb
Charleston, firm. 14%e.
St. Louis, quiet. - 14%c.
Little Rock, nominal. 14%c.
Memphis, nominal. 15c.
Lzxiisville. firm, 15c.
Augusta, nominal, 15c.
Open. Close.
March 7.40427.42 7.2637.42
April 7.4137.45 7 38«7.43
May 7.47«a7.48 7.44@7.45
Julv , 7.937.65 7.5537.56
September 7*337.65 7.5937.61
October 7.2337.27 7.2237.24
November 6.6236.76 6.7236.73
December . 6.5336.60 6.5336.59
Tone easy; sales <SO.
Sales between third ans fourth calls: 1.400
Mav ar 100 July at 37.56; 300 September
at J 7.59: TOO October at |7.24; 300 October at
37.23. Total sales 7,000 barrels.
Open. Close
January 7.1537.14 7.1237.13
February ... ... ... ••• 7.1637.17 7.1237.13
Mar) -b 6.753 6.85 6.7536.80
Kuril 6.7536.90 6.6036.85
Ma, 6.8536.95 6.8536.90
June 6.90 bid 6.9537.00
j n i r 7.0037.10 7.41137.05
Augnat 7.4537.20 7.05®7.10
September ... ... 7.1037.15 7.0637.10
October 7.0537.25 7.1037.15
November ... ... ... ..7.®@7.20 7.1037.15 1
December 7.1037.15 7.10«7.15 !
Tone dull; tales 7.J60 bags.
The following were the ruling prices on the
ex-hanx today: .
’ Open High. Ixsw. Close. Cioa-'.
Mav 1124x3113’4 113*4 112>4 H2*» 112%'
July W6%3197*4 107% 106% 107 106% 1
Sept 104\3bM% 105*4 W4Vk 104
May 41%361S 42% 41 41*4 «l T i
July ««
Sept 44%365 65% 64% 64*4 «»
Mav «%3<3% 43*4 42% 43 45%
Julv 41%3 41% 41% 41% 41% 41%
Sept 5 39% 39% , 39% 29% I
Mav 25.46 25 82 25 55 25.75 25.75 I
Jnlv 25 57 35.70 20.5 u 25.60 25.721
Mav 14.00 14 01 13.90 13.90 1 4.19
July 13.90 13.87 13.72 13.72 13.95
Sept 1375 13 75 13.62 13 65 13.82
Mav 13.60 13.67 13 55 13 60 13 .1
j«iv 13 36 13.37 13 25 13.30 13.42
Sept 13.30 13.30 13 30 13.30 13.52
KANSAS CITY. March 21.—Close: Wheat-
May. >l.rd sellers: July. 8102% sellers: Sep
temler. $1.01%4t 1.C1% sellers.
Corn—May. 60%c sellers; July. 61%c bid; Sep
temberoo%c bid.
KANSAS CITY. March 21.—Cash: Wheat —
Nd. 2 hard. »l.o7«l.U: No. 2 red. 91-16*1.30.
Corn—No. 2 mixed. 68-yC; No. 2 white, 60'<J
Oats—No. 2 white. 45847 c; No. 2 mixed, 43
KANSAS CITY. March 2L—Cattle: Receipts
11.000. including 1.000 southerns; steady to
strong; native steers. $6.254a 8.50; southern
,teers. 56.‘!*07.7»; southern rows. 93.25*6.09;
native cows and heifers. 53.50t27.00: Blockers
land feeders. 84.25*6.30; bulla. 34 60* 6.26;
halves. 94.30*9.25: western ateera, 96.09*5.00;
I western cows. 93.50*6.25.
I Hogs—Receipts 8.000; market 5c lower; bulk,
1510.30*>066: heavy, 310.60*10.70.
I Sheep—Receipts 8.000; steady; muttons. 8' 00*
|«25- lambs. 99.00*10.35: fed western wethers
land vearlings. 97.50*9.40; fed western ewes,
|S7.<> feS.On.
NEW ORLEANS, March 21.—The census gives
10.363.240 as total ginnings foe this season. In
cluding linters, compared with 13.432,131 list
year. Items included in thia year's total are
314.337 linters. »4.5€6 Sea Island and 150.690
round bales. The equivalent In 500 pound baiew
Is 10,390.295. Last year total ginnings for the
season were 13.432.131. equal to 13.587.306 of 50c
pounds and Included 344.970 linters: 93.838 Sea
island and 242.303 round bales.
The first effect of the report was a decline
of 6 points in old crops, but when 1r
known that so large an amount of linters was
included the market quickly recovered. These
glnu.ngs statistics point to a commercial crop
around 10,500,000.
Another stimulating factor today was that
the weather map showed only a few traces of
rain in Texas and generally fair promised for
the next 36 hours.
Liverpool Is steady 6 lowed on near. 5 on
distant. 6 lower on spots, sales 8.090. Tho
weekly New York Review of the dry goods sit
uation gon firm a the sharp cut in dry goods
prices and that business with China and India
Wdone at a sacrifice. Strike news from Phila
delphia and Chicago is not encouraging.
There is no change in the market situation.
G<n«ral speculation as a class Is not engaging
at present on either side and price changes de
pend exclusively on local professional moves in
New York between the two opposing factions.
Trading Is further restricted *y the approach to
the Easter holidays and during the week before
and after Easter, business isusually quieter
j with mill districts abroad.
1 Spols are reported very dull, prices unchanged.
THOMASVILLE. Ga.. March 21. —The
Rev. S. C. Dean, of the Baptist church
of Cartersville, has declined the call ex
tended to iiim by the First Baptisft
t»rch of this city.
’lran has had the call under con
fer son:e time but the church
t s* Hie wi* violently opposed to
his lominp and toe people there had
been so devoted and kind to him that I c
decided it was his duty to staj- wit’*
ATLANTA. Ga., March 21. Cotton by wagon,
nominal. 17?.
Hens, each, 50c to 55c. fries, each as to size,
85c to 40c; geese each. 40@50c; dull; ducks, 30@
35c; cocks. 25c: turkeys, lb.. 20®22c.
Dressed bens. 18*19c pound.
Dressed fries. 26c to 27%c.
Turkeys.. 25fe27%c.
Ducks, 17Q18c per pound.
Gees*. 12* 14c per lound.'
Irish potatoes, bushel, 70@76c; onions, yellow
or red globe, per bushel, 81.30*1.40; turnips,
per pound. 1%*1%c; 91.00*1.35; eggs, fresh.
20*21c; butter, fancy table., l-lb prints, 27%*
30c; cooking, bulk, per pound, 10* 15c.
Candles—Stick. 6%c; spiral stick. 6%c; stand
ard mivnires 30-lb. pails. 6%C' Kennesaw cream
of tartar mixture. 46-lb. baskets, 8c; French
crewu. mixed. 30-lb pails. 10c; band made
bonbow mixtures. 30-lb. pails- 12c; chocolates,
6 Ib. bJVza. 16*25c per lb.
Lemons. Messina fancy, per box. 84.00 * 4.50;
extra fancy. 84.50*5: California lemons, 84*
4.00 per crate: Florids oranges, 81.60*3.00 per
4.50 box. Limes. Florida, per 100, 50*60c: apples,
barrel, southern, 84.00; northern. 85.00* 6.00:
cranberries, per gal., 40c;' per barrel, 84.*5.
Dry salt extra riba. 36 to 50 Iba., 14c; dry
salt rib bellies. 20 to 25 bs.. 14%c; dry salt tat
backs. 8 to 10 lbs.. 12c; Premium hams, 18c;
Premium breakfast bacon, 22c; Picnic bams.
12%c; Premium lard, 15%c: Silver L«af lard,
14%c: Jewel lard compound. 10%c.
Oysters. 50a.. 81.55: 3-oa., 81.30: aalmon balls chums, 83-25; pink. 83.36; red. 85.25; sar
dines. % oil, no key. 82.85, oil. key. 93 00;
% oil. mustards. 92-75; tomatoes, standard Vir
ginia pack 2a, 91.25; 3s. $1.70; corn, standard.
$2.00: fancy, $2.60: Karo Syrup. 10c sise, $1.8»;
13c size. $2.20. 50e else, $2.10.
Crackers— XXX Florida sodas, 6%c: Block
■elect sodas. 7%e; lemon creams, 8c; pearl oys
ter. 7«. ginger snaps. 6%c; cornhills, 8c; penny
cakes. B%c; animals. 10c; Jumbles, 10%c; fig
bars, 13c; cartwheels, 9c; raialn cookies. B%c;
Block snowflake wafers, in tins, :3c; crackers
tn 5c carton*. 60c dusen; crackers in 10c car
tons, 8100.
Pompano, per lb., 23%c; Spanish mackerel,
per lb.. 13c; trout, drawn, per lb., 9*loc; blue
fish, drawn, per lb.. 6*7e; headless rad snap
per, per pound. 8*10c; mullet, per bbl., 206
Iba.. net. 811-< | o; small snooks, per lb., 6*7c;
mixed fish, per lb., s*6c; mange snapper,
flounders, lb.. 6@7e: black bass, per lb., 10c;
bream and parch, per lb.. 7c; fresh water eat.
s*7c per lb.; select oysters, per gallop, 81.25*
1.40; standard, per gallon, 90c*8L
Salt, 100 lb bags. 56c; ice cream. 8100; white
fish, kits, 46c; 60 lbs., 83.75: 100 lbs., 84.90;
Royal Gloss starch. 3%c; beet gloss starcii,
B%c; World's corn starch. 4c; nickel packages.
83.75; pickles, 86-50; potash. $3 00.
Sugar, standard granulated, 5%c; plantation.
5%c. Coffee, green, bulk, 10*13c; Santos, xl*
13%c; roasted, bulk, Rio. Blue Ridge, 13%c;
Stonewall. 16c; AAAA, 14%c; Uno. 13c; rice,
Jap. 4%c; domestic, 5%*6%c; axle grease,
81.75; navy beans. 82.75 bushel; Lima beans,
6%c; cheese, full cream. 18c; soda. Farm Bell.
Quaker oats. wood. 36%, 83.25: Quaker oats,
pulp, 18%, 81 50; Quaker oats. tin. 36%, $4.25;
Quaker puffed rice. 36%, 84.25; Quaker puffed
wheat, 36%, 82.80, Quaker corn meal, 24%, 81-90;
Quaker corn flakes. 24'C. 81-80; Pettljobn's 36%,
$3.70; Pettljobn's 18%, 81-So. Quaker farina,
24%. 81-50; Quaker breakfast biscuits. 24%,
81.50; 24%, 81-70. pure rye flour, bbl.. $8.00; rye
flour mixture, $5.25; rye meal, bbl., $5; Postum,
large, $2.25; small. $2.70; gra;>e nut*. $2.70;
Post Toasties, popular stxe, $2.80; XXX gra
ham. bbls.. $5; kegs, $3.
English peas, fancy stock, per hamper. $2.25
*2.50; beans, round green, per hamper, $2.50*
3.00; do. wax, per hamper, $2.00*; toma
toes. fancy, one-halt to two-thirds ripe, per
crate, s'.'.&uu->-00; do. choice, one-half to two
thirds ripe, per crate, $2.00* 2.50; egg plants,
fancy, per crate, $2.50* 3.00; okra, fancy, per
crate. $3.00*3.50; pepper, fancy, per crate, $2.50
*3.00; squash, yellow, per crate, $2.35*2.
do. white, per crate, $2.00* 2,25; Irish potatoes,
new. fancy, per barrel, sß.oo* 9.00; do. new,
choice, per barrel, $7.00* 8.00; beets, barrel
crater, tops on, $3.00*3.60; cukes, fancy per erntu
$3.00*3.50; celery, well bleacben, large, per
crate, $2 50*3.00- de, choice, per crate, $2.W*
2.25; lettuce, fancy, i>er hamper, $2.60*3.00;
cabbage, Oxhearts. per crate, $2.00* 2.25; straw
berries. quality on arrival, per quart. 25*joc;
sweet potatoes, yellow yams, per bushel, 80*
85c; cauliflcwer, fancy, per pound, 8* 10c; pine
apples. per crate, $3.00* 3.50; grape fruit, fancy,
per box. $3.50*4.00; oranges, fancy, per box.
92.0C*2.25; tangerines, fancy, per box. $4.00
Bid. Asked.
Atlanta 4s, 19*. coupon lot
Atlanta 3'i> 90
Atlanta 4%5. 1922 ..» 104 105%
Atlanta Brewing ar ice Co 140
A., B. & A.. Ist 5s 50 Oft
Atlantic Ice A Coal Corporation .... 50 ....
Atlantic Ice & Coal Corporation, pf. 85
Atlanta Gas Light 5s 103% 104%
Atlunta aud West Point debs joj
Augusta and Savannah H 2% 11;It
Augusta Factory 65 iq
Central Bank and Trust Corporatlou. .160 152%
Cbatta. Station 4s 92
Central of Georgia. Ist inoctne 84 Bu%
Central of Georgia, 2nd income so
Central of Georgia. 3d income 75 so
Dixie Cotton Mills 6s 92%
Fourth Naticnal Bonk 212 2x7
Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills
Georgia Electric Light 5s 103
Ga. Ry. A Elec, common 107
Ga. Hr. A Electric, pf 89
Ga. Rv. aud Electric, coupon 6a .. ..100 10:%
Ga. Savings Bank A Trust Co.. ..140 150
Ga. State 4%a. 1915, coupon 103% hi;,%
Ga. Railroad and Banking Co 250 255
Trust Company of Georgia 130
Ga R. H. ♦ Banking Co. new 4s 115%
Lowry National Bank 240
Liberal trl&i offer In full puge bpbgiiiiceMnftni
on last paa« of this iiiuo.
PONTIAC. Mich. March 21.—Harry Hamilton,
48 years old, secretary of the General Motors,
and general manager of the Rapid Motor, died
at bla borne here this morning, after a week's
illness with acute neperitts.
He began Ute as a newsboy and was com
pelled to work for a living. At bls death he
was one of the influential men of the automo
bile world. He organised the South Rapid
Motor plant here, now the largest commercial
plant In the world. He became unconscluse
last Monday night and died without regaining it
He is survived by bis wife and two children.
NEW YORK, March 21.—A new humane
society which goes the older organisa
tions one better in its crusade, has just
been organized here. Its aim is a cam
paign against ti e use of sponges.
The sponge, according to a circular let
ter sent out by the new society, is an
animal that is very much alive when
fished up from the depths of the sea. and
suffers inexpressible torture before death,
which is accomplished by allowing him
to He on the deck of a ship in the burn
ing sun until he expires.
LIBERTY. Miss.. March 21.—Moat towns and
cities cvelebrate their centennials with fire
works and oratory. But not Liberty.
It observed its 100th anniversary by shipping
a earload of molasses today, *ud according to
the consensus of opinion, “it was a fitting cele
bration." It was the first shipment of the kind
< ver made here, due to the fact that many
farmers, with the coming of the boll weevtl.
hate turned from the planting of cotton to the
<ultivation of sugar cane.
Vidalia Forms Bank
VIDALIA. Ga.. March 21. —A meeting wns
lieid at the offi< e of the mayor this evening
tnd the First National Bank of Vidalia, with a
capital stock of $58,008 was organized. A larg>
"iinlicr of the atockholdrrs «'re present and of
'■ era were c'c< :o<l as follows: J. A. Sims, pres
• -n: : M. leader, vice president: Directors.
’S'. V. 'lUnn-.son. J. 11. I’uggnn. J. M. Sharpe.
A. Sim». x. 1.. Gillis, w. t>. Donovan, C. E.
Adan.s. M. Leader.
HM’*’ Only one to a cui-
This Dainty
K 'Two-Piece
Lace Jabot
BffT' l Hand-Made Lace
® ®’» inches long
Efiyhl ioc p, ;r
Yr' y 1 J’’ l Uy Worth 50c
wl A ~ We want y° ur
■k .itYflTjvi name so that we
M Jj tywWsMl rni > send our
-Mfejjßaggfll New spring Style
CataloKue No. of
■Sfi AWFaWa l’"'i" :in 'l ■' Vork
'TM sl >' 1 ' ,|4 i' ! , e of
1 < barge. That is
why we make this
great offar.
a Fulton fit.
Established 14 years
PITTSBURG, March 21.—District At
torney at the opening of crim
inal court today, made uie statement
that he had received the confession of
' Captain” Johnny Klein and other “cor
roborative evidence” regarding alleged
councilmanlc irregularities of 1908 and
that he would proceed against the per
sons named in Klein’s confession to the
dullest extent of the law."
>lours before tne assembling of the
grand the crowded otfice of the
district attorney and the general air
of suppressed excitement about the
court house portended a sensational
day. Indictments, over a score In num
ber, are expected to issue from today’s
grand jury session.
Klein, seated in the district attorney’s
office, refused to add to his statement
made Saturday.
To eliminate needless uelay In han
dling the cases reported to be certain to
come up out of the former councilman’s
confession, county ju*g»s c/hferred dur
ing the morning as to uie advisabilit'
of one of their number sitting as a
“committing magistrate,’ and upon in
formations mane by the district attor
ney issue bench warrants vuereby elim
inating much of the red tape ordinarily
accompanying proceedings in graft
Holy week has begun as a confessional
season among men who sit or have sal
in the legislative councils of Pittsburg,
and it is to experience, says District At
torney Will A. Blakely, an exposure of
municipal graft so malodorous that citi
zens will gasp.
The ball which little “Capt.” John K.
Klein set rolling by confession of his
bribe-taking and of the alleged implica-l
tion of 60 or more other councilmen of]
his day and this, has already drawn withi
it up to today admission of guilt in one!
degree or another, from a dozen of hisl
associates. *i
About 100,000 graft-stained dollars, Its
is alleged, were Involved in the effort of p
six banks in Pittsburg to buy cotmcil-j
manic votes in 1908. in favor of ordl-.
nances making the banks depositories for
the city’s money.
Y. m. c7 aTis building
,NEW YORK, March 21.—An aeroplane
of the bi-plane type, designed to carry
two persons, is being built at the West!
Side Y. M. C. A. by the man who took ’
the course of study in aeronautics offered
by the association for the first time last
During their course, the men were prac
ticing with model aeroplanes. With the
beginning of what they term the season
of 1910 they resolved to build a full-sized j
high-power aeroplane. It will be com-4
pleted within a month. fl
ROME, March 21.—The Italian cabinet
resigned today.
The retirement of the ministry, which
was formed on December 10, 1909. with
Baron Sidney Sonuino as premier, was
due to the realization that the govern
ment’s mercantile marine subsidy measure
was doomed to death.
The most valuable result of 20 years’ work!
at Railway Engineering tn the tropics was tlu-l
important discovery of a simple, harmless herlil
that ia an actual specific for Diabetes, a dis I
ease hlttn-rto considered incurable. To prove that I
it will give Immediate relief In the most ag I
gravated eases. I will send a 50c. package (one l
week's supply) for only 25c. I
Write me today, and s-e how quickly Dlabetoll
Herb will reduce both the specific gravity an-ll
the sugar, restore weight and build up tn- 1
system. Spread the good news to the
Booklet and diet list piailed free. F. M.
Ames. Box 37. Whitney Point, N. Y.
IF YOU are a woman, there are new secrets i
you should know. They will save you ttmi-i
and trouble. Scud your name and get them. I
Southern Supply Co., Box 292. Roosville, Ga. I
llinnV 1>,,0k o1 description* and photos
tin fl KK I mailed sealed. Free The Exchange.
lIIHIIIII Box 829 F. U., Kansas City, Mo.
UinnV Best plan on earth, sent free. Pho
nP FH H I toa of «v*7y l«dy member. The
lIIHIIII I Pilot, Dept. 67. Marshall. Mich.
monial paper containing hundreds adrertEe-J
ment* marriageable people from nil s>- *l<-rs.l
rich. poor, young, old. Protestants, Catholics.*
mailed sealed free. H. H. Gunnel*. Toll do. I
Ohio. '
Treatment Mailed Free
Na More Danger, Horror, Dread or Expensa
of Surgeon’* Knife
* Thoee who have thi* dreaded and danger
tv oua disease, with its suffering, torture, ex-
cruciating pain or tantalizing itching, will
IwA. hail with joy this simple,
* inexpensive and barmless
*i | tomedy which can be used
11 iD theptivney of their own
||’* b home* and without inter-
’ 1 foreni e with business or ■
’ household duties.
It makes surgical opera
tions unnecessary, for it
qnlckty reduces swelling and congestion, stop, U
bleeding and itching, heals ulcers, sores and irri L
fated parts. Here is a sample of what the Remedy ®
M dully dmng: “
“After suffering terribly for over fourteen years
with piles, I was entirely cured by using one box
of your Remedy.”— l.. E. Wrrlev. Jamrsfou n. Ky. 1
A trial treatment wilt he sent by mall, a J
plain package, abrnlutrlv free, to any sufferer who (
will send name and address. AU correspondence
confidential. Don’t suffer longer. Write today.
Addr.-ss Capital Drug Co.. 1H Hunt Block.
Augusta. Maine.
WE CAN HELP you to help yourself. We sell
our products to the consumer on "The FREE
HUAI. I*I.AN.” Fstrmers demand it. LARGEj
PROFITS TO SALESMEN. Wo set you up ltd
l-usincss with exclusive territory, your only iu I
vestment lieiug a t 1 am. harness and wagon. Ad-’
dress with age aud reference.
Blair, Neb.
SALESMEN WANTED—No experience required.
Hundreds of good positions now open paying
from SIOO to SSOO a month and expenses. Why be
contented with a poorly paid position, hard or
dirty work, when you can earn from two to
ten times what you now earn? The demand for
salesmen always exceeds the supply. Our free
book. "A Knight of the Grip,” will show you
how to become a first-claa* salesman and our
Free Employment Bureau will assist you to
secure a good position. Write for full particu
lars toduv. Address neatest office. Dept. 537, 1
National Salesmen Training Association At-!
lanta. New York. Chicago, Kansas City, Minne
apolis, San Francisco. ’
WANTED—At St. Luke s hospital. South Beth
lehem, Pa.,- young women for the training
school for nurses. They must be between 20 and
33 years of age. have a good common school ed
uactlon, and be In good health and in good
physical condition. Besides the uniform aud the
necessary text books the hospital will pay a
small salary during the three years of train
Ing. Address for particulars. St. Luke's Hospit
al, South Bethlehem. Pa.
MEN \V ANTED—To prepare for next railway
mail, internal revenue, customs and postofiica
examinations. SSO to $125 monthly. Annual va
cation; short hours; steady work. Common ed
ucation sufficient. Over 15.000 appointments this
venr. Political influence nnnecesary. M rite Im
mediately for schedule of spring examinations.
Candidates prepared free. Franklin Institute,
Dept. R., 40, Rochester, N. Y.
YOUNG men for railtoad firemen, brakemen,
baggagemen; $75-SICO to start; early promo
tion; experience unnecessary; state age, weight
ami height. Address Railway Bureau, 689 Pan
ama Bldg., St. Lot:ia. Mo.
eling. Salary or commission. Full tima or
sideline. Good pay; promotion. Experience un
necessary. Address Morotock Tobacco works.
Box K-14, Danville, Va.
WANTED—Two traveling salesmen for each
state: salary and expenses; permanent posi
tion; experience not absolutely essential. Ad
dress, E. A. Brown Tobacco Co., Greensboro.
N. C.
WANTED—Railway mail, P. O. clerks, city and
rural carriers. Prepare now for examination;
Write for schedule and Free Trial Lesson. Vx
ment. Dept. 30-R, St. Louis, Mo.
AGENTS—Either sex. $25 weekly. No scheme
dr fake outfit to sell. Send for full particu
lars aud make big money. MeDevltt Co.. 977
Arledge St., Hattiesburg, Miss.
GOOD MEN wanted to sell galvanized steel wlrs ]
fish traps on halves. Price creek traps, $1; •
river traps. $2.50, Write us. Liles & Crowson,
Bivins. Tex.
AGENTS wanted to sell Native Herbs: $1 box
250 tablets for 50e. Write P. Melrose, Colum
bus. Ohio.
•nd furnish rig and all •■penaae ta Intraduaa poultry ]
•nd stock powders; new plan; steady work. Address
fl Monthly end expenses to men and wom
*>n ,0 advertise, leave samples and col-
VUU lect names. Write at once. Silverton
Co., M-11, Chicago.
H ———
• i Ti 2 GJVENpr,
hell 10packs Prof. Smith’s
Hair Tonic and Dandruff
Remedy at 100 each. WE TRUST YOU. Wh%s\old
return the SI and we h wend these 2hand9ome rines or
choice from premium list. A reliable firm, eaten i« veare
ROSEBUD PERFUME CO., Baa Woodsboro, Md.
/Z YOL Twkf-otr I lb.aday.* ■* ■ *
C<'"U.v. until your figure !>■ KJH
y n’Tb-ct. p
’ FX » vU tut medicine., no tireionte exer
f/ *** vW Alwohitelv oulcke.t * l»e»t method.
I %- .tomach, fat hip*, doable chia »nni.h. .
I ©x » BShortne.. of bieu'h. aothma. rheum.tiim, kidney |
a\ heart trouble* leave a. the f»t goo. *w»r
* *‘tm«me Ol . Write for FREE PROOF
TREATMENT,Book ofValuable Advice A Te.timonr»J.
free. Co.t. you ab.olutely nothing. Ev.rythtn» |
pluiu envelope. Adire.., DR. H. C. BRADFORD.
272. Bradford Building. 20 E. 22d Street. New York.
Dr. Bradford is rtQular physician,hcetned by StateafN.Y. i
(ABOUT tEIVRAaW 1 i/cb NTS with 90 rere Poet Card Views.
V law Balbi nr Girls' Flirtetiou! etc.—fold, eilver. blue,
etuboaeod, sic., no trash. U. *. CARD CO., LA VERGNE, ILL*
1 -
Would You Like
trear a beautiful suit made to your
t measures, tailored in latest Chi
style, if the price was less than yon
r ordinary ready-made storeclothes?
rite at once for free samples
id full particulars. We ship on ap
iroval, expreiM prepaid, absolutely
ruarantee perfect fltsnd satisfaction
Agents Wanted
Any bright man can make *25.00 a
week luhls spare time tskfngorders
for our Une custom tailoring. Our
samples, new np-to-date styles and
w prices surprise everybody. Orders
□me easy. We give exclusive terrl
ory. You can build up a fine business
or yourself on our capital. We fur
shagentssatuple, andouttlt free add
plain everything. You cen't fail,
i money or experience required. If
erested ask for agent’s outfit and
II make you a special inside price on
t for yourself as a sample; or else
te show this ad to someone who
(1 appreciate It. for It is a wonderful
rtunity. Address
innor Tailoring Co.
p*t 363 CHICAGO, ILL.
BtE Ul■ls Nk for Treasure Seekers. Booklet Free.
PltJwlU F a M AGEWYJ*» Elk St.. PALMYRA.
« I ' Bur >«rosene the AI. ADD Pi MAXTT.B
I6>*WOwVC?N LAX ’ gen.r.te* f.. that give, a light more bril-
Sa b* ll * *b*“ ci *y ***■ g*M>lin. or alactricity.
Imk- u) Simple, odorleee, elean, >afe and durable
SKdlw"—la revolutiooixing lighting everywhere. Needed .
in every home. Every lamp guaranteed. Selle !
itrelt Our Sunh..u> Burner, fit other lamp(.
My cur oeareet oftlce how you can get a lam.
froa or apply for Avencv Proposition TH*
MANTLE LAMPCO.of Amsrlca.Oask 5,6
Vhlo«<o» Portiaad, Otm-j Woterburj, C’oaa.; MontrteL
9tEm-BEt wßfeih wrb Laadgomely d»-
OMe » •**•. OVARANTIED 6
/LaL Y’fßyA <s.f 11 YEARS. Alto dalßty r!o<, »•< two spark-
Vs / JjjffOFdw jßwalrywday. Wbaa
v> Af’* JtDTjFecld ••nd |2 and w» wfl! ,
a watch.rtßf aid ahala '
MW* Conpaay, Dept. A J Chlcaga {
Oar Amari-an made, atom wind watch with batetb
daalfnfd oM«,fa.'ta»y-9aate<l. (uaraateed far S
J bbA axQulalta ria< aat with a brilliant atena
Rj I* high grada art poatenrda
I'bt R«knt. Order 10 pack eta
Whan told, wad ua 0
poaltirely rend you <
» °° c * chain.
Mfg. Co. Copt. 576 Chtcogo
Huntlna oaee. beautifully tujraved. roi l finished tbrenghaot. stem wind and
item Mt. fitfed with 7 F'iby jeweled Atiieriaan leter moremant Guaractead
3i* yeara; with loa< gold plated chain far Ladioa ar tut chain for Ganta.
20 Tear Guarantee*
IF TO! SRF IT YOl' WILL R( Y IT. Let ua aend It tHfhout expenta to |
ycuC.O D •xprtMctarreepa!’! by nt. for axaninadaa at your nearee* •ipraaa
offi ce and if you think It a bargain and equal In appearance to aa» lift 00pold
I o’*bed watch pay the exrreoa afent fl." 95 and !t la raurs. Menden If yon
LADIES.’ MEN’S « BOYS’ Mm Addroto
M.C. FARBER, E47. >2O Daarbarn St., CHICAGO, ILU
Xmcricxn Movement Watch. Beautifully eo
graved csk. warranted time keeper, ai.<
SF chain and Signet Ring, all given Free fo> '
“•Mini. 20 piece, jewelry at 10ct» ea. Writ.
WjH for jewelry. When .01d..-ml ue the $2.00
Ea »nd we .end Watch, Ring
.»SP and Chain. ”
Katie Watch Co.
Oept. 6 , Beet Beales, laaa.
V '• relented Im. jowate,duatband. patent rafnlntar. ;
onatn«*o4 dial, jeweled eqanonaat* -'n balnaae, baa ,
60ht> Lxiit i.ovsLfc Hirriva cast
k** dfhlly enftaved. ta ofir* wind and tat. per
\. f*ttly adjuoud. tim*d. tee’od, rofnla’ed and
«( ARANTIFn for*
’ Liy'? < 7 ’rNr- ,20 TEARS. The fir aat wa*ch oeor •f*re4* a*
» low prion. Bent with free ahala and
w * i 111 ur,ES - *»•«-•• «*•
<L- If e >1 aa r*i rMented aad worth Nur Unit tba
,*g.l -'moeavwoatk fortv rotrm at Owr Hxpoßsa.
FRC FM Wet d warehan fer BMIO,
X - SuFwatoh free. Do ya i want Santa ’or Ladled *Ho watotf
6 EASTER POSTCARDS free for 2c stamp. '
Byron Forrest Co., Dept. 142. Chicago. |
r A XjV A n , k O s patent application.
Free booklet. Milo B. Stevens A Co. Establish
ed 1864 . 740 14th street, Washington. D. C.. 356
Monadnock Block. Chicago.
Marriage directory FREE. Pay when married,
j New plan. Box 314 M. Q.. Kansas City. Mo. ;
! FOR SALE. FEATHERS—AII kinds of domes
tic feather*. Live geese feathers a specialty, i
Write for samples and prices. R. S. Eubank’. I
73% South Broad street, Atlanta. Ga. j
AGENTS, portraits 35c; frames 15c. Sheet pic- i
tures Ic, stereoscopes £sc. Views Ic. 30 days
credit. San plea aud catalogue free. Consolidated
Portrait, Dept. 4563, 1027 W. Adam* St., Chicago. |
HEEMAS saa??
Mk '7lv‘ «f "With «>1« yvuvf—t. Uuamatwt tb« w- nr- r
bwtmate. leterMtia, bovklvt f,.r Set. Hasm- ** rv E. U-
• P. AM. xcescT. leftist, ptnrvzt. r«
RICE —100 pounds beautiful, c>an. white table
rice, in double sacks, deliv» ed, freight pre
paid, to vottr railroad station, as follows: Whole
long grain rice, $6.50; half long grain rice, |
$4.<K): cracked rice, $3.50. Reference, Houston
National Exchange Bank, J. Ed. Cabanalss,|
Rice Farmer, Katy, Tex.
NEW household novelties. 200 proven winners.
Agents wanted (then or women) for part or i
whole time. Goods sell themselves—one sale
means many more. Write quick for our big.
free, special introductory offer. Household Sup
ply & Mfg. Company. 305 Milwaukee St., Daven
port, la.
i— Write for 6 boxes Standard |
K:>>l *'i 'l'abiets to mH at ■
cts. each. We send Tablets
JF postpaid and allow 30 days to
sell them. When ‘Sold return
$1.50 and we send this genuine Solid Gold Band
Ring. STANDARD REMEDY CO. 5 Cortlandt
St.. New York City.
RIBBON cane *eed, guaranteed pure, makes
500 gallons syrup per acre; grows on any soil
like corn. Sample package 10c; bushel $3. !
Large package (enough to plant one acre,, by
mall, postpaid, 50c. Lyle Seed Co., Bivins, Tex.
■■ MONTHLY aelUng the Dr.
. B*S|*M S Villi Haux famous Perfect Vision
‘Ed 111 £UI! Spectacle*—finest and cheap-
. , eet on earth. Write for agent* ,
and dealers twin. DR. CO..
Desk 170. Haux Building. St. Louis. Mo,
WRITE Monroe Stevens. Shellman. Ga.. for
Cabbage Plants at 25 cents per 100 by mail,
I ■ M ■!■■■.. |
I FOR SALE—Two thousand bushels velvet bean i
seed. Three hundred pounds Watson melon
' seed. W. F. Bozeman, Leesburg, Fla.
Seal Line FREE
to Introduea
gy Yv 1’0*: eatohea two fi»h to the com-
hook’s one. xGBKTS wasted.
Send 15c riampaforono KINO FISH ER hook. 15 silver fin
ish Cincinnati has* hooks and three good strong line*,
postpaid l.oco were sold in oneetty in one vear by agent*.
Jacks. Jennies and Saddle Horses; 260 head te I
select from. Tamworth Swine, all ages. Cata- j
logue now ready.
J. T. COOK & CO., - Laxlngrton. Ky
T : Klng *
Bw selling seven 25c
■kSU: h »x•• "Merit" lilauitg >’l"
Tablet* in 80 daysA ’*>' J
»IM gnl4. ■ | i
MERIT Medielao Co.. Boo* 14 CUcluati. Okie.
|GO ON THE STAGE—We teach you how. Book- j
j let free. Vernon School. 104 Franklin Bldg., ,
• Chicago.
I Tool’s prolific. Won first prize from Planters’ 1
I Fertilizer works, of Charleston and State Fair 1
association for largest yield. Very early. Makes '
40 per cent lint. 75c In 25-bn. lots. 90c in I
small lots. R. B. Ijmey.
each. Kenut sl.a> when
sold and we will send arf S
these four ring* free. *'
Dept z Ka»i BmUb, Baas.
Sell Fruit Trees
WE WANT good men all over the Southern
States to sell fruit trees. By oar plan sales
men make big profits. No trouble to sell our
stock. Terms very liberal. Write today. SMITH
BROS.. Dept. 30, Concord. Ga.
MffiFish Bites®
nse MAGIC FISH LI 81. Beat fish bait
ever discovered. Write to-day and get a
box to help introduce it. Agents wanted.
i * J. F. Gregory, Dept. 5. Bt. Louia, Mo
I HAVE had twelve years’ experience on the
road in various lines, training others. Why
pay so much to be a salesman when I can you instructions for P. O. money order 1
of 50c? Address. Andrew B. Nix, Folsom, Ga.
Bartow Co., R. F. D. 1.
TO OUR Friends and the Public: We are now
readv to fill orders for eggs from the follow
ing can fully mated and high bred chickens:
fe. C. Brown Leghorns at $1.50 per 15; S. 1.
Rhode Island Reds at $1.50 per 15; R. C. Rhode
Island Re«i« at $1.50 per 15; Barred Plymoiirh
Rock at $2.00 per ’5; Buff Plymouth Kock at
SI.OO per 15: Mammoth Bronx turkey al 35c
j each, (’lover Dale Farm. Cave Spring. Ga.
LADIES—Make shields at home. sl2 per IW.
Material furnished. Stamped envelope par
ticulars. Wayne Supply Co., Dept. A. J., De
troit, Mich.
Marvel Aatamatlc HonLaluid them everytime.
Be'.t everybody ' etching fl.h We offer a FHEI box
xndSatnpleHuokvforhelpingtointroducethem Write
JAPAIESE WELTY CO., Ospt, 110 Cllrits, lows.
LADIES—Save your combings and nave me
make von a nice “Three Stem Switch" for
only sl. (Mlssi Sarah Maude Williams, Roa
noke, Ala.
Royal Money & Stamp Co.
150 Nassau Street
[MI New York City
LADY agents wanted to sell my lice and mite
killer on poultry. H. W. Durrant. Coffee
ville Miss.
• Rpaaleh Needles. Rod*. Goldometers for
1 ocatine Gold. Silver and bidden treasure*
Ouriustrumentaare the bert. Cat. * cents.
I JI Miners Supply Oe. Dept 5 , Fatrny ra,F»
RICE—IOO pounds beautiful, elean, white table
rice delivered In double sacks, freight prepaid,
to your railroad station, 34.60. J. Ed Cabanlss.
Rice Farmer, Katy. Texas.
■ —*
sr jfo*
ilors like I
Absorbs !
tree* '
.ch an en
it prepaid j
back if
y' Friant!
suit, Ms.
rFREE Whiskey 1 ]
Half Pint of the Famous Camp Spring
! A genuine pure, straight Whiskey,
guaranteed by ns nnder the Pure
Food Laws. Send us 25c, to pay ex
pressage. and we will send you a y'
nandiome, heavily nicketfrd, aeyew r
top flask filled with Camp Spring
1 Whiskey and a beautiful, ornamen- AEjijwJ)
tai, aluminum drinking cup —All vacae
Free. Express paid. Send at once rKrAII
and let us prove to rnujitonr ex- ____
ponse that Camp Spring Whiskey i*JR
the purest, mellowest and moat d.e W '\J' u *-
lictous whiskey Kentucky eve.- pm
dueed. Or send ns $3 for4fn,l quart
bottle* Camp Spring, expres* pre
paid, and wo will send along, free.
the half-pint flaak and drinking . ip.
Cousunsm DM. Co.. 1457Luet* St. Loa!*, Mn.
Fits or
Falling Sickness
November 18. 1909
Kansas City, Mo.
Dear Sir:—l began giving your medic<n«
; for Epilepsy to my son, on January “• 736 L.
I and I am glad to tell you that he baa never
had the slightest symptom of the disease j
from that day. He Is a bright. Intelligent
' young man now, and I shall hold you 1n
grateful remembrance as long as I live for
saving the life of my son.
R. 2, Box 82, Grafton. HL*
/ wish every person in the U. S. .of
- with Fit., Epilepsy or Falling
Sicknet. to .end for one of my large .
sized 16-oz. bottles FREE.
DR. F. E. GRANT, Dept. 73 Kansas Chy, Mo.
Let Us Prove I*
W W 32.50 worth FREE
Filling and Nervous spell*
of any kind let us sead you
iT-TSZI a good trial treat
'■ ,W ment cf cur wonderful Brsi,i
afcawswterß “ d Nerve Restoratives,
H undreds receive roarted
iß pennanent relief from thfci
free Trial Trralmtnfslsnsi
I and we want to prove its
wonderful efficiency to every
sufferer. No matter bow
serious yeuv case, or who has
fatted to cure you. there h
ho ** so » «» »"»•
' ment. U’rite to-day for ths
Frt< Tn»l Treatmentua.
}. .% j.' let the remedies speak fc» .
I j v*£jH themselves. Address Dr..
% .rjfiM Peebles Institute, Battle-
Creek. Mkhw 166 Mad. Sa
Health, Vigor, Happiness.
A trial treatment of a moat wonderful remedy for _
the cure of Nervous Debility, Lost Vitalty. De
spondenrw. Kidney and Bladder troubles, or any
form of Physical Weakness, etc., is being mailed
I absolutely tree of charge by the celebrated Pro
I fessor Fowler. This remedy goes straight to the
mark and the sufferer does not have to wait a life
time before feeling and enjoying its curative ■
effects. Indeed, the most amazing results have
been produced with these trial packages alone. All
the sufferer needs to do to get strong, vigorous
and healthy, is to send his name and address to
Professor Fowler and the medicine will be immed
iately forwarded to him in a perfectly plain pack
, age with nothing whatever to pay on it. Address*
Prof. F. C. FOWLER, New London, Conn.
M ki
q| m
• Why despair, if others have failed: send at ease for a trea-
• use and Free Bettie of my infallible remedy. Ihavemada
the disease of Fits, Epilepsy or Fallin* Si:kaess a life-tons
study, and wawant my remedy ta pivr immediate aad aaeeeaa.
ml relief. I have hundreds of testimonials from those whs
have been cured. Give express and P. O. address.
W. H. PMF.KICa F.r.. 4 Cedar Bt.. Sew YerM
and other drag habits are positively cured by
HABITTNA. For hypodermic or internal
use. Sample sent to any drag habitue *
by mail, in plain wrapper. Regular price 82.00.
1110 Hamad BullSlna »4- Leals, Ma.
Send small bottle of your morn
ing urine. I will make analyst* p '
■nd forward opinion of case free.’
If tired of being experimented
upon by physicians who guess at
your disease, consult a water
doctor. Interesting 68-page book ’
free. Mailing case for urine fuc- v
nished on receipt of 2c-stam|t%
Dr O. D. Shafer. 197 Garfie! I,
Place, Cincinnati, O.
ROnDCV Cured; quick relief; remove*all *v.eHing tn B
UH U l O I t o 20 day,; 30 to 60 day, effect, permanent
; cure. Trial treatment given free Io sufferer,; nothing fairer.
For circular,, testimonial, and free trial treatment write
Dr. H. H. Cress’s Ssas, Boz A Atlanta. Ga
plensant, permanent. Physicians astnuufieii-
Greatest discovery of century. Send your ad
dress at once. Ni Ko Works, No. 3. Wichita,
IfJUL -L 1 . ."A MB,
irrigated Land
The greatest fruit and alfalfa valley in Amer-a
lea Is now open for settlement at Fort Stock- "
ton. Tex.: rich alluvial, natural flow of pure
spring water exceeding 55,000.000 gallon* per
for irrigation and domestic use; watef -ei land’*’
now; assured profits of from SIOO to SI,OOO per «
acre: no drouth: uo crop failures; finest all-year,,
round climate in the United Stat-re: altitude 3060
feet above sea level. Fort Stockton is
seat of Pecos county and important division* 4
point on the Kansas City, Mexico and Orient <
railway, now under construction; populating*
now 1.600; will soon be a city of from 10,000 to
15.000. Greatest opportunities .for homeseekcr*
snd investors than were even offered in the
older irrigated district*, where orchard* am. -
valued at from $2,000 to $5,000 per acre. Uliolcs* 3
locations open to those who investigate nose.
Low rate excursion* first and third Tuesday*
of each month. You cannot afford to buy laud
anywhere without seeing Fort Stockton. ®' <> r r 4
full information address FORT STOCKTON IR
RIGATED LANDS CO., 522 Fidelity Trust Bldg.,
Kansas City, Mo.
1 Full Quart
Try II Al Our Expense
There are all *ort* of claims
n r - ' for superiority among distiller*
£ I 4CSO 1 and Mail Order Whiskey Houses
1 Si I , 1 and while we feel sure that our
r 5 Feis 3 6tar whiskey e,n ’*.£*
I ». »* M ;lk • beat, or even equaled In quality
o • . 1 or price atillwe are not going t»
S £ I ’ w::a I atk anyone to risk their money 1
> Q. rj I f -I on our judgment; therefore, we
I I Srr 1 are going to give, absolutely
U » I 1 free, one full quart bottle to
£S I • »•*»• Wewant you to prove, by Z
* f i L_±L_. drinking it. that Fela. 3 Star
v | Whiskey la pure wholesome,
> es imar ’Si fully aged, mellow as ean be. ,
? w IK H and above all has real whiskey
“ IK B strength. We want you to add -
W IKLaJK half water to it if yon Hks.,
and we say that you will
atlll have stronger aaf*
better whiskey than moat *
JUT Mail Order Houses eel I. •
» at our price Anyone
BgfßKf can easily understand
-w-ffli that should we ju»t *en<i
ons bottles of wblaker
,free we would be flooded
with requests by unscru
-gy 7*w pulotis people and deal
Kjfe Zera and lay ourselves
open to a fearful on
riiKgr "IdMIWhW slanght This we can
t Aay r -tdo. nevertheless ths
a•v.ybottle is free So house*
I Here is out offer:
i' w ® Trlll ** Q<l you end
quart bottle of Fols
iarrnMl’/ ?' 3-Star Whiskey absolute
■ -• «!v fr ''® wnh v ' ,ur flro
JF of ifSLIJ order for 8 full quart
B wJz Arzzf ZB I bottles of Fela £Star *
I Whiskey .for 83 4s. ex
• I pressprepaid Afteryou -
Ms -4T;I receive the 3 full *sui
I bottler open oneot there
I test it anywav you ilka
and if not entirely satis
EaS® lllv factory you may return ’
the remaining 8 bottles
to us. keep the extra
free bottle and we will immediately return youriS c;
Or send ns 82 96 for « full quart bottles of Fe »3_
F'ar Whiskey express prepaid and we will Include
one teal bottle free Test the free bottle and if not
absolutely aatisfactory and the bestwhiskey rouevec i
tits edatany price returntoustbetbottles,keeptao
free bottle and we will refund your*? *5. With each i
order we give a free Gold Tipped Glass and Paten*
Corkscrew Remember we say we pay the express
charges look close before you permit some of tbs ■
low prices of Mali Order House* to get you* order
and make you pay the express charges.
We mean io prove at our expense, bygiving a r«w
test bottle, that Fels 3 Star Whiskey has no cquat
' Our qnars bottles are full 32-ounce quart* and nw»
short quarts and we guarantee every »tatemen* wo
mate and back tnem with our paid np capital f t
*'.oo 000 00 If you want real wb’ta y and no* wets
watery concoction* send u* your remittance on o-. ■*
f reete**propc*ltion that will provemorethanwecan
write Mate remlttaccespayabletoA. Pels. e*
168 Fels Buildiu Kansas Mo.,