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wants you to try a full-sized one dollar box of Bodi-Tone at z‘/y risk
and expense , so that you will get acquainted with this new scientific
medicinal combination, which is going to become the foremost medi
cine used by the American People. We want you to send us the
Bodi-Tone Coupon printed on this page, giving us your full name and
address, and the dollar box of Bodi-Tone will be sent by next post,
without a penny for you to pay unless it tones all your body. Bodi-Tone
is just what its name means — a tone for all the body and we want you
to try it and see what it will do for your body. Bodi-Tone is a little
round tablet that is taken three times every day, either before or after
meals, whichever the user prefers.
five Bodi-Tones, enough for twenty-five days’ continuous use, and we
send you the full box without a penny in advance, so that you can try
it and learn what it is, so you can learn how easy and simple it is to
take, so you can learn how it works in the body, how it helps nature
to tone every organ in the body.
is a new remedy, but the ingredients which compose it are as old as
the science of medicine itself. Its composition is not secret. Every one
of the twelve valuable ingredients which go to make up Bodi-Tone
are well known to all doctors of all schools; each has a well defined,
well known and thoroughly established place in the realm of medicine,
I each has its own well known work to do in the body, and each is
I prescribed by physicians every day in the year. Among the ingre
dients which compose Bodi-Tone are Iron, for the Blood, Phosphate,
to help tone the Lithia for the Kidneys, Gentian, for the
Stomach, Asiatic Rhubarb, for the Liver, Cascara, which restores tone
to the Bowels and Intestines, and Peruvian Bark for the General
System. We claim no credit for these ingredients, each of which has
its own well deserved place in the Materia Medicas of all the civilized
world, and are recommended by all modern medical writers and teachers
—we simplv claim credit for the manner in which they are combined,
for the proportions used, for the remedy —Bodi-Tone, which they
make and which we want to send you immediately, as soon as you
write for it, so you can try it and learn how it acts.
is no new-fangled, secret, mysterious, ‘discovered by accident,” Egyp
tian, Indian, Chinese, Shaker or Quaker remedy. It depends upon
no superstition or romantic story to make people believe in its efficacy.
It is the scientific prescription of well known and competent doctors
and chemists, and is compounded in one of the largest and best known
pharmaceutical laboratories in the United States. It was conceived
with the purpose, which we announce to all the world, to give the
people a pure and safe household and home medicine, one that has
medical authority behind it, one that doctors could sanction and
approye,one whose composition could be boldly proclaimed, and being
all this, it is destined to become foremost proprietary medicine of
| the century, a genuine pure food and drug medicine. Bodi-Tone, though
a modern scientific medicinal combination, is prepared from such
' remedies which the common people as well as the doctors knozu to be
good' which they can place confidence in, which they know they can
B@dE°T©nn@ ° Onn©gi^© g Hfcu
safely use, and most of all, is composed of things which make it a
good remedy. It is right all through, from the first to the last ingre
dient, a remedy that knows its work in the body and does it in away
that satisfies the body-owner. It is a pure remedy, that all the family,
young and old, can use. It contains no poisonous drugs, it contains no
harmful drugs, it contains nothing that we are ashamed to tell all the
world, it contains no ingredient that your own family doctor will not
endorse and say is.a good thing. It does not depend on drugging the
body. It does not kill pain with opium or morphine. It does not
excite the body with alcohol, but it tones the body with the remedies
nature intended to tone the body, when that power was given to them.
offers its valuable services to you right now, right from this page, if
you are sick, if you need medicinal help, if your body is not in right,
natural and normal tone. That is what Bodi-Tone is ,sor — to help
nature restore tone to the body, to help nature restore normal health,
energy, vigor, strength and weight. If there is anything wrong with
your Stomach, Bodi-Tone helps to tone the Stomach, helps to set the
wrong right. If there is anything wrong with your Kidneys, Bodi-
Tone helps to restore tone to the Kidneys, helps to set them right. If
there is anything wrong with your Blood, your Liver, your Bowels or j
your General System, the ingredients in Bodi-Tone, which are endowed
by nature with a special action in these parts, go right to work and keep !
on working day after day, exerting always a well understood, definite
action that produces general results of the kind sufferers appreciate.
If you have Rheumatism, Bodi-Tone, a splendid eliminant, helps to
eliminate the LTic Acid from the system while it restores tone to the
Kidneys, Stomach and Blood, thereby exerting a continual anti-rheu
matic effect, which makes it hard for rheumatism to obtain or retain
a foothold in the system. Bodi-Tone should be used by all women |
suffering from any of their various troubles, for its toning properties
are especially valuable in such ailments.
is especially urged for all chronic sufferers, who have tried honest, I
reputable physicians at home and elsewhere without getting the relief
and permanent benefit desired. If your local doctor is doing you no
real good, if you have given him a real and honest chance to do what
he can, and the medical combinations he has used have failed, then
give this scientific, modern combination of old-time remedies a chance to
show what it can do for you.
A TAH ©1! B©dln°T©ni]@
is vours for the asking. You need not send any money — do not send
any stamps. The Bodi-Tone Company wants to spend every penny
of the trial’s cost, wants to n
send the medicine to you. I JB©(Hln a T©El(B C®W)©El I
wants you to give it a trial Clipped From Atlanta Journal.
c r 11 • j r. aX: I BODI-TONE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILLS. fa
for a 111 11 period Ot twenty-tive S I have read the Bodi-Tone Announcement offering a St.oo box of Bodi-Tone J
1 i r * Son twenty-tive days’trial. Please send me a box by return mail, postpaid. I I
davs before VOU pay a penny. § promise to Rive it a good trial and to pay SI.OO it I find lam benented at the g
VI ex yo MCI AV VV7LA jcij ojv j. ■ o f twent y-five days. If it does not help me I will not pay one penny and I
Eill OUt the Bodl-TfoUe COUpOn, I w owe y° u no^*n s- Send the box of Bodi-Tone to the following address: |
mail itto Bodi-Tone Company, | Name £
Chicago, Ills., and let Bodi- I T Own I
Tone do its work for you. | St orR F d state |