Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, March 22, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Arrives in New Haven to At
tend the Meeting of Yale
(By Axaociatcd Pre**.'
NEW YORK. March 21 .—President Taft
reached here at 7 o’clock this morning
over the New York Central from Albany.
Hie ear was Immediately attached to the
express on the New York, New Haven ■■
and Hartford railroad, leaving at 8 o’clock
for New Haven, where the president will '
attend a meeting of the Yale corpora- J
During the hour interval at the station
here te president breakfasted in hie car
with Earl Grey, governor general of
Canada, and Collector William Loeb.
Jr., of the port of New York, who were
Mr. Taft s guests on the trip from Al
NEW HAVEN. Conn. March a.—Pres
ident Taft arrived in this city over the I
New York, New Haven and Hartford
railroad at 9:49 o'clock. He entered a
waiting automobile and was driven direct
to Woodward hall, where at* J o'clock he
wfll attend a meeting of the Yale cor-,
To Be Guest of Providence
PROVIDENCE. R. 1.. March 21.-End -
Ing his swing through the north, central
and eastern section of the country on a
tour of speech-making and tariff elucida- I
tion. begun last Wednesday, President !
Taft is to be in Providence tonight as I
guest of honor at the annual banquet of
the New England Manufacturing Jewel
ers' and Silversmiths' association. With
him at the speaker's table will be Rhode
Island s two I'nited States senators. Nel
son W. Aldrich and George P. Wetmore,
together with Governor Pother, Mayor
Fletcher and others.
When the president leaves Providence
early tomorrow morning he will carry
with him a valuable souvenir of his visit
a solid gold jewelry case.
is the time to write us for catlag L and
information of special value to pur
chasers—NEW* HOME machines and
NEEDLES—Greyhound brand—involved.
CO.. Atlanta. Ga.
State Pure Food Inspector Methvln re
turned to his office in the capitol Monday
after a tour of the state, during which
he made several seizures of affected grain
and feed, which came under the laws
against the sale of impure food stuffs.
During his trip he seized about 10.000
bushels of corn, some 2.(00 bushels of
grain and five carloads of bay and some
smaller lots, all of which he has pro
hibited from sale. Most of the affected
corn, he says, wss shipped into the state
from the west.
LEXINOTON. Ky.. Marvb 21.—The largest
•ale of wbtaky wMeh baa been made in Ken
tncky In many years has just Wen elooed by a
.IHtiUery jt Burgin, near this dty. with a Cln
r nnatl firm. The consignment wfll con«i»t of
T.wO barreta. the consideration being approxi
mately «
rfrvlt ]«
BH» : l Em
KF v
tgiTlfaUw ’U !l *T
|■i ■ ■
H»r» t« yoa* eyportnaity h*r* I. »«■» cheat* to ei»k*
bit BtOBOT 4cr*.B< year .par* tinx—bar* it rhe bmm
vkiek you CM outer without a<my or *xp*rteae*.
An Easy Way to Earn Money
Mew tefer* be* ouch a Kt teoway-teakiaK opportunity
boon oSe-*4 to you to bacc tr.a tha rapnuaotetita at a buai
oeae auora ale- r. ehara of tba profit is yuan without th*
In ■rlinaal ot ouaaeol<4capital.
Suits’!) °2 Pants 5 2 5 "
Every tarmac IC it to maasnrv In tha latest rlty style
a perfect ft (Aiaued JUaey re?a*dad if goods ere
art aa*
Wa Wil! seal yoa Hit a handsoa* *c*ote* r «‘*l <*e
teiaine of the laiasa woolaae. tap* llae. order
blank*, instruct-a chart an i MW-ythi** nernaaarr v>
start you ia lb* boasnaau if you wish to increasa your
incouMt write us today
Progress Tailoring Company
199 Hamann Street, Chtca«o.
I < AIM called Tetter. Sait Rheum, Preritus. MUk-Crust. Weseina Skin, etc.) ■
ECZEMA CAN BE CURED TO STAY, and wh«n I say cured. I mean test what I «*y- I
V-4J-R-E-D, aad not merely patched ep for awhile, to return worse dun before. Now. I do Dot care what ■
all yon turn used, nor bow many doctors have told you that you could not be cured—ail 1 ask is just a ■
• 7 n ° * kf>ow * lra tilkiac about. If you sriii write me TCKDAY, I will send you ■
I • FREE TRIAL ofmy mild, soothing, rua rar teed cure that will convince you more in a day than lor ■
I anyone else could in a month's time. If you are derusted and discouraged, I dare you to rive me a ■
I to i P rore By wntis<Be to-day yon will enjoy more real comfort than you had ever ■
I thought dua wor.a bolds for you. Just try it. you will see lam telliny you the truth.
Dr. J. E. Cannaday, 69 Park Square, Sedalia, Mo.
I SWwmic** Tbirt WMional Could you do a better act than to aend thia notice to eotna ■
poor austerer of Ecsema P J
i r GREAT t>rder Mail UNEQUALED
Kentucky’s Straight Whiskey
Express Prepaid from Distiller to You
SbX*.. 9 fn* tC 3 for 17.80 or 1 for $3, choicaof Rye, Bourbon or Corn
L*C’3fa*w?'*>k--J* “ ■ailwnS lUr wva Fulton Straight whiskey highest medicinal thorough’y
mature*, in Myers patent 1 gallon oenujohn*. To pro.a Fulton is best you need
nffl send no money
u ssi rt ®>«p on 30 day's credit, if you b.are your merchant or bank write us guar- 1 1
I jvTXk.u M entee ng account. NoC-O.D. Fall Quart Bottles of Rye, Bourbon or Com are
fe oiJJr i ■ prepaid In plain boxes, either 4 for 53.. S far S6.or 1 2 for S 9.
fl dll.. S FRF E—< miniature bottles cf Selected Fulton with every 2 gallon order.
6 with 3 * dlon orders, accompanied by cash. If not satisfied with whiskey
return: and. if naxi for, all your monev will be refunded by first mail.
MYERS & COMPANY, w E5feS’ T SR l??
Jg Owner s. Ba*. Put'. Xo n »v*nwv .Xv Kai Wy*.. Calo.. It. Mm. **4<«•« Uteracf, mat mA
II Ar Uibar SOtell ***** bwU*..S salteaat* l**lHu....Mok torglS. ym*M ftet<h>. Writ*ter M.r**.term.
1 Write *er eer beek, A Fair Cotower, *M prlt* Het Mitel,
Every Man or Woman Suffering
From Consumption, Bronchitis, *
Asthma, Catarrh, Hacking;
Cough and Throat or Lung;
Trouble Should Write
at Once.
Dr. Hill Says:
-vonsumption is positively and absolutely
curable and preventable. AU authorities agree
that this is so. I say It can be cured Io the pri-
-a. vacy of your own home,
and I am proving
It day after day. 1 say
it is no longer necessary
to travel away from
at heme and friends. Ism
treating right today,
cases of ad vane
ed and deeper
■&.' i jjfl which had been
given up by Ibelr
S frauds a 4 a«!
another climate,
DR. J. LAWRENCE HILL porhapa to die.
saasahat al tea Daatar takas a But they have re
taw saya a««. malned at home
under my • Rational’ Treatment, with result, that
vould quicken the heart of any man to we.
Evervone wb«. ba« weak lungs. Catarrh of the
Brotn-hlal Tnb-a «>r Catarrh in any form. Chronic
BroechitU.’ Asthma. Chmalc Racking Coogb.
boas of Fleat Night Sweats. Bamorrbagaa.
aoranem or pate tn the meat or under tbe
shoulder blades, or any ether deadly symptom
of Co3»omption. should send for a trial pack*.*
of Dr Hill's New BaUoaal Bemady and teatl
mentato from hundreds wbe have bees cured.
lU'.s treatment quickly ebecke further pregraat
of the disease sod produces new resisting pow
er. appetite. flash and good health.
Any bank or bnainoM fins tn Jackson. Michi
gan. will tell you Dr HUI ts reliable, auecaaa
fal and a prominent Htlsen la exeeltent etand
lag All throat and hang sufferers should fill
out coupon below and mail at once far trial
package which the dorter sends by mall, pre
paid. to proae that even tbe worst esses can be
ewwd at home at tttle expeaw
Ds. 4. Lawrence HUI
1«3 Kill Baildag. Jaekses. Mich.
WT-S»e send me your Isrre trlsl package
la plain, sealed wrapper, that I may try It
and nee for myself If It will do what you
claim ft will. I aectaae Me to help pay for
packing, etc.
Name -
Continued from Page 1
that would put him off the rules com
mittee. and the insurgents declined to
yield that point to get a compromise. So
the conference came to nothing. When
the house convened some of the stal
warts were still for filibustering and ef
forts to delay.
Rodenburg, of Illinois, and Gaines, of
West Virginia, were the striking exam
ples of that class. Both so trembling
with anger that they could hardly talk
tried to interpose dilatory motions, but
the speaker and ‘Tawney had decided to
stand upon their feet and fight the mat
ter out, so neither Gaines nor Rodenburg
had the support of their own side.
The regulars showed their disposition to
‘•die with their boots on” when the
speaker entered the chamber. By a
prearranged plan he was no sooner upon
the floor of the house than those who ac
knowledged allegiance to him broke in
to a storm of applause, cheering, pound
ing their desks and waving their hand
kerchiefs. The allies grimly awaited their
time knowing that the demonstration
was only made to keep up the courage
of those about to be defeated.
The speaker announced that he was
ready to make his ruling as soon as the
journal had been read, and again there
was applause. The ruling was upon the
Dalzell point of order against the original
Norris resolution and the speaker had
carefully prepared his decision. He read
It so that all might know it was delib
As was expected he ruled the Norris
resolution out of order. He based it not
vnly upon reason, he said, but upon the
precedent established “by a great Demo
crat. Samuel J. Randall.” Planting him
self on the law made for the house by
Mr. Speaker Randall, appealing from
the passions of this day to the just rea
sons of that day, “the chair sustains the
print of order and holds that the reso
lution is not now in order.” he concluded
and again there was loud cheering from
the stalwarts.
Norris, the proposer of the resolution,
was upon his feet to appeal from the de
cision of the chair, when the attempt
to delay by Rodenburg and Gaines had
been swept aside and the speaker ordered
the roll call to be called on Dalzell's mo
tion to table the appeal.
There was so much disorder as the roll
call progressed that time and time again
members had to appeal for silence and
the speaker also wore out his new gavel
pounding the table to keep the unruly
house In hand. It was known when the
Continued from Page 1
of the Egyptian government. Lady W ingate, wife of the sirdar, sent Mrs.
Roosevelt a beautiful bunch of roses and African flowers, which were presented
by tiie Egyptian commandant, who ha d decorated them with a penny Ameri
can flag, the only one he could obtain after a frantic search. Colonel Roosevelt
was engaged early in the morning ans wering his mail and telegrams and seeing
several missionaries and the represent atives of the railroad, who had arranged
a special train for him. To the former he expressed regrets that he could not
visit their station, explaining that engagements prevented, and calling atten
tion to the number of Presbyterian stations already visited or which he intends
to visit.
The American people can hardly realize the profound and touching char
acter of the Joy of the Booeevelt family over their reunion, or the charming
picture on the Ibie of Colonel Booeevelt surrounded by his family, each man
-1 testing in a hundred different waye the pleasure of being together again.
Colonel Booeevelt had not seen his daughter or wife, and the latter had
not seen Kermit or his father, for nearly a year. Wss Ethel has changed as
much to Colonel Booeevelt as Kermit has to his mother.
Miss Ethel is a lively, sweet girl of fine disposition, quiet, and different
from Mrs. Longworth, who is more vivacious, and sprightly. Ethel Is equal
ly popular in her own way, and has made many friends in the Soudan and
Egypt, who are preparing to make pleasant her stay at Luxor and Cairo.
Kermit had broadened out and wears a struggling moustache. He blushes
whenever reference is made to any particular deed of daring on his part,
such as jumping into a stream where crocodiles were after a drowning na.
tive, which leaked out only after 48 hours, and then only through native chat
He is not so good a shot as his father, but a better hunter, the latter
cheerfully admits, through his ability to run longer and faster. He does
not know fear and in the beginning frightened his father half to death by go
ing after a beast where the latter had more advantage. According to his
companions on the expeu»Lion, a charging lion or elephant had absolutely
no effect on his nerves. He got more wisdom as the hunting progressed.
Kermit is not looking forward to his return as his father is, preferring,, to resume his jungle experiences. His mother naturally takes
great pride in his conduct, but gets no news from him and has to turn to
his father for Information.
ASSUAN. Upper Egypt, March 21.—Colonel Roosevelt and his party left
Shellal for Luxor on the regular expre as train this morning. They should reach
Luxor this evening.
first insurgent answered “no" to his name
that the game wan up with the Cannon
dynasty. Butler Ames, of Massachusetts,
had the distinction, and a cheer broke out
when he spoke up loud and high, as be
fitted a man who did not care who heard
him. And all through the list never a
man faltered. That list was:
Ames, Carey, Davidson, Davis, Fiah,
Foelker, Fowler. Gardner (Mass.), Good,
Gronna, Haughen. Hayes (Cal.), Hinshaw,
Howland, Hubbard (Iowa), Johnson,
(Ohio), Kendall. Ktnkald (Neb.), Kopp,
Lenroot, Lindbergh, Madison, Martin
(South Dakota), Miller (Minn.), Morse.
Murdock. Nelson, Norris, Pickett, Poin
dexter, Steenerson, Taylor (Ohio), Vol
stead, Woods —84.
That is the original list of insurgents
who won the day, the others who dropped
in later being band wagoners. And with
the Democrats voting solidly the Dalzell
effort to table was lost by a vote of 164
to 181. The speaker announced the result
without batting an eye and without a
tremor in his voice.
The votes to clear the way for real
action were got rid of with all the celer
ity possible. The previous question on the
appeal was ordered by 182 yeaa to 160 nays
pnd then came the crucial one, "Shall the
ruling of the chair be sustained?" which
was lost by 160 to 182, and the revolution
of the house was accomplished.
The Norris resolution then was before
the house with the victorious Nebraskan
In charge of the floor. His first move was
to offer as a substitute for the original
resolution the one that was finally passed.
Again there were efforts at delay and to
take the floor away from him. but the
speaker, upon his deathbed fight, so to
speak, was determined to show that he
could be fair and would not stand for fili
bustering, so he restrained his friend,
Mann, with a firm hand.
Norris tried to get an agreement from
Mann on a division of time for general
debate. He offered an hour, an hour and
a half and finally two hours a side, but
the regulars refused, making the tactical
blunder of the day. Perhaps they did not
think Norris would dare force through a
cloture rule on them, but that is just
what he did when the time came.
The Nebraskan claimed an hour for
himself and then parceled it out among
friends and enemies, regulars, insurgents
and Democrats, in three and five minute
The speech-making was not the great
thing pf the day. Champ Clark outlined
the position of the Democrats clearly.
"I have one personal remark to make,”
he said, “and I do not care whether it
is popular or not. It is that this Is not a
personal fight against Joseph G. Cannon.
It is a fight against a bad system. It
makes no difference If that system Is
sanctioned by time. No progress was ever
made yet without the overthrow of prece
dents. For the speaker to hold the chair
manship of the committee on rules gives
him more power than any one man ought
to have over the destinies of this republic.
It is to deprive him of that power that
we have worked this revolution in the
house. We need not mince words, for it
is a revolution.”
Representatives Nye and Foelker made
brief statements, both on the side of the
Beautify Your
Drive Away Liver Spots,Blotches,
Pimples and Make Your Skin
Clear and White.
Trial Package Sant Free.
If you want a beautiful complexion,
free from liver spot a, pimples and
freckles and* other discolorations, pur
ify your blood.
Stuart’s Calcium Wafers cleanse and
clear the blood, remove all poisonous
and irritating influences and permit it
to flow gently and uniformly ail
through the veins. These little wafers
are famous for their beautifying effects
and every lady may use them with per
fect freedom.
They do their good work remarkably
fast owing to the wonder Yul power of
the Ingredients which they contain.
Here they are: Calcium Sulphide, Quas.
ala, Eucalyptus, Golden Seal and an al
ternative and laxative. Ask your doc
tor what he thinks of these as blood
purifiers. He prescribes them many
times every year.
The popularity of Stuart’s Calcium
Wafers is great and growing constant
ly every year. They do a wonderful
work with apparently little effort and
do not necessitate suffering and ex
pense as so many complexion cures oc
You may enjoy a fair complexion if
you will use these little wafers. They
are taken after each meal and go into
your blood, just like food. They do
your entire system a great good. They
help your Intestines and relieve con
stipation, thereby giving the system the
the intestines Into the system and con
gases and fluids which filter through
the intestines into the system and con
taminate It
Don't despair if your complexion Is
muddy. Write today for a free trial
package of Stuart’s Calcium Wafers or
go to your druggist -nd buy a box,
Price 50c. Simply wrftfe your name and
address and a trial package will be
sent you by mail without cost. Address
F. A. Stuart Co., 175 Stuart Bldg., Mar
shall, jiDch.
speaker, and then Martin, of South Da
kota, made the one effort of the day to
save the face of the speaker. He pro
posed the Norris resolution with an
amendment that would permit the speaker
to be a member of the new rules com
mittee until March 3, 1911. when Uncle
Joe’s term expires. He did not get It
formally before the house, however, and
it was hardly heard of again.
Lenroot, of Wisconsin, got three min
utes, Clayton, of Alabama, five, and each
stirred the allies to loud applause. Then
came Douglas, of Ohio, who tried to pour
oil on the troubled waters by support
ing the Martin proposition, but the oil
had no effect.
Victor Murdock asked for but three
minutes and opened his mouth for the
first time in the present controversy.
"Calendar Wednesday and the Fitzger
ald amendment did not change the system
of bad rules,” he said, "but this does. It
turns the tide of power back from the
speaker to the house.”
Fitzgerald, although Cannon’s friend,
was voting with the allies, and he had a
chance to be heard and he was the only
one who talked politics.
“The real trouble,” he said, "is that the
majority of the party is discredited be
fore the house and the time has come
to demonstrate that the Democrats can
stand united.”
That declaration moved the regulars to
a wild demonstration, but it was the last
chance they had, for after Pickett had
spoken a minute, Norris himself closed
“I absolutely deny that this is a per
sonal fight," he said, “or that it is a slap
at the speaker or any man. We who are
supporting this measure are doing it for
a principle far beyond any man or set
of men and any feeling that has been
shown has been dragged in by the speaker
and his friends.”
Then he showed what the Cannon crowd
“Pip” and Its Cure
Pip in chickens is a symptom of
disease, not a disease of Itself.
Study the whole bird, finding out
the trouble underlying this one
symptom treating the whole dis
ease. The natural moisture and
secretion of the tongue is dimin
ished by a feverish condition of
the chicken and the tip of the
tongue becomes hard and dry.
Let this dry substance alone; to
try to remove it is to inflame the
tongue and no good will be ac
complished. Painting the tongue
twice a day with glycerine, will
do no harm. Give soft food for a
day or two. Some authorities ad
vocate removing the hard substance
from the end of the tongue and
dressing it a few times with honey
and borax.
Good in Time of Trouble
Sweet oil is a safe medicine to
administer to animals. It never in
jures, but is valuable in choking,
bloating, inflammation or consti
pation of the stomach or bowels.
Ring-worm on cattle may be
cured, by washing once a day with
a five per cent solution of carbolic
acid, until healed.
For wounds made on horses or
cattle, by barbed wire fences, there
is nothing better than a composi
tion made of carbolic acid half an
ounce, glycerine eight ounces and
water eight ounces. A syringe is
a good thing to inject this into the
To cure warbles in cattle, take a
glass syringe of the smallest size
and inject sweet oil with 40 drops
of carbolic acid to the pint, into
the hole at the apex of the little
mounds on the cow's back. This
will bring them away without in
jury to the cow.
Georgia’s Big Forests
The state of Georgia contains 38,-
000.000 acres, more than 26,000,000 of
which are forests, embracing in
varying quantities practically all
of the trees indigenous to the east
ern states.
The chief hard woods of Georgia
are the oak, the hickory, the ash,
the dogwood, the black gum, and
the persimmon, and these are .
found chiefly tn the mountains, I
along the banks of streams, and [
in the marshes and swamps. The
chief soft woods of the state ere
the long and short-leafed pine, the
poplar and the cypress. Os all
Georgia's commercial timber, the
pine is by far the most important.
With over 1,000 sawmills in active
operation, with an army of 15,000
to 20,000 men in constant service,
witn an annual timber cut of
ftom 800,000,000 to 1,250,000,000 feet,
and an approximate annual value
of from $15,000,000 to $20,000,000, lum
bering is second only to cotton
among the native industries of <
Georgia. , |
p/' 1
F-.'WiWwtß a MSFM about changing about changing about changing „ about
Shakespeare says: “The stars above us govern our conditions.” The Shepherds were guided by a star to the
birthplace of our Saviour. The twelve Disciples were each born under a different star. We are each born under a ,
star which guides us. Do you know Where Tour Star Is Guiding Ton?
If not, it is very important that you should know, and I can give you this knowledge, without coat. I will send
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Write me today telling me whether you are married or single. Celling me the place you were born, also give
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would call true leadership by moving
the previous question and forcing the
cloture rule through by the brute force
of votes while the regulars stormed and
raved to think they had been cut out of
the debate. 1
The several votes needed to take the
resolution rule of the house was put
through with all expression possible and
then the speaker delivered ills dramatic
swan song. Again the applause of the
regulars broke forth and also the galleries
cheered until rebuked. The crowded gal
leries forgot the issue and saw an old
man who had seen great public service
trying at least to be heroic in a position
that was humiliating and might easily
have become pathetic or maudlin. It was
in the very midst of hubbub that followed
the speech that Mr. Burleson took the
step that made the so-called vote of con
fidence possible. He moved to declare
the speakership vacant and to elect a
new speaker. Tawney, Cannon’s friend,
had seen Burleson and Burleson is
Tawney’s friend. Norris and Sherley, of
Kentucky, were shouting for an adjourn
ment. Kitchin, Underwood and a half
dozen more Democrats surrounded Bur
leson and tried to get him to withdraw
his resolution to depose the speaker, but
he would not, while the regulars jeered.
“You’re afraid!” “Cowards!” “Traitors!”
and words like these were hurled at the
allies, while everybody yelled and pound
ed their desks. (
The motion to adjorn was eventually
put, but by a sort of common consent it
was all at once determined to furnish
such consolation to an old man as a so
called vote of confidence would give him
and the adjournment was denied by a
viva voce vote, that no one quetsioned.
Then the roll was called upon Burleson's
resolution to vacate the office of speaker.
It was known beforehand that the In
surgents would not go so far as to throw
Cannon out of office. That they consid
ered wquld be bad politics and would
be going too far. So enough of them
voted with the regulars to salve the
speaker’s wounds. But nine, all told, “in
surgents” insurged clear through to the
bitter end. Even Norris voted for the
speaker on that issue. The nine were
Carey, Cooper, Lenroot, Nelson, Davis,
Lindbergh, Murdock, Gronna and Poin-
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rolled up. 17 Putting it in another ter,se, out of every SIOO collected you get
inches long, : I “ SB
and weighs $75 an J we $25. You send our part any time tn thirty dayo
about 2 lbs. after the goods have been shipped to yoa.
El Dmmiiima al because we send you full instructions with the samples snd also send big
810 IisIICR neflllirßO catalogue showing all kinds of portraits, frames, sheet pretures, mould-
■ww VI IW iswtjwiiwss ings , postcards, stereoscopes rnd everything in art at the lowest whole-
sale prices. Also send our instruction book called “Nuggets of Gold,” which tells you in plain, easy language just how to rua
the business. You can the whole plan in a few hours after you get the samples. Sample*, catalogue ana instruction
book all go together and are free. You can clear big money showing our samples and the job last* the year round.
I. F. F*p*. «f Tmmwmm, write*, “I haven’t had a fait test vet to see Just what H. F. W*tkl«», wf Kansaa, ‘ 1?] »5 d k bThlaid’
I can do. I have a wife and five children to support. 1 have made $16.00a day. Ivll 1318 AO. He sen: u» in tn*rtv days after g . ppea >-.
sav that if any poor man wants to get in a business that he can nuke money at, he thou id lor them- He kept the dinerence.
not look further. '• a. F. Seaalon*, of Utah, writes "I would be safe la sayia* I earned
Andrew Fodor, of Stroatoe. llNnol*, bookedSlot.«Oworthoiord*r»ia 17 hour* (ISOu.OO ia 15 months. I will do better next year." jAjg
by showiu* our samples. Hi* profit should be a little over $75.00. Fe*<l Uohtaov. of Qoorwi*. wrote “I cleared s*oo.oo above all e».
H. A. L*w.ry, of Y***w, Oklahoma, booked $19.50 ia 11 hour*. H* tet* peases last> ear Iv’ do better Uo* year." j
These testimonials, with hundreds of others, are now on file, but why not send for samples J
book their orders and send them to us. We will ship you yooda enough to fill all the orders you
yourself and send our part in thirty days. You keep all above actual cost of the voodi, which m mo t cases u about
Se or out of every dollar you collect you keep 75 cents.
r?o1 We want honest agents fa every county. None 1 AfiH
ror Dampies but honest .«enta need apply because we -ill not K
lyone to handle our goods and collect our money who is not respected by
1 who cannot give good references. W e want good, reliable agents.
F*REF s Elegant Watch
| “ Uteaifca To quickly secure a good :
■»■■■■■■■«■«■ honest agent in every county
in the U. S., we give this genuine Elgin absolutely free
to new agents. Now send for samples right away and earn the big
gest money you ever made and this fine Elgin Watch, guaranteed for ten
years. The watch is free and the samples are free, so fill out the
coupon right away and mail it at once. SEND COUPON i ODAY.
H The Company Tb*t Helps Agenu"
n 1029 W. Adams Street, Dept.< sfiS , Chicago, Illinois.
E GENTLEMEN: . , , , . . „
Please send at vour expense and risk, catalogue, instruction book and all yon
,;l! n think I need to start. I will be under no obligation to you and if I don’t think the business 2
■ suits me I will hold all you send me, subject to your order. If your plan suits me I can begin
an ■
U I about I
Consolidated Portrait & Frame Co. ■
“ The Company That Hafp* Agent*” 3 Address
Make in your own Home, a Genuine, Foaming. Sparkling Beer, at 754 less
than dealer’s price, with “AMBREW” Concentrated Beer Extract.
No other Ingredients to buy! Just add water! A few does
the work! No experience necessary! Something New! AMBREW’
is a concentration of the best Barley Malt and the finest Bohemian Hops
—the same Materials used by all Brewers in making the best Lager Beers
only in a more concentrated form. Contains no chemicals—no acids
—keeps Indefinitely. Purity guarsnteed under the United States
Pure Food Law. ‘‘AMBREW” Beer is not a Near-Beer, not an Unite
tlon, not a substltute BUT A GENUINE LAGER BEER-the same
fine quality as has been made in Germany for ages, with AMBREW”
Concentrated Beer Extract. It will delight you.
40 QUARTS BEER $1.00!
TRY ONE QUART AT OUR EXPENSE and if it is not the finest Beer you ever tasted we
will Immediately refund your money. You wont be disappointed.
SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER:—Send SI.OO and we will send you One Package
“AMBREW” for 40 Full Quarts Beer, express prepaid, plain packaprs 120 Full Quarts,
$2 70 Full and Simple Directions accompany each order. Maney refunded If not as repre
sented. Send order today and ask for “Free Booklet” on Making Beer at Home.
dexter. Gronna voted with the speaker
at first but talked a minute with Sena
tor LaFollette and changed his mind and
his vote. Pandemonium broke loose
when the result was announced that Un
cle Joe had been nailed in his chair by a
vote of 191 to 155 and in the midst of the
tumult the house adjourned at 5 o’clock.
It had not been a long day, but it had
been a momentous one. And the strain
had lasted three days, so the representa
tives broke for their abiding places so
soon as they could get out of the house.
WASHINGTON, March 21.—The mini
mum tariff proclamation between the
United States and France, which was
signed yesterday, at Albany by President
Taft, is regarded as unfair and unjust to
the cotton seed interests of the south, in
that the agreement between the two
countries authorizes France to increase
its duty on cotton seed oil by 50 per cent.
The Increase is prohibitive.
Senator Clay, whose attention wax
called to the matter this morning, made
an unsuccessful effort to have the-ques
tion reopened through the secretary of
State. He was informed that the proc
lamation of the president irrevocably ad
justed all duties in dispute to the time
The state department insisted, howev
er, that the cotton seed oil provision will
not discriminate against the southern
product. It is claimed that France agrees
to levy a similar duty against all compet
itive edible oils so that the southern cot-,
ton seed product will be on even terms
witht the products of countries other than
France. The state department does not
contend that the duty of 9 francs is not
prohibitive, but insists that it was the'4
best that could be obtained in the prem
The sale of cotton seed oil has been in
creasing tapidly of recent years, and
France has offered an excellent market
for the products. The ne wtariff proc
lamation. which is the outgrowth of the
protective policy of the P.epubllcan par
ty. may destroy the French market, to
the injury of the southern cotton farmers
■ -