Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, November 29, 1910, Page 11, Image 11
WORLD S BEST AEROPLANES WILL BE USED BY THE AIR KINGS AT ATLANTA JOURNALS BIG MEET Curtiss Bi-Planes Used by Ely, McCurdy and Post Are the Best Form of Aeroplane Known to Man-—Why the In vention of Glenn Curtiss Is Superior to That of the Wrights—A Comparison of the Two Makes The Curtiss b:-planes to be used by the air men who will fly at the speed way during the aviation meet to be staged by The Atlanta Journal December 15. 16 and 17 are the best aeroplanes in the world. This is a pretty positive statement, but a comparison of the two leading forms of bi-planes. the Wright and the Curtiss machines, shows conclusively that the latter possess many advantages over the invention of the Wright brothers. It was after a careful study of the merits of the two leading forms of aero, plane that The Atlanta Journal decided to bring that celebrated trio of air men. Ely. McCurdy and Poet, to Atlanta with their Curtiss machines. The Atlanta Journal was determined that the people of this city and the state should see the best that the world pro duced. and that the Curtiss man-birds were undoubtedly the leaders In the art of flying Accordingly. contracts were made whereby the Curtiss Exhibition company was secured for the great aviation meet of The Atlanta Journal at Immense ex pense. and it is with satisfaction that The Journal announces that the very best in all the world will fly for the people of Georgia during the three days of the great meeting. THE MACHINES COMPARED. While Curtiss and the Wright broth ers. the American aeroplane Inventors, have always advocated the bl-plane. leav ing the monoplane development to the t'rench. the American machines are not nearly so identical as might be supposed from the photographs of the two tn flight. The pictures show all of the similarities with few of the differences. To the average person, a bl-plane is an aeroplane with two wings superimposed, and they are all alike excepting that the Wrights have skids and have to start from a rail, while Curtiss wheels and may start from any ordinary smooth ground. This difference 1* an important one. as any one who has seen both ma chines fly may testify. The ease with which Curtiss leaves the ground within a few moments of the time he takes the machine from its shed is in sharp con trast with the work of getting the Wright machine started. It takes the combined efforts of a doxen men to haul the Wright flyer around on Its cumber some. wide-tired wheels and adjust it Maintaining a Family's Health There is a certain primary rule of health that everybody should know, and especially the heads of families. It is not vulgar or immodest to refer to it In the privacy of the family circle, and the editor, whose view of his readers is a paternal one, may be permitted to dis cuss it. Reference is made to the matter of keeping the bowels open every day tne year round. This seemingly trifling function of nature Is the primary, es sential basis of health. It not only pro motes health, but the regularity of this function will often prevent disease and , will nearly always minimize a disease I already existing. _ _ The first question that a doctor asks ! a patient is regarding the condition of the bowels; and an old and eminent doctor many years ago laid down three rules of health. They were: 'Keep the head cool; the feet warm; the bowels open." To be careless of the letter sig nifies an indifference to cleanliness and presupposes ignorance From the time the baby begins to walk it should be taught regularity of this function The nurse or mother should see to it personally. If the habit of regularity la formed early enough. it will never be brok*en thru life. Immediately after breakfast and after supper are the best hours for tne child. Most grown people can main tain health by one movement a day. but children require two, and are better off for it. An excellent idea Is to give the child —and all the members of the family, for that matter —plenty of fresh and stewed fruits and fresh vegetables. These are usually natural laxatives. But as all foods do not digest in all persons, care should be taken to dis cover what agrees with the digestion and what does not. For example, ba nanas are very constipating to some persons and act as a laxative on others. If you find a food does not agree with you, eat very sparingly of it or do not eat it at all. In any event, children should never be given purgatives or cathartics, and by that is meant salts and cathartic waters generally, cathartic pills, etc. They have been found too violent for children, women and old people. A gentler laxative will do for these Os course, there comes a time in the lives of people when fruits and such things have ceased to have an effect, the bowels become clogged and some thing has to be done. It is important at this juncture that the right remedy is selected. Many things are adver tised and many things are recommend ed. but our personal opinion is, and our choice has always been, that the best laxative obtainable Is Dr. Caldwell s Syrup Pepsin. Tho a compound con taining several Ingredients, it is what might be called a natural laxative It works on the human system as nearly like nature itself as is possible It Is mild and gentle and is as pleasant to take as fruit Itself. It is an ideal remedy for Its purpose, and especially for the uses of children, women end old folks, tho. for that matter, the most robust person will get plenty of natural action from Its use; only It is not violent like purgatives and cathartics Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is. as Its name Implies, a syrupy liquid, and among its Ingredients is pepsin, which, as every one knows, is tp most valuable of all medicaments as a digest ant. It has other Ingredients mat act on the bowels, and so naturally does this combination work that after a brief use of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin med icines of all kinds can be dispensed with. This has happened not only to young people, but to very old ones as well- The remedy can be obtained of any dnfggtst or dealer In medicines anywhere for only 50 cents or Si a bot tle, according to size Either size is enougn to last a whole family a long time. D r Caldwell, however, requests us to say that if there be any reader of The Semi-Weekly Journal who has never used his remedy and would rather make a trial of it free before spending any money on It. he or she should send their address to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, <O3 Caldwell building. Monticello. 111., and the doctor will promptly forward a sam ple bottle free of charge. There is no obligation on your part at all. We urge you to take advantage of this offer. Every family should have a laxative in the house and we can say that a better one will not be found than Dr. Cald well’* Syrup Pepsin. Tty it free before you buy it th* first time. on the starting rail before it is as nearly ready for a flight as is the Curtiss ma chine at all times. The differences in tfie American bi planes begin with the differences in the aims of their builders. The machines are built with distinctly different ends in view. While both builders aim for sta bility and endurance the Wright ma chine is designed more particularly for carrying a passenger or passengers. With little or no effort in this direction. Cur tiss has sought speed in a machine which can go from one place to another, and after a stop start back at any time. In his first machine, Curtiss departed from the practice of other binders by cutting down the carrying surfaces al most 50 per cent. This, of course, made his machine considerably lighter and by adopting new ideas In construction, Curtiss further reduced the weight. CURTISS MACHINES POWERFUL When it comes to power, however, Cur tiss moved the other way. His winning machine at Rheims. while smaller and more trim than most of the machines there, was equipped with an eight-cyl inder Curtiss motor especially designed for it. Although he has. on a few occasions, carried a passenger, and can build ma chines to carry more. Curtiss confines himself to machines built for one man. "The future of the aeroplane is not a machine to carry passengers,” he has said. “I would not go up with some one else flying the machine. I want to control the levers myself, and other peo ple will feel the same way about it. The most popular machine of the future will be for one man. and it will travel fast. Its value will lie In its ability to get from one place to another quickly. Aero planes may be used to carry Important mails because of the speed they will be able to attain, and they will also be useful tn a military sense.” Mr. Curtiss sees the possibility of the aeroplanes as an instrument of warfare, as was evidenced by his successful expe riments on Lake Keuka, near his train ing grounds. He will undoubtedly have a machine for this line of work when the time comes, but It will be a speedy ma chine built by him for any purpose. The Wrights ar* content, on the other hand, with a machine which trundles along at 40 ml es an hour and which must either return to its starting rail before flying again, or else have the starting rail brought to ft. In the controls, the Curtiss and Wright machines are different in the extreme. Both aeroplanes are Meered up and down with forward horizontal rudders or elevators, each having two planes a dozen feet In front of the main lifting surfaces. The Wrights control this elevator by the movement of a lever grasped in one hand, while the other hand works the lever which warps the wings and controls the rear rudder. SYSTEM IS STM PI. E. The Curtiss elevator Is manipulated by raising or lowering the steering wheel that controls the direction of flight lat erally. The two operations may be con trolled with one hand, leaving the other free. Lateral steering of the Curtiss machine Is done by means of a rear rudder hung vertically, as on a boat. while the Wrights steer most of the time by warp ing the wings in such away that one drags, swerving the machine to a new course. Equilibrium control Is far the most Important problem at mechanical flight. An aeroplane is liable to tilt In any di rection 5n the air as It Is played upon by the ever-shifting currents. The Curtiss system of balance is sim ple. Curtiss uses two flat, plane sur faces suspended horizontally between the planes, one at each end of the machine. These ailerons, as they are called, are arranged to swing in opposite directions from the hinged front simultaneously in such away that the forward motion of th* machine gives a downward pressure to the ailerons on the high end. and an upward pressure to the other. The con trol of these ailerons is one of the most ingenious devices on the machine. The operator sits In a seat with a moveable back which yokes around his shoulders and is connected with the ailerons. Th* arrangement is such that as the ma chine tilts, the aviator leans toward the high side, naturally keeping the body vertical, and by this motion actuates the ailerons in the proper way. “I AM A RARE WOMAN,” SHOUTED MRS. MARTIN NEWARK. N. J-. Nov. "I’m a rare woman.” shouted Mrs. Caroline B. Mar tin at Dr. C. C. Belin, an alienist, who is trying to prove her same. He had just testified that ’■pre-senile. delusional in sanity is of recent recognition and cov ers excedingly rate symptoms." Her counsel contends that she is In sane. but Mrs. Martin, although she must stand trial for th* murder of her daughter. Oeey M Snead, the East Orang* bath tub victim, if she is found sane, has fought him from the outsell of the present hearings. "I am neither Insane nor guilty.” she has repeatedly declared. The aged wo man almcst shrieked at Belin as he sat in the witness chair. "You are called the Illustrious crack-a-jack,” she said. "Why didn’t you tell the truth? Little you know of an American woman. You’re a foreigner.” MAJ. HANSON CELEBRATES HIS 70TH ANNIVERSARY President J. F. Hanson, of the Central of Georgia railway and the Ocean Steam ship company, celebarted the 70th anni versary of his birth yesterday, in his offices In the Candler Building, attending to his various duties and receiving the congratulations «. his friends, who call ed in person, telephoned, telegraphed and wrote their wishes for many happy re turn*. Major Hanson was born In Monroe county. v>a., on November 25, 1840. loses'lifeln’river, WHEN BOAT CAPSIZES CHATTANOOGA, Ten., Nov. 26—Harry Cagle, aged 20, was drowned In the Ten nessee river near Suck Shoals yesterday. Oliver Graham, his companion, succeed ed in reaching shore after a hard strug gle The two young men were In a row boat, having floated from the city to the suck. Being caught in the rapids, the boat capsized. Cagle’s body has not been re covered. Cagle’s home Is in Avondale, a suburb of Chattanooga. CAN’T USE PULL NOW IN CUSTOMS HOUSE NEW YORK. Nov. 26.—N0 longer can the influential American use his “pull” to expedite the examination of his bag gage on his return from Europe. Collector Loeb has issued an order that no more "expedite" permits be issued to incoming travelers without the sanction of the secretary of the treasury or the vol lector. THE ATLANTA SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 191 P. ENTIRE COMPETITION SWEPT AWAY!!!! Pure Food’s Amazing Record Breaking Offers Scatter The “Small Fry” Like Dead Leaves Before The Gale Resistless Price Cutting Startles The Entire Trade—Never Before Such a Sensational Chance To Buy Pure, Mellow, Old Straight Whiskey at Prices Lower Than The Lowest!! lhe ifc. 71 You all have been reading whiskey offers in the papers for weeks Each year about this time, we come out with a senes of all star Whiskey * 1 back You have heard the little noisy fellows “barking" up their wares, whiskey offers that simply sweeps competition off the boards—makes Offer Ever 8 ■ I wav ing their hands, shouting and tearing their hair, over the “biggest all the pestiferous little side show fellows look like three plugged Made. f!/ ■“ \ “ whiskey offers" ever made. You have seen the side shows, looked over dimes. But you’ve waited for us, as usual, and we re nght here to We Sell Every fc < brand of F? AOSO“ W| and the “dog-faced man”-and you are now ready to flock into the Come nght into the main tent, make yourself at home and enjoy Whi.kcT . - Ld TT.uir, font and see the BIG SHOW the greatest, most stupendous and sensational galaxy of REAL straight Known to the lUtely hf The side show‘with its “small fry" attractions is all well enough whiskey bargains in bottles, jugs and kegs ever assembled m one Trade. I n *ll to fill in the time, but what you really wait and watch for is the BIG Gigantic Money-Saying Sale of Xmas Cheer! Each year we start out Write for Kurc EF st\R ATTRACTION—the real thing that gives you more good, gen- to beat our record for the previous year. Have we done it this year? Price List. r F nine, heaped-up value for your money than all the faked-up, imitation, Well we leave it to you! You are the judge. You are the one to be We Can fft adulterated “freaks" in the universe. satisfied and we’ll stand or fall by your judgment save You XI K Well boys, the BIG SHOW has arrived! Little later than usua> Just look over our offers. Read every one carefully. Don t miss Half on /% CHOeO-' » thi9 because our low special cut price, bargain whiskey features a word because every word we have written has been for your benefit. Your Whiskey FA are greater than last year and our getting good and ready to give you If we fail to make our Old Friends happy and do not add at: least Purchases. » M m FA a tremendous surprise is the apology we offer for the delay. We be- 10,000 satisfied new customers to our lists, we are going to be bitterly Why Should A&i Qg Q lieve that you will excuse our tardiness when you realize the rich Xmas disappointed at the result. Now, just keep on reading and don t over- You kfl U,. Q>. Treat we have in store for you. any of these wonderful-record-breaking offers: jS O Full Gallon Jugs Rich, Mellow, Old Straight $0.84 ~ MOW L Whiskey, (or Corn), Guaranteed Full 256 Ozs. *£= Offers? B I Now read thia wonderful offer over again slowly, weighing every word carefully, because you will 11111 y" V J see that each word means something very special to you. Just grasp the full significance of this f*** .. V s * /A amazingly liberal Xmas Offer and then ask yourself the question, “Did 1 ever hear tell of anything ilk* > JUh, Fi thtf before "’’no. Friend, yon never did, and probably never will again, hear of such an offer! .Zd 1 i ■ ’ » P Think of It— Two full gallon jug* of rich, raro, mellow old straight whiskay for only $2.84, each jug Ui WWf fiW guaranteed to contain full 128 ounces-26fl full ounces In all-of superfine goods such as you have prob- J Sblv naid ttToo to $8.60 per gallon for more than once In the past. Remember, this is Straight Whls- ML Flft R.Vfx kl2L„v*rvdroD Dure-notblended with cheap wines, etc., to reduce the price-not compounded with f .KTOWnllffl soy—every urvp p adulterated mlxtures-but honest straight goods that will prove a genuine reve- / yH I’ lit 3 lUyT' lation of real whiskey quality. You may want to know why we are willing to lose i • > ULKA money on an offer like this. Two reasons: First, this Is our famous Once-a-Year EMOI JU Grand Sacrifice Xmas Offering to our host of Old Friends, who stick to us loyally year c g.... . ijiaq Eg M w after year. Second, we want to prove to 10,000 new customers the vast difference be- £ FULL QALLVR tfUcßj H ■ A _ IjrHcl 11 tween genuine Purs Food Straight Whiskey and the side show brands put out by the RBinlil AVRiieitY uuimwyu BKiaH -- Midway “Barkers” as a bait to catch “suckers”. These are the real reasons why we STRwiririT SVtllSi E, I JSv/,91 lUi K make these record-breaking, competition-sweeping bargain offers In defiance of actual n|M Vlltfwwii svasawta. s A 'Mik wX wt,-,'A cost! We figure that It Is good business judgment to pocket a temporary loss In order IBMflialaWWgU ® O jH to hold our old trade by fair, square and liberal treatment, and at the same time add atMj M/ArwAg/ rem Wfl M an army of new friends who will surely stay with us for all time as soon as they teat RffiEKaaSgßatt T EOaM-M LmS W woj’jPjj '■MrHyge our goods and realize how much superior they are to the ordinary adulterated stuff Bjgj|K3ju||O3E!! fcaSs*tjwMk \ masquerading as good whiskey. i *9 9 Here’s another big money saving opportunity, if you happen to prefer our Cels- KW H n brated Htratght Wblskev in bottles. We will enter this offer in tbe race for y pp a ■ ggaingt any and all whiskey offers you ever before had submitted to you. Just read it R " - - —* & 3 over carefully, keeping in mind that this whiskey is our justly Celebrated Straight ™ ~, nZr j R Whiskey which has caused the big sensation! I STRAIGHT 1 0 FULL quart bottles of the very finest old $ J .75 in h I L STRAIGHT WHISKEY (OR CORN) YOU EVER TASTED *>= „ This is positively, without the faintest shadow of a shade of Worid-Bsating Straight Whiskey, (*r Corn . When it reaches you. M J •••/ 1 lul!I, 1 11! 1 doubt, the greatest whiskey offer ever made since mankind dis- open a bottle, drink as much as yon like, call in your frtendx. let ® z ■ covered the virtues of King Barleycorn as a Royal Cheer Producer. them test it. too, and if you all do not say right off that this Is just ■ "T.! \ ' We back this statement with every dollar of our $600,000 capital and what we claim-ths best whiskey you ever tasted at any grto*-return ■ i / K W&Wa. \ many years’ reputation as Registered Distillers. And we’re going the unopened bottle* to us and get your money back at oneel Kfl / \ ri to prove it to you this way: Just send us $4.76 by Express or P. O. Now, let the Freak Whiskey Barkers do their best-or worst! W* t \ tS&Sk P Money Order, Registered Currency or St. Louis Exchange, and we defy them all to coma within gunshot of this startling, hlgb-quality. W,U Bt onc ® Bhl P y° u 12 Full Q uart Bottles (3 Full Gallons) of this low-price offer. We sweep away competition very thoroughly. I tf/P# W Special Xmas Quantity Offers 1 li iO' ‘ For the benefit of many of our friends who prefer to order in larger quantities for the Holiday Season, we make the u ft « u li IMV / ' M following heretofore unheard of low prices on exactly the same High-Grade Straight Whiskey (or Corn KKhiskey) described ' IffiA \\ ? //jw 3 in the above jug and bottle offers. Note these prices carefully, compare them with all other quantity offers, and you B j plainly see that we are entitled to your orders: ■ Ji 24 Full 16 Oz. Pint Dottles, S 6.001 I 5 Gallon Keg, • - - S 7.15 48 F«H 8 Oz. ’/ 2 P»"t Bottles, S 5.20 I til 50 F “" ’ 6 °'- Pi " t B ° , " eS ’ ' 2OB 25 6»"o« Hrt Bi’ml,' ’- 3110 ™ ’ ® 2 ' B y | 100 Full 16 Oz. Pint Bottles, 21.20 59 gallon Barrel, • • • 63.95 200 Full 8 Oz. y 2 Pit Betties, 23.25 I !<S Fv® I\i 12 Full 16 Ounce Pint Bottles 100-Proof Whiskey, $3.20 FriArj IMCTII I ING ’ m Y° n will notice that some whiskey houses have resorted price of real straight whiskey and remain in business, has been tk • Vvlf UIJ» IL*-’ si N to giving a present as an inducement to get your order for ruthlessly cut in these unprecedentedly liberal Xmas Offers. EL^ I OVtft MlSSOtheir whiskey. When you buy whiskey, make the quality of Don’t be fooled by the “Special Premium" baits that offer yon ■! .■■■w the goods and price get your order—when you want something cheap, traxhy articles at the expense of whiskey quality. els€ ’ * rt hat Y our store an ? >’ ou will save money and also wfaat want is the reaJ stra^kt goo d a . W e give you full, get quality whiskey—no need of giving premiums with your ' a • vi. ■ B W HKI if you are right on price and quality. Then why do beaped-up, whiskev %a,ne most you ever got EPI |Sra IrasS JKt'J IffiraK |Bg it? Every cent,that can possibly be trimmed off the selling for your money anywhere. Remember that! VA JU ’•B ’MI f-Xf TTJ 1 nnn We offer JI.OOO to anyone who can prove, through any test whatever, that kill! rtllßk I 018 IB IrJ aH the wh j skey offered above is not Straight Whiskey, or that we do not , Sm 'Wfl H J ill gj ww * tfl rMB refund the money to anyone requesting it according to above conditions. Our entire $510,000 capital stands right back of every [lk * Tul ' statement we make. Remember, we ship all goods same day order is received. You can make your remittance payable and mW I' a<^TrM your letters to the firm, or to the manager, and they will receive immediate attention. a PURE FOOD DISTILLING CO., Jerome Endler, Mgr. Branch 34 A St. Louis, Mo. CORN YIELD MOKES SOUTH RICHER 011100,000,000 Boys’ Corn Clubs Have Added Thousands of Bushels to Harvest .(By Associated Press.) BATON ROUGE. La., Nov. 26.—That the pouth has been enriched t 6 the amount of HOOJifIO.OOO by Its increased corn yield was the statement made here today by PTof. V. K. Roy, who has charge of the boy a’ demonstration work of the United States department of ag riculture, and also of the agricultural ex tension courses of the Louisiana State university. The work of the Boys’ Corn clubs In Louisiana has been productive of thou sands of bushels of corn, according to figures presented to Profesor Roy. QUARREL OVER WOMAN ENDED IN MAN’S DEATH DURHAM. N. C., Nov. 26.—After 20 hours of deliberation, a jury yesterday returned a verdict of manslaughter in the case of Law’rence Davis, who was charged with killing Bradon Bragg last September. Both were men of promi nence in this section. The prisoner was not tried for first degree murder. It was alleged the two men had quareled over a woman. DEAFNESS CURED “I have demonstrated that deafness can be cured.” — Dr. Guy Clifford Powell. Tbe secret of how to use the uijeterlou. au«i invisible nature forces for the cure of Deafness and Head Xo.sts has st last been discovered by tue famous Physician Scientist. Dr. Guy Clifford Powell. Denfucws and Head disappear as If by rnngic under the use of this new and won derful discovery. Ue will send all who suffer from DesfU' as sod Head Noises full information bow they muy be cured, abaolutely free, no matter bow long they have been deaf, or what caused their deafness. Tbis marvelous Treatment is bo simple, natural and certain that you will wonder why It was not discovered before. In vestigators marvel at the quick results. Auy desf person can have full information how to be cured quickly and cured to stay cured at home without investing a cent. Write today to Dr. Guy Clifford Powell, 7313 Bank Building, Peoria,' 111., and get full Information of this h*w and wonderful diaoovery, abaolutelj free. ZIMMER GIVES BARBECUE TO ATLANTA HOTEL MEN Members of Hotel Men’s Asso ciation Spend Friday After * noon at Kimballville At his country place, KlmbaJlvtille, Will V. Zimmer, manager of the New Kimball, entertained 75 members of the Atlanta Hotel Men's association Friday atfemoon at 2 o’clock with a real old time barbecue. Pork and lamb, codked jto the queen's taste, and the finest j Brunswick stew were served on long ta ! bles In the summer house. It is need less to say there was beer. An orches tra furnished music. It was a perfect Indian summer day, and it was the unanimous opinion of everyone at part ing, who only left because the sun would set, -,iat Mr. Zimmer was the prince of hosts. Automooiles took the crpwd out, and before the repast was served they were shown over Mr. Zimmer s big farm. This was a treat itself. Pigeons, by the thou sands and of every -ascription, are nere raised for the market. Next in point of numbers are the chickens, which are of the finest poultry stock to be had. Geeae, ducks and guineas are also raised in abundance. In an up-to date dairy, over a hundred fine cows are milked. When the cigars were passed around, the tabels were dismantled and an im promtu vaudeville was given by Misses June and Jim Maclfachron. The latter, a pretty little miss only 11 years old sang “Grisley Bear” in away to put many a Broadway comeuian to shame. Old Sol furnished the spotlight Pretty Dutch ste,ns, appropriately marked with the jlate of the occasion, were given as souvenirs. Short speeches were made by Mr. E<l L Brown, a veteran hotel man. Jack vvilson and others. ..mong the guests was Russell t, Colt, of Boston, who is in tne city a couple of days while uis wife, Ethel Barrymore, is playing an engagement at the Orpheum. This was his first barbecue, which he ate with a relish. After the second keg was tapped some one came up with the announce ment that he had just seen a monkey riding a hog. Sure enough there was found a cage in another part of the place, which contained two monkeys and a couple of wild hogs. The monkeys was not doing any circus act when the crowd got there, but they let the story go anyway. DOGS CHASE FOX AROUND CROWDED SCHOOLROOM POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y„ Not. 26—Dur ing the last session this week in the public school in Monticello, a fox pur sued hy dogs and hunters, leaped through the window of a ground floor class room. He was closely followed by two dogs, which raced around the room after the frightened fox. while the pupils climbed upon the'd desks to escape being knocked down and injured. The pursuing soon became so close that the fox took refuge under the teach er’s desk. The dogs were driven off and the teacher tried to capture the fox alive by means of a rope lasso. He threw this over the fox’s head, but before ft could be subdued It was choken to death. I’M SO HAPPY—I’LL NEVER GET APPENDICITIS I JL AjSTji I Can Eat All I Want to Now. I’m Safe Because I’ve Read the ADLER-I-KA BOOK. No more wind on the stomach, sour stomach or constipation. No more nausea and heavy feeling after eating No more being afraid of getting the treacherous Appendicitis. The ADLER- I-KA BOOK shows what to do —all as simple as A, B, C, and absolutely sure. Think what a blessing to get INSTANT relief from all your bowel and stomach trouble.. To be positively safe from Ap pendicitis. so you can eat anything you want and as much as you want without ever giving Appendicitis a thought. Write your name below, enclose a 2c stamp, and you will get the famous ADLER-I-KA BOOK entirely free. It’s different from any book you ever saw; It tells what only few doctors know; it will surprise and astonish you. It shows many curious pictures and tells how you can INSTANTLY relieve bowel or stom ach trouble, how Appendicitis is caused, how It can be cured without operation and HOW YOU CAN EAS.LY PREVENT IT. You wouldn't take 10.00 for what you w’ill learn from this book, yet it's free for a 2c stamp. Address; Adlerlka Co., Dept. 20, St. Paul, Minn. Name Address | ANOTHER THROUGH LINE, ATLANTA TO CHATTANOOGA Dispatch From Rome Says Papers Passed Whereby Sea board May Inaugurate It A dispatch from Rome. Ga., says that napers have just been executed there between the Chattanooga Southern rail road and the Rome and Northern rail road whereby a through train service will be inaugurated in the near future between Atlanta and Chattanooga by the Seaboard Air Line railroad. As the situation now stands, the Sea board has a line from here to Rock mart and on beyond. The Chattanoo ga Southern has a line from Rome to Chattanooga. From Rome to Hockmart is about 20 miles. Thus in order for the Seaboard to operate through trains I from Atlanta to Chattanooga in con i nection wtih the Chattanooga Southern, the latter would have to build a line from Rome to Rockmart. And this is just what will be done, according to assurances given out by General Manager Shake.ion of the Rome and Northern, states the dispatch, and work is expected to start in the next . la days. A through train service from Atlanta Jto Chattanooga via tbe Seaboard has I been talked of frequently, ever s’nee !the Chattanooga Southern changed hands. The Seaboard officials in Atlan ta say they know nothing of it ex cept what has been in the newspapers. boardoF arbitration DECIDES COURTSHIP ■ - ; ST. LOUIS. Nov. 26.—A board of arbi tration composed of a rabbi, a jeweler and a lawyer, three persons who were presumed by their connection with the case to be more capable than others to judge of the eccentricities of Cupid, de cided the engagement controversy of Fred Skral and Mias Esther Rothman. He proposed to her nine days after he met her and he testified, bought for her $1,470 worth of jewelry and clothing. The board met at the home of Rabbi 'Abromowitz, of the 15th Street syna gogue, yesterday. 1 After Skral had testified that he still I loved, the girl and wanted to marry her, and Miss Rothman testified that she no longer loveu Skral. the board de cided that Miss Rothman might keep her heart, but that she should return to krai the jewelry and clothes. INTERURBAN TROLLEI PLANNED GI ROSWELL Big Mass Meeting of Citizens Is Held to Discuss New Line (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) ROSWELL, Ga., Nov. 26.—Plans for an interurban railroad from Creighton and Cumming via Roswell to Atlanta were enthusiastically considered at a mass meeting of citizens of Roswell and vicin ity held at the school house here this aft ernoon *t 1 o’clock. Representatives of the Atlanta Northern Railroad company were also present. Speeches were made by R. G. Broad well, mayor of Roswell; S. Y. Stribling, C. C. Foster. George W. Wing, H. P. King, 8. Crowley, W. W. St. John, G. J. Lyon, M. D. and J. B. Wing, of the cit izens’ committee. FREE TO Asthma Sufferers a New Home Cure That Anyone O» Vee Without Discomfort or Long of Time. We have a New Method that cures Asthma, and we want you to try It at our expense. No inatt»r whether your case is of long-standing or recent development. whether it is present occasional "t chronic Asthma, our method is «n absolute cure. No matter in what climate vou live, no matter what your age or occupa tion. our method will certainly cure you right In your own bonie. We especially want to send it to those appir rntly hopeless eases, where all forms of la hah-rs donclics. opinm preparations. Lunas, ■•patent smokes.” etc., have failed. We want to ,how ever? one at our own expense mat ’bls Yew method will end all difficult breathing. all wheeling and all those terrible parr wains at once and for all time. This free offer is too Important to neglect a single dav. Write now and begin the cure at once. Send no money. Simply mall coupon below. Do It Today. 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