Newspaper Page Text
Revolutionists Still Determined
and Not Composed of Ban
dits—Americans Killed
<By Aaaoeiated Fra*».'
EL PASO, Tex.. Nov. 28.— According to
staff correspondents of the KI Paso Her
ald who returned here last night, there
Is every prospect of further trouble in
the affected districts of Chihuahua and
Durang-x They declared that !*) per
cent of the natives in that part of Mex
ico are against the Diax government and
that those not openly supporting the
revolutionist 5 are passive.
The correspondents state that the rev
olutionist army is not made up of pris
oners and bandits as has been reported,
but consists of native railroad employes,
farmers, mechanics and others. The In
surrectos appear to have plenty of arms
and ammunition and seem to have plen
ty of money behind them.
Both correspondents agree that the In
surrectos have not been conquered, but
only driven into the mountains. Desul
tory fighting is expected to continue and
there have been several small fights
within the last few days
W. W. King, a resident of Gomes Pala
cio. declares he saw the bodies of four
Mexican soldiers brought in from the
mountains near Gomes Pali co last Fri
Confirmation has been received of a
report that revolutionists tore up rail
road tracks west of Parra! on Thursday
and prevented repairs being made. Con
firmation was also secured of the re
port of a battle at Manaquipa. near the
Mormon colonies on Wednesday.
Further news is to the effect that there
• was fighting at El Valle, between Mana
quipa and the Mormon settlement and
the colonists are said to be in great
fear of an attack.
The American victims of the rioting at
Parral Monday were:
Edward Lawton, killed, and J. H-
Story of Hartford. Conn., and A. B.
Wallender, wounded. Lawton's throat
was cut by a bullet and Story was shot
in the right hand.
LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga.. Nov. 28.—Fel
ton Wallace, who was shot by his father.
Joseph D. Wallace, died last night at
the Moore hotel, making the fourth vic
tim of the midnight tragedy which oc
curred just four weeks ago today. Little
Felton will be buried tomorrow morning
at 11 o’clock at Hog Mountain ceme
tery by the side of his father, mother
snd little brother. Cline.
JACKSON. Miss.. Nov. 28.— Breaking
the record in the south for corn produc
tion to the acre, with 153 bushels, accord
ing to reports received here, a youthful
contestant at Washington. Miss., for the
premium offered in the boys' corn con
test, will not receive a prise.
It is declared that he used an excessive
amount of fertiliser. The largest crop
at the smallest expense governed the
scheme of prise awards.
Gen. Oakes Is Dead
WASHINGTON. Nov. 28.—Gen. James
Oakes, who was retired in 183. after 30
years of active service in the Mexican
and civil wars, as well as the Indian
uprisings in the southwest, sank uncon
scious to the pavement yesterday near
his home and died 38 minutes later at a
local hospital. Death was caused by
heart trouble.
Don’t Stay Fat
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RfV try HhA <B t^MHMBuKBUd7 ™ In every wav. Boys and
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Dr. John E. White Pleads for
Better Speed Laws; and
Against Pistol Toting
On the subject "Thou Shalt Not Kill,”
taken from the sixth commandment. Dr.
Jonn E. White preached a strong sermon
Sunday night to a large congregation at
the Second Baptist church. Reckless
driving of automobiles and pistol-toting
came in for most of his attention. He
appealed for better speed regulations to
stop the former, and legislation against
the manufacture and sale, as well as
carrying of the pistol.
He pointed out that America stands be
fore the world as the most murderous
of nations, that the south is the most
murderous section of America, and that
Georgia's criminal record exceeds that
of Virginia and North Carolina put to
gether. And Atlanta is in the position
of reflecting, to the outside world, the
character of the south, said he.
"We don’t object to joy-riding on prop
er roads." said Dr. White, "nor to auto
mobile traffic and pleasure anywhere.
We all hope some day to ( own an auto
mobile. But we do object to the dis
comfort and danger of the threatening
automobile at street crossings and street
car stops. We protest that automobil
ists are not considerate of men, women
and children. We object to any man who
is not as much of a courteous gentle
man with a steering gear in his hands
as he would be on the streets afoot.
We especially object to so many chauf
feurs who are not keenly sensitive of
human life, and severely Instructed In
our speed regulations. It doesn't matter
whether he's a negro or a millionaire —
if he's willing to frighten an old lady
from catching her car, as I saw one do
the other day, and then go sputtering
up the street with a smile on his face.
That sort of automoblling In Atlanta
has got to stop. The feeling among the
pedestrians of this city is growing in
tenser every day.” -
The narrow space between the street
car and the curb stone is the perilous
area, said Dr. White, and it is the duty
of the city council to draw a line around
it that will protect the pedestrians. The
l present law requiring autoists only to
have their machines under control when
approaching a street car that is standing
still is not sufficient, he said. There
ought to be a law making them come to
a. dead stop, same as the street cars
to. He said the majority of autoists
will be glad to abide such a law. and
those that won’t can be made to.
In regard to pistol-toting. Dr. White
said the fathers ought to begin on the
future generation now, and Inoculate into
them the Idea that to carry a gun is
physical and moral cowardice and an
ungentlemanly act.
•‘And then let us go further and put
an embargo on the sale of pistols,” he
said. "It is a poor business. No neces
sity exists for it that the law couldn’t
provide for, with proper restraint. We
want a law that will go after the gun
seller as well as the gun-toter.” •
Two Brothers Killed
JUNEAU, Alaska. Nov. 38-Capt. Mc-
Conaghey. of the mail boat Fox. which
arrived here yesterday, tells of the death
of the two Delague brothers, as the re
sult of an explosion on a gasoline launch.
A third brother, who was seriously in
jured, drifted about in the open sea
several days before being picked up. He
is not expected to recover.
j The three Delague brothers attempted
to reach a small island near Kake in
,their power boat. An explosion oc
curred. wrecking the engine and threat
ening to set the little boat on fire. Two
[of the men fell overboard and were
Cures Consumption
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma,
Throat or Lung Trouble.
Trial Package Free.
Everyone who lias weak lunes, (Catarrh or the
Bronchial Tulh-k or Catarrh In any form. Chronic
Bronchitis, Asthma, Chronic Hacking Cough,
Consumption’s Daily Monument.
Every 30 Seconds. Someone Diet I' 10 "' , Con '
sumption. 2 Die Each Minute, 120 Each
Hour, 2,880 Each Day, and
1,000,000 Each Year.
Ix*s of Flesh, Night Sweats. Hemorrhages,
soreness or pain in the cheat or under the
shoulder blades, or sny other deadly symptom of
Consumption, should send for a trial package of
Dr. Hill's New Rational Remedy and testimoni
als from hundreds who have been cured. This
treatment quickly checks further progress of the
disease and produces new resisting power, ap
petite. flesh and good health.
Dr. Hill will gladly furnish you with suffl
clent evidence as to his good standing in Jack
son. All throat and Inng sufferers should send
for free trial package at once. Use coupon be
Trial Treatment Package Coupon
Dr. J. Lawrance Hill,
1817 Hill Building, Jackson, Mich.
Please send me your large trial package In
plain, sealed wrapper, that 1 may try it and
see for myself if it will do what you claim*
it will. I enclose 20c to help pay for
packing, etc.
Add .css
Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock the po
lice committee of the general council will
resume its hearing of the petition of In
man Park citizens for the removal of the
saloons from Edgewood avenue.
A large delegation of citizens appeared
before the committee last Friday after
noon to protest against the Edgewood
avenue saloons, it being declared that
the negro establishments, located on
Edgewood avenue, near Butler street,
were an especial nuisance.
Atorneys James L. Key and L. Z. Ross
er represent the saloon keepers, who re
sist the efforts being made to move them
on the ground that they hold licenses Is
sued by the city, which are good until
July 1. 1911.
Don’t Be Sick
Read the Bodl-Tone offer on the last
page and learn how thousands have se
cured health through Bodl-Tone. It was
first offered to the sick about eighteen
months ago, and already has a long list
of cures in every state. You can get a
box to try, without spending a penny.
Get Kitselman Brothers* prices on
Barbed Wire—lowest ever made. See
their ad in this paper.
News has been received In the city of
the death of Mrs. Annie Marshall, which
occurred in Chattanooga Sunday. She
was the mother of Al Marshall, for years
a well-known cltlxen of Atlanta, but
who is now making ..atanooga. his home.
Mrs. Marshall was in her 80th year, and
had passed the greater part of her life
in Cincinnati, where she was widely
A few years ago she came to Atlanta
and made her home for a time with her
son. Al Marshall. She made many friends
during her residence in this city who
will mourn her death. When Mr. Mar
shall moved to Chattanooga, he took his
mother with him.
The burial will take place in the family
burying ground in Cincinnati. Mr. and
Mrs. Marshall accompanied the body to
AMSTERDAM. Ga.. Nov. 28.-The
American Sumatra Tobacco company, of
this place, lost two valuable mules Satur
day in an unusual manner. The two
mules, together with a third mule, were
feeding in a pasture, and a negro boy
was sent to drive them up. There was
an old well in the which had
been covered over and forgotten, and as
it happened, the three mules walked
right into it, in single file. All three of
them fell to the bottom of the well—about
65 feet—the first two being instantly
I was talking with an aged
but very progressive farmeb not
long ago and remarked that the
course of Improvement in farm
methods seemed slow. "Bless
you, «ny boy,” he answered.
"When I started in we only
raised nine bushels of wheat to
to the acre in my state and
now we raise 13. I think I’ve
done pretty well.’ It seems to
me that that is not a bad way
to look at it. If every one does
his part progress is certain, if
it does seem slow.—A. M. R.
There are a few frog farms
scattered throughout the Unit
ed States which are profitable
to their owners. The ponds are
fenced with wire and roofed
over with the same to keep out
the birds and animals which
prey upon the small frogs.
There is an increasing demand
in all the big markets for this
The largest farm in the world
is owned by one man in the
state of Chihauhau. Mexico. It
measures ISO miles from north
to south, 200 miles from east to
west, and contains about 8,000.-
000 acres. On this farm are
raised about 1,000.000 head of
cattle, 7,000 sheep and 100,000
One reason why too many
boys leave the farm: A trav
eler saw a boy hoeing pota
toes in the hot sun. He rode'
up to the fence and asked:
“Whaa do you get for hoeing
potatoes’” the boy wearily re
plied as he raised his sunburn
ed hand. "Nothing if I do. but
hell if I don't.”
The homer is considered the
best bird on squab profit.
If your breeder produces small,
mushy squabs be sure there Is
something wrong. Clean out the
lot and start anew.
When pigeons are a day old they
are called "Peepers" and when
three weeks old "squabs.”
Never feed oats to pigeons,
young or o>d.
The farmer who is so careless
as to leace uncultivated spots
along fence roads and other
places, might at least plant fruit
trees in them. They will require
less attention than other crops
and if the weeds are kept down in
their vicinity for two or three
years, the trees wdll produce
crops, big or little, according to
the good sense of the owner.
There Are Now 226 Cities in
America of 250,000
(By Associated Press.)
NEW YORK, Nev. 28.-New York
city’s committee on congestion of popu
lation has addressed to the conference
of state governors to be held in Louis
ville, Ky., beginning Wednesday, a re
quest that methods of distributing pop
ulation be taken up for consideration.
In the opinion of the committee, no
question urgently requires simultaneous
action by the various states as much as
the problem of adopting means to stem
the cityward tide of population. Over
crowding, it is urged, exacts a heavy toll
in disease and death, and private ini
tiative is inadequate to stem the flood.
In pointing out that there is an un
economic drift to the cities, the commit
tee says in part:
“Whereas in 1960 there were in the
country only 160 cities of a population of
250,000 or more, there are this year at
least 226 cities in that class, their total
population approximately 28,000,-
000. The population of these cities has
increased since 1900 41.10 per cent, nearly
three and a half times as rapidly as the
rural population. t
It is well known that immigrants
crowd into the cities where their death
rate is usually much higher than among
the same races in rural districts with or
dinary health conditions and also higher
than the death rate in the same cities
of native-born Americans. This is in
large measure due to the poverty of
immigrants and their inability for a long
time to earn sufficient to afford a healthy
standard of living.
“Most of the western states and even
some of the eastern have millions of
acres of land undeveloped and waiting
cultivation or clearing and reclaiming.
Despite the fact, however, scores of
thousands of able-bodied immigrants be
come anchored in cities. On the land,
whether as independent farmers or per
manent farm laborers, a large propor
tion could produce enough to maintain
themselves, since their existence would
depend in large measure upon them
Would Abolish Passes .
xIICAGO, Nov. 28.—A proposition for
the abolition of the pass privileges of
state fairs will come up before the 20th
annual convention of the American As
sociation of Fairs and Expositions here
Experiences of the Minnesota state
fair since the abolition of the privileges
this year are to be the chief basis of
argument for general action on the sub
ject. C. N. Cosgrove, of St. Paul, secre
tary of the state fair, is in Chicago, to
argue for the reform.
Italian Quarter Stirred
DENVER, Colo., Nov. 28.—Denver’s
Italian quarter is wild with excitement
today following the discovery of the
body of one of their countrymen, fright
fully mutilated in a poadside ditch, six
miles north of Denver. body is
believed to be that of Mrs. Derlnte
Labata Cellanto, who has been missing
nine days. The police express the opin
ion that the woman was murdered to
hide information desired by the authorl.
Cure Your
Deformity ofthe Hand* In General, Chronic.
Articular itheuinatUm.
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain
in the back have been cured, in the
real meaning of the word, by a little
Stillingia, lodide of Potassium, Poke
Root, Guaiac Resin and Sarsaparilla.
Any person can take these remedies in
any reasonable amount with perfect
safety, and the results have been found
to be astonishing. It has been proven
that this combination makes up the
best rheumatism remedy in existence,
having actually cured many stubborn
cases of over 30 and 40 years’ standing
—even in persons of old age.
The five ingredients mentioned above
prepared with great accuracy ’and skill
not only in regard to proportion, but
also in selecting the best material.,
have been put up in compresseu tablet
form, and are called
fifty thousand boxes axe offered free to
introduce it.
If you suffer from any form of uric
acid m the blood, and have Rheuma
tism, Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, this is
the way to drive it out of your system
in quick time. Simply send your name
and address, enclosing this advertise
ment, to JOHN A. SMITH, §953 Smith
Building. Milwaukee, Wis., and by re
turn mail you will receive the box ab
solutely free. It is only in "Gloria
Tonic" that you can get the above com
bination ready for use.
Get this Genuine Alectride Tool x..
Grinder on Fr ee Trial % -ZZ
Wjfcy Sharpen your tools at my expense. I want to show yon that the ancient grindstone . r
AT - is a back number and that the emery wheel la a menace. I want you to try positively ~~no torn Meaim
I' ftee this genuine Alectride Farm Tool Grinder. Alectride is the only true abrasive. It will mareiy »eadm
not draw the temper from steel; ?t will sharpen the dullest tool in from Bto 5 minutes, when rex a>“pos.
*1 the grindstone would take half an hour. Alectride never wears out. It does not glaze over.
V " . I want to send a few of these machines out on Free Trial in every part of the United States. I want
1 • - c Z■to put one in every locality. I want you to clip off ana send the coupon at the upper right hand corner re*
1 - ■''! of this announcement and I will mail at once circulars explaining every detailof theofler lam making here. re # .
I Don’t Want You to Send Me a Cent of Your Money. I Don’t Want Any Promise
4 1 merely want to place this Genuine Alectride Grinder onyour farm for a few days. Sharpen your dull axe, your dull scythe, your dull cos*
aN knives, your dull cold chisels, or hatchet, or any dull tool you hare. See how quickly »
J?-A J*’ and how easily It Is done. See how Alectride (made of ti e substance of precious stones)
WV-.l sharpens your tools in from one-lourth to one-rventy-fifth of the time required by a 1 fl Rg ta f* M» IM IN 1
WWW W I sfei HHa grindstone and doe. not heat nor draw the temper. Do all this—give this machine the J™’* inrvvssi'varss
Txj-W RIiEI iw6*. V most severe tests—then unless you think that you poitively cannot get ."long without J One Sickle Grinder W heel (Improved!
NSfl flEgl ISj’M IsSjfZ W Wk— ’ this Alectride Tool Grinder, send it back at our exyiense. We'll ask no questions. 1 One Fine Grinding W heel (Improved)
M. J Vu IHFv We'll take it back without • word, and we'U pay the txinsportation charges. Now send 3 On. Coeree Grindlag Wheal (layrovea)
” the coupon. Let us tell you all about this wonderful alrasive and our Iran trial oSer. 4 One H«rm«n Special Oil Srooe (unproved)
Samember-Alectride Is really manufactured previous stones. It ia even hardtr . 2"®
” than the hardest diamond. Alectride will scratch a diamond and cut r/ass like a knife y (inn, IVewl
10 • O-H.-on S sXta? RZLrH<».(N«r)
Hard Enough Free Trlal D° lixil ttow ® Do not delay. 9 Q ne O Uc Grinding Attachment (New)
Machines & M to Scratch Harman Sapply Co., 160 Harrison St., l»ept. 45*® , Chicago, HL w Oo< T<x>l Rest
Ini Qmbl the Diamond ime ■ ■■ 11 im
1 ____
Transcontinental Officials Con
terpplate Increase of 25 to
33 Per Cent
(By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO, Nov. 28.—Trans-continental
railroad officials in session in Chicago
are planning an advance in freight rates
between Chicago, New York, Boston
and other eastern points and the Pa
cific coast. The advance contemplates
an increase amounting to 25 and 33 per
cent, according to a news dispatch in
the Tribune today.
A plan Is contemplated which will in
crease the rate between Chicago and the
Pacific coast, but also will cut down the
advantage over Chicago which New
York and Atlantic seaboard shippers
have enjoyed in the pajst. ’Fhe rates
from Chicago and New York to the
coast heretofore have been the same.
The principal railroad systems In
volved in the plan for readjustment of
the western rates are the Harriman
lines, including the Union Pacific and
Southern Pacific; the Hill lines, the
Great Northern and Northern Pacific,
the Gould lines, Including the Western
Pacific and Denver and Rio Grande; the
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, and the
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, al
though nearly every railroad in the
United States more or less directly will
be affected.
Pure Food Distilling Co.’s Big
Announcement Contains
Much of Interest to
Our Readers >
The attention of those Journal readers
Interested In laying in a supply of
“liquid cheer” for the Christmas holidays
is called to thp big annual offer of the
Pure Food Dlst. Co., In this Issue. This
company has a reputation for quality,
goods and liberal dealing. They .are
Registered Distillers and it Is said that
their whiskies conform in every way to
the strictest requirements of the Pure
Food Laws. The company asks Journal
readers to read their big offer carefully
| and to order promptly. **•
(Continued from Page One)
Sugar Refining company, of New Jersey,
as a gift, at the time the corporation
was formed to take into the combine
four independent concerns. .
The government also alleges that when
the American company took four Phil
adelphia companies, including the
Spreckles Sugar Refining company, Mr.
Havemeyer and his brother, Theodore
Havemeyer, bought 45 per cent of the
stock of the Spreckels company and then
sold it at a large profit to the Ameri
can company, of which both were direc
In general, the petition charges that the
defendants “for some time past have
been and are now engaged in an unlaw
ful combination and conspiracy to re
strain the trade and commerce among
and between the several states and ter
ritories of the United States and with
foreign nations in raw sugar, sugar
beets, refined sugar, molasses syrups and
other by-products of raw sugar and
sugar beets, and to monopolise the same.
Such unlawful combination and conspir
acy is the result and outgrowth of a
series of wrongful acts extending over
a period of many years and participated
in by defendants, respectively, in the
manner and to the extent hereinafter
more fully set forth. ,
“In participating in the various acts.i
agreements and combinations hereinafter
described all of the defendants have
been actuated by wrongful intent to re
strain said interstate and foreign trade
and commerce in raw anfi refined sugar
and related articles, and to monopolize
parts thereof.”
The government petitions the court to
decree: That the defendants have been
engaged in unlawful combination and
conspiracy to restrain and monopolize
trade: that the American Sugar Refining
company, the National Sugar Refining
company of New Jersey, and the West
ern Sugar Refining company is each in
itself an unlawful combination in re
straint of trade; that thp shares of the
capital stock of each defendant corpora
tion heretofore acquired by any other
corporate defendant were unlawfully ac
quired, and that each such holder be en
joined from continuing to hold such
shares; that the shares of capital stock
in the National Sugar Refining company,
Utah-Idaho Sugar company. Great West
ern Sugar company and Continental Sug
ar company, formerly held by the Ipte H.
q # Havemeyer; that the defendants be en
joined from continuing to carry out the
purposes of the unlawful combination and
conspiracy and be required to withdraw
from all connection therewith; and that
the court grant such general relief as
may be proper byway of injunction, re
ceivership or otherwise.”
One of the features of the government’s
lengthy petition is the charge that the
American Sugar Refining company has
obtained unfair advantages over competi
tors by obtaining money on imports by
customs frauds, as was brought out in
the government’s recent si/tts; by receiv
ing rebates from Railroads and by work
ing in harmony with wholesale grocers’
asociations throughout the country and
' keeping up the price of sugftr.
James H. Beck, general counsel of the
American Sugar Refining company,
made this statement with reference to
the government’s suit against the com
"The company’s reply to the various
charges will be seen when its formal
answer Is filed in court. For the pres
ent It is sufficient to remind the public
and the company’s stockholders that,
the supreme court has already declined
Packed in 2 One-Gallon Glass Demijohns—Express Paid
Some people are looking for bargain whisker, quantity and
not quality. unde msider all whiskey as good whiskey. Remember
your stomach will not always stand bad treatment without vig
orous protest. Now, if you want Straight Kentucky Whiskey.
■■d fygrffiWWj absolutely justas we distill it herein Kentucky, a whiskey
■B 1 that will make you realize its worth the very first taste by its
3B yMSSnKpI delicious (laror, velvety smoothness and palatable strength.send
Fja ——.-jX I us your order. Compare it with other whiskies, no matter what
|X| asissta=FS r ?| price, let your friends try it. use half of it if necessary, and then
SjH if youare notconvinced that OLD'BEECHWOODiswiebestyou
have ever drank return the balance at our expense, and we will
at once send you every cent of your money by return mail.
4( Full Quarts Old Ben Vogt ) (fen ne C r»
) Bottled in Bond—B-Year Old I Express Paid
There ia a difference in the age of 4 yean between the bottled in bond whiskey you
are using and that which We offer you.
Don’t take our word, look at the Government Stamp on the neck strip for the age
VOGT-APPLEGATE CO.. Louisville. Ky. and Kansas City. Mo,
Order from nearest point
PENSACOLA, Fla., Nov. 28,-No little
excitement wns created here today when
a squad of deputy sheriffs and detec
tives, following the receipt of a mys- ,
terious telephone message, located a |
grave at a spot indicated in the resl- |
dence section.
The tensity of the situation was in
creased when, about three feet from the
surface, a securely locked trunk was
found. Hurriedly the trunk was broken
open and the officers beheld what ap
peared to be a small body, carefully
wrapped In a sheet.
The shroud was removed and the as
tonished officers walked away determin
ed to ascertain who buried the black
NJr. J. S." Watson, aged 68. for 35 years
a? resident of the city, died at his resi
dence, 82 Doane street, at 2 o’clock Mon
day morning. He conducted a steam dye
ing And cleaning business in Atlanta for
some years. Mr. Watson leaves one ■
dgugther, Mrs. Ernest Mayor, and thfiee,
«<|ns, Walter Watson, a member of the j
fire department, and Lefioy and Howard i
Watson, both living in Tennessee. The j
funeral arrangements will be made la
ter. • - 1
in a similar proceeding by the govern
ment to hold that this compnay was
an illegal monopoly under the Sherman
law and the court has deprecated ’the
challengiita of the justice of their well
considered and solemn judgments.’
“The company has no monopoly in
the sugar Industry; it produces no raw
sugar and does not and cannot control
the price of the raw material; It has
no agreements direct or implied with
other sugar companies and is subject
daily to competition of the keenest char
acter; It has, Including its beet sugar
interests, about 51 per cent of the coun- ;
try’s sugar trade, and it requires a •
liberal stretch of the imagination to cal! i
tills a monopoly. 9
“It does not seek to stifle competi-!
tlon or oppress the consumer by ad-1
vancing the cost of a necessity of life, j
“Its refinery profits last year averaged j
less than 1-6 of a cent per pound. Dur- j
ing the last decade, when the prices of
nearly evefy necessity of life have ma
terially advanced and when the costs
of this company’s labor and supplies
have very largely increased, It has con
tinued to sell sugar at a lower margin
of profit than formerly. In 1870 the price
of granulated sugar in New York was
13 1-2 cents, a pound; in 1880, 9.8; in-1890,
5.32; in 19(», 4.76."
When, Where and
How to Trap
OUR new Illustrated Trappers’ Guide—youra
free for the asking—ia the biggest and most
reliable guide published. Reveals valuable trap- W
ping secrets and the carefully guarded methods W
of successful trappers. What we teU you on Animal >
Balts Is as Important to any trapper as traps. Full ■
directions on preparing sklna ■
sfr f or shipment and how to get the 1
most money for them. Thia book I
WA will increase the catch of expo- I
rienced trappers as well bring I
MM success to the in experience cl. The I
Game Laws of all the States and 1
MW Canada are given In concise, un- I
MNSm mistakable form, with the In- j
formation you want shown at a ■
BMHi glance. We will send you this >
MKU book free If you write us before ■
all the books are gone. >
I Creatost Per Haese In the Wort* g
SHFO* UC*A**t *L*B. IT. LWW*. M*. J
Let me send you thia big book I
F \ freef—— L
F r . Mtaloouzl
I A" (
™ door or
IT will show you how to in
crease your income, to make
success come your way, to
make the most of your oppor
tunities, to forge ahead in busi
ness just as more than 100,000
young people have done after
reading this big illustrated book.
Get a postal and ’Tr* Tin v
write for it 1 U"l7dy
Draughon’s Pradical
Business College
Atlanta, Macon, Augusta, Ga.;
Montgomery, Ala.; Knoxville,
Tenn.; Greenville, S. C.
W* Also VdAcb By Mail.
Wear This Stylish Suit]
The man who U admired is the swell
Maks man whoae clothes are faahiom
.l. 3 able, and are 1011 etylee.
k’/ You will be that man in yew
“** neighborhood! An all-wool, tailor-
“•de ■’’it of flashy 1811 Broadwaj
/I f Il\ ckitheeawaita the first man layout
Z 4 »ei|D>borhood who answers this
f ■ I V/X/aLA \v fwil announcement. I#ll styles
AiW /ji V I nrejußtin. Yon get this Suit—
IHu I th ® swellest. classiest, snsppiesf
l \ I »tylewe ever created—and better
7 fk ‘ I your appearance! Thia i« oai
jJalrl I I Maa: Ws want ooa man M oar repra
t nA Ll ••otativ* in year aelghharheed.
I W I Ln Yoa’va pit a tot of trirada. Thay
R7** 3 ’ u l! wear clothes. It la the ewloat thiag
/7 b lo ‘k* *o rld *« cot these to order thets
/ i V 'I- 11 etothMftoni you. Priooe, tI.M cad op,
I. '/i JrilS Tho “ or<l * r » ««•« »Ms haslaoaa that
A. more than doabloa you salary, and the
1 work i> the easiaet. CMaaeet. nicest oeenpa
l 1 1 ,lon ia the world. New reprmntaUrea
1 A ill make 81 to 810 a day. Toa simply take the
■ II If order and measurements and mail them to us.
tVV Ll I If Wo make ths clothes, ship them on approval
\W k I to your friead and hand you the prolt-
\\. V 11 >» o ®*y- A Borular Clnehl That's the
V.VA I j beauty of hems in businoaa ter yewsoK. Bit
I risht down now; write us a postal or a totter
e l for the free outfit to representatives. And yoa
Jet the ewellest suited fashionable tailor-made,
I-wool. it 11 clothes over worn In you nelfh-
WJ borhood. If you personal appear an oe and a
*f) bl * bualnoss Is worth a postal or aße stamp
fig to yoo, then aet now—write ns today. Address
•Give Myr Horse
Collar a Year's Trial
—l’ll Prepay Freight
HrRY a pair of the only hnprovoJ
£ collar* 12 month* at my
risk. Sarve money, time and
bother. Care and prevent sora
j ■ neck* and shoulder*. No hame*,*weat padfl
a or strap*. Ask your dealer or I
■ sell direct if onable to buy from.
g dealers. I call my collar the Ass
I Indestructible Jf K
■ and It la. Lasts allfetimo. Eudorsed £0
■ by blah autborltlea. Bend name Os
■ and address for the proofs, low B®
■ pr'oee and libera! offer. Addrc«ißnß -
9 Prod Slocum. Gen’l M<r. ; S / 'J|
John too n-Slooum Co.
State St., CAWO. MICH.
CHICAGO, Nov. '2B.—Seniors who shave
w-ill not be graduated at the University
of Chicago. Diplomas will be given only
1 to upper classmen who wear mustaches.
I A proclamation to this effect was is
i sued yesterday by senior leaders and the
I result will be noted In this morning’s
I classes. *
j According to the new scholastic re-
I quirement, the 60 senior men of the uni
; versity must refrain from shaving their
1 upper lips for'’ the rest of the college
I year, which ends next Junfc. All stu
dents who disobey the order will be
“ducked" in the swimming pool at Bart
lett gymnasium in full costume. The ’
student who rxltts the.finest mustache
by December 16 will receive a “valuable
prize” at the class dance at the Reynolds
club. _<,■ fl
. • ’ ’ . . • • » ta. aaV *
Sunny Times *
\ ri'iiqt.rt** L SSSS
12 Full Quart* 5.25 )
Coe 24 fill Piets s»•»<> I
Cui 48 fiH H Piets ®.7S t fty*
Se*J fereer witk *r4« ta .*» •**«•< Um.
IsCHIUER bros. Dept.
Begistration Applied Mb