Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, November 29, 1910, Page 17, Image 17
Market Rep orts NEW YORK. No*. 28. Thr cotton market opened atcadj at advaac* of 3 la 7 puinU In rrtpoaw to tiletter cables and over Sunday bVM orders wit* Man.* and later poeltiona making new btgb records for tbe eea»«. It was estimated that December notices for about 76.000 bales were Issued, but there wwe an special liquidar.w o< that portion and It was supposed that tbe cotton wae being taken tip by large spot interests Rea I. sing waa very heavy tn the later positions, however, and while there wan a very active demand, prices eased off to a net lorn of about 7 to 8 pointa during tbe first half boor Private cabion reported that Liverpool bad been influenced by tbe crop estimate of a New Orleana authority, placing tbe yield at 11 445 000 bales, exclusive of linters, test tbe figures appeared to have been diacoanted in tbe local market. After eoalag off to a net lane of about 15«19 pctiitg. with the derl'ne uncovering a few stop order*, the market steadied <m a renewal of bull support and covering by shorts who were prob ably influenced by the apparent ease wit* which the market had iteorbed the heavy offerings oa tbe decline and bullish spot market advices • from tbe emth. Prices at midday were only T to I points under tbe closing figures of last week Trading was less active during tbe early aft ersoun. hot while Jw market continued more ieea nervous wit* a gord deal of realising m evidence on tbe bulges. prices held pretty Steady. some 6stS points under tbe closing fig urea at Saturday JTEW YORK COTTOM Tbe foUowinq were tbe ruling prices on tbe exchange today last Prrv. Open. High. Low. Sale. Clone. Clooe. Jan. 14.95 1497 14.75 14.7* 14.77 14.90 Tab 14:87 «-®» Mare*ls.23 15.25 14.96 15.04 15.03 15.17 April 13 00 15 23 M5*15.40 15.40 15.17 15.22 15.21 15.33 Janals.3s 15.17 15.28 July 15.31 15.31 15.13 15.17 15.17 15.28 Aag.l4.SK 14 90 14.81 14.81 14.81 14-tfo Nev 14.30 14.90 14.80 14.90 14.78 14.87 Deel4 80 14.81 14.72 14.90 14.78 14. W MMW ORLEANS COTTON The following were the ruling prices on the exchange today: Time steady; middling. 14%e; sMady. Last Prev. Open. High Low Sale. Clone. Close Jan.. ..I>O4 15.04 14.90 14.83 14.82 14 98 Feb 14 93 15.00 Meh .'.15.32 15.83 15.00 15.10 15 10 15.27 15.37 May .. ..15.51 15.51 15 38 15.50 15.30 15 46 June .... .... 15.35 15.52 July X av 14.60 14.83 Dec. .’ " '.‘.14 92 14 92 14.88 14.77 14 72 14.86 BPOT COTTON Atlanta, steady. 14%e. New York, quiet. 15e. Liverpool, quiet. 4 IP-lOud. New Orleans, steady. 14%e. Gal vest .a. nominal. 15c. WUmlngtoa. nominal. 14 7-l Or. Ha van nab. steady. 14%e. Norfolk, steady. 14 13-16 c. Baltimore, nominal. 14%e. Fhdadelpbla. steady. 15 25-lOOc. t Bootee, steady. 15c. Mobile, nominal. 14 9- 16c. Chariestrm. nominal 14 %c. St. Louis, quiet. 15%c. 141 tie Bock, nominal. 14 %e. Houston, steady. 15c. Memphis, nominal. 15%c. Augusta, quiet. 14 13-16 c. Loufarville. firm. 15c. Macen. firm. 14%c. Cbarlutte, steady. 14%e. Columbia, steady. 14%e. LIVERPOOL COTTON ‘ Tbe following were the ruling prices on tbs Prev. Open. 2 p-m. Close. Clooe. Jan. and Feb.. .. 7*' 7MH7 *9 7.87 jfob and March... 782 7.83 7.88 7.88% March and April .. 7.94 795 7 ND, 7.90 April and May.. .. 783 7.9514 7.90 7.90% May and June.. .. 7.94 7.96 791 •-•* June and July.. .. 7.83 .... 7.8814 7.861 s July and Aug.. .. 7.80 792 7.87 7-JJ’i la* and Sept 7.68 7.66 • November 798 8 0114 7.96 7.961, Nov. and Dee.. .. 7 96% 792 7 8614 7.87 Dec. and Jan.. .. 7.80 7.91 *B6 T. 86% HAYWARD A CLARK 8 COTTOS LETTER NEW OR I EANS. La.. Nov. 28.—Tbe Timer Democrat says cocsemms of opinion by its crop narvwpottdents io for a crop of 11.445000 ex elusive of linters. The estimate wae about as expected, and. as for a week pest, the market waa preparing to receive this bullish forecast, on Ha appearance, realising was tbe natural **liVwti Monday, the usual lethargy at the beginning pf a wees fell also Into tbe scale to produce tbe ■Beeline which took place Orts morning. There waa no bear preesnr* but llqul dative oa markets which were technically not well balanced was about tbe only force tn the break of 2© points Tbe movement centiaaes very heavy. Last week's advance tn futures allowed the ab norpttam of interior spot holdings with owners' Units around 15 crate, end a large spot bast news was doste in the past five days which <FOUR fetSMsraJCURIIIHSI EASILY EARNED | StSulMf Sf’ifn 1-adlea and Olrta, I ifftgAv* ■ see. a u * your n,m< *■ -B. fj ?»" < f 'IJ LT a;:r->s. j, a- || aZfonlnn -A>lfiSS ar.4 »e lma.lyou pen ■ Ilf;; I,A trtlllK -l: ■<■■ er twelve B PHf?* WrlggH boxes Grandma s M W onder Healing and D uiar» Complexion Cream K (Jrt||j^^^MFrTTTn W ’° d’xjxw of an . "gU inr ■•.:.<.--"stx> KJ V. -er s- t. remit w fl -«■' '■■' three dollars »• c M 3tv . 5z • ‘ Four U ■ f>air Latest Sts left 2 Pattern « bite V. in- I ' f WMif 1 d >» Curtains nearly H three yards long. |l pl i•« ‘.‘WKEF-> >3ij * w r.:e us a: ee.e for ff the t-»e' o' H p ‘ ' ■ WfcP -'" *u»ata » •*-' W e trust you. ■ ■MMMMhaaMaM Addraaa, F TMMPSOrs CBEMICAL WOtKS, JI Bert *0 Bridgewater, Coni. — WATER DOCTOR WILL tebt uxnn frkl f nj Send avail bottle of your aon I tug urtoo. I trill make analysis KfiTK M and forward opinion as cane free. 12 J?Y ls ot b * l °a experimented I Mt Jtf upon by physicians who gueoa at MfithfßJ your disease. consult a water doc t. x tor. Interesting 68-page book tree RUF A Mailing case for arino furnirtod on reeelpt of 2c etamp. Dr. <. D Shafer 19T Garfield Fixer. Cln ■T ctnnatl. Ohio. £ESBESSE!S!EK3 Hey in year own tows sne*toslM** oily ****** Mo njlliuw ar wo**y iTw* back yea wtth oar and Mack b«»liii Klafaat line of aaytai free. TSWfp SUITS MtJKSS prnial ■**• to Manaura in lato**«f*y -8. nad wcrkawa.bip yua.-aaUad On* n* a<aa* waatad In *»*i| town Bxela ■mtoey. W nto tee a<aal l antM— fttt. m I—m TM.MIM Ct., 14C Barria** Strsri. Chhegi LADIES 5 1000 REWARD! ■ W rnil.M Boethlj Bnaady Snfalv ralxraa lon<- ■■ aa*. aaaat ahatiaat*. tkmrwal tn lai tn 1 to 4 day* without harm ■*>* to lalartoraoe* with roar wort M»J *: 50. •miH* M!-*n«th *lo*. Bw klat mtZ Writ* today kddraaa, •r >»nhiartoa iamafyC* . gg- M 5 BataM . Kaataa Qty.jfe 2 QUARTS FREE 051 For the purpose of inducing ' a trial order, we make thia great offer. kS ■T xxxx iiyi, V - H JBL Regular Price all for S S3JS jt xjtyt Ju we mt Tit exmeu. ' Taste every bottle If you like, r aP^SJJIsKJ aad if you do not find it the BEST whiskey you have ever h>d ’ a*®* l ’* back st our •*' ’ Mwiy pen»e and your money will be returned by first mail. THE IROEPENBENT MSTILLIH CO. or, wa ai mousy. ••*>. m «nlorikeet aieak, sambaa crrr, bio. ~ W. U TIMES DEMOCRAT FINAL ESTIMATE 11,M5,111 This Forecast Relates to the Actual Growth This Year and Is Exclusive of Linters NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 28.—A total of 11. 445,000 bale, is the final estlma.e of the Times Democrat for the cotton crop of 1910, as based on report. from throughout the rottoe belt. Thia forecast re lates to tbe actual growth of the year and is exclusive of linters, repacks, ete. Bv states the crop la given as folloam: Alabama. 1.166.000 bales. Arkansas, 700.000 bales. Georgia end Florida. 1.825.000 baiea. Louisiana. 253.000 bales. Mtaaissippi. 1.2U0.006 halve North Carolina. 700,000 bales. Oklahoma. 900,000 bales. Routh Carolina. 1.900.000 bales. t Tennessee. 300.000 bales. Texas. 3.200.000 bales. Correspondents say that farmers have hitherto sold freely, as a rule, but are inclined to hold the remnant. R. A. LEE A CO. CROP ESTIMATE CHARLOTTE. N. C.. Nov. 28 Below we give you our estimate of tbe commercial cotton crop ofo 910 1911: Alabama. 1.280.000 bales. Arkansas, 812.000 bales. California. 31.000 bales. Florida. 66.000 bales. Georgia. 1.911.060 bales. Kentucky. 2.000 bales. Louisiana. 327.000 bales. Mississippi. 1.317.000 bales. MUsoari, 75.000 bales. North Carolina. 735.000 bales. Oklahoma. 971.000 bales. South Carolina 1.208.000 bales. Tennessee. 327 000 bales. Texas. 3.396.000 bales. Virginia. 12.000 bale*. Total number of bales, 12.469.000 As we estimate the commercial crop. In cluding linters, we have made the shove total. Tbe actual yield of this crop will be very mneb less. The frost of October 13. 1909. doomed the whole northern belt, the plant made no progress after that date. —R A. Lee A Co. | corn, price would range from %c to l%c lower, owing to quality. Cattle hare been coming somewhat better tbe past few days, although no accumulations are reported at any of the yards, and prices have ruled steady, with prospects of good de mand. Hogs have suffered a still further de cline; receipts have been fairly liberal, but nothing of cohrequence carried over from day to day. which condition speaks well for th* Atlanta live stock market. HORSES AND MULEB Following are current quotations on homes and mules: Market easier. Horses—Heavy draft, good to choice. S2OOO 235; southern horses, good to extra. *I4OQ2>JO; soo-.bern boraea. fair to good. $1000140; south er* horses, common 5754100. drivers, choice, $1350225: plugs. $25040. Males—l 4 hands. $1000150; 1414 hsnda. 8135 4165; 15 band*. sl7s'daS; 1514 bands $1750 226; 16 hands. 82254275; extra heavy. 8275 4825. LIVE STOCK BY WIRE ST. LOUIS. Nor. 28.—Cattle—Receipts. 5. 000. including 800 Texan*; market steady. Na tive beef steers. $5.0007.25; cows and heifers, $3.2506.75; stockers and feeders. 83.75®5.25; Texas and India steers 83.754* 50; cows and keifeta. 83.5044.50; calvea in carload lots. 86.50 49.00. Hnga—Receipts. 7.000; steady. Pigs and lights. 56 7547.10; packer*. 86.6547.05; butch ers and best heavy. 86.9547.10. Sheep— Receipts. 4.000; steady. Native mut tona. 83.5044.00; lambs. 85.5047.00. CHICAGO QUOTATIONS Tbe following were tbe ruling prl'-ev ,b -» exchange tnday: Prev. Open. High. Low. Cloae. Close. WHEAT— Dec 69S4VH 8014 89% 89% May 96% 4 *6% 95% 95% Ju1y2014492% 93 92 % 92% 92% CORN— Dee44*4443% 44% 48“ 43% 44% Mav46»» 41461, 47 4«i, 46% 46% Ju1y47%447% 47% 47% 47% 47% OATS— Decemborßo% 33% 33% 30% 30% Mayß3% 4-33»« .33% 33% 33% 33% July 33% 33% 33% 33% 33% PORK - January .. ..16.72 16.85 16.65 16.R7 16.65 May 16.20 16.30 16.12 16.30 16.12 . • • • o,RV.«V 4Q.UV IV.i* RW.aFV LARD— November .. ft. 67 ft. 67 * 9.65 9.80 ft.7o .January .. .. 982 ft.7o 9.62' ft.7o ft.o2 I May 9.50 952 9.45 ft. 52 ft. 45 I SIDES— January .. .. ».»7 ft.oo 8.82 ft.oo ft 92 ■May 8.85 8.90 8.80 8.90 8.82 CHICAGO CASH QUOTATOIMI 1 CHICAGO. Nor. 28.—Wheat—No. 2 red. »2 le92*.c: No. 3 red. 89\«»t%c; No. 2 hard. 192H4194V5c; No. 1 northern. 81.0761.06; No. 2 northern. $1.05181.07; No. 2 aprtng. 98c4t 181 04V»; eel vet chaff. 90c® $1.00; durum. 82 e«2c. . I Corn—No. 2. 4W650c; No. 2 white. 48®50c; No. 2 yellow. 5114Q51%c. I Oat*—No. 2 white. 321463314 c; standard, [821 4 «32*,C. ST. LOUIS CASH QUOTATIONS I ST. LOT’IB. Nev 28 —Cash Wheat lower; (track No. 2 red. 93096e: No. 2 bard. 921»c® .81.00. I Corn irregular: track No. 2. 45@48c; No. 2 (white. 44>««48c. I Oats strong; track No. 2. 31 the; No. 2 white. |B2Hc. KANSAS CITY CASH QUOTATIONS 1 KANSAS CITY. Nov. 28.—Cart: ’ Wheat lH2e lower; No. 2 hard 89(g»7e; No. 2 red 92«M<- Corn —Unchanged to Il4e lower; No. 2 mlxe«. 44«4Rc : No. 2 white 45®48e. Oats—Unchanged; No. 2 white 83 a3sc; No. 2 mixed 31«33c. Rye—No 2. 70®74c. NAVAL STORES ’ SAVANNAH. Ga.. Nov. 28—Spirits turpen tine flm. 75c. Receipts 742. : Roeln firm: W. W. $7.55: W. G. 87.45; N $7.10: M 86.70: K 86 45: I $6.10: H 85.85: G 85.80; F 8-5 75; E $5.70; D $5.65: B $5.60. Re 'celpts 2.733. . ATLANTA MARKETS ATLANTA COTTON ATLANTA. G*., Nov. 28. —Cotton by wagon, ■steady. 14fec. t SOAPB AND WASHING FOWDIXB Swift* Pride roep. 100-12. $3.40; BwifVa Gold Mine. 50a. $1.90; Swift * Pride washing powder. 100-16. $3.78; Swift’* Pride cleanser. 50 1. $3.00: Swift's Wool soap. 10-18. $4.00. UTT POVLTXT Hen*, each. 40045 - frier*. according to ilaee. each. 15 to 25c; geeee. full feathered, fat 'o<a«oc each. duck*, pudlde. 25030 c each: Inckn. Pekin*. 35040 c each: roosters, each. 30035 c; turkey*, per pound. 16«l«e. FIBH AND OYBTIBB Pompano, pr pound. 30c; Spanish mackerel, r-per pound .12fec; trout, drawn, per pound. 10c; wtilne fish, drawn, per pound. 8c; headless red p»r pound. 10c; mullet, per barrel. 300 "pounds net $11.00; small snook* per pound 60 £le; mixed fish, per pound. 508 c; : range anap , per. flounders, pound. 607 c; oysters, aslecta. per gallon. $1.40; standard. per gallon. $.lO. . CRACKEB6 Crackers—XXX Florida aodaa. 7c; Block ae l*ct aodaa. 7fec; lemon cream*. Bfec; pearl oys ter. Te; glager anapa. 7c; cornbill*. 8c; penny rake*. «fee; animal*. 10c; jumbiya, lOfee; fig bar*. 13c; cartwheel*. Be; raiain cookies. Sfec: Blo<k snowflake wafers, la tin*. 13c; crackers In 5c cartons. 50c dozen; cracker* in ioc ar j ton*. 81.00. CANNED GOODS Oyster*. 5 ounce. 81.68; 3 ounce, ) Salmon tall*, pink*. 35.00. red. $750; ear I dine*. fe oil. no key. $A.6u; otl. key. ss.Bo; , fe ell mustard. $3.75; tomatoes, standard Vlr ■ glnla pack 2s. $1.30; 3a. $1.80; corn, standard. 11l SO; fancy. $2 50; Karo syrup. 10c ala*. I $1.78; 25c else. 82.00; 50c sine. SI.M. DBESSED POULTBY AMD GAMY BDNDMXEB Quail, each. 17018 c; dressed rabbita, sack. I2fefc<l3c; squirrel*. 10012 fee; opeaums. par fiound. dressed. 12 fe fl 15c; poultry, drawn, bead and feet on. per pound, bens 17018 c; friers Z3feo2sc; rooster*. 20022 c; ducks. 18020 c; geese. 10013 c; turkeys, owing to fatness. 240 Me; fresh egg*. per doaea. 33085 c; atorag* 28080 c. GBOCEBIEB Salt. 100 pound bags. 80c; ice enum. SI.OO. whit* fish. hit*. 48c; 60 pound*. $8.10; 100 ’ Ovuada $4-0o Bojal Gloea starch. 3c; Be*i •gloea starch. 2%e; World's eom starch. Sfec. •nickel packages. $3.50; pickle*. SO.JW; potash > s3.<K>. • Sugar—Standard granulated. $5.00. plantation $4 00. coffee. green, balk 13015 c; roasted, bulk. Bio. Blue BMge. 17c; StouswaU. 2Oc; • AAAA. lie; Vno. 33c; rice. Jap. 3fec: domestic. *fec; axle greaae. $1.75; navy beans, $2.7$ ►.bushel, Lima bean*. 6fec. - • I THE ATLANTA SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. ATT,ANTA. GEORGIA. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1910. ro* BA.M—NA.MMB HALL di BIdHOP, [lB N. nyui »i>., jumoall House. 210 AU-KEN —4»n» mile from Red Oak, only 3 miles from College Park. This is fine gray laud, and producing a bale of cotton to tbe acre. Has flue 4 room house and barn and several tenant houses. Only 830 per acre. 100 ACRES —Three and a half miles from Buck head: 70 acres In timber. 30 acres in cultiva tion; 4-room house. Only 84.000. SS - ACRES—On Roswell road; only 4 miles from Buckin ad; over 2.000 feel frontage OB the road; beautiful place, at only 5125 i>er acre, 43 ACRES—One tul'le from Austell; 15 acres fine bottom land, balance cr.ek runs through the plve. 12 acre* upland in cultivation, bal ance In timber. 8»*o will buy It, if taken quick. Only 18 miles from Atlanta. CHEATHAM BROS., (Sola* Ajr*ntß.) 8 Luckie St. Atlanta, Ga. FARMS. 22,000 ACRES beat Georgia farms, in Jefferson, Johnson. Bmanuel, Laurens and Montgomery counties, all the property of one mau who has given u* exclusive sale. We will cut acreage to suit. Price. 812 to 830 P er I'* ll ***. These lands will please anybody. Get busy. See u»., PLANTATION FOR LEASE. SIX HUNDRED FORTY AORES. Twelve home crop open; fertile, loamy soil; clay sub soil; smooth and free from stone; one a o<i half miles small creek bottoma; five good bouses, psinted and ceiled. Near church and school; four miles to a good market; good water and very healthy. Excellent summer and winter paatures, ■nltable for dairy farm. Also six hun dred forty acrea fenced grasing land, about three miles from above. Also another good two-horse farm. Terms reasonable. Herxfuid Lumber Cd.. Alexander City. Ala. UPSON COUNTY LANDS er* Cream of Middle Georgia. I have 60 farms for sale from 83.59 to 850.00 per acre. F. A. Stafford. Thomaston. Ga. SOUTH GEORGIA FARM. , 600 ACRES 3 miles of Tivaia, Houston county, on G., S. A F. railroad. 150 acres open. 100 In original forest pine, balance of land estimated to cut 300,000 of pine, 100,000 feet of oak. Excellent place for stock farm; timber will double the cost of place. 89 00 per acre, one third cash, balance 1 and 2 years. Address Nesbit Kimball Co., 707 Empire Life Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. 106 ACRES Rockdale county, 50 scree cleared, balance In timber: school and all conven iences necessary to a modern farm; all improve ment*. 88.000. half caah. balance In one and two years. For particulars communicate with Green k Cb'istian. 402 Grant Bldg., Atlanta. G*. . FARMS. 100 ACRES good farm land, six miles from center of Atlanta, with two good house* thereon. Th I* 1* a bargain for B*o.oo an acre, on terms. We also have others, and make loans on farms. FOR SALE—A GOOD FARM IN JACKSON COUNTY. Florida. Good 6 room house. 5-> P*« acre. W. Alford, Grandridge. Fla. FLOYD COUNTY FARM, near Rome. Ga.; a farm of 247 acrea. 70 acres in good st* l ® ol cultivation. 3 tenant house*, good school*, etc.; ehnrehe* nearby, at 812 per acre; half cash. DORAVILLE, GA., 17 miles of Atlanta, a farm of 50 acres, good house. 30 acres in cultiva tion. Tlila la cheap 850 per acre; cash MASON & TURNER. 224 26 Empire Bldg.. Atlanta. SOUTH GEORGIA FARM—7IO acre*. 2 mllri of New Portals, between Stateeboro and Mil len. on new railroad. All tn long *?«f yellow pine timber: red and grey pebbly land. Will grow bale to acre in long staple cotton, and excellent place for stock farm. Timber will double the coat of entire tract. Urtee 87.500; easy t?rmß. AddiTM Nesbit Kimball Co., At lanta, Ga.‘ TEXAS SCHOOL LANDS. Over 1.000,000 acres for sale by the state. You can buy 640 acres at 82 an acre; pay 832 cash, nalance after forty years; fine farming and fruit land and icalthy climate. For for ther Information. Send 6c prwtage. Investor Pub. Co.. Dept 55. San Antmlo. Tex. TOBACCO CVRES TOBACCO HABIT CUBED OB NO COST. Harm, les* home treatment of root* and herbs. Sure, pleasant, permanent. Send your name now. Nl-Ko Works. 5. Wiehlta. Kansas. ——■TREE BOYS* AIR RIFLE For welling 20 Jewelry Novelties stlOc esch. Rifle best I made. Write for Jewelry. When sold return our 82.00 and we send rifle. FEN WAY MFG. CX)., Dept. 56. Hempleton. Maas. mm LIVE STOCK (By W. H White. Jr., of White Provision Co. > ! Quotations based on actual purchases for the current week. Good to prime steers, 1,000 to 1.100 pounds. 4*G5Kc. Medium to good steers, 800 to 1.000 pounds. 4@4Hc. Good fat beef cows. 800 to 1,000 pounds. BH«4fec. Medium to good beef costs, 700 to 800 poujis. Good to choice heifers, 700 to 800 pounds. 4Hc. Medium to good heifers. 000 to 700 pounds. BH®*c- Above represent ruling prices on good qual ity beef cattle. Inferior grades and dairy types selling lower. Mixed '’omaion steers. If fat. 600 to SMMi pounds. 3Vi @I'AC- Mixed common cows. If fat, 000 to 800 pounds. 3HQ»%c- Mixed bunches, common to fair. 000 to 7uo pounds, Good butcher bulls, 3@4e. Prime hog.*. 160 to 200 average. 76714 c. Good butcher bogs 140 to 160 average, 6%«71kc. Good to choice pigs. 80 to 100 average. 6%@7c. Common to medium pigs, mixed. 60 to 120 average. 6%@7c. 1 Heavy and rough Logs. 200 to 306 average 6H«7e. Good Georgia sheep. 70 to 90 sverage, o® 6e. Above quotationa apply to prime corn-fed stock; if fattened on peanuts or fed only pert meaAs a large port movement for several days to come. Liverpool was as due, about 6 higher; spots 7 higher; correspondence from there says that the India crop has suffered from too much rain in the Bombay districts and prices have ad vanced materially. Business continues good at Mancheaetr and a 12,500.000 crop Is needed as Fngland is deter mined to have her full share of the'crop. Ad vices from the continent are aomewhat better. N*w York wired that between 75.000 and 100.000 bales were tendered against December futures. Notices were leaned by brokers for the old bull crowd and accepted mostly by Mc- Fadden and Craig. The market met with good genera) support around 15.10 for March and responded readily to It. Confidence in cotton is marvelously strong. ■ UTTER, CHEESE AND EGGS NEW YORK, Nov. 28—Butter easy; receipts 4,251; creamery specials 3Hh®3l%c; extras 30Hc; creamsry bald, second to special. 25631 c; state dairy, common to finest. 24®30c; process, common to special. imitation cream ery. flrat 24>4C25c; factory, June make 24@ 24'ic; factory, curent make 521462814 c. Cheese quiet and steady: receipts l.fitW. State, whole milk, September quality specials 15%®| 17c; do. fancy colored 151*c; do. fancy white 15>461514e; lo choice 14%£15c; do early Oc tober fine 141461414 c; do current make, fair 14c: do. common loR1314e; skims 214® 13c. Eggs, fresh at-ady; refrigerator unsettled; receipt* 5.017. Stxte. Pennsylvania and nearby hennery white fancy 50®55c: do. gathered white 58®4«c: do. henn-'ry brown fnney 40643 c; do. gathered brown 30640 c; western gathered white 326420; fresh gathered extra first 33®35c; do. first 306>2c; Jo. seconds 26®29c; refrigerator, special marks fancy. In local storage, 25c; do. first 1814624*; do. seconds 22®28c. KANSAS CITY BUTTER AND EGGS KANSAS CITY. Nov. 28.—Butter—Creamery 30c; firsts 27c; seconds 25c; packing stock 20c. Egge—Extras 30c; firsts 28c; seconds 10c. CHICAGO FRODUCE CHICAGO. Nov. 28—Butter easy; creameriea, 24630 c; dairies. 23® 27c. Eggs firm; receipts, 2,416 cases; at mark, cases included, 1914622>ac; firsts. 2fte; prime firsts, 34c. - Cheese steady; daisies, 15Vj®15%c; twins. 14<4®1414c; young Americas, 151461514 c; long horns, 151461514 c. Potstoes easy; choice to fancy. 45®48c; fair to good. 38®43e. Poultry steady; live turkeys. 15c; dressed. 20c: live fowls. lOe; live springs. 10c. Veal steady; 50 to 60 pound weights, 9® 10c; 60 to 85 pound weights, llQllHc; 85 to 110 pound weights, 13c. MXSCKXXAITBOTJS This StemWlnd Watch EDEC and Ring IIIEE Genuine American Watch, Stem IT;Wind. Stem Set Beautiful case. Guaranteed time keeper; also Ring with Sparkling Geiu. both Free for selling 24 Jewelry Novelties at 10c each. Write for Jewelry. When sold send ua 82.40 and we send watch and ring. FRIEND SOAP CO.. Dept. 605, Beaton. Mass. FREE American Movement Watch. ■Yf Vl® beautiful case, fine timekeeper. ». • ?LU given free for selling 6 boxes Blood Tablets at 25c. ea. When sold return 81.50 and we send Watch, with extra premium of Ring ”id Chain for money sent ua with in 10 days. Standard Remedy Co., 5 Cortlandt Bt., Dept. 6. New York City. for Oml u.lB out RD 1 Bend II w us with yw name, port * ad exprwßßaoß aArt***. and wa whl sand to you by axprßag for Bxaminayan tola fonuiM CrCf. ’ ' watch DoabU hancnf *itra quality &Di6b*d BOB*. Standard Amort can hili »*v*a ruby jovtlod work*, with 5Mb watch w« B9Dd Mdta ccrtilWatM ann wy oan b* ÜB«d la purcha*in< food* from wfcSwCy ,ur oataiofW (total yblu* of wat*h And wtk IWnfiLJZ/Iwy floatearKKOO) al I for |8 50. To.< examine tha watch at your expraaa office and if sadafao ■ JEnLaSyTorT pay AgjMf aed it is yaura Satiofaetian rugraatwd ar money f| i Stata wb*»b*r you want a aa a’awacab or a ladlea* watch. Order today. Addreaa •.■.CHALMERS A CO.. *B* Oeerbere St.,CHICAGO. SOLID rf »LD RING FREE v Write for 6 boxes Standard f Blood Tablet* to aell at 25 J cent* each. We (tend Tablets postpaid and allow 30 day* to sell them. When sold return 81.50 and we send thia genuine Solid Gold Band Blag. STANDARD REMEDY 00., 5 OortUndt ■t., Dvpt. 4, New York City. W,Watch, Ring and Chain FOR SELLING OUR JEWELRY. mFP 1 This bamlaarue AMERICAN K M I" H WIXU.bTtM I 11 Lk F/TOSWvJMwW. SET WATCH,enyravedand . __ L* flyWSlWff pr p«r • lze FOR ft YE \ RS. Alto iUaet r'.nf ready for your laid*l and * watch chain fro* to boy«, fir •or SA rta I J Jifify atl r >«6a*h. Hen! u* name and ad ire«t atd we w!> ,eo< * id l ™ l ’'? F*tpaid Wh*u told send nt that? 40 jy J and wa will sand tha watab. ring, aad chain FREE JEWELRY CO. DBPT. 5, CHICAGO SHORT HORN CATTLE, Poland China hogs, fancy poultry and M. B. turkeys. Sixteenth year. New price list. Tuggle Bros., Brush creek, Tenn. POLAND-CHINA PIGS OF THE BEST BREED to be found lu America. Pedigree with earn pig. Some fine brood now* for sale. J. R. Combs, Adalrsvill?, Ga. LADIES—Make supporter*, 812 per hundred; no canvassing; material furnished; atamped en velope for particulars. Wabash Supply Co., Department W 128, Chicago. - ■ ■■ 1 L | BUSINESS for men or ladle*. Pays big. Arti cle* everybody wants. Sell fast. Excellent ter ritory'. Address I*. W. Ziegler, Dept. K., Chicago. PECANS -Nq legitimate Investment known pays such liandsome return* as pecana. Write me for full particulars. Smith D. Pickett. Atlanta, Ga PATENTS OBTAINED OR NO FEES CHARGED BOOK free. Thousands Os satisfied clients. T. R. Harmy, 1318 Kenyon, Wasliiuyion. D. c. OPEN AIR Grown and Frost Proof Cabbage Plants Guaranteed. Prices 1,000 for SI.OO, 5.000 for $4.25. Varieties Eurly Jersey Wake field, Charleston Wakefield, Succession, Au gusta Trucker, list Dutch. Now ready. H. E. SIMPSON, Rout* 1, Piedmont. 8. 0. WE HAVE more big Jacks and stallions than ever before. A guarantee back of every one that is sold as solid as Hie Hills, Breeders of Tamworth and Hampshire swine. Stock all agea for sale. Write for catalogue. J. F. COOK & CO., Lexington. Ky. 12 POSTCARDS FREE We will -send you 12 of tbe prettiest cards you ever saw if you will cut this advertisement out and send it to us with 4c to pay postage and mailing and say that you will show them to 6 of your friend*. D 32 New Ideas Cord Co., 3 fl. 6th St., Philadelphia. Pa. ATTENTION. FARMERS—By my new method of saving rolling, hilly land from washing, it can be doubled and threbled in value. Chargee reasonable. Best references given oa appli cation. J. H. Pharr, Marshallville, Ga. TOBACCO causes chronic irritation of brain and nerve cells. NI-KO heals this irritation. You won’t want tobacco any more. You will feel so good. King Nl-KO. Room 3. Wichita, Kansas. 83 TO 810 DAILY to local representatives, who g» after what they want and get what they go after, with my PURE ALUMINUM “GEM” COOKER and preserve Kettle combined. Every housekeeper buys on it* merit*. Branch Mfg. Co., 2 South 14th St.. Richmond. Va. 1910 One-Man Wood and Ix>g Sawyer, the Ma chine of Merit, Automatic Self-Pulling. For Illustrated description write H. * H. Self-Saw ing Machine Co., Kane, Pa. 10 POSTCARDS, actual photographs Jeffries- Johnson Fight taken at ringside. 25 cents. M. P. C<i., 211 Temple Court Bldg.. Chicago, 111. WHITE FACED BLACK SPANISH—TTio. 85.00 while they last. Order direct from this ad. H. W. i'hestnut, Centralia, Kan*. Circular free. FOR SALE FEATHERS—AII kinds of domestic feathers. Live geese feathers a specialty. Write for samples and prices. R. S. Eubank*, 73% South Broad St.. Atlanta. Ga. RABINCIA The Latest Up-To-Date Odor In PER F V ME For a Holiday Gift Your dresser is Incomplete without it. Send 10c for sample and be convinced. All deal ers 50c, or by mall. RAY MFG. CO., 246 Fulton St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Just What You Need The bummers Automatic Waxed-thread Stitch ing Awl will mend anything. Will repair har ness. shoe*, buggy tops, sew on buttons, tie comforters, sew up rents In carpets, etc. Hat. 1 large and 1 small point for light and heavy stitching and I curved point for patching shoes, etc. Also 1 wrench and 1 bobbin. Never before sold less than one dollar. For the next 30 days WILL SEND YOU ONE FOR 50c postpaid. Please remit postal or express money order. Agents wanted. LAWTON & BUSHMAN, Dept. 10, Burlington, Wis. Ttreat CATARRH fcf FREE For fl'teen dayt. If you do not wish to continue, coete you nothing. I am treating catarrh. Deafness, Bead Noieee, and Bar tronblee, with a remarkable new treatment. I want to •end a couree cf this treatment with two iqitmmente to every •atfarer, by mail, all chargee prepaid, to try IS days. Send no money. Write for my my free trial treatment to day. ff : ring full deer riot ion of youreaee. Dr. W. 0. COFFEE, Dept. 394, Des Moines,lowa. PERSONAL PERSONAL —iMdics. when delayed use Triumph pills. Always dependable. • Relief and par ticulars free. Write National Medical Institute. Milwaukee. MARRY WEALTH AND BEAUTY. Marriage directory FREE. Fay when married. New plan. Box 314 T. 1.. KANSAS CITY. MO. GET MARRlED—Ma'.rimonial paper containing advertisements marriageable people from all aeettons of the United States, Canada, rich, poor, young, old, Protestants, Catholics, mailed sealed free. H. H. Gunnels, Toledo, Ohio. aiinnif Best plan on earth, sent free. Pho- MahHi t 0" •’•■y tad r member. The lilAlllll Pilot. Dept. 47. Marshall. Mich. MARRIAGE PAPER free The most rellabis published. Send for cue Essurn Ageucy. ». Bridgeport. Conn. MARKY —Book of descriptions and photos mailed sealed. FREE. The Exchange, Box 829 R. L„ Kansas Cit»- Ma. MISCELLANEOUS ( • WE W4NT A FARM. 200 to 250 acres, within • 50 miles of Atlanta, not over I mile from i railroad st ition. Some Improvements. Must be i reasonably priced. Robert A. Ryder Realty , Co.. 1013 Empire Bldg. I ,I'EAS—%e want to buy peas. S. T. Beveredge . j & Co., Richmond, Va.■ ' RICE—New crop. 100 pounds beautiful, clean. , white table rice, in double sacks, freight pre paid to your railroad station, $3.85. J. Ed. Cab an is*, Rice Farmer. Katy. Texas. [ PORTRAITS —New emerlines are dandle*. Our • special Xmas offer is cheap. Agents making | big money. Crescent Portrait Studio, 914 Mou- I tann St.. Chicago. • ' IDO YOU LIKE MUSIC? I’or SIOO.OO I wiH I ship you a $200.00 Columbia Phonograph war i ranted as good in every respet as when it left the factory- Guarantied for oue year. Paul T. Barth. Muaic Dealer. 78 North Broad St., | Atlanta, pa. • 5 Christmas Cards EDEE Send only 2c stamp nnd | receive 5 very finest Gold ■ i Embossed Christmas Post Card* FREE, to intro j duce post card offer. Capital Card Co., Dept, i 214, Topeka, Kan. SBO.OO PER MONTH paid Railway Mail Clerk*. Customs and Internal Revenue Employee*. No ‘‘layoffs." Short hours. Rapid advancement to high salaries and high government positions. Thousands of appointment* coming. Common ed ucation sufficient. Political influence unneces sary. Country and city resident* stand same cnance of immediate appointment. Examina tions announced everywhere January 15th. Coaching free to first 23 applicants.^-Write im mediately for schedule showing places of the examinations. . Franklin Institute, Dept. D 39, Rochester, N. Y. Secrets forWomen Send 2c stamp for catalogue of Rubber Ne cessities, Remedies, Toilet Articles and Beauty Preparations. This book is of great interest to women. Do not delay. FAIRBANK SUPPLY HOUSE, F. K. 60 Wabash Ave.. Chicago. TOBACCO HABIT CURED. DR. ELDERS’ TOBACCO SPECIFIC cures all forms of Tobacco Habit in 72 to 120 hour*. A IKMitive, quick and permanent cure. Easy to take. No craving for Tobacco after the dose. One to three boxes cures all ordinary case*. We guarautee a cure in any case or refund money. Send for our free booklet, giving full Information. Elders’ Sanitarium, Dept. 2, St. Joseph. Mo. M $4 a day SURE t Easy work with horse and buggy right where you live in handling -our ironing and fluting machine. One *B ent sa Y s '■ “Made 850 in 3M We pay a montll an “ Jn t m 'jflexpenses; or commission. PIASI MN. CO. Dspt. 40 Ctoeinisu, OMa SIOO MONTHLY and expenses to trustworthy men and women to travel and distribute sam ples; big manufacturer. Steady work. S. Schef fer, Treas. W. J. 166, Chicago. $5,000 TO SIO,OOO PER YEAR In the real estate business. I will teach you how and muke you my special representative. Send for my big free book. H. D. Hurd. Pres., 850 Dwight Bldg). Kansas City, Mo. THE MUSIC MAGAZINE, 1712 East 53th St.. Cleveland. O. If yon are not rat a sub scriber we will send you the Music Magazine every month for ONE YEAR for only 25c. With thl* magazine you receive the latest and very best PIANO MUSIC FREE. AGENTS—Portraits 35c; frames 15c; sheet pictures 1c; stereoscopes 23c; view* Ic. 30 days’ credit. Samples and catalog free. Con solidated Portrait, Dept. 4568. 1027 W. Adams St.. Chicago. and rivi pR,ZE giving eleven ■ *M*W* valuable prize* to our ■ 7B ■ customer*. You may be tbe lucky one Shot Gun* *t $3.7 5; Rifle*. 51.4 0; Revolver*,‘ $2.10 *nd 83.40. Yon can’t beat our price* BOURN E A BOND. 313 M*rk*t Street. Louiarille, Kfotucky. These two Ring* mxt.'&DjSSviN K afflsiwfajfor selling seven 25c S - h "’«" ’’Merit" Tablet* in 30 day*. (L W J On* aalM yold. A4dre., , MERIT Medlefoa Ca., Kaon* 14 OtacfoMtl, Okla. — CHOICE Scotch collie stud dogs, brood bitches and pups of both sexes. Wishsw Clinker strain. Sherbrooke Collie Kennels, Culpepper, v «- t . SOLOmACC ordion llaHPrF!'rl rrerfMP7r«L~ Sw*«» toned deep voieed irxruo.ei.l <*.ii «■ y nu c *° r l * l ' b’subfui 1 11 mu 11 ii*i*rrmjj muile for concert* and M.'SBsnmi*ir 7 ***tea*s'ffl> 6a**M, E-»n-~ ' "IM 10k*y*,full **ir**<!i,J ZT-- 3ej» atop*, double bellow*, eb enited ear*. nick <1 plated 'a l ? re m, *n.i tr aaleo. B*nd W*'; 1 ,,'"” tor *4 elen* et Jewehy *« "9 *a^".'nr***a*te-.~--'ey— * *,loo.*m*. >*a ™*B**sl*i>s*«iafoß*r Mid ud •• MB* tbe Meer* *a. Eagle Watch 0o. ( Dept. 332, East Boston, Mass. MEDICAL SHAKEY NERVOUS PEOPLE CURED with DR. GUNN’S BLOOD A NERVE TONIC. Makes nerve force,stops diixy spells,fives healthy sleen 75c a box. 3 boxes $2 At stores,or sent by mail. If weak orsick,write DR.BOSANKO CO.,Phila.,Fk. I HAVE AN HONEST CURE FOR GOITRE (thick neck) ’ that does the work. Pay when cured. Drite Dr. E. M. Mclntosh, Waupaca, Wls. cured to stay cured. Eminent Er— l ■ judge*, ministers, <ongres«men ■ I 8,1(1 • lle ined'cal press deciare my cures permanent. I cure TT after others fall. WRITE TO- ■ DAY FOR FREE BOOKLET. AddressT. Dr. W. Towns, Fond du Lac. Wls. CANCER t^r^eF Orbk wULII Gur book y° u VI ■■ H ■ how> and evi- dence of what others have done for themselves. Sent free. Address, THE BYE INSTITUTE. ■Ol Fair Block. Indianapolis. Indiana. A POSITIVE CURE r %nr Without medicine ALLAN’S SOLUBLE MEDICATED BOUGIES will cure thl most ob stinate cases. No nauseous doses. Price, 11. 50. Sold by druggists. Send for circular J. t. ALLAN CO., P. 0. Box 996, New York X»TmC! EPILEPSY. Only CURE. I insure I iID an entire and rapid cure to stay cured for life. I ask no fee. Dr. Kruse Lo.. St. Louis, Mo. , WONDERFUL MM Bww |BO jpa NEW MEDICAL |m f DISCOVERY ■ " B I will send you a free treatment of my New Discovery, which is astonishing the world in the cure of’Kidney, Bladder, Rheumatism and all Uric Acid Diseases, If you will write me today. I will also send my large 32-page Ixtoklet. ••How to Get Well.” all without cost to you. Do not send money—not one cent,do I ask. This discovery is creating wonders. It Is the great est medical discovery of the twentieth century. Drop mo a posts! today—do not watt. Describe vour case briefly when writing. Dr. D. J. WALSH. 107 Niles Building, Boston. Mass. WANTED HEIjP —MALE WANTED —Colored men. Prepare as sleeping car train porters, firemen, brakemen. S6O. S9O. Southern roads. Enclose stamp. Inter. Ry., No. 40. Indianapolis. Ind. WE PAY $36 a week and -xpenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. 06. Parsons. Kas. • Spanish Needles, ttodic Goldometers fee locating Gold. Silver and hidden treasures z? Our instruments are the best- Cat. 1 centr Miners Supply Co. Dopt 5 .Paixsyra,!* YOUNG mra for railroad firemen, brakemen, baggagemen: $75-100 to start; early promo tion; experience unnecessary; state age. weight and height. Address Railway Bureau, 08V Pan ama Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Mnn,r,in i...hiiiwr\ o full oy?io ° t Jr U tiir ■ fi ® eja nri-JTQ IS THE BEST WHISKEY rn\. .1 JL ITlxO Ever offered at wholesale price ? Our offer is plain, we guar- = ' antee it to be as represented. mUSBSi 2 full gallons, Ridgeway Straight $4.00 3 full gallons, Ridgeway Straight 6.00 4 2 full gallons, Ridgeway Straight 8.60 Mw full Quarts, Ridgew'ay Straight 6.75 **'.4bow wholesale rates, all express paid to your door. No order accepted for less amount at wholesale price* quoted. Let us demonstrate this on a trial order. You will be well « . pleased with our Ridgeway Straight full standard proof Eplßi • North Carolina Whiskey; Ridgeway Straight Pure feffjao /'■' North Carolina Whiskey is our own native product, t purely distilled. Contains natural triple flr.vor, jus las distilled. ; L No blend, compound, mixture or rectification of color- '-<Sg|l ingsor foreign matter added whatever. It will surely please y°u and your friends, or we will refund every cent paid us, if, after trial you are not perfectly satisfied without discussion. CAUTION. Some dealers claim we cannot sell straight whiskey Ejggßß at this price; some reduce price with water; while some ship you 128 ounces (1 gallon ) in two jugs, to meet our nrices; while others ship express collect MjfifefM We guarantee Ridgeway Straight to be as represented : C”'’ 1 always. We refer you to Florida National Bank of this city as to gSrjMjj our reliability. |klSh r ' Make all remittancss to gWfiHI H. L. SPRINKLE DISTILLING CO. i.n Distillery Jacksonville, Fla. offices & Warehoue j ‘ ’ Moncrief Springs t 336 East Bay Street I U. Books for Xmas Free II America Across The Seas—this book is just 1 what every child in school needs, as it is a history ' of oilr New Possessions, The Philippines, Hawaii, ; Guam and our smaller islands in the Pacific, Pan- • ama and the Canal Zone, Alaska, Porto Rico and ■ Cuba —in fact, is just as interesting to the Old ; Folks as it is necessary for the Young People. This : Book Free with a year’s subscription to The Semi- j Weekly Journal, SI.OO. Roosevelt’s Trip an’d Hunting Big Game in Af rica—another dandy Book—over 400 pages with , illustrations Free with a year’s subscription to The t I Semi-Weekly Journal only $1.15. Send your subscription today and state which ’ book is wanted. THE SEMI WEEKLY JOURNAL, Si Atlanta, Georgia. ' n I No commission allowed on this offer. — GREAT Mail UNEQUALED H Kentucky’s Straight Whiskey S Express Prepaid from Distiller to You Obllabw lav C R 3 for |7.60 or | for $3. choice of Rye, Bourbon or Corn wbIIvIIb lOr bws Fulton Straight whiskey highest medicinal thoroughly matured, in Myers patent 1 gallon demijohns. To prove Fulton is bestyouneefl i send no money I V>e ship on 30 day’s credit, if you have yonr merchant or bank write ns guar * anxeiug account. No C.O.D. Foil Quart Bottlesof Rye. Bourbon or Corn are » expressed prepaß in plain boxes.either 4 for 53.6 for $6. or 12 for $9. FREE—4 miniature bottles of Selected Fulton with every 2 gallon order, 6 with 3 gallon orders, accompanied bycaah. If not satisfied with whiskey return; . nd, If paid for, all your money will be refunded by first mail. ■> - IYERS & COMPANY, 11 Sou O.ra, a•. kas. DwVv No. n. tn Dm., Kv. Order, from Moot.. Wvo.. Colo, N Mxx tod W«t Uonrf. won eat fcr either to mu qxsn bouUo. 4 gsllonx la 4«at»xx. or a mt. for $H Vy prvpx.d frvigau Wdw foe treat»- ♦ Xi' Write for our book, “A Fair Customer," and price list -sealed - ' ■ MEDICAL ' * wish every person in :he , W S (fl &| U. S. suffering with fits. ' -I Epilepsy or Falling Sick 1 B H wk to • pnd for one of my 1 I I bl H large siaed 16-ouuce bottles ‘ I 111 V free. DR. F. E. GRANT, Dept. 205. Kansas City, Mo. j EITSS?E!3rSSa?s MORPHINE and other drug habits are successfully treated by J HABITINA. For hypodermic or internal .• Use. Hampie sent to any drug habitue * by mail, in plain wrapper. Regular price M.OQ. | , ,_ Q DELTA CHEMICAL COMFANY 11~ 9 Hollaed Bulldtae SL Leela. Me. ■ I h £s ep - eps l IHl■ KT CKWLSS I Why despair, if other, have failed; »er>d at an«« for a trea- ! Use and Frva Mattle of my Infallible remedy. I b-*-made t the d>uase of Fit,. Epilew <* Falling Sickness a life-long , study, and wastes: my remedy to give immediate and eeeee* hl relief. I have hundreds of testimonials from those whs have been cured. Give express and F. O. address. W. H. FBBKB, F.D.. 4 Cedar St.. How York nODDCV Cured: quick reilzf; reaovraail r ."eEng tn 6 UnUrp Ito 20days; 30 to 60days eSects permanent cure. Trialtreatment given free to .-uSerers; nothingfaireg. For circulars, testimonials and free tr -Itreaunent write Dr. H. H. Grr--’- < - " A Atlanta. Go IRHEUMATISMahoGOUT] PROMPTLYRELIEVEO BY | ~ 1 -u .. 1 WmR BM ISA FE&EFFECTIVE50&$ LI ' DRUGGISTS. OR S 3 HENRY GT. PARALYSIS Chaw’s A i . Nerve Tablets does It. Write for Proof. Advice Free. ' . xan. CHASE. 224 North 10th St.. Philadelphia. Pa. i giß Gold Band Whiskey Si : BOTTUED IN BOND In accord with the U. S. Law. and Jal under the direction of United States Internal Revenue officers. E ery bottle has a green U. S. m’MAOf stamp over the cork stating that ra : .VL:, the whiskey is 100 In prnol ■' 4 yean old. 8 Short Quarts $4.75 BVV® 8 Full Quarts «b 55.75 IwM I 2 Short Quarts $6.95 I 2 Full Quarts $7.95 rv/J'Sk 24FunRnt ’ $8 - 46 48 Full rJI.W » (The above >• »11 Gold Bond Kw r*R bottled inbond.) Hl 2 Full Gallons IT * II ■ WEI? XOO Proof! QT 5 Pure Corn V— teiU aHIm 2'Full Gallons \\ l tiß bU “ bottles) wliicKFY Pureßy ’ WII I Jl\Lw » / Send remittance and ad dreas nearest place. KST Atlantic Co..t 100 PERCENT HQNt=L r»i«411! lOOPERCENT PURE# Distilling CO. 100 PER CEHT SJRAIGHT JaekwnviNa, Fla. BOTTLED IN BOND FMts-d.Ad. ATLANTIC COAST CO. aSSi Carper at either place, ba vll cause to bo packed vzithyo-jr goods One Sample Battle effioW Band ‘Bottled in Bond) or a f .'wertir Jug et Mlou Whiskey FREE. STRICTURE gg kt you are buffennj wiUs btriciur*, enlarged pro* 'n:e, d JficHty to retain or pat* water, you will get im mediate r< lief and a speedy care by using SKEEN'S PAINLESS STRICTURE CURE Ho Cutting, L ilating or Drugging. Your money uacn in 3U day* if not *ati*n*d. No rad ♦n— i<> tuu proposition. Our booklet "An Honea* Talk,” *enc fre* with Gvabantkk, will open you* •»*. nnd oonvinoa too. Writ* at once to D. A. SKEEN 82 Allen Bldg., Cincinnati, OMb, 17