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I Say It When
You’re Sure
Write for it today, using the coupon on this page, but
don’t send a penny in your letter. Don’t even enclose a
stamp. Ask for it—that’s all. We pay all postage, we stand
all the expense, we take all the risk. We want you to get it,
to use it, to see what it does for you, to learn what it is, to
learn how it acts, how it cures. When you learn all this,
when you are satisfied, then you can say “Here Is Your Dollar”
and we will be pleased to get it. If you are not willing, glad
and happy to say it, we don’t want a penny from you. we
won’t ask for pay nor dun you —we leave it all to you. This
is how we are offering Bodi-Tone to every reader of this
paper who is sick, ailing or in poor health. This is how one
hundred thousand people have already tried Bodi-Tone, the
new medicine for the sick, which has cured thousands of
sufferers during the past year, including many of the readers
of this paper. Many of your neighbors are using it and we
want you to use it. We want you to try a full-sized one dollar
box of Bodi-Tone at our risk and expense, so that you, too,
will get to know the great curative and restorative forces in
this extraordinary medicinal combination, which is rapidly
proving its superiority over the common and ordinary propri
etary medicines that have so badly disappointed the sick, and
is curing sick men and women by the thousands.
does just what its name means — cures disease by toning all
the body, and we want you to try it and see what it will do for
your body. Bodi-Tone is a small, round tablet, that is taken
three times every day, either before or after meals, as you may
prefer. Each $ 1.00 box contains seventy-five of these tablets,
enough for twenty-five days continuous use, and we send you
the full box without a penny in advance, so that you can try
it and learn what it is, so you can learn how easy and simple
it is to take, so you can learn how it w’orks in the body, how it
cures stubborn diseases by helping nature to tone every organ
of the body. The composition of Bodi-Tone is not secret.
Every one of the many valuable ingredients used to make this
splendid remedy are well known to all doctors of all schools;
each has a well defined, well known and thoroughly established
place in the realm of medicine and is prescribed by physicians
every day of the year. Each ingredient is named and fully
described in the Bodi-Tone Book, which tells all about Bodi-
Tone and is sent free to every Bodi-Tone user. You know
just what you are using and know it is good and safe. Among
the ingredients w’hich compose Bodi-Tone are Iron, to give
life and energy to the Blood, Sarsaparilla, to purify it. Phos
phate to nourish the Nerves, Lithia for the Kidneys, Gentian
for the Stomach, Chinese Rhubarb and Oregon Grape Root
for the Liver, Cascara, which restores tone tQ the Bowels and
Intestines, and Peruvian Bark for the General System. All
these ingredients pull together to restore health in the body,
each serves to build upon the others work, each one helps.
Best Medical
We claim no credit for discovering the ingredients in
Bodi-Tone, each of which has its own well-deserved place in
the medical books of most of the civilized world and all of which
are recommended by the best modern medical writers and
teachers. Many are prescribed regularly by the medical pro
fession for diseases in which we recommend Bodi-Tone, most
of them have been successfully used separately or in combin
ation with other drugs for the treatment of innumerable
diseases, but the exact combination found in Bodi-Tone is
peculiar to Bodi-Tone alone ar!*! gives Bodi-Tone a curative
and restorative power to itself, that has brought health
to thousands during the past year’s time. We simply claim
credit for the formula which we have invented, for the way in
which these valuable ingredients are combined, for the propor
tions used, for the curative force which thousands have found
in Bodi-Tone, for the cures which make it different from other
Bodi-Tone Company,-Chicago.
remedies. That is why we want to send a box on trial to you
immediately, as soon as you write for it, for we-know you will
find it different and superior. Though Bodi-Tone is a scientific
medicinal combination, most of the ingredients used in it are
familiar to the common people, and are remedies which they
as well as the doctors know to be good, remedies in which
they can place the fullest confidence and which they know they
can safely use. Bodi-Tone is right all through, from the first
to the last ingredient, a remedy that knows its work in the
body and does it in away that satisfies the body-owner. It is
a pure remedy that all the family, young and old, can use. It
contains no narcotic or habit-forming drugs, it contains no
ingredient that your own family doctor will not endorse and
say is a good thing. It does not depend upoji drugging the
body. It does not kill pain with opium or morphine. It does,
not excite the body with alcohol, but it tones the body and
cures its disorders with remedies nature intended to tone and
cure the body or that power would not have been given them.
offers its valuable services to you right now, right from this
page, if you are sick, if you need medicinal help, if your bodily
organs are not acting as they should, if your body is not in
right, natural and normal tone. This is what Bodi-Tone is
so help nature restore tone to the body, to restore normal
health, energy, vigor, vitality and strength. If there is any
thing wrong with your Kidneys, Bodi-Tone helps to restore
tone to the Kidneys, helps to set them right. If there is any
thing wrong with your Stomach, Bodi-Tone helps to tone the
Stomach, helps to set the wrong right. If there is anything
wrong with your Nerves, your Blood, your Liver, your
Bowels or your General System, the iirgredients in Bodi-Tone,
which are endowed by nature with a special action in these
parts, go right to work and keep on working day after day,
exerting always a well understood, definite action that produces
curative results of the kind sufferers appreciate. If you have
Rheumatism, Bodi-Tone, a splendid eliminant, helps to elim
inate the Uric Acid from the system while it restores tone to
the Kidneys, Stomach and Blood, thereby exerting a continual
anti-rheumatic effect which makes it hard for rheumatism to
obtain or retain a foothold in the system. Bodi-Tone should
be used by all women suffering from any of the various Female
Ailments, for its toning properties are especially valuable in
such ailments. Bodi-Tone is especially urged for all chronic
sufferers who have tried honest, reputable physicians at home
and elsewhere without getting the relief and permanent benefit
desired. If your local doctor is doing you no real good, if you
have given him a real and honest chance to do what he can
and the medical combinations he has used have failed, then
give this scientific, modem combination of old-time remedies
a chance to show what it can do for you.
Don’t Put It Off
Why delay another day, when a trial of this new and
proven medicine is yours for the asking? Why keep on suffer
ing, day after day, when all you need do is clip out the coupon
and mail it to us, to get a twenty-five days treatment of this
great remedy, that has already put thousands on the road to
health, that has made thousands glad and happy to say “Here
Is Your Dollar,” to pay for the health Bodi-Tone brought
them. The curative powers of Bodi-Tone have been amply
proven by one solid year of cures. It has been tested in
thousands of cases, covering a great variety ofailmentsinboth
sexes, at every age, and the results obtained are more than
sufficient to amply prove the wide curative value of this splen
did formula. It was advertised right from the start as a remedy
for all of the body and its aid has been sought by chronic suf
ferers from most of the important diseases which distroy the
body’s peace and comfort. Over one hundred thousand people
have used it during the past year. Persons suffering from
Rheumatism, Stomach Trouble, Kidney, Liver and Bladder
Ailments, Uric Acid Diseases, Bowel Complaints, Female
Trouble, Piles, Blood and Skin Affections, Dropsy, Catarrh,
Anaemia, Sleeplessness, LaGrippe, Pains, General Weakness
and Nervous Breakdown, have tested Bodi-Tone and proven
its value in such disorders. Their experiences have proven
beyond a shadow of doubt that the Bodi-Tone plan of toning
all the body is a right plan that helps to cure these and other
disorders, that it is a real aid to nature. How Bodi-Tone has
acted in these cases is best shown by the letters of praise
received from former sufferers. Every day’s mail brings its
share, for the fame of Bodi-Tone is spreading like wild-fire,
I because Bodi-Tone is doing the work and proving its superior
ity over common remedies. Many who nave for years been
in poor health and have tried most all of the prominent medi
cines, have written that one single box of Bodi-Tone did more
more good than all the others combined. Other sufferers,
who have tried good physicians and specialists for their various
troubles at great cost over a long period, have written that
Bodi-Tone did the work after their'doctors had failed.
Old FolKs Need It
All elderly men and women should use Bodi-Tone, even though they
have no serious trouble bothering them, and feel strong and healthy
for their age. Bodi-Tone acts as a “body tonic” for the aged, helping
to renew the blood, steady the nerves and promote a good appetite. It
aids in digestion, elimination and other important functions and causes
sound and refreshing sleep, which is so much needed by all old people.
Its special action in the kidneys is helpful to «tny elderly person,
whether or not there be any known kidney trouble. Repeated failures
to get any real benefit from the ordinary medicines has caused many
old folks, variously afflicted, to believe that all kinds of sickness and
disease is a necessary’ part of old age, but the success of Bodi-Tone
proves how good health may be enjoyed even during advanced years.
An old body cannot be made young again, for age takes its toll, but
the vital functions may be energized,' ailments remedied, organs
patched up and the entire body strengthened, invigorated and nourished
in such manner that old age will be enjoyable and free from pain and
bodily discomfort, which is as it should be. This is Bodi-Tone’s work
and hundreds of elderly men and women testify how well it does it.
Reports Os Cures
The letters printed in this announcement are but a sample of the
many we are receiving every day from all over the countrv, notth,
south, east and west. Read them and then judge for yourself. If you
are sick or in poor health, if vou have been doctoring without benefit,
if you are discouraged, send for a box of Bodi-Tone on this most liberal
trial offer. Try a real remedy for the sick and see what it does for you.
Memphis, Tenn. —l have been afflicted with Rheumatism for ten
years, that I could not do my work. My limbs and feet would
ache and cramp so at night I could not sleep. I have taken medicine
from several doctors. It never did me any good for more than a short
•time, then I would have to be bathing my limbs in some kind of lini
ment to get any ease. One day I found Bodi-Tone advertised in the
paper and ordered a box. It helped me and I sent for more. I took
all of three boxes and about half of a fourth box. I am so thankful to
say I feel better than I have in ten years. I am well and gaining in
strength every day, can work all day and sleep good at night. I am so
thankful fdr such a blessing. Mrs. S. P. Jones, Summer Ave.
Deford, Mich. —l was in a very bad condition with Indigestion
and Rheumatism when I started the use of Bodi-Tone. I had doctored
with several doctors and taken quantities of patent medicines, without
benefit to me, and had paid out a good many dollars for treat
ment. I received more real good from Bodi-Tone than all the rest I
have taken. I cannot find words to praise it enough. I have not done
as much hard work any season in twenty years as I have done this
summer, and Bodi-Tone made me able to do it. C. W. Morse.
St. ‘Louis, Mo.—l wish to sav a word of thanks for the wonderful
change in my health since taking Bodi-Tone. Two months ago I could
hardly walk around, had Kidney trouble and had hard lumps in my
stomach, which seemed to move around. Now they are all gone, with
all the bloating, and I am Reeling as well as anyone of my age could
expect. I have taken only two boxes. I speak a good word for Bodi-
Tone to everyone I know. Mary A. Creason, 1805 O’Fallon St.
Sierra City, Calif My husband has been using Bodi-Tone. He
was very constipated and his Kidneys bothered him a great deal, so
that he would have to get up eight or ten times in one night. Bodi-
Tone has helped him a great deal. It has kept his bowels regular and
fixed his kidneys so he did not have to get up more than once during
the night. We are recommending it to the sick. Mrs. B.
College Place, Wash. —l have had Stomach and Heart trouble
for over thirty years. I have been taking Bodi-Tone for about three
months and am feeling much better than I have felt for years.
H. H. Watson.
Calera, Ala l have been afflicted for twelve years with Catarrh
of the Head and Throat. I also had Stomach trouble, Nervousness
and Insomnia. I believe I used nearly every patent medicine on the
market recommended for these troubles. Besides, 1 was taking treat
ment from specialists all these years. \ No one but God knows how I
suffered. Finally I saw Bodi-Tone advertised and began using it.
Four boxes of the tablets did me more good than all the other medi
cines and doctors’ treatment combined. I feel so good that I want to
be the means of helping other persons afflicted like I was to get a cure
through Bodi-Tone. J. R« Crawson.
Fort Dodge, Kas l must say that Bodi-Tone is a Godsend to
the human race. I have been afflicted with a disease that baffled the
best doctors and must say that I have improved more from one box of
Bodi-Tone than I have for months. ' E. A. Alley.
Avoca, Texas You have a good medicine in Bodi-Tone, and I
have been greatly benefited by it. 1 was deaf in one ear when I began
taking Bodi-Tone and in two weeks’ time my hearing was partly
restored, and in one months’ time I could hear all right. I have gained
ten pounds in weight and feel better than I have felt in ten years. It
relieved me of Rheumatism and has been a great benefit to me generally.
J. H. Luttrell.
Batesville, Miss. —l was lame in my back from Kidney trouble
and also had Bladder and Stomach trouble. I found no relief until I
used Bodi-Tone, although I have used doctors* medicines for my com
plaints for fully fifteen years. lam fiftv-four years old. I first used
Bodi-Tone six months ago and now feel like a new man. G.W. Ellis.
Martin, Fla. —l have been sick five years with Stomach trouble,
Indigestion and Kidney trouble. I tried no less than four doctors and
have taken all kinds of patent medicines said to be good for my
troubles, but they all did me no good. I have taken two boxes of
Bodi-Tone and am in better shape than I have been in four years. I
cah go out and work all day ana before I took Bodi-Tone I could not
work a half day at a time. I shall tell all I know who have Stomach
or Kidney trouble, or are all run down, to use Bodi-Tone, for it surely
cures. £• Wever.
Bono, Ark l had hardly been able to be up before taking your
medicine. I have been bothered with my spleen for twenty-five years;
now I am well. I have taken doctors’ medicines and lots of patent
medicines for some time. Bodi-Tone has done me more good than
the rest. / Lizzie Tooley.
Louisville, Ky. —Your valuable medicine has been of so much
benefit to me that I desire to let other suffering folks know what a
grand remedv it is, that they too may take heart and try it Before I
commenced Bodi-Tone, three months ago, I was just about worn out.
I suffered from pain in the chest, had heartburn, breathlessness and
nervousness; I had to stdp my daily work and rest between times. Now
these troubles are nearly all gone and I have wonderful strength for
my work. I have better spirits and sleep better. I am seventy-one
years of age and can do all my own work and cooking for a family of
three. Mrs. M. N. Forwood, 4010 Grand Blvd.
Shifpensburg, Pa.—Bodi-Tone has cured me. It
is the right medicine for old people. I am sixty-four
years old and am a veteran of the civil war. My system
became.poisoned and I never felt rlrht thereafter. My
nerves, too, were affected, and I
had a great deal of Rheumatism.
1 tried different doctors without
any permanent benefit or rtros
pects of same. Finally the doc-'
tors said I had Lumbago ana
Kidney trouble and mv stomach
was not right. I would get dizzy
in the morning when getting out
of bed. I felt tired and worn-out
with no rest at night. In fact. I
was all broken-up and could not
stand any hard work. I had to
set upoften throughout the night.
have used four boxes with the
* following result: My Rheuma
tism is all gone, I can sleep all
night, don’t feel tired in the morning, have a good
appetite and feel like working. Bodi-Tone has cured
me of alt of these troubles ana I am feeling like a well
man. I can and am going to recommend Bodi-Tone to
all I meet who are not well. William A. Myers.
Corning, N. Y.—l have been much benefited by the
use of Bodi-Tone. The ailments for which I used it are
Heart trouble. Stomach trouble and Liver and Bowel
Complaint. I also had a bad shock about three months
ago, which set me back a lot. Considering my condition
when I began to use Bodi-Tone and the way it has
helped me, I must consider it a marvelous remedy. I
am sixty-five years old. G. . Beebe.
Murrayville. Ga.—My health was very bad for
over a year before I began to use Bodi-Tone. I had
Stomach and Heart trouble and also a bad cough winch
both bothered and worried me
a great deal. I had tried var
ous remedies, but they did not
seem to reach my trouble, and
I was very weak when I began
to use Bodi-Tone. in the Spring
of i<xx>. I happened to read
about it in my paper and sent
for a box to try. Before I had
taken all of the first box I could
tell I was gaining strength and
knew that! had found the right
medicine at last. I used it all
summer, about four boxes in
all, and was soon able to do all
of my own work, and could
walk three miles a day without
stopping to rest. It strength
ened my entire body, for I have
W XL y
not had as much as a bad cold since I began to use it I
My periods were not regular, but since I began taking ’
Bodi-Tone they are perfectly regular and I fy:el alto- I
gather like another person. Mrs. James Souther. I
Lo Lo, Mont.—Since I have used Bodi-Tone I feel I
better than I have for the last six years. I have been I
bothered with Stomach trouble and Bodi-Tone has I
done wonders for it. I tell all my neighbors of the med- I
icine and what it has done for me. R. P. Anderson.
Amite. La.—lt gives me pleasure to tell what Bqdi- I
’Tone has done for me. I was in bed three months with I
continued fever, caused fron» I
stomach trouble. I had two doc- I
tors, but after the fever left me I I
mendedveryslowly.andafter two I
months I was still unable to dp any I
work. My bowels and kidneys I
were in a very bad condition. My I
hands and feet had a numb feeling, I
caused from the blood not circu- I
lating. Atthistimelsawtheßodi- I
Tone trial offer, in my newspaper I
and sent for a box on trial. It came I
promptly and I began taking it. I I
started to gain strength and vital- I
»ityalmostimmediately. Iwasable I
to work some in one week after I I
began taking Bodi-Tone and grew I
stronger each day. I sent for and |
used another box and lam now well. I give all thanks I
to Bodi-Tone, for it did the work. G. M. Evans. i
Grafton. N. Dak.—My health is a great deal better I
and I can walk a good deal better than I have for several I
years. Bodi-Tone has done more for me than anyjother I
medicine I have ever used. Ido not expect it will make 1
a young woman of me, but it has done more for me than 1
any other kind I have ever used, and I am taking it ’
right along. lam now seventy-two years old and was
so discouraged that I had no faith in anything at all.
but I can recommend Bodi-Tone to any elderly person
suffering as I was. Mrs. Sarah J. Mumford.
Longmont. Colo.—Bodi-Tone has proven a God
send to me. It brought me out of a severe attack of
Rheumatism and has made me feel like a different
«■ f >
F a- —¥
person. The Rheumatism first
came on me two years ago. when
it settled in my left knee and I
had to push a chair to walk. I
was then sixty-one yearsold and j
thought my time had come to I
say good-bye to this world. It I
grew better for a time, but last I
spring it came on again and I I
believe I would still be suffering |
if I had not learned of Bodi-
Tone. I saw the advertisement
and it looked to me like an hon
est remedy, so I sent for a box.
The first box checked my trou
ble immediately and the results
were so good that I sent for more
and kept up the treatment. Now If eel more like sixteen
than sixty-three, as I tell all of my friends. I intend to
keep Bodi-Tone In the house always, for it is the best
medicine I have ever used. Mrs. K. E. Reinert.
Nine Mile. Wash.—Bodi-Tone has helped me so
much, and my husband too. I had so much trouble with
dizzy spells. My Liver and Kidneys were very bad. I
also had Female trouble. Mrs. M. M. Willis.
Tribbey, Okla.—l have been afflicted with Stomach
trouble for more than five years. I had no appetite and
was so nervous that my life was a drat to me. I suffered
so terribly I could get no sleep. Since takingtwo boxes
of Bodi-Tone 1 feel like a different man.
R. L. Mayberry.
Leicester. N. Car.—Bodi-Tone has done me more
rood than all the doctors’ medicines I ever took. I have
suffered untold misery with Lumbaro in my back for
ten years. Before I began to take Bodi-Tone I had not
been without pain for years. Since I have taken Bodi-
Tone I feel no pain at all. Mrs. Inez Austell.
Atlanta J ournal
Bodi-Tone Company. Boyne a North Aves.’. Chicago. Ris.
I have read the Bodi-Tone announcement, offering a fl.#o
box of Bodi-Tone on 25 days trial, and ask you to send me a
dollar box by return mul. postpaid. I promise to give It a fair
trial and to send you 11.00 for same promptly ts I am benefited
at the end of 25 days. If it does not help me 1 will not pay one
penny and will owe you nothin*. Neither I nor any member of I
my family have ever before used Bodi-Tone and I state on honor E
that this application is made for my own personal use and not g
for any other person. The following is my full name and |
address to which the Bodi-Tone should be sent. p
Nam* I
Town |
State • I
Storß. F. D |