Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, November 29, 1910, Page 3, Image 3
ALL RAFFLES ARE IN VIOLATION OF MS JUDGE Law Is Violated Every Day in Hundreds of Best Cigar and Drug Stores According to Recorder’s Ruling •‘Any riffle is a irime of chance and a technical violation of the law, and the promoters are liable to arrest. A raffle of any aort in a cigar or drug store violates a city ordinance and should not be allowed." Such was the statement made by Recorder Nash R. Broyles on Saturday morning, when shown a "chance card" such as hundreds of drug and cigar stores in the city are using dally. The card was brought to the recorder by Police Captain Beavers to whom It had been handed by a well known drug gist, who thought that he was not vio lating the law, but wanted to be cer tain. "The chance card" displayed in the court room was similar to the many at present In use in the city. A number was placed under a seal at the top of the card, and there were 14 other num bers which customers were to draw, pay ing according to the number, from 1 to 14 cents for the chance. The winning number was good for a package of to bacco, valued at $1.05, and the other 13 numbers brought the holders nothing. The same kind of-a card is used with candy, fountain pens, boxes of cigars or anything else the dealer chooses as the prise. Th* city ordinance, which is violated by the use of such' cards is numbered l.«sn, and provides against the Install ment in any place of business In the city of any kind of a device of chance, which may be used tl induce and atimuiate trade. This section, until the ruling made by the recorder on Saturday, was gen erally supposed to deal only with slot machines, dice rolling, wheels of chance, but now according to the recorder's in terpretation. it provides against drawing a number where there Is an element of chance. In a number of drug and cigar stores, cards like the ones described above have been used, the player picking his num ber by throwing dice. In event this is done, the player as well as the dealer or proprietor is liable to arrest. If the dice are not used, however, it is only the "man behind.'* who violates the law. When told that a number of charitably inclined ladies in some of the best churches in the city have been In the habtt of raffling quilts and other arti cles for the benefit of some charity or- HAVE YOU TRIED THIS WONDER WORKING STOMACH REMEDY FREE P Send Your Address Today for a Free Bottle of the Great Laxative-Tonic, Dr. Cald well’s Syrup Pepsin—a Guaranteed, Perma nent Cure I I «Ut every Tt* Atlanta , vbo sorters trow constipation nr W «*“ . plaint of tbe stomach. M •** *® *^ 4 >- tews tec a free sample beetle of Dr. Old ' will Byrwp PspeU vrlta tbousenda bare i pennanotUr in their © wn and with which you ran undoubtedly ; Ukewtee. Ton Mm only t» eead •• ** dr T* . te the twest convenient way. an a postal, far ' ev staple. and the free bottle will be psvpmtly . terwarded to yea all chargee prepaid Ttta remedy baa been doing wonders la the ‘ cure of tbe meet etnbtems e-mrtlpatten. liver ftooNe. btlloosneea. sick beadaebe. dyspepsia, dtalneoe. sear atoenach. etc. It contains laxa ’ tt»e ingredients that are recognised by scientists , the world over tn be *dee! tn cleaning out the < bowels and toning up the tnteatlnee: and wo all ' knew tbe value of pure pepsin In tbe enre of tadlgeenoa and other otooeaeb trooMea. By be tng bath a lanttvs end taele ft la a great blood purifier and nerve vtrengtbeoer. Without good (Ugeotioi and pure Hood and without free. easy. . and regular bowel movetnsnt no man er woman\ « can be healthy, and If yon are troubled thio » way Or. Caldwell s Syrup Popatn will correct sad cere the trouble Tsu ean find It on eale tn practically every drug store in tbs C. 8. at fifty rente and me dollar s large bottle, but if yon have never used tt beteee I want you to try ft aS my espenoe first Let me send you a free • trial bottle—free and absolutely free—not for vwu to pay fbr if ft dose you good. but posi tively fre* tn every •'woo Ten have simple tn eend S»e your name and address and ! will de th* rest. Do it today. . Tee will find it better then a p(U. powder let stive water er strong eetbartle. because those ere bard to assimilate and too harsh tn action ter the average eonstttcttoa Dr. Caldwell s Syrup Pepsin !• a eelentinc remedy. arts mild ty. never grtyee and Is pleasant testing. fte | that account children take tt readily, and be- ( cones of its wfidneos. bet yet sure action, ft la | Idea! tee women and old folks. Agate let me say. If yea have any trouble i with your stomach liver or bowels, send to me 1 for a free proof bottle of my Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup F spotn. I am only too glad to send ft to i arynes who baa never need ft before so In thia I . way all can make a tost of tt in their own < C END us a trial order TODAY for HAYNER fine old Bottled-in-Bond Whiskey on our guarantee you will find it the richest, purest, most delicious whiskey you ever tasted—or it will not cost you one cent. THAT guarantee is as fair and I T CT us show you what a magnifi- square as we know how to >ll cen t quality we are make it. It means what it savs. It QIjADTS Let us convince you of the great saving is a guarantee backed by our $500,000 our "DIRECT FROM DISTIL- capital and our 46 years reputation for LERY” plan of selling means to you. hononble buunen dMlingL put it off. Use the coupon below Send us your order for four quarts of INSTROHC Ra W E PAY — out n ? a to our nearest this magnificent Hayner Private Stock SEALED EXPRESS an d Shipping Depot and we Boctled-in-Bond Whiskey. When it CASE CHARGES will »urpn* and delight you with the arrives, open one, two or all of the quality of the goods we will send you. bottles—TßY the whiskev—and if you don’t jEMHVAk Remember, you take no«chancee. WE take all find it all that we claim, and up to your JWIWk ri * k -* n<l ”e stand all the expense if we fail to • please you. highest expectations in every way. send it jv, later u naeuary— back at our exp.n~-.nd we w.ll return Cut Jnd JJ Be Th j, C n everj* cent of your money. LWbWJWKSkjq 11a J m r-m-.-.-.-.-uuaf ii Yrm ,e. WE MUST MAKE GOOD- . C ST.VoI!. „ .Anri ..ex,, • .bn. urill urin HA. * I* D ! 1>0,,le ’ rtlvite Stock Bottled-in-Bond Wbluxey— we must send you a quality tnat will win sl* - ~ ~a- 1 .xpen. *ei4— m r°“> es«t. it is unruntood thatiithii your instant favoi and we will do it. _ ePIWTt STOCK ! wbl»k.T U not found a> t.pre«nwd and udatectory to me In ■ ■ eaeej|f gt/rV ie»ety way. It may be returned at yonrexpenae —an-l mv IS.JO e .« W lUweU. • I is to be promptly refunded. B-86 Note the pr .ee—only 80 cents a quart (expresspaid) Dorrs rn m nnun J for this highest grade bottled-in-bond whiskey—a Jyl ILtU 111 PUyL. I Xmw whiskey that is distilled, aged and bottled under w* | U. S. Government supervision—and every bottle -■-r-*^'* I ****'**"*",’^.’— * J *&>*•• ■ 1 1 sealed with the Government’s official bottled-in- a t- bond stamp positive assurance that it is a STRAIGHT whiskey—fully aged full lOO't H W| orders for Arizona. California. Colorado. Idaho,Montana. Nevada, r>roof and full measure and absolutely PURE ■B'O'sS M W New M»xko.Oreson. UuLWashinston or Wyomins must be on peuoi—sou lUU aaao .unv.uiv y y , h . blll , of 4 Quut , lot ,4.09 by ixp.r,, Prepaid or 20 Quarts for to the very last drop. jis.j® Frelgb , IgrasaSFl THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY, DEPT. B 26 ■ leee. n.IMM,HO. n.PAH.RDM. lOWOIUANS.LA. JMXSONVOU.HA. k THE ATLANTA SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1910. What Ails You? . I Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent head ashes, coated tongue, bitter or bed taste in morning, * ‘heart-burn, ” belching of gas, acid risings in throat after anting, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms ? If you have any considerable number of the above symptoms you are suffering from bilious ness, torpid liver with indigestion, or dyspepsia. Dr. Pieroe’s Golden Medical Discovery is made up of the most valuable medicinal principles known to medical science for the permanent cure of such abnormal conditions. It is a most efficient liver invigprator, stomach tonic, bowel * regulator and nerve strengthener. The *'Golden Medical Discovery” is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full list of its ingredients being on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm ful habit-forming drugs. It is s fluid extract made with pure, triple-reined glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of native American medical, forest plants. World’s Dispensary Medieal Association, Props., Buffalo, N. T, MCURDY RISKS HIS LIFE TO MAKE DARING SAIL AS WIND WHIPS CRAFT MOBILE. Ala., Nov. 26.-J. A. D. Mc- Curdy. of the Curtiss aviation team, at the meet in Mobile, gave two flights yes terday afternoon under more difficult con ditions than have yet been experienced in Mobile. While he did not reach an alti tude of over BO feet on either occasion. McCurdy risked his life more so than at any time since coming here. The handi cap was because of wind conditions. The wind blow in puffs and affected the bl-planes just as a squall affects small boats. It was exceedingly dangerous. During McCurdy's first flight he made but one trio around the field. He concluded it was too dangerous. During the flight ganlzation, the recorder stated this also was a violation of the law. "A raffle." said Judge Broyles, "is on the order of the old Louisiana state lot tery, and is a technical violation of the law. whatever the purpose or the gain. "When g person pays money for some thing that he stands only a chance of receiving it constitutes gaming, and is subject to prosecution under the laws prohibiting gaming. I don't believe, how ever t that a case against anyone except the person conducting the raffle would be upheld by the courts.* In speaking to Captain Beavers Satur day morning, the recorder stated that he thought that the proprietors of the drug and cigar stands in the habit of raffling articles, should be first warned before a case against them is made, nnd he indicated that if any of the pro prietors continued to raffle articles after they have received a fair warning, ho is ready to try the cases. ■ <F * * V TT. B. OA! bom* wttbnut • eent nt expense. East year a fava oat over fifty thousand sample bottles, sad If you didn't get one write me for it today. I feel sure it will eure. My address la Dr. W. B. Caldwell. t*OR Caldwell Building, Monticello MM. Slek people can also write to me for medical advice on any ailment of the stomach, liver and bowela and T will tell them wbat to do free nf ebarge. I hare made these dteeaaes my tpecial F his bl-plane, several times caught in puffs of wind, dropped 20 feet. Descending because of the wind, the aviator remained on the ground for an hour. Many of the spectators who did not understand the conditions became impatient. After waiting an hour, how ever, McCurdy, becoming convinced that the wind conditions would remain practi cally the same during the afternoon, made anottag flight at top speed. He reached of his previous flight and after encircling the fleld a couple of times descended to the ground. The aviator experienced the same diffi culty he had the first time and the flights for the afternoon were abandoned. Spectators were notified that rain checks would be ac cepted today. Augustus Post, Mc- Curdy's companion, was unable to make a flight. Hlg machine is a 25-horsepowpr and could not stand the wind. The Largest crowd that has yet attended the aviation meeting assembled on Jhe grounds. The holiday was responsible for the large at tendance, for it was the first opportunity many people, had had of seeing the flights. Eugene Ely, aviator, who this week gave exhibitions at Birmingham, arrived in Mobile yesterday to spend Thanksgiv ing with his friend. Aviator J. A. D. Mc- Curdy, the latter now engaged in Curtiss’ exhibitions here. It has been arranged that if the consent of Augustus Post is obtained for Ely to use his machine, Ely will today race McCurdy ten miles. The event will be a feature, the regular pro gram being carried in addition. The race depends, however, upon wind conditions. DWBX.L. M. D. ty ter nearly half a century and my advice, though I charge you nothing for It, taould prove valuable sufferer. Tbo»e who write ter the free aateble or for free medical advice will also receive my new book. “3 Rulea of Health.” a simple guide te correct living and good health. Every head of a houae should especially have a copy- Let me hear from you promptly. MADE TO* GMDTDIMG *OUGI - Nature has provided the animals that chew the cud, as cows, sheep, deer, camels, ate., with four stomachs. When these animals eat grass or hay it is chewed but little and goes into the paunch or finst stomach, which in a cow has the capacity of a barrel. The ani mal then brings the food up from the paunch and re-chews it and now it goes to the third stomach, often called manypiles. It is made up of folds with rough surfaces arranged so that the food must pass back and forth several times and be ground still more. From here the food passes to the fourth stomach, where digestion takes place- This fine provisiop for grinding the food enables these animals to live on hay and grass. The second stomach is used for holding water. It has a honey comb structure. In the comb each cell ie as large as a cup and closes when full of water, only giving it up as required. Grain should be fed with rough age, as then it goes into the flAt stomach akd will be re-chewed. If the grain re eaten alone it is apt to go to the third stomach and so miss the re-ohewlng. To make sure that the feed is thoroughly chewed feed it with roughage. The best way is to cut the hay or straw, mix the grain feed with it, then it will go through the whole grinding process. POULTBT MOTES The yarded chicken fed on con centrated food and not enough grit becomes crop bound. Store a lot of dry'leaves for the scratching shed, and road dust for the dusting boxes. Be sure of one thing—tho pullet will not lay if she roosts on the lee side of a hickory limb. Get her under cover. If you have a promising young ster why not enter it in your neighboring poultry show this win ter? Is the roof on the chicken house water-tight? Are the runs cleaned up, and the houses whitewashed Inside? They should be. If any of your old hens take a long time to moult get rid of them. Old hens are usually bet ter in tfce pot than on foot. Feed the hen; give her water; see that she has warm winter quar ters and she will give you eggs "when eggs is eggs." PICKED VP IM THE O*WA*D If you must plant your orchard on a high exposed place a wind break should be provided on the north side. These wind-breaks are essential in the extremely cold climates of the north unless the orchard is very well protected by a high hill. Although many orchardists de clare that cultivation is the only thing, we believe that where an orchard is doing well and keeps in clean, in sod, it is best to leave it so until there is a noticeable deterioration. It is estimated that the loss from leaf ourl to the peach grow ers of this country amounts too more than $3,000,000 a year. If you should fall to protect your trees from the mice this win ter and they should girdle the trees it does not mean that they are kitted. If they are giruted severely, saw off below the girdle and graft LIGHT IS THROWN ON , KILLING OF KAFFIRS Labor Disputes Arose in South Africa Leading to Drastic (Special Cable to The Journal). BERLIN, Nov. 26.—A strange light fa thrown on the killing of a score of Transkei Kaffirs, who were, of course, British subjects in southwest Africa, by the papers which have just arrived here from the colony. The German south west African Times gives the follow ing account of the occurrence, which took place at Wilhelmsthal, on the line between Karlbib and Windhoek: “These Kaffirs are big strong work men, but rather exacting, and conse quently difficult to handle. They are, so we are informed, under long con tracts with monthly wages. They are unu.rstood to have received wages for the first three months in advance. When the next payments became due the de ductions for sickness and Sundays are said to have given the first occasion for dissatisfaction and Blight disturb ances. “In order to deal with the increas ing strikes of entire columns, the works management at last adopted the sharp measure of withholding rations and what was still more drasQc, water. This measure of the management led to the jeopardizing of the whole neighborhood, and especially of the farmers. DISPUTES ARISE. “On October 4 disputes again arose between the laborers and the white over seers, and, it is alleged, degenerated in to acts of violence. It is also said that a policeman who was about to arrest one of the ringleaders was assaulted. This was the occasion for the calling in of the Sixth company under Captain Wil lecke, which was engaged in the neigh borhood to protect the threatened offi cials. The Kaffirs were armed with kiris, sticks, and loaded cudgels, are stated to have now attacked the sol diers so that there was nothing for the latter to do but to make use of their weapons, in the first place of bayonets. “Shooting is understood to have been resorted to subsequently. The result was 14 dead and a larger number of seriously and slightly wounded on the side of the blacks. “The Kaffirs in question were employ ed by the firm of Orenstein & Koppel, which has contracted for the construc tion of the line between Karibib and Windhoek. Until the above account w’as received the German press has shown a vpry marked Inclination to re sent the British desire for investigation of this affair. "In fact, the usually fair-minded Vos sische Zeitung declared that the British government, In asking the consul at Luderltz bay to report upon it, was being false to the solidarity which whites ought to show against blacks.** MAYOR WANTS RUMORS OF BRIBERY INVESTIGATED SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 2f1.-In a let ter to the grand jury last night Mayor P. H. McCarthy has called upon that body to begin forthwith an investigation of his official acts to determine whether any foundation exists for rumors which, he says, have been persistently circula ted ->y political enemies that he re cently accepted two bribes of SIO,OOO and $60,000 respectively. The mayor furnished the grand jury with a list of “certain respectable citi zens,’* who, he alleges, have circulated The Wing The Wing Piano Shipped FREE Piano Shipped FREE Read Below Read Below SOU Greatest Piano Offer- below !! I Here is indeed the greatest, the most We will Ship You Free stupendous, the most amazing offer eVer made I ,n “Pt** ll * Pisn®. * grand piano or ■ wonderful I • *1 1 • ’ fl • • i , • new styl* upright with our INSIDE ELATER, in the history of the piano; a simply sweeping, WQNDF.RFI JI paralyzing offer. NEW INVENTION Yes, the most gigantic of ultra-liberal offers! 5 minutes ts play aii the moat dia- ’ ° ° cult, dashlog operas, dances, inarches, that only rg<l • 1 /• * 1 ■ Ufl > the gre,t have been able to play. Think of it! —Shipped FREE the genuine Wing shipped free direct from our factory—absolutely not one cent to pay. Shipment all free and everything prepaid. exactly like the greatest artist—everybody cun * ‘ ' play this wonderful piano player after five min- Put the genuine Wing piano right up in your parlor. (Notice the exquisite up-to-date utes’ practice and phty it wdl. Everything the beauty of the cabinet, the superior the wood, the elegance of finish.) Play on the world's greatest pianist can play you can learn piano, use it freely, take music lessons on it, if you wish. (Note the sweet singing tone f!** ** , oßo * if you th® player with the quality at which the experts marvel, regard carefully the even action, the timbre, the sonor- piano. Well ship it free, if you say so. with ous bass and the bell-like treble-and ask yourself if any of your neighbors ever had such a pitnl uLd°*n' the regulaJ*way. wonderfully fine musital instrument in their homes.) Use the Wing piano just like your own Free also, a complete course in musical eduoa for four full weeks on this free loan. Then you may return it at our expense and do harm tiea for all actual purchasers of Wing Pianos; done No obligations. free also, that remarkable invention for students, g 1 '■ '• the Noteacord. French Damask, Brocatel or But if you want to keep the Wing, if you want to be the proud owner of the very latest China silk scarf, fine stool, etc., all free with style finest piano in the entire neighborhood, then keep it at our wholesale price— yes, we mean it, the genuine Wing at the wholesale price, exactly to the cent the same price —— that any dealer must pay. Just choose your own terms of cash or easy monthly payments g Teris far Raas while saving these tremendous profit*, running into hundreds of dollars) which Mr. Dealer g /jjjT FUEE is accustomed to making on the sale of every piano. The Wiag is the enly piano sold direst ff Wd / rSMrUNe from an exclusive piano factory. That explains why Wing A Son are able to ship such a g 9 ' g IM lags superior quality, such a magnificent instrument at a price that paralyzes the competition both I* ■ of the laraeet and of the smaller mail order houses who ALL have to buy from a piano factory, I Important! —Valuable Pointers FREE oAH? An invaluable book for all who expect to buy a piano—the book of ten testa entitled‘‘The Book of In- * 4 (Fjt-lWc' formation,” tolling the public how to judge values and prices of pianos. Get I‘oated! This remarkable A book of 15S pages tells about material, how to judge the kinds of wood used in the piano, the action, l/h St sound board, case, in fact, this book gives you the TEN TESTS for judging the value of any piano. A Oentlsnsn Without the THE NEW TORR WORLD says: “a book of educational interest everybody should own* slightest obligation to sc- Don’t think of buying a piano anywhere until you have read and studied the ten tests in this book. hketo fet’frZ If you are thinking, if yon are in any way considering the purchase-tome time or other, bf a new piano, . *P n i»fors»stien about your woe- then here is your opportunity right NOW At any rate Investigate NOW. Even if you don't want to buy at Serfal free shipmoat offor on ths new ones, or have practically decided what other piano you think you prefer, get posted anyway right NOW on f*? 1 * highest grade Ping rieoo. Plrase the greatest and most stupendous of all piano offers. .ezptajn - Also send free thelM page book With this free book we send colored pictures of Wing pianos, showing the very latest beautiful designs 1a ■!?- t^2^ r -! a4t ..°LLl* T,"L* cases and we quote amazingly low wholesale dealers’ prices on these quality instruments. Now write for ™ 4 the book of ten testa and the Wing prices today. Drop postal or just send the coupon—but do It NOW I pw “ 61 * Fane. WINS & SON (&), 9th Ah. si 3th St.. Dept4s6B,NewYorkCify ' —x * * My sddrsssis price do you want for your old organ or old piano? We’U buy x o Mtw seeessary; coupon win do; no obiigsteo is gutting the 156 it at a good fair price. Address the purchasing department. page book, etc., all free. HUNTING SON’S BODY SHE FINDS BOY ALIVE SHREVEPORT, La., Nov. 26—Coming here for the purpose of removing the body of her son, A. Dougherty, reports of whose death she had a short time ago received, Mrs. Mary Dougherty, of Rome, Ga., found that he was still alive. It was after appearing at the city health office to secure a permit to disinter his body that she learned her son was employed by a railroad at Hornbeck, La. She joyouly departed for that place to visit him. FT = Strong Men Win in Business or Society Diseases of the urethra, prostate, bladder and kidneys unfit a man for business, society* work or pleasure. Drugs fail, nostrums disappoint. ROSE’S MEDICINAL GIN will I restore vim, vitality, vigor, energy genuine manly strength the thing that WINS. ROSE’S MEDICINAL GIN is a superlative remedy. Try it Delicious, but a true medi cine, recommended by physicians and endorsed by thousands of pleased customers. The Healthy Woman is Queen Everywhere To bring back health lost by illness, overwork, worry, inherited weakness and ex- f hausting drains known only to women, ROSE’S MEDICINAL GIN excels any other ■ medicine. Women find it a true friend. ROSE’S MEDICINAL GIN is regularly relied -’ upon by many women, because it builds up, brings the glow of health —the charm of real womanhood—in the home, in society, in sports and pastimes—everywhere. ROSE’S MEDICINAL GIN I '1 is made from the finest Italian juniper berries, scientifically prepared and thoroughly purified. It is simply delicious—not like the fiery concoctions usually sold under the name of Gin, which many people cannot use. Delicate flavor, exquisite aroma, distin guish it and recommend it to the invalid as well as the nerve-weary or the run down. Send to our Medical Department for an interesting little book, free, that tells more. — — Four Large Bottles Rose’s Medicinal Gin, Prepaid, $3.00 We prepay the express anywhere, and gladly refund your money if you are not ■sv delighted with the quality and effect of ROSE'S MEDICINAL GIN after using \ \ one whole bottle. We refer to any bank, express company or citizen of ’/ U Chattanooga, Tennessee, or any Commercial Agency, as to our responsibility. ( 5 1 R.M. ROSE COMPANY 903 W. Bay St, Jacksonville, Florida I / RANDOLPH ROSE, President Established Half a Century - DAUPHIN ISLAND IS BOUGHT BY CAPITALISTS NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 26.—Dauphin Island, 30 miles south of Mobile, has been purchased by an eastern syndicate ac cording to announcement made here to day by a representative of the purchas ing company. The purchase price was not stated. An investment of between three and four million dollars, it was said, would however, be Anally represented in mak ing the island an attractive winter re sort ARE FOUND GUiLTY OF KILLING WATCHMAKER NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 24.—A verdict of guilty In the first degree was re turned here last night in the case of Eugene Besancon and Francois Rodin, tried for the murder of F. H. Reldel The jury was out for only 5 minutes. The dismembered body of Reidel, whe was a watch maker, was found sewed in a sack, In the Old Basin canal her« October 11. Besancon and Rodin, who • . were arrested a few days later, mads confessions, according to police. 3