Newspaper Page Text
* Protests Innocence and Love
for Typist, and Requests
LONDON. Nov. 28,-The l«t statement
of Dr. Crippen, -who was hanged on
N ova m her 23 at Pen ton rille prison, to |
published in a Sunday paper in the form
of two final letter* written to Ethal
Leneve. one of which 1* dated Novem
ber a. The letter* are not reproduced
in their entirely, it being explained that
they contained certain personal confi
dence*. but nothin* in the nature of a
Crippen throughout declared hi* inno
< ence to MUt Leneve and hoped that hl*
Innocence would <>ne day be revealed
| The letter*, which are printed a* one,
began with protestation* of passionate
love for the girl and repeat constantly
the phrase "God help us to be brave in
. th* face of the end now so near.”
Crippen continues: "How can I endure
to take a last look at your dear face.’
w What agony must I go through at last
* when you disappear forever from my
eye*' 1 am comforted in thinking that
throughout years of friendship ne-'er
have I passed one unkind word or giv
en one reproachful look to her whom I
loved best In life, to whom I have given
hyself. heart anti soul, wholly, entirely,
Crippen asks that Miss Leneve have
hl* body cremated and If possible ob
tain the ashe* and dispose of them a*
she deems best. He ask* that *he go to
no further expense in trying to secure
further evidence, adding:
"I can safely leave further evidence
to < just God.’’
He expresses the hope tiiat Mi-se Le
neve will go to "Mrs. H.” where she
will be free from the lying tales of the
newspaper men. and concludes:
Tomorrow I wiU be in God’s hand s.
I have perfect faith that He will let
my spirit be with you always.”
The paper prints a facsimile of Crip
pen’s will. bequeathing everything to
Xgw OBUtakh. Nev. 2A—«m. «*
VaftsC. Mates worships will be seat to Xew i
<»rleso« for MenU Gras. with a Ivitlah man
*- war aa a visitor at that time. la tbe an
•aatseeraret mad* here today by the New Or
lean* Pr*rr**sls* (aba.
In hta cemtnuaication snnoanring that war
*btp» will be seat here st tbe tine stated, the
secretary of tbe aavy states that the depart
* *>*nt coo tern fl ate* seadta* a battleship t» New
Orleans neat spring for a trip up the Missis
atpp! river aa far as Safeties, to stimulate re
ersttta*. It will mark tbe second journey of
the kind !t> tbe acvigatVti «f tbe Mlaeiralppi
Ireet year tbe battleship MS*to*ipp< went tn
batches, signalising tbe Initial navigation as
the Mtasisstpi far xzl a distance by a tread
es this class.
COLUMBUS. Ga.. Nov. The eity
primary for aldermen ended here this
afternoon in a lively fight between
Counci’.men Spencer and John Cooper,
as a result of a dispute over the regts
f tration list. The men were separated be-
fore either was seriously hurt.
The following aidermen were elected:
. E. P. Dismukes. M. Straus. R. P. Grif
fith. F. O. Jones. Frank Foley. T. L.
Bowden. F. C. Reich, W. C. Lawrence.
George M. Gray and W. D. Woraley.
chairman city executive committee. The
majorities rang-d from lO' to 5»».
Dalton Starts Paving
DALTON. Ga-. Nov. 3k-Today is the
day *et for the first work toward i»aving
the main bosiness streets of Dalton, and
the work must be finished by March 1,
The West Construct lor company, of
Chattanooga, will put a large force of
workmen on the street*.
The paving will be laid first on King
street, starting at the county cou-t
hauee. Electric light poles and trees
wUI be taken off Hamilton street, and
the telephone pole* will also probably
be taken off the street.
A. V. Jones Named
ji WASHINGTON. D- C.. Nov. 2k—Aaron
V. Jone* has been appointed postmaster
at Bolway, Floyd county, vice McA.
Kerr, resigned.
Cure Your
, 50,000 BOXES FREE
SW ■fthallLua Be a—oral. <*•—»•
AMtaalar iOi ■■■ll
Rheumatism. L,uinbago. Sciatica. Pain
tn the bark have been cured. In the
real meaning of the word, by a llttlt
Btflltngia, lodide of Pntaaslum. Pok»
Boot. Guaiac Kasin and Sarsaparilla
Any person ean take these remedies in
any reasonable amount with perfect
M fety, and the results have been found
to be astonishing. It has been proven
that this comolnanon makes up the
best rheumatism remedy in existence.
< having actually cured many stubborn
cur« of over 30 and years’ standing
—even in persons of old aga
The five ingredients mentioned above
prepared with great accuracy and skill
not only tn regard to proportion, but
also in selecting the best material,,
have been put up in compresses tablet
form, and are called
gfty thousand boxes are offered free to
Introduce it.
If you suffer from any form of uric
id m the blood, and have FLhetima
tism. Gout, Uumbagn, Sciatica, this is
the way to drive It out of your system
fr. quick time. Simply sdnd your name
. and address, enclosing this advorti..
to JOHN A- SMITH, i»SS Smith
Building. Milwaukee. Wa. and by re
turn mall you will receive the box ab
solutely froa It is only in “Gloria
Tonic" that you can get the above com
bination ready far uaa
Cures Consumplion
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma,
Throat or Lung Trouble.
Trial Package Free.
Everyone who ... weak long*. Catarrh <rf the
Brceehlal Tube* or Catarrh ia any fwm. Chroalr
Itroeridtta. Asthma, Cbroulc Hacking iVnigh-
Conanmptinn ’* Daily Monument.
Evwrv to Bseoe.d*. Scraeon. Die. From Csn-
Run pt iqs. g Di. Each Miaut*. 1»« «**h
Hour, t,S«O Eaeh Day. *r.d
1.000 000 Each Ysar.
Ixre* of Fleeit. Night Sweat., Hemc-rruage*.
*» or pain in tbe chest or under the
shoulder blades, or toy other deadly «yu>pt<wn of
Coasumptios. ’hoald .end tor a trial package <m
Dr. Hill’s New Rational Remedy a*d testimony
ala from hundreds who hare been cured. Tbte
rrvettnent qulekly check, further progresa of tbe
disease and produce* new resl.ting power, ap
petite. flesh end good health.
Dr. Hilt will gladly furnish you with suffl
dent evidcare a. to his g.xxt standing in Jack
»-n. All throat and lung sufferers should send
f-T free trial package at once, fee coupon be
Trial Treatment Packige Coupon
Dr. J. Lawrence Hill,
I*l7 Hill Building. Jackson. Mich.
i’le«v send mt yoor large trial package in
plain, titled wrapper, that I may try it and
*ee for my*elf if it will do what yon claim
It will. I enclose 20c to help pay for
packing, etc.
Address :
State j
BALTIMORE. Nov. »-The population
of Baltimore, according to a police cen
sus just completed, is approximately SM. -
O'd Tbe federal census taken last spring
placed It at 058.00*>, relegating Baltimore
to seventh position In population. Cleve
land taking it* place with SdO.COO.
Th« f police recount whs made at th*
instance of Mayor Mahool, who question
ed the accuracy of the federal enumera
tion and had tried unsuccessfully to
bare a new census by the national bu«
A wonderfulT
Pure Food Distilling Co.’s Big
Announcement Contains
Much of Interest to
Our Readers •
The attention of those Journal readers
interested In laying in a supply of
"liquid cheer" for the Christmas holiday*
is called to the big annual offer of the
Rure Food Dist. Co., in this Issue. This
company ha* a reputation for quality,
good* and liberal dealing. They are
Registered Distiller* and It is said that
their whiskies conform tn every way to
the strictest requirement* of the Pure
Food Lawa The company salts Journal
readers to read their big offer carefully
and to order promptly. •••
MACON. Ga.. NOV. 2A—A unque thief
was convicted in the city court this
morning. He was Willi* Mitchell, a ne
gro. who dug up the garden of J. C.
Bankston and stole therefrom 130 bunches
of turnips. '
The theft was made in the dead of
night and the vegetables were loaded In
a wagon and driven away. Mitchell was
arrested this morning whilepeddling the
turnips around the street. He was given
six months on the chaingang.
BLUEFIELD. W. Va.. Nov. M.—TTslng
a hot stove poker to burn a hole through
the ceiling of their cell, four prisoners
confined in the Mercer county jail at
Princeton, W. Va.. early Friday made
their escape and are still at large.
GRTFFIN. Ga.. Nov. 28.—1 u the event
the new census allows another congre**-
m»n from Georgia. It to possible that
Hon. J. J- Flynt vrllt be a candidate*
Hi* friends are Importuning him to
rr.ak* the race, and in the event he de
ride* to do s« will make a strong fight
against any other Georgian who may
have asptrations for the ofllce.
FORT MONROE. Va.. Nov. 39.—Rlr Lo
mer Guta, minister and attorney general
of the province of Quebec, and J. T. Mul
laskey. of Montreal, arrived here Mon
day to join Mr Charles Pelletier, lieuten
ant governor of Quebec, who 1* here for
hto health. All the party will remain
here for a month Lieut.-Col. C. P.
Townsley. United State* army, command
ant of Fortress Monroe, paid an official
cell on the Canadian visitors.
Fish an Animal
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 2k—Ftob were legal
ly assigned to th* category of animals
yesterday by Judge William Jefferson
Pollard, of the Dayton street police
court. He was opposed In thto view
by City Attorney Levy.
The case was that agains>
Kram. peddler, charged with cruelty to
animals in fastening a live fish to the
top of his wagon as an advertisement.
Amendment Adopted
RICHMOND. Vs, Nov. 2k— Tm official
canvass today of the recent vote of the
state showed, among other things, that
the proposed constitutional amendment
providing that county commissioner* of
the revenue and county treasurer* might
succeed themselves in office, wan adopt
ed. the majority in Ita favor being 1.437.
All the other proposed amendment* were
Sleep Walker Killed
: ROCHESTER. N. T„ Nov. 28.-Thomas
• McLoughlin, u contractor, is dead here
as the result of a fall wh|l<» walking In
( hi* sleep. His body was found on the
concrete sidewalk in front of his apart
. merits. He had dived through the front
window of his bedroom.
Victims of Kentucky Horror,
Recovered by Government
Rescue Party
PROVIDENCE. Ky.. Nov. 28.—The
bodies of ten miners who were entomb
ed in mine No. 3 of the Providence Min
ing company here Friday afternoon
wire brought to the surface by 1 o’clock
this afternoon by the government mine
rescue corps stationed nt Linton, tnd.
All of the bodies were terribly mutilat
ed, wine of them being recognized only
by the clothing which the men wore.
Ed Butler, a negro thought to have
been entombed, left the mine an hour
previous to the explosion on account of
Illness, and was not located until lute
The bodies weie remove! to an un
dertaking establishment and the funeral
of the victims will be held Sunday af
The cause of the explosion, according
to mine experts, was a "windy shot” In
a room 50 feet from the pit opening, the
force of the explosion lielng outward in
stead of backward, and the dames Ig
niting the gas.
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 29.—Repre
sentatives from more than 30 state*
gathered here to attend the conven
tion of the association of the state
and national food dairy departments
opening today. The convention will be
in session for four days.
A number of important subject* re
lating to the purity of food products
are scheduled for discussion and one
of the principal question* which i* ex
pected to claim attention will be that
of uniformity in state and national
pure food laws. Secretary of Agricul
ture James Wilson, who it hud been
expected would address the convention,
will be unable to attend according to
an announcement made this morning.
Among prominent 'federal official
present 1* George B. McCabe, solicitor
of the department of agriculture. In
discussing the workings of the pure
food statutes. Mr. McCabe said pre;
vious to the opening of the convention.
"We have reduced hie percentage ot
adulterations down to such a small
margin that it is almost negligible by
the enforcement of the pure food laws,
.ids is not accomplished so much by
j the fine* are imposed, but by the
provision of the law which permits u ’
to print 20,000 copies of this Judgment
for general circulation. The manufac
turers have learned that tu.s hurts
their business, especially when their
competitors have taken advantage of
the printed matter to flood tno coun
try vflth copies of it. The great trou
ble seems to have been in mtsbranumg.
.* is the rock on which th® manu
facturers break. Some of them can’t
tell the truth, and the work of forcing
them to do it is tedious, but the con
victions by the department arc doing
much to teach them.”
HOUSTON, Tex., Nov. 29.—Posing as
“the man without a dime." Edwin A.
Brown, wealthy clubman and sociological
worker of Denver. Colo., ran afoul a
member of the Houston police department
last night and spent two hours behind
the bar*.
He waa arrested at an establishment
which furnishes cheap lodging, where
he had gone tn pursuit of his investiga
tions attired as a tramp. His only of
fense, Brown declares, was to ask for
a bed, explaining that he was p»nni
les*. Next, with half a dozen other
men. he was on his way to police head
quarters. Brown was released when he
was identified by a local newspaper
OF N. 0. & G. N. R. R.?
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 29.—Rumors
which have been in circulation in rail
road circles for several days that the
’Frisco had gained control of the New
Orleans and Great Northern railroad
were given an added currency by the
announcement that B. L. Winchell, pres
ident of tho ’Frisco; B. F. Yokum, chair
man of the executive board, and John
D. Rockefeller, Jr., would arrive here
today on a special train.
The party spent yesterday in looking
over the New Iberia and Northern
branch of the l»uistana line*.
Sherman Presides
UTICA, N. Y.. Nov. 28.—Vice President
Bherman presided at a Salvation Army
meeting here yesterday. Miss Eva
Booth, daughter of Commander Booth
of the Salvation Army, made the prin
cipal .iddr*»*. The gathering was mark*
ed by the dedication of a handsome
three-etory. brick building erected by the
Salvation Army here.
killed By Negro
MILLEDGEVILLE. Ga.. Nov. 2b.--Eli
jah Slmtnons. n young whitey man. was
shot four time* and almost inßtantij' kill
ed by a negro named Buckner, this morn
ing. The negro fled, but Is being pursued
by *he sheriff. Simmons’ brother, it Is
said, had been threatened by the negro,
and Simmons wont to Buckner’s house in
his brother's Interest.
Heavy Cotton Sales
DUBLIN. Ga.. X<w. 28. A wager, loaded with
28 bale* of eotton drawn by «ix mule* was
an nnumiul night seen on the street* of Dublin
a' few days ago. The ,-otton wan brought to
Dublin by Mr. L. L. Linder. <■* of Laurena
e>.n tr« moat prosperous former*.
Let me tend you this bijr book I
f », I CA
I jW'T l iiFLACt WOr/sj
I T* J p «actical
TUB DOCft or I
*%; e,
IT will show you how to in
crease your Ipcome, to make
success come your way, to
make the most of your oppor
tunities, to forge ahead tn busi
ness just as more thun
young people have done after
reading this big illustrated book.
Draughon’s Practical
Business College
Atlanta. Maron. Augusta, Ga.;
Montgomery, Ala.; Knoxville.
1 enn.; Greenville. S. G.
We Abo Teach t*y Mall.
Peppermint Industry
Fepperment growing i* a new-in
dustry on the reclaimed lands of
Louisiana. A distillation plant Is
also in operation. A party of ex
pert agriculturists recently in
specting the region were convinced
that this crop can be grown in
limited quantities at a good profit.
Peppermint oil was imported into
the United States during the fiscal
year to the extent of 1,238 pounds,
worth while the exports of
American peppermint oil amount,
ed to IKI.BII pounds, worth 8288,318.
Fodder is the best, feed while
the stalks are new and the leaves
have not become dry and broken
off. When it has been allowed to
stand in the field and run the
gauntlet of rain* and rats half or
more of Its value lias been lost.
Cutting and feeding immediately
from the field* saves hoi H feed
and labor.
v -
I / : *
x I? I
gfl .if®
Bwl * s'ffl
■ s
1 I
> Of&ui i
The flying men, in the Belmont park
meet, who enter in the altitude races,
must carry suspended from their neck*
a box four in<’he* thick, p'x inches high
and eight inches long. Tills box con
tains the barograph which indicatesj the
greatest height attained by the flier. It
Is attached to the neck by elastic bands
of rubber, to prevent, the delicate ma
chinery from being affected by the vibra
tions of the aeroplane.
Don’t Be Sick
Read the Bodi-Tone offer or. the last
page and learn how thousands have se
cured health through Bodi-Tone. Tt was
first offered to the sick about eighteen
months ago, and already has a long list
of-c.ureA in every stat®. You can get a
box to try, without spading a penny.’
WASHINGTON. Nov. 29. Ry affirming
the decision of the lower court, the su
preme court of the United States yes
terday denied J. Harvey Ladew and
other capitalists of New York and West
Virginia, relief in federal courts from
the alleged nuisance caused by the oper
ations of the smelter* of the Tennessee
Copper company in Tennessee.
Ladew and his associates own large
timber interests, aggregating in all 2.400
acres, in Fannin. Gilmer and Pickens
counties. Georgia.
Just across the lime in Tennessee are
the smelters of the Tennesee Copper
company and other companies, th® sul
phurous fumes from which, it is claim
ed, have been ruining the timber be
longing to Ladew and his associates in
Several years ago the state of Georgia
began proceedings to stop the alleged
destruction. The first step taken by
Georgia resulted in an announcement
from the supreme court of the T nited
States that It would issue an injunction
upon the request of the state for the
abatement of the alleged nuisance. This
application was not made and
and his associates began the fight as
individuals for an injunction.
The circuit court of the United States
for the eastern district of Tennessee
dismissed the petition for an injunction
on the ground that the action for the
abatement of a nuisan<T was not a suit
of a local nature, to enforce a claim
against real estate, and a* neither' of
the parties were domiciled -within the
district, the court had no Jurisdiction.
From this decision an appeal was rak®n
to the supreme court. The court today
approved the finding or the lower court.
Presiding .Justice Harla: . in announc
ing the decision of the court. >-aid that
It did not follow, however, that a rem
edy could not be found in oilier courts.
SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. 29.—That
young men enter'ng high schools and col
leges should be examined as to their
ability to shoot was recommended by
Col. G. V. Whltler, commandant of the
Puget Sound coast artillery district, in
ar. address before the United Spanish
War veterans last night.
Colonel Whistler reiterated his- state
metn regarding the inprepardedness of
the United States In ease of war in tiie
Pacific. He recommended that able-bod
ied men serve In the national guard be
fore being permitted to exercise the suf
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 29.—Mayor
McCarthy’s request that the grand Jury
investigate rumors concerning his al
lege.! acceptance of bribes of ;<-0,(*0i» and
flO.'iOO respectively. In t nspecitied munici
pal transaction*, was refused last night.
After a brief session the grand jurors
directed that a letter b-> sent the mayor,
Informing bin that in the absence of
specific charges, no investigation could
be undertaken.
GRIFFIN. Ga., Nov. 2!>.—A Griffin
newspaper has oli’.-re.l a year s subscrip
tion to th;- one v. ho gues.see; near. -h tht
figure the recent census will give us
Griffin’.-, population.
Considerable interest has been devel
oped in the contest and the guesses
range ail tht way trow LOOT to 30,000.
Get this Genuine Alectride Tool x
Grinder on Free Trial
Wofcy Sharpen your tools at my expense. I want to show yon that the ancient grindstone
A ■ 5-_Lta£i ■;is a back number and that the emery wheel is a menace. I want you to tty No lwer . l ?
free this genuine Alectride Farm Tool Grinder. Alectride is the only true abrasive. It wfll . *. coupon.
h not draw the temper from steel; It will sharpen the dullest tool in from S to 5 minutes, when ♦*,
*the grindstone would take half an hour. Alectride, never wears out. ,*♦*».
. I want to send a few of these machines out on Free TNrtal in every part of the I nited Statw. I ati.
to put one in every locality. I want you to clip off and send the coupon at the u PP«rrTfl’t
W ’ > Don’t Want You to Send Me a Cent of Your Money. I Don’t Want Any Promise
*E» « EIHWS’t ®T ’ I merely ”ant to ptare tMi Genuine Aleetrtde Grinder on your farm for » lew dare. Sharpen your dutl axe. your dull scythe, your dull coo
ILtoftaj!! knives, your dull cold chisels, or hatchet, or any dull tool you have. See how quickly , ~ ,
mflfMwto J— 1 rn'’ and how easily It Is done. See how Alectride (made ol the substance o< precious stones) ea A **■■ ■ tai PC Etal ■*
■ aftu'l £1 *|C. ■h. | rtxus your tools in from onr-taunh to one-t-enty-f. ith oi tbe time required by a 1U fvlnCnDiwEd llw
"tol M Wwb W jqf. liC'l grindstone and does not heat nur draw the temper. Do ail this —give this machine the svfc—l rt»—»wud>
Tw ™ mos ‘ tests—then unless you think that pm positively cannot get along without » O«« Skkle Grioder W heel tlmpros e-j
M » JEZ, > tins Alectride Tool Grinder, send it back nt our We'U ask no questions. J One Grinding
■F’* We’ll take it back without a word, and we’U par the transportation ch«ges. Now send J One G <; foil Stone (£nprov»d)
" the coupon. Let us tell you nil about this won .erid abrasive and our free trial oiler. j Srw'Gvin'ner (improved) '
IMjiffiliP'toy Romember—Alectriite is really manutachrred precious stones. It is even harder A Q ne sicfcfo Holding Attachment ’
FE- He..ttoJw* '**~* than tlie hardest diamond. Aie.tri le will scratch a diamond and cut glass like a kmie 7 One Scythe Stone (New)
cuts an apple. Send the coupon today and get lull explanation oi our Great 80 Day ( One Harmon Special Rasor Hone (New)
*O Ir’tC'l" M ard Fre* Trial Offer. Do this now. Do not delay. , One Disc Grindtas Attachment (New)
Machines jl uto Scratch Barman Supply Co, ISO Harrison SL, Dept 4668 , CMcago, HL “ Ioo! R* l *
In 1 fcb«a the Diamond
Seasonable Suggestions I
Go to the woods or orchard and j
get your leaf mold and rich soil
for potting the plants when the
time come*.
Don’t burn tile loose grass front
a lawn and the orchard, but put
it in tne compost pile to rot dur
ing the winter.
Examine the bee colonies and
if any are short of food supply
it now, as the bees do not like
to take up syrup after frosty
weather eome*.
Sell your honey now before the
market oecomss glutted with that
of the late sellers. '
Sow rye far the ducks and hems.
It will make fine greet food for
a long time this fall and some
will be left for the early spring.
Pigs that are to be fattened for
the Christmas market should be
confined now. hut not in pens
that crowd them.
In digging the tumipj don't try
to get every one. but leave a fair
supply for the sheep to browse
~ ——
Hog Lot Nots
Don't make the mistake of al
lowing the young boars to run,
with the gilts until they are three '
or four months old.
Feed a large variety of food, j
but avoid sudden changes. That
is, do not change the whole ra- j
tion at any one time.
To produce the full development 1
of bone the work must be. com
menced before the animal is born
uy feeding the dam plentifully
with bone-producing foods while
she is pregnant.
Ihe development nf the bont
in a pig carries with it the de
velopment of the vital organs and 1
a large increase in the amount of
lean meat in the carcass.
CHICAGO, Nov. 29.—An ‘‘insurgent’ -
movement on the part of Chicago mem
bers of the Elgin butter board has
brought into the limelight alleged ma
nipulation of prices by that body and
assures a bitter tight for control at the
annual election to be held on Decem’ter
For more than a quarter of a cen
tury the quotations of the Elgin board
have served as a basis on which butter
was bought and sold in practically
every part of the United States.
That the naming of the opening price
each week has been done under farci
cal condition* during recent years at
least is the chief contention of the Chi
cago meml>ers, who have been making
a fight for lower figures since the first
of the year, when the board arbitrarily
posted a price of 3»5 cents.
The Chicago men base their "in
surgency” on the following platform:
•Fair representation on committees.
Harrison Men Held
GRIFFIN, Ga., Nov. 29. James and
Jerry Harrison were given preliminary
trials Saturday and committed to jail
upon the charge of murdering James
Bethune, who was .shot to death in the
western part of this county several days
since. Tho trial vas held before Jus
tices T. R. Mills, G. F. Patrick and
J. N. Touchstone and Solicitor William
H. Beck represented the stat? and Col.
T. E. Patterson the defendants.
Columbus, Ohio Chosen
CHICAGO. Nov. 29.—At a meeting of
member* and officers of the executive
committee of the Farmers’ National con
gress today, Columbus. Ohio, was chos
en ’ for the meeting place. October 12,
I ’ •
fW K va iril
I to I”: I
UU/ ”t?r SgS*
IWm 33 rffXrl
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. Z ' /v'-
SifiKi-t ’ 1 fu*?.
Sunny Timas;
B "the whie»>*y of contented etehe and j
emfiea ol Mtia>actien
■ 4 Full Quarts 32 05 i I
I a Full Quart# 5.50 j
■ 12 Full Quarts 8.25) fl
u Csie 24 Feb 9nts 59.50 I Cxpreeo hj
4 Cast 43 Feß h Fiat* 9.75 I Pr«s» s id £
| rot*blekd-horcomfoi;ko|
d Stci Bcaci <lth srirr te •a»«*arret btste.
F 'i> - -^ SAS ernr. mo.
jneglstration Applied For.
JUtglstratton Applied For,
Z X HraSnlS B«ys and Giris Get Bar; and Start a Fnt
® ’ Cent Sh&W aad Make Money FaSt
( Mil This Newly Improved Moving Picture
, j os i Machine and Magic Lahtem combined
<3 IJK Ji» the l»iex; guaranteed perfect working
WOpri IJ Machine or boy* h’A girls to give five cent
■ fS--. 1 to rhows Op-rxtcs on the same principle as the
IBHMpRMWWjWr .•WEBBMWkP ||« morecot-ly Machines Made end warranted
yk* t --‘ . -.Sc ’s3'i by E. Pi-rk. > luch n a guarante-of periec-
Ja/’Sg eaSlb-on The only ton r-lce practical ira-
* •R'lchlne that will give good satisfactory
: KftW/wiafll ■ ’"■* ygnSiCwF''' ■ ITAikWtM mallservice. i- tv e-1 'Ctl> good tr.agmhing
- -bAtSdacL MMl' e l c,< - , P* c lfr ‘ '* ’'O'g reel for picture n)m«,
g hcide.- lor glass slide-., etc., and
I/.s Alaßt, /to >eidvf->- ■-e -oon as received.
1 ydrMysT- ‘MEwSx . / Jalx So , alp.- any child can easily
■SjurntlY --^ 8 < % r *’ ; Jis n Every Machine
t 'itw v.s-rantedlovork perfectly
C. in ■RSwfff wIW- SKWBtaaWtollWmßfajy in every way. Boys and
EMroty -iiM' B Jto r tak ‘NK '“ r Giris, send us yo :r full name and
■ WSJ, t- r* (gu aedress, plainly wr.tte-, aid we w- mail you
‘Mfl pretparc on red.- Tweite Boxes Thomp
♦ jfeW'BseMWyT S.«on's Healinp and Completion Cream.
jyflnGrL Jyrj On handsome de.orated > xr- to depose of
'K’’’ ■ m ' ,n C frie >ds at twenty-five cents a
MMf bcx. Wbrnso'C. rem't us-.he three dcllars
Skf * nd w ' for-rsrd you as a reward for your
time and trouble this New Model Moving
eaMbilWtgaffipwraE rSP Picture Ftachtne and Magic Lantern
Comolned. with three colored Moving
• Picture Machine Films and twelve glass
■iff ■Rinta K Magic Lantern Slides containing forty-
SZwCaCTy-lfCTkf WmM « eight colored pictures, ah complete for a
I* '4'r-XBcySifffive cent show, kxtra films, etc. furnished
■f -WBI * ,alow P nc ® Circulars and full infcrmation
E| -r W<th -he Cream Write us at once fir the
K vC -triil <g ’t'-ejpSß^Btwe!ve Doxes V « trast y ou. Address—
BnOdlat, A
Special Offer
The Farmers' and Planters'
Speedy Stitcher
A perfect sewing awl for sewing any heavy material. It
! is just the tool for mending harness, carpets, shoes, saddles, •
buggy tops, etc.
It is designed to be used by all classes; the experienced
man as well as the farmer or mechanic.
Shows One-Half Size
Wherein this tool is superior to any other on the market:
1. Everything is inside the handle.
2. No screw-driver is required to remove bobbin.
3. No wrench is required to tighten needles in the chuck.
4. Any machine needle of any size or make can be used.
5. It is so constructed that the needles will not tall from
receptacles when the cap is removed.
6. It has an automatic tension which enables you to
tighten the stitch.
The Speedy Stitcher is a thoroughly practical tool in every
respect, having within the handle a set of tools consisting of ,
three straight needles of varied size, one curved needle, one di
mond pointed awl, and a round pointed awl for making buck- j
le-holes in straps, all of which are safely secured in receptacles
bv a spring, thus preventing them from being lost when cap ' ,
is removed. The needles provided have a special diamond
point which will penetrate any thickness of leather or material
with ease, yes any machine needle of any size or make can be f
! used. Tt also has a spool or bobbin in the handle to carry the ;
thread, and is provided with an automatic tension which
makes it impossible to draw the thread from handle when
tightening your stitch, but when needle passes through the t .
material it releases the tension and cause.- the thread to feed
‘ automatically.
The Speedv Stitcher is a necessity. It is used bj' farmers, $
teamsters, and many others who do their own repair work,' • r
and by all stitchers of heavy material. Its simplicity makes it '
a practical tool for all kinds of repair work even in the hands ’
of the must unskilled. No practical man can aftord to be with
out it. A money-saver for the user.
By recent fortunate purchase The >emi-\\ eekly iouniai s
secured this practical premium for its subscribers and buying
5,000 of them to start with, it enables us to mak- this liberal
offer: - .
One yqar’s subscription to The Semi-Weekly Journal and
this Speedy Stitcher Awl, both for only .SI.OO
This offer is good for both new and renewal subscriptions.
Send your orders today to
The Semi-Weekly Journal
Atlanta, Ga. j.
(No commissions allowed on this offer). . .
Popular News Girl Dead I
NEW YORK. Nov. 29.—Flowers from
many well-known politicians and promi
nent business men today grace the bier |
or “W'nsomo Winnie” Horn, a news i
girl, who for nearly iX. ,"ars ha’, sold
paper* at a stand near 23d »,.id Sixth ave- I
tine. She ided yeaterdaj-. Her regular |
patrons 1u the old days included the
members of the "Amen corner,” in the I
■*Ul Fifth avenue hotel, notably Senator
I Flatt, Governor O’Dell and Senator
Mark Hanna. It was "Winsome Minnie”
I who gave to Senator Piatt the nickname
I "the easy bo*-*.” She was a favorite
also with numerous Tammany chieftain,-.
Dublin Bond Election
I Di PUN. <•)».. Nv. 2*.—Or. Deeein'w-1 « too
city b-'ti'l ehrtkrti will b- iielii. to authorise th-»
i*BU«nc? of trend* to the amount of
To be used in improving tbe water and I’ghß
plant, and pavlnx tome of the streets.