Newspaper Page Text
Market Rep orts
NEW YORK. Dec. IThe cotton market
opened steady at a decline of 103 point* tn
response to indifferent cablet ami a result of
aome scattering llquidatlou which waa thought
likely the result of large margin calle for over
tbe government reports neat week. Tbe offer
ings were well taken, however, and tbe market
while very quiet, ruled a point or two over
tbe doetng figure* of yesterday, during tbe
middle of tbe morning.
Rumors that tbe National Glnnera* aaeoetatlon
would ratimate tbe crop at only 11.33h.000
bales started a covering movement, during tbe
middle of tbe morning, which eent price* about
T to 11 point* net higher; but three rumor* were
denied and prices liter eased off 2 or 3 points
from tbe bent, with trading very quiet at mid
Expectation* of a bullish private crop esti
mate by a prominent local authority Imparted
a generally firm tone to tbe market during tbe
•arty afternoon aad price* ruled about 8 to 11
potnta net higher. Southern spot markets offi
cially reported early were generally unchanged.
The fallowing were the ruling price* on tbe
excMange t&Jaj; *
Tone steady; middling 16 15-100 quiet.
Last Pre*.
Open. Uigb. Low. bale. Clone. Close.
Jan 14.72 14.16 14.70 14.81 14.80 14.73
Fbb14.91 14.85
Mar. . . . 14.97 14.10 14.95 16.06 lAO4 14.90
April 16J0 14.06
May .... 15.13 15J7 15.13 IR2I 15.21 15.18
Junels.l7 15.12
July .... 15. W 15.23 15 09 15. IS 15.17 15.12
Aug 14.77 14.84 14.77 14.84 14.81 14.78
0ct14.30 14-36 14.39 14.30 1481
Dec. . . . 1477 1486 1477 1483 1480 1473
NRW ORLEANS. Dec. I.—Cotton futures
opened steady. 8 points down to 3 point* up.
Cables were not quite up to expectation*. but
the cold weather prevailing everywhere In the
cotton belt stimulated buying. After the ell |
the mor* active moutaa were put 5 point* over ■
yesterday's chwe. but on this small advance
scalping long* took profit* and at tbe end of
first half boar of bualneM ' price* Were back
again at th* level of yesterday * cloee. Cable
measage* from Liverpool were encouraging and
stated that Manchester continued to book a
large amount of buaiuee* ahead.
Tbe market wa* dull but steady throughout
the morning session. Price* were influenced
mainly by estimate*, high and low, of the
amount of cotton ginned during tbe period end
ing yesterday. Toward tbe end of th* morning '
denials from an Important private bureau that
it had put out an estimate of 10.100.000 bale*
glased from the first of th* season up to the
end of th# period, bad a strengthening effect
on the market and at noon tbe trading months
were at tbe bigbeet level of the rooming. 9 to i
10 points over yesterday's eloee.
Th* following were the ruling prices on tbe
exchange today:
Ton* steady; middling. 14%c; steady.
Last Peer.
Open. High. Low. Sale Clone Close
Jan 14.90 14.91 14.90 14 83 14.83 14.82 1
F»b14.88 14 95
Mehls.lo 15.19 15.10 15.13 15.12 15.00
Apri115.23 15.30
Mayls.Bo 15.88 15.28 15.82 15.31 15.28
June 15.38 15.35
Julyls 40 15.44 15.87 15.40 15.40 15.37
Dee 14.71 14.84 14.70 14.79 14.78 14.75
Atlanta, steady. 14%e.
New York, qsuet. 15 15-100e.
New Orleans, steady. 14%c-
Liverpool, quiet. 8 8-100 d.
Galveston, nominal, 15c.
Wtlmlgton. nominal. 14 %c.
Savannah, steady. 14 9-lGc.
Norfolk, steady. 14 18 16c.
Baltimore, nominal. 1414 c.
Philadelphia. 15 40-100 c.
Boetcn. steady. 15 IMOOe.
Boston, steady. 15 A 100 c.
Mobile, nominal. 14 910*.
Charleston, neroinal. 14%c.
Bt. Louis, quiet, 1514 c.
Little Boek, neroinal. 14 11-18e.
Houston, steady. 15c.
Memphis, nominal 15%c.
Augusta, quiet. 14 13 16c.
Louiarllle. firm. 15%e.
Macon, firm. 14 %c.
Charlotte, steady. 14%c.
Columbia, steady. 14c.
Tbe following were th* ruling prices on the
•xebanf* today:
Tee* steady; sales 8.000; middling 8 3 1006.
Open. 2 p.m. Clone. Close.
Jan. and Feb7.Bo 7.82 7.34% 7.86%
Feb. and March .7.80 .... 7851 s 7.87
March and Apri1..7.83 7.86 787 7.88%
April and May .7.85 .... 7.87% 7.88
May and June ...7.84 7.80 7.88% 7.90
Jun* and July ..7.82 .... 7.87 7.88%
July and Aug. ~7.80% 7.82 7.84 % 7.85%
Aug and Sept. -.7.00 .... 7.02 7.84%
Sept, and Oct- 7.18 ....
Oct. and Nov. ..0 96 .... 7.00 ....
Dee.7 80 7.81 7.84% 7.86
Dee. and Jan. . .7.78% 7.80% 7.54 7.84%
NEW ORLEANS. Dee. L—Tbe prevailing view
of trade tn regard to market chance* for tbe |
next few day* waa that bull leaders would
stand aside to allo* the liquidation nt smaller
long accounts before tbe bureau report, pos
sibly stimulated by census returns to be pub
lished tbe day before tbe government report
estimate comes out. Tbe putting Into execu
tlon of this view, however, ha* worked badly
IF the purpose of inducing
• trial order, w» make |
this great offer.
A $*V 5
Regular Price
8 $
£7 Taste every bottle if you like,
L z? Tr * ryou d ® 001 flnd rt the
BEST whiskey you have ever
had. send it beck at our ex and your money will be
returned by first mail.
Or. WM BINOLSV, •ee’y,
Mt lodipoedoot Btoek. KAMBAB CITY, MO
•® HS ® ==B^^====?^S!===^==== ® f
f kM **«d “a* ll bottle of your morn- .
’ M tag srtee. I will make analysts
» sad forward opinion of case free. |
1 ] If tired of being experimented
I Mt JK/ upon by physicians who guess at j
your dleeeoe. consult a water doe- .
tor. Interesting «* page book free.
Vi '■*•* ,or » rtT >* furnished |
dLL-wßvi receipt of > stamp. Dr. C.
D Shafer 197 Garfield piece. Ctn
rtanatt. OMo.
I ADIES 5,000 REW * RD!
| FbiUas Monthly BoweSy safely rolieeea loss
■■ ««t wnet nlwtiaaU ateoraaal caaee ta 1 to S days withov
kora, peia er laiartarMea with vour wort Mad f: to
DaeMa DereasUi tt OS. Fktt Wnla tadar aSSreae
Sr fcilhlaama Bamedy Co., gg- hit Bain M . kaaaae City Mo
Mia your own town |CS 00to|lM00
y earned. Bo axpanoaao ar wooay
ta back yoo with oor capital and leach
lain let Btagaat baa of ■■plea troe.
snt: suits $95 Erepaia L
xi9«at w 4« to K««Mr«r« in toft eity
I nad xsrtnddihp fuamntoad One
••■■l WMtod in every toww Kxcto-
Itocy. WHtofoe nene•’• nnlto PBIT
MCI.. IM tartm Itrwt. CMcap
Hsra|H2 Gallons
I A ga ry I With all fiist orders to new customers, we will send fr»« ■ hollow
I S.» I ground Jxtra flno Razor. We are making this unusual offer to
■ introduce Btona'a Whlakay. It is pure, rich and mellow. Taste it
E M ■ and if it is not the BEST whiskey you have ever had at double the price.
I ■ *end it back at our expense and your money will be returned by first mail.
I TWO GAI LONSI ''*•*•*• CJfi sr se Credit Isfsrcecs ■ercsstHe Bask. K. C.. Ma. er »n liytn Cs.
Stone Mercantile Stone Bldg., ICanaaa
so far. either because the outaide long Interest
Is smaller than it was thought to be or because
confidence in a small crop la stronger than
supposed, or because bulllah views receive new
stimulus of some sort nearly every day. Thus,
today Liverpool cabled that the trade wa* a
large buyer. But wbet. perhaps, went further
toward stimulating the market was the rumor
that the National Gtnner*’ association would
soon give an estimate which would be in line
with other small crop estimates.
Th* crop condition end ginning forecast* by
this authority have been so close to the gov
ernment publications that the trade pays much
attention to forecasts coming from this par
ticular source.
New York wired that Mis* Giles’ estimate
would not appea- until tomorrow.
Liverpool future* are steady, but spot are
U points down.
N’BW YORK. Dec. I.—Butter easy; receipt*
3 964 Creamery specials. 31 %c; extras.
S©e- creamery held, second to special. Js4r3lc;
state dairy, common to finest. 24U30c; process,
common to specials. 81%c; imitation cream
ery. first. 24%«25c; fsetory. June make. 24c;
factory current make. 23c.
Cheese quiet and steady: receipts 1.968. State
whole milk. September quality, special*. 15%0
17lie; do. fancy colored. 15%c; fancy white.
13%015%c; Jo choice 14% 015 c; do early Oc
tober fine 14%«14%c; do current make, fair
13%e: do. common. I8013%e; skims. 2018 c.
Egg* frreb. steady; refrigerator, unsettled;
receipt*. 5.715. Mate. Pennsylvania and near
by hennery white fancy. 56c; do. gathered
white. 40050: do. hennery brown fancy. 45
W47c- do. gathered brown. 4O048c: western
gathered white. 32®4>c; frosh gathered extra
first, 37030; do. first. 34«3f1e; do. seconds.
2«032e- refrlrerator. special marks fancy. In
I local storage. 25%02«c; do. first. 24024%e;
do. seconds 23024 c.
KANSAS CITY. Dec. I.—Butter—Creamery
.Sc; firsts 26c; second* 24c; packing stock 20c.
Egg*—Extras 32c; fiesta 30c; seconds 21c.
Tbe following were tbe ruling prices on tbe
itxchangc- today:
Open. High. Low. Cloee. Cloee.
Dec 90090% 91% 90 91% 90%
Mav . . 96%01M>% 97% 90 97% 95%
July . . .93%41.93% »4% 93% 94% 93%
Dec. . . 44%e*4% 45% 44% 45% 44%
.May . . 47% 047% 4T% 4T% 47% 47%
July 48 48% 47% 48% 47%
Dee. . . 31% 031% 32 31% 82 81%
May 34% 34% 34% 34% 84%
Julyß4% 34% 34% 34% 34%
January 17.40 17.50 17.30 17.47 17.30
May 16.06 16.72 19.63 16.70 16.65
November . 9.80
January 9.82 9.87 9.80 9.65 9.80
May 9.67 9.76 9.62 9.70 9.62
January 9.27 9.35 923 982 9.20
May 9.10 9.10 9.02 8.10 9.00
CHICAGO, Dec. I.—Cash:
Wheat—No. 2 red 92%©93%e; No. 3 red
31092%*; No. 2 hard 930»4%c; No. 1 northern
81-050107: No. 2 northern 51.0491.06: No. 2
spring 96c951.04%; velvet chaff 90C051-OO;
durum 82c4jf92c.
Corn—No. 2. 48(g48%c; No. 2 white 48Q
48%e; No, 2 yellow 52%<952%e.
Oats—No. 2 white 33%§34%e; standard 83%
984 C.
ST. LOVIS. Dec. I.—Cash:
Wbest higher; track No. 2,94998 c; No. 2
hard. 98%c931-01.
Corn higher; track No. 2. 46%c; No. 2 white,
46948 c.
Oats higher; track No. 2. 32@32%c; No. 2
white. 34 %c.
Wheat—Unchanged; No. 2 hard 92998 c; No.
2 red 94%995c.
Corn —Unchanged te %e lower; No. 2 mixed
489476; No. 2 white 48%e47c.
Oats—Unchanged; No. 2 whit* 33934e; No. 2
mixed 31933 c.
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Dec .I.—Spirit* 11 a. tn.
firm, regulars 74% 675 c. Rosin firm, water
white 87.65. window glass 5T 55. N 8? 20. M
86-75, K 86.60. I 86.15, H 85 83. G 85.806
5.67%. F 85.7593.86, E 86.7096.77%. D 85.67%
95.75. B Receipts, spirits 822.
losla 2.722.
(By W. H. White. Jr„ of White Provision Co.)
Quotation* based on actual purchases for tbe
current week.
Good to prime steers, 1,000 te 1,100 pounds.
Medium to good ateere, 800 te 1.000 pounls.
Good fat beef cows. 800 to 1,000 pound*
’ 3%9*%«-
Medium to good beef eowe, 700 to 800 pound*.
1 Goods to choice heifer*. TOO to 800 pound*. 40
Medium to good heifers. 600 to 700 pounds.
Above represent ruling price* on good qual
ity beef cattle. Inferior grades and dairy
type* selling lower.
Mixed common steers, if fat, 600 to 900
pouodß, 3
Mixed common cows, if fat, 600 to 800 pounds,
Mixed bunches, common to fair. 600 to 700
pounds. 2%98%e.
Good butcher bulls, BQ4c.
Prime bog*. 160 tn 200 average. TOT%e.
Good butcher hog*. 140 to 160 average
B, G«L**to choice pigs. 80 te 100 average.
8, COTnmon te medium pig*, mixed. 80 te 120
average, 6% 07c.
Hesvy and rough bogs. 200 to 800 average
*Good Georgia sheep. 70 te 90 average. SQ
Above quotation* apply te prime eorn-fed
stock: if fattened on peanuts or fed only part
Moderate supply of cattle this week with little
If any change in prlroa. Hog market a little
stronger with some better demand.
Fallowing er* current quotations oo boras*
and mule*: Market easier.
Horse*—Hesvy draft, good te cbolee. 82000
235: southern horse*, good to extra. 81400200;
southern horse*, fair to good. 81000140; south
ern borers, common. 8750100; driver*, cbolc*.
51550225; plug*. 525040.
Male*—l4 band*. 81009130. 14% bud*. 3138
0166; 13 bacds, 81730225; 15% hands. 11750
225; 16 bands. 82250275; extra heavy, 8275
ST. LOUTS. Dec. L—Cattle: Receipt* 11.000.
Including 1200 Texans; strong; aatlve beef
steers, 85 0007.25; cow* and helfera. 83.250
6.75; stockers and feeders. 83.7505.25; Texas
and Indian steers. 83 75®6.50; cows aad heif
ers. 53.5004.50; calves In ear load lota, 84.25
! Hogs— Receipts 9.000; steady; pigs and lights,
< 87.2097.35; packer*. 86.8607.30; butchers and
’ beet heavy, 87.2007.85.
I Sheep—Receipts 3,000; ateady; native mut
ton*. 83 5004.00; lamb*. 85 5007.00.
ATLANTA. Ga., Dee. I.—Cotton by wagon,
steady. 14 11-16 c.
Swift’* Pride *oap. 100-12. 83.40; Swift'*
.Gold Mine. 50*. 31.90; Swift’s Pride washing
(-50-1. 83.00; Swift's Wool soep. 10-16. 84.00
Hen* each. 35040 c; friers, according te
» else*, each. 15 to 25e; geese, full feathered, fat
st'«i6oc each: dock*, pudlde, 25030 c each;
dock*. Pekin*. 85040 c each: roosters, each,
-80035 c; turkeys, per pound. 16918 c.
I Oysters. 5 ounce. 81 06; 8 ounce.
Salmon tails, pinks. 85 00; red. 87.50; sar
dine*. % oil, no key. 88.0); oil. key. 88.80;
% oil mustard, 83.75; tomatoes, standard Vir
ginia pack 2a. 81.30; 3a. 81-SC; cere, standard,
81.80; fancy. 82.60; Karo syrup. 10c sis*.
81.75; 25c ata*. 82.00; 60c else. 81.80.
Quail, each. 17018 c; dressed rabbits, each.
12%015c; squirrel*. 10912%c; opossums, per
pound, dreeeed. 12%015c. poultry, draws, bead
and feet on, per pound, bens 17018 c; friers
18 N. Pryor St., Kimball House,
210 ACRES —One mile from Red Oak, only 3
miles from College Park. Thia 1* flue gray
land, and producing a bale of cotton to tbe
acre. Has fine 4-room bouae and barn and
several tenant bouses. Only 850 per aere.
100 ACRES—Three and a half miles from Buck
hesd; 70 acres In timber. 80 acres In cultlva
tlon; 4-room bouse. Only 84.000
55 ACRES—On Boswell road; only 4 miles from
Buckbtad; over 2.000 feet frontage on the
road; beautiful place, at only 8125 per acre.
48 ACRES—One mile from Austell; 15 acre*
fine bottom land, balance creek runs through
tbe pls-e. 12 acres upland In cultivation, bal
ance in timber. 8850 will buy It, If taken
quick. Only 18 miles from Atlanta.
(Soln Agents.)
8 Luckie St.
Atlanta, Ga.
22,000 ACRES best Georgia farms, in Jefferson,
Johnson, Emanuel, Laurens and Montgomery
counties, all the property of one man who has
given us exclusive sale. We will cut acreage
to ault. Price, 812 to 830 per acre. Terms.
These lands will please anybody. Get busy.
See ua.
crop open; fertile, loamy soil; clay aub
eoll; smooth and free from atone; one
and half miles small creek bottoms;
five good houses, painted and ceiled. Near
church and school; four miles to a good
market; good water and very healthy.
Excellent summer and winter pastures,
suitable for dairy farm. Also six hun
dred forty acre* fenced graxing land, about
three miles from above. Also another
good two-horse farm. Terms reasonable.
Herafoid Lumber Co., Alexander City, Ala.
UPSON COUNTY LANDS sre Cream of Middle
Georgia. I have 60 farm* for aale from 58.5)
to 350.00 per acre. F. A. Stafford. Thomaston,
600 ACRES 3 mile* of Tlvola, Houston county,
on G., 8. & F. railroad. 150 acres open, 100 In
original forest pine, balance of land estimated
to cut 800.000 of pine. 100.000 feet of oak.
Excellent place foe stock farm; timber will
double the cost of place. 89.00 per acre, one
third cash, balance 1 and 2 years. Address
Nesbit Kimball 00., 707 Empire Life Bldg.,
Atlant*. Ga.
106 ACRES Rockdale county, 50 acres cleared,
balance In timber: school and all conven
iences necessary to a modern farm; all Improve
ments. 88.000. half cash, balance tn one and
two years. Fbr particulars communicate with
Green A Ch.-totian, 402 Grant Bldg-. Atlanta,
G*. ,
100 ACRES food farm land, six mlloa from
center of Atlanta, with two good houses
thereon. Tbis is a bargain for 360.00 an acre,
on terms. We also have others, and make loana
on farm*. M. C. Kiser, 35 Inman Bldg., At
lanta, Ga.
COUNTY. Florida. Good 6 room bouse, 825 per
acre. W. Alford. Grandridge, Fl*.
FLOYD COUNTY FARM, near Rome. Ga.; a
farm of 247 acre*, 70 acre* In good state of
cultivation, 3 tenant houaea, good schools, etc.;
churche* nearby, at 812 per acre; half cash.
DORAVILLE. GA.. 17 mile* of Atlanta, a farm
of 50 acre*, good bouae. 80 acre* In cultiva
tion. Thia ta cheap 850 per acre; cash. MASON
A TURNER. 224-26 Empire Bldg., Atlanta.
SOUTH GEORGIA FARM—7IO acres, 2 mile*
<rf New Portals, between Statraboro and Mil
len. on new railroad. All In long leaf yellow
pine timber; red and grey pebbly land. Will
grow bale to acre In long staple cotton, and
excel!>mt place tor stock farm. Timber will
double the cost of entire tract. Price 87,500;
easy terms. Address Ne*blt Kimball Co., At
lanta. Ga.
Over 1.000.600 acres for sale by. the state,
Yon can buy 640 acres at 82 an acre; pay 832
cash, nalanre after forty years; fine farming
and fruit land and -vealthy cllmxte. For fur
ther Information. Send 6c postage. Investor
Pub. Co., Dept. 55, San Antonio, Tex.
For selling 20 Jewelry
Morel tie* atlOe each. Rifle best
made. Write foe Jewelry. When sold
return our 82.00 and we send rifle. FEN
WAY MFO. 00., Dept. 56, Hempieton, Mass.
22%025e; rooster*. 809 c; ducks, 18020 c;
geese. 10012 c; turkeys, owing to fatneaa, 240
26c; fresh egg*, per dosen. 88085 c; storage
28030 c.
Pompano, pr pound. 20c; Spanish mackerel,
per pound ,12%c; trout, drawn, per pound, 10e:
blue fish, drawn, per pound, tie; heauless red
snapper, per pound, 10c; mullet, per barrel, 200
pounds net 811.00; small snooks per pound 60
Te; mixed flab, per pound. o06c; : tange snap
per. flounder*, pound, 607 c; oysters, selects,
per gallon, 81-40; standard, per gallon, 8 .10.
Cracker*—XXX Florida sodas, Te; Block se
lect sodas. 7%c; lemon creams. B%c; pearl oys
ter. Tc; ginger snap*. 7c; cornhills. 8c; penny
cake*. B%c; animals, lOe; jumbiwi, 10%c; fig
bars. 18c; cartwheels. 9c; retain cookies, B%c;
Block snowflake wafers. In tins, 13c; cracker*
In 5c carton*. 60c dosen; cracker* in 10c ar
tona, 81.00.
Salt, 100 pound bags, sOc; Ice cream, 81-00;
White flab. kit*. 48c; 60 pounds, 63-10; 100
pounds, 8400; Royal Gloa* starch, 3c; Best
gloaa starch. 2%c; World's com atareh. B%c;
nickel packages, 83-50; pickles, 36. W; potash
Sugar—Standard granulated, 85.00; plantation.
84.90; coffee, green, bulk, 13015 c; roasted,
bulk. Rio, Blue Ridge, 17c; Stonewall, 20c;
AAAA, ISc; Uno, 23c; rice, Jap, 3%c; domestic,
4%c; axle grease. 81-75; navy beans, 82.76
bushel; Ussa bean*. 6%c.
Quaker eats, wood. 86a. 83.10; Quaker oats,
18*. pulp. 81-50; Quaker puffed rice, 86a,
64-26; Quaker puffed wheat. 82.90; Quaker
Mt*, tin, 86*. 84.25; Quaker corn meal, 24a.
81.96' Quaker breakfast biscuit. 24a, 31.85;
Pettijebn'a 86*. 83-95; Pettljohn's 18a, 31.86;
Quaker corn flake*. 24a. 81.85; Quaker i'arina.
14a, 81.50; pure rjt flour. Barrel, 35.50; rye
(lour mixture, 84.76; rye maul, barrel. >4.60;
«y* Scotch pearled barley. 24a. S’ 60; Quaker
cracked wheat. 245. B'2-50; Quaker Vv. W. flour,
10s, 82-00; granulated homluy, 245, 31.60; gran
ulated bom lay. 10s. 81-60; Scotch XXX gra
ham, 10a, 83-15; do. 20s, 83.20; Poatum, large,
62.25; small, 32-70; XXX grabam, barrel. 34.60;
kegs. 82.50; Poet toastie*, popular ala*. 82.80;
pearled barley, 24*. 31-60.
Dry salt riba. 85 to 60 pounds, 11c:
dry salt rib bellies, 20 to 26 pounds, 12c; dry
salt fat backs. 8 to 10 pound*. IV%<-. i’retpl'int
ham*. 17 l-10c; do. breakfast bacon, 27c;
I’.cnlc ham*. 812.50; lard, L,e. SiiVvi
Leaf lard. ll%c; Jewel lard compound. o%e.
Cornfield ham*. 10% average. 16%c; Cornfield
field ham*. 12-14 average, 16%c; Cornfield
skinned bam*. 10-18 average. 15c: Cornfield
Picnic hams 13%c; Premium lard, 12%c; Silver
fast bacon, 6-8 average. 26%c; Grocers Style
bacon. 3-6 average strips, 21c; Cornfield
kiuoked link snusage. 25 pound boxes, luc:
Dixie fresh pork sansafe, link or bulk, 23 pound
buckets. 12%c: Atlant* luncheon bams. 25
pound boxes. 12%c; Cornfield Jellied meats, 10
pound dinner palls, 12%e; Cornfield sausage in
ell 50 pound cans, 85.00; Cornfield pur* lard,
tlarce baste. 12%c; Compound lard, tiarce basis
9%c- »
• Make Your Body Right
If you want to atop the use of medi
cines, you must first make your body
healthy, for healthy bodies need no
medicines. Bodl-Tone will help you to
do It. It puts health on a solid founda
tion In the body by toning all of the
body. Read the liberal trial offer on
last page.
TION 38.6 AGAINST 93.7
GUTHRIE, Okla., Dec. I.—The condition of
winter wheat la only 38.6 as against 93.7 a year
ago. according to a crop bulletin of the state
board of agriculture Issued today. The dry fall
ta given as tbe cause.
The board reported a decrease of 31 per cent
tn the acreage of alfalfa.
Tbe cotton report is encouraging, tbe crop be
ing estimated at 776,000 bales valued at 856,000,-
This Stemwind Watch CD EC
and Ring ■ DEC
Genuine American Watch, Stem
Bt4>m St>
Guaranteed time
keeper; also Ring
with Sparkling z/ 'l"
1 Gem, both Free for telling 24 Jewelry Novelties
at 10c each. Write for Jewelry. When sold send
us 82.40 and we tend watch aad ring. FRIEND
SOAP CO., Dept. 608, Boston, Maa*.
Watch, Ring COCC
Chain ■ ■■ Kb Kb
American Movament Watch,
RIA beautiful case, fine timekeeper,
fJf V »111 given free for telling 6 boxes
Tablets at 25c. ea. When
l*-- r v Br> 'd return 31-50 and we send
Watch, with extra
premium of Ring
-nd Chain for money rent us with-
In 10 days. Standard Remedy 00.,
5 Cortlandt St.. Dept. 6. Mew York City.
s Q so for $359
I Cat U>l* •»> Marti Ma. attVyaut u.m,. po.l
«®cn ABd express ofliss alarms. wa *l4 wa*4
\ ysijkw «• reu by exprssa for axamiaaMeß tbii fenuißS
■ /jJ3k.
7 s quality 14karMgal- ta'UUMM. Btaadari
Auisrie— fall Bavtß ruby JawalH vorka.
SI W1 th wat-Jh wo read Mdse aortffi<Mis«
JCSn* bkb ,kn be * g * 4 ln purehMint faode from
oata- 7<w (total value of watoh and asr»>-
iIMkJWJPI t 3^oo ) 1 foT W* Bo ’ To "
> watch at your azproae ofioa aad If sadafuo
pay azpraaa afoul M BO aad exprora ebarfto
AwSr Rod iHa roars Badsfao«Har>araaveedar moony
.wmarTeftiudod. (imto whether you want a m a’aratah oi
a Udlog’ watch. Order tbday. Addroeo
а. K. CHALMERS A CO.. 356 Dearborn F«.. CHICAGO.
Write for 6 boxes Standard
Blood Tablets to sell at 25
-j* c,nt * eaeb. We rend Tablets
Wfej w postpaid and allow 30 days to
sell them. When sold return
81-50 and we send this genuine Solid Gold Band
Ring. STANDARD REMEDY CO., 5 Cortlandt
St., Dept. 4. New York City.
Watch, Ring and Chain
Thia handname AMERICAN P Hr
• A SET WATCH.angrureti Rud _
P r ,lze guaranteed
pTi'M FORSYIARS. Also sifool rlag taady for
initial aud a watah oho!a free io b?ys, <!ris or
KfVQh anyone Bolllaf 14 pieces of aur bandveae jows.ry
T. atiOcoach. bead uoaameaad address aad wo will
JrT< I*’C'fDTx aaadjowi-ry pootpsid Wboa told Bead ue tkoK-40
aß( j ve w i’i tbe watoh. r!n<, aad ekafa FREI
SHORT HORN CATTLE, Poland China hogs,
fancy poultry and M. B. turkys. Sixteenth
year. New price list. Tuggle •Bros., Brush
creek, Tenn.
to be fouud in America. Pedigree with eacn
pig. Some fine brood sows for sale. J. R.
Combe, Adairsville, Ga. ■
LADIES—Make supporters, 312 per hundred; no
canvassing; material furnished; stamped en
j velope for particulars. Wabash Supply Co.,
Department W 128, Chicago.
BUSINESS for men or ladle*. Pay* big. Arti
cle* everybody wants. Sell fast. Excellent ter
ritory. Address P. W. Ziegler, Dept. K., Chicago.
PECANS—No legitimate Investment known pays
such handsome returns as pecans. Write me for
full particulars. Smith D. Pickett, Atlanta. Ga
BOOK fr«e. Thousands of satisfied client*.
' T. R. Harney, 1318 Kenyon, Washington, D. 0.
OPEN AIR Grown and Frost Proof Cabbag*
Plant* Guaranteed. Prices 1,000 for 81 (X),
б, for
field. Charleston Wakefield, Succession, Au
gusta Trucker, Flat Dutch. Now ready.
H. E. SIMPSON, Rout* 1, Piedmont, S. 0.
WE HAVE more big jacks and stallions than
ever before. A guarantee back of every one
that is sold as solid as The Hills. Breeder* of
Tam worth and Hampshire swine. Stock all age*
for sale. Write for catalogue. J, F. COOK
& CO., Lexington, Ky.
We will stnd you 12 of the prettiest cards you
ever saw if you will cut this advertisement out
and send It to us with 4c to pay postage-and
mailing and say that you will show them to fl
of your friends. D-32 New Ideas Cord Co., 3
18, sth St., Philadelphia. Pa.
i ATTENTION, FARMEI(B--By nay new method
1 of saving rolling, hilly' land from washing.
! It can be doubled and threbled In value. Charge*
reasonable. Best reference* given on appli
cation. J. H. Pharr, Marshallville, Ga.
83 TO 810 DAILY to local representatlvea. who
go after what they want and get what they
go after, with my PURE ALUMINUM "GEM”
I COOKER and Preaerve Kettle combined. Every
housekeeper burs on Its merits. Branch Mfg.
Co., 2 South 14th St.. Richmond, Va.
1910 One-Man Wood and Tx»g Sawyer, the Ma
chine of Merit, Automatic Self-Pulling. For '
illustrated description write H. A H. Belf-Baw- 1
Ing Machine Co., Kane, Pa.
10 POSTCARDS, actual photographs Jeffrlee-
Johnsin Fight taken at ringside. 25 cent*.
M. P. Cb., 211 Temple Court Bldg., Chicago. 111.
while they last. Order direct from this ad. H.
W. Chestnut, Centralia. Kans. Circular free.
i FOR SALE FEATHERS—AII kinds of domestic
feathers. Live geese feathers a specialty.
Write for samples and prices. R. 8. Eubanks,
73% South Broad St., Atlanta. Ga.
The Latest Up-To-Date Odor In
For a Holiday Gift
Your dresser Is Incomplete without it. Send
10c for sample and be convinced. All deal- '
ers 50c. or by mail. RAY MFG. CO., 246
Fulton St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.
iJust What You Need;
The Summers Automatic Waved-tbread Stitch
ing Awl will mend anything. Will repair har
nesa, shoes, buggy tops, sew on button*, tie
comforters, sew up rents In csrpets. etc. Bas
1 large and 1 small point for light and heavy |
stitching and I curved point for patching shoes,
etc. Also 1 wrench and 1 bobbin Never before
sold less than one dollar. For the next 30 days
WILL SEND YOU ONE FOR 50c postpaid.
Please remit postsl or express money order.
Agents wanted.
Dept. 10. Burlington, W!s.
ter attoan dsya. Tt yoa do not wish to oonllnua, eosta yo*
nothing. lam tranting enterrh, Iteafnaa*, Band Rolaaa. and
Bar troubles, with a remarkable new treatment. I want to
•end a com ae of thle treatment with two instruments to every
sufferer, by mall, all chargea prepaid, to try IX days.
1 Send no money. Write for my my fre* trial trestaent to
day, r'vinr full doseriotion of your ease.
Dr. W. 0. COFFEE, Dept. 394. Des Moines, lowa.
PERSONAL—LadIes, when delayed use Triumph
pills. Always dependable. "Relief” and per-
Itlculars free. Write National Medical Institute,
I directory FREE. Pay when married. New
plan. Box 314 T. 1.. KANSAS CITY. MO.
GET MARRIED —Matrimonial paper containing
advertisements marriageable people from all
1 sections of tbe United States, Canada, rich,
poor, young, old. Protestanta, Catholics, mailed
sealed free. H. H. Gunnels, Toledo. Ohio.
1 8l If)AV B ** t P iaa on cart| L rent free. Phe
imH HK I toa ot ,all J member. Th*
1 IIIHIIIII Pilot. Dept. 47. Marahall, Mich.
| MARRIAGE PAPER free. The most reliable
1 published. Send for cue. Eastern Agency, 23,
| Bridgeport. Conn.
MARRY—Book of descriptions and photos mailed
sealed. FREE. The Exchange. Box 822 R.
| U.. Kansas City, Mo,
» ' '
TOBACCO causes chronic Irritation of brain and
nerve cell*. NI KO heals this irritation. You
won't Want tobacco any mor*. You will feel so
good. King NI KO, Room 3, Wichita, Kaunas.
WB WANT A FARM, 200 to 260 scree, within
■ 50 miles of Atlanta, not over 1 mile from
I ralltead station. Some improvements. Must be
! reasonably priced. Robert A. Ryder Realty
i Co., 1013 Empire Bldg.
! PEAS—W* want to buy peaa 8. T. Beveredge
| A Co., Richmond, V*.
RICE—New crop. 100 pounds beautiful, elean.
I white table rice, in double sacks, freight pre-
I paid to your railroad station, 83.86. J. Ed. Oab
; antes. Rice Farmer, Katy, Texas.
| PORTRAITS—New emerilnes are dandle*. Our
I special Xmas offer te cheap. Agents making
big money. Crescent Portrait Studio, 914 Mon-
I tann St., Chicago.
IDO YOU LIKE MUSIC? For 3100-00 I will
i ship you a 3200.00 Columbia phonograph war
-1 ranted a* good in every respet as when It left
. the factory. Guaranteed for one year. Paul
|T. Barth. Music Dealer. 78 North Bro*d St.,
• Atlanta. Ga.
5 Christmas Caras EDGE
Send only 2c stamp and ■ ■ ■
receive 5 very finest Gold ■
Embossed Christmas Poet Cards FREE, to Intro
i duce post card offer. Capital Card O*-, Dept.
| 214, Topeka, Kan.
' 880.00 PER MONTH paid Railway Mall Clerks,
Custom* and Internal Revenue Employee*. No
"layoffs." Short hour*. Rapid advancement te
high eateries and high government position*.
Thousands of appointments coming. Common ed
ucation sufficient. Political influence unneces
sary. Country and city residents stand same
chance of immediate appointment. Examina
tions announced everywhere January 15th.
Coaching free to first 25 applicants. Write Im
mediately for schedule showing place* of tho
examinations. Franklin Institute, Dept. D 39,
Rochester, N. Y.
Secrets forWomen
Send 2c stamp for catalogue of Rubber Ne-
1 ceesltles. Remedies, Toilet Article* aad Beauty
This book, is of great interest to women. Do
! not delay.
F. K. 60 Wabash Ave., Chicago.
form* of Tobacco Habit In 72 to 120 hour*. A
positive, quick and permanent cure. Easy to
take. No craving for Tobacco after the dose.
One to three boxes core* all ordinary case*.
We guarantee a cure In any case or refuad
money. Send for our free booklet, giving full
i information. Elders’ Sanitarium, Dept. 2, Bt.
Joseph, Mo. *
> & a SURE
Easy work with hor*e and buggy
right where you live In handling
our ironing and fluting machine.
One agent says: "Made 850 in 8%
Ts^^*®S«|dayß.’ r We pay 875 • month ana
‘ WK ittqexpenM*; or commlaaion.
pun XTO, CO, teyt. 4C ttMtaaaii, Ma
8100 MONTHLY and expenses to trustworthy
men aud women to travel and distribute sam
ples; big manufacturer. Steady work. 8. Schef
fer, Treaa. W. J. 166. Chicago.
THE MUSIC MAGAZINE, 1712 East 65th St..
Cleveland, 0. If you are not yet a sub
scriber we will eend you the Mnsle Magaslae
every month for ONE YEAR for only 25c.
With this magasine you receive tbe latest end
very beet PIANO MT S j C FREE.
AGENTS —Portraits 35c; frames 16c; sheet
pictures 1c; stereoscope* 25c; view* Ic. 30
days’ credit. Sample* and catalog free. Oea
•ol Ida ted Portrait. Dept. 4568. 1027 W. Adam*
Bt.. Chicago.
valuable pnaee to our IST
cuMoman. You may b*
the tacky oae Shot Cu«» at
83 78; Rifle*. 81 40.
82. 10 and 83.40. Yo* cea't beat NmEJMiSI
oer sricea MOURMK A BOMD/Wm
318 Market Street. LoelavOte,
|P^™THhamo®4 Three two Rin*a raaa*L(reA »
Mk Belling reven Me JQffSCj
.aJSMWBhnre. 'Merit"
Tablet* mBO dayaA wZ ■
Owe eelM gel*. AMrete
36KM1T M*4l*tn* Cea, Ms am 14 Ct**l*a*U, Ohio,
CHOICE Scotch colli* stud dogs, brood bite he*
and pup* of both sexes. Wishaw Cl laker
strain. Sherbrooke Colli* Kennels, Culpepper,
Mi-ftWwa. f FREE -
Sweet toned deep vetoed
'••» ra " , e' wl, “ which
4gffiagSSwC*ia*tfßißrolMß i ,u r >" p ; »t sea-.ut.i
"ft“»« 1 Tewvwaqro|BW for resevru and
: dance. Frame very l»c|e,
rctemjwHrvd>Cl 1» 4. WBCTHI 10 k eve, fell vet reed a, 8
.toy.. de-.M. bellow., eb-
• effww.w en <ed eaa. .Blekel»leted
m.M **. vmai.n.
Eagle Watch 00., Dept. 332, East Boston. Maro.
Makes nerve force, stops dixsy spells, gives healthy
sleep.7sca box,3 boxes 82. Atstorea.or sent by matt
Hw*ak or sick, writ* DB.BOSANKO CO.,Phfia..l%.
(thick neck) that does the work. Pay when
cured. Drite Dr. E. M. Mclntosh, Waupaca, Wls.
cured te stay cured. Eminent
Judge*, ministers, congressmen
■ I 11 and rhe inedb-el press declare
my cures permanent. I cure
■ ~ ! .'?■? after others fail. WRITE TO-
Address. Dr. W. Towns, Fond du Lac, Wte.
VI how> gire, evi-
dence of what other* have dona for themselves.
Sent free. Address, THE BYE INSTITUTE.
SOI Fair Block. ladlaaapolta. InOlaaa.
Without medicine ALLAN’S SOLLBLB
MEDICATED BOUGIES will cure the most ob
stinate cases. No nauseous doses. Price* Sold by druggists. Send for circular
1 C. ALLAN COto P. 0. Bax 996. New York
TpTrpQ BPILBPBY. Only CURB. 1 ln*ure
I 110 an entire and rapid cure to stay
cured for lif4. I ask no f»«- Df- Kruae 00..
St. Louis, Mo.
WOXDXXrUI roan vro aan mb
NEW MEDICAL >■ K f" f"
DISCOVERT .9_. ■ ■ .
I will send you a free treatment of my New
IMacovery. which 1* astonishing the world in the
cure of Kidney, Bladder. Rheumatism and all
Uric Add Disease*, If you will write me today.
I will also send my large 32 page booklet,
"How to Get Well,” all without coet to you.
Do not eend money—not one cent do I ask. This
discovery Is creating wonders. It is the great
est medical discovery of tbe twentieth eentury.
lirop me a postal today—do not wait. Describe
your case briefly when writing. Dr. D. J.
WALSH. 107 Nil** Building, Boston, Mass.
WANTED—Colored men. Prepare a* sleeping ear
train porters, firemen brakemen. 360, 890.
Southern roads. Enclose stamp. Inter. Ry.,
No. 40, Indianapolis, Ind.
WE PAY 386 a week and ‘xpeuses to iten
with rigs to Introduce poultry competed.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. 06.
Parson*. Kas. ’
• ■•• slab Needles. RMI GnlrtemeSer* twr
JL 1 Beetles Gold, 811 ver and hidden rrereoraa
Our Instrument* are the be**. Cek S eeete
'’ Mlaer* Supply OevlMpt 8 ,F*aaayr*,F*
YOUNG men for railroad firemen, brakeme*,
baggagemen; 875-100 to start; early promo
tion; experience unnecessary; stat* age, weight
! and height. Address Railway Bureau, 689 Pan
ama Bldg.. St. Louis. Mo.
How to treat eaaoer pri-
■ T »tolf by a new bom*
wJIC* 11 I treatment m*!le<M fret
to all eending address.
Cedar Hill Bant tartans. 147 No. Broadway, Labaaoa,
O. We refer U> any bank or business firm In Lebanon,
Arwß’DJjr ,i. ■ i.r.n-g i. -I'l.tuii.mii
j 41 |p
qrTJTQ is the best whiskey
JIAAO Ever offered at wholesale price
Owr afftr U plain, we guar
2 full gallons, Ridgeway Straight SIOO
3 full gallons, Ridgeway Straight 6.00
ISM 4'a full gallons, Ridgeway Straight 8.60
12 full Quarts, Ridgeway Straight 6.75
Above whole-tale ratal, all etprett paid to your door.“&,
PIIOSII Is '° wder accepted for les* amount at wheletale prices quoted.
Let us demonstrate this on a trial order. You will be well
pleased with our Ridgeway Straight full standard .proof
North Carolina Whiskey; Ridgeway Straight Pure ;
f*, .Jtg| North Carolina Whiskey is our own native product, HHB
Surely distilled. Contains natural triple flavor, jus tas distilled.
io blend, compound, mixture or rectification of color- nK9
S£9H ings or foreign matter added whatever. It will surely please H|||||3
IwOi r >u and r our iD« nds . or we refund every cent paid us, if, after
trial you sre not perfectly satisfied without discussion.
CAUTION. Some dealers claim we cannot sell straight whiskey
at this price; some reduce price with water: while some ship you 128
ounces (1 gallon) in two jugs, to meet our prices; while others ship
express collect
F r We guarantee Ridgeway Straight to be as represented
® always. We refer you to Florida National Bank of this city as to
■sSmml our reliability.
2S M<sto all ramittancia to
Jacksonville, Fla. Offices V Warthouo
MowcHe/ SpringJ 336 East Bar Street
Books for Xmas Free j
America Across The Seas —this book is just
what every child in school needs, as it is a history
of our New Possessions, The Philippines, Hawaii,
Guam and our smaller islands in the Pacific, Pan
ama and the Canal Zone, Alaska, Porto Rico and
Cuba —in fact, is just as interesting to the Old
Folks as it is necessary for the Young People, This
Book Free with a year’s subscription to The Semi-
Weekly Journal, SI.OO.
Roosevelt’s Trip and Hunting Big Game in Af
rica—another dandy Book—over 400 pages with
illustrations Free with a year s subscription to The
Semi-Weekly Journal only $1.15. > ’
Send your subscription today and state which
I book is wanted.
Atlanta, Georgia.
No commission allowed on this offer.
11 1 i 1
GREAT == (D Qb? (D d M* o UNEQUALED '
Kentucky’s Straight Whiskey
Express Prepaid from Distiller to You
« •-fr-- < K l ,or WO«rI «* M, ctoice of Ry*. Bourbon or Cora
\ " ■•IlCnl Tvr OW* ru>toaßtrw!|rhtwhl*keyhigb««tmedicin*lthorou<bljr
i SMU*rw4,laMy*r*pat*nt| r»Uoaa*Kii)ohu*. To>rev*FuHoatebe«tyoune*d
fig) send no money
■ jl We ship OB 30 day’* credit, if you have your merchant or bank write n*ra»r < :
lAA W *»t«elnr account. No 0.0. D FallQuert B.»tHe*of Rye. Bourbon or Corn ar*
■W .0 expressed prepaid la plain boxen, either 4 for >3, I 2 for $9.
■ K«afli»4fiil'S FlEE—* miniature bottle* of Selected Fulton with even 2 (alloa order,
I PV” X VahTS J > with 8 gallon order*, accompanied byeash. If tot satisfied with whiskey
“ x fl return; and, if paid for, all your money will be refunded by first mail. *»/*
MYERS & COMPANY. w £3l,"SßlsS; I??
II 6*u Owns* V. 6. Ise. BwFv R*. n, tea Daw., Kv. Ov4ev* Sea Bret.. Vva, Cete M M. Mon. aa4 Weetikerret,nsneeU
fcv eIteCTSS MU q*e>*kete>a.*«*l>*estammQae**,«r*ea«k,te 816 *y*v**sM •*%*«. Write te tem*. .
Writ* tar ear heok, “A Fete Cv>teai*r.” and pries IM—sealed
i ..
flflHHMflflto 1 wta b every person ta th*
U. 8. suffsrtaf with Hts. '
IL 111 W Kt>"«p*y * ran 'M Blrt ’
P I ■ W nere te **M tor MH of »r
111 U
I DM. r. X. GILANT, Ds»«. ft. Ott». Ma
CITSgS-ggSS Or-d » 11
1 and other drag habit* ar* sacroeetully treated by
HABITINA. For hypodermic or Internal
as*. Sample aent to any drug habltae > TtJC
by mail, in plain wrapper. Regular prlc* *M
1179 Hetiang B*Hdia« Bk Lstea, Ma.
1 J U J'
I M A. OR 1
I ■ ■ \FALLING fl
I |g
Why d*ro*lr,lfrthera)>*ve feOed; Saad settee As a *n*>
Use aid tere totes W say InfaUlbl* remedy. 1 bare a*de
the Aware rs Flu, Bpltapsr •» Falllsp Bkfr*sa a ete heg
stody. sad eewaat sty reaatoy te give to••■*•* stesssaste
•al reMsf. I have headtedi *< taaHaeental* beta thee* wh*
have Tot*
cure. T rial tree Sweat eivea free to luieraw; aediiag fatox
Fat areulan, tsnimneials and free tri-l treateral write
Dr. H. H. Cr-.-’v « •' A tHaste, Ga
■ Gold Band
In accord with the U. 8. Law. and
under the direction of United
States Internal Revenue officers.
Kvery bettie has a green U. 8.
stamp over the ecrk stating that
the whiskey fs IDO In Arool*
8 Shert Quirts $4.75
8 Full Quarts-b 55.75
Mmn 12 Short Quarts $6.95
LglXLAtt Full Quarts $7.95
24 Fall Pints ssh $8.48
48 Fun y 2 Pints SB.BB
(The above Is all Gold Banc;
bottled inbond.)
, ■»'3E«Hb 2 Full Gallons
2 Full Gallons
ci. ■ K z*\ FN n <Uw b °* to)
W n lOn t- I J Bend remittance and ad-
• 100 PER CENT PURCP PiGtllllng Co.
100 PER CPff SJRMOHT Jaskssmdßa, Ha.
BOTTLED IN BOND fcta-4fc.hrtw.AA
Carper at either place, he
j ; rW cauM to be packed
with your goods
ft'-- f One leitie st field
. : •'*« Band Bottled in 80-d>
<> u a Seuvswh’ dug es him
it yes are .aSerieg with Stricture, enlarged pros
tata di Sen It 1 to retain er pace waler, you will got im
mediate relief and a epood/ core by ueiu
No Cutting, L Hating or Drugging.
Your moaey Pack la 10 days if not satisfied No rod
tape to tats proposition. Onr bosktat "Aa Bensst
Talk," sent Erse with GVsaavm. will open your