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I r I t( 11 Fl '*l lifi® lislll
is the riffht m cine so old people. lam sixty-four
k;\\ l I WC° s\Ay P y 1$ Iw® because Bodi-Tone is doing the work and provingitssxiperior-
Mk' 11111 ’ llrlrvlli Z/ /%< ///ZJ/7 tOfeOl VI ktWI M ity over common remedies. Many who have for years been hX e %lTt-dT a
\ 4 . < , rvtnhv ~* XL l/j/ Wh jO in poor health and have tried most all of the prominent medi- Zw>*V itrie/different doctors without F,
IPX ' ■ .HV\Vm\\\\i X Ifll 'n K S I M cines, have written that one single box of Bodi-Tone did more
ISwL'Ui 1 \ " 'lf*, k -W- z $ J 0 ißvf HI more good than all the others combined. Other sufferers, t% s 4
■ A l l /h’Aw/ lly *'k4 who have tried good physicians and specialists for their various V-ExLa -7 w*s n not rieht. i woui/ret diwy
A XL j/W ill KW JU troubles at great cost over a long period, havewritten that
a'JJ *>W Bodi-Tone did the work after their doctors had failed. ZLV’aWroken'up and co n uid c no!
Old Folks Need It I
f ... .. ~ xl u*u P 1 tism is all gone. I can sleep all
IS All elderly men and women should use Bodi-Tone, even though they ni?ht, don't feel tired in the morning, have a good f/.
V 1C J 111 how nn «erinn<; trouble bothering- them, and feel strong and healthy appetite and feel like working. Bodi-l one has cured r » t|t
iilW m
»s\\'\ 4fr 'ml to renew the blood, steady the nerves and promote a good appetite, it ail 1 meet who are not well. William A. Miers.
A. L 'ri V' vEA 'FF < - ■'■ F aids in digestion, elimination and other important functions and causes Coining. N. Y.—l have been ranch benefited by the w
.Wk ■ ??“ d »" d ,«•'■«“■■?•‘s?sFsiv eidldv ,Sn s?.°«s^s^s?; teg |
X-V'' .' fTflklllglff; -7xX?X- Its special action in the kidneys is helptul to anv eiaeriy person, Complaint. I also had a bad shock about three months
v whether or not there be any known kidney trouble. Repeated i allures aro, which set me back a lot. Considering my condition
to pet auv real benefit from the ordinary medicines has caused many when I began to use Bodi-Tone and the way it has
I jfeiMMi [ IVtXvanksTy afflicted; to believe that all kinds of sickness and must ... I
disease is a necessary part of old age, but the success of Bodi-lone Murrayville. Ga._My health was very bad for f*"
T? « V XTTI_ remedies. That is why we want to send a box on trial to you proves how sood health fe
WA-V 14 VM/ trMP*Tfc immediacy, as soon as you Vl tt f °i Of 7® SHfiJ m” my bo itaents remedtad, orpm. i
/I v jCI y M vis V V M MxG’ M M find it different and superior. Though Bodl-I one IS a scientific patched up and the entire body strengthened, invigorated and nounshed ous remedies, but they did not
bi medicinal combination, most of the ingredients used in it are fn such manner that old age will be enjoyable and free from pain and secern to [each
1 w « A MTA familiar to the common people, and are remedies which they bodily discomfort, which is as it should be. This is Bodi-lone s work «, to use Bodi-Tone. in the Spring
; ’ VnilfA ®Fll'r , iS=a XeU as the doctors ?no» to be good, remedies in which and hundreds of elderly men and women tesbfy U do tS U. fe, >1 1 .% 13S Hl
’ lUUIV VjVi.l. they can place theifullest confidence.and.which they know they ™ a zphZ» r\ie***® |M
I»„SL? r i-£''.’.?LK?? ! *‘™”L.l<Slgp^...i... ;5 >. = ~-«^^AsAssff» jra -Wat* g ~SSt = n
WaU tfie OUViensfQ w e warn you io get 11, contains n 0 narcotic or habit-forming drugs, It contains no are a ick or in poor health, if you have been doctoring without benefit, topping to rest. It strength- g
Mto use it, to see what it does for you, to learn at it , ingredient that your own family doctor will not endorse and if you are discouraged, send for a box of Bodi-Tone on this most liberal u h^ln f touseit
M learn how it acts, how it cures. W hen you learn all this, - s a d th < ng it does not depend upon drugging the trial offer. Try « r/«z and see what it does for you. My periods were not regular, but since I began taking
H when you are satisfied, then you can say Here Is r our Dollar [. It does not kill nain-with opium or morphine. It does Memphis, Tenni have been afflicted with Rheumatism for ten Bodi-Tone they are perfectly.;«^ u and souther R
-| and we will be phased to get it. If you are not willing, glad ° P bu?i? tones P the body and ye-, so baftbat I could not do my w„L My Hmbs and foetid |
I l nd lea^e n it y a^yo O u U - TOs its disorders with remedies nature intended to tone and I
■is how we are offering Bodi-Tone to every reader of this cure the body or atpowerwo not ave en given lem. time, toTet\F'e— a ''on°e'day a i lb fo"md ta'tho IS
I paper who is sick, ailing or in poor health. This IS how one Tnsl • paper and ordered a box. It helped me and I sent for more. I Toi^‘lias for me. I was in bed three months with O
I&d thousand have already tried Bodi-Tone the MOOl— 1 OTh.®
■ new medicine for the sick, whichi has cured thousands of tJ? tUI A U. “ a r k all day’and sleep good «t night. 1»m so ~
I sufferers during the past year, including many of the readers va i lia hU cah-Xpc tn vmi riffht now ridlt from this thankful for such a blessing. Mrs. S. P. Jones, bummer Ave. j * non I ths L was al till ? nabl A t gM O Z“l 7
ta os this paper. Many of your neighbors are using it and we offers ts senncw to you nght now n?ht trom m s p M , CH ,_ t WM in . with indication J ~£,n 1
rl want VOU to use it W e want you to try a full-sized one dollar page, if you are SICK, it you neea meaicmai neip, If your DO y Rheumatism when I started the use of Bodi-Tone. I had doctored & I, ft hands and feet had a numbfeelinc. LaJ
K box of Bodi-Tone at our risk and expense, so that you, too, organs are not acting as they should, if your tody is not in with several doctors and taken ql? an t i ties of patent medfcines. without
r® _. ; n tn v nnw the frreat curative and restorative forces in right, natural and normal tone. This IS what Bodi-Tone IS much benefit to me, and had paid out a good many dollars tor treat- Tone B trial offer in my newspaper O
■ I Will get to know the great curat ea U . to heln nature restore tone to the body, to restore normal ment. I received more real good from Bodi-Tone than all the rest I and sent for a box on tnah It came
■ this extrawdinary medicinal combination, which IS rapidly [or to neip nature resiore iurleiu uie uuuy, iv wu have taken. I cannot find words to praise it enough. I have not done promptly and I began taking 1 1 I
proving its superiority over the common and ordinary propri- health, enc gy, x igor,V! ai y . £ . restore as much hard wo F k any ’ cason in twenty years as I have done this aimosVmme s di r atefy. i was able
[ Aiarv medicine that have SO badlv disaDDOinted the sick, and thing wrong With your Kidneys, Bodi-l one helps to resto C summer, and Bodi-Tone made me able to do it C. W. Morse. | y4SV work some in one week after I
■ £“Sring s'tkmer J and wor^rTbyVeXSS tone to the Kidneys, helps to set them right. If there is any- St . ’ Lov , s , wish to rd of thanks for lb. wonderful W g
| J thing wrong with your Stomach, Bodi-Tone helps to tone the change in my health since taking Bodi-Tone. Two months ago I could use d another box and lam now well. I rive all thanks |
r 1 W • Qtnmanh hpln« tn\pt thp wrnno rioht If there is anything hardly walk around, had Kidney trouble and had hard lumps in my to Bodi-Tone. for it did the work. G. M. Evans.
ei s r '■ i,h y °s Ne^?mshMdtotein L B^ , is r i
I ’ JS> oi Bowels or your General System, the ingredients in DOQI l one, expect. I have taken only two boxes. I speak a good word for Bodi- medicine I have ever used. Ido not expect it will make
Bfi does just what its name means-cures disease by toning all which are endowed by nature with a special action in these Tono to everyone 1 know. Mary A. Creason, 1805 O'Fallon st . U.
Sm ths hodv and we want VOU to try it and see what it will do for parts, go right to work and keep on working day after day, Sierra City, Calif—My husband has been using Bodi-lone. He ris ht alon?. lam now seventy-two years old and was
[9 Tone?s a smlll, “jnTtablet' that is taken exerting alwaysa well understood, definite action that produces was very coated1 and b» *™ h ‘ L g
r I three times every day, either before or after meals, as you may curative results of the kind sufferers »PPJF“* ,e -. , If _ you *J?i e To a ne hwhelpwl him a B r«at deal, it has kept his bowels regular and SuThti* pro..". g<£ J
Hi prefer Each SI.OO box contains seventy-five of these tablets, Rheumatism, Bodi-Tone, a splendid ehminant, helps to enm- fixed his k j dneys so he did not have to get up more than once during sen d to me. it brought me out of a severe attack of
E I enough for twenty-five days continuous use, and we send you inate the Uric Acid from the system while it restores tone to the night . we are recommending it to the sick. Mrs.Jß.J Paide. has n ra^^ e Rhe k u e mat < ism fi e r"t ft
tH the full box without a oenny in advance, so that you can try the Kidneys, Stomach and Blood, thereby exerting a continual College Place, Wash —l have had stomach and Heart double f. am ®? n J n . etw 2r e < a JvSK’ o^ 1 } w
FI it and learn what it is, so you can learn how easy and simple anti-rheumatic effect which makes it hard for rheumatism to for over thirty years. I have been jor <about three had to push a chair to walk. I
■it “to Ute, so you cin learn how it works in the body, how it obtain or retain a foothold in the system. Bodi-Tone shoud month, and am feelmg much better than I have felt HI
iU cures stubborn diseases by helping nature to tone every organ be used by all women suffering from.any of the various herna e Cj Ala _j have been afflicled for twelve yeani wiai catarrh JMJ “I w £ K?,^ e ( „‘ r o a timeXnal! ft
Hl of the tody. The composition of Bodi-Tone is not secret. Ailments, for its toning properties are especially valuable in o f the Head and Throat. I also had stomach trouble, Nervousness ib/litA ry spring it came on again and i »
13 Every one ofthe many valuable ingredients used to make this such ailments. Bodi-Tone is especially urged for all chronic and insomnia. I believe I used nearly everypatentim.rficineontb. V
SZ cnl«*nri«rl ri»mFdv are well known to all doctors of all schools' sufferers who have tried honest, reputable physicians at home market recommended for these troubles. Besides, 1 was taking treat- Tone. I saw the advertisement M
fl Ind elVwhcre without getting the r P el.efand P per m anent benefit all = . t
Hl place in the realm of medicine and is prescribed by physicians desired. If your local doctor is doing you no real good, if you Four boxes ot the tablets did me more good than aiLthe other medi- bi elm mediately and the results
rH everv dav of the vear Each ingredient is named and fully have given him a real ?nd honest chance to do what he can cines and doctors’ treatment combined. I feel so good that I want to wer ®? or< ? < J dt l ,atlse i ,? u^v r ?fln B
' I dSd y in the Book, which tells all about Bodi- and the medical combinations he has used have failed, then be the means of belpin, other persons afßicted hke I
I Tone and is sent free to every Bodi-Tone user. You know give this scientific, modern combmation o old-tune through Bo^Ton^^ t J- R- uejUkTone .n^ort. >. g
i I just what you are using and know it is good and safe. Among a chance to show what it can do for you. the human race ’l have been afflicted with a disease that baffled the Nine Mile, Wash-Bodi-Tone has helped me so
H the ingredients which compose Bodi-Tone are Iron, to give . , a a w b4t must 2y that I have im I
IM life and energy to the Blood, Sarsaparilla, to purify it, Phos- |J
1 I phate to nourish the Nerves, Lithia for the Kidneys, Gentian X Avoca, Texas-You have a good mfdicine in and! g
’ J for the Chinese Rhubarb and Oregon Grace Root <— W if have been greatly benefited by it. 1 was deaf m one ear when 1 began ‘ y °sso nervous that my life was a dra< to me. I suffered
IbtoJ tor tne Diomacn, vninesc nnuLdru diiu vnegon uiapc num .. J.* •i e ,t,-» «=,,r taking Bodi-Tone and in two weeks time my hearing was partly soferribiy could get no sleep. Since taking two boxes
for the Liver, Cascara, which restores tone to the Bowels and Why delay another day, when a trial of this new and J.*s t °’ e d an d in one months’ time I could hear all right. I have gamed of Bodi-Tone i feefiike a different man
Intestines, and Peruvian Bark for the General System. All proven medicine is yours for the asking? Why keep on suffer- ten pou Ads in weight and feel better than I have felt so ten years. It _Bodi-Tone has done me more F
these ingredients pull together to restore health in the body, ing, day after day, when all you need do is clip out the coupon relieved me of Rheumatism and has been a great benefit to me generally. jood thanall the doctors' medicines I ever took. I have
each serves to build upon the others work, each one helps, and mail it to us, to get a twenty-five days treatment of this from Kidnev trouble ten^““Kforeib^toukeßo*di-Tone r i had |
areat remedv that has already DUt thousands on the road to Batesville, Miss.— l was lame mmy back from Kidneytrouble “ t pain for years. Since I have taken Bodi- M
a in • £ lJu T? °C Cavani and also had Bladder and Stomach trouble. I found no relief until I e n n e I feel nopain at all. Mrs. Inez Austell.
i F health, that has made thousands glad and nappy to say Here used Bodi-Tone, although I have used doctors’ medicines for my com- —l .fT
<7 Cm H C*B Your Dollar, ”to pay for the health Bodi-Tone brought plaints for fully fifteen years. lam fiftv-four years old. I first;used —1 fR
w ** them The curative powers of Bodi-Tone have been amply Bodi-Tone six months ago and now feel like a new man. G.w. Eiiis. f | gUTfr fa. I
— proven by one solid year Os cures. It has been tested in Martin, Fla —l have been sick five years with Stomach trouble, J
v jf'L Wtt thousands of cases, covering a great variety ofailmentsinboth Indigestion and Kidney trouble. I• for my -
MM Cj j/ M sexes, at every age, and the results obtained are more than tr o V u e ble s buAhey all did me no good. I have taken two boxes of > D CjlJb
' sufficient to amply prove the Wide curative value Os this splen- Bodi-Tone and am in better shape than I have been in four years. I . ron , Mny Ho yn.* North Av~ etuewo m«.
We claim no credit for discovering the ingredients in did formula. It was advertised right from the start as a remedy C an go out and work all day and before I took Bodi-Tone i couia not I have read the Bodi-Tone announcement, offering a fl.oo
& Bodi-Tone, each of which has its own well-deserved place in for all of the body and its aid has been sought by chronic suf- work a half day at a _ti^ e - *shalli tell ah J s^^YT ° n^ a f® r^t tO S u r a e c ly
N the medical books of most of the civilized world and all of which ferers from most of the important diseases which distroy the or troubie, or , Wever. 5 J?U“Xr» d <iSt w int does not help me I will not pay one r
H are recommended by the best modern medical writers and body’s peace and comfort. Over one hundred thousand people x Bono Ark had hardly been able to be up before taking your 1
teachers. Many are prescribed regularly by the medical pro-' have used it during the past year. Persons suffering from me dicine.’ I have been bothered with my spleen for twenty-five years; that thisj^^n lß Sw . pe^tauß^S I SS Li-
—J session for diseases in which we recommend Bodi-Tone, most Rheumatism, Stomach Trouble, Kidney, Liver and Bladder now lam well, i have taken doctors’medicines and lots of patent to which um Bod;-rone should be bent.
“*1 of them have been successfully used separately or in combin- Ailments, Uric Acid Diseases, Bowel Complaints, Female medicines for some time. Bodi-Tone has done me p ® e E^° o i e ,. an
J ation with other drugs for the treatment of innumerable Trouble, Piles, Blood and Skin Affections, Dropsy, Catarrh, all the rest. va i liah u medicine has been of so much
j diseases, but the exact combination found in Bodi-Tone is Anaemia, Sleeplessness, LaGrippe, Pains, General Weakness bene ft°to S me thaO'desire to let other suffering folks know what a “
~ peculiar to Bodi-Tone alone ai*l gives Bodi-Tone a curative and Nervous Breakdown, have tested Bodi-Tone and proven grand reme dv it is, that they too may take heart and try it. Before I
and restorative power peculiar to itself, that has brought health its value in such disorders. Their experiences have proven commenced feodi-Tone, three months ago, I was just about worn out. t O wh
S to thousands during the pass year’s time.. We simply claim beyond a shadow of doubt that the Bodi-Tone plan of toning I suffered from pain in the chest,
P credit for the formula which we have invented, for the way in all the body is a right plan that helps to cure these and other are nearer gone and I have wonderful strength for state &
H which these valuable ingredients are combined, for the propor- disorders, that it is a real aid to nature. How Bodi-Tone has my work, i have better spirits and sleep better. lam seventy-one
M tions used, for the curative force which thousands have found acted in these cases is best shown by the letters of praise y ea rs of age and can do all my own work and cooking for a family of
Hin Bodi-Tone, for the cures which make it different from other received from former sufferers. Every day’s mail brings its three. Mrs. M. N. Forwood, 4010 Grand Blvd. st or ■
Wwa »WWi fiSSIwS EgMPPBMg a®4 sßtfPiaßreßWMy
» 1 BraHglM. WTftWo? 11 WMWIWr