Newspaper Page Text
** * *” w ■
NEW YORK, Feb. 23—Tbs rottou market
Mrtity. <2 an 6,t0 9 polui*
la Wk- r 1 »»i»«< < •*’>* than >*
neutal fipiuner* large spot interests were buy
•*■ of the new moottw here and meant sqflera
°f later posit uos were covering. wftb tha j gen
eral Mat eel ling up to a net gala ot M) to 14
point* shortly after the can. There appeared
to be pr. brosd. 3 lfig nt speculative demand
on the advance. however. and offerings became
heavier around H.«S tor May. or 21 point*
•bort the low- level of Tuesday. with the re-.
, «lt that fluctuation during tie- middle of tbe .
morning was nervboa and irregular
The demand for March with tomorrow tbe
first notice day traded to eoofinn the Impreos
*«n that alt ecttan tendered would be promptly
taken up by leading internets, but whUc this
imparted a eertata steadlneas ot undertone to
the entire list, prices eased off during the late
ihrenoon and the market at midday ruled about
• to • points net higher. r
There was no fresh news feature during the
rtrly afternoon and busluess was quiet, but the
tone waa steady and prices sold about 10 to 18
points net blgfeer on a continued demand fur
the near months from trade sources and cover
tag ot aborts.
The following were the ruling prices oa tbe
exchange today:
Tone very steely; middling. 14 10-100e;
steady. •
Last Prev.
Open. High. Low. Sale. Ooee. Close.
Feb . .. ,\77 7713.85 13.6 S
Marl3.Bo 13 88 13.78 13.88 13.80 13.72
April 18.95 13.78
MayUW 14.06 13.96 14 06 14.06 18.89
’ Jone. 14.05 13.88
Ju1y13.97 14.07 13.94 14.05 14.05 13.88
Aag13.84 13.73 18.62 13.73 13.71 13.55
0ct12.63 12.88 12.61 13.64 12.64 12.58
Dre. 12.53 12 54 12.52 12.58 12.54 12.46
NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 23.—Cotton futures
r q>«Bed steady at an advance of 8 to 9.points
on good cabies. Private advices from England
t«M ot a bettec spot demand and spoke in op
tim stic tones of the trade outlook, especially
on the continent of Europe. On the call aborts
were tbe best buyers and afterwards the de
mand from this source was heavy. Buyers
found little cotton fur sale and quickly bid
. prices up on themselves. A more cheerful view
of threatened antol-future legislation was taken
and this helped tbe market. At tbe end of
the first half hour of trading tbe Hat was 13
to 17 points ever Tuesday’s close.
Toward the middle of tbe morning prices re
acted 5 to T points on a slackening in the de
mand from aborts tor covers but tbe lower level
was not maintained long. Reports from many
pednts m tbe interior that toe sp»t dvmai. 1
was strung and tbe of: er tugs were scanty,
coupled with a good local demand from export
en> who bad delayed to tbe last minute the
filling at February commits, caused fresh buy
tug for long account. At noon the list was
14 tn. 17 foists over tbe level of Tuesday’s
, done.
Tbe follow I were tbe ruling prices on tbs
CXdML*« •
Tuns steady; mid>Uing» 14 7-16 c; steady.
Last Prev.
Open. Hlh. Low. Sale. Ckme. Close.
Fhb.13.92 13.82
Mar. 13.97 14.09 -3.95 14.06 14.05 13.89
Aprill4.l6 13.99
May 14.16 14.27 14.14 14.25 14.24 14.08
Junel4.2B 14.10
JulyH.22 14.37 14.22 14.35 14.35 14.16
Aug 13.64 13.79 13.(M 13.79 13.78 13.57
0et.12 00 12.88 12 80 12.66 12.66 12.51
Decl2 55 13.59 12.55 12.59 12.59 12.42
Atlanta, nominal. 14%c.
New York, quiet. 14 16-lOOe.
Liverpool steady. 7 53-1008.
New Orleans, steady. 14 716 c
Galveston, qwtet. 14%C.
WHsaington. nominal. 14%e.
Savannah, uuntaal. 14%c-
Norfolk, steady. W-
Baltimore, steady. 14Sc. .
Wfleiietphia. nominal. 14 35-100 c. I
Boston, steady. 14 10-100 c
MofeLto. WMntoai. Me. I
Charleston, asm toil. 14c.
St. Laois, quiet. MMc.
Little Reek, nominal |4%c
Boonton, weak. 14%ei. *** •
Mem-*is. nominal 14<e. *.' *<»
Augusta, steady, 14 5-l6c. . * > -
LouisriUe. quiet. 14%e. . .
Maros, steady, I3<e. ,•
CWambU. steady. 14 Me.
Charlotte steady. 13Me.
t NEW ORLEANS. FUb. 22.—The armored
creiaer Tennemwe and the ecoot cruisers Salem
and Chester, arrived here this afternoon and
wfl! rtsaatn throughout the mardl gras faotivl
reeds and stope: 10 keys,
nickel plated trimmings.
Write for 24 pieces Jewelry
to eeU at 10c each. When
•old return 32-40 and we
send Accordion. FEN
77. ToMpMtsn, Mass
*M, PtosaTtoe o*4 Gow l av Ww kwos «s
K tortew. nr tbs Denser the 80ww Moos-
ill • VLm Mr WitenmOb YeoDAhrbwb Dae*.9sbi
t»Uvwr Bor BasorMev.Tia. Ms Ootteib. Bei
MLRfclllffLl- O—s-i Wws I HsasGsrt.Wb« J M.-t, Te=.Rs»
gEWrgai’ W«s« BW I-S4—l Sows Hto WM-,
1 —wt- C- -to f w. a- e-« asW aWnnst CM
IwMeeervsoseonaMCMc kwrOHfcsii.sjii stgCW miU««.a|
D a onam4sGwMPr»sTkte<.AlJ.*wONLYiae.CQD<oaSLet>a<
SMJ 1,1 SBraWST UB *
Samuel Cooper Co., Box 86. Kertoa, M. T.
s ® mis FR E E
Gem given free for selling 24
pieces of Jewelry at 10c each.
U rite for them
WWcWkaWW When w<.ld eend|W-
*“ lbe
and we send .
»at c h and
Ring. Fenway
Mfg. Col. Dept. 75,. Templeton. Mass.
4 r<rE
Send your name
and addlwsa tor MslWk fly
Whs4F 12 pieces of oar
Jewelry to *ll »*
... 19c each. Remit
‘these four rings.
tree. Fi-nway Mfg. Co..Dept.79. Templeto* «.
® a LoXfXs_«li' t K
IVser Bess to Max ■:»> Fropcie Marriage
BBJ V BavwCitaalidlwUler Love Letters
-■Di \ Bew te Win the favor ts Ladiee Wedging
,eat postpaid for only toe or 3 lor XX COW
bULM* 84111 Co °l* r ' Morton, n. t.
B<m' AIK Rinj:
Far aeiliag »> pieces of
Jewelry at !<*- eart. Rifle beat
made. Write for Jewelry. When sold
return cur 8300 and we send rifle. Fenway
Mfc.. IMfi. TA Temsletpc. Mass.
*rut thmtu. aac
>ew Ziqberrewe ahee ead
»»rr*e» Pnrf Ttni,
•1 uoa rnaay advoncaU features poe.
raoother rtweH. rsee
Mb v.» cheep • beets.«her reMa- le
thwsSllep. A lew good soooad
snywhew ia V. S.,
raeewrae aAMMx-e. MMTMTi
osaee-rof dresWua ewveaetrMr
rtil you get evt M< new aa l< q sod
e«nui« eeorv«-ewc «<* qgi*-
wwrtdag. N'reze tz •».
■ardsgtiaarggaar' *
MeeatWywas Pwj 00*
O— •* «*W * *’*» *
10e sort. Fenway Mfg. CA., Temptevm. Maaa. 78
I Tbe frdP W'fc were tbe ruling on tbe
tttunw 1 wF
; Time st*s«y; an Isa. 12,600; middling. TJJM.
Open, 2n.m. Close. Close.
FebrnaW" T.» 732 T 32 7.27
F*b. ma! M<.>. .. 7.31 7.33 7.27
March and April.. 7.38 7.32 7.32 7.27 H
April and May . .. 4.. 7.3414 7.29
Msv and . ..Wi 7.85 H 7.36 H 7.31 H
Juns and July.. .. T.32S 7.33 7.»H 7.31
July and Amt.. ~2.31 7.34 735 7.2954
I Aug. and Bwt.. .. 7.t3H 7.14% 7.15% 7.11
Sept, and Get ... 6.® .... 6.84% 6.80%
'Oct. and N«r.. ..6.(19 6.70 41.71% 6.67
Nov. and flee.. .. 6G3 6.63 6.66 6.60%
Dec. sort-Jan.. .... 6.64% 6.e0
Open- Close.
February ... .1. ... 8.90®7.20 7.04<a7.20
March 7.08i?.12 7.05«i7.06
April 7.04ft7 20 7.074t7.12
May ... T13«7.14
June7.12&7.20 7.16 ft 7.22
July ... 7.24fi7.36 7.22 ft 7.23
Augu5t7.28017.32 7.25«7.29
SlSSbsr a 7.24447.28
Tone quiet; sales 10.400.
NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 23.—As eould have been
expected With tbs price of futures and un
hedged spots so far apart, very little cotton waa
tendered here this morning. Only a few March
notices were in circulation and tbe liquidation
selling caused by them was eagerly absorbed.
A better feeling prevailed on account of press
news by prominent people. Intimate with pro
ceedings at Washington to the effect that tbe
dreaded bill has hardily any chance of passing
this session. The market opened 8 points higher
and advanced to 14.33 for July.
Tomorrow will be first notice day in New
York on March contracts, and the general opinion
is that tenders will not be anything like as lafge
as ie January and that they will be promptly
Tbe map shows fair throughout the belt with
freesing temperatures to coast.
Liverpool shows a better tone In tbe spot
department, sales 12.000 spots 3 points higher
than last Tuesday. Cables report the continent
a goo<l buyer of spats and futures. Trading here
is quiet and watchful. Feeling is rather more
bull Uh but apprehensive of being upset by some
possible surprise move in Washington, and there
fore. much support is being held in abeyance.
NEW YORK, Feb. 23.—Butter easy; re
ceipts, 6.982. Creamery specials, 27%c asked;
extras. 25®25%c; firsts. 21ft23e; seconds,
18&20C; creamery held specials, 23ft24c; ex
tras. »%ft2lc; firsts 19ft,20c; seconds, 17Q
18c; state dairy finest, 25c; good to prime,
2-ft23e; common to fair, 16$ 19c; process spe
cial, l»%c; extras. 18%c asked; flrate,
17 %c; seconds. 15ft 16c; imitation creamery
firsts. 18619 c; factory held, 16%@17%e; do.
current make firsts, 17c asked; do. seconds,
Isft 16c.
Cheese, steady: receipts, 1,509. State wbole
milk specials, 15%®17c; do. September qual
ity fancy colored, 15e; do. fancy white, 14%c;
do. summer and fall made choice, 13% ft
15e; do. late fall good to prime, 13@13%c;
do. Winter made best. N%011%c; do. winter
made common to fain ftftlOe; skims. 2ftl2c.
Eggs weak; receipts, 25,556. Freeh gathered
selected extras. 19%c: do- flrats. 17%©18c; do.
seconds. 16ftI7c; do. dirties. No. 1.16 c; do.
No. 2. 14c; do. checks. 14c; refrigerator firsts,
15c; jio. seconds. 154J15%c; state, Pennsylva
nia and nearby hennery white. 24ft27c; do.
gathered vrhite, 23ft26c; . do. hennery brown.
20c; do. gathered brown and mixed. 18® 19c;
western gathered white, 1 214t25c.
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 23.—Butter: (Yeamery.
25c; first*. 22c; second*. 20c; packing stock.
Eggs—Extras 17c; firsts. 15c.
NEW YORK. Feb. 23?—Raw sugar firm;
muscovado, 89 test, 3.17; centrifugal, 96 tist.
3.67: molasea sugar, 89 teat, 2.92; refined
steady. •*
I'etrolaami and molasses steady.
Coffee, spot, steady; No. 7 Rio. 12%@12%c;
No. 4 Santo*. 13 %c.
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Feb. 23.—Spirits firm,
87%c. Roain firm; water white <8.10; window
glam <8.08; N'gs 06; M <7 95; K <7.90; I <7.00;
H <7.40; G <7.25: F <7 AI; E <7.17%; D <7.15;
B- 7.0%. Receipts spirits 400; rosin 1,886.
The fenowing were tbe ruing prices an the
exchange today;
Open. Blgh. Low. Close. Close,
w h eat
May9o% ft 90% 90% 89% 89% 91%
JulyßS%feßß 88% 87% 87% 88%
Septß7% ft 87 87% 86% 88% 87%
May 49 ®48% 49 48% 48% 49%
July., .. .. 49% ft 40% 60 48% <9% 50%
September 50% 51 50% 50% 51%
.. <l% <l% 31fc 31% 31%
July .. 31% 31% 31 31% 31%
September 31 31 30% 30% 31%
May 17.70 17.90 17.70 17.87 17.75
Ju1y16.90 17.12 16.90 17.10 17.02
May .. .. .. 9.35 9.45 9.35 9.45 9.37
Jnly 9.30 9.40 9.30 9.87 9.82
Septendier ’... 9.42 9.37 9.37
. BIPI r
May. 9.52 9.72 0.52 9.70 9.M
July .. 9.27 9.35 927 9.82 9.30
September ... 0.27 9.35 9.27 9.32 9.30
CHICAGO. Feb. 23.—Cash grain:
Wheat—No. 2 red. 89ft90%c; No. 2 bard,
B»ft9lc; No, 1 northern, 98eft<1.00; No. 2
northern. 96ft98c; No. 2 apr ng, 89ft96c; velvet
chaff. 82®93c; durum. 81 ft9oc.
Corn—No. 2, 47®47%e; No .2 white,, 47®
47%c; No 2 yriluw, 47%®48e.
.Oats—No. 2, 30%®30%p; No. 2 white, 31%
®33e; standard. 31 ft 31 %c.
> KANRAS CITY, Feb. 23>-Cash* Wheat nn
tchanged to 1c higher; No. 2 hard, 86®96c; No.
>2 red. 92®»4c.
1 Corn upci’sngwd; No. 2 mixed. 43%ft44c; No.
2 wMte, 44%®4fic.
Oats steady to % chlgher; No. 2 white, 80%
>®32<x Na 2 mixed. 29®80c.
' ST. LOL'ftL Feb. 23.—Wheat; (ash firm;
track Mo. 2 red, 92®9<e; No. 2 bard. 90®
96 %c.
Corn higher; track No. 2. 45c; No. 2 white,
49 %c.
Oats steady; track No. 2. 30%e; No. 2 white,
CHICAGO. Feb. 23.—Butter steady; cream
eries. 17ft26c; dairies. 16®22c.
Eggs weak; receipts • 14.046 cases; at mark,
eases include. 12®14c; firsts. 16c; prime firsts,
Cheese steady; Saiaiea, 13%®14c; twins, 12%
®l2%e: yoong Americas, 14%ft15c; long horns,
Potatoes steady, choice to fancy. 46®4.8c;
fair to good. 42®45c.
Poultry irregular; turkeys, dressed 18c; chick
ens, live 15e; springs. 15c.
Veal steady; 50 to 60 lb. wt*., B%c; 60 to
85 lb. wt*., 10%c; 85 to 110 lb. wta., ll%c.
(Br W. H. White, Jr., of White Provision Oa)
Quotations based on actual purchases for the
current week. ,
Good to prim* stgers, 4,000 to 1,100 pounds
to good steers, 800 to 1,000 pounds
fat beef rows, M 0 to 1.000 pounds
4 «M 4 Xn to good beef eows. 700 to 800 pounds,
to choice heifers. 600 to 800 pounds
'"Medium to good heifers. 600 to 700 pounds.
Above repeeoent ruling pt Ices on good quality
beef eat tie. Inferior grades and dairy kypts
Mixed common steers. If fat. 000 to 900
pounds. 3% ft4c.
Mixed comtnoj cows, if fat. 600 to 800 pounds,
S TTxed bunrtea. common to «nir. 600 to 700
pounds. 2%®3%c.
Good butcher bulla, 8%«3%e.
Prime bogs. 160 to 200 average. <7 4007.60.
Good butcher bogs. 140 to IM average,
FT 40Q7.M.
Good to choice pigs. M to 100 average.
' to medium pigs, mixed. 60 to 120
sversge. 7%ft7%c.
Heavy and rough bogs. 200 to 300 average.
Above quotations apply to prime corn-fed hogs
.I.’ fattened c» peanuts or fed only part corn
Brice wonTd range from % to l%e lower. Ow
ing to quality.
Following are cu»reut guotauuDs on bora**
and mules: Market easier.
' Hoasee: Heavy draft, good to choice, <2oo®
226. s-uthern borsea good to extra. <1300190;
aoetbern noreaa, fair to goal. <900180; south
era horert, common. <75®lOU; driver*, choice
tIMMatS,, lings. <25 1(0.
Males—l 4 lands. *»ftl4o: 14% band*. 4130
ft 1(16, 15 batds, <K'*»2lo; 15% bands, <l7s®
225; 16 hands. <2250275; extra heavy <275®
JTt LOL IS. Feb. Itft—Qnttla: Receipts 3.500.
Including 1.300 Texans; steady; native twsf
steers, 85.(*>®7 50; cows and heifers. <4.000
"8JO; ftugkar* and, feeders. <5.7505.65; Texas
*n< Indian Bteera, <4.5006.50; cowa and heifers,
<4.3003 00; calves in carload lots. <3.0008.00.
Itoga—Reeelpls 9.000: steady; pigs and lights,
’♦7.3007.60, packers. 46.75ft7.00; butchers and
best biivy. F7.30ft7.55.
l «herip-Receipts 4.000; steady; native mut
tons, <3.7304.50; lambs, <5.5006,40.
ATLANTA, Ga., Feb. 23.—Cotton by wagon,
nominal, 14%c.
Swift’s Pride aoap. 100-12. <3.40; Swift’*
Gold Mine. 60s, <1.90; Swift’s Pride Washing
Powder, <l'X>-16. <3.75, Swift’* Pride cleanrer,
50 1. <4.00; Swift’s Wool soap. 10 1A <4.00.
Bena, each, triers, according to si*e*
each, 20ft30c; geese, full feathered, fat, 50®
00c each; ducks, puddle. 25%ft40c each, ducks.
Pt kina. 35®40c each; rocelere, each 80ft Wc;
turkeys, per pound, 18®20c.
Candles-Stick Farm Bell, 6c; spiral. 6%c;
stauuunl mixiures, do-pouuu palls. o%c; new
nesaw cream ot tartar mixture. 46-pound baa
keta, 8c; French creams, mixed, 10-pound paiis,
10c; baud made bonbon mixiures, JiO-pounu
palls, 12c; chocolates, 6 pound boxes, 16ft25c
per pound
Oysters 5 ounce, <1.65; Salmon tails, pinks.
<5.50; chnms, <5.25; red <7.50; sardines, % oil,
no key. ho.ou. <ni sey. ♦•(.&0; % oil uiusutrd.
<3.50. toumtoes, standard Virginia pack, 2*.
<1.50: 38. <l-90; corn, standard, <1.80; fancy,
<2.50; Karo »yrup. 10c stte, <1.60; 25c slxe,
<1.90; 50c size, <I.BO.
Pompano, per pound. 25c; Spanish mackerel
per pound, 12%c; trout, drawn, per pound, 10c;
blue fish drawn, per pound. 7c; headless red
snapper, per pound, 9c;> mullet .per barrel, 200
pounds net. <7.00; small siiooks, per pound,
6ft 7c; mixed fish, per pound, sft 6c; mange
snapper, flounders, pound, 6®7c; oysters,-se
lects. per gallon, <1.40; standard, per gallon,
Quail, each, 22%®25c; dressed rabbits, each
12%®15c; squirrela. 10®12%c: opossums, per
pound, dressed, 12% ft 15c; poultry, drawn head
and feet on per pound, hens, 17 ft 18c; friers,
22%®25c; rooster*. B®9c; ducks. 18®2(>e:
Kse, 10® 12c; turkeys, owing to fatness, 20®
; fresh eggs, per dozen, 16017 c; storage,
Crackers-wKXX Florida sodas, 6%c; Block
select sodas, 7%c; lemon creams, 8c; pearl oys
ter 7c; ginger snaps. 6%c; corublll*. B%C|
penny cakes, B%c; animals. 10c; jumbles, 10%c;
fig bars, 13c; cartwheels, 9c; raisin cookies,
9c; Block snowflake wafers. In tins, 13c; crack
ers in 5c cartons, 60c dozen; cracker* in 10c
cartons, <I.OO. (
Salt. 100 pound bags. oOc; Ice cream. <1.00;
white fish. kits. 48c; 60 pounds, <3.30; 100
pounds, <4.40; Royal Gloss starch, 8c; Best
gios* starch. 2%e; World’s corn starch, 3%c;
nickel packages, <3.30® pickles, <d.i>o; potash
Sugar—Standard granulated. <5.10; planta
tion, <4 90; coffee, green, bulk. 15017 c; roast
ed bulk. Rio, Blue R dge. 20c; Stonewall, 22%c;
AAAA. 21c; Una 25c; rise, Jap. 4%e; domestic
4%c; axle grease, <1.75; navy beans, <2.60;
bushel; Lima beans, 7c; pink, 7c; red kidney,
Quaker oats, wood, 36a. <3.10; Quaker oats,
18s, pulp. <l-50; Quaker puffed rice, 86e,
<4.26; Quaker puffed wb at. <2.90; Quaker
oats, tin, 365; <4.25, Quaker corn meal, 24*.
<1.90; Quaker breakfast biscuit. 245. <1.85;
Petti John's, 365. <3.95; da 18a <1.85; Quaker
corn flakes. 245. <1.85; Quaker farina. 245,
<1.50; pure rye flour, barrel, <5.50; rye flour
mixture. <4 75; rye meal, barrel. <<4.50; Scotch
pearled barhy, 245, <1.50; Quaker cracked
wheat. 245, <2.50; Quaker W W. flour, 10*.
<2.00; granulated hominy. 24e, <1.60; granulat
ed hominy. 10e. <1.60; Scotch XXX graham.
10a, <3.15; do. 20s, <3.20; Postum. large.
<2.25; small, <2.70; XXX graham. barrel.
<4.50; kegs. <2.50; Post toastie*, popular size
Alles, per barreL according to variety and
qualAy <6.2506.50; apples, per box, <2.75®
8.25; lemon*, taucy. <4.0004.50; choice. <3.00
Florida oranges, fancy, per box, <2.2503.00,
grape fruit. <2.5003.00 per box; cranberries, per
barrel, fancy, <10.50011.00; choice per gallon.
50060 c; celery, per do*en, large fancy. 90cft
$1.00; per crate. <5.0906.00; banana*. per
pound. 2%03c. Malaga grapes, fancy, per bar
rel, bean*, round green, per bushel,
<2.0002.50; tofetoee. basket cratee, <2.50®
<3.00; egg plants, per crate, <2.5003.00; pepper,
$2.3003.00; squash, yellow, per crate. <1.500
2.00; head lettuce, per drqfn, <1.00®1.25; cauli
flower. per pound. 8010 c; pineapples, per crate
<2.5003.00; onions, per bushel, <1.0001.25;
Irish potatoes, per bushel. 75085 c; sweet pota
toes. Dooly yams, per bushel, $1.1001.15; white
yams. 65070 c; tangerine oranges, pex box, $4 00
04.50; Indian River oranges, <3.0003.25. But
ter Mil; cooking. 10®12%e; table. 20022 c.
Ory salt ribs, 35 to \SO pounds, lie; dry
salt rib bellies, 20 to 25 pounds, ll%c; dry salt
♦vtlles. 8 to 10 pouuus. ibc. premium nama
16c- da breakfast bacon, 24c; Picnic hams 12c.
Premium lard 11 %c; Silver Leaf lard l<J%c;
Jewel lard eompuuia.’. 9%c.
Cornfield Lams, 10-12 average, 15%c; 12-15 av
erage, 15%c: Cornfield skinned hams 10-18 aver
age. 16c; Cornfield picnic bams, 6-8 average.
12%c. Cornfield breakfast bacon, 6-8 average
22%c; Grocers' style bacon, 3-5 average, stripe,
18c. Dixie fresh pork sausage, link or bulk.
pound buckets. 19c; Cornfield frank fur to, 10
pound boxes, lie. Cornfield bologna sausage
25 pound boxes. 9c; Atlanta luncheon bams 23
pound boxes. 12c; Cornfield smoked link sau
sage. 25 pound boxes. 10c; Cornfield sausage lu
oil, 50 pound cans. $4-75; Cornfield jellied meats
10 pound dinner palls. 12%c; Grandmother's pure
pork ssussge, 12 1-pound prints to case, 16e;
Cornfield pure lard, tierce basis, 10%c; Corn
'pound lard, tierce basis. 9%e.
Flour, sacked, per barrel; Faultless (our fin
est flour). <6.50; Gloria (self-rising), <6.25;
Swans Down (fancy patent), <6.00; Puritan
(highest patent). <6.00; Home Queen (highest
patent), <6.00; Supreme (high patent), <5.90;
White Cloud (high patent), <5.50; Ucean Spray
(patent), <4.50; Sun Rise (patent), <5.25; Tu
lip flour, <4.50.
Meal, sacked, per bushel: Plsin, 144 pound
sacks, 67c; do. 96 pound sacks, 68c; da 48
pound sacks, 70c; do. 24 pound sacks, 72c.
Grain sacked, per buaben Corn, choice white
red rob’, <®c; No. 2 white, 6«c; z yellow, 68c;
No. 2 mixed, 69c; chops. 70c. Oats, fancy
clipped. 49c; white clipped, 49c; white, 48c;
mixed, 47c.
Seeds, sacked, per buabel: Wheat, blue atem,
<1.50; Georgia rye. <1.25; Tannesee rye. <1.00;
barley, <l-10; oats. Texas rust-proof, 58c; do.
Oklahoma rust-proof, 53c; Burt oats, 60c.
Hay, per cwt.: Cbotoe. large bales, <1.35;
choice third bales. <1.85; timothy No. 1. small
bales. <130; choice alfalfa. <1.35; No. 1 al
salsa. <1.30; Na 2 alfalfa, <1.15; No. 1 clover
mixed bay, <1.15; No. 2 hay, <1.15; Bermuda
hay, 85c. /
Feedstuffs, per cwt.: Chicken feed, 50 pound
sacks. <100; wheat for chickena, per buahel,
<1 25; 'Chicken chowder, 100 pound sacks, <1.95;
chicken chowder, bundles dozen packages, <2.10;
Purina baby chick, <2.10; Purina scratch, bun
dles doeen packages. <2.15; Purina scratch. 100
pound sacks, $1.95; Ilen-u scratch, <1.85; Suc
cess scratch. $1.85; Success baby chick, $2.00;
Purina feed. 175 pound sacks, $1.55; do. 100
pound sacks, $1.60; Arab feed, 100 pound sacks.
$1.60; Nutrtllne feed. $1.50; Just horse feed.
$1.45; germ meal. $1.40; alfalfa meal, $1.40;
shorts, Haliidoy, $1.75; do. fancy. 75 pound
sacks, $1.70; do. gray, 75 pound sacks, $1.70;
da pore wheat, 75 pound sacks, $1.60; do.
borwn. 100 pound sack*. <1.53; sugar beet pulp.
$1.45; bran. 75 and 100 pound sacks, $1.45.
Salt Brick—Medicated, per case, <4.85; salt
brick, plain, per case, $2.25; salt rock, per
cwt, $1.00; salt. 100 pound sacks, 48c; cotton
seed meal, Buckeye, per ton, $28.00; cotton
seed meal, Na 1, $28.00; sacked hulls, per
ton. $14.00.
NEW YORK, Feb. 23.—A man whom
the police hope to identify as the eleva
tor structure robber who has been op
erating recently in various parts of New
York city was arrested early today in
Booklyn after he had beaten and choked
a woman ticket agent at a suburban
station and had taken the night’s re
ceipts, amounting to $5, from a drawer.
Her screams attracted the attention
of a policemaiL who captured the robber
after a chase of ten blocks. The pris
oner wore a white sweater and had a
bandana handkerchief over his face.
Letters from inmates of western prisons
were found in his pockets. He gave the
name of Michael Drew.
Over 25 years making Compost or Manure
Drills. When you buy, get the beat. Made 1n
two sizes, sl2 and sl4 each, f.o.b. A postal
wllll bring full particulars. Lindsey A Sons,
Box 54, Crystal Springs, Floyd Comity, G*.
The Moore County (N. Cr) Dew
berry Growers' association has on
foot a plan for a union with the
Georgia Fruit exchange this year
for the better handling of the
crop. The Georgia Fruit ex
change claims to have a fqr c ® ot
ihe nln the markets sufficient to
keep posted as to the needs ot
different cities and thus to avoid
glutting the markets. In addi
tion, there is a co-operative fea
ture under which the growers will
share in any dividend that may
result. Fifty-four per cent of
the Moore county acreage is said
to be pledged, and the new plan
will likely be given a thia
year. This seems tp be a step in
the right directloh. Co-operative
marketing, which *’.giv£s each
grower the benefit of a strong
organization and also enables the
employment of men to keep ship
pers posted on market conditions,
is bound to come, as the present
haphazard system is 'altogether
too wasteful and uncertain.
General Manager Brooks An
nounces Rates for New Ser
vice by Company
(By Azsocistod Press.)
DALLAS, Tex., Feb. 23.—An announce
ment of a day letter service to corre
spond to the night letter service and to
be Inaugurated by the Western Union
Telegraph company on March 1, was
made last night by General Manager Bel
videre Brooks, is in Dallas on an
inspection trip.
It is announced that the rates for the
day letter will be one and one-half times
the night letter rate for .50 words, plus
one-flfth the initial charges for each 10
words In excess of 50 words. Code words
will not be accepted at these rates.
General Manager Brodks in his an
nouncement said that as soon as the con
sent of the Canadian authorities can be
secured the service will probably be ex
tended to the great north western and the
Western Union offices in Canada.
“Messages for, transmission as day let
ters will be accepted at any hqur for de
livery upon receipt at destination,'’ says
Mr. Brooks’ announcement, “but, they
will be secondary to,, regular day mes
sages in the order of their transmission
and delivery. Day messages may be filed
by telephone.”
sa) a
Use of Bar Slot Machines Are
Also Condemned in Strong
COLUMBUS, GaU Feb. 23,-The Mus
cogee county grana >iry, in its regular
presentments at the close of the session
last night, strongly condemns rhe recent
lawless act of the mob Which stormed
the Muscogee jail,> resulting in the kill
ing of Jailer Phelps and a member of
the mob. It recommends that the coun
ty commissioners donate the sum of
SI,OOO to the widow of the late jailer,
and also that the grave of the dead man
be marked by a suitable monument at
the expense of thezooanty The citizens
were urged to gef together and raise a
fund to buy a ndnlfc ftk the widdw and
the presentment!! Mdggest that the may
or of the city call a mass meeting for
the purpose.
A preamble and resolution was adopt
ed, lauding the dead jailer and praising
him for his heroic •efforts in defense of
law and order, paying the deceased many
tributes. It also commended Judge
Gilbert for his wise and conservative
course in ths matter.
The bar slot machine comes jn for
much space in thfe presentments. The
mayor and council is urged to take up
all license to thd near-beer establish
ments which operate such machines.
Pool rooms are condemned as places of
evil devise where’ boys are allowed to
idle away their and the locaJ au
thorities are urged ,to suppress the in
fractions of the law ftrowlrig out of this
evil. z '
After receiving ’the presentments,
Judge Gilbert discharged the grand
jury last night tgr term. , >_
WCrW&hH.. G*.. Feb. 28.—1 n the United
States district court today “flip*’' was written
after the famous Green and Gaynor et al,
conspiracy case which has been in progress
since 1899. The last chapter which was writ
ten by Marion Erwin, unifM States attorney,
when he asked that the indictment against
M. A. Connolly, Oberlin M. Carter’s secretary
and indicted jointly with him and Green and
Gaynor, be nolle pressed. Judge Speer consent
ed to this and- a statement of the case waa or
dered placed on the minutes of the court. The
statement says in part:
“Although Connolly.' then a comparatively
young man was induced by Carter to perform
and did perform under the dominating Influence
of his superior, many illegal and improper
It doe* not appear that Connolly in any way
profited because of bis acts. Connolly is now
living in New York where he hold* a respon
sible position. He 1* a brother of James Con
nolly, the well known yrrlter of sea stories.
NEW YORK, Feb. 22.—8 y a vote of 32 to
21 rhe board of aldermen Jieve refused to pass
an ordinance allowing “standing room” In the
aters. The law against standees was only re
cently enforced by firemen and theatrical in
terests sought tbe passage of a new ordinance
legalizing the practice within certain limits.
WASHINGTON, BVb. 22—The Japanese
treaty war ordered reported favorably to
the senate by the committee on foreign
relations today, after the committee had
heard a statement by Mr. Knox, secretary
GIVEN OUT AS 64,896,881
BERLIN, Feb. 22.—The official census con
cluded in December last show* the population
of Germany to be 64.896,881. . The figures in
1905 were 00.641.278. '* ■'•
Railway Chahges
<WEBT POINT, G*„ Feb. 23—President
George H. Lanier, of the Chattahoochee Vajley
railway, anuunce* tbe following changes? '
John T. Barker is appointed general manager,
vice J. A. Avnry, resigned. Fred G. Ward is
appointed auditor, succeeding John T. Barker.
-- t ,
Ends Life With Gas
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 22.—Andrew J. Cucu-
Ilch, aged 26, son of a well known commission
merchant of this city. A. Y. Cuenllch, com
mitted suicide at his -home last night by in
bar ng gas. His body was found this morning.
Cuculich had been drinking and was despond
ent over business matters. ,
Pope Much Better
ROM7, Feb. 21.—Ths pope resumed his
audiences today, having fully recovered
from the recent attack of influenza.
Supply Co., 160 Harrison St., Dept.
Get this Genuine Alectride ?
•• a Grinder on Free Trial x
Sharpen your tools at my expense. Ishow you that toe ancient grindstone
a- a back number and that the emery wheel is a menace* I you to tnr
ItA to Alectride Fann Ttil Grinder. Alectride is the only true ab™pe t wfll \
not draw tbe temper from steel; it will sharpen the dullest tool m from 3 to 5 minutes, w hen
a the cTLnclstone would take half an hour. Alectride never wears out. It does not oyer.
- I want to send a few of these machines out on Free TVial in every part of the United States. wan
to r»nt one in everv locality 1 want you to clip off and send the coupon at the upper right hand corner
||| i wilTmailatoncecircidarsexplainiDgeverydetailof theofier I ammakmg here. |
I Don’t Want You to Send Me a Cent of Your Money. I Don’t Want Any Promise
I n>et«ly w*nt to place thi« Genaise Alertiide Grinder on your €»rm for * few days. Sharpen yoir duH axe, your dull scythe, your dufl coni
knive*. your dull cold chiecls. or hatchet, or any dull tool you have. See bow quickly ■
andbowmilyltlidone. See how wbrt*nce of precious none*) . - q n ririieiriri BBS 4
wOjgl WBMRWI m iharpens your took In irom one-iourth to one-twenty-Wth o< thetuSe required by a MACHINU IN X
MfUllil WR gr.nd.toae and does not he*t nor dr.W the temper. Do all th!»—give th.s machine the ,
wT bIM n,o#t M ' vrre test*—then ri~ ttlnk tlu,; t»*i“«iy cannot get along without • O»« S “le Gnnder w heel
fIK this Alectride Tool Grinder, send ft back at our expense. We U ask no questions. 2 One Fme Grinding (imp » ,
W Wlw VSr" We ' U uke “ back ’’iiheut * word, and we'll pay the trxnrportation Now send J One Coarre Grinding Wheel UtoP
W the coupon. Let us tell you all about this wonderful abrasive and our bee trial offer. 5
KB WIIMWWWF Rem.mb.t-Alectride is really manufactured precious Stone*. It is even < One Sickle Holding Attachmeak
jfßffayggag&ar than the hardest diamond. Alectride will scratch * and cut glass like a 7 One Scythe Stone (New)
cuts an apple. Send the coupon today and yet full riplanation of <w Great IO Day g Harmon Special Raaor Hone (New) I
10 EW| Frew Trial Ottor. Do this now. Do not delay. »One Disc Grinding Attachment (New)
MachlnM R t® Scratch Haman Sappfr Co»v 180 Harrison SL, Dept- 4562 , Chicago, IH. 11 Onc Too ‘ Res<
lai Mu* diotoiu!-— ——***—
We will send 12 of the prettiest post cards yon
ever sew for 4c to pay poetage and mailing if
you will show our cards to 6 of your friends. D
-35, Hew Ideas Card Co. ,233 B.sth St..Phil*. ,F*.
Fish Bite
Marvel Automatic Hooks land them
every time. Beat everybody catching
fish. We offer a FREE box and Sam
ple Hooks for helping to introduce
them. Write JAPANESE NOVELTY 00., Dept.
116, Clinton, lowa.
I HAVE for sale thirty carloads Bermuda hay
and mixed Johnson grass and Bermuda. All
nice, bright hay. Write for price*.
EDWIN KENNEDY, Mayhew, Miss.
MT BAME fastener
Do»w*y withold h*me«tr*p.
Her*, owner* end teematere
wild about Futon
Instantly with glome on. Outwear tk. hernwe. Mon.yb.cklt
not eetiifeetory. Write today for confidential term* to afenta.
F. Thoma* Mtg. Oa, 728 Wayne BL, Dayton, Okie
WE WILL furnish- you $2,000 worth of religious
books and Bibles on credit till Fall and teach
ybu how to sell ftom SIOO.OO to $200.00 worth
of books per week, and take notes from pur
chasers, payable next Fall. Will allow you
$15.00 per week for expenses, and show you
ttOW to make from to $300.00 per month.
No one but men 21 years of age and over with
gi ixl character need answer. Don’t write unless
you business We are bu*y. and haven’t
time tb lose with (hose who are not in earnest,
jltate age, give three business men as refer
ences. No letters answered unless references
COMPANY, No. 12 Trinity Avenue, Atlanta, Ga.
UNRBJGISTEBgD sows and gilts, bred to Mas
terpiece-Longfellow registered Berkshire boar
to farrow in the spring. One good 150-lh. Berk
shire boar. B. P. Stelnhelmer, Brooks, Ga.
pamphlet explaining my method of raising
corn. Winner of first psize in Opelika Daily
News Contest, 1909. Also first prise in Talla
poosa 00., in 1910. Raised 134 and 115% bush
els per acre. Price, 25 cents. Send P. 0. or
der, or stamps, to W. T. Langley, Sr., Camp
Hill, Al*.
MAKE S2O to SIOO weekly. Method inexpensive,
effective, develops your mental and magnetic
powers through Monochrome force; new system;
quick success. Write DR. DELMER, Grove HsU,
YOU ARE WANTBD for government position;
SBO month. Write for list ot positions open.
Franklin Institute, Dept. G.-39. Rochester, N. Y.
gkgj jr "WEEKLY and «xpeu»e» to men ana
women to collect names, distribute
WjfffsV samples and advertise. Steady work
C. H. EMEBY, W.G. 56. Chicago, 111.
TAM WORTH hogs best for meat. Blue Rib
bon herd of America, owned by Flowerdale
Farm, Dr*. Flowers, Props., Dallas, Tex.
ESTATE BUSINESS. No capital required. I
Will teach you how, and make you my special
representative. Work all or part time. Send
tor my big Free Book. Herbert Hurd, Pres.,
SSO Dwight Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
TOBACCO factory wants salesman. Good pay.
steady work and promotion; experience unnec
essary, as we will give complete instructions.
Piedmont Tobacco Co., Box E-17, Danville, Va.
DRAWS and Norton Yam for early spring
planting Jor sale. $1.75 per 1,000. Tomato
Plants. $1.50 per 1,000. Cabbage plants, $1 per
J.OoO. All orders must ba favored with the cash
to have prompt attention. L. H. Hall, P. 0.
Box 11. Orange Height*. Fl*.
WRITE ORPINikMMB-vFinest strain won all
prises at Meridian Poultry Show. Black Or
pingtons: White Rqcks. Write for prices. Wom
an's College, Meridian, Mis*.
PLANTS —Ready now. Livingston’s Beauty To
mato. $2.25 per 1,000. White Bermuda On
ions, $1 per 1.000. Succession Cabbage, $1.50
per 1,000. All grown from extra, select seed.
Pepper and sweet pdtnto plants in April. Write
‘fy- Win. Macklin, Dinsmore, Fla,
SECRETS on dice, sards, slot machines, etc.
■ Illustrated circular free. Ham. B. Co., Ham
mond, Ind.
realty loans negotiated in any state at 6 per
cent> per annnm. Long term, monthly or annual
payments. Loan contracts bought and sold. Ad
dress National Realty & Investment Co., At
lanta, Ga.
FARMS—Send for our list of cheapest farms
in best section of Georgia. White man’s
country. Howe & Co., Tallapoosa, Ga.
CLEVELAND Big 801 l Cotton Seed; 100 bus.
for sale; bushel, sl. My seed are pure and
judiciously culled. I guarantee no boll weevil
here. D. F. Cleveland, Route 2,, Decatur, Miss.
GiRL OR WOMAN—Each locality, good pay
made, acting as representative; address en
velopes, fold circulars. Material, stamps fur
nished free. Rex Mailing Agency, London, On
$2.00 A DAY earned at home writing; send
stamp. Address, Art College, Laporte, Ind.
FINE PRINTING—SOO each of extra quality
packet note beads, bill beads, statements, en
velopes and cards, $4.25, eaah with order. Qual
ity Printing Co., Loudon, Tenn.
SINGLE Comb White Leghorn eggs for hatch
ing from fancy utility free range, $4.00 per
hundred. Fine exhibition pens, SI.OO per 13.
Laurence H. Woodward, Lapel, Ind.
“THE SEX QUESTION”—Facts not often told.
Worth knowing. 10c. S. H. Pyle, 28, Glas
gow, Mo.
MACON, Ga., Feb. 28.—"1f I ever run for
mayor of Macon it wlletaoishrdluetaopnupupulp
head of the present admlnstration and mem
bers of the aldermanic board signed a petition
to commute the sentence of Chauncy Groves
from a jail sentence to a fine,” declared E. J.
Wllllngbsm today.
“I think anybody’s candidacy for the office
of mayor of Macon should be launched In a dif
ferent direction. I have bad nothing to do
with the Chatmcy Groves matter one way or
another, and the mistake ot a present official
along this line, if such act Is considered a mis
take, is not the thing to throw me headlong
Into a fight fo r the mayoraltv.
“I do not want to be mayor of Macon. I
shall not be a candidate. If I ever become
one it will be because I want the very best
municipal administration of the government, not
in one Une, but in «H lines The pardon of
Chauncy Groves is not my fight. It is none of
my business. ”
E. J. Willingham is being talked of as a
probable candidate for mayor * ail over the city.
He bag thus far given little assurance and
has steadily denied bis intentions to enter, but
many friends yet believe be will be in the
Mr. Willingham is going to give much of his
time to assisting In carrying tbe waterworks
election so that tbe city mav become the own
er of the present system. He is outspoken In
this matter and believes it will be one of the
greatest steps that can be taken at the present
time toward a greater Mmbb.
t Good Own Whiskey. 14 oa. short pint flask 17c |
Good Hye Whiskey. 14 o*. short ptat flssk 18c
Good Everyday Gin. 14 o*. abort pint flask 18c .3“- t
I’ fl Will acept no order for less than 2A 48 or fllCSMMiMlfch I
L... e« flasks of the above, either of one kind or ;
ißHortwi. I
1 Vallow Mountain Corn. 24 full sealed RiIUMI 1
MS 'W plnt * $4-7 5 '
■nff g I A White "Florid*” Cora. 34 full sealed pint, 4.75 ■- >
Hk ‘ Penn «' lT * ldß ” B**- 24 ,ea!e<l P !t " B 5.00
{*l Straight “N. C.” Corn, 34 full sealed pint* 5.25 .7 I
11 1 will not ship less tbao 24 pinta ot above 4 J| I
H1 rjrjMl to anyone and all order* must call for 24 48 I
or 96 pint*. Any brands can be selected. «*»-
■WDFUTfSI® Everything listed in this ad. we ship by ex- W ■ g
MT pres* or freight collect and never prepaid. raflLjw-JTj-
1 '•MW Shipments of 24 flasks or pints go by I
IH' ' (Wfl collect Just about as cheap as if prepaid. Tbe j
BB WM railroads eh.rge freight on 100 lb*, and 1. you W I
wt * h to ** Te money don't order lew than 48 ■
flasks or pints sent thia way. Remit and
mall your letter to'
Atlantic Coast Distilling Co., Inc.
’• - «■—WIMimiWF
1 . _ - —__ .. -1 lin■■ ■—
r Fine, high-grade, straight 100 proof whiskey. N(i*e this
whiikey is not advertised as standard oroof. but guaranteed 1(X)
BHHHHMVV proof whiskey, just as it comes from the still—rich, whole- J
■ some, smooth and mellow, with the finest flavor you ev«r ' •«
ghlhjr I tasted, strictly pure and unadulterated. Every drop pure wh!n-
VFiWCi ■ key Guaranteed under 'the NATIONAL PURE FOOD LAW. On
Ons*K account of it* purity and tail strength it is highly recommenfl-
VFaK; "Vioaavraz ■ ed tor medicinal purposes. Put up in glass jugs with handles.
WOTTI f I Pr,ce - * 2 50 P* r « all,n ’ or twP gallon* for $4.50 EXPREIO
DU I ILL ■ prepaid to any office Southern Express Company.
100 PROOF WHISKEY I OLD CHARTER RYE <4.9 a |”r°G»llon. C *
$2 50 I Exyress Prepaid on All Shipments.
ftgi.WV ■ COOPER’S LAUREL VALLEY, the finest old COEN ‘.J
2 Gallons I and RYE that ever left a distillery. CORN. $3.10 per gallon; ,’‘-.-3
I t»o gallons for $5.50. RYE $4.00 per gallon, two gallons tor .;d
54.50 I $7.50. Completa price list tree. Take tbe ofisr that suit* you
I best end address
J. C. COOPER & CO., Soccessors to J. H. Woolley
: 11191 » !■ "I "rtnnpspftflfliy g
17D1717 FANCY
: / Flask \
K AU who have tried it, know that
W Camp Spring is the purest.
lowest and most delicious
W key Kentucky ever produced. /
We want you to know it. and
we will prove it to you at our I > Ml
- expense. Just send u* 25c to
cover express and packing gg'SF
charges and we will send you f
■ ALLVbEE, bysaeress *rs- M
- ■ paid, a half pint of Camp Fl CDCC ■
! ■ Bpr/ng Straight Ks mucky Xjfc b f([X ■
! ■ Hour aah Tn a handsome ■
patent pocket flaek, with M
Attachable aluminum
Illg CUP These flasks arc sent W
out solely as samples, and we will
only send one to ® a ch person, or W
W send uaO.OOforfourfnll quart bottles W
W of Camp Spring by “Press prepaid, g
and we will send the pocket flask M
filled with whiskey along free. X
I Consumers Dial. 00., 1457 Lucas Ave., St. Louis,
I Mo.
. 5,000 GOVERNMENT positions open. Write for
list. Franklin Institute, Dept. G.-39, Roches
• ter, N. Y.
; MEXICO, United States and Canada government
> lands; bow secured free. Mexico’s new law
r offer* good land 40 cents to $1 per acre; easiest
1 terms; your residence not required; colonist*
granted financial aid and exemption from
taxes. Send 50 cent* for 1911 book <of official
. instructions, new laws, and description of lands.
I Guide, Station 49, Austin, Tex.
Reference, Austin National Bank.
heart left on. No breakfast food so delic
ious and nutritions. Nothing better for tired
people and delicate children. 100 pounds in
1 double sacks, freight prepaid to your station,
$5.00. J. Ed. Cabanlaa, Rice Farmer, Ka»y.
J Harris Co. Texas.
WE want good men all over the Southern
States to sell fruit tree* tbe coming ye*r. By
' our plan salesmen make big profits. No trouble
to sell our stock. Terms very liberal. Write to
day. SMITH BROS., Dept. 20. Concord, Ga.
W-tfeFish Will Bite
Like hungry wolves, fill vour nets
ftHiWBl traps or trot line if you bait with
Magic Fish Lure.
' Best fish bait ever discovered. Keeps you busy
' pulling them out. Meta. • box. Write for Free
Booklet and my Special Offer of one box to help
Introduce it. J.F. Gregory, K-74, St. Louis, Mo
cobl’s" PROCESS saves meat killed any time.
No ice required in hot weather. Guaranteed.
Palatable, healthful. Simple. Quick and cheap.
Write R. R. Cobb, .Box B, Bivins, Texas.
AGENTS WANTED—Lady to represent high
class firm. Established 50 years; goods stand
ard, ready sellers. You can earn $2 to $lO a
day. Send postal for particulars to H. Scoril
Co., No. 14, Station U, Chicago.
HOPE'S Mexican Big 801 l Cotton is king. Larg
est and earliest big boll known, 30 bales to
a horse. Earlier than Ging’s 25 to 50 per cent
over common varieties. Convincing proof. Address
J. D. Hope. Sharon, S. 0. y
*n* famish ria an* all sxsenaes to latradaea aaaitry
and stock sewdersi new slant stoady work. Address
NO MORE RUB BOARDS —Make your washing
and scouring easy by a simple home-made
compound. Recipe for making sent for 25c. A,
S. Barksdale, Warrenton, Ga.
GOVERNMENT wants help. Write immediate
for list of coming examinations in your vicin
ity. Franklin Institute, Dept. G.-39, Rochester,
N. Y.
I WILL START YOU earning $4 dally at home
in spare time silvering mirrors; no capital;
free instructive booklet, giving plans of opera
tion. G. F. Redmond. Dept. 380. Boston. Mass.
WE PAY SB6 a week and expense* to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
Year’s contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. 66,
Parson*. Kaa.
WANTED —Railway mail clerks. poetoffice
clerks and rural carriers. Thousands needed.
High ealarie*. Prepare now. Write today for
free Lesson and Guarantee. Ozment, Dept. 80,
at. Louis.
YOUNG mr for railroad firemen, brakemen,
baggagemen; $75-100 to start; early promo
tion; experience unnecessary; state age, weight
and height. Address Railway Bureau, 689 Pan.
am* Bldg.. St. Louis, Mo.
less home treatment of roots and herb*. Sure,
pleasant, permanent. Send your nama now.
NI Ko Works, 3. Wichita, Kansas.
. ,1
r I TC cured
■ Antori*« ln.(H«»to 969 <*v«4 >*^*o*®' v ]
TkD ADCV Treated. Quick relist Re
u# * breath in a few day*, usual ly
gives entire rel let U to *5 days and dfeete cure (
20 to <0 (lava Write for trial treatment Free. M
| Br. H. H. GKKr.SU 80.48, Bsz L aTLAfTS, G*.
I nAIN D A IMT ftop * P* ln iontzutly. On
PAIN rAIM of 25 oße cent I
I * rtalv * rillll stamps I will send yon hr -
I return mall a sOc package with directions for ' *
' making twenty-four bottles. Sold 50 jeafrs by «
agents. R. L Wolcott, 14 Wo’cett Bldg., Mew
and other drug habits are successfully trotted by |
HABITTNA. For hypodermic or Internal
“ use. Sample sent to any drug habitue * *<565
by mail, in plain wrapper. Regular price. MAA |
1178 HellaaS BuIIOIm **<■*•. s■**
nnAfinV cured. Relieves stortneM 3
|iK|l|wM w o f b rea th in 36 to 48 hcufa;
WK Vi V ■ reduces swelling in 15 to 20
■ dyvs. Write for partlcu'ars. / ‘
Dept. W, 512 Austell Bldg. Atlar '
1 —
1 SECRETS MR women
Vl-Wltol w Ties. roiLti atrPLiis. Mud fc
Fairbank tupplj House, A- M 4W Wsmuk
bl R
ff LSS>
Wby <lesp»> r . >l oth « r ‘ ( *‘ led ; «ud »l ior Sztre*. I y
H»e and Frs* BstUs of my infallible remedy. Itavemada
the due»« of Flu, Epilepsy or Failing Skloess a life-long -j
study. an 1 waarant my remedy to give hnnndlkto an* seen MS
fol rnlief. I hare b .ndreds of testimonials froSs those who
have been cored. Give evpress and P. O. address.
W. H. PBBKK, F.D.. 4 Osiar fit.. Mow York
‘ lost vigor. 75c. a tx>x, 3bxs. 2 months treatment, $2.
1 Stores or by mail Dr. BOSANKO CO. PHILA/PA
■Wtt».¥SIS'SBT -j
Nerve Tablets does it. Write tor Proof. Advine Free.
Dr. CHASE. 224 North 10th BL, PiUladeiplda. Pa.
I l j ’■Opium, Whiskey and Drag Habits ereatafi 1
I A fl ■at Home or at Sanitarium. Book oa subject
I B fl ■ Free DR. B. M. WOOLLEY. IS-N. Victor M
laJMawfl Sanitarium. Atlanta. Georgia J
T ATITVC When delayed or irregular J
TABLETS, guaranteed to relieve some of tha t
most Obstinate Abnormal Cases in 3 to 5 days.
No interference with work. Mailed 11 Plain
Wrapper, sl.N>. Double Strength. $2.00 Booklet | 3
Central Block, East Orange, N. J.
MARRY WEALTH AND BEAUTY—Marriage di- ! ..fl
rectory free. Pay when married. New plan. ,4
Box 314. Z. J., Kansas City. Mo. ! «
LADY 36, worth $20,000, would marry. Confi
dential. 8., Pox 35, Toledo League, Toledo, , 1
UinnV Be,t P lan M earth, sent free. Pho
to ARHI»« at eT *y Urt ' membet Tbs
111 Mil 111 Pilot, Dept 47. Marshall. Mlrt.
MARRY—Book of descriptions and photos mail
ed, sealed, free. The Exchange, Bax 829 J
V. V., Kansas City, Mo. I
PERSONAL —Ladles when delayed use Tritunph (
pills. Always dependable. ’•Belief” and par
ticulars free. Write National Medical Institute, >
Milwaukee, Wls.
EVERY Woman s Friend. A. V. 8. save worry
and disease. You need them. $1 per pack- -Sa
age. Booklet free. Dr. W. Uehling, Bex 4011,
West Philadelphia. Pa.
GET MARRIED —Matrimonial paper containing j
advertisements marriageable people from all ’
sections of Cnited States. Canada; rich, poor, M
young, old: Protestants. Catholics; mailed, seal- ■
ed. free. H. H. Gunnels, Toledo, Ohio. ■
MARRIAGE PAPER free. Tbe most rename
published. Send for one. Eastern Agejcy, a,
Bridgeport. Conn.
WANTED—Young men. (white and colored) to I -
prepare as firemen, brakemen, motormen, sleep
ing car and train porter*. Southern roads. $65 to ,
$l5O month. Hundreds put to work without ex- i
perlence. Enclose stamp for application blank. ,•
Name position wanted. INTER. RAILWAY, j
Dent. 40. Indianapolis. Ind. I Ji: