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Q WATCH it for twenty-five days, WAIT until you are
pi sure. Let the days pass one by one and make up your mind XT\ jraaap
jK slowly, day by day. Take your time in deciding. Every
\J day w r ill mean something, will tell its story to you, but take
Q your time and watch and wait. Note results each day, but
pi wait until you are absolutely certain. You will not be jgl||aß'
jK rushed, hurried or worried. All you have to do is to send
w for it, to write the message that will bring it to you, as fast
as the mails can travel, and then WATCH and WAIT. jOk \
•pi We give you plenty of time to watch its results, we want
JK you to wait until the full time is up, to be sure your health |||||jf Xt
is returning, to be sure Bodi-Tone is doing its work, to be W
sure that everv word we say about Bodi-Tone is true. pi ’
|3K x £f w
We don’t want a penny until you have watched Bodt- w^y we want t 0 sent j yQU a fo ox on tr j a j as soon fls you f 0 trouble. It makes the body right, With its maximum A Complete Wreck e tai
pl Tone’s work in your body for twenty-five days, until you write for it, for we know you will find it different and superior. strength, vigor and vitality, tvhicn it may not have possessed From Accident and Disease* jk
U hare waited long enough to be sure, unless you are sure, if —for years previous, even when in fair health. Bodi-Tone the I 1
j|C it does not benefit, it costs you nothing. You have all to Kt. I—, —.J r£ works a seeming miracleby putting tone where tonewas needed, i had passed throuch enough to kin a man< before i
ri win OHd .VOTHIXG to to". rs „„, ltter«ird«,U„ 9 .if V ASJ RB A Af| If a
Ms you like a fair offer, if you are sick or need better health, A wa Aiw < TT ■ A -ff at times that I was almost wild. I f, J
read every word herein and then send us the coupon and . I *• j c i , K«« e Qnr i TVAOr - A H n P H 3°*^throtwh o abHdce. a strikinronntr
O a full.n. dollar box of Borti-T m " on tw,nt V -fI, C da !t , contj * n f u y a 'l U do r sin e r 'with f O St rwults right * IW* Q
n ST'; Slf your local doctor is doing you no real good, if you How Bodi-Tone acts when put to the test, how it makes rJ k W
II u.. Offers to you. hjm g chance so do wha( he can and the ordinary health by toning all the body, is well illustrated by the follow- S T „ I nZ? p ch „»'!i!f„. s dJ«Mh“ 111
!• ■■■ medicinal combinations he used have failed, give this modern, ing reports from former sufferers. These people know how M
LaJ B scientific combination of special remedies a chance to show it restores health, and tell their experience, so all the sick may do my chores or tet from the bafcn
AJUUfi A Uliv and prove what it can do for you. Its greatest triumphs have profit by it. Every ailing person should read every report on ijjad Rhett- ■■
; . . .. , . . „ been among men and women with chronic ailments, who had this page, for these reports prove its powers. Some'of the
does just what its name means c ures disease by toning all j r ied physicians at home and elsewhere without getting perma- disorders may be similar to yours, but its work in any disorder uc?. Y w.s d aTrnost T s comoiet. El
rl Bodi Tone small round nent enefit ’ and for ,his reason al * chronic sufferers are proves its curative-force in the body. Each tells a story in its 8u( ,„. 4 ; s M ,.i f .7. r .'S'iiSL'l X
II what it»ill do tor yoar boo). tsoai-ione is a small, rouna imaed t 0 try it for twenty-five days at our nsk. .. own way, a story of past suftenng and present happiness, in ior« box on irui, ..a i s >.ned < .ki.r il to | 1
W tablet, that is taken three times every day. Each box contains ‘„ J 2 plain, simple, but earnest English, and tells what sick people |Klh"u t . N h°d w .i?.’a
| | seventy-five of these tablets, enough ror twenty-hve days Bodi-Toneoffersitsvaiuable services to you right now, t want to know — what Bodi-Tone does for those who use it. f®s
use, and we send you the full box without a penny madvance, right from this page, if you are sick, if you need / They have felt the heavy weight of disease, and they know A- ■■ » <7 L J
so that you can try it and learn what it is, so you can learn medicinal help, if your bodily organs are not acting w hat ft j s f 0 ge t health through Bodi-Tone Read their Cured of Kidney Trouble. jjr
ij how it works in the body, how it cures stubborn diseases by testimony, learn hotv Bodi-Tone cures others, send the of O
jK helping nature to tone every organ of the body. Tone is a tone. That is what Bodi-Tone is for,—to restore health, counon for a box on trial and learn what it will do for vou T <>ne i had Kidney trouble for thirteen years, an/
r little word, but it means a great deal, everything in health. Hgor, vita uty and strengthfyrestoring tone to rhe body. y ou wn tesHt withom aTenny how Sn you hesitate? BodiTo "^ s cured - lN “ BRA — X
W When ail the organs are domg their part when each is: acting anything wrong with your Kidneys Bodi-Tone What can be fairer? Read the reoorto, and send today. Was an Invalid With 31
in a perfectly natural way. when all the functions are healthy 1 ttnere is anyming wrong w iin your n.iuncys, num-1 one No Strength or Energy. XK
and performed with natural vigor, when the energy, strength , P e R s t 0 r . cstore |? nc t 0 the Kidneys, helps to set them nght. Kidney Complaint and Rheumatism. I Delight. Ark.—My heart’s eratltude is due for the ■* ■
/R and power of resistance to disease are all at a natural point, If there is anything wrong with your Stomach, Bodi-Tone Jacksonville, Ohio.—i began taking Bodi-Tone about five benefits i ha>e rec-i-.c. invalid, without strength or ww
■ th/»n th#» hrwiv ic in nrnnpr tnne disease has attacked helps to tone the btomach, helps to set tne Wrong ngnt. It months ago. I was troubled with Kidney Complaint and Rheumatism, enercy. when I began to use Jfw
W anv oart to tore oF*ren«re there is anything wrong with your Nerves, your Blood, your and m, back would hurt me so bad at night I coold not sleep 1 went '‘.Y,’.? I I
JK any part, ine tone or inc enure pnybicdi wuy snouiu oc raibcu . . V nur Rnwels nr vnur General System the health- to work one week later and have worked every day since. I have to health for one of sixty-six
p to the highest possible point, to make all the body help in the Liver, or your uenew oyston, me neann wor k out of doers rain or shine, if it had not been for Bodi-Tone I years. I was all run down. I
cure. This is the power which underlies all of Bodi-Tone’s making ingredients tn Kodi-ione go right to ana Keep could not have wor k ec ] at a n tti s surum er. for I was so badly run w weu n 2t ß^?/h t t t^n<i d ■
/K great work for the sick; this is the power it offers you to help on working day ader day, exerting always a definite action down I could hardly go. I feel like anew man since taking Bodi-1 one, was little more than a drag to
C you get new heal* and new strength. that produces curative results of theki nd sufferers appreciate and thmk it will make everybody fed th. same way. B.F. Tanubk. JK
Wg If you have Rheumatism, Boai-Tone helps to eliminate the Cn».«»rl <invontv Sorir»n® Trr*nhl**« and suffered misery from it. I
fl M CaamaA Uric Acid from the system while it restores tone to the Kidneys r t «“ « f ß »® " g ° h " b l , .* S ;. VMlty X
G/ iXI S Stomach and Blood, thereby preventing a continuance of vearß oldt the mo ther of 13 children, and have suffered for thirty I 1
ira <■ Rheumatic poison and putting new activity into muscles, years with Catarrh. I have paid out ever so much for doctor bills paper I made up my mind tc
* 1 - Before I had used it a
The composition of Bodi-Tone is not a secret. Each in- C nffk r ;no frnm ami Female ailment for its tonin? oronerties more for me than any th - n 8 1 ever tried. I have also suffered from tam-ove Br the time e i k u?«i e t e wo r boxes a my f l
M gredient that is used to make this splendid remedy is named £nnd vitobte in such admenfi Bodi! L !. v ' r ’ £ dn 7 and ?fe id< ’ r l ? uble ’,r£ havo . ha , d * hurtine ta , my *T.te. W
E' rloer-rihed in the Rndi Tnne hnnk which telk all haye been round especially. VaiuaDie isl, SUCH aumCOlS, DOOI slde Q ne doctor told me I would have to have an operation, ..
and fully described in the Bodi- i one book,l which tells all T o r ne should be used by all persons whose bodies are not up but Bodi-Tone has cured me of all this. Mrs. A. A. Traylor. Cured Blood or Skin Diseases
about Bodi- I one and is sent tree to every Bodi-1 one user. . Full muYimnm of natural vioor strength and vitality ————• BETHUNE, S.C. —I rot Bodi-Tone for my wife, who
f * \y ’aah vou use Bodi-Tone vou know iust what vou are usin? n the S’ ” , . ’ Husband and Wife Found Renewed Health. was nearly crazy with some kind of a blood or skin
U nen you use doui 1 one you Know jusi wnai you arc using, f t purpose is to restore the body to its highest plane by nusuana ana niieruunu neuewcu ueanu. disease. She had an awful itch and was almost blind,
know It IS good and safe and know you are taking the kind Os in hndilv Function Persons whose Fairdealing, Mo.—Bodi-Tone has done grand tfork for my Bodi-Tone quickly remedied the cause for she has not I 1
wmK™ tn nrovide real heln for the bodv It is a nure remedy making health in every boaiiy function . rersons unose husband and me . 1 was all run down; I had Stomach Trouble, complained any more since the first few daw.after IjJ
I S Avnftinl nr bodies have Ix6o WaSted b * 3 disease, who have Heart, Kidney and Liver Complaint, Female Trouble and also Gall she £e e an to use h Peter Lee.
uat satisfies the most exacting. It contains no narcotics oi su ff er ed the ravages of LaGrippe, Pneumonia, Typhoid stones. 1 was under the doctors’care for years, but they did me very War Veteran 72 Years Old ? 2
habit-forming drugs, nothing that can injure the stomach; it i t who worried and fretted at their inability to little good. When I commenced using Bodi-Tone six months ago l 11 r T t
(J contains no ingredient that your own family doctor will not £ound lost by toir iUness, finil that Bod! Tone M
rK wnh y nnhim 2 cnlire n mornhineorother d supplies just the elements which their bodies have lacked eight to do for, and live on a sari, and Bodi-Ton. has made me Ibl. aSlnTmTi.r',-1* 1 ? •<£VrS«rtcl b 4DI arrte Ind LJ
killing pain with opium, cocaine, morphine or other dangerous restoring the vital forces which disease has Stolen. Men and to do my share. My husband had Kidney trouble so bad that he Heart Trouble. My Heart was so baKthatl could not
kgJ drugs. It does not excite the body with alcohol, but it tones women who are weak and run-down fronl overwork, worry would get down at times with his back and could not do any work tor D?ar°rboT2 acted w in e ex a t?en;ev, Fl
the body and cures HS disorders with remedies Nature intended L; 27..* ' „ thsvhrt F#srl thrir rrcrrv#» Fnrrr da ys- He has not been down since he commenced taking Bodi-Tone. XBX my. Bowel* were either very MJ
tn tone and cure the bodv when that cower was 2iven them °, r 0311568 unkn <> wn t( > W . h ° c f6C / their reserve force W e have good reason to praise it to all. Mrs. May Eaton. .A. Y«L costive or very loose. I had JK
to tore and cure the bod, power given them. ing away and are losmgthnr fight against to body s m F„.„ U„.L.
f®’ imong the ingredients which give Bodi-Tone its great inefficiency, find new life in Bodi-Tone, as hundreds testify. Stomach Trouble Cured in tour Weeks. M
y j u Rushville, III—I am well pleased with the results trom Bodi- trial offer and sent for a box on
W P° u er ’ t 0 l L fe^ nd fL^ gV t tO thr J 4 Tone. I was bothered with a Stomach ailment, and had tried different ’
X Sarsaparilla, to purify it. Phosphate, to nourish the Si doctors and thev did me no good. I saw the Bodi-Tone offer and Ireatlj?relievei l iuld W
Nerves, Lithta, for the Kidneys, Gentian, for the JB—W Blf sent for a trial box. I never had any sign of my old trouble after • lieon my left side and not feel
Stomach, Chinese Rhubarb and Oregon Grape Root, taking the first box, and it is now a full year’s time. J. L. Byers. ttaef &Sou I
I n Ba rk for the Genera I System, Why delay another day, when a tnal of this proven medi- Now in the Best of Health. I
Mr ■ ■" i Cine IS yOUTS for the asking. Why keep on suffering, when Louisville, Ky —I am a very old woman. I was all run down, don’t fee? much over thirty. I I
I* 1 All the inirredients contained in Bodi-Tone null together by clipping the coupon, filling in your name and address and seemingly on the verge of Nervous Prostration, with Torpid Liver, have no aches or pains. I used but three boxes of MZ - I
U for vefi rervants ?o puttt a ,&* £ Q
in control of the body. Each ingredient serves to assist, to this great remedy which has aireaay restorea tnou. ai JJ s to x had careful advice and aj d o f the best physicians, but with little old person wII try them, for I Relieve tl?ey win KflZ '
help to build upon the others’ work. Each adds *a needed health, which folks everywhere are talking about. It just benefit. After taking Bodi-Tone lam in the best of health, it is all prolong anyone’s ute. w. w. duff. I
X element from nature to the body. Each has work to do and costs a stamp and you don t pay a penny unless it benefits it i 8 claimed to be. Mrs. L. V. Johnston, 651 7th St Used a Crutch for Twelve Years. LJ
does it well. They are used because of this ability. We you. You take no chances, for the > al ue and curative powers Thi« Mprrhanf’« I if* Eastman, miss.—This is what Bodi-Tone did-for
U claim no credit for discovering the ingredients in Bodi-Tone of Bodi-Tone have been amply proven by two yearsof Bodi Saved This Life. Q
each of which has its own well deserved place in the medical glorious 1 cures. It is no longer a new remeay, but a remeay life> For severa i vea rs I have been suffering with Dizziness, past better nght a ong. ,
waj books of most Os the civilised world. We simply claim the with a history —a history Os cures that has astonished the Headaches, Bowels irregular, weakness and blind spells. In fact, I
X credit for the successful formula which we invented, for the doctors and delighted the sick. It has been tested in thohs- was broken down in general. Bodi-Tone has improved me all over, M I. J
r w a y in which there valuable ingredienis are combined, for the ands of cares, covering various ailments in both sexes, at all ages. Xw'lTot “h™ l‘v«l Iritbom “ *TttJSiK ff*
JK proportions used, for the curative force which thousandshave pounds since using it, have a good appetite, never a headache, and X. taJ ■ JL si
■ found in Bodi-Tone. Most of these ingredients are as old as Persons ini ffering from Rheumatism, Stomach trouble, much younge * J own a genera f merchandise store here, and W- 3
I. Hvilizarion itself for the curative forces Bodi-Tone US A S are Kidney. Liver and Bladder Ailments, I ric Acid lKs- gladly recommend Bodi-Tone to my customers. H. D. Ellis. Thpped from Atlanta bursal. MK|I 1
WZ ciMlization itself, for me curative tortus doui i uiic uses arc eases, Eemale Troubles, Bowel, Blood and Skin Affec- B6dl-Tone Company,
the forces which have always existed in nature tor the restOr- tions, Dropsy, Piles, Catarrh, Anaemia, Sleeplessness, Cured of Chronic Dropsy of the Heart and Lungs. Hoyna A North Aves., Chicago, 111. xff
Lx J ation of the body. Many of its ingredients are regularly LaGrippe, Pains, General Weakness and Nervous Hopkinsville, Ky.l have been a sufferer from Chronic Dropsy I have read your offer of a dollar box of Bodi-Tone
jK prescribed by the medical profession for various diseases and Breakdown, have tested Bodi-Tone and fully proven of my Heart and Lungs, and was in such bad health that ipy friends *’ f fair d tHa’and wib'send l-as
■ I irregular conditions, being used either separately or in combi- its great remedial value in such disorders. had given me no to die. I had been tapped the fourth time wheftj .. yO u sr<» promptly when lam sure it has benefited Jgk
W nation with such drugs as each doctor may favor, for there L— : ™ d 5 b ° f ?‘ I »nl tor hi c'Jfed’m” leS Fl
M are wide differences of opinion among the doctors of various Thetr exrenences have proven beyond a shadow of groved ever b.U used UJ
t a J schools. The exact combination tn Bodi-Tone is doubt that the Bodi-Tone plan or toning all the body js a right well and gaining good, solid flesh every day. Mrs. H. C. Steward. x
zK makes Bodi-Tone’s success in fightffig disease, what makes it plan that helps to cure these and other disorders, that it is a— name —l. J
fl cure where doctors’ treatments have failed. There is no real aid to nature. Many who were for yearsiin poor health and Indigestion, Kidney Trouble and Nerves. W
other remedv made from this exact formula, which is Bodi- tried most all of the prominent medicines, have found . McCauley, Texas._When Ibegan using Bodi-Tone 1 had indiges- Town —fl
XE Other remeay mauc rroni Ulis uamli lujiHum, which i» UUUI c ,„ a h nY n f RMi Tnne did mnre frond than all the tioo very bad. from which I had suffered three years or longer. My
■ Tone s own, and which gives Bodi-Tone the curative and that one single box tioai-1 one a\a more gooo man au iuq Nerves u-ere all run down, and 1 had taken so many remedies.that my Jjr
Ve J restorative power that makes possible the remarkable cures others combined. Bodi-Tone makes up and repays for past Kidneys were affected. After using Bodi-Tone I gained several
experienced bv Bodi-Tone users, cures which prove the sickness with a strong and vinle health that is often better pounds in weight, and my Digestion, Nerves and Kidneys are so much „ n |,J
IJ difference between Bodi-Tone and common remedies. That than the sufferer knew for a long time before sickness began Letter that 1 feel like new. F. H. Dean. bt.or K.F.D.