Newspaper Page Text
Demand for Popular Fiction
Greater Than Ever While
Children’s Books Popular
NEW FORK. Feb 21.- Is Nejv York
growing less studious?
The annual report of the director of i
public libraries shows a tremendous fail- |
off in the number of visitors at the I
two great reference libraries maintain-,
od by the city. In 190# there were near- I
fv 267.000 readers at the two instltu- |
tions, but tn 1910. this number had
dropped to a bare 220.090.
Readers of lighter literature, who pa
tronise the branch libraries where
bxooks are supplied Cor circulation, in
creased during the year. The total num
ber of books circulated was 7,500,000. as
against 7.000.000 in 1909. At the chil
dren s branches, the report says that
the demands for books almost constant- I
ly exceeded the supply.
“Children readers." says the report,
••show the insatiable demand for certain
classes of books, notably American his
tory, civies and biography, the best
known fairy and folk tales and poems,
books for children who are learning* to
read, books on aeroplanes, electricity,
handcraft and magic, books of dialogues
and playa, song books and drawing
“It is Impossible as yet to supply in
sufficient numbers such titles as the
Bible (Old Testament). Grimms' fairy
tales; little women and the American
histories by Fiske, Mordy and Montgom
WASHINGTON. Feb. 21.—Discrimina
tion against cotton buyers and cotton
Shippers of San Antonio. Tex., is alleged
in a petition filed today with the in
terstate commerce commission by the
Rennert-Mißette company, of San An
tonio. against the Galveston, Harrisburg
and San Antonio railway.
By provisions of the tariffs of the
railroad the privilege of concentrating
cotton is accorded to shippers of Hous
ton and Galveston, while It is denied to
those of San Antonio. The complainants
declare they are obliged to pay the local
rates from points of origin to San An
tonio. in addition to the chargb exacted
for outgoing local points instead of
through rates to final destination. The
• ■oramlssion is requested to order a re
fund of the local inbound rates, and re
store San Antonio's status in the cotton
wom an’acquitted - =or
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Feb. 2L—Mrs. Ethel:
Olsen, who shot at her Jrasband, Harry.
Olsen. With a derringer pistol several •
weeks ago, was tried in the superior court j
yesterday for assault with intent to!
murder, and acquitted.
The case has attracted considerable 10-i
cal attention because of the prominence!
given their troubles by the two. Olsen did!
not appear against his wife. Mrs. Olsen I
said she shot at her husband to scare'
him and because she had heard he in-1
tended throwing muriatic acid in her face.
DES MOINES, Feb. a.-Governor Car
roll today vetoed the Oregon primary plan
bill which had passed both houses of
the low* legislature. The governor de
clared it an evasion of the constitution of
the United States. He asserted thy meas
ure abrogates that section of the con
stitution providing that legislators shall
elect United States senators.
CHATTANOOGA. Tenn.. Feb. 21.—Fif
ty-two whisky dealers, indicted recently
under the instruction of Judge Mcßey
nolds that the holding of a federal li
cense was prims facie evidence of guilt,
today submitted their casea. and were
fined >3O and coats with 30 days each in
the workhouse. %
The workhouse sentence was suspended
during good behavior.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 21.-The treasury
department today accepted a full com-;
promise to its civil claims against Joseph
Brooke & Co.. New York woolen import- !
era, who were accused of under valuation
frauds. The government recovers >66.000
and retains 24 cases of seised mere han-t
Brooke & Co. is an English firm with
headquarters at Bradford.
NASHVILLE, Tenn.. Feb. 21.—Just
before leaving a business trip to
Birmingham tbfis morning. Governor
Hooper vetoed the Nashville charter bill
recently passed by the legislature. The
bill for over his veto will come
up immediately after the recess.
if you have a weakness or dis- 1
/ ease for which you have been
unable to find a cure, write us. I
We have been very success- |
| ' n curing deep-seated, stub-
born cases. Our books, opin
ion adv * ce are eet
Mr. W R - r-n,mb l e .'’- °f Headland. Ala., write*: “It in
f with pwii pleasur* I write you I am well. Your medicine
V3aS^^ B T3®l< '■w; h«» complete.;.- cured me and I recommend It to all other*
• II **“'* b * aJ,B -*'
’ m . The abote '» only one nt hundreds of similar letters we
® £* Z X«; •»? hate received cured patients.
5 1 * - * lf you are a sufferer, if you are a victim of some strength-
* * ® 5 S. H e ' sapping. net-re-ractlnt. health destroying malady of a chronl •
. 3 ®3 - <* private nature, you should awaken at once to the truth
• £ ; 3 ~ that all d».aw» arc constant workers—that while you are
. , x ha-sitat’ng and wasting day after day debating on what to do
' • • Z sour dlseaw Is gradually getting wor«e and deeper seated and
• - • *b* harder to cure.
• • 3 r*i "w-_ »
X Z. g Now. no Mt ter how mu<*h treatment you hare taken or
• • • o c bo* uiirny 3at tor* have failed to cure you, we want you tn
. . . 3x, « write us. We are specialists of twenty years' experience
• • • 2-3 and bare esta dtsled a r<-nut"'lon of <uring the worst ease*.
M X ; ; - ’ Our standing, both profess orally and financially, is the hlgli-
2 s rrt amt you cen consult n« With perfect assurance that you
J' • » • X * “HI get reliable advlcV and" skillful treatment.
H . : Our Specialty 1* chmnic diseases of bpth men and women.
• f. seek as til »f Male and Female Weakness. Disease of
■ J ; I x * the Kkineys. Bladder. Stomach. Povels, Heart and Nerves,
k’ , s Varicocele. Stricture. Blood Polson. Piles. Fistula, etc.
B ' • ’• A = know!h!(e of the above diseases and the best means
J • ; ~ of curine them has b.wn trained by years of experience. but
< we will gladly slve aiiv afflicted person our opinion and ad-
•. I • o ! vice without charge.
. . . Sc, FREE BOOKS for both men and women, describing all of
• • • b “ the above diseases and giving much other valuable In forma -
• • • 3 . X tion. will he tint FREE upon request. ’
j a 2 CONSULTATION FREE. Write for these books ant a
i , J ! S symntom Mank and describe your case to us and we can treat
. ' . . “ e yon at homie. Don't delay write for them today. Address
• • • D» a
37 Inman Bldg. Atlanta, Ca.
| Saved Secretly
Any Lady May Do It at Home—
Costs Nothing to Try.
y l ** fl .
M Send for Golden Remedy. Brins 1
\ happiaeM to the family end Z
save th® loved ones.
At last, drunk no more, no morel A treatment
that is and odorless, safe, absolutely
so; heartily endorx.-d by temperance workers:
can be given secretly by any lady in tea, coffee
' it food; wrkl silently; the craving for liquor in
• bundretls of caees. gone even against HIS will,
ior without HIS knowledge. Will you try such a
j remedy if you can prove its effect, free to you?
j Rave your loved one from the terrible conse-
Iqrrenees of the drink curse.
It costs absolutely nothing to try. Send your
name and address to Dr. J. W. Haines Co.. 1105
Glenn Building. Cincinnati. Ohio, and they will
at ooee send you a free package of Golden Rem
edy to a plain, sealed wrapper. Send today
Puerto Cortez Is Thoroughly
Cleaned by Detachment of
> U. S. Jackies
PUERTO CORTEZ, Honduras, Feb. 21.
—When the American bluejackets, under
the command of Lieutenant Roper, of the
United States gunboat Tacoma, march
ed into San Pedro two weeks ago, and
took charge, one of the first things he
did was to organise a sanitary depart
It is the custom when official an
nouncements are to be made by the
city officials, to send around an •‘official
announcer” with the military band.
Lieutenant Roper wanted to make a
proclamation, but discovered the town
band had deserted. Fortunately, a bass
drum and a cornet had been left behind,
so Roper sent his bluejackets around to
drum up a crovfrd and proclaim the news.
Three days later San Pedro began to
resemble towns of similar size in the
United Stated, where cleanliness is held
I in much higher regard than it is here.
I The jail was the dirtiest place of all.
| The one hundred prisoners were cooped
iup In three cells, almost ankle-deep in
| filth. Roper put them to work every
I morning cleaning ufc. He posted his men
about the jail and turned out the' pris
| oners for an airing. General Carias,
j governor of the department, when he
; evacuated the town, left no records, and
I there was no means of telling what
the prisoners were jailed for or how
long. Roper explained the situation to
; General Rosales, who obtained authority
from President Davila to release all po
litical prisoners. With the aid. of the
city officials and citizens representing
both sides, the naval officer, at the end
lof two weeks, had weeded out 48 pris
oners who were liberated. Few appeared
to know why they had b£en arrested!"
The Best Thing in Life
Good health is the best thing in life.
No matter how dark the day.'nr how
heavy other troubles may weigh, if the
health is good will provide a staff to
lean upon that will soon change the dark
ness into light. Read the Bodi-Tone offer
on last page and tearn how you can
make your body healthy. •••
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21.-Population
statistics of the 13th census announced
.today included:
PLACE. > • 1910. 19Q0.
Greensboro, Ga 2.120 1.511
Elizabethtown, Ky 1,970 1,861
Coal Creek, Tenn.. 1,102
Elizabethtown, Tenn... 2,481
Baird, Texl,7lo 1,602
j NBW YORK. Feb. 21.—William R.
' Montgomery, former president of the |
> Hamilton bank, which failed in 1907, was
! sentenced today to a term of not less
than two years and two months nor
j more than five years in Sing Sing peni
tentiary for grand larceny through
fraudulent loans.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 21.—The ocean
mail subsidy bill, which already has
passed the senate, was ordered favor
ably reported today by the house com
mittee on postoffices and post roads by
a vote of 7 to 6. It was amended so as
to omit trans-Paclfic lines making it
apply only to South America.
"'.lllll IIIHIII—HUBIMI 1111111
fl I fl
It turns out that “Edward Burgess,” who has become famous as a landscape painter, is really Edward
Burgess Butler, a Chicago millionaire. —News item. ,
John Boyd, Hero of Crimean
War, and British Writer
Dies in Huntsville
(Y$ Associate! Press.’
HUNTSVILLE, Ala., Feb. 21-John
Boyd, chief editorial writer of the Mer
cury-Banner and Weekly Mercury, of this
city, and for many years connected with
the staffs of many newspapers in the
east and north, died here Monday, after
a brief illness. He was actively engaged
in his work until Friday of last week.
I,ast Sunday he took to his bed and seem
ed to experience a general breakdown.
Mr. Boyd was about 75 years oil and
leaves a widow. Mr. Boyd was born in
■lreland and in early life, entered the Brit
ish army.
He fought in the Crimean war and
in the campaign in India that suppressed
the Sepoy rebellion. He was a soldier
in the column that cut its way through
millions of Sepoy s to the relief of Luck
now, and his descriptive writings of that
campaign, appearing in the Liverpool
Gazette a short time later, attracted
much attention. •
As a staff correspondent of the Liver
pool paper, he came to America and was
so charmed with this country that he
remained and took up journalistic work
in the large cities of the east. Thirty
years ago he was with the Cincinnati
Enquirer, later with the Republican Ban
ner in Nashville and then came to Hunts
ville and became a member of the first
staff of the Daily Mercury.
His writings covered a wide range of
subjects and his knowledge of politics
and history was apparently unlimited.
ASHBURN, Ga., Feb. 21—Arrangements
are being made for an educational rally
Friday evening, February 24. Miss Celeste
Parrish, teacher of pedagogy and psychol
ogy at the State Normal school. Is to be
present. She will speak to the Parent-
Teacher association in the afternoon and
in the evening she will address a mass
meeting of the citizens of Ashburn and
surrounding country at the school audi
torium. Miss Parrish is an adept in ed
ucational work and her visit will no doubt
be of great value tq this section.
In addition to other progressive steps
that have been taken along educational
lines in this section, this year marks the
beginning of a movement towards the
centralization of the schools. From sev
eral of the school districts adjacent to
Ashburn the children ar e being carried to
and from the Ashburn school in automo
biles. This transportation is being fur
nished free to country children by the
trustees of the Ashburn public schools,
and the plan works most satisfactorily to
all concerned.
SAVANNAH, Ga.. Feb. 21.—1 n the
United States court today there was
signed a decree granting to Judge Wal
ter G. Charlton, judge of the superior
court of Chatham county $2,500 from the
funds of EX-Capt. O. M. Carter, corps
of engineers U. S. A. for the defense of
Captain Carter before the courtmartial
in Savannah in 1898. Mr. Marion Erwin,
assistant United States district attorney,
filed a motion of an appeal to the circuit
court of Chatham county, $2,500 from the
money should be paid Judge Charlton
from this source.
This matter occupied the attention of
Judge Speer for two days, Judge Charl
ton taking the stand in his own behalf
during the hearing. It is expected the
disposition of the Carter funds will yet
be finally determined so far as in Judge
Speer’s power, at this sitting of the
WAYCROSS, Ga.. Feb. 21.—W. F. Cribb,
who has been held here on a warrant
charging lunacy, was given in charge of
the federal court today by Judge B. H.
Thomas, when it was shown that a fed
eral warrant charging entering and burn
ing the postoffice at Waresboro had been
issued before the other. The loss in
the Waresboro fire was $12,000.
The eounty ordinary at first bad re
fused to surrender Cribb to the federal
BlMifiMMaiMMtgWuiMwii ■ I
- ’ <xD
‘MY 006. F.OO"
S»MON GUGGENHEIM J, no A«rosr ever.
f 1 BECAME A /
■■ JtMv ■" 7
“Is this a nursery or a criminal court
we are supposed to be running?” inquired
Judge L. S. Roan from the bench Tues
day morning, when he caught sight of
Corrie Harrington, a prisoner, charged
with an aggravated case of horse steal
ing. The kid was only 8 years old, and
was a diminutive darky for even his
tender years. The young horse theif w*as
arraigned just after Judge Roan had
hopelessly turned over to Its parents an
other 9-year-old pickaninny, Wiley Mos-
(By A>»oaiit»d Preu.)
CAMBRIDGE, ftflaas., Feb. 21.—" The
cost of organized athletics is almost
scandalous,” says Dean Le Baron R.
Briggs, in his report to President Low
"In spite of large receipts irom base
ball and enormous receipts from foot
bal Ithe Harvard Athletic association,
after moderate payment toward the per
manent improvement of Soldiers’ field,
can barely meet its bills,” said the re
“Captains, managers and coaches too
How to Stop
Pimple s
In Five Days You Can Get Bid
of All Skin Eruptions by the
New Calcium Sulphide
Trial Package To Prove It Sent Free.
Any man or woman gets awfully tired
going around with a pimply face day
after day. And other people get awfully
tired, too, seeing them go around with
faces full of disgusting pimples.
If you are one of the unfortunates who
can't get away from your pimples, and
you have tried almost everything under
heaven to get rid of them, take a few of
Stuart’s Calcium Wafers every day. Do
that steadily for a few days, and in less
than a week look at yourself in the
You will then say that Stuart’s Cal
cium Wafers are a wonder in getting rid
of the eruptions.
These wonderful little workers contain
the most effective blood purifier ever dis
covered, calcium sulphide.
No matter whai your trouble is, wheth
er pimples, blotches, blackheads, rash,
tetter, eczema or scabby crusts, you can
solemnly depend upon Stuart's Calcium
Wafers as never-failing.
Stuart’s Calcium Wafers have cured
boils in three days and the worst cases
of skin diseases in a weer>. Every par
ticle of impurity is driven out of your
system completely, never to return, and
it is done without deranging your sys
tem in the slightest.
Most treatments for the blood and for
skin eruptions are miserably slow in their
results, and besides, many of them are
prisonous. Stuart’s Caleb m Wafers con
tain no poison or drug of any kind: they
are absolutely harmless, and yet do work
which cannot fail to surprise you.
Don’t go around with a humiliating,
disgusting mass of pimples and black
heads on your face. A face covered over
with these disgusting things makes peo
ple turn away from you, and breeds fail
ure in your life work. Stop it. Read
what an lowa man said when he woke
»ip one morning and found he had a new
“By George, I never saw anything like
it. There I've been for three years try
ing to get rid of pimples and blackheads,
and guess 1 used everything under the
sun. 1 used your Calcium Wafers for
just seven days. This morning every
.eased pimp,e is gone and I can't find
a blackhead. I could write you a volume
of thanks. I am so grateful to you.”
Just send us your name and address in
full today, and we will send you a trial
package of Stuart’s Calcium Wafers, free
to test. After you have tried the sample
and been convinced that al) ./e say is
true, you will go to your nearest drug
gist and ge. a 50c box and be cured of
your facial trouble. They are in tablet
form and no trouble whatever to take.
You go about your work as usual, and
there you are,—cured and happy.
Send us your name and address today
and we will at once send you by mail a
sample package free. Address F. A.
Stuart Co., 175 Stuart Bldg., Marshall,
sett, who was clearly guilty of burglary,
but whom the court couldn’t touch be
cause he was still an infant.
Young Harrington had stolen the horse,
there wasn’t any question about that.
He got it out of an Atlantian’s stable
and drove it to Covington, where he sold
it for a good sum of money. Fortunately,
the money was paid him in a check, and
when he presented the paper for pay
ment he was arrested on suspicion. Judge
Roan, unable to do anything else, let this
one go, too.
often require for themselves and their
■ men such luxuries of the table and of
transportation as none but the rich can
afford. It is things like these that give
a handle to the enemy of athletic sports
and hamper or even pauperize strong
MANILA, Feb: 21.—Manilas annual
carnival, “bigger and better’’ than ever
before, opened today. Thousands came
in from the provinces, and, as usual,
there were many visitors from China and
Japan. , *
The most novel feature was the first I
aeroplane flight in the Oriental, made
by J. C. ("Bud”) Mars, the New York
aviator, who sailed aloft in> a Baldwin
bi-plane. The exhibition excited tne
keenest interest.
The spectacular military and civic pa
geant had never been surpassed here.
The Industrial exhibits are a credit to
the promoters and the illuminations are
on a large scale and pleasing.
MOBILE, Ala., Feb. 21,-The New
England special carrying the educators
of those states, en route for the annual
convention of the National Educational
association here Is spending today at
Tuskegee, Ala., visiting the schools un
der the control of Booker T. Washing
ton, the noted negro educator.
Early morning* trains today brought in
a number of delegates, who will take
part in Washington’s birthday celebra
tion tomorrow at which time Mrs. Ella
Flagg, the national president, of Chi
cago, will deliver an address.
Ky., Feb. 21.-Contrary
to expectations the contention of the
Burley Tobacco union today voted to
“cut out” the 19U crop.
The amount of a -cage that can be
pledged to this movement is doubtful
because of the apparent indifference of I
members of the Burley Tobacco society. I
The convention today sent a communi- i
canon to the older society asking in?
dorsement of the action taken today.
fears are felt that a “cut out” |
will result in more night riding.
GAINESVILLE, Ga., Feb. 21.—Two
posses of the three that went out this
morning in search of the five men who
on Saturday morning held up and robbed
Soutnern passenger train No. 36 near
here, returned here tonight without hav
ing discovered a trace of the hold-up
The amount of money taken from the (
express car, which was robbed, is now
said to have been between S7OO and sl,- I
400. The officials of the company, how
ever, refuse to discuss the amount.
CHICAGO, Feb. 21.—Thirty-six busy
hours have oeen arranged for Theodore
Roosevelt, who will arrive here this af
ternoon. Today he will attend two re
ceptions in his own honor and deliver an
address at the 54th annual banc'Jet of
the Harvard club. A review of the boy
scouts and four speeches are on his
program for tomorrow.
J Guarantee to Cure ZSSX
ra Ktt*' It Is also called SALT. V
Tvl / «ViN T MILVcn’u»T E pRU- OR.XE.CANNAt>«
/OMj SKIN, MILK CRUSTaIrRU- TM e doctor who
r iJ RlTUS—these are mnerent treats nothing
names, but all mean one but
thing-ECZEMA. >
k Beyond Question!
A rif E.C. IKI Al.
Just to show yon that you need my treatment. It is yours fov where I have done business J
Sa the asking. If you bare been to other Doctors, if you have for years. <>&
sEI taken patent medicine, and used lotions and ealves till you are - A i
Raj di’uusted, write to mo—l will send yon ABSOLUTELY FREE ■■
gH OF CHARGE, A TRIAL TREATMENT. There are no Btrlnrs 7? r.r..
KQ to this statement There Is not one cent to pay—not a penny Thibet N ATI ON-AL BAN
accepted. I know what my trial treatment will do; I know 'PP ■ H AT] Y JYAk-EAgJM
WS that it will convince you mor® than anything else on earth that .
you need my treatment - ' . * . ) st»*u* sio.
gi MSss This Chanco for a Ouro to n iqt ««»:- * *
KI If you are SUFFERING FROM ECZEMA you can only be aUa ■
9 cured on® way-REMOVE THE CAUSE. What Is the handled hla business
g cause? ACID IN THE BLOOD. How do you remove Lt? By Wo ln»ivUy tor one yvar «a4 •Igity tsar MB
S 3 cleansing the blood of th® ACID. xu patient® dvposlt thslr a»n«j
My treatment 13 soothing—relieves th® dreadful itching at vita u*, la tb«ir evs *•*?*•** MU
JM once and cures the disease quietly. You don’t have to take Tt
Ji treatment for months and months. ONT.Y ONE CASE IN TEN y
XS neodo the second treatment-ONEIN FIFTY needs the third ”“» their ana RM
■ —think of that I it eee»4 then, that the fault W1 J'S
VV&af Eczema is with ths treataent falling. 1 I
Eczema Is a disease of the blood and affects all parts of the euM his sneesss
Sva body—the face, lips, ears, hands, feet, genital organ, etc. as rvoarkahle. Vs consider hl> yerTeet- BSI
□M SYMPTOMS. -Yellowish red eruption; the pimples or patches may ly reliable, and assure these planing fc g
swell and the itching is so great the person will scratch the top off, then >*•'; U * * f,Ar i ntpars,
Ml *:•> f bleed and dark scales form; there is an coring of matter. In some =***»•'• QM
iM the skin cracks end bleeds. Itching it terrible; a person suffering will yV - B 4
RBI scratch till they bleed. Scales form on parts oi lbs body, where the doth-
Mm lag cones In contact.
Ten Years Guaranfee
£2 I positively Guarantee that every case cured by me will stay ~~~ -jz ■£
| cured IO YEARS I It must be good or it could not be sold thia way, 7
Strong as Rock of Gibraltar
lam a graduate from two leading medical schools. I am the holder of a GOLD
KE MEDAL taken in Competitive Examination. Does this not show that lam fully
SB qualified? I will eend you my book, showing endorsements of business men
£3! of all classes. Also testimonials and pictures from cured patients every- . ’
where, bomeof them may be YOUR NEIGHBORS. Dr S E» H
i|i Is the most complete book ever sent out I explain every * M ?** I
■ form of the disease plainly and fully. I show pictures of Please send without cost io
I many severe cases, which are extremely interesting. me prepaid Free trial treatment, SU
K 9 I send you names of thousands who have been slso copy of yonr Free Book.
KB cured and are gratefuL Xt
a a I I HT I I I Ft - - T - TTTTtTTTTYTf
970 Park Square Address., g
Sedalia, Mo. r
a»d BtataMra tent in plala wrappw.
For Years This Lujuid Joy Has Been Withir. The Happy •
Starts of Oak, Longxng to Touch Ths Lips of Man. BB
T r . I,BA A rare old whiskey—the finest stock we have ever put out at these wonder-1 BL
ABw!. . fully low prices. It is double copper distilled whiskey—absolutely/pure. It
*• a gTTTS has the imprisoned sunshine of the ripe grain from which it was made and the
13 “Z Hisce flavor that only the highest art of the distiller can produce. Aged in Govern-
Tjy ‘ M 11 * ment Bonded Warehouse in charred oak casks to produce the smooth, mellovr
*3 „ & Ilßoid' flavor and healthful tonic properties that none but the finest of pure whiskies
cLe— 14C —' 1 possess. Excellent for medicinal purposes.
“s J l hni 4 FULL SOSO 2 GALLONS IM s>Bso
Detrick Pays the Express Charges
The age and quality are guaranteed by us and it is sold with the under*
jPjTffijwWßß standing that money will be refunded if on test you do not find it thu
f/iIiZgMteAAaUMjBU best whiskey, everything considered, you ever drank. The name
Detrick stands for good, honest, well made whiskey. Everyone who bail
Mr f zW tasted Detrick’s quality is dur reference. Buy whiskey direct from thu
/> w Detrick Distillery if you want cost prices and full value for your money (
These prices are only
■lWpOrKallTi on the first order.
i We make absolutely no profit and only
■ Z/// /i J a I sell at these figures to induce a trial order
UIO fthsGKPWi and prove to you what a splendid liquor
gZL JU f thls fs. a handsome Toast Jug filled with
8 I De ° s<i w hiskey included FREE on first
linGlassDemuohn/ Detrick Distilling Co., Dept. 124, Dayton, 0.
EA Fvnroce Dwma.J / Oriers for u 4 vest »f the Rscfcy Maortuo dates art Is st fa nte d
oyress prepaial
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21.—" Pork-ea
ters” a term which may be rightfully
applied to the —>le of the United
States, if the figures just made public
by the census bureau for the year 1909
may be taken as a basis.
The figures show that during the year
4,483,000 more hbgs were killed in this
country for food purposes than all other
animals combined, including beeves,
calves, sheep and lambs, goats, kids, etc.
During the year 1909, 36,443,000 hogs
were killed for food purposes and 31,-
960,000 of all other animals.
The total number of animals slaugh
tered in the slaughter houses and meat
packing establishments during 1909 is
given as 68,403,000. These figures, how-
do not represent the entire number
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 21.—Migratory
Japanese, debarred from entering the
United States by the agreement between
the two governments, are going in large
numbers to Peru according to a report
brought here yesterday by the steamer
Uarda. Officers of the Uarda, which
called at Callao on her way here from
Europe, say that each vessel coming to
Callao from Asia carries many Jap
$ | Mayr’s Wonderful Stomach
f j Treatment FREE .
ft is a positive remedy for all Stomach, Liver and
ty Intestinal Trouble, Gastritis, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, //[
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IS tress After Eating,Nervousness,Dizziness,Fainting Spells, // L J
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The above ailments are mainly caused by the clogging of the f ■'//''/, I eg gMtSf «/ In!
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Ming up poisonous fluids into thwetomash. and otherwise deranging ///Ml , Jr </f MlS'/d///
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fig its great benefits—««•• do *» •• usually required. I say ////7/W//I ,
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B] treatment to sufferers absolutely Free so you can try it tn your //I /g//ffll IB W ffil
■ own home at my expense. MII 11l Be. ’’AYR C f®
•Die most eminent specialists declare that per i Jl WOND[RF{J/ f?tu ru,tl
■ people who suffer from Stomach Trouble are suffering front Gali I L'/f n Jiz!''’'!-
» Stones. I firmly believe that this remedy is Uie only one in f ■
st the world that will cure this disease. Sufferers of Stomach n.i i J.*®' kit f
gu and L:ver troubles and Gall Stones should not hesitate a asV' ie ST “MAo, fcjl
jra moment, but send for this Free treatment at once. I wou.d ,K TtSTnffa SR
® be pleased to send you the names of people who state they Iw, „ , v gj |
■ have been cured of various Stomach ailments and speak, r.g \ “•n Sf I
■ the highest praise of this medicine. Just fill out the Coupon yjtz I
tn below—let me send you this wonderful treatment together Vt. -'-'X""'Sf'l
■ with highly interesting literature, testimonials, ete. Don t ■l'Bi
■ suffir with agonizing pains—don’t permit a dangerous JT re« ■ S//I
■ surgical operation, which gives only temporary relief, J 3//l'l
■ when this medicine will permanently help you. faj -k;— ~<3 ’ -** pj Ji I
GEORGE H. MAYR, Mfg. Chamlat C£Q. # w . * S "/I-
Q Mayr Buildinc. JS4-156 Whiting Street, Chlcaga I ftfr
SR Reference. : —Meresntile X{eneles or Stat, Bank of Chicago r j-* t If.w pij n: ' ? ‘ FmMMga
sign and Mall Thia Coupon To-day
■ Ces IL Mayr,Mfr. Oaust, Mayr BHf.. 154-156WWto< Si. Ono! y
M Send me absolutely FREE, 11.00 treatment of Mayr’s ■
■ Wonderful Stomach Remedy. S
m ■ Tea are cat asked to tale this treatment far li
B I,sme week er two before yea feel its great benefits. r«
■ Address ■ Oa * <Jo “ “ “ o«cs»My to pr«WI ■
I ■ its woaderfa! power* to benefit g
I C‘^ y wvi?»FWn!y"” ■ xhaoluSely harmless. Guaranteed by the I
Express Office P* Hu* Food and Drag Act, Serial No. 257 M J
of animals killed for food purposes dur- » j
ing the period which the report cov
ers, and the grand total can only be ob
tained, it is declared, upon the comple
tion of the statistics of agriculture. The
figures given are from 26,424 slaughter
houses, which include the large whple- .
sale slaughter and meat, packing
i;.<:m»nts and fertilizer tactories
dead animals are consumed. gNE
The primary purposes of this
Inquiry. It is said, was to determine
rumber <.f Indes available f >r the
facture of leather These cannot be
pleted until the statistics of agricul
are available, but the figures so far
lected place the number at 32,371,
available for hides. These figures
exclusive of hogs, from which skins
taken in only a few instances. OHM
’ 1 It Is reported that the Peruvian arrny.W
■ , which has been engaged in skirminhes 3
J with the forces of Ecuador over the 1
t boundary dispute, has in its ranks Jap- ’
• aneso soldiers, some of them veterans of
I the Russian war. ,i
II It was learned In Callao that there was
> still considerable unrest on the frontier
■ of Peru and Ecuador and that several
sharp fights had occurred recently.