Newspaper Page Text
What Georgia Thinks of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin
To the Readers of The Journal: - ’
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin has been before the public for a generation. It
te today the most widely used laxative In Georgia arid the one with the stead-
I leaf patronage. It is the family remedy. It Is the kind of a remedy that Is hl
K ! most homes and should be in every home.
t" . The cheapest health investment is a handy laxative, for it may be needed
any moment, and when needed every drop is worth the price of a bottle. Have
‘ you got a bottle of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin in your home? A bottle costs
! but fifty cents or a dollar, the dollar slse being for family use and is bought by
people who have convinced themselves of its merits through a fifty cent bottle.
Any druggist can supply you.
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is a guaranteed cure for chronic constipation,
for stomach trouble, liver trouble and bowel trouble; and for such symptoms
of these disease® as biliousness, headache, heartburn, sour stomach, gas on the
stomach drowsiness after eating and similar annoyances. We make no claims
• for it beyond its value in stomach, liver and bowel troubles, but in any symp
toms of these diseases we absolutely guarantee relief with the promise to re-
I fund the money if relief is not obtained.
Syrup Pepsin Is a scientific preparation. It contains the best and most hlgh
ily esteemed ingredients for the movement of the bowels, hence its superiority
in the cure of stubborn, chronic constipation la young or old. Every reader
knows the value of pure pepsin as a digestant, and hence its great value in
| 4 dyspepsia and indigestion. In addition to these it has tonic ingredients that
tone the stomach and towel muscles and strengthen them that they learn to
do their work naturally aga.n. That is why users of Syrup Pepsin are in a
short time able to do without medicines of any kind. Letters Dr. Caldwell has
received wffl prove that people beyond seventy have been able to dispense
with medlcfhe after the use of Syrup Pepsin, owing to its exceptional action
I on the stomach and bowel muscles.
’ ■
Te Dr. CbldweU:
- MEXICO CITY. Mexico. Feb. 30.—A
g MBtence of ten years’ imprisonment 1m-
I pw»J upon A J. Farrel, an American
g elvll engineer. on an accusation madei
* against him in Guadeloupe, Zacatecas, of
I ©otnplieity in the killing of a Mexican
miner last November, is attracting more
' than ordinary attention in this city and
( in El Oro. where he was formerly one of
* the moat popular American residents.
L*? Owing to the fact that there seems to
Een a miscarriage of Justice in
b the American ambassador is
a thorough Investigation in the
t is said that the testimony
forward during the trial of Far
ted that he had not killed the
ut had lent his pistol to the man
commit the deed in self-defense.
ibo rate tea will be given by the
Aid of St Philip’s cathedral at
lery. 1«5 Washington street, on
y afternoon between 4 and 6.
All the friends of the congre-1
ire cordially invited to attend. I
assured a warm welcome by ths i
committee. A most entertaln-
KHL Ing program is being specially pre- ;
pared, for the occasion by the program
committee of the Ladies' Aid and the an- I
V nouneement in regard to the music and
V M other features will be made later
tv I
Eat Ai* You Want to. Children—We’re
Safe Because I’ve Read the
L What a blessing to be positively saYe
from Appendicitis, so you can eat any
thing you want and as much as you want
without ever giving a; pcndicitis a
thought. To get INSTANT relief from
all your bowel and stomach trouble. To
E be safe and well and strong.
No more wind on the stomach, sour
■I stomach. constipation, nausea, heavy
feeling after eating. No more be
ing afraid of getting the treacherous
Appendicitis. The ADLER-I-KA BOOK
shows what to do—all as simple as A. B.
C. and absolutely sure.
, Write your name below, enclose a 2-
i cent stamp, and you will get the famous
ADLER-I-Ka BOOK entirely free. It’s
different from any book you ever saw;
ft tells wha only few doctors know: it
will surprise and astonish you. It shows
, many curious pictures and tells how you
can INSTANTLY relieve bowel or stom
ach trouble, how Appendicitis is caused,
how it can be cured without operation
VENT IT. You wouldn’t take 110.00 for
what you will learn from this book—yet
It s free for a 2-cent stamp. Address:
Adterlka Co.. Dept 20. St. Paul. Minn.
Es | Address
Te Dr. Caldwell:
“Aboat every two weeks I had to taka a
purgative, thinking I was bilious, but could
only get temporary relief. I noticed your ads
and ordered a sample that I took according
to directions. As soon as I took it I noticed
a great change and purchased a 00c bottle,
end before I bad taken half of it I felt like
a new man and could eat anything with perfect
case. I am now using it and recommending
it to others, who have begun to use it with
the beat of results. I can recommend it to
all who suffer with any kind of stomach trou-
Ue.”—H. A. Freeman. Cuthbert. Ga.
To Dr. Oaldwell:
"I have been taking yosr fiyrap Pepsin more
than a month and can say I get more relief
from tt than I have from anything I have
ever taken. I have taken three bottles, 50c
alia."—j. R. Alexander. R. F. D. No. k, Ath
ens, Ga.
To Dr. Caldwell :
•'I have already received your sample bottle
of Syrep Pepsin, and I like it fine and have
bought a 60c bottle. It does all you claim
for It. It is the best medicine I have, ever
taken for biliousness or constipation.”—Mrs. Em
ma Walls. Thomasville, Os.
To Dr. Caldwell:—
•'After eight months of suffering with bead
aehe, tour stomach, indigestion, loss of appe
tite and const ip a tVn. 1 was Induced by a
friend tn try Hr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and
found upon taking three *I.OO bottles, that 1
am again on the road to good health, and I
can now attend to my duties with some degree
of energy. I, therefore, wish to express to
you my sincerity In your great medicine and ’
•hall not hesitate to recommend It to any one
for everything you claim, as I already have
prevailed upon several of my frienda who have
tried it and praise It very highly. I, as well as
my entire family of five, consider our medi
cine cabinet incomplete without it.**—J. 0.
Glore, 900-801 Temple Court Building, Atlanta,
Ga. /
To Dr. Caldwell:
”1 am pleased to say that I have' received
three 1100 bottles of Syrup Pepsin and It has
dtwe me more good than anything I ever i
used, ami my home will never be without It.
I will always say a good word for Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin at any time. Many of
my friends have used it, ton. All I can say
la that It is THE BEAT’—Mrs. J. *. Wilson.
2»5 A Baas Bt., Atlanta, Gn.
To Dr. Caldwell:—
•‘Tour Syrup Pepsin did me more good
than anyth ng I have ever taken for what
I took this for. I took It to regulate my
bowels. It is surely a rood medicine.”— Mrs.
M. M. O'Kelley, R. F. D. No. 1, Murrayville, ,
Ga. ’ I
Pure Food Inspector P. A- Methvin
has returned to the capitol after a
ecth's tour of the state in the enforce
ment of the pure food and feed laws
of Georgia and has reported the seizure
of nearly a dozen cars of feed stuff
which failed to meet the requirements
of the rules and regulations of this
state Incident to mtglng, branding, tag
ging and adulterating feed stuffs.
None of the seizure made was of cot
ton seed meal, the inspector stating that
his department was free of any trouble
with this feed, a by-product of the cotton
seed which is increasing so rapidly in
popularity throughout the country. For
years Georgia has been the dumping
ground for all sorts of misbranded and
adulterated feed stuffs, but since the
enactment of the pure food and feeo
law and its strict enforcement by In
spector Methvin this state of affairs has
about passed sway.
Coincident with the driving out of the
adulterated and misbranded imported
feeds, cotton seed meal, which la to be
had at any oil mill in Georgia, where it
Is made freah from the cotton seed fur
nished by Georgia farmers, has coms
into its own and Its sale is increasing
annually. Since its purity is established
and its merits appreciated a greater in
terest is aroused throughout the state
both in dairying and cattle raising, for
it has been established that as a feed
stuff it is not only the richest in protein
on the market, but at the same time it
Is the least expensive. Inspector - -eth
vln, with State Chemist Stallings, ara
now at work in getting up a bulletin on
the subject of foods and feeds which
will be ready for the general assembly
in June. In this bulletin the true merit
of cotton seed meal as a cattle feed will
be set forth.
NEW YORK. Feb. 30.—A sew variety of
bomb outrage ws« worked here last night when
, an infernal machine was explode on the roof of
| a six-story teaenent ce the lower Eo*t Stale.
• Heretofore bomba have, been tnrown in hall-
I ways eellara and in lower windows, but never
I before on a Now York rooftop. The explosion,
wupponedlr the wotk of the black hand, tore a
great bole in the roof and wrecked one apart
ment. Five persona were slightly hurt.
BROWNSVILLE. Tex.. Feb. 18.—C.
Hinojosa and F. Nunese, Mexicans,
were arrested yesterday charged with
so altering two United States bank
notes with pen and ink as to repre
sent S2O bills. Three others were al
ready in custody on similar chargese.
Census Figures
WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 18.—Census
announces population of following
places: Florida: Madison, 1.580. Monti
cello, 1.828. Georgia: Butler. 705; Ella
ville, 672. Jeffersonvile, 740. Knoxville,
211. Lumpkin, 1.140. Marshallville. 1,082.
Montezuma, 1,630. Oglethorpe. 924. Ro
berta. 227., 860. Smithville, «***.
Unadilla. 1.008.
Steamer on Fire
NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Feb. 20.
The steamship Sloterdijk, of the Hol
land-American line, reached this port
Sunday from Roterdam with the cargo
In her forward hold on fire. Tugs and
fire engines were called and after
streams had been played upon the burn
ing cargo for hours the flames were ex
tinguished .
THE ATLANTA SEMI-WBEKLiT JOURNAL*, ATLANTA, ura., riHuar, rrJßnCAfii m, i»ll.
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin has done more than any other one remedy to
lessen the use of salts, pills and cathartics and purgatives generally, because
after using Syrup Pepsin you realise that it is not necessary to take a violent
Cathartic for a simple movement of the bowels. Syrup Pepsin, which acts mild
ly and yet effectively, does the work just as thoroughly and without griping
or discomfort. In fact, the best that salts and such things do is to give tem
porary relief, and they weaken the system and wrench the inteetlnes.
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is not only mild—acting like nature itself—but
it is pleasant to the taste, and henoe Is agreeable to children. We have thou
sands of letters from mothers saying they give their children nothing else. It
is also/because of its mildness and pleasant taste the ideal laxative for women
and old folks. These are among its strongest endorsers, as yqu can see by
watching our announcements in The Journal.
But if you are not yet a user of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin perhaps nothing
will so quickly convince you of its merits as a personal trial. Realising this.
Dr. Caldwell has made it a practice to give away free sample bottles of Syrup
Pepsin to all who will take the trouble to send name and address. We urge
you to make a trial of it and to send your address today. You may send for
yourself or for any member of your family. Just fill out the coupon and mail
it. or write a postal. The Doctor’s full name and address is in the coupon.
Please, also, read the letters of endorsement below. No doubt you know
some of the writers. Unfortunately we cannot print a great many, but when
you send for the free samples Dr. Caldwell will send you a booklet of address
ee All he asks is that you make a trial of this wonderful remedy; the rest is
left to the merit of the remedy Itself. We are sure, though, that once you test
it you will like it so well that your home will nevej be without it again, just
as so many say.
Thosg who have already used Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin need no further
argument, and they will continue to buy it of their favorite druggist; and,
by the way, more druggists personally use Syrup Pepsin than any other lax
ative remedy.
Those who have never yet used it please write for the free sample.
To Dr. Caldwell:
“I received your •ample of Symp Pepain
which I roqueeted you to send me for my
wife, and it did het so ranch good that I got
a *I.OO bottle from the Howard Drug Co.,
end she saya it baa done bar more good than
any medicine she has ever taken. My hooae
will never be without it.”—H. H. Bohl er. Fore
man Painter Horton Wagon Mfg. Co., Atlanta.
Ga., M 3 W. Antlgnac It.
To Dr. Caldwell:—
“I have found the best results any one could
find from the nee of your Syrup Pepsin. My
second boy, who will be three years old In
August, suffers from indigestion, and la very
reatless at night. I gave him the sample I
Cot from Seals’ Pharmacy and found out it did
Im so much good I got a 50c bottle. My baby,
who la nearly three months old, was taken
last Friday with a spell of indigestion, and
instead of calling the doctor, 1 tried your Syrup
, Pepsin and she is all right now. It aaved me
a big doctor’s bill. I can’t say anv too much
for your Syrup. I am going to order a bottle
> today, which makes me three bottles I have
had since I used the sample. I wouldn’t be
without tt and I would recommend it to any
one. Everybody ought to have it in their
house.”—Mra. W. ff. Clifton, No. 4 Lincoln
street, Waycross, Ga.
To Dr. Oaldwsll:
•'I feel in duty bound to thank you for the
sample of Syrup Pepsin which you sent me
two months ago. For four months previous I
had endured untold agony from stomach and
el trouble, ana hemorrhage of the bowels
both day and night. I became so weak 1—
could scarcely walk. I have a physician and
triad a number of patent stomach remedies,
but gradually grew worse and was about to
giro up hope. Finally I saw your Syrup Pep
ain advertisement and decided to give tt *
fair trial, which I have. The sample reliev
ed me, then I purchased a 50c bottle, which
helped me mightily, and bare taken two small
bottles since, making three bottles taken. 1
began to Improve from the start of taking
your wonderful remedy. Tbe gas on my stom
ach gradually grew leas and pains and hem
orrhages stopped: my strength returned and
I am now able to do a day’s work.” —Mrs. Sa
die D. Lovell, 16T Griffin St., Atlanta, Ga,
To Dr. Caldwell:—
“I used the sample of Syrup Pepsin which
you sent—liked it—bought a 50c bottle and am
row on a *I.OO bottle. Have used many laxa
tives, but believe this remedy is the most ef
fectual I have ever need.”—W. A. Callaway,
Atlanta, Ga. »
Monday afternoon the regular meeting of
the Mothers’ club, of Watkinsville, was
held at the library. Quite a large crowd
was present. The meeting was conducted
by the president, Mrs. W. H. Ashford.
Dr. Marks gave a most instructive talk
on "The Cause and Prevention of Ty
phoid Fever.” He urged upon the women
the need of cleanliness In the home, as
the germi of fever are carried by files.
He was followed by Mr. J. W. McWhor
ter, county school commissioner, in a
strong address on "The Effect of Dis
ease Upon the Mind." Strong and ef
fective talks were made by K. P. John
ston, T. T. Chandler, B. E. Overby,
James M. Mayne and W. H. Ashford.
Saturday was selected as "cleaning up"
day for the town. Every family In town
was urged to give their premises a thor
ough cleaning on that day.
TAMPA, Fla., Feb. 30.—At the com
pletion of the aviation exhibition here
this afternoon. J. A. D. McCurdy and
Clem Beachy, aviators, and Col. T. J. L.
Brown, chairman of the census celebra
tion committee; Gen. J. U. Strode, of the
West Tampa race track, and Phil Col
lins, treasurer for the racing association,
were arrested bn a charge of violating
the state laws relative to the giving
of exhibitions on Bunday to which an
admission is charged. Bonds were Imme
diately furnished.
The arrest of the aviators and officials
of the race track was the result of a
concerted effort on the part of the min
isters of the city. Sermons were preach
ed denouncing the giving of such an
exhibition on Sunday, and the conse
quent running of excursions into the
city. No move was made by the officials
until the entire program had been com
s NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 20.—While steal
ing a ride on the pilot of an engine draw
ing a train on the Grand Isle railroad,
Sunday, Edward Kennalr, aged 21, was
Instantly killed when the locomotive
struck a mule grazing on the right of
way near this city.
The animal was uninjured, and scam
pered away.
Engineer Paul Cognevlch and his fire
man, inspecting couplings after the mule
was struck, found the body of Kennalr
under the baggage car.
Don’t Wear a Trass
■ssaveew ITBAITIFLA« T 8 fAllersdiSwwt
LD P r .X. from the palnrul truss, bei*< mode
F Pt Be seU edhcslve purposely te bold the
Piel .fir VBI ruptere in place wltbont strap*.
Pqp “ ZvZi I hoeh*** w springe—sennet slip.
VSSW ■ ao sens st Chafe er compress
easiest Us pelvis bone. The
most obstinate cases eered In the pri-
I vaeyeftho hoses. Thousands bare
WBrml successfully treated themselves without
I tetß I hindrance from week. Soft os velvst sesy to
(N. —Jr I apply—laospeaslve. Process of curs is natural,
I so no further use for trusses. We prove srhat wo
I Rial of piAPAo.«"^r;X
•epou and aeall TODkT. lUrees-
tiapao L* bora forte.. Block 187. Bt. Loafs, Mo.
Memo . n ,M,
Betarn mall wUI bring Free trial riapaa——.
I Wi
CHICAGO, Feb. 20.—Four hundred
dealers in building materials represent
ing a capital of $20,000,000 are expect
ed to participate In the convention of
the National Builders* Supply associa
tion, which opens for a two days’ ses
sion here tomorrow. Before the con
vention is ended, according to the asso
ciation leaders, a movement will be com
pleted to affiliate the association with
the lumber dealers' associations in 40
states, when the organization will rep
resent invested capital iniexcess of $50,-
The first step in the amalgamation of
interests is to be taken today In a meet
ing of the executive committee ’of the
convening association. The lumber deal
ers’ associations of Indiana, Ohio, New
Jersey, Wisconsin. Washington and New
York are reported to have acted favor
ably upon the proposition to merge their
interests with the national organization
and delegates with power to act are ex
pected to confer with the executive com
mittee during the Chicago convention.
Over 30,000 lumber dealers are members
of ths state associations affected.
HIGH POINT, N. C., Feb. 20.—Will
Miller, who was fearfully slashed with
the same knife with which Mose Speaks
killed his wife, Saturday, died this morn
ing in a local hospital. Miller was the
slayer’s son-in-law. Speaks is still at
large, having succeeded in eluding the
posse of officers which is scouring the
country for him.
Speaks undoubtedly committed the dou
ble crime while insane. He had recently
been discharged from a Boston asylum
for the feeble minded.
“Little Bright Eyes** could
be appropriately applied to
Mitchell’s Eye Salve, for it is
a medium of great wonder.
It restores brightness, -health
and vigor to poor, sore, suffer
ing eyes. It needs but a few
external applications to effect
a cure. He must indeed be
ignorant who does not know
this marvelous relief within
the reach of everyone.
For sale at drug and general
stores or by mail. Price 25 cts.
Hall & Ruckel, Manufacturing
Chemists, 215 Washington Street,
New York City.
II Zmw j ft
Ijk IB
DR. W. B. CALDWELL, 603 Caldwell Bldg., Monticello, Ills.
Please send me a FREE SAMPLE bottle of SYRUP PEPSIN and any booklets on the subject of Stom
ach, Liver and Bowel Diseases that you think would interest me. Please send to the name and address
given below. If satisfied with results I will buy It, if I should need more, of my druggist, but sending for thU
sample does not obligate me in any way. Yours truly, |
NAME.. .... .. -—< .. .. .... ..« -w
STREET OR R. F. D-... .. ~. —•---
I s
CITY OR TOWN.., .. —.— ....STAjTE .... .... «
DALTON, Ga., Feb. 20.—A man giving
his name as J. R. Jones and who cams
here from Dade gounty, getting in the
good graces of County School Commis
sioner Sapp and later securing teacher's
place in the Harmony school, is now in
jail on several charges. Four different
warrants brought him back to Dalton af
ter he skipped out, and It is said that
three other people whom he is alleged
to have swindled will have three ad
ditional warrants Issued.
Jones came here some time ago. He
had a correctly filled out teacher’s li
cense and tried,to secure a school. At
the time there was no vacancy, but
hs remained here several days until a
vacancy occurred in the Harmony
school. He was spoken of) to fill the
vacancy and was asked for recommen
dations. He stated that he would write
home, where he could get prominent
people to vouch for' him, and he was
given the school on trial. He worked
for a week and proved an excellent
instructor. He secured payment for the
week’s work on the pretense that he
wanted to pay his board bilL He then
took a number of volumes out of the
school library, passed several checks and
He was finally located in Benton,
Tenn., and brought back, being lodged
in jnil.
MADRID, Feb. 20.—Carlos Gonzales,
the celebrated Mexican bull fighter,
made his debut here yesterday at Palaza
Tetuan and m*t with an accident which
furnished much excitement to the targe
crowd of spectators.
The first bull Gonzales was to kill
caught him between its horns and threw
him with great violence. It was at
first thought the infuriated animal had
caught Gonzales on his horns, goring
him, and the excitement among the
spectators was intense. The animal
was just on the point of rushing at the
prostrate matador when another matador
performed the act called “quite” which
consisted of drawing the bull’s atten
tion to him by displaying a red cape and
then dispatching the bull. This is a
performance which whes well done al
ways awakens the enthusiasm of the
spectators and men threw money, hats,
cigars and other things to the second
matador, while women threw him flow
ers. fans and pieces of jewelry Gon
zales was not seriously hurt.
lent earthquake was experienced at
Monastir and elsewhere throughout the
vilayet of Monastir today. There was
some loss of life.
Several mosques and houses were de
molished. The population is camping
out and suffering intensely with the
cold. The authorities have appealed to
the government for 300 tents and re
lief funds.
NEW YORK. Feb. 30.—‘‘Friday,” bald to be
the only »now white leopard in captivity in the I
world, died at the Bronx >oo here during the
idght. The soo veterinary eaid It died of homo- i
olekneM. It was brought here from China last
month, when it was eix months old. It waa
pnt in the lion bonee but became ill instantly
and had been growing weaker steadily. The
animal was valued at SB,OOO.
ST. PETERSBURG. Feb 20.—The police
are making a searching investigation of
the circumstances surrounding the dis
appearance of the Countess de
Lassy following the conviction of
her husband. Count Patrick O’Brien
do LAssy, of the murder of
Count Vassilll Bouturlin. The countess
was discovered on Saturday and subse
quent inquiry by policemen was said to
have disclosed that she had lost her
It now appears that during the trial
the count received letters from parties
who offered to organize a plan by which
de Lassy might escape his sentence of
penal servitude for life. This has given,
a new turn to the absence of the count-i
ess and she is being further interrogate
ed whether she is really insane, as first,
11 — 1 i
BAN FRANCISCO, Feb. ».-The San
Francisco labor council has received
from the directors of the local Young
Men’s Christian association, a letter of
refusal in reply to a request that the
employes of the association should be
unionized. The directors say they
not indorse the "closed shop" as the as
sociation is not in business for profit.
They employ persons in need, they say,
and consider it would be unjust to force
such men to join unions.
The letter states that the San Fran
cisco labor council is the only organi
zation of the kind in the world that has
ever made such a request.
SALEM. Ore., Feb. 20.—The Oregon leg
islature adjourned without passing the
bill to prohibit marriages between whites
•nd Asiatics. In the closing hours of the
session on Saturday night an effort was
made to pass the measure, but the sen
ate shelved it with an indefinite post
FREE TO YOU—MY SISTER taring from Woman** Ailment*,
lain •woman.
? ", I know woman’s Buffering*,
x \ ’ 1 have found the cure.
~ I will mad. tree of any charge, my home treat
/ ?S&Ok Dent with full instructions to any sufferer free
/ woman’s ailments. I want to tell all women abou
gWMialWIr wk this cure— you, my reader, for yourself, your daughter
1 J£W§ xj- A y° ur mother, or your sister. I want to tell you ho\
/ . z to cure yourselves at home without the help of
' 1 doctor. Men cannot understand women’s Bufferings
./ W s£..’ : + | V> hat we women know from experience, we knot
IJ «r ■ W < 1 better than any doctor. I know that my homo treat
A* &A ■. Iment is a safe and sure cure for Leucorrfcoea o
i •=•'<■♦l Whitish discharges. Lice ration. Displacement «
I Falling of th. Womb, Profuse, Scanty or Palnfv
* WBWW., - -s< &/*BMMSEW&iW Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or Growths
V -i/' i P* lns tn the head, back and bowels, bead*
sC ' down feelings, nervousnnss, creeping feeling a
: wkx • ’’•jT the •ph’e. melancholy, desire to cry, hot flasher
X * .<■.■>■ ■■■•.... sNW "Jr weariness, kidney and bladder troubles whsr
V-. ' W* WF ir caused by weaknesses peculiar to our sea.
: w Jr I want to send you a complete ten day’u treat
meat entirely free to prove to you that you can cur
Xk.. yourself at home, easily, quickly and surely. R*
member, that it will coat you nothing to give th
treatment • complete trial; and if you should wish to continue, it will coat you only about 11! cents
week, or less than two cents • day. It will not interfere with your work or occupation. Ju st sea
roe your name and address, tell ma bow you suffer if yoa wish, and I will send you the treatmer
for your case, entirely free, in plain wrapper, by return mail. I will also send you free of cost, m
book—“WOMAN’S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER” with explanatory illustrations showing wh
women suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at home. Every woman should have ft, aa
learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says — You must have an operation.*’ you ca
decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves with my home remedy. It cures si
old or young. To Mothers of Daughters, I will explain a simple home treatment which speedfl
and effectually cures Leucorrhoea. Green Sickness and Painful or Irregular Menstruation in You*
Ladies, Plumpness and health always results from its use.
Wherever you live, I can refer you to ladies of your own locality who know and will gladly te
any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cures all women’s diseases, and makes women wel
strong, plump and robust. Just send me your address, and the free ten day’s treatment Is vour
also th* book. Write today, as you may not see thia offer again. Address
MM. M. SXnOKBM, Box 327 Kotr. Dam*, ImL, U. B. A.
. - ■ - ■, - .
. • •• r .-.1 .fc- '-<■*'l X. .. Si.-
Earn This Suit in One Hour!
Tear tor en boar or »w»
rvprwenieiive of oar greet tailerim
ftjl booM p»j« for * epeciel toade-ts
> -W mauoraialtforyoa—tbalundooaM
the moat stylish and th* most tanks
s»4*. Just show two or tires <1
Z M roar Ikoads the samples of m fial
Z V W>7 / woo] “itants. tak*two or tbreeos ■
Z/ \ J V -I \\d*r» and you har* earned the (SB
II f L' ( V/l eraato a sensaUon wberrid
• / Zy/ shown. Koouserer snwsn«|
ill, L maierials al th* prior before
You take no risk. Ererethlnci ,5
I —AMw ehipped on approval. •übiwttoa
» I IGA hours’ examination. Customer* tn
7 I I It good* on and must bo satsh:d trill
/ / fl I ft riyle. a * “4 quality befors payiaa
/ I K U** ***•••• •" twrUMnsl
/r« Ton can undersell everybody. M
elolbes for yottr Mend* at less col
y ▼I : than they pay anywhere ebe an<
I f/\ 11 make wholesaler* a, jobber’s aad re
I/ 1 I dee'er’s profits. That means Un
I IIS I swellest, cleanest aad nicest bosineai
Writ.. | \
BOW. | II 1,1 to rrrwwetuseee. Dea'tvaHaetll leesSbeti
A postal lull 11 U else tskM thia nsat kusteesa Ms eqperisM
eardwui LdJ V W asewwry. w. £rsi A T.S pwUbl *rM
Ul'lvnes Sir D«YMVUtfthlVillMte
> bIKv Md
oaMmw that will fcAkeymi rtek? 4
It pegfel er letter tad to
mil and a bunineM. (■
PTEERSBURG, Va., Feb.-20Jiunez
Jackson, aged 28 years, a grain mer
chant, was drowned in the Appomattox
river nine miles from this city, about
6 o’clock last night.
With a party of friends in a motor,
boat he was aiding in pulling another x |
boat out of the mud when he fell from
the bow of the launch. He swam a
few feet and then sank, presumably
stricken with cramps.
COPENHAGEN. Feb. 18.—Andrew Car
negie, through the offices of Maurice F.
Egan, American minister to Denmark,
has offered to establish a hero fund of
SIOO,OOO in Denmark. The foreign office
already has expressed its gratitude for
the proposed gift and is considering how
the fund can be best administered.