Newspaper Page Text
| | To the first person proving these letters are not absolutely genuine. I
I M have deposited the S2OOO in the Merchants State Bank of Wichita, Kan-
I > W sas ’ f° r t^iat P ur P° se - l am originat o1 * and only living man in the
I world practicing my strange and peculiar method of healing. I have
J thousands of patients in the United States—patients in every State in the
[■ Union, and many foreign countries. Read their letters and form your
own opinion. -PROF. SAMUELS
cATAR.RH AND AKNESS >D DEAFNESS CURED. I have* bean greatly benefited by your medi- l CATARRH OF STOMACH.
4 ' 1 Sandv Hill N Y Oct. 27th, 1010. 1 , ”“ ,fan ,l ”‘ laßt (,htrd) month " ,reat ‘ Cormorevllle. Ind., Feb. 2. 1911. cine. My eyes are some better, but I don’t Wlprud. N. D., May 12, 1910.
n , ~ *<? “, . ment. r, . o suppose there is anything that will ever do prof. Samuels.
* 5.' ’*• ' n»«r str It la H areat pleasure for me to When I begnn taking your eve treatment 1 Prof Sam " els - written thpm much »°°' l Rn - V more ' b,lt am fin thank 2 Bear Sir—l am feeling much better now than
■kfrjjft th.t vea ar doing fine ", .hl. »a do .n.toine nr.etleallv aoc-ik n * Br S‘ r :-From neglect 1 have not written f)l] to ypu that , am wpl , „ I am . j , dld , atarted tbe trPatmen t ami ta-
V • . k . n. done mv res mor* good ‘ ' d anything, pra tl yI . should have been done Rome weeks hl .pv. you will succeed and help others as yon dnsed you will find money, for which send t
?° U t- th.n all th tresunen that P ’ H "' now dn,n K work Tr ” F 1 h " TP ' I( . t T ou know after waiting so long have me With the best of wishes to you. I m e another month s treatment, and I ibank
»* • L three vjlr. >r..ttnent |akp )( do( t glong sg o, to let you know B rter g g| f#r me
U o havr 10 threp years. Since having taken the treatment for my ran triend rood h.e
I have one hottie left yet; and 1 will send nicely. tn(| , e y e slght. wish to say I can hear as well • . witts J A F E’JREICB
C for another treatment before this la all gone. Th( , bowels arc not as regular as I would a „ j eV er did. and the pain In my head is all - » - • j'. Winrnd N D
1 think before a week I can throw my glasses m,, p ut so much better. Sleep so well, and g „ n , x a lso tne buzzing no«se. 1 can see fine. r. ■ p , . .
* awav. for my eyes feel fine. oat so many things I have not eaten for five ()f course I have to use glasses to read or work
TWMi*.ljha 1 Uli w .ijWrM._Jn£l|jHr I LiMMIWW Wflii m ’im''! Vour * vcr - T ,ru, - T - years. My eyes tH.tber me; cannot stand It to )n but do npt nPe( . thl , m for anything else. r.THTTin a t nTA'RF.TF.R
&A, ». , « Jr V *■”? ‘ \ (Signed, JOSEPH BEAI I.A< . read very much; back troubles me some, pain Tn<| n „ lr h cannot be said In favor of your KIDNEY AND GENERAL UlrtDtllljO
.Ar; **’ ■* S® 22 1 -*‘ ,lslre 8t - MM ‘ ,na ,n bP tn kidneys. wonderful cure. I heartily recommend you Agra. Kas.. May 10. 11110.
; W»gjE i gH& „ ' ' ' ’‘ ,l " hfIVP medicine, hut will tell you how I and your treatment to any and all Who are TROUBLE. p rn f H Samuels.
f B .’?r- n - c - ”■
/I M/TT Tl-PI c ood it haa * ,on * me ,n th,a Bhort thne ’ 1 (Signed)’ ISAAC HAPNER. me now, and my catarrh is almost, gone. I *<• ,f I can . X K
* IXVFr » have just taken it In my eye. fifteen days. I DbAMnWIAT ’FRnTTRTF No - 213 W ’ 19th St ’ caß alee P aU D, « ht wM*"* havln « D9Be n, ° t *' Yours very truly,
Scientist and Originator Os Samuels’ 7”m e.t y .lmoat BRONCHIAL TR°U BL *• (General. Two ™ n ‘ hß » CpMorßTUle> lDd . stopped up. ! think "’’-I «• the 7- (Signed) MRS. JOHN
w r<F i <<www> yii ts r» C> £l l TT"I <* FI t anything I want. I have only used half of one Cartwright Wharf, Va.. malnder of the treatment I Will be permanently Agra, .
SiemailC •. rfaillieill. bottle .vet. I think that I will be well by the Sept. «, 1910. o j ba th diseases, as 1 have no sign of " ■ ■■ -
r ... time 1 use the rest of the medicine. Prof. Samuels. SERIOUS STOMACH TROUBLE. kidney trouble before Feb. 25th, 1910- and HE ART AND K f ONEV
.. ~, - omowvinrr MRS. LOI'ISA COSTLEI, Dear —j w jj| wr ite you to let you M ~ Ifllo catarrh was a very uncommon disease with me. nXi
LUNG TROUBLE. STOMACH. Monett. 0.. . . ox know that I received my medicine last Tues- p rof H gat^, r lp ” s ° , i think the month’s treatment has cured me TROUBLE.
„ U . vain Chioaro 11l Rent 2* 1910 TVP AWT) fl'S’ltfli’P AT TPATIRTV dBT ’ 1 waß *° glad get **’ £or 1 waß fe * l ’ Dear Sir:—l am more than pleased to in- already and hardly think I will need any more. Mayerville, Miss.. May 24, IJIO.
Newton. Kba. March 12. 1910. Chicago. 111., Sept. 22. 1910. EYE AND GENLKAL IKUUBLL , badl am t 0 now , am «r. tam p WALTER HURST. prof H . s.mnelC ,
I I feel it say duty to tell you -bat wonder- Pref. Sn«ueU. Wilmartb, Fla.. Sept. 18 1010. R 0 mnch gnd bop<? 1 win not you that jm gettlng a,ong Sirc-I do not hesitate for a single me
wl rood Pref Samuels’ treatment has done Dear Bfr- Have now been using last month’s Prof. H. Samuels. x . . R ... I don’t suffer but very little ana nave got veer bwv-i uu . . <,
1 . Ml—. taa- tronhlo for treatment lam feeling fine so Ido not I can’t fully explain to you good haT * to walt Bo lon K next time - so I can sleep very well. lam well pleased wrrn’DT7T’C ment to confeßß 1 *° l at a 1088 ,ot lan < Ba «*
®*T **' 1 hß< * 1 g medicine tost now y° nr treatment has done me. I fee! that lam on the road to health. You wltb tbe medicine, and as lam nearly out of NERVES. t 0 express my feeling of the healthy strength
K right years, an! bad hemorrhage* almost every I need use any more meme ju ’ ’I am doing well now, and not in a position have done me so much good I want you to medicine, please send me some at once, for i nw . net 24 \l9lO vour remedy has restored to me. One who
lay I took the treatment faithfully for My stomach trouble, as well a. other allmenta. take treatment lon< e r . although I expect- he , a frJewl „ mlna ln Suffolk . sbe agked , don . t want to get without, and oblige. Orl * nt - lowa ’ Oet * 24 ’ Ual ’ " ~ rfed TOflr for a cure has
P re< awl gave it a thorough trial and have are all gone, so lam at present enjoying the ,4 t o take the treatment three months if I /. . a( , dl .„„ of tke Your friend. Prof. H.’ Ssmuela v... nonll th e rnmaa
. aLJrtmae -inc, taking it. I ba- best of health could have done it. Mam willing to tell any- » e «” B * nd hPr *<>«««. Some of the c A SMITH. Dear 81r :-I will write you a few lines, no idea the effect it Will have upon the -mmaa
sever had a hemoertagv sine, taking it. 1 est of beaita. th>t jf treatm( , nt accordlng people around here say it is strange that we • wftU j haven . t WB iked on system when taken otherwise than internally.
TtSi Wp or , de?& to directions it will do all you Haim for it don’t see any testimonials from Virginia, so if RnpF pp F p PROM RHE UM A cruteh since Oct. 12th; and I can do .1- Be assured. I/eel anew and thank y<m ktad-
I XfereoS lean give to thorn wishing to know Respectfully yours. BETTY GRANT. you wlßh you can Mnd one from me> and ! £ SUFFERER FROM KHEUJHA- ’ , g ><jrk , n , don>t do the TerJ Jy for tbe rellrf that j -have received.
w <h« .tree e trvatmen' I will gladly give. (Signed) CHARLES PETERSON. ’ can say that one month’s treatment from you . ——. -rwmTrvme . . w a., re dav I’m Yours respectfully.
■■ Yours reepectfuiiy. ’ No. 5414 sth Ave., Chicago, 111. GAINS RAPIDLY. ha. done me more good than »200 worth of med- TISM, ASTHMA, INDIGES- harden work but feel from day to day m
MRS. C. C. McDANIBI- Jacksonville, 111., Oct. 10, 1910. iclne from the doctors here. I cannot praise rnTrYKT AKTTi CATAVDYT ge il Dg * rong * r ’ .
~«2»e Mata Fti*ct. moa i Pt®*- H - Samuels. [ your medicine too highly, fir Ido say it is TION AND CATARRH. There have been quite a few from here that * . mvqvur a XT n DEAF
KIDNEYS. Dear Sir:—Received treatment all 0. K. the best in the world. Fowlerville Mich Jan 19 1911. bate B°* Y OOI, addresa. They think Prof. Sam- RHEUMATISM. ADiU UxiA.r
oTAVAHU Am Btnl gaining in weight, have gained 40 Hoping you will send this lady some of D , „ o . ’ " ’ uels is a great man, and Ido myself, for no
NEURALGIA AND SIUMALXI Chelan. Wash., Sept. 19. 1910. pounds since taking your treatment and feel your testimonials and you can send mine, if Prot «• S a mneis. ■ n doctor could have put me on my feet ” JYXiOta.
Pref Ramnela betfpr th,n 1 haT * ,or ow two y * ,rB ’ Jou Hke ’ Dear B,r:—M *1 Bon^ l B ’ ,,c * 1 7”** I.m todav I think your treatment in Hartman, Ark., Feb. 2, 1911.
TROUBLE Saß,nelß - Sincerely yonrs. Your humble patient, you. Well, my rheumatism is gone, and my where 1 am today. I J” Uamuela
Dear 8U: 1 haT * ’**? A war ,ro ” f 2 T MRS. R. M. FULLER. MRS. J. W. HARRIS. asthma is gone; and tbe indigestion is all the only wing. Prpr ' H. samueia. treatment
some time, and as the letter was not sent to j fee ] that j to take a month or two Dear gi r _j received a month s treatment
Oswego. Kas., iw w me f dI(J Bot r^ lTe tt ontn a Bb ort time '■ ■ 1 ■■■"' ■ '' ' 1 treatment yet, because I’m not as strong as on ot Janoary f or wife,
l rertainlv am very thankful to you for tbe more of your treatments. A N Ama vrifh rheumatism and now she c«n g
good and great beiieflt I have derived from Thanking you very much for your kindness, -about the place where she pleases and has
th- use of tbe treitment prescribed by you. and wishing your success, believe me. lam m—w a v WWW PH TIT D NOT SEE FOR ONE gained eight pounds in weight. She was si
ft What I suffered before I wrote you ta re Yours very traly, IW\ *7 ■ T T 17 TT TT ATT M U UUULIJ HUI most deaf and now she can hear common talk.
yard to your mefbod of treatment. Is beyond (Signed) MRS. D. L. CLEMER. IVI BTa I II C. J I J vl JA/ JTI TL XAi XAN YEAR I think by the time she nses up the treatment
I- me to describe. The comfort 1 have now tn mm Oav * w x £ixaXV. lively well., I hal two
K ftving and being able to go about and .-- mex a w»vt>h * Benhams, Va., May 25, 1910. doctors with her and they bo{h said they could
•«><» drink, a. others do. U simply NQW ABL E TO DO A DAY’S pn>f H Sam ueT <“> no
I lam 19 pouwta of flesh from early spring WORK ASTTTMA ffFATTW RIPCI’mPIi’TY right. My cAtarrb Is better, Ind I can go to p, ar sir:—l have been using your medicine ~ ' n T
Ull Ster I bed take, your treatment preb- WORK. ASTHMA. HEALTH RESTORED. aM a 7 lper B|ght and don , t haTe £ <et to dlrectlona a fraction over one "* truly,
ably stoat a little over three weeks, then I Pn n~. k e. w.v ”1 IMO Augusta, Kan., Nov. T, 1909. Pnot Butte Jnly 6 1910 up till morning to urinate. My appetite is * grateful to report to you that (Signed) F- H. MORGAN,
jmnmenrrd to gain, and now have regained 8 Pollock, La., May 21, 1910. Samuels Pref n ' <<x»d. A thousand thanks to you. month. I reel grateiui «> tcigueu, Hartman, Ark.
5 Minds of tb* IS. O® the whole. I cotwlder p ro f Samuels. * December wp n a« « * ... - Hoping you may lire a hundred years and my eyes have been greatly P .
eoyself as wonderfully blessed that I saw your sty—After thanking you for your kindly In- I)ear , Dear ® r 1 B ue * will think I have for- be ahle to cure ttie g ( ck and majr bless treatment. I have been able to see my
sdvertieement. and extend to r*"®* sincere Jb welfal J wonld , ar that j bare brought to you our son Dandridge Lyon, who gotten you, but that will never be. I will your health. ’ the last few days, the first time I ha 2* **? CATARRH
L thanks. Very gratefully and respectruuy. grown so much better under your treatment was then and bad x been for some time suffering never forget the man that saved my life. From your patient and friend. her for twelve months, and I can
- =- 15®' C ' that lam able to do a good day’s work, and f rolll a revere case of Asthma. After your wrfl , x you will be glad when von (Signed) MRS. LUCY ANN TISSELL, flowers and the objects around me rainy wo**. gt p eter . g Rectory.
-w. Box 408. wln walt , montb or two to see how It will flrgt treatment he had one all<h t attack, hear how jam keeping. lam feeling prett? Fowlerville. Mich., Box 78. The catarrh nmy bead Ijeelto a ™ Steubenville. 0., Aug. 18, U 919. /
• ,Ot ’ Resoectfullv “ Your medlcne soon relieved him, and since ««*}• ar . at ‘ hlß 1 «“'“«* Uesof medlclw left. I will continue to use Prof H. Sam^ yOTr
DEAFNESS. (Signed) D. N. BRAKEFIELD. then be has never been troubled with aathma. now, I one H E A RT TROUBLES AND the remainder of tbe medicine until 1 can g ,
. . .. Pollock, La. He looks much better, and now feela that prct ty good, and I weigh as much as ever I I . v he sL r i 1 ’ 0 ’” renfldence that my eye- can hear aa well as anyowe now, and nave no
- ~, p b ?'^ l 'i. h ™ t “LT,
Prof. Samuels. VJUTT AP QTAMAAU “ ent that IB ™ ® ad * ~° ple •» "rprised to see me look so well. Bartlesville, Okls., Feb. 3, 1911. m ent. I remain. Yonr L? l T want) (Signed) THOMAS A. POWSRS.
Dear Sir —Will write you about my child. CATARRH OF STOMALH. , Ywlrg very truly. The crops look fine here. The wheat Is all Prnf H (Signed ) WILLIAM WOOD, (Blgneai
Sbe b. getting along float she seems to bear w w LyoN & WIFB . headed out tbough we haTe bad gome bad *’ror- M. samueis. ’ ■
M food as «be ever dWL but T« »tiH using tD~ Shamrock. Tex., Mar. 23, 1910. - storms here; the wind today blowed my drive Hear Professor: lam just going on with , ■_ ■ "■
medicine for a complete cure. How mucn Samuels ' shed nway and br °ke my buggy. There has my third month’s treatment awaiting my med- • —. w w « *IX7 HPT TT?
y v^ r » t * > frS<ire all right now. but If j Enclosed plea re find money for a month’s BRIGHT’S DISEASE. it hag not hurt the crop yet i h , a . m > L ha\t not TJ O JL A—a
.. reu-.. ■»...; rr - «« v m FOLLOWING DISEASES?
* mro t n RpnnN on. . * . • time my treatment is over with, and it is all . * a-,*-*
- B -
EYE TROUBLE . ease. We consider her entirely cured of this I ) Waynoka. Okla. win go to yo™7 * revera o eaj they j VIIQI7 AQF
' Llamo, Tex., May 18, 1910. dread malady, and can say to any person or Prof. Samuels. ' I want t o ask you about my brother-in TJC APT DI SF ASE. DK1v»11 1 *3
Ava. Mo. Paar Sir—l think my husband, Mr. Huffman, persons desiring to benefit themselves in any- Dear Sir: —I am glad to tell you that my law’s ease, I told you of when I was there. lilL/AIV. 1
p-„f H samuela. is improving fart as he can now see out of thing of thia kind, they would do well to con- eyes are as good as they ever were, and as I He is suffering something awful with rheu- Th« IJI TT C
Dear Sir -IVai R A Kennedy, of this his blind eye. snd his hesring Is improved, suit you; and\we are ready and w4Jllng at any do not need your medicine any more, you do matlsm and his eyesight Is very poor. He Is TJ A V FF VF R DKUiNCMI 110
ofThree syrnntom blanks with some You will find taetosed money for another time to testify to your ability to do what not need to send it Hoping you may help awfully discouraged, as he nas suffered so and fl A I FE V LIX .
two m “.. h , wiahes to month’s treatment You will nlease send It you claim to do. others as you have helped me. I remain, spent so much till now he hasn’t got any . w rww-w TTSY F*
UH blanks and rou. In to mv’ naST Mrs. E. P. Knffman. and oblige. So with heartfelt thanks for the great good LUCIE ULMER. thing left but poor health. He said if he had ainDDUIMF I4ARIT STOMACH TROUBLE
mv I bare been taking the treatment now (Signed) MRS. E P. KUFFMAN. you have done. I will by writing myself the money he Would try your treatment. Now. IM ()WPH IfN IL al ADI 1 VIUFIVII a a vz
wsj* and It has improved mv eves Your obedient servant. what la the best you can do for him, and aaaav
ereatlr TTto seeing I bare to wear glasses (Signed) P. F. BRADLEY GENERAL BREAKDOWN what will r °° char Ke him for his treatment? S— - . T TSI A RFTFQ
EZr TX rewltairiy well My rough is con Ask V X.XJ, «.LX xz »* vavAgavga May m<) you can c(jrp my V/* */A IXXVX A
rtdersble better and it seems I can hear a lit TROTTRT.7. Prof ' Samuelß -' ’ what J on can for him, and tell me wheth- Z, • w w-« T I\?rn TDAITRI F
tie better, as 1 wss hard of hearing. As to IFROM A PHYSICIAN K,nd FHendr-Slnce I commenced your reme- e s *> e "«> ha ™ t° come there as I did. His K r irhKJFV TROUBLE, Li V EK. 1 KWDI-iEs
better. I was hard of bearing As to the Monett Mo Get 31 1910 FROM A rttIOWIAW. dleg feeling a decided improve- rheumatism is mostly from his knees down. IX.IL/INE I * IXWkJUL-i
inimAAeMr I on tee do ciMLß<e as yet. Monett, mo., Oct. 31, 1910. Kildare, Okla., Mar. 2, 1909. Awaiting an early reply, I am,
’ treatment regular and report Prof. H. Samuel*. z f in my health - 11,6 my health (Signed) MRS. GUY BOCKINS. t , /~’T7l7lVf A \ DEAF WESS
«y change Send tne «>me of the advertising Friend-Four weeks ago yesterday I 71 ar j’ f yoor miraculous remedy al- P h y ß,call y ,B entirely different to anything I Bartlesville, Okla., No. 13. ECZEMA
it will conttane for tbe better, until a pee- jecelred your medicine, and commencing treat- I * ar 81 r 1 rlad 7 u o .a.. haTe ever had ,n m 7 Ilse wlth aII other medi- - ■ a
Mate them to good advantage ment by directions, and have found myself ready helping my nerves. Who shall deny that clnes j baTe taken. So far it seems to D -,mm-E.T» rnrr awr rvArerreno a i-iirrc A X.TTV CD A CMQ ‘ ASTHMA
Yours truly. benefited very much, and I have one-half bot- tn not many years to come you shall be re- strengthen me all through my system. My eye- BETTER THAN DOCTORS AND FITS ANO Ox A»3lV**J a 11111*1
(Signed < M. C. RFTI>OLDB tJe j wlll walt a fpw . daya and ree If aarded aa the pioneer of a new and better sys- sight is better. The varicose veins on my right Aaa ay an*
....awvreOTre .imncWDAT will send for more, as It la surely the finest .han be regarded as the do have that desire to urinate two or three £.». CAT ARACT l*kjl 1 KEs
PARALYSIS Alto GENERAL ... uu> ? ™. ID ,L t - a „» a ”'r':s, “.fi " W 1910 ' CA 1 AKA J',^ M MUD
TROUBLE. cam,, a withkw. .< ™d,„ 8 „ „,. rt CONSTIPATION NERVOUSNESS
Prof H. JOD * I,to ‘ KIDNEY AND STOMACH howl I
TL, mJ t K.v. .nd b«a» taklna Xb.xxyxvxj* ln , h ope, then remembef that one ot the x ghall cont i nue taking your treat- J cllles I have tried for several years, and InR ANIJI A1 ED ElEb UI\UI 1
I TROUBLE , f l rßt to Bee the depth and wlßdom ot yonr ment aa long as I see that lam receiving any have doctored considerable. Vxl\./AIN kJ 1-.ZV * A-’*-'
I rewults theory wa«. benefit whatever. Now. wishing you sincerely I eel 80 much better that lam going to MCTTD AT I A
ii fnnr hours after tbe flrot dose » n •><» vaiA n v n all Sl 'ccesß and good luck that can possibly tUT to get along without any more medicine. OT
J . hondred l ror Broc< 8. D„ Oct. 28, 1910. VERE V HUNT. LL. D.. M.JO.. come to any on „ , remaln Will wait a month and see how I feel. OLUN Mil £-«□»□ * v *-wz
* 7 hL,. B*musto. Formerly Division Surgeon for the Frisco Ry„ Tour MrTant and f riend . Thanking you for your kindness and replac- ■?
IriUro In fact%ll my Ma relieved* Dear Slr-I received your letter quite a KUdare, Okla. (Signed) J. 0. BLOCKER. Ing the broken bottle, I am. . -jf .l
I feel altogetber 'much bettug. few days agd. but have put aft answering It. ———— Belmont, lowa. Yours respectfully.
lief W tave pX?red*^; he^d‘ boii”rod *trort - ment t^taro r ' th’ T^”at * M-| 1 9-4 ' fr-I ' T / JI
“ w • wr Wh.t n “ to take GIUM. STOMACH AND KIDNEY ment ’ ln ~ JELICue Z
feeW ’ Maryville, Mo., June 10. 1910 TROUBLE. RHEUMATISM AND KIDNEY „ U a „ o nrv th(> abOVC (11368863, IHT Message /
to roveral other parites | and being able to go .bout and enjoy my food Dear Sir-Find enclosed money for which TRDTTRTV K ? 0U OlfeaSCS, -5 Z
when you must have heard from by this time, and drink as others do. is simply wonderful, please send me another month’s treatment of TROUBLE. . . . j; o X
Thanking you agate. I am. I extend to you my sincere thanks. your wonderful remedy, for I certainly think Pro*. »• Samuels. Frasee, Minn., May 24. 1910. will tell VOU 301X16 tDings 800111 Xu6 QIS- X
Youro gratefully. Very gratefully and respectfully, it a God-send to suffering humanity. I have Kind Sir:—l received your letter a few days prof. Samuels. " <*CWs WAU vwa* y “o X
fSlgaed.) D. F. DUPRE. - MRS. WILLIAM HOFFMAN. gained fifteen pounds in two months and feel ago. in which you ask how I wss progressing. D esr Sir—l will jrrite snd tell you about ... . lurried mpthnd /
Opelousas. La.. R. No. 2. Bruce. 8. D.. R. No. 2. better than I have for two years. The tere- I wish to say that lam at present feeling mv eaae . since I commenced using vour treat- ARSeS Os the hUXOMI body 8X1(1 tHe lOglCal meinOU X
glum on my eye la disappearing and I can read fine in every way, and have been improving ment j am fp«n n g quite a bit better. Before
g'ti ' I" 1 1 1 ' : 1 ■ .... ■■' ' ■ large print, such as the head lines of a pa- in health wonderfully since taking the treat- using vour treatment I was bothered with a . . . . * nrill naw and interest- X
ww* wwv-RrtWV A p*‘ r after be,D « P ra<^,< ' al, F blind In it for five ment, of which I commenced on the 3d of headache most of the time, but now lam not Os treatment Which Will be nev. and IB Z
TUTV OP I 7<ara March airt just before taktag eye bothered Wdlfrol in j ’1 Z
mi MLInUDUr 1 KLA 1 IVIHIN 1 X Your, truly. M HEbMs ment. re a ing to yOU. FiU OUt the COUpOB and mail Z
The nretnod of treatment which I have originated is a strange and peculiar Maryville, Mo..'ute 3. Box 44. an ‘J^ 7 V could” r«n? H L DECKER todaV OT write me 8 letter 0T I .*
method, differing from anything else used by any living man in the treatment write several pages in describing my improve- Frazee. Minn. u» me wuajr,
of diseases. I do not use the drastic drugs and medicines that doctors depend WIPTTIVr A TTQIVr AMD ment ’ bu . t 1 aßM,re yon s-ill make a full report nf
upon B A T VQiq hnimovement^n'thnre CATARRH AND RHEUMATISM and my Message Os y ?
Men who are familiar with the chemistry of the human body understand FAKALYBIB weeks. * n Durant. Miss.. Aug. 30. 1910. will he mailed to VOU Aj
that only the chemical eiementa use in the creation of the body are required * Cayuga, N. Y., Aug. 9. 1910. ■ PERRY A. .1 . ire. My Dear Doctor— I know that I have treat- wur j
t ttf restore it to health when once Its functional power becomes Impaired. Na- Prof. H. Samuala. - 1 T’u j ad ’ , T i lt th r ? as f l een B 0 mu „ 4Ly t
to 40.. rwulr. . d.»p« mt. a., .tomteh wmeh m.w K?X '„'S Tg Postpaid, without any ob.igation y .
represent an accumulation of foreign substances which must eventually be m ’ nt T r ' r th \nk another month’s treatment will NERVOUS PROSTRATION. ! catarrh in my head and In fact every other - _ art .
eliminated from the system. When Mother Nature created mankind she used Pnre tbe rheumatism, nnd siso think it is help- V < a y: do wish I could thank you more. 01 any Kind upon your pari. t . g
|>-4 no mercury, no strychnine, no quinine, no digitalis, no morphine or other poi Ing my paralysis. It is tbe only medicine that Victoria, Miss.. May 12, 1910. Npw I have plenty for one more week and . i
I gOTOUf chemicals such as th. doctor, delight to prescribe for you, and she I hTd’e yon to tell you how much for 1 It IS intensely interesting /
nee«is none of them to accomplish any restorative work that may be necessary ann a ot aphp nljtbta now ’and my knee Is benefit l have derived from your treatment. ; i want my son to take one month’s treat- an( J mBV be the means
In your behalf. about well I can be on my feet all day Have onty been using this treatment two weeks ment nnd I think I will get him to: he has “ “ _•
G My results are obtained by dropp’ng a colorless liquid which I prepare now. and lam getting over my nervounneiw. and think after, a few more weeks..the Improve- had grippe so much. Now I have given all the ( ~ rtrl - Kf o G X
into the eye. Strange as it may bee. so-called incurable cases of Consump- Ymi will see by my writing lam not so ner- “ent will be truly wonderful. ' papers yon sent me away and they all said O* Saving yOUT 1116.
tion, Bright’s Disease. Dropsy, Epileptic Fits. Nervous Prostration are treated Now 1 feel almost wen: .hTba’eon^mnJion°T Write today—this X
L in, this ap:-irently miraculous way. My system is based absolutely on scientific )n a while lam recommending you with new energy and new strength. not seen hhn since, he sent for It. “ o’ • ’ ' t *
k principles The eye is the window or the soul. I have evolved a system ot t „ everyone around here. There Is a man here I "hall recommend you to my suffering n ow Tmi may be auro I will help you all hour RS this > <’ a* •* •" ’ •' •
M treating other bodily ills based upon the relation of tne eye to the system as that haa the rheu .atism and diabetes, that I friends. uXAT at t 1 can ’ Thanking you so many, many times. / <T ’ •’ •* .•
8 . , h °,. ™. may bu. my . h o U „„ a . .r P.U.M. <«i"r y .O ... to -n. XKT.XJ w. h. Mn.Tos. advertisement / y v X
Hal value of my treatment. . j? —hiu t win do all I can •« ~~ - / . s • .
If you are sick or ailing, you will find something in my Message of Facts. fOr TOU . tam to send for more before . M “*7 DOt / A •’ .*
| which lam sending free to everyone* that will greatly interest you. I explain x g«t out, as I want to try it longer. ASTHMA. 84 YEARS OLD. •' / X> o* .• ,• • ,
mv method of healing and give you absolute proof o* its value. If you are Yours truly. , .. . . .. . .• J •’ •
H tired of taking strong drugs into tne stomach, if you have gotten to the point (Signed) FRED A. BAKER. Jet., Mo.. Oct. 10, 19W. the J' 1 PPar, / ' Z’
f where you believe there is no hope, if you have tried all kinds of treatmen. Dear gln-1 have been an Invalid for twenty- years old and her letter ia very Interesting, es- again Z A* ’ * •* Z •’ ■%?
ft TOUT doctor could su<KCSt without its bencfitttnK you, write to me today foi QTVADTTV eixbt years with Asthma or aome trouble alznl- peclally to those beginning to feel the effects •* • •
I by Message of Facts. It tells you something about the peculiar liquid which OILAJJILI llrlX'lvv V ZlO. lap wherein tny breathing was affected. I of old age. w X >VC?xV k •* •* •
■ft I prepare, and of a more scientific and more na.iral method of treatment. Casey, Kas., June IT, 1910. have tried every remedy known to the M. P ’s. _.,. St,r CltT ’ Ind ’’ Au< ’ 22, IMO ’ Z .*
W filled not nr wn... Md —m PTnf H S*®"***- but failed to get only temporary relief from Prof. Samneta. ✓ 4T • • OV
■ m * ths coupon properly filled out or send me your name and addraas on —Received your letter, and is reply them. I have taken two months’ treatment from yon X ja • • •’ .* **
■ a post card and my "Message Facts ’ wi.l be sent you by return ma4l free. mn sty that lam really a great deal im- j began treatment with you the latter part and I now feel that lam well. . Z X .* ’ Y*’
of March; and I believe lam cured by your lam 84 years old and for a woman ot my a.’ •* *
A WITT TT?T Rllilrlinn treatment in the last seven months. I age I can say I haven’t a pain or an ache X Cy 1
■ Mftrf 1H iVI I JHI L Respectfully, I which I have been troubled wltb for years, but / 4-* A? C I
■ JL XX.VZA/ • OAbl ▼JL Vx JLri WICHITA. KAMS AS (Signed.) MRS. 8. a. SHIEL. I now thev are ail gon*, and I have no »bort-
' • Burlington Junction, Mo. nets of breath or heart trouble anj more, and |
I —*F 3f - I