Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, July 14, 1911, Page 8, Image 8
8 . I WILL PAY S2OOO tjfi. j To the first person proving these letters are not absolutely genuine. I .tT • have deposited the S2OOO in the Merchants State Bank of Wichita, Kan- U Jk sas, f° r that purpose. lam the originator and only living man in the -Ml world practicing my strange and peculiar method of healing. I have thousands of patients in the United States—patients in every State in the X own opinion. -PROF. SAMUELS I! PROF. SAMUELS Scientist and Originator of Samuels’ Systematic Treaiment. LUNG TROUBLE. Newtou. Km.. March 12. 1910. * I M tt my duty to tell you what wonder ' fg| rood Prof. Samuel,' treatment baa done tor me. I bad suffered with lung trouble for right years. and bad hemorrhage* almoat eaery <toy. J took the treatment faithfully for one year, and rare It a tbomngh trial and bare sever had a hemorrhage since taking it. I be gan t« gain after fbr first month, and am noe g ui better t.eal h than for yearn. Atty help or L BHerence 1 can glee to these wishing to knew •f this strange treatment I will gladly give. Yours respectfully. MRS. C. C. McDANIEL. •621, Main Street. NEURALGIA AND STOMACH TROUBLE . •.YJV' O.wrro, Kas.. 1064 08 r Prof. Saßwel. Dear Sir:—! received year letter quite a few days ago. but hare put off answering It. 1 certainly am rery thankful to you for the good and great benefit I hare derived from the une of the treatment prescribed by you. What I suffered before I wrote you in re gard to year mefb-d of treatment. I. beyond me to describe. The comfort I bare now tn living and being able to go about and enjoy my food and drink, a* others do. la shnply *7*k>* U 1C pounds of flesh from early spring until after I bad taken your treatment, prob ably about a little over three weeks, then I commenced to gain, and now have regained « hounds of she Ift On the whole, I consider myself •« wonderfully blessed that I aaw your i advertisem-nt and extend to you my sincere stank. Very ~Oswego. Kas.. Box DEAFNESS. Bayneville. Kas.. July 19. 11*»- Pmf. Santnela. sir Will write yon about my child. She is getting along fine, she seems to bear i „ g£d o she e/<7 did. but is still nstog the ■medicine for a complete cure. How much | longer do yon think she will need tn use the l medicine? I*he bears all right now. but If > ywu thtnk she should still use the medicine I pleaae send the same, as yon hare been. K Tours respectfully. W. H. SCHULTE. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS AND EYE TROUBLE Ara. Mo. Pmf. H. Samuel*. . Dear Sir:—Seud R A Kennedy, of this plae*. two «rs three symptom blanks with some of tour advertising matter, as be wishes to fill hi the symptom blanks and send you. In my case I bare been taking the treatment now about a week, and it has improved my eyes greatly. As to seeing. I have to wear glasses nd eould not read fine print without them. Mow 1 can read fairly well. My c-vngb is con- R siderahle better and it seems I can hear a lit , better, as I was ban! of bearing. As to better. I was bard of hearing. As to the Madder trouble. I can see no change as yet. ( WMI eoatlnue treatment regular and report any change. Send me some of the advert isinc I H will eontlnw for the better, until a per tribot- them to goi-1 advantage. Yours truly. (Stgtwd > M. C. REYNOLDS. PARALYSIS AND GENERAL TROUBLE. Opelousas. La.. June 21st. 1910. Prof. H. Samuels. % Dear Mr—l have receded and began taking BE yocr treatment on the »th Inst., and I am proud to say that I received beneficial results . n twenty four bourn after the first dose. Mr eyesight has improved a hundred per cent; my pains in at! my limbs have been greatly relieved. In fact, all my ills are relieved; I I feel altogether much better. I destre to thank you heartily for the re Itef you have procured me; and hope and trust tt win ewntlsue for the better, until a per manent cure is effected. Ton win find enebwed names of persons af fected with ehnmlc diseases I bare also given your name and address to several other parties whom you must hare beard from by thia tttne I Thank leg you again. I am. Yours gratefully. I , < Signed. > D. F. DUPRE. Opelousas. La.. R. No. 2. MY METHOD OF TREATMENT E ' The method of treatment % which T have originated is a strange and peculiar method, differing from anything else used by any living man in the treatment pf diseases. I do not use the drastic drugs and medicines that doctors depend upon ' Men who are familiar with the chemistry of the human body understand that only the chemical elements use in the creation of the body are required to restore It to health when once its functional power becomes impaired. Na ture does not require a mass of drugs dumped into the stomich which merely represent an accumulation of foreign su which must eventually be eliminated from the system. When Mother Nature created mankind she used no mercury, no strychnine, no quinine, uo digitalis, no morphine or other pot ■onous chemicals such as yie doctors delight to prescribe for you, and she needs none of them to accomplish any restorative work that may be necessary | tn your behalf. ■ My results are obtained by dropping a colorless liquid which I prepare into the eye. Strange as It may bee. so-called incurable cases of Consump tion. Bright's Disease. Dropsy. Fits. Nervous Prostration are treated tn this ap; -rently miraculous way. My system is based absolutely on scientific principles. The eye is the window of the soul. I have evolved a system or treating other bodily ills based upon the relation of lue eye to the system as a whole- This may seem strange, but rny thousands of patients testify to tne value of my treatment. • ' If you are sick or ailing, yot! will find something in my Message of Facts. \ -Srhich I am sending free to everyone, that will greatly interest you. I explain J my method of healing and give you absolute proof o. its value. If you are MB tired of taking strong drugs into tne stomach, if you have to the point where you believe there is no hope, if you have tried all kinds of treatment ywur doctor coulu suggest without its nenefitting you. write to me today foi by Message of Facts. It tells you something about the peculiar liquid which KB y prepare, and of a snore scientific and more na. ral method of treatment. fgß fend me the coupon properly filled out or send me your name and address on a post card and my “Message of Facts’’ w.a be sent you by return mail free MB of March; nml 1 believe I nm cured by your I am years oi<i ana mt a woman or my X jr, ST > \ V DDfM? C A TVTT TT7T C. "74 Samuels Building, i E..pwt,ullT, I which l' ha.. h".n tmwblM with tor ..... hat ! J At w*- •’ r rKUr. oAlviucLo, wichita, Kansas znas rs < * H * I 1 . 1 B . ' A'- STOMACH. Chicago, HI., Sept. 22. 1910. Prof. Samnels. Sir: Have now been asing last month’s I treatment. I am feeling fine, so I do not , think I need use any more medicine Just now. My stomac h trouble, as well as other ailments, are all gone, so 1 am at present enjoying the liest of heal t>. My hvgpicst thanks to yop for your won derful medicine. Respectfully yours. (Signed! CHARLES PETERSON. No. 5414 sth Ave., Chicago. 111. KIDNEYS. Chelan, Wash.. Sept. 19. 1910. I Prof. Samuels. Dear Str: I have been away from home for some time, and as the letter was n«K ’•ent to me. I did not receive it until i a .wt time . ago. and I am very carry, and haj I been at home you would have beard from me sooner. I am entirely cured, and so do not need any more nf your treatments. \ Thanking you rery much for your kindness, and wishing your success, believe me. I am Yours very truly. (Signed) MRS. D. L. CLEMER. • z I | NOW ABLE TO DO A DAY’S WORK. Pollock. La.. May 21. 1910. Prof. Samnels. Str—After thanking you for your kindly In tercet In my welfare, would say that I have 1 grown so much better under your treatment that I am able to do a good day’s work, and will wait a month or two to see how it will last. • • . Respectfully. (SgDed) D. N. BRAKEFIELD. 1 Pollock. La. I CATARRH OF STOMACH. Shamrock. Tex.. Mar. 23. 1910. ■ Prof. H. Samuels. Enclosed (Mease find money for a month’s i treatment, which I think will be all I will : need, as I am as well as I ever was and in i one more month I think I will be cured. I I am. yours truly. (Signed! MRS. T. H. SPOON. ————— , BLIND AND DEAF. Llamo. Tex.. May IS. 1910. , Dear Sir—l think my husband. Mr. Kuffman. , Is Improving fast, as he ean now see out of hta blind ere. and his hearing Is improved. I Yon will find inclosed uwmev for another month’s treatment. Yon will please send It tn mv name, Mrs. E. P. Kuffman. and oblige. (Signed) MRS. E. P. KUFFMAN. LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE. Monett. Mo.. Oct. 31. 1910. Prof. H. Samuels. Dear Friend—Four weeks ago yesterday I received year medicine, and commencing treat ment by directions, and have found myself benefited very much, and I have one-half bot ! tie yet. I will wait a few days and see If 'lt is going to hold my health good. If not, | will send for more, as It Is surely the finest j treatment the human family has ever taken. Respectfully yonm. (Signed) JOHN B. WITHERS. KIDNEY AND STOMACH TROUBLE. Brace, 8. D.. Oct. 23. 1910. Prof. Samuels. Dear Sir—l received your letter quite a few days ago. but hare put off answering it. I am certainly very thankful to you for the good and great benefit I have derived from i the use of the treatment prescribed by you. I What I suffered before I commenced to take | your method of treatment ia beyond me to describe. The comfort I have now in living ; and being able to go about and enjoy my food ■ and drink as others do. Is simply wonderful. ■ ‘ I extend to yon my sincere thanks. Very gratefully and respectfully. MRS. WILLIAM HOFFMAN. Bruce. 8. D.. R. No. 2. f . THE ATLANTA SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1911. CATARRH AND WEAKNESS. SandK Hill. N. Y., Oct. 27th, 1910. Prof. H. Samnels. Dear Sir: —It is a great pleasure for me to let you know that my eyes are doing fine. Your treatment baa done my ryes more goo»l In two weeks tbau all the treatment that 1 have used In three years. I have one bottle left yet; and I will send for another treatment before this is all gone. I think before a week I cau throw my glasses away, for my eyes feel fine. x Yours very truly. (Signed) -JOSEPH BEAULAC, 22 Leclalre St. GREATLY BENEFITED. July 28, 1910, Monett. Mo. ; Prof. Samuels. Dear Sir:—l received your month’s treatxnent ntxl I certainly am very thankful to you for good it has done mo in thia short time. I have Just taken It in my eyes fifteen days. J have gained strength and can do my work ' without resting so much. I can eat almost | anything I want. I have only used half of one | bottle yet. I think that I will be well by the : time I use the rest of the medicine. MRS. LOUISA UOSTLEY. Monett, Mo.. R. F. D. 3. Box 114. EYE AND GENERAL TROUBLE Wilmarth, Fla., Sept. 18. 1910. Prtf. H. Samuels. ' I can’t fully explain to you bow much good your treatment has done roe. 1 am doing well now. and not in a position to take treatment longer, although I expect ed to take the treatment three months If I could have done it. ■ I »m willing to toll any one that if they take the treatment according to directions it will do all you claim for it. BETTY GRANT. GAINS RAPIDLY. Jacksonville, 111., Oct. 10. 1910. Prof. H. Samuels. Dear Sir:—Received treatment all O. K. Am still gaining in weight, have gained 40 (wunds since taking your treatment and feel better than I have for over two years. Sincerely yours. MRS. R. M. FULLER. A STRANGE AND PECULIAR METHOD OF HEALING "■■■■— ASTHMA. Augusta, Kan., Nov. 7, 1900. Prof. Samuel*. Dear Sir:—Some time last December we brought to you our aon Dandridge Lyon, who was then and bad been for some time suffering from a severe case of Asthma. After your first treatment he had one slight attack. Your medicne soon relieved him, and since then be has never been troubled with asthma. He looks much better, and now feels that he is entirely cured. It was the best invest ment that I ever. made. Yours very truly, W. W. LYON & WIFE. BRIGHT’S DISEASE. Remus, Mich., Sept. 25, 1919. Prof. H. Samuels. Dear Sir:—l wish to write you these few lines today for the express purpose of thank ing you for your every successful treatment of my wife's sickness, namely: Bright’s Dis ease. We consider her entirely cured of this dread malady, and can say to any person or persons desiring to benefit themselves in any thing of this kind, they would do well to con sult'you; and we are ready and willing at any time to testify to your ability to do what you claim to do. So with heartfelt thanks for the great good you have done. I will close, by writing my sett Your obedient servant, P. F. BRADLEY. Remus, Mich M R. No. 4, Box 63. FROM A PHYSICIAN. Kildare. Okla.. Mar. 2, 1909. Prof. Samuels. Dear Sir—l find your miraculous remedy al ready helping my nerves. Who shall deny that in not many years to come r”” shall be re garded as the pioneer of a new and better sys tem of theraprtitlcß. in which tlte eye. rather than the mouth, shall be regarded as the proper entrance to the internal economy of suf fering humanity? When that day arrives those who now cast stones at you will replace those' stones with garlands, and win truculently de clare: “We always knew he was right." Yod will. I hope, then remember that one of the first to see the depth and wisdom of your theory was. Yours very gratefully, VERB V. HUNT, LL. D.. M. D.. Formerly Division Surgeon for the Frisco Ry., Kildare, Okla. TUBERCULOSIS AND TERE GIUM. Maryville. Mo., June 10, 1910. Dear Sir—Find enclosed money for which please send me another month's treatment of rour wonderful remedy, for I certainly think It a God-send to suffering humanity. I have gained fifteen pounds in two months and feel better than I have for two years. The tere ginm on my eye is disappearing and I can read large print, such as the head lines of a pa per. after being practically blind in it for five years. Yours truly, L. M. HELMS. Maryville. Mo., Route 3. Box 44. • ___________ RHEUMATISM AND • PARALYSIS Cayuga, N. Y., Aug. 9. 1910. Prof. H. Samuels. Dear Str—l am improving under your treat ment right along. My rheumatism is leaving me. I think another month's treatment will cure the rheumatism, and alro think It Is help ing my paralysis. It is the only medicine that I ever took that 1 kept improving right along. I sleep good nights now. My shoulder and arm does not ache nights now and my knee is about well. I can be on my feet all day now. and I am getting over my nervousness. You will see by my writing I am not so ner vous. I think you will have more patients around here In a little while. I am recommending you -to everyone around here. There ik a man here that has the rheumatism and diabetes, that I think will try it when he aces how I get along, and there is quite a number around here that will try It after a while. I will do all I can for you. I am golnr to send for more before I get out. as I want to try It longer Yours truly. (Signed) FRED A. BAKER. STEADILY IMPROVES. Caney. Kas., June 17, 1910. I Prof. H. Samuels. | . Dear Sir—Received your letter, and tn reply «an say that I am really a great deal hn- proved In health. Have gained so fast since I began on the last (third) month's treat ment. 4 When I began taking your eye treatment 1 was not able to do anything, practically speak ing. I am now doing my work. True, I have to take it easy, but by so doing I get along nicely. The bowels are not as regular as I would like, but so much better. Sleep so well, and eat so many things I have not eaten for five years. My. eyes bother me: cannot stand it to read very much; back troubles me some, pain seems to be In kidneys. I still have medicine, but will tell you how I am getting along when I send again, as I shall continue the treatment for a while longer. I am A very grateful patient, (Signed) MRS. ELLA DIVERS. ; BRONCHIAL TROUBLE. Cartwright Wharf. Va.. Sept. S. 191st Prof. Samuels. Dear Prof.:—l will wrltu you to let you know that I received my medicine last Tues day. I was so glad to get It. for I was feel ing ao badly, but am glad to say now I am feeling so much better and hope I will not have ,to wait so long next time. I feel that I am on the road to health. You have done me ao much good I want you to help a friend of mine In Suffolk. She asked me to send you her ’ address. Some of the people around here say it Is strange that we don’t see any testimonials from Virginia, so if you wish yon can send one from me. and I can say that one montht’g treatment from you has done me more good than 1200 worth of med icine from the doctors here. I cannot praise your medicine too highly, for I do say it is the best In the world. Hoping you will send this lady some of your testimonials and you can send mine, if you like. Your humble patient, MRS. J. W. HARRIS. HEALTH RESTORED. Pilot Butte, July 6, 1910. Prof. H. Samuels. , Dear Sir—l guess you will think I have for gotten you, but that will never be. I will never forget the man that saved my life. Well, I suppose you will be glad when yon hear how I am keeping l . I am feeling pretty good. Last year at this time I wasn’t able to feed myself and now I can shoulder one hundred and sixty pounds. I think that is pretty good, and I weigh as much as ever I did. People are surprised to see me look so well. The crops look fine here. The wheat is all headed out. though we have had some bad storms here; the wind today Mowed my drive shed away and broke my buggy. There has been lots of damage done all around us, but it has not hurt the crop yet. Good-bye fcr this time, from JACOB BITTERIDGE, Pilot Butte, Sask, Canada. EYE TROUBLE. Waynoka, Okla. Prof. Samuels. Dear Sir:—l am glad to tell you that my eyes are as good as they ever were, and as 1 do not need your medicine any more, you do not need to send it. Hoping you may help others as you have helped me. I remain. LUCIE ULMER. GENERAL BREAKDOWN. May 25, 1910. Prof. Samuels. Kind Friend: —Since I commenced your reme dies I have been feeling a decided 'improve ment Itr m? health. The change in my health physically is entirely different to anything I have ever had in my life with all other medi cines I have taken. 1 ' So far it seems to strengthen me all through my system. My eye sight is better. The varicose veins on my right side have almost disappeared entirely, and I do not have that desire to urinate two'or three ' times a night. I am beginning to sleep as toms! as an infant, and I am gaining fti -weight also. 1 have spoken to a doctor here in regard to your treatment. They laugh at the idea, yet my former doctor Is anxious to see bow I will conte ont under your treatment. However. I shall continue taking your treat ment as long as I Me that I am receiving atv benefit whatever. Now, wishing you sincerely all success and good luck that can possibly come to any one. I remain. Yout servant and friend. - (Signed) ~ J. C. BLOCKER. Belmont, lowa. STOMACH AND KIDNEY TROUBLE. Smallet, Mo.. March 3. 1910. Prof. S. Samuels. Kind Sir:—l received your letter a few days ago. in which you ask how I was progressing. I wish to say that I am at present feeling fine in every way. and have been improving in health wonderfully since taking the treat ment. of which I commenced on the 3d of March, and just before taking your eye treat ment. I assure you, I was a miserable wreck. Cotild hardlv stir about. Os course. I am not entirely well, but at present I feel better than 1 ever did In my whole life. 1 could really write several pages In describing my improve ment. but I assure you will make a full report at the time I am cured, and will let you know more of my improvement in about two or three weeks. Very truly yours, PERRY A. M'GUIRE. Smallet. Mo. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Victoria, Miss.. May 12. 1910. Professor Samuels. I think It Is dne you to tell you how much benefit I hare derived from your treatment. Have only been using this treatment two weeks and think after h few more weeks the improve ment will be tikily wonderful. For months past I have been unable to per form my daily duties. Now I feel almost well, with new energy and new strength. I shall recommend you to my suffering friends. Very truly. MRS. HOG AR TUNSTALL. •'Fernwood Plantation.’’ ’ASTHMA. BurUirgton Jet.,* Mo., Oct. 10. 1910. Prof. H. Samuels. U Dear Sir:—l ha'a l*m an invalid for twenty elgfit years with Asthma or some trouble simi lar. wherein my breathing was affected. , I have tried everv remedy known to the M. D.'s. but failed to get only temporary relief from them. I began taentment with you the latter part of Uor.'h' nn.l T l.olioie 1 am CIITCd IjV VOUF DEAFNESS CURED. Connorsville, Ind., Feb. 2. 1911. Prof. Samuels. Dear Sir: —From neglect I have not written you, which should have been done some weeks ago, to let you know after waiting so long since having taken the treatment for my fail ing eyesight, wish to say 1 can hear as well oh I ever did, and the pain In my head is all gone, also tnc bussing noise. 1 can see fine. Os course I have to use glasses to read or work In. but do not need them for anything else. Too much cannot be said in favor of your wonderful cure. I heartily recommend you and your treatment to any and all who are afflicted as I have been. Think. I am a man mp venty-seven years old and anj. very well indeed. May God continue to bless your way of treating diseases through the eye. is the wish of one who cannot say enough for it. Very truly your friend. (Signed) ISAAC HAFNER. No. 213 W. 19th St. (General. Two months.) Connorsville, Ind. SERIOUS STOMACH TROUBLE. Carrollton. Tex., May 27. 1910. Prof. H. Samuels.- Dear Sir:—l am more than pleased to in form you that I am getting along Just fine. I don’t suffer but very little and have got so I can sleep very well. I am well pleased with the medicine, dlnd as I am nearly out of medicine, please send me some at onee. for I don’t want tn get without, and oblige, . Your friend. (Signed) C. A. SMITH. A SUFFERER FROM RHEUMA TISM, ASTHMA, INDIGES TION AND CATARRH. Fowlerville. Mich., Jan 19, 1911. Prof. H. Samuels. Dear Sir: —It is some time since I wrote you. Well, my rheumatism is gone, and my asthma is gone; and the indigestion is all right. My catarrh is better, and I can go to bed and sleep all night and don't have to get up till morning to urinate. My appetite Is good. A thousand thanks to you. , Hoping you may live a hundred years and be able to cure the sick, and may God bless your health. From your patient and friend. (Signed) MRS. LUCY ANN TISSELL. * Fowlerville, Mich., Box 76. HEART TROUBLES AND GENERAL. Bartlesville. Okla., Feb. 3, 1911. Prof. H. Samuels. Dear Professor:—l am just going on with my third month’s treatment awaiting my med icine. I am just doing grand. I have not had a single attack of Heart Trouble, and no other of the old complaints are left to speak of, so I think I shall be entirely cured by the time my treatment is over with, and it Is all due to Professor Samuels and his wonderful treatment, so I am surely speaking very high ly of yon to ruy friends—several who say they will go to you. I want to ask you about my brother-in law's case. I told you of when I was there. He is suffering something awful with rheu i matism and his eyesight is very poor. He ‘is awfully discouraged, as he nas suffered so and spent so much till now be hasn’t got any thing left but poor health. He said if he had the money he would try your treatment. Now. what is the best you can do for him. and what will you charge him for his treatment? I know you ought to cure a case like that if yon can cure my case. So kindly write me what yqp can do for him, and tell me‘wheth er he will have to come there as I did. His rheumatism Is mostly from his knees down. Awaiting an early reply, I am. (Signed) MRS.’ GUY BOCKINS. Bartlesville, Okla., No. 13. BETTER THAN DOCTORS AND PATENT MEDICINES. ; Nelagoney, Okla., Aug. 26, 1910. Prof. Samuels. Dear Sir —In regard to your treatment -will say It has helped my eyes and general condi tion more than all the doctors and patent med icines I have tried for several years, and I have doctored considerable. I feel so much better that I am going to try to get along without any more medicine. Will watt a month and see how I feel. Thanking you for yonr kindness and replac ing the broken bottle, I am. Yours respectfully. S.' D. LORTON. Note—Mr. Lorton has not ordered more treat ment since writing the above letter. RHEUMATISM AND KIDNEY TROUBLE. Fra roe, Minn., May 24. 1910. Prof. Samuels. Dear Sir—l will write and tell you about my case. Since I commenced using your treat ment I am feeling quite a bit better. Before using your treatment I was bothered with a headache most of the time, hut now I am not bothered any more, and I feel better in gen eral. Hoping to hear from you again, . Respectfully yours, (Signed) h. L. DECKER. Fraxee. Minn. CATARRH AND RHEUMATISM Durant, Miss.. Aug. 30. 1910. My Dear Doctor —I know that I have treat ed you too bad, but there has beep so much sickness I had no time, but I can’t say enough for your treatment. I have been cured of my catarrh in my bead and In fact every other way ; do wish I eould thank yon more. Now I have plenty for one more week and if I see I need more yon may be sure I will send for more. I want my son to take one month's treat ment and I think I will get him to: he has had -gripne so much. Now I have given nil the papers von sent me away and they all said they were going to send and get It. One Was our pastor’s wife: she has consumntion. I have not seen him since he sent for it. Now you may be sure I will help yon all I can. Thanking vou many, many times. Your friend. MRS. W. H. MILTON. 84 YEARS OLL. Read the following letter from Mary IC. Watts. Star City. Ind. Mrs. Watts Is years old and her letter is very interesting, es pecially to those beginning to feel the effects of old age. Star City. Ind.. Aug. 22. 1910. _Prof. Samuels. I have taken two months’ treatment from you and I now feel that I am well, I am *4 years old and for n woman of mr I am not constipated, and so I feel that I bare been greatly benefited by your medi cine. My eyes are some better, but I don’t suppose there te anything that will ever do them mneh good any more, but am so thank- 1 ful to you that I am as well as I am. I ’ 1 hope you will succeed and help others as you t have me. With the best of wishes to you. 1 remain, I A friend, MARY A. WATTS. Star City, Ind. ; .... - r KIDNEY AND GENERAL 1 ; TROUBLE. • Brevard, N. C., Sept. 27. 1910. ' Prof. H. Samuels. Dear Sir:—l am writing to let you. know what my condition My kidneys never pain me now. and my catarrh ia almoet gone. I ckn sleep all night without baring my nose stopped up. I think when I use the re mainder of the treatment 1 will be permanently cured of both diseases, as I bare no sign of • kidney trouble before Feb. 25th. 1910. and catarrh was a very, nnootnmon disease with me. 1 think the mrntb's treatment has cured me - already and hardly think I will need any more. Yours truly? ALTER HI. RST. t " : NERVES. Orient. lowa, Oct. 24, 1910. Prof. H. Samnels. Dear Sir:—d will write you a few lines. Um getting aioni so well I haven't walked on my crutch since Oct. 12tb; and I can do al most a man'» whrg again. I don't do the very hardest work, but feel from day to day I m ' getting strvpgtr. There have' been quite a few from here that have got your address. They think Prdf. Sam uels is a great man. and 1 do myeelf. for no , M. D. doctor tould have put me on ray feet r where I am today. I think your treatment i» 1 the oniy thing. I feel that I ought to take a month of two treatment "yet. because I'm not as strong a» 1 ought to be yet. Yours t™}?- MR JOHNNIE HENCKENDORF. Orient, lowa. COULD NOT SEE FOR ONE YEAR. Benhams. Va., May 25, 1910. Prof. H. Samue's. ’ Dear Sir:—l have been using your medicine ' according to directions a fraction over one ’ month, I feel grateful to report to you that I my eves have been «>eatly Improved by your ) treatment. I have been « Zeen the last few days, the fhst tlme 1 ba’e seen her for twelve months, and I can see the flowers and he objects around me fairly well. At this writing I have one and ode hair not ttos of" mVdieine left. I will continue o use the remainder of the medicine until I can confidence that my eye sight wUI be restored by your wonderful treat- 1 \ 1 ■ * - ~~~ ; HAVE YOU ANY OF THE FOLLOWING DISEASES? CONSUMPTION RHEUMATISM HEART DISEASE BRIGHT’S DISEASE HAY FEVER BRONCHITIS ' MORPHINE HABIT STOMACH TROUBLE CATARRH DIABETES KIDNEY TROUBLE LIVER TROUBLE ECZEMA DEAFNESS ’ FITS AND SPASMS ASTHMA CATARACT GOITRE CONSTIPATION NERVOUSNESS GRANULATED EYES DROPSY BLINDNESS NEURALGIA FREE! / If you have any of the above diseases, my Message / . of Facts will tell you some things about the dis- / eases of. the human body and the logical method / of treatment which will be new and interest- / ingtoyou. Fill out the coupon and mail / ’ to me today, or write me a letter or : postcard, and my “Message of Facts’’ will be mailed to you Postpaid, without any obligation $ of any kind upon your part. X) It is intensely interesting and may be the means £ of saving your life. O £ Write today—this A hour as this > / / advertisement / & / $ may not / 4 .• % . appear Z * .• .• x .. again / . * .• .•* \ /V < ■ / * y ,o- «.- v CATARRH OF STOMACH. Wiprcd, N. D.. May 12. 1910. • Prof. Samuel?. t Dear Sir—l am feeling mueh better now tijan I did before I started the treatment and in i closed you will find money, for wiicb send me another mtmth’s treatment, and 1 thank you for wbat you have already done for me. Good-bye. _ . • ’i A. F ENR3ICH. ' Wiprud, N. D. DIABETES. • 3 Agra. Kas.. May Ift 1910. Pro*. H. Samuels. p car sir—l thought I would drop yon a few !in»s to let .you know I am getting slong fine. I am alro stronger than 1 was. 1 lave med- • ! ieine e non ph to last some time yet. By the i time it 1* all gone I think I can do without [ it. hut if I can't. I win send tc you for mor«. • ‘ . Y ours verv truly. (C’gned) MRS JOHN GORACKE. r * Agra, Kaa. • 1 HEART AND KIDNEY TROUBLE. Mayerville. Miss.. May 24. 1910. Prof H. Samnels. Bur <tir—j d<> not hesitate for a single mo ment to confess I am at a loss fas laernage to express my feeling of the bea'thy I your remedy has ro«to-ed to me. ®»e who has never tried your remedies for • cure has nr. idea tb« effect it wfl! bnve nrv>n the human i system . when tak*n otherwise than intertuilly. atanfsd I f»*t «»**• ,h " Bk rn ® ]y for the relief that 1 have received. . . Y’ours respectfully. f«gned) • MRf » BLAND. RHEUMATISM AND DEAF- : NESS. s Hartman. Ark- Feb 1 1911- ! Prof. R. Samuels. ' ~,ir ’ Dear Str—l received a rnoutb’s treatment ’ from yee on the 30th of January fc>) to* v«s. and she baa been nsing it since ns you di rected. and it is helping ber. Rbe was belp- Ipw with rheumatism and now sb- ean go about the place where sbe pleases and baa . pained eight pounds in weight She was al- Tiwt deaf and now she can hear corjmoo talk. 1 think br the time she uses np tbe treatment that she will be entirely well. I had two doctors with her end they both Mid they could de her no good. e Thanking you mort kindly for wbat yon bav» . done for her. I am. Yours very truly. ‘ (Signed) PR- MORGAN- t ’ » * Hartmih. Ark. I ' CATARRH. St. Peter’s R-etory, Steubenville. 0.. Aug. 18. 19Wr • Prof. H Samnels. . , ; Dear Sir—The first little bottle of ynut medicine I took effected a complete rare. - can hear as well as anyone now. ard have ns - eatarrhal trouble whatever. Yours faithfully. (Signed) THOMAS A POWERS