Newspaper Page Text
Fugitive Was in Hiding From
Posse for Three
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
SAVANNAH. Gsu, Oct. IS.—Captures
after a chase of about 40 miles through
the woods, Frank Bird, the negro wno
probably fatally stabbed Homer Strlck-
• land, cashier of the Bank of Swainsboro,
„ Saturday, has been brought to Chatham
county for safe keeping. He was
brought to Savannah in the custody of
Deputy Sheriff Crosby, of Emanuel
Bird attributes his capture to his be
trayal by his brother, Andrew Bird, who
lives near Metter, where he was captur
ed. after fleeing from Swainsboro. For
three days. Bird says he lived in ’he
woods fearing all the time that he would
be captured by the officers. Food was
a obtained, he said, from the negroes liv
ing in the country through which he
traveled. They are all his friends, he
said, and willingly furnished him witn
* food.
The negro admits that he cut the
young man. He claims, however, that
he was attacked by him. Young Strick
land attempted to cut him with a knife
and did succeed In cutting his clothes,
' Bird saiu. Then it was, he said, thit
he stabbed him with a pocket knife. Bird
believed that he bad killed Strickland,
be said, which was the reason that ne
fled. Feenng in Emanuel county ran
high against the negro, it is said. Hao
be been returned to that county It is
' likely that a lynching would have .fol
Leffler Leaves Will
SAVANNAH, Ga.. Oct. 13.—The last
will and testament of Abraham Leffler,
formerly one of Savannah's wealthiest
and most prominent business men. was
probated in the common form in the
court of ordinary here today. There were
no public or charitable bequests made.
To his sister-in-law, Mrs. Lena Leffler,
Os Burghalach. Bavaria, Germany, is left
in trust all the capital stock owned of
the Georgia Railroad and Banking com
pany. for the term of her natural Ufa
The sum is to be paid semi-annually in
amounts equivalent to SM marks. The
large grocery business of which he was
president, was left to bis four sons. To
his daughter. Mm Fannie Hano, of New
York, is left In tho event of the
death of the slater of the deecased to
whom he left his stock in the railroad,
this fund will revert io his living chil
Arrested for Gaming
SAVANNAH, Ga. Oct. IX-The first
arrests that have been made in Chatham
“ county for violating the new game laws
-. occurred yesterday when warrants were
■ served upon William Rose, L Campbell
* and Nancy Rose. all colored, by Game
. Warden Roeaignol. It is alleged that
. Campbell and Nancy Ro.-e Bold a num
ber of partridges which had been killed
by William, to a local dealer. Bonds of
sio.> each were furnished by them for
their appearance in the eity court.
Warden Mercer Speaks
SAVANNAH. Ga , Oct. IX—Jesse Mer
cer. state game warden, is in Savannah
today. He will address the members of
the Chatham County Game association
tonight at tiie Chatham Artillery hall.
It la expected that the deputy game war
den will be nominated at 'this meeting.
pope brownspeaks
SWAINSBORO. Ga., Oct. IX-Hon. J.
Pope Brown, candidate for governor, ad
dressed the people of Emanuel eounty
during the recess of court here Thursday.
His speech was a .clear-cut, business
like presentation of the principles for
John Henry Smith was one of the most
prominent men interested in the devel
opment of the west and well known
throughout the country. Two wives, 15
children and IS grandchildren survive Mr.
Stops a Deep-Seated
Cough in a Hurry
A Family Supply of Unequsled Cough
Remedy for 50o— Money Re
funded If It Fells.
Coagh medicines, as a rule, contain a
large proportion of plain syrup—a good in
g-ed'.t-nc, but one t.-u*t anyone can make
A pint of granulated sugar, with K pint
of warm water, stirred for 8 minutes, gives
you as good syrup as money can buy.
A 60-cent bottle of Pinex, mixed In a
pint bottle with home-made sugar syrup,
gives you a full pint of really better cough
syrup than you could buy ready mixed for
82 50. There's a clear saving of 12.00. Full
d .r-ctlons in package.
And money couldn't buy a quicker,
better remedy. Takes hold at once, gives
almost instant relief, and usually stops
the most obstinate, deep-seated cough in
M hours. It stimulates the appetite, is
slightly laxative and has a pleasant taste—
chiidr■ □ take it willingly. Splendid for
hoarse nees, asthma, chest pains, and other
throat troubles, and unequaled for prompt
results in whooping coiiK-h.
Pinex is a special and highly concen
trated compound of imported Norway
White Pine extract, and is rich in guaiacol
and other natural healing pine elements.
Simply mix it as directed with sugar syrup
or strained honey, and it is ready for use.
Used in more Domes in the U. S. and
Canada than any other cough remedy.
Pinex has often been imitated, but never
successfully. for nothing else will produce
the same results. The genuine is guaran
teed to give absolute satisfaction or money
refunded. Certificate of guarantee is
wrapped in each package. Your druggist
has Pinex or T 'dfl get it for you. If not,
send tn The Pinex Co., 213 ila'n St., Fort
Wayne. lud.
0 To quickly introduce to new
1 patrons and into new localities,
you to promptly send us your
name and address, thereby plac- ,
ing yourself in position to receive 1
2 QUARTS of this excellent, high
grade whiskey, free of cost.
W- R. Riley Dfst. Co„
Dept 18 Kama. City. Mo.
Cut This Coupon Out And Send
It To Us Promptly.
Name —— ——
Addreaa —1
I— TT-11— - T=3Ell=l
Smoke of Herbs
Cures Catarrh.
A Simple, Safe, Reliable Way and
It Costs Nothing to Try.
This preparation of herbs, leaves,
flowers and berries (containing no to
bacco or habit-forming drugs) is either
amokeh in an ordinary clean pipe or
smoking tube, and by drawing the med
icated emoke into the mouth and inhal
ing into the lungs or sending it out
through the nostrils in a perfectly natu
ral way, the worst case of Catarrh can
be eradicated.
It is not unpleasant to use, and at the
same time it is entirely harmless, and
ran be used by man. woman or child.
Just as Catarrh is contracted oy
breathing cold or dust and germ-laden
air, just so this balmy antiseptic smok
ing remedy goes to all the affected
parts of the air passages of the head,
nose, throat and lungs. It can readily
be seen why the ordinary treatments,
such as sprays, ointments, salves, liquid
or tablet medicines fail—they do not
and can not reach all the affected parts.
If you have cataiyh of the nose,
throat or lungs, choking, stoppea-up
feeling, colds, catarrhal headaches; if
you are given to hawking and spitting,
this simple yet scientific treatment
should cure you.
An illustrated book which goes thor
oughly Into the whole question of the
cause, cure and prevention of catarrh
will, upon request, be sent you by Dr.
J. W. Blosser. 61 Walton street, Atlanta,
He will, also, mail you five days’
free treatment. You will at once see
that It is a wonderful remedy, and as it
costs one dollar for the regular treat
ment, it is within the reach of eveiy
one. It is not necessary to send any
money—simply send your name and ad
dress and the booklet and free trial pack
age will be mailed you Immediately.
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Oct. IX—Four
fashionably dressed young men late
last night entered Mayers’ phar
macy at Madison and Lauder
dale streets, called for ice cream
and when it was brought by the only
clerk on duty, one of them struck the
clerk on the head with a pisctol and
persuaded him to be quiet while the
others robbed the cash register of S4O
and a customer of $7. AU escaped.
J. P. Sleeph, the clerk, told the police
that the tap on the head with the gun
resulted from lack of promptness on his
part in obeying the command of "hands
up." W. H. Lellly. the customer, obeyed
and was not assaulted.
Early this morning the arrest of four
men answering the description of the
robbers was reported by the marshal at
ColliersviU«, a town near here.
DOUGLAS, Ga., Oct 13. —Six men,
striking firemen, three of them white
men and three negroes, held up the
Georgia and Florida passenger train
while General Manager Turner was fir
ing the second day of the strike on
that road, according to admission made
in court here today by defendants in
the cases brought by the road.
The cases had been presented to the
grand jury for investigation and ths
return of Indictments when It was
suddenly and rather unexpectedly ter
minated by the six defendants entering
pleas of guilty. No evidence was ta
ken in the case, the grand jury recom
mending clemency.
t J sage Parker Imposed the nominal
fine of S4O with the option of 90 days
on the chaingang on each of the de
fendants. ,
EAST ST. LOUIS, 111.. Oct IX—Mrs.
Charles Stevenson, aged 70, known on
the stage as Kate Claxton, was a wit
ness for five hours yesterday in the city
court in her suit to have a divorce ob
tained by her husband 11 years ago an
nulled. She said she did not know of
the divorce until April. 1910, when her
supposed husband married again. **
Her testimony was to the effect that
■he lived with Stevenson after he had
obtained the divorce, ignorant of the
fact that he had been granted a decree.
The service on her was by publication
and in the notice her name was published
as “Katherine Stevenson.” which name
her attorneys contended was mislead
ing, as her husband had always called
her “Kate.” The hearing will be re
sumed tomorrow.
strike” situation
CHICAGO. Oct IX—Vice President and
General Manager W. L. Park, of the Illi
nois Central railroad,, accompanied by
Chief Engineer A., S. Baldwin, left today
for an Inspection tchir of the line. Be
fore leaving Mr. Park said:
“Our reports from every point are sat
isfactory. Trains are running In every
division without Interruption and we do
not anticipate further trouble. We have
a sufficient force in all onr shops. Only
competent and skilled men are being em
ployed now.”
J. W. Kline, international president of
the* Blacksmiths’ union, left for Wash
ington today, where he will confer with
Samuel Gompers, president of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor, In regard to
the strike.
TOCSON. Aris., Oct. 13.—Several per
sons are reported dead in Guaymas and
V-clnity and property damage estimateo
at $300,000 incurred as a result of heavy
rainfall and wind that visited the west
coast of Mexico last Tuesday afternoon.
A number of other persons are reported
dead at 30 miles north of Gu«y
mas, but none of these deaths nor those
reported at Guaymas are officially con
The rainfall that swept Guaymas and
Sonora west coast was the heaviest in
50 years. The only storm approaching
it in intensity was that of 1866. It
was estimated that the rainfall in the
foothills was between 20 and 30 inches.
Private Banker Missing
MEDINA, Ohio, Oct. 13.—Charles
Gunkelman, private banker of Valley
City, near here, is missing and his bank
and general store are in the hands of a
receiver, pending proceedings begun
against Gunkelman in the United States
court. The petitioners charge that the
liabilities are $50,000, the assets $5,000 and
that the only cash asset found was a
counterfeit $2 bill. Many farmers had
their funds in the bank.
Oldest Church Celebrates
first Reformed church of Hackensack
will begin tonight a week's celebration
of its 225th aniversary. The church is
the oldest in New Jersey and occupies
its original site. For the first 125 years
of its existence it imported its pastors
from Holland and all the oermons were
in Dutch.
National Headquarters Is in
Gala Dress Because of Cal
ifornia Victory
(By Associated Fraas.)
NEW YORK, Oct. 13.-The National
headquarters of the Woman's Suffrage
organisations are in gala dress today
over the news of the victory in Califor
“We are gloriously happy,” declared
Dr. Anna Shaw, national president of the
suffrage party. "This Is the beginning
of the end. The victory In California
gives to the cause as many voters as In
the five other states where we hava pre
viously won.
“Kansas, Oregon, Wisconsin and other
western tsates are bound to follow the
lead at the next elections. The politi
cians are also sure to realize that the
women are winning their long fight and
will climb into the band wagon.
"The woman suffrage party Is soon to
be a great power In the presidential cam
paign; In fact, has become so, now that
California is won. President Taft this
week made his first speech about woman
suffrage and spoke in favor of it.”
Mrs. Parkhurst, the English suffrage
leader, declared:
"The news is gratifying. English women
will particularly glad, because it will
be a great help in our campaign.”
MORRICE, Mich., Oct. 13.—August
Wilcox, the oldest resident of Shiawaoee
county, who for nearly <0 years has
been trying to collect $6.04 from Uncle
Sam, has at last succeded—minus the
interest. ,
Mr. Wilcox was postmaster at Bridge
water, Mich., under President Tyler ana
some time after he was succeeded in
me position he learned he had some
money coming to him. Recently tne
proper dientlfication papers properly
reachea Washington and the check came
b"ck in a hurry.
CUMMING, Ga.. Oct. 14.-Thomas But
ler was arrested and placed In jail here
this morning for burning Glover’s gin
nery Friday night. Butler was caught
with two bales of cotton' he had taken
from the gin before setting fire to It.
He has confessed. The loss will be
about $3,000; insurance, $1,400, had
just run out. »
Big Day lor Brewers
CHICAGO. Oct. 13.—This was expected
to be the first "big” day of the second
annual International Brewers’ congress,
which is conducting here an elaborate
exposition of the methods and machinery
used in brewing beer.
If You Continually K’hawk and
Spit, If There Is a Constant
Dripping From the Nose Into
the Throat, If You Have
Foul, Sickening Breath,
That Is Catarrh and I
Can Cure It. .
L«t Me Send Ton • Free Trial Fackag*
of My Remedy.
Hr x X-
She Wouldn’t Marry a Gagging Catarrh
Spitter Like Rim for a Million Dollars.
Catarrh is not only dangerous, but n
causes bad breath, ulceration, deam
and decay of bones, loss of thinking
and reasoning power, kills ambition
and energy, often causea loss of appe
tite, indigestion, dyspepsia, raw throat
and consumption. It needs attention
at once. Cure it with Gauss' Catarrh
Cure. It Is a quick, radical, perma
nent cure, because It rids the system
of the poisonous germs that cause ca
In order to prove to all who are sui
fering: from this dangerous and loath
some disease that Gauss’ Catarrh Cure
will actually cure any case of catarrn
quickly, no matter how long standing
or how bad, I will send a trial pack
age by mail, free of all cost. Send us
your name and address today and the
treatment will be sent to you by return
mail. Try it! It will positively cure
so that you will be welcomed instead
of shunned by your friends. Fill out
coupon below.
This coupon Is good for one trial
package of Gauss’ Combined Ca
tarrh Cure, mailed free in plain
package. Simply fill in your name
and address on dotted lines below
and mail to
C. E. GAUBB, 1557 Main St.,
Marshall, Mich.
Name •«•••
Street or R. F. D. No *
City State
Absolutely free
Now look here all you weak-
1 eyed, spectacle-wearing readers of /A
I this paper, you’ve just got to quit 1
I wearing your dim, scratchy,
■ headache-producing, sight-
I destroying spectacles at once as
/ I am going to send you a brand
/ new pair of my wonderful “Perfect ,
/ Vision” glasses absolutely free of /
—These “Perfect Vision” •
glasses will enable you to read
the very finest print in your
bible even by the dim firelight—
—These “Perfect Vision”
glasses will enable you to thread
the smallest-eyed needle you can
lay your hands on—
—These “Perfect Vision”
frlasses will enable you to shoot
he smallest bird off the tallest
tree top on the cloudiest days—
—These “Perfect Vision”
glasses will enable you to dis
tinguish a horse from a cow at
the greatest distance and as far
as your eye Can reach—
Now please remember these
wonderful “Perfect Vision” glasses
are free—absolutely free to every
reader of this paper—not a cent
need you pay for them now and
' I therefore insist that you sit
down right now—this very minute
—and write me your name and
address at once and I will imme
diately mall you my Perfect Home
Eye Tester and a four-dollar cash
certificate entitling you to a brand
new pair of my wonderful
“Perfect Vision” glasses absolutely
free of charge—just as cheerfully
as I have sent them to nearly all
the other spectacle-wearers In
your county. Address—
DR. HAUX—The Spectacle Man—
SS======2=-S=S=S=— ■ ' !' j
WASHINGTON, Oct. IX-Experimenti
at the army aviation school at Colleg.
Park, Md., are to be made with an aerial
signalling aparatus devised by Lieut
Roy C. Kirkland, the army aviator, am
Charles Bowman, a semaphorlc expert
The apparatus is based upon the crude
semaphorlc methods employed by the
Indians. Tire Morse code will be used,
the signals being shown by smoke emis
sions from a caldron.
The caldron is shaped like a teapot and
will be controlled by a valve. The smoke
will be generated by a chemical mixture.
With this device it is planned to spell
out words against the sky. The velocity
of the aeroplane tn flight, it is cal
culated, will always counteract the force
of the wind, and it is believed that it
will be possible to leave behind a trail
of signals perfectly legible to men cn
the grounds.
WASHINGTON, Oct. IX-Natives of
Santo Domingo, along the Haytien fron
tier, who for centuries have planted their
crops by simply punching holes in the
hard earth, placing the seed and trust
ing to luck -that it) would thrive, have,
under the guidance of M. E. Beall, a cus
toms inspector, and in co-operation with
the United States agricultural depart
ment begun the cultivation of their farms
in a civilized fashion.
Mr. Beall is experimenting to determine
what crops the soil will best sustain.
The natives have been Induced to import
some farm machinery and have been
taught to use it Intelligently. Six plows
are now in use. i
.Foreign capitalists are said to be en
tering the island and .in a short time,
it is hoped to have railroads tapping the
agricultural districts.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 13.—"1s It legal,
and do you approve offering public of
ficials money under the name of a re
ward? Please answer." f
This was the unusual ending of a tele
gram received by Dr. Harvey W. Wiley,
the government’s chief chemist, from the
Florida Citrus and Vegetable Shippers'
Protective association. In relation to the
unripe orange controversy that has come
before the department. Dr. Wiley took
under advisement this question of public
morals until he find out, as he says,
“what they are driving at.”
QUITMAN, Ga., Oct 13.—At its meet
ing last night the city council voted
to call a bond election for $75,000 to
be used as follows: For a new school
,building, S4ft.OOO; for street paving. $23,000;
for a fire department, $12,000. The need
of a new school building has been most
pressing for some time and It is an
ticipated that the bonds for this will
be readily voted. The present fire fight
ing equipment Is very inadequate, and
altogether the bond issue for these im
provements is most timely.
DETROIT, Oct 13.—The Michigan
Daughters of the American Revolution
intend, if they are able, to put a stop
to the practice of printing American
flags and other national emblems on
napkins, or constructing them on cakes.
At yesterday’s annual convention the
practice was deemed unpatriotic and
the Daughters decided to try to con
vince everybody concerned In Michigan
to abide by their judgment No time
limit was placed on the undertaking.
MACON, Ga., Oct. 13.—A railroad
spike that had been lain across the
rails of the Central of Georgia railroad
at Fort Valley wrecked the passenger
train leaving here for Columbus yes
terday. The locomotive was turned
completely over and a negro fireman
of this city sustained a broken arm.
Engineer John Taylor, of this city es
caped by jumping. The coaches did
not overturn. Passengers in the coach
es were severely jolted.
Students Call Strike
LAFAYETTE. La.. Oct. 13.—The
strike fever hit the students of South
western Industrial institute today
when 85 quit schpol because, it is said,
President E. L. Stephens enforced rig
id disciplinary measures following the
hazing of a student. They visited the
president last night, Harry Moise, a
student, of Baton Rouge, acting as
spokesman. Today Moise was formally
dismissed. The students then walkea
out and appealed to Gov. Jared Saun
ders, who was here for a visit, ana
were advised to return to their studies.
Friends will take the matter up with
the board of directors.
Six Brooklyn Women Have
Been Fleecing People by
Crooked Methods
(By Associated Press.)
NEW YORK. Oct. IX—Six women
"card sharps” who are believed to have
had a long and successful career as
prize winners at big euchres and other
card parties given under the auspices
of church societies here, have been
caught operating in Bropklyn by three
Those familiar with the facts declare
the women have engaged in their work
as professional gamblers for two years
and have carried away with them prizes
In cash and other articles valued at sev
eral thousand dollars.
They might have gone on with their
scheme indefinitely but for the fact that
a priest overheard a conversation on a
street car between two of the women
several days ago, and laid a trap for
them when they tried to begin opera
tions at a fair in the 47th regiment ar
mory in Brooklyn.
In the street car conversation over
heard by the priest, one of the women
told how she had marked the cards at
a church euchre and .thus won the first
prize, which was a set of silver, valued
at. SSO.
VALDOSTA, Ga., Oct. 13.—Chief of Po
lice Dampier is in receipt of a fetter
from a negro calling his attention to a
plot which some negroes have formed to
kill him, as well as one other policeman
and one of the deputy sheriffs. The
writer goes into detail and tells just how
the officers are to be slain. They are
to be lured to a place to make an arrest
and a shooting scrape is to follow.
This negro says that some of the ne
groes have a kind of secret order, where
nothing but a crime is talked of and
planned. He warns the chief to be on
his guard and to take no chances. He
tells him that when he Is called to the
negro quarters to make an arrest to al
ways carry other officers with him, and
he warns the chief not to let certain of
ficers go in the negro quarters alone to
make arrests.
CHARLOTTE, N. C.. Oct. 14.-Social
clubs, which are organized for the prime
purpose of furnishing their members with
beer and whisky, are being licensed in
wholesale by the city fathers, under the
law passed at the last .state legislature
permitting members of social clubs to
keep Intoxicants in individual lockers.
For each club thus licensed the city re
ceives a tax of SIOO. In adldtlon is a tax
of $2 on each locker used. The aidermen
figure that this revenue will just about
compensate the city treasury for the
loss of the $1,200 license tax charged each
of the three near-beer salons operating
in the city before the sale of near-beer
was prohibited by a state law.
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 13.-An affidavit
signed by Dr. B. Clarke Hyde, in which
it Is charged that Deputy County Max
"l don’t believe I can answer tha».
shal Harry C. Hoffman told him that
for $1,500 he could hang the jury in the
first Hyde murder trial and for $3,000
could secure acquittal, was introduced
into the hearing of Hyde’s application
for elisors here today. In the affidavit
Hyde said the offer was made on May
18. 1908, while Hoffman was conducting
him to the court house from the coun
ty jail. The physician told his attorneys
all about it and they, at the time, he
said, advised him to keep the offer
Directors of the chamber of commerce
held a social meeting on Thureday after
noon to consider the report of the pris
ons and reformatories committee on the
excessive number of arrests in Atlanta,
and directed this committee to confer
with the city police board for the pur
pose of reducing the arrests. Committee
and board will meet together as soon
as possible, and afterward, the chamber
of commerce and the board will appear
in a body before council to urge council’s
assistance tn carrying out plans that
the committee from the chamber and
the board will decide upon.
Tobacco Habit
Swiftly Banished
Dr. Elders* Tobecco Boon Baniehee
All Forms of Tobacco Habit
In 72 to 120 Hours.
Guaranteed positively to be a harmless,
swift and permanent relief from the slavery
of the Tobacco Habit. Easy to take. No
oraving for Tobacco after the first dore.
One to three boxes sofficlentfor all ordinary
cases. Proofs in plenty from those who
have experienced the wonderful benefits of
Dr. Elders* Guaranteed Home Treatment,
a They write like
n this : “ Wouldn’t
t.*. f take 81000 for what
itSk JsSJUt you did for me”; I
never have a hank
erlng for tobacco
zJrfu? •ay more”; One
box y°« T °-
y 99 fl |\ 1 bacco Boon cured
- M .me after 90 years
at vl habit”: Used to-
H vl'w bacco in all forms
& If XI for 17 years, three
boxes cured me”;
“I eannotpraise your Tobacco Boon enough.
Other Mothers can also cure their sons”:
“Used Tobacco for almost 64 years and I
cannot express my gratitude to you for
putting me In my present condition.”
Remember, a legal binding guarantee of
results in every case, or money refunded.
It will surely pay any one to send for Free
Booklet giving full information of Elders*
Tobacco Boon. Home Treatment. Address
DK. ELDERS’ SAMTARIUM, Dept. 233 St Joeeph, Mo.
I Kentucky’s Straight Whiskey
from Distiller to You
on trial
2 Gallons for $5.
I Plain J * for 87.50 or 1 tor 83, chotoe
B Bnx 1 0* Bourben or Corn
Express Prepaid
Myari P»l«t Bmi of Moat. Wyo. Colo. * N. Mox.
We ship on 30 day’s credit, if you have your
merchant or bank guarantee your account.
FBEE —4 miniature bottles Selected Fulton
with every 2 gallons, 6 with 3, etc. for cash
with order. Money refunded if not satisfied.
I Warehouse No. 130, Covtadtoa, ,
Write for Book. ▲ Fab Custamsr. Sealed.
WASHINGTON, Oct 13.-The first at
tempt to forge a postal savings certifi
cate of deposit has met with failure, ac-l
cording to advices to the pos-toffice de
partment from Seattle, Wash., where
Sahib Cin Amat is under arrest. He u
charged with forging a certificate belong
ing to R. All, of San Francisco.
A few days ago All reported to the
postmaster at San Francisco that he hadl
lost a SIOO certificate of deposit and
asked for a duplicate.
The application had been forwarded to
the central office here, and the dupli
cate had been prepared and was ready t
to be forwarded when word came of the
arrest in Beattie of Amat. while attempt
ing to collect the money on the lost
The prompt apprehension of Amat isl
taken hy officials herb to illustrate the
safety of the certificate idea upon whlchl
the system Is based. All the foreign gov-l
ernments operating postal savings banks]
use the old bank' pass book idea whlca
is more intricate and expensive.
WASHINGTON, Oct. IX—Army officials
hope to announce by the first <jf ths
year that all of the members of that
service are immune from typhoid fever.
This will be accomplished through ty
phoid prophylactic. Orders were issued
recently requiring every enlisted man
under 45, to take the treatment unless
he has had a well defined case of the
The laboratory of the armory med’csl
school here is issuing supplies to posts
all over the pountry and the treatment
has begun In earnest.
The compulsory treatment was ordered
following the good results shown after
the prophylactic had been , used by the
troops encamped in Texas last summer,
where there was only a mild case of
SALEM, Ore ,” Oct. 13.—President Taft
promised the people of Oregon today that
the battleship Oregon would be the first
vessel to pass through the Panama canal
If he had power at the time to arrange It.
The president said the Panama canal
would double the efficiency of the Amer
ican navy, but he hoped the navy never
would be used for any more serious pur
pose than firing salutes.
Leaving here at 11 a. m. the president
started on a 24-hour run down the coast
to Sacramento, Cal., with only a few
brief car-end speeches scheduled en
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 14.-C. P. Rod
gers, the aviator, resumed his cross-con
tinent flight at 11:55 this morning. He
hopes to reach Parsons, Kan., late to
SHORTHILLS. N. J., Oct 14.-Miss
Margaret Curtis, of Boston, today won
the women’s national golf championship
by defeating Miss Lillian Hyde, of Bay
Shore, by 6 up and 3to play.
Padgett Taken Back
SHELBY. N. C.., Oct 14.—Rev. R. L.
Padgett, the Holiness preacher of Kings
Mountain, who was arrested in Atlanta
some time ago, charged with kidnaping
Miss Carrie Stockton, of Kings Moun
tain, has been brought here and placed
in jail to await trial at the November
term of court.
Attorney. N. F. McMillan, who was
employed by Miss ’Stockton’s father toi
prosecute Padgett went to Atlanta, but!
as the case there was delayed so long]
he persuaded the solicitor to permit him
to be brought here for trial on the above
charge. I
Claude Norfhan Announces
WASHINGTON, Ga., Oct 14.—Hon. fl
Claude Norman, at present solicitor of“
the City court of Washington, announceda
that he is a candidate for the office ofs
solicitor general of the Toombs circuit*
to succeed Hon. Thomas J. Brown, of c
Elberton. While this is the first an-f
nouncement and the primary cannot oc
cur before August, 1912, it is not the
beginning of what promises to be the
liveliest kind of a fight for the solicitor
of the new Toombs circuit.
Shappell Heads Golden Eagles
BOSTON, Oct. 14.—John M. Shappell.
of Philadelphia, as supreme commander,
heads the list of officers' selected by the
supreme castle of the Knights «t the
Golden Eagle, in convention here. Balti
more will be next year's convention city
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Your Heart
,*T — X Flatter, Palpitate
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LjirjKiyf l ' l ' l l Shortness of Breach, Tea-
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trig Spells, Spots before
g-2- - sleep,Nervousnesii,Nlght-
% Sp- mare. Hungry or Weak
~*= Spells, Oppressed Feeling
in chest,ChokingSensationlnthroiA,Pala>
tai to He oa left side, Cold Hands or Feet.
Difficult Breathing, Dropsy, Swelling of
feet or ankles, er Neuralgia around heart?
If you have one or more of the shove symptoms,
qoh'tfall to use Dr. Kinsman’s Celrbrnteo
Heart Tablets, the remedy which has made
so many marvelous cures. Not a secret ol
“patent 6 mealc'ne. Oneoutof four has a weak
nr diseased heart. Three-fourths of these do
not know it, and thousands die who have been
wrongfully treated for the Stomach. Lungs,
Kidneys er Nerves. Don’t drop dead like
hundreds of others when Dr. itinsman’s
ateart Tablets will cure you.
Any sufferer mailing this coupon, with
their name and P. 0- Address, to -Dr. F. G.
K hmm an, Box 364, Augusta, Maine, will re
ceive a box of Heart Tablets, fox trial, by
return 11X11, postpaid, free of charge. Don t
risk death by delay. Write at once.
NEW ORLEANS, La., Oct. 14.—J. E.
Thomas, a freight clerk employed tn on*
of the sheds of the Illinois Central rail
way company, whose employes are on
strike, was given a severe beating lata
today while he and his wife were on
their way to their boarding house.
Thomas was set upon by a crowd of
men who were administering to him a
beating when Mrs. Thomas, who is also
a railroad clerk, interfered.
She was also knocked down by one of
the men, who hastily made away on the
approach of the police. Thomas fired a
shot at the fleeing men, but it is not
believed any one was hit. He was ar
rested by the police for discharging fire- fl
arms within the city limits, but was later
released on bond.
BURLINGTON, Oct. 14.—W. Hi V
Wilson, of Holyoke, Mass., and C. E.
Walker, of this city, prominent business
men, have been missing for 48 hours t
since they started out for a two hours*
flqhing trip, and friends today believe
they have been drowned. Soon after they
left here a sudden squall such as is com
mon on Lake Champlain came up.
Searching parties from towns along both
sides of the lake are scouring the lake ,
for some trace of the missing men.
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