Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, December 05, 1911, Page 10, Image 10
10 I WILL PAY $5,000.00 J To the first person proving these letters are not absolutely genuine. I have I deposited the $5,000 in the American State Bank of Wichita, Kan., for that J , v > vj purpose. lam the originator and only living man in the world practicing my I iLr STRANGEAND PECULIAR METHODOF HEALING. Ihave thousands of patients I Wy* Wf in the United States—patients in every State in the Union, and many foreign I countries. Read their letters and form your own opinion.—PßOF. SAMUELS M B \ I■-.> **•’ ■ - x jp**t.3&J' ;,f 4’< |L PROF. SAMUELS Scientist and Originator of Samuels’ Systematic Treatment. HEART DISEASE 25 YEARS. Cloud CBlef, Ok.. Aug. 28. 1911. Prof. H. Samuel.. Wiebita, Kan.: Dear Sir —in reply to your letter Just re , eel re 4 1 will ur your wonderful treatment through tbe eye has cured me of heart dis ease of twenty-five year.' standing; also stomach trouble, constipation and nervousness of the wont kind. 1 am tn better health than 1 hare been for thirty two years. I ran eat anything and ean alecp ao well and reatful. I would advise any one with heart trouble, constipation and nerronaneaa to try your rem edy. for it will sure cure. I haven’t worda to express my appreciation to you for what It baa done for me. 1 woulj not accept all the riches of the world and be placed back like I was when I commenced your grand treat ment. I will not send for any more now. but when I get the money I will bare more for my deafness. It has helper the head noises and deafues. to a great extent. May God bless you and prolong your life to help suffering humanity, and when He caHs sou to your jgward may yon not let yoqr remedy be tßrMMwitb you la the sincere prayer of one patients. (Signed) R D. WARD. R. F. D. Ito. X Cloud Chief. Ok. DIABETES AND BLADDER TROUBLE Caldwell. Kan.? Aug. 21. 1911. Prof. H Ramurls. Wichita, Kan.: Dear Sir —The first of April I received from you three bottles for a three months' course of treatment. 1 was at the time suffering land Sad been for months) with severe diabetes and bladder ■ trouble In tbeir worst form. Only those who reailie what this disease is can un K demand bow almost hopeieas it in. l> a few fa days I felt that it bad begun to improve; my system began to respond to your treatment, and the third month 1 feel that I am entirely g. "" cured. » Tours truly. (Signed) MBB. R. W. LKJGFTT, Caidwell,' Kan. GENERAL TROUBLE Ft. Cobb, Ok.. May 17. Uli. Prof. H. Samurla. Wichita, Kan.: Dear Sir—Pardon -me for not writing you |fa sooner, aa I have been quite busy. My three I . tnoctbs* treatment is part, though I am still taking it. and will until it la ail gone, for it has made such a wonderful change tn me. I can hardly get sleep enough nor enough to eat, and feet almost as well aa I ever did. I don’t begrudge the money, and 1 tell every one about It, as I would like to see all cured. I (Signed) MBS. A. J. CLABT. „ _ R No- 4. Ft. Cobb. Ok. * p - S.—Professor Samuels, my husband cays to tHI you that he hasn’t language to express t ’ bis gratitude for d»e good you bare done him. “ . He certainly is praising you to every one that R.. UMutluna bls treatment. Ke is looking well and don’t cough any more. I certainly feel thankful myself. i RHEUMATISM National Soldiers’ Home. Tebn. Kff - A > rt ' n « 191 *• Irof. H. Samvels, Wichita, Kan.: Dear Prof Samuel*—l do n- t need any more j ; of-your groat mediefim,, for. I feel that I am • well agam. It has cured me of many Illa. May you prosper and be happy. Yours ..merely, (Signed) RK'HaBB C. M. BI’BTON, National Soldiers’ Home. Tenn. NEURALGIA Taylorsidc, Saak.,' Canada. ’ I Prof. H. JJameel.. Wichita, Kan.: Dear Sir—l have to thank you for the groat Et benefit I have received from wear wonderful treatment. I had been bad for a long time, and now after taking one bottle of your treat ment I feel that I am completely cured. I remain. Yours sincerely, • Signed! MRS. AGN’KS WARE. LA GRIPPE. _ . „ _ Annadel. Tenn.. July 5, 1911. Prof. H. Snmuels. Wichita. Kan.., all that you claim for it. My cough Is gone, and 1 am doing my work and sleep fine. Do not think I will prod any more treatment, success. I am. Yours truly. (Signed! ... MBS. JOHN BLAKE. Annadel, Tenn. CATARRH AND ' BRIGHT’S DISEASE _ Baacommw. Mich.. April 25, 1911. *unuela. wjch.ta, Kan.: Dear Sir— Y<W letter wily received, and 1 wwt any that treatment hit the right I ?T X L. • **•* "“*• do not • h,T * ® ore f or a while: and I an thanking y£n ever so mucf? mL Hopln « th “ •’erythtw •fay go well with you. I remain. As ever yours. (signed) d. g. BDMONSON, Bnocommon. Mich. KIDNEY AND LIVER r, „ Speneevine. Cal., June 21. 1911. Prof. H. Samuels. Wichita. Kan.: , Sir—l write now to tell you that I F* . I 11 11 ““ CTiretf ***** Dktog three months’ ireatmenf. b T*? •■* fk RHacy aud liver trouble for eight years, and for sixteen months , I MY METHOD OF TREATMENT - _ method of treatwent which I bare originated Is n strange and peculiar method, dif renng Iron anything else used by any living man In the treatment of diseases. 1 do not use urastir drugs and medicinei* that doctors depend upon. Meo who are familiar With the chemistry of the human body understand that only the chemical elements used in the creation of the body are required to restore it to health when *** functional power becomes impaired. Nature does not require a mass of drugs dmrped Into the stomach, which merely represent an . accumulation of f»rej|n substances which must eventually be eliminated from the system. When Mother N'atwr*. created man kind she need no mercury, no strychnine, no quntne. no digitalis, no morptine or Other poison ous chemical* such as the doctors delight to prescribe for you, and she needs none of them to any rvstorattv* work that may' be necessary in your behal f. My results are obtained by dropping a colorless liquid which 1 prepare Into the eye. Strarae s» it may seem, socalled Incurable castw of Consumption. Bright's IMssaie, Dropsy, Fits, Nervous Prostration. Heart Disease, Asthma. Hay Fever, Blindness. Deafness. » User Trouble, Kidney Trouble. Stomach Trouble and Catarrh are treated in this apparently miraculous way. My system I* eased absolutely on scientific principle*. The eye is the window of the soul, t have evolved a system of treating other bodily Ills based upon the re lation of the eye to the system as a whole. This may seem strange, but my thousands of patients testify to the fulpe of my treatment. If you are sick or ailing you will find something In my Message of Facts, which I am sendtag free to everyone, that will greatly interest you. I explain my method of healing and give yon absolute proof of its value. If you are tired of taking strong drugs Into the stomach. If you have gotten to the point where yau believe there Is no hope. If you have tried as! kinds of treatment your doctor could suggest without it* bcnefittlng you, write me taday for my Message of Facts. It tell* you something about the pemltar liquid which 1 pre par* and of a more scientific and more natural method of treatment. Send me the coujon . i properly filled out or send me your name and address on a postcard and my ‘"Message of Fact* - ’ will be sent you by return mall free. |PBOF. SAMUELS WICHITA, KANSAS —- , , 1 have not been able to stand on my feet, but * now the doctor aaya I am a cured man, and I sincerely thank you for what you have done I for me, and if I should need more medicine !at any time I will let you know. Wishing I you all the success, I remain. Yours truly, (Signed) J. W. PITMAN, Spencevtlle, Nevada Co., Cal. - J NERVOUSNESS 1 Escondido. Cal.. Sept. 8. 1911. 1 Prof. M. Samuels, Wichita. Kan.: Dear Fttend—l will write you a few lines to ■ say that I am improving fast, and I wish to state that your treatment I know has done won- ! I deca io building op my nerves and helping the ■ catarrh tn my bead, end. In fact. I am much ’ better every way since commenlng it. though ' I have bad to use it a long time, butl now I think 1 can get along without It. I wish to thank you fur your kindness In sending me the treatment «e long, but I cer -1 alnly was a wreck wbeb I began. It certainly i was has been a great benefit to me, and as ' I you already know, A. W. Henderson, my broth-, 1 er, la responeible for my using the treatment. I wish you success and long life, with God's ' : blessing. Yours truly, (Signed) MBS. M. E. SMITH, Escondido, Cal. ■ HEART TROUBLE Rosedale. Ind., Sept. 5, 1911. j . Prof. H. Samuels. Wichita, Kan. Kind Sir—l should have written you long ; I ago. but I have been feeling fine and doing 1 all of my work. I can walk two miles now 1 i where I could not walk across the room when : I wrote you. and I cannot spy too much of what you hare done for me. If I need your ‘ assistance again I will surely writs you. (Signed) AMANDA GRINDLE, R. B. No. 3, Box No. 134, Rosedale, Ind. KIDNEY TROUBLE Santa Crux. Cal., Aug. 28. 1911, Prof. H. Samuels, Wichita, Kan. Dear Sir —I stopped taking your med Id ns some time ago because my kidneys no longer troubled me, and am still reefing fine. Grate fully yours, k (Signed) LOVISE MUSSE, . 14 Keystone Ave., Sants Crus, Cal. RHEUMATISM Buxton, lowa, Sept., 1911. Prof. H. Samuels. Wichita, Kan. | .Dear Sir—l- received your letter In regard to bow I am getting along. I ean My I feel I better since 1 took your treatment than I I have felt for twenty-five years. Times have been so bard that I have not been able to send, but Just as soon aa I can, I will send for treatment. Yours truly. (Signed) PHILIP G. THOMAS, . Buxton, lowa. GENERAL TROUBLE Gibbs. Me.. Sept. 9, 1911. I Prof. H. Samuels. Wichita, Kas. i Dear Str—On receipt of your letter will aay JI neglected to write to you when I flnisbetl treatment. I felt I was cured and didn’t ! need but the three months' treatment. I don’t . feel any more of those old ailments I used to have, but I think my age-baa begun to work ; on me. and if I need any more treatment at , any time for that, you can be sure I will try yours again. I know now it will cure dis eases. . My daughter. Mrs. Swindlg. of Colorado. Is taking your treatment now and says she is so much better. My neighbors are both better by taking same, and my brother in-law says i be would not take 3500 for what good it has done Him. I can only say I thank Professor Samuels for my cure and give God the glory for It alk. (Signed) MRS. J. W. MARTIN, Gibbs, Mo. NERVOUSNESS. / Snohomish, Wash., Sept. 3, 1911. Prof. H. Samuels, Wichita. Kan.: Dear Sir—l think I sm cured well enough so I can get along wnhout medicine. The last month's treatment has done It all right, fat which I send you my best wishes and thanks. Respectfully yours, (Signed.) CHARLES FEYL, R. No. .4, Snohomich, Wash. GOITRE Weiser, Idaho, Sept. 5, 1911. Prof. H. Samuels, Wichita, Kan.: Dear reply to yours of recent date, will say that your remedy has belpod my eyes; they don’t’ run water now if I use them a J good deal. I have been doing some very fine . I fancy knitting since I used your treatment and > I find it don’t tire my eyes like it used to tire • them. x ” The pimples I was troubled with In my hair are all gone and also those on my neck. Don't send me any more of your medicine now. I still have some and If I find 1 need more, 1 will write you. Yours very gratefully, (Signed.) MRS. SARAH S. ANDREWS, R. F. D. No. 1, Weiser, Idaho. CONSUMPTION Carrixo Springs, Texas. Aug. 6, 1911. Prof. H. Samuels, Wichita, Kan.: Dear Sir —I will answer your letter I received a few days ago in regard to my health. Before I began taking your treatment I was j sick all the time. My stomach hurt all the THE ATLANTA SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5,191 L time; but a short time after I began the treat ment It stopped that distressing feeling. I thank you more than tongue can tell for what you have done for me. I recommepd your treatment to all my friends that are sick. (Sigued.) MRB. L. TEMPLER, Box 181, Carrlao Springs, Texas. diabetes Tipton, lowa. Prof. Samuels, Wichita, Kan.: Dear Sir—l have a letter dated Oct. 17, 1910, when 1 began to take your treatment for diabetes. 1 must say that I am entirely well of that dreaded 'disease now. 1 have a friend that wants to take treatment with you. Please send one of your information blanks for him to fill out. (Signed.) ROMEO TRACHT. TUBERCULOSIS " • Monroe City, Mo., March 18, 1911. Prof. Samuels, Wichita, Kan.: , Dear Sir—lt Is nearly a year since my eon I commenced and took two months’ treatment from you, and be seems entirely well. Your charges are so reasonable. I have moved to Monroe City, so my address is changed from Florida, Mo., to (Signed.) ’MRS. FANNIE O. DANIEL, Monroe City, Mo. American State Bank Wichita.Kaksas, 1 , Sept.lßthyl9ll. . TO WHOM IT MAY COHCERMt I This is to certify that Prof# Samuels of this Ijlty has deposited Five thousand Dollars ($5000.00) in this bank and has instructed us to pay it to the first parson who will prove the letters printed in hie advertisement are not genuine. Tours veiTT truly, AMERICA* STATS BANK, LIVER TROUBLE Heber Springs, Ark., April 6, 1911. Prof. H, Samuels, Wichita, Kan.: Dear Sir—Yours at band and noted in re gard to your treatment, and will say In reply I find it all you claim for It and it has brought me out all 0. K. I have left enough yet for two weeks, and will not need any more after that is gone. I thank you very kindly for what you have done for me, and will refer others to you when I know they are in need of treatment. Thank ing you kg* l !** I * m . . Most respectfully yours, ' (Signed.) JAS. H. BRINK, Heber Springs, Ark. LIVER TROUBLE Edinburgh, Mres., June 29, 1911. Prof. Samnels, Wichita. Kas. Dear Sir:—From neglect I have not written you, which should have been done some time ago, to let you know how I am getting along. I feel all right, and I haven’t lost a day's work out of rrfy crop since I commenced your treatment. I have gained thirty ]>oiinds. I thought I would hold up ■ while and see If my health was good; If not, will know where to get more. Now, you may be sure I will help you all A STRANGE AND PECULIAR [ METHOD OF HEALING! | 1 can. Thanking you many times for the good you have done me, I am Your friend, ' (Signed) P. P. MOONEY, Edinburgh, Miss. HEART AND CATARRH Eldorado Springs, Mo., June 22, 1911. Prof. H. Samuels, Wichita. Kas. Dear Sir:—Your treatment has done the work for me and my son. I do my work without any trouble since I took your remedy. It baa done me more good than all the doctors and drugs in my life. Should you need my sworn testimony you can have it freely. Your truly, (Signed) MR. M. SAXBR. R. D. No. 3, Eldorado Springs, Mo. BRIGHT’S DISEASE Pemberton, 0.. March 29, 1911. Prof. H. Samnels. Wichita. Kos. ' Dear Sir:—Thank God and you for my pres i ent’ condition of health. I am perfectly well lof Bright’s disease. Several doctors have ex amined me' and have analysed my water and say there is no sign of the disease m°w, for which I am Indebted to your treatment. The doctors here want to know wbat cured me. an<f when 1 tell them they scout at my story. I tell them it is so because you can and do cure diseases they enn’t and then they call me a fool and I laugh at them. There are several cases here that need your treatment, but the doctors have gotten them to believe you are a fake hy doctoring through the eye. God bless ycu, ana may you live to cure many more. (Signed) , JOHN DUGAN. KIDNEY AND LIVER Frost, Tex., July 25, 1911. Prof. H. Snmuels, Wichita. Kas. Dear Professor:—l am in receipt of your letter of inquiry regarding my health. Will say I am very much gratified nnd delighted that I am getting well with Just three weeks' treatment with your wonderful remedy. I ean truthfully say I am feeling better every way than I have- felt In six years. In fact. I never en toyed good health Jtike other peonie. due to kidney and liver trouble, and ten dency to Bright’s disease, nnd later female trouble which affected ,mv nervous system very much. I would have bad spells with my right side—a soreness near my liver—nnd sometimes the naln was almost unbearable. It seemed the common doctors could not relieve me only for Just a few days, and I would be suffering again as badly or worse than ever. You cured mv husband of rheumatism, kld n*v. liver and stomach trouble, after ail medi cal aid had fulled, so I believed yon could cure m“ I told you the best f could how 1 was anf'erlrg. ’ and procured a course of your treatment through the eves, and hanplly T can now sav In a short period of tline, 1 am doing my housework and washing, nnd enn do any thing I want to do without suffering ns I did before, and. In fnct, I can't snv thnt 1 feel tired. I sleep well at night; I feel like a new woman. 1 am no longer my old aelf. My eyra are stronger and do not smart and get sore now. I can read aa tong ns I please. T want to continue the treatment until I am well. I wish ail women suffering ns I did would fiY your wonderful nnd hleaa<<l treat ment through tbe eyes and enjoy the same sweet blessings that I am, and expect to en joy more when I am eared, and I know I will tee h* amw Mvee-fafilna iwmedaL Oh, yes, I want to teU you Mrs. Mitchell, who has been treating with you only three months, is now well and Is so happy. She said she does not know how to behave herself for ■he bad been a long sufferer from asthma of the worst form. Doctors gave her up aa Incur able. My husband and I join each other In heartfelt thanks and gratitude for what you have dope for us. Yours very respectfully, (Signed) MRS. ALICE A. BRYANT, Frost, Tex. STOMACH Estelline, Tex., May 16, 1911. Prof. H. Samuels, Wichita, Kas. Dear Professor:—lt is with a heart full of gratitude that I write you to let you know that I have been completely cured by your most wonderful treatment. I feel as well now i as I ever did in my life, and you can never i Imagine how very thankful I am for what you bavo done for ■ me. It Is useless for me to try ’ to thank you, for words fall to express the > gratitude I feel. May God continue to bless i your every effort. I remain, Yours gratefully, ' (Signed) VIRGIE STEPHENSON, Estelline, Tex. _ GENERAL TROUBLE vQonnersvllle, 1n4., Feb. 2, 1911. Prof. H. Samuels, “J Wichita, Kas. Dear Sir:—From neglect I have not written you which should have been done some weeks ago to let you know after waiting so long sinee having taken tbe treatment for my deaf ness and failing eye sight, wish to say I can hear as well as I ever did and the pain in my hea,i is all gone, also the bussing noise. I can see fine, of course, have to use glasess to read or work In, but do not need them for anything else. Too much cannot be said in favor of your wonderful core. I heartily recommend you and your treatment to any ana ail who are af flicted as I have been. Think. I am a inan 77 yeara old and am* very well Indeed. May God continue 'to blesa your way of treating diseases through the eye Iq the wish of one who cannot ■ay enqugh for It Very truly your friend, (Signed) ' ISAAC HAPNER, 213 W. 19th St., Connersville, Ind. HEART TROUBLE Orman, S. D., June 29, 1911. Prof. H. Samuels, Wichita, Kas. Dear Sir:—l am all O. K. yet, sound as a dollar, and I de not regret the day that I made up my mind to try your treatment. It done me more good In twelve hours than al! the doctor’s medicine and patent medicines I ever took. I can turn bandsprings, run, jump and play just like I used to when I was a boy and I lay It al! to your treatment through the eye. Thanks to you. Professor. I get a letter once a week asking me what I think of Prof. H. Samuels, and 1 have an swered them all that bad stamps in them. I will enclose one of them so you can see about how they are gotten np. Yours truly, (Signed) JOHN Q. ADAMS, Orman, 8. D. INDIGESTION AND BLADDER TROUBLE Hot Springs, Ark., June 25, 1911. Prof. H. Samuels, Wichita, Kas. Dear Sir:—l want to drop you a few lines to tell you that: 1 feel perfectly well. 1 bad the worst case of Indigestion and chronic In flammation of the bladder, and the doctors told me 1 would never be any better. When I first fbok yous treatments uiy weight was only 90 pounds, and I now weigb 130 pounds, and It is all due to-your wonderful treatments through the eye. Yours respectfully, (Signed) MRS. H. J. JINNJNGS, P. O. Box 163, Hit Springs, Ark. NEURALGIA Midtson, Fla., Aug. 30, 1911. To Whom It May Concern:— This is to certify that on last December, 1910, I bad a very severe attack of neuralgia and that I suffered tortures, being unable to rest day or nifcht without ' taking a dope of some kind. I hud neuralgia for thirty-five years in my shoulders and chest, and bad taken all kinds of remedies advertised and treated by aH local physicians without much relief. 1 saw pn advertisement from. Prof. Sam uelij. of Wichita, KaS., anj J wrote him de scribing my cage. He wrote me that be could enre me. I sent for the treatment and. com menced the treatment at otice and continued It for thirty days. At; that time I had been re lieved of all pain and could sleep all night sweetly, I ordered another month's treat inent and took one-half of it and stopped. I consider myself cured, as I have not had any neuralgia since, with all praise to Prof. Samuels. (Signed) JAS. P. MARTIN, County Judge of Madison Qo., Fla. Madison, Fla. CATARRH Starkweather, N. D., Sept. 6, 1911. Prof. Wichita. Kas. .. Dear Sir:—l received your letter in regard to my health and 1 want to thank you'very much for what your medicine has done for. me. 1 fseljail right; I feel better this summer than T liar* for the last three years past, and if I thought I needed any more of yonr medi cine. I would 'Send for some more before I get out of it. 1 owe my life to your wonderful medicine and what it has done for me. I am telling everybody abortt your wonderful cure. You can publish my letter If you see fit. May God bless you for what you are doing for the sick. (Signed) MB. CHAS. BURKETT, ' . Starkwaatbaa. M. Xk I KIDNEY TROUBLE Albert, Fla., Sept. 5, 1911. Prof. H. Samuels, Wichita, Kaa. Dear Doctor:—! thought it my duty to write you what your treatment has done for me. I was in a terrible condition with kidney trou ble and I could not sleep much at night, and I had to be very careful about what I ate. so many things would hurt me. I don’t believe had It not been for your treatment and God that I would have been living today. I recom mend you and your medicine wherever I go. I will never forget you. I used two treatments and started on the third one, but felt so well I felt that I was cured, and did not use but very little of the third one, but if I do foe! the need of any more, I will order more. I hope God will be with you and bless you the remainder of your days is nny prayer. (Signed) M MRS. G. W. BROWN, ♦ Albert,. Fla. GENERAL TROUBLE Prairie View, Kas.. Sept. 5, 1911. Prof. Samuels. Wichita, Kas. Dear Doctor:—l received your letter asking me how I wa» feeling. I took v four months’ J treatment from you and can say I never felt better in my life than I do this summer. My side don’t hurt me at all. If I keep on feeling . like this I can say lam cured, but if I feel that my trouble Is coming back. 1 will write to Prof. Samuels the first thing, as you have done me more good than all the doctors that I have tried. Wishing yon all success, 1 remain, Your friepd, (Signed) MART DIELMAN, R. No. 1, Box No. 26. Prairie View, Kas. EYES AND GENERAL Z| TROUBLE Blake, Greer Co., Ok., March 5, 1911. Prof. H. Samuels, Wichita. Kas. Dear Sir and Doctor—l will try and let you know after so long a time how my title girl’s eyes are. They are entirely well, I think; they look all right. I have waited quite a while to write you. but I wanted to be sure of it before I wrote. 1 reckon we all think that you are all the eye doctor there Is. I believe it was the 22d day of September that I quit treating her eyes; and the 22nd day of this month will be six months since we gave her the treatment and I think that Is long enough for anyone to tell whether they are well or not, an<t I think they will be all right. Now, they look all right and she don’t’ never complain with them; and I want to say that I thank God that such a man lives. We all owe you a praise that will never end while we live; and I tell everybody that is troubled with their eyes about you, and want them to try it. I am going to send you the names of two young ladles. One of the young lady’s ey*s has just began to fall her right lately. The other one has one eye taken out and can’t see very much out of the other one; ana I tell her. that I believe that you can cure her eye for you saved my little girl’a eyes, and think that you can eave hers; so I will give their names and addresses and you write tnem and do tne best you can for they are poor people like myself. (Signed) MRS. JOE NELSON, R. No. 1. Box 78. Blake, Greer Co., Ok. ■ STOMACH AND KIDNEYS Caldwell, Ohio, June 26, 1911. Prof. Samuels, Wiehlta, Kas. Dear Sir:—l will write you to thank yotr for your treatment. I was a total wreck for two years, and can say your treatment done tne more good than all others that I baa tried. I suffered with nervousness, stomach and kidney trouble. Will close, wising you to live long and help othera. - Respectfully yours, (Signed) MRS. J. W. EVERLT, R. R. No. 1, Caldwell, Ohio. GENERAL TROUBLE Kildare, Ok., April 3, Prof. Samuels, Wichita, Kas. Dear Sir:—l am going to try and thank you for what your treatment has done for me. I had a bad case of mixed diseases; was not able to do anything and had an enlargement in my side. I used the treatment twelve months. I am able to do all my work and I am fleshier than I ever wa». The treatment Is a wonder. I had taken treatment from good doctors, but it only gave little relief. I cannot praise Prof. Samuels’ treatment too highly for I was almost an invalid when I began treatment. It is great. I will close, thanking you most truly and hope you will live to give many your relief. Yours, (Signed) MRS. M. T. SHEPARD, R. No. 1, Kildare, Ok. HEART, KIDNEY AND BOWEL trouble „ . „ Gibson, Ga.. June 29, 1911. Prof. Samuels, Wichita, Kans. Dear Sir:—Your treatment is wonderful and I can never thank you enough for what it has already done for me, and I feel like a new person to what I was when I commenced your treatment, for I didn’t think I would live to see another year when I sent to you, but I prayej to the Tx>rd for help and relief for my afflicted body and. mind and He beard my prayers and I will praise His name for ever for the good blessings He has sent me th sparing me to find your wonderful medicine, and I hope I may be the means of helping other suffering ones to find relief through you. When I commenced your treatment T could not walk in and out the doorsteps hardly or across the house. I was so weak and nervous I couldn’t bear to talk hardly or read, new or cook, or do any kind of work at all. I couldn’t eat but a few mouthfuls of food at a time ] and it would hurt me. My breast felt tight and burned and hurt me all the time. My , heart bothered me so bad I could not rest at ] all when I would He dow n at night for two 1 or three hours. My bowels were all swollen | up and hard K all the time. I could not bend over to tie my shoes without hurting them. , and they were tender all over all the time , My kidneys were in a bad fix. I could hardly , see how to eat sometimes. My feet and leg’s | swelled badly, and I could press boles In the i flesh and they would stay for a while. I was so weak T would nearly faint sometimes, ana now I feel like a new person. I can eat hearty, sleep well, feel strong and have no pnlns : heart and nerves foel well, breast don’t bother me at all. My kidneys are better, mind is better, can see better: In short, I feel bet ter than I have for several years up to this time. I am not edred yet I know, for my case was too bad but I feel like I was and I hope to be cured, so I feel very thankful fnr what yogi have done for me and hone this will be the cause of others being benefited. Very respectfully, (Signed) MRS. DOR \H YVTGGLNS. HEART TROUBLE Washington. Kars.. Feb. 10. 1911. Prof. Samnels. Wichita, Kans. Dear Sir:—Tonr letter at hand and God bless vonr dear heart. I am better and It was inst a week I’st Wednesday since T gdih mrnced yonr treatment. I was so rtefa I conl.i not sit up and was blind. Wns sick all the time and the sweat would stand .on me In drop,, but my faith was so strong I never stunned nsing ft and now I do not get sick any more and my anpetite Is good. • I e«t ■>! I dare to after doing without so lone. My bowels are regular which they never bare been a'nro i have had rheomet'sm. My kirtnevs do not trouble me nnd T <~vn use mv arms better. I cnr> turn over in bed nnd He o’ttrr aide nod I waa as he’rlras ns a bn’"". Tho-e Is n great change. Wl»et me now la: T am afraid I can’t get the iwmrr for th-» next month’s t-ontm" , ’t befrr<» th's Is o-»t. Peonie bavo beard o # me taking ne ynn and the— oom* from evo—r dlrr*«t<on. Thev think ’t th" most wonderful thing they ever heard nf. T '’o h«re spent cur l-mnn ond never rot the relief I have f-om this nno week’s treatment. Goodhy. and God bless you. Yours very truly, ft—it Uta r* a. mr-iassw. « * GENERAL TROUBLE Springdale, Ark., June 3, 1911. Mr. J. A. C. Blackburn. Rogers, Ark. Dear Uncle: —Will try to write you a few lines thia morning to let you know how I am getting along. My eyes are better than they have been for years. I am stronger and feel better every way than I have for many a long day. Words cannot express my gratitude for wbat you have done for me. 1 wouldn’t be back like I was for any amount of money. I wouldn’t take $500.00 for what it has done for me. I am just about out of medicine. I can see how to read the papers, something 1 haven’t done for years, and 1 thank you from the depth of my heart, and may God's blessings follow you. Yours truly, (Signed) MRS. S. C. MILES. GENERAL TROUBLE Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 18, 191 L Prof. H. Samuels, Wichita, Kan.: Dear Sir—Yours of last week was received and was truly glad Indeed to hear from you and will always be glad to bear from you at any time. You ask me about my health and my condi tk>n. I will say that I am as well and strong and as happy as I can be. The reason I bad not written you was because I have had a bad hand from a mash-up in an electric mill and just could not write, and I wanted to do my own writing. I spent the best spring and summer that I ever did in my life, and It was all on account of your wonderful treatment, I know. I am Just fine, and may God bless you and long may you live,'and whenever I need treatment again I know where to send to get well, and I have waited long enough to know that I am well before writing you. People say 1 look better than 1 ever did in my life. I would like one of your photos some time. I will pay yon for It. I hope I may bear from you occasionally. Respectfully youre, (Signed.) CHARLIE C. HUTCHINS, 447 E. Georgia Ave., Atlanta, Ga. P. S. —I eould not lie on my left side at all, and now I can lie any way I choose with Comfort. NERVOUSNESS Ridgefield, Conn., Sept. 20, 1911. Prof. H. Samuels. Wichita, Kan.: Dear Sir —I received your letter quite a few days ago, but put off answering it. I certainly am very thankful to you for the good and great benefit my daughter has de rived from the use of the treatment prescribed by you. I feel confident now that she is cured of the nervous trouble. She has been having trouble with her eyes again, although they are better now. She has to go oace a week for treatment for them. I didn’t know but what this nervous trouble would come back, but 1 guess that Is fully cured. I don't feel that I can thank you enough for the good you have done, and will always re main -your friend. (Signed!) MRS. LEMUEL BARRETT, Ridgefield, Cons. GENERAL TROUBLE Shevlin, Minn., Sept. 18. 1911. Prof. H. Samuels. Wichita. Kas.: Dear Sir—Just a tew lines to let yon ‘know that I am all right, and do not need any more treatment. I could see ;he effects from the first treatment. My eyes are in good shape— the best for ten years. If I need more help I will call on you at once. Very respectfully yours, (Signed.) N. TYRREL. , Shevlin, Minn. CONSUMPTION AND KIDNEY TROUBLE Orange Park, Sept. 10, 191 L Ptof. H. Samuels, Wichita, Kan..’ Dear Sir —My wife was almost at death’s door with Consumption and Kidney Trouble. She has Just taken one month’s course of your treatment and it has performed miracles. She says she la well, and is. apparently. The cough and spitting have all gone, and her kidneys are in a normal condition. It is certainly marvelous wbat a change in a short time. I think she should have another month's treatment, but she says not May you live many, many years more to do the good work. 1 will recommend all sick people to you. Very truly yours, (Signed.) HIRAM BURGESS, Orange Park, Fla. KIDNEY TROUBLE. Roby, Fisher County, Tex., Sept. 14, 1911. Prof. Samuels, Wichita. Kas. Dear Sir:—l will write to Inform you of the success of your two months’ treatment for Kid ney Trouble aqd why I can truthfully say it is the most wonderful thing on earth to know of your good work? for I know I was not able to do a day’s work, and now I can do as much work as any man, if I feel like I need another month's treatment I will send at once. I assure yon I am doing all I can to get others to take your treatment that I know are suffering. Wishing you God-speed in your won derful work, I sm Very truly yours, (Signed) ’ J. M. MILLER, Roby, Fisher Co., Tex. GENERAL TROUBLE. Quitman. Tax., Sept. 18, 1911. Prof. Samuels. Wichita, Kas. My Dear Sir:—l think your medicine has done wonders for me. I gained 80 pounds or more and feel like a new man. May God bless you for what you are doing for suffering humanity. \ Yours truly, (Signed) A. J. SULLIVAN. \ Route No. 8, Quitman, Tex. EYE TROUBLE. Tisdale, Sask., Canada, Sept. 14, 1911. Prof. Samuels, Wichita, Kas. Deifa Sir:—l am very sorry that I have not written you sooner. Jt was my Intention this laae six weeks, but somehow I never seemed to get it done. We are* so busy with the harvest It keeps me very busy from morning till night. •I am very pleased to say that my boy’s eyes are now all right, 1 don't think we will need any more treatment st present. His eyes are quite clear and bright looking, and I cannot thank yon enough for yoqy treatment. Should be ever need any more I will send for It. Thanking yon once again, I remain, (Signed) MRS. ROBT. WILKINSON, Auto Rd., Tisdale, Sask., Canada. F R E E/l If you are sick my “Message of Facts” will tell / you some things about the diseases of the human / £ I body and the logical method of treatment which will be new and interesting to you. /r Fill out the coupon and mail to me today, y Zo’ > and my “Message of Facts” will be /L mailed to you postpaid, without any Ztf obligation of any kind upon your part. Write today—this hour— Zv -Z as this advertisement may not ’ .•* appear again. \ • Ze Ar Z use zyy .•■ .>• THE ZZz -X ZZ V y ZZ /►> z L RHEUMATISM AND DEAFNESS. Hartman, Ark., Feb. 2, 1911. Prof. H. Samuels. Dear Sir:—l received a month's treatment from you on the 30th of January for my wlfa, and she has been using it since as you directed and it is helping her. She was helpless with * rheumatism and now abe can go about the place where she pleases and’ has gained eight pounds in weight. -She was almost deaf and now she can hear common talk. I think by the' time sue uses up the treatment that she wi] be entirely well. I Jiad two doctors with her and they both said' they could do her no good. Thanking you most kindly for what you have done for her, I am Yours very truly. (Signed) P. H. MORGAN, Hartman, Ark. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS AND EYE TROUBLE. < Avx, Mo. * Prof. Sarnueis. Dear Sir:—Send R. A. Kennedy of this place ; two or three symptom blanks with some of your ' : advertising matter, as be wishes to fill in the i symptom blanks and send you. In my case 1 I have been takiqg the treatment now about a » week, and it has improved ray eyes greatly. I As to seeing, 1 bare to wear glasses and could i not read fine print without them. Now I can I read fairly well. My cough is considerably i better and it seems 1 can hear a little better I as I was bard of bearing. As to the bladder » t trouble, I can see no change as yet. Will con ' tinue treatment regular and report any change. Send me some of the advertising matter with a i few symptom blanks. I can distribute them > to good advantage. Yours truly, ( (Signed) M. C. REYNOLDS. PARALYSIS AND GENERAL TROUBLE 1 Opelousas, La., June 21, 1911. fa Prof. H. Samuels. Dear Bir:—l have received and began taking your treatment on the 9th inac, and 1 am proud to say that I received beneficial reaulta in twenty-four hours after the first dose. My eyesight has improved 100 per cent; my pcJna , in all my limbs have been greatljr relieved. in fact, all my ilia are relieved. I feel alto gether much better. ' I desire to thank you heartily for the relief J you have procured me, and hope and trust It will continue for the better until a permanent J cure is effected. You will find inclosed names of persons af fected with chronic diseases. I have also given your name and address to several other partlss whom you must have heard from by thia time. Thanking you again,, 1 am Yours gratefnly, (Signed) D. F. DUPRBB, Opelousas, La., R. No. X STOMACH. < Chicago, HL, Sept. 22, 1910. Prof. Samnela 1 « Dear Sir: —Have now been using last month ■ treatment. I am feeling fine, so I do net think I need use any more medicine just non. My stomach trouble, as well as other allmentn. Is *ll gone, so I am at present enjoying ti< best of health. My heartiest thanks to you for your wonder- ful medicine. Respectfully yours, (Signed) CHARLES PETERSON, 1 No. Ml 4 sth Ave., Chicago? 11l / KIDNEYS. Chelan, Wash., Sept. It, 1910. Prof. Samuels. Dear Sir:—l have been sway from home f<»r some time, and as the letter was not sent to V me, 1 did not receive It until ■ abort time " ago. I am very sorry, and bad I been at home you would have heard from me sooner. I am entirely cured, and so do not need any more of your treatments. Thanking you very much for yonr kindness, and wishing you success, believe me. I am. Yours very truly, (Signed) MRS. D. U CLBMENT. NOW ABLE TO DO A DAY’S WORK. Pollock, La., May 21. 1910. Prof, Samnels. Sir:—After thanking you for your kindly in terest In my* welfare, would say that 1 have grown ao much better under yonr treatment that I am able to do s good day’s work and will wait a month or two to see bow it will last.. Respectfully yours, (Signed) D. N. BRAKEFTELD, Pollock, La CATARRH OF STOMACH. . I Shamrock, Tex., March 28. 1910. Prof. H. Samuels. Incloeed please find money for a nxm til’s treatment which I think will bs all I will need, as I am as well as I ever was and In one more month I think I will be cured. 1 ata. Yoorr’’trtUy, ’ j (Signed) MRS. T. H. BPOOBI. ' I ■■ 'A BLIND AND DEAF. Llano, Tex.. May 18, 19K*. Dear Sir: —I think my husband, Mr. Ktiff man. 1» improving fast, as he can now see out of his blind eye, and his hearing is improved. You will find enclosed money for another month’s treatment. You will please send it In mr name, Mrs. E. P. Knffman, and obMt, M (Signed) MRB. E. P. KUFFMAR. - KIDNEY AND STOMACH TROUBLE. Bruce, 8. D., Oct. 23, 1910. Prof. Samuels. Dear Sir: —I received your letter quite a-.few days ago, but have put off answering it. f I am certainly very thankful to you for the good and great benefit ,1 have derived from w the use of the treatment prescribed by you. | What I suffered before I comenced to tabs your method of treatment is beyond me to describe. The comfort I have now in living and being able to go alarat and enjoy mr food and drink as others- do, is simply wonderful. I extend to you my sincere thanks. • Verv gratefully and respectfully, MRS. WILLIAM HOFFMAN, Bruce, S. Dak., Ji. No.