Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, December 05, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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I Boy Is Sent to United States
in Order to Begin Life
VIENNA. <-The fftnpernr Fran
cis Joseph Is noted for lii© manv acts of
unostentatious charity to then and wom
en In reduced cirounv-taacew. and one
such case has come to light.
Home years ago Herr Morits Wahr
mann. a wealthy memoer of the Hun
garian parliament, rendered effective
service to the country at a time of crisis.
His sons, however, succeeded in dissipat
ing the fortune left them, the younger,
Ernest Wahrmgnn, committing suicide.
Richard, the elder son. was also heav
ily in debt, but it appears that the em
peror, out of his own private purse, paid
| all his debts and save him a substantial
sum on condinon that he go to the
S United States and start afresh.
K MONTGOMERY. Ala., Dec-. 4.—Holding
that several sections of the local option
laws of Alabama are unconstitutional,
but that tqey do no: eliminate effective
,l |ness of the entire acts, Judge W. W.
< Pearson, tn circuit court today dismissed
quo warranto proceedings instituted by
W. B. Crumpton for the state of Ala
bama against Arthur H. Montgomery,
president of the Montgomery Excise com
mission The suit was entered several
weeks ago and the complaints petloned
the court to remove members of the ex
cise commission on the grounds that the
laws under which they are operating are
. This is to be a general test of the local
option law which was enacted at the last
» session of the Alabama legislature. The
case will b ecarried to the supreme
court, and shard fight will be made by
Crumpton and others to have the law
> declared invalid. -
EMORY. COLLEGE, Oxford. Gju, Dec.
tR 4.—The annual impromptu debars be-
tween Phi Gamma and Few literary soci
ety© was won Saturday evening by Phi
PlUf. presided at the
occasion the subject wiu
a Brief talk. The subject for discussion
"M •Resolved. That honesty is ndt
the best policy tn all matters of court
ship.” Few selected the affirmative
side of the question which was stated-,
negatively. '
£ Debaters from Phi Gamma were Capt
John Smith. B. C. Wiinford, Fletchefr
Johnson. T. M. Lee. Oitver 'Qutmby hlcw
ton. Hsywrod J. Pearce, Jr.
P 'Representing Few were C. C. Pittman,
Jahn E. Matthews, Thomas Gaines, John
Stanford. Spessard Holland. J'. C. Sir
iiusie was by the Embry
I orchestra. - ' - “
1 F
NATCHEZ, Miss., Dec. 4—Bcatner
Svnyzee, saloon keeper, arrested at
Janesville. La., today charged with hav
ing shot and killed- J. CL Ellis, a civil
eWineee of Atlanta, Ga. Elite and
Swayzee oecatoe involved in a quarrel
k at a ’ Store near Jonesville Tuesday j
" night and. rt is asserted, after BiMs had
floored Swayzee with a blow of his
E flirt, the latter opened fire with a re
volver, mortally wounding his adver-
EUis had resigned his position with
a railroad construction crew and- In
tended to return to Atlanta.
'L’Le name of J. C, Elite does not ap
pear tn the city directory.
I ' ■
II • l_ - -
WAYCROSS. Ga, Dec. 4-On Thura-,
day the first shipment of machinery
and material for the first amaiagith ,
plant ever erected In Georgia reacr.ed
K Waycross and will be ’laced immedi
ately The plant begins operation witn
in 60 daya, and will he increased in
size within a few montha
A tile for mantels and fancy interio*
work, as well as brick, will be products
of the new industry. Ordinary Geor
gia sand is the main ingred.ent of the '
material used in the manufacture of
©©■algal; th
$400,000 Loss by Fire
JERSEY CITY. Dec. 4.-Fire early to
day swept the plant of the United States
Express company here. Stables and oth
er buildings occupying nearly a full city
block were burned. 200 wagons and auto
mobile trucks were destroyed and 300
horses perished. Two firemen were seri
ously injured before the b.aze was un
der control at 4:45 o clock. The loss prub
ably will reach s4oo.te».
I. 0. 0. F. Officers Named
.ALPHARETTA. Ga, Dec. 4.-At the
** ©emi-annual election of officers of
Alpharetta lodge. No. 171 I. O. O. F.,
the follow mg were chisen: R E. Oliver,
noble grand. T. E. Mayfield, vice grand;
George O. Hook, financial and recording
secretary: E. A- Robertson, treasurer.
B. R. DeVore. trustee for three years.
Alpharetta lodge is in a prosperous con
| d'tlon.
I •* 'z ' * - “
„ ? people need more coal,
clothes and doctors
than the strong, robust
and hearty.
! Scott's Emulsion r
saves coal bills, tailors’ i
bills and doctors’ bills. I
11-JB |
About one year ago two of my children
suffered badly from weak kidneys and
diabetes. They would have severe spells
of dizziness and were all run down in
health. I was jus: about discouraged. I
tried several remedies and finally a doc
tor, but they did not seem to improve.
I knew of a friend was taking
Swamp-Root for kidney trbuble with good
results and I decided to gel some for the
children I had noticed tnat there was
‘some improvement after they had taken
!two large bottles and continued to givp
lit to them until they had taken one-half,
dozen bottle® and were well bn the road
| to recovery. 1 think Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp
i Root has done more for my children than
any other medicine I have tried and rec
ommend it to anyone having Children
that suffer as mine did.
Very truly yours.
Dothan. Ala.
Personally appeared before me, this ?d
ciay of July, 1909, R. W. Llsenby, \who
subscribed to the above statement tend
maie oath that the same is true in dpb
stai.ce and fact.
A. W. LISENBY, Notary Public.
Letter to
Dr. Rimer * Co-.
• Blaghamtop. N. Y
Prove What Swarr, n Root Win Do Tor
j Send to Dr. Kjlmei & Co., Bingham-
I ton, N. Y., for a. sample bottle. It will
(convince anyone. You also receive
a booklet of valuable, inf jrmat on, telling
all about the kidneys and bladder. When
writing, be sure and mention The Atlanta
Semi-Weekly Journal. Uffegular flfty
cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale
at all drug stores. *,
■X. i —... \
DALTON. Ga., Dec. 4.—The Ralton
Poultry and Pet Stock associatid* on
Saturday afternoon perfected its organ
ization for the coming year, all beinr
enthusiastic In their desire to keep the
organization together. The following
officers and directors were elected:
J. C. Sapp, president; J. L. Wallace,
vice president: K. R- Showalter, secre
tary and treasurer; T. S. McCamy, as
sistant secretary and treasurer; Julian
McCamy, superintendent Board of di
rectors: J. C. Sapp, J. L. Wallace, Ju
lian McCamy, K. R. Showalter. J. F.
Weatherly, L. J. Allyn, Mrs. D. Puryear.
MHrs. W. P. Miller, R. A. Shatzer, E.
Jackson, W. R. Davis and T. 8. McCa
The time for the show vMll be fixed
at some future meeting. In the mean
time a committee will go among the
poultry fanciers and try ( to secure tMrtT
members. ’ '
The 1911 show which closed Friday
night was considered by the association
as' an unqualified success, and plans
are being made to make the next show
even bigger and greater In every partic
KNuxVILLE, Tenn., Dec. 4.-Argument
for a K.vr trial in the case of Robertson
county “night rider” case, styled Thomas
Menees T. J. Mathes Mathews, ei al,
wa< presente£ before Federal Judge Ed
vrard Safford her etoday Judge Sanford
u*>ok the motion under advisement
jK vejflict for (15,000 damages was ren
dered favor of the plaintiff at a sas
slo.u of federal *x>urt In Nashville in
Octeffer last. Mei.ees sued for' 525.000,
that thq defendants,who it was'
alleged were members of the “silent
brigade” had dynamited his thrashing
machine, wagon and thrasher.
! * < - - -
SAVANNAH, Ga., Dec. 4.—From Inju
ries he received November 30, while rid
ing as mechanician in the racing car tn
which Driver Jim MeNay was killed, H.
F. Maxwell died at a local hospital Sun
day. No funeral arrangements have
been made. . *
Shortly before his death Maxwell told
attendants he knew was dead,
though efforts had been made to keep
him ignorant of that fact.
NASHVILLE. Tenn., Dec. 4.-L. J Ka
del, member of alocai firm of tinners,
today received a cablegram from Spain
announcing that he was heir to a fort
une of $380,000 and 2,000 acres of land
near Madrid, by the death there of an
uncle, J M a former Nashville
resident He leaves for Spain at once.
Roswell Masons Elected
ALPHARETTA, Ga.. Dec. 4.—At a reg
ular convocation of Roswell Royal Arch
chapter. No "4, Royal Arch Masons, held
November 30, 1911. the follow Ir.p officers
weer elected to serve the ensuing Mason
ic year: Early Duncan. high priest;
Franklin B. Shuford, king; George O.
Hook, scribe; captain of the host, Isaac
M. Roberts; Royal Arch captain. Ollie
C. Dempsey; principal sojourner. John
W. .Nance; master of the third veil. Price
Suddeth; rnastel* of the second ven, John
W. Rumsey; master of the first veil,
William H. Frankl.n; sentinel, Robert
Drake; treasurer, Charles J. Perry; sec
retary, Henry W. Carpenter; chaplain,
Frederick W. Hadley.
Dr. Schroeter Accepts
SEWANEE, Tenn., Dec. 4.—The Rev.
Herber: Frederick Schroeter has finally
accepted the rectorship of Otey Memorial
church at Sewanee, Tenn. This parish is
one of th* Uvest and must important
Episcopal parishes in the state, and for
some time it has been without a regu
lar rector. The Rev. W, S. Clalmorne
was formerly 1© charge, but for some
time be ha© been the chairman of the
endowment committee of the University
of the South, and the Otey church has
had no regular minister, the work be
ing dune by the men of the theological
department of the university. „
Seventeen Injured
CINCINNATI, Ohio. Dec. 4.-Beven
teen persons were more or less serious
ly'injured when a ladder truck which
was responding to an alarm of fire,
collided with a John street line car lat©
today. Tbe fire alarm proved to be a
false one.
Explorers Set Sail
HOBART, Australia, - Dec. 4,-The
Austrian Antarctic expedition under the
leadership of Dr. Douglas Mawson, sail
ed today for the south In the ship Au
rora. commanded by Capt. J. t K. Davis.
The expedition comprises a number of
experienced explorers. Thp Aurora also
carries a monoplane.
Oil Mill Burns
MADISON. Ga., Dec. 4.-The Madison
Oil Mill lom estimated at $126,000, was
burned yesterday morning. The low la
covered by inauranca. . .
—A—BW ■ SW
—-TON ROUGE, La., Dec. 4.—ln a
row over a chicken. L, O. Mayeaux, a
white man, and Jim Hillard, a negro,
were Allied ,end Frank James, a negro,
vias probably fatally shot here yester
The chicken belonged to Mayeaux. F •
accused .Hilliard of killing It, and then
killed Hilliard. Mayeaux was then kill
ed by Jimes, who escaped. ' Race feel
ing here\ls high.
TAMPA, Ria..
fell over eolith Florida Friday mom
iing. doing slight damage to tender veg-
I etatlon
The benefits to the citrus fruits,
bringing colot to oifenges and grape
fruit, will offset any damages to grow
ing garden trbek. loe was reported in
some sections north pf Tampa.
$50,000 for Y. M. C. A.
NEW YORK, Dec. 4.1-The international
committee of the V. M; C. A. in this city
has received news from Manila of
raising of $50,000 for two new association
buildings there. One be for stu
dents in the Philippine'colleges and the
other for native young employee in
the city. A ten-day i campaign was
planned to raise $40,000. but so successful
was it that $50,000 was collected in six
days. ♦
BOSTON, Dec. 4.—Courting parlors for
the young women and billiard and pbol
rooms for the young men of the parish
will bs established by the Rev. George F.
Durgin, pastor of the Tremont Street
Methodist church, i fhia plan meets hvith
the approval of his board of trustees.
“I would clean out the basemeht of
this splendid church and into that *base
ment I would put attractions that Would
appeal to- young people,” says Dr/ Dur-
ROktE, Ga.. Dec. 4-Charlle Ifeith,
aged SO. was found Saturday night i* a
dying Condition on the Cnullo road, near
an old b<acksmlth shop, about five miles
from Rome. The discovery was made by
a party of ’potsum hunters crossing the
road. • »
They were attracted by a team of mules
standing on the roadside, and went up
to investigate, found Keith on the
ground with the fines around his neck. As
quickly as possible they cut the lin«s
and examined the, unconscious man, m
find that his pulse beating slightly.
He did not rally to stimulants, and died
in a few minutes.
COLUMBI, S. C., 4.-W: H. Stay-
ton, representing the group of New York
bankers who have offered a loan of $50,-
000,000 to finance the cotton crop of the
south, arrived to, Columbia todaji for a
conference wlttr B J Watson, president
of the Southern .Cotton, congress. Mr.
Watson and Mr. Stayton will go to \Au
gusta during the day. where a confer
ence will be held with C. S. Barrett,
president of the National Farmers’ union.
While no official announcement has
been jnade by Mr. Watson it is expected
that the details of the proposed loan
will be announced following the confer
ence in Augusta.
Ga., Dec. 4.—Frank Moyce.
abaut 16 'years, and another boy
named Shell, about the same age. are
in the Lkurens county jail, charged
with burglary. They likely will re
main in jail until the January te.m
of superior court, as they seem unable
to give bond.
A few days ago the show window ot
the Kittreel Jewelry company was
broken into and jewelry to the amount
of SIOO stolen Ti e matter was report
ed to the police, knd the work of the
department resulted in the arrest of
Moye and Shell. \* ,
REIDSVILLE. N. C.. Dec. 4—Rev. F.
H. Jones, a well known Baptist min
ister, is dead at his home here, aged
76. During his ministerial career he
baptized 4.000 persons, among them
ten men who became Baptist preachers
and who are now occupying fruitful
fields in this state and elsewhere.
Faith Came After the Works
Had Laid the Foundation
z f
A Bay State belle talks thus about
"While a coffee drinker I was a suf
ferer from indigestion and intensely
painful nervous headaches, from child
“Seven years ago my health gave out
entirely. I grew so weak that the ex
ertion of walking, if only a few feet,
made it necessary for me to lie down.
My friends thought I was marked for
consumption—weak, thin and palfe.
"I realized the danger I was in and
tried faithfully to get relief from medi
cines, till at last, after having employed
all kinds of drugs, the doctor acknowl
edged that he did not believe it was in
his power to cure ‘me.
“While in this condition a friend In
duced me to quit coffee and try Postum,
and 1 did so without the least hope
tliat it would do me any good. I did
not like It at first, but when it was
properly made I found it was a most
delicious and refreshing beverage. 1
am especially fond of it served at din
ner ice-cold, with cream.
“In a month's time I began to im
prove. and in ’a few weeks my indiges
tion ceased to trouble me, and my head
ache stopped entirely. I am so perfect
ly well now that I do not look like the
same person, and 1 have so gained in
flesh that I am 15 pounds heavier than
ever before.
“This is what Postum has done for
me. I still use it and shall always do
so.” Name given by Postum Co.. Bat
tle Creek, A_,ch.
There's a reason,” and it is explained
in the little book, “The Road to Well
ville,” in pkgs.
Ever read the above let
ter? A new one appears from
time to time. They are gen
uine, true, and full of human
How to Get Rid
of Catarrh
A Simple, Safe, Reliable Way,
and it Costs Nothing to Try.
Those whq suffer from catarrh know
its miseries. There i 8 no need of this
suffering. Yom can get rid of it by a
simple, safe, inexpensive, home treat
ment discovered by Dr. Blosser, who,
for ov£r thirty-six years, has been treat
ing catarrh successfully.
His treatment is pnlike any other.
It i> not a spray, douche, salve, cream,
or inhales, but is a more direct and
thorough /treatment than any of these.
1 It cleans out the head, nose, throat and
lungs so that you can again breathe
freely and sleep without that stopped
up feel/ng that ail oatarrh sufferers
have, it heals the diseased mucous
membrgnes and arrests the foul dis
charge/ so that you will not be con
stantly blowing ycrur nose and spitting,
and at the same time it does not poison
ttie system an<i ruin the stomach, as in
twnkg medicines do.
Ts; you want to test this treatment
witlfout cost, send your address to Dr.
J. w. Blosser, 51 Walton Street, Atlan
ta, Ala., and he will send you by return
i mail enough of the medicine to satisfy
y<Ai that it is all he claims for it as a
r rqfrnedja for catarrh, catarrhal head
i a£hes, catarrhal deafness. asthma,
i Iff-onchitis, colds and all catarrhal com
£ications. He will also send you free
i illustrated booklet. White him Im
gin In a statement outlining his scheme.
“What harm could ever come if we had
a pool and b....ard roorp or a bowling
alley and gave opportunity for enjoyment
free from corrupting Influences? Why
should the basement ©f our church be
used for lumber storage when parlors
and courting rooms could be provided
therein, the use ©f • whteh would be a
moral factor in the redemption of the
. —.p. —j
LAUREL, Mies., Ded. 4.—Cleveland
and Hildred Odom, brothers, aged 17
and 23 respectively, weds arrested to
day, the former confessing that he
killed James W Wells, of a prom
inent merchant. Odom tn his confes
sion, ©aid he and hi© brother were trav
eling across the country and when
dining with Wells, one of the brothers
exhibited a large roll of money.
Wells volunteered to guide them
through the swamps. Fearing high
waymen, Cleveland‘s Odom ssaid he pick
ed up his shotgun, whereupon Wells
attempted to seize it. Oddm pulled the
trigger and Wfll© fell dead. Wells'
body was found in a oreek near here
MEXICO CITY,' Mexico. Dec. 4.-State
troops, under the personal direction of
the governor of Campeche, Edourdo Per
pend Barret, yesterday afternoon defeat
ed a band es Reyizfas in Halceche, ac
cording tfr-advices received at the depart
ment of interior today. The losses are not
Late last night Dr. Espinosa de los
Monteros, an aged physician of the cap
ital. was arrested and held tbr Investiga
tion In connec:ion the alleged Reyes
i Conspiracy. His son is in pan Antonio
.with Gen. Bernardo Reyes.
For Infect* and Children,
Ihe Kind You H»o Always Bought
NEW YORK# Dec. 4.—Julie Morell, the
most shot-up '.’gun-fighter” in Greater
New York, died in Bellevue hospital to
day from seven pistol shot wound' re
ceived in a Second avenue dance hall.
He went to “smoke out” night, as a
herald he s«n>t before him, announced.
Morell refused td tell who shot thim.
Morell was notorious for savage cour
age and fought bull dogs as well as men.
For years he had a standing offer to
fight any bull dog in the city with hio
bare hands.
That he participated In five-score “gun
fights” is a conservative estimate, the
police ©ay. . \
I ■ •—....11f
Negro Detective Killed
ADRIAN, Ga. .Dee. 4.—Saturday night
late a negro detective was killed in the
negro section of Adrian. He had disclos
ed several blind’ tigers recently and
threats had been made aga nst him.
Sheriff Fields, of Emanuel county, came
over in his automobile and krrested and
carried .to Swainsboro five negro men.
Another negro was killed in Adrian on
Home Is Burned
THOMASTON, Ga., Dec. 4.—Long View,
the beautiful suburban home of Mr. G.
W. Waddell, of this city, was entirely
destroyed by flre Thursday evening about
9 o’clock. The fire, which originated in
a nearby servant’s house, had soon gain
ed such headway It was impossible to
save the 1 ■'me, only some <of the furni
ture being saved. The house and furni
ture was partially covered by insurance.
This handsome home, until recently, was
owned by Mr. E B. Thompson, and was
known to many people over the state for
the lavish hospitality dispensed there.
Racing Car Burns
SAVANNAH, Ga.. Dec 4.—ln a fire tui
a local garage today the Ford car driven
in the Tiedman trophy automobile race on
Monday, was destroyed, as were three
other machines owned by local parties.
The fire started Tom a leaking tank of
the Ford car. The stock of Lichensteln
At Hirsch, consisting of cigars and gro
ceries, was damaged considerably by
smoke and water.
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Deo. 4.—*ue
Tennessee supreme court convened here
this morning for the middle Tennessee
term, wowo phases of the law prohibiting
the manufacture of liquor in the state
are before the court One of the ques
tions is the right of a u.stiller to manu- i
:ture for sale but not for sale in vlo- j
lation of the Tennessee law.
J The other is the right to manufacture
for sale but not for sale as a beverage.
In both eases Lem Mottlow, of the Jack
Daniel Distillery, at Lynchburg, is ffii
Whiskey Business is Our Business
We have dealt in Wniskey on this Corner since April, 1888, nearly. 24 years, our reputation has grown
year after year for honest dealing, our customers have clung to us and we appreciate their loyalness of sup
port making our grand success a possibility. Our idea in specializing the 100-proof Liquors is the new sane
American idea, labeling Goods correctly. Double Stamp Goods means 100 in proof, means two Stamps on one
Barrel, one the Bonded Warehouse Stamp, the other the Tax Stamp, goods drawn from barrels like these and
coupled with our many years of reputation assures you that you are geting the Simon Pure Article and that
you are not getting that watery Stuff usually half W ater and half Whiskey. Why should you buy diluted
Stuff when you can buy from us real genuine 100-proof Liquor at such surprising low prices. Clip out this
Ad and keep it for future reference, don’t need to mail it to us with the order, get our Catalogue for the
Holidays, and remember, > • Ti, -v
100 PROOF ... __ nn _ 100 PROOF
Corn Whiskey rye whiskey Malt
{Double Stamped lifclß Purity Itae
ICES SMASHED , Prices Smashed 11 O P “£ E ,
rs. n M m\ * • H QTS.n:
re“:: sTo?? " ,Xl2 • • T - 98 'IrlnTC •• • 307
IS. 12 . . 798 j» Ffl PTQ 8 • • 3.13 J IgLul PTS. 24 . , 7.37
i»! * • • 838 2 JyL _.__4 T -2177
6ALS. tj Gals. iElg
Hann e• s Double Stamped Hanne - S Double stanipcd BHEsSM Proof bm
100 Proof Com Whiskey 100 Proo{ Rye whiskey is iIfTJVj IW no superior in test, taste or
the best com that can be pro- the best Whiskey that can be 1 Qusdity -
duced. We know what good fg produ ced. We know what 100 IN PROOF
whiskey is and we know the good whJskey is and lO O* ta Pnrtty
meanrng of words aud what
JafSl know the meaning of words j I®IW 100 f> fa Full Measar*
we say is true. Tb>S whizkey,and what we say is true. _
100 * N * r?°° F lO °*l This whiskey, 100 in Proof- I Mfllt WftlSkPV
Pure. 100% full measure and 10Q% fuU IVldll IIIII3IMGJ
running over. No one else urc and over No Noooee i«c»«.<o «■ y~ a
dare advertise 100 Proof com one eUe dare advertise 100 •*
at the above Prices Express proof Rye at the above ProrfMsM. Exdcms
Prepaid to your doof. Clip EPrices. Express Prepaid to hCTgVjPrepsid. deltsered to
thia adv. Send order to your door. Clip this adv. dio this Adv. Send row
j Send order to
HANNE BROS. Jacksonville, Fla.
♦ NEW HAVEN, Conn., Dec. 4. ♦
w- —Dr. Louis S, Booth. 26 years ♦
w- old, an attending physician at a ♦
♦ local hospital, was operated up- -♦
♦ on last night for appendicitis ♦
without taking anesthetic. He ♦
was placed upon the operating ♦
> table and allowed to watch the ♦
operation and to make sugges- ♦
♦ tions as to how it should be
done. A rapid recovery is ex
pected. ♦
NEW YORK, Dec. 1.-Although not se
riously 111, W. E. D. Stokes was suffer
ing this morning with an attack of
acute indigestion, which came on yes
terday, and it was said at his apart
ments that he would not be able to
appear in ’court today to resume the
witness stand at the trial of Lilian Gra
ham and Ethel Conrad, the show girls,
who are charged with trying to murder
Notwithstanding Mr. Stokes’ absence,
the case was called today- Miss Maxion
Brophy, Stokes’ stenograpner. took the
stand as the first witness. The com
plainant <» counsel said Mr. Stokes would
be able to resume his testimony on Mon
day. x
Miss Brophy, who has in Stokes’
employ for seven years, said she fl-st
got acquainted with Miss Graham in the
latter part of ISU6 and with Miss Canrad
on May 31, 1911.
She told of Miss Graham’s calling
Stokes on the telephone many times in
the last 4our years. She said that some
times Miss gave her right name
and at other times gave other names.
The witness denied emphatically that
she was Smokes’ confidant in his affairs
with other women. The defense tried
to show through the stenographer that
the letter Introduced last Wednesday .n'
which Miss Graham told Stokes, why he
need not tear to have her as his guest on
his Lexington farm, was a “frame-up,”
and written after Miss Graham visited
Lexington, but Miss Brcphy declared
she never had seen the letter before.
Voters Hear Stubbs
SWAINSBORO, Ga., Dec. 4.—A largo
and enthusiastic crowd of voters were
in the city today to hear Hon. DuPont
Guerry speak in the interest of Pope
Brown for governor. Mr. Guerry, how
ever. had an engagement in United
State© court and his place was ably
filled by W. S. Stubbs, of Savannah.
Indications now are that Pope Brown
will be an easy winner in Emanuel
county. \
. H-1- i <.
Remarkable Treatment
For Epilepsy or Fits
Kansas City Doctor Treats This DIMM*
with Unusual Success©.
Sends a Large 16-oz. Bottle Ere© to All
Sutler er© Who Write Hun.
The remarkable success which F. E. Grant, a I
phrMClan. located at Haymouti Bldg.. Kan
sas City., Mo., la having in the treatment of
Epilepsy, Fits, or Falling Slcknesa Is attract
ing wMc attention. To test his treatment the
.Doctor sent some of it to people who had been
suffering for years, and to tuelr delight they
alate that hia treatment cured them.
Dr. Grant la anxious to help everyone as- |
flicted with thia dreadful diseaae. He aenda a ;
tree 16 oa. bottle to any sufferer who will
write him, giving name, age and express office.
If you have thia disease write him at o©ce.
Past, Present and Futr; e AU Re
Wonderful Revelations That Will Sur
prise, Mystify and Help You.
Let me send you a test reading of your life
as revealed by the stars above that will eer
prlae, mystify and aid you. I will convince
you that there is truth. In Astrology, that It
will point out the way to success in love,
health, wealth and marriage. Will tell what
profession to follow to be most successful, of
changes to eome and mistakes to avoid.
Wonderful revelation of the past, present and
future, everything revealed; tells If your friends
are false or true. If you will marry more than
once or be divorced. Are you In trouble, per
plexed and at aloes what to co to secure your
greatest desires? Write to me and he convinced 1
that Astrology Is a science, and that ife can '
help you. I’nt me to the tet-t and let me ■
prove It to you.
No matter what your post experience has |
l-een or what yonr present trouble mar ho, I 1
can help you. Advice is given that will bring ■
you good luck and siicceM In love, courtship
anu financial matters.
Send me the date of your birth and enclose
fl cents in postage «Jci; write plainly and you '
will hear from me promptly.
DK. A. ZKJtoLA, Dept. Ug M. Havana, Cuba.
You can transform any kerosene (ooal oil) lamp or lantern /
into dazzling brilliancy with our wonderful Bright Light f r- 1 -
Burner. 60 candle power invisible and unbreakable
Steel Mantle. Brighter than electricity, better than gas Bw / (
or gasoline, and perfectly sale. No generating—simply f | I .itiiu
light like any kerosene lamp. Nothing to get out of order. KS I \
Positively will not smoke or flicker.
all or spare time. Experience unnecessary. Make big money —be indepeo
dent Write today. Act quick—territory going fast Complete sample, post- f
paid, 30c, 4 lor *I.OO. Money baelc if not ©©tlstactofy.
BRIGHT LIGHT CO., DepL tv4, Grand Rapids, Mich, -
NASHVILLE. Tenn., Dec. I.—More
than 300 delegatee gathered in Nash
ville Thursday from all parts of. Ten
nessee at the call of Governor Hooper
Ito discuss the temperance laws and
plans for their, Enforcement. The con-
I ference named thje following committee
to wage a campaign for law enforce
ment: First district. A. B. Reynolds,
Bristol; Second district, W. A. McTeer,
.Maryville; Third district, W. G. H.
Thomas, Chattanooga; Fourth district-.
: Jere Whitson, Cockeville; Fifth district,'
■ V”. R. Webb, Bellbvckle; Sixth district,
I G. W. Dyar, Nashville; Seventh district,
IJ. 1. Finney, Columbus: Eighth district,
T. J. Qrooka, Huntington; Njnth dis
trict, J. H. Farmer, Martin; Tenth dis
trict, W. J. Jories, Memphis; state at
large, George J. Burnett, Murfreesboro
The conference also decided tnat ’ a
committee of seven jurists shall be
named which will investigate the pow-,
ers of the governor under the present
laws and recommend to a future con
ference what laws will be necessary to
make the better enforcement of the pro
hibition laws possible. .
The delegates expressed the opinion
that the prohibition laws are generally
well enforced except in the big cities
and insisted that no backward steps
shall be taken in the temperance move
GRIFFIN, Ga., Dec. 4.—Jim Harrison
and Jeff Turner were sentenced to 99
years In the penitentiary by Judge R. T.
Daniel of the superior court, for the al
leged murder of Will McKune, who was
killed on tbe night of October 2, last.
The life sentence was given on account
of the verdict of the jury which sat on
the case and recommended the defend
ants to the mercy of the court.
McKune was found in a dying condi
tion in the western suburbs of the city
on Monday morning. October 2, and the
coroner’s jury which investigated* the
killing caused the arrest of Harrison and
Turner ,as the perpetrators of the crime.
LAFAYETTE, La., Dec. I.—Clemen
tine Betnabet, the negress charged with
the murder of a family of six negroes
last Sunday night, wag last night trans
ferred to the parish jail. Her father,
Raymond Bernabet, awaiting a new
tril after being convicted of killing four
negroes last February was carried to
Crowley, La., for safe keeping.
Bernabet secured a new trial on the
novel plea of being too drunk to take
the stand In his' own behalf. No new
evidence has been discovered tn the
case of tiie negrees.
’ GRENFIELD, Mass.. Dec. 4.—ln a silk
‘ lined casket and a burglar proof grave
! there reposes today the body of Rah Rah,
a famous Scotch collie owned by William
S. Adams, of tills city. A private service i
was held over the remains at the home
of Mr. Adams and a profusion' of floral
tributes from friensd was laid hon the
gra .e. The dog had won many prizes at
stows and was celebrated throughout the
countryside as a very intelligent animal.
He could sing and dance and for years
made three or four trip? a day to th*
postoffice for his master’s mail.
Governors at Cleveland
l CLEVELAND, Dec. X. —The western
: governors’ special train, having on
, board the executives of eight western
states, who are advertising the west
|in the east, arrived here at 8:30 this
morning. The governors were met by
a chamber of commerce committee and
I taken to the Cleveland Athletic club, ;
(where headquarters were established.
The horse can be made to masticate j
his food by putting finely cut hay with
j the grain. A ration of half prairie grass
hay and half alfalfa will give almost as
i good gains as a ration of alfalfa alone.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking
that lice do not troubl epoultry in cold
Made to ••ours 6,000 now customers
Send for 2 gallon* of thi» whiskey at
the cut price of $3.50, Expreu Paid,
and compare the quality with 2 gallons of
any other kind advertised in this paper
at S 3 60, $4.00 or SS(O for 2 gallons, and
if our Straight Whiskey is not better—
; you be the judge—tend ours back on
firxt train and we will return your money
and a dollar bill extra to pay far year OmE *
Hi ®tt ffWi ' "•’**
navar printed before la any paper by any
Whlafcoy havaa—so it’* up to you to test ft
oat I RHarn this ad with remittance and ad
dress your letter plainly as below—we Will de
the rest and pack Wj Sample lug and oiee
I Calendar Frae with the 2 gallons.
. We refer to Atlantic National Bank, Jack
sonville, Fla., one of the target fcgsi»
In Fla.
I will send a very pretty wall calendar- La S
colors an<j gold, and a big choice assortaiswg of.
Xmas and other postcard novelties for 4c post
age If you say you will show the cards I send
to 4 of your frit nds. 8. M. ■gelapngsr? 233
So. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. W
Texas school land is now on the market. You
can buy good land at $2 per acre, pay 5 cents
per acre cash and no more for 40 years, but 3
per ,tvut interest on the balance. Send 6 cents
poetage for further Information. In»e«tor Pub.
Co., Dept. 31, San Antonio, Tex.
* - < ■ ■
$25,000,000 ON LINE
NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 4—lt is report
ed here that the Frisco Railroad sys
tem is behind a project to spend $25,-
000,000 in building a line to extend from
Port Barre. La., west of Baton Rouge,
north through Arkansas to a point near
Memphis, to be known as Memphis. Ar
kansas aqd Louisiana. '
At is said that this road is a result
of the track arrangement with the Tex
as and Pacific falling through, and wIT>
enable them to compete with the Har
riman lines. •„ •- ' >
.i .
Made Executive Clerk
WASHINGTON, Dec. L-Rudolph For
ster, who has been connected with the
White House in an executive capacity Jor
more than ten years, was today ap
pointed executive clerk to the president
at $5,000, and Sherman P. Allen, of the
Washington bureau of the New York
Herald, was sworn in as his successor as
det' c. rk
Poet Is Dead
NEW YORK, Dec. 4.—William Jones,
: well-known as a writer of Welsh verse,
is dead at his home here, following an
attack of apoplexy with Which he was
stricken at a church service on Thanks
giving night. He was 74 years old.
Cotton Oil Mill Burns
, TRENTON. Tenn., Dec. 4.—The plant
of the Tennessee Cotton Oil MUI company
was totally destroyed by first last night
with a loss of $50,000. The origin is un
known, and no statement of the insur-'
ance can be had.
1 rnsses Like TheesAreACrime
If you v.ant Rl.l.ltF from all pain—a CURB
: instead of c<-net ant danger—strength instead of
I reakneaa —if you want to be rid of the eld,
; unscientific and uncomfortable leg-strap ap
pliance and Spring Trusses—send today tot
' imr FREE of Adrlce. It took na 4ft
j year* to lea tn the fact* it contains, and tell*
I you Juki bow the Clothe SeK-M assaying P, I
STRENGTHENS the weakened muscles, HOLE!
' with ease and CURES Rupture. Waterproof,
durable, hygienic; sent under Guarantee Trial,
Remember—No body-spring. NO plaster, NO
leg-»tr*p. Write NOW for tbig free Rapture
Book and 4,000 Public Eudoraemeata. Jut
* , ■