Newspaper Page Text
Ik. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription
Is the best of all medicines for the cure of diseases, 5.
disorder* and weaknesses peculiar to women. It is the
only preparation of its kind devised bye regularly gradu- w®
a tod physician— aa experienced and skilled specialist in m ypßFy
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It is a safe osedierne in any condition of the system.
THE ONE REMEDY which contains no alcohol
ami m injurious habit-forming drugs and which
•rentes no craving for such stimulants. ~
THE ONE REMEDY so good that its makers " E .
era not afraid to print its every ingredient on iff
yeah outside bottle - wrapper and attest to the
tratbfalwess of the same under oath. sold bv medicine dealers everywhere, and any dealer who hasn’t it can
get A- Don’t take a substitute of unknown composition for this medicine or
knowm coMPosmoM. No counterfeit is as good as the genuine and the druggist
who says something else is ‘•just as good as Dr. Pierce’s” is either mistaken
or io trying to deceive you for his own selfish benefit. Such s man is not to be
trusted. He is trifimf with your most priceless possession—your health—
■My be your life itself. Ser thrt yoo get what yes asi fer.
**AII in a Day’s Work” Says President of Criticism Against
Him—ls Not Averse to Second Term, But Happiness Does
Not Depend tn It —G ves His Own Views on Outlook
(9* Am<k at«i Frew.)
NEW rOKK. itec L-ln the current
issue of the Outlook there appears an ar-1
dele entitled "Presidem Taffs own View,
an Authorised Inierview.’’ in which the
president discusses current topics with an
teterviawer. as follows tn
“Speaking of th etariff issue. Mr. Pres
ident. If you could begin your adtnlus
tration again, would you repeat your
Winona speech tomorrow." the Inter
viewer ashed.
"In phraseology no; In effect, yea Had
I known as much then as I do now. I
should have realised that there are some
things one cannot leave to be taken for
granted. I dictated that speech to a
stenographer on tne cars between two
stations and glanced through ft only
enough to straighten its grammar; It was
sent out by ’he press with correspond
ingly little ceremony, so that the papers
received it in all sorts of shapes If I
had prepared it two or three weeks be
fore and revised it deliberately, as I
ought to have done. I should have clari
fied several passages. And. particu
larly. I should nave- changed the sen
tence where I proclaim the Payne tariff
act the best sve< passed. The compara
tive would have been. a better descrip
tion than the superlative; for. whatever
its abr: .minge ’"-« set still con ains
less to be criticised than Its predecessors,
and it did. as a whole, revise the existing
schedule downward.
•q hbd no fault to find with either
Democrats or Insurgents for try ng to re
duce any duties they chose; what I ob
ject to la distributing the business of the
country today, when then is nothing bet
ter than guesswo-k to proceed upon, and
then disturbing It efresh six months later
when the best available Information is
before us. I do not Join in the charge of
inconsistency against the Remoc-ats for
compromis'ng with LaFol ette on the wool
schedule instead of standing by their
own figures If they could not get all the
reduction they asked for. they were
quite justified in taking what they eould
get. Mr chief erlt’cism on their tariff
activities last session was that they were
witting to send to me legislation so crude
and HI digested that they must have
known. If they had paused to think, that
I eould not possibly approve It"
•Hs your tariff reduction program based
on the theory that It will bring about a
corresponding reduction In the cost of
T think that that effect is greatly over
estimated M v * objection to a need
lessly high tariff is that It nourishes
monopoly It holds forth a constant temp
* Tatlon to the formation of little trusts,
which often are more directly oppress
ive to the consumer than big ones."
•Mr President, you havf been sharply
crltciaed for making up your tariff
board of men who are not tariff experts.
“And that is true: they are not. if
I had been appointing a board of tarift
experts I couid not have got along with
leas than B*. in order to do justice to
ail branches of the subject. What
undertook to do was to make tip a
board of trained investigators, capable
of managing a thorough inquiry into
coats of production and of analyzing
Ito element* First. Mr. MacVeagn
wrote to friends in leading universities
asking each to give me a list of the
economists considered by them best
equipped for the task in hand. Profes
sor Emery’s name was on all the Hats
and at the top of half of them, so 1
made him chairman of the board. Page
comw from the University of Virginia.
Banders is an authority on agriculture; :
Reynolds in interpreting and enforcing
the tariff laws for four years, had pre
sumabiy learned the ins and outo of
Your Heart
a a* Does It Fiatur, Palpitate
y.or skip H«-*xe? Hare you
”1 shortneee of Br»»tb,Ten
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Spells, Oppressed Feeling
taelwot,Choking se nsai lon tn t h rent, Pai ■-
fol to lie on loft side. Cold Hands or Feet,
IMflUuit Breathing, Dropsy. Swelling of
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if you bare one or mure of the shore symptoois,
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Heart Tablets, tbt remedy which has made
so many marvelous cures- Not a seer, tor
“patent" medicine. One out of four has a weak
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Kidneys or Nerves. Don't drop dead Ifke
hundreds of others when Dr. Kinsman's
Heart Tablets will cure you.
Any sufferer mailing this coupon, with
their name and P O Address, to Dr. F. O.
Kinsman. Box Ml Augusta. Maine, will rc
ceive a box of Heart Tablets, for trial, bv
return m»'l, postpaid, free of charge. Don t
risk death by delay. Write at once.
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that business. and Howard I regarded
aa the ablest southern representative in
• congress in mj day. These men made
no pretense of t»eing tariff experts; they
employ all the expert help they need.
“1 fully realize, and 1 wish our peo
| pie would, that the present prosperity
■ of the treasury is due tn no small meas
ure to the existing tariff, which, not
withstanding all its faults. Is A reve
nue-producer. There is a good deal
more that can be said for that act. it
eave us a maximum and minimum tar
iff proviso, which I deem of the highest
importance, and which tended to in
crease our foreign trade substantially.
It gave free trade with the Philippines,
which has made the islands more pros
perous than ever in their history, with
out injury to any American Industry.
It gave authority that I used to create
and appoint sK tariff board, which,
though not the commission I sought, is
doing a most useful work; and it im
posed a corporation tax, on which 1
had set my heart, but which at times
I despaired of getting through.**
“Now that you have launched yout
project for a constitutional amendment,
sou probably have in mind some partic
ular form of general income tax to rec
ommend ,0 congress when it is free to
act?” 1 *
“In away, yes. I believe, on princi
ple, in a geenral Income tax. The only
good arguments against it are that It is
Inquisitorial, and that it offers a tetnp
tativ to perjury. But I would not re
sort to the ordinary Income tax except
In an emergency like war, when 1 would
have it graduated, so that those citi
zens who had most ax stake should beat
a correspondingly large share of the
burden of the common defense In time
of. peace I would avoid temptation to
perjury and would confine the govern
ment to taxes that do not involve such
Inquisitorial methods In their collec
"Mr. President, I suppose you have
noticed Mr. Bryan’s comments on your
appointment of Chief Justice White?”
“All that lohave to say about my ju
dicial appointments is that I have re
garded my duty In respect to them as
the most sacred with which I am chkrg
' ed. and that I have spared no effort to
secure for the supreme court and other
courts the best men I could get, with
the fullest .appreciation of the fact that
the federal courts, ana especially the
supreme court, constitute the chief' bul
wark of the Inatltutions of civil liberty,
created 'by the constitution.”
"Now, Mr. President, something of
the future. {What do you purpose
treating as your ‘calendar of unfinish
ed business' for the rest of your term?”
“In the domestic field, I suppose re
ductions ip the woolen and cotton sched
ules, and possibly in the metal sched
ule of the tariff, will go to the top of
tre calendar. These will be founded
far as my recommendations are con
cerned. on the report of the tariff board.
I have heard it Insinuated that con
gress will not heed the suggestions of
an executive board. As to that I have
no means of judging in advance. What
<I shall do is to put the whole thing
up to congress, and leave the members
to settle with their constituents If
they prefer not to act. in the house
the democratic majority have always
professed themselves ready to accept
any reductions they can get. and I am
going to take them at their word in
good faith. Where the insurgents will
stand I am not prophet, enough even to
surmise. 1
“For another thing, we ought to ob-
■ tain some legislation which will en
' able Alaska to develop without infring
ing on our broad policy of conservation.
Then there Is the question of ratify
ing the peace treaties with England and
: France, and the fiscal treaties with
i Honduras and Nicaragua, which In their
way are peace treaties also, as their
purpose is to remove one of the most
prolific causes of war.”
“I assume that you know that it has
been widely hinted that your tour was
1 the opening of your campaign for re
’ election T’
“Certainly, as is the case with all
; administrations, much of what I have
done since I have been n office has
had some political color put upon It by
those who were Inclined to bo critical.
The truth is. however, that political
considerations have not weighed heavi
ly with me. I have tried to do in each
case what seemed to me the wisest
thing, regardless of its effect upon my
own future. Indeed, in more than one
Instance I have been perfectly con
scious whose bad blood would be stir
red by sdme act of mine or some re
fusal to act. The circumstance that
the same persons who hail me. after
one application of equal justice, as a
I far-seeing, conservative patriot, de
nounce me after the next as an un
reasoning. radical, does not greatly dis
turb my equanimity. I set that down
as ’all in a day's work.'
”1 am very grateful ror the honors
the people have given me. I do not af
fect to deny the satisfaction 1 should
feel if. after casting up the totals pro
and con, and striking a balance, they
should decide that my first term had
been fruitful enough of good to war
rant their enlisting me for another. Any
man would be proud of such a verdict.
But I have not been willing, nor shall
I be, to purchase it at the sacrifice of
my freedom to do my duty as I see it.
afy happiness is not dependent on hold
ng any office: and I shall go back to
>rivate life with no heartournings if
he people, after an unprejudiced review
of my administration, conclude that
some one else can serve them to their
greater advantage."
Detective Arrested
INDIANAPOLIS. Dec. I.—After Mrs.
Sidney L. Hopwood, wife of a private
•letertive, died of a bullet wound early
today, the police detained Hope ood pend
ng, an investigation. Hopwood claims
bla wife killed her&elf. • /
Seasonable Recipes
pounds each of beef, beef suet,
sugar, raisins and currants, four
pounds apples, one pound each of
candied lemon peel, citron and sul
tana raisins, two nutmetgs, grated,
one-fourth each of cloves and
mace, one-half ounce of cinnamon,
one teaspoon of salt, and juice and
grated rind of two oranges and
two lemons. Simmer the meat un
til tender and when cold chop fine.
Stone the raisins, pare, core and
chop the apples, shred the citron,
and chop the suet fine. Mix the
dry ingredients, then add fruit
juice and rind. Cook altogether
and put into jars and keep in a
cool place.
earthen baklnk dish and cover the
bottom with slices of slight bread,
well buttered. Sprinkle the bread
with sugar, raisins and grating of
~nutmeg, add another layer of
bread,/and continue until the dish
is filled within two inches of the
top. Mix a quart of milk, two well
beaten eggs and one oup of mo
lasses and pour over contents of
dish, cover with a plate to keep
bread under and soak 20 minutes.
Cover with common cracker split
and bake in a moderate oven
three hours keeping tin plate over
top. When done remove crackers
and serve hot with hot or cold
COLD SAUCE—Cream together
one-half cup of butter and one
and one-haii cups of sugar, with
one teaspoon of cream or milk.
When thoroughly creamed add one
well beaten egg, beat again, mold
and chil. z
HOT SAUCE—Cook together in a
double boiler two cups each of
sugar and hot water, one table
spoon corn starch dissolved In a
little cold water, a half cifp of
butter, one well beaten egg, and
any flavor desired, adding the lat
ter after the mixture has cooked
and been, removed from the fire.
Less corn starch can be used if a
thinner sauce is desired.
The department of agriculture
sent Mr. W. W. Btockberger, its
physiologist from the bureau of
plant Industry, to Europe this
summer to study the hop-growing
Where the age of a fowl cannot
be told by the legs, there is often
a dull, heavy look under the eyes
of an old bird, which an experi
enced poultry man can tell at a
glance. But In all up-to-date poul
try yards the birds are banded,
and a record kept of them, so
that there can be no
If you have 15 or more head .of
cattle, and haven't a silo, it will
pay you to look into the subject of
silos pretty carefully; and if you
do, you will probably decide that
you need a silo.
RALEIGH, N. C., Dec. I.—Speaker
Champ Clark spent today In Raleigh and
last night left for Washington. He came
to deliver an address before the North
Carolina Teachers’ assembly, and was
greeted in Raleigh’s new auditorium by
nearly 5,000 people, the greatest audience
ever assembled under one roof in this
Speaker Clark was Introduced by Gov
ernor Kitchin, whose reference' to him
as a man flt for tne presidency was
greeted with great applause, as was the
before leaving Speaker Clark declared
that President Taft would certainly be
nominated by the Republicans for presi
dent. and that he was just as certain to
be defeated.
$3.50 Recipe Free
For Weak Men
Send Name and Address
'Today—You Can Have
It Free and* Be
Strong and Vig
I bare in my possession a prescription for
nervous debility, lack of vigor, weakened man
bood, failing memory and lame back, brought
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lies of youtb. tbat has cured so many worn
and nervous men right in their own homes—
'without any additional help or medicine— hat
I think every man who wishes to regain his
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should have a copy. So 1 have determined to
send a copy of the prescription free of charge,
in a plain, ordinary sealed envelope, to any
man who will write me for it.
This prescription comes from a physician who
baa made a special study of men, and I am
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tor tbe cure of deficient manhood and vigor
failure ever put together.
I think 1 owe it to my fellow man to send
them a copy in confidence so that any mat
anywhere who is weak and discouraged with
repeated failures may stop drugging himself
with h»rmfnl pa ent medicines, secure what 1
lielleve 1 is the quickest acting restorative, up
building. Sl’OT-TOUCHJNG remedy ever de
vised, and so cure himself at home quietly
and quickly. Just djrop me a line like this
Dr. A. E. Robinson. .3771 Luck Building. De
troit, Mich., and 1 will send you a copy of
this splendid recipe in a plain ordinary, cn
relope, free of charge. A great maty doctors
would charge $.3.00 to $3.00 for merely writing
out a prescription Ilka Üba—bvt X send It ««-
tlrely tree. , ... .>
Avoid Dangerous Operations. Let Ma Send You a
l Exmm CIOO DaUIa s- —I
Bl fey&l SOI S S P HrHr it 1 will guarantee it to cure the most chronic cases and I
WkiW |S| ■■■■■■■■ R JOf fl! 0 Ssfjes want every one suffering from SUmlloh, LIVOT OF tofOttlntl
"I Troubles and Gall Stones to send at once fora Free Bottle.
Don*t allow yoeer StomaciiTrnobfeto baoaMs zobad thatsa opersttoalsstow- It is a positive and permanent cure for
sary. Don’t pwmrt so operation until you have at toast triad tbfe FREE Bottfe. "
J; Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Trouble, Gastritis, Indlgres-
/ tion, Dyspepsia, Pressure of Gas around the Heart, Sour
/■z , Stomach, Distress after eating, Nervousness, Dizziness,
Fainting Spells, Constipation, Congested and Torpid Liver,
st Yellow Jaundice,Sick Headache, Appendicitis and Gall Stones
■ C'WIX ' 'wicrriik \ The above afltnema are mainly caused by tbo clogging of the inteatinal tract with nwcoid I .
V. YAy ' vl Zx ' and catarrhal accretion., backing up poisonous fluids into the stomach, and otbarwise de- E
Yf* ’A Fv 1 ranging rhe digestive system. I want every sufferer <rf any of these diseases to test this won- 11
s t ’ / il I < derful treatment. You are not asked to take this treatment for a week or two before you feel
£S Wv*'' s / ‘ i* 3 K reat benefits—only one dese u usually required. I say emphatically it is a positive, per-
/A X if manent remedy and I will prove it to you if you will allow me to, and I again repeat I will
■ 11 send the complete SI.OO treatment to you abeotatoly Free so you can tty it in your own Ml
s Kill home at my expense. /
r’ wbGex 7 most eminent specialists declare that 75 per cent of the people who suffer from ,
£>: WW \ f Stomach Trouble are suffering from Gall Stonaa. I firmly believe that this remedy is the only *
lit I fill * \ one llie world that will cure this disease. Sufferers of Stomach and Liver troubles and EH
iw i'V i 1 Illi mill/ 'f h ♦ n III' o' iLnt Stones should not hesitate a moment, but send for this Free treatment at once.
I 3 J' ’H r fl 1 have watched sick people for years and have reached out my bands to thousands in S
*’■** {/I r^ l ”/ Hnf 111 AL 'I t^e ? rcat depth of the Valley of Despair and brought them into the light of Bfe and
/! j, f? II happiness. I want you, and each one suffering to knouj the full joys of living with every
V'///[ 1 b W /' I I* pent of your system in beautiful accord and in absolute perfect harmony. This is possible |m|
1 ’A 'i ■'V'V’ / r i thiS wont^ remedy. A FREE BOTTLE win positively prove it. H
/ I||Jl Don’t Lose Hope I j
I \OVllin--1X 1 ISM 1 fl Pltti | Why suffer with stomach treubl.f Why give up
I I Al 11 I H En! I hope— end despair of ever being cured? If ether Doein Softer aS mha; dea*t <lom wWk F™
i m —J-SgAC 11/;/I 1 /;/ I treatments have failed and you feel dinbearteued, S***. W»diWr eo«ry trMtmenV. wtoea Marr's Kw M
1/ I I ’ |UUl\i don't allow it to discoarsge you from .ending for iful “i Sea v.rvf eadj»Ue
I ! l// 111 t'' v \ \\\Wx ~ v! I tht. Free bottle. Don't say to yourself that it w<D
U ' i I \'.| iiill not help you, before you have tried it, »• it costa you taw,
_[/ I iI I Al jill| I j! nothing to take this wonderful remedy and Judge for Far. Vo*4and P-«X Act— Swial Na. SST7PS. TMa mad. Mwl
H \'H\ I I ti ll T■ ywi.-.ulf yourself its marvelous powers Yoe will, like tbe letaa baae aueeaaataSy tah.a b»_ »ASdr.i, at ntaa Ml
' —Z.// Al \ I V - 8111 thouMnds of other, who have been 'cured, blew tbe * m4 , t a*< vaala as etgtuy Mgto year, jjw
—// T I 11? hour and offer fervent thanks for this wuodwfal ***•
, ’ : I !i remedy that has brought back yaur health.
•“ ~Why suffer with thoee horrid griping pate, that mu , IB
ansin Man • cut like a knife? They rob you of aD the aweeta of ■•IOW W* gOOW Ml •X*Cs HItOTO-
ol ZU happiness Bach morning means another day of graph actual slZ* Os Poisonous
H nese LtwlaK©! S Catarrhal Mucoid and Bile Accra- M
au•W we tads ■ ■aw ww w wt* w www■ ww with pain. No matter what you eat, you miffer. vs„ w K 9
- ' irrra riur VTt.e'euVtre'o' Life is one continual round of L>onl eat this and tlOßaratnoved Dy my remedy. Tnay
n .. UM . CURED AFTER FIVE YtWtS SICKNESS. don't eat that.” You cant rit down to a table, spread «re the causes of about 99% of M
ft WHAT A PROMINE NT PHYSI- Geo y n ,. M Y r , r ‘,^ lt 2? go ; , K ., . r‘ th , nee^ “ ftdkn T tl ii t l l^ ar Lf? in , g “ ,l Uv«r «o<i IntMtinal
a remedy. ^ °, jAk I
. ton Colorado and wng your praises and left one, a. the remedy cotaUun. no opiate, rtnaufeat or ELtot \ Kfl
Sept ISth, 19IL •ddreas wteiwver I went I bars not / say poboaow. ar mjunou* mgrwfient. whatever. VU. W\ tar J
■V's Mr. Geo. H. Mayr, Chicago. 111. written you at an earner date aa I have They are able to eat anything they want—even for- A 'fL I - HfX EH
*-t.i Iwar Sir:—My wife received your letter hurt waited to aee if 1 stayed cured before get they have «ucb a thing aa a stomach. No 1
and treatment a few days ago. She took I let you know. Your remedy t« surely a more of the gnawing, aching dun sensation*, no more -
toe medicines aa per directions Saturday 1 r paroxysms of pain, belching of gases and otheraymp- ' Wf Bfl
-/SB ... « ...- -i dhdtls sod would soon die if I were not toms of indigestion that stomach trouble nroduces ilii; L-.a
with wonderfm remits, as she pawed s ()penitr< i t iy ln< m ab out all inai « xroume produces i 111 /ifl! K3 i
■zga large quantity of gall stones of various the ttme with mlmry m<wt of the ttme for-- .. . jWff FFB
3! stees. I will send you a money order here- five years. I took treatment during March. *» rsw reames as f-wopie WM Save tokea My fc ft I ftn lIH JESBHbS'MMF F® pfel
’ZSI with for balance of treatment. Have have been bony ever since. Ill* the only Wonderful Stomach Remedy and who state hA Bjft/fflf I yfjfSf A" 1 . Ifcjf BKB
TgA recommended you to several ttuii I know t QSi!n?^? >O *’ L ’ C they have boon CURED of various Stomach, flKff ; ▼/liZfllf'lffTHD |
I®| trsstment. for a long ttme for my wife, July X2,1M1. » ' /
fS? and leau assure you that your combine- Mr. Geo. H. Mayr,Chicago. 111. Phil Strain. Bloomington. 18. wtoMryWtogyM»BßWg;'^ , "yF' ,, l | :
torn greatly surprised mo. You shall hear Deer Sir:—l write you this morning that Ahna Loving. KmwellvUte, Mtes
’’IBS from me again soon. I took my Inst drop of medicine yesterday Mrs. Thomas Mulvihill. Detroit, Mich.
Yours gratefully, morning and am no* free from gall Mattle Kirkham. Fountain Head. Tenn. KioSße' AX - , «
MJ Kaxarr Vdupdtx. M. D. stouee. It has made a new man of ms W. G. lUddelL Burlington. Ky . lid. No. » WgfflTTfiP*?? £ .SBtfTTfr 1 nlrwrii'ffr ' C
Sleep well, rat what I want and feel fine. Mrs E. P. Cady, Auburn. N. Y. ? ' "ar-
V tmjsv A raailtrn Mliacr UA«t Tn <AY soreoese left but I naw some targe H. D. Chappell. Agt. Amer. Kxp. 00.. Scot- ■ ' ’ * j'’
v® “ImT A IRNRUJ RUnoa NM IUMT. I think It drove them out. The ' tandfArcher Co- Tex. H
Ad Aug. 24th, 18U. Doctors odd I had cancer of the stomach, W. H. Kingsley. Beulah, Miss IMMLUS/r.
Mr Geo H Mayr Clikagn, HL and nothing would do bat to be operated J- W. Blackburu, Fosta. Ark. - g
Dear Sir:—To begin wfth lam a trained on, but they were mi-taken. I hare spent Henry Oaks. New Rfrer, Tenn. UyM
SJ nurse and I had two jatfenoi that the lota of money before end only got Henry Tirana*. Maheud. Mias - fc 1
dj/l docton, eecrncl unable to rem il with their temporary relief, tart I a*:>» you I feel all Mr M. A. M.-Oino N.vvri Ohio. .....
rnerticlnre and were trying to persuade right now. Paaeod about 4O» gal! stones Ralph Johnson. McComb. Miss. ,»
the patient to snbmltto trie knife. A friend Yours truly. Wk. CaMran-u Rob. Eggers Trede Tenn. ,
who has tried your Wonderful medicine Eenver, Missouri Mrs. Callie Wells. 1123 Harrison Sk, QuOirie.
ptomtaed that I recommend it to my Kggg BMMtft Than FrOOl g SIOO K Ruckeva. W Vs I
ff dj patient, ao 1 did. They agreed to try the . S- R- Allen, Buckeye. W. -a. fe, I
Ep«9 meillclnw If I would try the wtmplr on my- Tfßßißtont tbss. L. Morse. H Pesurl BL MltkQsboro. Hare fei J
self. To please my patients wua why I May 3L1910. W.P. Oole,Medins Tsun.
Era sent for the sample. I know that your Mr. Geo. H. Mayr, Chicago. 111. Fred Zwieke, Grand ftapkla Wta. « j
medicine is wonderful because it lias cared I rec’d the treatment you sent and can trtelte McAlllrter, &»dtow. fe. D. *« * 1
feS Mm. Clark FHxalmt >.nsof Orofino. Idaho truthfully say I got more benefit from It B. A. Dtxitey. 9? Unloo St.. Clinton. Maas RgK|»MrW * E , 'I , t i 1
K] and Mrs. Charley Freer of theaameptoce. then fmm a hundred dollar treatment Mrs K.C.Daughtery Xwwij Lj. Beaw.r.Co Mgl
MH lam very g tad that l was able to reoom- I took !aa» winter. Sarah K Johason.lWTßel stMtyernonilL V |
M mend y<iir medfe!i>e to them. Very Respectfully. Mre.lLßnrghduff.Ts Walnutßt.,AubumJt.Y. I • r j
KM T.rewrera Ha vat. Trained Hum. Mne V. A. llaanu, John Driver. Dunkirk. Ind. \ A -Ja
Box 2tM, Onifino. Idaho. KBO Psctfie Avs. Bremerton. Wash. W_ SH
Fill out thio FREE coupon now and mail to mo. The full My last wart to tewreitoo. Mkatf feaiiA ,d M
SI.OO bottlo will bo sent yon without delay. Send no joif 1 yjM ffl
mon.y-r»ur n.m. .nd addr... on th. eowra. ta Ml- g Iff a £. a?SZ I
MAIL IT TODAY—WRITE PLAINLY. eared Ujoustmls from aperattons. Rshoaldyoa. I believe that B If > . ■- I
mwMs ■■ IVWR. ratal's. I- per cent of tbe operations are annsrsasary art toe kslta MUM • ■*« *
(■■■■■■■aioaßuwaoaaßraßaaata'rawraaaataawowMßaooaraMaawMawaoawßaaaoMiaawaM coaid be avoided If the proper method of troahnent was adnitn- M JTif toft MB fe«l EM
SCO. a nun, an. chemist. **Mwr ta iss wura st, cues- £!S^Of j* rasra I
“Xta Mfr Oltomlrt, ~WI ■» ••f—’T «»1
Mayr Bwldina 156 Whitofl Sfrwt, Chtotgß Rwm to CUM. gj
AtUnut CTttf tog»w MsreaatMs Anoriw or State BsaksfCMcaga
coonto < < %«fe Abprsas
H i. .■am.. mm - »
BIRMINGHAM. Ala., Dec. 2.-An inter
urban electric car on the South Ensley
line wgs blown up by dynamite at Ena
fey Highland station, shortly after 7
o’clock last night. Motorman Johnson
was seriously Injured about the hip and
back, and Dispatcher Parsons was badly
cut about the face by flying glass. Con
ductor J. D. Lee and the passengers
who were on the inside of the car
were uninjured, though practically every
bit of glass tn the car was shattered.
Mptorman Johnson believes a stick of
dynamite was placed In the groove in
side the track, as one side of the front
wheel was blown completely off. He says
the front end of the car appeared to
jump upwards a foot, which threw him
backward against the door.
Considerable feeling against the local
traction company has been aroused by
the signing last Saturday by the city
commissioners of a new contract with
the company affecting street car rates,
and the prices of electricity.
The chief seat of objection has been
around Wylam, a place ,near Ensley,
where transfers are not allowed under
the new arrangement.
AUSTIN, Tex., Dec. I.—Official dis
patches to Governor Colquitt today say
Chat the freezes of Friday and Satur
day night have practically wiped out
the sugar cane crop of south -nd south
east Texas, and _ materially damaged
that of Louisiana. Two of the peni
tentiary commissioners reported that
tbe damage to the cane of the peniten
tiary farms alone would amount to over
“The sugar cane planters of the
Brazos valley and southeast Texas are
practically ruined; ran one of the dis
The temperature of the blighted re
gion was 14 degrees above aero last
. night. This year s sugar cane crop was
the best In the history of the state peni
lentiary farms, over 30,000 acres being
Mexicans Released
LAREDO, Tex., Dec. I—Five alleged
Reyistas, who were Wednesday released
from the guard house of Fort Mclntosh.
. but later taken in charge by the immi
gration authorities, were released after
a hearing Thursday. The immigration
; authorities decided the Reyistas had en
tered the United States lawfully.
(By Associated Press.)
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Deo. I.—Bishop Dan
iel S. Tuttle, of St. Louis, presiding
bishop of the Episcopal Church in the
United States, declares himself against
woman suffra in his Thanksgiving
sermon at Christ church cathedral. Tell
ing why he thought it would not be fair
PADUCAH, Ky.. Dec. 2.—Over a score
of passengers of Illinois Central passen
ger train No. 101, were painfully injured,
several perhaps fatally, *hen spreading
rails threw it into a ditch 28 miles east
of here yesterday afternoon. One life
was taken by the same train a short
time previously, wtysn Simon Stevens,
mine boss at Central City, Ky., threw
himself before the train as it passed
through the town.
When rounding a curve at a 60-mfle
clip the rails spread. The nine coaches
toppled into the ditch.
Relief and wrecking trains went from
here. The seriously injured were brought
to local hospitals.
Kentucky’s Great Whiskey
Express Prepaid from Distiller Direct to You.
Facts—The public is frequently cheated by the reckless, extravagant claims in advertisements of many firms
claiming to be distillers. We invite the most rigid investigation of these facts:
1. Method of distillation. Hon. D.’N. 2. The Medlcinal Properties, Pur- 3. Our Responsibility. We own and
Comingore, for eight years U.S. Collector ity. Maturity, Mellow, Delicious Taste, and operate U. S. Registered Distillery No. 22.
of Internal Revenue, said: "By comparison the Agreeable Odor of FULTON Whiskey with offices and shipping warehouse lo-
I found in the processes of manufacture in is evidenced by orders received year after gated in Covington, Kentucky. We refer
your Distillery you had adopted the very year from the same physicians. Municipal to German National Bank, aU the Express
best and most approved methods for pro- and Government Hospitals and thousands Companies and every business house and
ducing the highest grade Whiskey." of the best families of America. citizen here,
2fiallani far &5 3 for $7-5° or 1 f° r $3. choice of Rye, Bourbon or Corn Fulton Straight Whiskey highestme-
• ▼ • Vicinal fully matured, in M vers patent I gallon demijohns. To prove Fulton is best you need
send no money
credit. If you have your merchant or bank FREE-4 miniature bottles of Selected Fulton with tvtry
write us guaranteeing account No C. O. D. t ull Quart 2 galkm order. 6 with 8 gallon ord ent,accompanied by cash.
ftfelS ou*»'S' ■ Sots Own,, U. a. Rw. PtTT T, Na. 11. fro Dr«r. Kr. Orton from Moot.. Wya. OoS«. N. M«z„ aad Warn aus call tor sitter » fan gmrt
SI ?*“■*? <n*AR A bottler, • gallon. In domijobar. n a cuk, tor Jls- by prepaid froifkl. Wrtta tor axprw* terra*. » T NA
tq give suffrage to wonien, he said:
“There are seven lines along which hu
man activity in the main project them
selves These fire the home, the school,
society, the church, business, government
and war. Now look at these seven and
see in how many of them woman is pre
S COMER, Ga., Dec. I.—Claude Darnell,
who shot and killed his father about
six weeks ago, was tried in the superior
’ court at Danielsville yesterday and aft
-1 er deliberating all and till 10
t o’clock this morning the Jury returned
) a verdict of not guilty.
t No one was present when the shoot
> ing occurred, and from a statement of
' Claude, who is 18 years old. he and his
I father had a difficulty in the morning,
and when W. P. Darnell was seated at
s the dinner table Claude entered the din*
i Ing room and shot his father through
the head with a pistol, killing him in
i stantly. Claude claims that his father
t started *to arise from the chair with a
knife in his hand.
CARTERSVILLE. Ga.. Dec. 2.—Satur
day was the last day for candidate* to
qualify for mayor and commissioner of
this city. j
This city voted in favor of commission |
government at a special election held
in October. Mayor Paul Gilreath was
urged to run again, but refused to do
Hon. G. W. Todng and Hon. G. H.
Gilreath have qualified, and will make
the race for mayor under commission
government. The following gentleman
have qualified and will make the race for
commissioner, only two of which can
be elected: H. J. Galt, W. H. Milner, a
J. W. Jones, H. J. Jolly, J. M. White,
J. H. Morris, A. G. White. Interest in
this election is waxing warm, and no
one can predict with safety as to who
will be successful All of the candi
dates are popular, and the city will no
doubt have competent officials, whoever
the successful ones may be.
Rose Darling Dead
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 2.—Miss Rosa
Darling, of Cleveland, Ohio. a_ chorua I
girl, who has been-with a traveling theat*
rical company, this season, died at a hos
pital today after an operation for appen- |
/ - -v -